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From SFN Wiki Update 11/21/11: Updated my shader package and removed my DoF edits, as they dont play nice with latest OBGE. This should fix any issues people had with shaders. Download it here ( . Update 9/5/11: Improved Fires and Flames ( . Thanks for the suggestion, Jay. Update 8/21/11: Added Cava Obscura ( which should have been in the guide all along, and also Isthars Cobwebs ( which Lusit has been hounding me to add for quite awhile: Thank you, Lusit.

1 Knots guide to a beautiful Oblivion 2 Game & Utility Installation 3 Tweaking the .ini 4 Tips on managing your Oblivion mods 5 Unofficial Patches & Major Overhauls 6 Landscape & Architecture 7 Body mods 8 Miscellanous Replacers 9 Immersion Mods 10 Graphics, Enhanced & Extended 11 Optional: Oblivion Optimization 11.1 Step 1: Mesh Optimization 11.2 Step 2: OBSE Plugin Configuration 12 Conclusion



Something for Nobody

Knots guide to a beautiful Oblivion

My Morrowind Modding Guide was intended as a favor to people asking about all of the mods in my Morrowind screens on 4chans /v/ and the Encyclopedia Dramatica Forums, but it spread like wildfire to all corners of the web discussing TES3; from the heart of the scene at the Bethsoft Forums to the longstanding MW thread over at Something Awful. Not long after I published the TES3 guide to its original resting place over at EDF, people started asking: are you going to do a similar guide for Oblivion? Well, here it is. The Morrowind guide was focused on graphics, and while there will be some of that for Oblivion, a lot of the mods listed here will be more focused on tweaking the flow of the game. Well be gutting Oblivions leveled creatures system, changing the way you get around Cyrodil, and altering the way some NPCs behave. If something in this guide does not sound right for you, simply skip it! The overall goal is to create an Oblivion that not only looks beautiful, but is more immersive, too. Like my Morrowind guide, this page too is evolving. As better options pop up, I will update this guide with that information.

Game & Utility Installation

Start by installing Oblivion to a directory that is NOT in Program Files. I use C:/Games/Oblivion. Programs Files is a bad directory for most older games, particularly on newer versions of Windows. Install the official expansion content. It doesn't really matter in which order; I install Knights of the Nine first, then Shivering Isles. You can also install the official DLC now if you have it. Download the official Shivering Isles patch from here ( and install. Note: if you own the Game of the Year edition, you do not need to patch. Start the game and make sure that it runs. Use the 4GB patch ( on Oblivion.exe. If you are using a 32bit Operating System, follow these instructions: (thanks to FordGT90Concept on the Tech Power Up forums who wrote these) Windows 2000: In Windows Explorer, navigate to the system partition. This is the partition that holds hardware specific Windows files such as Boot.ini and NTLDR. If you cannot see the Boot.ini file, it could be because the folder options are set to hide protected operating system files. If this is the case, in the Explorer window, click Tools, Folder Options, and then click View. Clear the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check box. When prompted, click Yes. After the Boot.ini file is visible in Explorer, right-click the file, click Open With, and then click Notepad to open the file. Add the /3GB switch to the end of the line starting with multi under the [Operating Systems] section. Save the changes and close Notepad. Restart the computer for the change to take effect. Windows XP: 2/11


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Right-click My Computer and select Properties. The System Properties dialog box will appear. Click the Advanced tab. In the Startup and Recovery area, click Settings. The Startup and Recovery dialog box will appear. In the System startup area, click Edit. This will open the Windows boot.ini file in Notepad. In the [Operating Systems] section, add the following switches to the end of the startup line that includes the /fastdetect switch: /3GB Save the changes and close Notepad. Click OK two times to close the open dialog boxes, and then restart the computer for the change to take effect. Windows Vista & 7: Open command prompt with Adminitrator rights. To do this, go to Programs, Accessories, right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator. Enter the following at the prompt and press enter: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072 Close the prompt and restart the computer. Start the game and make sure that it runs. Download and install BOSS ( Download and install Oblivion Mod Manager ( Download and install Wrye Bash ( . Note that you need to download and install Wrye Python first, included as a download on that page. Download and install OBSE ( . You should also get Streamline ( , Stutter Remover ( , Fast Exit ( , and Crash Prevention System ( .

