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Nobel Prize 2013 Winners: List of Nobel Prize 2013 Winners

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013: The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Peter Higgs, Francois Englert for the discovery of the !o" #article$, the Higgs %oson that explains why mass exists, the !ry said" The Nobel Prize in &he'istry 2013: The 2013 Nobel Prize in #hemistry has awarded to $artin %arpl!s, $ichael &evitt, 'rieh (arshel" The Nobel Prize in Physiology or (e"icine 2013: 'mericans )a'es *oth'an )*ale+, and *an"y +che,'an ) ,niversity of #alifornia+ and -erman.born Tho'as +-"hof ) /tanford ,niversity+ have been awarded the world0s top medicine prize for 1their discoveries of machinery re2!latin2 vesicle traffic, a ma or transport system in o!r cells3" The Nobel Prize in Literat-re 2013: #anadian a!thor 'lice $!nro was named the winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in &iterat!re, the head of the /wedish 'cademy anno!nced in /toc4holm on Th!rsday" The Nobel Peace Prize 2013: The Nobel Peace Prize 2013 was awarded to 5r2anization for the Prohibition of #hemical (eapons )5P#(+ 1for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons3" 5P#( is an international or2anization that has been wor4in2 since 1667 to convince co!ntries to 2ive !p chemical weapons besides chec4in2 and confirmin2 the destr!ction of existin2 chemical weapons" The +.eriges *i,sban, Prize in Econo'ic +ciences in (e'ory of /lfre" Nobel 2013: Three 'merican scientists 8!2ene 9 9ama, &ars Peter :ansen, ;obert < /hiller has been awarded the 2013 economics Nobel prize on 5ctober 1=, 2013 1for their empirical analysis of asset prices,3 the award.2ivin2 body said0
~*~ Nobel Prize 2013 Winners List ~*~ Source: AllCurrentAffairs *************************************** 1. Ph siolo! or "e#icine $$ %&roun#brea'in! (or' on ho( the cell or!anises its trans)ort s ste*+ ,a*es -oth*an%.SA+ -an# Sche'*an%.SA+%#ata b faceboo'/allcurrentaffairs+ 0ho*as Sue#hof %.SA+ 2. Physics ---(Theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles.) Peter Higgs (UK) rancois !nglert ("elgium) #. $hemistry--(%evelopment of multi scale models for comple& chemical systems) 'ichael (evitt (U)*)

'artin Karplus (U)*) *rieh +arshel (U)*) (data by faceboo,-allcurrentaffairs) .. Peace --(!&tensive efforts to eliminate chemical /eapons) The 0rganisation for the Prohibition of $hemical +eapons (0P$+1 head2uartered at The Hague1 3etherlands) 4. (iterature -- ('aster of the contemporary short story) *lice 'unro($anada) 5. !conomics --(+or, on creating a deeper ,no/ledge of ho/ mar,et prices move) !ugene ama(U)*) (ars Peter Hansen (U)*) 6obert )hiller(U)*) 11~*~11 Nobel Prizes 2013: 2ull list of (inners 11~*~11 ************************************** ~~~~~~~~~ S3A-4 W503 464-78N4 ~~~~~~~~ N894L P4AC4 P-5:4:$ The 0rgani7ation for the Prohibition of $hemical +eapons /ins the 289# 3obel Peace Pri7e. 30"!( P6:;! :3 (:T!6*TU6!<The literature pri7e /as given to $anada=s *lice 'unro1 hailed by the a/ard-giving )/edish *cademy as a >master of the contemporary short story.> The ?2-year-old author is often called >$anada=s $he,hov> for her astute1 unflinching and compassionate depiction of seemingly unremar,able lives. )he is the author of a series of story collections chronicling the lives of girls and /omen before and after the 9@58s social revolution1 including >The 'oons of Aupiter1> =The Progress of (ove> and >6una/ay.> (data by fb-allcurrentaffairs) 30"!( P6:;! :3 $H!':)T6B<The chemistry pri7e /as given to three U.).-based scientists for developing computer models that predict comple& chemical reactions that can be used for tas,s li,e creating ne/ drugs. Their approach combined classical physics and 2uantum physics. The /inners are 'artin Karplus of the University of )trasbourg1 rance1 and Harvard UniversityC 'ichael (evitt of the )tanford University )chool of 'edicine1 and *rieh +arshel of the University of )outhern $alifornia in (os *ngeles. (data by fb-allcurrentaffairs) 30"!( P6:;! :3 PHB):$) <The physics pri7e /as a/arded for a theory about ho/ subatomic particles get their mass. The theory made headlines last year /hen it /as confirmed at the $!63 laboratory in Deneva by the discovery of the elusive Higgs particle. The pri7e /as shared by t/o men /ho proposed the theory independently of each other in 9@5.<

Peter Higgs of "ritain and rancois !nglert of "elgium. 30"!( P6:;! :3 PHB):0(0DB 06 '!%:$:3! <The medicine pri7e1 the first of the 289# a/ards1 honored brea,throughs in understanding ho/ ,ey substances are moved around /ithin a cell. That process happens through vesicles1 tiny bubbles that deliver their cargo /ithin a cell to the right place at the right time. %isturbances in the delivery system can lead to neurological diseases1 diabetes or immunological disorders. The pri7e /as shared by *mericans Aames !. 6othman of Bale and 6andy +. )che,man of the University of $alifornia1 "er,eleyC and Derman-*merican %r. Thomas $. )udhof of the )tanford University )chool of 'edicine. (data by fb-allcurrentaffairs)

List of /1ar" Winners 2013 2 /1ar"s, *ecognition &-rrent /ffairs 2013314

/1ar", *ecognition &-rrent /ffairs 2013314: New >ealand0s 8leanor #atton wins $an ?oo4er Prize 2013" @ar!n 'rora won ,N 'ward for A5pen #!rric!l!m0 (eb Platform $/ /waminathan /elected for Bndira -andhi 'ward for National Bnte2ration for the *ear 2012 $alala *o!safzai (on 8!ropean ,nion0s /a4harov :!man ;i2hts Prize 2013 Pranab $!4her ee #onferred the Presidential 'wards for #lassical Tamil %aran Thapar #hosen for BPB.Bndia 'ward for 8xcellence in <o!rnalism 2013 Pranab $!4her ee presented the 9irst National 'ward 9or /enior #itizens C @ayoshreshtha /amman, 2013 on 1 5ctober 2013" ;avi /han4ar Narsimhan was presented with 9riendship 'ward" $alala *o!safzai and :arry ?elafonte )'merican sin2er, h!man ri2hts and social !stice activist+" 'mnesty award 2013: $alala *o!safzai and :arry ?elafonte )'merican sin2er, h!man ri2hts and social !stice activist+" #linton -lobal #itizens 'wards: ?!n4er ;oy)Bndian environmentalist+ and $alala *o!safzai (iss Phili##ines (egan 5o-ng cro1ne" (iss Worl" 20130 The former /o!th 'frican President Nelson $andela on 27 '!2!st 2013 won the ina!2!ral $ahathir 'ward for -lobal Peace" Tata /teel was ad !d2ed the ?est Performin2 Bnte2rated /teel Plant in Bndia for the year 2011.12" :arshwanti ?isht selected for /ir 8dm!nd :illary $o!ntain &e2acy $edal 2013" @i ay /in2h was Named a ;ecipient of the 2013 &ifetime 'chievement 'ward" Prasad ?ab!, 'P #op /elected 9or 'sho4 #ha4ra Posth!mo!sly" The Prem ?hatia $emorial award presented to /halini /in2h of the :ind!" Delhi conferred &ifetime 'chievement 'ward 2013 on 'bd!l ;ashid %han and 'n olie 8la $enon"

@P /harma won the -! ar $al $odi 'ward for /cience and Technolo2y 2013" /ri &an4an President felicitated tribal comm!nity, the @eddas on (orld Bndi2eno!s Peoples Day" ,/ Presidential $edal of 9reedom to be conferred on ?ill #linton E 5prah (infrey" /!2atha4!mari was conferred with /araswati /amman 2012" >!bin $ehta named for Ta2ore 'ward for #!lt!ral :armony 2013" ?ritain hono!red %rishna $enon by placin2 ?l!e plaF!e on his 9irst :ome in &ondon" ?ono the frontman of roc4 band ,2 was awarded with the #ommander of the 5rder of 'rts and &etters on 17 <!ly 2013 for the contrib!tion to m!sic" ?ritish 9irm called ;eal @N# was presented the $ac;obert 'ward" Paradip Port #onferred (ith the $a or Port of the *ear 'ward" 'm ad 'li %han to 2et 21st ;a iv -andhi National /adhbhavna 'ward " 18mirates (oman 'ward3 C @andana -andhi for excellin2 and providin2 innovation in preschool ed!cation and leadership, strate2y, comm!nity service" 21st #ent!ry 'chievement 'ward 2013 C ,BD'B :The Bnternational Data -ro!p )BD-+ #omp!terworld :ono!rs Pro2ram, #omp!terworld :onors &a!reate has honored -overnment of Bndia initiative ,BD'B with 21st #ent!ry 'chievement 'ward 2013 !nder the cate2ory A8conomic Development0" 2013 Bndian ?!siness &eader of the *ear3 award: /an eev -oen4a *ellow 5scar0 award C Bndian short film A:i2h Power0" This film )made in 2012+ is based on the pro ect. affected people of Tarap!r 'tomic Power /tation" Pradeep Bnd!l4ar is the prod!cer.director of this film accepted the award (ernher von ?ra!n $emorial 'ward: 'P< 'bd!l %alam: The hono!r is 2iven to reco2nise excellence in mana2ement and leadership in a space.related pro ect" Bndian.'merican /athwi4 %arni4 (ins National -eo2raphic ?ee #ontest Bndian.'merican 'rvind $ahan4ali wins /pellin2 ?ee for sixth strai2ht year Nasscom award C /entinel, developed by $ind:elix Technosol Pvt" &td", and i9ollow, from '!c!pa Bnnovative /ol!tions, were amon2 the winners of Nasscom0s first all.Bndia 'pp 9ame #ontest to search for mobile tools to aid personal safety of women and to help deal with emer2encies" ABndian :ealthcare @isionary of the Decade0 award C Dr $!4esh :ariawala ):ealthcare 8conomist+ for !nveilin2 a !niF!e and novel c!stomized !niversal health ins!rance model A(omb to Tomb0, concept" B$P'# D!blin &iterary 'ward C %evin ?arry, for his deb!t novel, #ity of ?ohane @enez!ela o!rnalism prize C :!2a #havez )posth!mo!sly+ (alter /cott Prize 2013: Tan Twan 8n2 )$alaysian a!thor+ for his Novel AThe -arden of 8venin2 $ists0 $anapp!ram award C @inod ;ai )9ormer #'-+, !nder the cate2ory of civil servant achievin2 excellence in p!blic administration" 'ward was 2iven by $anapp!ram 9inance &imited )$9&+" NT; National &iterary 'ward )2013+ C $ano Das )5riya writer+ $an ?oo4er Bnternational Prize)2013+ C &ydia Davis ,nited Nation0s P!blic /ervice 'ward )2013+ : 5ommen #handy )#hief $inister of %erala+ for his $ass #ontact Pro2ramme 'sian 'ward: 'n!pam %her, for his performances in movies li4e 1/ilver &inin2s Playboo41, 1?ride E Pre !dice1, and 1?end it &i4e ?ec4ham1"

2013 P!litzer Prize C 'dam <ohnson for fiction for his novel 1The 5rphan $aster0s /on @yas /amman )2011+ C Professor ;amdarash $ishraGG @yas /amman )2012+ C Dr Narendra %ohli 1Na bhooto na bhavishyati3 ?ihari P!ras4ar )2012+ C :ariram $eena for his hindi novel Dhooni Tape Teer -ershwin Prize for Pop!lar /on2" #arole %in2 ),/ sin2er.son2writer+ <nanpith 'ward C 2011 C Pratibha ;ay <nanpith 'ward C 2012 C ;av!ri ?haradwa a Dadasaheb Phal4e 'ward 2012C Pran %rishan /i4and Dadasaheb Phal4e 'ward 2011 C /a!mitra #hatter ee" Dadasaheb Phal4e 'cademy 'wards 2013 C *ash #hopra and ;a esh %hanna Phal4e ;atna 'ward C 'sha ?hosle 'bel Prize 2013. Pierre Deli2ne )?el2ian $athematician+ P!litzer Prize 2013 C The New *or4 Times won fo!r P!litzer Prizes /araswati /amman )2013+ C /!2atha4!mari, ) the $alayalam poetess for the poetry collection A$analezh!th!0, which means The (ritin2 on the /and in 8n2lish 31" /araswati /amman )2012,+ C ;ohit -a!tam for ?an2 ?hoomi )conferred by %" %" ?irla 9o!ndation+ $oorti Devi 'ward )2012+ C -opichand Naran2 ,N'.,/'0s -lobal &eadership 'ward called )#hampion for -lobal #han2e 'ward+ C Pa4istani activist, $alala *o!safzai &ata $an2esh4ar /amman )2013+: /in2er :ariharan 'som ;atna 'ward for the year )2012+: Bndira -oswami )posth!mo!sly+ /rimanta /han4ardeva 'ward )200H+: /harmila Ta2ore B/;5 *o!n2 /cientist 'ward )2013+: <enita $ary Non24ynrih for her !rban information system pro ect in the North 8ast" ;edBn4 &ifetime 'chievement 'ward )2013+ C N" ;am)9ormer of The :ind!+ and %!ldip Nayar )veteran a!thor. o!rnalist.activist+ Bndira -andhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development 2011. 8lla ?hatt )9o!nder of /ewa+ Bndira -andhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development 2012. 8llen <ohnson /irleaf )president of &iberia+ National e.-overnance award C $adhya Pradesh for 2012.13, for its A/parsh 'bhiyan0 aimed towards the disabled and the a2ed" Doctorate of #ivil &aw C President Pranab $!4her ee was conferred an honary de2ree of Doctorate of #ivil &aw by the ,niversity of $a!riti!s <amm! and %ashmir won 98 Bndia0s ?est ?an4 'ward 2012.13" /atellite :all of 9ame C ," ;" ;ao: Top Bndian space scientist has been ind!cted into the /atellite :all of 9ame t in (ashin2ton D# by the /ociety of /atellite Professionals Bnternational, in the ,/" ABnternational ;efiner of the *ear0 2013 C ;eliance Bnd!stries

6scars 2013 Winners: List of 78th /ca"e'y /1ar"s Winners

The HIth 'cademy 'wards )5scar 2013+ ceremony, hosted by the 'cademy of $otion Pict!re 'rts and /ciences )'$P'/+, honored the best films of 2012 from all over the world" Bt will ta4e place at the Dolby Theatre in :ollywood" ?arfiJ was Bndia0s official entry for the ?est 9orei2n &an2!a2e 9ilm nomination for this years 5scars b!t it dropped o!t of the race in the first ro!nd, and was criticized for copyin2 several scenes from 8n2lish films" The List of 2013 6scar Winner: ?est Pict!re: /rgo$ ?est Director: /ng Lee, Life of Pi$ ?est 'ctor: 9aniel 9ay3Le1is, Lincoln$ ?est 'ctress: )ennifer La1rence, Linings Playboo,$ ?est /!pportin2 'ctor: &hristo#h Waltz, 9:ango ;nchaine"$ ?est /!pportin2 'ctress: /nne Hatha1ay, Les (is<rables$ ?est (ritin2 C 5ri2inal /creenplay: D an2o ,nchained C K!entin Tarantino ?est (ritin2 : 'dapted /creenplay: 'r2o C #hris Terrio from The $aster of Dis2!ise by 'ntonio <" $endez E The -reat 8scape by <osh!ah ?earman ?est 'nimated 9eat!re: %ra.e$ ?est 9orei2n &an2!a2e 9ilm: /'o-r,$ /-stria 3 ?est Doc!mentary : 9eat!re: /earchin2 for /!2ar $an C $ali4 ?end ello!l and /imon #hinn ?est Doc!mentary : /hort /!b ect: Bnocente C /ean 9ine and 'ndrea Nix 9ine ?est &ive 'ction /hort 9ilm: #!rfew C /hawn #hristensen ?est 'nimated /hort 9ilm: Paperman C <ohn %ahrs ?est 5ri2inal /core: &ife of Pi C $ychael Danna ?est 5ri2inal /on2: 1/4yfall3 from /4yfall C 'dele 'd4ins and Pa!l 8pworth ?est /o!nd 8ditin2: /4yfall C Per :allber2 and %aren ?a4er &anders ?est /o!nd $ixin2: &es $isLrables C 'ndy Nelson, $ar4 Paterson, and /imon :ayes ?est Prod!ction Desi2n: &incoln C ;ic4 #arter and <im 8ric4son ?est #inemato2raphy: &ife of Pi C #la!dio $iranda ?est $a4e!p: &es $isLrables C &isa (estcott and <!lie Dartnell ?est #ost!me Desi2n: 'nna %arenina C <acF!eline D!rran ?est 9ilm 8ditin2: 'r2o C (illiam -oldenber2 ?est @is!al 8ffects: &ife of Pi C ?ill (estenhofer, -!illa!me ;ocheron, 8ri4.<an de ?oer, and Donald ;" 8lliott

/r:-na /1ar" 2013 Winners 2 *a:i. !an"hi =hel *atna /1ar" 2013
/r:-na /1ar"s for year 2013 C 1I sportspersons pic4ed for the 'r !na 'ward 2013 by the selection committee in New Delhi" Do!ble trap shooter ;on an /odhi, the first Bndian to win two (orld #!p 2old medals, was recommended for the presti2io!s ;a iv -andhi %hel ;atna 'ward 2013" /tar

cric4eter @irat %ohli and Bndia0s latest badminton sensation P@ /indh! were amon2 1I sportsperson to be 2iven 'r !na 'ward 2013" 9ollowin2 are the recommended sports person for Presti2io!s 'r !na 'wards and ;a iv -andhi %hel ;atna 'ward 2013" /0 *a:i. !an"hi =hel *atna /1ar": +l0 No0 Na'e 9isci#line 1" $r" ;on on /odhi /hootin2 %0 /r:-na /1ar"s: +l0 No0 Na'e 9isci#line 1" $s" #he4rovol! /w!ro 'rchery 2" $s" %avita #hahal ?oxin2 3" $r" ;!pesh /hah ?illiards E /noo4er =" $r" @irat %ohli #ric4et I" $r" 'bhi eet -!pta #hess M" $r" -a2an <eet ?h!llar -olf 7" $s" /aba 'n !m :oc4ey H" $s" ;a 4!mari ;athore /hootin2 6" $s" <oshna #hinnappa /F!ash 10" $s" $o!ma Das Table Tennis 11" $s" Neha ;athi (restlin2 12" $r" Dharmender Dalal (restlin2 13" $r" 'mit %!mar /aroha 'thletics )Para+ &0 9ronacharya /1ar"s for 2013: +l0No0 Na'e 9isci#line 1" $s" Poornima $ahato 'rchery 2" $r" $ahavir /in2h ?oxin2 3" $r" Narinder /in2h /aini :oc4ey =" $r" %"P" Thomas 'thleticsN I" $r" ;a /in2h (restlin2N N &ifetime contrib!tion in coachin2 90 9hyan &han" /1ar"s: +l0No0 Na'e 9isci#line 1" $s" $ary D0so!za /eF!eira 'thletics 2" $r" /yed 'li :oc4ey 3" $r" 'nil $ann (restlin2 =" $r" -irra /in2h Para /ports )'thletics+ E0 Tenzing Norgay National /".ent-re /1ar"s32012: +0 No0 Na'e 9isci#line

1" ?asant /in2h ;oy $o!ntaineerin2 2" $a or ;anveer /in2h <amwal $o!ntaineerin2 3" &t" #dr" 'bhilash Tomy /ailin2 =" Naib /!bedar Param eet /in2h /iddh! :an2 -lidin2 I" Prem /in2h $o!ntaineerin2 M" :ari ;am $o!ntaineerin2 F0 *ashtriya =hel Protsahan P-r-s,ar +l0 No0 &ategory *ashtriya =hel Protsahan P-r-s,ar, 2013 1" #omm!nity /ports Bdentification and Dr" ,"%" $ishra, 9o!nder and N!rt!rin2 of ?!ddin2 *o!n2 Talent President, National /ports 'cademy, 'llahabad 2" 9inancial /!pport for /ports 8xcellence /ervices /ports #ontrol ?oard 3" 8stablishment and $ana2ement of /ports P!llela -opichand 'cademy of 'cademies of 8xcellence ?adminton, :yderabad =" 8mployment of /portspersons and sports Petrole!m /ports Promotion ?oard welfare meas!res" !0 (a-lana /b-l =ala' /za" Tro#hy: +l0 No0 5ear 1" -!r! Nana4 Dev @ishwavidyalay, 2010.11 'mritsar 2" P!n abi @ishwavidyalay, Patiala 2011.12 3" P!n abi @ishwavidyalay, Patiala 2012.13 National /ports 'wards are 2iven every year to reco2nize and reward excellence in sports" The -overnment has loo4ed into the vario!s news reports and 2rievances of different sportspersons" Bt has also cons!lted the #hairpersons of the #ommittees" ' separate enF!iry has also been cond!cted by /ecretary, /ports" 'fter d!e consideration, the -overnment has decided to accept the recommendations of the #ommittees" The -overnment wishes them all the best and hopes that they too will be part of the pantheon of winners in the comin2 years" 'part from a medal and a citation, the ;a iv -andhi %hel ;atna 'wardee will receive a cash prize of ;s"7"I la4h" 'r !na, Dronacharya and Dhyan #hand 'wardees will receive stat!ettes, citations and cash prize of ;s"I la4h each" ;ecipients of ;ashtriya %hel Protsahan P!r!s4ar will be 2iven Trophies" The awardees will receive their awards from the President of Bndia at a specially or2anized f!nction at the ;ashtrapati ?hawan on '!2!st 31, 2013"

*a'on (agsaysay /1ar"s 2013: Winners of *a'on (agsaysay /1ar"s

Ramon Magsaysay Awards 2013. Winners of Ramon Magsaysay Awards 2013. The ;amon $a2saysay 'ward is an ann!al award established to perpet!ate former Philippine President ;amon $a2saysay0s example of inte2rity in 2overnment, co!ra2eo!s service to the people, and pra2matic idealism within a democratic society" The ;amon $a2saysay 'ward is often considered 'sia0s Nobel Prize" The ;amon $a2saysay 'ward 9o!ndation on 2= <!ly 2013 anno!nced the ;amon $a2saysay 'wards for the year 2013 to three individ!als and two or2anizations for chan2in2 their societies for the better" /1ar"e" ;ncategorize": Habiba +arobi a2ed II,9irst 9emale 2overnor of 'f2an Province of ?amyan,received the presti2io!s ;amon $a2saysay award for the year 2013"/he was reco2nized for promotin2 ed!cation and woman0s ri2ht" Lah#ai +eng *a1,9o!nder of $yanmar0s lar2est civil society 2ro!p,has also been honored with the award for helpin2 people across ethnic 2ro!ps !nder conditions of armed conflict" The Nepalese 2ro!p +ha,ti +a'-ha >Po1er !ro-#?, formed by s!rvivors of h!man traffic4in2, has reco2nised for helpin2 fellow victims by settin2 !p halfway homes and emer2ency shelters" /1ar"e" -n"er E'ergent Lea"ershi# category: Ernesto 9o'ingo, a 7M.year.old Physician honored for dedicatin2 his career to p!shin2 for the poor0s access to :ealth services and for 2ro!ndbrea4in2 and s!ccessf!l advocacy of neonatal :epatitis vaccination that has saved millions of lives in the Philippines" The =o'isi Pe'berantasan =or-#si >&orr-#tion Era"ication &o''ission?, Bndonesia0s independent anti.corr!ption -overnment body, was honored for a 100. percent conviction rate in the 1M6 cases it fo!2ht between 200= and 2010, d!rin2 which it recovered more than ,/ H0 million dollars in stolen assets"

list of /inners of 58th 3ational ilm */ards< ======================================================================================

9est 3in#i 2eature 2il* 9est ;irector 9est Actor "est *ctress "est )upporting *ctress "est )upporting *ctor "est 'ale Playbac, )inger "est emale Playbac, )inger "est )ong "est (yrics "est )creenplay +riter (adapted) "est %ialogue )pecial 'ention Paan Sin! 0o*ar Shi<a=i Lotan Patil for ;ha! %"arathi+ 5rrfan >han? Paan Sin!h 0o*ar an# 6i'ra* &o'hale for Anu*ati%"arathi+ Usha Aadhav1 %hag ('arathi) %olly *lhu/alia1 Eic,y %onor and Kalpana1 ThanichallanFan('alyalam). *nnu Kapoor1 Eic,y %onor )han,ar 'ahadevan for "olo 3a fro $hittagong )amhita for Pala,ein 3aa 'oon %on from *arti *n,le,arti,e,ar('arathi) "olo 3a from $hittagong Prasoon Aoshi for "olo 3a from $hittagong "havesh 'andalia and Umesh )hu,l for 0h 'y DodG *nFali 'enon for Ustad Hotel ('alayalam) Parineeti $hopra for :sha27aade.

"est Telugu ilm "est Hindi ilm "est :nvestigative ilm "est $hild *rtist )pecial 'ention "est $horeographer "est )pecial !ffects "est *nimation ilm "est !diting )pecial Aury */ard )pecial Aury 'ention "est $hild *rtist

!ega ilmistan :nshallah Kashmir 'aster Eirendra Pratap for %e,h :ndian $ircus 3a/a7uddin )iddi2ui1 Dangs 0f +asseypur "est 0riginal )creenplay /riter for his Eidya "alan starrer Kahaani. Pandit "irFu 'aharaF1 Eish/aroopam. !ega %elhi )afari - 3amrata 6ao for Kahaani. 6ituparno Dhosh for $hitrangada and 3a/a7uddin )iddi2ui. Parineeti $hopra for :sha27aade1 Tannishtha $hatterFee for %e,h :ndian $ircus. 'aster Eirendra Pratap for %e,h :ndian $ircus and 'aster 'inon for 989 $hodyangal

:mportant */ards in )eptember 289#

1+ 9un'er -o an# "alala 7ousafzai Selecte# for Clinton &lobal Citizens A(ar#s. 2+ -eser<e 9an' of 5n#ia !o<ernor -a!hura* -a=an (as a(ar#e# (ith the 2ifth ;eutsche 9an' Prize for 2inancial 4cono*ics 2013. 3+ Na<neet >aur ;hillon (on the "ulti*e#ia */ard at the 'iss +orld 289#. .) "olly/ood *ctor Aohn *braham /as on 95th )eptember1 289# conferred the Pride of the 3ation */ard. 4) 0*)) movie /on best film */ard at (ada,h :nternational ilm estival. 5) !ight eminent scientists on 25th )eptember1 289# selected for )hanti )/arup "hatnagar */ard for the year 289#. H) 'alala Bousaf7ai1 a Pa,istani schoolgirl presented /ith the 289# Peter A. Domes Humanitarian */ard by Harvard University on 2Hth )eptember1 289#. ?.) * )enior :ndian Aournalist1 6avi )han,ar 3arsimhan1 on 2@th )eptember1 289# /as presented /ith riendship a/ard by $hina. @) 6afi2 Kath/ari1 an :ndian-*merican poet on 2@th )eptember1 289# selected for 289# Patric, Kavanagh Poetry */ard for the collection of his debut poems. 98) The 'inister of )tate for $ommerce and :ndustry on #8th )eptember1 289# presented the !&port Promotion $ouncil for !0Us and )!;s (!P$!)) !&port */ards.

A(ar#s$Se)te*ber 2013 1+ 3ara)rasa# ;as (as conferre# the "oorti#e<i A(ar# for 2012 for 6a*sha. 2+ Presi#ent of 5n#ia Pranab "u'her=ee conferre# 0a!ore A(ar# for Cultural 3ar*on ? 2013 on "aestro :ubin "ehta. 3+ Presi#ent of 5n#ia )resente# the National A(ar#s to 0eachers on 0eacher@s ;a . .) :ndian *merican Kavita )hu,la /on :3%!I design a/ard for her innovative design1 reshPaper. 4) Eice President Hamid *nsari Presented $apital oundation */ards. 5) "ritish :ndian billionaire brothers )richand and Dopichand HinduFa /on a (ifetime *chievement */ard in "ritain. H) Tigmanshu %hulia /on the best director a/ard for Paan )ingh Tomar movie at the 99th 3or/ay "olly/ood ilm estival at 0slo on 9Hth )eptember1 289#. 'alala Bousaf7ai and Harry "elafonte received *mnesty :nternational=s *mbassador of $onscience */ard for 289# on 9Hth )eptember1 289# in %ublin1 :reland. @) *amir Khan )elected or a U) */ard for His TE )ho/ )atyamev Aayate. 98) ormer )outh *frican President 3elson 'andela on 22nd )eptember1 289# presented /ith a humanitarian achievement a/ard.

"elo/ are the details of a/ards and pri7es distributed and given in Auly 289# for various fields and /or,<
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 9-50 5C8N AWA-;: Sin!er 4lton ,ohn is set to be the first reci)ient of a ne( 9rit 5con a(ar#? !i<en for his lastin! i*)act for his lastin! i*)act on the nationAs culture. 0he -oc'et "an hit*a'er (ill *a'er (ill be !iven the honour at a sho/ in )eptember and then it /ill become an annual fi&ture1 given to an artist /ho has had a similar impact on UK culture. U3 !%U *+*6% 03 '*(*(* %*B< T/o :ndian /ere among the seven young girls honoured /ith the U3 )pecial !nvoy for Dlobal !ducationJs Bouth $ourage */ard for !ducation as part of 'alala %ay $elebrations at the /orld body on Auly 92. The a/ardees /ere from :ndia (*sh/ini form "angalore and 6a7ia from Uttar Pradesh)1

Pa,istan ()ha7ia)1 "angladesh1 3epal1 'orocco and )ierra (eone. UK H030U6 T0 E.K. '!303< The UK government on Auly 9H honoured E.K. Krishna 'enon1 :ndiaJs first high commissioner to the $ourt of )t. AamesJ and former defence minister1 by fi&ing a "lue Pla2ue on the house /here he lived /hen he moved to the city for the first "enn1 /hose father +illiams +edg/ood "enn /as secretary of state for :ndia from 9@2@ to 9@#9 /hen 'enon /as campaigning for :ndian independence in "ritain1 and E.K. Krishna 'enon :nstitute director $yriac 'aprayli. U3 *+*6%) K:%'*3< 3icole Kidman1 /ho /as appointed as the /omen good/ill ambassador by the U3 to Promote /omenJs right /orld/ide1 has been honoured /ith a humanitarian a/ard from the cinema for peace foundation for her contributons. Puri at an event in "erlinn /hose government is among U3 +omenJs leading donors1 on Auly 92. ':(KH* H030U6!%< (egendary :ndian athlete 'il,ha )ingh /as honoured for his services sports at a special event at the House of (ords. House of (ords member and 36: :ndustrialist (ord )/raF Paul presented the honour to KThe lying )i,h1J /ho is in (ondon on a promotional tour for the 'ovie L"haag 'il,ha "haagM based on his life story. 3*T:03*( B0UTH *+*6%< President Pranab 'u,herFee on Auly . conferred the 3ational Bouth */ards 2899-92 on 2H individuals and one organisation at 6ashtrapati "ha/an. The 3ational Bouth */ards1 instituted in 9@?41 are given each year to youth /ho have demonstrably in youth /or, in different fields of youth development activities and social service. The a/ard carries a silver medal1 a certificate and a cash pri7e of 6a.81888 in case of individual a/ardees and 6s2 la,h for voluntary organisation. *mong the a/ardees1 99 are from the northern region. T*D06! *+*6%< ;ubin 'ehta /erstern classical music conductor of :ndian-Parsi 0rigin1 /ill be felicitated /ith the Tagore a/ard for his outstanding contribution to $ultural Harmony. The first Tagore a/ard /as conferred on sitar maestro Pandit 6avi )han,ar in 2892. P6!' "H*T:B* *+*6%< )halini )ingh1 a %eputy !ditor /ith The Hindu1 has bagged the prestigious Prem "hatia */ard for political 6eporting-289#. )he has been selected for her Ke&cellent coverage of several ,ey issues1J particularly her Kreporting of the telecom and $oalgate scadals.J 6*'3*TH D0!3K* *+*6%)< The si&th 6amnath Doen,a !&cellence in Aournalism */ards ceremony held on Auly 2# in 3e/ %elhi presence of $hief Austice of :ndia P. )athasivam. The a/ards1 in 2@ categories1 /ere given for /or, done in 2898. The a/ardees include Aosy Aoseph of The Times of :ndia /ith the Aournalist of the year (Print) a/ard1 6avish Kumar of 3%TE :ndia /ith the Aournalist of the Bear ("roadcast) a/ard :nder of 3%TE :ndia /ith the Aournalism of the year ("roadcast) a/ard1 :nder 'arhotra /ith the (ifetime *chievement a/ard and others.

PA;"A AWA-;: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Pa#*a 6ibhushan Sl No. 1. 2. #. .. Na*e )hri 6aghunath 'ohapatra )hri ). Haider 6a7a Prof. Bash Pal Prof. 6oddam 3arasimha ;isci)line *rt *rt )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering State/ ;o*icile 0rissa %elhi Uttar Pradesh Karnata,a

Padma "hushan )l 3o. 9. 2. #. .. 4. 5. H. ?. @. 98. 99. 92. 9#. 9.. 94. 95. 9H. 9?. 9@. 28. 29. 22. 2#. 2.. 3ame %r. 6amanaidu %aggubati )mt. )reeramamurthy Aana,i %r. ()mt.) Kana, 6ele )mt. )harmila Tagore %r. ()mt.) )aroFa Eaidyanathan )hri *bdul 6ashid Khan (ate 6aFesh Khanna (ate Aaspal )ingh "hatti )hri )hivaFirao Dirdhar Patil %r. *pathu,atha )ivathanu Pillai %r. EiFay Kumar )aras/at %r. *sho,e )en %r. ".3. )uresh Prof. )atya 3. *tluri Prof. Aogesh $handra Pati )hri 6amamurthy ThyagaraFan )hri *di "urFor DodreF P Det Quote R %r. 3and,ishore )hamrao (aud )hri 'angesh Padgaon,ar Prof. Dayatri $ha,ravorty )piva, )hri Hemendra )ingh Pan/ar %r. 'aharaF Kishan "han )hri 6ahul %ravid 's. H. 'angte $hungneiFang %iscipline *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt Public *ffairs )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering Trade and :ndustry Trade and :ndustry 'edicine (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation $ivil )ervice $ivil )ervice )ports )ports )tate- %omicile *ndhra Pradesh Tamil 3adu 'aharashtra %elhi %elhi +est "engal 'aharashtra N PunFab N 'aharashtra %elhi %elhi Uttar Pradesh Karnata,a U)* O U)* O Tamil 3adu 'aharashtra 'aharashtra 'aharashtra U)*O 'adhya Pradesh %elhi Karnata,a 'anipur

'ary Kom Padma )hri )l 3o. 9. 2. #. .. 4. 5. H. ?. @. 98. 99. 92. 9#. 9.. 94. 95. 9H. 9?. 9@. 28. 29. 22. 2#. 2.. 24. 25. 2H. 2?. 2@. #8. #9. #2. ##. #.. 3ame )hri DaFam *nFaiah )/ami D.$.%. "harti alias "harati "andhu 's. ". Aayashree )mt. )ridevi Kapoor )hri Kailash $handra 'eher )hri "rahmdeo 6am Pandit )hri Eish/anath %in,ar Pate,ar alias 3ana Pate,ar )hri 6e,andar 3ages/ara 6ao alias )urabhi "abFi )hri (a,shmi 3arayana )athiraFu )mt. Aaymala )hiledar )hri )uresh %attatray Tal/al,ar )hri P. 'adhavan 3air alias 'adhu )hri *purba Kishore "ir hana,anta "ora "orbayan )mt. Hilda 'it (epcha )mt. )udha 'alhotra )hri Dhulam 'ohammad )a7na/a7 )hri 6amesh Dopaldas )ippy 's. 'ahru,h Tarapor )hri "al/ant Tha,ur )hri Puran %as "aul )hri 6aFendra Ti,,u )hri Pablo "artholome/ )hri ). )ha,ir *li )h. ).K.' 'aeilanandhan 's. 3ileema 'ishra 's. 6eema 3anavati 's. Aharna %hara $ho/dhury (ate %r. 6am Krishan (ate 'anFu "harat 6am Prof. 'ustansir "arma )hri *vinash $hander Prof. )anFay Dovind %hande Prof. (%r.) )an,ar Kumar Pal %iscipline *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt *rt )ocial +or, )ocial +or, )ocial +or, )ocial +or, )ocial +or, )ocial +or, )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )tate- %omicile *ndhra Pradesh $hhattisgarh Karnata,a 'aharashtra 0rissa 'aharashtra 'aharashtra *ndhra Pradesh Tamil 3adu 'aharashtra 'aharashtra Kerala 'aharashtra *ssam )i,,im 'aharashtra Aammu and Kashmir 'aharashtra 'aharashtra Aammu S Kashmir +est "engal Aammu S Kashmir %elhi 6aFasthan Tamil 3adu 'aharashtra DuFarat "angladesh O Uttar Pradesh N %elhi N 'aharashtra %elhi Uttar Pradesh +est "engal

#4. #5. #H. #?. #@. .8. .9. .2. .#. ... .4. .5. .H. .?. .@. 48. 49. 42. 4#. 4.. 44. 45. 4H. 4?. 4@. 58. 59. 52. 5#. 5.. 54. 55. 5H.

Prof. %eepa, ". Phata, %r. 'udundi 6ama,rishna 6aFu Prof. *Fay K. )ood Prof. Krishnas/amy EiFayraghavan %r. 'anindra *gra/al %r. Aayaraman Do/rishan,ar Prof. )harad Pandurang Kale )mt. Eandana (uthra 's. 6aFshree Pathy )hri Hemendra Prasad "arooah )hri 'ilind Kamble 's. Kalpana )aroF %r. )udarshan K. *ggar/al %r. $. Een,ata ). 6am alias $hitta Een,ata )undara 6am %r. 6aFendra *chyut "ad/e %r. Taraprasad %as Prof. (%r.) T.E. %evaraFan Prof. (%r.) )aroF $hooramani Dopal %r. Pramod Kumar Aul,a %r. Dulshan 6ai Khatri %r. Danesh Kumar 'ani %r. *mit Prabha,ar 'aydeo %r. )undaram 3ataraFan Prof. Krishna $handra $hune,ar %r. Eish/a Kumar Dupta Prof. ($apt.) %r. 'ohammad )haraf-e-*lam %r. 6adhi,a Her7berger )hri A. 'alsa/ma )hri %evendra Patel %r. 6ama Kant )hu,la Prof. *,htarul +asey Prof. *nvita *bbi )hri 3ida a7li

)cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering )cience and !ngineering Trade and :ndustry Trade and :ndustry Trade and :ndustry Trade and :ndustry Trade and :ndustry 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine 'edicine (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S

'aharashtra *ndhra Pradesh Karnata,a Karnata,a Uttar Pradesh *ndhra Pradesh 'aharashtra %elhi Tamil 3adu *ssam 'aharashtra 'aharashtra %elhi *ndhra Pradesh 'aharashtra 0rissa Tamil 3adu Uttar Pradesh %elhi %elhi %elhi 'aharashtra 'aharashtra Uttar Pradesh %elhi "ihar *ndhra Pradesh 'i7oram DuFarat %elhi %elhi %elhi 'adhya Pradesh

5?. 5@. H8. H9. H2. H#. H.. H4. H5. HH. H?. H@. ?8.

