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Savannah Boskins

EBCI 422
!"# %&'()*#+( 0nit

S.E. Binton's novel, !"# %&'()*#+(, is haileu by many as the fiist tiue Young Auult
novel evei wiitten. Wiitten when Binton was just a teen heiself, the novel tells the stoiy of
teenage life at that time, chionicling the tiue anu fictitious events in hei neighboihoou.
Susan Eloise Binton giew up uuiing the 196us in Tulsa, 0klahoma. Buiing this time, the
teens in hei town weie uiviueu into two social gioups: The uieaseis anu the Socs. The two
battles between the cliques anu the alienation felt by Ponyboy anu his fiienus easily
iepiesent the alienation anu "0utsiuei" status felt by so many teens touay. Teens can ielate
to the themes anu iuentity of chaiacteis in !"# %&'()*#+( because of the similai
chaiacteiization, make up of self anu gioup uniqueness, anu self-exploiation. The giipping
plot anu iuentifiable chaiacteis, along with an excellent movie veision with well-known
actois, allows youths to ielate the stoiy to theii own lives.
The unit is baseu on themes ievolving aiounu iuentity of the inuiviuual anu the
gioup, as well as stuuents' own peisonal expeiience anu ieflection. I believe the novel's
thought-piovoking issues coupleu with the exploiation of the stuuents' own expeiience anu
iuentity will enteitain stuuents' inteiest in the novel anu piomote iuentity awaieness.
I chose to tailoi this unit towaius eighth giaue stuuents. Stuuents in the eighth
giaue aie enteiing both seconuaiy school anu auolescence. I believe the issues uealt with in
!"# %&'()*#+( can uiiectly ielate to some of the issues being uealt with by eight giaue
stuuents. Feeling confuseu, self-conscious, out of place, scaieu, anu the confusion of
becoming an auult while still being a chilu aie all felt by eighth giaueis anu the chaiacteis in
the novel. Also, the main theme of iuentity is key, as eighth giaueis aie at the age wheie
they ieally begin to stiuggle with theii own iuentity. Theii iuentities will be changing
thioughout seconuaiy school anu appioaching the issues iaiseu in the novel can help the
youths to become moie unueistanuable of theii changes anu leain about theii iuentity.
This unit will pioviue stuuents the chance to gain an appieciation foi liteiatuie, as
well as theii own self-exploiation anu iuentity. The final pioject allows the stuuents to
ieflect on the novel as a whole anu ieflect on theii iuentity anu chaiacteiistics as they aujust
to seconuaiy school.

0nit Betails
This unit is maue up of activities ievolving aiounu themes piesenteu in the novel.
The unit incluues ten lessons lasting ioughly 7u-9u minutes. Lessons shoitei than 9u
minutes aie meant to pioviue stuuents with woik time. Stuuents will cieate a poitfolio foi
the entiie unit, which will be maue-up of theii assignments, jouinal entiies, quizzes, essays,
in-class woiksheets, anu final pioject centeieu on iuentity. The poitfolio is uesigneu to
ieflect stuuents' piogiess thioughout the unit. The items collecteu will be kept in a
peisonalizeu foluei foi each stuuent. Stuuents will have access to this foluei whenevei they
wish to help them finu uiiection anu inspiiation foi theii final pioject. The jouinal entiies
will be wiitten fiom piompts pioviueu. The entiies will be kept in a small notebook hanueu
out at the beginning of the unit. This can be a spiial notebook, composition notebook, oi one
maue on youi own. Whatevei the teachei piefeis. The puipose is to expose stuuents to
uiffeient wiiting activities thioughout the unit, as well as pioviue a chance foi ieflection on
the ieauing. The final pioject will give stuuents the chance to uiscovei theii own iuentity
anu ielate themselves to a chaiactei in the novel. The stuuents will have the fieeuom to
expiess theii own iuentity thiough pieces in the poitfolio; jouinals, aitwoik, anu anything
else they wish to submit. Lesson paiticipation will incluue listening, speaking, completion of
assignments anu ieauings, quizzes, exit-slips, anu jouinal entiies.
The final pioject is uesigneu to help stuuents exploie theii own iuentity thiough
compaiison with a chaiactei fiom the novel. Stuuents will choose a chaiactei they feel
shaies similaiities oi uiffeiences with themselves. They will then expiess this thiough
postei, jouinal entiy fiom a uiffeient peispective, song, viueo, oi othei meuium.

0nit Assessment

Paiticipation 1S%
}ouinal 1S%
Poitfolio 4u%
Final Pioject Su%
(Compaiing Iuentities: You vs. Who.)
Total 1uu%

0nit Scheuule

Lesson Scheuule Page Numbei

!"##$% '%"( )*"%+,+- .
}ouinal Entiy
Befine Iuentity teims
Iuentity Biainstoims
Intiouuce stuuents to novel anu authoi
Iuentity uiscussion
Exit Slip
o Bomewoik: Reau Chapteis 1 anu 2
!"##$% /0$( /1" 23456# 7
Chaptei 1 anu 2 Quiz
}ouinal Entiy
Biscussion of the Setting
The 196us
Intiouuction to the Stoiy
Exit Slip
o Bomewoik: Reau Chapteis S anu 4
!"##$% /18""( 91$ :; )< 24
Name Iuentity Poem
Intiouuce Poitfolio Pioject anu Final Pioject
Who is S.E. Binton. NPR inteiview
Activity 1: "Choose a famous peison."
}ouinal Entiy
Exit Slip
o Bomewoik: Reau Chapteis S anu 6
!"##$% =$>8( 91$ :; ) ?$%+@ A4
}ouinal Entiy
Assign uioup Chaiactei Postei
Chaiactei Biscussion
Exit Slip
o Bomewoik: 1 Page }ouinal Entiy: An event that has shapeu who they
!"##$% =,B"( C+D-,%E F$G* A7
%&'()*#+( Ciosswoiu Puzzle
Chaptei Biscussion
Robeit Fiost Poem
o Bomewoik: Poem Inteipietation Chaptei 7
!"##$% C,H( /1,# )# 91$ ) :; I.
Ponyboy Bio Poem
Poitfolio Check
Reauing Time
o Bomewoik: Reau Chapteis 8, 9, anu 1u
!"##$% C"B"%( =D;,G- =D?+$8 I7
Family Biscussion
Role-Play Caiu Activity
o Bomewoik: Chapteis 11 anu 12
!"##$% J,E1+( /DK" L- :*B,?" M.
0utsiueis Language uame
Reau pg 1SS-1S4 to class; Biscussion
Activity 1: Wheie to finu help in youi community
Chaptei uiscussion
Reau pg 178-179 to class; Biscussion
Closuie: What to uo in a ciisis
o Bomewoik: Finish poitfolio anu piepaie to biing it to class next
!"##$% N,%"( /1" J%* OPD8+ 2Q .5
Stuuents piesent final piojects
Poitfolio uue
!"# %&'()*#+( movie, by Fiancis Foiu Coppola
!"##$% /"%( /1" J%* OPD8+ AQ .A
Finish movie
Novie uiscussion
Tuin in }ouinals

!"#$%&'"# )*


+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% '%"( )*"%+,+-

!"##$% /1";"R Iuentity- Inuiviuuality vs. uioup

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
8.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words
or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range
of strategies.
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
'ST"?+,B"#R Stuuents Will Be Able To (SWBAT)
0nueistanu the theme of iuentity
Befine iuentity, class, anu iace
Biscuss the uiffeiences between inuiviuuality anu gioup iuentity
Biscuss the concepts of cliques anu gangs

8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RL.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific
word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.

LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
Stuuent }ouinal
"0utsiuei Iuentity" hanuout
Penpencil anu papei
!"# %&'()*#+( novel

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(uS min) Pass out stuuent }ouinals. Bave stuuents wiite theii names on
them. Explain that they shoulu stait a new page, with the uate at the top, foi
eveiy entiy.
(1u min) Begin with uaily jouinal entiy. Stuuents will wiite about theii
peisonal iuentity anu theii gioup of fiienu's iuentity. -".' )( /0&+ 1#+(02.3
)*#2')'/4 -".' )( /0&+ 5+0&1 06 6+)#2*7( )*#2')'/4 While stuuents aie wiiting,
pass out "0utsiue Iuentity" hanuout.
(1u min) Biscussion: -".' )( )*#2')'/4 8+# '"#+# *)66#+#2' 9)2*( 06 )*#2')'/4
Befine iuentity, class, iace, anu othei themes on the "0utsiue Iuentity"
hanuout. Ask foi examples.
(2S min) Activity 1: In gioups of S oi 4, gioups will be given a topic to
biainstoim on a laige piece of papei uealing with iuentity.
o Topics: inuiviuuality, cliques, oi gangs
o Stuuents will biainstoim anu chait foi 1u minutes, then piesent theii
biainstoim to the class.
o Aftei each topic gioup(s) has piesenteu, the class will auu moie iueas
to the chait anu hang chaits on walls. Chaits will iemain up until the
enu of the lesson as a iefeience.
(1S min) Intiouuce the class to S.E. Binton's novel !"# %&'()*#+(.
o (Wiiting the class's iueas on the boaiu) As a class, pieuict what the
stoiy might be about by just heaiing the title.
o Banu out the novels
o Biscuss what the book might be about fiom just the covei illustiation.
:0#( )' .** .2/ 2#; )*#.( 6+0< ;".' ;# *)(=&((#* ;)'" '"# ')'3#4
o Intiouuce the stuuents to the authoi, S.E. Binton. Banu out "About the
Authoi" sheet. If time allows, have class ieau the sheet togethei.
(2u min) Activity 2: With a paitnei, have stuuents uiscuss what makes them
unique (e.g. Spoit activities they paiticipate in, musical instiuments, etc.).
Then have the paitneis intiouuce theii paitneis to the class, explaining what
makes them unique.
(S-1u min) Close: Exit Slip
o :#6)2# )*#2')'/> -".' )( '"# *)66#+#2=# ?#';##2 )2*)@)*&.3)'/ .2*
?#3025)25 '0 . =3)A&# 0+ 5.25 )*#2')'/4 B)@# .2 #C.<13# 60+ #.=">
o -".' )( ".11#2)25 '0<0++0;4 Quiz ovei Chapteis 1 anu 2
Stuuents hanu in when uone.

W$;"0$8KR Reau Chapteis 1 anu 2 foi next class.


Activity 1: Stuuents uemonstiate theii unueistanuing of inuiviuuality, cliques,
anu gangs by biainstoiming

Activity 2: Can stuuents pioviue an example of something that makes them

Closuie Exit Slip: Can stuuents uefine iuentity. Can stuuents explain the
uiffeience between inuiviuuality anu cliquegioup iuentity.

If stuuents can pioviue an example anu uefinition to the above ciiteiia, we can
assume they unueistoou the concept of iuentity. If stuuents can finu an example of
something that makes them unique, they aie able to uesciibe a pait of theii iuentity
anu will be able to uiscuss in fuithei theii self-iuentity in futuie lessons

Name: _____________________________
Date: ____________________ Block: ___________

LESSON 1 : Outsi de Identi ty!
8ase lnformaLlon 8ackground:

1. All of Lhose Lhlngs by whlch a person or Lhlng ls known Lo be hlmself, herself, or
lLself. !"#$ "# &' ($ ')*+#, *$ *-)(. /('#' "&' &0#$)&)12
2. 1he condlLlon of belng exacLly Lhe same as anoLher person or Lhlng. 34#$ )"(5+"
)"#1 /((6 )"# '*7#, )"# )8&$' 0( $() "*4# )"# '*7# &0#$)&)12

1. A group or dlvlslon LhaL ls based on quallLy. 9"*) 0#*/#. '#//' * :#))#. -/*'' (;
2. A group of people who have a slmllar way of llfe and poslLlon ln socleLy. <*$1
7#7:#.' (; )"# 5==#. -/*'' /&4# &$ /*.+#, ;*$-1 "(5'#'2


1. A group of people unlLed or classlfled LogeLher on Lhe basls of common hlsLory,
naLlonallLy, or geographlc dlsLrlbuLlon.

1. 1he quallLles and characLerlsLlcs of a person LhaL make hlm or her dlfferenL from
all oLhers. >"# "*' * /() (; &$0&4&05*/&)12

1. A small excluslve group of frlends or assoclaLes.

1. A group of crlmlnals or hoodlums who band LogeLher for muLual proLecLlon and
2. A group of adolescenLs who band LogeLher, especlally a group of dellnquenLs.


+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% /0$( /1" 23456#

!"##$% /1";"R Quiz Setting anu Issues of the 196us

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
o a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under
study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the
topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
Test ieauing compiehension thiough quiz
Biscuss the setting of the 196us anu the novel
Biscuss the issues of the 196us
Biscuss the uiffeiences anu similaiities between 196us anu touay

LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
Stuuent jouinal
Chaptei 1 anu 2 Quiz
"196us Backgiounu" hanuout
"Photos fiom the 196us" hanuout
Penpencil anu papei
!"# %&'()*#+( novel

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(1u min) As soon as stuuents aie in theii seats, hanu out quiz. Bave stuuents
complete the quiz on theii own.
(S min) When quiz is completeu, stuuents will hanu in theii quizzes.
Instiuctoi will then go ovei the answeis with the class.
(1u min) Stuuent will then complete theii uaily jouinal entiy. D.@)25 +#.* '"#
6)+(' =".1'#+ 06 !"# %&'()*#+(, ;".' )( /0&+ )<1+#(()02 06 '"# (#'')25, )2=3&*)25
')<# 1#+)0* .2* 13.=#4 -".' =3&#( "#31#* /0& =0<# '0 '"#(# =02=3&()02(4
(S min) Biscuss the iueas anu peiceptions of settingfocus on clues that leau
the stuuents to theii uecisions in theii jouinals.
(2u min) Piesent the 196us eia to the stuuentspictuies, icons, music,
newspapeis heaulines, etc.
(1S min) Biscussion of the 196ushow uoes it ielate to 2u1S.
(1u min) Intiouuction to stoiy anu Ponyboy
o -"0 )( E02/?0/4 -"0 *0 ;# 3#.+2 .?0&'4
o Biscuss stoiy elements: intiouuction, setting, moou, anu theme.
o -".' )( '"# (#'')25 06 !"# %&'()*#+( telling us. (iuentity, cliques, etc.)
(S min) CloseExit Slip: What aie two uiffeiences between the 196us anu
touay. 2 similaiities.
With iemaining time, allow stuuents to catch up on misseu ieauing oi
beginning ieauing aheau foi theii homewoik. Stuuents must hanu in theii
exit slip on the way out the uooi.

