Jagan Rengarajan

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Jagan Rengarajan

Email:jaganreng@yahoo.com Contact: +91 94831 62942 SUMMARY Results-oriented, customer-centric professional seeking to leverage experience to help organizations exploit the benefits of Siebel and CRM, having around 7+ years of xtensive !echnical experience as Siebel administrator in the areas of Siebel "sing Siebel #Siebel Server $dmin, !ools, %M, $ssignment Manager, &orkflo' Manager( )racle*+, MS S,- Server .///* $round 7+ 0ears of %mplementing experience in CRM 1roduct Siebel versions 2*x, 3*x, +*x involved in creating and customizing 4usiness )bjects, 4usiness Components, 5ie's, $pplets #forms, list, mvg and pick applet(, Screens, Multi-5alue fields 6 Multi-5alue links, 1ick list using Siebel tools and e-scri ting* %n depth kno'ledge and experience of Siebel Architect!re, "nstallation methodolog7 and administration of Siebel nterprise, Servers, 8ate'a7s, 9atabase 6 Clients* xperienced in Siebel Re ository Migration. xperienced in #or$%lo& an' assignment manager* xperienced in setting up ()"EE *Siebel Analytics+ environment* xperienced in Siebel ser,er a'ministration* $ssisted in the 'e,elo ment o% %!nctional re-!irements and .echnical s eci%ications*

E/UCA."(0 S1"22S CRM 1roducts: Siebel 5+*;<+*/<3*+<3*3<3*=<2*>, Server $dmin, !ools, Siebel eScript, $ssignment Manager, &orkflo' Manager, %M* )perating S7stem: 9atabases: 8"% development: &indo's, "?%@ S,- Server, )racle +*/ 5isual 4asic 2*/ Masters in %nformation !echnolog7, %ndia #M*Sc %!( Masters in Commerce and $ccounting, %ndia #M*Com( 1ost 8raduate 9iploma in Computer $pplications, %ndia #18*9*C*$(

A candidate of Anthroplace Consulting Pvt Ltd For further information please contact: Mr. Abhishek Pal +9 9!"#$ $%%%&

3R(4ESS"(0A2 E53ER"E0CE *'etail+ #i ro .echnologies. 6!ly 7889 : .ill /ate

Client A @ R)@, "S$ (Apr 2010 Till date) Role: Siebel $dministrator* Res onsibilities !o set up 1rod and ?on prod environments b7 %nstalling and configuring Siebel +*x* Repositor7 Migration bet'een environments !o do the build in all ?on 1rod and 1rod environments* Managed Siebel Jobs b7 running 8enerate ?e' 9atabase !emplate, 9atabase xtract Component, 8enerate !riggers Component, and nterprise Manager Component to accomplish tasks* !roubleshoot and monitored the problems in Siebel servers, soft'are, performance, connection and backup etc &orked on automation process of stopping and starting Siebel servers during Cold backup activit7* 9eveloped monitoring scripts to have a periodical check up of the Servers and the Component status in all environments* !o %nstall 9ocument server* !o take care of 'eekl7, monthl7, Buarterl7, 0earend Maintenance activities#9uring &indo', "nix 1atch 'ork( !o take care of Securit7 Certificates #SS-( rene'als !o perform 4uild activities in >rd part7 integration tool Click* !o create users and grant roles to 9evelopers, testers and 4usiness $nal7sts* 1eriodical Cealth checks up of all the environments* %nstall Siebel patches in all 1rod and ?on 1rod environments Client : C"SC(; USA*A!g!st 788< : March 78=8+ Role: Siebel $dministrator* Res onsibilities %nstalling, "ninstalling and Managing Siebel Servers #&eb, $pplication, 8ate'a7, Resonate Servers, Siebel $nal7tics server , Siebel $nal7tics 'eb server and Siebel anal7tics Cluster servers( Siebel 3*x items such as 'orkflo', tools, scripting, business services, $% , and %M Managing Siebel repositories and carr7ing our repositor7 migrations &orking 'ith the 94$ to setup and configure the database #)racle( for Siebel %nstallation and trouble free running of the application Maintaining pick lists 6 -ist of 5alues, Managing positions, responsibilities, vie's, application object managers and various other server components Monitoring Server 1rocesses and performance, restoring servers and database #'ith help of 94$( from backups*
A candidate of Anthroplace Consulting Pvt Ltd For further information please contact: Mr. Abhishek Pal +9 9!"#$ $%%%&

