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I n 1972 Nora Ephron wrote:l piece in Es·

qllirt called "A Few Words About

If'ODHAD charge-cm go oU[ and buy those bigger
breasts, that perfect nose. In 1989 :I young
Breasts." The confession of a less-than- wom:ltl doesn't have to start saving at
amply endowed woman. Ephron's article
was much discussed, because. for one
thing. it appeared in a men's magazine that
WANTID WOMIN tw('my to afford a face-lift at thirty-five. In
faa the only thing that distinguishes the
knifestyles of the rich and famous from
once had naughtily celebrated pneumatic
bhss with its Vargas pinups, but Illorc im-
portantly because the piece so character-
ized the temper of the rimes. Nineteen sev-
TOHAYI those of their middle-class counterparts is
that the rich can hide their bruises at places
like Lc Petit Ermi(Jge in Beverly Hills.
where "recovery rooms" go for betwccn
enty-two was. after aJl, a moment in our
socio-pop his[Ory when a reasonable
woman such as Nora could find herself
fA(I-lifTS, S275 and 5475 a night, and where patients
arc shepherded to their rooms. like Pha-
raohs, through a private underground en-
tom by the conAicting demands of fifties trance. The average working woman-
esthetics and seventies feminism: the for-
mer requiring that women, like Thundcr-
birds, be designed (0 fuJfill men's adoles-
SHI WOUlDN'T maybe a wife, maybe a mother-could fi-
nance the procedure. but can she afford
two weeks of seclusion afterwards? By the
cent f::1I1tJ.sies: the lauer. thal women, like same token, who needs to hide? Sutures
Slalinists. fulfill cach other's political fama-
sit'S, if only by sharing an ideological cor-
set. Such a paradox may explain why the
HAYI'IYIN arc status symbols.
When the cultural values of the ruling
class, which has come to mean celebrities.
Itussians have never come up with a de-
cent sports car, but that's another story.
What's ilHerc..'Sting is how dated Eph-
THIM ASINSI arc met halfway by the economic potcmial
of the middle class. cosmetic surgery is no
longer an option, it's a neo:.'Ssity. Never
ron's piece sounds today. Imagine an one to be imprc..osscd by such things-and
eightil.os woman agonizing over the shape
of her breasts-too smaU, too big, too
pendulous, too asymmetrical-when it is
Of HUMOR amused by the fact thaI Shar-Pei dogs arc
considered uttcrly chic umil tht.'y outgrow
their wrinkles-I innocently asked a
so simple £0 go out and have them re- By Tracy Young woman in my business if she thoug:hlthal
nude. Imagine all eighties woman agoniz- I would have to have a face-lift. "Oh yes,"
ing over whether or not agonizing over ture called "Knifc!otylcs of the Rich and she said. ignonng tht.' opportunity to flat-
the size and Sh:lpc of her breasts is political- Famous." Tummy tucks, nose jobs, breast ter. "Given the timcs we live in and thl'
ly correct! As onl' postoperative patient implallls. and bunock lifts arc all described kind of work we do:' Undauntt.-d, I
tuld a reporter 111 N~1/! York magazine last with such chilling accuracy and unabashed presSt.'CI on. I told her that Illy fantasy was
spnng: "Just because you want bcauriful frankn<.."Ss that you could be eavesdropping to grow old and look I1kt.· Georgia
breasts doc..'Sn't mean you can't be a femi- :u Balducci's meat counter. Or Lourdt.'S. O'Kt.'t'ffe. She bughed the laugh of gal-
nist." We've come a long way, baby. In On some prillllrive metaphysical level. lows humor. "Surt pailHing. kid," she
one shon decade we did away with both rcal-estatc speculauon and plastic surgery said. What sl1<.' mt'ant, I assullle. i~ that
naturc and politics. arc the same thing. When space is finite business is :lbout scllillg. and what's selling
The zeitgeist is an ill wind that blows no and money is no object, you have TV mo- today, wherher you're Ivan:l Trump or
good. In till' past few years. it seelll.~, ev- guls building baronial homes on a squat- just a wannabe, is an inlJge. Young. At-
eryone stopped talking about sex :lIld start- tcr's modcst acreage. When life is fmite tractive. I" control. "When you're
ed talking about real estate. Theil they and money is no object, yOll haw TV mo- apartments," a broker told Nell' York mag-
SlOpped talkmg about reall.'State and start- guls' wives uimming their wattles and in- azine, "you can't afford to look like a hag.
ed talking about cosmetic surgery. Now jecting their crow's feet with collagc..-n so Our of fifty-two brokers, I call count on
every lime a group of more than twO for- they can pass for gameh'Cpers' daughters. one hand the ones who haven't had cos-
tYlsh womCll get together, the inevitable The rich have always been patrons of metic work."
punch line to every commiserative ant.'C- beauty. enemies of death. Think of the In Safes & Markl'ti'~f! MmUJ.i!e",flll maga-
dote is: .. And so I'll get a fact.,-lift." Pharaohs swaddled for the afterlife with all zine, a plastic surgt."01l reported lhal "Illore
But this current obsession-and this is their worldy goods, evCll their favorite salespeople than evcr before arc utilizing
what's news-is not necessarily a reflec- cats. BlII cosmetic surgery no longer r('- plastic surgery to improve their sales." His
tion of age, or even gender. In a reccnt is- flects the hubris, if you will, solely of the specialties? Shoring up that weak chin,
sue of Star magazine. which has its flllger rich. In 1989 the concerns of Ivana Trump which is considered, he says, a sign of un-
on the pulse more than today's Esquire, arc not so very diff('rcnt from ours. And in reliability, and filling out thin lips, which
Michael Landon, fifty-two, and his thiny- 1989 what's possible for Ivana Trump is he says spell untrustworthiness. BUl how
two-year-old wife announced that they also Within the grasp of the wife of her much can you trust someone who would
wcre geuing his and her face-lifts for Val- chauffeur. A number of finance companies Ifide a defcct? If physical perfection were a
entine's Day. And Dtlails magazine, now offer unsecured pcl'"SOnal loans with guarantee of Illoral rectitude, Dan Quayle
which presumes a readership tOO young to monthly payments as low as sixty dollars would be teaching school in the South
be worned about (and too kinky so that anyone with a decent credit rat- Bronx, and cab drivers in Mexico City
to care about gcnder), runs a regul.:ar fea- ing-for instance. a paid-up Macy's would have Ken dolls affixed to their >

