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SEDUCED MY MOONLIGHT Authors note: This is an inuyasha X Kagome fanfic. So there!

lol on with the fic Rated R for sex and swearing It was after 11pm when Kagome made it back to the house. Her friends just had to take her to a late night movie. She tried to tell them but of course they wouldnt listen. She sighs. 'I hope Inuyasha wasnt too much of a pest to mom and them while i was gone.' Thought Kagome She unlocked the door and quietly tip toed upstairs to her room. Once she got in she turned around to her bed and gasped. There laying on the bed was inuyasha. He was in human form tonight and he decided to put on the shorts that he always wants to wear when he is here on the new moon. But that isnt the reason Kagome gasped. She gasped becuase of the way he is laying. He is on his back with his arm above his head and is just in his shorts. You can see all the battle scars that he got and his great set of abs. Kagome has seen them before, but not like this. Kagome gasps and then turns her head to hide the blush that was forming on her cheeks. 'What am i thinking? He may look hot but he will never be mine. He belongs to Kikyou. But what am i gonna do. Hes on my bed and i need to sleep there.' Thought kagome sadly After a couple of mins she decided that she will share the bed with him. With that in mind, she heads to the bathroom to put on her light blue night gown. She turns off the light and head to the bed and just stands there staring at Inuyasha. He hasnt moved one bit. Kagome shook her head clear of all the perverted thoughts that were going through her head. 'What am i thinking! I need to calm down! Its inuyasha for crying out loud.' Thought Kagome 'Yes but look at how he is laying! He is begging for you to take a taste and caress him' Said a voice in her head 'No! I dont want him like that! He belongs to Kikyou! not me' Said Kagome 'Bullshit! You have known for a while that you wanted him! you just havent made your move! Now is your chance' Said the voice 'But!' Thought Kagome 'Do it! there will never be another chance!' Siad the voice Kagome sighs and climbs into bed besides Inuyasha. She just stares for a minute then takes her hand

and gently strokes Inuyasha's bare chest. Inuyasha groans then falls back asleep. Kagome takes her hand away and just watches inuyasha breathing go back to normal. Once she knew he was back to sleeping. She gently stroked his chest making sure to feel all the battle scars he has. Inuyasha stirs a little and Kagome takes her hand back. "Kagome...Kagome..." Moaned inuyasha before falling back asleep. Kagome gasps. She then strokes inuyashas face and then gets close enough where she can feel him breathing. Then taking the last step. she gives him a peck in the lips before pulling back. "Kagome...that felt it again...kagome" moaned Inuyasha Kagomes gasps then does it she could pull away, she was flipped over and looked into the beautiful, brown eyes of inuyasha. Kagome turns her head and blushes. "Kagome...Can i ask what you were doing?" Asks Inuyasha Kagome kept her head turned and hoped that he couldnt see her blushing. Inuyasha just stares hoping she would answer. Seeing as she wasnt gonna answer with her face facing the other way, Inuyasha lifts one of his hands and grabs Kagomes face so that she could face him. Eye to eye agian, inuyasha asked again. 'Well you see were laying there...and sorry inuyasha." Said a beet red Kagome Inuyasha got up and just plopped on the floor, Kagome just layed there and tried to get her breathing back to normal. Once she was sure it was normal, she got up and looked at inuyasha. He was looking out at the window sadly. Kagome got up from the bed and gave him a hug from behind. "Im sorry Inuyasha" Said Kagome "No i should be the one saying sorry kagome" Said Inuyasha Before Kagome to react to that comment, Inuyasha flipped her over and then had her pinned under him once again but this time on the floor. She could feel their bodies close together. "What do you mean inuyasha?" Asked Kagome Instead of answering, he leaned in and kissed her. Her eyes went wide for a minute then closed. The kiss lasted for a good couple of minutes before he pulled back. He let her go and Scoots farther away. Kagome got up and stared. This time it wasnt only Kagome blushing. "Inuyasha...?" Said Kagome

"Well you see...Kagome..." Said Inuyasha Kagome got up and went to him. She looked into his eyes and kissed him again. This kiss had more power to it that neither could walk away from. Never breaking the kiss, Inuyasha picks up Kagome and carries her to the bed. There he lays her down and continues to kiss. WIthout a word, he slowly starts to unbotton her shirt and takes it off. There he starts to stroke her skin. Kagome moans and lifts up her chest. Inuyasha then slowly puts his hand under her bra and strokes her boob. Kagome moans louder and starts to move to take the bra off but Inuyasha stops her and breaks the kiss to lift up the bra and starts to suck on her nipple. Kagome cries out. Inuyasha switches between the two of them till he knew kagome couldnt take it anymore. He then starts to lick down to her bellybotton. While playing with it, he takes off her skirt and underwear. Then he moves lower and starts to lick her lower lips that are now wet with her honey. Kagome covers her mouth to stop herself from screaming so her mom wouldnt catch her like this. When Inuyasha had enough, he stood up and started to take off his shorts but kagome quickly stops him. Without a word, Kagome lowers inuyasha's shorts and takes his penis into her mouth. Inuyasha groans at the sensations. Kagome keeps going till she knew he was close to coming. Letting go of his penis and looking into his eyes while laying down she had hoped he got the message. Well he did. He lowered himself to her opening and pushed in. Kagome cried out. Inuyasha groaned but didnt move. When Kagome moved her hips after 2 minutes he knew to start thrusting. He thrusted slowly at first then picked up the pace. He so badly wanted to come but he wanted Kagome to go first. When he felt her walls squeezing him and her cry out, he cried out too and released his seed. Then he flopped ontop of her to catch his breath. Kagome pushed him off and sat up. She leaned over and gave him another kiss. "Kagome...I love you." Said Inuyasha "I love you to inuyasha. Lets be together forever." Said Kagome They both curled up together under the moonlight and fell asleep.

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