Chemical Kinetics Questions

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Chemical Kinetics: MCQs Questions - Test 1

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Answer: In a reaction, A + B Product, rate is doubled when the concentration of B is doubled, and rate increases by a factor of 8 when the concentrations of both the reactants (A and B) are doubled, rate law for the reaction can be written as [CBSE AIPMT 2012] (A) Rate = k[ ! ["! (B) Rate = k[ !#["! (C) Rate = k[ !["!# (D) Rate = k[ !#["!# In a $ero%order reaction for e&ery 1'( rise of te)*erature, Answer: the rate is doubled. If the te)*erature is increased fro) 1'(+ to 1''(+, the rate of the reaction will beco)e [CBSE AIPMT 2012] (A) ,- ti)es (B) 1#8 ti)es (C) #., ti)es (D) .1# ti)es 0or a first order reaction ( ) *roducts the concentration Answer: of chan1es fro) '.12 to '.'#. 2 in -')inutes. 3he rate of reaction when the concentration of is '.'1 2 is4[AIEEE 2012] (A) 1.5/ 6 1'7. 28)in (B) /.-5 6 1'7- 28)in (C) /.-5 6 1'7. 28)in (D) 1.5/ 6 1'7- 28)in 3he acti&ation ener1y of a reaction at a 1i&en te)*erature Answer: is found to be #./'/ R3 9 )ol71. 3he ratio of rate constant to the rrhenius factor is [ !rn!t!"! CET 2011] (A) '.1 (B) '.'1 (C) '.''1 (D) '.'# 3he followin1 data were obtained durin1 the first order Answer: deco)*osition of # (1) "(1) + +(s) at a constant &olu)e and at a *articular te)*erature. :r. 3i)e 3otal *ressure in ;o. Pascal 1. t the end of 1' /'' )in #. fter co)*letion #'' 3he rate constant in )in71 is [ !rn!t!"! CET 2011] (A) ,<./ (B) '.',</ (C) ,.</ 6 1'7(D) ,.</ 3he ti)e re=uired for 1''> co)*letion of a $ero order Answer: reaction is [ !rn!t!"! CET 2011] (A) (B) ak (C)















(D) 3he rate of a che)ical reaction doubles for e&ery 1'(+ rise Answer: of te)*erature. If the te)*erature is raised by .'(+, the rate of the reaction increases by about [AIEEE 2011] (A) ,- ti)es (B) 1' ti)es (C) #- ti)es (D) /# ti)es In the hydrolysis of an or1anic chloride in *resence of lar1e Answer: e?cess of water, R+l + @#A RA@ + @+l [#est Ben$!% &EE 2010] (A) 2olecularity and order of reaction both are # (B) 2olecularity is # but order of reaction is 1 (C) 2olecularity is 1 but order of reaction is # (D) 2oecularity is 1 and order of reaction is also 1 Radioacti&ity of a sa)*le ($ = ##) decreases <'> after 1' Answer: years. Bhat will be the half%life of the sa)*leC [#est Ben$!% &EE 2010] (A) . years (B) # years (C) / years (D) 1' years 3he acti&ation ener1y for a reaction at the te)*erature 3 D Answer: was found to be #./'/ R3 9 )ol71. 3he ratio of the rate constant to rrhenius factor is EEEEEE. [ !rn!t!"! CET 2010] (A) 1'71 (B) 1'7# (C) # 6 1'7/ (D) # 6 1'7# 3i)e re=uired for 1'' *ercent co)*letion of a $ero order Answer: reaction is[ !rn!t!"! CET 2010] (A) #k8a (B) a8#k (C) a8k (D) ak 3he concentration of R in the reaction R P was )easured Answer: as a function of ti)e and the followin1 data is obtained [R! 1.' '.5. '.-' '.1' ()olar) t ()in) '.' '.'. '.1# '.18 3he order of the reaction is [IIT &EE 2010] (A) first (B) second (C) third (D) $ero Bhich of these chan1es with ti)e for a first%order Answer: reactionC [De%'i PMT 2010] . Rate of reaction ". Rate constant +. @alf%life (A) only (B) + only (C) and " only (D) " and + only Furin1 the kinetic study of the reaction, # + " + + F, Answer: followin1 results were obtained4









