Ujian Akhir Semester (Uas) : Bahasa Inggris Stkip Banten

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A. Directions: Read the sentences and choose the right answer. 1. A hypothesis is a special kind of guess. What is the meaning of hypothesis? a. kind c. special b. special kind of guess d. guest 2. Astronomers observe, or look at, the stars. What is the meaning of observe? a. look at c. Look for b. watch d. find 3. Scientists use a special method, or way of doing things, in their work. What is the meaning of method? a. ways c. special way b. their work d. way of doing things 4. University students must read book, journals, report, and many other materials in their studies. What is the meaning of materials in this sentence? a. book c. things to read b. students d. things 5. Pollution is a serious problem in our city. Cars and factories put dangerous gases into the air. Some companies put dangerous chemicals into the water of our rivers and lakes. Pollution is also bad for the farmland around the city. What is the meaning of pollution in these sentences? a. cars and factories in our city c. Air, water, and land around the city b. city, rivers, and farmland d. dangerous gases and chemicals B. Think of a topic for each group of words and write it on the line. Then think of one more word for each topic and write it. 1. Topic : _____________ Yen Pound Euro Dollar 2. Topic : _____________ Neck Head Legs Feet 3. Topic : ____________ Dinner Lunch Breakfast Meals 4. Topic : _____________ Doors Windows Seats Wheels 5. Topic : _____________ Accountant Gambler Economist Banker C. Direction: Here is a part of a story. Read it and then make inferences to answer the questions. Manuel went to the tree and stopped. Im getting old, he said. Im going to die before long. I want to give you something. He took the grass away from the hole. He took out the dirt. Oh, no! he cried. What is it? asked his two daughters. Look! he said. Look the hole. Its empty! Manuel sat down on the grass.

Who took it? he cried. Who took it? Who took what Dad? asked Sofia and Lucinda. My money? said Manuel. Your money? they asked. Why did you put money in the ground? Money must stay in the bank! I didnt want the bank to have my money. It was my money, said Manuel. I wanted to give it to you, my beloved two daughters. How much was it? asked Sofia. $30, 000, said Manuel. $30,000, said Sofia and Lucinda. You put all that money in a hole in the ground? Poor Manuel. He sat on the ground with his head in his hands. We must go to the police Dad said John. Yes, we must tell them Dad, said Carlos. Maybe they can find the thief. So John, Carlos, Sofia, and Lucinda ran to the police. Yolanda, Pablo, and Julia stayed with Manuel, their grandpa. Julia looked at the hole. She put her hands in and pulled out some very small pieces of paper. Look! she said. Look at these. Pieces of money! said Pablo. Why in little pieces? asked Yolanda. What kind of thief does that? I think there were many thieves, said Julia. Why do you say that? asked Pablo. There were many small thieves, said Julia. Children! said Yolanda. Thats terrible! Village children! I dont think so. Look the hole; do you see those little black things, Grandpa? What makes little black things? What eats paper? said Julia. 1. Where are these people? 2. Why does Manuel want to give the money to his daughters? 3. Why does Manuel never want to save his money at the bank? 4. Why does Manuel put his money in the hole? 5. Why does Manuel put the grass on the hole? 6. Who stole the money? 7. Can the police catch the thieves? Why? 8. How many daughters does Manuel have? Who are they? 9. Who are John, Carlos, Yolanda, Pablo, and Julia? 10. What characters does Manuel have? D. Answer The following question briefly! 1. What is the characteristic of Narrative and descriptive text ? 2. Make a story based on Recount Text?

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