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[G.R. No. 145370. March 4, 2004]

MARIETTA B. ANCHETA, petitioner, vs. RODOL O !. ANCHETA, respondent. DECI!ION

CALLE"O, !R., J.#

This is a petition for review on certiorari of the Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA- !R! S" No! #$##% whi&h 'is(isse' the petitioner)s petition un'er Rule *+ of the 1$$+ Rules of Civil "ro&e'ure to annul the Or'er of the Re-ional Trial Court of Nai&. Cavite. /ran&h 1# in Spe&ial "ro&ee'in-s No! NC-00, nullif1in- the (arria-e of the petitioner an' the respon'ent Ro'olfo S! An&heta. an' of the resolution of the appellate &ourt 'en1in- the (otion for re&onsi'eration of the sai' resolution!
1[1] ,[,]

This &ase arose fro( the followin- fa&ts2 After their (arria-e on 3ar&h #. 1$#$. the petitioner an' the respon'ent resi'e' in 3untinlupa. 3etro 3anila! The1 ha' ei-ht &hil'ren 'urin- their &overture. whose na(es an' 'ates of 4irths are as follows2
a! ANA 3ARIE / ! ANC5ETA 6 4orn O&to4er 0. 1$#$ 4! RODO78O /! ANC5ETA. 9R! 6 4orn 3ar&h +. 1$01 &! VENANCIO 3ARIANO /! ANC5ETA 6 4orn 3a1 1:. 1$0, '! ERARDO /! ANC5ETA 6 4orn April :. 1$0; e! <AT5RINA /! ANC5ETA 6 4orn O&to4er ,$. 1$0# f! ANTONIO /! ANC5ETA 6 4orn 3ar&h 0. 1$0+ -! NATAS5A 3ARTINA /! ANC5ETA - 4orn Au-ust ,. 1$0: h! 8RIT=IE >O7ANDA /! ANC5ETA 6 4orn Nove(4er 1$. 1$+%;[;]

On De&e(4er 0. 1$$,. the respon'ent left the &on?u-al ho(e an' a4an'one' the petitioner an' their &hil'ren! On 9anuar1 ,#. 1$$*. petitioner
1 [1]

"enne' 41 Asso&iate 9usti&e Renato C! Da&u'ao. with Asso&iate 9usti&es Can&io C! ar&ia @Chair(anA an' /!A! A'efuin-'e la CruB. &on&urrin-! "enne' 41 9u'-e EnriCue 3! Al(ario! CA Rollo. pp! ,0-,+!



3arietta An&heta file' a petition with the Re-ional Trial Court of 3aDati. /ran&h *%. a-ainst the respon'ent for the 'issolution of their &on?u-al partnership an' ?u'i&ial separation of propert1 with a plea for support an' support pendente lite! The &ase was 'o&Dete' as Sp! "ro&! No! 3-;+;#! At that ti(e. the petitioner was rentin- a house at No! +, CR3 Avenue &or! CR3 CoraBon. /8 5o(es. Al(anBa. 7as "iEas. 3etro 3anila!

On April ,%. 1$$*. the parties eFe&ute' a Co(pro(ise A-ree(ent where so(e of the &on?u-al properties were a'?u'i&ate' to the petitioner an' her ei-ht &hil'ren. in&lu'in- the followin-2

4! A par&el of lan' @a'?oinin- the two lots &overe' 41 TCT Nos! 1,%%:, an' TCT No! 1,%%:;-CaviteA lo&ate' at /an&al. Car(ona. Cavite. re-istere' in the na(e of the fa(il1 An&heta! /iofoo' Corporation un'er TCT No! ;1%::,. to-ether with the resort 3untin- "araiso. Trainin- Center. four-store1 4uil'in-. pavilion. swi((in- pool an' all i(prove(ents! All of the shares of sto&Ds of An&heta /iofoo's Corporation were 'istri4ute' one-thir' @1G;A to the petitioner an' the ei-ht &hil'ren one-twelfth @1G1,A ea&h!0[0]