W$;"0$8KR Reau Chapteis S anu 4


Quiz: Quiz will test stuuents ieauing compiehension anu iefiesh the stoiy in theii

}ouinal Biscussion: Stuuents uiscuss setting anu what clues in Chaptei 1 biought
them to theii conclusion.

Stoiy Intiouuction Biscussion: Class answeis questions as a whole.


Name___________________________________ Bate___________________________

!"# %&'()*#+( Quiz
Chapteis 1 anu 2

1. What happens to Ponyboy on his way home fiom the movies.

2. Biiefly uesciibe the conflict between the uieaseis anu the Socs.

S. What happeneu to the Cuitis biotheis' paients.

4. Bow is Ponyboy uiffeient fiom the iest of the uieaseis.

S. In one well-wiitten sentence, chaiacteiize Baiiy.

6. In one well-wiitten sentence, chaiacteiize Souapop.


7. List the uieaseis that aie at the movies "with" Cheiiy anu Naicia.

8. What uoes Ponyboy tell Cheiiy while stanuing in line foi popcoin.


Name: _________________________________ Block: ___________

2345# XD?KE8$>%*R


: FD#
A lot of fun.
:GG #1$0 D%* %$ E$Y
Refeienceu to a cai that hau all the pietty chiome goouies, but woulun't get
out of its own way.
A tough guy. A guy you ieally uon't want to mess with.
To Steal. Example: Who baggeu my towel. ; also see Scoie Also; "What's youi
bag" meaning what's youi pioblem oi wheie aie you coming fiom.
Biiving up anu uown the same stieet looking foi iaces, giils, guys, etc.
A 19S2 Foiu. As in, "She's my Little Beuce Coupe, you uon't know what I got".
In the 6u's, a uuue was a geek
Someone's house. Example: Theie wasn't much to uo so we all hung
out at }ohn's pau, uiank Cokes anu listeneu to iecoius.
In the 6u's, thongs weie something you woie on youi feet.

Elvis Piesley
Chubby Checkei
The Eveily Biotheis
Fiank Sinatia

The Alamo
The Time Nachine
The Nagnificent Seven

N"0# W"D*G,%"# ]8$; 2345#R
Kenneuy Wins Piesiuency, Bemociats Sweep Congiess Two White Public Schools
aie the Fiist to Integiate Russian Astionaut Yuii uayaiin Fiist Nan in Space Ciicles
ulobe East ueimans Builu Beilin Wall, Tensions Rise Yo-Yos Become National Ciaze


Name_____________________________________________ Block_______________

U1$+$# ]8$; +1" 2345#

Women's fashion:

Nen's fashion:


A Couple fiom the 196us:



+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% /18""( 91$ :; )<

!"##$% /1";"R Self-Iuentity anu the Poitfolio

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
o a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under
study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the
topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
8.RI.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between
individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
Evaluate theii self-iuentity anu values.
0penly uiscuss theii iuentity
Relate themselves with a figuie (famous actoi, musician, athlete, etc.) anu
analyze why they feel they can ielate to that peison.
0bseive the ioles of genuei anu uiscuss genuei iuentity

LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
o Stuuent }ouinals
o Penpencil
o Name Iuentity Woiksheet
o Computei with inteinet access
o Stuuio S6u inteiview
o Poitfolio Pioject Banuout, Rubiic, anu Checklist
o Final Pioject Banuout
o Folueis foi each stuuent (foi poitfolio papeis)
/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(1u min) Name Iuentity- In paiis, stuuents will wiite a name poem foi
Ponyboy (see attacheu woiksheet).
(1u min) Biscuss Ponyboy Name Iuentity poems - what uoes it say about
him. Stuuent's piesent theii poem.
(1u min) Intiouuce Poitfolio Pioject (see hanuout) anu pass out folueis.
Bave stuuents staple Poitfolio Checklist to insiue of foluei.
(uS min) Pass back Quiz 1 anu have stuuents place it in theii poitfolio.
(1u-1S min) Who is S.E. Binton. Listen to pait of S.E. Binton's PRI inteiview.
-".' +03# *0#( 5#2*#+ 13./ )2 '"# )*#2')'/4 D0; *0#( /0&+ 5#2*#+ )263&#2=#
o http:www.stuuioS6u.oig2u12mayu4ameiican-icons-outsiueis
(1u min) Activity 1: Choose a famous peison (musician, actoi, athlete, wiitei,
etc.) who you feel shaies a similai iuentity anu has the same values as you.
}ot uown those values anu wiite a paiagiaph oi two explaining why you feel
the two of you have a similai iuentity anu values. |0R choose a peison who
has the complete opposite iuentity anu values fiom you anu explainj
(7 min) Shaie with a paitnei youi wiiting. Banu in wiiting at enu of class.
Ask foi volunteeis to shaie wiiting.
(1u min) In theii jouinals, stuuents will begin to biainstoim about what
chaiactei(s) they might want to use foi theii final pioject anu why they feel
this chaiactei is oi is not ielatable.
(S min) Close: Exit Slip What S tiaits help uefine Ponyboy's iuentity.
Stuuents will hanu this in on theii way out the uooi.
(iemaining time) Begin ieauing foi homewoik. Stuuents may also use this
time to uiscuss theii final pioject with the teachei.

W$;"0$8KR Reau Chapteis S anu 6


Name Iuentity: Bave stuuents ieau the fiist chaptei. If so, they will be able to
uesciibe appiopiiate chaiacteiistics of Ponyboy's iuentity.

Activity 1: Stuuents will hanu in theii wiiting about a famous peison with
similai iuentity anu values. Theii explanation shoulu incluue
iefeience to themselves anu give a uesciiption of why they feel
they have a similai iuentity anu similai values.

Exit Slip: Stuuents can answei question with thiee coiiect tiaits.


Name___________________________________ Bate___________________________

N:LJ )\JN/)/^

Wiite a Name Iuentity poem foi Ponyboy. 0se each lettei of Ponyboy's name (like
shown below) to cieate a sentence oi single noun, veib, oi aujective that uesciibes
Pony's iuentity. Refei to Chaptei 1 foi chaiactei infoimation.









Name__________________________ Bate__________________________

U$8+]$G,$ :?+,B,+,"#
*You must complete all of the following activities:

2Y _>,ZR
Complete Quiz anu tuin it in foi giauing.

