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1) There are -----------conservation principles a) 0ne b) two c) three d) four 2) The law of conservation of mass gives ----------a) Equation of discontinuity b) equation of discontinuity c) equation of parabola d)non 3) The viscosity of air is at 300---------a) 0 21! b) 0 01! c) 0 "01 d) 1 # $) %peed is greater then the pressure will be-------------a) &a'imum b) minimum c) uniform d) (ero )) if the area get decreases then the speed will be ---------a) *ot change b) get decrease c) get increase d) non of these #) The steady fluid is -----------a) +ncompressible b) compressible c) a,b d) non of these -) if the water falls then the its speed increases and its cross sectional area is -----a) +ncreases b) decreases c) remains same d) do not effect ") The pressure will be low if the speed is-------a) .ow b) high c) uniform d) get decreasing !) 1 torr / -------a) 133 3 *m-2 b) 133 3 *m02 c) 133 3 *m d) 133 3 *m03 10) The instrument is used for measuring the blood pressure -----a) %phygmomanometer b) %tethoscope c) 1astro scope d) non of these 11) +deal fluid lead the ---------------a) 2enture relation b) Torricelli3s theorem c) 4ernoulli equation d) equation of continuity 12) The e'ternal pressure is equals to the the diastolic pressure at this point the vessel--a) collapse b) no longer collapse c) remains constant d) e'pand


Q#1: a) 5efine 2enturi effect6 b) 7hy fog droplets appear to be suspended in air c) 8 person is standing near a fast moving train +s any danger that he will fall towards it6 d) E'plain the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow6 e) 7hat is drag force6 1ive its mathematical form f) E'plain how the swing is produced in a fast moving cric9et ball Q#2: a) 8pplications of 4ernoulli3s equation :Torricelli3s theorem; venture relation) b) Equation of continuity

Prepared By: M Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344- !4"3#4$03%3- "#00%"

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