)hri )urender Kumar )harma %r. Aagdish Prasad )ingh (ate )hau,at 6ia7 Kapoor *lias )ali, (a,hna/i Prof. 3oboru Karashima )hri $hristopher Pinney )mt. Premlata *gra/al )hri Bogesh/ar %utt )hri Hosanagara 3agaraFego/da Dirisha )ubedar 'aFor EiFay Kumar )hri 3gangom %ing,o )ingh 3aib )ubedar "aFrang (al Ta,har 's. 6itu Kumar %r. 6avindra )ingh "isht

!ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation (iterature S !ducation )ports )ports )ports )ports )ports )ports ashion %esigning *rchaeology

%elhi "ihar +est "engal N Aapan O UK O Ahar,hand Haryana Karnata,a Himachal Pradesh 'aharashtra 6aFasthan %elhi Uttar Pradesh

L5S0 82 5"P8-0AN0 AWA-;S @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. "an 9oo'er Prize 2013 2. "an 9oo'er 5nternational Prize #. *sia Pacific :nternational */ard .. $ecil " %emile */ard 4. $hampion for Dlobal $hange */ard 289# 5. irst 'ahathir */ard for Dlobal Peace H. Derman +histleblo/er Pri7e 289# ?. Dolden (ion at Eenice ilm estival @. Drand Pri7e at $uba=s :nternational 6adio and Telivision estival 98. :'P*$ %ublin (iterary */ard 99. :3%!I %esign */ard 92. :)60 Boung )cientist */ard 9#. Ananpith */ard 2892 9.. Knighthood1 /hich is the highest honour of "ritain 94. (ata 'angesh,ar )amman *lan,aran 95. =(egend of Planet= a/ard 9H. (ibrary of $ongress Dersh/in */ard 9?. 3ational (iteracy */ard 9@. 3)) +ernher von "raun 'emorial */ard 28. 3T6 3ational (iterary */ard

4leanor Catton %for 0he Lu*inaries+ L #ia ;a<is %r. 'uFeeb *thar +oody *llen 'alala Bousaf7ai 3elson 'andela !d/ard )no/den )acro D6* (:taly) "ara,sat ((ebanese %ocumentary) Kevin "arry Kavitha )hu,la Aenita 'ary 6avuri "haradh/aFa *nish Kapoor (sculptor). Hariharan "indesh/ar Patha, ()ulabh movement founder) $arole King (first /oman) $hattisgarh *bdul Kalam 'anoF %as

29. )ree 3arayan Duru Dlobal )ecular S Peace */ard 289# 22. Presidential medal of freedom 2#. Pulit7er Pri7e for fiction in 289# 2.. 6aFiv Dandhi Khel 6atna 24. )aras/ati )amman (289#) 25. ),och Droup */ard 2H. Tagore */ard for $ultural Harmony 2?. Tagore Peace Pri7e 2@. The )imTn "olUvar 3ational */ard of Aournalism 289# #8. U. 3. $hampions of the !arth */ard #9. U! * "est Player in !urope */ard #2. U3Js Public )ervice */ard ##. Uni2ue emale (eader */ard #.. United 3ation=s Public )ervice */ard #4. #5. #H. #?. U) >/oman of courage> a/ard Eyas )amman (2892) +hitley a/ard (Dreen 0scar) +omenJs Pri7e for iction

)hashi Tharoor %r. )ally 6ide *dam Aohnson (for the novel LThe 0rphan 'asterJs sonM) 6anFan )odhi )ugatha,umari Ahar,hand ;ubin 'ehta )hihab Dhanem (first *rab) Hugo $have7 (late Eene7uelan President ) E. 6amanathan ranc, 6ibVry 0men $handi (Kerala $') 'adeleine *lbrite (former U) )ecratary) 0ommen $handy ($hief 'inister of Kerala). 3irbhaya (%ehli gang rape victim) 3arendra Kohli %r. *paraFita %atta *' Homes (for her boo,1 'ay +e "e orgiven) 6aghav AoneFa )harad Badav

#@. Boungest :ndian to scale the'ount !verest .8. Parliamentarian*/ards 2892

13 Asian Drama by Dunnar Karl 'ydral is a boo, on /hich of the

follo/ing subFectsW *.Threatre 'ovements in *sia ".!conomics $.:nternational Politics %.(oo, !ast Policy of :ndia !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

9 ((oo, !ast Policy of :ndia) 23 Panchatantra has been /ritten by

*ns/er *.Kalidas ".)urdas $.Eisha,hadatta %.Eishnu )harma !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

9 (Eishnu )harma) 33 The novel A S ita!"e #oy is /ritten by

*ns/er *.E.). 3aipaul ".Ei,ram )eth $.%.H. (a/rence %.6us,in "ond !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

% (Ei,ram )eth) 43 +ho /rote $ ""i%er&s 'ra%e"s(

*ns/er *.Aonathan )/ift ".*livin Toffler $.)amuel Aohnson %.%.H. (a/rence !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

/ (Aonathan )/ift) 83 +ho /rote ) ng"e #oo*

*ns/er *.'ohd )alim ".6udyard Kipling $.)ibhu %.)amuel Aohnson !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

% (6udyard Kipling) @3 *uthor of the boo, 'he +ity of )oy is

*ns/er *.Aa/aharlal 3ehru ".%omini2ue (apierre $.)alman 6ushdie %.H.D. +ells !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

% (%omini2ue (apierre) A3 $ita $o%ind( is /ritten by

*ns/er -

*.Kabirdas ".Tulsidas $.Aaya %ev %.'aithili )haran Dupta !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

*ns/er -

& (Aaya %ev)

73 +ho is author of the boo, ,amayani

*.'ul, 6aF *nand ".Prem $hand $.Aai )han,ar Prasad %.6andhari )ingh %in,ar !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

*ns/er -

& (Aai )han,ar Prasad)

B3 'ul, 6aF *nand is the author of

*.The Post 0ffice ".Dora $.:ndian +ins reedom %.$oolie !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

*ns/er -

9 ($oolie)

103 The author of the boo, (My -./erience With 'r th(
is *.'aulana *bul Kalam *7ad ".Dovind Eallabh Pant $.'. K. Dandhi %.Tara *li "eg !.3one of these Eie/ *ns/er (-) *ns/er S !&planation

*ns/er -

& ('. K. Dandhi)

0he 8r)han "asterAs son (on the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2013. 3arcopolis - Aeet Thayil shortlisted for the 'an "oo,er for his debut novel 3arcopolis

988>S AN; A.038-S: 1. 5n#ia B "ala sia: 5ntert(ine# Stran#s 2. 3aunte# b 2ire 4ssa s 8n Caste? Class? 4C)loitation An# 4*anci)ation 3. DAh*e< -a#ha? Ah*e< >rishnahE F. An .ncertain &lor : 5n#ia an# its Contra#ictions 4. * "rush /ith (ife 5. * "end in the river H. Dod of )mall things ?. :nheritance of (oss @. Aoseph *nton 98. 99. 92. 9#. LKhush/antnama:The (essons of 'y (ife L (aFFa 'y Unforgettable 'emories >'uslim in :ndian citiesM 6eena Si'ri " thil Si<ara*an &ulab >othari %Chief 4#itor of 3in#i ne(s)a)er -a=asthan Patri'a+ ,ean ;reze an# A*art a Sen. )atish DuFral E.). 3aipaul *rundhati 6ai Kiran %esai. )ulman 6ushdie (*utobiography) Khush/ant singh Taslima 3asrim. 'amata "anerFee $hristophe Aaffrelot S (aurent Dayer (.K.*dvani Pt 6avi shan,ar mahadevan $hetan "hagat )unil Davas,ar )alman 6ushdi *dam Dilchrist Harbans )ingh :ndian spiritual guru )ri $hinmoy. Tabish 3air :ndian cric,eter BuvraF singh 'ira Dovind *dvani *PA *bdul Kalam $hetan bhagat )hivendra Kumar )ingh. Darima )anFay former President of :ndia1 %r. *vul Pa,ir Aainulabdeen *bdul Kalam (*PA 6aF Kundra1 the millionaire businessman. *' Homes

9.. 'y country 'y (ife 94. 'y 'usic 'y (ife 5. 6evolution 2828 9H. 6uns in 6uins 9?. )atenic versus 9@. True $olours 28. The Heritage of )i,hs 29. The Ae/els of Happiness 22. The Things *bout Thugs 2#. The Test of 'y (ife= 2.. LThose /ere the %ay and then:The (ife S Times of (al Krishna *dvaniM 24. Turning Points 25. +hat Boung :ndia +ants 2H. Be Ao Hai Pa,istan= 2?. )mritiyan 2@. 'y Aourney< Transforming %reams into *ctions #8. Ho/ 3ot to 'a,e 'oney #9. 'ay +e "e orgiven ~988>S AN; A.038-S~ 1. 0he 8r)han "asterAs Son

A#a* ,ohnsonAs no<el

2. -eli!ion? La( B Societ 3. 0he 2irst Wo*an Presi#ent of 5n#ia? -ein<entin! lea#ershi)? S*t. Pratibha ;e<isin!h Patil F. Wal'in! (ith Lions: 0ales fro* a ;i)lo*atic Past 4. !, Thhi Kusum 5. +ater< *sia=s 3e/ "attleground H. "ehind the "eautiful oreverJs< (ife1 %eath1 and Hope ?. Buvi: "oo, on $ric,eter BuvraF )ingh @. 3arcopolis 98. 3on-)top :ndia 99. The )ense of an !nding 92. +hen (oss is Dain 9#. 'atters of %iscretion< *n *utobiography 9.. " truth 1G. " life in action 1H. &li*)ses of (orl# histor 1I. Pa'istan a )ersonal 3istor 1J. 0he Annihilation of Caste 1K. Contro<ersiall ours 28. " stor 21. An a))eal fro* #eath ro( 22. No 3i!her 8(ner 2#. " #a s 2.. Such a Lon! ,ourne 2G. " stru!!le 25. 0he &reat 5n#ian No<el 2I. Nirbasan 2?. -oo* of *an colors 2K. A shot at 3istor #8. Po<ert an# .n$9ritish -ule

Prof. 0ahir "ah*oo# Professor Sunaina Sin!h K. 3at/ar )ingh1 the former Union 'inister for !&ternal *ffairs. Pra,ash Pant "rahma $hellaney Katherine "oo 'a,arand +aingan,ar Aeet Thayil /ritten by 'ar, Tully Aulian "arnes %iplomat Pavan K. Earma : K DuFral 5n#ira &an#hi =ac'ie chan ,a(aharlal Nehru 5*ran 'han ( ormer Pa,istan cric,eter) 9 - A*be#'ar shoaib akhtar ( ormer Pa,istan cric,eter) 6i=a 3azare Perari<elal (raFiv gandhi murder convict ) con#alisa rice - > Nara an %2or*er Presi#ent + -ohinton "istr 4 > Na anar %2or*er >erala C"+ Shashi 0haroor 0asli*a Nasrin -us'in 9on# (+ell ,no/n 3ovelist) the autobiography of Abhina< 9in#ra (shooting champion) ;a#abhai Naoro=i

:mportant boo,s /ritten by -abin#ranath 0a!ore L *ns< &itan=ali ?&ora ?&hare 9aire?Chaturan!a 5n#ians an# 9oo's: &> Muestions 2013 1. -abin#ranath 0a!ore@s 5*)ortant 9oo's DitanFali Dora Dhare-"aire Ealmi,i Pratibha %a, Dhar

$handali,a EisarFan 6a,ta,aravi $abuli/allah 2. ;a#abhai Naro=i@s 5*)ortant 9oo's Poverty and Un-"ritish 6ule in :ndia $ondition of :ndia Poverty of :ndia 3. Subhash Chan#ra 9ose@s 5*)ortant 9oo's The :ndian )truggle *n *lternative (eadership (etters to !mily )chen,el *n :ndian Pilgrim F. 9ala!an!a#har 0ila'@s 5*)ortant 9oo's Dita 6ahasya The *rctic Home in the Eedas G. Ab#ul >ala* Aza#@s 5*)ortant 9oo's :ndia +ins reedom H. ;r.S. -a#ha'rishnan@s 5*)ortant 9oo's The Hindu Eie/ 0f (ife *n idealist Eie/ 0f (:fe :ndian Philosophy I. C. -a=a!o)alachari@s 5*)ortant 9oo's The 3ation=s Eoice 6econciliation< +hy and Ho/ The atal $art * J. A*art a Sen Poverty and amines %evelopment as reedom * K. 9ha!at Sin!h +hy : am an *theist O 98. >iran 9e#i :t=s al/ays possible : %are ~~*~~ S8"4 5"P8-0AN0 988>S an# A.038- ~~*~~ *****************************************

988>S AN; A.038-S: 1. 5n#ia B "ala sia: 5ntert(ine# Stran#s b 2. 3aunte# b 2ire 4ssa s 8n Caste? Class? 4C)loitation An# 4*anci)ation #. L*hmev 6adha1 *hmev KrishnahM .. *n Uncertain Dlory< :ndia and its $ontradictions 4. * "rush /ith (ife 5. * "end in the river H. Dod of )mall things ?. :nheritance of (oss @. Aoseph *nton 98. LKhush/antnama:The (essons of 'y (ife L 99. (aFFa 92. 'y Unforgettable 'emories 9#. >'uslim in :ndian citiesM 9.. 'y country 'y (ife 94. 'y 'usic 'y (ife 95. 6evolution 2828 9H. 6uns in 6uins 9?. )atenic versus 9@. True $olours 28. The Heritage of )i,hs 29. The Ae/els of Happiness 22. The Things *bout Thugs 2#. The Test of 'y (ife= 2.. LThose /ere the %ay and then:The (ife S Times of (al Krishna *dvaniM 24. Turning Points 25. +hat Boung :ndia +ants 2H. Be Ao Hai Pa,istan= 2?. )mritiyan 2@. 'y Aourney< Transforming %reams into *ctions #8. Ho/ 3ot to 'a,e 'oney ~988>S AN; A.038-S~ 1. 0he 8r)han "asterAs Son 2. -eli!ion? La( B Societ 3. 0he 2irst Wo*an Presi#ent of 5n#ia? -ein<entin! lea#ershi)? S*t. A#a* ,ohnsonAs no<el 0he 8r)han "asterAs son (on the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2013. Prof. 0ahir "ah*oo# Professor Sunaina Sin!h 6eena Si'ri " thil Si<ara*an

Dulab Kothari ($hief !ditor of Hindi ne/spaper 6aFasthan Patri,a) Aean %re7e and *martya )en )atish DuFral E.). 3aipaul *rundhati 6ai Kiran %esai. )ulman 6ushdie (*utobiography) Khush/ant singh Taslima 3asrim) 'amata "anerFee $hristophe Aaffrelot S (aurent Dayer (.K.*dvani Pt 6avi shan,ar mahadevan $hetan "hagat )unil Davas,ar )alman 6ushdi *dam Dilchrist Harbans )ingh :ndian spiritual guru )ri $hinmoy. Tabish 3air :ndian cric,eter BuvraF singh 'ira Dovind *dvani(data by faceboo,-allcurrentaffairs) *PA *bdul Kalam $hetan bhagat )hivendra Kumar )ingh. Darima )anFay former President of :ndia1 %r. *vul Pa,ir Aainulabdeen *bdul Kalam (*PA 6aF Kundra1 the millionaire businessman.

Pratibha ;e<isin!h Patil F. Wal'in! (ith Lions: 0ales fro* a ;i)lo*atic Past 4. !, Thhi Kusum 5. +ater< *sia=s 3e/ "attleground H. "ehind the "eautiful oreverJs< (ife1 %eath1 and Hope ?. Buvi - "oo, on $ric,eter BuvraF )ingh @. 3arcopolis 98. 3on- )top :ndia 99. The )ense of an !nding 92. Aoseph *nton 9#. 'uslims :n :ndian $ities 9.. +hen (oss is Dain 94. 'atters of %iscretion< *n *utobiography 9oo' Na*e......Author Na*e @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ An .ncertain &lor 5n#ia an# 5ts Contra#ictions Co*)ass 9oC >iller Une&ploded Trans *tiantic The (uminaries +e 3eed 3e/ 3ames The (o/land * Tale for the Time "eing. The Testament of 'ary. The )pinning Heart. The 'arrying of $hani Kanfman ive )tar "illionaire *lmost !nglish Harvest The ,ills

K. 3at/ar )ingh1 the former Union 'inister for !&ternal *ffairs. Pra,ash Pant "rahma $hellaney Katherine "oo 'a,arand +aingan,ar Aeet Thayil shortlisted for the 'an "oo,er for his debut novel 3arcopolis 'ar, Tully Aulian "arnes /ritten by )alman6ushdie "y (aurent Dayer S $hristophe Aaffrelot by %iplomat Pavan K. Earma : K DuFral

A*art a Sen B ,ean ;reze. Pi ush ,ha. *lison 'acleod. $olum 'c$ann. !leanor $atton 3oviolet "ula/ayo. Ahumpa (ahiri. 6uth Q7e,i. $olm Toibin. %onal 6yan. !ve Harris. Tash */ $harlotte 'endelson. Aim $race 6ichard House.

%oo,s an" /-thors C-iz

?oo4s and a!thors is a topic for every cometitive exam" ?e it P/# or ?an4 exams" ,sef!l for K!izes and Trivias also $ac ?eth 5dyssey Blliod ;!bayyat /ha4!ntalam /ha4espeare :omer :omer 5mar %hayyam %alidasa

<!n2le ?oo4 #o!nt of $onte #risto (ar and Peace #omm!nist $anifesto #all of the wild ' Tale of Two #ities ;obinson #r!soe 'dvent!res of Tom /awyer -!lliverOs Travels 9reedom at $idni2ht Train to Pa4istan -od of /mall thin2s 5ld man and the sea $ain 4amph Discovery of Bndia

;!dyard %iplin2 'lexander D!mas &eo Tolstoy %arl $arx <ac4 &ondon #harles Dic4ens Daniel Defoe $ar4 Twain <onathan /wift &arry #ollinsEDominic &appierre %h!shavant /in2h 'r!ndhati ;oy 8rnest :emin2way 'dolf :itler <awaharlal Nehr!

Po)ular boo's b 5n#ian Authors: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A ben# in the ri<er A brush (ith life A 3ouse of "r. 9is(ar A "illion "utinies No( A Passa!e to 4n!lan# A Prisoner@s Scra)boo' A -i<er Sutra * sense of time * strange and subline address * suitable boy * village by the sea * voice for freedom *ansoo *fternoon 6aag *geless "ody1 Timeless 'ind *gni Eeena Ka7i *in-i-*,bari *mar Kosh *n autobiography *n !2ual 'usic *n :dealist Eie/ of life *mrit *ur Eish *mrit *nami,a )urya,ant *nandmath *reas of %ar,ness *rthashastra 6.S. Nai)al Satish &u=ral 6.S. Nai)al 6.S. Nai)al Nira# C.Cho#hur L.>. A#<ani &ita "ehra H.).Eatsyayan *mit $haudhary Ei,ram )eth *nita %esai 3ayantara )ehgal Aayashan,ar Prasad *mit $haudhari %eepa, $hopra 3a7rul :slam *bul a7al *mar )ingh Aa/aharlal 3ehru Ei,ram )eth %r. ). 6adha,rishan (al 3agar Tripathi 3irala "an,im $handra $hatterFee E.). 3aipal Kautilya

*shtadhyayi *utobiography of an Un,no/n :ndia "andicoot 6un "eginning of the "eginning "hag/an "et/een the (ines "eyond 'odernisation1 "eyond )elf "hagvad Dita "harat "harati "harat %urdasha "order and "oundaries - /omen in :ndia=s Partition "harat "harati "rea,ing the )ilence "ride and the )ahib and the other stories "ro,en +ings "ubble1 "uddha $haritam "y Dod=s %ecree $handali,a $handra,anta )antati $hemmen - Tha,a7hi $hitra $hitrale,ha $hitrangada $ircle of 6eason $lear (ight of %ay $onfessions of a (o/er $onfrontation /ith Pa,istan $on2uest of )elf $ontinent of $rime $oolie $ourt %ancer $ulture in the Eanity "ag %ays of 'y Bears %aybhag %eath of a $ity %evdas %iscovery of :ndia %istant %rums %istint 3eighbours - :ndia %ivine (ife %urgesh 3andini %ynamics of )ocial $hange !ight (ives !nglish *ugust !ssays on Dita !ternal Himalayas !ternal :ndia

Panini 3irad $. $houdhury 'anohar 'algon,ar )hri 6aFneesh Kuldip 3ayyar )isir,umar Dhose Eed Eyas 'aithilisharan Dupt "hartendu Harischandra 6itu 'enon S Kamla "hasin 'aithili )aran Dupt *nees Aung Khush/ant )ingh )aroFini 3aidu The 'ul, 6aF *nand *sh/aghosh Kapil %ev 6abindra 3ath Tagore %ev,inandan Khatri )ivasan,ara Pillai 6abindranath Tagore "hag/ati $haran Eerma 6abindra 3ath Tagore *mitav Dhosh *nita %esai 'ul, 6aF *nand ". '. Kaul 'ahatma Dhandhi 3irad $ $haudhary 'ul, 6aF *nand 6abindranath Tagore 3irad $ $haudhury H.P. 3anda Aeemoot/ahan *mrita Pritam )harat $handra $hatterFee Aa/aharlal 3ehru 'anohar 'algon,ar Kuldip 3ayar )/ami )hivananda "an,im $handra $hatterFee $handra )he,har 6aFmohan Dandhi Upamanyu $hatterFee )ri *urobindo Dhosh 'aFor H.P.). *hlu/alia 'rs :ndira Dandhi

aces of !verest oreign Policy of :ndia orty 3ine %ays rom 6aFpath to (o,path Daban Danadevata Dardener Deet Dovind Dhasiram Kot/al DitanFali Dita 6ahasya Dlimpses of +orld History Dodan Dolden Threshold Dora Duide Harsha $harita Harvest Heir *pparent Himalayan "lunder Hind )/araF Hindu Eie/ of (ife Hinduism History of :ndia Hullabaloo in a Duava 0rchard Humanyunama Hungary )tones : follo/ the 'ahatma :dols :ndia *fter 3ehru :ndia %ivided :ndia Unbound :ndia of 0ur %reams :ndia +ins reedom :ndia=s Priceless Heritage :ndian Philosophy :ndira Dhandi 6eturns :ndira Dandhi - "adhate Kadam :nscrutable *mericans :nterpreter of 'aladies :t=s *l/ays Possible Aai )omnath Aayadev Ahansi Ki 6ani Kadambari Kaga7 Te Kan/as Kamasutra Kanthapura

'aFor H.P.). *hlu/alia :.K. DuFral *mrita Pritam EiFaya 6aFe )cindia 'unsi Premchand Tara )han,ar "andopadhyaya 6abindra 3ath Tagore Aayadev EiFay Tendul,ar 6abindranath Tagore "al Dangadhar Tila, Aa/aharlal 3ehru Prem $hand )aroFini 3aidu 6abindra 3ath Tagore 6.K. 3arayanan "ana "hatta 'anFula Padmanabhan %r. Karan )ingh "rigadier A.P. %alvi '.K. Dandhi %r. ). 6adha,rishan 3irad $. $houdhury 6omila Thapar Kiran %esai Dulbadan "eghum 6abindranath Tagore K.'. 'unshi )unil Davas,ar Kuldip 3ayyar 6aFendra Prasad Durcharan %as '.E. Kamath *bdul Kalam *7ad 3.*. Pal,hivala %r. ). 6adha,rishan Khush/ant )ingh Khush/ant )ingh *nurag 'athur Ahumpa (ahiri Kiran "edi K.'. 'unshi Deet Dovind Erindavanlal Eerma "ana "hatt *mrita Pritam ).H. Eatsyayan 6aFa 6ao

Kapala Kundala Karmabhumi Kashmir - * Tale of )hame Kashmr - * Tragedy of !rrors Kayar Kitab-ul-Hind Kitni 3a/on Kitni "ar Kulliyat Kumar )ambhava Kuru,shetra (ast "urden (ife %ivine (ipi,a (ost $hild 'ahabharta 'ahatma Dandhi and his *polstles 'algudi %ays 'alti 'adhav 'eghdootam 'ita,shara 'richha,ati,am 'y %ays 'y :ndia 'y (ife and Times 'y 'usic1 'y (ife 'y Presidental Bears 'y Truth 'udra 6a,shas 3atural History 3e/ %imensions of :ndia=s oreign Policy 3isheeth 0peration "luestar - The True )tory 0ur ilms1 Their ilms Padmavat Painter of )igns Panchatantra Parineeta Past or/ard Pather Panchali Plain )pea,ing Portrait of :ndia Post 0ffice Prem Pachisi Prem Eati,a 6aFatarangini 6am $harita 'anas 6amayana 6aghuvamsa 6anghbhommi

"an,im $handra $hatterFee 'unsi Premchand Hari Aaisingh Tha,a7hi )ivasan,ara Pillai *l-"eruni ).H. Eatsyayan Dhalib Kalidas 6amdhari )ingh %in,ar Upamanyu $hatterFee )ri *urobindo Dhosh 6abindranath Tagore 'ul, 6aF *nand Eed Eyas Eed 'ehta 6.K. 3arayanan "havabhuti Kalidasa Eigyanesh/ar )hudra, 6.K. 3arayanan ). 3ihal )ingh E.E. Diri Pt. 6avi )han,ar 6. Een,atraman :ndira Dandhi Eisha,hadatta Plini *.". EaFpayee Uma )han,ar Aoshi (t. Den K.). "rar )atyaFit 6ay 'ali, 'ohammed Aayasi 6.K. 3arayan Eishnu )harma )harat $handra $hatterFi D.6. 3arayanan "ibhuti "hushan 3. $handrababu 3aidu Eed 'ehta 6abindranath Tagore 'unsi Prem $hand 6as,han Kalhana Tulsidas 'aharishi Ealmi,i Kalidas 'unsi Premchand

6atnavali 6avi Paar (*cross the 6iver) 6ed !arth and Pouring 6ain 6itu )amhara )a,et )atya Karischandra )a,haram "inder )ecular *genda )even )ummers )hado/ from (ada,h )hahnama )hri,ant )na,es and (adders - !ssays on :ndia )ocial $hange in 'odern :ndia )ultry %ays )unny %ays )ursagar )/ami and riends The "ride=s "oo, of "eauty The $at and )ha,espeare The $ompany of +omen The $ritical Bears - :n Aail The %ar, 6oom The %egeneration of :ndia The Dlass Palace The Dod of )mall Things The Dolden Date The Audgement The 'en +ho Killed Dandhi The )even )piritual (a/s of )uccess The )ongs of :ndia The )tory of 'y !&periments /ith Truth The )trange and )ubline *ddress The )/ord and the )ic,le The vendor of )/eets The /ay of the +i7ard Train to Pa,istan T/o (eaves and a "ud Untold )tory Urvashi EisarFana +aiting for the 'ahatma +a,e up :ndia +e1 :ndians +rec,1 Bama Bashodhara Bears of Pilgrimage

Harsha Eardhan Dul7ar Ei,ram $handra Kalidas 'aithili )haran Dupta "hartendu Harischandra EiFay Tendul,ar *run )hourie 'ul, 6aF *nand "habani "hattacharya irdausi )harat $handra $hatterFi Dita 'ehta '.3. )rinivas )hobha %e )unil Davas,ar )ur %as 6.K. 3arayanan 'ul, 6aF *nand 6aFa 6ao Khush/ant )ingh Kuldip 3ayyar 6.K. 3arayanan T.3. )eshan *mitav Dhosh *rundhati 6oy Ei,ram )eth Kuldip 3ayyar 'anohar 'algon,ar %eepa, $hopra )aroFini 3aidu 'ahatma Dandhi *mit $haudhuri 'ul, 6aF *nand 6.K. 3arayanan %eepa, $hopra Khush/ant )ingh 'ul, 6aF *nand ". '. Kaul 6amdhari )ingh %in,ar 6abindra 3ath Tagore 6.K. 3arayanan *nnie "esant Khush/ant )ingh The 6abindranath Tagore 'ahadevi Eerma 'aithili )haran Dupt %r. 6aFa 6amana

9oo's an# Authors @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hth ;ece*ber 1KK2 A ben# in the -i<er A "illion "ultinies No( A "ission 5n >ash*ir A ne( #eal for Asia A )air of blue e es A Passa!e of 5n#ia * Eoice of reedom *ansoo *bhigyan )ha,untalam *cross "lac, +aters *ffluent )ociety *gni Eeena *in-e-*,bari *Fatshatru Aai *,abarnama *lice in +onderland *mar )ingh *mrit *ur Eish *mrit (al 3agar *n !2ua( 'usic *nami,a1 Parimal1 DunFan1 Ausi ,i ,ali *nna Karenina *rea of %ar,ness *rthashastra *shtadhyayi *sian %rama *ugust $oup *vanti )undari *yodhya .E. 3arasimha 6ao "et/een the (ines "hag/ad Dita "harat "harti "harat %urdasha "ihari )atsai "iFa, "liss /as it in that do/n "lood "rothers "oyhood- )cenes from Provincial (ife "radmanJs "est "ro,en +ing "uddha $haritam $hand Ka 'unh Tedha Hai $oolie $osmic 6eality

P.6. Narasi*ha -ao 6.S. Nai)al 6.S. Nai)al An#re( Whitehea# "ahathir "oha**a# 0ho*as 3ar# 4.". 2orster 3ayantara )ehgal Aai )han,ar Prasad Kalidas 'ul, 6aF *nand A.K. Dalbraith Ka7i 3a7urul :slam *bul a7al )han,er Prasad *bul a7al (e/is $arrol *mar )ingh Ei,ram )eth )urya,nt Tripathi 3irala Tolstoy E.). 3aipal Kautilya Panini Dunnar 'yrdal 'i,hail ). Dorbachov %andi Kuldeep 3ayyar Eeda Eyas 'aithili )aran Dupta "hartendu Harischandra "ihari Kabirdas 'inoo 'asani '.A. *,bar A.'. $oet7ee 6olland Perry )aroFini 3aidu *sh/aghosh DaFanan 'adhav 'ul, 6aF *nand (aFFa 6am

$urfe/ed 3ight %as $apital %ash,umaracharitam %aybhag %eath %ivine $omedy %ivine (ife !li7abeth $astello !nd of the !ra !nvisioning an !mpo/ered 3ation !ternal :ndia !&periment /ith Untruth asting1 easting ireproof orty nine %ays reedom from ear Daban Deet Dovind DitanFali Dlimpses of +orld History Dodan Dolden Threshold Dora Dulag *rchipelago Duide Durusagaran Harry Potter and %eathly Hallo/s Harsha $harit Hindu vie/ of (ife History of +estern Philosophy Humanyunama : ollo/ the 'ahatma :gnited 'inds :n the (ine of ire - * 'emoir :ndia +ins reedom :ndian Philosophy :ndian )ummers :ndian /ar of :ndependence :ndira Dandhi 6eturns :nnocent in %eath :nterpreter of 'aladies Kaya Kalp (et Us Kill Dandhi (ife of Pi 'y President Bears

"asarrat Peer Karl 'ar& %andi Aeemoot/ahan Ka,a )aheb Kalel,ar %ante )/ami )hivanand !ight (essons A.'. $oet7ee $.). Pandit %r. *.P.A. *bdul Kalam 'rs. :ndira Dandhi 'ichael *nderson *nita %esai 6aF Kamal Aha *mrita Pritam *ung )an )uu Kyi 'unsi Prem$hand Aayadev 6abindra 3ath Tagore Aa/ahar (al 3ehru 'unsi Prem$hand )aroFini 3aidu 6abindra 3ath Tagore *le&ander )ol7henitsyn 6. K. 3arayanan 0.P. EiFayan A.K. 6o/ling "ana "hatta %r. ). 6adha,rishnan ". 6ussel Dulbadan "eghum K.'. 'unshi %r. *.P.A. *bdul Kalam Parve7 'usharraf *bul Kalam *7ad %r. ). 6adha,rishnan Aohn +right E.%. )avar,ar Khush/ant )ingh A.%. 6obb Ahumpa (ahiri 'unshi Prem $hand Tushar *. Dandhi Bann 'artel 6. Een,ataraman

~~5"P8-0AN0 9AN>5N& A99-465A058NS~~ 1. NA9A-; 2. -0&S #. 3! T .. 3*E 4. 3P* 5. *)"* H. ": 6 ?. $*'!() @. "$)": 98. ":) 99. "$") 92. "0P 9#. "0T 9.. "P(6 94. $$:( 95. $:":( 9H. $6:):( 9?. $"(0 9@. $P: 28. *%6 29. D%6 22. *(' 2#. *6$ 2.. :30 24. $TT 25. $6' 2H. KB$ 2?. )(6 2@. $66 #8. ') #9. 6!P0 #2. 3" $ ##. 0)'0) #.. : )$ #4. ")! #5. 3)! #H. )+: T #?. )(6$ #@. (* .8. %6T National 9an' for A!ricultural B -ural ;e<elo)*ent -eal 0i*e &ross Settle*ent 3ational !lectronic und Transfer 3et *sset Ealue 3on Performing *sset *ccount )upported by "loc,ed *mount "oard for :ndustrial and inancial 6econstruction $apital *de2uacy1 *sset Quality1 'anagement !arnings1 (i2uidity1 )ystems S $ontrols "an,ing $odes S )tandard "oard of :ndia "an, for :nternational )ettlement "asel $ommittee on "an,ing )upervision "alance of Payment "alance of Trade "enchmar, Prime (ending 6ate $learing $orporation of :ndia (td. $redit :nformation "ureau of :ndia (td. $redit 6ating :nformation )ervices of :ndia (td. $ollateralised "orro/ing S (ending 0bligation $onsumer Price :nde& *merican %epository 6eceipts Dlobal %epository 6eceipts *sset (iability 'anagement *sset 6econstruction $ompanies inancial :nclusion 3et/or, 0peration $ommodities Transaction Ta& $ustomer 6elationship 'anagement Kno/ Bour $ustomer )tatutory (i2uidity 6atio $ash 6eserve 6atio 'arginal )tanding acility 6epurchase 0ption 3on "an,ing inance $ompanies 0ff)ite 'onitoring S )urveillance :ndian inancial )ystem $ode "ombay )toc, !&change 3ational )toc, !&change )ociety for +orld/ide :nterban, inancial Tele communication inancial )ector (egislative 6eforms $ommission (i2uidity *dFustment acility %ebt 6ecovery Tribunals.

A99-465A058N 5N N4WS 1. 9S9;A 2. 2CN-%9+ 3. 0A-C F. 504s G. LCH. NS2I. L-"0 J. C9S K. ;4A2 10. C-A11. 4C9 12. SW520 13. 2SL-C 9.. ':"06 94. (:"06 95. (* 9H. D:60 9?. !! $ 9@. 6"'* 28. *(' 29. *' : 22. T:!* 2#. $*6 2.. $$!* 24. $!$* 25. $!P* 2H. %T** 2?. %T$ 2@. !$"s #8. !! $ #9. ! ) #2. !'* ##. :: #.. :30 #4. :P" #5. )(6$ #H. T* #?. D**6 #@. D)(E .8. ') .9. 3" $ .2. 3$T$ .#. 3! T ... 3)D .4. PPP 9asic Sa<in!s 9an' ;e)osit Account 2orei!n Currenc Non$-esi#ent 9an' 0aC A#*inistration -efor* Co**ission 5ntra$&rou) 0ransactions an# 4C)osures LiMui#it Co<era!e -atio Net Stable 2un#in! -atio LiMui#it ris' *onitorin! tools Core 9an'in! Solution ;e)ositor 4#ucation an# A(areness 2un# Ca)ital to -is'$(ei!hte# Assets -atio 4Cternal Co**ercial 9orro(in!s Societ for Worl#(i#e 5nterban' 2inancial 0eleco**unication 2inancial Sector Le!islati<e -efor*s Co**ission 'umbai :nter-"an, 0ffer 6ate (ondon :nter-"an, 0ffer 6ate (i2uidity *dFustment acility Dovernment :nternal 6evenue 0rder !&change !arner=s oreign $urrency iscal 6esponsibility and "udget 'anagement *ct *sset (iability 'anagement *ssociation of 'utual und in :ndia. Ta& :nformation e&change *greement $ash *de2uacy 6atio $abinet $ommittee on !conomic *ffairs $omprehensive !conomic $ooperation *greement $omprehensive !conomic Partnership *greement %ouble Ta&ation *voidance *greement %irect Ta& $ode !&ternal $ommercial "orro/ings !&change !arner=s oreign $urrency !uropean inancial )tability acility oreign !&change 'anagement *ct oreign :nstitutional :nvestor. inancial :nclusion 3et/or, 0peration oreign :nvestment Promotion board inancial )ector (egislative 6eforms $ommission ree trade agreement Deneral anti avoidance rule Deo-)ynchronous (aunch Eehicle 'arginal )tanding acility 3on "an,ing inance $ompanies 3ational $ounter-Terrorism $entre 3ational !lectronic unds Transfer 3uclear )uppliers Droup Public Private Partnership S Purchasing Po/er parity

.5. P)(E .H. 6TD) .?. )(6 .@. T*P: 48. Q : 49. EEP*T 42. T:!*

Polar )atellite (aunch vehicle 6eal Time Dross )ettlement )tatutory (i2uidity 6atio Tur,menistan-*fghanistan-Pa,istan-:ndia. Qualified oreign :nvestors =Eoter Eerifiable Paper *udit Trail= Ta& :nformation !&change *greement

~*~ 5"P8-0AN0 A99-465A058NS 2or 6arious 4Ca*s ~*~ 1. A00 2. C-5S 3. C2SA .. D**6 4. D6*:( 5. D*D*3 H. :*!* ?. 3$T$ @. 3! T 98. 0$T0PU) 99. PU6* 92. ):'6*3 9#. :6%* %evelopment *uthority 9.. T6*: 94. U:%*: :ndia 95. '36!D* *. AC*.A8C *.952*.980 *.98P O.")! O.$*$ O.$*$P O.$$!* O.0P$% O.$P: O.$6:):( O.$6' O.!* O.!"T O.!$: O.!()) O.!P) Ar*s 0ra#e 0reat Co*)arati<e -atin! 5n#eC for So<erei!ns Co**ittee on 2inancial Sector Assess*ent Deneral *nti *voidance 6ules Dravity 6ecovery and :nterior (aboratory DP) *ided Deo *ugmented 3avigation :nternational *tomic !nergry *gency 3ational $ounter Terrorism $entre 3ational !lectronic und Transfer 0rganisation for $ounter Terrorism 0peration Providing Urban *menities in 6ural *reas )atellite :maging for 6ail 3avigation :nsurance 6egulatory and Telecom 6egulatory *uthority of :ndia Uni2ue :dentification *uthority of 'ahatma Dandhi 3ational 6ural !mployment Duarantee *ct Actual Cost -e)ort Annual 8)eratin! Cost 9oar# for 5n#ustrial an# 2inancial -econstruction 9alance of 0ra#e 9alance of Pa *ents "ombay )toc, !&change $apital *ccount $onvertibility $ommission for *gricultural $ost Prices( i&es ')P) $abinet $ommittee on !conomic *ffairs 0rgani7ation !conomic $o-0perative %evelopment $onsumer Price :nde& $redit 6ating :nformation )ervices 0f :ndia (td $ustomer 6elationship 'anagement !conomic *nalysis !arnings before Ta& !mployment $ost :nde& !2uity lin,ed savings scheme !arning Per )2uare

O.!)0P O.!P; O. %: O. :: O. !'* O. :P" O. P: O. P0 O. T* O. $$" O. 6"' *ct O.D%P O.D%6 O.D3P O.D)T O.:"6% O.:$6* O.:P0 O.:P6 O.:6%* O.A)$ O.((P O.H%: O.'*T O.' : O.' 3 O.'3$ O.')P O.'0U O.3*E O.3$% O.3D0 O.36$ O.36: O.3)! O.3))0 O.PPP O.P)U O.Q:" O.)!": O.6:% O.60$! O.)*6 *!): O.)%6 O.)!; O.)HD O.)'!

!mployee )toc, 0ption Plans !&port Processing ;one oreign %irect :nvestments oreign :nstitutional :nvesters oreign !&change 'anagement *ct oreign :nvestment Promotion "oard i&ed Price :ncentive ollo/ on Public 0ffer ree Trade *greement oreign $urrency $onvertable "onds iscal 6esponsibility *nd "udget 'anagement *ct Dross %omestic Product Dlobal %epository 6eceipt Dross 3ational Product Doods and )ervice Ta& :nternational "an, for 6econstruction and %evelopment :ndian $redit 6ating *gency :nitial Public 0ffer :ntellectual Property 6ights :nsurance 6egulatory %evelopment *uthority Aoint )toc, $ompany (imited (iability Partnership Human %evelopment :nde& 'inimum *lternative Ta& 'icro inance :nstitution 'ost favoured 3ation 'ultinational $ompany 'inimum )upport Price 'emorandum 0f Understanding 3et *sset Ealue 3on $onvertable %ebuntures 3on-Dovernment 0rganisation 3on 6ecurring $ost 3on-6esident :ndian 3ational )toc, !&change 3ational )ample )urvey 0rganisation Purchasing Po/er Parity S Public Priveate Partnership Public )ector Underta,ings Qualified :nstitutional "orro/er )ecurities and !&change "oard of :ndia 6ural :nfrastructural %evelopment und 6eturn 0n $apitol !mployed )ecuritisation and 6econstruction of inancial *ssets and !nforcement of )ecurity :nterest )pecial %ra/ing 6ight )pecial !conomic ;one )elf-Help Droup )mall and 'edium !nterprises

O.E*T O.+P: O.::P O. )%$ O. *T O. )" O.PP:

Ealue *dded Ta& +holesale Price :nde& :nde& of :ndustrial Production inancial )tability %evelopment $ounsil inancial *ction Test orce inanced )tability "oard Producer Price :nde&

D'#ortant /bbre.iations, Ter's in Ne1s 2 2013 ?/?D' ?asic /avin2s ?an4 Deposit 'cco!nt 9#N;)?+ 9orei2n #!rrency Non.;esident ?an4 N?9# Non ?an4in2 9inance #ompanies $/9 $ar2inal /tandin2 9acility N89T National 8lectronic 9!nds Transfer ;T-/ ;eal Time -ross /ettlement B$P/ Bmmediate Payment /ervice NP#B National Payments #orporation of Bndia /&; /tat!tory &iF!idity ;atio #;; #ash ;eserve ;atio #?/ #ore ?an4in2 /ol!tion #5;8 #entralized 5nline Teal.time 8nvironment #'; #ash 'deF!acy ;atio DT'' Do!ble Taxation 'voidance '2reement DT# Direct Tax #ode 9BN5 9inancial Bncl!sion Networ4 5peration D8'9 Depositor 8d!cation and 'wareness 9!nd #;'; #apital to ;is4.wei2hted 'ssets ;atio 8#? 8xternal #ommercial ?orrowin2s /(B9T /ociety for (orldwide Bnterban4 9inancial Telecomm!nication %*# %now *o!r #!stomer '$& 'nti $oney &a!nderin2 9/&;# 9inancial /ector &e2islative ;eforms #ommission $B?5; $!mbai Bnter.?an4 5ffer ;ate &B?5; &ondon Bnter.?an4 5ffer ;ate &'9 &iF!idity 'd !stment 9acility 8#?s 8xternal #ommercial ?orrowin2s 889# 8xchan2e 8arner0s 9orei2n #!rrency 89/9 8!ropean 9inancial /tability 9acility /PP?s special private placement bonds /9D /ocial 9!nd for Development $5, $emorand!m of ,nderstandin2 BN9BN8T BNdian 9Bnancial N8Twor4 NP' Non.Performin2 'ssets T#P/ Tata #omm!nications Payment /ol!tions

(&' B?P/ B?P/ BB?s &?/ N?9# B9#s ?/' 9BBs 98$' N'#P.B@ N#? N?9B @@P'T D?T ;BD9 8B' #PB'& ?;&9 '&$ 9BB T';# BT8s &#; N/9; &;$T -B;5 889# 9;?$' '$9B TB8' 9BP? 9/&;# 9T' -''; -/&@ P/&@ N#T# N/PPP T'PB K9B @@P'T TB8' ##8'

white label 'T$ Bndia ?ill Payment /ystem0 Bnstit!te of ?an4in2 Personnel /election Bnflation Bndexed ?onds lead ban4 scheme Non.ban4in2 financial company infrastr!ct!re finance companies bilateral swap arran2ement 9orei2n Bnstit!tional Bnvestor, 9orei2n 8xchan2e $ana2ement 'ct National 'BD/ #ontrol Pro ect non.convertible debent!re non.ban4in2 financial instit!tion @oter @erifiable Paper '!dit Trail Direct ?enefit Transfer ;!ral Bnfrastr!ct!re Development 9!nd" 8ner2y Bnformation 'dministration #ons!mer Price Bndex for '2ric!lt!ral &abo!r ?harat ;!ral &ivelihood 9o!ndation 'sset &iability $ana2ement 9orei2n Bnstit!tional Bnvestor" Tax 'dministration ;eform #ommission Bntra.-ro!p Transactions and 8xpos!res &iF!idity #overa2e ;atio Net /table 9!ndin2 ;atio &iF!idity ris4 monitorin2 tools -overnment Bnternal ;even!e 5rder 8xchan2e 8arner0s 9orei2n #!rrency 9iscal ;esponsibility and ?!d2et $ana2ement 'ct 'ssociation of $!t!al 9!nd in Bndia" Tax Bnformation exchan2e '2reement 9orei2n Bnvestment Promotion board 9inancial /ector &e2islative ;eforms #ommission 9ree trade a2reement -eneral anti avoidance r!le -eo./ynchrono!s &a!nch @ehicle Polar /atellite &a!nch vehicle National #o!nter.Terrorism #entre N!clear /!ppliers -ro!p P!blic Private Partnership E P!rchasin2 Power parity T!r4menistan.'f2hanistan.Pa4istan.Bndia" K!alified 9orei2n Bnvestors 0@oter @erifiable Paper '!dit Trail0 Tax Bnformation 8xchan2e '2reement #abinet #ommittee on 8conomic 'ffairs

#8#' #8P' ;,/' #'P9B&$/ /NB9 N/D' NP#' ?;B#/ T(-

#omprehensive 8conomic #ooperation '2reement #omprehensive 8conomic Partnership '2reement ;ashtriya ,chchatar /hi4sha 'bhiyan #entral 'rmed Police 9orces Bnstit!te of $edical /ciences /pecial National Bnvestment 9!nd National /4ill Development '2ency National Plan for #onservation of 'F!atic" ?razil, ;!ssia, Bndia, #hina and /o!th 'frica Technical (or4in2 -ro!p

XX:'P06T*3T "*3K:3D *""6!E:*T:03)XX

1. NA9A-; 2. -0&S #. 3! T .. 3*E 4. 3P* 5. *)"* H. ": 6 ?. $*'!() @. "$)": 98. ":) 99. "$") 92. "0P 9#. "0T 9.. "P(6 94. $$:( 95. $:":( 9H. $6:):( 9?. $"(0 9@. $P: 28. *%6 29. D%6 22. *(' 2#. *6$ 2.. :30 24. $TT 25. $6' 2H. KB$ 2?. )(6 2@. $66 #8. ') #9. 6!P0 #2. 3" $ ##. 0)'0) #.. : )$ #4. ")! #5. 3)! #H. )+: T #?. )(6$ #@. (* .8. %6T National 9an' for A!ricultural B -ural ;e<elo)*ent -eal 0i*e &ross Settle*ent 3ational !lectronic und Transfer 3et *sset Ealue 3on Performing *sset *ccount )upported by "loc,ed *mount "oard for :ndustrial and inancial 6econstruction $apital *de2uacy1 *sset Quality1 'anagement !arnings1 (i2uidity1 )ystems S $ontrols "an,ing $odes S )tandard "oard of :ndia "an, for :nternational )ettlement "asel $ommittee on "an,ing )upervision "alance of Payment "alance of Trade "enchmar, Prime (ending 6ate $learing $orporation of :ndia (td. $redit :nformation "ureau of :ndia (td. $redit 6ating :nformation )ervices of :ndia (td. $ollateralised "orro/ing S (ending 0bligation $onsumer Price :nde& *merican %epository 6eceipts Dlobal %epository 6eceipts *sset (iability 'anagement *sset 6econstruction $ompanies inancial :nclusion 3et/or, 0peration $ommodities Transaction Ta& $ustomer 6elationship 'anagement Kno/ Bour $ustomer )tatutory (i2uidity 6atio $ash 6eserve 6atio 'arginal )tanding acility 6epurchase 0ption 3on "an,ing inance $ompanies 0ff-)ite 'onitoring S )urveillance :ndian inancial )ystem $ode "ombay )toc, !&change 3ational )toc, !&change )ociety for +orld/ide :nterban, inancial Tele communication inancial )ector (egislative 6eforms $ommission (i2uidity *dFustment acility %ebt 6ecovery Tribunals.