The &ourt ren'ere' ?u'-(ent 4ase' on the sai' &o(pro(ise a-ree(ent! Confor(a4l1 thereto. the respon'ent va&ate'. on 9une 1. 1$$*. the resort 3untin- "araiso an' all the 4uil'in-s an' i(prove(ents thereon! The petitioner. with the Dnowle'-e of the respon'ent. then&eforth resi'e' in the sai' propert1! In the (eanti(e. the respon'ent inten'e' to (arr1 a-ain! On 9une #. 1$$#. he file' a petition with the Re-ional Trial Court of Nai&. Cavite. /ran&h 1#. for the 'e&laration of nullit1 of his (arria-e with the petitioner on the -roun' of ps1&holo-i&al in&apa&it1! The &ase was 'o&Dete' as Sp! "ro&! No! NC-00,! Althou-h the respon'ent Dnew that the petitioner was alrea'1 resi'in- at the resort 3untin- "araiso in /an&al. Car(ona. Cavite. he. nevertheless. alle-e' in his petition that the petitioner was resi'in- at No! +, CR3 Avenue &orner CR3 CoraBon. /8 5o(es. Al(anBa. 7as "iEas. 3etro 3anila. Hwhere she (a1 4e serve' with su((ons!I The &lerD of &ourt issue' su((ons to the petitioner at the a''ress state' in the petition! The sheriff serve' the su((ons an' a &op1 of the petition 41 su4stitute' servi&e on 9une 0. 1$$# on the petitioner)s son. Venan&io 3ariano /! An&heta III. at his resi'en&e in /an&al. Car(ona. Cavite!
+[+] :[:] $[$]

On 9une ,1. 1$$#. Sheriff 9ose R! Salva'ora. 9r! su4(itte' a Return of Servi&e to the &ourt statin- that the su((ons an' a &op1 of the petition were serve' on the petitioner throu-h her son Venan&io 3ariano /! An&heta III on 9une 0. 1$$#2
* [*]

Id! at ,0! Rollo. pp! $#-1%,! CA Rollo. pp! *-#! Id! at *$! Id! at #;! Id!






RETJRN O8 SERVICE This is to &ertif1 that the su((ons to-ether with the &op1 of the &o(plaint an' its anneFes was re&eive' 41 the herein 'efen'ant thru his son Venan&io 3!/! An&heta [III] as evi'en&e' 41 the si-nature appearin- on the su((ons! Servi&e was (a'e on 9une 0. 1$$#! 9une ,1. 1$$#. Nai&. Cavite! @S-'!A 9OSE R! SA7VADORA. 9R! Sheriff1%[1%]

The petitioner faile' to file an answer to the petition! On 9une ,,. 1$$#. the respon'ent file' an HEF-"arte 3otion to De&lare Defen'ant as in DefaultI settinit for hearin- on 9une ,+. 1$$# at :2;% a!(! Durin- the hearin- on the sai' 'ate. there was no appearan&e for the petitioner! The pu4li& prose&utor appeare' for the State an' offere' no o4?e&tion to the (otion of the respon'ent who appeare' with &ounsel! The trial &ourt -rante' the (otion an' 'e&lare' the petitioner in 'efault. an' allowe' the respon'ent to a''u&e evi'en&e ex-parte! The respon'ent testifie' in his 4ehalf an' a''u&e' 'o&u(entar1 evi'en&e! On 9ul1 +. 1$$#. the trial &ourt issue' an Or'er -rantin- the petition an' 'e&larin- the (arria-e of the parties voi' ab initio! The &lerD of &ourt issue' a Certifi&ate of 8inalit1 of the Or'er of the &ourt on 9ul1 10. 1$$0!
11[11] 1,[1,]

On 8e4ruar1 1*. 1$$:. Valentine)s Da1. the respon'ent an' Teresita 5! Ro'il were (arrie' in &ivil ri-hts 4efore the (uni&ipal (a1or of In'an-. Cavite!