Mlr~bclb July 19l:l9 55

dashbo.:uds. But nobody's perfea. And if a tube, and shoves it around (;albeit skillful-
they were, would they be selling real ly), loosellmg fat globulcs and sucking
estate? them Out-tht' resuJts usu:ally make the
NOlle or this is to say I haven't had my "properly selected" p:atiem very happy.
weak moments. One day not long ago. I That "properly selected" caveat goes for
bent over to pick up my car keys, caught a every kind of plastic surgery. but perhaps
look at myself in the glass tabletop. and most of all for liposuction. Liposuction is
shrieked. The skin on my face-once not, ironically, for the chronically fat. It
bound to bone and muscle-had come onJy removes aberrant bulges from a few
loose from its moorings. "Never, never. placcs; it does not whittle a whole new
never look at yourself upside down," said hC::ld-to-toc body. The bcst C3ndidatt: is
a friend who'd wltnC'ssed this event. An- someonc at or ncar her ideal wl'ight. (fhc
other friend explained that chis phenome- more extensive the area worked on, the
non was the reason the missionary posi- riskier :md the less predictablc the results.)
tion had caught all. Liposuction never has to be repeated in the
If 1l3turc's first shock is puberty, the sec- same spot. It appc.3.TS that lhe body has a
ond is middle age. I am beginning to think finite number of fat cells. each of which
that Elisabeth Kublcr-Ross's five StagL'S of swells or shrinks as you gain or lose
dealing with death-denial, anger. bar- weight. Removing some of the fat cells
gaining, depression. and acceptancc- from a given area
have been modified somewhat. The new pcnnancntly dimin-
agenda goes like this: denial, ;mga, bar- ishes thc capacity to
gaining, depression, and cosmetic sur- gain weight in that
gl'ry. So why c:m't I believc that a face-lift spot. Though the av-
is the answer? crage patient loses
Ikct.'ntly I ran into a friend I hadn't st.'Cn only a total of about
in a couplc of months. J was horrified; she twO pounds of fat In
looked frozen with horror. As it turned the vacuuming. the
out, she'd only had hcr eyes done and now CfTl'ct is dramatic bc:-
cause: the weight
comes off in all the
right plact.'S.
When I told a Tht., up side: al-
woman I work with though doctors used
to believe liposuction
that myfantasy was 7be five most talked about was suitable only for BOTTOMS UP: THE

to grow old and procedures young women MIRACLE OF

(tcclls-thirties) with LIPOSUCTION

By Catherine Clifford
look like Georgia li'llIC1ilnIn only Icn ycars, Ihis h" blos-
shrink-to-fir skill.
they're finding that tht: procedure may
O'Keeffe, she somed from experimental status to the work for somc people well into their six-
most popular cosmetic plastic surgical op- til."S. "Wt.'·vc leamed that oldcr skin is often
laughed. "Start eration in the U.S. In 1986 (the Iatt.'St year much more clastic we thought," says
painting, kid" for which figun'S arc available). nearly
100,000 people paid SS<X> to S4000 each to
Lawrence S. Iked, M.D., F.A.C.S.• a
New York City plastic surgl'On who is af-
resembled some kind of f('tal raccoon, have their fat vacuuml'd, according to thc filiated with Mt. Sinai School of Medicine.
with a taul mask of prell'rllaturally- American Socicty of Plastic and Recon- The primary, and most promising patient,
smooth skin around the cyi.:~, and a face structive Surgeons. This rcHects not only though, is still the younger olle: "Not only
full of creascs and wrinkles. Clc.1r1y the Widespread dissatisfaction with bodies but arc the rt.'Sults predictably optimal." Dr.
next Stcp was a face-lift, though there's also great word of mouth. Although the nl.'Cd explains, "but I think the reason lipo-
nothing to be gaincd from an unfurrowcd procedure sounds gnJt."SOme1y primitive- suction patients are among lhe most satis-
brow when the skin on yOllr hands is so the surgl'Oll makes a small incision. insens fied we see is that they're generally young
bagged out with veins you should wear DoES BIGGER NECESSARILY MEAN BETTER? and they already look good ex-
garters at the wrist. So where dO\.'s the CUt- cept that they have this OtiC per-
ting and pasting stop? ceived problem. Fix thal, and
Tht: ravages of time: may not bl' preuy, they're perfect. "
but they have a c('rtain ruilll,:d nobility.
And consider the alternative. Look at the tr!llt 11,1!llItiIIAno'hcr comer.
btl'r picturt.'S of TnJlllan Capote-therc's The fashion worlds' current fasci-
nothing quite so frightc.:nmg as a very old nation with ample bosoms has
child. ~ generated an increasing demand

MIrabella July 1989

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