*""6!E:*T:03 :3 3!+)
1. 9S9;A $ 9asic Sa<in!s 9an' ;e)osit Account 2. 2CN-%9+ $ 2orei!n Currenc Non$-esi#ent 9an' 3. 0A-C $ 0aC A#*inistration -efor* Co**ission F. 504s: 5ntra$&rou) 0ransactions an# 4C)osures G. LC-: LiMui#it Co<era!e -atio H. NS2-: Net Stable 2un#in! -atio I. L-"0: LiMui#it ris' *onitorin! tools J. C9S: Core 9an'in! Solution K. ;4A2: ;e)ositor 4#ucation an# A(areness 2un# 10. C-A-: Ca)ital to -is'$(ei!hte# Assets -atio 11. 4Cternal Co**ercial 9orro(in!s %4C9+ 12. SW520: Societ for Worl#(i#e 5nterban' 2inancial 0eleco**unication 13. 2SL-C: 2inancial Sector Le!islati<e -efor*s Co**ission 9.. ':"06< 'umbai :nter-"an, 0ffer 6ate 94. (:"06< (ondon :nter-"an, 0ffer 6ate 95. (* Y (i2uidity *dFustment acility 9H. D:60 - Dovernment :nternal 6evenue 0rder 9?. !! $ - !&change !arner=s oreign $urrency 9@. 6"'*< iscal 6esponsibility and "udget 'anagement *ct 28. *('- *sset (iability 'anagement 29. *' :- *ssociation of 'utual und in :ndia. 22. T:!* Y Ta& :nformation e&change *greement 2#. $*6 Y $ash *de2uacy 6atio 2.. $$!* Y $abinet $ommittee on !conomic *ffairs 24. $!$* - $omprehensive !conomic $ooperation *greement 25. $!P* Y $omprehensive !conomic Partnership *greement 2H. %T** Y %ouble Ta&ation *voidance *greement 2?. %T$ Y %irect Ta& $ode 2@. !$"s - !&ternal $ommercial "orro/ings #8. !! $ - !&change !arner=s oreign $urrency #9. ! ) Y !uropean inancial )tability acility #2. !'*- oreign !&change 'anagement *ct ##. :: Y oreign :nstitutional :nvestor. #.. :30- inancial :nclusion 3et/or, 0peration #4. :P" Y oreign :nvestment Promotion board #5. )(6$ Y inancial )ector (egislative 6eforms $ommission #H. T*- ree trade agreement #?. D**6 - Deneral anti avoidance rule #@. D)(E - Deo-)ynchronous (aunch Eehicle .8. ') -'arginal )tanding acility .9. 3" $-3on "an,ing inance $ompanies .2. 3$T$ - 3ational $ounter-Terrorism $entre .#. 3! T - 3ational !lectronic unds Transfer ... 3)D Y 3uclear )uppliers Droup .4. PPP Y Public Private Partnership S Purchasing Po/er parity .5. P)(E Y Polar )atellite (aunch vehicle .H. 6TD) - 6eal Time Dross )ettlement .?. )(6-)tatutory (i2uidity 6atio

.@. T*P: - Tur,menistan-*fghanistan-Pa,istan-:ndia. 48. Q : -Qualified oreign :nvestors 49. EEP*T -=Eoter Eerifiable Paper *udit Trail= 42. Ta& :nformation !&change *greement (T:!*)

Dn"iaEs !9P !ro1th Forecast0 Dn"ia !9P Forecast0 !9P !ro1th *ate Pro:ection of Dn"ia0 &-rrent /ffairs 20133140 Dn"iaEs !9P !ro1th Forecast for the Financial 5ear 20133140 Worl" %an, Forecast !9P gro1th rate for Dn"ia: ="7P in 2013.1= Q;evised from M"1 percent on 5ctober 1M, 2013R M"IP in 201=.1I M"7P in 201I.1M D(FEs !9P gro1th: 3"7I per cent in mar4et prices for Bndia in 2013.1= )'ccordin2 to (orld 8conomic 5!tloo4 + on 5ctober 6, 2013 Q9rom previo!s I"M PR 3"3P. 9or 2lobal 2rowth" Dn"iaEs !9P gro1th: The 9inance $inistry expects the economic 2rowth in the c!rrent fiscal to improve to I"I per cent from I per cent last year" The 8conomic 'dvisory #o!ncil to the Prime $inister )of Bndia+ lowers 2rowth pro ection for 2013.1= to I"3 pc from M"= percent pro ected earlier" Bndia0s -DP 2rowth li4ely to be at I"2P in 2013: ,nited Nations #onference on Trade and Development ),N#T'D+" ;?B recently in its F!arterly review has scaled down the 2rowth pro ection for the c!rrent fiscal to I"I per cent from its earlier estimate of I"7 per cent" 'sian Development ?an4 lowered its 2rowth pro ection for Bndia to I"H per cent in calendar 2013 from M per cent estimated earlier, citin2 the slow pro2ress of economic reforms" Bnternational $onetary 9!nd o!tloo4 pro ects Bndia0s economic 2rowth at I"M per cent this year" :/?# c!ts Bndia0s -DP 2rowth forecast to =P ;eserve ?an4 of Bndia c!ts Bndia -rowth 9orecast )-DP+ to I"IP 58#D scaled down Bndia0s -rowth ;ate at I"3 Percent /EP pe2s Bndia0s 9*01= 2rowth at M"=PS may !p ratin2 o!tloo4"

Dn"iaEs *an,ing in 9ifferent Dn"eFes, *e#ort: &-rrent /ffairs 2013314

:!man Development ;eport ,NDP -lobal Peace Bndex -lobal :!n2er Bndex )-:B+ -lobal #orr!ption Bndex -lobal #ompetitiveness Bndex -ender BneF!ality Bndex Bndia at 13M o!t of 1H2 co!ntries" Bndia0s ran4ed 1=1th" MMth o!t of HH co!ntries" Bndia at 6=th " M0 for 2013 )/witzerland top in this report+ 132nd ),N :!man Development )Bndex+

;eport+ Bndia has been ran4ed as the 116th freest co!ntry in the world o!t of 177 in the 2013 index of economic freedom" Bn &ist of :i2h Net worth Bndivid!als )Ith acc to the %ni2ht 9ran4 (ealth ;eport 2013+ for 'll Development Bndex" Bndia ran4ed at 10I in the 8d!cation Bn The &ist of /pam /pewin2 Nation in the 3rd )after ,/ and #hina+: as per the new (orld report of /ophos &abs" -;88ND8T , a world wide ran4in2 based on Bndia ;an4ed 1st with a /core of I6"I cons!mer choice and environment amon2 17 co!ntries" (89 The -lobal -ender -ap ;eport Bndia ran4ed 11= lisetd very poorly on the economic, ed!cation and health s!b. indexes" (89 -lobal Bnformation Technolo2y ;eport Bndia at I=th The b!siness exec!tives in the Political and 8conomic ;is4 #ons!ltancy )P8;#+ s!rvey rated Bndia as havin2 the re2ion0s most inefficient b!rea!cracy" Bndia scored 6"=1 /in2apore scored 2"I3"
:ndia ran,ing in different :nde&es for 289#< 9.Dlobal Hunger :nde&- 55. 2. Dlobal Peace :nde& Y 9.9 #. Human %evelopment 6eport Y 9#5 .. Dlobal $orruption :nde& Y @. 4. Dlobal $ompetitiveness :nde&-58 for 289# ()/it7erland top in this report) 5. Dender :ne2uality :nde& - 9#2nd (U3 Human %evelopment (:nde&) 6eport) H. :n (ist of High 3et /orth :ndividuals Y (4th acc to the Knight ran, +ealth 6eport 289#) ?. :n The (ist of )pam )pe/ing 3ation in the +orld- #rd (after U) and $hina)< as per the ne/ report of )ophos (abs. @. :ndia has been ran,ed as the 99@th freest country in the /orld out of 9HH in the 289# inde& of economic freedom. :nde&-6eports :ssued by different organi7ations in +orld< 9. +orld !conomic 0utloo, is published by< :nternational 'onetary und (:' ). 2. Dlobal Hunger :nde& is issued by< :nternational ood Policy 6esearch :nstitute #. Dlobal Peace :nde& is issued by< :nstitute for !conomics and Peace .. Dlobal $orruption :nde& is issued by< Transparency :nternational 4. Dlobal $ompetitiveness :nde& is issued by< +orld !conomic orum 5. Human %evelopment 6eport is issued by< United 3ations %evelopment Programme (U3%P) H. Dender :ne2uality :nde& is issued by< United 3ations %evelopment Programme (U3%P) 5n#eC/-e)orts 5ssue# b #ifferent or!anizations in Worl#: 9. +orld !conomic 0utloo, is published :nternational 'onetary und (:' ). by

2. Dlobal Hunger :nde& is issued by #. Dlobal Peace :nde& is issued by .. Dlobal $orruption :nde& is issued by 4. Dlobal $ompetitiveness :nde& is issued by 5. Human %evelopment 6eport is issued by H. Dender :ne2uality :nde& is issued by

:nternational ood Policy 6esearch :nstitute :nstitute for !conomics and Peace Transparency :nternational +orld !conomic orum United 3ations %evelopment Programme (U3%P) United 3ations %evelopment Programme (U3%P)

5n#ia ran'in! in #ifferent 5n#eCes for 2013: 9.Dlobal Hunger :nde& 55. 2. Dlobal Peace :nde& 9.9 #. Human %evelopment 6eport 9#5 .. Dlobal $orruption :nde& @. 4. Dlobal $ompetitiveness :nde& 58 for 289# ()/it7erland top in this report) 5. Dender :ne2uality :nde& 9#2nd (U3 Human %evelopment (:nde&) 6eport) H. :n (ist of High 3et /orth :ndividuals (4th acc to the Knight ran, +ealth 6eport 289#) ?. :n The (ist of )pam )pe/ing 3ation in #rd (after U) and $hina)< as per the ne/ the +orld report of )ophos (abs. @. :ndia has been ran,ed as the 99@th freest country in the /orld out of 9HH in the 289# inde& of economic freedom. :3%:*=) 6*3K:3D :3 %: !6!3T :3%!I!) Z 289#

a) Dlobal Hunger :nde& Z 55. b) Dlobal Peace :nde& Y 9.9 c) Human %evelopment 6eport Y 9#5 d) Dlobal $orruption :nde& Y @. e) Dlobal $ompetitiveness :nde& Z58 ()/it7erland is in top) f) Dender :ne2uality :nde& Z 9#2nd g) )pam )pe/ing 3ation in the +orld Z #rd (after U) and $hina) h) :ndia has been ran,ed as the 99@th freest country in the /orld out of 9HH in the 289# inde& of !conomic freedom.

*e#orts, Dn"eF P-blishe" by 9ifferent 6rganizations: &-rrent /ffairs 2013314

*e#orts, Dn"eF P-blishe" by 9ifferent 6rganizations0 &-rrent /ffairs 20133140 1" $illenni!m Development -oals ;eport ,nited Nations 2" :!man Development ;eport is iss!ed by ,nited Nations Development Pro2ramme ),NDP+ 3" (orld 8conomic 5!tloo4 is p!blished by Bnternational $onetary 9!nd )B$9+"

=" -ender BneF!ality Bndex is iss!ed by I" -lobal :!n2er Bndex is iss!ed by M" -lobal Peace Bndex is iss!ed by 7" -lobal #orr!ption Bndex is iss!ed by H" -lobal #ompetitiveness Bndex is iss!ed by

,nited Nations Development Pro2ramme ),NDP+ Bnternational 9ood Policy ;esearch Bnstit!te Bnstit!te for 8conomics and Peace Transparency Bnternational (orld 8conomic 9or!m

D'#ortant &o''ittee in Ne1s: &-rrent /ffairs 2013314

,r it Patel #ommittee $!4!l $!d2al member panel Nachi4et $or <!stice '"P" /hah committee 'nil %a!shal committee ?imal <alan #ommittee %handelwal #ommittee <ana4iraman #ommittee Parthasarathi /home" Damodran #ommittee /hri $" Narasimham #ommittee /hri ?" $ahapatra #ommittee /hri 'ditya P!ri #ommittee $?N ;ao #ommittee % $ #handrase4har committee /hri P!la4 %!mar /inha #ommittee ?" /hivraman #ommittee To 8xamine the c!rrent monetary policy framewor4 to probe BP& spot.fixin2 committee on comprehensive financial services for small b!sinesses and low. income ho!seholds" to head panel on road safety to examine the recommendations made by the T;'B on pricin2 of /pectr!m To scr!tinies applications for new ban4 licences, the committee to s!bmit its report by <an!ary, 201=" on :; iss!es of p!blic sector ban4s" To investi2ate the sec!rity transactions of the ban4 for Tax 'dministration ;eform #ommission )T';#+, /!22est a system to enforce better tax compliance on improvement of c!stomer services in ban4s on ?an4in2 /ector ;eforms to review the existin2 pr!dential 2!idelines on restr!ct!rin2 of advances by ban4sGfinancial instit!tions Dissemination of #redit Bnformation to prepare the bl!eprint of Bndia0s first women0s ban4 for rationalization of forei2n investment norms to st!dy the feasibility of 'adhaar as an additional factor for a!thentication of card present transactions Nabard

$!4!l $!d2al #ommittee $?N ;ao #ommittee /hri ;a2h!ram ;a an #ommittee 'rvind $ayaram #ommittee #ommittee /et ,p 5n ,ttara4hand 9loods </ $ath!r committee Parthasarathi /home committee $!4!l $!d2al #ommittee $!4!l $!d2al #ommittee /hri %","?" ;ao #ommittee %" ;atna Prabha /% /rivastava #ommittee % $ #handrase4har #ommittee ;/ -! ral #ommittee 'rvind $ayaram #ommittee /!ma @erma #ommittee $/ 'hl!walia committee /ita4ant $ahapatra committee # ;an2ara an committee $? /hah committee N ;an2achary committee N ; Narayana $!rthy committee Deepa4 Pare4h committee Naresh #handra committee ?handari #ommittee Narasimham #ommittee B )1661+ and Narasimham #ommittee B )166H+

loo4in2 into ,/ 2iant (almart0s lobbyin2 activities to enter Bndia to prepare the bl!eprint of Bndia0s first women0s ban4 on 9inancial /ector ;eforms, for 2ivin2 clear definitions to 9orei2n Direct Bnvestment )9DB+ and 9orei2n Bnstit!tional Bnvestment )9BB+, The committee will be headed by '% -an ! )#hairman, -an2a 9lood #ontrol #ommission, Patna+ to revise Newspaper 'dvertisement ;ates" implementation of -''; )-eneral 'nti 'voidance ;!le+ loo4in2 into ,/ 2iant (almart0s lobbyin2 activities to enter Bndia to loo4 at process of film clearance recommended ali2nin2 2old import re2!lations #ommittee on indecent depiction of women in media to form!late a policy on p!blic.private partnership model to raise coal o!tp!t for rationalization of forei2n investment norms s!22est meas!res to boost $/$8 exports" for 2ivin2 clear definitions to 9orei2n Direct Bnvestment )9DB+ and 9orei2n Bnstit!tional Bnvestment )9BB+ to !pdate, and revise the ?an4in2 5mb!dsman /cheme, 200M to eval!ate aspects related to set !p of Nalanda ,niversity for incl!sion of ?ho p!ri lan2!a2e in ei2hth sched!le of constit!tion for poverty scale estimates in the co!ntry for inspection of ille2al minin2 activities to examine taxation policies for B"T" sector for eval!ation of corporate sector participation in :i2her 8d!cation" for 9inancin2 Bnfrastr!ct!re sector 1= member tas4 force on sec!rity iss!es ;econstr!ction of ;;?s on ?an4in2 /ector ;eforms"

:ilton.*o!n2 #ommission The 'll.Bndia ;!ral #redit /!rvey #ommittee, 16I1

recommendated settin2 !p of ;?B" recommendin2 creation of a stron2, inte2rated, state.sponsored, state.partnered commercial ban4in2 instit!tion with an effective machinery of branches spread all over the co!ntry"

(atest $ommitteesZ 9. $ommittee )et Up 0n Uttara,hand loods 2. A) 'athur committee #. K. 6atna Prabha .. 'u,ul 'udgal $ommittee 4.'u,ul 'udgal $ommittee 5. '"3 6ao $ommittee H. )K )rivastava $ommittee ?. K ' $handrase,har $ommittee @. *rvind 'ayaram $ommittee The committee /ill be headed by *K DanFu ($hairman1 Danga lood $ontrol committees$ommission1 Patna). to revise 3e/spaper*dvertisement 6ates. $ommittee on indecent depiction of /omen in media. loo,ing into U) giant +almartJs lobbying activities to enter :ndia to loo, at process of film clearance. (data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb to prepare the blueprint of :ndiaJs first /omenJs ban, to formulate a policy on public-private partnership model to raise coal output.. (data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb for rationali7ation of foreign investment norms for giving clear definitions to oreign %irect :nvestment ( %:) and oreign :nstitutional :nvestment ( ::)1 (data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb To investigate the security transactions of the ban, to evaluate aspects related to set up of 3alanda University for inclusion of "hoFpuri language in eighth schedule of constitution for evaluation of corporate sector participation in Higher !ducation. (data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb for poverty scale estimates in the country for inspection of illegal mining activities to e&amine ta&ation policies for :.T. sector implementation of D**6 (Deneral *nti *voidance 6ule). for inancing :nfrastructure sector(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb

98. Aana,iraman $ommittee 99. ') *hlu/alia committee 92. )ita,ant 'ahapatra committee 9#. 3 6 3arayana 'urthy committee 9.. $ 6angaraFan committee 94. '" )hah committee 95. 3 6angachary committee 9H. Parthasarathi )home committee 9?. %eepa, Pare,h committee

9@. 3aresh $handra committee 28. "handari $ommittee 29. 6) DuFral $ommittee

9. member tas, force on security issues 6econstruction of 66"s suggest measures to boost ')'! e&ports.

List of Gario-s &o''itees H their Foc-s /reas

9. 2. #. .. 4. 5. H. ?. @. 98. Abhi=it Sen Co**ittee %2002+ Abi# 3ussain Co**ittee A=it >u*ar Co**ittee Athre a Co**ittee 9asel Co**ittee 9hurelal Co**ittee 9i*al ,ul'a Co**ittee C 9 9ha<e Co**ittee C 9abu -a=i< Co**ittee Cha'ra<art Co**ittee (ong Term ood Policy 0n )mall )cale :ndustries *rmy Pay )cales 6estructuring 0f :%": "an,ing )upervision :ncrease :n 'otor Eehicle Ta& +or,ing $onditions *T$0) $ompany :nformation 6eforms :n )hip *ct 9@8? S )hip Trust *ct 9@5# +or,ing 0f The 'onetary )ystem *nd )uggest 'easure or :mproving The !ffectiveness o 'onetary Policy :n Promoting !conomic %evelopment Eenture $apital %elisting :n )haremar,et 6evie/ The 0peration 0f The $ash $redit )ystem Pension )cheme or Unorgani7ed )ector To 6evive Unit Trust :f :ndia (UT:) )implification 0f Transfer 6ules :n )ecurity 'ar,ets 0n %isinvestment :mprovement :n The $ustomer )ervice *t Primary (Urban) $ooperative "an,s ertili7ers $urrent *ccount $arry or/ard Practice )ecurities Transactions $ompany (a/ 6eforms To !&amine The 6elevance 0f The $oncept 0f 'a&imum ermissible "an, inance ('P" ) *s * 'ethod 0f *ssessing The 6e2uirements 0f "an, $redit or +or,ing $apital *nd To )uggest *lternative 'ethods.

99. 92. 9#. 9.. 94. 95. 9H. 9?. 9@. 28. 29. 22. 2#.

Chan#ra She'har Co**ittee Chan#rate Co**ittee Chore Co**ittee ;a<e Co**ittee %2000+ ;ee)a' Pari'h Co**ittee ;hanu'a Co**ittee & 6 -a*a'rishna Co**ittee &oi)oria Co**ittee 3anu*ant -ao Co**ittee , - 6ar*a Co**ittee ,an'ira*anan Co**ittee ,, 5rani Co**ittee > >annan Co**ittee

2.. 24. 25. 2H. 2?. 2@. #8. #9. #2. ##. #.. #4. #5. #H. #?. #@. .8. .9. .2. .#. ... .4.

>el'ar Co**ittee >han Wor'in! &rou) >husro Co**ittee >u*ar*an!la* 9irla -e)ort "aha=an Co**ittee %1KKI+ "ale!a* Co**ittee "alhotra Co**ittee "arathe Co**ittee "ashel'ar Co**ittee 2002 "c'inse -e)ort "eera Seth Co**ittee Naris*han Co**ittee NN 6ohra Co**ittee Pare'h Co**ittee Perc "istr Co**ittee Prasa# Panel - 6 &u)ta Co**ittee -a=a Chelliah Co**ittee -e'hi Co**ittee -6 &u)ta Co**ittee S P 0al(ar Co**ittee S 0en#ul'ar Co**ittee

.5. Sa)ta -ishi Co**ittee %,ul 2002+ .H. Shah Co**ittee .?. .@. 48. 49. 42. 4#. 4.. 44. 45. SL >a)oor Co**ittee SN 6er*a Co**ittee %1KKK+ 0an#on Co**ittee 0ara)ore Co**ittee .#esh >ohli Co**ittee .> Shar*a Co**ittee 6a!hul Co**ittee 6asu#e< Co**ittee 7 9 -e## Co**ittee

Ta& )tructure 6eforms %evelopment inance :nstitutions *gricultural $redit )ystem $orporate Dovernance )ugar :ndustry 6eforms :n The Primary 'ar,et S 6epositioning of UT: "road rame/or, 0f :nsurance )ector 6ecommendation or Urban $ooperative "an,s *uto uel Policy 'erger 0f H *ssociate "an,s +ith )": %evelopment 0f Handlooms "an,ing 6eforms 6elations (3e&us) 0f Politicians +ith $riminals :nfrastructure inancing 'a,ing 'umbai *n :nternational inancial $enter :nternational Trade *nd )ervices )mall )avings Ta& 6eforms :ndirect Ta&es *gricultural $redit 6estructuring 0f +ea, Public )ector "an, 6edefining Poverty (ine *nd :ts $alculation ormula %evelopment 0f %omestic Tea :ndustry 6eforms 6elating To 3on "an,ing inancial $ompanies (3 "$) $redit S lo/ Problems 0f )sis 6estructuring The $ommercial "an,s )ystem 0f +06K:3D $*P:T*( inancing "y "an,s 6eport 0n $apital *ccount $onvertibility *naly7e und 6e2uirement :n Po/er )ector 3*"*6%=s 6ole :n 66" 'oney 'ar,et :n :ndia 3" $ (3on "an,ing inance $orp) )ector 6eforms 2889 6evie/ 0f :ncome Ta& 6ebates

4H. 4?. 4@. 58. 59. 52. 5#. 5.. 54. 55. 5H. 5?. 5@. H8. H9. H2. H#. H.. H4.

A C Shah Co**ittee A &hosh Co**ittee A &hosh Co**ittee A &hosh Co**ittee Abi# 3ussain Co**ittee A#h ar=una Co**ittee A> 9huchar Co**ittee 9 4ra#i Co**ittee 9 Si<ara*an Co**ittee 9 6en'ata))aiah Co**ittee 9; Shah Co**ittee 9; 0ha'ar Co**ittee 9ha!(ati Co**ittee 9ha!(ati Co**ittee 9ha<e Co**ittee 9hi#e Co**ittee 9hootlin!a* Co**ittee C -ao Co**ittee C4 >a*ath Co**ittee

H5. Chatalier Co**ittee HH. Chesi Co**ittee H?. Coo' Co**ittee %8n 9ehalf 8f 95S $ .n#er 9asel Co**ittee + H@. ; - "ehta Co**ittee ?8. ?9. ?2. ?#. ?.. ?4. ?5. ?H. ??. ?@. @8. @9. ;a*le Co**ittee ;an#e'ar Co**ittee ;ant(ala Co**ittee ;a<e Co**ittee ;haria Co**ittee ;- &a#!il Co**ittee ;utta Co**ittee & La'sh*ai Nara an Co**ittee & Sun#ara* Co**ittee &a#!il Co**ittee %1KHK+ &o#(ala Co**ittee &oi)oria Co**ittee

3" $ inal *ccounts 'odalities 0f :mplementation 0f 3e/ 28 PointProgramme rauds S 'alpractices :n "an,s %evelopment 0f $apital 'ar,ets $hanges :n 3: *ct *nd )tamp *ct $oordination "et/een Term (ending :nstitutions*nd $ommercial "an,s :nsolvency *nd +ind Up (a/s :nstitutional $redit or *gricultural S 6ural %evelopment *ll :ndia 6ural $redit 6evie/ )toc, (ending )cheme Aob $riteria :n "an, (oans (*pproach) Unemployment Public +elfare )hare Transfer 6eforms $oordination "et/een $ommercial "an,s *nd ) $=s +age1 :ncome S Prices *gricultural Policy 'ulti *gency *pproach :n *gricultural inance inance To )mall )cale :ndustry %irect Ta&es $apital *de2uacy 0f "an,s 6evie/ Progress *nd 6ecommend :mprovement'easures 0f :6%P ':$6 6egional :mbalances !stimation 0f !mployments 'utual unds ( unctioning) Public %istribution )ystem *gricultural inance :ndustrial (icensing !&tension 0f $redit (imits 0n "asis 0f$onsortium !&port $redit (ead "an,ing )ystem 6ural inance $ustomer )ervice :n "an,s

@2. @#. @.. @4. @5. @H. @?. @@.

&S ;ahotre Co**ittee &S Patel Co**ittee 3athi Co**ittee 3azari Co**ittee %1KHI+ 50 6az Co**ittee , -e## Co**ittee ,a*es -a= Co**ittee ,an'ira*anan Co**ittee

988. ,6 Shett Co**ittee 989. > "a#ha< ;as Co**ittee 982. >al ansun#ara* Co**ittee 98#. 98.. 984. 985. 98H. 98?. 98@. 998. 999. 992. 99#. 99.. 994. 995. >a*ath Co**ittee >ar<e Co**ittee >9 Chore Co**ittee >hanna Co**ittee >husrau Co**ittee >S >rishnas(a* Co**ittee L > ,ha Co**ittee LC &u)ta Co**ittee "aha#e<an Co**ittee "ahalanobis Co**ittee "arathe Co**ittee "L ;ant(ala Co**ittee "rs. >S Shere Co**ittee Na#'arni Co**ittee

99H. Nari*an Co**ittee 99?. Narsi*ha* Co**ittee 99@. 8*'ar &os(a*i Co**ittee 928. P - Na a' Co**ittee 929. P Sel<a* Co**ittee 922. PC Luther Co**ittee 92#. P; 8=ha Co**ittee 92.. Pen#ar'ar Co**ittee 924. Pillai Co**ittee 925. PL 0an#on Co**ittee

$redit 6e2uirements 0f (easing :ndustry $arry or/ard )ystem 0n )toc, !&changes )oiled "an,notes :ndustrial Policy +or,ing $apital inance :n "an,s 6eforms :n :nsurance )ector unctioning 0f Public )ector "an,s )ecurities Transactions 0f "an,s S inancial :nstitutions $onsortium *dvances Urban $ooperative "an,s :ntroduction 0f actoring )ervices :n :ndia !ducation (oan )cheme )mall )cale :ndustry To 6evie/ The )ymbol 0f $ash $redit Q 3on Performing *ssets *gricultural $redit 6ole 0f "an,s :n Priority )ector *nd 28 Point !conomic Programme :ndirect Ta&es inancial %erivatives )ingle +indo/ )ystem :ncome %istribution (icensing 0f 3e/ "an,s 6egional 6ural "an,s !lectronic und Transfer :mproved Procedures or Transactions :n P)U "onds *nd Units "ranch !&pansion Programme inancial )ystem :ndustrial )ic,ness *nd $orporate 6estructuring :nstitutional $redit To )): )ector 3on Performing *ssets 0f "an,s Productivity1 0perational !fficiency S Profitability 0f "an,s )ervice *rea *pproach 6evie/ The )ystem 0f :nspection 0f $ommercial1 66" *nd Urban $ooperative "an,s Pay )cales 0f "an, 0fficers !&port )trategy

92H. P- >hanna Co**ittee 92?. Purshotta* ;as Co**ittee 92@. - ,ilani 9an's 9#8. - S Saria Co**ittee 9#9. 9#2. 9##. 9#.. -a!ha<an Co**ittee -a=a Chelliah Co**ittee -a=a*annar Co**ittee -a=a*annar Co**ittee

9#4. -a'esh "ohan Co**ittee 9#5. -a* Ni(as "ir#ha Co**ittee %,PC+ 9#H. -an!ra=an Co**ittee 9#?. -an!ra=an Co**ittee 9#@. -ashi# ,ilani Co**ittee 9.8. -a Co**ittee 9.9. -& Sarai a Co**ittee %1KI2+ 9.2. -3 >han Co**ittee 9.#. -> 3a=are Co**ittee 9... -> 0al(ar Co**ittee 9.4. -> 0al(ar Co**ittee 9.5. 9.H. 9.?. 9.@. 948. 949. 942. 94#. 94.. 944. 945. -N "alhotra Co**ittee -N "ir#ha Co**ittee -6 &u)ta Co**ittee S Pa#*anabhan Co**ittee S Pa#*anabhan Co**ittee Sa*al Co**ittee SC Cho'si Co**ittee Shan'ar Lal &auri Co**ittee S> >alia Co**ittee SL >a)oor Co**ittee So#hani Co**ittee

%evelop *ppropriate )upervisory rame/or, or 3" $ *gricultural inance *nd $ooperative )ocieties :nspection )ystem 0f "an,s *gricultural inance *nd $ooperative )ocieties $ompetition (a/ Ta& 6eforms $entre - )tate iscal 6elationships $hanges :n "an,ing (a/s 1 "ouncing 0f $he2ues !tc. Petro $hemical )ector )ecurities )cam $omputeri7ation 0f "an,ing :ndustry Public )ector %isinvestment $ash $redit )ystem :ndustrial )ic,ness "an,ing $ommission Harmoni7ation 0f "an,s *nd )sis %ifferential :nterest 6ates )cheme $ustomer )ervice !nactment Having * "earing 0n *gro (andings "y $ommercial "an,s 6eforms :n :nsurance )ector $ooperative )ocieties *gricultural $redit %elivery 0nsite )upervision unction 0f "an,s :nspection 0f "an,s ("y 6":) 6ural $redit %irect Ta& (a/ *gricultural 'ar,eting 6ole 0f 3D0 *nd )HD :n $redit :nstitutional $redit To )): oreign !&change 'ar,ets :n 36: :nvestment :n :ndia 6ehabilitation 0f )ic, :ndustrial Units 6ationali7ation 0f )taff )trength :n "an,s +illful %efaulters Trading :n Public )ector "an,s $apital *ccount $onvertibility To 6evie/ The +or,ing 0f 'onetary

94H. SS >ohli Co**ittee 94?. SS >ohli Co**ittee 94@. 958. 959. 952. SS >ohli Co**ittee SS Na#'arni Co**ittee SS 0ara)ore Co**ittee Su'h*o Cha'ra<art

Co**ittee 95#. 0a*be Co**ittee 95.. 0an#on Co**ittee 954. 0an#on Co**ittee 955. 0ha''ar Co**ittee 95H. 0hin!ala a Co**ittee 95?. 0i(ari Co**ittee 95@. 9H8. 9H9. 9H2. 9H#. 9H.. 9H4. 9H5. 9HH. 9H?. 9H@. 9?8. .> Shar*a Co**ittee .sha 0horat Panel 6a!hul Co**ittee 6arshne Co**ittee 6en'etai a Co**ittee 6i)in "ali' Co**ittee 60 ;ehe=ia Co**ittee 6 as Co**ittee Wanchoo Co**ittee WS Saraf Co**ittee 7 3 "ale!a* Co**ittee 76 -e## Co**ittee

)ystem Term (oans To )): ollo/ Up 0f "an, $redit :ndustrial )ic,ness $redit )chemes To )elf !mployed 6estructuring 0f 66" 6ehabilitation 0f )ic, :ndustrial Underta,ings (ead "an, )cheme (6evie/) inancial :nclusion 'utual und )cheme 6evised 'ethods or (oans ([2 (a,hs) 6evie/ 0f 6ural inancing )ystem $onsolidated *ccounting "y "an,s To )tudy $redit 3eeds 0f :ndustry *nd Trade (i,ely To "e :nflated 6ural $redit %irect Ta&es Technology :ssues :n "an,ing :ndustry %isclosure 3orms or Public :ssues 6eforms :n )mall )avings

+o'e *ecent Wor,ing !ro-#s H &o''ittees by *%D H Their Foc-s /rea: >Na'e of &hair'en is gi.en?
9. +or,ing Droup on "enchmar, Prime (ending 6ate ("P(6)< ;ee)a' "ohant 2. +or,ing Droup on )urveys< ;ee)a' "ohant #. High (evel $ommittee to 6evie/ (ead "an, )cheme< .sha 0horat .. +or,ing Droup to 6evie/ the "usiness $orrespondent 'odel< P 6i=a a 9has'ar -ao 4. High (evel Droup on )ystems and Procedures for $urrency %istribution< .sha 0horat 5. D28 +or,ing Droup on !nhancing )ound 6egulation and )trengthening Transparency< ;r. -a'esh "ohan an# "r. 0iff "ac'le* H. $ommittee on inancial )ector *ssessment< ;r. -a'esh "ohan ?. High (evel $ommittee on !stimation of )avings and :nvestment< ;r. C. -an!ara=an @. $ommittee on the Dlobal inancial )ystem ($D )) on $apital lo/s and !merging 'ar,et !conomies< ;r. -a'esh "ohan 98. Tas, orce or %iamond )ector< A > 9era 99. Technical *dvisory Droup on %evelopment of Housing )tart-Up :nde& in

:ndia< Prof. A*itabh >un#u 92. +or,ing Droup on %efraying $ost of :$T )olutions for 66"s< Shri &. Pa#*anabhan 9#. +or,ing Droup on :T support for Urban $ooperative "an,s< - &an#hi 9.. +or,ing Droup on Technology Upgradation of 6egional 6ural "an,s< Shri &. Srini<asan 94. :nterest 6ate utures< Shri 6.>. Shar*a 95. :nternal +or,ing Droup to )tudy the 6ecommendations of the 3$!U) 6eport< >.9 -ao 9H. +or,ing Droup on :mprovement of "an,ing )ervices in the Union Territory of (a,shad/eep< S. -a*as(a* 9?. +or,ing Droup on 6ehabilitation of )ic, )'!s< ;r. >. C. Cha'rabart 9@. +or,ing Droup on :mprovement of "an,ing )ervices :n Ahar,hand< 6.S.;as 28. +or,ing Droup on :mprovement of "an,ing )ervices in Himachal Pradesh< ;r. ,. Sa#a''a#ulla 29. :nternal Technical Droup on )easonal 'ovements in :nflation< ;r. 9al<ant Sin!h 22. +or,ing Droup to !&amine the Procedures and Processes of *gricultural (oans< C P S(aran'ar 2#. Tas, orce on !mpo/ering 66" "oards for 0perational !fficiency< ;r. >.&. >ar*a'ar 2.. Technical Droup )et up to 6evie/ (egislations on 'oney (ending< Shri.S. C. &u)ta 24. +or,ing Droup To )uggest 'easures To *ssist %istressed armers< Shri. S. S. ,ohl 25. Technical Droup on )tatistics for :nternational Trade in "an,ing )ervices< Shri >.S.-.-ao 2H. Technical *dvisory Droup 0n %evelopment 0f (eading !conomic :ndicators or :ndian !conomy< ;r. - 9 9ar*an 2?. +or,ing Droup on )avings for the !leventh ive Bear Plan (288H-8? to 2899- 92)< ;r.-a'esh "ohan 2@. +or,ing Droup on $ompilation of )tate Dovernment (iabilities< ;r. N.;. ,a#ha< #8. +or,ing Droup on :mprovement of "an,ing )ervices in Uttaranchal< 6.S. ;as #9. +or,ing Droup on $ost of 36: 6emittances< P. >. Pain #2. +or,ing group to formulate a scheme for !nsuring 6easonableness of "an, $harges< N. Sa#asi<a* ##. $ommittee on uller $apital *ccount $onvertibility< S.S.0ara)ore #.. $ommittee on inancial )ector Plan for 3orth !astern 6egion< S*t. .sha 0horat #4. )urvey on :mpact of Trade 6elated 'easures on Transaction $osts of !&ports< 9al(ant Sin!h #5. *dvisory $ommittee on +ays and 'eans *dvances to )tate Dovernments< ".P.9ezbaruah #H. 3eed and Use "ehavior for )mall %enomination $oins< Sanal >u*ar

6ela u#han #?. %ebt )ustainability at )tate (evel in :ndia< 5n#ira -a=ara*an? Shashan' 9hi#e an# -.>.Pattnai' #@. :nternal Droup to !&amine :ssues 6elating to 6ural $redit and 'icrofinance< Shri 3.-.>han .8. +or,ing Droup to 6evie/ !&port $redit< Shri Anan# Sinha .9. :nternal +or,ing Droup on 66"s< Shri A 6 Sar#esai .2. +or,ing Droup on +arehouse 6eceipts and $ommodity utures< Shri Prashant Saran .#. :nternal Droup to 6evie/ Duidelines on $redit lo/ to )'! )ector< Shri C.S."urth ... +or,ing Droup on 6egulatory 'echanism for $ards< Shri -.&an#hi .4. Droup on 'odel iscal 6esponsibility (egislation at )tate (evel< Shri 3 >han .5. Tas, orce on 6evival of $ooperative $redit :nstitutions< Prof.A.6ai# anathan .H. )pecial Droup for ormulation of %ebt 6estructuring 'echanism for 'edium !nterprises< Shri &.Srini<asan .?. +or,ing Droup on )creen "ased Trading :n Dovernment )ecurities< ;r.-.3.Patil .@. !&pert Droup on :nternet %eployment of $entral %atabase 'anagement )ystem ($%"'))< Prof.A.6ai# anathan 48. 6eport on 'onitoring of inancial $onglomerates< S*t.Sh a*ala &o)inath 49. +or,ing Droup on %evelopment inancial :nstitutions< Shri N. Sa#asi<an 42. *dvisory $ommittee to *dvise on the *dministered :nterest 6ates and 6ationalisation of )aving :nstruments< ;r.-a'esh "ohan 4#. *dvisory $ommittee on lo/ of $redit to *griculture< Prof.6.S.6 as 4.. +or,ing Droup on lo/ of $redit to )): )ector< ;r.A.S.&an!ul 44. Droup to )tudy the Pension (iabilities of the )tate Dovernments< 9. >. 9hattachar a 45. 6upee :nterest 6ate %erivatives< Shri &. Pa#*anabhan 4H. +or,ing Droup on :nstruments of )terilisation< S*t. .sha 0horat 4?. +or,ing Droup on :nformation on )tate Dovernment Duaranteed *dvances and "onds< Shri.&.Pa#*anabhan 4@. +or,ing Droup on $he2ue Truncation and !-che2ues< ;r.9ar*an? 4; 58. +or,ing Droup on :ntroduction of $redit %erivatives in :ndia< Shri 9. "aha)atra 59. Droup to *ssess the iscal 6is, of )tate Dovernment Duarantees< S*t. .sha 0horat 52. *dvisory $ommittee on +ays and 'eans *dvances to )tate Dovernments< Shri C.-a*achan#ran 5#. +or,ing Droup on 6upee %erivatives< Shri ,as)al 9in#ra 5.. $ommittee on $omputer *udit< Shri A.L. Narasi*han 54. $ommittee on Payment )ystems< ;r - 3 Patil

55. 6evie/ Droup on The +or,ing of The (ocal *rea "an, )cheme< Shri &.-a*achan#ran 5H. Technical Droup on )tatistics of :nternational Trade in )ervices< Shri ;ee)a' "ohant 5?. +or,ing Droup for )uggesting 0perational and Prudential Duidelines on )T6:P) ()eparately Traded 6egistered :nterest and Principal of )ecurities)< Shri ".-.-a*esh 5@. +or,ing Droup on !lectronic 'oney< "r.:arir ,. Ca*a H8. +or,ing Droup on !conomic :ndicators< ;r. -.9. 9ar*an H9. +or,ing Droup to !&amine the 6ole of $redit :nformation "ureaus in $ollection and %issemination of :nformation on )uit-filed *ccounts and %efaulters< Shri S.-. 5 er H2. :nformation systems audit policy for the ban,ing and financial sector< ;r. -.9.9ur*an H#. +or,ing Droup on $onsolidated *ccounting and 0ther Quantitative 'ethods to acilitate $onsolidated )upervision< Shri 6i)in "ali' H.. !&pert $ommittee to 6evie/ the )ystem of *dministered :nterest 6ates and 0ther 6elated :ssues< ;r.7.6. -e## H4. :nter-%epartmental Droup to study the 6ationalisation of $urrent account acility /ith 6eserve "an, of :ndia< Shri >.W. >or!aon'ar H5. The !&pert $ommittee on (egal *spects of "an, rauds< ;r.N.L. "itra HH. The )tanding $ommittee on :nternational inancial )tandards and $odes )tanding $ommittee on :nternational inancial )tandards and $odes< ;r. 7.6.-e## H?. Technical Droup on 'ar,et :ntegrity< Shri C.-. "urali#haran H@. Technical Droup on Phasing 0ut of 3on-ban,s from $all-3otice 'oney 'ar,et ('arch 2889)< ;r.7.6.-e## ?8. $ore Droup on Eoluntary %isclosure 3orms for )tate Dovernments< ;r.7.6.-e## ?9. Tas, orce to )tudy the $ooperative $redit )ystem and )uggest 'easures for its )trengthening< Shri ,a!#ish >a)oor ?2. :nternal Droup to 6evie/ the Duidelines 6elating to $ommercial Paper< ;r.7.6.-e## ?#. High Po/er $ommittee on Urban $ooperative "an,s< Shri "a#ha< -ao ?.. +or,ing Droup for setting up $redit :nformation "ureau in :ndia< Shri N.3.Si##iMui ?4. $ommittee for 6edesigning of inancial )tatements of 3on-"an,ing inancial $ompanies< Shri 6.S.N. "urth ?5. +or,ing Droup on 6estructuring +ea, Public )ector "an,s< Shri ".S.6er*a ?H. +or,ing Droup for +or,ing 0ut 'odalities on %issemination of :nformation in !lectronic orm< Shri 7.S.P. 0horat an# Shri C.-. &o)alasun#ara* ??. $ommittee on Technology Upgradation in the "an,ing )ector< ;r A.6asu#e<an ?@. +or,ing Droup of !U60< Shri 6.Subrah*an a*

@8. 3e/ 'onetary *ggregates< ;r. 7.6. -e## @9. $ommittee on $apital *ccount $onvertibility< Shri S.S.0ara)ore


1" &o''ittee +et ;# 6n ;ttara,han" Floo"s 2" )+ (ath-r co''ittee 3" =0 *atna Prabha =" (-,-l (-"gal &o''ittee I" (-,-l (-"gal &o''ittee M" (%N *ao &o''ittee 7" += +ri.asta.a &o''ittee H" = ( &han"rase,har &o''ittee 6" /" (ayara' &o''ittee 10" )ana,ira'an &o''ittee 11" (+ /hl-1alia co''ittee 12" +ita,ant (aha#atra co''ittee 13" N * Narayana (-rthy co''ittee 1=" & *angara:an co''ittee 1I" (% +hah co''ittee 1M" N *angachary co''ittee 17" Parthasarathi +ho'e co''ittee 1H" 9ee#a, Pare,h co''ittee 16" Naresh &han"ra co''ittee 20" %han"ari &o''ittee 21" *+ !-:ral &o''ittee The committee will be headed by '% -an ! )#hairman, -an2a 9lood #ontrol committees #ommission, Patna+" to revise Newspaper 'dvertisement ;ates" #ommittee on indecent depiction of women in media" loo4in2 into ,/ 2iant (almart0s lobbyin2 activities to enter Bndia to loo4 at process of film clearance" to prepare the bl!eprint of Bndia0s first women0s ban4 to form!late a policy on p!blic.private partnership model to raise coal o!tp!t"" for rationalization of forei2n investment norms for 2ivin2 clear definitions to 9orei2n Direct Bnvestment )9DB+ and 9orei2n Bnstit!tional Bnvestment )9BB+, To investi2ate the sec!rity transactions of the ban4 to eval!ate aspects related to set !p of Nalanda ,niversity for incl!sion of ?ho p!ri lan2!a2e in ei2hth sched!le of constit!tion for eval!ation of corporate sector participation in :i2her 8d!cation" for poverty scale estimates in the co!ntry for inspection of ille2al minin2 activities To examine taxation policies for B"T" sector Bmplementation of -''; )-eneral 'nti 'voidance ;!le+" for 9inancin2 Bnfrastr!ct!re sector 1= member tas4 force on sec!rity iss!es ;econstr!ction of ;;?s s!22est meas!res to boost $/$8 exports"

(atest (ist of $ommittees 6elated to "an,ing < =========================================================================== * $ )hah $ommittee 3" $ * Dhosh $ommittee inal *ccounts * Dhosh $ommittee 'odalities 0f :mplementation 0f 3e/ 28

* Dhosh $ommittee *bid Hussain $ommittee *dhyarFuna $ommittee *K "huchar $ommittee " !radi $ommittee " )ivaraman $ommittee " Een,atappaiah $ommittee "% )hah $ommittee "% Tha,ar $ommittee "hag/ati $ommittee "hag/ati $ommittee "have $ommittee "hide $ommittee "hootlingam $ommittee $ 6ao $ommittee $! Kamath $ommittee $hatalier $ommittee $hesi $ommittee $oo, $ommittee (0n "ehalf 0f ":) Y Under "asel $ommittee ) % 6 'ehta $ommittee %amle $ommittee %ande,ar $ommittee %ant/ala $ommittee %ave $ommittee %haria $ommittee %6 Dadgil $ommittee %utta $ommittee D (a,shmai 3arayan $ommittee D )undaram $ommittee Dadgil $ommittee (9@5@) Dod/ala $ommittee Doiporia $ommittee D) %ahotre $ommittee D) Patel $ommittee Hathi $ommittee Ha7ari $ommittee (9@5H) :T Ea7 $ommittee A 6eddy $ommittee Aames 6aF $ommittee

Point Programme rauds S 'alpractices :n "an,s %evelopment 0f $apital 'ar,ets $hanges :n 3: *ct *nd )tamp *ct $oordination "et/een Term (ending :nstitutions *nd $ommercial "an,s. :nsolvency *nd +ind Up (a/s :nstitutional $redit or *gricultural S 6ural %evelopment *ll :ndia 6ural $redit 6evie/ )toc, (ending )cheme Aob $riteria :n "an, (oans (*pproach) Unemployment Public +elfare )hare Transfer 6eforms $oordination "et/een $ommercial "an,s *nd ) $Js +age1 :ncome S Prices. *gricultural Policy 'ulti *gency *pproach :n *gricultural inance inance To )mall )cale :ndustry %irect Ta&es $apital *de2uacy 0f "an,s. 6evie/ Progress *nd 6ecommend :mprovement 'easures 0f :6%P ':$6 6egional :mbalances !stimation 0f !mployments 'utual unds ( unctioning) Public %istribution )ystem *gricultural inance :ndustrial (icensing. !&tension 0f $redit (imits 0n "asis 0f $onsortium !&port $redit (ead "an,ing )ystem 6ural inance $ustomer )ervice :n "an,s $redit 6e2uirements 0f (easing :ndustry $arry or/ard )ystem 0n )toc, !&changes. )oiled "an,notes :ndustrial Policy. +or,ing $apital inance :n "an,s. 6eforms :n :nsurance )ector unctioning 0f Public )ector "an,s

Aan,iramanan $ommittee AE )hetty $ommittee K 'adhav %as $ommittee Kalyansundaram $ommittee Kamath $ommittee Karve $ommittee K" $hore $ommittee Khanna $ommittee Khusrau $ommittee K) Krishnas/amy $ommittee ( K Aha $ommittee ($ Dupta $ommittee 'ahadevan $ommittee 'ahalanobis $ommittee 'arathe $ommittee '( %ant/ala $ommittee 'rs. K) )here $ommittee 3ad,arni $ommittee 3ariman $ommittee 3arsimham $ommittee 0m,ar Dos/ami $ommittee P 6 3aya, $ommittee P )elvam $ommittee P$ (uther $ommittee P% 0Fha $ommittee Pendar,ar $ommittee $ooperative "an,s Pillai $ommittee P( Tandon $ommittee P6 Khanna $ommittee Purshottam %as $ommittee 6 Ailani "an,s 6 ) )aria $ommittee 6aghavan $ommittee 6aFa $helliah $ommittee 6aFamannar $ommittee 6aFamannar $ommittee 6a,esh 'ohan $ommittee

)ecurities Transactions 0f "an,s S inancial :nstitutions. $onsortium *dvances. Urban $ooperative "an,s :ntroduction 0f actoring )ervices :n :ndia !ducation (oan )cheme )mall )cale :ndustry To 6evie/ The )ymbol 0f $ash $redit Q 3on Performing *ssets *gricultural $redit 6ole 0f "an,s :n Priority )ector *nd 28 Point !conomic Programme. :ndirect Ta&es inancial %erivatives. )ingle +indo/ )ystem :ncome %istribution (icensing 0f 3e/ "an,s 6egional 6ural "an,s !lectronic und Transfer. :mproved Procedures or Transactions :n P)U "onds *nd Units "ranch !&pansion Programme inancial )ystem. :ndustrial )ic,ness *nd $orporate 6estructuring. :nstitutional $redit To )): )ector 3on Performing *ssets 0f "an,s Productivity1 0perational !fficiency S Profitability 0f "an,s )ervice *rea *pproach 6evie/ The )ystem 0f :nspection 0f $ommercial1 66" *nd Urban Pay )cales 0f "an, 0fficers !&port )trategy %evelop *ppropriate )upervisory rame/or, or 3" $ *gricultural inance *nd $ooperative )ocieties. :nspection )ystem 0f "an,s *gricultural inance *nd $ooperative )ocieties $ompetition (a/ Ta& 6eforms $entre Y )tate iscal 6elationships $hanges :n "an,ing (a/s 1 "ouncing 0f $he2ues !tc Petro $hemical )ector

6am 3i/as 'irdha $ommittee (AP$) 6angraFan $ommittee 6angraFan $ommittee 6ashid Ailani $ommittee 6ay $ommittee 6D )araiya $ommittee (9@H2) 6H Khan $ommittee 6K HaFare $ommittee 6K Tal/ar $ommittee 6K Tal/ar $ommittee 63 'alhotra $ommittee 63 'irdha $ommittee 6E Dupta $ommittee ) Padmanabhan $ommittee ) Padmanabhan $ommittee )amal $ommittee )$ $ho,si $ommittee )han,ar (al Dauri $ommittee )K Kalia $ommittee )( Kapoor $ommittee )odhani $ommittee )) Kohli $ommittee )) Kohli $ommittee )) Kohli $ommittee )) 3ad,arni $ommittee )) Tarapore $ommittee )u,hmoy $ha,ravarty $ommittee Tambe $ommittee Tandon $ommittee Tandon $ommittee Tha,,ar $ommittee Thingalaya $ommittee Ti/ari $ommittee UK )harma $ommittee Usha Thorat Panel Eaghul $ommittee Earshney $ommittee Een,etaiya $ommittee Eipin 'ali, $ommittee ET %eheFia $ommittee Eyas $ommittee +anchoo $ommittee

)ecurities )cam $omputeri7ation 0f "an,ing :ndustry Public )ector %isinvestment $ash $redit )ystem :ndustrial )ic,ness "an,ing $ommission Harmoni7ation 0f "an,s *nd )sis %ifferential :nterest 6ates )cheme $ustomer )ervice !nactment Having * "earing 0n *gro (andings "y $ommercial "an,s 6eforms :n :nsurance )ector $ooperative )ocieties *gricultural $redit %elivery. 0nsite )upervision unction 0f "an,s :nspection 0f "an,s ("y 6":) 6ural $redit %irect Ta& (a/ *gricultural 'ar,eting 6ole 0f 3D0 *nd )HD :n $redit :nstitutional $redit To )): oreign !&change 'ar,ets :n 36: :nvestment :n :ndia 6ehabilitation 0f )ic, :ndustrial Units 6ationali7ation 0f )taff )trength :n "an,s +illful %efaulters Trading :n Public )ector "an,s $apital *ccount $onvertibility To 6evie/ The +or,ing 0f 'onetary )ystem. Term (oans To )): ollo/ Up 0f "an, $redit :ndustrial )ic,ness $redit )chemes To )elf !mployed 6estructuring 0f 66" 6ehabilitation 0f )ic, :ndustrial Underta,ings. (ead "an, )cheme (6evie/) inancial :nclusion. 'utual und )cheme 6evised 'ethods or (oans ([2 (a,hs) 6evie/ 0f 6ural inancing )ystem $onsolidated *ccounting "y "an,s To )tudy $redit 3eeds 0f :ndustry *nd Trade (i,ely To "e :nflated 6ural $redit. %irect Ta&es

+) )araf $ommittee B H 'alegam $ommittee BE 6eddy $ommittee

Technology :ssues :n "an,ing :ndustry. %isclosure 3orms or Public :ssues 6eforms :n )mall )avings.

