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- versus -

ROSITA A. ALCANTARA and Pro!"#$ated: HON. COURT OF APPEALS, Respondents. A"$"st %&, %''( )- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -)

*ECISION C ICO-NAZARIO, J.: +e,ore this Co"rt is a Petition ,or Re-ie. on Certiorari ,i#ed /0 petitioner Restit"to A#1antara assai#in$ the *e1ision 2324 o, the Co"rt o, Appea#s dated 5' Septe!/er %''6 in CA-G.R. C7 No. 88(%6 den0in$ petitioner9s appea# and a,,ir!in$ the de1ision%3%4 o, the Re$iona# Tria# Co"rt :RTC; o, Ma<ati Cit0, +ran1h 265, in Ci-i# Case No. =(-25%> dated 26 ?e/r"ar0 %''', dis!issin$ his petition ,or ann"#!ent o, !arria$e. The ante1edent ,a1ts are: A petition ,or ann"#!ent o, !arria$e5354 .as ,i#ed /0 petitioner a$ainst respondent Rosita A. A#1antara a##e$in$ that on & *e1e!/er 2=&% he and
2 324

%3%4 5354

Penned /0 Asso1iate @"sti1e 7i1ente S. E. 7e#oso .ith Asso1iate @"sti1es Ro/erto A. +arrios and A!e#ita G. To#entino, 1on1"rrin$A rollo, p. %>-5%. Penned /0 @"d$e Sa#-ador S. A/ad SantosA CA rollo, pp. %>(-%>&. *o1<eted as Ci-i# Case No. =(-25%>.

respondent, .itho"t se1"rin$ the reB"ired !arria$e #i1ense, .ent to the Mani#a Cit0 a## ,or the p"rpose o, #oo<in$ ,or a person .ho 1o"#d arran$e a !arria$e ,or the!. The0 !et a person .ho, ,or a ,ee, arran$ed their .eddin$ /e,ore a 1ertain Re-. AB"i#ino Na-arro, a Minister o, the Gospe# o, the C*CC +R Chape#.6364 The0 $ot !arried on the sa!e da0, & *e1e!/er 2=&%. Petitioner and respondent .ent thro"$h another !arria$e 1ere!on0 at the San @ose de Man"$"it Ch"r1h in Tondo, Mani#a, on %8 Mar1h 2=&5. The !arria$e .as #i<e.ise 1e#e/rated .itho"t the parties se1"rin$ a !arria$e #i1ense. The a##e$ed !arria$e #i1ense, pro1"red in Car!ona, Ca-ite, appearin$ on the !arria$e 1ontra1t, is a sha!, as neither part0 .as a resident o, Car!ona, and the0 ne-er .ent to Car!ona to app#0 ,or a #i1ense .ith the #o1a# 1i-i# re$istrar o, the said p#a1e. parted .a0s and #i-ed separate #i-es. On 26 O1to/er 2=&>, respondent $a-e /irth to their 1hi#d Rose Ann A#1antara. In 2=&&, the0 Petitioner pra0ed that a,ter d"e hearin$, C"d$!ent /e iss"ed de1#arin$ their !arria$e -oid and orderin$ the Ci-i# Re$istrar to 1an1e# the 1orrespondin$ !arria$e 1ontra1t >3>4 and its entr0 on ,i#e.8384 Ans.erin$ petitioner9s petition ,or ann"#!ent o, !arria$e, respondent asserts the -a#idit0 o, their !arria$e and !aintains that there .as a !arria$e #i1ense iss"ed as e-iden1ed /0 a 1erti,i1ation ,ro! the O,,i1e o, the Ci-i# Re$istr0 o, Car!ona, Ca-ite. Contrar0 to petitioner9s representation, respondent $a-e /irth to their ,irst 1hi#d na!ed Rose Ann A#1antara on 26 O1to/er 2=&> and to another da"$hter na!ed Ra1he# Ann A#1antara on %( O1to/er 2==%.(3(4 Petitioner has a !istress .ith .ho! he has three 1hi#dren. &

Petitioner on#0 ,i#ed the ann"#!ent o, their !arria$e to e-ade prose1"tion

,or 1on1"/ina$e.=3=4 Respondent, in ,a1t, has ,i#ed a 1ase ,or 1on1"/ina$e a$ainst petitioner /e,ore the Metropo#itan Tria# Co"rt o, Manda#"0on$ Cit0,

6364 >3>4 8384 (3(4 &3&4 =3=4

Cr"sade o, the *i-ine Ch"r1h o, Christ. Anne) A, Re1ords, p. >A Anne)es + to C, Re1ords, pp. 8-(. Rollo, pp. 55-58. Id. at 2&>. TSN, 26 O1to/er 2===, p. 56. Rollo, p. 5=.

