Research Reflection Report Zubair

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Research Reflection Report (Assignment Format) Guidelines for the Report These notes are designed to help you

u deliver and conduct a successful Research Reflection Report. The Research Reflection Report is a major piece of work and is designed to support your own self-critical consideration of your research and related business skills and demonstrate that you can: Reflect and comment critically on what you have learnt during the programme and during the carrying out of your research activities Carefully consider the research which you have carried out and critically comment on this Discuss the relationship of your research research sources and evidence activities to the production of your !ajor "roject Critically comment on the key areas e#amples sources of your research Consider the relationship of your research and researching to both your !ajor "roject and possible future employment opportunities $our Research Reflection Report is not only an academic e#ercise but also a piece of work which you may wish to use in future employment conte#ts to demonstrate your ability to consider the importance of research and researching to: business planning business success organisational conte#ts your own academic and business skills and the contribution which you can make to an organisation as a result of developing these skills The Research Reflection Report therefore aims to support the student%s ability to be self critical about their research. &t also develops the students understanding and application of the core concepts of business and academic skills while developing their ability to perform more effectively within organisations in a real world conte#t. The Report therefore encourages reflection on:'( Research "rocesses )( The research methodologies which you have considered and applied *( Research and researching as a problem solving process used by you as a student and researching

+( The identification and discussion of your key learning points which could be applied to other situations. ,( The relationship of research and your major project to your professional development opportunities and career development intensions Completion of the Report The contents of the report are given in a template format -see pages *.+( $ou may treat this report as a self critical evaluation of your researching e#perience or /0earning Diary1 or as a final summing up of your e#periences while carrying out the Research and the !ajor "roject in which you have been involved. &t is advisable not to leave the completion of the Report until the last minute. 2bove all this Report should not be simply descriptive 3 it should be a self critical summary of your learning experiences. $ou should adopt a 4critical% viewpoint 3 what seems to work what is less successful 3 and why5 Discuss the e#amples of best 6good6interesting research practice which you have come across. Consider how research e#amples6models can be usefully used in business situations3 and be adapted to suit your future workplace6 academic environment. $ou should attempt to respond to all template sections $ou should keep to the overall word limit of +777 words ma#imum for the whole Report.

Things to think about hen completing your Research Reflecti!e Report"# The nature of your research and your $a%or &ro%ect 8hy is it being done9 why are you working on this subject and how significant is it to you and to future employers5 &lan of your schedules :ave you managed effectively your research and !ajor "roject schedules and are they logical5 Resources 8hat resources -i.e. people evidence references and ideas( have you used and how are you using these5 8hy are they important5 $ethodologies 2re the methods which you have used specified clearly and are they sufficiently rigorous5 2re data6evidence6literature sources specified and available5 2re you conducting the research and the !ajor "roject in a professional manner5 8hat analytical frameworks will be used to make sense of the work5 2re these appropriate5 'upport and (arrier )ssues :ave these been thought through by you5 :ow any barriers to be6being overcome5 Anticipated (enefits to you and to a future employment organisation 8hat are they5 3 ;nowledge5 : &deas5 : 0earning <#perience5 : <fficiency5 : <ffectiveness5 =inancial5: >rganisational5: ?kills5 *o ill the pro%ect satisfy you+

:ow will the work contribute to your personal development5 :ow wide a range of skills and knowledge does it use from your programme5 8ill it demonstrate that you have an understanding of your programme subject areas5 $a%or &ro%ect Conclusions" The conclusions which you are forming for your !ajor "roject 3 are they based on rigorous reasoning and argument5 Report ,riting 'kills 8rite your reflections and critical views clearly and simply.