C8""50044S 8N 6A-58.S S4C08-S 5N 4C8N8"7 : 9. * $ )H*H 303 "*3K:3D :3*3$:*( $0'P*3B 2. ":'*3 A*(*3 '*6K!T :3 6*)T6U$TU6! :3)T63'!3T) #. '*(!D*' U3$T:03:3D 0 ':$60 :3*3$! .. ":6(* $06P06*T! D0E!63*3$! 4. K:6:TH P*6:KH 6*T:03*(:)*T:03 0 P!T60(!U' P60%U$T) 5. $H*TU6E!%: :'6P0E:3D 3*T:03*( H:DH+*B) H. )6 H*)H:' U6"*3 P0E!6TB ?. *"H:A:T )!3 +H0(!)*(! P6:$! :3%!I @. $ 6*3D*6*A*3 )!6E:$!) P6:$!) :3%!I *3% :3*3$:*( :3)T:TUT:03 98. *":% HU))*:3 %!E!(0P'!3T 0 $*P:T*( '*6K!T) 99. %*'*%06*3 $U)T0'!6 )!6E:$! :3 "*3K) 92. KH*3%!(+*( HU'*3 6!)0U6$! :3 $0''!6$:*( "*3K) 9#. P*T:( $06P06*T! %!"T 9.. E K )H*6'* $6!%:T T0 '*6D:3*( *6'!6) 94. )*6*3D: 303 P!6 06':3D *))!T) 95. KH*33* 6!D:03*( 6U6*( "*3K) 9H. %*3T*+*(* (!*% "*3K )$H!'! 9?. D*%D:( :3*3$:*( :3$(U):03 9@. TH06*T %!6!DU(*T:03 0 )'*(( )*E:3D %!P0):T 6*T!) 28. %!!P*K '0H*3TB '03!T*6B )B)T!' :3 :3%:* 29. 6*DHU6*' 6*A*3 :3*3$:*( )!$T06 6! 06') 22. 3*6!)H $H*3%6* $:E:( *E:*T:03 2#. 6*K!)H '0H*3 6*:(+*B) 2.. K*K0%K*6 6*:( )* !TB 24. P:T60%* 6*:( '0%!63:;*T:03 XXXXXXXXOXXX (ist of (atest $ommittees XXXOXXXXXXXX XXXXXX 6ead $omplete (ist<- http< XXXXXX 9. $ommittee )et Up 0n Uttara,hand loods 2. A) 'athur committee #. K. 6atna Prabha .. 'u,ul 'udgal $ommittee The committee /ill be headed by *K DanFu ($hairman1 Danga lood $ontrol committees$ommission1 Patna). to revise 3e/spaper*dvertisement 6ates. $ommittee on indecent depiction of /omen in media. loo,ing into U) giant +almartJs lobbying activities to enter :ndia

4.'u,ul 'udgal $ommittee 5. '"3 6ao $ommittee H. )K )rivastava $ommittee ?. K ' $handrase,har $ommittee @. *rvind 'ayaram $ommittee 98. Aana,iraman $ommittee 99. ') *hlu/alia committee 92. )ita,ant 'ahapatra committee 9#. 3 6 3arayana 'urthy committee 9.. $ 6angaraFan committee 94. '" )hah committee 95. 3 6angachary committee 9H. Parthasarathi )home committee 9?. %eepa, Pare,h committee 9@. 3aresh $handra committee 28. "handari $ommittee 29. 6) DuFral $ommittee

to loo, at process of film clearance. to prepare the blueprint of :ndiaJs first /omenJs ban, to formulate a policy on public-private partnership model to raise coal output.. for rationali7ation of foreign investment norms for giving clear definitions to oreign %irect :nvestment ( %:) and oreign :nstitutional :nvestment ( ::)1 To investigate the security transactions of the ban, to evaluate aspects related to set up of 3alanda University(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb for inclusion of "hoFpuri language in eighth schedule of constitution for evaluation of corporate sector participation in Higher !ducation. for poverty scale estimates in the country for inspection of illegal mining activities to e&amine ta&ation policies for :.T. sector implementation of D**6 (Deneral *nti *voidance 6ule). for inancing :nfrastructure sector(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb 9. member tas, force on security issues 6econstruction of 66"s suggest measures to boost ')'! e&ports.

5"P8-0AN0 9AN>5N& AC0

3egotiable :nstrument *ct1 9??9 The "an,ers "oo,s !vidence *ct1 9?@9 The 6eserve "an, of :ndia *ct1 9@#. The :ndustrial inance $orporation of :ndia *ct1 9@.? The "an,ing $ompanies ((egal Practitioner $lientsJ *ccounts) *ct1 9@.@ The :ndustrial %isputes ("an,ing and :nsurance $ompanies) *ct1 9@.@ The "an,ing 6egulation *ct1 9@.@(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb) The )tate inancial $orporations *ct1 9@49(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb) The 6eserve "an, of :ndia (*mendment and 'isc. Provisions) *ct1 9@4# The :ndustrial %isputes ("an,ing $ompanies) %ecision *ct1 9@44 The )tate "an, of :ndia *ct1 9@44 The )tate "an, of :ndia *ct1 9@44(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb) The )tate "an, of :ndia ()ubsidiary "an,s) *ct1 9@4@ The )ubsidiary "an,s Deneral 6egulation1 9@4@ The %eposit :nsurance and $redit Duarantee $orporation *ct1 9@59 The "an,ing $ompanies (*c2uisitionand Transfer of Underta,ings) *ct1 9@H8

;#co'ing +#orting E.ents Gen-es: &-rrent /ffairs 2013314

Football Worl" &;P hosts: 1" 2014 FDF/ Worl" &-#:

Host< "ra7il 'ascot< )miling *rmadillo to be the official 'ascot of 289. : * +orld $up "ra7il. Host< 6ussia Host< Qatar 2892 289. 2895 289? 2828 )ummer 0lympics< (ondon1 UK +inter 0lympics< )ochi1 6ussia )ummer 0lympics< 6io de Aaneiro1 "ra7il +inter 0lympics< Pyeongchang1 )outh Korea )ummer 0lympics< To,yo1 Aapan

2" 2017 FDF/ Worl" &-# :

3" 2022 FDF/ Worl" &-#: 6ly'#ics !a'es

/sian !a'es
2898 *sain Dames< Duang7hou1 $hina 289. *sain Dames< :ncheon1 )outh Korea 289@ *sain Dames< Hanoi 1 Eietnam 2898 $ommon/ealth Dames< %elhi1 :ndia 289. $ommon/ealth Dames< Dlasgo/1 )cotland1 United Kingdom

&o''on1ealth !a'es:

289? $ommon/ealth Dames< Dold $oast $ity1 Queensland1 *ustralia

D&& Worl" &-# &ric,et Gen-e: 6ne 9ay Dnternational >69D?:

2894 $ric,et +orld $up< *ustralia S 3e/ ;ealand 289@ $ric,et +orld $up< !ngland 282# $ric,et +orld $up< :ndia (for the fourth time) +orld T28 $up -289. ( or 'en S /omen)< "angladesh +orld T28 $up -2895 ( or 'en S /omen)< :ndia +orld T28 in 2828 ( or 'en S /omen)< *ustralia +omenJs +orld T28 in 289?< +est :ndies Under-9@ $ric,et +orld $up in 2822< +est :ndies !ngland to host $ric,et +orld Test $hampions in Y 289H (for first time). :ndia /ill host +orld Test $hampionship in Y 2829. 2899 6ugby +orld $up Y 3e/ ;ealand 2894 6ugby +orld $up Y !ngland 289@ 6ugby +orld $up Y Aapan



*-gby Worl" &-#:

5"P8-0AN0 64N.4S 82 SP8-0S 08.-NA"4N0S

O O O O O O O O O O O O 289# 289. 289. 289. 289# 2895 2894 289. 2895 289. 289. 289. +orld $hess $hampionship *sian Dames $ommon/ealth Dames +orld $up ootball $onfederation $up !uro $up +orld $up cric,et 28- 28 /orld cup )ummer 0lympics +inter 0lympics Bouth 0lympics Hoc,ey /orld $up :ndia :ncheon ().,orea) Dlasgo/ ()cotland) "ra7il "ra7il rance *ustraliaS3e/ 7ealand "angladesh 6io %e Aaneiro ("ra7il) )ochi (6ussia) 3anFing (china) Hague

.......5"P8-0AN0 64N.4S 82 SP8-0S 08.-NA"4N0S ....... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

9. 2. #. .. 4. 289# 289. 289. 289. 289# +orld $hess $hampionship *sian Dames $ommon/ealth Dames +orld $up ootball $onfederation $up :ndia :ncheon ().,orea) Dlasgo/ ()cotland) "ra7il "ra7il

5. 2895 !uro $up H. 2894 +orld $up cric,et ?. 289. 28 28 /orld cup @. 2895 )ummer 0lympics 98. 289. +inter 0lympics 99. 289. Bouth 0lympics 92. 289. Hoc,ey /orld $up 9#. 2828 )ummer 0lympics

rance *ustralia S 3e/ 7ealand "angladesh 6io %e Aaneiro ("ra7il) )ochi (6ussia) 3anFing (china) Hague To,yo (Aapan)

+#orts ;#"ate for D%P+ EFa' 2013: +#orts ;#"ate for D%P+ P6, &ler, EFa'
&hina 6#en 2013: $en0s /in2le: Nova4 D o4ovic beats ;afael Nadal for fo!rth #hina 5pen win (omen0s /in2le: /erena (illiams beats <elena <an4ovic (omen0s do!ble: /ania $irza.#ara ?lac4 defeated @era D!shevina and 'rantxa Parra /anton a )a#an 6#en Tennis &ha'#ionshi# 2013:

'enJs )ingle< Auan 'artin %el Potro of *rgentine defeated third seeded 'ilos 6aonic of $anada 'enJs double< 6ohan "opanna and his rench partner !douard 6oger-Easselin defeated Aamie 'urray and Aohn Peers. 'enJs )ingle< 6afael 3adal ()pain) defeated 3ova, %Fo,ovic ()erbia) +omenJs )ingle< )erena +illiams (U)*) defeated Eictoria *7aren,a ("elarus) 'enJs %oubles< (eander Paes and 6ade, )tepane, defeating *le&ander Peya and "runo )oares. 'enJs )ingle< *ndy 'urray("ritain) defeated 3ova, %Fo,ovic ()erbia) +omenJs )ingle< 'arion "artoli ( rance) defeated )abine (isic, (Dermany) 'enJs %oubles< "ob and 'i,e "ryan defeated %odig S '. 'elo 'enJs )ingle< 6afael 3adal %efeated %avid errer +omenJs )ingle< )erena +illimas %efeated 'aria )harapova 'enJs %oubles< "ob and 'i,e "ryan %efeated 'ichael (lodra S 3icolas 'ahut 'i&ed doubles< rantise, $erma, and (ucie Hradec,a defeated %aniel 3estor and Kristina 'ladenovic *ndy 'urray beat %avid errer )erena +illiams beat 'aria )harapova. 6afael 3adal beat 6oger ederar )erena +illiams defeated Eictoria *7aren,a 6afael 3adal beat )tanislas +a/rin,a )erena +illiams beat 'aria )harapova.

;+ 6#en 2013

Wi'ble"on 2013

French 6#en 2013

(ia'i 6#en 2013

Dtalian 6#en 2013 (a"ri" 6#en 2013

/-stralian 6#en 2013

'en )ingle< 3ova, %Fo,ovic()erbia) bt *ndy 'urray("ritain). +omen )ingle-Eictoria *7aren,a bt (i 3a( china) 'en %ouble< "ob S 'i,e "yan bt 6obin haase S :gor )iFsling +omen %ouble< )ara !rrani and 6oberta Einci(:taly) bt *shlegh "arty and $asey %ella2ua $6:$K!T )achin Tendul,ar to 6etire after 288th Test. $hampions (eague T28 289# < 'umbai :ndians defeated 6aFasthan 6oyals in final held in 3e/ %elhi. HarbhaFan )ingh< 'an of the match S %/ayne )mith /as declared 'an of the )eries. *fghanistan Qualified for :$$ $ric,et +orld $up 2894 after defeating Kenya by seven /ic,ets at +orld $ric,et (eague $hampionship in )harFah. The /orld cup /ill be Fointly hosted by *ustralia and 3e/ ;ealand in 2894. !ngland /on the 289# *shes series #Y8C the series of Test cric,et matches contested bet/een !ngland and *ustralia for The *shes. :ndia lifts $hampions Trophy 289# by defeating !ngland in a rain-hit final in "irmingham. 6avindra AadeFa declared man of the match and )hi,har %ha/an declared man of the tournament. !ngland to host $ric,et +orld Test $hampions in Y 289H1 0%: +orld $up in Y 289@ *ustralia to host 289@ +orld $up and +orld T/enty28 in 2828 :ndia /ill host the< +orld T28 $up -28951 +orld Test $hampionship 28291 +orld $up for the fourth time in 282# +est :ndies to host +omenJs +orld T28 in 289? and Under-9@ $ric,et +orld $up in 2822. *fghanistan /as granted the *ssociate membership of the :$$1 ma,ing it the eighth *sian nation and the #?th overall to get the status. 6aFeev )hu,la resigned as $hairman of :P( 'umbai :ndians /on the si&th edition of :ndian Premier (eague (:P( 289#)1 defeated $hennai )uper Kings in final. :ndian pacer ). )reesanth1 *Fit $handila and *n,eet $havan /ere caught by %elhi Police in spot-fi&ing rac,et in the ongoing :ndian Premier (eague matches Durunath 'eiyappan1 son-in-la/ of "$$: president 3. )rinivasan and $!0 of $hennai )uper King team /as arrested on charges of betting1 conspiracy and cheating )achin Tendul,ar announced his retirement from :ndian Premier (eague )hi,har %ha/an first :ndian $ric,eter /ho scored a ton on Test debut as an opener. $hris Dayle (6oyal $hallengers "angalore player) has set a ne/ record for the fastest century in Fust #8 balls :P( 289# (T28) 5th edition against Pune +arriors. :ndian "adminton (eague :ndian "adminton (eague (:"() is a franchise league by "adminton *ssociation of :ndia ("*:). The inaugural edition of the :ndian "adminton (eague is held in :ndia from *ugust 9.1289# to *ugust #91 289#.

There /ere 5 franchises /ith each team having 92 players including . foreign players. )i& franchise of :"( Y Hyderabad Hot)hots1 "anga "eats1 */adhe +arriors1 'umbai 'asters1 Pune Pistons1 %elhi )mashers (ee $hong +ei of 'alaysia is the highest paid player of :ndian "adminton (eague /ith \9#41888 in salary and )aina 3eh/al of :ndia is the second highest paid and the highest paid :ndian Player /ith \9281888 in salary. The league ,ic,ed off at %elhi /ith a gala ceremony on 9. *ugust 289#. The inals /ere played at 'umbai on #9 *ugust 289#. Hyderabad Hotshots /on the inaugural :"( title at 'umbai on #9 *ugust 289#. ormula 0ne season 289# *ustralian Drand Pri& 'alaysian Drand Pri& $hinese Drand Pri& "ahrain Drand Pri& )panish Drand Pri& 'onaco Drand Pri& $anadian Drand Pri& "ritish Drand Pri& Derman Drand Pri& Hungarian Drand Pri& "elgian Drand Pri& :talian Drand Pri& )ingapore Drand Pri& Korean Drand Pri& Aapanese Drand Pri& Kimi 6]i,,^nen )ebastian Eettel ernando *lonso )ebastian Eettel ernando *lonso 3ico 6osberg )ebastian Eettel 3ico 6osberg )ebastian Eettel (e/is Hamilton )ebastian Eettel )ebastian Eettel )ebastian Eettel )ebastian Eettel 'ar, +ebber

9ollowin2 are the (inner of 9orm!la one -rand Prix of 2013

6ther D'#ortant +#orts ;#"ate:

)udirman $up Y $hina defeated )outh Korea PE )indhu /on 'alaysia "adminton Drand Pri& Title Du Auan of )ingapore "ra7il beats )pain to /in $onfederations $up 289# ParimarFan 3egi /on the $ontinental $hess *ssociation 0pen title defeated "indi $heng *ce discus thro/er Ei,as Do/da clinched the first gold for :ndia in the 28th *sian *thletics $hampionships in Pune $hris 'artin1 the fast "o/ler of 3e/ ;ealand has announced his retirement from all forms of cric,et. K )ri,anth clinched defeated "oonsa, Ponsana to clinch the Thailand 0pen Drand Pri& "adminton 289# .th Kabaddi +orld $up /ill be held in PunFab in 3ovember "$" ("angladesh $ric,et "oard) ormer "angladesh captain 'ohammad *shraful match-fi&ing charges in "angladesh Premier (eague. "ayern 'unich /on Derman $up 289# defeated )tuttgart *nanya Dupta claimed a bron7e medal in the +orld )chool $hess championship held at Haldi,,i in Dreece 6agala Een,at 6ahul bags three Dolds in *sian Bouth +eightlifting

') %honi becomes first captain to /in all :$$ trophies "o&er 'anFeet )ingh /on )ilver medal at $hina 0pen< "olt /on Aamaican 988 title to reach +orld $hampionships Pune host *sian *thletic $hampionship meet in Auly %elhi to host )outh *sian Aunior Table Tennis :ndia /in silver in *rchery +orld $up< 6aFat $houhan and 'anFudha /on silver medal at the +orld $up ()tage-::) *rchery competition in Tur,ey. Prasanna ne/ Drand 'aster < E Eishnu Prasanna celebrated his ne/ Drandmaster status by out/itting seasoned D' "oris $hatalbashev of "ulgaria PunFab beat 0disha to lift H: Ar. 'enJs 3ational $hJship< *ustralia became the third country after Aapan and hosts "ra7il to reach ne&t summerJs +orld $up after sealing a dramatic late /in against :ra2. 'ahendra )ingh %honi /as named captain of the :$$Js Team of the $hampions Trophy *ustralia ($*) sac,ed 'ic,ey *rthur and appointed %arren (ehmann as the ne/ coach of the *ustralian team. E Eishnu Prasanna celebrated his ne/ Drandmaster status by out/itting seasoned D' "oris $hatalbashev of "ulgaria )omyaFeet Dhosh Y become the youngest national Table Tennis $hampion 6upesh )hah clinched the 92th *sian "illiards championship title after beating compatriot *lo, Kumar in the final 3arayanan )rinath retained his *sian Aunior title by defeating A )aranya at the *sian Aunior $hess $hampionship Preeti "eni/al /on gold in 289# )enior 3ational +omenJs "o&ing $hampionship +inner *sian $hess $hampionship 2892 Y ParivarFan 3egi. )erena +illiams named +T* Player of the Bear 2892 after /inning +imbledon Dren,e $hess $lassic Trophy 289# Y Eis/anathan *nand (:ndia) after defeating *r,adiF 3aiditsch (Dermany.) :$$ +omenJs +orld $up 289# Y *ustralia defeated +est :ndies at "rabourne )tadium in 'umbai.

(ist of all Tennis Tournaments S +inners 289#< Drand )lams< 9. U) 0pen 289# 'enJs )ingle< 6afael 3adal ()pain) defeated 3ova, %Fo,ovic ()erbia) +omenJs )ingle< )erena +illiams (U.).*) defeated Eictoria *7aren,a ("elarus) 'enJs %oubles< (eander Paes (:ndia) and 6ade, )tepane, ($7ech 6epublic) defeated *le&ander Peya (*ustria) and "runo )oares ("ra7il) +omen=s %oubles< *ndrea Hlavac,ova ($7ech 6epublic ) S (ucie Hradec,a($7ech 6epublic) defeating *shleigh "arty (*ustralia) S $asey %ellac2ua (*ustralia) 'i&ed %oubles< *ndrea Hlavac,ova ($7ech 6epublic) S 'a& 'irnyi ("elarus) defeated *bigail )pears (U.).*) S )antiago Don7_le7 ('e&ico) 2. +imbeldon 0pen 289#

'enJs )ingle< *ndy 'urray()cotland) defeated 3ova, %Fo,ovic ()erbia) +omenJs )ingle< 'arion "artoli ( rance) defeated )abine (isic, (Dermany) 'enJs %oubles< "ob "ryan (U.).*)and 'i,e "ryan (U.).*) defeated :van %odig ($roatia) S 'arcelo 'elo ("ra7il) +omen=s %oubles< Peng )huai ($hina) S Hsieh )u-/ei ($hinese Taipei) defeated *shleigh "arty (*ustralia ) S$asey %ellac2ua (*ustralia) 'i&ed %oubles< %aniel 3estor ($anada) S Kristina 'ladenovic ( rance) defeated "runo )oares ("ra7il) S (isa 6aymond (U.).*) #. rench 0pen 289# 'enJs )ingle< 6afael 3adal ()pain) %efeated %avid errer ()pain) +omenJs )ingle< )erena +illimas (U)*) %efeated 'aria )harapova (6ussia) 'enJs %oubles< "ob "ryan (U)*) and 'i,e "ryan (U)*) %efeated 'ichael (lodra ( rance) S 3icolas 'ahut ( rance) +omen=s %oubles< !,aterina 'a,arova (6ussia) S !lena Eesnina(6ussia) %efeated )ara !rrani(:taly) S 6oberta Einci (:taly) 'i&ed doubles< rantise, $erma, ($7ech 6epublic)and (ucie Hradec,a ($7ech 6epublic) defeated %aniel 3estor($anada) and Kristina 'ladenovic ( rance) .. *ustralian 0pen 289# 'en )ingle< 3ova, %Fo,ovic()erbia) %efeated *ndy 'urray()cotland) +omen )ingle< Eictoria *7aren,a ("elarus) %efeated (i 3a (china) 'en=s %oubles< "ob "ryan (U)*) S 'i,e "yan (U)*) %efeated 6obin haase (3etherlands) S :gor )iFsling (3etherlands) +omen=s %ouble< )ara !rrani(:taly) and 6oberta Einci(:taly) %efeated *shlegh "arty (*ustralia) and $asey %ella2ua (*ustralia) 'i&ed %oubles< Aarmila DaFdosova (*ustralia) S 'atthe/ !bden (*ustralia) %efeated (ucie Hradec,a ($7ech 6epublic) S rantise, $erma, ($7ech 6epublic) 0thers< 9. 'iami 0pen 289# ` *ndy 'urray()cotland) beat %avid errer()pain) ` )erena +illiams (U)*) beat 'aria )harapova(6ussia) 2. :talian 0pen 289# ` 6afael 3adal ()pain) beat 6oger ederer ()/it7erland) ` )erena +illiams (U)*) defeated Eictoria *7aren,a ("elarus) #. 'adrid 0pen 289# ` 6afael 3adal ()pain) beat )tanislas +a/rin,a ()/it7erland) ` )erena +illiams (U)*) beat 'aria )harapova (6ussia) rench 0pen $hampionsZ289# 'en=s singles Z 6afael 3adal +omen=s singles Z)erena +illiams 'en=s doublesZ "ob "ryan S 'i,e "ryan +omen=s doubles Z!,aterina 'a,arova S !lena Eesnina 'i&ed doublesZ (ucie Hradec,_ S rantiae, berm_,

GXOXG (ist of all Tennis Tournaments S +inners 289# GXOXG OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO XXXXXXXXXXXX )H*6! +:TH !E!6B03! XXXXXXXXXX Drand )lams< 9. [[[[ U) 0pen 289# cccc 'enJs )ingle< 6afael 3adal ()pain) defeated 3ova, %Fo,ovic ()erbia) +omenJs )ingle< )erena +illiams (U.).*) defeated Eictoria *7aren,a ("elarus) 'enJs %oubles< (eander Paes (:ndia) and 6ade, )tepane, ($7ech 6epublic) defeated *le&ander Peya (*ustria) and "runo )oares ("ra7il)(data by fb-allcurrentaffairs) +omen=s %oubles< *ndrea Hlavac,ova ($7ech 6epublic ) S (ucie Hradec,a($7ech 6epublic) defeating *shleigh "arty (*ustralia) S $asey %ellac2ua (*ustralia) 'i&ed %oubles< *ndrea Hlavac,ova ($7ech 6epublic) S 'a& 'irnyi ("elarus) defeated *bigail )pears (U.).*) S )antiago Don7_le7 ('e&ico) 2. [[[[ +imbeldon 0pen 289# cccc 'enJs )ingle< *ndy 'urray()cotland) defeated 3ova, %Fo,ovic ()erbia) +omenJs )ingle< 'arion "artoli ( rance) defeated )abine (isic, (Dermany) 'enJs %oubles< "ob "ryan (U.).*)and 'i,e "ryan (U.).*) defeated :van %odig ($roatia) S 'arcelo 'elo ("ra7il) +omen=s %oubles< Peng )huai ($hina) S Hsieh )u-/ei ($hinese Taipei) defeated *shleigh "arty (*ustralia ) S$asey %ellac2ua (*ustralia) (data by fb-allcurrentaffairs) 'i&ed %oubles< %aniel 3estor ($anada) S Kristina 'ladenovic ( rance) defeated "runo )oares ("ra7il) S (isa 6aymond (U.).*) #. [[[[ rench 0pen 289# cccc 'enJs )ingle< 6afael 3adal ()pain) %efeated %avid errer ()pain) +omenJs )ingle< )erena +illimas (U)*) %efeated 'aria )harapova (6ussia)(data by fb-allcurrentaffairs) 'enJs %oubles< "ob "ryan (U)*) and 'i,e "ryan (U)*) %efeated 'ichael (lodra ( rance) S 3icolas 'ahut ( rance) +omen=s %oubles< !,aterina 'a,arova (6ussia) S !lena Eesnina(6ussia) %efeated )ara !rrani(:taly) S 6oberta Einci (:taly)

'i&ed doubles< rantise, $erma, ($7ech 6epublic)and (ucie Hradec,a ($7ech 6epublic) defeated %aniel 3estor($anada) and Kristina 'ladenovic ( rance) .. [[[[ *ustralian 0pen 289# cccc 'en )ingle< 3ova, %Fo,ovic()erbia) %efeated *ndy 'urray()cotland)(data by fb-allcurrentaffairs) +omen )ingle< Eictoria *7aren,a ("elarus) %efeated (i 3a (china) 'en=s %oubles< "ob "ryan (U)*) S 'i,e "yan (U)*) %efeated 6obin haase (3etherlands) S :gor )iFsling (3etherlands) +omen=s %ouble< )ara !rrani(:taly) and 6oberta Einci(:taly) %efeated *shlegh "arty (*ustralia) and $asey %ella2ua (*ustralia) 'i&ed %oubles< Aarmila DaFdosova (*ustralia) S 'atthe/ !bden (*ustralia) %efeated (ucie Hradec,a ($7ech 6epublic) S rantise, $erma, ($7ech 6epublic) OOOO0ther 0pensOOOO 9. [[[[ 'iami 0pen 289# cccc ` *ndy 'urray()cotland) beat %avid errer()pain) ` )erena +illiams (U)*) beat 'aria )harapova(6ussia) 2. [[[[ :talian 0pen 289# cccc ` 6afael 3adal ()pain) beat 6oger ederer ()/it7erland) ` )erena +illiams (U)*) defeated Eictoria *7aren,a ("elarus) #. [[[[ 'adrid 0pen 289# cccc ` 6afael 3adal ()pain) beat )tanislas +a/rin,a ()/it7erland) ` )erena +illiams (U)*) beat 'aria )harapova (6ussia)

!eneral =no1le"ge >+#orts? 2 List of D'#ortant &-#s an" Tro#hies

&-#s an" Tro#hies
'shes #!p 'zlan #!p

#ric4et :oc4ey '!stralia 8n2land Bnternational

'!2!sta $asters '2ha %han '!stralian 5pen 'merican #!p ?ama ?ellec4 #!p ?or2.(arner Trophy ?ei2hton #!p ?ledisloe #!p ?ombay -old #!p ?#/ Trophy ?!rdwan Trophy ?ritish 5pen #alc!tta #!p #hampions trophy #olombo #!p #ommissioner0s Trophy Davis #!p D#$ Trophy Derby :orse Dhyanchand Trophy Dr" ?# ;oy Trophy D!leep Trophy D!rand #!p 8!ropean #hampion #l!bs0 #!p 8zra #!p 9B9' (orld #!p Trophy 9rench 5pen -rey #!p :eine4en #!p :eisman Trophy :opman #!p B9' /hield %in2s #!p &ady ;atan Tata Trophy &arry 50?rien #hampionship Trophy &ea2!e #hampionship Trophy &iners 5pen $alaysian 5pen $ann #!p $c#lelland Trophy $ered4a #!p $&/ #!p $oin!dda!la -old #!p

-olf #!p :oc4ey &awn Tennis *atch ;acin2 Table Tennis $otorsports :oc4ey ;!2by :oc4ey 9ootball (ei2ht &iftin2 -olf ;!2by :oc4ey 9ootball ?aseball Tennis 9ootball ;acin2 :oc4ey 9ootball #ric4et 9ootball 9ootball Polo 9ootball &awn Tennis 9ootball &awn Tennis 9ootball &awn Tennis 9ootball 'ir ;aces :oc4ey ?as4etball 9ootball -olf ?adminton &acrosse 9ootball 9ootball /occer #ric4et

Bnternational Bndia Bnternational ,/' Bndia Bndianapolis 'merica Bndia New>ealand E '!stralia Bndia 'merica Bndia Bnternational 8n2land and /cotland Bnternational Bnternational 'merica Bnternational Bndia Bnternational Bndia Bndia Bndia Bndia Bnternational Bndia Bnternational Bnternational ,/ E #anada Bnternational 'merica Bnternational Bndia 8n2land Bndia 'merica Bnternational Bnternational Bnternational 'merica '!stralia 'sia 'merica Bndia

Nehr! Trophy 5ld 5a4en ?!c4et Premier &ea2!e Trophy Prince of (ales #!p ;ana i Trophy ;adha $ohan #!p ;an2eshwari #!p ;overs #!p /antosh Trophy /cindia -old #!p /!brato m!4her ee #!p /tanley #!p /waythlin2 #!p Thomas #!p The /cottish #!p Tata 5pen ,ber #!p ,/ 5pen ,89' #hampions &ea2!e ,/ $aters ," Thant #!p @ince &ombardi Trophy (ebb 8llis #!p (ellin2ton trophy (al4er #!p (est #hester #!p (orld #!p

:oc4ey 9ootball 9ootball -olf #ric4et Polo :oc4ey 9ootball 9ootball :oc4ey 9ootball :oc4ey Table Tennis ?adminton 9ootball &awn Tennis ?adminton )(omen+ &awn Tennis 9ootball -olf Tennis /!per ?owl ;!2by ;owin2 -olf Polo :oc4ey, 9ootball, #ric4et

Bndia Bnter.colle2e, ,/' Bnternational 8n2land Bndia Bndia Bndia Bndia Bndia Bndia Bndia 'merica (orld (orld Bnternational Bnternational (orld Bnternational Bnternational Bnternational Bnternational 'merica (orld Bndia 8n2land 8n2land (orld

Nu*ber of Pla ers in S)orts

"aseball- @ 6ugby football- 94 Polo- . +ater Polo- H Kho Kho- @ Kabaddi - H Hoc,ey- 99 ootball ()occer)- 99 $ric,et- 99 3etball - H Eolleyball- 5 "adminton- 9 or 2 ()ingles S %oubles respectively) Tennis- 9 or 2 ()ingles S %oubles respectively) Table Tennis- 9 or 2 ()ingles S %oubles respectively) "as,etball- 4 Dymnastic- )everal individuals compete simultaneously "illiards-)noo,er- 9 "o&ing- 9 $hess- 9 "ridge- 2 $ro2uet- 9# or 94 Dolf- )everal individuals compete simultaneously (acrosse- 92 'aFor )ports %isciplines ============================================= *$60"*T:$) *lthough it only became a competitive sport1 acrobatics has long been an important component of modern artistic sports1 such as gymnastics1 diving and figure s,ating. rom the Dree, for L+al,ing on TiptoeM1 it includes a variety of maneuvers often /ith such apparatus as tight-ropes1 trape7es1 unicycles1 falls1 barrels and poles. *!60":$) The /ord *erobics /as coined by %r. Kenneth H $opper1 a U)* physician1 to denote a system of e&ercise to help prevent coronary artery disease. :n 9@?#1 Ho/ard and Karen )ch/art7 organised )ports fitness :nternational () :) to oversee a ne/ competitive sport they had developed1 ,no/n as )port *erobics. The first /orld championships /ere held in 9@@8 at )an %iego /ith athletes from 94 countries competing. *6$H!6B *rchery is one of the most ancient of sports. %uring the paleolithic era (#41888 to

?1888 ".$.)1 the use of bo/ and arro/ for hunting probably developed independently in many places throughout the /orld. The modern sport of target archery originated in !ngland during the century1 /hen the longbo/ became the !nglish armyJs most important /eapon1 first at the "attle of $recy (9#.5) and later at Politiers and *gincourt. rom 9##8 to 9.9.1 !nglish ,ings banned all other sports because they diverted time from archery and a royal decree of 9#5# re2uired all !nglishmen to practice archery on )unday and holidays. The :nternational *rchery ederation /as established in 9@#9 to hold international archery competitions. :n 9@5@1 the ederation included field archery to the set of archery events in the /orld championship. 6ules specified by the federation apply for all international tournaments. *rchery is a medal sports in )ummer 0lympics. *QU*T:$) %iving1 )pringboard and Platform < %iving1 springboard and platform1 sport of entering the /ater from a raised position1 often /hile e&ecuting tumbles1 t/ists1 and other acrobatic maneuvers. :n most dives the upper part of the body enters the /ater first1 and the arms are e&tended straight over the head. The earliest recorded maFor diving competition too, palce in 9?H9 off the (ondon "ridge. )ince then diving has become part of most a2uatic meets and is a U) intercollegiate event. 'enJs diving became part of the 0lympic games in 9@8.1 /hen it /as called fancy diving. +omenJs diving Foined the program in 9@92C synchroni7ed diving became a medal event in 2888. )/imming < The !nglish are considered the first modern society to develop s/imming as a sport. "y 9?#H1 regular s/imming competitions /ere being held in (ondonJs si& artificial pools1 organised by the 3ational )ociety in !ngland. *s the sport gre/ in popularity1 many more pools /ere built1 and /hen a ne/ governing body1 the *mateur )/imming *ssociation of Dreat "ritain1 /as organi7ed in 9??81 it numbers #88 member clubs. :n 9?@51 s/imming became in 0lympic sport for men /ith the 988 metres and 9488 metre free style competitions held in past to open /ater. )oon after1 as s/imming gained popularity1 more freestyle event /ere added1 follo/ed by bac,stro,e1 brea,stro,e1 butterfly and finally1 the individual medley. "*%':3T03 The game is said to have been played in $hina in the 2nd millennium "$. Ho/ever1 the origin of modern badminton is attributed to "ritain and its development too, place in :ndia. :t /as evolved in 9?H8 by some "ritish officers serving in :ndia and it /as then called KPoona DameJ because of its popularity in Pune at that time. The first modern rules /ere dra/n up in :ndia (Pune) in 9?H5. The :nternational "adminton ederation (:" ) /as formed in 9@#. /hen the rules of the game /ere standardised. "adminton /as introduced in the *sian Dames in 9@52 at Aa,arta (:ndonesia) and made its debut in the 0lympic Dames at "arcelona in 9@@2. The irst +orld cup (*lba /orld cup) /as /on by Pra,ash Padu,one in 9@?9 and the first *sian $hampionship /as /on by %inesh Khanna in 9@54 (for men) and )aroFini *pte and 'eena )hah (for /omen). 3umber of Players < The game is played in three /ays< )ingles (one player on each side)

%oubles (t/o players on each side) 'i&ed %oubles (one male and one female player on each side) "*)K!T"*(( The Dame /as first played in the 98th century "$ in 'e&ico. Ho/ever1 the credit of its invention is attributed to Aames 3aismith of *merica (9?@9). "as,et "all /as first played in :ndia in 9@#8. :t /as introduced in the "erlin 0lympics in 9@#5 for men and for /omen at the 'ontreal Dames (9@H5) "as,et ball has been one of the sports1 at the *sian Dames1 right from its inception (9@49). 3umber of Players < T/o teams of five (/omenJs team has 5) players each. Teams ho/ever1 have 92 players but at a time not more than five play the game. *)!"*(( "aseball developed from variations of the !nglish game of rounders1 from related regional and local games1 and from childrenJs games li,e Lone old cat1M all of /hich had evolved through centuries. The traditional story that *bner %oubleday invented baseball in 9?#@ in $oopersto/n1 3.B. has been discredited. 6ather1 in the 9?.8s *le&ander $art/right of the 3e/ Bor, Knic,erboc,er $lub standardi7ed many of the features and field dimensions still in use today. :t is /idely thought than the first game of modern baseball /as played by the ,nic,erboc,ers in the fall of 9?.4 in a par, called !lysian ields in Hobo,en1 3.A. )ports/riter. Henry $had/ic, /rote (9?4?) the first rule boo,1 and though the rules continue to change by small degrees1 by 9@88 the game /as essentially that of today. ":((:*6%) *nyone of a number of games played /ith a tampered1 leathertipped stic, called a cue and various numbers of balls on a rectangular1 cloth-covered slate table /ith raised and cushioned edges. Dames similar to billiards /ere popular in !ngland and rance in the 95th centuary1 and evidence even suggests that a billiards li,e game /as played in the centuary. The country of origin is disputedY!ngland1 rance1 :taly1 )pain and $hina have been credited by various historians /ith its invention. The game in its present form /as probably fully developed by 9?88. There are three main types of billiards< carom billiards1 poc,et billiards (also ,no/n as pool)1 and snoo,er. $arom billiards is played /ith three balls1 a cue ball and t/o obFect balls1 on a poc,etless tableC scoring is by caroms only1 i.e.1 by causing the cue ball to stri,e the obFect balls in specified /ays. Poc,et billiards is played /ith 94 obFect balls and a cue ball on a table /ith si& poc,etsC the essential obFect of the game is to cause the obFect balls to enter the poc,ets. )noo,er is similar to poc,et billiards1 e&cept that it uses 29 obFect balls and smaller poc,ets. "0I:3D +hen bo&ing /as first introduced at the *ncient 0lympic Dames1 /here Dree, fighters /rapped leather strips around their hands and a match /ould not end until one competitor /as beaten unconscious or raised his hand in surrender. The thought of going past 92 rounds is foreign to todayJs bo&ing /orld1 but in ancient times1 #5 minutes /ould not even constitute a /arm-up.

The Playing 6ing and !2uipment < The ring is a s2uare platform measuring ..@ to H.# metres in each side1 #.. ft above the ground1 fastened by at least #1. ropes attached to the poles of each corner. The padded gloves /orn by bo&ers /eighs upto and including 5H ,gY@ ounces or 22H gm and over 5H ,gY98 ounces or 2?. gm. Dumshields protect the teeth and a Aoc,strap may also be /orn. $6:$K!T History < The game /as first played in Duildford )urrey in 9448. :t /as brought to :ndia by "ritish merchants and officers. The game /as played in :ndia for the first time in 9H29 by !nglish merchants at $ambay. The first official test match bet/een !ngland and *ustralia /as played in 9@#2. :ndia also played its first Test 'atch in 9@#2. 3o/ there are three types of cric,et matches recognised internationally1 vi7. irst $lass $ric,et (duration #Y4 days) 0ne %ay :nternationals Test $ric,et (duration 4 days) T-28 $ric,et (28 overs match) 3umber of Players < T/o teams of 99 players each. KH0 KH0 < Kho-Kho is an :ndian game. :t is popular in the /hole of :ndia. :t originated at Pune Dym,ana in the )tate of 'aharashtra. :ts team in :ndia is called Kho-Kho ederation of :ndia (KK :). Kho-Kho is a game played in 2 innings by 92 nominated players out of 941 on each side. :nitially @ players start the game and # are ,ept reserve. 0ne team becomes the chasers and the other the defenders or runners. :n the game1 the chaser pursues the runners< tags and touches them and ma,es them out. !ach team has to chase and defend for @ minutes t/ice in a match. D0( :t is a game of hitting a small hard ball /ith specially made clubs over an outdoor course sometimes (particularly if it is near the coast) called a lin,s. The obFect is to deposit the ball in a specified number of cups1 or holes1 using as fe/ stro,es as possible. *lthough golfJs place of origin is uncertain1 )cotland has the strongest claim. *s early as 9.4H1 it /as banned there as a threat to archery practice1 /hich /as considered vital to national defense. The 6oyal and *ncient Dolf $lub of )t. *ndre/s1 )cotland (founded 9H4.)1 is the international shrine of golf1 and the clubJs basic rules are the /orld/ide standards. H*3%"*(( Handball is one of the /orldJs fastest games. :t is played bet/een t/o teams in /hich a ball is hit /ith the hand in a /alled court. * team moves the ball by dribbling1 passing or bouncing it as they run. Players may stop1 catch1 thro/1 bounce or stri,e the ball /ith any part of the body above the ,nees. !ach team tries to score goals by directing the ball past the oppositionJs goal,eeper into the net.

