Calle Zorro - Penis Size Paranoia

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If you have not yet purchased the eBook How To Turn Your Wife Into An
Attractive, Sex-Crazed, Nymphomaniac then go to:

and forever change your sex-life and your marriage. Here are just a few of the
many secrets you will learn in this eBook:

How you as the man decide what quantity and quality of sex you want to enjoy in your
marriage (page 6)
The trait that every horny wife possesses that your wife doesnt have right now but that
you can give her (page 8)
How other men are killing your sex-life (page 12)
Why its hard for your wife to be sexual with you right now (page 19)
What it is that your wife is waiting for you to do so that she can give you incredible sex (page
Do this one thing during the day, and you will get sex during the night (page 35)
What to do that makes your wife want to give you special treatment (page 37)
Why your wife gets mad at you and you dont even understand why shes mad (page 40)
When you give her this secret, she will want to give you more sex (page 47)
The secret your Mom gave you on how to handle your wife (page 55)
How to turn her emotional over-reactions into sexual desire (page 59)
Do this and you can virtually guarantee that your wife is going to pull her panties down and
bend over for you (page 62)
What does romance really mean to a woman and how you can effortlessly become a romantic
(page 67)
Another reason your wife doesnt want to have sex with you right now (page 75)
The kind of relationship that equals a lot of intercourse for you (page 79)
The exact 22-step formula that will get you all of the sex you want and more (page 86)
Whats behind her emotions and how to channel them into lots of love and sex (page 88)
The secrets used by every playboy and womanizer that you can use on your wife to get sex
(page 93)
Two simple, effortless things you can do the next time you eat out with your wife that will get
you sex when you get home (page 98)

Get your copy today!

If you have not yet purchased the eBook How To Make Your Ejaculate Shoot,
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and forever change the sexual confidence you have in yourself.

Here are some of the key points you will know after you have read this
breakthrough eBook:

The Exact 4-step process to a shooting ejaculation
Do these 2 simple things and shoot cum like a stud
The exact method to prepare your body for even bigger cum-shots
Two incredibly easy ways to strengthen your body so that you can shoot your
ejaculate further and further as time goes by
The role that sexual stimulation has upon your ejaculation
The three possible outcomes from sexual stimulation including MULTIPLE
How to get in tune with what your body is doing when you ejaculate
The two reasons that 90-95% of all men to dribble when they ejaculate

After reading How To Make Your Ejaculate Shoot, most men are
IMMEDIATELY able to make their ejaculate shoot anywhere from 2 to 5 feet and
some even further.

Get your copy today!

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Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 7
See For Yourself ............................................................................................................................. 7
Its A Matter Of (Her) Anatomy..................................................................................................... 8
Its What You Give Not What You Have....................................................................................... 9
What She Needs Has Nothing To Do With Size.......................................................................... 10
Story #1......................................................................................................................................... 11
The Packaging Is Unimportant..................................................................................................... 12
Story #2......................................................................................................................................... 14
Its Not An Issue With Her Unless You Make It One.................................................................. 15
Watch Who You Listen To........................................................................................................... 16
Shes Got Her Own Issues............................................................................................................ 17
If She Wasnt Satisfied With You, She Wouldnt Be With You.................................................. 18
Story #3......................................................................................................................................... 18
Theres Another Aspect Besides Size........................................................................................... 19
Story #4......................................................................................................................................... 20
What Is Important About Your Penis........................................................................................... 21
Think About It From This Angle.................................................................................................. 23
If She Brought Up Your Size, Heres Probably Why................................................................... 23
Heres What The Dr. Says............................................................................................................ 24
What Are You Drawing Attention To?......................................................................................... 25
Penis Enhancement....................................................................................................................... 25
Lets Get Real ............................................................................................................................... 26
Get Over Your Paranoia................................................................................................................ 27
God Made All Things Good......................................................................................................... 27
Conclusion.................................................................................................................................... 28

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Our contemporary world suggests that a man must have a penis that is
between 10 and 20 inches or he is an inferior male who cannot really
please a woman. Our world further suggests that unless a man has a
penis the size of his forearm or the size of a horses penis, then by
default the woman is sexually unhappy and secretly she is longing for a
man with a bigger penis.

