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Performance Evaluation of Minimum Habitableness Ditions of The First Brazilian Habitational Unit Of Social Interest Built Utilizing Bamboo Technology -City Of Maceio State Of Alagoas
Prof. Arquitect M.Sc. Rubens Cardoso Junior1 Prof. Eng. Civil M.Sc. Edson de Mello SARTORI2 Roberta Gonalves dos SANTOS3 Jackeline Carnaba4

Beyond necessity of producing dwellings of social interest, by means of innovatory construction systems, in order to compensate the habitational shortage and attend the low income population, it is also indispensable to conceive functional projects to fulfill minimum habitableness requirements, translated among other aspects, into thermic performance standards. From this, it is of vital importance the technical evaluation of the environment built along with its bioclimatical characteristics, for a possible project data improvement, avoiding the continuity of unsuccessful experiences, thus offering better thermal conditions to the living space, required by all human beings. Measures of temperature and air humidity were made in all rooms and in the immediate exterior thru the use of automatic HOBO recording device, as well as the superficial temperatures of the roof, internal and external walls by use of thermometer with infrared sensors, thereforecontributing with the objective of this present project which is to relate the diagnosis of thermal behavior of the construction system of the first habitational unit of social interest of Brazil, in Maceio, Alagoas, which was built using bamboo technology.

Key words: Bamboo; Habitableness; Thermic confortableness.

1 2 3 -4

Instituto do Bamboo Macei/AL. - 00-55-82-9921-6099 Macei/AL. - 00-55-82-9921-4132 UFAL/Instituto do Bambu Granduanda 5 Fac. Arquitectura UFAL/Instituto do Bambu Granduanda 5 Fac. Arquitectura - 00-55-82-88122776 - 00-55-82-8803-0679

The proliferation of clandestine city dwellings is annoying the population as well as the government for some time. The great immigration flow and the high cost of acquisition of a dwelling through purchase or rent, leads the immigrant population, without a house of this own and no financial condition for purchasing one, to clandestine constructions, building low quality houses, without any organization or planning, transforming the urban mesh in an authentic labyrinth. We seek then, through brazilian experiences in popular habitations, alternatives to fight the disorganizedgrowth of cities through programs wich, in a rational way, can attend this population, as far as housing facilities is concerned. In front of the populations precarious living conditions , one among the biggest brazilian problems, the necessity to evaluate the minimum habitableness conditions, among them thermal comfort, which in the event of habitational units of social interest is forgotten, having only the preoccupation with cost reduction, leaving aside the satisfaction and well being of the users. Since the classical period, architecture was understood as a habitable space, where a balance among structural, functional and aesthetic aspects, seeking maximum advantage of natural impositions. With the emersion of new styles and the arrival of new techniques, environmental comfort was set aside as also the preoccupation as to adjust the cultural and climatical characteristics. The search for renewable materials shows itself nowadays as a vital neccessity for the future, aiming to decrease environmental agression. Being a specimen of the grass family, bamboo is a renewable material, of high production and easy propagation, presenting itself as an alternative for low cost construction, which can attend the social interest habitational demand. An adequate project can permit better habitableness conditions, being one of achitectures functions, to create spaces, interior and exterior as well , adjusted to physical habitableness, chermical and security norms, to be determined by the needs of the individuals who live within. Once the human being decided to build and involving, to satisfy those purposes, the project must solve multiple functional and aesthetic problems within the complex social, economical, technological and cultural demands. Architecture not only focus physical, functional, aesthetic and economical problems , there is a huge complexity to solve integrally all demands that surrounds the individual. In this manner, this project has as its objective to evaluate the thermal performance of a habitational unit of social interest, emphasizing the importance of this habitability condition, taking into consideration the adequacy of bamboo as a constructive system.

Thermal comfort conditions and heat exchange

Thermal comfort is considered one of the most important human variables. To ASHRAE (1993; American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers), thermal comfort is

a state of spirit that reflects a satisfaction with the involving environment. If the equilibrium of heat exchange to which a body is submitted is null and skin temperature and sweat are within certain limits, one can say that man feels thermal comfort.