)0$$!6 0ne of the earliest forms of )occer in /hich players ,ic,ed a ball on a small field has been traced as far bac, as 988. ".$. in Aapan. The 'unich !thological 'useum in Dermany has a $hinese te&t from appro&imately 48 ".$. that mentions games very similar to soccer that /ere played bet/een teams from $hina and Aapan. The $hinese ,ic,ed a leather ball (filled) /ith hari and it is ,no/n for sure that a soccer game /as played in 599 *.%. in the ancient Aapanese capital1 Kyoto. * historical record of the development of soccer in !ngland sho/s that !ton college had the earliest ,no/n rules of the game in 9?941 perhaps implying that until then1 chaos /as preferred over order. "ut order gradually came to the game1 and standardi7ed rules ,no/n as the $ambridge rules /ere adopted by !nglandJs maFor colleges. H0$K!B * game resembling hoc,ey /as first played in ancient !gypt around 2848 "$. The modern game /as evolved in the "ritish isles. The first hoc,ey club /as the "lac,heath and *bbey Hoc,ey $lub established in 9?59. The !nglish Hoc,ey *ssociation /as formed at $annon )treet Hotel1 (ondon in 9?H4. 3umber of Players < T/o teams of 99 players each. )QU*)H )2uash is a rac,et sport that is played on an enclosed four-/alled court. The ball can be bounced off any /all /ithin the mar,ed linesC every shot must come off the front /all before hitting the ground. :t is normally played by t/o players1 but doubles s2uash is also a recognised sport. The obFect of the game is to /in points by ensuring that your opponent is unable to return your shot before the ball bounces t/ice. )2uash1 or K)2uash 6ac,etsJ as it /as ,no/n in its early days1 /as invented at Harro/ )chool1 !ngland1 around 9?#8 and gre/ gradually until the 9@58s1 /hen it suddenly e&ploded in popularity /orld/ide. 3umbers of Players < )2uash is played by t/o players on an enclosed court /ith a floor area of @.H4 metres by 5.. metres. The players stri,e the ball alternatively on to the front /all1 /hich is ..H4 metres high and has an Kout of boundsJ board measuring .?8 mm across the bottom. T*"(! T!33:) Played for the first time in 9??8 in (ondon. The !nglish Table Tennis *ssociation /as formed in 9@22. :n :ndia1 table tennis dates bac, to 9@99 and the Table Tennis *ssociation of :ndia (TT*:) /as formed only in 9@#?. *lthough +orld $hampionships /ere held earlier1 Table Tennis /as introduced in the 0lympic in 9@??. The game /as introduced in the *sian Dames in 9@4?. )o far :ndia is the only country to have hosted the +orld $hampionship three times 9@421 9@?.Y?4 and 9@?5Y?H. 3umber of Players < 0ne player on each side in )ingle1 T/o players on each side in %oubles.

T!33:) 0riginated in rance sometime in 9848. 'aFor +alter +ingfield named it (a/n Tennis in 9?H8. The first Tennis $lub called (amington $lub /as established in 9?H2. Tennis /as one of the disciplines in the inaugural 0lympics in *thens in 9?@5 and it remained so till 9@2.. :t /as brought bac, to the 0lympics in 9@?? at )eoul. :t /as introduced in the *sian Dames in 9@4? at To,yo. 3umber of Players < )ingles or doubles1 /ith one or t/o players respectively on each side. E0((!B"*(( The game /as invented by +illiam D. 'organ of 'assachusett (U)*) in 9?@4 as an alternative to "as,etball. The :nternational Eolleyball *ssociation (:E*) /as formed in Paris in *pril 9@.H. The +orld $hampionship for men began in 9@.@ and for /omen in 9@42. The first +orld $hampionship /ere held in 9@.@ in Prague. Eolleyball made its entry into 0lympics in 9@5. at To,yo and into the *sian Dames in 9@4? (To,yo). 3umber of players < T/o teams of si& players each. "each Eolleyball < "ecause of the many difficulties of playing outdoors1 such as the sand1 the sun and the /ind1 beach volleyball players must have outstanding ball s,ills and court speed. 6egular Eolleyball < 'atches are played best of five sets. The first four sets are played to 24 points1 /ith the final set begin played to 94 ponts. +*T!6 P0(0 :t is thought that "ritish resort o/ners invented this rather strange pastime during the mid-9?@@1 in an attempt-ho/ever to attract guests. The first matches /ere played on nearby la,es and rivers1 and the gameJs passing similarity to horsebac, polo earned it the name L/ater poloM. *fter the elimination of the paddles and barrels1 the game /as adapted to s/imming pools in 9?H8 by the (ondon )/imming $lub1 /ho hosted the first official game at the $rystal Palace Plunge in (ondon. 'atches resembled rugby on /ater1 and /ere based more on brute strength than athletic s,ill. Under/ater /restling bouts /ould leave some players barely conscious /hen they rose to the surface. * common tric, players used /as to place the small ball in their s/imming trun,s and s/im under/ater to/ards the goal1 /here they /ould score by removing the ball and slamming it onto the pool dec,. Planning *rea and !2uipment < 'enJs game area in /ater 28 m to #8 m long and ? to 28 m /ide and /omenJs game area not e&ceeding 24 m by 9H m. the round /ater proof ball has a circumference of 8.5? to 8.H9m and /eights .88gm to .48 gm. Doals are # metre apart and generally 8.@ m above /ater level. 3umber of Players < 5 players at anyone time in the playing area e&cluding the goalie. +!:DHT(: T:3D :n /eightlifting1 the competitors aim to lift a /eighted bar above the head and hold

it under control until signalled by the referee to replaced it on the platform. +eightilifting is spilit into t/o separate liftsYthe snatch1 and the clean and Fer,. $ompetitors get a ma&imum of three attempts at each lift. *s a basic athletic activity and a natural means to measure strength and po/er1 the lifting of /eights /as present in both the ancient !gyptian and Dree, societies. (ifters perform t/o types of liftsYthe snatch and the clean and Fer,. :n the snatch1 they lift the bar to armJs length above their head in one movement. :n the clean and Fer,1 they lift the bar to their shoulders1 stand up straight1 then Fer, the bar to armJs length above their head. +6!)T(:3D +restling is an individual combat sport fought bet/een t/o /restlers on a mat. They can use different styles and techni2ues in a bid to thro/ their opponent to the ground and pin him do/n to register a fall. The /restler /ho achieves the fall is declared the /inner of the bout. +ith the possible e&ception of trac, and field (athletics)1 /restling is the most ancient sport ,no/n to have been continuously practised competitively. +restling /as introduced into the ancient 0lympics in H8? "$. +ell before the inaugural modern 0lympic Dames of 9?@51 /restling /as as much a part of DreeceJs cultural heritage as hoc,ey has been to $anadians. 'any e&perts regard /restling as the /orldJs oldest competitive sport1 and indeed1 /all paintings in !gypt depicting grapplers date bac, 41888 years. "ut the original Dree, 0lympics but /restling on the map in the ancient /orld1 ma,ing its 0lympic debut in the Dames of H8? "$. :t /as apprarently a much more violent1 punishing sport in those early days1 /hen it had closer ties to military training. +restling spread through the 6oman +orld1 as /ell as other early civilisations in :ndia1 $hina1 Aapan and throughout the 'iddle !ast. +restling died out /ith the 0lympic Dames in the %ar, *ges1 but it /as natural that /hen organisers of the 9?@5 0lympics searched for sports /ith roots in anti2uity1 they loo,ed to /restling. :t /as the sho/piece event of those 0lympics1 much as the 988Ymetre final is in the present day Dames. 3ational Trophies ================================= *gar/al $up *gha Khan $up *ll-:ndia +omenJs Duru 3ana, $hampionship "andod,ar Trophy "angalore "lues $hallenge $up "arna-"ellac, $up "eighton $up "ombay Dold $up "urd/an Trophy $harminar Trophy $hadha $up $.K. 3aydu Trophy $ha,oia Dold Trophy "adminton Hoc,ey Hoc,ey ootball "as,etball Table Tennis Hoc,ey Hoc,ey +eight-lifting *thletics "adminton $ric,et ootball

%ivan $up %eodhar Trophy %uleep Trophy %$' $up %urand $up %hyan $hand Trophy %r. ".$. 6oy Trophy !7ra $up * $up D% "irla Trophy Dhulam *hmed Trophy Durmeet Trophy Duru 3ana, $up Dyanuati %evi Trophy Hol,ar Trophy :rani Trophy : * )hield :ndira Dold $up Aa/aharlal $hallenge *ir Aas/ant )ingh Trophy Kuppus/amy 3aidu Trophy (ady 6attan Tata Trophy '$$ Trophy 'oinuddaula Dold $up 'urugappa Dold $up 'odi Dold $up 3arang $up 3ehru Trophy 3i&an Dold $up 0baid Ullah Dold $up Prithi )ingh $up 6ani Ahansi Trophy 6anFit Trophy 6angas/ami $up 6anFit )ingh Dold $up 6aFendra Prasad $up 6amanuFan Trophy 6ene ran, Trophy 6adha 'ohan $up 6aghbir )ingh 'emorial 6ohinton "aria Trophy 6overs $up )anFay Dold $up )antosh Trophy )ir *shutosh 'u,herFee )ubroto $up )cindia Dold $up )ahni Trophy

"adminton $ric,et $ric,et ootball ootball Hoc,ey ootball (Aunior) Polo ootball $ric,et $ric,et Hoc,ey Hoc,ey Hoc,ey "ridge $ric,et ootball Hoc,ey 6acing "est )ervices )portsman Hoc,ey Hoc,ey Hoc,ey $ric,et Hoc,ey Hoc,ey "adminton Hoc,ey ootball Hoc,ey Polo $ric,et $ric,et Hoc,ey Hoc,ey Tennis Table Tennis Hoc,ey Polo ootball $ric,et ootball ootball ootball ootball ootball Hoc,ey Hoc,ey

)heesh 'ahal Trophy Todd 'emorial Trophy Tommy !man Dold $up Eittal Trophy Ei77y Trophy EiFay 'erchant Trophy +ellington Trophy +ills Trophy :nternational Trophies ========================================= *merican $up Bacht *shes "enson and Hedges $anada $up $olombo $up $orbitton $up %avis $up Horse Drand 3ational Horse )treple $hase Aules 6imet Trophy KingJs $up *ir 'erde,a $up 6ydet $up )/aythling $up Thomas $up U. Thant $up Uber $up +al,er $up +estchester $up +ightman $up +orld $up +orld $up 6eliance $up 6othmanJs Trophy +illiamJs $up !uropean $hampions $up !isenho/er $up !ssandre $hampions $up 6ene ran, Trophy Drand Pri& Table !dgbaston $up (a/n Drand Pri& (a/n 3ational )ports and Dames =================================================== Countr *ustralia

$ric,et ootball Hoc,ey ootball $ric,et $ric,et 6o/ing $ric,et

6acing $ric,et $ric,et Dolf ootball Table Tennis (+omen) 6ace 6ace +orld )occer $up 6aces ootball Dolf Table Tennis ('en) "adminton Tennis "adminton (+omen) Dolf Polo (a/n Tennis $ric,et Hoc,ey $ric,et $ric,et "as,etball ootball Dolf Hoc,ey Hoc,ey Tennis Tennis Tennis

National S)ort Tennis and $ric,et

$anada $hina !ngland :ndia Aapan 'alaysia )cotland )pain U)* ormer )oviet

(acrosse Table Tennis $ric,et1 ootball. Hoc,ey1 Kabaddi Audo "adminton 6ugby1 ootball. "ull ighting "aseball. Union ootball.

NA058NAL &A"4S 82 6A-58.S C8.N0-54S

U)* )pain $anada 3e/ ;ealand :ndia Pa,istan "angladesh )rilan,a 6ussia $hina "ra7il rance !ngland Aapan *ustralia Pa,istan 'alaysia )cotland :ndonesia "hutan )/it7erland Tur,ey "aseball "ull ighting :ce Hoc,ey 6ugby Union Hoc,ey ield Hoc,ey Kabbadi Eolley ball ootball and $hess Table Tennis ootball(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb ootball $ric,et Audo(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb $ric,et Hoc,ey "adminton 6ugby ootball "adminton *rchery )hooting and Dymnastics +restling and Aereed

D'#ortant 6rganization an" +-''it 2 &-rrent /ffairs 2013 32014

%*D&+ >%razil, *-ssia, Dn"ia, &hina an" +o-th /frica? +-''its

Fth Gth Hth Ith

9-5CS 9-5CS 9-5CS 9-5CS

Su**it 2012 Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia Su**it 2013 Y %urban1 )outh *frica Su**it 201F Y ortale7a1 "ra7il Su**it 201G Y Ufa 6issia

!37 /nn-al +-''its

!ro-# of Eight >!7? &o-ntries C France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Russia"

3Ith 3Jth 3Kth F0th

&J &J &J &J

"eetin! 2011 Y %eauville1 rance "eetin! 2012 Y %avid camp1 U)* Su**it 2013 Y $ounty ermanagh1 UK Su**it 201F Y 6ussia

!320 +-''its
Ith & 20 "eetin! 2012 Y (os $abos1 'e&ico Jth & 20 "eetin! 2013 Y )aint Petersburg1 6ussia Kth & 20 "eetin! 201F Y "risbane1 *ustralia 98th & 20 "eetin! 201G Y Tur,ey

+//*& +-''its /'';# C /o!th 'sian 'ssociation for ;e2ional #ooperation

1Ith SAA-C Su**it 2011Y *ddu1 'aldives 1Jth SAA-C Su**it 2013 Y Kathmandu13epal

/+E/N +-''its /+E/N C Association of South East Asian ation

1Kth AS4AN Su**it 2011 %No<e*ber+ Y "ali1 :ndonesia 20th AS4AN Su**it 2012 %A)ril+ Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia 21th AS4AN Su**it 2012 %No<e*ber+Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia 22n# AS4AN Su**it 2013 %A)ril+ Y "andar )eri "ega/an1 "runei Kth AS4AN$5n#ia Su**it 2011 Y "ali1 :ndonesia 10th AS4AN$5n#ia Su**it 2012 Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia

/+E/N3Dn"ia +-''it East /sia +-''it >E/+? EAS meetings are held after annual ASEA leaders! meetings"

Hth 4ast Asia Su**it 2011 Y "ali1 :ndonesia Ith 4ast Asia Su**it 2012 Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia

D%+/ +-''its D%+/ 9ialog-e For-' . India, #ra$il, South Africa"

Gth 59SA Su**it 2011 Y Pretoria1 )outh *frica Hth 59SA Su**it 2013 Y :ndia

/PE& +-''its 'P8# C 'sia Pacific 8conomic #ooperation

23r# 2Fth 2Gth 2Hth 2Ith 2Jth


su**it 2011 Y Honolulu1 U)* Su**it 2012 Y Eladivosto,16ussia Su**it 2013 Y 'edan-Aa,arta1 :ndonesia Su**it 201F Y $hina Su**it 201G Y Philippines Su**it 201H Y (ima1 Peru

6PE& +e'inars 6PE& C %rgani$ation of &etroleum E'porting Countries

Fth 8P4C 5nternational Se*inar 200K Y Eienna1 *ustria Gth 8P4C 5nternational Se*inar 2012 Y Eienna1 *ustria

N/( +-''its N'$ C Non.ali2ned $ovement

1Hth NA" Su**it 2012 Y Tehran1 :ran 1Ith NA" Su**it 201G Y $aracas1Eene7uela

N-clear +ec-rity +-''it

2nd )ummit 2892 Y )eoul ()outh Korea) #rd )ummit 289.(3e&t) < 3etherlands

+&6 (eetings +&6 C Shanghai Cooperation %rgani$ation

SC8 "eetin! 2011 Y *stana1 Ka7a,hstan SC8 "eetin! 2012 Y "eiFing1 $hina SC8 "eetin! 2013 Y Kyrgy7stan

N/T6 )North 'tlantic treaty or2anization+ international conference on 'f2hanistan will be held in &hicago ),/'+ /sian 9e.elo#'ent %an, >/9%? /nn-al (eetings 'nn!al meetin2 of the board of 2overnors of the 'sian Development ?an4 )'D?+ held every year"

A;9 Annual "eetin! 2012 Y 'anila1 Philippines A;9 Annual "eetin! 2013 Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia

WT6 (inisterial &onferences (T5 C (orld Trade 5r2anization

Jth W08 "inisterial Conferences 2011 Y Deneva1 )/it7erland Kth W08 "inisterial Conferences 2013 %4C)ecte#+ -"ali1 :ndonesia (ondon to host @th :slamic economic forum Y The ninth edition /ill be held at (ondonJs !&cel $entre bet/een 2@th and #9st 0ctober1 first time that the event /ill be held outside of a 'uslim country Hth 6egional Pravasi "hartiya %ivas to be held in )ydney 4th To,yo :nternational $onference on *frican %evelopmentl Y Bo,ohama (Aapan) ?th )ession of the :ndia-Bemen Aoint $ommittee for !conomic1 )cientific and Technical $ooperation (A$') too, place in 3e/ %elhi +! :ndia chapter meet< Kochi /ill host the 2@th annual meeting of the +orld !conomic orum (:ndia chapter) on 3ovember ? and @. This is the first time that +orld !conomic orum (:ndia chapter) event /as being planned for )outh :ndia. !arlier1 2H 'eetings of +orld !conomic orum /ere held in 3e/ %elhi and once in 'umbai1 'aharashtra. .th :ndia-U) )trategic %ialogue Y 3e/ %elhi #rd )**6$ 'inisterial (evel 'eet on Poverty Y 3epal )**6$ literature festival 289# Y *gra 9@. )**6$ summit 2892 Y :ndore. 28. )**6$ FournalistsJ summit held in :ndore. *rab )ummit 2892 Y "aghdad (:ra2) *rab league )ummit Y %oha. +orld !conomic orum )ummit 2892 3ov-Durgaon(Haryana) 2.. 98th "*):$ )ummit Y 3e/ %elhi !arth )ummit < -6io de Aaneiro United 3ation conference on )ustanable %evlopment- 6io de Aaneiro +orld !conomic orum Y %avos ()/it7erland) 99th !nergy !fficiency )ummit organi7ed by ($:: Y $onfederation of :ndian :ndustries) Y Hyderabad +orld $onference on :nternational Telecommunications (+$:T) held in %ubai. #8. The international biodiversity meetY Hyderabad

6ther D'#ortant +-''itsJ (eetings

5th :")* ( :ndia1 "ra7il1 )outh *frica) )ummit Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia .5th annual general meeting of the 'anila-based multilateral lending agency held at Dreater 3oida. United 3ations frame/or, convention on $limate1 2899 Y %urban1 )outh *frica 98th "*):$ 'inisterial 'eeting on $limate $hange Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia 92th *nnual summit of !uropean Union and :ndia Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia D-28 inance 'inisters and $entral "an, Dovernors meeting Y 'e&ico $ity1 'e&ico riends of )yria 'eeting Y :stanbul1Tur,ey 4th 'inisterial level :ndia-UK !conomic inancial %ialogue Y 3e/ %elhi United 3ation $onference on )ustainable %evelopment 2892 Y 6io de Faneiro1"ra7il 9Hth 3ational youth estival Y 'angalore1 Karnata,a +orld !conomic orum Y %avos1 )/it7erland +orld Polio )ummit 2892 Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia :ndia1 6ussia :nter-Dovernmental $ommission meet 2892 Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia .nite# Nation Y Total 'ember Y 9@# ((ast memberY )outh )udan) W08 Y Total 'ember Y 94@ ((ast member Y TaFi,istan1 (aos1 6ussia) Worl# ban' an# 5nternational "onetar 2un# Y Total 'ember Y 9?? ((ast member Y )outh )udan) 4uro)ean .nion Y Total member Y 2? ((ast 'ember Y $roatia)

Ne1 (e'ber of D'#ortant 6rganizations

Last ;#"ate: /eptember 17, 2013

"6:$) ("ra7il1 6ussia1 :ndia1 $hina and )outh *frica) )ummits ` .th "6:$) )ummit 2892 Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia ` 4th "6:$) )ummit 289# Y %urban1 )outh *frica D-? *nnual )ummits Droup of !ight (D?) $ountries Y rance1 Dermany1 :taly1 Aapan1 United Kingdom1 United )tates of *merica1 $anada1 6ussia. ` #Hth D? 'eeting 2899 Y %eauville1 rance ` #?th D? 'eeting 2892 Y %avid camp1 U)* ` #@th D? )ummit 289# Y $ounty ermanagh1 UK ` .8th D? )ummit 289. Y 6ussia D-28 )ummits ` Hth D 28 'eeting 2892 Y (os $abos1 'e&ico ` ?th D 28 'eeting 289# Y )aint Petersburg1 6ussia ` @th D 28 'eeting 289. Y "risbane1 *ustralia )**6$ )ummits )**6$ Y )outh *sian *ssociation for 6egional $ooperation ` 9Hth )**6$ )ummit 2899Y *ddu1 'aldives ` 9?th )**6$ )ummit 289# Y Kathmandu13epal *)!*3 )ummits *)!*3 Y *ssociation of )outh !ast *sian 3ation ` 9@th *)!*3 )ummit 2899 (3ovember) Y "ali1 :ndonesia ` 28th *)!*3 )ummit 2892 (*pril) Y Phnompenh1 $ambodia ` 29th *)!*3 )ummit 2892 (3ovember)Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia *)!*3-:ndia )ummit

` @th *)!*3-:ndia )ummit 2899 Y "ali1 :ndonesia ` 98th *)!*3-:ndia )ummit 2892 Y Phnompenh1 $ambodia !ast *sia )ummit (!*)) !*) meetings are held after annual *)!*3 leadersJ meetings. ` 5th !ast *sia )ummit 2899 Y "ali1 :ndonesia ` Hth !ast *sia )ummit 2892 Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia :")* )ummits :")* %ialogue orum Y :ndia1 "ra7il1 )outh *frica. ` 4th :")* )ummit 2899 Y Pretoria1 )outh *frica ` 5th :")* )ummit 289# Y :ndia *P!$ )ummits *P!$ Y *sia Pacific !conomic $ooperation ` 2#rd *P!$ summit 2899 Y Honolulu1 U)* ` *P!$ )ummit 2892 Y Eladivosto,16ussia ` 24th *P!$ )ummit 289# Y 'edan-Aa,arta1 :ndonesia ` 25th *P!$ )ummit 289. Y $hina ` 2Hth *P!$ )ummit 2894 Y Philippines ` 2?th *P!$ )ummit 2895 Y (ima1 Peru 0P!$ )eminars 0P!$ Y 0rgani7ation of Petroleum !&porting $ountries ` .th 0P!$ :nternational )eminar 288@ Y Eienna1 *ustria ` 4th 0P!$ :nternational )eminar 2892 Y Eienna1 *ustria 3*' )ummits 3*' Y 3on-aligned 'ovement ` 95th 3*' )ummit 2892 Y Tehran1 :ran ` 9Hth 3*' )ummit 2894 Y $aracas1Eene7uela )$0 'eetings )$0 Y ` )$0 'eeting 2899 ` )$0 'eeting 2892 ` )$0 'eeting 289# )hanghai $ooperation 0rgani7ation Y *stana1 Ka7a,hstan Y "eiFing1 $hina Y Kyrgy7stan

3*T0 (3orth *tlantic treaty organi7ation) international conference on *fghanistan /ill be held in $hicago (U)*) *sian %evelopment "an, (*%") *nnual 'eetings *nnual meeting of the board of governors of the *sian %evelopment "an, (*%") held every year. ` *%" *nnual 'eeting 2892 Y 'anila1 Philippines ` *%" *nnual 'eeting 289# Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia +T0 'inisterial $onferences ` ?th +T0 'inisterial $onferences 2899 Y Deneva1 )/it7erland ` @th +T0 'inisterial $onferences 289# (!&pected) -"ali1 :ndonesia. 9-5CS %9razil? -ussia? 5n#ia? China an# South Africa+ Su**its ` .th "6:$) )ummit 2892 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia ` 4th "6:$) )ummit 289# %urban1 )outh *frica &$J Annual Su**its &rou) of 4i!ht %&J+ Countries N 2rance? &er*an ? 5tal ? ,a)an? .nite# >in!#o*? .nite# States of A*erica? Cana#a? -ussia.

` ` ` `

#Hth #?th #@th .8th

D? D? D? D?

'eeting 2899 'eeting 2892 )ummit 289# )ummit 289.

%eauville1 rance %avid camp1 U)* $ounty ermanagh1 UK 6ussia

&$20 Su**its ` Hth D 28 'eeting 2892 (os $abos1 'e&ico ` ?th D 28 'eeting 289# )aint Petersburg1 6ussia ` @th D 28 'eeting 289. "risbane1 *ustralia )**6$ )ummits )**6$ Y )outh *sian *ssociation for 6egional $ooperation ` 9Hth )**6$ )ummit 2899 *ddu1 'aldives ` 9?th )**6$ )ummit 289# Kathmandu13epal AS4AN Su**its AS4AN N Association of South 4ast Asian Nation ` 9@th *)!*3 )ummit 2899 (3ovember) "ali1 :ndonesia ` 28th *)!*3 )ummit 2892 (*pril) Phnom penh1 $ambodia ` 29th *)!*3 )ummit 2892 (3ovember) Phnom penh1 $ambodia AS4AN$5n#ia Su**it ` @th *)!*3-:ndia )ummit 2899 ` 98th *)!*3-:ndia )ummit 2892 "ali1 :ndonesia Phnom penh1 $ambodia

4ast Asia Su**it %4AS+ 4AS *eetin!s are hel# after annual AS4AN lea#ersA *eetin!s. ` 5th !ast *sia )ummit 2899 "ali1 :ndonesia ` Hth !ast *sia )ummit 2892 Phnom penh1 $ambodia 59SA Su**its 59SA ;ialo!ue 2oru* 5n#ia? 9razil? South Africa. ` 4th :")* )ummit 2899 Pretoria1 )outh *frica ` 5th :")* )ummit 289# :ndia AP4C Su**its AP4C$ Asia Pacific 4cono*ic Coo)eration ` 2#rd *P!$ summit 2899 Honolulu1 U)* ` *P!$ )ummit 2892 Eladivosto,16ussia ` 24th *P!$ )ummit 289# 'edan-Aa,arta1 :ndonesia ` 25th *P!$ )ummit 289. $hina ` 2Hth *P!$ )ummit 2894 Philippines ` 2?th *P!$ )ummit 2895 (ima1 Peru 8P4C Se*inars 8P4C$ 8r!anization of Petroleu* 4C)ortin! Countries ` .th 0P!$ :nternational )eminar 288@ Eienna1 *ustria ` 4th 0P!$ :nternational )eminar 2892 Eienna1 *ustria 3*' )ummits 3*'- 3on-aligned 'ovement ` 95th 3*' )ummit 2892 Tehran1 :ran ` 9Hth 3*' )ummit 2894 $aracas1Eene7uela SC8 "eetin!s SC8$ Shan!hai Coo)eration 8r!anization ` )$0 'eeting 2899 *stana1 Ka7a,hstan

` )$0 'eeting 2892 ` )$0 'eeting 289#

"eiFing1 $hina Kyrgy7stan

NA08 %North Atlantic treat or!anization+ international conference on Af!hanistan (ill be hel# in Chica!o %.SA+ Asian ;e<elo)*ent 9an' %A;9+ Annual "eetin!s Annual *eetin! of the boar# of !o<ernors of the Asian ;e<elo)*ent 9an' %A;9+ hel# e<er ear. ` *%" *nnual 'eeting 2892 'anila1 Philippines ` *%" *nnual 'eeting 289# 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia

W08 "inisterial Conferences ` ?th +T0 'inisterial $onferences2899 ` @th +T0 'inisterial $onferences289# (!&pected)

Deneva1 )/it7erland "ali1 :ndonesia

:'P06T*3T )U'':T) H!(% 03 2892-9# "6:$) ("ra7il1 6ussia1 :ndia1 $hina and )outh *frica) )ummits ` .th "6:$) )ummit 2892 Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia ` 4th "6:$) )ummit 289# Y %urban1 )outh *frica D-? *nnual )ummits Droup of !ight (D?) $ountries Y rance1 Dermany1 :taly1 Aapan1 United Kingdom1 United )tates of *merica1 $anada1 6ussia. ` #Hth D? 'eeting 2899 Y %eauville1 rance ` #?th D? 'eeting 2892 Y %avid camp1 U)* ` #@th D? )ummit 289# Y $ounty ermanagh1 UK ` .8th D? )ummit 289. Y 6ussia D-28 )ummits ` Hth D 28 'eeting 2892 Y (os $abos1 'e&ico ` ?th D 28 'eeting 289# Y )aint Petersburg1 6ussia ` @th D 28 'eeting 289. Y "risbane1 *ustralia )**6$ )ummits )**6$ Y )outh *sian *ssociation for 6egional $ooperation ` 9Hth )**6$ )ummit 2899Y *ddu1 'aldives ` 9?th )**6$ )ummit 289# Y Kathmandu13epal *)!*3 )ummits *)!*3 Y *ssociation of )outh !ast *sian 3ation ` 9@th *)!*3 )ummit 2899 (3ovember) Y "ali1 :ndonesia ` 28th *)!*3 )ummit 2892 (*pril)Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia ` 29th *)!*3 )ummit 2892 (3ovember)Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia *)!*3-:ndia )ummit

` @th *)!*3-:ndia )ummit 2899 Y "ali1 :ndonesia ` 98th *)!*3-:ndia )ummit 2892 Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia !ast *sia )ummit (!*)) !*) meetings are held after annual *)!*3 leadersJ meetings. ` 5th !ast *sia )ummit 2899 Y "ali1 :ndonesia ` Hth !ast *sia )ummit 2892 Y Phnom penh1 $ambodia :")* )ummits :")* %ialogue orum - :ndia1 "ra7il1 )outh *frica. ` 4th :")* )ummit 2899 Y Pretoria1 )outh *frica ` 5th :")* )ummit 289# Y :ndia *P!$ )ummits *P!$ Y *sia Pacific !conomic $ooperation ` ` ` ` ` ` 2#rd 24th 25th 2Hth 2?th *P!$ *P!$ *P!$ *P!$ *P!$ *P!$ summit 2899 Y Honolulu1 U)* )ummit 2892 Y Eladivosto,16ussia )ummit 289# Y 'edan-Aa,arta1 :ndonesia )ummit 289. Y $hina )ummit 2894 Y Philippines )ummit 2895 Y (ima1 Peru

0P!$ )eminars 0P!$ Y 0rgani7ation of Petroleum !&porting $ountries ` .th 0P!$ :nternational )eminar 288@ Y Eienna1 *ustria ` 4th 0P!$ :nternational )eminar 2892 Y Eienna1 *ustria 3*' )ummits 3*' Y 3on-aligned 'ovement ` 95th 3*' )ummit 2892 Y Tehran1 :ran ` 9Hth 3*' )ummit 2894 Y $aracas1Eene7uela )$0 'eetings )$0 Y )hanghai $ooperation 0rgani7ation ` )$0 'eeting 2899 Y *stana1 Ka7a,hstan ` )$0 'eeting 2892 Y "eiFing1 $hina ` )$0 'eeting 289# Y Kyrgy7stan 3*T0 (3orth *tlantic treaty organi7ation) international conference on *fghanistan /ill be held in $hicago (U)*) *sian %evelopment "an, (*%") *nnual 'eetings *nnual meeting of the board of governors of the *sian %evelopment "an, (*%") held every year. ` *%" *nnual 'eeting 2892 Y 'anila1 Philippines ` *%" *nnual 'eeting 289# Y 3e/ %elhi1 :ndia +T0 'inisterial $onferences

` ?th +T0 'inisterial $onferences2899 Y Deneva1 )/it7erland ` @th +T0 'inisterial $onferences289# (!&pected) -"ali1 :ndonesia )pecial DK Pac,age for coming !&ams - 3e/ *ppointment ( rom 'arch 289#...... ) visit S share< ///.onlineg,.org 9. *mol 6aFan appointed as :ndependent editor. 2. "obby Dhosh is Time :nternational editor. #. Kamala %evi Harris is an *merican attorney. .. )enate approves Aames $omey as ne/ ": director. 4. )usan 6ice named as 0bama=s ne/ 3ational )ecurity *dvisor. 5. Haryana cadre :P) )harad Kumar to be ne/ 3:* chief. H. )hashi Kant )harma1 an :*) officer of the 9@H5 batch from "ihar cadre----------$*D of :ndia . ?. P. )athasivam ta,es oath as ne/ $hief Austice of :ndia @. +orld Trade 0rgani7ation names "ra7ilian as ne/ chief---------6oberto $arvalho de *7evedo. 98. *ntigua=s *mbassador to the United 3ations1 Aohn *she1 has been elected President of the United 3ations Deneral *ssembly. 99. 0bama 3ames Eeteran Troubleshooter to *fghanistan-Pa,istan Post----------Aames . %obbins. 92. )iddha 6amaiah s/orn in as ne/ Karnata,a chief minister ------- 22nd . 9#. :ndian High $ommissioner to 'aldives 6aFeev )hahare. 9.. +u Hongbo1 Under-)ecretary-Deneral for !conomic and )ocial *ffairs. 94. Priyadarshini Dovind appointed director of Kala,shetra. 95. )unil )oni appointed %irector Deneral of "ureau of :ndian )tandards. 9H. Hemant )oren becomes Ahar,hand $'1 heads @th government in 9# years. 9?. AiFi Thomson. %irector Deneral1 )*:. 9@. 36: )unil $hopra elected as the %eputy 'ayor of a (ondon "orough. 28. Kushal )ingh appointed as 3$P$6 chairperson---3ational $ommission for Protection of $hild 6ights (3$P$6). 29. (a&man )ingh 6athore1 the %irector Deneral of 'eteorology S Permanent 6epresentative of :ndia /ith +orld 'eteorological 0rgani7ation. 22. )ubhash Kumar appointed as the 3e/ $hief )ecretary of Uttara,hand. 2#. Krishna,umar 3ataraFan------------------ 3*))$0' $hairman 2..)om 'ittal-------------------------- 3*))$0' President 24. %r 'anmohan )ingh appoints 6entala $handrase,har as 3T60 chief---3ational Technical 6esearch 0rganisation. 25. )enior :P) officer Krishna $haudhary --------- %irector Deneral1 3ational %isaster 6esponse orce and $ivil %efence. 2H. 3e/ chief of %irect "enefits Transfer )cheme--------- ) )undareshan. 2?. Qatar=s ne/ young emir )hei,h Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. 2@. 3. 6. 3arayana 'urthy----------------------(!&ecutive $hairman) :nfosys #8. ). %. )hibulal--------------------------------($!0 S '%) :nfosys #9. ). Dopala,rishnan-(!&ecutive Eice $hairman1 former $o-$hairman) :nfosys #2. K. Eaman Kamath is the (ead :ndependent %irector of :nfosys (imited 1 :nfosys ##. !.K. "harat "hushan has been appointed as the $hief )ecretary of Kerala. #.. Hindustan Times has appointed 3icholas %a/es1 editor-in-chief of 'ail and Duardian ('SD)1 a leading )outh *frican paper.

#4. Tomas "runegdrd1 chairman of )/edenJs )tampen 'edia Droup1 is the ne/ president of the +orld *ssociation of 3e/spapers and 3e/s Publishers. #5. oreign 'inister of *rgentina 'r. Hector 'arcos. #H. Pa, Pong-Fu served as the Premier of 3orth Korea since elected by the %P6K=s )upreme People=s *ssembly. #?. 6ecep Tayyip !rdoean is the 24th and current Prime 'inister of Tur,ey. #@. Hassan 6ohani is :ran=s president. .8. oreign 'inister of $uba "runo 6odrigue7 Parrilla.. .9. Dold miner *ngloDold *shanti has appointed )rinivasan Een,ata,rishnan as chief e&ecutive officer. .2. %ato= )ri HaFi 'ohammad 3aFib bin Tun HaFi *bdul 6a7a, is a 'alaysian politician /ho has been the si&th Prime 'inister of 'alaysia. .#. Tsa,hiagiin !lbegdorF is the .th and current President of 'ongolia. ... *misha )ethi appointed chief commercial officer at *ir*sia :ndia . .4. *ir*sia=s chief e&ecutive officer Tony ernandes . .5. *ir*sia :ndia $!0 'ittu $handilya. .H. *ir*sia :ndia appoints T$)= ) 6amadorai as $hairman. .?. Tata Droup chairman emeritus 6atan Tata /ill be the chief advisor to the board of *ir*sia :ndia. .@. *ir*sia has been named the +orld=s "est and *sia=s "est (o/ $ost *irline . 48. Tony ernandes announced as ne/ o/ner of Queens Par, 6angers. 49. $abinet )ecretary--------------------- )hri *Fit Kumar )eth . 42. Union home secretary---------------- *nil Dos/ami . 4#. )ecretary of %efense---------------- 6 K 'athur . 4.. oreign )ecretary------------------- )uFatha )ingh. 44. Union finance secretary ------------- 6aFiv Ta,ru . 45. !conomic *ffairs )ecretary---------- *rvind 'ayaram . 4H. :nformation and broadcasting (:S") secretary--------"imal Aul,a 4?. )ecretary of the %epartment of Telecommunications (%oT)------' aroo2ui 4@. P'(-3 leader *ya7 )adi2 elected )pea,er of Pa, Parliament. 58. 'oin Khan1 the former Pa,istan captain and /ic,et,eeper1 has been appointed the chief selector of the Pa,istan national cric,et team. 59. 3aFam )ethi named P$"=s interim chairman. 52. KanFi 6am became only the second Hindu to be part of the Pa,istan=s PunFab assembly after )eth "harta 6am. 5#. Pa,istan High $ommissioner in :ndia---------)alman "ashir . 5.. 6aFa ;afrul Ha2---------chairman of P'(-3. 54. T$* 6aghavan is :ndia=s ne/ envoy to Pa,istan. 55. 5H. 5?. 5@. H8. H9. H2. H#. H.. *runachal Pradesh--- 3irbhay )harma Y 2@ 'ay 289# "ihar-------------------------- %. B. Patil Y @ 'arch 289# Kerala-----------------------3i,hil Kumar @ 'arch 289# 'eghalaya---------------------------K. K. Paul Y 9 Auly 289# 3agaland--------------- *sh/ani Kumar Y @ 'arch 289# 0disha----------------- ). $. Aamir @ 'arch 289# )i,,im------- )hrini/as %adasaheb Patil Y 9 Auly 289# Tripura----------- %evanand Kon/ar Y @ 'arch 289# *ndaman and 3icobar :slands (ieutenant-Dovernor *. K. )ingh Y 9 Auly 289#

H4. %elhi---- (ieutenant-Dovernor 3aFeeb Aung Y 9 Auly 289# H5. Puducherry------ (ieutenant-Dovernor Eirendra Kataria Y 9 Auly 289# HH. 'alaysian prime minister 3aFib 6a7a,. H?. Paraguayan president ederico ranco ($olorado Party ). H@. Eene7uela=s President 3icolas 'aduro offered asylum to former U.). intelligence contractor !d/ard )no/den. ?8. Parliamentary )pea,er *bdul Hamid s/orn in as "angladesh President to replace ;illur 6ahman1 /ho died. ?9. .:nfosys= ) Dopala,rishnan is the ne/ $:: President. ?2. )ecretary in Union Public )ervice $ommission (UP)$) ---------- *marFit )ingh . ?#. *&is ne/ President Y 6etail "an,ing ----------------- 6aFiv *nand ?.. )hri )unil Kumar has ta,en over as 'anaging %irector1 $entre for 6ail/ay :nformation )ystems ($6:)). ?4. )enior :*) officer )udhir "hargava /as Tuesday appointed as )ecretary in 'inistry of )ocial Austice and !mpo/erment. ?5. 6aFya )abha %eputy $hairman PA Kurien unanimously elected the $hairman of the prestigious *sian orum of Parliamentarians on Population and %evelopment (* PP%) in "ang,o,. ?H. 3. 3. Eohra His !&cellency Dovernor of Aammu S Kashmir S $hancellor1 )hri 'ata Eaishno %evi University. ??. 3e/ head of the U) )ecurities and !&change $ommission ------- 'ary Ao +hite ?@. 3 6avi1 %irector of Kasturi and )ons (imited1 publisher of >The Hindu> ne/spaper1 has been unanimously elected President of the !ditors Duild of :ndia. @8. $hief Austice of PunFab and Haryana High $ourt *rFan Kumar )i,ri and $hief Austice of 'adhya Pradesh High $ourt )harad *rvind "obde as ne/ Fudges of )upreme $ourt. @9. *Fay ) )hriram1 chairman and senior managing director of %$' )hriram $onsolidated (td (%)$() is president designate of $:: for the year 289#-289.. @2. 's. 6ashida 'anFoo ()outh *frica) /as appointed as U3 )pecial 6apporteur on violence against /omen. @#. 3arendra Kumar has ta,en over as 'anaging %irector of :ndraprastha Das (td (:D(). @.. 6aninder )ingh re-elected president of 3ational 6ifle *ssociation of :ndia. @4. Aeev 'il,ha )ingh becomes Eolvo :ndia brand ambassador. @5. :ndian %irect )elling *ssociation (:%)* ne/ chairman -------------- *marnath )engupta . @H. The :ndian %irect )elling *ssociation (:%)*) Eice $hairman ------------- P. %evadas @?. Hoc,ey :ndia set to appoint foreign goal,eeping coach------------Dreg $lar,e (Funior men=s team coach). @@. )ania 'ir7a Foins :ndian Tennis Players *ssociation as Eice President. 988. $hairman of )taff )election $ommission ())$) ----- *mitava "hattacharyya . 989. $omputer )ociety of :ndia elected H.6. 'ohan as its Eice-President-$umPresident. 982. )i,,imese /oman /ho captained the U.). *rmy------------ ormer )i,,imese $hief 'inister 3arbahadur "handariJs daughter Perilla "handari )/art7 . 98#. %elhi-born )unil $hopra elected as the %eputy 'ayor of (ondon "orough. 98.. *Fay %evgn1 "angladeshi singer 6una (aila and 0scar-/inning Pa,istani filmma,er )harmeen 0baid-$hinoy have been named as )**6$ Dood/ill *mbassadors for H:E-*:%).

984. $ogni7ant $!0 rancisco %=)ou7a gets over \98-mn pay pac,age. 985. )hei,h )alman "in !brahim *l Khalifa /ill run *sian football for the ne&t t/o years after the "ahraini /on a three-/ay election for the presidency of the *sian ootball $onfederation (* $). 98H. P )athasivam to be ne/ $hief Austice of :ndia. 98?. 3ational President of the $onfederation of 6eal !state %evelopersJ *ssociation of :ndia ($6!%*:) --------------------------------- $. )he,har 6eddy . 98@. $hief Austice for High $ourt of Himachal Pradesh -------- *Fay 'ani,rao Khan/il,ar . 998. +ho /as named KPhilanthropist of the BearJ at the third edition of the annual *sian */ards----- 3arayana 'urthy . 999. Professor ' *slam has been appointed as the vice-chancellor of the :ndira Dandhi 3ational 0pen University (:D30U) . 992. )undar Pichai1 Doogle senior EP of $hrome and *ndroid. 99#. Harmanpreet Kaur 3amed $aptain of the :ndian +omen=s $ric,et team . 99.. Tushar *rothe is coach of :ndian /omen=s cric,et team. 994. Harvard professor *shish 3anda is set to ta,e over as director of ::' *hmedabad. 995. :talian ambassador %aniele 'ancini . 99H. )*: ()ports *uthority of :ndia ) %irector Deneral AiFi Thomson . 99?. Prahlad Aoshi appointed Karnata,a "AP president 99@. "haichung "hutia *ppointed as the $hairman of the *: Js Technical $ommittee 928. *niruddha "ahal1 !ditor1 $obraPost 929. :ndiaJs ne/ High $ommissioner to 'aldives Y 6aFeev )hahare 922. Austice 'u,ul 'udgal1 former $hief Austice of PunFab and Haryana High $ourt 92#. Aulia Pearson 3e/ $:* %irector 92.. :ndian ambassador to !gypt 3avdeep )uri 924. $hairman of $:: Karnata,a ------------------ )oumitra "hattacharya . 925. %inesh K )arraf /ill be the ne/ $hairman and 'anaging %irector of 0il and 3atural Das $orp (03D$) 92H. %eepa, )andhu /ill be appointed as ne&t $hief :nformation 0fficer. 92?. :ndian +eightlifting ederation president "irendra Prasad "aishya has been appointed as the chairman of the !thics $ommission of the :nternational +eightlifting ederation in the e&ecutive board meeting of the /orld body in "eiFing. 92@. 'alala Bousaf7ai /on 289# :nternational $hildren=s Peace Pri7e 9#8. 3avi Pillay1 U3 high commissioner for human rights 9#9. Eice President of *fghanistan 'ohammed Karim Khalili 9#2. 6aFeev 6ishi too, over as the $'% of $entral "an, of :ndia 9##. ;*3U-P party of President 6obert 'ugabe1;imba/e 9#.. 6a,esh )ethi too, charge as !&ecutive %irector at the Union "an, of :ndia. 9#4. )pecial !nvoy of :ndia for )udan and )outh )udan1P) 6aghavan 9#5. 's 6una (aila1 )**6$ Dood/ill *mbassador for H:E-*:%) made 'aiden Eisit to :ndia 9#H. *li *sghar )oltanieh is :ran=s ambassador to the :nternational *tomic !nergy *gency in Deneva. 9#?. 3ishi Easudeva /as today selected to head Hindustan Petroleum $orp (td (HP$()1 the first /oman ever to head a 3avranta P)U. 9#@. "hartiya 'ahila "an, (td $!0 --------- Usha *natha )ubramanyam.