We could tell you that this is absolutely not true but you wouldnt
believe us

We could try to tell you not to worry about your penis size that it is so
far down on a womans list of what is important that it is effectively a
complete non-issuebut we wont because we know you wouldnt

The fact is, men are always going to be concerned about the size of their

so, all we are hoping to accomplish here is to give you some input and
some insight that will hopefully help you overcome your paranoia you
have over the size of your penis and help you get on with having a great
sex life

See For Yourself

If you were to watch adult female masturbation videos, such as

Real Sex Magazine: All Masturbations
Real Female Masturbation
100% Masturbation
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Female Masturbation Sensations

You would see girls masturbating solo and the guy doing the movie
providing them with vibrators and dildos of all different sizes. Guess
what else you would see? You would see these girls reaching right past
the big toys and picking up a small one. Guess what else you would
see? You would see that these girls stimulating their clitorises and
inserting the toys 1 2 inches deep.

So let me ask youif big and deep were important, why do they pick up
the little toys and barely stick them in? In these movies, these girls
achieve orgasm after orgasm on little toys that are barely inserted into
their vagina.

The point is that big and deep isnt important to a woman. You can give
your woman orgasm after orgasm no matter what the size of your
penis is.

Its A Matter Of (Her) Anatomy

You see, there is a particularly good reason why these women barely
insert the dildos and vibrators into their vaginas.

Sexologists who have spent years researching the female G-Spot have
scientifically determined that the G-Spot is located right at the top-front
of the vagina in 70% of all women. By top-front, this means that a
woman who has learned to control her G-Spot can actually push it
outwards to where it is visible when you pull her pussy lips apart. In
different words, if a man were to stick his index finger right up to the
first joint (about 1 inch) and touch the top of 70% of all womens
vaginas, he would be touching their G-Spot.

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For the remainder of women, these sexologists say the G-Spot is
positioned as follows:

10% - on the top, 2 3 inches inside the vagina
10% - on the top, 3 4 inches inside the vagina
10% - on the top, spread from the front to about 5 inches inside the

This tells us that if all you had was a 3 inch penis, you could easily
satisfy 80% of the women in the world.

Its What You Give Not What You Have

Now, well not deny that there are a few women whose thing is a large
penis just like there are guys who have a thing for large breasts.

But here is a question for youhave you ever had sex with a woman
whose breasts were small? Was she able to satisfy you sexually? Of
course she was! If she didnt satisfy you sexually, it wasnt because of
her breast size.

Sure you may prefer large breasts over small ones but this is a visual
preference that has nothing to do with functionality or satisfaction.
Whether it is big tits, a pussy with long lips, a beautiful ass, or any other
female characteristic, these are all aesthetics that have nothing to do with
how well a woman can satisfy you.

The fact is the majority of men are completely happy with their wives
average-sized breasts just as the majority of women are completely
happy with their husbands average-sized penises.

Whats really important to a man is that his lady gives him her breasts
to look at, to play with, to ejaculate on, or whatever it is that he wants.
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That giving of herself and her breasts is whats exciting to a man not
what her breast size is.

And so it is with a woman. When you give yourself to her in the areas
that are important to her, she will be very happy and her happiness will
have nothing to do with your penis size.

What She Needs Has Nothing To Do With Size

Because sex is such a physical thing with a man, many men mistakenly
assume that it is exactly the same for a woman. But this is simply not
true. For a woman, sex is 95% mental and 5% physical.

What a woman needs is approval, appreciation, and attention from her
man before she can be happy and satisfied. Women need a mans
approval just like a man needs sexual release.

This need for approval is such a strong need in a woman that the man
who gives her the approval, attention, and appreciation that she craves
owns her even if he has the smallest penis in the entire world.

Further, your woman needs to feel mentally close and connected with
you. If a woman comes away from a lovemaking session feeling
cheated, it wont be because of your penis size. It will be because she
didnt go into and come out of the intimate encounter feeling close and
connected to you.

