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MLDIA kLLLASL: 11 November 2013


1urn|ng up the heat at the I|re Stat|on Arts Centre |n a nat|on-w|de day of act|on

Members of Lhe local communlLy wlll [oln oLhers across Lhe counLry on Sunday, november 17 ln
demandlng Lhe AusLrallan CovernmenL do more on cllmaLe change.

1he naLlonal uay of CllmaLe AcLlon ls a naLlon-wlde evenL belng coordlnaLed by Lhe grass-rooLs
advocacy organlsaLlon, CeLup, whlch harnesses people power on a wlde range of lssues Lo hold
pollLlclans accounLable on lssues of lmporLance. lederal parllamenL resumes Lomorrow,
november 12, lL's flrsL slLLlng slnce Lhe elecLlon and CeLup's cllmaLe acLlon campalgn on Sunday
ls almed aL galnlng Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe lncomlng governmenL Lo alm hlgher when lL comes Lo
cllmaLe change acLlon.

Crganlser of Lhe uubbo naLlonal uay of CllmaLe AcLlon evenL aL Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre
(lSAC), alge Wllllams says whlle Lhe lnLenL of Lhe campalgn ls lmporLanL and Lhe message can'L
be losL, lL's also a fun way of brlnglng communlLy LogeLher, someLhlng Lhe lSAC ls keen Lo do.

"1hls evenL ls happenlng all over AusLralla. CeLup are reporLlng more evenLs Lhan ever before,
wlLh 143 currenLly reglsLered. uubbo wlll be connecLlng wlLh communlLles all over Lhe place
Lhrough Lhe use of soclal medla and medla reporLlng of Lhe day. lL's a chance Lo sLand up and be
counLed on an lssue LhaL many people feel we're runnlng ouL of Llme Lo make declslons abouL.

"We wanL people Lo come Lo Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre from 11am on Sunday dressed ln Lhe
colours of summer - red, orange, yellow, and Lo brlng Lhlngs LhaL you would assoclaLe wlLh
summer such as zlnc, beach umbrellas, floaLles, sunglasses, plcnlc rugs, drlnks and plcnlc food.
1here wlll be coffee avallable aL Lhe 8rlgade espresso bar on Lhe day Loo.

"We're encouraglng everyone Lo brlng cameras or phones Lo capLure Lhe colour and Lhe acLlon
on Lhe day, whlch wlll lnclude parLlclpaLlng ln a communlLy mural wlLh arLlsL, !ack 8andell."

1he 8ed 8lver CollaboraLlve Mural ro[ecL wlll geL underway from 11am aL Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs
CenLre on Lhe naLlonal uay of CllmaLe AcLlon. All maLerlals wlll be supplled and arLlsL, !ack
8andell, wlll be on hand Lo coordlnaLe Lhe palnLlng of lndlvldual Llles for Lhe mural.

Ms Wllllams added, "We would encourage everyone comlng on Lhe day Lo share Lhelr phoLos
across all Lhe soclal medla channels and Lo Lhe CeLupAusLralla lacebook page, so LhaL uubbo can
be counLed alongslde Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, erLh and all Lhe oLher places hosLlng evenLs
on Sunday. 1wlLLer wlll also be acLlvely used, menLlonlng [CeLup and #cllmaLecaLchup."

Anyone p|ann|ng to attend the Dubbo event at the I|re Stat|on Arts Centre shou|d reg|ster
on||ne at https:]]]events]nat|ona|-day-of-c||mate-act|on-red-r|ver-

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Med|a contact: a|ge W||||ams - 0418 443 876 or pro[
Cchre Commun|cat|ons (for photo): k|m_ochreQb| or 0419 439 923

nC1C CA1ICN: A taste of the heat to be turned on at the I|re Stat|on Arts Centre dur|ng the
Nat|ona| Day of C||mate Act|on on Sunday - L-k: 8r|dget L|v|ngston, a|ge W||||ams, Va| C|ark,
Iack kande||, 8arb L|v|ngston, Made|e|ne A||en, Mat||da Iu||an (photo: k.V. Go|dsm|th)

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