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G.R. No. 160 !1




Fe+r(ar, -, .//0- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0



This petition see1s to set aside the De2ision dated 34 %(), .//3 o5 the Co(rt o5 Appea)s in CA-G.R. SP No. 66/-7 entit)ed, 8Triad Se2(rit, 9 A))ied Ser:i2es, In2. and Anthon, !. ;(e :. $a+or Ar+iter d*ar Bisana, et a).< The dispositi:e portion o5 the de2ision reads: WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED DUE COURSE and is DISMISSED. The temporary restraining order ear ier iss!ed on "!ne #$, $%%& is 'IFTED. The (o o)ing are the pertinent (a*ts+ Petitioner Triad Se2(rit, and A))ied Ser:i2es, In2., =Triad Se2(rit,> is a d(), )i2ensed se2(rit, a*en2, o?ned +, 2opetitioner Anthon, !. ;(e. It ho)ds o55i2e at -6. Car)os Pa)an2a St., ;(iapo, "ani)a. On the other hand, respondents Si):estre Orte*a, %r., Arie) A):aro, Ri2hard Se:i))ano, "artin Ca))(en*, and Isa*ani Capi)a ?ere 5or'er), e'p)o,ed +, petitioner Triad Se2(rit, as se2(rit, *(ards. On .7 "ar2h 4@@@, respondents 5i)ed a 2o'p)aint a*ainst petitioners and a 2ertain Ret. BAGen. %a:ier D. Car+one)) 5or (nderpa,'entAnonpa,'ent o5 sa)aries, o:erti'e pa,, pre'i(' pa, 5or ho)ida, and rest da,, ser:i2e in2enti:e )ea:e pa,, ho)ida, pa,, and attorne,Bs 5ees. The 2o'p)aint ?as a'ended on ./ Apri) 4@@@ to in2)(de the 2har*es o5 i))e*a) dis'issa), i))e*a) ded(2tions, (nderpa,'entAnonpa,'ent o5 a))o?an2e, separation pa,, and 2)ai's 5or 43 th 'onth pa,, 'ora) and e0e'p)ar, da'a*es as ?e)) as ni*ht shi5t di55erentia).. A22ordin* to respondents, d(rin* the ti'e that the, ?ere in the e'p)o, o5 petitioners, the, ?ere re2ei:in* 2o'pensation ?hi2h ?as +e)o? the 'ini'(' ?a*e 5i0ed +, )a?. The, ?ere a)so 'ade to render ser:i2es e:er,da, 5or 4. ho(rs +(t ?ere not paid the reC(isite o:erti'e pa,, ni*htshi5t di55erentia), and ho)ida, pa,. Respondents )i1e?ise )a'ented the 5a2t that petitioners 5ai)ed to pro:ide the' ?ith ?ee1), rest period, ser:i2e in2enti:e )ea:e pa,, and 43 th 'onth pa,. As a res()t o5 these per2ei:ed (n5airness, respondents 5i)ed a 2o'p)aint +e5ore the $a+or Standards n5or2e'ent Di:ision o5 the Depart'ent o5 $a+or on - %an(ar, 4@@@. !pon )earnin* o5 the 2o'p)aint, respondentsB ser:i2es ?ere ter'inated ?itho(t the +ene5it o5 noti2e and hearin*.For their part, petitioners denied respondentsB 2)ai' o5 i))e*a) dis'issa). Petitioners e0p)ained that 'ana*e'ent po)i2ies di2tate that the se2(rit, *(ards +e rotated to di55erent assi*n'ents to a:oid 5raterniDation and that the, +e reC(ired to ta1e re5resher 2o(rses at their headC(arters. Respondents a))e*ed), re5(sed to 2o'p), ?ith these po)i2ies and instead ?ent on )ea:e or si'p), re5(sed to report at their headC(arters. As 5or respondentsB 'one, 2)ai's, petitioners insisted that respondents ?or1ed 5or on), ei*ht ho(rs a da,, si0 da,s a ?ee1 and that the, re2ei:ed their pre'i(' pa,s 5or ser:i2es rendered d(rin* ho)ida,s and rest da,. The ser:i2e in2enti:e )ea:e o5 respondents ?as a))e*ed), 'ade pa,a+)e as soon as respondents app)ied 5or said +ene5it.. In his de2ision dated .E Fe+r(ar, .///, $a+or Ar+iter %ose G. de Vera 5o(nd in 5a:or o5 respondents. The dispositi:e portion o5 his de2ision states: F& R FOR , a)) the 5ore*oin* pre'ises 2onsidered G(d*'ent is here+, rendered orderin* the respondents to reinstate the 2o'p)ainants =respondents herein> to their 5or'er Go+s as se2(rit, *(ards, and to pa, Goint), and so)idari), 2o'p)ainantsB +a21?a*es ?hi2h as o5 Fe+r(ar, .H, ./// a)read, a'o(nt to PH63,.33.47, and to s(2h 5(rther +a21?a*es as the, a22r(e (nti) reinstate'ent order is 2o'p)ied ?ith +, the respondents =petitioners herein> F(rther, respondents are ordered to pa, Goint), and so)idari), separation pa, 2o'p(ted at the a**re*ate s(' o5 P.3.,@6-..7 in the e:ent reinstate'ent is no )on*er 5easi+)e F(rther'ore, respondents are ordered to pa, Goint), and so)idari), 2o'p)ainantsB 'one, 2)ai's in the a**re*ate s(' o5 P@7-, 447.3/.And 5ina)),, respondents are ordered to pa, attorne,Bs 5ees eC(i:a)ent to ten per2ent =4/I> o5 the G(d*'ent a?ard.