For most women, even if you were to bring them to multiple orgasms
and yet never connect with them mentally, they will feel less than
satisfied with the lovemaking experience.

Whats more, because of her own insecurities your woman needs to feel
like you are turned on by her that she is really the most beautiful and
attractive woman in the whole world and that she really excites you.
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When you make her feel attractive, she will be happy with you and she
will want to be intimate with you and your penis size will have zero
impact on her level of happiness.

Unlike men, no normal woman in her right mind is interested in a sexual
encounter just for the sake of having a sexual encounter. If a woman has
a sexual encounter, it is solely because she is looking for fulfillment in
the mental areas of approval, attractiveness, attention, appreciation,
closeness, and connection whether she realizes this or not.

As an interesting side note, studies have shown that when a woman can
get past all of her inhibitions, she can achieve, or almost achieve orgasm
just from mental stimulation. Given that she can do this, your penis just
makes it easier and better for her regardless of its size. All you have to
do is get her turned on mentally and she will be completely happy.

Story #1

Consider this mans story

Having been in strip bars (some totally nude and
others partially nude) in big cities like Chicago,
Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San J ose, and
so on, I found my most memorable strip-bar
experience while on a business trip to Springfield,

I went into this partially nude strip club and there
were at least a dozen very beautiful girls with
virtually perfect bodies and no one interested in

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because there was this one girl she wasnt the
prettiest girl, definitely didnt have the best shape
(a little on the chubby side), her breasts were

and she was the girl that every guy in the club
was lined up to see.

And, it didnt take but just a moment for me to see
why. In fact, I got myself in line as quickly as I
could so I could experience it for myself. Heres
what happened when it came my turn

This stripper gave me a look in the eyes that she
backed up with words coming out of her mouth
which she backed up with the movements of her
body all three of which said, I absolutely want
YOU so bad I can hardly stand it. I want to take
you on a sexual pleasure ride like you have never
been on before. I am your pleasure doll and no
one will ever be able to please you like I will. I
am your sexual dreams come true.

It was quite interesting that the ugliest girl in
the place could command the attention of every
male patron there simply because she knew
what turned a man on and she had the confidence
to give him what he wanted and she understood
that what she looked like wasnt all that

The Packaging Is Unimportant

The previous story illustrates an important truism.
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How a person is packaged has very little bearing on what they can be,
achieve, accomplish, and have.

An average person with the right attitudes within them, combined with
the ability to direct those right attitudes at other people in the right way
will, in the long-run, win out over a pretty person who does not have
the right attitudes and who is self-centered.

In other words, the strippers in the above story who were packaged
better (better looking) couldnt touch the stripper who wasnt
packaged as well (not as good looking) but who was confident enough
in herself to give others what they wanted.

What this means to you is that your attitude and perspective towards a
woman are far more valuable and attractive to her than any physical
traits you might possess. A woman wants a man to connect with her
mentally and emotionally and when a man gives her this, things like
penis size dont even cross her mind.

Now, you may view this concept of the anatomical packaging being
unimportant as suspect so lets ask a question?

Have you ever known or heard of a man or woman leaving/divorcing
their spouse for someone who wasnt nearly as attractive as their first
spouse was?

No doubt you have. Why would a rational person do this? Well, as the
old saying goes, beauty is skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the

What is completely irrational is the fact that many, many people base
their decision to marry someone almost completely based on anatomy
and after the I Dos are said, anatomy becomes completely
unimportant and its whats inside of that person that becomes important.
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If youve been married any length of time, you already know that when
there are marital problems, its almost always due to whats inside of a
person not because of their anatomy (obesity being a common

Story #2

Heres another mans story

Back in the 1980s I moved to a small town in
North-Eastern Texas and one of my neighbors
was a man and his absolutely gorgeous, drop-dead
beautiful wife. I mean, this woman could have
easily taken Hollywood in the palm of her hand if
she had wanted to.

And I wasnt the only one who found this woman
attractive. Any time she went out in public, mens
tongues hit the ground and their groin areas
started bulging.