On 9ul1 +. ,%%%. the petitioner file' a verifie' petition a-ainst the respon'ent with the Court of Appeals un'er Rule *+ of the Rules of Court. as a(en'e'. for the annul(ent of the or'er of the RTC of Cavite in Spe&ial "ro&ee'in-s No! NC00,! The &ase was 'o&Dete' as CA- !R! S" No! #$##%! The petitioner alle-e'. inter alia. that the respon'ent &o((itte' -ross (isrepresentations 41 (aDin- it appear in his petition in Sp! "ro&! No! NC-00, that she was a resi'ent of No! +, CR3 Avenue &or! CR3 CoraBon. /8 5o(es. Al(anBa. 7as "iEas. 3etro 3anila. when in truth an' in fa&t. the respon'ent Dnew ver1 well that she was resi'in- at 3untin- "araiso. /an&al. Car(ona. Cavite! A&&or'in- to the petitioner. the respon'ent 'i' so to 'eprive her of her ri-ht to 4e hear' in the sai' &ase. an' ulti(atel1 se&ure a favora4le ?u'-(ent without an1 opposition thereto! The petitioner also alle-e' that the respon'ent &ause' the servi&e of the petition an' su((ons on her 41 su4stitute' servi&e throu-h her (arrie' son. Venan&io 3ariano /! An&heta III. a resi'ent of /an&al. Car(ona. Cavite. where the respon'ent was a resi'ent! 8urther(ore. Venan&io 3!/! An&heta III faile' to 'eliver to her the &op1 of the petition an' su((ons! Thus. a&&or'in- to the petitioner. the or'er of the trial &ourt in favor of the respon'ent was null an' voi'
1% [1%]

Id! at #*! Id! at #+-#$! Id! at ,1,! Id! at ,1;!







@1A for la&D of ?uris'i&tion over her personK an' @,A 'ue to the eFtrinsi& frau' perpetrate' 41 the respon'ent! She further &onten'e' that there was no fa&tual 4asis for the trial &ourt)s fin'in- that she was sufferin- fro( ps1&holo-i&al in&apa&it1! 8inall1. the petitioner averre' that she learne' of the Or'er of the RTC onl1 on 9anuar1 11. ,%%%! Appen'e' to the petition. inter alia. were the affi'avits of the petitioner an' of Venan&io 3!/! An&heta III! The petitioner pra1e' that. after 'ue pro&ee'in-s. ?u'-(ent 4e ren'ere' in her favor. thus2
L5ERE8ORE. petitioner respe&tfull1 pra1s this 5onora4le Court to ren'er 9u'-(ent -rantin- the "etition! 1! De&larin- null an' voi' the Or'er 'ate' 9une +. 1$$# @of the Re-ional Trial Court. /ran&h 1*. Nai&. CaviteA! ,! Or'erin- respon'ent to pa1 petitioner a! "1.%%%.%%%!%% as (oral 'a(a-esK 4! "#%%.%%%!%% as eFe(plar1 'a(a-esK &! ",%%.%%%!%% as attorne1)s fees plus "+.#%%!%% per 'ie( for ever1 hearin-K '! "1%%.%%%!%% as liti-ation eFpensesK e! Costs of suit!1*[1*]

On 9ul1 1;. ,%%%. the CA issue' a Resolution 'is(issin- the petition on the followin- -roun'2
Le &annot -ive 'ue &ourse to the present petition in 'efault or in the a4sen&e of an1 &lear an' spe&ifi& aver(ent 41 petitioner that the or'inar1 re(e'ies of new trial. appeal. petition for relief or other appropriate re(e'ies are no lon-er availa4le throu-h no fault of petitioner! Neither is there an1 aver(ent or alle-ation that the present petition is 4ase' onl1 on the -roun's of eFtrinsi& frau' an' la&D of ?uris'i&tion! Nor 1et that. on the assu(ption that eFtrinsi& frau' &an 4e a vali' -roun' therefor. that it was not availe' of. or &oul' not have 4een availe' of. in a (otion for new trial. or petition for relief!1#[1#]

The petitioner file' a (otion for the re&onsi'eration of the sai' resolution. appen'in- thereto an a(en'e' petition in whi&h she alle-e'. inter alia. that2
*! This petition is 4ase' purel1 on the -roun's of eFtrinsi& frau' an' la&D of ?uris'i&tion! #! This petition has not pres&ri4e'K it was file' within the four-1ear perio' after 'is&over1 of the eFtrinsi& frau'! 0! The -roun' of eFtrinsi& frau' has not 4een availe' of. or &oul' not have 4een availe' of in a (otion for new trial or petition for relief!