Initial rate of for)ation of F8)ol G71 )in71 I '.1 '.1 ,.' 6 1'7/ II './ '.# 5.# 6 1'7# III './ '.#.88 6 1'71 IH '.'.1 #.-' 6 1'7# "ased on the abo&e data which one of the followin1 is correctC[CBSE AIPMT 2010] (A) rate = k[ !# ["!# (B) rate = k[ ! ["!# (C) rate = k[ !# ["! (D) rate = k[ ! ["! 1.. 0or the reaction ;#A.(1) #;A#(1) + A#(1) the &alue of rate of disa**earance of ;#A. is 1i&en as ,.#. 6 1'7/ )ol G7 1 71 s . 3he rate of for)ation of ;A# and A# is 1i&en res*ecti&ely as4 [CBSE AIPMT 2010] (A) ,.#. 6 1'7/ )ol G71 s71 and /.1#. 6 1'7/ )ol G71 s71 (B) ,.#. 6 1'7/ )ol G71 s71 and ,.#. 6 1'7/ )ol G71 s71 (C) ,.#. 6 1'7/ )ol G71 s71 and ,.#. 6 1'7/ )ol G71 s71 (D) 1.#. 6 1'7# )ol G71 s71 and /.1#. 6 1'7/ )ol G71 s71 Answer: (D)


[ !8)ol G71

["!8)ol G71

Chemical Kinetics: MCQs Questions - Test 2

Sr. No. Questions Answers





+onsider the reaction, Answer: +l# (a=) + @#: (a=) :(s) + #@+(a=) + #+l7(a=) 3he rate e=uation for this reaction is, rate = k [+l#! [@#:! Bhich of these )echanis)s is8are consistent with this rate e=uationC [AIEEE 2010] (a). +l# + @#: @+ + +l7 + +l+ + @:7 (slow) +l+ + @:7 @+ + +l7 + : (fast) (b). @#: @+ + @:7 (fast e=uilibriu)) 7 +l# + @: #+l7 + @+ + : (slow) (A) (a) only (B) (b) only (C) "oth (a) and (b) (D) ;either (a) nor (b) 3he ti)e for half life *eriod of a certain reaction Answer: Products is 1 h. Bhen the initial concentration of the reactant I I is #.' )ol G71, how )uch ti)e does it take for its concentration to co)e fro) '..' to '.#. )ol G71, if it is a $ero order reactionC [AIEEE 2010] (A) '.#. h (B) 1 h (C) - h (D) '.. h 3he ti)e taken for 1'> co)*letion of a first order reaction Answer: is #' )in. 3hen, for 1<> co)*letion, the reaction will t!"e [#B &EE 200(] (A) -' )ins (B) ,' )ins (C) /' )ins (D) .' )ins 0or a che)ical reaction ", the rate of the reaction is # Answer: 6 1'7/)ol d)7/ s71 when the initial concentration is '.'. )ol








d)7/. 3he rate of the sa)e reaction is 1., 6 1'7# )ol d)7/ s7 1 when the initial concentration is '.1 )ol d)7/. 3he order of the reaction is[ !rn!t!"! CET 200(] (A) ' (B) / (C) 1 (D) # 0or the deco)*osition of a co)*ound " at ,'' D, the Answer: (C) followin1 data were obtained [ !rn!t!"! CET 200(] [ "! )ol d)7/ Rate of deco)*osition of " in )ol d)7/ s71 '.#' #.5. 6 1'78 '.-' 11.' 6 1'78 '.,' #-.5. 6 1'78 3he order for the deco)*osition of " is (A) ' (B) 1 (C) # (D) 1.. 3he rate e=uation for a reaction4 " is r = D [ !. If the Answer: (D) initial concentration of the reactant is a )ol d)7/, the half life *eriod of the reaction is [ !rn!t!"! CET 200(] (A) D8a (B) a8D (C) #a8D (D) a8#D Answer: (D) 0or a first order reaction P, the te)*erature (3) de*endent rate constant (k) was found to follow the e=uation lo1 k = 7(#''') + ,.'. 3he *re7e?*onential factor and the acti&ation ener1y Ja, res*ecti&ely, are [IIT &EE 200(] (A) 1.' 6 1', sK1 and <.# k9)olK1 (B) ,.' sK1 and 1,., k9)olK1 (C) 1.' 6 1', sK1 and 1,., k9)olK1 (D) 1.' 6 1', sK1 and /8./ k9)olK1 Answer: (C) 0or the reaction + " *roducts, it is obser&ed that (i) An doublin1 the concentration of only, the rate of reaction is also doubled. (ii) An doublin1 the initial concentration of both and ", there is chan1e by a factor of 8 in the rate of reaction. 3he rate of reaction is 1i&en by [CBSE AIPMT 200(] (A) rate = k [ ! ["! (B) rate = k [ !# ["! (C) rate = k [ ! ["!# (D) rate = k [ !# ["!# Answer: (D) 0or the reaction, ;# + /@# #;@/, if = # 6 1'7- )ol