+ran1h 8'.2'32'4

Respondent pra0s that the petition ,or ann"#!ent o,

!arria$e /e denied ,or #a1< o, !erit. On 26 ?e/r"ar0 %''', the RTC o, Ma<ati Cit0, +ran1h 265, rendered its *e1ision disposin$ as ,o##o.s:
The ,ore$oin$ 1onsidered, C"d$!ent is rendered as ,o##o.s: 2. The Petition is dis!issed ,or #a1< o, !eritA

%. Petitioner is ordered to pa0 respondent the s"! o, t.ent0 tho"sand pesos :P%','''.''; per !onth as s"pport ,or their t.o :%; 1hi#dren on the ,irst ,i-e :>; da0s o, ea1h !onthA and 5. To pa0 the 1osts.223224

As ear#ier stated, the Co"rt o, Appea#s rendered its *e1ision dis!issin$ the petitioner9s appea#.

is Motion ,or Re1onsideration .as

#i<e.ise denied in a reso#"tion o, the Co"rt o, Appea#s dated 8 Apri# %''>. 2%

The Co"rt o, Appea#s he#d that the !arria$e #i1ense o, the parties is pres"!ed to /e re$"#ar#0 iss"ed and petitioner had not presented an0 e-iden1e to o-er1o!e the pres"!ption. Moreo-er, the parties9 !arria$e 1ontra1t /ein$ a p"/#i1 do1"!ent is a prima facie proo, o, the B"estioned !arria$e "nder Se1tion 66, R"#e 25' o, the R"#es o, Co"rt.253254 In his Petition /e,ore this Co"rt, petitioner raises the ,$ iss"es ,or reso#"tion:
a. The onora/#e Co"rt o, Appea#s 1o!!itted a re-ersi/#e error .hen it r"#ed that the Petition ,or Ann"#!ent has no #e$a# and ,a1t"a# /asis despite the e-iden1e on re1ord that there .as no !arria$e #i1ense at the pre1ise !o!ent o, the so#e!niDation o, the !arria$e.

2'32'4 223224 2%32%4 25

Id. at 68. Id. at 8&-8=. Id. at %2. 3254 Se1. 66. Entries in official records. E Entries in o,,i1ia# re1ords !ade in the per,or!an1e o, his d"t0 /0 a p"/#i1 o,,i1er o, the Phi#ippines, or /0 a person in the per,or!an1e o, a d"t0 spe1ia##0 enCoined /0 #a., are prima facie e-iden1e o, the ,a1ts therein stated.


The onora/#e Co"rt o, Appea#s 1o!!itted a re-ersi/#e error .hen it $a-e .ei$ht to the Marria$e Fi1ense No. ('>6255 despite the ,a1t that the sa!e .as not identi,ied and o,,ered as e-iden1e d"rin$ the tria#, and .as not the Marria$e #i1ense n"!/er appearin$ on the ,a1e o, the !arria$e 1ontra1t. The onora/#e Co"rt o, Appea#s 1o!!itted a re-ersi/#e error .hen it ,ai#ed to app#0 the r"#in$ #aid do.n /0 this onora/#e Co"rt in the 1ase o, S0 -s. Co"rt o, Appea#s. :G.R. No. 2%(%85, 2% Apri# %''' 355' SCRA >>'4;. The onora/#e Co"rt o, Appea#s 1o!!itted a re-ersi/#e error .hen it ,ai#ed to re#a) the o/ser-an1e o, pro1ed"ra# r"#es to prote1t and pro!ote the s"/stantia# ri$hts o, the part0 #iti$ants.263264