Fig. 01: Psychometric Chart Source: Olgay Y. V. Design With Climate. The thermal condition of the ambiency is other variable that should be taken into consideration in the definition of the involving characteristics, where the natural thermal conditioning will study the possibilities for the inhabited space presents the required conditions by humans, being those obtained through heat exchange among the ambiency, the man and the involving. Therefore, it is of extreme importance the preoccupation with the adequacy of the involving to the ambiency, or, the rational use of the construction materials adapted to its climatic conditions. Since all bodies are endowed with thermal energy, humans, in order to assure its comfort conditions feels the need to liberate this heat, making that always these thermal exchanges take place between his body and the ambiency. Heat transmission can only occur among bodies of different temperatures and through the following processes: conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation. Conduction occurs when two solid bodies, of different temperatures, make contact. When one of them is fluid, occasioning an alteration in temperature, we say convection occurred. Radiation occurs when solar rays fall upon an opaque surface, making ambiency temperature to raise. The amount of this absorbed energy depends on the materials properties. As for evaporation, it occurs when theres change from liquid to gaseity with no temperature variation.

Fig. 02 Thermal exchange in hot-humid environment Source: Mascar, Lucia (1991)

In order to analyse the comfort conditions of a built ambiency measurements of temperature, relative humidity and air speed are necessary, as well as temperature radiation to compare with the metabolism and the attire that according with the clothings thermal resistance (CLO) can increase or reduce heat exchange with rhe ambiency. The higher this thermal resistance is, the lesser the heat exchange with the ambiency will be. These factors, when well explored, can guarantee the users satisfaction. This analysis can be made through the study of the bioclimatic chart developed by Givoni (1991). The chart is built over the psychometric diagram, which relates air temperature and relative humidity. According to Givoni (1991), this chart is more adequate to Brazil for two reasons: it is more adequate for countries in the process of development and it is based on the internal temperatures of the dwelling. According to the charts graph, in the comfort zone, the human being can be in comfort on various limits of relative humidity, between 60% to 80%, and of temperature, between 18C and 29C, in countries under process of dvelopment. Analysing this situation under Fangers method, thermal comfort can be determined as possible on temperatures close to 29C if persons are wearing light attire and submitted to a certain quantity of ventilation. For Givoni (1991), on countries in process of development these costumes permit the acclimation of persons up to wider limits of temperature and humidity, in relation to developed countries.

Object of the study - Climate in Maceio

The city Maceio, area of hot and humid tropical climate, is located in the northeastern region of Brazil, on latitude 9 39 57S and longitude 354407 W between the Atlantic Ocean and the estuary complex of Mundau and Manguaba Lagoons. The average annual temperature is of 25.4C and annual variation of 3.4 C among the monthly average values of average temperatures (26.7C in february and 23.7C in july, higher and lower average, respectively) , and daily variations under 8C.

Fig 03 - Map location of the city of Macei/AL. Source: IBGE (2002), Macei City Hall

The rain period normally takes place between the months of may and august and the dry period lasts from october till april where at this time there is a prevalence of northeast trade winds from east quadrant. The highest temperatures are reached between the months of december and january, when it climbs up to 36 C, and the lowest temperatures are obtained between the months of july and august, when it falls down to 21C. Rain precipitation varies from 1600 to 1700mm with a considerable thermal amplitude and a relative air humidity around 85%. The thermal amplitude of this climate is lower than any other existing causing no strong feeling variation from one season to another.

Tab. 01: Average behavior of the main meteorological parameters in Maceio. Source: National Meteorological Institute INMET- from 1961 to 1990.