As petitioners 5ai)ed to seasona+), 5i)e an appea) ?ith the Nationa) $a+or Re)ations Co''ission, the de2ision o5 the )a+or ar+iter +e2a'e 5ina) and e0e2(tor, pro'ptin* respondents to 5i)e a 'otion 5or the iss(an2e o5 ?rit o5 e0e2(tion on .3 %(ne .///. The ?rit o5 e0e2(tion ?as therea5ter iss(ed on .7 A(*(st .///.

On 4E Septe'+er .///, petitioners 5i)ed a 'otion to re2o'p(te 'one, 2)ai's as de2reed ar*(in* therein that respondentsB 'one, 2)ai's as 2ontained in the .E Fe+r(ar, ./// de2ision ?ere +ase)ess and that their 5or'er 2o(nse) ?as not 5(rnished a 2op, o5 the 2o'p(tation nor ?as he a))o?ed to s(+'it 2o''ents thereon.

P(rs(ant to the ?rit o5 e0e2(tion, petitioner Triad Se2(rit,Bs 5(nds ?ith its 2)ients Re'a) nterprises and Don Pedro AD(2arera a'o(ntin* to one 'i))ion t?o h(ndred t?ent,-5o(r tho(sand se:en h(ndred si0t,-t?o pesos and 5ort, 2enta:os =P4,..H,6-..H/> ?ere *arnished.

On 3 O2to+er .///, petitioners 5i)ed a 'otion to )i5t noti2es o5 *arnish'ent

In the order dated 4H No:e'+er .///, the )a+or ar+iter denied, 5or )a21 o5 'erit, petitionersB 'otion to re2o'p(te respondentsB 'one, 2)ai's as ?e)) as their 'otion to )i5t noti2es o5 *arnish'ent. In the sa'e order, the *arnished re2ei:a+)es ?ere ordered re)eased to the N$RC 2ashier 5or proper disposition to respondents.

On .3 No:e'+er .///, respondents 5i)ed a 'otion see1in* the re)ease o5 the 5(nds then in the 2(stod, o5 the N$RC 2ashier.

On 43 De2e'+er .///, petitioners 5i)ed an appea) +e5ore the N$RC assai)in* the denia) o5 their 'otion to re2o'p(te 'one, 2)ai's and the )a+or ar+iterBs order re)easin* the *arnished 5(nds to respondents. This appea) ?as dis'issed +, the N$RCBs 5irst di:ision in its order pro'()*ated on .@ "a, .//4.

Si'i)ar), i))-5ated ?ere petitionersB petition 5or inG(n2tion ?hi2h ?as dis'issed +, the N$RC in its reso)(tion o5 .. "a, .//4 and their 'otion 5or re2onsideration o5 said reso)(tion ?hi2h ?as denied 5or (tter )a21 o5 'erit on H Septe'+er .//4.

Fo))o?in* petitionersB set-+a21s +e5ore the N$RC, the )a+or ar+iter iss(ed the order dated 34 A(*(st .//4 de2reein* the re)ease o5 the 5(nds in the possession o5 the N$RC 2ashier to respondents.

On 4 O2to+er .//., the )a+or ar+iter iss(ed an a)ias ?rit o5 e0e2(tion 2o''andin* the sheri55 to 2o))e2t 5ro' petitioners the a'o(nt o5 si0 h(ndred three tho(sand se:en h(ndred ninet,-5o(r and se:ent,-se:en 2enta:os =P-/3,6@H.66> representin* the (nsatis5ied +a)an2e o5 the G(d*'ent a?ard 2ontained in the .E Fe+r(ar, ./// de2ision.