Well, a few years go by and this neighbor man up
and divorces his beautiful wife.

As you might imagine, he was immediately the
talk of the town. The men of the town could not
figure out why this man would divorce a woman
that all the rest of us would have given anything
we had just to be able to have her one time.

After a while, this beautiful woman married
another man in the town who had a bit of a
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loose tongue and we all finally learned why the
first husband had divorced her.

As it turned out, trying to have sex with this
woman was horribleshe would just lay there
like a sack of potatoes. Evidently, in her mind,
she thought that just because she was beautiful,
that should be enough to make sex with her
fabulous but it wasnt.

The moral of this story is that a satisfying sexual experience is based on
two people giving of themselves emotionally and that there is very little
satisfaction in two people having an anatomical experience.

Its Not An Issue With Her Unless You Make It

A woman may give thought to whether or not she thinks you are
handsome and attractive prior to marriage (just as you did her). But,
once shes married you, she no longer gives any thought or attention to
whether or not you are handsome enough for her she doesnt even
think about how you look any more to her you just are.

The same applies to your penis size. While it is highly unlikely, it is
possible that your woman thought about or considered your penis size
the first time the two of you were together. But what is for sure is that
after you were married, she has never thought about it again unless
you have repeatedly brought it up because of your own paranoia.

But be warned, if you express concern over your penis size to your
woman, it will backfire on you!

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You see, she isnt going to think you are too small, she is going to
assume that something is wrong with her. Shes going to think that her
vagina is too big (especially if she has had children) and that she isnt
pleasing you, and that its all her fault and theres nothing she can do
about it which creates an even worse feeling of not only being
inadequate but helpless to do anything about it.

This will be the start of many marital problems that can be completely
avoided simply by you ceasing to be paranoid over your penis size.

As an analogy, its like non-technical people trying to use a computer. If
something stops working or they cant get it to work the way they want
it to, they assume the problem is with them and that the computer is
perfectly fine. In reality, the problem may very well be with the
computer but non-technical people always assume it is them.

In this same way, if you express concerns over your penis size, your
woman will assuredly assume that the problem is with her.

By the way, if you have already expressed concern over your penis size,
stop doing so immediately and start affirming her, approving of her,
telling her how great and wonderful she is, and how good she feels to
you so she can stop feeling insecure in herself because of your

Watch Who You Listen To

Here is a key point

Everything you see about penis size is coming from MEN!

It is coming from men who are capitalizing on a basic male concern.
These are men taking advantage of and capitalizing on the fundamental
male questions of am I ok?, do I measure up, am I attractive, etc.
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If you were to go look at websites for women developed and
maintained by women you would not find a single site that talks about
penis size and there are a lot of web pages out there.

The only thing close to penis size you will find is women asking other
women how to deal with their husbands who are overly concerned about
their penis size.

Its always men who are talking about penis size. In fact, it usually
starts when they are boys. The older boys are teasing the younger boys
by telling them that they have a 10 or 12 inch penis and the younger
boys are secretly freaking out thinking something is wrong with
themand this insecurity usually wages on in their minds for the rest of
their lives.

Shes Got Her Own Issues

Talking about fundamental human concerns, your woman isnt going to
be concerned about what you look like and what you feel like. Rather,
she is concerned about what she looks like to you and how she feels to

So, when you let her know she looks great, she turns you on, she feels
excellent, she really knows how to pleasure you, she really fulfills you,
etc. then your woman is going to feel like the lovemaking session was

Even the most confident and most attractive woman is concerned about
how she looks and whether she has your approval. No matter how pretty
she is, she is going to be focused on what she perceives as her ugly
spots not on the size of your penis.

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At the very outmost, your woman may be curious to know about your
penis size the first time you and her are together but after that, it wont
even cross her mind. Assuming youve been together for a while, your
penis size is the last thing that is on her mind.

If She Wasnt Satisfied With You, She Wouldnt
Be With You

People are pretty good at getting things that are really important to them
and that they really want.

If a man is really turned on by blonde hair, then he will only date girls
with blond hair. If its not that important to him, he may look at girls
with blond hair, but he will date any girl he is attracted to.

