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Exam P Things to Take Note 1.

Note the variables in deductible function, when the loss function is just a number, use the expected value with just the number, don't take an additional x unnecessarily. Always remember to also square the number when looking for E(X^2).Question 63 of sample question. 2. Know how to do the median questions. Question 68. 3. Know how the integration technique works, when (x+y) is one entity 4. Question 77 know that the question requires P(X<1 U Y<1) 5. Central limit theorem, know how to standardize the formula. Question 80. Know the difference between CLT questions and non CLT questions. 6. Remember the need to add Cov (x,y) when looking at two random variables, look at question 84. 7. When using X bar, the standard deviation of the population must be divided by root n. 8. Know the density function of a uniform distribution. Also know how the inclusion of a deductible will be like within a joint density function graph. Question 93. Uniform distribution is usually just f(x) = 1/constant 9. To find E[X^2 + Y^2] take upper and lower limits of each random variable and double integrate. Remember to also multiply it by (x^2 + y^2) 10. Know how to find moment generating functions for discrete random variables, Question 98. 11. Remember the difference between independent variance, Question 102. 12. When finding E(X) or E(Y) of a joint density function, you must always double integrate. For E(X), fix X, for E(Y), fix Y, order of limits do not matter. Question 104. 13. Know how to make density functions joint when given two separate random variables. Questions 108 and 109. HOW DO YOU DECIDE THE LIMITS FOR INTEGRATION? - DRAW THE FRICKING GRAPH. PRACTICE QUESTION TYPES. 14. Conditional expectation, no need for double integration. Brush up on conditional variance questions. 15. Know whether you are required to integrate the joint density or the marginal density. 16. DONT BE CARELESS! WHEN DOING DOUBLE INTEGRATION CHECK WHICH VARIABLE YOU ARE INTEGRATING!!!!! 17. Know how and when its necessary to make a function exponential and integrate it easily. Question 122. 18. Remember the memoryless function of the exponential. 19. Always take note of the conditional probability and check whether its memoryless. Question 133. 20. Remember the formula for expectation of uniform distribution and variance of uniform distribution 21. Things to brush up on: a. Conditional Expectations b. Central Limit Theorem c. Deductible and Benefit Questions d. Moment Generating Functions 22. STOP FORGETTING THE FORMULA FOR VARIANCE (X+Y) MUST INCLUDE COV

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