%nvolved in maintaining Siebel $nal7tics #9ev, !est and 1roduction( environment* %nvolved in setting up )4% ;/*;*>*>*; 1)C environment* $pplication deplo7ment planning and execution for Siebel and Siebel $nal7tics* Client : 0o,o 0or'is$; >!rich*Mar 788< : 6!ly 788<+ Role: Siebel $dministrator* ?ovo ?ordisk is a healthcare compan7 manufacturing and marketing pharmaceutical products and services is the 'orld leader in 9iabetes care* !he S% 4 - ?? " solution 'ill be a complete replacement of the existing Region " S!$R platform #and existing local 4usiness %ntelligence solutions(* %t is based on +*;*; version of S% 4 - SD$ e1harma and )racle 4%* !he ne' s7stem is aiming to improve functionalit7 and s7stem performance, ease of use as 'ell as building the foundation for sales effectiveness and business intelligence 'ithin Sales )perations in "* Res onsibilities Responsible for development and maintaining a Siebel CRM s7stem including Siebel Components such as the gate'a7, Re-extracting 9atabases, %mporting 'orkflo's and implementing SRDEs* %nteract 'ith different groups of %nfrastructure #Server, ?et'ork, 9atabase, Securit7, and 9ata Center etc( to manage Siebel environments* Co-ordinate 'ith 4usiness team and application team during testing and s7stem activities* !o build the entire Siebel environment this includes %nstallation and $ppl7ing -anguage 1acks #9evelopment, ,$, and Sandbox(* Manage all Siebel environments #9evelopment, ,$, and Sandbox(* Manage migration bet'een different environments* %nvolved in release deplo7ment and migration planning* !o guide the development team in areas related to Siebel $rchitecture* !o 'rite scripts to automate SRD replacements and bouncing of servers* !o build the batch files for running scheduled tasks like xport repositor7 and %mport Repositor7* 1oint of contact bet'een the development team and the other technical teams* Client :.he Coco Cola Com any; Atlanta *6!ly 7889 : 4eb 788<+ Role: Siebel $dministrator<9eveloper* Siebel 8ood $ns'er is a service offered b7 the Coca-Cola Compan7 to their customer base in ?orth $merica* Dor a fee, the Siebel 8ood $ns'er team 'ill provide customer relationship services to an7 compan7 #including, but not restricted to those that serve Coke products in the Dood Service segment(* Res onsibilities Responsible for developing and customizing Call Center application using Siebel !ools* "se Siebel !ools to modif7 applets, vie's, and screens to meet client reBuirements*
A candidate of Anthroplace Consulting Pvt Ltd For further information please contact: Mr. Abhishek Pal +9 9!"#$ $%%%&

$chieve 4usiness Rule automation using Siebel eScripting, &orkflo' Manager and $ssignment Manager* Create documents for use cases, data mapping, test cases, environment migration, and user training* Set up users and groupsF established access and Buer7 privileges for users* Created pick lists, links, and joins* Celped perform bulk data import to Siebel database using %M* $ided in configuration of screens, vie's, and applets* Managed and monitored Siebel server tasks and components Managed Siebel $dministration, user administration, server administration, component monitoring* Responsible for compilation of SRD, Repositor7 Migration, 99-S7nc, SRD migration, creating &orkflo' 1olicies, dropping 6 generating !riggers, creating RCRGs, administrating Runtime vents etc as part of 4uild process in 9evelopment, ,$ and 1roduction environments and validation of the same %nvolved in the %ncident Management $ctivities like trouble shooting the da7 to da7 production related issues* $ssisted in project scoping, planning tasks, and change management*

/ell; A!stin; .e?as

6an 7889 : 6!ne 7889

Role: Siebel $dministrator 9 -- is offering sales and service desk solutions to its Small 6 Medium 4usiness customers making use of various applications 'hich 'ill interact 'ith each other in sharing the data across in both real-time and as7nchronous batches* 4idirectional Siebel 'eb services 'ill handle interfacing and dispatching messages* !he $pplication makes use of custom Siebel 'eb services business services to send and receive messages Res onsibilities %nstallation and configuration of Siebel 8ate'a7, Siebel $pp Server, Siebel &eb Server xtension for development, test and performance environments* %mport < xport of repositories for various environments Schema Changes !roubleshooting Migration %ssues $d-hoc $pplication issues Co-ordination 'ith various teams for resolving %ssues Set-up 6 Maintenance of 9evelopers 1roviding Dull Compiled SRD $dministering Siebel components and Siebel Servers of 9evelopment and !est nvironments* $pplication Monitoring installation and configuration on all environments 9eplo7ing 9atabase %ndexes and SeBuences M%S, State Models, &orkflo's, $% 9ispatch Services, 9ata Maps, -ist of values, Miscellaneous
A candidate of Anthroplace Consulting Pvt Ltd For further information please contact: Mr. Abhishek Pal +9 9!"#$ $%%%&

1reparing Release ?otes for each release and 9rop<4uild 9eplo7ment activities in 9 5, "$! and 1erformance nvironments %mplemented 'eb securit7 services* Create Repeating Job Components and schedulers*

.ech Mahin'ra 2t'.