Id! at ,1! Id! at 1%1!



+! The -roun' of la&D of ?uris'i&tion is not 4arre' 41 la&hes an'Gor estoppel! :! The or'inar1 re(e'ies of new trial. appeal. petition for relief or other appropriate re(e'ies were no lon-er availa4le throu-h no fault of petitionerK neither has she ever availe' of the sai' re(e'ies! This petition is the onl1 availa4le re(e'1 to her!10[10]

The petitioner also alle-e' therein that the or'er of the trial &ourt nullif1inher an' the respon'ent)s (arria-e was null an' voi' for the &ourt a quo)s failure to or'er the pu4li& prose&utor to &on'u&t an investi-ation on whether there was &ollusion 4etween the parties. an' to or'er the Soli&itor eneral to appear for the State! On Septe(4er ,+. ,%%%. the CA issue' a Resolution 'en1in- the sai' (otion! The petitioner file' a petition for review on &ertiorari with this Court alle-inthat the CA erre' as follows2
1! In failin- to taDe into &onsi'eration the Din' of Or'er whi&h was sou-ht to 4e annulle'! ,! In fin'in- that the "etition was pro&e'urall1 flawe'! ;! In not fin'in- that the "etition su4stantiall1 &o(plie' with the reCuire(ents of the Rules of Court! *! In failin- to &o(pl1 with Se&tion #. Rule *+. Rules of Court! #! In not even &onsi'erin-Gresolvin- "etitioner)s 3otion to A'(it the A(en'e' "etitionK an' in not a'(ittin- the A(en'e' "etition! 0! In failin- to appl1 the Rules of "ro&e'ure with li4eralit1!1+[1+]

The petition is (eritorious! An ori-inal a&tion in the Court of Appeals un'er Rule *+ of the Rules of Court. as a(en'e'. to annul a ?u'-(ent or final or'er or resolution in &ivil a&tions of the RTC (a1 4e 4ase' on two -roun's2 @aA eFtrinsi& frau'K or @4A la&D of ?uris'i&tion! If 4ase' on eFtrinsi& frau'. the re(e'1 is su4?e&t to a &on'ition pre&e'ent. na(el1. the or'inar1 re(e'ies of new trial. appeal. petition for relief or other appropriate re(e'ies are no lon-er availa4le throu-h no fault of the petitioner! The petitioner (ust alle-e in the petition that the or'inar1 re(e'ies of new trial. appeal. petition for relief fro( ?u'-(ent. un'er Rule ;: of the Rules of Court are no lon-er availa4le throu-h no fault of hersK otherwise. the petition will 4e 'is(isse'! If the petitioner fails to avail of the re(e'ies of new trial. appeal or relief fro( ?u'-(ent throu-h her own fault or ne-li-en&e 4efore filinher petition with the Court of Appeals. she &annot resort to the re(e'1 un'er Rule *+ of the RulesK otherwise. she woul' 4enefit fro( her ina&tion or
1:[1:] 10 [10]

Id! at 1%$! Rollo. p! ;0! Rule *+. Se&tion 1!