A2tin* on respondentsB 'otion dated 47 O2to+er .//., the )a+or ar+iter iss(ed the order dated @ De2e'+er .//. dire2tin* the 2ashier o5 Don Pedro AD(2arera to re)ease to the N$RC 2ashier the *arnished 5(nds tota)in* P-/3,6@H.66. The 5(nds ?ere e:ent(a)), ordered re)eased to respondents p(rs(ant to the )a+or ar+iterBs order o5 46 De2e'+er .//..

On 3/ Septe'+er .//., the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit o5 the N$RC 2a'e (p ?ith a 2o'p(tation o5 'onetar, a?ard ?here it appears that petitioners ?ere )ia+)e to respondents 5or the a'o(nt o5 P.,/@6,47...representin* the )atterBs +a21?a*es and separation pa,.

On 3/ %an(ar, .//3, petitioners 5i)ed their 2o''ent on the 2o'p(tation prepared +, the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit. Petitioners essentia)), opposed the 2o'p(tation +ased on the 5o))o?in* *ro(nds:

=a> =+>

the +a)an2e o5 the (nsatis5ied a?ard is on), Php -/3,6@H.66 and not Php .,/@6,47...appearin* on the 2o'p(tationJ the +asis 5or 2o'p(tin* the ?a*e di55erentia) is erroneo(s.

On the +asis o5 the ne? 2o'p(tation, respondents 5i)ed a 'otion 5or the iss(an2e o5 . nd a)ias ?rit o5 e0e2(tion. This 'otion ?as predi2ta+), opposed +, petitioners.

Despite petitionersB protest, the )a+or ar+iter iss(ed the .3 Apri) .//3 order statin* as 5o))o?s:

The re2ords o5 the 2ase re:ea) that the de2ision ordered the respondents to reinstate the 2o'p)ainants to their 5or'er Go+ as se2(rit, *(ards and de2reed that respondents sha)) pa, to the 2o'p)ainants 5(rther +a21?a*es as the, a22r(e (nti) the order o5 reinstate'ent is 2o'p)ied ?ith. The order o5 reinstate'ent is se)5-e0e2(tin* and sho()d +e 2o'p)ied ?ith +, the respondents (pon re2eipt o5 the de2ision either +, pa,ro)) or ph,si2a) reinstate'ent. =Pioneer Te0t(riDin* Corporation :s. N$RC, .E/ SCRA E/-, in re)ation to Arti2)e ..3 o5 the $a+or Code, as a'ended>. The respondents 5ai)ed to 2o'p), ?ith the order o5 reinstate'ent, hen2e, 2o'p)ainantsB +a21?a*es a22r(ed. As a 'atter o5 pro2ed(re, this O55i2e ordered the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit to 2o'p(te 2o'p)ainantsB a22r(ed +a21?a*es. On Septe'+er 3/, .//., the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit 2a'e (p ?ith the tota) a'o(nt o5 TFO "I$$ION NIN TY S V N T&O!SAND ON &!NDR D FIFTY TFO and .-A4// =P.,/@6,47...-> P SOS. The respondents 5i)ed their 2o''ent on the 2o'p(tation and their opposition to 2o'p)ainantsB 'otion 5or e0e2(tion. Fe 2onsidered and st(died respondentsB ar*('ents in their 2o''ent and opposition and Fe 5o(nd the' inadeC(ate to o:er2o'e the pres('ption o5 2orre2tness and re*()arit, o5 the 2o'p(tationJ hen2e, the sa'e is here+, appro:ed. F(rther, the ar*('ent re*ardin* the s(pposed pres2ri+ed period 2o:erin* the 'onth . Fe+r(ar, K ./ Apri) 4@@- appears in2onseC(entia) in :ie? o5 a 'ani5estation d(rin* 2on5eren2e that =2o'p)ainants are> ?i))in* to ad'it the sa'e and ded(2t the' 5ro' ?hate:er a'o(nt is sti)) d(e the'. F& R FOR , in :ie? o5 the 5ore*oin*, 2o'p)ainantsB 'otion 5or the e0e2(tion o5 their a22r(ed +a21?a*es a'o(ntin* to TFO "I$$ION NIN TY S V N T&O!SAND ON &!NDR D FIFTY TFO and .-A4// =P., /@6,47...-> P SOS as 2o'p(ted +, the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit o5 the N$RC is here+, *ranted )ess the a'o(nt o5 'ore or )ess P6.,E/7.// 2o:erin* the ?a*e di55erentia) 5or the period . Fe+r(ar, K ./ Apri) 4@@-.