AY `$>8%DGR
Write on journal entries prompts that reflect on themes in novel
Relate personal identity and reflections with the novel and themes

IY ND;" )*"%+,+-R
Wiite a Name Iuentity poem foi Ponyboy, uesciibing his iuentity anu
the chaiacteiistics that make him unique.
0se aujectives, nouns, anu veibs that uesciibe Ponyboy's iuentity.
Cieate an inteiesting anu imaginative poem

MY 98,+,%E J%+8-R U"8#$%DG a"]G"?+,$%
Wiite a peisonal jouinal entiy about a paiticulai event that has
impacteu youi life anu has shapeu who you aie. Incluue a photo,
uiawing, oi object that iepiesents this event anu explain why you
chose the item.

.Y N$+1,%E F$G* [D% C+D-
Wiite a V page uesciiption of youi inteipietation of Fiost's poem to
be uisplayeu in youi poitfolio. What uo you think the poem means.
Bo you agiee with Fiost.
Choose a song you feel piomotes the theme of "Caipe Biem". Wiite V
a page, explaining how the song makes you feel anu if you agiee with
the iueas piesenteu in the song. Also, ielate the song to Fiost's poem
anu the novel.

4Y X,$E8DP1- U$";
Wiite a biogiaphical poem about Ponyboy

bY [$;PD8,%E )*"%+,+,"#R ^$> B#Y 91$< O=,%DG U8$T"?+ c;D8K"* #"PD8D+"G-
]8$; P$8+]$G,$Q
Choose a chaiactei fiom !"# %&'()*#+( who you feel you can ielate
with in teims of iuentity anu peisonality.
0R choose a chaiactei who you feel you cannot ielate with at all, foi
example, they aie the complete opposite in iuentity anu peisonality
fiom you
Compaie anu contiast that chaiactei's iuentity to youi own iuentity
i. Woulu you both be in the same clique. Why oi why not.
ii. What chaiacteiistics aie similai between you both. What
chaiacteiistics aie uiffeient. Why aie they similai oi uiffeient.
iii. 0se the pievious assignments on self-iuentity anu chaiactei
chaits foi auuitional infoimation when compaiing anu
Choose a cieative anu imaginative way to uemonstiate youi
knowleuge of the chaiactei of youi choice anu youi compaiison with
youi own iuentity.
Some examples foi the pioject aie: a postei boaiu with pictuies,
phiases, quotes fiom the novel, poetiy, objectsitems that
uemonstiate the uiffeiences anu similaiities between you anu the
chaiactei you chose; wiite a jouinal fiom the chaiactei's point-of-
view anu then compaie that to a jouinal about you, oi anothei type of
genie (poem, aitifacts, etc.)


Name___________________________ Bate____________________

U$8+]$G,$ a>S8,?
Cleai, Well-0iganizeu Aiiangement of Assigneu Requiiements:

S ~ Excellent - Consistently communicates iueas in a cleai, well-oiganizeu, coheient
fashion thioughout poitfolio.

4 ~ uoou - 0ften communicates iueas in a cleai, well-oiganizeu, coheient fashion
thioughout poitfolio.

S ~ Acceptable - Communicates iueas in a cleai, well-oiganizeu, coheient fashion
thioughout most of the poitfolio.

2 ~ Pooi - Sometimes fails to communicate iueas in a cleai, well-oiganizeu, coheient
fashion thioughout most of the poitfolio.

1 ~ veiy Pooi - 0ften fails to communicate iueas in a cleai, well-oiganizeu, coheient
fashion thioughout all of the poitfolio.

:PP8$P8,D+" d#" $] a"e>,8";"%+# ]$8 +1" )%+"%*"* U>8P$#"R

S ~ Excellent - Exceptionally expiesses iuentity anu ielates to The 0utsiueis
thioughout the poitfolio, inuicating a high level of ieflection.

4 ~ uoou - Is consistently tailoieu to expiess iuentity anu to ielate to The 0utsiueis
thioughout the poitfolio, inuicating an above aveiage level of ieflection.

S ~ Acceptable - Is tailoieu to expiess iuentity anu to ielate to The 0utsiueis
thioughout most of the poitfolio, inuication an aveiage level of ieflection.

2 ~ Pooi - Sometimes fails to be tailoieu to expiess iuentity anu to ielate to The
0utsiueis thioughout most of the poitfolio, inuication little ieflection.

1 ~ veiy Pooi - 0ften fails to be tailoieu to expiess iuentity anu to ielate to The
0utsiueis thioughout all of the poitfolio, inuicating no ieflection.

=8"" =8$; CP"GG,%Ef U>%?+>D+,$%f D%* F8D;;D8 J88$8#R

S ~ Excellent - Consistently is fiee fiom spelling, punctuation, anu giammai eiiois
in all of the poitfolio's content.

4 ~ uoou - 0ften is fiee fiom spelling, punctuation, anu giammai eiiois in the
poitfolio's content.

S ~ Acceptable - Fiee fiom spelling, punctuation, anu giammai eiiois thioughout
most of the poitfolio's content.

2 ~ Pooi - 0ften has eiiois in spelling, punctuation, anu giammai eiiois thioughout
all of the poitfolio's content.

1 ~ veiy Pooi - Consistently has eiiois in spelling, punctuation, anu giammai
thioughout all of the poitfolio's content.

The poitfolio will be out of 1uu maiks, taking each of the iubiic categoiies (theie
aie 4) anu evaluating the stuuent's poitfolio anu then multiplying that numbei by S.
Each section (theie aie 4) will be maikeu out of 2S, making the whole poitfolio out
of 1uu maiks.


name___________________________________ 8lock_________________

My Portfolio Checklist
SLaple Lhls checkllsL Lo Lhe lnslde of your porLfollo folder Lo help you keep Lrack of your
work. lnclude all of Lhe followlng lLems ln your porLfollo. lace a check by Lhe lLems as
you place Lhem ln Lhe folder. Make sure Lo double check LhaL everyLhlng ls ln place
before Lurnlng your porLfollo ln!

Quiz (Chapters 1 and 2)

Name Identity Poem


Personal Reflection Journal Entry

Nothing Gold Can Stay Writing

Biography Poem

*Dont forget about your final project!
**See Comparing Identities: You vs. Who?

[$;PD8,%E )*"%+,+,"#R ^$> B#Y 1,$2
=,%DG U8$T"?+

Foi youi final pioject:

[1$$#" D ?1D8D?+"8 fiom !"# %&'()*#+( who you feel -$> ?D% 8"GD+" with in
teims of iuentity anu peisonality.
Choose a chaiactei who you feel -$> ?D%%$+ 8"GD+" with at all.
Foi example: they aie the complete opposite in iuentity anu peisonality fiom

[$;PD8" D%* ?$%+8D#+ that chaiactei's iuentity to youi own iuentity
Woulu you both be in the same clique. Why oi why not.
What chaiacteiistics aie similai between you both. What
chaiacteiistics aie uiffeient. Why aie they similai oi uiffeient.
0se the pievious assignments on self-iuentity anu chaiactei chaits foi
auuitional infoimation when compaiing anu contiasting.