It is not enou-h to alle-e in the petition that the sai' re(e'ies were no lon-er availa4le throu-h no fault of her own! The petitioner (ust also eFplain an' ?ustif1 her failure to avail of su&h re(e'ies! The safe-uar' was in&orporate' in the rule pre&isel1 to avoi' a4use of the re(e'1! A&&ess to the &ourts is -uarantee'! /ut there (ust 4e li(its thereto! On&e a liti-ant)s ri-hts have 4een a'?u'i&ate' in a vali' final ?u'-(ent of a &o(petent &ourt. he shoul' not 4e -rante' an un4ri'le' li&ense to sue anew! The prevailin- part1 shoul' not 4e veFe' 41 su4seCuent suits!
,%[,%] ,1[,1]

In this &ase. the petitioner faile' to alle-e in her petition in the CA that the or'inar1 re(e'ies of new trial. appeal. an' petition for relief. were no lon-er availa4le throu-h no fault of her own! She (erel1 alle-e' therein that she re&eive' the assaile' or'er of the trial &ourt on 9anuar1 11. ,%%%! The petitioner)s a(en'e' petition 'i' not &ure the fatal 'efe&t in her ori-inal petition. 4e&ause althou-h she a'(itte' therein that she 'i' not avail of the re(e'ies of new trial. appeal or petition for relief fro( ?u'-(ent. she 'i' not eFplain wh1 she faile' to 'o so! Le. however. rule that the Court of Appeals erre' in 'is(issin- the ori-inal petition an' 'en1in- a'(ission of the a(en'e' petition! This is so 4e&ause apparentl1. the Court of Appeals faile' to taDe note fro( the (aterial alle-ations of the petition. that the petition was 4ase' not onl1 on eFtrinsi& frau' 4ut also on la&D of ?uris'i&tion over the person of the petitioner. on her &lai( that the su((ons an' the &op1 of the &o(plaint in Sp! "ro&! No! NC-00, were not serve' on her! Lhile the ori-inal petition an' a(en'e' petition 'i' not state a &ause of a&tion for the nullifi&ation of the assaile' or'er on the -roun' of eFtrinsi& frau'. we rule. however. that it states a suffi&ient &ause of a&tion for the nullifi&ation of the assaile' or'er on the -roun' of la&D of ?uris'i&tion of the RTC over the person of the petitioner. notwithstan'in- the a4sen&e of an1 alle-ation therein that the or'inar1 re(e'1 of new trial or re&onsi'eration. or appeal are no lon-er availa4le throu-h no fault of the petitioner! In a &ase where a petition for the annul(ent of a ?u'-(ent or final or'er of the RTC file' un'er Rule *+ of the Rules of Court is -roun'e' on la&D of ?uris'i&tion over the person of the 'efen'antGrespon'ent or over the nature or su4?e&t of the a&tion. the petitioner nee' not alle-e in the petition that the or'inar1 re(e'1 of new trial or re&onsi'eration of the final or'er or ?u'-(ent or appeal therefro( are no lon-er availa4le throu-h no fault of her own! This is so 4e&ause a ?u'-(ent ren'ere' or final or'er issue' 41 the RTC without ?uris'i&tion is null an' voi' an' (a1 4e assaile' an1 ti(e either &ollaterall1 or in a 'ire&t a&tion or 41 resistin- su&h ?u'-(ent or final or'er in an1 a&tion or



Republic v. Sandiganbayan, ;#, SCRA ,;# @,%%1A! 5errera. Re(e'ial 7aw. Vol! III. 1$$+ e'!. p! #*$! Pacquing v. Court of Appeals, 11# SCRA 11+ @1$:,A!





pro&ee'in- whenever it is invoDe'.


unless 4arre' 41 la&hes!