$et an A)ias Frit o5 0e2(tion 5or the en5or2e'ent o5 the P.,/@6,47...- )ess the a+o:e'entioned a'o(nt, as 2o'p)ainantsB a22r(ed +a21?a*es, +e a22ordin*), iss(ed.

Forth?ith, a .nd a)ias ?rit o5 e0e2(tion dated 4H "a, .//3 ?as iss(ed +, the )a+or ar+iter 5or the satis5a2tion o5 the a'o(nt o5 P.,/.H,3H6..- 8representin* =respondentsB> (npaid a22r(ed +a21?a*es as 2o'p(ted +, the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit 000, in2)(din* attorne,Bs 5ees, p)(s e0e2(tion 5ee.<

On ./ "a, .//3, petitioners 5i)ed +e5ore the Co(rt o5 Appea)s a petition 5or certiorari ?ith pra,er 5or the iss(an2e o5 a te'porar, restrainin* order andAor ?rit o5 pre)i'inar, inG(n2tion.

In a reso)(tion pro'()*ated on 4. %(ne .//3, the Co(rt o5 Appea)s iss(ed a te'porar, restrainin* order enGoinin* the e0e2(tion or en5or2e'ent o5 the .3 Apri) .//3 order o5 the )a+or ar+iter.

PetitionersB :i2tor, ?ith the Co(rt o5 Appea)s ?as, ho?e:er, short-)i:ed. In the de2ision no? assai)ed +e5ore (s, the Co(rt o5 Appea)s r()ed that +a21?a*es pa,a+)e to respondents sho()d +e 2o'p(ted 5ro' the date o5 their ter'ination 5ro' their Go+s (nti) a2t(a) reinstate'ent as pro:ided in Arti2)e ..3 o5 the $a+or Code. As petitioners 5ai)ed to o+ser:e said pertinent pro:ision o5 the )a?, the )a+or ar+iter 2o()d not +e 2har*ed ?ith ha:in* 2o''itted a *ra:e a+(se o5 dis2retion ?hen he iss(ed the assai)ed .3 Apri) .//3 order.

"oreo:er, the Co(rt o5 Appea)s too1 note o5 the 8pro2ed(ra) +(t 5ata) 5)a?< 2o''itted +, petitioners ?hen the, i''ediate), e)e:ated their 2ase via petition 5or certiorari +e5ore the Co(rt o5 Appea)s ?itho(t 5irst see1in* re2o(rse 5ro' the N$RC in :io)ation not on), o5 the R()es o5 Pro2ed(re o5 said +od, +(t a)so o5 the do2trine o5 e0ha(stion o5 ad'inistrati:e re'edies.

PetitionersB 'otion 5or re2onsideration ?as denied +, the Co(rt o5 Appea)s in a reso)(tion dated ./ No:e'+er .//3.

&en2e this petition raisin* the 5o))o?in* iss(es:






The petition is partia)), 'eritorio(s.

First, ?e sha)) reso):e the pro2ed(ra) iss(e posed in this petition.

Petitioners 2ontend that +ased on the r()es o5 pro2ed(re o5 the N$RC, the order *rantin* the iss(an2e o5 the . nd a)ias ?rit o5 e0e2(tion 2o()d not ha:e +een the proper s(+Ge2t o5 an appea) +e5ore the N$RC neither 2o()d petitioners ha:e so(*ht the re'ed, o5 certiorari 5ro' the N$RC. Petitioners ar*(e that the r()es o5 pro2ed(re o5 the N$RC do not pro:ide 5or an, re'ed, or pro2ed(re 5or 2ha))en*in* the order *rantin* a ?rit o5 e0e2(tionJ hen2e, the pertinent pro:ision o5 the Re:ised R()es o5 Co(rt sho()d app), ?hi2h in this 2ase is Se2tion 4 o5 R()e H4. It states:

Se2tion 4. S(+Ge2t o5 appea) K An appea) 'a, +e ta1en 5ro' a G(d*'ent or 5ina) order that 2o'p)ete), disposes o5 the 2ase, or o5 a parti2()ar 'atter therein ?hen de2)ared +, these R()es to +e appea)a+)e.

No appea) 'a, +e ta1en 5ro': 0000 =5> 0000 In a)) the a+o:e instan2es ?here the G(d*'ent or 5ina) order is not appea)a+)e, the a**rie:ed part, 'a, 5i)e an appropriate spe2ia) 2i:i) a2tion (nder R()e -7. An order o5 e0e2(tionJ

Mo"#o$#", R%&# III, S#'()on * o+ (,# R%&#- o+ P"o'#d%"# o+ (,# NLRC #./"#--&0 /"o-'")1#- (,# +)&)n2 o+ a /#()()on +o" certiorari 3

S CTION H. PRO&IBIT D P$ ADINGS 9 "OTIONS. The 5o))o?in* p)eadin*s, 'otions or petitions sha)) not +e a))o?ed in the 2ases 2o:ered +, these R()es:


2> Petition 5or Certiorari, "anda'(s or Prohi+ition.