Similarly, if a woman is really turned on by big muscles, she will seek
out men with big muscles. Otherwise, big muscles are not really
important to her. At best, they may be a curiosity.

The point of this is that a woman will express and voice any real
important concerns she has prior to marriage. Woman after woman has
told her husband that if she had been concerned about penis size, she
would have asked about that prior to marriage. But she never asked
because it wasnt all that important to her.

Story #3

Naura Hayden, author of How To Satisfy a Woman Every Time and
How To Satisfy A Man Every Time, tells the following story:

In my younger years, I was with a man in Los
Angeles who had the largest penis I ever saw. It
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was over a foot long and so big around that my
fingers couldnt touch when I put my hands
around this mans penis. There was no way this
mans penis would fit inside of any womans
mouth or vagina let alone mine and so the
only way I could do him was to stimulate him
with my hands.

This man was the envy of every other man who
ever saw him in a locker room. In addition, this
man was extremely good looking, tall, dark hair,
and very successful in the fashion industry.

But, there was no woman who could have sex
with him. He never married and lived a very
lonely life. The only sex he ever had was when
he could get a woman to stimulate him with her
hands. He was truly a pathetic case.

So the question is, would you rather be the envy of all the men around
and never have sex or would you rather someone else be the envy while
you get the sex?

Theres Another Aspect Besides Size

So many men think about penis size a lot and give very little thought to
their ejaculation.

However, this is a huge opportunity for you to add an element to your
sex life that many women find to be a big turn-on.

In the world of adult movies, the male star who can make his ejaculate
shoot is on adult movie producers first-call list. These producers have
learned that the visual effect of a shooting ejaculation is far more
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appealing and interesting to a female viewer than the size of a male
actors penis. Because of this, these producers will skip right past the
guys with the larger penises and call the guys who can make their
ejaculate shoot.

Lets explore this a bit further

Story #4

Learn from this mans story

For several years, I had made home movies of
my wife. Along the way, I occasionally hinted
or suggested that I would be willing to make a
movie for her if she was interested.

She would always answer in some nice and
polite way that basically said she wasnt

But then, I came across the eBook Learn How
To Make Your Ejaculate Shoot on the web
page, and so
on a whim, I got the book, tried what it taught,
and in absolute amazement, I saw my cum shoot
completely over then end of a 4-foot bath towel.

I must tell you that prior to reading this eBook,
my cum would just pulse out 2 to 4 inches.

Well, I then got the idea of making a video of
me shooting my cum five times in a row while
telling my wife on the video that I was
imagining myself shooting my cum in her
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different holes and on her, etc. and giving the
video to her as a surprise gift.

When I popped the surprise on her, her
response was again polite but not all that
enthusiastic. But then, when she saw the first
shooting cum-shot she literally sat up on the bed.
Then, she saw the second shooting cum-shot and
she started laughing in surprise. Then, she saw
the third shooting cum-shot and she says,

Each time she saw me shoot my cum, her body
visibly responded to what she was seeing.

Well, Ill keep the rest of what happened to
myself but I will say that when my hand touched
her pussy, it was soaking wet!

But thats not the best part. Heres the part that
really made me smile

A week later, just before she left for work, she
asked me if I would be willing to make another
movie for her.

Wow! What a turn around. Very, very cool!

What Is Important About Your Penis

Here is an absolutely important point. It is essential that you give your
lady a firm penis. There are two reasons for this. One is physical and
the other is mental.

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On the physical side, the simple fact is, its difficult for a soft penis to
really pleasure a woman like a good, solid, hard cock can.

On the mental front, a hard penis tells a woman that you are really
turned on by her and that makes her feel good about herself.
Conversely, if you arent hard, then she thinks that she doesnt have
what it takes to turn you on.

With very few exceptions, large penises for whatever reason lack that
firmness and a real ability to get hard.