Tweaking the .ini

Like with any modern Bethesda game, Oblivion comes with a heavily modifiable .ini, located in X:\User\x\Documents\My Games/Bethesda/oblivion.ini. There are lots of interesting settings in the .ini, and all of the important ones have been thoroughly documented here ( , including instructions on enhancing your water reflections and ways to reduce stuttering. Give the last few pages a look over and follow any instructions that sound appropriate for your machine. Start the game and make sure that it runs

Tips on managing your Oblivion mods

Unlike Morrowind modding, Oblivion modding is rife with nasty mod incompatibilities that are bound to frustrate you to no end sooner or later. Because I love you, and because I would not wish that frustration on anyone else, here are a few helpful tips that should help you avoid some terrible situations. READ THE FUCKING READMES. Whenever you activate any mod ever at all, run BOSS immediately afterward to ENSURE that your load order isnt messed up. We didnt always have BOSS and when we didnt it sucked. There is absolutely no 3/11


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harm in spamming it, particularly when this guide directs you to install dozens of mods where load order is KEY Whenever possible, get the OMOD version of a mod. Its the main reason you have OBMM installed. OMODs are awesome because they make some of the trickier-to-install mods completely painless. It goes both ways, too; OMODs are just as easy to uninstall. I have a feeling this is something people might easily forget: pay extra special attention to mods that make heavy use of the Bashed Patch (a feature of Wrye Bash). Make sure to run BOSS before rebuilding the bashed patch, and if you install a new mod you arent sure about it really cant hurt to rebuild your bashed patch just in case. If you are new to modding, please consider the following: YouTube video explaining OBMM ( (Explains how to install OMODS.) My Quick & Dirty Guide to the Bashed Patch ( . Consult the Wrye Bash FAQ ( for more information as you need it. When this guide tells you to reset your BSA timestamps, it means you need to do this: open up OBMM, Utilities > Archive Invalidation, click Reset BSA timestamps and then Update now. When this guide tells you to run BOSS, you need to double click BOSS.exe in your /oblivion/data/ folder. Conveniently, you can also run BOSS by clicking on the BOSS button along the bottom of Wrye Bashs main window! You could also make a shortcut; I recommend assembling a toolchest of shortcuts in a folder. You should always run your Oblivion from obse_loader.exe, or by clicking launch oblivion in OBMM, or by clicking on the daedric O symbol along the bottom of Wrye Bash. Dont use the Oblivion Launcher or Oblivion.exe. Steam Users should still be able to just launch the game regularly, however.

Unofficial Patches & Major Overhauls

During the earlier stages of Oblivions modding history, several overhaul mods File:Chorrol.jpg cropped up looking to improve the game by changing the way leveled content Chorrol, a town on the works and by adding more content in the form of loot; especially weapons and western edge of the Great armor. These mods were all pretty awesome, but because they did similar things Forest. they were incompatible. No longer; I recommend using FCOM, a huge compatibility patch for OOO, MMM, and more. Be advised; this section assumes that you are starting from a vanilla install and to avoid headaches, you really really should. Start with the unofficial patches, Oblivion ( view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1417) & Shivering Isles ( view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=2754) . If you have any DLC installed, you should also use the Unofficial Official Mods Patch ( view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=2384) . FCOM. This is pretty involved, so pay attention; use OblivionModWikis guide to installing FCOM ( This might take you awhile, the files you have to download are fairly large. Its worth it. Dont forget to rename MMM.bsa as directed by this guide. 4/11


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If you cannot get FCOM up and running, use OOO ( + MMM ( instead. Keep in mind that this guide assumes you have a full FCOM install and therefor forgo any Frans/FCOM related mods; EVEs Frans/FCOM modules, for example. Run BOSS, rebuild your Bashed Patch. Start the game and make sure that it runs.