T,#"#+o"#, )na-4%', a- (,# NLRC ,ad no a%(,o")(0 (o )--%# (,# 5")( o+ certiorari, "#'o%"-# (o (,# Co%"( o+ A//#a&- 5a- on&0 /"o/#".

In addition, petitioners 'aintain that the do2trine o5 e0ha(stion o5 ad'inistrati:e re'edies is not a+so)(te as it a22epts o5 2ertain e02eptions s(2h as ?hen an appea) ?o()d not +e an adeC(ate re'ed, there +ein* an order or e0e2(tion a)read, iss(ed and the i'p)e'entation o5 said ?rit )oo'ed as a *reat pro+a+i)it,.

Fe do not a*ree.

I( )- a 1a-)' (#n#( o+ /"o'#d%"a& "%&#- (,a( +o" a -/#')a& ')$)& a'()on +o" a /#()()on +o" certiorari (o /"o-/#", (,# +o&&o5)n2 "#6%)-)(#- 4%-( 'on'%"7 819 (,# 5")( )- d)"#'(#d a2a)n-( a (")1%na&, a 1oa"d o" an o++)'#" #.#"')-)n2 :%d)')a& o" 6%a-);:%d)')a& +%n'()on-< 8=9 -%', (")1%na&, 1oa"d o" o++)'#" ,a- a'(#d 5)(,o%( o" )n #.'#-- o+ :%")-d)'()on, o" 5)(, 2"a$# a1%-# o+ d)-'"#()on a4o%n()n2 (o &a'> o" #.'#-- o+ :%")-d)'()on< and 8?9 (,#"# )- no a//#a& o" an0 /&a)n, -/##d0 and ad#6%a(# "#4#d0 )n (,# o"d)na"0 'o%"-# o+ &a5.

In this 2ase, petitioners insist that the N$RC is +ere5t o5 a(thorit, to r()e on a 'atter in:o):in* *ra:e a+(se o5 dis2retion that 'a, +e 2o''itted +, a )a+or ar+iter. S(2h 2on2)(sion, ho?e:er, pro2eeds 5ro' a )i'ited (nderstandin* o5 the appe))ate G(risdi2tion o5 the N$RC (nder Arti2)e ..3 o5 the $a+or Code ?hi2h states:


De2isions, a?ards, or orders o5 the $a+or Ar+iter are 5ina) and e0e2(tor, (n)ess appea)ed to the Co''ission +, an, or +oth parties ?ithin ten =4/> 2a)endar da,s 5ro' re2eipt o5 s(2h de2isions, a?ards, or orders. S(2h appea) 'a, +e entertained on), on an, o5 the 5o))o?in* *ro(nds:

=a> Ar+iter.

I5 there is pri'a 5a2ie e:iden2e o5 a+(se o5 dis2retion on the part o5 the $a+or

In the 2ase o5 Air Services Cooperative v. Court of Appeals, ?e had the o22asion to e0p)ain the s2ope o5 said arti2)e o5 the $a+or Code to 'ean K

0 0 0 A)so, ?hi)e the tit)e o5 Arti2)e ..3 see's to pro:ide on), 5or the re'ed, o5 appea) as that ter' is (nderstood in pro2ed(ra) )a? and as distin*(ished 5ro' the o55i2e o5 certiorari, nonethe)ess, a 2)oser readin* thereo5 re:ea)s that it is not as )i'ited as (nderstood +, the petitioners 0 0 0.

0000 A+(se o5 dis2retion is ad'itted), ?ithin the a'+it o5 certiorari and its *rant thereo5 to the N$RC indi2ates the )a?'a1ersB intention to +roaden the 'eanin* o5 appea) as that ter' is (sed in the Code 0 0 0.

$i1e?ise, in the sa'e 2ase, this Co(rt C(oted ?ith appro:a) the 5o))o?in* o+ser:ation o5 the Co(rt o5 Appea)s:

Fe do not see ho? appea) ?o()d ha:e +een inadeC(ate or ine55e2t(a) (nder the pre'ises. On the other hand, +ein* the ad'inistrati:e a*en2, espe2ia)), tas1ed ?ith the re:ie? o5 )a+or 2ases, Mthe N$RCN is in a 5ar +etter position to deter'ine ?hether petitionersB *ro(nds 5or certiorari are 'eritorio(s. Neither is there an, 2a(se 5or ?orr, that appea) to the Co''ission ?o()d not +e speed, as the $a+or Code pro:ides that the Co''ission sha)) de2ide 2ases +e5ore it, ?ithin t?ent, =./> 2a)endar da,s 5ro' re2eipt o5 the Ans?er o5 Appe))ee 0 0 0.