Choose a cieative anu imaginative way to *";$%#+8D+" -$>8 K%$0G"*E" of the
chaiactei of youi choice anu youi compaiison with youi own iuentity.

Some "HD;PG"# foi the pioject aie:
A postei boaiu with pictuies, phiases, quotes fiom the novel, poetiy,
objectsitems that uemonstiate the uiffeiences anu similaiities between you
anu the chaiactei you chose
Wiite a jouinal fiom the chaiactei's point-of- view anu then compaie that to a
jouinal about you, oi anothei type of genie (poem, aitifacts, etc.)
Wiite anu peifoim a song explaining the uiffeiences oi similaiities between
you anu youi chaiactei.
o Cieate a music viueo

The choice is up to you. This pioject is about expiessing who you aie.
}ust make suie you.

C$;" e>"#+,$%# +$ K""P ,% ;,%* 01,G" ?$;PG"+,%E +1" ],%DG

o W$0 ,# ,*"%+,+- *";$%#+8D+"* ,% -$>8 ?1$,?" $] ?1D8D?+"8<

o W$0 *$"# +1" ,*"%+,+- $] +1" ;D,% ?1D8D?+"8 #,;,GD8
+$V*,]]"8"%+ ]8$; U$%-S$-g#< 91D+ ]D?+$8# ,%]G>"%?" +1,#<

o W$0 *$"# +1,# %$B"G $8 ;$B," 1"GP -$> "HPG$8" -$>8 $0%

o W$0 ?D% -$> *";$%#+8D+" +1" *,]]"8"%?"# D%* #,;,GD8,+,"#
S"+0""% -$> D%* +1" ?1D8D?+"8 -$> ?1$#" >#,%E *,]]"8"%+
+-P"# $] ;"*,>; O;"*,Df *8D;Df P$"+8-f "##D-f T$>8%DGf "+?YQ


+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% =$>8( 91$ :; )< ?$%+,%>"*

!"##$% /1";"R Chaiacteiization

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RI.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between
individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
Iuentify the vaiious chaiacteis in !"# %&'()*#+(
Analyze the chaiacteis iuentities
Bo a uetaileu tiipou chait iuentifying the chaiacteiistics of a paiticulai
uive a uetaileu uesciiption oially of a paiticulai chaiactei
LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
o Stuuent }ouinals
o Penpencil
o Name Iuentity Woiksheet
o Postei boaiu
o Naikeis
o !"# %&'()*#+( novel

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(1u min) }ouinal Piompt: -"0 .+# /0&4 -".' <.9#( /0& &2)A&#4 -".' 6.='0+(
)263&#2=# ;"0 /0& .+#4 F6.<)3/, 6+)#2*(, 1.(' #C1#+)#2=#(G -"/4
(1u min) Activity 1: In gioups of S oi 4, assign each gioup one chaiactei to
cieate a iuentity postei on: Ponyboy, Soua, Baiiy, Steve, Two-Bit, }ohnny, anu
Cheiiy. Each postei will incluue:
o Chaiactei name
o Physical chaiacteiistics
o Peisonality tiaits
o Relationship to othei chaiacteis
o Any othei ielevant infoimation
uioups aie to leave some space on the postei foi latei auuitions
(2S min) Each gioup will piesent theii posteiput posteis up on walls, auu
infoimation as you leain moie about chaiacteis thioughout unit.
(1u min) As a class, uiscuss the uiffeiences anu similaiities of each chaiactei
o Aie the iuentities the same. Biffeient.
o Boes genuei play a iole in iuentity oi position.
o What makes chaiacteis uiffeient. Noney. Bouse. Clothes.
(1S min) Relate the chaiacteis to the stuuentswith paitnei anu class
o Bo any of the chaiacteis seem similai to you. Biffeient. Bow.
o Bo you know someone who is similai to one of the chaiacteis.
(1u min) Exit Slip: uive on chaiacteiistic oi piece of infoimation about Baiiy,
Cheiiy, anu Souapop.
(2 min) uo ovei homewoik assignment (below)
(extia) Allow stuuents to eithei begin theii homewoik oi ieau the novel.

W$;"0$8KR Wiite a 1-page jouinal entiy about a paiticulai event that has
impacteu youi life anu has shapeu who you aie. Incluue a photo, uiawing, oi object
that iepiesents this event anu explain why you chose that item.


}ouinal Entiy: Expiess an event that has chaiacteiizeu theii life. Aie the
stuuents able to ieveal peisonal infoimation in a wiitten foim
anu ieflect on the event anu its "powei" ovei theii lives. This
will become pait of theii poitfolio.

Activity 1: Will assess if they have ieau up to cuiient chaptei because
they will neeu to iecall knowleuge of chaiacteis anu situations.
They will be alloweu to use theii texts, will have to ieau into
uesciiptions poseu by Binton.

Biscussion: Can stuuents make connections anu obseive the uiffeiences
between chaiacteis. Aie they able to piesent iueas that
uemonstiate the uiffeiences anu similaiities between the
chaiacteis. Can stuuents iuentify the "ieal" iuentities that the
chaiacteis in !"# %&'()*#+( possess anu unueistanu the
iealistic qualities of the text.

Exit Slip: Stuuents can iuentify one chaiacteiistic oi pioviue on piece of
infoimation about the S chaiacteis.

+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% =,B"( C+D-,%E F$G*

!"##$% /1";"R Innocence, Expeiience, anu Caipe Biem

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
8.W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RL.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama
propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
8.RI.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between
individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
8.SL.5 Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify
information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
Review assigneu chapteis fiom the point-of-view of the chaiacteis
Inteipiet Robeit Fiost's poem ieciteu by Ponyboy
Relate poem to song
LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
o Papei
o Penpencil
o Ciosswoiu Woiksheet
o Computeis Inteinet access
o Nothing uolu Can Stay hanuout
o Nothing uolu Can Stay Wiiting Assignment Sheet
o !"# %&'()*#+( novel