Ge den0 the petition. Petitioner s"/!its that at the pre1ise ti!e that his !arria$e .ith the respondent .as 1e#e/rated, there .as no !arria$e #i1ense /e1a"se he and respondent C"st .ent to the Mani#a Cit0 a## and dea#t .ith a H,i)erI .ho arran$ed e-er0thin$ ,or the!.2>32>4 The .eddin$ too< p#a1e at the stairs in Mani#a Cit0 a## and not in C*CC +R Chape# .here Re-. AB"i#ino Na-arro .ho so#e!niDed the !arria$e /e#on$s.283284 e and respondent did not $o to Car!ona, Ca-ite, to app#0 ,or a !arria$e #i1ense. Ass"!in$ a !arria$e #i1ense ,ro! Car!ona, Ca-ite, .as iss"ed to the!, neither he nor the respondent .as a resident o, the p#a1e. The 1erti,i1ation o, the M"ni1ipa# Ci-i# Re$istrar o, Car!ona, Ca-ite, 1annot /e $i-en .ei$ht /e1a"se the 1erti,i1ation states that HMarria$e Fi1ense n"!/er ('>6255 .as iss"ed in ,a-or o, Mr. Restit"to A#1antara and Miss Rosita A#!arioI2(32(4 /"t their !arria$e 1ontra1t /ears the n"!/er ('>6'55 ,or their !arria$e #i1ense n"!/er. The !arria$e in-o#-ed herein ha-in$ /een so#e!niDed on & *e1e!/er 2=&%, or prior to the e,,e1ti-it0 o, the ?a!i#0 Code, the app#i1a/#e #a. to

263264 2>32>4 283284 2(32(4

Rollo, p. %'8. Id. at %'=. Re1ords p. 2. Id. at 2>-a.

deter!ine its -a#idit0 is the Ci-i# Code .hi1h .as the #a. in e,,e1t at the ti!e o, its 1e#e/ration. A -a#id !arria$e #i1ense is a reB"isite o, !arria$e "nder Arti1#e >5 o, the Ci-i# Code, the a/sen1e o, .hi1h renders the !arria$e void ab initio p"rs"ant to Arti1#e &':5;2&32&4 in re#ation to Arti1#e >& o, the sa!e Code.2=32=4 Arti1#e >5 o, the Ci-i# Code%'3%'4 .hi1h .as the #a. app#i1a/#e at the ti!e o, the !arria$e o, the parties states:
Art. >5. No !arria$e sha## /e so#e!niDed "n#ess a## these reB"isites are 1o!p#ied .ith: :2; :%; :5; :6; 1hara1ter. Fe$a# 1apa1it0 o, the 1ontra1tin$ partiesA Their 1onsent, ,ree#0 $i-enA A"thorit0 o, the person per,or!in$ the !arria$eA and A !arria$e #i1ense, e)1ept in a !arria$e o, e)1eptiona#

The reB"ire!ent and iss"an1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense is the State9s de!onstration o, its in-o#-e!ent and parti1ipation in e-er0 !arria$e, in the !aintenan1e o, .hi1h the $enera# p"/#i1 is interested.%23%24 Petitioner 1annot insist on the a/sen1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense to i!p"$n the -a#idit0 o, his !arria$e. The 1ases .here the 1o"rt 1onsidered the
2&32&4 2=

:5; Those so#e!niDed .itho"t a !arria$e #i1ense, sa-e !arria$es o, e)1eptiona# 1hara1ter. 32=4 Art. >&. Sa-e !arria$es o, an e)1eptiona# 1hara1ter a"thoriDed in Chapter % o, this Tit#e, /"t not those "nder arti1#e (>, no !arria$e sha## /e so#e!niDed .itho"t a #i1ense ,irst /ein$ iss"ed /0 the #o1a# 1i-i# re$istrar o, the !"ni1ipa#it0 .here either 1ontra1tin$ part0 ha/it"a##0 resides. No. Arti1#e 5 o, the ?a!i#0 Code. Art. 5. The ,or!a# reB"isites o, !arria$e are: :2; A"thorit0 o, the so#e!niDin$ o,,i1erA :%; A -a#id !arria$e #i1ense e)1ept in the 1ases pro-ided ,or in Chapter % o, this Tit#eA and :5; A !arria$e 1ere!on0 .hi1h ta<es p#a1e .ith the appearan1e o, the 1ontra1tin$ parties /e,ore the so#e!niDin$ o,,i1er and their persona# de1#aration that the0 ta<e ea1h other as h"s/and and .i,e in the presen1e o, not #ess than t.o .itnesses o, #e$a# a$e. Art. 6. The a/sen1e o, an0 o, the essentia# or ,or!a# reB"isites sha## render the !arria$e void ab initio, e)1ept as stated in Arti1#e 5>. A de,e1t in an0 o, the essentia# reB"isites sha## render the !arria$e -oida/#e as pro-ided in Arti1#e 6>. Nial v. Bayadog, 5&6 Phi#. 882, 88(-88& :%''';.