G71s71, the &alue of 7 would be [CBSE AIPMT 200(] (A) - 6 1'7- )ol G71 s71 (B) , 6 1'7- )ol G71 s71 (C) 1 6 1'7- )ol G71 s71 (D) / 6 1'7- )ol G71 s71 @alf life *eriod of a first order reaction is 1/8, seconds. 3he Answer: (B)


s*ecific rate constant of the reaction is [CBSE AIPMT 200(] (A) '.. 6 1'7# s71 (B) '.. 6 1'7/ s71 (C) ..' 6 1'7# s71 (D) ..' 6 1'7/ s71 In the reaction "rA/7 (a=) + ."r7 (a=) + ,@+ /"r# (l) + /@#A(l) 3he rate of a**earance of bro)ine ("r#) is related to the rate of disa**earance of bro)ide ions as [CBSE AIPMT 200(] (A) (B) (C)

Answer: (D)



(D) 3he half life *eriod of a first order che)ical reaction is ,.</ Answer: (C) )inutes. 3he ti)e re=uired for the co)*letion of <<> of the che)ical reaction will be (lo1 # = './'1) [AIEEE 200(] (A) #/'./ )inutes (B) #/.'/ )inutes (C) -,.', )inutes (D) -,'., )inutes Lnder the sa)e reaction conditions, initial concentration of Answer: (A) 1./8, )ol d)7/ of a substance beco)es half in -' seconds and #' seconds throu1h first order and $ero order kinetics res*ecti&ely. Ratio of the rate constants for first order (k1) and $ero order (k') of the reaction is [IIT &EE 200)] (A) '.. )ol71 d)/ (B) 1.' )ol71 d)7/ (C) 1.. )ol d)7/ (D) #.' )ol71 d)7/ 3he bro)ination of acetone that occurs in acid solution is Answer: (D) re*resented by the e=uation +@/+A+@/(a=) + "r#(a=) +@/+A+@#"r(a=) + @+(a=) + "r7 (a=) 3hese kinetic data were obtained fro) 1i&en reaction concentrations. [CBSE AIPMT 200)] Initial concentrations, (2) [+@/+A+@/! ["r#! [@+! './' '.'. '.'. './' '.1' '.'. './' '.1' '.1' '.-' '.'. '.#' Initial Rate, disa**earance of "r#, 2s71 ..5 6 1'7. ..5 6 1'7. 1.# 6 1'7/.1 6 1'7"ased on these data, the rate of reaction is



(A) rate = k [+@/+A+@/! ["r#! (B) rate = k [+@/+A+@/! ["r#! [@+!# (C) rate = k[+@/+A+@/!["r#! [@+! (D) rate = k[+@/+A+@/! [@+! 3he rate constants k1 and k# for two different reactions are Answer: (C) 1'1, e7#'''83 and 1'1. e71'''83, res*ecti&ely. 3he te)*erature at which k1 = k# is [CBSE AIPMT 200)] (A) (B) #''' D (C) (D) 1''' D

Chemical Kinetics: MCQs Questions - Test 3

Sr. No. Questions Answers

1. 0or a reaction4 #", rate of disa**earance of I I is related to the rate of a**earance of I"I by the e?*ression4 [AIEEE 200)] (A) (B) (C) (D) Bhich one of the followin1 is a second order reactionC [ !rn!t!"! CET 200*] (A) +@/+AA+@/ + ;aA@ +@/+AA;a + @#A

Answer: (D)


Answer: (A)



(B) @# + +l# #@+l (C) ;@-;A/ ;# + /@#A (D) @# + "r# #"@r Answer: (D) +onsider a reaction, aM + b@ Products. Bhen concentration of both the reactants M and @ is doubled, the rate increases by ei1ht ti)es. @owe&er, when the concentration of M is doubled kee*in1 the concentration of @ fi?ed, the rate is doubled. 3he o&erall order of the reaction is4 [IIT &EE 200*] (A) ' (B) 1 (C) # (D) / If ,'> of a first order reaction was co)*leted in ,' Answer: (A) )inutes, .'> of the sa)e reaction would be co)*leted in a**ro?i)ately [CBSE PMT 200*] (A) -. )inutes (B) ,' )inutes (C) -' )inutes (D) .' )inutes


