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Bombshell: Rod Class gets FOURTH Administrative Ruling "Gov't Offi es are !

a ant"" All Gov't Offi ials are "#rivate Contra tors" $ubmitted b% The $outh on $un& '()'*)+('+ " ',:+-in #oliti s& General . /a01s2 htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+-,,-5)bombshell"rod" lass"gets"fourth"administrative"ruling"govt"offi es"are" va ant"all"govt"offi ials"are"3rivate" ontra tors 6es& %ou read that orre tl%7 it is true& and is no0 on the ourt re ord7 bla 8 in8 on 0hite 3a3er4 #lease read on: A lot of us have been e93osing the rime of the U:;T<= $TAT<$ or3oration for man% %ears& but until re entl%& no one has had the 3roof that all government offi es are va ant7 no one is home7 those su33osed government offi es)agen ies are being o u3ied b% #R;!AT< CO:TRACTOR$ and are :OT being o u3ied b% a legitimate government bod%4 This is e>uivalent to the i e ream man 8no 8ing on %our door and e9torting ta9es from %ou4 He has no la0ful authorit% to do an%thing other than drive the i e ream tru 8 " he's not a government offi ial7 he's an i e ream man4 6our su33osed government offi ials are nothing more than i e ream men)0omen 0ho are fraudulentl% e9torting mone% from %ou and %our famil%7 thro0ing %ou in 3rison7 ta9ing %ou to death7 stealing %our hildren and im3osing their 0ill on %ou& and enfor ing their o0n internal"statutor% rules and odes u3on %ou and %our famil%4 Rod Class has no0 re eived FOUR Administrative Rulings that 3rove 0hat man% of us have felt to be truth: ?hat %ou thin8 is government7 0hat %ou thin8 are legitimate Government Offi ials)$enators)Congressman)#oli eman)Governors)Ta9 Colle tors& et 4 are nothing more than 3rivate ontra tors& e9torting mone% from Ameri an Citi@ens and failing to 3a% off the 3ubli debt as the% are instru ted to do b% the 'A55 ban8ru3t %4 ?hat the% have done is this: These 3eo3le have s0it hed 3la es 0ith the average Ameri an Citi@en4 The% are enfor ing their o0n Administrative odes& that are onl% meant for TH<B& u3on regular Citi@ens 0ho are not being 3aid b% the or3oration4 The su33osed ele ted offi ials have hood0in8ed the ountr% into an em3lo%ment 3osition 0ithout 3a%4 The% themselves are ta8ing 3ubli mone% to o u3% government seats)3ositions)agen ies& 0hen the% are nothing more than 3rivate ontra tors 444 Felon%C The% are treating us as if 0e are 3aid government em3lo%ees7 enfor ing their o0n internal rules" regulations" odes& and statutes on the average Citi@en& as 0ell as onvenientl% forgetting to send us our 0ee8l%)monthl% government em3lo%ment he 84 ;'ve been 3rea hing this for the last %ear . 0ith no avail on this forum4 #erha3s no0& 3eo3le 0ill begin to listen and ta8e a tion4 ;n these radio sho0s& Rod e93lains his Administrative Rulings from the various Dudges7 e93lains the on& and sho0s %ou& 0here in their ver% o0n U$ Codes the above aforementioned information is s3ot on4 There are a fe0 sho0s %ou need to listen to& and here are some bullet 3oints of those sho0s: '4 All BAR attorne%s are 3rohibited from re3resenting Dohn E4 #ubli 7 an onl% re3resent gov't offi ials and em3lo%ees 0ithin their o0n agen ies& their BAR Charter sa%s so4 +4 An% Dudge that 3rohibits %ou from re3resenting %ourself or hiring a defense other than a BAR attorne%&

