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Interpretation In this Constitution and By-Law and all other By-Laws and resolutions of the Dundas Federation of Agriculture, (DFA) unless the context otherwise requires a) $) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 1) 3) l) !Board! "eans the Board of Directors of the DFA# !By-Law! "eans any By-Law of DFA including any s%ecial By-Law# !County! "eans the County of Dundas in &ntario# !&FA! "eans the &ntario Federation of Agriculture# !'egistered! "eans a far"ing $usiness registration under the Far" Business 'egistration and Far" &rgani(ations Funding Act, )**+# !,hall- will $e construed as i"%erati.e# !/ay! will $e construed as %er"issi.e# !/e"$er! "eans a "e"$er of DFA as defined in Article +# 0ords i"%orting the "asculine gender include the fe"inine# 2he headings and article and %aragra%h nu"$ers ha.e $een inserted for con.enience of reference only and shall in no way affect, define, li"it or enlarge the sco%e or "eaning# 4DFA Associate- "eans a non-.oting su%%orter of DFA in accordance with Article +#+# 4ex-officio- "eans non-.oting "e"$er of DFA#

Article 1 Name )#) 2his organi(ation shall $e 3nown as the Dundas Federation of Agriculture (DFA)#

Article 2 Objectives 5#) 5#5 5#+ 5#6 5#7 2o act as the Dundas county affiliate of the &ntario Federation of Agriculture (&FA)# 2o further the interests and the welfare of Dundas County far"ers, far" fa"ilies and the far"ing industry# 2o $ring .iew%oints and concerns of our "e"$ers forward for a%%ro%riate action and res%onse# 2o su%%ort and %ro"ote agriculture in con1unction with other grou%s at a local le.el# 2o "aintain a %olicy of strict inde%endence fro" any %olitical %arty and to conduct all its affairs in an o$1ecti.e and non-%olitical "anner#

Article 3 Membership +#) +#5 All 'egistered Far"ing Business /e"$ers, Indi.idual Far" /e"$ers and Associate 8oting /e"$ers as recogni(ed $y &FA and residing in Dundas County shall $e the "e"$ers of DFA# All DFA "e"$ers shall ha.e the right to .ote at all general "eetings, including the regular "onthly "e"$ershi% "eetings#, they shall not ha.e the right to .ote at a "eeting of the Board of Directors# DFA "ay esta$lish and set the %ara"eters for a non-.oting DFA Associate#


Article % &oar' o( Directors 6#) At the Annual :eneral "eeting, the "e"$ers shall elect;confir" fro" the county "e"$ershi%, a Board of Directors, "ade u% as follows <resident, 8ice-<resident, <ast <resident, and u% to four (6) DFA Directors %er /unici%al District of =orth Dundas and ,outh Dundas, "axi"u" eight (>) DFA Directors# 2he ?one )) Director of &FA is an ex-officio "e"$er of the Board# All elected Board %ositions are effecti.e until the next Annual /eeting# 2he Board of Directors shall $e res%onsi$le for 6#5#) the "anage"ent of all $usiness and financial affairs of the DFA $etween the annual "eetings of the "e"$ers@ 6#5#5 the a%%ointing a ,ecretary-2reasurer for the organi(ation@ 6#5#+ the de.elo%"ent of all %olicies and %rocedures for the County Federation and the i"%le"entation of &FA organi(ational %olicy@ 6#5#6 "a3ing a.aila$le a full re%ort of the acti.ities of the County Federation, including the %resentation of a re.iewed financial state"ent, to each Annual :eneral /eeting of the County Federation#


Article ) *olic+ A'visor+ #o,ncillor -*A#. an' Dele/ates to Ann,al #onvention 7#) At a "eeting to $e held %rior to &cto$er +) st in each year, the "e"$ers shall elect one "e"$er to $e the <AC and three additional "e"$ers as .oting delegates to the Annual /eeting and Con.ention of the &FA#

Article 0 Elections A#) Blections shall $e $y secret $allot and each %erson elected to a %osition $y DFA shall $e ex%ected to hold that office until a successor has $een elected# If a %osition $eco"es .acant $efore that ti"e, for exa"%le $y resignation or other reason, the Directors shall a%%oint an eligi$le %erson to fill the %osition for the $alance of the ter"#