'tudent name" --,R)T. /01R 2A$.' *.R. A' T*./ AR. )2 /01R &A''&0RT--33 'tudent )4 number" --,R)T. /01R 'C*005 )4 21$(.R *.R.------

R.'.ARC* R.F5.CT)02 R.&0RT

(should contain the details given below) Research $ethods 6 &rocesses :ow and why have you chosen6decided on the research methods and processes which you are using6have used for the development of your !ajor "roject5 :ow would you describe these to: '( a reader of your !ajor "roject and6or )( a future employer -ma#. ,,7 words( Please type your responses in the spaces below:

!arks available

The Proposed topic of our dissertation was on the evaluation of the research on Social Networking sites. This research was conducted to see the complete understanding about the topic identified as social networking sites. For this purpose, a research methodology was adopted. The aim of the research objective was to collect the data through different sources and conduct the analysis on the basis of the searched data. First of all the research design was identified to conduct the research enabling the researcher to check the techni ues, data collection methods, sampling techni ues, data collection sources and different kinds of data collection methods. !n this case study review, research problem was identified as the impact of social networking sites on the "dvertisement campaigns, to stay connected and sharing of the useful information or data with each other. For this purpose, !nductive approach was identified and different investigation techni ues like #ottom up approach were identified. #ottom up approach helped to evaluate the analysis from Facebook to economic analysis. First we did the


analysis of the Facebook itself and then did the comparison with other service providers for these sites and at the end we did the whole analysis. "fter selecting the research design, we did the sampling from the whole population. This techni ue helps to see all of the current aspects of the social networking sites. This sampling techni ue was actually conducted for the School students because social networking sites like Facebook is actually more common among all youngsters instead of older. Through this channel, the main purpose was to identify the ratio of respondents regarding our problem statement. $uestionnaires and personal interviews were conducted for the students as well as for the teachers. There were some scale and measurements identified, which was showing the categories like male and female categories, %esident or Non %esident and "ge &roups etc. through this techni ue we were able to identify that which category is most dominant in the advertisement campaign through Facebook. This research approach was very beneficial for the researcher as well as for the respondents of the study and also for the general public. This %esearch is providing the main benefit to Facebook owners to check the revenue through advertisement campaigns and user sharing through connectivity. This data collection provides the efficiency of the work through any lags involved. $uestionnaire techni ue is just a cost incurring tool for data collection but not so much higher. !t saves the time also, because $uestionnaires help to take the e'act answers of the respondents. (e just have not relied on the primary collection techni ue, we also used secondary data collection techni ue such as review of different author)s literatures and internet etc. these were some methods, which were providing us the more and e'act re uired data within the shortest time span. These techni ues help to reduce the cost and time saving for the researcher

and also for the respondents. Through these techni ues level of understanding has been increased. "ccording to these research designs and techni ues, multiple research uestions can be addressed. The main motive of this research was to evaluate and e'tract the highest uality data through multiple ways but the data should be relevant. That was the reason, School was chosen for the study of Social Networking sites like Facebook. "fter this e'traction of primary data, secondary sources were identified like literature review and after that moment, "nalysis and findings were arranged after getting prepared for the results. .
5iterature 6 sources '( 8hat are the most important theories6literature sources 6evidence sources which you are using to justify your research and your !ajor "roject5 )( 8hy are these sources important and fundamental to your work5 -ma#. ,,7 words( /our 7no ledge 8hat key areas of knowledge have you gained from undertaking your research and the !ajor "roject5 &ndicate why these are so important to you5 -ma#. +77 words(

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/our 5earning 8hat are the most important aspects6e#amples of learning and6or skills which you have gained from: -'( undertaking the !@2 programme -)( following through your research and -*( applying your knowledge and what you have learnt in your !ajor "roject -ma#. +77 words( Critical Thinking and your ideas &n carrying out your research your analysis your evaluation of evidence and in identifying or proposing conclusions what has been the most important discovery or piece of evidence or theory or viewpoint or critical idea or critical addition to your knowledge or other item of importance and why5 -ma#. +77 words( (arriers met 8hat were the main difficulties and barriers which you were faced with in: -'( undertaking your research and -)( completing your !ajor project -ma#. +77 words(

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/our &rofessional 4e!elopment 8hat are the most important business and6or management skill-s( or academic idea-s( or lesson-s( which you have learnt from undertaking your research and your !ajor "roject 3 and why5 -+77 words( 0b%ecti!es @ased on your research and the work which you have done in the !@2 "rogramme and its use in your !ajor "roject what were and how far have the objectives of your major project been achieved5 -ma#. +,7 words( Findings 6 outcomes :ow useful and6or feasible are the findings recommendations conclusions or outcomes of your !ajor "roject to you and6or to a future <mployer5 $ou must justify your answer with specific e#amples. -ma#. +,7 words( T0TA5

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