Landscape & Architecture

Qarls Texture Pack 3 ( view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=2363) is great, but if youre not sure you graphics card is up to it, QTP3 Reidemized ( is the way to go. You can squeeze a little more performance out with QTP3R Reduced ( . Koldorns Ayleid Ruins ( , Ampols Caverns ( , Cleitanious Regal IC ( + Darker Regal IC ( (I do not recommend Cleitanious IC .esp) Bomrets Shivering Isles ( Enhanced Water ( & for Shivering Isles ( are listed here only for people whos computers cannot run OBGE LiquidWater which is listed later in this guide. If you intend to use OBGE LiquidWater, do not use Enhanced Water. Natural Environments ( view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=376) with Improved Trees and Flora ( & 2 ( (with Harvest Flora ( ) Note: From the Natural Environments pack, only enable the Natural Habitat and Natural Vegetation .eps. All Natural ( with Immersive Interiors ( Unique Landscapes ( . All of them. ...and a little Awesome Saucefor ( good measure. Run BOSS, run Wryes Mod Checker, rebuild your Bashed Patch, reset your BSA timestamps. Start the game and make sure that it runs.

Body mods
The vanilla NPCs for Oblivion are pretty fugly thanks to procedural face generation and some goofy looking models and textures. This section fixes all of that. 5/11


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Roberts MaleBodyReplacer ( and RAIAR/Madcats HG Eye Candy ( for dudes and dudettes, respectively. Both of them have a few options. Read the readmes and youll do fine. EVE HGEC ( fixes tons of armor meshes to look right with HGEC. Make sure to get the OOO/MMM/Frans/FCOM files, too. Like the above, but for Roberts: Vanilla ( , SI ( , OOO ( , Frans ( , & MMM ( F-INev ( replaces body textures, Natural Faces ( (with Beauty Patch ( ) does the same for faces. Better Looking Bosmer ( , Redguards ( , & Dunmer ( (with MW style ears ( ), MW style Dremora ( & Argonians ( . Beast Race Overhaul: Better Beasts ( , IAFT ( , Khajiit Paws ( , Khajiit Textures ( (with Seamless for HGEC ( ). Note: You need to navigate to /data/meshes/characters/khajiit and delete TailFemale.nif. Tamriel NPCs Enhanced ( conflicts horribly with FCOM but you dont have to worry about that because you have Wrye Bash! Open up WB after installing the TNR OMOD in OBMM, uncheck the .esps the OMOD installed, and then rebuild your bashed patch using the Import NPC faces option. Leave the .esps unchecked, the patch has you covered. Note: You might not want to use the Argonian, Khajiit, and Bosmer TNR faces, they sort of conflict with the options listed in step D. The OMOD makes it easy to opt out of those races anyway. Run BOSS, run Wryes Mod Checker, rebuild your Bashed Patch, reset your BSA timestamps. Start the game and make sure that it runs.

Miscellanous Replacers
Here Ive put graphics mods that dont fall into the above categories. Equipment retexture ( , Better Glass ( op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=viewdownloaddetails&lid=2493) , Improved Armory ( & Madness Armor ( Rusty ( & Fine ( iron weapons Note: Make sure to merge these in with Wrye Bash or theyll fuck FCOM up. Better staves ( 6/11


Something for Nobody

Book Jackets ( op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=viewdownloaddetails&lid=3047) & for KotN ( , Shivering Isles ( Kafeis Amulets ( & Rings ( Better Wine ( (& for SI ( ) and Better Potion Bottles (;63361) Improved Vegetables and Meats ( Slofs Horses for FCOM ( Mythic Creatures ( , Animals ( , Ghosts n Goblins ( , Akatosh ( & Mehrunes Dagon ( Vagabond Angels Better Gold ( Isthars Cobwebs ( are fairly self explanitory, Im sure youll agree Improved Fires and Flames ( is a high resolution replacer for things that burn you. DarkUId DarN ( replaces all of the menus to look slicker and display more without scrolling. It even includes an optional grid-based inventory similar to Morrowinds! Dynamic Map ( is nothing short of pure motherfucking magic. You need MenuQue for it to work properly. I personally use the Elven style map option. Run BOSS, run Wryes Mod Checker, rebuild your Bashed Patch, reset your BSA timestamps. Start the game and make sure that it runs.