In a first order reaction ", if k is rate constant and initial concentration of the reactant is '.. 2, then the half%life is [CBSE PMT 200*] (A) (B) (C)

Answer: (C)





(D) +onsider the reaction, Answer: # + " Products Bhen concentration of " alone was doubled, the half%life did not chan1e. Bhen the concentration of alone was doubled, the rate increased by two ti)es. 3he unit of rate constant for this reaction is4 [AIEEE 200*] (A) no unit (B) )ol G71 s71 (C) s71 (D) G )ol71 s71 3he ener1ies of acti&ation for forward and re&erse reactions Answer: for #+ "# # " are 18' k9 )ol71 and #'' k9 )ol7 1 res*ecti&ely. 3he *resence of a catalyst lowers the acti&ation ener1y of both (forward and re&erse) reactions by 1'' k9 )ol71. 3he enthal*y chan1e of the reaction ( # + "# # ") in the *resence of catalyst will be (in k9 )ol 7 1 )4 [AIEEE 200*] (A) 1#' (B) #8' (C) #' (D) /'' Answer: 0or a reaction + " + + F if the concentration of is doubled without alterin1 the concentration of ", the rate 1ets doubled. If the concentration of " is increased by nine ti)es without alterin1 the concentration of , the rate 1ets tri*led. 3he order of the reaction is[ !rn!t!"! CET 200+] (A) # (B) 1 (C) /8# (D) -8/ +onsider the reaction4 Answer: ;#($) + /@#($) #;@/($) 3he e=uality relationshi* between is [CBSE AIPMT 200+] (A) + (B) + (C) +






(D) + 0or the reaction4 # + " /+ + F Bhich of the followin1 does not e?*ress the reaction rateC [CBSE AIPMT 200+] (A) (B) (C) (D) reaction was found to be second order with res*ect to concentration of carbon )ono?ide. If the concentration of carbon )ono?ide is doubled, with e&erythin1 else ke*t the sa)e, the rate of reaction will [AIEEE 200+] (A) tri*le (B) increase by a factor of (C) double (D) re)ain unchan1ed Rate of a reaction can be e?*ressed by rrhenius e=uation as4 k = e7J8R3 In this e=uation, J re*resents [AIEEE 200+] (A) the ener1y below which collidin1 )olecules will not react. (B) the total ener1y of the reactin1 )olecules at a te)*erature, 3. (C) the fraction of )olecules with ener1y 1reater than the acti&ation ener1y. (D) the ener1y abo&e which all the collidin1 )olecules will react. 3he followin1 )echanis) has been *ro*osed for the reaction of ;A and "r# to for) ;A"r ;A($) + "r#($) ;A"r#($) ;A"r# (1) + ;A(1) #;A"r(1) If the second ste* is rate deter)inin1 ste*, the order of the reaction with res*ect to ;A(1) is [AIEEE 200+] (A) ' (B) / (C) # (D) 1 0or the reaction + " +, it is found that doublin1 the concentration of increases the rate by - ti)es, and doublin1 the concentration of " doubles the reaction rate. Bhat is the o&erall order of the reactionC [ !rn!t!"! CET 200,] (A) (B) /8# (C) / (D) 1 Bhich of these does not influence the rate of reactionC [ !rn!t!"! CET 200,] (A) ;ature of the reactants (B) +oncentration of the reactants

Answer: (D)


Answer: (B)


Answer: (A)


Answer: (C)


Answer: (C)


Answer: (D)

