Tribhuvan University Faculty of Management Office of The Dean 2011

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BIM > Thi!< Se6e&te! > STT 20 ) Stati&tic&

F"44 Ma!?&) 20 Ti6e) 0 h!

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable

G!o"# $A%
B!ief An&'e! ("e&tion&) / Draw a histogram and frequency polygon form the following data. Wages No. of Wor ers! 5-10 10 10-15 20 15-20 30 20-25 25 25-30 10 30-35 5 *+,2- 0.

2/ "f # 2 $ 15% # 3 $ 2& and # ' $21&. (ind 1 and 2 . 0/ )ist down the *arious techniques of random sampling and non-random sampling. 1/ +ita and ,ita appear for a inter*iew for two posts. -he pro.a.ility of +ita/s selection is selection is
1 . (ind the pro.a.ility that .oth of them will .e selected. 0 1 and that of ,ita/s 5

+/ "n a class of 100 students% 20 ha*e failed and their a*erage mar s is 5. -he total mar s secured .y the entire classes was 512. (ind the a*erage mar s of those who ha*e passed the e2amination.

G!o"# $B%
Sho!t An&'e! ("e&tion&) 1. -he monthly income of '00 employees in an organi3ation are gi*en .elow! Month45 inco6e 7e4o'8R&9 No of E6#4o5ee& &0 10 120 35 110 115 200 310 2'0 3&0 2&0 '00 *23+-00.

4.tain the limits of income of central 105 of the o.ser*ed employees. 0. 6ompute the seasonal inde2 .y the method of simple a*erage. ("a!te! I II III IV 200+ 350 370 3'0 310 2002 350 '10 300 '&0 200: 350 370 300 '00 200; '00 '10 3&0 '50

&. 8n enquiry into the .udget of middle class families in 9athmandu ga*e the following information! E3#en&e& on Foo< C4othin= Ho"&e Rent F"e4 Mi&c/

'55 :rice 2005 ;<s= :rice 2010 ;<s= 250 310

205 125 210

105 05 &0

155 55 20

105 25 50

What change in cost of li*ing figure 2010 ha*e ta en place as compared to 2005> 7. (or a group of 200 candidates% the mean and standard de*iation were found to .e '0 and 15 respecti*ely. )ater on it was disco*ered that the scores '3 and 35 were misread as 3' and 53 respecti*ely. (ind the correct mean and standard de*iation corresponding to the correct figures. 10. 6alculate the ran correlation from the following data! ?ar s in @conomics ?ar s in +tatistics 25 00 2& &0 32 &5 31 05 '0 15 3& 57 37 '& '2 50 '1 5'

11. (ind 9arl/s :earson/s coefficient of + ewness .ased on mean% mode% and standard de*iation. Si@e F!eA"enc5 0-10 10 10-20 12 20-30 1& 30-'0 25 '0-50 11 50-10 1' 10-00 &

G!o"# $C%
Co6#!ehen&iBe An&'e! ("e&tion&) *2x 0-20. 12. Aou are gi*en the two regression lines.
x + 2 y 5 = 0 and 2 x + 3 y = 0 and *ar iance of X series = 12

Fin<) i9 ?ean *alue of B and A ii9 6oefficient of correlation .etween B and A. iii9 Cariance of A-series iB9 @stimated *alue of A when B$10 13. 8 scientist% doing research on a special type of fodder which helps to increase the weight of animals in short period% ept 100 .ull under e2periment. -hose .ulls were gi*en a fi2ed amount if de*elopment fodder per day for one month% and after one month% and after one month they were weighted. (ollowing ta.le gi*es the increase in their weight after the e2periment. Inc!ea&e in 'ei=ht8C=9 N"67e! of 7"44& 0-5 3 5-10 0 10-15 1& 15-20 35 20-25 25 25-30 & 30-35 '

-he scientist is confident that if the data o.tained fits a normal cur*e% he is successful in de*eloping the special fodder. Do you thin the scientist is successful in his endea*or>


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