Gi:en the 5ore*oin*, ?e ho)d that the Co(rt o5 Appea)s 2orre2t), dis'issed the petition 5or certiorari +ro(*ht +e5ore it. Not?ithstandin* this pro2ed(ra) de5e2t 2o''itted +, petitioners, in the interest o5 s(+stantia) G(sti2e, ?e sha)) pro2eed to reso):e the other iss(es presented +, petitioners.

Petitioners insist that their 'onetar, o+)i*ation, as 2ontained in the .E Fe+r(ar, ./// de2ision o5 the )a+or ar+iter, had a)read, +een 5()), satis5ied. The, posit the ar*('ent that ?ith respondentsB re2eipt o5 their separation pa,, the, had opted not to see1 reinstate'ent to their 5or'er Go+s and e)e2ted instead to se:er their e'p)o,'ent ?ith petitioner Triad Se2(rit,. In 5a2t, a22ordin* to petitioners, respondents had a)read, 5o(nd ne? e'p)o,'ents and to a?ard the' 5(rther +a21?a*es ?o()d +e tanta'o(nt to (nG(st enri2h'ent. Th(s, petitioners 'aintain that there is no 'ore +asis to ho)d the' )ia+)e 5or the a22r(ed +a21?a*es stated in the 3/ Septe'+er .//. 2o'p(tation.

A*ain, petitionersB ar*('ent is (ntena+)e.

Arti2)e .6@ o5 the $a+or Code, as a'ended, states:


In 2ases o5 re*()ar e'p)o,'ent the e'p)o,er sha)) not ter'inate the ser:i2es o5 an e'p)o,ee e02ept 5or a G(st 2a(se or ?hen a(thoriDed +, this Tit)e. An e'p)o,ee ?ho is (nG(st), dis'issed 5ro' ?or1 sha)) +e entit)ed to reinstate'ent ?itho(t )oss o5 seniorit, ri*hts and other pri:i)e*es and to his 5()) +a21?a*es, in2)(si:e o5 a))o?an2es, and to his other +ene5its or their 'onetar, eC(i:a)ent 2o'p(ted 5ro' the ti'e his 2o'pensation ?as ?ithhe)d 5ro' hi' (p to the ti'e o5 his a2t(a) reinstate'ent.

As the )a? no? stands, an i))e*a)), dis'issed e'p)o,ee is entit)ed to t?o re)ie5s, na'e),: +a21?a*es and reinstate'ent. These are separate and distin2t 5ro' ea2h other. &o?e:er, separation pa, is *ranted ?here reinstate'ent is no )on*er 5easi+)e +e2a(se o5 strained re)ations +et?een the e'p)o,ee and the e'p)o,er. In e55e2t, an i))e*a)), dis'issed e'p)o,ee is entit)ed to either reinstate'ent, i5 :ia+)e, or separation pa, i5 reinstate'ent is no )on*er :ia+)e an +a21?a*es.

Ba21?a*es and separation pa, are, there5ore, distin2t re)ie5s *ranted to one ?ho ?as i))e*a)), dis'issed 5ro' e'p)o,'ent. The a?ard o5 one does not pre2)(de that o5 the other as this 2o(rt had, in proper 2ases, ordered the pa,'ent o5 +oth.

In this 2ase, the )a+or ar+iter ordered the reinstate'ent o5 respondents and the pa,'ent o5 their +a21?a*es (nti) their a2t(a) reinstate'ent an in 2ase reinstate'ent is no )on*er :ia+)e, the pa,'ent o5 separation pa,. !nder Arti2)e ..3 o5 the $a+or Code, 8the de2ision o5 the $a+or Ar+iter reinstatin* a dis'issed or separated e'p)o,ee, inso5ar as the reinstate'ent aspe2t is 2on2erned, sha)) +e i''ediate), e0e2(tor,, e:en pendin* appea).< The sa'e pro:ision o5 the )a? *i:es the e'p)o,er the option o5 either ad'ittin* the e'p)o,ee +a21 to ?or1 (nder the sa'e ter's and 2onditions pre:ai)in* +e5ore his dis'issa) or separation 5ro' e'p)o,'ent or the e'p)o,er 'a, 2hoose to 'ere), reinstate the e'p)o,ee to the pa,ro)). It +ears e'phasiDin* that the )a? 'andates the pro'pt reinstate'ent o5 the dis'issed or separated e'p)o,ee. This, the petitioners 5ai)ed to heed. The, are no? +e5ore this Co(rt insistin* that the, ha:e 5()), disposed o5 their )e*a) o+)i*ation to respondents ?hen the, paid the )atterBs separation pa,. Fe do not a*ree.