a/sen1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense as a $ro"nd ,or 1onsiderin$ the !arria$e -oid are 1#ear-1"t. In Republic of the Philippines v. Court of ppeals,%%3%%4 the Fo1a# Ci-i# Re$istrar iss"ed a 1erti,i1ation o, d"e sear1h and ina/i#it0 to ,ind a re1ord or entr0 to the e,,e1t that Marria$e Fi1ense No. 52=82&% .as iss"ed to the parties. The Co"rt he#d that the 1erti,i1ation o, Hd"e sear1h and ina/i#it0 to ,indI a re1ord or entr0 as to the p"rported !arria$e #i1ense, iss"ed /0 the Ci-i# Re$istrar o, Pasi$, enCo0s pro/ati-e -a#"e, he /ein$ the o,,i1er 1har$ed "nder the #a. to <eep a re1ord o, a## data re#ati-e to the iss"an1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense. +ased on said 1erti,i1ation, the Co"rt he#d that there is a/sen1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense that .o"#d render the !arria$e -oid ab initio. In Cario v. Cario,%53%54 the Co"rt 1onsidered the !arria$e o, therein petitioner S"san Ni1dao and the de1eased Santia$o S. Carino as -oid ab initio. The re1ords re-ea# that the !arria$e 1ontra1t o, petitioner and the de1eased /ears no !arria$e #i1ense n"!/er and, as 1erti,ied /0 the Fo1a# Ci-i# Re$istrar o, San @"an, Metro Mani#a, their o,,i1e has no re1ord o, s"1h !arria$e #i1ense. The 1o"rt he#d that the 1erti,i1ation iss"ed /0 the #o1a# 1i-i# re$istrar is adeB"ate to pro-e the non-iss"an1e o, the !arria$e #i1ense. Their !arria$e ha-in$ /een so#e!niDed .itho"t the ne1essar0 !arria$e #i1ense and not /ein$ one o, the !arria$es e)e!pt ,ro! the !arria$e #i1ense reB"ire!ent, the !arria$e o, the petitioner and the de1eased is "ndo"/ted#0 -oid ab initio. In !y v. Court of ppeals,"#[24] the !arria$e #i1ense .as iss"ed on 2( Septe!/er 2=(6, a#!ost one 0ear a,ter the 1ere!on0 too< p#a1e on 2> No-e!/er 2=(5. The Co"rt he#d that the ine#"1ta/#e 1on1#"sion is that the !arria$e .as indeed 1ontra1ted .itho"t a !arria$e #i1ense.

%%3%%4 %53%54 %63%64

G.R. No.2'5'6(, % Septe!/er 2==6, %58 SCRA %>(, %8%. G.R. No.25%>%=, % ?e/r"ar0 %''2, 5>2 SCRA 2%(, 255. 5&8 Phi#. (8', (8= :%''';.

In a## these 1ases, there .as 1#ear#0 an a/sen1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense .hi1h rendered the !arria$e -oid. C#ear#0, ,ro! these 1ases, it 1an /e ded"1ed that to /e 1onsidered -oid on the $ro"nd o, a/sen1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense, the #a. reB"ires that the a/sen1e o, s"1h !arria$e #i1ense !"st /e apparent on the !arria$e 1ontra1t, or at the -er0 #east, s"pported /0 a 1erti,i1ation ,ro! the #o1a# 1i-i# re$istrar that no s"1h !arria$e #i1ense .as iss"ed to the parties. In this 1ase, the !arria$e 1ontra1t /et.een the petitioner and respondent re,#e1ts a !arria$e #i1ense n"!/er. A 1erti,i1ation to this e,,e1t .as a#so iss"ed /0 the #o1a# 1i-i# re$istrar o, Car!ona, Ca-ite.%>3%>4 The 1erti,i1ation !oreo-er is pre1ise in that it spe1i,i1a##0 identi,ied the parties to .ho! the !arria$e #i1ense .as iss"ed, na!e#0 Restit"to A#1antara and Rosita A#!ario, ,"rther -a#idatin$ the ,a1t that a #i1ense .as in ,a1t iss"ed to the parties herein. The 1erti,i1ation o, M"ni1ipa# Ci-i# Re$istrar Ma1rino F. *iaD o, Car!ona, Ca-ite, reads:
This is to 1erti,0 that as per the re$istr0 Re1ords o, Marria$e ,i#ed in this o,,i1e, Marria$e Fi1ense No. ('>6255 .as iss"ed in ,a-or o, Mr. Restit"to A#1antara and Miss Rosita A#!ario on *e1e!/er &, 2=&%. This Certi,i1ation is /ein$ iss"ed "pon the reB"est o, Mrs. Rosita A. A#1antara ,or .hate-er #e$a# p"rpose or intents it !a0 ser-e.%83%84