In this &ase. the ori-inal petition an' the a(en'e' petition in the Court of Appeals. in li-ht of the (aterial aver(ents therein. were 4ase' not onl1 on eFtrinsi& frau'. 4ut also on la&D of ?uris'i&tion of the trial &ourt over the person of the petitioner 4e&ause of the failure of the sheriff to serve on her the su((ons an' a &op1 of the &o(plaint! She &lai(e' that the su((ons an' &o(plaint were serve' on her son. Venan&io 3ariano /! An&heta III. who. however. faile' to -ive her the sai' su((ons an' &o(plaint! Even a &ursor1 rea'in- of the (aterial aver(ents of the ori-inal petition an' its anneFes will show that it is. prima facie (eritoriousK hen&e. it shoul' have 4een -iven 'ue &ourse 41 the Court of Appeals! In Paramount Insurance Corporation v. ap!on, we hel' that ?uris'i&tion is a&Cuire' 41 a trial &ourt over the person of the 'efen'ant either 41 his voluntar1 appearan&e in &ourt an' his su4(ission to its authorit1 or 41 servi&e of su((ons! The servi&e of su((ons an' the &o(plaint on the 'efen'ant is to infor( hi( that a &ase has 4een file' a-ainst hi( an'. thus. ena4le hi( to 'efen' hi(self! 5e is. thus. put on -uar' as to the 'e(an's of the plaintiff or the petitioner! Lithout su&h servi&e in the a4sen&e of a vali' waiver ren'ers the ?u'-(ent of the &ourt null an' voi'! 9uris'i&tion &annot 4e a&Cuire' 41 the &ourt on the person of the 'efen'ant even if he Dnows of the &ase a-ainst hi( unless he is vali'l1 serve' with su((ons!
,*[,*] ,#[,#] ,0[,0]

Su((ons an' &o(plaint (a1 4e serve' on the 'efen'ant either 41 han'ina &op1 thereof to hi( in person. or. if he refuses to re&eive an' si-n for it. 41 ten'erin- it to her! 5owever. if there is i(possi4ilit1 of pro(pt servi&e of the su((ons personall1 on the 'efen'ant 'espite 'ili-ent efforts to fin' hi(. servi&e of the su((ons (a1 4e effe&te' 41 su4stitute' servi&e as provi'e' in Se&tion +. Rule 1* of the sai' Rules2

SEC! +! Substituted service!M If. for ?ustifia4le &auses. the 'efen'ant &annot 4e serve' within a reasona4le ti(e as provi'e' in the pre&e'inse&tion. servi&e (a1 4e effe&te' @aA 41 leavin- &opies of the su((ons at the 'efen'ant)s resi'en&e with so(e person of suita4le a-e an' 'is&retion then resi'in- therein. or @4A 41 leavin- the &opies of 'efen'ant)s offi&e or re-ular pla&e of 4usiness with so(e &o(petent person in &har-e thereof!,:[,:]
,, [,,]

Ramos v. Court of Appeals, 1:% SCRA 0;# @1$:$A!


SEC! ;! Period for filing action!MIf 4ase' on eFtrinsi& frau'. the a&tion (ust 4e file' within four @*A 1ears fro( its 'is&over1K an' if 4ase' on la&D of ?uris'i&tion. 4efore it is 4arre' 41 la&hes or estoppel!
[,;] [,*]


,11 SCRA :+$ @1$$,A! "mandap v. Sabio, r!, ;;$ SCRA ,*; @,%%%A! "nited Coconut Planters #an$ v. %ngpin, ;0: SCRA *0* @,%%1A! Rule 1*. Se&tion 0. Rules of Court! Supra!









In &iranda v. Court of Appeals, we hel' that the (o'es of servi&e shoul' 4e stri&tl1 followe' in or'er that the &ourt (a1 a&Cuire ?uris'i&tion over the person of the 'efen'ant! Thus. it is onl1 when a 'efen'ant &annot 4e serve' personall1 within a reasona4le ti(e that su4stitute' servi&e (a1 4e (a'e 41 statin- the efforts (a'e to fin' hi( an' personall1 serve on hi( the su((ons an' &o(plaint an' the fa&t that su&h effort faile'! This state(ent shoul' 4e (a'e in the proof of servi&e to 4e a&&o(plishe' an' file' in &ourt 41 the sheriff! This is ne&essar1 4e&ause su4stitute' servi&e is a 'ero-ation of the usual (etho' of servi&e! It has 4een hel' that su4stitute' servi&e of su((ons is a (etho' eFtraor'inar1 in &hara&terK hen&e. (a1 4e use' onl1 as pres&ri4e' an' in the &ir&u(stan&es &ate-oriBe' 41 statutes!
,$[,$] ;%[;%] ;1[;1]