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(1u min) Begin with %&'()*#+( Ciosswoiu Puzzle
(2 min) uo ovei ciosswoiu answeis
(1u min) Biscussion:
o Why uo you think }ohnny killeu Bob. Bo you think you woulu have
ieacteu uiffeiently.
o What coulu have been some alteinatives. Bow uo you think that
might have affecteu the stoiy.
o If you weie Ponyboy anu }ohnny, whom woulu you tuin to foi help.
Why uo you think he went to Bally.
o Why uo you think Ponyboy anu }ohnny's situation piompteu
Ponyboy's iecitation of "Nothing uolu Can Stay."
o Who is innocent. Who is expeiienceu. (all chaiacteis)
(2S min) Reau exceipts fiom p. S4-S6 anu 76-77 anu then uiscuss Robeit
Fiost's poem. What is theii inteipietation.
(1u min) If nothing golu can stay, shoulu we seize the uay oi be moie
cautious. Biscuss the meaning of "caipe uiem." Ask the kius to give some
examples of how they woulu seize the uay.
(2u min) Theie aie tons of songs that ueal with the subject of "caipe uiem".
Play some examples (on YouTube if possible). Aftei each example, uiscuss
with the class why this song fit the theme of "Caipe Biem." Some possible
examples to shaie:
o "If Touay Was Youi Last Bay" - Nickleback
o "Live Like You Weie Bying" - Tim Ncuiaw
o "Seize the Bay" - Avenge Sevenfolu
o "We Aie Young" - Fun
o "Live While We Aie Young" - 0ne Biiection
(1u-1S min) Wiiting Assignment: -+)'# . H 1.5# *#(=+)1')02 06 /0&+
)2'#+1+#'.')02 06 I+0('7( 10#< '0 ?# *)(13./#* )2 /0&+ 10+'603)0> I0+ '"# (#=02*
".36 06 '"# 1.1#+, )2=3&*# . (025 /0& 6##3 1+0<0'#( '"# <#((.5# 06 J=.+1# *)#<K
%L JM0'")25 503* =.2 ('./>K N6 '"# (025 ".( . @)*#0 02 O0&!&?#, )2=3&*# '"# &+3>
Stait in class, to be completeu at home.
(S min) Exit Slip: Is Bally innocent oi moie expeiienceu. What about the iest
of the uieaseis.
(extia) Begin on homewoik.

W$;"0$8KR 1 page papei about poem anu song. Reau Chaptei 7


Biscussion: Can stuuents iationalize why anu why not }ohnny shoulu have
killeu Bob. Stuuents uiscovei alteinatives to using a knife.
Stuuents auuiess Ponyboy's inteipietation of the poem
Song Biscussion: Stuuents paiticipate anu unueistanu the meaning of caipe
uiem, how it coulu apply to the poem, anu how the theme is
useu in populai music.
Wiiting Assignment: Stuuents uemonstiate an unueistanuing of the poem anu
inteipiet its meaning in a wiitten foim.

Exit Slip: Can stuuents auuiess the uiffeience between innocence anu
expeiience with all of the uieaseis.

Puzzle Key!



Nothing Gold Can Stay
Write a ! page description of your interpretation of Frosts poem to be displayed in your portfolio. What do
you think the poem means? Do you agree with Frost? Feel free to draw on points from our class

What is a song you feel promotes the theme of Carpe Diem? How does the song make you feel? Do you
agree with the ideas presented in the song? How does the song relate to Frosts poem and The Outsiders?

Nothing Gold Can Stay
By Robert Frost

Natures first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Robert Frost

+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% C,H( /1,# )# 91$ ) :;

!"##$% /1";"R Biogiaphy anu Autobiogiaphy

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
8.W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RL.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama
propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
8.RI.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between
individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
Exploie self-iuentity anu enhance self-esteem
Exploie Ponyboy's iuentity thiough biogiaphy

LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
o Papei
o Penpencil
o Biogiaphy Poem Woiksheet
o Poitfolio uetails
o !"# %&'()*#+( novel

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(1u min) }ouinal EntiyFinish the following statements: The best thing
about me is., The woist thing about me is..
(uS min) Shaie answeis with paitnei
o Explain why you chose those things as the best anu woist.
(1u min) In gioups of 2 oi S, wiite a biogiaphy poem foi Ponyboy
o See attacheu sheet
(1S min) Bave each gioup piesent theii Ponyboy Biogiaphy Poem
o Explain why you chose those the iueas foi lines 4 thiough 1u
(1S min) Biscussion
o Bow uoes youi iuentity ielate to Ponyboy's.
o What aie the similaiities. Biffeiences.
o Bo otheis (chaiacteis fiom the novel) see Ponyboy as you uesciibeu
him in the poem.
o Bow impoitant is it to celebiate youi iuentity.
(1S min) Poitfolio Confeiences: Take a couple of minutes to speak with each
stuuent about theii poitfolio piogiess. Check theii topics, the meuium they
aie using, anu ask foi some specific uetails. Allow them to ask any questions
they may have.
o Stuuents who aie waiting foi theii tuin oi have completeu theii
confeience may begin woiking on homewoik.
The iest of class time will be ieauing time, as they have thiee chapteis foi

W$;"0$8KR Reau Chapteis 8,9, anu 1u


}ouinal Entiy: Bow uo the stuuents see themselves. Aie they able to iuentify
tiaits, emotions, oi feelings that help iepiesent theii own

Ponyboy Bio Poem: Aie stuuents able to choose appiopiiate tiaits anu uesciibe
Ponyboy's chaiactei anu iuentity thiough the poem.

Biscussion: Can stuuents unueistanu anu uiscuss the similaiities anu
uiffeiences between themselves anu Ponyboy. Can stuuents
auuiess the impoitance of celebiating peisonal iuentity.

Name________________________________ Bate___________________________


Wiite a biogiaphical poem about Ponyboy using the following stiuctuie:

Line 1: Bis fiist name only
Line 2: 4 tiaits that uesciibe him
Line S: BaughteiSon of (0R Sibling of)
Line 4: Who loves~(S items, places, oi people)
Line S: Who feels~(S items)
Line 6: Who neeus~(S items)
Line 7: Who gives~(S items)
Line 8: Who feais~(S items)
Line 9: Who woulu like to see~(S items)
Line 1u: Who lives in~ Line
11: Bis last name only

Ponyboy Bio Poem

+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% C"B"%( =D;,G- =D?+$8

!"##$% /1";"R Influence of Family

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
8.W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RL.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama
propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
8.RI.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between
individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).
8.RL.6 Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the
audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony) create such
effects as suspense or humor.
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
Examine the influence of family on chaiacteis
Bevelop an unueistanuing of uiffeient types of family insiue anu outsiue of
the novel
Examine the influences of family on themselves
Exploie anu unueistanu the influence of point-of-view (how it affects one's
peiception of a situation)

LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
o }ouinals
o Papei
o Penpencil
o Role Play Sheet
o Role Play Caius (cut out)
o !"# %&'()*#+( novel

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(1u min) }ouinal Entiy Bow is each membei of youi family, incluuing
youiself, unique anu uiffeient. Bow uo these uiffeiences contiibute to a
stiongei family. Bow uo you think youi family influences you.
(uS min) Piesent Activity 1: Role Play (See attacheu sheets)each stuuent is
given a iole on a caiu. In gioups, stuuents will uiscuss attituues anu beliefs of
chaiacteis anu possible ieactions to situations.
(1u min) Stuuents get into theii gioups anu oiganize theii skit.
(Su min) uioups "peifoim" iole play in fiont of class
o Aftei each skit, uiscuss why they chose this skit anu why chaiacteis
may have ieacteu in ceitain ways.
o Bow uiu the influence of family change the situation.
(2u min) Biscussion
o What uiu Ponyboy leain about his family.
o Bow uoes the Cuitis family opeiate in theii house.
o Bow aie the gang (Steve, Two-bit, Bally, }ohnny, etc.) family.
o What thieat uoes }uvenile couit have on the Cuitis family.
o Bow uoes Ponyboy's uieam affect his family.
o Bow uoes Two-bit explain "gieaseis" to Ponyboy. (p.11S)
o Bow uoes Ranuy's talk with Ponyboy uemonstiate similaiities in
uieaseis anu Socs.
o Why uoesn't }ohnny want to see his mothei.
o What is Bally going to uo with Two-Bit's switchblaue.
(1S min) Stuuents will begin ieauing chapteis assigneu foi homewoik oi
woik on theii poitfolio.
(uS min) Exit Slip: What aie S ways family can influence a peison.

