Angel Rodriguez 4 Health Occupations

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Angel Rodriguez Health Services Occupations Ms.

Toth Physical Therapists or PTs help people who have injuries or illnesses improve their movement and manage their pain. They help with rehabilitation and treatment o patients with chronic conditions or injuries. They help patients with motility problems in all parts o their bodies. They use several di erent techni!ues li"e e#ercises$ stretching$ hands on therapy and various e!uipment to ease patient%s pain and increase their ability to increase motility. They wor" in clinics$ hospitals and private practice. Some specialize in sports medicine or pediatrics. & would want to wor" in sports medicine to help athletes. 'hysical therapists are re!uired to have a postgraduate pro essional degree. All states re!uire physical therapists to be licensed. Some choose to be (oard certi ied. They pass an e#am or this certi ication. The pay varies rom )*+$ ,,, to )-,.$,,, annually depending on your e#pertise and !uali ications. 'hysical Therapists are going to continue to increase with time. 'eople will see" alternative measures rather than pain medicine. Occupational Therapists and /hiropractors are in similar roles.

Occupational Therapists help and treat patients with injuries$ illnesses$ or disabilities through the therapeutic use o everyday activities. They help patients develop$ recover$ and improve the s"ills needed or daily living and wor"ing. 'atients may have permanent disabilities0 they show them how to use appropriate e!uipment$ li"e leg or "nee braces and wheelchairs. This allows the patient to live independently and control their living environment even with disabilities. Some wor" in schools$ hospitals and clinics. They wor" with in ants to elderly patients. Some help a patient have a better wor"ing space by adapting to the needs o the patient. They can wor" with employers to assist people with physical or mental barriers. They may help a patient with basics li"e budgeting or problems with drug abuse$ alcoholism$ depression$ or su er rom other disorders.

Occupational therapists need a master%s degree rom an accredited occupational therapy program. Occupational therapists must also be licensed. The annual pay ranges rom )12$34, to more than )-,4$*4,. The need or Occupational Therapists will grow due to people aging and the people with disabilities having rights to e!ual treatment. Similar occupations may be Athletic Trainers and physical therapists.

Athletic Sports Trainers specialize in preventing$ diagnosing$ and treating muscle and bone injuries and illnesses in athletes. They wor" with people o all ages and all s"ill levels$ rom young children to soldiers and pro essional athletes. They can wor" in educational settings and in physicians5 o ices or or pro essional sports teams. & would want to wor" with a sports team. They need at least a bachelor%s degree$ although both bachelor%s and master5s degrees are common. &n most states$ they need a license or certi ication. The annual pay ranges rom )4*$.*, to )61$+3,. This ield is e#pected to grow because more athletes are more aware o injuries and injury prevention at young ages. Similar occupations are physical therapists$ massage therapists and chiropractor. EMT or an Emergency Medical Technician these are di erent rom 'aramedics. They have to have di erent levels o training and 7MT%s can not puncture the s"in in any way to administer medications or ta"e blood. A 3-- operator sends 7MT%s to the scene o an emergency$ where they sometimes wor" with police and ire ighters. 7MT%s per orm medical services and assist in transporting patients to medical acilities. They wor" indoors and outdoors depending on where the emergency ta"es place. A high school diploma or e!uivalent and /'R certi ication are prere!uisites or most 7MT training programs. 8ormal training is o ered by technical institutes$ community colleges$ and acilities that specialize in emergency care training. There are di erent levels o 7MT%s and this allows you to per orm di erent duties. 7MT9(asic training includes instruction in assessing patients5$ dealing with trauma and cardiac emergencies$ clearing obstructed airways$ using ield e!uipment$ and handling emergencies. 8ormal courses include about -,, hours o specialized training. Some

training may be re!uired in a hospital or ambulance setting. The 7MT9&ntermediate re!uires -$,,, hours o training based on the scope o practice. One must complete the training re!uired at the 7MT level$ as well as more advanced training$ such as training in the use o comple# airway devices$ intravenous luids$ and some medications. All states re!uire 7MT5s and to be licensed. 'ay ranges rom )-3$.-, to )*-$+.,. There will always be a need or 7MT%s due to various health related emergencies always happening. Similar occupations are ire ighters and nurses.


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