As -leane' fro( the petition an' the a(en'e' petition in the CA an' the anneFes thereof. the su((ons in Sp! "ro&! No! NC-00, was issue' on 9une 0. 1$$#! On the sa(e 'a1. the su((ons was serve' on an' re&eive' 41 Venan&io 3ariano /! An&heta III. the petitioner)s son! Lhen the return of su((ons was su4(itte' to the &ourt 41 the sheriff on 9une ,1. 1$$#. no state(ent was (a'e on the i(possi4ilit1 of lo&atin- the 'efen'ant therein within a reasona4le ti(e. or that an1 effort was (a'e 41 the sheriff to lo&ate the 'efen'ant! There was no (ention therein that Venan&io 3ariano An&heta III was resi'in- at No! +, CR3 Avenue &or! CR3 CoraBon. /8 5o(es. Al(anBa. 7as "iEas. where the petitioner @'efen'ant thereinA was alle-e'l1 resi'in-! It turne' out that Venan&io 3ariano /! An&heta III ha' 4een resi'in- at /an&al. Car(ona. Cavite. an' that his father (erel1 showe' hi( the su((ons an' the &o(plaint an' was (a'e to affiF his si-nature on the fa&e of the su((onsK he was not furnishe' with a &op1 of the sai' su((ons an' &o(plaint!
;,[;,] ;;[;;]

*! 8ro( the ti(e (1 father starte' sta1in- at 3untin- "araiso. /an&al. Car(ona. Cavite. I have 4een resi'in- on the a'?oinin- lan' &onsistin- of two @,A lots later apportione' to (1 father as his share of the &on?u-al partnership! Sin&e then. I have 4een resi'in- therein up to the present! #! On 9une 0. 1$$#. at /an&al. Car(ona. Cavite @at (1 resi'en&e situate' on (1 father)s lotA. (1 father &a(e to see (e an' then asDe' (e to si-n an' I 'i' si-n papers whi&h he @(1 fatherA an' the Sheriff 'i' not allow (e to rea'! Apparentl1. these papers are for the Su((ons to (1 (other in the &ase for annul(ent of (arria-e file' 41 (1 father a-ainst her! I was not -iven an1 &op1 of the Su((ons an'Gor &op1 of the &o(plaintGpetition!;*[;*]

Le. thus. rule that the Court of Appeals a&te' ar4itraril1 in 'is(issin- the ori-inal petition of the petitioner an' the a(en'e' petition for annul(ent of the
,$ [,$]

;,0 SCRA ,+: @,%%%A! 'eister v. (avarro, ++ SCRA ,%$ @1$++A! Ibid! CA Rollo. p! #;! Ibid! Id! at ##-#0!











assaile' or'er -roun'e' on la&D of ?uris'i&tion over the person of the petitioner! The a&tion in Rule *+ of the Rules of Court 'oes not involve the (erits of the final or'er of the trial &ourt! 5owever. we &annot 4ut eFpress alar( at what transpire' in the &ourt a quo as shown 41 the re&or's! The re&or's show that for the petitioner)s failure to file an answer to the &o(plaint. the trial &ourt -rante' the (otion of the respon'ent herein to 'e&lare her in 'efault! The pu4li& prose&utor &on'one' the a&ts of the trial &ourt when he interpose' no o4?e&tion to the (otion of the respon'ent! The trial &ourt forthwith re&eive' the evi'en&e of the respon'ent ex-parte an' ren'ere' ?u'-(ent a-ainst the petitioner without a whi(per of protest fro( the pu4li& prose&utor! The a&tuations of the trial &ourt an' the pu4li& prose&utor are in 'efian&e of Arti&le *: of the 8a(il1 Co'e. whi&h rea's2
Arti&le *:! In all &ases of annul(ent or 'e&laration of a4solute nullit1 of (arria-e. the Court shall or'er the prose&utin- attorne1 or fis&al assi-ne' to it to appear on 4ehalf of the State to taDe steps to prevent &ollusion 4etween the parties an' to taDe &are that evi'en&e is not fa4ri&ate' or suppresse'! In the &ases referre' to in the pre&e'in- para-raph. no ?u'-(ent shall 4e 4ase' upon a stipulation of fa&ts or &onfession of ?u'-(ent!;#[;#]