are in fa t& ommitting a felon% on the ben h in violation of the Taft"Hartl% A t 1running a losed union sho32 and the $mith A t 1overthro0 of Constitutional form of Gov't2 54 An%time an BAR attorne% re3resents someone in a ase against %ou& %ou an no0 laim that 3erson is in om3etent7 a 0ard of the state& 0ith no standing to sue4 *4 An% and all ta9 olle tors& 3oli e offi ers& sheriffs de3t's& =OT& tag agen ies& BAR attorne%s& Dudges& High0a% #atrol& su33osed ele ted offi ials& are nothing more than 3rivate ontra tors& 0ho an no0 be brought u3 on fraud harges for im3ersonating a 3ubli offi ial 0hile re eiving federal funding4 -4 An% and all home& vehi le& redit ard loans are su33osed to be dis harged through the Treasur% 0indo0& in om3lian e 0ith the 'A55 ban8ru3t % la0s4 These s umbags are double di33ing and never dis harging the debt li8e the% are su33osed to4 The% are embe@@ling the funds and 3o 8eting them for themselves4 F4 <ver% 3erson sitting in 3rison toda% 0as railroading b% a BAR attorne% 0ho's first allegian e is to the $tate7 0ho had no la0ful authorit% to re3resent them7 0ho 0or8ed in on ert 0ith the $tate to 3er3etrate a fraud u3on it's vi tims4 G4 Orders from Administrative ourts 3rove for the fourth time& an agen % of the $tate is :OT an agen % under the $tate4 ,4 <le ted Offi ials are laiming ''th Amendment sovereignt%& 0hen it's a tuall% %ou and ; that hold ''th Amendment sovereignt%4 The% are getting 3aid b% the or3oration& %ou and ; are not4 A4 The% have admitted to the rime of no one a tuall% holding a 3ubli offi e7 the% are filling or3orate seats and defrauding the 3ubli 4 '(4 #oliti al subdivisions are not getting their *(H funding from the Feds as the% are su33osed to get4 ''4 These Dudges have admitted 1bla 8 in8 on 0hite 3a3er2 that all these $tate Offi es are 44444444444 <B#T6C '+4 :o0 0e have Administrative 3a3er0or8 " ruling these 3ubli offi es aren't 3art of the $tate agen ies4 '54 Attorne% Generals ma% not 3ra ti e la07 an't re3resent the 3eo3le 0ho are not 3ubli offi ials4 '*4 ;f the $tate is a 5rd 3art% interlo3er in %our Barriage 1marriage li ense27 !ehi le Title 1$tate Registration2& et 4 then the% are liable for ')5rd of the ost to manage the dail% a tivities of that ontra t4 '-4 ;f the $tate demands %ou have a =rivers /i ense and Tag %our vehi le be ause it is registered 0ith the $tate& then as the o0ner of the vehi le& the $tate is re>uired to 3a% for the vehi le& the tags& li ensing& fuel& tires& oil& et 4 and the% are also to 3a% %ou a salar% for driving a $tate o0ned vehi le7 it sa%s so in their o0n High0a% $afet% A t and U$C " CFR rules and regulations4 'F4 ?e no0 have the ourt orders that goes ba 8 and nullifies an% and all ;R$ and Ta9 ases& Fore losures& Credit Card =ebt& ases or a tions4 These 3eo3le never had the la0ful right to demand an%thing of %ou7 the% are or3orate a tors& not a legitimate government bod%4 'G4 Dudge admits the 'A55 ban8ru3t %& and no 0a% to 3a% off an%thing be ause of Federal Reserve :otes7 all 3ubli debt is t be dis harged through the Treasur%4 ',4 Onl% the $e retar% of Trans3ortation an hear traffi ases7 all traffi ases are ivil& not riminal4

'A4 ;f %ou're not being 3aid for %ou time& %ou are not re>uired to have one of their C=/ or CB! li enses7 it's 3rohibited4