For example, in the Porn World, Dick Rambone was considered the big
dog some say his penis was 15 inches and others say it was 18 inches
penis but in either case, there was a slight problemhe could hardly
ever get it hard enough for intercourse. The adult movie world tried and
tried to film him in action before they finally threw him out because of
his inability to get and maintain an erection. (his career was between
1985 and 1986 its also rumored that he had serious surgery done in
order to get his penis size).

So, there are three things you need to do to make sure you can give your
woman a good hard dick.

First, lay off the junk food, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, and drugs all of
which have been proven to make a man impotent.

Second, get plenty of exercise and rest, and drink lots of water.

Third, be aware of the recovery time you need between orgasms and
pace yourself accordingly.

The amount of time you need to recuperate between orgasms changes
with age. If you are age 20, you can probably have an orgasm at lunch
time and have another raging hard-on by bed-time. But, if you are age
50, you probably cant recuperate in such a short time.
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Follow these three guidelines and youll be able to give your woman a
good, hard, dickand shell be happy regardless of its size.

Think About It From This Angle

To a man, the difference between a tight pussy and loose one is how fast
he cums. There is enough stimulation in an extremely tight pussy that it
is difficult for a man to keep from reaching orgasm quickly. However,
the quality of orgasm is much less than an orgasm achieved by a loose
pussy. Why? It is because the intensity of an orgasm is based on the
amount of time taken to build up to that orgasm not on the external
means of stimulation.

So, if it takes you longer to build up to orgasm with a loose pussy, you
will have a more powerful orgasm than you will if you come quickly in
a tight pussy. Plus, you get to experience the sexual act for a longer

This concept applies even more so to a woman. Because so much of sex
is mental to her, the longer she has to connect mentally and emotionally,
the greater her satisfaction will be with the sexual experience.

So, stop worrying about your size and start working at taking time to
build her up to powerful orgasms.

If She Brought Up Your Size, Heres Probably

There have been women who have made hurtful comments about their
husbands penis size not because the woman had any concern or
dissatisfaction about his penis size but rather because she was hurt,
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upset, and mad at her husband because of things he had done or said to
her. And so out of retaliation, the woman said whatever she could think
of that she thought might hurt him.

If this same man would work to take the hurt and pain out of his
marriage and foster and nurture his woman with approval, affection,
appreciation, time, love, and fulfill her emotional wants and needs, then
his wife would be absolutely satisfied with him and would think nothing
more about his penis size.

Heres What The Dr. Says

According to Ellis and Sargarin, the reason a woman behaves like a
nymphomaniac is because of "an overwhelming need to be loved, a
hunger that generally seems to be greater in women, than in men. Thus -
in her efforts to seek out affection, security, and acceptance - she comes
to have many sexual experiences that she might otherwise not

In other words, when a woman goes from man to man, it is because she
has serious issues and needs within herself that she is trying to get
resolved and met.

Some women (just as in men) are searching and go from relationship to
relationship due to an internal emptiness they are trying to fulfill

If youre dating a woman who is concerned about your penis size, then
you dealing with a woman who has such major issues within herself that
the only way she knows how to make herself feel better is to base her
self-worth and value upon the size, looks, money, etc of the man shes
with. Hence, the reason she has a concern over your penis size.

If youve got a woman like this, she needs serious help.
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This is not unlike men who have extremely low self-esteem and so they
put down their woman or even assault her in an effort to lift them selves
up and make them selves feel better.

What Are You Drawing Attention To?

Imagine for a moment that you are watching a stripper with small
breasts perform. And as you watch her, it is apparent to you that she is
self-conscious of her small breasts. Where does your focus go? Thats
right! Your attention stays on her small breasts because thats where her
attention is.

Now, pretend you are watching another stripper who also has small
breasts perform. But this stripper apparently gives no thought to the size
of her breasts. Where does your focus go? Right again! Your attention
goes straight to her ass and pussy.

In the same way, a man who is self-conscious and paranoid about his
penis size inadvertently draws attention to the very thing he is concerned

On the other hand, when a man is seemingly unconcerned about his
penis size, a womans focus goes to the mental aspects of how he makes
her feel emotionally and mentally. Penis size doesnt even enter into her

Penis Enhancement

If you are still overly concerned about your penis size, by all means, do
the penis enhancement exercises available on the web (those that
promote the J elq along with penis extenders work the best).