9.8. !&ecutive %irector of the Union "an, of :ndia-------- 6a,esh )ethi. 9.9. U) ambassador to United 3ations---------- )amantha Po/er. 9.2. P'Js )pecial !nvoy to visit Aapan ---------------------- *sh/ani Kumar. 9.#. 'y Aourney< Transforming %reams into *ctions------------ *PA *bdul Kalam. 9... %irector Deneral of $6P ($entral 6eserve Police orce) -------------- %ilip Trivedi. 9.4. 6etirement announced 'icrosoft $!0----------- )teve "allmer. 9.5. U3:$! (United 3ations :nternational $hildren=s !mergency und) Dood/ill *mbassador *mitabh "achchan. 9.H. $hairperson of the 3ational )chool of %rama )ociety -------- 6atan Thiyam. 9.?. 3epalJs ne/ :ndian ambassador----------------- 6anFit 6ae. 9.@. Boungest member of the present Parliament ------------------ 6amya 948. oreign 'inister of Tuvalu----------------- Tau,elina ini,aso. 949. Prime 'inister of "hutan-------------------- Tshering Tobgay 942. 3e/ $hief Austice of the %elhi High $ourt ------------------ Austice 3uthalapati Een,ata 6amana. 94#. oreign 'inister of 3icaragua------------------- )amuel )antos (ope7. 94.. *mitabh "achchan Foined U3 $ampaign The +orld 3eeds 'ore. 944. %."ala Een,atesh Earma appointed *mbassador to U3 $onference on %isarmament. 945. irst case of human to human Transmission of HH3@ "ird lu Eirus reported in $hina. 94H. 6aghuram Dovind 6aFan *ppointed as the 2#rd Dovernor of 6":. 94?. "him )ain "assi Too, $harge as the 28th %elhi Police $ommissioner . 94@. United "an, of :ndia< 's. *rchana "hargav ($hairman S '%) 958. *llahabad "an,< 's )hubhala,shmi Panse ($hairman S '%) 959. :$:$: "an,< 's.$handa Kochhar ('% S $!0) 952. *&is "an,< 's )hi,ha )harma ('% S $!0) 95#. U3 secretary general "an Ki-moon has appointed a Pa,istani army general1 (t Den 'a2sood *hmed1 as the 'ilitary *dviser for United 3ations Peace,eeping 0perations. 95.. ( $ Doyal has been appointed as the ne/ )ecretary in the ministry of 6ural %evelopment. 954. :ndiaJs :T maFor +ipro /ill enter the 3ational )toc, !&changeJs 48-share 3ifty inde&. 955. $hief !&ecutive 0fficer of 'icrosoft $orp1 )teve "allmer1 announced his retirement as chief e&ecutive. 'icrosoft may consider )atya 3adella1 :ndia-born e&ecutive1 as ne&t 'icrosoft $!0. 95H. E Kannan $hairman S 'anaging %irector of EiFaya "an,. 95?. )uresh 3 Patel as !&ecutive %irector of 0riental "an, of $ommerce 95@. Pum7ile 'lambo-3gcu,a1 of )outh *frica1 too, over as the ne/ head of the the U3 !ntity for Dender !2uality and !mpo/erment of +omen (U3 +omen). 9H8. Bahoo :nc has appointed veteran technology e&ecutive and )ilicon Ealley investor 'aynard +ebb as its ne/ chairman. 9H9. )yndicate "an, has appointed >)an,aran "has,ar :yer> as /or,men employee director on the board of directors. 9H2. "rand ambassadors of the :ndian "adminton (eague (:"() ------------ %eepi,a Padu,one and *amir Khan. 9H#. $hairman of selection committee for 6aFiv Dandhi Khel 6atna and *rFuna a/ard--- "illiards legend 'ichael erreira. 9H.. 6": Dovernor------------- 6aghuram Dovinda 6aFan.

9H4. 9H5. 9HH. 9H?. 9H@. 9?8. 9?9. 9?2. 9?#. 9?.. 9?4. 9?5. 9?H.

)!":-------------------------U.K. )inha 3*"*6%--------------------Pra,ash "a,shi :$$:----------------------3aina (al Kid/ai 3*))$0'----------------Krishna ,umar 3atraFan *))0$H*'---------------6ana Kapoor )":-----------------------*rundhiti "hattacharya :6%*----------------------T.).EiFayan +orld "an,----------------Aim Bong Kim 3ational )toc, !&change-----------------$hitra 6am,rishna "ombay )toc, !&change------------------ *shish $hauhan $*D-------------------------------)hashi Kant )harma $hief !conomic advisor and Eice President of :' ------Kaushi, "as Union inance secretary-------------6aFiv Ta,ru

9??. Union !conomic secretary---------- *ravind 'ayaram 9?@. irst /omen '% in )": -------------- *rundhathi "hattacharya. 9@8. irst /omen "an, $!0---------- Usha *nathasubramanian 9@9. )tandard $hartered-------------)andeep %as 9@2. 3ational )pot !&change (imited (3)!()---------)aFi $herian 9@#. 6a,esh )ethi ------- !&ecutive %irector of Union "an, of :ndia . 9@.. 6aFeev 6ishi----------------------- $'% of $entral "an, of :ndia. 9@4. :nstitute of $ost *ccountants of :ndia ne/ president------- )uresh $handra 'ohanty. 9@5. 3e/ $hairman of D)T Panel--------------*bdul 6ahim 6ather. 9@H. :ndian "an,s= *ssociation (:"*) President-------- K 6 Kamath. 9@?. President of *sian %evelopment "an, "oard ----- Ta,ehi,o 3a,ao 9@@. ) Dopala,rishnan----------- President of the industry body ($::) 288. 6aFan "harti 'ittal ------------ President of :nternational $hamber of $ommerce (:$$) :ndia. 289. '6P 6ao------------------- $hief Eigilance 0fficer ($E0) in 3TP$ 282. $"%T chief---------------- )udha )harma 28#. (ic $hairman ------------ ) K 6oy. 28.. (:$ '%------------- ).". 'aina, . 284. *.K. 6oy -----------$hairman cum 'anaging %irector1 D:$. 285. '.E. Tan,sale---------$hairman S 'anaging %irector1 $entral "an, of :ndia . 28H. )h. )harad Kumar1 :P) has Foined 3:* as the %irector. 28?. %ilip Trivedi appointed %irector Deneral of the $6P . 28@. Austice 3uthalapati Een,ata 6amana *ppointed 3e/ $hief Austice of the %elhi High $ourt 298. Einay 'ittal appointed as Union Public )ervice $ommission (UP)$) member 299. )uresh $handra 'ohanty !lected as the 3e/ President of :$*: 292. *rvind )harma 6e-!lected as the President of *dvertising *gencies *ssociation of :ndia 29#. )hrini/as %adasaheb Patil appointed ne/ Dovernor of )i,,im 29.. )unil )oni appointed %irector Deneral of "ureau of :ndian )tandards 294. *nil $hait1 too, over as $hief of :ntegrated %efence )taff to the $hairman $hiefs of )taff $ommittee ($:)$) 295. %arren (ehmann appointed $oach of *ustralian $ric,et Team 29H. )usan !li7abeth 6ice *ppointed as the 3ational )ecurity *dviser to 0bama 29?. *vinash $hander appointed as the 3e/ chief of %efence 6esearch

%evelopment 0rganiastion(%6%0) 29@. Kushal )ingh *ppointed as the $hairperson of 3$P$6 228. (a&man )ingh 6athore !lected as the 'ember of !&ecutive $ouncil of +'0 229. "ra7il=s 6oberto *7evedo appointed Head of +orld Trade 0rgani7ation 222. )taffan de 'istura appointed as :talian )pecial !nvoy to :ndia in 'arines $ase 22#. )ubhash Kumar appointed as the 3e/ $hief )ecretary of Uttara,hand. 22.. 6amsar $onvention appointed %r. $hristopher "riggs as its ne/ )ecretary Deneral. 224. )ubhash Kumar appointed as the 3e/ $hief )ecretary of Uttara,hand 225. Diorgio 3apolitano 6e-elected as the President of :taly to serve a )econd Term 22H. *runa "ahuguna became irst +omen )pecial %D of $6P 22?. H.6. 'ohan elected as the 3e/ Eice President of $omputer )ociety 22@. )unil Kumar Too, 0ver as the 'anaging %irector of $6:) 2#8. Uhuru Kenyatta )/orn-:n as the President of Kenya. 2#9. 3arendra Kumar Eerma appointed %irector for !&ploration of 03D$ 2#2. United 3ation (U3) +omen chief ---------------- Phum7ile 'lambo 3gcu,a 2##. 3e/ High $ommissioner of )ingapore to :ndia------------- (im Thuan Kuan. 2#.. %epty Head of U3 'ission in 'ali ----------------- *bdoulaye "athily. 2#4. President of 'ali ----------------- :brahim "oubacar Keits 2#5. 3ational )pot !&change (imited (3)!() appointed )aFi $herian. 2#H. Prime 'inister of :taly---------------------------!nrico (etta. 2#?. Dovernor of Aammu and Kashmir for the second term-------------3 3 Eohra. 2#@. $oach of the Aunior Hoc,ey 'enJs 3ational Team------------------Dregg $lar,. 2.8. Eice $hairman of :ndian %irect )elling *ssociation (:%)*) for fiscal 289#9.----------P. %evadas 2.9. President of the 3ational 6ifle *ssociation of :ndia (36*:)--------------6aninder )ingh. 2.2. $hairman :ndian %irect )elling *ssociation (:%)*)-----------*marnath )engupta 2.#. )ecretary in Union Public )ervice $ommission (UP)$)------------------*marFit )ingh 2... %irector (Personnel) of !lectronics $orporation of :ndia (td-------------E.).". "abu 2.4. 3e&t *mbassador-Permanent 6epresentative of :ndia to the United 3ations in 3e/ Bor,--------------*so,e Kumar 'u,erFi 2.5. Head of the )ecurities and !&change $ommission---------------------'ary Ao +hite. 2.H. 'anaging %irector of :ndraprastha Das (td (:D()---------------------3arendra Kumar 2.?. $hairman of %r 6eddyJs (aboratories (td-----------------------------------D E Prasad 2.@. Dovernor of the "an, of Aapan------------------------------------------Haruhi,o Kuroda 248. Aohn *she elected as the President of U3 Deneral *ssembly< 249. !lbegdorF Tsa,hia ne/ 'ongolia President 242. 3e/ "angladesh President< *bdul Hamid 24#. 3e/ King of 3etherlands< +illem-*le&ander 24.. 3icolas 'aduro Y 3e/ President of Eene7uela 244. Horacio $artes Y 3e/ President of ParaguayJs 245. I: Ainping Y 3e/ President of $hina (succeeded Hu Aintao). 24H. 6afael $orrea Y !cuadorJs President 24?. :ndian-*merican 3isha "is/al to be U) assistant secretary of state for )outh *sia 24@. >6egional %irector> for +H0 )outh-!ast *sia 6egion---------------------%r. Poonam Khetrapal )ingh 258. Hun )en is the Prime 'inister of $ambodia and leader of the $ambodian

People=s Party 259. )yria=s 0pposition 3ational $ouncil elected *hmad Toameh as its :nterim Prime 'inister 252. President of 'ali --------------------------- :brahim "oubacar Keits 25#. 3e/ United states ambassador to the united nations -------------- )amantha Po/er 25.. Head of *tomic !nergy organisation in :ran----------------*li *,bar )alehi 254. $ommissioner-Deneral of the United 3ations 6elief and +or,s *gency (U36+*)1 'r. ilippo Drandi 255. iDate names former :nfosys board member *sho, Eemuri as $!0 25H. $abinet )ecretary--------------------- )hri *Fit Kumar )eth . 25?. Union home secretary---------------- *nil Dos/ami . 25@. )ecretary of %efense---------------- 6 K 'athur . 2H8. oreign )ecretary------------------- )uFatha )ingh. 2H9. Union finance secretary ------------- 6aFiv Ta,ru . 2H2. !conomic *ffairs )ecretary---------- *rvind 'ayaram . 2H#. :nformation and broadcasting (:S") secretary--------"imal Aul,a . 2H.. ormer 6ail/ay "oard $hairman Einay 'ittal has been appointed as member of Union Public )ervice $ommission (UP)$). 2H4. Dermany=s Thomas "ach -------------- :0$ president 2H5. "al )e,har1 the ne/ secretary general of (o, )abha 2HH. $abinet ministers< ` 0scar ernandes gets roads and high/ays ministry ` DiriFa Eyas becomes housing and urban development and poverty alleviation minister ` )is 6am 0la becomes labour and employment minister ` K ) 6ao gets te&tiles ministry 2H?. 'inisters of state< ` !') 3atchiyappan ta,es oath as 'o) commerce and industry ` A % )eelam becomes 'o) finance ` 'ani,rao Davit gets social Fustice and empo/erment ` )antosh $ho/dhury gets health S family /elfare

Ne( A))oint*ents in 5n#ia 2013 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

f f f f f f f f f f Aim Bong Kim 0biageli Katryn !7e,/esili $hristine (agarde ( rance) "an Ki-'oon Haruhi,o Kuroda *rvind Eirmani )iddharth Ti/ari E. P. "aligar Herman Ean 6ompuy Pascal (amy President1 +orld "an,. Eice-President1 *frica +orld "an,. 'anaging-%irector1 :' . Deneral -)ecretary1 U30. President1 *sian %evelopment "an,. !&ecutive-%irector in +orld "an, (from :ndia) )ecretary :' . $hairman and '.%.1 HU%$0. President1 !uropean Union %irector-Deneral1 +T0.

f K. '. $handra )he,har f %r. %. )ubbarao f ). K. Doel f (a&man %as f ). P. Daur f )anFeev "atra f %r. "iFendra )ingh f 'onte, )ingh *hlu/alia f E. P. *gra/al f P. E. 3arsimgham f 3agesh *lai f A. Harinarayan f *rup 6ai $haudhary f )ushma 3ath f )atyanand 'ishra f 's. )hanta )inha f f f f f ". $. Tripathi ). 6oy $houdhury *. ". (. )rivastava Einay 'ittal ). 3arasing 6ao

f )ushil 'uhnot f Pra,ash "a,shi f 3. P. Patel f Bogesh *gra/al f 6aFendra Pa/ar f (alit K. Pan/ar (:T%$) f )riraF Hussain f $handra )he,har Eerma f Prema $ariappa

:ndian *mbassador to +T0. Dovernor 6":. $hairman1 $entral "oard of !&cise and $ustom ($"!$). $hairman1 $entral "oard of %irect Ta&es ($"%T). $hairman1 :sland +ater/ays *uthority of :ndia. $hairman and 'anaging %irector1 'ineral and 'etals Trading $orporation (''T$). $hairman1 3ational *gricultural ederation $ooperative 'ar,eting (3* !%). %eputy $hairman1 :ndian Planning $ommission. $hairman1 :ndian *irports *uthority (:**). President1 :ndustrial inance $orporation of :ndia (: $:). President1 *dvertising *gencies *ssociation of :ndia (***:). $hairman1 :nsurance 6egulatory and %evelopment *uthority (:6%*). $hairman and $'% 3ational Thermal Po/er $orporation (3TP$). irst :ndian (ady inance )ecretary. $hief :nformation $ommissioner. $hairman1 3ational $hild 6ights $ommission. $hairman1 D*:(. $hairman and $'%1 HP$(. $'%1 3ational Hydro Po/er $orporation. $hairman1 6ail/ay "oard $hairman-cum-'anaging %irector1 $oal :ndia (td. $hairman1 ):%":. $'%1 3*"*6%. $hairman1 : $0 (:ndian armerJs ertili7er $ooperative (td.) $hairman P 6%* $hairman1 3*))$0' (2899-92). $'%1 :ndian Tourism %evelopment $orporation $'%1 ood $orporation of :ndia $hairman1 )*:( $hairperson1 $entral )ocial +elfare "oard.

f 3imish $. Tolia f *. K. Upadhyay f K. A. Udeshi f *sho, Kumar (ahiri f P. (. Punia $astes f EiFai (. Kel,ar f *martya )en f U. K. )inha f 'amta )harma f $. 6angraFan f f f f %. K. 'ehrotra Bogesh (ohia 3. ). 6. $handra Prasad D. )rinivasan

President1 Hindustan $hamber of $ommerce. $hairman1 3ational High/ay *uthority of :ndia. irst (ady %eputy Dovernor of 6":. !&ecutive %irector in *%" $hairman1 3ational $ommission for )cheduled $hairman1 9#th inance $ommission Human %evelopment *dvisor1 U3%P. $hairman1 )!":. $hairperson1 3ational +omen $ommission. $hairman1 Prime 'inisterJs !conomic *dvisory $ommittee. $hairman1 (:$. $hairman1 Deneral :nsurance $ompany. $'%1 3ational :nsurance $ompany. $hairman1 United :ndia :nsurance $ompany. $hairman1 0riental :nsurance $ompany. $hairman and $'% "harat )anchar 3igam (td. $hairman1 *sia Pacific Union for Housing inance. $'%1 :ndia Trade Promotion 0rganisation. President1 ederation of :ndian !&porters 0rganisation ( :!0). '%1 %elhi 'etro 6ail $orporation. President1 :ndian $hamber of $ommerce (:$$) 2899-92. $hairman1 $.:.:. %irector-Deneral1 :ndian 'erchant $hamber (:'$) $hairman1 )$-)T +elfare "oard. President $entral !lectricity 6egulatory $ommission '%1 H% $. President1 *))0$H*' $hairman1 T6*: President1 :$$: Deneral-)ecretary1 :$$:. %irector-Deneral1 ood and *griculture 0rganisation ( *0). $hairman1 Petroleum and 3atural Das 6egulation "oard. President1 PH%$$:

f '. 6amadoss f 6. K. Upadhyay f 6. E. Eerma f 6eeta 'enon f '. 6afee2 *hmed f 'angoo )ingh f )rivardhan Doyan,a f Hari ). "haratia f *rvind Pradhan f 6aFesh (ilothia f Pramod %ev f f f f f f *ditya Puri 6aF Kumar %hoot 6ahul Khullar 6. E. Kanoria 6aFeev Kumar Aac2ues %iouf

f ). Krishnan f )andid )omany

f 3andan 3ile,ani f '. %. 'alya f 6ohit 3andan f Pratip $ho/dhary f *Fit Parsayat f *sho, $ha/la

$hairman Uni2ue :dentification *uthority of :ndia. President1 :ndian "an,s *ssociation. $hairman and 'anaging-%irector1 *ir :ndia (td. $'%1 )tate "an, Droup. $hairman1 $ompetition *ppellate Tribunal. $hairman1 $ompetition $ommission of :ndia ($$:)

A))oint*ents$ Se)te*ber 2013

99) TE 3arendran appointed as the 3e/ 'anaging %irector Tata )teel. 92) 6avindra Kumar elected as the President of the :ndian 3e/spaper )ociety (:3)). 9#) 6amlubhya appointed as the 6aFasthan )tate !lection $ommissioner. 9.) Prime 'inister 'anmohan )ingh has appointed 6a,esh )ood as his ne/ )pecial envoy for %isarmament and 3on-Proliferation. 94) *sho, Eemuri appointed as the President and $!0 of iDate $orporation. 95) 3ational )pot !&change on 95th )eptember1 289# appointed )aFi $herian as the ne/ 'anaging %irector and $hief !&ecutive 0fficer of the company. 9H) P. )udha,ar appointed as the $'% of !lectronics $orporation of :ndia (td. 9?) Austice Prafulla $handra Pant appointed as the 3e/ $hief Austice of the 'eghalaya High $ourt. 9@) 3ancy Dibbs appointed as the 'anaging !ditor of Time 'aga7ine. 28) Tony *bbott /as s/orn in as *ustralia=s ne/ Prime 'inister on 9?th )eptember1 289# at Dovernment House in $anberra1 *ustralia. *ppointments- )eptember 289# 9) Thomas "ach elected as the President of :nternational 0lympic $ommittee. 2) K$ Ponnappa too, over the 0ffice as $hairman of 3ilgiri Planters= *ssociation. #) %eepa, )andhu became the irst +oman $hief :nformation $ommissioner on 4th )eptember1 289#. )he too, over from )atyananda 'ishra. .) Poonam Khetrapal )ingh !lected 6egional %irector for +H0 )outh-!ast *sia

6egion $ourt. 4) "3 Talu,dar1 %irector for e&ploration in 0il :ndia (td. (0:() /as appointed as the ne/ %irector Deneral of %DH. 5) The ruling $ambodian People=s Party ($PP) of incumbent Prime 'inister Hun )en on ?th )eptember1 289# /as reelected to po/er. H) Harish (a,shman elected 3e/ President of *utomotive $omponent 'anufacturers *ssociation. )anFay Dovind %hande appointed as UD$ 'ember. @) 6uchira KamboF appointed the Permanent 6epresentative of :ndia to U3!)$0. 98) Aa/aid *,htar elected as the $hairperson of :nternational $offee $ouncil.

-ecentl A))ointe# Persons %as on ,une 2013+ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@

`.Ii Ainping `.(i Ke2iang `.)hin7o *be `.3icos*nastasiades `.Par, Duenhye `.Uhuru Kenyatta Aohn Kerry `.'ohan Pieris `.EedPra,ash `.0bama `.)uchitra !lla `.'o Ban (/riter) and Aac,ie $han (*ctor) `.)ubra )uresh `.6atan Tata `.6aFiv )hah `.*nil %ev )ingh `.)cott lemming `.Tony Hall `.6anFit )inha `."arbosa `*lo, Aoshi President of $hina Prime 'inister $hina prime minister Aapan President $yprus president )outh Korea president Kenya. 5?th )ecretary of )tate of the U) $hief Austiceof )ri (an,a UD$ chairman U) President ()econd Term) ounding $hair/oman of $::Js /omen /ing 3e/ 'embers of $hinese Parliament President of $arnegie 'ello University 'ember of L3ational *cademy of !ngineeringL Head of United )tates *gency for :nternational %evelopment (U)*:%). 3e/ chief of :0* election panel :ndiaJs bas,etball coach %irector general of ""$ $": %irector(data by faceboo,-:"P)!&amination) irst non-/hite President of "ra7ilJs )upreme $ourt 3e/ 6*+ chief(data by

`6aFeev )hahare `*Fit )aran `*sif :brahim `UrFit Patel `BE 6eddy `*mi "era and TulsiDabbard `)rinivasan `Austice % K `Eive, 6ae ` *nil Kumble ` Aaspal 6ana `3eiphiu 6io `'u,ul 'anda )angma `*sh/ani Kumar `."obby Dhosh `Khil 6aF 6egmi `% K Aain `*sho, Tomar `6a,esh 'ohan

faceboo,-:"P)!&amination) 3e/ High $ommissioner to 'aldives 'ember )ecretary of 3ational $ommission for +omen $hief of the :ntelligence "ureau 6": deputy governor(data by faceboo,-:"P)!&amination) Head of inance $ommission ne/ members of the U) House of 6epresentatives ederal Audge (6e elected) (a/ $ommission chief ')'! ('inistry of 'icro1 )mall and 'edium !nterprises) )ecretary $hairman of :$$ $ric,et $ommittee Aunior pistol chief coach $hief 'inister of 3agaland (#rd Term) $hief 'inister of 'eghalaya (2nd Term) Dovernor of 3agaland !ditor of Time :nternational (first non *merican) 3e/ Prime 'inister of 3epal $hairman of 28th (a/$ommission of :ndia :ndiaJs ambassadorto "ra7il !&ecutive director of :'

5"P8-0AN0 34A;S 5N 5N;5A $ 2013: 9. %r. 'anmohan )ingh 2. 's. 'eira Kumar #. 'ohammad Hamid *nsari .. 'r. P. A. Kurien 4. 'r. Karia 'unda 5. 'rs. )ushma )/araF H. 'r. *run Aaitley ?. %r. 'onte, )ingh *hlu/alia @. 'r. E. ). )ampath 98. 'r. Harishan,ar "rahma 99. )yed 3asim ;aidi 92. 'r. )hashi Kant )harma 9#. 'r. Austice K. D. "ala,rishnan 9.. 'r. K. '. $handrase,har 94. 'r. T. K. *. 3air 95. 'r. Austice '. 3. 6ao 9H. 's. )hanta )inha 9?. %r. "uta )ingh

$hairman1 Planning $ommission. )pea,er1 (o, )abha. $hairman1 6aFya )abha. %eputy $hairman1 6aFya )abha. %eputy )pea,er1 (o, )abha. (eader of 0pposition ((o, )abha). (eader of 0pposition (6aFya )abha). %eputy $hairman1 Planning $ommission. $hief !lection $ommissioner !lection $ommissioner. !lection $ommissioner. $omptroller and *uditor-Deneral of :ndia $hairperson1 3ational Human 6ight $ommission (3H6$) $abinet )ecretary. Principal )ecretary to Prime 'inister . $hairman1 3ational $ommission for "ac,/ard $lasses. $hairperson1 3ational $ommission for Protection of $hild 6ights $hairman1 3ational $ommission for

9@. 's. Urmila )ingh 28. Prof. %. P. *gra/al 29. %r. '. ). )/aminathan 22. 'r. )hiv )han,ar 'enon 2#. 'r. ). $. )inha 2.. 24. 25. 2H. 2?. 2@. 'r. 'r. 'r. 'r. 'r. 'r. Einay 'ittal )humsher K. )heriff T. K. Eis/anathan )yed *sif :brahim 6anFit )inha *lo, Aoshi

#8. 'r. *rvind 6anFan #9. 'r. %ilip Trivedi #2. 'r. )ubhash Aoshi ##. 'r. 6aFiv #.. 'r. P. K. 'ehta #4. 'r. *Fay $hadha #5. 'r. *run $haudhary #H. Eice-*dmiral *nurag D. Thapliyal #?. (t. Den. *vtar )ingh

)cheduled $astes $hairman1 3ational $ommission for )cheduled Tribes. $hairman1 UP)$. $hairman1 3ational $ommission on armers (3$ ). 3ational )ecurity *dviser and )pecial *dviser to P' (:nternal )ecurity). %irector-Deneral1 3ational :nvestigation *gency (3:*). $hairman1 6ail/ay "oard. )ecretary-Deneral1 6aFya )abha )ecretary-Deneral1 (o, )abha. %irector1 :". %irector1 $":. %irector1 6esearch and *nalysis +ing (6*+). %irector-Deneral1 3)D. %irector-Deneral1 $6P . %irector-Deneral1 "order )ecurity orce (") ). %irector-Deneral1 $entral :ndustrial )ecurity orce ($:) ). %irector-Deneral1 6ail/ay Protection orce. (6P ) %irector-Deneral1 :ndo-Tibetan "order Police (:T"P). %irector-Deneral1 )ashastra )eema "al. %irector-Deneral1 :ndian $oast Duard. %irector-Deneral1 %efence :ntelligence *gency.

6!)!6E! "*3K 0 :3%:*Z D0E!6306 S %!PUTB D0E!6306) D0E!6306 Z %r. 6aghuram D. 6aFan %!PUTB D0E!6306Z %r. K. $. $H*K6*"*6TB %!PUTB D0E!6306Z )H6: *3*3% ):3H* %!PUTB D0E!6306Z )H6: H.6. KH*3 %!PUTB D0E!6306Z %r. UrFit 6. Patel

3ea# Muarters of .N A!encies B 8ther 8r!anisations

9. 2. #. .. 4. 5. H. ood and *gricultural 0rganisation ( *0) Z 6ome :nternational (abour 0rganisation (:(0) Z Deneva +orld Health 0rganisation (+H0) ZDeneva +orld meteorological 0rganisation (+'0) Z Deneva :nternational Telecommunication Union (:T%) ZDeneva :nternational 'onetary und (:' ) Z +ashington %.$. :nternational inance $orporation (: $) Z +ashington %.$.

?. :nternational "an, or 6econstruction and %evelopment (:"6%) or +orld "an, Z +ashington @. :nternational $ivil *viation 0rganisation (:$*0) Z'ontreal(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb 98. United 3ations !ducational )cientific and $ultural 0rgani7ation (U3!)$0) Z Paris 99. United 3ations :nternational $hildren=s !mergency und (U3:$! ) Z3e/ Bor, 92. :nter-governmental 'aritime $onsultative 0rganisation (:'$0) Z(ondon 9#. :nternational *tomic !nergy *gency (:*!*) ZEienna(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb 9.. United 3ations :ndustrial %evelopment 0rgani7ations (U3:%0) ZEienna1 (*ustria) 94. United 3ations und for Population *ctivities (U3 P*) Z3e/ Bor, 95. United 3ations %evelopment Programme (U3%P) Z3e/ Bor,(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb 9H. United 3ations High $ommissioner for 6efugees (U3H$6) ZDeneva ()/it7erland) 9?. United 3ations !nvironment Programme (U3!P) Z3airobi (Kenya) 9@. Universal Postal Union (UPU) Z"erne ()/it7erland)

3ea#s of S)ecialize# or!anisations an# a!encies of the .nite# NationsZ

9. ood and *griculture 0rgani7ation *0Z AosV Dra7iano da )ilva 2. :nternational *tomic !nergy *gency :*!* Z Bu,iya *mano #. :nternational $ivil *viation 0rgani7ation :$*0 Z 6aymond "enFamin .. :nternational und for *gricultural %evelopment : *%Z Kanayo . 3/an7e 4. :nternational (abour 0rgani7ation :(0Z Duy 6ider 5. :nternational 'aritime 0rgani7ation :'0 Z !fthimios !. 'itropoulos H. :nternational 'onetary und :' Z $hristine (agarde ?. :nternational Telecommunication Union :TUZ Hamadoun TourV @. United 3ations !ducational1 )cientific and $ultural 0rgani7ation U3!)$0Z :rina "o,ova 98. Universal Postal Union UPUZ !douard %ayan 99. +orld "an, :"6%Z Aim Bong Kim 92. +orld :ntellectual Property 0rgani7ation +:P0Z rancis Durry 9#. +orld 'eteorological 0rgani7ation +'0Z *le&ander "edrits,y 9.. +orld Tourism 0rgani7ation U3+T0ZTaleb 6ifai 94. United 3ations 0ffice on %rugs and $rime U30%$Z Buri edotov 95. United 3ations %ata and :nformation 0rgani7ation U3%:0Z (ouis 6. 6utindu,a

~*~ List of Cabinet "inisters %as on 1I.0H.2013+ ~*~

9 %r. 'anmohan )inghZ Prime 'inister and also in-charge of the 'inistries-%epartments not specifically allocated to the charge of any 'inister vi7.< (i) 'inistry of Personnel1 Public Drievances S PensionsC (ii) 'inistry of PlanningC

(ii) %epartment of *tomic !nergyC and (iv) %epartment of )pace. 2 )hri *.K. *ntony # )hri )harad Pa/ar . )hri P. $hidambaram 4 )hri Dhulam 3abi *7ad 5 )hri )ushil,umar )hinde H )hri '. Eeerappa 'oily ? %r. aroo2 *bdullah @ )hri ). Aaipal 6eddy 'inister of !arth )ciences.(data by faceboo,-*ll$urrent*ffairs) 98 )hri )is 6am 0la 99 )hri Kamal 3ath 'inister of Parliamentary *ffairs. 92 )hri *Fit )ingh 9# )hri Eayalar 6av 9. )hri 'alli,arFun Kharge 94 )hri 0scar ernandes 95 )hri Kapil )ibal 9H )hri *nand )harma 9? Kumari )elFa 9@ %r. DiriFa Eyas 28 )hri D.K. Easan 29 )hri Praful Patel 22 )hri )hripra,ash Aais/al 2# )hri )alman Khurshid 2. )hri E. Kishore $handra %eo 'inister of Panchayati 6aF. 24 )hri "eni Prasad Eerma 25 )hri Aairam 6amesh 2H )hri K. 6ahman Khan 2? )hri %insha A. Patel 2@ )hri '.'. Pallam 6aFu #8 )hri Harish 6a/at #9 )mt. $handresh Kumari Katoch #2 %r. Kavuru )amba )iva 6ao

'inister of %efence. 'inister of *griculture1 and 'inister of ood Processing :ndustries. 'inister of inance. 'inister of Health and amily +elfare. 'inister of Home *ffairs. 'inister of Petroleum and 3atural Das. 'inister of 3e/ and 6ene/able !nergy. 'inister of )cience and Technology1 and 'inister of (abour and !mployment. 'inister of Urban %evelopment1 and 'inister of $ivil *viation. i 'inister of 0verseas :ndian *ffairs. 'inister of 6ail/ays. 'inister of 6oad Transport and High/ays. (data by faceboo,-*ll$urrent*ffairs) 'inister of $ommunications and :nformation Technology1 and 'inister of (a/ and Austice. 'inister of $ommerce and :ndustry. 'inister of )ocial Austice and !mpo/erment. 'inister of Housing and Urban Poverty *lleviation. 'inister of )hipping. 'inister of Heavy :ndustries and Public !nterprises. 'inister of $oal. 'inister of !&ternal *ffairs. 'inister of Tribal *ffairs1 and 'inister of )teel. 'inister of 6ural %evelopment. 'inister of 'inority *ffairs. 'inister of 'ines. 'inister of Human 6esource %evelopment. (data by faceboo,-*ll$urrent*ffairs) 'inister of +ater 6esources. 'inister of $ulture. 'inister of Te&tiles.

~~*~~ Chief "inisters of 5n#ian States ~~*~~

*ndhra Pradesh *runachal Pradesh *ssam "ihar $hhattisgarh %elhi (3$T) Doa DuFarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Aammu and Kashmir Ahar,hand Karnata,a Kerala 'adhya Pradesh 'aharashtra 'anipur 'eghalaya 'i7oram 3agaland 0disha Puducherry (UT) PunFab 6aFasthan )i,,im Tamil 3adu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttara,hand +est "engal $hief 'inisters of :ndian )tates=========================================================== *ndhra Pradesh *runachal Pradesh *ssam "ihar $hhattisgarh %elhi (3$T) Doa DuFarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Aammu and Kashmir )hri 3allari Kiran Kumar 6eddy )hri 3abam Tu,i )hri Tarun Dogoi )hri 3itish Kumar %r. 6aman )ingh )mt. )heila %i,shit )hri 'anohar Parri,ar )hri 3arendra 'odi )hri "hupinder )ingh Hooda )hri Eirbhadra )ingh )hri 0mar *bdullah )hri Hemant )oren )hri )iddaramaiah 'r 0ommen $handy )hri )hivraF )ingh $houhan )hri PrithviraF $havan )hri 0,ram :bobi )ingh %r. 'u,ul )angma )hri (al Thanha/la )hri. 3eiphiu 6io )hri 3aveen Patnai, )hri 3. 6angasamy )hri Par,ash )ingh "adal )hri *sho, Dehlot )hri Pa/an Kumar $hamling )elvi A. Aayalalithaa )hri 'ani, )ar,ar )hri *,hilesh Badav )hri EiFay "ahuguna Km. 'amata "anerFee

)hri 3allari Kiran Kumar 6eddy )hri 3abam Tu,i )hri Tarun Dogoi )hri 3itish Kumar %r. 6aman )ingh )mt. )heila %i,shit )hri 'anohar Parri,ar )hri 3arendra 'odi )hri "hupinder )ingh Hooda )hri Eirbhadra )ingh )hri 0mar *bdullah.

Ahar,hand Karnata,a Kerala 'adhya Pradesh 'aharashtra 'anipur 'eghalaya 'i7oram 3agaland 0disha Puducherry (UT) PunFab 6aFasthan )i,,im Tamil 3adu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttara,hand +est "engal

)hri Hemant )oren )hri )iddaramaiah 'r 0ommen $handy )hri )hivraF )ingh $houhan )hri PrithviraF $havan )hri 0,ram :bobi )ingh %r. 'u,ul )angma )hri (al Thanha/la )hri. 3eiphiu 6io )hri 3aveen Patnai )hri 3. 6angasamy )hri Par,ash )ingh "adal )hri *sho, Dehlot )hri Pa/an Kumar $hamling )elvi A. Aayalalithaa )hri 'ani, )ar,ar )hri *,hilesh Badav )hri EiFay "ahugun Km. 'amata "anerFee.

Current Chair)ersons of 5*)ortant Co**issions: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@

9. Planning $ommission 2. inance $ommission #. 28th (a/ $ommission .. Union Public )ervice $ommission 4. University Drants $ommission (UD$) 5. :ndian )pace 6esearch 0rganisation H. *tomic !nergy $ommission ?. 3ational Human 6ights $ommission @. 3ational $ommission for 'inorities 98. 3ational $ommission for +omen 99. 3ational $ommission for Protection of $hild 6ights 92. )ecurities !&change "oard of :ndia 9#. $entral "oard of ilm $ensors 9.. $entral "oard of %irect Ta&es The $hief Austices of :ndia 9. H. A. Kania ( 9@48-9@49) 2. '. PatanFali )astri (9@49- 9@4.) #. 'ehr $hand 'ahaFan (9@4.- 9@4.) .. "iFan Kumar 'u,herFea (9@4.- 9@45) %r. 'anmohan )ingh %r. B.E. 6eddy Austice %.K. Aain Prof. %P *gar/al Prof. Eed Pra,ash %r. K 6adha,rishnan )hri 6atan Kumar )inha Austice K.D. "alara,rishnan )hri +aFahat Habibullah )mt 'amata )harma 'rs. Kushal )ingh )hri UK )inha 's (eela )amson 's )udha )hraddha Kapil sharma

4. )udhi 6anFan %as (9@45- 9@4@) 5. "huvanesh/ar Prasad )inha (9@4@-9@5.) H. P. ". DaFendragad,ar (9@5.-9@55) ?. *mal Kumar )ar,ar (9@55-9@55) @. Ko,a )ubba 6ao (9@55-9@5H) 98. Kailas 3ath +anchoo (9@5H-9@5?) 99. 'ohammad Hidayatullah (9@5?- 9@H8) (*%B H!*%) 0 "*3K)<[ [ [ [ [ [ [ *6U3%*T: "*TT*$H*6B* H*) "!$0'! 3!+ '% 0 )": :$:$: '.% :) -------------$*H%* K0$H!6. H)"$ '.% ----------------3*:3* (*( K:%+*: *I:) "*3K '.% ----------):KH* )*6'* "0: '.% -------------------E:A*B*(*K)H': :B!6 U3:T!% "*3K '.% --------*6$H*3* "H*6D*E *((H*"*% "*3K '.% -----)U"H*(*K)H': P

Who@s Who %9usiness+ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

'r. $yrus 'istry---------- $hairman Tata )ons 'r. 'u,esh *mbani----- $hairman 6elience :ndustries 'r. (a,shmi 'ittal------- $hairman 'ittal *rcelor )teels 's. Kiran 'aFumdar------ $hairman "iocon 's. $handa Kochhar---- 'anaging %irector S $!0 :$:$: "an, 'r. )hiv 3adar--------- $hairman H$( Technologies 'r. 3aresh Doyal------- $hairman Aet *ir/ays 'r. )unil 'ittal---------- $hairman "harati Droup 's. :ndira 3ooye-------- $!0 Pepsico )hi,ha )harma---------- '%1 $!0 *&is "an, ). %. )hibulal------------ $!0 and 'anaging %irector :nfosys *7im H. PremFi---------- $hairman +ipro 'r. Eineet 3ayyar------- $hairman of 'ahindra )atyam 'r. 6ohit 3andan------- $hairman S 'anaging %irector of *ir :ndia. 'r. K. E. Kamath---------$hairman :$:$: "an,

'r. $. '. Easudev------ $hairman1 H% $ "an, 'r. Pratip $haudhuri--- $hairman of )tate "an, of :ndia ()":) 'ar, ;uc,erberg------- $!0 aceboo, 3arayan 'urthi---------- ounder S $hairman of :nfosys )teve Aobs-------------- ounder of *pple $ompany 'r. EiFay 'aliya-------- $hairman of U" Droup and Kingfisher *irlines 'r. )unil 'ittal---------- ounder of *irtel (Telecom )ervice Provider in :ndia) 'r. Kumaramangalam "irla--- $hairman of *ditya "irla Droup of $ompany 'r. *nand 'ahindra--------- $hairman1 'ahindra S 'ahindra Droup 'r. +arren "uffett----------- $hairman and $!0 of "er,shire Hatha/ay 6aFan "harti 'ittal---------- President of :nternational $hamber of $ommerce (:$$) :ndia %r. *rup 6oy $houdhury------------$hairman 3TP$ 'ittu $handilya $!01 *ir *sia :ndia..... Aohn "is/al The Bouth :nspirer. +ho=s +ho ("usiness) =========================================== 'r. $yrus 'istry---------- $hairman Tata )ons 'r. 'u,esh *mbani----- $hairman 6elience :ndustries 'r. (a,shmi 'ittal------- $hairman 'ittal *rcelor )teels 's. Kiran 'aFumdar------ $hairman "iocon 's. $handa Kochhar---- 'anaging %irector S $!0 :$:$: "an, 'r. )hiv 3adar--------- $hairman H$( Technologies 'r. 3aresh Doyal------- $hairman Aet *ir/ays 'r. )unil 'ittal---------- $hairman "harati Droup 's. :ndira 3ooye-------- $!0 Pepsico )hi,ha )harma---------- '%1 $!0 *&is "an,

). %. )hibulal------------ $!0 and 'anaging %irector :nfosys *7im H. PremFi---------- $hairman +ipro 'r. Eineet 3ayyar------- $hairman of 'ahindra )atyam 'r. 6ohit 3andan------- $hairman S 'anaging %irector of *ir :ndia 'r. K. E. Kamath---------$hairman :$:$: "an, 'r. $. '. Easudev------ $hairman1 H% $ "an, 'ar, ;uc,erberg------- $!0 aceboo, 3arayan 'urthi---------- ounder S $hairman of :nfosys )teve Aobs-------------- ounder of *pple $ompany 'r. EiFay 'aliya-------- $hairman of U" Droup and Kingfisher *irlines. 'r. )unil 'ittal---------- ounder of *irtel (Telecom )ervice Provider in :ndia) 'r. Kumaramangalam "irla--- $hairman of *ditya "irla Droup of $ompany. 'r. *nand 'ahindra--------- $hairman1 'ahindra S 'ahindra Droup. 'r. +arren "uffett----------- $hairman and $!0 of "er,shire Hatha/ay. 6aFan "harti 'ittal---------- President of :nternational $hamber of $ommerce (:$$) :ndia. %r. *rup 6oy $houdhury------------$hairman 3TP$ 'ittu $handilya $!01 *ir *sia :ndia..... UP%*T!) U)! U( 06 *(( $0'P!T:T:E! !I*') ============================================================================================= 9. Present *ttorney Deneralg[[ Doolam !ssaFi Eahanvati 2. Present )olicitor Deneralg[[ 'ohan Parasaran #. Present $omptroller and *uditor Deneralg[[ )hashi Kant )harma .. Present *rmy $hief g[[ (t. Den. "i,ram )ingh 4. Present $hief of *ir staffg[[3orman *nil Kumar "ro/ne 5. Present $hief of 3aval )taffg[[ %evendra Kumar Aoshi H. Present $hief !lection $ommissioner g[[ E. ). )ampath

?. Present 3ational Human 6ights $ommission1$hairmang[[ K.D "ala,rishnan @. Present 3ational $ommission for +oman1 $hairperson g[[ 'amta )harma 98. Present $hief :nformation $ommissionerg[[)athyanand 'ishra 99. present inance $ommission1 $hairmang[[B.E.6eddy 92. Present :)601 chairmang[[ %r. ,. 6adha,rishnan 9#. present )!": chairman g[[UK)inha 9.. present )upreme $ourt $hiefAustice of :ndia g[[ P. )athasivam 94. chief of 6esearch and *nalysis +ing (6*+)g[[ *lo, Aoshi 95. chief of :ntelligence "ureau (:") g[[ )yed *sif :brahim 9H. chief of $": g[[ 6anFit )inha

OOO "e*ber Countries $ SAA-C? AS4AN? 8P4C PPP ****************************************

X[ )**6$ ()outh *sian *ssociation for 6egional $ooperation) - Head2uarters - Kathmandu [ 'ember $ountry - $apital 9. *fghanistan--Kabul 2. "angladesh---%ha,a #. "hutan---Thimphu .. :ndia---3e/ %elhi 4. 'aldives---'ale 5. 3epal---Kathmandu H. Pa,istan---:slamabad ?. )ri (an,a---$olombo X[ *)!*3 (*ssociation of )outh !ast *sian 3ations) - Head2uarters - Aa,arta [ 'ember $ountry - $apital 9. "runei %arussalam---"andar )eri "ega/an 2. $ambodia--Phnom Penh #. :ndonesia---Aa,arta .. (aos P%6---Eientiane 4. 'alayasia---Kuala (umpur 5. 'yanmar---3aypyita/ H. Phillipines---'anila ?. )ingapore---)ingapore

@. Thailand---"ang,o, 98. Eietnam--Hanoi X[ 0P!$ (0rganisation of Petroleum !&porting $ountries) - Head2uarters - Eienna [ 'ember $ountry - $apital 9. *lgeria---*lgiers 2. *ngola---(uanda #. !cuador---Quito .. :ran---Teheran 4. :ra2---"aghdad 5. Ku/ait---Ku/ait $ity H. (ibya---Tripoli ?. 3igeria---*buFa @. Qatar---%oha 98. )audi *rabia---6iyadh 99. U.*.!--- *bu %habi 92. Eene7uala---$aracas OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

3ea#Muarters Locations of 5*)ortant 5nternational 8r!anizations.