It sho()d +e pointed o(t that an order o5 reinstate'ent +, the )a+or ar+iter is not the sa'e as a2t(a) reinstate'ent o5 a dis'issed or separated e'p)o,ee. Th(s, (nti) the e'p)o,er 2ontin(o(s), 5ai)s to a2t(a)), i'p)e'ent the reinstate'ent aspe2t o5 the de2ision o5 the )a+or ar+iter, their o+)i*ation to respondents, inso5ar as a22r(ed +a21?a*es and other +ene5its are 2on2erned, 2ontin(es to a22('()ate. It is on), ?hen the i))e*a)), dis'issed e'p)o,ee re2ei:es the separation pa, that it 2o()d +e 2)ai'ed ?ith 2ertaint, that the e'p)o,er-e'p)o,ee re)ationship has 5or'a)), 2eased there+, pre2)(din* the possi+i)it, o5 reinstate'ent. In the 'eanti'e, the i))e*a)), dis'issed e'p)o,eeBs entit)e'ent to +a21?a*es, 43th 'onth pa,, and other +ene5its s(+sists. !nti) the pa,'ent o5 separation pa, is 2arried o(t, the e'p)o,er sho()d not +e a))o?ed to re'ain (np(nished 5or the de)a,, i5 not o(tri*ht re5(sa), to i''ediate), e0e2(te the reinstate'ent aspe2t o5 the )a+or ar+iterBs de2ision.

The re2ords o5 this 2ase are +ere5t o5 an, indi2ation that respondents ?ere a2t(a)), reinstated to their pre:io(s Go+s or to the 2o'pan, pa,ro)). Instead, the, ?ere *i:en, a)+eit ?ith '(2h resistan2e 5ro' petitioners, the 5()) a'o(nt o5 the 'one, G(d*'ent stated in the .E Fe+r(ar, ./// de2ision o5 the )a+or ar+iter, in2)(si:e o5 separation pa,, 'ore

than t?o ,ears a5ter the )a+or ar+iter had iss(ed his de2ision on the i))e*a) dis'issa) 2ase 5i)ed +, respondents. As the )a? 2)ear), reC(ires petitioners to pa, respondentsB +a21?a*es until a2t(a) reinstate'ent, ?e reso):e that petitioners are sti)) )ia+)e to respondents 5or a22r(ed +a21?a*es and other +ene5its 5ro' .7 Fe+r(ar, ./// (nti) 4- De2e'+er .//., the da, +e5ore the )a+or ar+iter ordered the re)ease to respondents o5 P-/3,6@H.66 representin* the 5()) satis5a2tion o5 .E Fe+r(ar, ./// G(d*'ent, in2)(din* separation pa,.

Nor 2an ?e *i:e 2reden2e to petitioners 2)ai' that the, 2o()d not reinstate respondents as the )atter had a)read, 5o(nd Go+s e)se?here. It is ?orth, to note here that respondents ?ere 'ini'(' ?a*e earners ?ho ?ere )e5t ?ith no 2hoi2e a5ter the, ?ere i))e*a)), dis'issed 5ro' their e'p)o,'ent +(t to see1 ne? e'p)o,'ent in order to earn a de2ent )i:in*. S(re),, ?e 2o()d not 5a()t the' 5or their perse:eran2e in )oo1in* 5or and e:ent(a)), se2(rin* ne? e'p)o,'ent opport(nities instead o5 re'ainin* id)e and a?aitin* the o(t2o'e o5 this 2ase.