This 1erti,i1ation enCo0s the pres"!ption that o,,i1ia# d"t0 has /een re$"#ar#0 per,or!ed and the iss"an1e o, the !arria$e #i1ense .as done in the re$"#ar 1ond"1t o, o,,i1ia# /"siness. %(3%(4 The pres"!ption o, re$"#arit0 o, o,,i1ia# a1ts !a0 /e re/"tted /0 a,,ir!ati-e e-iden1e o, irre$"#arit0 or ,ai#"re to per,or! a d"t0.

o.e-er, the pres"!ption pre-ai#s "nti# it is

%83%84 %(3%(4

Arti1#e (' o, the Ci-i# Code, no. Arti1#e %> ?a!i#0 Code, pro-ides: The #o1a# 1i-i# re$istrar 1on1erned sha## enter a## app#i1ations ,or !arria$e #i1enses ,i#ed .ith hi! in a re$ister /oo< stri1t#0 in the order in .hi1h the sa!e sha## /e re1ei-ed. e sha## enter in said re$ister the na!es o, the app#i1ants, the dates on .hi1h the !arria$e #i1ense .as iss"ed, and s"1h other data as !a0 /e ne1essar0. Re1ords, p. 2>-a. Se1. 5. $isputable presumptions. E ) ) ) )))) :!; That o,,i1ia# d"t0 has /een re$"#ar#0 per,or!ed. :R"#e 252, R"#es o, Co"rt.;

o-er1o!e /0 no #ess than 1#ear and 1on-in1in$ e-iden1e to the 1ontrar0. Th"s, "n#ess the pres"!ption is re/"tted, it /e1o!es 1on1#"si-e. E-er0 reasona/#e intend!ent .i## /e !ade in s"pport o, the pres"!ption and, in 1ase o, do"/t as to an o,,i1er9s a1t /ein$ #a.,"# or "n#a.,"#, 1onstr"1tion sho"#d /e in ,a-or o, its #a.,"#ness.%&3%&4 Si$ni,i1ant#0, apart ,ro! these, petitioner, /0 1o"nse#, ad!itted that a !arria$e #i1ense .as, indeed, iss"ed in Car!ona, Ca-ite.%=3%=4 Petitioner, in a ,aint atte!pt to de!o#ish the pro/ati-e -a#"e o, the !arria$e #i1ense, 1#ai!s that neither he nor respondent is a resident o, Car!ona, Ca-ite. E-en then, .e sti## ho#d that there is no s",,i1ient /asis to ann"# petitioner and respondent9s !arria$e. Iss"an1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense in a 1it0 or !"ni1ipa#it0, not the residen1e o, either o, the 1ontra1tin$ parties, and iss"an1e o, a !arria$e #i1ense despite the a/sen1e o, p"/#i1ation or prior to the 1o!p#etion o, the 2'-da0 period ,or p"/#i1ation are 1onsidered !ere irre$"#arities that do not a,,e1t the -a#idit0 o, the !arria$e.5'35'4 An irre$"#arit0 in an0 o, the ,or!a# reB"isites o, !arria$e does not a,,e1t its -a#idit0 /"t the part0 or parties responsi/#e ,or the irre$"#arit0 are 1i-i##0, 1ri!ina##0 and ad!inistrati-e#0 #ia/#e.523524 A$ain, petitioner harps on the dis1repan10 /et.een the !arria$e #i1ense n"!/er in the 1erti,i1ation o, the M"ni1ipa# Ci-i# Re$istrar, .hi1h states that the !arria$e #i1ense iss"ed to the parties is No. ('>6255, .hi#e the !arria$e 1ontra1t states that the !arria$e #i1ense n"!/er o, the parties is n"!/er ('>6'55. On1e !ore, this ar$"!ent ,ai#s to s.a0 "s. It is not i!possi/#e to ass"!e that the sa!e is a !ere a t0po$raphi1a# error, as a 1#oser s1r"tin0 o, the !arria$e 1ontra1t re-ea#s the o-er#appin$ o, the n"!/ers ' and 2, s"1h that the !arria$e #i1ense !a0 read either as ('>6255