Article 1 Meetin/s C#) 2he Annual :eneral /eeting of DFA shall $e held within ninety (*D) days following the DFA fiscal year# =otice of such "eeting shall $e $y two or "ore of the following "ail, local %ress, electronic "eans or DFA we$site, no fewer than fourteen ()6) calendar days in ad.ance of the date of that "eeting# 2he ("onthly) general "eetings of the DFA shall recogni(e "e"$ers and the DFA Board as each equal .oting rights# 2here shall $e at least ten ()D) of these "eetings in each fiscal year# ,%ecial :eneral /eetings C#+#) 2he Board of Directors "ay call ,%ecial :eneral /eetings on a s%ecial occasion or issue# 2he notice for such "eetings and .oting rights shall $e the sa"e as for an Annual :eneral /eeting# 2he Board of Directors shall call a ,%ecial :eneral "eeting, if 5D or "ore "e"$ers request in writing on a concern or s%ecific issue to the ,ecretary-2reasurer of DFA# ,uch a "eeting "ust $e held within +D days of recei%t#

C#5 C#+


C#6 C#7

/inutes of all DFA general "eetings and DFA Board "eetings shall $e 3e%t# All "eetings shall $e conducted in accordance with the rules of ordinary %arlia"entary %rocedure# 2here "ust $e at least fi.e (7) Board "e"$ers %resent for quoru" at "eetings#

Article 2 Finances >#) >#5 >#+ 2he fiscal year of the DFA shall $e the twel.e ()5) "onth %eriod $eginning on the first day of Eanuary and ending on the last day of Dece"$er# All "onies recei.ed $y the DFA shall $e de%osited $y the ,ecretary-2reasurer in a $an3 account "aintained $y the DFA# All ex%enditures shall $e in 3ee%ing with the o$ of DFA# 2he DFA financial records shall $e re.iewed following each fiscal year, $y a qualified %erson a%%ointed at the Annual :eneral /eeting# 2he re%ort of the financial exa"iner shall $e %resented at the Annual :eneral /eeting following that fiscal year-end# If an a%%ointed financial exa"iner is not a.aila$le at the following re.iew %eriod, the Board of Directors shall a%%oint a suita$le re%lace"ent#

Article 3 *olicies an' *roce',res *#) *#5 2he DFA shall ado%t such %olicies and %rocedures for the direction of its $usiness as $est suits its needs# 2he DFA "ay esta$lish ad hoc co""ittees as a%%ro%riate, with at least one $oard "e"$er %er co""ittee#

Article 14 Amen'ments )D#) 2his constitution "ay $e a"ended at any general "eeting $y a two-thirds .ote of "e"$ers %resent# =otice of %ro%osed a"end"ents shall $e %osted electronically .ia DFA we$site for no fewer than )6 days %rior to "eeting#

A%%ro.ed $y "e"$ers at the Annual :eneral /eeting F Fe$ruary )+, 5D)+


18 #o,nt+ *resi'ent - An honorariu" of G)DD "onthly, to $e re.iewed and u%dated at the discretion of the Board# 2. 9ice *resi'ent: *A# ; Directors - A yearly honorariu" of G)7D@ to $e re.iewed and u%dated at the discretion of the Board# 3. Secretar+6!reas,rer - An honorariu", %aid "onthly, twice yearly or yearly, as desired $y ,ecretary-2reasurer@ to $e set $y the Board and to $e re.iewed annually# %8 O,t6o(6#o,nt+ Milea/e<Meals - For "e"$ers of the Board and any designated "e"$ers, "ileage and "eal recei%ted ex%enses at u% to the current &FA Board sanctioned rate for tra.el;"eal ex%enses "ay $e clai"ed# )8 *er Diems 7#)# #onvention 'ele/ates= Delegates to the annual &FA con.ention "ay clai" a G+D %er die" for the 5 days of the con.ention# 2he ti"e required for the round-tri% to con.ention ma+ $e clai"ed as one additional day# DFA will %ay for one con.ention $anquet tic3et for each delegate;director attending that e.ent# 7#5 Eastern S,mmit -or e>,ivalent.? e/ional OFA Meetin/s= Any designated DFA "e"$er, u% to three "e"$ers %er "eeting, "ay clai" a G+D %er die" for their attendance# 2his %ay"ent will $e dee"ed to their out-of-county "ileage costs and lunch as %art of that %er die"# 7#+ Area meetin/s @ith M** or M*= H% to two designated DFA "e"$ers "ay clai" a G+D allowance for out-of-county "eeting with /<< or /< (or their senior staff)# 2his %ay"ent will $e dee"ed to their out-of-county "ileage costs and lunch as %art of that %er die"# 7#6 DFA 'esi/nate' Special Events= honorariu" for wor3 on s%ecial %ro1ects# Any designated DFA "e"$er "ay $e awarded

084 !elephone<FaA #osts Any long distance %hone;fax costs that in.ol.e legiti"ate DFA and;or &FA $usiness "ay $e clai"ed for rei"$urse"ent fro" DFA funds#

A%%ro.ed $y "e"$ers at the Annual :eneral /eeting F Fe$ruary )+, 5D)+

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