Temp med C Temp max CTemp min CAo ATM (mb) (%) INSOL(hrs) 26.5 26.6 26.5 26.2 25.3 24.3 23.7 23.7 24.5 25.3 25.9 25.3 29.9 30.7 30.0 29.3 28.2 27.3 26.7 26.7 27.6 25.5 29.3 29.7 23.2 23.4 22.4 23.2 22.4 21.8 21.1 21.1 21.6 22.3 22.6 22.9 1037.0 1036.8 1036.5 1007.4 1008.6 1010.6 1012.7 1012.8 1010.7 1009.0 1007.1 1006.9




58.2 83.3 134.8 225.0 344.4 263.9 216.2 134.0 85.8 68.8 38.6 38.4

76.3 76.8 79.3 80.8 82.9 82.7 80.7 78.3 77.3 79.4 75.7 76.2

281.3 244.3 240.0 215.8 293.9 286.3 299.1 212.9 229.6 268.5 281.7 192.3

Tab 02: average monthy values of average temperatures in Macei Source: Barbirato (1998)

Bioclimatic Chart in Maceio

For the city of Maceio, Givonis bioclimatic chart( below) configures, in general matter, with the following indexes: comfort (17.8%); uncomfort 82.1% being, 6% cold and 76.1% warm); in winter (0.5% artificial heat; 0.0% solar heat; 5.4% thermal mass and 0.05 humidification); in summer (60.4% ventilation; 0.0% evaporative cooling; o.4% air conditioning; 0.1% thermal mass for cooling; 0.5% ventilation/ thermal mass for cooling; 14.1% ventilation/ thermal mass for cooling/ evaporative cooling; 0.2% thermal mass for cooling/ evaporative cooling)1. Pressure 101 (kPa)

comfort zone ventilation zone evaporation cooling zone thermal mass for cooling zone air conditioning zone humidification zone artificial heating zone passive solar heating zone thermal mass zone ventilolation/ mass zone ventilation/ mass/ evaporation cooling zone mass/cooling evaporation zone

Fig. 04 Application of Givonis bioclimatte chart for year long in Macei Source:Analysis v. 1.5 (1994).

The bamboo house

The habitational unit of social interest, object of study of the present project, is located in the suburb of Bebedouro (northeast side), in the city of Maceio, State of Alagoas. Its a unifamily, one-story house, with an area of 38.40 square meters (126.72 square feet), with two bedrooms, dinning/sitting room, kitchen, bathroom and service area.

The constructive system

All dwelling structure was built by using bamboo technique. The walls are build by use of double panels of esterilhas ( a mat made by woven bamboo strips), forming an air mattress working as a thermal and acoustical isolating material, being its finishing similar to the conventional (plaster), polished cement floors in all rooms, roof of painted fibrocement tiles, ceiling with no linings ( uncovered) and metal windows, doors and their frames.

Photo 01 Esterilha panel Source: Arquitect Rubens Cardoso Junior

Surrounding Locations
The house was built in a corner lot, in a Y shape crossing, with 1.50 meters above street level, being this a major factor which will contribute or influence the result. The house has a four faces composition, as listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Front Side View (southeast face)- photo 02 Left Side View (southwest face)- photo 03 Right Side View (northeast face)- photo 04 Posterior Side View (northwest face)- photo 05

As can be seen in photo 02 (Front Side View- southeast face), there is an open space of approximately 8.8x8.0 meters (26.4 feet), coveres with loose crushed stones which may liberate heat through radiation causing discomfort. In the southwest face (photo 03) there is a cement plastered brick wall raising 1.10 meters from house level. The northeast face of the house (photo 04) is protected by a hill side and big size trees. There are medium size shrubs in the northwest face shadowing part of the house side as shown in photo 05.

Photo 02

Photo 03

Photo 04

Photo 06 Source: Arquitect Rubens Cardoso Junior Photo 05

Insolation on the house faces

1. Front Side View (southeast face) Winter : sun exposure from 06:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Summer: sun exposure from 12:30 p.m. 2. Right Side View (northeast face) Winter: sun exposure from 06:00 a.m. to 18:00p.m.. Summer : sun exposure from 06:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3. Left Side View (southwest face). Winter: no sun exposure . Summer: sun exposure from 09:00a.m. to 18:00p.m. 4. Posterior Side View (southeast face). Winter: sun exposure from 11:00a.m. to 18:00p.m. Summer: sun exposure from 12:30p.m. to 18:00p.m.

Prevailing winds
Prevailing winds in the city of Maceio are : northeast direction (january, februaryand march) and southeast direction ( all other months), thus favouring the southeast face of the house ( front side).