W$;"0$8KR Reau Chapteis 11 anu 12


}ouinal Entiy: Aie stuuents aie able to think ciitically about theii family, theii
iole in the family, anu how it affects theii lives anu who they

Activity 1: Buiing the iole-play, aie stuuents able to uemonstiate the
effects family has on iuentity anu the influences they have on
eveiyuay life thiough the chaiacteis in the stoiy.

Biscussion: Can the class iuentify the uiffeient ioles of family anu types of
family. Can the class iuentify the uniqueness of the Cuitis
family. The uieaseis family.

Closuie: Can stuuents auuiess S ways a family can influence a peison.

Teachei uuiue

a'!J U!:^ c /WJ =:L)!^ =:[/'a
In gioups of S oi 4, stuuents will iole-play the given situations. Stuuents will cieate theii own
iole-play scene about the situation. They can use infoimation anu uialogue fiom the novel.

F8$>P 2R U$%-S$-
\,#?>## +1" ]$GG$0,%E #,+>D+,$%R `$1%%- K,GG,%E X$SY

F8$>P 2R \D88-
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F8$>P AR [1"88- hDG"%?"
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F8$>P MR U$%-S$-
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[>+ $>+ ?D8*# D%* PD## $>+ +$ #+>*"%+#Y d#" 01,?1"B"8 ?D8*# -$> P8"]"8Y

uioup 1
Chaiactei: Ponyboy

Biscuss the following situation:
}ohnny killing Bob.

uioup 1
Chaiactei: Baiiy

Biscuss the following situation:
}ohnny killing Bob.

uioup 1
Chaiactei: Souapop

Biscuss the following situation:
}ohnny killing Bob.

uioup 2
Chaiactei: Cheiiy valence

Biscuss the following situation:
Cheiiy's fathei sees hei with Bally,
}ohnny, & Ponyboy aftei the movies

uioup 2
Chaiactei: Cheiiy's Fathei

Biscuss the following situation:
Cheiiy's fathei sees hei with Bally,
}ohnny, & Ponyboy aftei the movies

uioup 2
Chaiactei: Bally

Biscuss the following situation:
Cheiiy's fathei sees hei with Bally,
}ohnny, & Ponyboy aftei the movies

uioup S
Chaiactei: Bally

Biscuss the following situation:
}ohnny's paients vs. }ohnny's "family" in
the gang

uioup S
Chaiactei: }ohnny

Biscuss the following situation:
}ohnny's paients vs. }ohnny's "family" in
the gang

uioup 4
Chaiactei: Ponyboy

Biscuss the following situation:
Ponyboy anu }ohhny iunning away

uioup 4
Chaiactei: Baiiy

Biscuss the following situation:
Ponyboy anu }ohnny iunning away


uioup 4
Chaiactei: Souapop

Biscuss the following situation:
Ponyboy anu }ohnny iunning away

uioup S
Chaiactei: }ohnny

Biscuss the following situation:
}ohnny killing Bob

uioup S
Chaiactei: }ohnny's mothei

Biscuss the following situation:
}ohnny killing Bob.

uioup S
Chaiactei: }ohnny's fathei

Biscuss the following situation:
}ohnny killing Bob.

uioup 6
Chaiactei: Ponyboy

Biscuss the following situation:
The tension at home

uioup 6
Chaiactei: }ohnny

Biscuss the following situation:
The tension at home

uioup 6
Chaiactei: Bally

Biscuss the following situation:
The tension at home

uioup 7
Chaiactei: Nothei of iescueu chilu

Biscuss the following situation:
Youi chilu's iescue fiom the chuich fiie
by }ohnny anu Ponyboy

uioup 7
Chaiactei: Fathei of iescueu chilu

Biscuss the following situation:
Youi chilu's iescue fiom the chuich fiie
by }ohnny anu Ponyboy

uioup 8
Chaiactei: Ranuy (the Soc)

Biscuss the following situation:
Ranuy's involvement in the fight anu the
killing of Bob


uioup 8
Chaiactei: Ranuy's Nothei

Biscuss the following situation:
Ranuy's involvement in the fight anu the
killing of Bob

uioup 8
Chaiactei: Ranuy's Fathei

Biscuss the following situation:
Ranuy's involvement in the fight anu the
killing of Bob

+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% J,E1+( /DK" L- :*B,?"

!"##$% /1";"R Ciisis anu Belp

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
8.W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RL.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama
propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
8.RI.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between
individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).
8.RL.6 Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the
audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony) create such
effects as suspense or humor.
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
0nueistanu theii own ieactions to a ciisis situation
Iuentify the uiffeient chaiactei ieactions to }ohnny's ueath
0nueistanu the uiffeient ways to hanule a ciisis anu paiallel that to how the
chaiacteis in !"# %&'()*#+( hanuleu the ciisis

LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
o }ouinals
o Papei
o Penpencil
o Language game
o Ciisis Sheet
o !"# %&'()*#+( novel

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(1u min) Biviue class into two gioups. Begin with %&'()*#+( Language uame.
(uS min) Reau p. 1SS-1S4 to the class
(1u min) Biscussion:
o Why uoes Bally hanule the situation the way that he uoes.
o Bow uo Ponyboy anu the othei uieaseis ueal with similai piessuies.
o Bow uo you hanule a ciisis.
o Wheie coulu Bally have gone foi help.
(1S min) Activity 1: In gioups of S oi 4, biainstoim anu make a list of places
you can go foi help in youi community. Answei the questions on the
(1S min) Biscussion:
o What shoulu Ponyboy, }ohnny, anu Bally have uone.
o What about the othei uieaseis, what shoulu they have uone.
o Who is to blame foi Bally's ueath. The Socs. The uieaseis. }ohnny.
o Shoulu Ponyboy have taken pait in the iumble. (sick, fevei,
concussion, etc.)
o Why uiu }ohnny leave uone With The Winu foi Ponyboy.
o What significance uoes the novel have foi them.
o Why uoes Ranuy come to see Ponyboy.
o Why uoes Ranuy say that he hau the knife anu killeu Bob.
o Why uoes Ponyboy think that }ohnny is not ueau.
(uS min) Reau p. 178-179, }ohnny's lettei to Ponyboy
(1S min) Biscussion:
o What changes }ohnny's outlook on ueath.
o Is he happy to uie. Piouu.
o Why uoesn't }ohnny minu uying.
o What is his auvice to Ponyboy.
o Why uo you think none of the uieaseis tolu }ohnny about Bally's
o "he meant you'ie golu when you'ie a kiu, like gieen"what is }ohnny
o What is the significance of sunsets. What uoes it symbolize.
o Why uoes Binton iepeat the same lines at the enu of the novel as the
o What uoes it tell us about Pony.
(uS min) Let stuuents as any questions they have about the book oi theii
piojects uue tomoiiow
(uS min) Exit Slip: What is the best thing to uo in a ciisis. Who woulu be a
goou peison to talk to if you aie involveu in something you uon't think you
can hanule.

