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BU leaders have now announced a four hour strike on13 December and a new ballot for industrial action short of strikes. This ballot will conclude on the 4 December and includes Scottish and Control FBU members. We should all support the strike and vote yes in the new ballot. We need more action to win. Since winning the ballot in August we have had just 3 strikes totalling 13 hours. We have also cancelled one strike.This has not been enough to secure a deal. Instead the June offer by Brandon Lewis has been withdrawn and the employers have confirmed their intention to sack people under capability. Its obvious the government and the bosses are determined to force through their agenda. Now weve got to be equally determined to stop them. It means taking more not less strike action to win. The danger of action short of strikes is that, whilst it can augment strikes, it cannot and should not be used as a substitute.

Escalate to Win...

Firefighters on the picket lines at beginning of the dispute We should look around and see whats happened to others when theyve pulled back from action. Up at Grangemouth in Scotland, Unite called off planned strikes and gave bosses confidence to threaten to close the site. In the end Unite signed a catastrophic deal involving a no strike agreement, pay freeze, worse pensions and attacks on union rights. Teachers leaders called off planned national strikes for talks. Theyve now been told that these talks wont tackle the main attacks they face at all. If we back off the bosses and the Tories see it as weakness. But we have the power to win. The recent attempt by the London Fire Brigade to invoke a recall to duty for a 20 pump scrap yard fire shows the bosses have no confidence in their own scabbing operation. This is their weakness and our strength. It shows we can beat them by taking longer and more frequent strikes. We need to build pressure for this now.


Only strikes have the power to bring sufficient pressure on the government and break the scabs. London, Merseyside, and GMC all call for a strike lasting at least 24 hours. This may not yet be the majority position in the union. But cancelling strikes and taking very limited action doesnt develop confidence and undermines our momentum. This is why we need a programme of escalating strikes.

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