8r!anizations Na*e 9. United 3ations 0rgani7ation (U30) 2. United 3ations $hildren=s und (U3:$! ) #. United 3ations !ducational1 )cientific and $ultural 0rgani7ation (U3!)$0) .. United 3ations :ndustrial %evelopment 0rgani7ation (U3:%0) 4. +orld Health 0rgani7ation (+H0) 5. United 3ations und for Population *ctivities (U3 P*) H. :nternational *tomic !nergy *gency (:*!*) ?. +orld "an, @. :nternational $ommittee of the 6ed $ross (:$6$) 98. :nternational 'aritime 0rgani7ation (:'0) 99. Universal Postal Union (UPU) 92. ood and *griculture 0rgani7ation ( *0) 9#. +orld 'eteorological 0rgani7ation (+'0) 9.. )outh *sian *ssociation for 6egional $ooperation ()**6$) 94. :nternational (abour 0rgani7ation (:(0) 95. :nternational 'onetary und (:' ) 9H. +orld Trade 0rgani7ation (+T0) 9?. :nternational $ourt of Austice (+orld $ourt or Locations of 3ea#Muarters 3e/ Bor,1 U)* 3e/ Bor,1 U)* Paris1 rance Eienna1 *ustria Deneva1 )/it7erland 3e/ Bor,1 U)* Eienna1 *ustria +ashington1 %.$.1 United )tates Deneva1 )/it7erland (ondon1 United Kingdom "ern1 )/it7erland 6ome1 :taly Deneva1 )/it7erland Kathmandu1 3epal Deneva1 )/it7erland +ashington1 %.$.1 United )tates Deneva1 )/it7erland The Hague1 3etherlands :$A)

9@. *mnesty :nternational 28. Transparency :nternational (T:) 29. +orld :ntellectual Property 0rgani7ation (+:P0) 22. :nternational 6ene/able !nergy *gency (:6!3*) 2#. $ommon/ealth of 3ations 2.. :nternational 0rgani7ation for )tandardi7ation (:)0) Head2uaters -9. U30 2. U3:$! #. U3!)$0 .. U3:%0 4. +H0 5. U3 P* H. :(0 ?. :' @. +T0 98. :nternational $ourt 0f Austice 99. :nternational *tomic !nergy *gency 92. +orld "an, 9#. :nternational $ommittee of the 6ed $ross 9.. :nternational 'aritime 0rganisation 94. Universal Postal Union 95. ood and *gricultural 0rganisation 9H. +orld 'eteorological 0rganisation 9?. )**6$ 9@. *mnesty :nternational 28. Transparency :nternational 29. +orld :ntellectual Property 0rgani7ation 22. :nternational 6ene/able !nergy *gency 2#. $ommon/ealth of 3ations 2.. :nternational )tandards 0rganisation

(ondon1 United Kingdom "erlin1 Dermany Deneva1 )/it7erland *bu %habi1 United *rab !mirates (ondon1 United Kingdom Deneva1 )/it7erland

3e/ Bor, 3e/ Bor, Paris Eienna Deneva 3e/ Bor, Deneva +ashington %$ Deneva The Hague Eienna +ashington %.$. Deneva (ondon "erne 6ome Deneva Kathmandu (ondon "erlin Deneva *bu %habi (U*!) (ondon

:mportant D) 2uestions about )toc, !&change OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O )toc, !&change 6elated Questions 9. +hich is the oldest )toc, !&change in *sia W *ns/er< "ombay )toc, !&change

2. +hat is the full-form of )!3)!I W *ns/er< )ensitive :nde& #. :n /hich street "ombay )toc, !&change is situated W *ns/er< %alal )treet .. +hen 3ational )toc, !&change of :ndia (3)!) /as foundedW *ns/er< 9@@2 (in 9@@# it become stoc, e&change) 4. +hen )!": ()ecurities and !&change "oard of :ndia) /asformedW *ns/er< 9@?? (0fficially started in 9@@2) 5. +hich one is the +orldJs irst !lectronic )toc, !&changeW *ns/er< 3*)%*Q (3ational *ssociation of )ecurities %ealers *utomated Quotations) H. +hich )toc, !&change has the nic, name >"ig "oard>W *ns/er< 3e/ Bor, )toc, !&change (3B)!) ?. +hich )toc, !&change is situated in the +all )treetW *ns/er< 3e/ Bor, )toc, !&change (3B)!)

[[[ :'P06T*3T H!*%QU*6T!6) *T D!3!E* ccc OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO +H0 +:P0 +'0 !$! :"! :$$ :(0 :T$ :TU A:U 0$H* U3*:%) U3H$H6 U3H$6 U3$$ U3$T*% U3:%:6 U3:T*6 3D() U30P) U30)%P U3 P* U36+* U36:)% $!" U3E +orld Health 0rgani7ation +orld :ntellectual Property 0rgani7ation +orld 'eteorological 0rgani7ation !conomic $ommission for !urope :nternational "ureau of !ducation :nternational $omputing $entre :nternational (abour 0rgani7ation :nternational Trade $entre :nternational Telecommunication Union Aoint :nspection Unit 0ffice for the $oordination of Humanitarian *ffairs Aoint United 3ations Programme on H:E-*:%) 0ffice of the United 3ations High $ommissioner for Human 6ights 0ffice of the United 3ations High $ommissioner for 6efugees United 3ations $ompensation $ommission United 3ations $onference on Trade and %evelopment United 3ations :nstitute for %isarmament 6esearch United 3ations :nstitute for Training and 6esearch United 3ations 3on-Dovernmental (iaison )ervice United 3ations 0ffice for ProFect )ervices United 3ations 0ffice on )port for %evelopment S Peace United 3ations Population und United 3ations 6elief and +or,s *gency for Palestine 6efugees in the 3ear-!ast United 3ations 6esearch :nstitute for )ocial %evelopment United 3ations )ystem $hief !&ecutives "oard for $oordination United 3ations Eolunteers Programme.

Na*e of the Pri<ate 9an' $ 3ea# Quarter $ 7ear of establish*ent

9. 2. #. .. $atholic )yrian "an, %hanla&mi "an, )outh :ndian "an, ederal "an, ,erala ,erala ,erala ,erala Aammu and Kashmir bangalore uttara,hand 9@28 9@2H 9@2@ 9@#9(functioned upto 9@.9 and restarted from 9@.4) 9@#? 2882(started in 9@#8 as vysya ban,) 9@22

4. Aammu and Kashmir "an, 5. :3D Eysya "an, H. 3ainital "an,

?. Karnata,a "an, @. Karur Eysya "an, 98. (a,shmi Eilas "an, 99. $ity Union "an, 92. Tamilnad 'ercantile "an, (imited 9#. *&is "an, (earlier UT: "an,) 9.. %evelopment $redit "an, ($onverted from $oXoperative "an,1 no/ %$" "an, (td.) 94. H% $ "an, 95. :$:$: "an, 9H. :ndus:nd "an, 9?. Kota, 'ahindra "an, 9@. Bes "an,

mangalore tamilnadu tamilnadu tamilnadu tamilnadu mumbai mumbai

9@2. 9@95 9@25 9@8. 9@29 9@@. 9@@4

mumbai mumabai mumbai mumbai mumbai

9@@. 9@4. 9@@. 9@?# 2884

State 9an' of 5n#ia B Associate 9an'sR 3ea# Quarters an# 2oun#ation

)tate )tate )tate )tate )tate )tate "an, "an, "an, "an, "an, "an, of of of of of of :ndiaZ 'umbai (9Auly 9@44) "i,aner S AaipurZ Aaipur (9@5#) HyderabadZ Hyderabad (? *ugust 9@.9) 'ysoreZ "angalore (9@9#) PatialaZ Patiala ( 9H 3ovember 9@9H) TravancoreZ Thiruvananthapuram1 (9@.4)

3oteZThe first step to/ards unification occurred on 9# *ugust 288? /hen )tate "an, of )aurashtra merged /ith )":1 reducing the number of associate state ban,s from seven to si&. Then on 9@ Aune 288@ the )": board approved the absorption of )tate "an, of :ndore.

"a=or stoc' eCchan!es %to) 21 b *ar'et ca)italization+ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

-an ' 9 2 # . 4 Stoc' 4Cchan!e 3B)! 3*)%*Q To,yo )toc, !&change (ondon )toc, !&change !urone&t Y 4cono* United )tates United )tates A*P*3. United Kingdom rance13etherlands1"elgium1P ortugal 3ea#Muarters 3e/ Bor, $ity. 3e/ Bor, $ity. To,yo. (ondon. *msterdam

5 H ? @ 98 99 92 9# 9. 94 95 9H 9? 9@ 28 29

Hong Kong )toc, !&change )hanghai )toc, !&change Toronto )toc, !&change ran,furt )toc, !&change *ustralian )ecurities !&change "ombay )toc, !&change 3ational )toc, !&change of :ndia ):I )/iss !&change "'S "ovespa Korea !&change )hen7hen )toc, !&change "'! )panish !&changes A)! (imited 'osco/ !&change )ingapore !&change Tai/an )toc, !&change

Hong Kong . $hina $anada Dermany *ustralia :ndia :ndia )/it7erland "ra7il. )outh Korea $hina. )pain )outh *frica 6ussia )ingapore Tai/an

Hong Kong )hanghai. Toronto. ran,furt. )ydney 'umbai 'umbai ;urich )ho Paulo. )eoul )hen7hen. 'adrid Aohannesburg 'osco/. )ingapore Taipei

)toc, !&change :nde& and $ountry (location) 3i,,ei 1 Pi& Kospi "ovespa 3asda21 %o/ Aones )ime& Hang )eng '%*I T)! To,yo (Aapan) Korea "ra7il U)* )ingapore Hong Kong ran,furt (Dermany) (ondon

&-rrent /ffairs 2013: Foreign Gisits, Foreign Gisitors in 2013

6fficial Foreign Gisits of Dn"ian 9ignitaries Prime $inister Dr" $anmohan /in2h will pay an 5fficial @isit to #hina on 5ctober 22. 2=, 2013 at the invitation of Premier $r" &i %eFian2" 't the invitation of President @ladimir P!tin, Prime $inister of Bndia, Dr" $anmohan /in2h will pay an 5fficial visit to $oscow from 20 to 22 5ctober, 2013 for the 1=th Bndia.;!ssia 'nn!al /!mmit" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister, /hri /alman %h!rshid will be visitin2 ?razil from 5ctober 1=. 17, 2013" President of Bndia to ?el2i!m and T!r4ey )2.H 5ctober 2013+" Prime $inister Dr" $anmohan /in2h @isited ,/' on the last wee4 of /eptember, 2013"

Prime $inister0s /pecial 8nvoy for <apan Dr" 'shwani %!mar0s visit to To4yo in /eptember, 2013" The 9orei2n /ecretary of Bndia, /mt" /! atha /in2h, visited Nepal from /eptember 1=.1I, 2013" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister, /hri" /alman %h!rshid visited %yr2yz ;ep!blic and ,zbe4istan from /eptember 12.1I, 2013" /pecial 8nvoy of Bndia for /!dan and /o!th /!dan, /hri P"/" ;a2havan visited /o!th /!dan between H.6 '!2!st, 2013" @isit of @ice President of Bndia $" :amid 'nsari visited Bran on '!2!st =, 2013" @isit of $rs" Preneet %a!r, $inister of /tate for 8xternal 'ffairs to Tanzania on H.10 <!ly, 2013" National /ec!rity 'dviser /hivshan4ar $enon visited /rilan4a on H.6 <!ly 2013" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister /alman %h!rshid visited BraF on <!ne 16.20, 2013" $inister of /tate for 8xternal 'ffairs /hri 8"'hamed will pay an official visit to ?ahrain on =.I <!ne 2013" @ice President /hri $" :amid 'nsari visited ,zbe4istan from 21 to 2= $ay 2013" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister /hri /alman %h!rshid visited /a!di 'rabia on $ay 2I.2M, 2013" Prime $inister, Dr" $anmohan /in2h, visited <apan on $ay 27.26, 2013 and to the %in2dom of Thailand on $ay 30.31, 2013" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister, /hri /alman %h!rshid, visited the People0s ;ep!blic of #hina on $ay 06.10, 2013" $inister of /tate for 8xternal 'ffairs /hri 8" 'hamed visited &ibya from 'pril 1=.1M, 2013" Prime $inister Dr" $anmohan /in2h visited -ermany on 10.12 'pril 2013" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister /hri /alman %h!rshid visited to <apan on 2M.27 $arch, 2013" President of Bndia visited ?an2ladesh on $arch 3.I, 2013" 9orei2n /ecretary /hri ;an an $athai visited ,nited /tates on 9ebr!ary 20.22, 2013" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister /hri /alman %h!rshid visited ?an2ladesh from 9ebr!ary 1M .17, 2013" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister /hri /alman %h!rshid will pay an official bilateral visit to ?h!tan on 1=.1I <an!ary 2013" 8xternal 'ffairs $inister /hri /alman %h!rshid will visit 9rance on 10.11 <an!ary 2013 for bilateral disc!ssions with $r" &a!rent 9abi!s, the 9rench 9orei2n $inister" Foreign GisitorsJ 9ignitaries to Dn"ia The President of the ;ep!blic of &iberia :er 8xcellency $rs" 8llen <ohnson /irleaf will pay a /tate @isit to Bndia from /eptember 6 to 13, 2013 at the invitation of the President of Bndia" Prime $inister of ?h!tan, &yonchhen Tsherin2 Tob2ay visited Bndia from '!2!st 30 to /eptember =, 2013" Prime $inister of BraF, $r" No!ri al.$ali4i visited Bndia from 22.2I '!2!st, 2013" The 2nd @ice President of the Bslamic ;ep!blic of 'f2hanistan $ohammad %arim %halili, visited Bndia from '!2!st 20.22, 2013 !pon the invitation of @ice President 9orei2n $inister of Nicara2!a, $r" /am!el /antos &opez visited Bndia from '!2!st 16. 23, 2013"

The $inister of 9orei2n 'ffairs of @ietnam, r" Pham ?inh $inh visited Bndia from 10.12 <!ly, 2013" 9orei2n $inister of 'r2entina :Lctor $arcos Timerman vsited Bndia from <!ne 1I.1H, 2013" The President of 'f2hanistan, :amid %arzai, visited to Bndia from $ay 20.22, 2013" 9orei2n $inister of #!ba, $r" ?r!no ;odri2!ez Parrilla visited to Bndia from $ay 2I.27, 2013" #hinese Premier $r" &i %eFian2 visited Bndia on $ay 16.21, 2013" 9orei2n $inister of 'zerbai an $r" 8lmar $ammadyarov to Bndia from $ay 2.I, 2013" President of 82ypt Dr" $ohamed $orsy visited Bndia from $arch 1H.20, 2013" /pecial 8nvoy of the /yrian President to Bndia $s" ?o!thaina /haaban visited Bndia on $arch M, 2013" 9orei2n $inister of ;omania, $r" Tit!s #orlatean visited Bndia from $arch 7.H, 2013" 9orei2n 'ffairs of Port!2al, $r" Pa!lo de /acad!ra #abral Portas visited Bndia from 03. 07 $arch, 2013" 9orei2n $inister of %aza4hstan *erlan Bdrissov visited Bndia on $arch 3.I, 2013" Prime $inister of ,% David #ameron visited Bndia on 9ebr!ary 1H.20, 2013" President of 9rance 9rancois :ollande visited Bndia from 9ebr!ary 1=.1I, 2013" Prime $inister of ?h!tan <i2mi *" Thinley visited Bndia from 9ebr!ary 7.6, 2013" The %in2 and K!een of ?h!tan, :is $a esty<i2me %hesar Nam2yel (an2ch!c4 and :er $a esty <ets!n Pema, visited Bndia from 23.30 <an!ary 2013" President of ;ep!blic of $a!riti!s $r" ;a 4esw!r P!rrya2 visited Bndia from 3rd to 10th <an!ary, 2013"

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN &ist of Bmportant Personalities @isited Bndia d!rin2 2013. ,sef!l ;eference for all exams NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN UU @i4tor 5rban. Prime $inister of :!n2ary visited Bndia on 1M.17 5ctober 2013 UU '2a %han . /wiss.?orn Philanthropist and $!slim /pirit!al &eader . visited Bndia from 17 to 26 /eptember 2013" UU 8llen <ohnson /irleaf. President of the ;ep!blic of &iberia. visited Bndia d!rin2 6 /eptember 2013 to 13 /eptember 2013 UU 9ilippo -randi . #ommissioner.-eneral of the ,nited Nations ;elief and (or4s '2ency ),N;('+. 12 /ep 2013 UU &yonchhen Tsherin2 Tob2ay. Prime $inister of ?h!tan. '!2!st 30 '!2!st 2013 to = /eptember 2013 UU /am!el /antos &opez . 9orei2n $inister of Nicara2!a. 16 '!2!st to 23 '!2!st 2013 UU $ohammad %arim %halili. @ice President of the Bslamic ;ep!blic of 'f2hanistan. 27 '!2 2013 UU Ta!4elina 9ini4aso . 9orei2n $inister of T!val!. 21 to 2I '!2!st 2013 UU No!ri al.$ali4i . Prime $inister of BraF. 22 to 2I '!2!st 2013 UU $o!ssa 9a4i $ahamat. 9orei2n $inister of ;ep!blic of #had. 12.13 '!2!st 2013 UU <ohn %erry. /ecretary of /tate of the ,nited /tates. 23 <!ne 2013 to 2I <!ne 2013" UU ?r!no ;odri2!ez Parrilla . 9orei2n $inister of #!ba. 2I $ay 2013 to 27 $ay 2013" UU $ohamed $orsy. the then President of 82ypt. 1H $arch 2013 to 20 $arch 2013 UU Pa!lo de /acad!ra #abral Portas . 9orei2n $inister of Port!2al. 3 $arch 2013 to 7 $arch 2013

UU David #ameron. Prime $inister of the ,nited %in2dom. 1H to 20 9ebr!ary 2013" UU &yonchhen <i2mi *" Thinley. the then Prime $inister of ?h!tan. 7 9eb" to 6 9eb" 2013"

6bit-ary 2013: Person 9ie" in 2013, D'#ortant Personality 9ie"

'n obit!ary is a news article that reports the recent death of a person, typically alon2 with an acco!nt of the person0s life and information abo!t the !pcomin2 f!neral" $ohan Dharia, the 9ormer ,nion $inister and an 8nvironmentalist, Died 't HH TD ;an2araman! an, the 9ormer Table Tennis 9ederation of Bndia President Died at 6M 5scar :i !elos, the #!ban.'merican (riter, Died at M2 (ilfried $artens, Nine.Time Prime $inister of ?el2i!m Died 't 77 5vadia *osef, the 9ormer /ephardi #hief ;abbi of Bsrael, Died 't 63 -eneral @o N2!yen -iap, the &e2endary @ietnamese $ilitary #ommander Died at 102 <as it /in2h, 'ir #ommodore );etd"+ 'nd Bndia0s ?est $ilitary 'nalyst, Died at 76 ;enowned %amaicha player /a4ar %han passed away ;enowned Nat!ralist and 5rnitholo2ist >afar 9!tehally passed away Desh Prem 'zad, the 9ormer #oach of #ric4eter %apil Dev, Died at 7I 9ormer ?en2al #ric4eter and #oach %alyan $itter passed away on 1M '!2!st 2013 in %ol4ata $arich $an /in2h /hrestha, the former Prime $inister of Nepal, died Dezso -yarmati, the (ater Polo le2end from :!n2ary died Tel!2! writer, novelist and col!mnist, $alathi #hand!r, died followin2 prolon2ed illness in #hennai on 21 '!2!st 2013" Pandit ;a2h!nath Pani2rahi, the 8minent Bndian #lassical /in2er Passed 'way" <!lie :arris passed away on 2I '!2!st 2013 at the a2e of H7 years at (est #hatham, $assach!setts, ,nited /tates" 9ormer athlete :enry ;ebello died in -!r2aon on 27 '!2!st 2013" Brish writer /eam!s :eaney died at the a2e of 7= on 26 '!2!st 2013" David 9rost died on 31 '!2!st 2013 aboard the ocean liner K!een 8lizabeth" Do!2las 8n2elbart, 9ather of the $o!se died at the '2e of HH Padma /hree 'wardee $adh!bani Paintin2 artist $ahas!ndari Devi died at the '2e of 62 Dr" :"'"?" Parpia, the renowned 9ood /cientist died @eteran actor Pran died d!e to prolon2ed Bllness" 'mar -opal ?ose, the 9o!nder of ?ose #orporation Passed 'way at H3" Btalian b!sinessman 5ttavio K!attrocchi died in $ilan on <!ly 13, 2013" N ;an2abashyam,the Padma ?h!shan award recipient -astroenterolo2ist died /amar $!4her ee, the #PB.$ @eteran &eader Passed 'way at 100 @eteran Tamil 9ilm lyricist @aali Died at the '2e of H2 Prof" 5ommen $athew, 9ormer $&' form %!ttanad, %erala died 9ormer ,nion $inister %h!rshed 'lam %han died & ?ro eshori Devi, the 5lympian <!do Player Passed 'way at 32

$an !la @i aya4!mar, the /o!th Bndian 'ctress died at the '2e of I6 B$5 /ecretary.-eneral 8merit!s and Padma @ibh!shan 'wardee, #"P" /rivastava died in Btaly" 'r!n Nehr!, the 9ormer ,nion $inister and #lose 'ide of ;a iv -andhi, Died at M6 5baid /iddiFi, National ;esearch Professor at the National #entre for ?iolo2ical /ciences, Tata Bnstit!te of 9!ndamental ;esearch )TB9;+, died in ?an2alore followin2 a ;oad 'ccident" Blya /e2alovich, the #o.9o!nder of *andex Died at the '2e of =H *ears" <a2dish ;a , the $ost Type.#ast 'ctor of ?ollywood Died at HI" /N :an!mantha ;ao, the 9ormer Bndian Test ,mpire Passed 'way at H3" :emendra Prasad ?arooah, the Noted 'ssam Tea Planter Passed 'way at H7" $ahas!ndari Devi C$adh!bani paintin2 artist E Padma /hree 'wardee <iroemon %im!ra C (orld0s oldest ever man )<apan+ died at the a2ed 11M ;it!parno -hosh C the renowned ?en2ali film ma4er ;!ma #hatter ee C National #yclin2 #oach M" <ames -andolfini C Triple 8mmy 'ward /!rendra Tiwari C :indi story writer and playwri2ht /arab it /in2h : Bndian /ana!llah :aF: Pa4istani terrorist $ahendra %arma C 9o!nder of /alwa <!d!m E #on2ress leader from #hhattis2arh &al2!di <ayaraman C ;enowned violinist and composer /ha4!ntala Devi C Bndian $athematician $ichael :enry Denness C former 8n2land captain @"/" ;amadevi C 9ormer -overnor of %arnata4a $ar2aret Thatcher C 9ormer Prime $inister of ?ritain died ;!th Prawer <habvala C 5scar and ?oo4er Prize winner ;obert 8dwards C ?ritish scientist <"/" @erma C former #hief <!stice of Bndia /hamshad ?e2!m C playbac4 sin2ers &onappan Nambadan C former $ember of Parliament from %erala <etti @eera ;a2hav!l! C (ell 4nown Tel!2! m!sic director and playbac4 sin2er @ # /h!4la C @eteran #on2ress leader Prof @eer ?hadra $ishra C Noted 8nvironmentalist -anesh Pyne C &e2endary Painter #hin!a 'chebe C father of 'frican literat!re"
Aa/aharlal 3ehru )/amiEive,ananda *charyaEinoba "have )ir)yed *hmed Khan robel )ree 3arayana Duru 'annathu Padmanabhan )ree )an,aracharya )ubhash $handra "ose Henry %unant 6aFa 6am 'ohan6oy

89< 82< 8#< 8.< 84< 85< 8H< 8?< 8@< 98< 99<

ive Bears Plans of :ndia 6ama,rishna 'ission "hoodan 'ovement *lighar 'uslim University Kinter Darten )3%P 3)) *dvaita Philosophy :ndian 3ational *rmy 6ed $ross society "rahma )amaF

92< 9#< 9.< 94< 95<

*rya )amaF )ervants of :ndia society Theosophical )ociety Home 6ule (eague )cout 'ovement

)/ami %ayananda )aras/ati Dopala,rishna Do,hale *nnie "esant *nnie "esant "aden Po/ell

Ne1 %an,: *%D Dss-e" Final !-i"elines for Ne1 %an, Licenses
The ;eserve ?an4 of Bndia );?B+, the central ban4in2 a!thority of Bndia, on 9ebr!ary 22, 2013 iss!ed the final 2!idelines for new ban4 licenses, allowin2 any type of company to apply for a permit, pavin2 the way for new ban4s after nine years" ;eserve ?an4 of Bndia );?B+ said it wo!ld allow applications till <!ly 1, 2013" No specific ind!stry was barred from applyin2, altho!2h draft r!les iss!ed in '!2!st 2011 had barred real estate companies and bro4era2es" The players which are expected throw their hat in the rin2 to 2et ban4in2 licenses are: &ET 9inance :oldin2s, Tata #apital, 'ditya ?irla 9inancial /ervices, ;eliance #apital, &B# :o!sin2 9inance, $ahindra E $ahindra 9inancial /ervices, ;eli2are 8nterprises, and Bndiab!lls" The 2!idelines come three years after the then 9inance $inister /hri Pranab $!4her ee anno!nced that the ;?B is considerin2 2ivin2 some additional ban4in2 licenses to private sector players" The last time that the central ban4 2ave ban4in2 licenses was a decade a2o when %ota4 $ahindra 9inance &td 2ot converted into a commercial ban4 and *8/ ?an4 was floated" /bstracts of Final !-i"elines for ne1 ban, licenses iss-e" by *%D: E.eryone is 1elco'e, b-t 1ith ca.eats: #orporates, non.ban4in2 finance companies )N?9#s+ and p!blic sector entities can set !p ban4s" ?ro4in2 and real estate companies can also apply" Promoters need to be financially so!nd with trac4 record of 10 years" Positive feedbac4 from other re2!lators and investi2ative a2encies critical" *ing fence" str-ct-re: Promoters m!st set !p ban4s thro!2h wholly.owned non.operative financial holdin2 companies" :oldin2 company and ban4 not permitted to lend or invest in any entity belon2in2 to the promoter 2ro!p" /hares of holdin2 companies cannot be transferred to entities o!tside the promoter 2ro!p" +harehol"ing in the ban,: :oldin2 company to hold =0P sta4e in ban4 for I years" :oldin2 company to red!ce sta4e in the ban4 to 20P in 10 years, 1IP in 12 years" 9orei2n shareholdin2 capped at =6P for I years" &a#ital reK-ire'ents: $inim!m paid.!p capital of the ban4 m!st be ;s I00 crore" The ban4 needs to maintain capital adeF!acy ratio at 13P for initial 3 years" The ban4 m!st 2et listed within 3 years"

6ther con"itions: 't least 2IP of new branches m!st be in !nban4ed r!ral centres" 't least I0P of the directors of holdin2 company m!st be independent directors" The ban40s board m!st have a ma ority of independent directors" /##lication #rocess: 'pplications for ban4in2 licenses need to be s!bmitted by <!ly 1, 2013" ;?B to iss!e in.principle approval after considerin2 recommendations from a hi2h level advisory committee" The in.principle approval will be valid for 1 year"

National Foo" +ec-rity /ct, 2013 2 D'#ortant Points to *e'e'ber

The National 9ood /ec!rity ?ill 2013 also 4nown as ;i2ht to 9ood ?ill was si2ned into law /eptember 12, 2013 by the President of Bndia /hri Pranab $!4her ee" This law aims to provide s!bsidized food 2rains to approximately two thirds of Bndia0s 1"2 billion people" D'#ortant Points to *e'e'ber: The food sec!rity bill approved is directed towards 2ivin2 the ri2ht to food to aro!nd M7 per cent of Bndia0s 120.crore pop!lation )incl!din2 7IP r!ral and I0P !rban+" (hile families in the poorest of the poor will contin!e to 2et3I 42 of 2rains per month" ;ice will be made available at ;s3G. per %2" (heat will cost ;s"2G. a 42 and cereal will be sold for1 ;!pees per 42" The 9ood /ec!rity pro2ramme will be the bi22est in the world with the 2overnment spendin2 estimated at ;s" 1,2I,000 crore ann!ally on s!pply of abo!t M2 million tonnes of rice, wheat and coarse cereals to M7P of the pop!lation" 'bo!t 2"=3 crore poorest of the poor families covered !nder the 'ntyodaya 'nna *o ana )''*+ scheme !nder PD/ )P!blic Distrib!tion /ystem+ wo!ld contin!e to 2et 3I 42 of food 2rains per family per month b!t with le2al entitlement" Bn ,nion ?!d2et 2013.1=,;s 10,000 crore set aside for incremental cost for National 9ood /ec!rity ?ill" The scheme will be lin4ed to the 'adhar scheme which provides every citizen with a !niF!e identification n!mber that0s lin4ed to a database that incl!des the biometrics of all card.holders" # ;an2ara an is the head of the committee for examination of the 9ood /ec!rity ?ill" #hhattis2arh the first state to pass le2islation on food sec!rity" The state le2islative assembly passed the 9ood /ec!rity ?ill 2012 that confers le2al ri2hts to the beneficiaries to receive food 2rains and food items at hi2hly s!bsidized prices" +alient feat-res of National Foo" +ec-rity %ill 2013: ATwenty five percent0 of r!ral and I0 percent of the !rban pop!lation are entitled for three years from enactment to five 42 food 2rains per month at ;s" 3G. , ;s" 2G., ;s" 1G. per 42 for rice, wheat and coarse 2rains )millet+, respectively" The states are responsible for determinin2 eli2ibilityS

Pre2nant women and lactatin2 mothers are entitled to a n!tritio!s 1ta4e home ration3 of M00 #alories and a maternity benefit of at least ;s M,000 for six monthsS #hildren M months to 1= years of a2e are to receive free hot meals or 1ta4e home rations3S The central 2overnment will provide f!nds to states in case of short s!pplies of food 2rainsS The c!rrent food 2rain allocation of the states will be protected by the central 2overnment for at least six monthsS The state 2overnments will provide a food sec!rity allowance to the beneficiaries in case of non.s!pply of food 2rainsS The P!blic Distrib!tion /ystem is to be reformedS The eldest woman in the ho!sehold, 1H years or above, is the head of the ho!sehold for the iss!ance of the ration cardS There will be state. and district.level redress mechanismsS and /tate 9ood #ommissions will be formed for implementation and monitorin2 of the provisions of the 'ct"

"ain Points of 2oo# Securit 9ill 2013: %5*)ortant 2or u)co*in! 4Ca*s+
9. The food security bill approved is directed to/ards giving the right to food to around 5H per cent of :ndia=s 928-crore population. 2. H4 percent of rural and 48 percent of the urban population are entitled for three years from enactment to 4 ,g food grains per month #. +hile families in the poorest of the poor /ill continue to get #4 ,g of grains per month. .. 6ice /ill be made available at # 6s per Kg. 4. +heat /ill cost 2 rupees a ,g and cereal /ill be sold for 9 6upees per ,g. 5. The ood )ecurity programme /ill be the biggest in the /orld /ith the government spending estimated at 6s. 91241888 crore annually on supply of about 52 million tonnes of rice1 /heat and coarse cereals to 5H per cent of the population. H. *bout 2..# crore poorest of the poor families covered under the *ntyodaya *nna BoFana (**B) scheme under P%) (Public %istribution )ystem) /ould continue to get #4 ,g of food grains per family per month but /ith legal entitlement. ?. :n Union "udget 289#-9.1 6s 981888 crore set aside for incremental cost for 3ational ood )ecurity "ill. @. The scheme /ill be lin,ed to the *adhar scheme /hich provides every citi7en /ith a uni2ue identification number that=s lin,ed to a database that includes the biometrics of all card-holders.

98. $ 6angaraFan is the head of the committee for e&amination of the ood )ecurity "ill. 99. $hhattisgarh the first state to pass legislation on food security. The state legislative assembly passed the ood )ecurity "ill 2892 that confers legal rights to the beneficiaries to receive food grains and food items at highly subsidi7ed prices. 92. Pregnant /omen1 lactating mothers1 and certain categories of children are eligible for daily free meals

2LA&S35P P-8&-A""4S 82 &864-N"4N0 82 5N;5A .................................................................... .............

*-)arva )hi,sha *bhiyan())*)....2889 "-3ational 6ural Health 'ission(3H6').. .................................2884-2892 $-:ntegrated $hild %evelopment Program.. ..................................9@H4 %-'id %ay 'eal...................9@H4 !-3ational 6ural %rin,ing +ater Programme.........................288@ -Total )anitation Programme...2888 D-'ahatma Dandhi 6ural !mployment Duarantee *ct('D36!D*).......2885 H-:ndira */as BoFana..............9@@@ D-6aFiv Dandhi Drameen Eidyuti,aran BoFana...........................................2884 H-Aa/ahar (al 3ehru 3ational Urban 6ene/al 8ission.........................2884 :-"harat 3irman BoFana...........2884 SSO Pra#han "antri &ra* Sa#a' 7o=ana %P"&S7+ $ -s. 2F?000 cr "eing implemented since 2888. Proposals for .12815#H ,m of roads have been cleared. i?.1H#9 crore /ere released up to 'arch 2899 against the sanctioned 6s 919?1@.@ crore. Doal< The goal /as to provide roads to all villages (9) /ith a population of 9888 persons and above by 288#1 (2) /ith a population of 488 persons and above by 288H1 (#) in hill states1 tribal and desert area villages /ith a population of 488 persons and above by 288#1 and (.) in hill states1 tribal and desert area villages /ith a population of 248 persons and above by 288H. SSO "i#$;a "eal Sche*e %""S+$ -s. 11?K3I cr The largest noon meal scheme in the /orld fed 98..5 crore children of primary and upper primary classes in 99.@2 la,h schools as on Aanuary #81 2892. Doal< :t see,s to address issues of food security1 lac, of nutrition and access to education

on a >pan nation>(nation on the basis of a KKclusterJJ of cultures and ethnic groups) scale SSO Sar<a Shi'sha Abhi an%SSA+ $ -s. 2G?GGG cr The largest scheme for delivering elementary education. 6s 291888 croreZ54 per cent of the total allocationZ/as designated in in B 2899-921 up from 6s H1955 crore in B 2884-85. Bg iscal Bear Doal< :t aimed at the universali7ation of elementary education >in a time bound manner>1 as mandated by the ?5th amendment to the $onstitution of :ndia ma,ing free and compulsory education to children of ages 5Y9. (estimated to be 284 million in number in 2889) a fundamental right. SSO 0otal Sanitation Ca*)ai!n%0SC+ $ -s. 3?G00 cr :nitiated by Dovernment of :ndia in 9@@@ Doal< 0ver 525 million :ndians do not have access to toilets. The 3irmal "harat *bhiyan or Total )anitation $ampaign /ould attempt to put an end to open defecation (the elimination of fecal /aste through the anus) /ithin the ne&t decade(by 289H). SSO National -ural 3ealth "ission%N-3"+ $ -s. 20?J22 cr The government proposes to convert the scheme into a 3ational Health 'ission to provide healthcare to the urban poor too under the 92th Plan. Doal< :t is a health program for improving health care delivery across rural :ndia. The scheme proposes a number of ne/ mechanism for healthcare delivery including training local residents as *ccredited )ocial Health *ctivists (*)H*)1and the Aanani )ura,shay BoFana (motherhood protection program). :t also aims at improving hygiene and sanitation infrastructure. SSO "&N-4&S %"ahat*a &an#hi National -ural 4*)lo *ent &uarantee Sche*e+ $ -s. 33?000 cr *s of Auly 28921 4.48 cr families1 or one in four rural households1 /ere provided over 248 crore person-days of /or,.:t is /orld=s largest /elfare program1 run by the Dovernment of :ndia.:t /as enacted by legislation on 24 *ugust 2884. Doal< :t is a Fob guarantee scheme for rural :ndians. The scheme provides a legal guarantee for at least 988 days of paid employment in every financial year to adult members of any household /illing to do uns,illed manual /or, related to public /or, at the statutory minimum /age of :36928 (U)\9.?8) per day in 288@ prices.

SSO 5nte!rate# Chil# ;e<elo)*ent Sche*e %5C;S+$ -s. 1G?JG0 cr :tJs one of the /orldJs largest and most uni2ue programmes for early childhood development. There /ere @H2..@ la,h beneficiaries during 2899-92. Doal< :t is a social /elfare scheme to tac,le malnutrition and health problems in children belo/ 5 years of age and their mothers. The main beneficiaries of the programme /ere aimed to be the girl child up to her adolescence1 all children belo/ 5 years of age1 pregnant and lactating mothers. The gender promotion of the girl child by trying to bring her at par /ith the male child is a ,ey component of the scheme. SSO National -ural ;rin'in! Water Pro!ra**e $ -s. 1F?000 cr *s of eb 28921 of about 95.5 la,h rural habitations1 92.H la,h /ere covered fullyZ HHj of the habitations have .8 litre per capita per day. The mission1 initially mooted for H years (2884-2892)1 is run by the 'inistry of Health. This programme /as launched after merging the three erst/hile programmes on< 9.*ccelerated 6ural +ater )upply Programme-*6+)P 2.)/aFaldhara #.3ational 6ural +ater Quality 'onitoring S )urveillance. Doal< :t is a flagship programme of the Dovernment and a component of the "harat 3irman /ith the obFective of ensuring provision of safe and ade2uate drin,ing /ater supply through handpumps1 piped /ater supply etc. to all rural areas1 households and persons. SSO National Social Assistance Pro!ra**e%NSAP+ $ -s. J?FFI cr it is a flagship /elfare program of the Dovernment of :ndia initiated on 94 *ugust 9@@4. Doal< *ims at ensuring minimum national standard for social assistance in addition to the benefits that states are providing or might provide in future.:t directs the )tate to provide public assistance to its citi7ens in case of unemployment1 old age1 sic,ness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved /ant /ithin the limit of its economic capacity and development. SSO ,NN.-" %,a(aharlal Nehru National .rban -ene(al "ission+ $ -s. H2?2G3 cr *s on Aune #81 28921 44. proFects /ere sanctioned. :t /as launched in 2884 for a seven-year period (up to 'arch 2892) to encourage cities to initiate steps for bringing phased improvements in their civic service levels. The government has e&tended the tenure of the mission for t/o years1 i.e.1 from *pril 2892 to 'arch #91 289..

Doal< :t is a programme meant to improve the 2uality of life and infrastructure in the cities. :t aims at creating Keconomically productive1 efficient1 e2uitable and responsive $itiesJ by a strategy of upgrading the social and economic infrastructure in cities1 provision of "asic )ervices to Urban Poor (")UP) and /ide-ranging urban sector reforms to strengthen municipal governance in accordance /ith the $onstitutional *mendment *ct1 9@@2. SSO -ashtri a >rishi 6i'as 7o=ana%->67+ $ -s. K?21I cr launched in *ugust 288H as a part of the 99th ive Bear Plan by the Dovernment of :ndia. (aunched under the aegis of the 3ational %evelopment $ouncil.Total number of proFects completed till 2892-289# is 41H5?. Doal< *ims at achieving .j annual gro/th in the agriculture sector through development of *griculture and its allied sectors (as defined by the Planning $ommission (:ndia)) during the period under the 99th ive Bear Plan SSO 5n#ira A(as 7o=ana %5A7+$ -s. 11?000 cr :n *ug 28921 a hi,e /as announced in allocation of grants for construction of houses from i.41888 to iH41888 per d/elling unit. The hi,e /ill ta,e effect on *pril 91 289#. Doal< :t is a social /elfare programme to provide housing for the rural poor in :ndia :t is one of the maFor flagship programs of the 6ural %evelopment 'inistry to construct houses for "P((belo/ poverty line) population in the villages. Under the scheme1 financial assistance /orth 6s.H8888-- in plain areas and 6s.H4888-- in difficult areas (high land area) is provided for construction of houses. The houses are allotted in the name of the /oman or Fointly bet/een husband and /ife. SSO -ashtri a S(asth a 9i*a 7o=ana %-S97+ $ -s. 1?0KH.I cr :t is literally >3ational Health :nsurance Programme>.The scheme started enrolling on *pril 91 288? and has been implemented in 24 states of :ndia.* total of 2# million families have been enrolled as of ebruary 2899. The 6)"B is a proFect under the 'inistry of (abour and !mployment Doal< health insurance scheme for the :ndian poor. :t provides for cashless insurance for hospitalisation in public as /ell private hospitals SSO -a=i< &an#hi &ra*een 6i# uti'aran 7o=ana $ -s. F?K00 cr :n 2899-921 electrification of H1@#. villages has been completed and #.... la,h "P( connections provided. Doal<

is a scheme for creating rural electricity infrastructure and completing household electrification and moderni7ation. Users can get information about electrified villages1 launch of the scheme and its various obFectives etc. :nformation about the franchise system1 monitoring system1 village covered under the scheme and implementing agencies etc. 6eports on the progress of the /or, done under this scheme are also available.

S.N. 2la!shi) )ro!ra**es / 5nitiati<es / 5conic )ro=ects %;". re)orts on "inistr /;e)art*ent (ebsite is h )erlin'e# to the na*e of the )ro!ra**e etc.+ No#al "inistr / ;e)art*ent @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
9. 3ational 6ural !mployment Duarantee *ct 'inistry of 6ural %evelopment 2. 3ational 6ural Health 'ission %epartment of Health S amily +elfare #. )arva )hi,sha *bhiyan %epartment of )chool !ducation S (iteracy .. "harat 3irman - (a) Pradhan 'antri Dram )ada, BoFana (b) :ndira */as BoFana - 6ural drin,ing /ater supply - 6ural electrification - 6ural telecom - 6ural :T - 6ural irrigation 'inistry of 6ural %evelopment1 %epartment of %rin,ing +ater )upply1 'inistry of Po/er1 %epartment of Telecommunications1 %epartment of :nformation Technology and 'inistry of +ater 6esources 4. Aa/aharlal 3ehru 3ational Urban 6ene/al 'ission - Urban %evelopment - Housing S Urban Poverty *lleviation (HUP*) 'inistry of Urban %evelopment and 'inistry of Housing S Urban Poverty *lleviation

5. 6aFiv */as BoFana 'inistry of Housing S Poverty *lleviation H. 'ulti-)ectoral %istrict Plans for 'inority $oncentration %istricts 'inistry of 'inority *ffairs ?. 3ational 'ission on emale (iteracy P)a,shar "haratR %epartment of )chool !ducation S (iteracy @. )trengthening of Public *ccountability (6ight to :nformation) %epartment of Personnel S Training 98. )trengthening of Public *ccountability (Public %ata Policy) %epartment of )cience S Technology. 99. )trengthening of Public *ccountability (*nnual 6eports on five identified topics and setting up :ndependent !valuation 0ffice) Planning $ommission. 92. Prime 'inister=s 6econstruction Plan for Aammu S Kashmir 'inistry of Home *ffairs. 9#. :nfrastructure %evelopment in 3orth-!astern 6egion 'inistry of %evelopment of 3orth-!ast 6egion. 9.. %edicated 6ail/ay reight $orridors 'inistry of 6ail/ays. 94. %elhi-'umbai :ndustrial $orridor %epartment of :ndustrial Policy S Promotion. 95. :nnovation Universities - %ecade of :nnovation %epartment of Higher !ducation. 9H. %evelopment of (and Ports 'inistry of Home *ffairs. 9?. )etting up 3ational $ouncil for Human 6esources in Health %epartment of Health S amily +elfare. 9@. )etting up 3ational $ouncil for Higher !ducation %epartment of Higher !ducation. 28. *ssam Das $rac,er ProFect %epartment of $hemicals S Petro-chemicals. %elivery 'onitoring UnitP"ac,R The %elivery 'onitoring Unit has been set up in the Prime 'inister=s 0ffice for revie/ of the follo/ing flagship programmes - initiatives - iconic proFects of the Dovernment of :ndia.

The tas, of the %elivery 'onitoring Unit is to ensure time-bound and effective delivery of identified programmes by 'inistries assigned the responsibility. The %elivery 'onitoring Unit see,s to ensure that information on the selected programmes - initiatives - proFects /ould be placed in the public domain by the 'inistry - %epartment concerned to enable citi7en-monitoring. 'inistries-%epartments have been directed to place implementation status on their respective /ebsite under the caption >%'U 6eport>.

9. *li ;eidan< (ibya P' /as abducted from a Tripoli hotel and held for several hours by armed militiamen. 2. )iddi2a Parveen of :ndia declared the +orld=s Tallest +oman. #. (alu Badav sentenced to 4 yrs in Fail in fodder scam .. Eladimir Putin (6ussia President) nominated for 289. 3obel Peace Pri7e 4. %ayanidhi 'aran< $": filed a case against %ayanidhi 'aran for allegedly allotting #88 high-speed telephone lines to 'aranJs residence in $hennai /hich /ere e&tended to his brotherJs channel. 5. 6asheed 'asood< member and $ongress leader /as sentenced to four years in Fail by a %elhi court in a corruption case in a Tripura1 becoming the first 'P to lose his seat after a recent )upreme $ourt Fudgement had removed the immunity for convicted la/ma,ersJ H. :*) officer )hashi Karna/at gets 4 years imprisonment in corruption case in 'P. ?. "o Iilai< $hinaJs disgraced former $ommunist Party leader1 has appealed against his life sentence conviction. @. %urga )a,thi 3agpal< 3agpal /as suspended by UP govt. on Auly 2H allegedly for ta,ing on the po/erful sand mining mafia /hen she /as the )%' of Dautambudh 3agar. 98. *shish Kumar< * Haryana student has been selected for a three-year astronaut training programme of 3ational *eronautics and )pace *dministration (3*)*) in the U). 3ote< *shish Kumar1 /ho belongs to %haulera village of 'ahendergarh district1 /as today honoured /ith KPratibha )ammanJ by Haryana $hief 'inister "hupinder )ingh Hooda for his achievement. 99. A/ala Dutta ("adminton player) moves court against "adminton *ssociation of :ndia ("*:) life ban threat . 92. ormer )lovenia P' (Aane7 Aansa) has been convicted of corruption and

sentenced to t/o years in prison 9#. *runima )inha Y a 3ational-level volleyball player /ith an artificial limb geared up to climb the /orld=s highest pea, - the 't !verest1 accompanied by )ushen 'ahto. 9.. Pop "enedict IE: Y resigned due to poor health. 94. "hanu *thaiya Y irst :ndian to /in 0scar decided to return her trophy. 95. 'ichael Hussey (*ustralian $ric,eter)- announced 6etirement from Test $ric,et. 9H. 6ahi )arnobat - first :ndian Pistol )hooter to clinch a gold medal in the :)) +orld $up in $hang/on1 Korea. 9?. )unil %utt Y 6esigned from his post he /as "lac,"erryJs :ndia 'anaging %irector. 9@. )ubra )uresh Y :ndian *merican *ppointed as president of $arnegie 'ellon 28. 'arion "artoli< rench (a/n Tennis Player and +imbledon 289# (+omenJs )ingles) /inner announced her retirement 29. 6atan Tata- !lected as member of 3ational *cademy of !ngineering. 22. )ushmita "anerFee< :ndian +riter ,illed in *fghanistan 2#. *nFana Padmanabhan became the irst +inner of :ndian :dol Aunior 2.. Kapil Para,h )elected for +hite House ello/ship 289#-9. 24. *bdul Karim Tunda< (ash,ar-e-Taiba=s "omb !&pert arrested by %elhi Police 25. 3isha %esai "is/al nominated for the Post of *ssistant )ecretary of )tate of U)*

VVNVV T5P K,8/TB5N/ 9;5$ ,NB5N ?,D-8T VVNVV )1+ (hat is the fiscal deficit for 2012.13 )9* 2013+ as anno!nced in the ,nion ?!d2et 2013.1=W 'ns C I"2P of the -ross Domestic Prod!ct )-DP+, which is lower than the tar2eted fiscal deficit of I"3P of -DP )2+ (hat is the fiscal deficit for 2013.1= )9* 201=+ as anno!nced in the ,nion ?!d2et 2013.1=W 'ns C ="HP of the -DP )3+ (hat is the total o!tlay for planned expendit!re, as anno!nced in the ,nion ?!d2et of 2013. 1=W 'ns C ;s" 1M,MI,267 crore )=+ (hat is the total o!tlay for b!d2et expendit!re, as anno!nced in the ,nion ?!d2et of 2013.