%&3%&4 %=3%=4 5'35'4 52

%agsucang v. Balgos, 668 Phi#. %2(, %%6-%%> :%''5;. TSN. %5 No-e!/er 2===, p. 6. Sta. Maria @r., Persons and ?a!i#0 Re#ations Fa., p. 2%>. 3524 Se!pio-*i0, and/oo< on the ?a!i#0 Code, p. &A %oreno v. Bernabe, 528 Phi#. 282, 28& :2==>;.

or ('>6'55. It there,ore does not detra1t ,ro! o"r 1on1#"sion re$ardin$ the e)isten1e and iss"an1e o, said !arria$e #i1ense to the parties. Under the prin1ip#e that he .ho 1o!es to 1o"rt !"st 1o!e .ith 1#ean hands,5%35%4 petitioner 1annot pretend that he .as not responsi/#e or a part0 to the !arria$e 1e#e/ration .hi1h he no. insists too< p#a1e .itho"t the reB"isite !arria$e #i1ense. Petitioner ad!itted that the 1i-i# !arria$e too< p#a1e /e1a"se he Hinitiated it.I553554 Petitioner is an ed"1ated person. !e1hani1a# en$ineer /0 pro,ession. the Mani#a Cit0 a !arria$e 1ere!on0. e is a e <$#0 and -o#"ntari#0 .ent to

a## and #i<e.ise, <$#0 and -o#"ntari#0, .ent thro"$h e 1annot /ene,it ,ro! his a1tion and /e a##o.ed to

e)tri1ate hi!se#, ,ro! the !arria$e /ond at his !ere sa0-so .hen the sit"ation is no #on$er pa#ata/#e to his taste or s"ited to his #i,est0#e. Ge 1annot 1o"ntenan1e s"1h e,,ronter0. is atte!pt to !a<e a !o1<er0 o, the instit"tion o, !arria$e /etra0s his /ad ,aith.563564 Petitioner and respondent .ent thro"$h a !arria$e 1ere!on0 t.i1e in a span o, #ess than one 0ear "ti#iDin$ the sa!e !arria$e #i1ense. There is no 1#ai! that he .ent thro"$h the se1ond .eddin$ 1ere!on0 in 1h"r1h "nder d"ress or .ith a $"n to his head. E-er0thin$ .as e)e1"ted .itho"t nar0 a .hi!per on the part o, the petitioner. In ,a1t, ,or the se1ond .eddin$ o, petitioner and respondent, the0 presented to the San @ose de Man"$"it Ch"r1h the !arria$e 1ontra1t e)e1"ted d"rin$ the pre-io"s .eddin$ 1ere!on0 /e,ore the Mani#a Cit0 a##. This is 1on,ir!ed in petitioner9s testi!on0 as ,o##o.sJ
GITNESS As I re!e!/er 0o"r honor, the0 as<ed "s to $et the ne1essar0 do1"!ent prior to the .eddin$.
5% 35%4

553554 563564

bacus !ecurities Corporation v. mpil , G.R. No. 28''28, %( ?e/r"ar0 %''8, 6&5 SCRA 52>, 55(. TSN, 2 O1to/er 2==&, p. =8. tien&a v. Judge Brilliantes, Jr., 52% Phi#. =5=, =66 :2==>;.

COURT Ghat parti1"#ar do1"!ent did the 1h"r1h as<ed 0o" to prod"1eK I a! re,errin$ to the San @ose de Man"$"it 1h"r1h. GITNESS I don9t re!e!/er 0o"r honor. COURT Gere 0o" as<ed /0 the 1h"r1h to present a Marria$e Fi1enseK GITNESS I thin< the0 as<ed "s ,or do1"!ents and I said .e ha-e a#read0 a Marria$e Contra1t and I don9t <no. i, it is $ood eno"$h ,or the !arria$e and the0 a11epted it 0o"r honor. COURT In other .ords, 0o" represented to the San @ose de Man"$"it 1h"r1h that 0o" ha-e .ith 0o" a#read0 a Marria$e Contra1tK GITNESS Yes 0o"r honor. COURT That is .h0 the San @ose de Man"$"it 1h"r1h 1opied the sa!e !arria$e Fi1ense in the Marria$e Contra1t iss"ed .hi1h Marria$e Fi1ense is N"!/er ('>6'55. GITNESS Yes 0o"r honor.5>35>4