Immersion Mods
These mods greatly add to the games realism to help your suspension of disbelief. These go beyond prettier graphics to do it, little touches that make all the difference. A Bobbing Motion ( adds a very mild head bob into the game. As you walk forward, your head sways back and forth, and it sways differently depending on how you are walking. It also changes the way bows are handled to add a bit of a realism challenge to archery; you cant just spam arrows anymore. Modular Oblivion Enhanced ( view=oblivionmods.detail&id=2000) drastically improves series continuity. If you are familiar with and love Morrowind, you will love this mod. Not all of the .esps are compatible with FCOM, however; I can only confirm that Visit Valen Dreth Topic, Main Quest Delayer, Tools of Kagrenac, the Black Sacrament, Lycanthropy and Lichcraft, Kill Martin and Jauffre, Vampire Clan Raelu, & Levitation Magic are compatible, so use the other .esps at your own risk. Cyrodilic Transporation Network ( adds Morrowind style travel to the game including mark & recall. If you would prefer to get around this way, why not disable fast travel ( ? Open Cities ( (with new doors script 7/11


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( ) puts Oblivions cities into the main worldspace to fantastic effect. You can now ride your horse into town, and with the new door script, its time for outlaws to get creative. Note: These patches are REQUIRED to run OC with the other mods in this guide; first look through these and grab the patches that apply, then install this ( view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=5172) . SM Plugin Refurbished ( integrates the official DLC into the game better. No more getting a million notes about how youve inherited something or other. Reneers Guard Overhaul ( changes the way guards behave for the better. Elsweyr Anequina ( is a landmass mod that adds the province of Elsweyr, home of the Khajiit, into the game. Make sure to also get the extras for patches relevant to this guide. Finally, Cava Obscura ( is an excellent mod to make the dungeons darker, a tweak which is sure to put any dungeon diver on edge. Run BOSS, run Wryes Mod Checker, rebuild your Bashed Patch, reset your BSA timestamps. Start the game and make sure that it runs.

Graphics, Enhanced & Extended

Weve come a long way and Oblivion looks pretty damn sharp, but there are a few key ingredients were missing. Keep in mind that everything in Step 8 comes with a MASSIVE FPS hit. Really AEVWD ( . You know how things like forts and ayleid ruins kind of sneak up on you? You dont see them in the distance normally which is part of the reason why Oblivions LOD looks so empty. This mod remedies this issue, but show some restraint; the more you use, the harder the framerate hit will be. You will also want to grab the Koldorn, Elsweyr, and Darker IC modules since we have those installed. BangBoomstiks LOD Compilation OMOD ( enhances the land in the distance to not look so smudgy. Animated Window Lighting System ( makes the world appear more lively by lighting outside windows and starting chimneys smoking on the fly to simulate activity inside. The Oblivion Graphics Extender ( enables the use of hardware shaders like Depth of Field and SSAO. Just make sure to grab the main package AND the Standalone Effects package from the downloads on that nexus page. LiquidWater ( greatly enhances Oblivions water shader. Ensure that you are not using Enhanced Water listed earlier in this guide, as the two are not compatible; EW is listed for those who cannot run LW. Start the game and make sure that it runs. Download this OBGE.ini ( and place it in /my documents/my games/oblivion/. Copy and replace if prompted. Grab my shaderlist.txt ( if you cant be assed to set one up 8/11