1=W 'ns C ;s" 1M,MI,267 crore )I+ (hat is the total o!tlay for non.planned expendit!re, as anno!nced in the ,nion ?!d2et of 2013.1=W 'ns C ;s 11,06,67I crore )for 2013.1=+ )M+ 9inance $inister P" #hidambaram didn0t anno!nce any chan2es in the tax rates for 2013.1=, which were m!ch anticipated" :e however, anno!nced a tax credit for people earnin2 between ;s" 2 la4h to ;s" I la4h" :ow m!ch tax credit wo!ld be 2iven to people in this income brac4etW 'ns C ;s" 2000 )7+ ' 10P additional tax s!rchar2e has been imposed on s! people of the co!ntry, by which their effective tax rate has 2one !p from the present 30"6P to 33"6P" (hat is the definition of these s!per.richW 'ns C People earnin2 an income over ;s" 1 crore per ann!m )H+ (hat is the name of a special f!nd of ;s" 1,000 crore anno!nced in the ,nion ?!d2et 2013. 1=, which has been created to empower women and provide safety to them in wa4e of the Delhi 2an2rape incidentW 'ns C 1Nirbhaya 9!nd3 )6+ :ow m!ch TD/ )tax ded!ction at so!rce+ was imposed on sale of immovable property in the ,nion ?!d2et 2013.1=W 'ns C 1P )This is not applicable to a2ric!lt!ral land+ )10+ Bt was anno!nced in the ,nion ?!d2et 2013.1=, that all p!blic sector ban4s wo!ld have 'T$s at all of their branches" (hat is the deadline for implementation of this anno!ncementW 'ns C 31 $arch, 201=
T0P QU!)T:03) 60' U3:03 "U%D!T ============================================================================= (9) +hat is the fiscal deficit for 2892-9# ( B 289#) as announced in the Union "udget 289#-9.W Y 4.2j of the Dross %omestic Product (D%P)1 /hich is lo/er than the targeted fiscal deficit of 4.#j of D%P (2) +hat is the fiscal deficit for 289#-9. ( B 289.) as announced in the Union "udget 289#-9.W Y ..?j of the D%P (#) +hat is the total outlay for planned e&penditure1 as announced in the Union "udget of 289#-9.W Y 6s. 9515412@H crore

(.) +hat is the total outlay for budget e&penditure1 as announced in the Union "udget of 289#-9.W Y 6s. 9515412@H crore (4) +hat is the total outlay for non-planned e&penditure1 as announced in the Union "udget of 289#-9.W Y 6s 9918@1@H4 crore (for 289#-9.) (5) inance 'inister P. $hidambaram didnJt announce any changes in the ta& rates for 289#-9.1 /hich /ere much anticipated. He ho/ever1 announced a ta& credit for people earning bet/een 6s. 2 la,h to 6s. 4 la,h. Ho/ much ta& credit /ould be given to people in this income brac,etW Y 6s. 2888 (H) * 98j additional ta& surcharge has been imposed on super-rich people of the country1 by /hich their effective ta& rate has gone up from the present #8.@j to ##.@j. +hat is the definition of these super-richW Y People earning an income over 6s. 9 crore per annum (?) +hat is the name of a special fund of 6s. 91888 crore announced in the Union "udget 289#-9.1 /hich has been created to empo/er /omen and provide safety to them in /a,e of the %elhi gangrape incidentW Y L3irbhaya undM (@) Ho/ much T%) (ta& deduction at source) /as imposed on sale of immovable property in the Union "udget 289#-9.W Y 9j (This is not applicable to agricultural land) (98) :t /as announced in the Union "udget 289#-9.1 that all public sector ban,s /ould have *T's at all of their branches. +hat is the deadline for implementation of this announcementW Y #9 'arch1 289. .nion 9u#!et 2013$1F Following are some of the key highlights of the Union Budget 2013-14 presented by Finance inister ! "hidambaram in !arliament# 1. $n 2013-14% the budget estimate is Rs 16,65,297 crore. 2. &he re'ised e(penditure target is Rs 14,30,825 crore 3. !lan e(penditure Rs 5,55, 322 crore 4. Rs 14,000 crore capital infusion into public sector banks in 201314 5. SI !I"s re)financing facility to * +s to be #ouble# to Rs 10,000 crore

3. Rs 7 lak$ crore tar%ets fi(ed for a%ri cre#it &or 2013'14 compared to Rs 5.75 lak$ crore in the current year, 4. Rs 500 crore would be allocated for addressing en'ironmental issues &ace# b( te)tile in#ustr( 5. -o change in income ta( slabs 6. .elief of .s 2%000 for ta( payers in ta( bracket of .s, 2-/ lakh 6. 24.3 * $ike in e(penditure for health care both rural and urban health mission, 7. 0eadline 1!$ inflation to 7 per cent and core inflation to 4.2 per cent, 8. +astern In#ian states to get Rs 1,000 crore allocation for impro'ing a%ricultural pro#uction. 9. 2'erage economic growth rate in 11t$ ,lan perio# is 8 per cent, highest e'er in any !lan period 10. Rs 500 crore allocated for pro%ra--e on crop #i.ersi&ication. 11. Food grain production in 2012'13 will be o'er 250 -illion tons 12. Rs 14,873 crore &or /001R2 for urban transportation in 2013-14 against Rs 7,880 crore in the current fiscal 13. Rs 10,000 crore set aside for incremental cost for 0ational 3oo# Securit( !ill 14. Rs 80,194 crore allocated for Rural #e.elop-ent sc$e-es in 2013'14. 15. 2bout Rs 33,000 crore for 240R+45 16. Rs 5,000 crore will be made a'ailable to 05!5R to finance construction of godowns and warehouses 17. Rs 17,700 crore to be allocated for Inte%rate# 6$il# e.elop-ent Sc$e-e 7I6 S8 18. Rs 13,215 crore to be pro'ided for -i#'#a( -eal sc$e-e. 19. Rs 5,284 crore to 'arious inistries for sc$olars$ips for S69S:, ;!6 and minority students, 20. &a( free bonds issue to be allowed up to Rs 50,000 crore in 2013'14 strictly on capacity to raise funds from the market 21. Rs 4,727 crore to be allocated for -e#ical e#ucation an# researc$. 22. "urrent year3s economic growth rate will be below $ndia3s potential growth rate o& 8 per cent 23. 6oncessional 6* interest on loans to wea'ers, 3iscal #e&icit < i. Fiscal deficit seen at 5.2 * o& 4 , in 2012913 ii. Fiscal deficit seen at 4.8 * o& 4 , in 2013914 iii. Fiscal deficit to 3 * b( 2016917 Re.enue e&icit i. Re.enue e&icit seen at 3.9 * 2012913 ii. .e'enue 4eficit seen at 3.3 * 2013914 iii. .e'enue deficit to 1.9* b( 2016'17 :a) bene&its in R4+SS e)ten#e# to 3 (ears i. &he Ra=i. 4an#$i +>uit( Sc$e-e 7R4+SS8 will be liberalised to enable first time retail in'estors to in'est in mutual funds and listed shares and not in one year alone% but for three successi'e years% ii. Under the scheme% an indi'idual with an income of less than Rs 12 lak$ would get ta( incenti'es for in'esting up to Rs 50,000 in the stock market, iii. 2lso% the limit for in'estors wanting to in'est in .5+** has been raised to Rs 12 lak$ from .s 10 lak$ earlier,

4C8N8"5C S.-647 : 2012$13 +cono-ic Sur.e( o& In#ia 2012'13< Union Finance inister !, "hidambaram today presented the +conomic *ur'ey 2012-13 in the 6ok *abha of the !arliament, $ndia3s +conomic *ur'ey for 2012-13 pegs the country3s growth at 6.1'6.7* and inflation at 6.2' 6.6* for the ne(t fiscal 2013-14 and made a strong call for cutting subsidies, Sur.e( sai#< i.?1ith the global economy also likely to reco'er somewhat in 2013% these measures should help in impro'ing the $ndian economy3s outlook for 2013-147% ii. &here was across the board slowdown in all sectors during 2012-13 leading to problems in other areas of economy% especially re'enue collection, @i%$li%$ts o& +cono-ic Sur.e( '2012'13 1. 4 , %roAt$ seen at 6.1'6.7 percent in 2013814 2. 5o'ernment target for &iscal #e&icit is 4.8 pct of 54! in 2013914 3. 5o'ernment target for &iscal #e&icit is 3 pct of 54! in 2016917 4. 0eadline 1!$ inflation may decline to 6.2'6.6 pct by 2arc$2013 5. $ndia likely to meet fiscal deficit target of 5.3 pct o& 4 , in 2012913% despite significant shortfall in re'enues 6. $ndustrial output seen growing around 3 pct in 2012813 7. 5o't priority to fight inflation by reducing fiscal impetus to demand as well as by focusing on incenti'i9ing food production, 8. ore :obs in low producti'ity construction sector 9. Balance of !ayments under pressure with net e(ports decline 10. *er'ice sector has shown more resilience despite global slowdown 11. !itches for hike in price of diesel and 6!5 to cut subsidy burden 12. .ailway freight grows by /,1 per cent in 2012-13 13. Foreign +(change reser'es remains steady at U*4 2;/,< Billion at 4ecember 2012 end, 0;:+< i. +conomic *ur'ey is presented e'ery year% :ust before the Union Budget, ii. $t is a flagship annual document of the inistry of Finance% 5o'ernment of $ndia, iii. +conomic *ur'ey re'iews the de'elopments in the $ndian economy o'er the pre'ious 12 months, i.. $t summari9es the performance on ma:or de'elopment programmes% and highlights the policy initiati'es of the go'ernment and the prospects of the economy in the short to medium term, .. &he economic sur'ey 2012-13 was prepared by a team of economists led by 6$ie& +cono-ic 5#.isor Ra%$ura- Ra=an% and pitches for speeding up economic reforms to acti'ate a sluggish economy, .i. $t ser'es as an indicator of what is likely to be contained in the 5eneral Budget proposals, $urrencies of %ifferent $ountries< ================================================================ 9. *fghanistan 2. *lbania #. *lgeria .. *ndorra 4. *ngola 5. *nguilla H. *ntigua and "arbuda ?. *rgentina

*fghan *fghani *lbanian (e, *lgerian dinar !uropean euro *ngolan K/an7a !ast $aribbean dollar !ast $aribbean dollar *rgentine peso

@. *rmenia 98. *ruba 99. *ustralia 92. *ustria 9#. *7erbaiFan 9.. "ahamas 94. "ahrain 95. "angladesh 9H. "arbados 9?. "elarus 9@. "elgium 28. "eli7e 29. "hutan 22. "olivia 2#. "osnia 2.. 24. 25. 2H. 2?. 2@. #8. #9. #2. ##. #.. #4. #5. #H. #?. #@. .8. .9. .2. .#. ... .4. .5. .H. .?. "ots/ana "ra7il "runei "ulgaria "ur,ina aso "urundi $ambodia $ameroon $anada $ape Eerde $ayman :slands $entral *frican 6epublic $had $hile $hina $olombia $omoros $ongo $ongo %emocratic 6epublic $osta 6ica $kte d=:voire $roatia $uba $yprus $7ech 6epublic

*rmenian dram *ruban florin *ustralian dollar !uropean euro *7erbaiFani 'anat "ahamian dollar "ahraini %inar "angladeshi Ta,a "arbadian %ollar "elarusian ruble !uropean !uro "eli7e %ollar "hutanese 3gultrum "olivian "oliviano Her7egovina - "osnia and Her7egovina Konvertibilna 'ar,a "ots/ana Pula "ra7ilian 6eal "runei %ollar "ulgarian (ev +est *frican ranc "urundi ranc $ambodian 6iel $entral *frican franc $anadian %ollar $ape Eerdean !scudo $ayman :slands %ollar $entral *frican ranc $entral *frican franc $hilean Peso $hinese 6enminbi $olombian Peso $omorian ranc $entral *frican ranc $ongolese ranc $osta 6ican $olon +est *frican ranc $roatian Kuna $uban Peso !uropean euro $7ech Koruna

currencies n countriesO 9. 6upee 2. dollar #. euro .. pound 4. rial 5. dinar H. peso ?. franc @. ruble

india1 nepal1 srilan,a1 pa,istan1 bhutan u.s.a1 canada1 singapore1 ecuador1 australia1 hon,ong1 tai/an1 ne/7ealand1 tSt france1 germany1 italy1 austria1 belgium1 cyprus1 netherland1 portugal1 spain1 vatican city u.,1 egypt1 sudan iran1 2utar1 saudi arab1 yemen1 omen1 combodia algeria1 ira21 ,u/ait1 tunisia phillipines1 argentina1 chile1 cuba1 me&ico1uruguay cameroon1 s/it7erland russia1 belarus

OX (ist of 6evolutions in the field of *griculture in :ndia XOX ` "lac, 6evolution ` "lue 6evolution ` "ro/n 6evolution ` Dolden ibre 6evolution ` Dolden 6evolution ` Dreen 6evolution ` Drey 6evolution ` Pin, 6evolution ` 6ed 6evolution ` 6ound 6evolution ` )ilver iber 6evolution ` )ilver 6evolution ` +hite 6evolution (:n :ndia< 0peration lood) ` Bello/ 6evolution ` !vergreen 6evolution Petroleum Production ish Production (eather-nonconventional(:ndia)-$ocoa production Aute Production ruits-0verall Horticulture development-Honey Production ood grains ertili7er 0nion production-Pharmaceutical (:ndia)-Pra/n production 'eat S Tomato Production Potato $otton !gg-Poultry Production 'il,-%airy production 0il )eeds production 0verall development of *griculture .

~*~ Auto*obile "anufacturers of the Worl# ~*~ ************************************

Auto*obile "anufacturers of &er*an R *udi "'+ 'ercedes-"en7

0pel (data by ) Porsche Eol,s/agen 6U Auto*obile "anufacturers of ,a)an R Honda *cura(* division of Honda) 3issan :nfiniti (* division of 3issan) :su7u (data by ) (e&us 'a7da 'itsubishi 'otors )ubaru )u7u,i Toyota Bamaha Auto*obile "anufacturers of 5n#ia R "aFaF Hero 'oto$orp 'aruti )u7u,i 'ahindra S 'ahindra (imited Tata 'otors TE) (data by ) *sho, (eyland Hindustan 'otors Auto*obile "anufacturers of 5tal *lfa 6omeo errari iat (amborghini R

Auto*obile "anufacturers of A*erica R Deneral 'otors ( $hevrolet ) %odge ord Auto*obile "anufacturers of 4n!lan# R *ston 'artin Aaguar (data by ) (and 6over 'c(aren 8ther i*)ortant Auto*obile "anufacturers R Hyundai - south Korea %ae/oo - south Korea Eolvo - )/eden (data by )

6enault - rance Peugeot - rance ),oda Y $7ech

%an, Holi"ays 2013: List of %an, Holi"ays Dn"ia 2013

?an4 :olidays in 2013 as notified by the ;eserve ?an4 of Bndia );?B+ for ;eal Time -ross /ettlement );T-/+ Transactions" The list of ?an4 :olidays );?B+ 2013 prepared by the Department of Payments E /ettlement /ystems, #entral 5ffice, ;?B" *T!+ %an, Holi"ays 2 2013
Sr. No. 9 2 # . 4 5 H ? @ 98 99 ;ate Aanuary 251 289# 'arch 2@1 289# *pril 91 289# Auly 91 289# *ugust @1 289# ;a )aturday riday 'onday 'onday riday 8ccasion 6epublic %ay Dood riday *nnual $losing of "an,s *nnual $losing of 6": 6amFan :d (:d-Ulitar) ()haval-9) :ndependence %ay Half Bearly $losing of "an,s 'ahatma Dandhi Aayanti :d-U7-;oha 'ohurram $hristmas

*ugust 941 289# Thursday )eptember #81 289# 'onday 0ctober 821 289# +ednesday

0ctober 951 289# +ednesday 3ovember 9.1 289# Thursday %ecember 241 289# +ednesday

+o-rce: *%D circ-lar for *T!+ Holi"ys

)tate holidays declared by $entral-)tate Dovernments- Union Territory and notified by the :ndian "an,sJ *ssociation(:"*) under 3egotiable :nstruments *ct for the year 289# for different states in :ndia. These holidays are also ,no/n as KDa7etted HolidaysJ under 3: *ct.

$ost of the /tate 2overnments consider the holidays declared for ?an4s !nder Ne2otiable Bnstr!ments 'ct to be 1P!blic :olidays3"
:ndian "an,s *ssociation (:"*) has notified that KPublic HolidayJ declared by $entral-)tate Dovernments- Union Territory1 includes K)undaysJ as indicated under the e&planation to )ection 24 of the 3egotiable :nstruments *ct. C8N2.S5N& &> Q.4S058NS 2-8" ;A7S 9. 3ational Bouth %ay Aanuary 92 2. :nternational Bouth %ay *ugust 92 #. 3ational Teachers= %ay )eptember 4 .. :nternational Teachers= %ay 0ctober 4

4. 3ational Tourism %ay 5. :nternational Tourism %ay H. 3ational $hildren=s %ay ?. :nternational $hildren=s %ay @. 3ational $onsumer %ay 98. :nternational $onsumer %ay 99. 3ational Postal %ay 92. :nternational Postal %ay 9#. 3ational "lood %onation %ay 9.. +orld "lood %onors %ay

Aanuary 24 )eptember 2H 3ovember 9. Aune 9 %ecember 2. 'arch 94 0ctober 98 0ctober @ 0ctober 9 AU3! 9.

5*)ortant ;a s of No<e*ber "onth

3ov 3ov 3ov 3ov 3ov 3ov 3ov 3ov H :nfant Protection dayC +orld $ancer */areness %ay # %i/ali @ (egal )ervice %ay 98 Transport %ay 9. $hildren=s day- +orld %iabetics day 9H Duru 3ana, %ev=s "irth *nniversary 25 (a/ %ay #8 lag %ay

$03 U):3D DK QU!)T:03) 60' %*B) ============================================================================= 9. 3ational Bouth %ay 2. :nternational Bouth %ay #. 3ational Teachers= %ay .. :nternational Teachers= %ay 4. 3ational Tourism %ay 5. :nternational Tourism %ay H. 3ational $hildren=s %ay ?. :nternational $hildren=s %ay @. 3ational $onsumer %ay 98. :nternational $onsumer %ay 99. 3ational Postal %ay 92. :nternational Postal %ay 9#. 3ational "lood %onation %ay 9.. +orld "lood %onors %ay

Aanuary 92 *ugust 92 )eptember 4 0ctober 4 Aanuary 24 )eptember 2H 3ovember 9. Aune 9 %ecember 2. 'arch 94 0ctober 98 0ctober @ 0ctober 9 AU3! 9.

D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in )an-ary )an 01 )an 07 )an 0B )an 10 )an 11 -lobal 9amily Day, 'rmy $edical #orps 8stablishment Day 'frican National #on2ress 9o!ndation Day N;B Day (orld &a!2hter Day Death anniversary of &al ?ahad!r /hastri

)an 12 )an 18 )an 23 )an 28 )an 2@ )an 27 )an 30

National yo!th Day, ?irth Day of /wami @ive4anand 'rmy Day )Bndia+ Neta i /!bhash #handra ?oseOs ?irth 'nniversary To!rism Day )Bndia+, Bndian @oters Day ;ep!blic Day ?irth 'nniversary of &ala &a pat ;ai $artyrOs Day )$ahatma -andhiOs $artyrdom Day+, /arvodaya Day, (orld &eprosy 8radication Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in Febr-ary

Feb 02 Feb 04 Feb 13 Feb 14 2n" +-n"ay of Feb Feb 20 Feb 21 Feb 24 Feb 27

(orld (etlands Day (orld #ancer Day /aro ini Nayd!Os ?irth 'nniversiry, (orld ;adio Day ),N8/#5+ @alantineOs Day (orld $arria2e Day (orld Day of /ocial <!stice (orld $other &an2!a2e Day #entral 8xcise Day National /cience Day )Bndia+ D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in (arch

(ar 03 (ar 04 (ar 07 (ar 0B (ar 14 (ar 18 (ar 1@

National Defence Day National /ec!rity Day (orld (omenOs Day, (orld &itrecy Day #B/9 ;aisin2 Day Pi Day (orld #ons!mer Day, (orld Disabled Day National @accination Day

(ar 20 (ar 21

(orld :appiness Day (orld 9oresrty Day, (orld Poetry Day

3r" Fri"ay of (orld /leep Day (ar (ar 22 (ar 23 (ar 24 (ar 2A (orld (ater Day (orld $eterolo2ical Day (orld T? Day (orld Theatre Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in /#ril /#r 01 /#r 02 /#r 08 /#r 0A /#r 13 /#r 14 /#r 17 /#r 21 /#r 22 /#r 23 /#r 28 /#r 2@ 'pril 9oolOs Day (orld '!tism 'wareness Day ),N+ National $eritime Day (orld :ealth Day <anllian (allah ?a2h $assacre Day ?";" 'mbed4ar ;emembrance Day (orld :erita2e Day #ivil /ervices Day (orld 8arth Day (orld ?oo4s Day, (orld #opyri2ht Day (orld $aleria Day )(:5+ (orld Bntellect!al Property Day ),N+ D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in (ay (ay 01 (ay 03 (ay 04 (ay 08 (ay 07 (orld &abo!r Day, $aharashtra Day Bnternational 8ner2y Day, (orld 'sthma Day #oal $inorOs Day (orld $idwives Day (orld ;ed #ross and ;ed #resent Day

(ay 11 (ay 18 (ay 1A (ay 21 (ay 24 (ay 31

National Technolo2y Day Bnternational 9amily Day (orld Telecom Day National 'nti Terrorism Day #ommonwealth Day (orld No Tobacco Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in )-ne

)-ne 04 )-ne 08 )-ne 07 )-ne 14 )-ne 20 )-ne 21

(orld Day of Bnnocent #hildren @ictims of '22resion Bnternational 8nvironment Day (orld 5cean Day (orld ?lood Donor Day Bnternational ;ef!2ee Day Bnternational $!sic Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in )-ly

)-ly 01 )-ly 04 )-ly 11 )-ly 2@ )-ly 2B )-ly 30

(orld DoctorOs Day 'merica Bndipendence Day (orld Pop!lation Day %ar2il @ictory Day Bnternational Ti2er Day (orld 9riendship Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in /-g-st

/-g 0@ /-g 07 /-g 0B /-g 12 /-g 14

:iroshima Day (orld /enior #itizen Day K!it Bndia $ovement Day (orld *o!th Day Pa4istanOs Bndipendence Day

/-g 18 /-g 1B /-g 20 /-g 2B

BndiaOs Bndipendence Day (orld Phoro2raphy Day, (orld :!manatarian Day National /adbhawana Diwas )Bndia+ National /ports Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in +e#te'ber

+e#t 02 +e#t 08 +e#t 0A +e#t 07 +e#t 14 +e#t 18 +e#t 1@ +e#t 21 +e#t 28 +e#t 2A

(orld #ocon!t Day National Teachers Day )Dr" ;adha4rishanan ?irth Day 'nniversiry+, /ans4rit Day (orld 9or2iveness Day Bnternational &itrecy Day :indi Day Bnternational Democracy Day, (orld 8ndineerOs Day (orld 5zone Day (orld Peace Day ),N+, (orld 'lzheimerOs Day /ocial <!stice Day (orld To!rism Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in 6ctober

6ct 01 6ct 02 6ct 03 6ct 04 6ct 08 6ct 07 6ct 0B 6ct 10 6ct 12 6ct 1A

(orld Day for 8lderly ),N+ Bnternational Peace Day, -andhi <ayanti (orld Nat!re Day (orld 'nimal Day (orld TeacherOs Day National 'irforce Day )Bndia+ Bnternational Post.5ffice Day National Post.5ffice Day, (orld $ental :ealth Day (orld /i2ht Day Bnternational Poverty Day

6ct 20 6ct 24 6ct 27 6ct 30 6ct 31

(orld /tatatics Day ,nited Nation Day Bnternational 'nimation Day (orld Thrift Day National Bnti2ration Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in No.e'ber

No. 0A No. 07 No. 0B No. 10 No. 14 No. 1A No. 1B No. 21 No. 2@ No. 30

Bnfant Protection Day, (orld #ancer 'wareness Day Bnternational ;adiolo2y Day (orld &e2el /ervice Day Transport Day National #hildren Day )Pt" <awahar &al Nehr!Os ?irth 'nniversery+, (orld Diebities Day (orld /t!dents Day (orld $enOs Day (orld :ello Day, (orld Television Day National &aw Day National 9la2 Day D'#ortant 9ays an" 9ates in 9ece'ber

9ec 01 9ec 03 9ec 04 9ec 0A 9ec 0B 9ec 10 9ec 11 9ec 14

(orld 'ids Day (orld Disability Day, (orld Day of :andicapped National Navy Day National 'rmy 9la2 Day Bnternational 'nti.corr!ption Day, National -irl #hild Day)Bndia+ (orld :!man ;i2hts Day ,NB#89 Day National 8ner2y #onservation Day )Bndia+

9ec 17 9ec 1B 9ec 23 9ec 28

National $i2rants Day -oaOs &ibration Day 9armerOs Day, %isaan Diwas #hrismas Day

---------Popular :)0 )tandards--------l:)0 @888 l :)0 9.888 l :)0 #955 l:)0 22888 l:)0 25888 l:)0 48889 l:)0 #9888 l:)0 .29H l:)0 5#@

Quality 'anagement !nvironmental 'anagement $ountry $odes ood )afety 'anagement )ocial 6esponsibility !nergy 'anagement 6is, 'anagement $urrency $odes (anguage $odes

)ome :mportant Portals S their ounders ----------------------------

9. 2. #. .. 4. 5.

Doogle aceboo, Bahoo T/itter :nternet (in,din

H. !mail ?. Dtal, @. +hats up 98. Hotmail 99. 0r,ut 92. +i,ipedia 9#. Bou tube 9.. 6ediffmail 94. 3imbu77 95. 'yspace 9H. :bibo 9?. 0(I 9@. ),ype 28. 0pera 29. 'o7illa irefo& 22. "logger

(arry Page S )ergey "rin 'ar, ;uc,erberg %avid ilo S Aerry Bang Aac, %orsey S %ic, $ostolo Tim "erners (ee 6eid Hoffman1 *llen "lueS Koonstantin Dueric,e )hiva *yyadurai 6ichard +ah ,an (aurel Kirt7 )abeer "hatia "uyu,,o,ten Aimmy +ales )teve $hen1 $had Hurley S Aa/edKarim *Fit "ala,rishnan 'artin )min, S !vert Aaap (ugt $hris %e/olfe S Tom *nderson *shish Kashyap *lec 0&enford S abrice Drinda 3i,las ;ennstrom1Aanus riis S 6eid Hoffman Aon )tephenson von Tet7chner S Deir lvarsoy %ave Hyatt S "la,e 6oss !van +illam "elli

5*)ortant infor*ation on 9an's @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

9.The oldest Aoint )toc, "an, of :ndia --*llahabad "an, 2. The ban, founded by reedom ighter %r. "hogaraFu Pattabhi )itaramayya --*ndhra "an, #. irst ban, to open a branch outside :ndia -- "an, of :ndia1 (ondon1 9@.5 .. The first ban, to be given an :)0 @882 certificate for one of its branches --$anara "an, 4. The Postal %ept has issued a commemorative stamp in the name of this ban, celebrating 988 years in 2899 --$entral "an, of :ndia 5. irst :ndian "an, to be /holly o/ned by :ndians--$entral "an, of :ndia H. The ban, formed on the efforts of (ala (aFpat 6ai --PunFab 3ational "an, ?. The only merger of nationalised ban,s too, place bet/een --PunFab 3ational "an, and 3e/ "an, of :ndia in 9@@# @. The ban, /hose brand e2uity is >Pygmy %eposit )cheme> --)yndicate "an, 98. The ban, /hich /as conceived by )hri D% "irla --U$0 "an,.

"an, taglines<9R )": 2R *llahabad "an, #R *ndhra "an, .R "an, of "aroda 4R "an, of :ndia 5R "an, of 'aharastra HR $anara "an, ?R $orporation "an, @R %ena "an, 98R :ndian ban, 99R 92R 9#R 9.R :%": 0"$ :ndian 0verseas "an, P3"

94R PunFab and )ind "an, 95R )yndicate ban, 9HR Union ban, of :ndia 9?R 9@R 28R 29R 22R United ban, of :ndia Union $ooperative ban, EiFaya "an, ederal "an, H% $

2#R Bes "an, 2.R $entral "an, of :ndia

3ations ban,s on usC Pure "an,ing 3othing !lseC +ith you all the /ay * tradition of trust or all your needs :ndia=s :nternational ban, 6elationships beyond "an,ing 0ne amily one ban, Together /e can 0ur Premier govt of :ndia !nterprise Trusted amily "an, Ta,ing "an,ing Technology to $ommon 'an "an,ing for all /here every individual is committed Dood People to gro/ /ith The name you can trust upon(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb) /here service is a /ay of life Bour aithful *nd riendly inancial Partner Dood People to ban, /ith(data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb) The "an, that begins /ith 0/ners your trust * friend you can ban, upon Bour Perfect "an,ing Partner +e Understand Bour +orld (data by faceboo,-cnaon/eb) !&perience our e&pertise "uild * "etter (ife *round Us

0hese are liste# in the Worl# 3erita!e Sites b .N4SC8

9. Ka7iranga 3ational Par, 2. 'anas Tiger )anctuary #. Keoladeo 3ational Par, .. )undarbans Tiger )anctuary 4. "andhavgarh 3ational Par, 5. Kanha 3ational Par, H. %ud/a 3ational Par, ?. $handraprabha )anctuary @. $orbett 3ational Par, 98. 6aFaFi 3ational Par, 99. %achigam 3ational Par, Dolaghat-3agaon (*ssam) "arpeta (*ssam) "haratpur (6aFasthan) 2.Paraganas (+est "engal) )hahdol ('adhya Pradesh) 'andla ('adhya Pradesh) (a,himpur1 Kheri (Uttar Pradesh) Earanasi (Uttar Pradesh) 3ainital (Uttara,hand) %ehradun1 (Uttara,hand) )rinagar (Aammu S Kashmir)

92. 6anthambore Tiger )anctuary 9#. Dhatprabha "ird )anctuary 9.. "andipur 3ational Par, 94. Dir 3ational Par, 95. 3al )arovar "ird )anctuary 9H. Ha7aribagh 3ational Par, 9?. 3elapattu "ird )anctuary 9@. 'udumalai )anctuary 28. Periyar )anctuary 29. )imlipal Tiger )anctuary 22. Dahirmatha Turtle )anctuary 2#. Ei,ramshila Dangetic %olphin )anctuary 2.. )ilent Ealley 3ational Par, 24. 6ani Ahansi 'arine 3ational Par, 25. $ampbell 3ational Par, 2H. Dalathea 3ational Par, 2?. 'ahatma Dandhi 'arine 3ational Par, irst in :ndia-Questions S *ns/ers< ===================================================================== irst Prime 'inister of :ndiaW *ns< Aa/aharlal 3ehru irst President of :ndiaW *ns<%r.6aFendra Prasad. irst %eputy Prime 'inister of :ndiaW *ns<)ardar Eallabhai Patel. irst Eice President of :ndia W *ns< %r.).6adha,rishnan. irst spea,er of (o, )abha W *ns<D.E.'avlan,ar irst $hief Austice of :ndiaW *ns<Harilal. A.Kania irst /oman Fudge of )upreme $ourt W *ns<Austice. atima "eevi irst ield 'arshal of :ndiaW *ns<).H. .A. 'anes,ha/ irst $ommander in $hief of free :ndia W *ns Den.K.'.Kariappa

)a/ai 'adhopur (6aFasthan) "elgaum (Karnata,a) 'ysore (Karnata,a) Aunagarh (DuFarat) *hmedabad (DuFarat) Ha7aribagh (Ahar,hand) 3ellore (*ndhra Pradesh) 3ilgiris (Tamilnadu) :ddu,i (Kerala) 'ayurbhanF (0disha) Kendrapara (0disha) "hagalpur ("ihar) Pala,,ad1 (Kerala) *ndaman S 3icobar :s. *ndaman S 3icobar :slands *ndaman S 3icobar :sland *ndaman S 3icobar

irst /oman *irline Pilot W *ns<%urba "anerFee. irst +oman :P) 0fficer W *ns<Kiran "edi. irst Prime 'inister to resign from 0ffice W *ns<'orarFi %esai. irst /oman $hief 'inister of a state W *ns<)ucheta Kripalani. irst /oman $entral 'inister of :ndiaW *ns<6aF,umari *mrit Kaul. irst +oman Dovernor of a state W *ns<)aroFini 3aidu. irst +oman )pea,er of a state assembly W *ns<'rs. )hano %evi. irst 'uslim +oamn to sit on the throne of %elhi W *ns<)ultana 6asia. irst :ndian to become the member of "ritish Parliament W *ns<%adabhai 3aoroFi. irst :ndian to become member of EiceroyJs !&ecutive $ouncil W *ns<(ord. ). P.)inha. irst President of :ndian 3ational $ongress W *ns<+.$."anerFee. irst +oman President of :ndian 3ational $ongress W *ns<*nnie "esant. irst +oman President of United 3ations Deneral *ssembly W *ns<EiFaya (a,shmi Pandit. irst :ndian to become the President of :nternational $ourt of Austice W *ns<%r. 3agendra )ingh. irst :ndian $osmonaut W *ns<)2n.(eader. 6a,esh )arma. irst 3obel Pri7e /inner of :ndia W 6abindra 3ath Tagore(9@9#) irst 'agsaysay */ard +inner of :ndia W

*ns<*charya Einoba "have. irst man in :ndia to climb !verest W *ns<Ten7ing 3orgay irst man in :ndia to climb !verest t/ice W *ns<3a/ang Dombu irst :ndian +oman to climb !verest W *ns<"achendripal irst Boungest +oman to climb !verest W *ns<%ic,ey %olma. irst :ndian to climb !verest /ithout 0&ygen W *ns<Phu %orFee. irst to be cro/ned as 'iss. Universe W *ns<)usmitha )en. irst to be cro/ned as 'iss.:ndiaW *ns<Pramila )harma (Pramila !sther *braham).)he /as the first /oman to /in the 'iss :ndia contest1in 9@.H. %r. 6eita aria Po/ell became the first :ndian /oman to /in the 'iss +orld title1in 9@55. irst :ndian /oman to s/im across !nglish $hannel W *rati )aha()he is also ,no/n as *rati Dupta). irst :ndian man to s/im across !nglish $hannel W *ns<'ihir )en. irst +oman to /in an *sian Dold W *ns<KamalFit )andhu. irst /oman /ho secured the 3ehru (iteracy */ard W *ns<'other Theresa. irst University in :ndia /as started at W *ns<Kolcutta. The first )tate in :ndia to introduce Panchayati 6aF )ystem W *ns<6aFastan. irst :ndian Pilot W *ns<A.6.%.Tata. irst %eputy $hairman of Planning $ommission W *ns<Dulsarilal 3anda.

irst (a/ 'inister of :ndependent :ndia W *ns<%r.".6.*mbed,ar. irst :ndian )tate to be formed on linguistic basis after the independenceW *ns<*ndra Pradesh. irst :ndian to enter into $ivil )erviceW *ns<)atyendranath Tagore. irst $hief !lection commissioner of :ndia W *ns<)u,umar )en. irst 0pposition leader of :ndian Parliament W *ns<%r.6am )ubhag )ingh. irst $omptroller and *uditor Deneral of :ndiaW *ns<3arahari 6ao. irst Eice $hairman of 6aFya )abha W *ns<).E. Krishnan 'oorthi 6ao. irst *cting President of :ndia W *ns<E.E.Diri. irst 6ail/ay 'inister of :ndia W *ns< (al "ahadur )asthri. :ndia=s irst...... ================================= ` Dovernor-Deneral of :ndependent :ndia ` :ndian Dovernor-Deneral of :ndependent :ndia ` :ndian $ommander-in-$hief of ree :ndia ` ield 'arshall ` )pea,er of lo,sabha ` President ` Eice-President ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` Prime-'inister Home 'inister inance 'inister of :ndia *uditor Deneral of :ndia %irector of $": 3ational )ecurity *dviser Dovernor of 6": 3on-$ongress Prime-'inister

(ord (e/is 'ountbatten $ha,ravarti 6aFgopalachari Deneral Kodandera 'adappa $ariappa1 9@.@ Deneral ). H. . A. 'ane,sha/ )hri D.E. 'avalan,ar (94 'ay 9@42- 2H ebruary 9@45). %r. 6aFendra Prasad %r. )arvapalli 6adha,rishnan)ardar Eallabh "hai Patel Pt. Aa/ahar (al 3ehru )ardar Eallabh "hai Patel 6. K. )hanmu,ham $hetty E. 3arahari 6ao %P Kohli "riFesh 'ishra )ir 0sborne )mith 'orarFi %esai from Aanata Party in 9@HH-H@.

` "ritish Dovernor-Deneral of "engal ` )pace traveller ` $. ). ` +oman :*) ` )/immer /ho crossed over the !nglish channel by s/imming ` +oman to s/im across the !nglish $hannel ` 6aman-'agsaysay a/ardee ` 3ovel pri7e /inner ` 3obel Pri7e in Physics ` President of 3ational $ongress ` $hairman of (o, )abha ` irst +oman $hief 'inister ` +oman )pea,er of (o, )abha ` $hief !lection $ommissioner ` :ndian $hairman in :nternational $ourt ` oreigner a/ardee of "harat 6atna ` (eader of the :ndian *ntarctica 'ission ` $hief Austice of )upreme $ourt ` */arded /ith K"harat 6atnasJ ` ` ` ` ` +oman */arded /ith K"harat 6atnasJ $ommandeur of the 0rder of *rts and (etters $hevalier of the 0rder of *rts and (etter Posthumally "harat 6atna */ardee Person a/arded "hartiya-Dyan-Peeth Purs,ar

+arren-Hastings ). (eader-6a,esh )harma )atendra 3ath Tagore *nna 6anFan Deorge1 9@48 'ihir )en *rati )aha1 9@4@ *charya Einoba "have 6abindra 3ath Tagore6abindra $. E. 6aman in 9@#8 Eyomesh $hand "anerFee D. ". 'avlan,ar )ucheta Kriplani )mt. 'eira Kumar1 288@ )u,umar )en Austice %r. 3agendra )ingh Khan *bdul Daffar Khan %r. )yed ;ahuv Quasim Austice Hiralal A. Kaniya %r. )arvapalli 6adha,rishnan1 $ha,ravarti 6aFgopalachari1 )ir $. ". 6aman :ndira Dandhi 'rinal )en )ivaFi Daneshan (al "ahadur )hastri D. )han,ar Kurup ('alayalamY 9@54) *shapurna %evi1 9@H5 *mrita Pritam1 9@45 Kamini 6oy Kanchan $ "hattacharya %r. P. Eenugopal'other Teresa 'other Teresa )aroFini 3aidu A 6 % Tata %urba "anerFee )avitribai Phule %evi 6am (9@@.) Austice 6angnath 'ishra )umitra 3andan Pant (9@5?) +ilson Aans Pt. 6avi )han,ar *tal "ihari "aFpai (9@HH)%ada "hai 3aoroFi

` +oman a/arded /ith "hartiya-Dyan-Peeth Purs,ar ` +oman )ahitya *,ademi */ard +inner ` +oman Honours Draduate ` +oman %irector Deneral of Police ` )uccessful )urgeon /ho transplanted heart ` +oman to received 3obal Pri7e ` +oman Dovernor ` (icensed Pilot ` +oman *ir Pilot ` +oman Teacher ` )uccessful heart transplanted person ` President of 3ational Human 6ights $ommission ` Hindi (iterature person-a/arded "hartiya Dyan Peeth Purs,ar ` :ndian /ho /on the +orld "illiard a/ard ` :ndian /ho /on the Drammy a/ard ` Person delivered the (ecture in Hindi in U.3.0.

` :ndian member in "ritish House of $ommons ` irst President of :ndian )cience $ongress ` 'ountaineer /ho scaled 'ount !verest ? times ` +riter /ho /as a/arded KEyas )ammanJ ` :ndian 'anaging %irector of +orld "an, ` Player a/arded KPadam "husanJ ` *ctress to /in Padma )hri */ard ` :ndian players played %avis $up ` Tennis Drandslam title /inner ` :ndian player /ho played the test cric,et ` )cientist elected for (o, )abha ` )cientist a/arded Dhanshyam %as "irla a/ard ` (iterature /ho /as a/arded 'urti %evi Purs,ar ` Person1 /ho became High $ommission in Dreat "ritain ` :ndian /ho /as a/arded the (enin Peace Pri7e ` irst :ndian /ho contested the election for "ritish Parliament ` +oman Draduates ` +oman $hief Austice of High $ourt ` *n :ndian1 appointed the Fudge of High $ourt1 during the "ritish period ` :ndian member of Eiceroy !&ecutive $ouncil ` (eanin Peace Pri7e ` $hairman of inance $ommission ` +oman %octorate of )cience ` +oman :P) ` +oman )upreme $ourt Fudge ` :ndian member of *merican $ongress ` !ditor of Time 'aga7ine ` %irector of $": becoming Dovernor ` Person to reach the 3orth Pole ` Person to reach the )outh Pole ` 3ishan-e-Pa,istan ` 'agsaysay */ard ` 'iss +orld ` 'iss *sia Pacific ` 'iss Universe ` 'iss !arth ` Place to get electricity ` )ound film

%ada "hai 3aoroFi (9?@2) )ir *sutosh 'u,herFee )herpa-*ugarita 6amvilas )harma Dautam Ka7i $. K. 3aidu 3argis %utt1 9@4? '. )alim and ). '. Aacob ()ingles)1 *. *. aiya7 and (. ). %are (%oubles) (9@29) 'ahesh "hupati K. ). 6anFeet )ingh (from !ngland) %r. 'eghnad )aha Prof. *shish %atta (9@@9) $. K. 3agraF 6ao (9@@#) E. K. Krishna-'enon %r. )afuddin Kichlu (9@42) (al 'ohan Dhose Kadambini Danguly and $handramu,hi "asu1 9??# (eila )eth1 Himachal Pradesh1 9@@9 6am Prasad 6am )ir. ). P. )inha'orarFi %esai )aifuddin Kitchle/ K. $. 3iogi *sima $hatterFee (9@..) Kiran "edi Kumari athima "eevi %eleep )ingh "obby Dhosh *sh/ani Kumar )2uadron (eader )anFay Thapar $ol Aatinder Kumar "aFaF 'orarFi %esai1 9@@8 Einoba "have1 9@4? )ushmita )en 6eita aria in 9@55 ;eenat *man in 9@H8 )ushmita )en in 9@@. 3icole aria in 2898 %arFeeling in 9?@H *lam *ra (9@#9) directed by

` $olour film ` 0scar /inner ` ` ` ` %adasaheb Phal,e */ard $hevalier of the 0rder of *rts and (etters Test-tube baby 3e/spaper

` irst (ady %octor ` )atellite ` ` ` ` ` 'an to climb 't !verest 'an to climb 't !verest /ithout o&ygen +oman to climb 't everest %istrict to achieve 988j literacy rate $aptain in Tests

` 0%: captain ` "o/ler /ho made hat-tric, in Test $ric,et ` "atsman /ho made #88 runs in test $ric,et ` irst 'arshal of :ndian *ir orce ` :ndividual 'edal in 0lympic games ` Drandmaster ` +oman Drandmaster ` irst :ndian /ho individually /on the Dold medal in 0lympic games ` irst :ndian /ho /on the "ron7e medal in "o&ing in 0lympic games ` ello/ of Trinity $ollege1 $ambridge ` ello/ of the 6oyal )ociety

*rdeshir :rani Kisan Kanya (9@#H)1 directed by 'oti ". Didvani "hanu *thaiya for "est $ostume %esign for Dandhi (film) in 9@?2. %evi,a 6ani in 9@5@ )ivaFi Danesan %urga *gar/al1 born 9@H? Hic,ey=s "engal Da7ette started in 9H58Ten7ing 3orgay *nandibai Aoshi *ryabhata1 launched on 9@ *pril 9@H4 Ten7ing 3orgay Phu %orFee1 9@?. "achendri Pal !rna,ulam district1 Kerala1 9@@8 $. K. 3ayudu for the 9@#2 tour of !ngland *Fit +ade,ar HarbhaFan )ingh Eirendra )eh/ag *rFan )ingh K% Aadhav Eis/anathan *nad Koneru Humpy *bhinav "indra EiFendra Kumar )rinivasa 6amanuFan *rdaseer $ursetFee

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