May 7887 : /ec 7887

Client - 4ritish !elecom, "H Role: Siebel $dministrator Res onsibilities %nstallation and configuration of Siebel 8ate'a7, Siebel $pp Server, Siebel &eb Server xtension on various environments Create technical documents and Siebel $rchitecture Revie' to support the Siebel $dministration processes and procedures* %nstallation and configuration of third part7 products #Site minder, J9H JR , M,, Sun )ne &eb server, )racle Ii( !roubleshooting the application problems related to the various dev and test environments* Responsible for all aspects of installing, managing, and maintaining multiple Siebel environments across multiple teams Managing the 9atabase usage and gro'th* $ccept 4ridge faults #"HR%?DR$ group( raised b7 4! !SS, 4ackup team, or )perations Support teams* Raise Change ReBuests for server administration related deplo7ments < major changes on operations support maintained boxes and coordinate 'ith all dealer groups on the implementation $ttend implementation calls 'ith 9evelopment !eam* -iased 'ith .nd < >rd -ine Support < 9evelopment !eam* ")M @lobal Ser,ices. A!g 788A : May 7887 Client A Reuters, "H (Mar 2006 May 2007) Role: Siebel $dministrator<Siebel 9eveloper !he Siebel CRM service as implemented b7 Reuters comprises a set of globall7 consistent, end-to-end 'orking practices, automated b7 Siebel, that aim put ReuterEs customers at the heart of their business* $s 'ell Siebel CRM is designed to give the Reuters organization a single vie' of each customer the7 serve* !his single vie' in turn enables Reuters to improve the Bualit7 and consistenc7 of our support for customers, and facilitates the generation of ne' business from their customers 'orld'ide* Res onsibilities System Administration: ;* 1erformed soft'are upgrades to existing s7stems* .* 1erformed Repositor7 migrations

A candidate of Anthroplace Consulting Pvt Ltd For further information please contact: Mr. Abhishek Pal +9 9!"#$ $%%%&

>* %nstalled Siebel server soft'are, scheduled and ran Siebel server processes, 8enerated 9atabase !emplates, xtracted -ocal 9atabases, Created initial user and developer accounts* J* %nstalled and Configured Siebel nterprise < 8ate'a7 and $pplication Servers* Responsible for Server $dministration* Created 9evelopment and !est nvironments* =* 1la7 role in upgrades and ne' implementations of Siebel 2* %nvolved in Siebel "pgrade from 3*=*> to 3*+ 5ersion o As a member o% the con%ig!ration team configured and customized the Siebel "%* 9esigned $pplets, 5ie's and Screens* nabled the applets to displa7 on 'eb in different modes* Created pick lists, drill do'ns and !oggle $pplets* Customized and added ne' Siebel 8"% la7er #Screens, 5ie's, and $pplets( objects to add the ne' functionalit7 as per reBuirements using Siebel tools* o Created 4usiness Components and 4usiness )bjects* "sed eScript for business component field validations* &orked 'ith administrator in adding ne' columns to existing tables or adding ne' tables in order to meet the needs* Responsible for Configuration of 4usiness la7er b7 Customizing 4C and 4) 'ith xtensive Customization using Siebel !ools* o 9efined $ssignment Rules for assigning the SRs<$ctivities to specific 9epartment and team for the different group products* Client A 8uardian -ife %nsurance Corporation, ?e' 0ork (Aug 2005 Feb 2006) Role: Siebel $dministrator 8uardian -ife %nsurance Compan7 is the Jth largest mutual life insurance compan7 in the "nited States of $merica, 'ith ;JJ 7ears of experience in providing diversified financial solutions, including life insurance, disabilit7 income insurance, retirement services, emplo7ee benefits, and investments* 8uardian is a Dortune >// member and their assets totaled K>= billion* Res onsibilities %nvolved in the setup, installation and configuration of 9evelopment environment* Responsible for .Jx3 of monitoring and tro!ble shooting issues pertaining to 9ev, ,$, Staging 6 1roduction environments, and anal7ze the root cause Responsible for com ilation o% SR4; Re ository Migration; //2Sync; SR4 migration; creating #or$%lo& 3olicies; 'ro ing B generating .riggers; creating RCRCs; a'ministrating R!ntime E,ents etc as part of 4uild process in 9evelopment, ,$ and 1roduction environments and validation of the same Support tasks like /atabase E?traction for 9evelopers, 2ogin creation; appl7ing changes to the tables in !ools, im ort an' e? ort of S%D objects, 'orkflo's across environments and maintaining the version control*