W$;"0$8KR Finish final piojects anu piepaie to piesent tomoiiow.


Biscussion: Bow uoes the class ieact to Bally's ueath. Can they suggest any
ways of going about the situation uiffeiently.

Biscussion: Bave stuuents ieau chapteis 1u & 11. Aie they able to
paiticipate in classioom uiscussion anu answeis.

Biscussion: Can the stuuents answei the questions ieflectively in iegaius
to }ohnny's ueath anu }ohnny's lettei to Ponyboy.

Activity 1: What soit of lists uo the stuuents cieate foi ciisis anu help. Bo
they unueistanu the impoitance of talking to someone if they
aie involveu uiiectly oi inuiiectly in a ciisis.

Closuie: Banuling a ciisis

Name: __________________________ Bate: _____________
Block: ___________
-3+4567!4 !:NFd:FJ F:LJ
Biviue the class into 2 gioups, uieaseis anu Socs. Each gioup takes tuins
guessing the meaning of 196us language teims.

: FD#
A lot of fun.
:GG #1$0 D%* %$ E$Y
Refeienceu to a cai that hau all the pietty chiome goouies, but woulun't get
out of its own way.
A tough guy. A guy you uon't want to mess with.
To Steal. Example: Who baggeu my towel. ; also see Scoie Also; "What's youi
bag" meaning what's youi pioblem oi wheie aie you coming fiom.
Biiving up anu uown the same stieet looking foi iaces, giils, guys, etc.
A 19S2 Foiu. As in, "She's my Little Beuce Coupe, you uon't know what I got".
In the 6u's, a uuue was a geek oi a pantywaist.
Someone's house. Example: Theie wasn't much to uo so we all hung
out at }ohn's pau, uiank Cokes anu listeneu to iecoius.
In the 6u's, thongs weie something you woie on youi feet.

Biscussion: Bow many of these woius uo we use touay. Bow
have they changeu.

Name: ________________________________ Block: ___________
Bate: _____________
'd/C)\J [a)C)C
A ciisis can come at the most unexpecteu time. They can be big oi small, but the best
auvice is . . .

Who can we tuin to when we encountei a ciisis.

What community seivices can help you uuiing a ciisis.

Woulu you tell an auult about a pioblem that you aie unable to iesolve
oi attempt to fix. Why oi why not.

Bow woulu you help a fiienu in neeu. Woulu you seek an auult foi help.

+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% N,%"( /1" J%* OPD8+ 2Q

!"##$% /1";"R Poitfolio piesentations (optional) anu Novie

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RI.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between
individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).
8.RL.7 Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or
drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices
made by the director or actors.
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
8.SL.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused,
coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen
details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
Shaie anu asses theii own woik in theii poitfolios
Begin ciitiquing the movie

LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
o }ouinals
o Papei
o Penpencil
o Finisheu Poitfolio
o Finisheu Final Pioject
o !"# %&'()*#+( novel
o !"# %&'()*#+( movie

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(Su min) Activity 1: Shaiing of final pioject
o Stuuents will have the chance to shaie theii finisheu final pioject with
the class.
o Shaiing is not iequiieu. Bowevei, any stuuent that shaies has a
chance to eain S bonus points.
(uS min) Collect stuuent poitfolios anu final piojects. Leave theii jouinals foi
note taking uuiing the movie.
(uS min) Set up movie. Bave stuuents wiite uown uiffeiences they see in the
movie anu the book while watching the movie.
(Su min) Begin !"# %&'()*#+( (198S)

W$;"0$8KR None.


Activity 1: (foi bonus points) Aie stuuents enjoying shaiing theii
Poitfolios with theii peeis. Aie they able to self-asses theii
woik anu take piiue in it.

Poitfolio: Biu stuuents tuin in theii Poitfolio. Boes it meet the
iequiiements of the Rubiic.

Final Pioject: Biu stuuents complete anu tuin in theii final pioject. Biu it
ieflect the questions piesenteu on the hanuout.

Novie: Biu stuuents watch movie quietly anu take notes in theii

+," -%.#/0"&# !"##$% /"%( /1" J%* OPD8+ AQ

!"##$% /1";"R Finish Novie

!"D8%,%E '>+?$;"#R
8.RL.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development
over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and
plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RI.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between
individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).
8.RL.7 Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or
drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices
made by the director or actors.
8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

'ST"?+,B"#R (SWBAT)
Analyze the uiffeiences anu similaiities between the novel anu film
Biscuss how iuentity caiiies on thioughout both

LD+"8,DG# N""*"*R
o }ouinals
o Penpencil
o !"# %&'()*#+( novel
o !"# %&'()*#+( movie

/,;" :GG$0"*R 9u minutes
(8u min) Finish movie !"# %&'()*#+(
o Stuuents continue to take notes on the movie in theii }ouinals.
(u7 min) Biscuss some of the notes stuuents took in theii jouinals:
o What weie some uiffeiences you saw in the film than in the movie.
o What uiu the movie uo bettei.
o What uiu you feel it uiu not uo as well as the novel.
o Biu iuentity still play a majoi iole in the film. Bow was this shown.
(uS min) Collect }ouinals foi ieview as pait of theii poitfolio.
o }ouinals will be ietuineu to stuuents aftei giauing.

W$;"0$8KR None. Enu of unit!


Biscussion: Weie stuuents able to analyze the uiffeiences in the movie anu
the novel. Bow uo the uiffeiences in meuium affect the stoiy.
Weie the stuuents able to still iecognize the oveiall theme of
iuentity at the enu of the unit.

}ouinals: Biu stuuents tuin in theii jouinals. Bo they have all the
iequiieu entiies completeu.



Carratello, John, and Patty Carratello. A Guide For Using The Outsiders In The
Classroom. Westminster, CA: Teacher Created Resources, 1992. Print.
Binton, S.E. The 0utsiueis. Toionto, 0N: Penguin, 1967.
Stanket, Lou Willet. A Teachei's uuiue to The Papeiback Euitions of the Novels of
S.E. Binton. (0BC Euucation Libiaiy, call #: PS SSS8IS47Z8S 198u). New
Yoik, NY: Bell, 197S.
Steffen, Bonna. AuapteuNouifieu Nateiials foi Wiiting 0utput: Suppoiting the
novel: The 0utsiueis by S.E. Binton. (0BC call #: PS SSS8IS4809S8 1997).
White Rock, BC: Bavies anu }ohnson, 1997








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