The #o$i1a# 1on1#"sion is that petitioner .as a!ena/#e and a .i##in$ parti1ipant to a## that too< p#a1e at that ti!e. O/-io"s#0, the 1h"r1h 1ere!on0 .as 1on,ir!ator0 o, their 1i-i# !arria$e, there/0 1#eansin$ .hate-er irre$"#arit0 or de,e1t attended the 1i-i# .eddin$.583584 Fi<e.ise, the iss"e raised /0 petitioner -- that the0 appeared /e,ore a H,i)erI .ho arran$ed e-er0thin$ ,or the! and .ho ,a1i#itated the 1ere!on0 /e,ore a 1ertain Re-. AB"i#ino Na-arro, a Minister o, the Gospe# o, the C*CC +r Chape# -- .i## not stren$then his post"re. The a"thorit0 o, the
5>35>4 583584

TSN, 2 O1to/er 2==&, pp. 55-5>. 'y v. Court of ppeals, 5== Phi#. 86(, 88% %''5;.

o,,i1er or 1#er$0!an sho.n to ha-e per,or!ed a !arria$e 1ere!on0 .i## /e pres"!ed in the a/sen1e o, an0$ to the 1ontrar0.5(35(4 Moreo-er, the so#e!niDin$ o,,i1er is not d"t0-/o"nd to in-esti$ate .hether or not a !arria$e #i1ense has /een d"#0 and re$"#ar#0 iss"ed /0 the #o1a# 1i-i# re$istrar. A## the so#e!niDin$ o,,i1er needs to <no. is that the #i1ense has /een iss"ed /0 the 1o!petent o,,i1ia#, and it !a0 /e pres"!ed ,ro! the iss"an1e o, the #i1ense that said o,,i1ia# has ,"#,i##ed the d"t0 to as1ertain .hether the 1ontra1tin$ parties had ,"#,i##ed the reB"ire!ents o, #a..5&35&4 !emper praesumitur pro matrimonio. The pres"!ption is a#.a0s in ,a-or o, the -a#idit0 o, the !arria$e.5=35=4 E-er0 intend!ent o, the #a. or ,a1t #eans to.ard the -a#idit0 o, the !arria$e /onds. The Co"rts #oo< "pon this pres"!ption .ith $reat ,a-or. It is not to /e #i$ht#0 repe##edA on the 1ontrar0, the pres"!ption is o, $reat .ei$ht. WHEREFORE, pre!ises 1onsidered, the instant Petition is DENIED ,or #a1< o, !erit. The de1ision o, the Co"rt o, Appea#s dated 5' Septe!/er %''6 a,,ir!in$ the de1ision o, the Re$iona# Tria# Co"rt, +ran1h 265 o, Ma<ati Cit0, dated 26 ?e/r"ar0 %''', are AFFIRMED. a$ainst petitioner. SO ORDERED. MINITA V. CHICO-NA ARIO Asso1iate @"sti1e Costs


5(35(4 5&35&4 5=

(oshen v. Ne) *rleans, 2& US =>'. People v. Janssen, >6 Phi#. 2(8, 2&' :2=%=;. 35=4 Carating+!iayngco v. !iayngco, G.R. No. 2>&&=8, %( O1to/er %''6, 662 SCRA 6%%, 658A !evilla v. Cardenas, G.R. No. 28(8&6, 52 @"#0 %''8, 6=( SCRA 6%&, 665.

Asso1iate @"sti1e Chairperson

Asso1iate @"sti1e


RU"EN T. RE!ES Asso1iate @"sti1e ATTESTATION I attest that the 1on1#"sions in the a/o-e *e1ision .ere rea1hed in 1ons"#tation /e,ore the 1ase .as assi$ned to the .riter o, the opinion o, the Co"rt9s *i-ision.

CONSUELO !NARES-SANTIAGO Asso1iate @"sti1e Chairperson, Third *i-ision

CERTIFICATION P"rs"ant to Se1tion 25, Arti1#e 7III o, the Constit"tion, and the *i-ision Chairperson9s Attestation, it is here/0 1erti,ied that the 1on1#"sions in the a/o-e *e1ision .ere rea1hed in 1ons"#tation /e,ore the 1ase .as assi$ned to the .riter o, the opinion o, the Co"rt9s *i-ision.

RE!NATO S. PUNO Chie, @"sti1e

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