A candidate of Anthroplace Consulting Pvt Ltd For further information please contact: Mr. Abhishek Pal +9 9!"#$ $%%%&

3olaris So%t&are 2abs 2t'. 4eb 788D : 6!ly 788A Client A Citibank, "S$ (April 2005 July 2005) Role: Siebel $dministrator Client&ise is a Sales and Client management s7stem that helps in gathering and anal7sis of client and prospect information* Client&ise provides continuit7 of kno'ledge about clients and facilitates proactive sales management techniBues for client-centric teams* %t is one among the suite of applications used b7 CitibankEs 1rivate 4anking 8roup for global 'ealth management for the Client* Res onsibilities Co-ordinate 'ith the )nsite support team and do a first level anal7sis of issues that come up in production issues and resolve the issues* Manage all Siebel environments #9evelopment, Conversion, %ntegration, ,$, Staging and 1roduction( Manage migration effort bet'een different environments $ssist in release and migration planning Routing the production issues 'hich need development attention to the appropriate developer 1articipate in on call support of development and test Siebel servers Client A "nilever (Nov 2004 Mar 2005) ro!e"t Title# A"u$e% Trade Fu%d Ma%age$e%t !he scope of the project 'as to design a common "nilever $sia !rade Dunds Management model covering modern and general trade and the implementation of this model using SiebelEs trade promotion management and trade funds management functionalit7* !he )bjective 'as to standardize the business process for promotions and to track the spending of funds for these promotions across all the countries in $sia region* %nitiall7 the project 'as rolled out to . specific sub regions: $ustralia 6 %ndonesia* !hese t'o countries 'ere used as the template for implementing in ;J other countries across $sia* Res onsibilities %nvolved in modif7ing applets, business components, business services, vie's and applications using eScript, to suit to business reBuirements %nvolved in development and testing of the application %nvolved in the Siebel 3*3 "pgrade from Siebel 3*=*> %nvolved in setting up of the 9evelopment nvironment %nvolved in Siebel $dministrator activities like Repositor7 Management, nvironment management, etc* %nvolved in 1roduction support activities and enhancements of the project Client A 94S 4ank, Singapore (Jul 2004 &"t 2004) ro!e"t Title# '() * 7 +pgrade !he 94S Dinance %mplementation done on Siebel Dinancial Services is an upgrade project from Siebel 2*> to Siebel 3*=*>*!he application rollout 'ill be across the bank in different
A candidate of Anthroplace Consulting Pvt Ltd For further information please contact: Mr. Abhishek Pal +9 9!"#$ $%%%&

phases and releases* ach release of the application 'ill provide extended functionalit7 that are customized and tailored to meet the business reBuirements for different business units* Res onsibilities Responsible for the "% configuration and ensuring the functionalities are achieved to meet the business reBuirements during the upgrade* Responsible for customization to achieve the 4usiness Rules as part of nhancements* 4usiness Rules achieved through various configuration including user properties and escripting* %dentif7ing of obsolete methods in 2*> scripts and replacing them 'ith eBuivalent methods in Siebel 3*= during script migration* Responsible for Configuration of 4) -a7er objects like 4usiness )bjects, 4usiness Components, joins, 1ick lists and -inks* 1reparation of 9esign documents for the changes effected bet'een 2*> and 3*=*> Client A Citi4ank, "S$ (Feb 2004 Jul 2004) Role: Siebel Configurator<$dminstrator ro!e"t Title# ,itiba%- rivate (a%-i%g .roup Res onsibilities Monitor server logs - server reBuest processor, broker, object managers, 'orkflo' monitor, etc* Monitor production performance - anal7zing and resolving issues* !roubleshoot individual components 'hen not runningF server memor7 issuesF file s7stem errorsF issues 'ith 'eb server and bro'ser scripts* 1erform installations of Siebel upgrades and patches* 1roactivel7 plan for load balancing of server components* 9ocumented, tested and debugged throughout all phases of the development life c7cle*

A candidate of Anthroplace Consulting Pvt Ltd For further information please contact: Mr. Abhishek Pal +9 9!"#$ $%%%&

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