(C) 3e)*erature of the reaction (D) 2olecularity of the reaction

Chemical Kinetics: MCQs Questions - Test 4

Sr. No. Questions Answers








Bhich of the followin1 state)ents for order of reaction is Answer: not correctC [IIT &EE 200,] (A) Arder can be deter)ined e?*eri)entally (B) Arder of a reaction is e=ual to the su) of the *ower of concentration ter)s in differential rate law (C) It is not affected with the stoichio)etric coefficients of the reactants (D) Arder cannot be fractional 3he rate of reaction between two reactants and " Answer: decreases by a factor of - if the concentration of reactant " is doubled. 3he order of reaction with res*ect to reactant " is [CBSE AIPMT 200,] (A) # (B) 7# (C) 1 (D) 71 reaction in&ol&in1 two different reactants can ne&er Answer: be [AIEEE 200,] (A) Lni)olecular reaction (B) 0irst order reaction (C) :econd order reaction (D) "i)olecular reaction Answer: +onsider an endother)ic reaction, N O with acti&ation ener1ies Jb and Jf res*ecti&ely for the backward and forward reactions, res*ecti&ely. In 1eneral, [AIEEE 200,] (A) Jb P Jf (B) Jb Q Jf (C) Jb = Jf (D) there is no definite relation between Jb and Jf t18- can be taken as the ti)e taken for the concentration of Answer: a reactant to dro* to /8- of its initial &alue. If rate constant for a first order reaction is k, then t18- can be written as [AIEEE 200,] (A) '.'18k (B) '.#<8k (C) '.,<8k (D) '.5.8k Answer: follows first order reaction, ( ) *roduct +oncentration of , chan1es fro) '.1 2 to '.'#. 2 in -' )inutes. 0ind the rate of reaction of when concentration of is '.'1 2.[IIT &EE 200-] (A) 1.5/ 6 1'7- 2 )in71 (B) /.-5 6 1'7. 2 )in71 (C) /.-5 6 1'7- 2 )in71 (D) 1.5/ 6 1'7. 2 )in71 3he rate of a first order reaction is Answer: 1.. 6 1'7# )ol G71 )in71 at '.. 2 concentration of the reactant. 3he half life of the reaction is [CBSE AIPMT 200-]













(A) #/.1 )in (B) 8.5/ )in (C) 5../ )in (D) './8/ )in In a first order reaction, the concentration of the reactant Answer: decreases fro) '.8 2 to '.- 2 in 1. )inutes. 3he ti)e taken for the concentration to chan1e fro) '.1 2 to '.'#. 2 is [AIEEE 200-] (A) 5.. )in (B) 1. )in (C) /' )in (D) ,' )in 3he rate e=uation for the reaction4 Answer: # + " + is found to be4 rate = k [ ! ["!. 3he correct state)ent in relation to this reaction is that the [AIEEE 200-] (A) units of k )ust be s71 (B) t18# is constant (C) rate of for)ation of + is twice the rate of disa**earance of (D) &alue of k is inde*endent of the initial concentration of and ". 3he &elocity constant of a reaction at #<'( D was found to Answer: be /.# 6 1'7/ :71. Bhen the te)*erature is raised to /1'( D, it will be about4 [ !rn!t!"! CET 200-] (A) <., 6 1'7/ (B) 1.#8 6 1'7# (C) ,.- 6 1'7/ (D) /.# 6 1'7Answer: 3he reaction4 " follows first order kinetics. 3he ti)e taken for '.8 )ol of to *roduce '., )ol of " is 1 hour. Bhat is the ti)e taken for con&ersion of '.< )ol of to *roduce '.,5. )ol of "C[CBSE AIPMT 200.] (A) 1 hour (B) '.. hour (C) '.#. hour (D) # hour 3he rate law for a reaction between the substances an " Answer: is 1i&en by Rate = k [ !n ["!) An doublin1 the concentration of and hal&in1 the concentration of ", the ratio of the new rate to the earlier rate of reaction will be[AIEEE 200.] (A) ) + n (B) n 7 ) (C) #(n 7 ))








(D) In res*ect of the e=uation D = e7Ja 8 R3 in che)ical kinetics, Answer: (C) which one of the followin1 state)ents is correctC [AIEEE 200.] (A) k is e=uilibriu) constant (B) is adsor*tion factor (C) Ja is ener1y of acti&ation (D) R is Rydber1Is constant Lnits of rate constant of first and $ero order reactions in Answer: (A) ter)s of )olarity 2 unit are res*ecti&ely [AIEEE 2002] (A) sec71, 2sec71


(B) sec71, 2 (C) 2sec71, sec71 (D) 2, sec71 Bhen a bio che)ical reaction is carried out in laboratory out side the hu)an body in the absence of en$y)e, then the rate of reaction obtained is 1'7, ti)es, than acti&ation ener1y of reaction in the *resence of en$y)e is4 [AIPMT 2001] (A) ,8R3 (B) P is re=uired (C) Fifferent fro), Ja obtained in laboratory (D) +anIt say any thin1s

Answer: (C)

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