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Updated on 5/24/07 * !ost people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win. - "o##y $ni%ht * &ow hard would you play today, if you knew you could not play tomorrow' * (omewhere, someone is practicin%. )nd when you meet her on the field, face to face, one on one, she*ll #eat you. +nless that someone who*s practicin% is you. (o work the left, run the stairs, crank the corners. ,ive it everythin% you*ve %ot, every day. )nd when you %et tired and feel like quittin%, ask yourself, is the other %irl tired' Is she quittin%' -eave everythin% on the .ield and ,o &ard or ,o &ome * /he team tryin% to knock you down is nothin% compared to the team tryin% to hold you up and win. * (ome succeed #ecause they are destined too, #ut most succeed #ecause they are determined too * 0veryday %ives you a chance to %ra# your wind, lace up the cleats and la1. * 2eople don*t 3ust play -acrosse #ecause it*s fun. )sk any -acrosse 2layer, some of them hate it, #ut they couldn*t ima%ine their life with out it. Its part of them, the love/hate relationship. it*s what they live for. /hey live for the practices, parties, lon% #us rides, invitationals, water, ,atorade, 4 coaches you hate, #ut appreciate. /hey live for the way it feels when they #eat the other team, and knowin% those two e1tra sprints they ran in practice were worth it. /hey live for the way they #ecome a family with their lacrosse team, they live for the countless son%s they sin% in their head while trainin% all those hours. /hey live for the competition, they live for the friends, the practices, the memories, the pain, its who they are. 50)- 67!08 -I90 .75 -):57((0; * -acrosse, Indians invented it.........women perfected it;;; * 8o &elmets, 8o 2ads, 8o 2ockets, 8o 2ro#lem- ,irls -acrosse * 6e are what we repeatedly do. 01cellence, therefore, is not an act #ut a ha#it. - )ristotle * /he %oalie. -acrosse*s unsun% hero. $eeper of the net. -ast line of defense. ) player whose contri#utation never shows up on the score#oard at the end of a %ame, #ut whose efforts may have determined the outcome. /hey say there is a personality-a type - that tends to choose the same postition on the field. )ttackers like the limeli%ht. <efenders crave the physicality. !idfielders like a samplin% of #oth. )nd %oalies only function with the wei%ht of the world on their shoulders. )fter all, %oalie are people who voluntarily put themselves in the line of fire. )nd the %ood ones never flinch. <ana :=apnik * <on*t measure yourself #y what you have accomplished, #ut #y what you should have accomplished with your a#ility. * (uccess is not the result of spontaneous com#ustion> you must set yourselves on fire; - .red (hero, 2hiladelphia .lyers * /he hei%hts #y %reat men reached and kept, 6ere not attained #y sudden fli%ht. "ut they while their

companions slept, 6ere toilin% upward in the ni%ht. - .rom /he -adder of (aint )u%ustine , &enry 6adsworth -on%fellow * (ome people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it. * :omin% to%ether is a #e%innin%. $eepin% to%ether is pro%ress. 6orkin% to%ether is success; * 6hen a collection of #rilliant minds, hearts, and talents come to%ether, e1pect a masterpiece. * 6hen a team makes a commitment to act as one, the sky*s the limit. * It is a fact that, in the ri%ht formation, the liftin% power of many win%s can achieve twice the distance of any #ird flyin% alone. * ,o over, %o under, or %o throu%h, #ut never %ive up. * -eaders keep their eyes on the hori=on. * ) leader is one who knows the way, %oes the way, and shows the way. * :ommunication is the secret to success. 2ass it on; * 6hether you think you can or whether you think you can*t, you*re ri%ht. - &enry .ord * /rue leaders are not those who strive to #e first, #ut those who are first to strive and who %ive their all for the success of the team. /rue leaders are first to see the need, envision the plan, and empower the team for action. "y the stren%th of the leader*s commitment, the power of the team is unleashed. * :oura%e does not always roar. (ometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day sayin%, I will try a%ain tomorrow. * 01cellence is never an accident> it is always the result of hi%h intention, sincere effort, intelli%ent directions, skillful e1ecution, and the vision to see o#stacles as opportunities. * ) positive attitude is a powerful force. It can*t #e stopped; * ) ship in the har#or is safe, #ut that is not what ships were made for. * :ountless, unseen details are often the only difference #etween mediocre and ma%nificent. * ?ou measure the si=e of the accomplishment #y the o#stacles you had to overcome to reach your %oals. * ?ou*ll always miss 1@@A of the shots you don*t take. * ,reatness is not in where we stand, #ut in what direction we are movin%. 6e must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes a%ainst it - #ut sail we must, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. - 7liver 6endell &olmes * ?our attitude almost always determines your altitude in life. * (uccess is a 3ourney, not a destination. * )ttitude is a little thin% that makes a #i% difference * /he %reatest discovery of any %eneration is that a human #ein% can alter his life #y alterin% his attitude. - 6illiam Bames * +nless you try to do somethin% #eyond what you have already mastered, you will never %row. * )nyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm, #ut in stormy weather it takes stren%th, commitment and responsi#ility to stay the course. 6e cannot ad3ust the winds, #ut we can always ad3ust our sails,

