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Anth 102 Exam # 2 Human Evolution & Language: STUDY GUIDE

Know & understand the following names & terms to be able to apply them conceptually. You will need to identify them in scenarios & examples. Australopithecus Homo Habilis Homo Erectus Homo Sapiens Charles arwin !homas "althus Adam Smith #enetic drift #enetic flow $atural selection Syntax "orphemes % &ound & 'ree morphemes (honemes #rammar (aralanguage isplacement (roxemics )exicon Code%switching Creole (idgin Ebonics Sociolinguistics !onal language *eplacement model +ut of Africa model "ultiregional model "elanin

A!E & A!IALIS" ,. -s racism grounded in science or is it a social construct. /. Are racial classifications the same among all cultures. 0. 1hat are the beliefs of racialism. 2. 1hat do a person3s physical features indicate about his4her moral & mental capabilities. 5. 1hat is melanin & what does it ha6e to do with racial classifications. # ,. /. 0. 2. 5. 9. :. I"ATE STUDIES 1hich nonhuman primates ha6e tails. How are chimps & bonobos similar & different. 1hich are closer relati6es to humans7apes or mon8eys. How do bonobos de%stress and forge social relationships. 1hich primates are able to sign. 1hy do anthropologists study primates. o humans e6ol6e from apes.

HU"A$ E%&LUTI&$ ,. 1hat are the characteristics of tree dwellers that aided their arboreal adaptation. /. 1hat are the ad6antages of being bipedal. 0. How did the human use of fire benefit their cultural & biological de6elopment. 2. How did tools enable early humans to adapt to different en6ironments. 5. 1hat types of humans are in the ;Homo Sapien category. 9. 1hat physical< cultural & lifestyle features characteri=e> Australopithecus< Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens and $eandertals. :. 1hat are arwin3s theories on e6olution. ?. 1hat is ;natural selection3. @. 1hat is the role of genetic mutations to the 6ariation of li6ing things & e6olution. ,A. 1hat is genetic drift & genetic flow. ,,. 1hat is the ;replacement model3 & its other name. ,/. 1hat is the multiregional model.

LA$GUAGE ,. 1hat are syntax< morphemes< phonemes< grammar< paralanguage< displacement< proxemics< lexicon< & code%switching. &e prepared to recogni=e examples of it. /. 1hat is a ;free3 & ;bound3 morpheme. 0. 1hat are ;open3 & ;closed3 systems & which is attributed to animals & to humans. 2. 1hat is the Sapir%1horf Hypothesis & what is it concerned with. 5. How was Ebonics meant to be used in the school system. 9. About how many languages are spo8en today. :. 1hat is ;sociolinguistics3 & on what does it focus. ?. 1hat is a tonal language. 1hat percentage of the world3s languages is tonal. @. How is language transmitted. ,A. 1hat is the relationship between language & culture. Can human culture exist without it. ,,. 1hat is the nature of language. 1hat features does it share with culture. ,/. 1hat is the relationship between language & human biological e6olution. E$

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