+(4 $a%s 0e no0 have a maIor labor dis3ute on our hands7 U$ or3oration running a slave ra 8et against Ameri an Citi@ens 0ithout the 3a%4 +'4 United $tates Codes 1U$C2 and Titles J' thru J-( are void7 have never been 3assed b% Congress7 all have been re3ealed4 As ;'ve been sa%ing for a ver% long time on this forum: ;f %ou are not getting a 0ee8l% or monthl% 3a% he 8 from the so alled federal government a8a U:;T<= $TAT<$ or one of it's sub or3orations su h as the $TAT< OF KKK& then their statutor% rules 1not la0s2& odes and regulations =O :OT A##/6 TO 6OU 444444444 #eriodC There is so mu h information 3a 8ed into these last si9 alls& ; an't even begin to share it in this 3ost4 ;f %ou 0ant %our freedom7 if %ou 0ant to 8no0 0ith '((H suret% that the foreign or3oration 8no0n as the U:;T<= $TAT<$ has @ero authorit% over %ou unless %ou are re eiving a 0ee8l% 3a% he 8 from them& ta8e the time to listen to all JF*F through JF-' here: htt3:))0004tal8shoe4 om)tal8shoe)0eb)tal8Cast4Is3Lmaster;dM*444 $ roll do0n the 3age and li 8 on the orange "/isten" button7 a 3o3 u3 3la%er 0ill a33ear for %our listening 3leasure4 And believe me: This is 3ure listening 3leasure& 0ith the ourt filings7 rulings and U$ Code to ba 8 it all u34 B% the time %ou finish these fe0 short sho0s& %our fear of the government 0ill be a thing of the 3ast4 Also& man% of RodNs urrent filings against the infrastru ture are at: htt3:))harve%0+F4minus4 om 444some ma% be eas% to do0nload& some ma% not C And for those of %ou 0ho are ne0 to the forum and 0ant to get a better gras3 of all this 3rior to or after listening to the alls& here are some of m% more informative 3osts on the matter at hand: #ubli :oti e to Gun Grabbing #oliti ians: htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+*F-'*)3ubli "noti e"attention"to"a444 $o the Government 0ants %ou to olle t a sales ta9L htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+*-5F+)have"a"business"and"the"govt444 6our Home /oan 0as 3aid the da% %ou signed the note: htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+**-A()0ant"to"sti 8"it"to"the"ban8444 The real reason for the '*th Amendment: htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+**--5)the%" reated"the"'*th"amendm444 ?hat's the One =o ument in %our 3ossession that gives %ou the authorit% to rule over m% lifeL htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+**'F-)0hats"the"one"do ument"%ou"h444 Can the $tate be an a tual inIured 3art%L 44444 :o& it annotC htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+*5-+') an"the"state"be"an"inIured"444 Having a $o ial $e urit% J is not a ontra t 0ith the $tate)Feds:

htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+*5'F*)so ial"se urit%"is"not"a" on444 Trust /a0& %our Rights and ho0 to enfor e them: htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+*5(A()trust"la0"%our"rights"and"ho444 ?h% %ou should never hire an attorne%: htt3:))0004dail%3aul4 om)+*++F()this"is"0h%"%ou"should"never444 Ho3efull% no0 in light of these Administrative Court Rulings 3eo3le 0ill no0 ome to reali@e the fa t& that Unless 6ou Are Getting A ?ee8l% Che 8 From Government& Their $tatutor% Rules"Codes"Regulations The% #ut Off As /a0s& Have Oero For e Or <ffe t On 6ou #ersonall% :o Contra t M :o Durisdi tion =id %ou fill out an em3lo%ment ontra t 0ith the $tate7 are the% 3a%ing %ou for %our servi esL ;f not& 0h% the hell are %ou follo0ing their rulesL This is ho0 0e hange our urrent form of Government ba 8 to the Re3ubli is 0as initiall% intended to be4 ;f %ou don't ta8e the time to listen to at least those last si9 sho0s at the lin8 above& %ou are overloo8ing the most im3ortant information ever to ome to light 0ithin the /ibert% Bovement4 $to3 loo8ing for a savior to save us from t%rann% and listen to the sho0s ;'ve 3rovided4 :o0 %ou are %our o0n savior " ;ndividuall%& no0 %ou an ma8e a HUG< differen e in our 3oliti al stru ture and form of government4 ;n /ibert%C

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