and when it comes our turn to hold the helm, we must #e stron%. * 7ur lives are not determined #y what happens to us, #ut #y how we react to what happens> not #y what life #rin%s to us, #ut #y the attitude we #rin% to life. ) positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thou%hts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates e1traordinary results. * 7ur achievements are shaped #y the terrain of our lives and the stren%th of the foundations we set. In #uildin% the life we*ve ima%ined, we must #e true to our #eliefs, dare to #e ethical, and strive to #e honora#le. .or inte%rity is the hi%hest %roud to which we can aspire. * (ometimes we learn the hard way that it doesn*t pay to %et discoura%ed. 2ositive thinkin%i is an intellectual choice, and #y keepin% our eyes focused on the li%ht of optimism, we can restore faith in ourselves and stay clear of the shadows. * 0very mornin% in )frica, a %a=elle wakes up. It knows that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will #e killed. 0very mornin% a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest %a=elle or it will starve to death. It doesn*t matter whether you are a lion or a %a=elle. 6hen the sun comes up, you*d #etter #e runnin%. * /eamwork means that we share a common ideal and em#race a common %oal. 5e%ardless of our differences, we strive shoulder to shoulder, confident in one another*s faith, trust, and commitment. In the end, teamwork can #e summed up in five short words, 6e #elieve in each other. * !ake a point to do somethin% every day that you find challen%in%. /his is the ,olden 5ule for acquirin% the discipline to do your utmost without questionin% the desire to apply yourself to #e the #est> for when you want what you*ve never had, you must learn to do what you*ve never done. * ) true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the coura%e to make tou%h decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. (he does not set out to #e a leader, #ut #ecomes one #y the quality of her actions and the inte%rity of her intent. In the end, leaders are much like ea%les> they don*t flock, you find them one at a time. * "elieve in yourself. ?ou %ain stren%th, coura%e, and confidence #y every e1perience in which you stop to look fear in the face. ?ou must do that which you think you cannot do. - 0leanor 5oosevelt * /he harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. - 9ince -om#ardi * 01cellence is the result of carin% more than others think is wise, riskin% more than others think is safe, dreamin% more than others think is practical, and e1pectin% more than others think is possi#le. * /he race %oes not always to the swift, #ut to those who keep on runnin%. * (ome people dream of worthy accomplishments while others stay awake and do them. * /eamwork is the a#ility to work to%ether toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. * ?our true character is revealed #y the clarity of your convictions, the choices you make, and the promises you keep. &old stron%ly to your principles and refuse to follow the currents of convenience. 6hat you say and do defines who you are> and who you are, you are forever. * I e1pect to pass throu%h this world #ut once. )ny %ood I can do or any kindness I can show, let me do now, for I shall not pass this way a%ain. * (uccessful is the person woh has lived well, lau%hed often and loved much, who has %ained the respect of children, who leaves the world #etter than they found it, who has never lacked appreciation for the earth*s #eauty, who never fails to look for the #est in others or %ive the #est of themselves.

* /his is the #e%innin% of a new day. you have #een %iven this day to use as you will. ?ou can waste it or use it for %ood. 6hat you do today is important #ecause you are e1chan%in% a day of your life fo rit. 6hen tomorrow comes, this day will #e %one forever> in its place is somethin% that you have left #ehind. -et it #e somethin% %ood. * /he hi%hest coura%e is to dare to #e yourself in the face of adversity. :hoosin% ri%ht over wron%, ethics over convenience, and truth over popularity. /hese are the choices that measure your life. /ravel the path of inte%rity without lookin% #ack, for there is never a wron% time to do the ri%ht thin%. * /he future doesn*t 3ust happen, it is created. 7ur destiny is not in the stars, #ut in ourselves. 6e may need to follow in the wake of those who have %one #efore, #ut what we do and where we %o is ultimately up to us. /he attitude of initiative is an on-%oin% state of e11ploration that is never finished> a 3ourney that never ends. * /he credit #elon%s to those people who are actually in the arena, who know the %reat enthusiasms, the %reat devotions to a worthy cause> who at #est, know the triumph of hi%h achievement> and who, at worst fail while darin% %reatly, so that their place shall never #e with those cold timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. - /heodore 5oosevelt * .ar #etter is it to dare mi%hty thin%s, to win %lorius triumphs, even thou%h checkered #y failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither en3oy nor suffer much, #ecause they live in a %ray twili%ht that knows not victory nor defeat. - /heodore 5oosevelt * <estiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. * /o %ive anythin% less than my #est is to sacrafice the %ift - (teve 2refountain * ?ou must #e the chan%e you wish to see in the world. - !ohandas $. ,andhi * 2ractice doesn*t make perfect - it makes permanent. * 7h that a man*s reach should e1ceed his %rasp, or what*s a &eaven for' - 5o#ert "rownin% * /here should #e one voice, one mind, and one %oal. - /yrone 6illin%ham * If you*re walkin%, you*re wron%. - -arry :oker * /hin%s are never as %ood as they seem to #e when thin%s are %oin% %ood, and they*re seldom as #ad as they seem then thin%s are %oin% #ad * 9ision is the picture of the future, that creates passion within you today - Bohn :. !a1well * "ut the man who can most truly #e accounted #rave is he who #est knows the meanin% of what is sweet in life and of what is terri#le, and %oes out undeterred to meet what is to come. * <esicions are made #y those that show up. * 6hat you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. - 5alph 6aldo 0merson

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