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yourself. After dragging/dropping, youll find it in /data/shaders/, you can edit it for performance if you need to by removing things from the list. If the game seems overblurred or you get no DoF effect, its likely you have an ATi/AMD card in which case, disable Catalyst AI in the CCC. Detailed Terrain ( changes the way the game renders textures on the ground for the better. You may have noticed that Oblivion doesnt support anti-aliasing when you choose to use HDR. There is a work around for this; you can enable Anti-aliasing in your graphics card settings. You should also enable 16x Anisotropic Filtering while youre there, it really makes a huge difference. Since it depends on your card and your OS, I cant write a comprehensive guide on how to do this easily. Its best to just google it if you dont already know how; usually you can open up your cards options by right clicking the desktop and its usually pretty simple from there. Usually. However, anti-aliasing causes problems for some system configurations. If you experience black screens while forcing AA, try adding MDLAA.sfx to your shaderlist.txt instead. Run BOSS, run Wryes Mod Checker, rebuild your Bashed Patch, reset your BSA timestamps. Start the game and make sure that it runs.

Optional: Oblivion Optimization

This guide deals mainly with how to make the game its prettiest but that is only one side of the coin. For, you see, Oblivion is a terribly optimized game and while I do offer little nudges in the right direction (links to things like Streamline), I dont do a good job explaining how to use them because the Guide is focused on making things as ridiculously pretty as they can be, not how to reduce things to quell stuttering and the like. So here is a fairly short guide that includes all the mods just about everyone regardless of their machines specs should have. Indeed, these mods may also lend you a bit of stability to further reduce crashing! Please note that this guide will for the most part assume you have already completed my Oblivion Modding Guide.

Step 1: Mesh Optimization

Operation Optimization simply improves performance in specific areas where it was ridiculously bad with little to no quality loss. Its really a no brainer, everyone should have it. Low Poly Grass does exactly what it says on the box. I personally use LowPolyAlt; in fact, I can hardly tell the difference between LowPolyAlt and the vanilla grass whilst playing. You may also want to consider ShortGrass; you can use the two together. In the same vain as the last two, PolyGONE seeks to reduce mesh complexity with little impact on quality; this time mostly focusing on rocks. If your computer is a little on the slow side but you cant stand to play with distant land turned off, you might want to try Optimized Distant Land MAX. I do not use it personally, but Im sure it can lend you a massive performance boost if youre having trouble.

Step 2: OBSE Plugin Configuration

Streamline is great but to truly take advantage of it you need to do a little set up. To access Streamlines configuration menu, just press CTRL + Home in game. Oblivions Autosave and Quicksave features are actually incredibly unstable and can cause your game to crash so you should use Streamline as a replacement for them. This is done using the Streamsave 9/11


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feature. You can configure Streamsave to save after every wait, for example, and to save every five minutes. This is great because it ensures that if there is a crash, you wont lose much work. You can disable Oblivions default autosave feature in the esc menu. By default, Streamline is set to optimize FPS by changing your graphics sliders on the fly. This can be annoying and I personally prefer to set these things myself. If this sounds like you, you can turn off Streamsmoothing in the streamline configuration menu. The Oblivion Stutter Remover is an amazing tool but one of its most useful options for Oblivion is disabled by default! Navigate to c:/Oblivion/Data/OBSE/Plugins/ and open sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.ini in Notepad and change bReplaceHeap = from 0 to 1 then save it. After following these quick few steps, you should experience far less crashes and overall better framerates even with all of the resources hungry mods my guide recommends!

and that concludes this guide. If you have any trouble with any part of the guide or want to make a suggestion, hit me up at the official thread on our forums or on the SFN IRC [ #sfn or use this if you don't have an IRC client] Special thanks: Thanks to Lusit for suggesting some of the options that made it into this guide, Wizbro, PaintrainJohnson & Pishtosh for extensive testing and bugreports, and to a /v/ Anonymous that provided some very good suggestions through his fairly short pastebin guide. Retrieved from "" Categories: Pages with broken file links Oblivion

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