Measures such as ambiency temperature and relative air humidity were made on site using portable data- logger (HOBO 8, made by ONSET Computer Corporation) for a period of eight days (17 to 25 Nov. 2003). Four days (17 to 20 Nov . 2003) with the house closed and four days(21 to 25 Nov. 2003) with the house open. Registration of hourly date were taken in every room( bedroom 1, bedroom 2, kitchen and dinning/ living room) in parallel with one of their external walls. Data collection and measurements were also taken simultaneously from internal and external walls, every two hours, by use of a digital thermometer, as to identify the thermal behavior of constructive system being used, double panels of woven bamboo strips (esterilha ) nd the influence of the air mattress in temperature variations on the internal and external walls.

Analysis and diagnosis

As shown on following charts, the difference between internal and external walls temperatures was of 9.75 C in the best situation and 0.0C in the worst situation. This difference occurs due to the existence of the air mattress in the constructivesystem.

Through the analysis of the constructive system, from all obtained and mentioned data, it was proven that habitational unit of social interest presents a better result as far as thermal comfort is concerned. The esterilhas wall panels showed a remarkable result with an average temperature variation of 9.75 C, confirming the efficiency in their use (air mattress).

Bibliographic references
Bittencourt, Leonardo. Uso das cartas solares: diretrizes para arquitetos. 3 edio. Ed: Adufal, Macei AL, 96pgs. Lamberts, R. et al. (1997), Eficincia energtica na arquitetura. PROCEL/UFSC; 1 CD-ROM Mascar, Lcia R. De, (1991).Energia na edificao: estratgia para minimizar seu consumo. 2 edio, ed. Projeto editores associados ltda, So Paulo-SP, 213pgs. Morais, Caroline S., Conforto trmico e Habilitao popular: avaliao de sistemas construtivos no bairro Clima Bom. Macei- AL, 2000. 85pgs. Trabalho final de graduao - Departamento de arquitetura e urbanismo, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Rivero, Roberto, (1996). Arquitetura e clima: acondicionamento trmico natural. 2 edio, ed. Universidade: D.C Luzzatto Editores, Porto Alegre RS, 240 pgs.



Anlisis del Mercado de la Guadua con Caractersticas Especiales en el Eje Cafetero

Magda Johana Arias Galvis1 Diana Anglica Ocampo2 Jorge Hugo Garca Sierra3

Se analiz el comportamiento del mercado de la Guadua angustifolia Kunth en el Eje Cafetero, como parte del desarrollo de la propuesta de un plan de negocios para la asociacin campesina de tcnicos de la Guadua ASOCATEG- del corregimiento de Quebradanegra en el Quindo. Se identificaron y caracterizaron cuatro segmentos que conforman la demanda, as: artesanos, fabricantes de muebles, constructores y preindustriales, que utilizan la Guadua como materia prima de su produccin; y el segmento de productores que conforman la oferta de Guadua con caractersticas especiales en el Eje Cafetero; en segundo lugar se calcul el tamao del mercado, con una demanda total estimada de Guadua con caractersticas especiales en el Eje Cafetero de 12.204 m3 y una demanda potencial Insatisfecha de 9314 m3 , ya que los productores especiales slo comercializan 2.890 m3 de Guadua en esta zona y la restante produccin es para la exportacin. Palabras claves: Comportamiento del mercado, Guadua con caractersticas especiales, demanda, oferta.

Introduccin y antecedentes
La Guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth), es una especie de bamb que ha sido utilizada tradicionalmente por los productores del Eje Cafetero de Colombia en la elaboracin de artesanas, postes para las cercas y corrales, lea y en la construccin de viviendas y puentes, entre otros; convirtindose incluso en un sustituto importante de la madera proveniente de bosques naturales (Cruz 1994). As mismo, por sus caractersticas las Corporaciones Autnomas Regionales (CARs), han hecho importantes esfuerzos en la reforestacin con esta especie para la proteccin de cuencas hidrogrficas, as como para el control, administracin y asistencia tcnica necesaria en el manejo adecuado de los rodales naturales ya existentes (Camargo et-al, 2003). La guadua, se considera un recurso natural importante y abundante (27.351 ha en el Eje Cafete-

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