Fe a*ree, ho?e:er, ?ith petitioners that the a'o(nt o5 +asi2 sa)ar, (sed +, the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit o5 the N$RC ?as erroneo(s. In said 2o'p(tation, the a'o(nt o5 respondentsB +asi2 sa)ar, 5ro' .7 Fe+r(ar, 4@@@ (nti) 3/ Septe'+er .//. =the date o5 the 2o'p(tation> ?as pe**ed at P.7/.//. &o?e:er, the pre:ai)in* dai), 'ini'(' ?a*e on .7 Fe+r(ar, ./// ?as on), P..3.7/ and it ?as on), on 4 No:e'+er ./// ?hen the rate ?as in2reased to P.7/.//. C)ear),, the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit o5 the N$RC ?as 'ista1en in its 2a)2()ation. Fe, there5ore, ho)d that 5ro' .7 Fe+r(ar, (p to 34 O2to+er .///, petitioners are )ia+)e 5or a22r(ed +a21?a*es at the rate o5 P..3.7/ per da, and 5ro' 4 No:e'+er ./// (nti) 4- De2e'+er .//., the, sho()d +e he)d a22o(nta+)e 5or a22r(ed +a21?a*es o5 P.7/.// per da,. In addition, the, sho()d pa, respondents an, additiona) 2ost o5 )i:in* a))o?an2e ?hi2h 'a, ha:e +een pres2ri+ed ?ithin the period .7 Fe+r(ar, ./// (nti) 4- De2e'+er .//. and other +ene5its to ?hi2h respondents are entit)ed to d(rin* said span o5 ti'e.

F& R FOR , pre'ises 2onsidered, this Co(rt AFFIR"S the De2ision o5 the Co(rt o5 Appea)s dated 34 %(), .//3 and the Order dated .3 Apri) .//3 o5 the $a+or Ar+iter de2)arin* petitioners )ia+)e 5or additiona) a22r(ed +a21?a*es. The a'o(nt o5 'one, 2)ai's d(e the respondents is, ho?e:er, "ODIFI D. $et the re2ords o5 this 2ase +e re'anded to the Co'p(tation and 0a'ination !nit o5 the N$RC 5or proper 2o'p(tation o5 s(+Ge2t 'one, 2)ai's as a+o:e-dis2(ssed. Costs a*ainst petitioners.


MINITA V. CHICO;NA@ARIO Asso2iate %(sti2e


ARTEMIO V. PANGANIAAN Chie5 %(sti2e Chairperson



ROMEO J. CALLEJO, SR. Asso2iate %(sti2e


P(rs(ant to Arti2)e VIII, Se2tion 43 o5 the Constit(tion, it is here+, 2erti5ied that the 2on2)(sions in the a+o:e De2ision ?ere rea2hed in 2ons()tation +e5ore the 2ase ?as assi*ned to the ?riter o5 the opinion o5 the Co(rtBs Di:ision.


Penned +, Asso2iate %(sti2e Ro+erto A. Barrios ?ith Asso2iate %(sti2es %ose5ina G(e:ara- Sa)on*a and Art(ro D. Brion, 2on2(rrin*. Rollo! p. 74. Re2ords, Vo). I, pp. .-3J On), the Triad Se2(rit, 9 A))ied Ser:i2es, In2. and Anthon, !. ;(e 5i)ed the present petition 5or re:ie?. Id., pp. 6-E. Id., p. E6. Id., pp. @4-@.. Rollo! pp. -6--E. Re2ords, Vo). I, pp. 46H-46-. Rollo! pp. -@-64. Re2ords, Vo). I, pp. 4@@-.//. Id., pp. 4@H-4@7. Id., pp. 4@.-4@3. Id., pp. .33-.3E. Id., pp. .H4-.H.. Id., pp. .-7-.-E. Id., pp. 373-37H. Id., pp. 3@3-3@7. Id., pp. HH7-HH@. Id., pp. 37--363. Rollo! pp. 6.-67. Re2ords, Vo). I, pp. 7/E-7/@. Id., pp. H@@-7//.

Rollo, p. EH. Id., p. ... Dated 4E Fe+r(ar, .//3J Id., pp. @@-4/4. Dated /. Apri) .//3J Id., pp. 4/.-44H. Id., pp. 3/@-344. Id., pp. 447-44-. CA rollo, pp. .-.3. Id., pp. 44H-447. Rollo, p. H@. Id., p. 37@, 2itin* O"ico #inin$ % In ustrial Corporation v. &alle'os, G.R. No. $-3E@6H, .7 "ar2h 4@67, -3 SCRA .E7, 3/4. Cuison v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 4.E7H/, 47 Apri) 4@@E, .E@ SCRA 47@, 464. 37H Phi). @/7 =4@@E>. Air Services Cooperative v. Court of Appeals! s(pra at @47. Id. at @4-. Torillo v. Leo$ar o! Jr.! et al.! .6H Phi). 67E, 6-7 =4@@4>. Li" v. National La(or Relations Co""ission! G.R. Nos. 6@@/6 and 6@@67, 4- "ar2h 4@E@, 464 SCRA 3.E, 33-. Air Services Cooperative v. Court of Appeals! s(pra note 3H. Air Services Cooperative v. Court of Appeals! s(pra. Fa*e Order No. 6. Fa*e Order No. E.

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