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Penis enhancement can be just another aspect of exercising and toning
your body just like running and working out. Its a positive trait to
want to stay fit and look good.

J ust dont have unrealistic expectations. The many websites that insist
you can gain 6 inches are flat out lying! In reality, most men experience
a bit of an increase in diameter and less of an increase in length. The
biggest advantage lies in the fact that the flaccid (non-erect) penis is
larger when a man does penis enhancement exercises.

On a similar note, should you decide to spend your money on penis
enhancement pills, expect it to basically be a waste of money. Many of
them do absolutely nothing for a man VigRX for example. At best,
they cause a man to have more and slightly harder erections at night
Pro Solution for example.

But the main point is this Feel free to do penis enhancement
exercises, but definitely DO NOT let your penis size become such an
issue in your mind that if affects your confidence and ability to perform.

Lets Get Real

Our societys portrayal of women unhappy with the average man and
looking for the ultimate hung-stud isnt real world!

A Real woman, the kind of woman that can give you a lifetime of
happiness ISNT concerned about your penis size. Shes concerned
about having a romantic marriage with a man who is her lover and her
friend AND who is a good Dad to the children.

On the other hand, the kind of woman who IS concerned about your
penis size, is the same kind of woman who can give you a lifetime of
trouble in terms of infidelity, disease, divorce, problem children, child
support, alimony, etc.
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If you arent yet married, make sure you get yourself a real woman.
Lifes a lot easier when you do.

Get Over Your Paranoia

Too many men let their paranoia about penis size make them poor

Guys with above-average penises are consistently reported to be bad
lovers because they think its all about size. They dont realize that for a
woman, sex is mostly an emotional experience and that penis size has
nothing to do with how satisfied she is with a sexual experience.

So, what these above-average men think is their strength is actually their
weakness and your opportunity. Dont blow it by being concerned about
your penis size. Instead, come out on top by connecting with your
woman mentally and emotionally and take time to build her up to a
powerful orgasm.

If you were a man who was into big tits, and some hot young chick were
to come on to you like a ton of bricks would you care about the size of
her tits? Of course you wouldnt! Socome on to your woman like a
ton of bricks and penis size wont matter to her either.

Besides, your penis makes you feel good regardless of its size, does it
not? So, the next time you feel concern about your penis size, just tell
yourself, I may not be able to say hes the biggest guy out there but I
can say that he sure knows how to make me feel good and he sure
knows how to make Momma feel go too!

God Made All Things Good

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Before we conclude, allow us to make what we believe to be the most
important reason of all you should not be worrying about your penis

The Bible tells us in Genesis Chapter 1 verse 31 that God saw
everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

You see, God made all things good. And specifically, God made the
average mans average-sized penis to be exactly the size it needed to be
to completely and thoroughly satisfy a woman.

From a biblical perspective, it is satan working through ungodly men to
tear down everything good that God has made and if he can tear down
your happiness and your marriage by causing you to be overly
concerned about your penis size, then thats just fine with him.

J ust know and accept that God made you good including your penis.

By the way, another thing that your woman needs is for you to be a
spiritual leader in your home. To get started, find you a Bible, and read
Matthew chapters 5, 6, 7 and J ohn chapters 3 and 14. From there, start
reading the New Testament of the Bible and find a church to take your
family to.


Really, deep down, you already knew all of this didnt you?

But somehow, usually because of bogus and unrealistic media and
entertainment, we get our focus off of loving/giving to the other person
and we become fixated on our own perceived limitations, weaknesses, or
lack which is the worst thing we can do because it just tears us down
in front of and to the other person.

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So, quit focusing on your penis size and start focusing on loving your
wife get past penis size and go be a great lover and everything will
be just fine!

One more thingif youve got one or more boys, share this information
with them at the appropriate time so they dont have to spend their lives
concerned about the size of their penis.

We would love to hear what you have to say about this eBook and how
to make it better. Send all comments to:

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