The trial &ourt an' the pu4li& prose&utor also i-nore' Rule 1:. Se&tion 0 of the 1$:# Rules of Court @now Rule $. Se&tion ;[e] of the 1$$+ Rules of Civil "ro&e'ureA whi&h provi'es2
Se&! 0! (o defaults in actions for annulment of marriage or for legal separation!M If the 'efen'ant in an a&tion for annul(ent of (arria-e or for le-al separation fails to answer. the &ourt shall or'er the prose&utin- attorne1 to investi-ate whether or not a &ollusion 4etween the parties eFits. an' if there is no &ollusion. to intervene for the State in or'er to see to it that the evi'en&e su4(itte' is not fa4ri&ate'!;0[;0]

In the &ase of Republic v. Court of Appeals, this Court lai' 'own the -ui'elines in the interpretation an' appli&ation of Art! *: of the 8a(il1 Co'e. one of whi&h &on&erns the role of the prose&utin- attorne1 or fis&al an' the Soli&itor eneral to appear as &ounsel for the State2

@:A The trial &ourt (ust or'er the prose&utin- attorne1 or fis&al an' the Soli&itor eneral to appear as &ounsel for the state! No 'e&ision shall 4e han'e' 'own unless the Soli&itor eneral issues a &ertifi&ation. whi&h will 4e Cuote' in the 'e&ision. 4riefl1 statin- therein his reasons for his a-ree(ent or opposition. as the &ase (a1 4e. to the petition! The Soli&itor eneral. alonwith the prose&utin- attorne1. shall su4(it to the &ourt su&h &ertifi&ation within fifteen @1#A 'a1s fro( the 'ate the &ase is 'ee(e' su4(itte' for resolution of the &ourt! The Soli&itor eneral shall 'is&har-e the eCuivalent fun&tion of the



Supra! Supra! ,0: SCRA 1$: @1$$+A!





defensor vinculi &onte(plate' un'er Canon 1%$#!;:[;:]

This Court in the &ase of &alcampo-Sin v. Sin reiterate' its pronoun&e(ent in Republic v. Court of Appeals, re-ar'in- the role of the prose&utin- attorne1 or fis&al an' the Soli&itor eneral to appear as &ounsel for the State! The trial &ourt. a4ette' 41 the ineptitu'e. if not sheer ne-li-en&e of the pu4li& prose&utor. wa1lai' the Rules of Court an' the 8a(il1 Co'e. as well as the rulin-s of this Court!
;$[;$] *%[*%] *1[*1]

The tasD of prote&tin- (arria-e as an inviola4le so&ial institution reCuires vi-ilant an' Bealous parti&ipation an' not (ere pro-for(a &o(plian&e! The prote&tion of (arria-e as a sa&re' institution reCuires not ?ust the 'efense of a true an' -enuine union 4ut the eFposure of an invali' one as well!

A -rant of annul(ent of (arria-e or le-al separation 41 'efault is frau-ht with the 'an-er of &ollusion! 5en&e. in all &ases for annul(ent. 'e&laration of nullit1 of (arria-e an' le-al separation. the prose&utin- attorne1 or fis&al is or'ere' to appear on 4ehalf of the State for the purpose of preventin- an1 &ollusion 4etween the parties an' to taDe &are that their evi'en&e is not fa4ri&ate' or suppresse'! If the 'efen'ant-spouse fails to answer the &o(plaint. the &ourt &annot 'e&lare hi( or her in 'efault 4ut instea'. shoul' or'er the prose&utinattorne1 to 'eter(ine if &ollusion eFists 4etween the parties! The prose&utinattorne1 or fis&al (a1 oppose the appli&ation for le-al separation or annul(ent
;: [;:]

Id! at ,1;! ;## SCRA ,:# @,%%1A! Supra!






The pro&e'ure has 4een (o'ifie' 41 the Supre(e Court in A'(inistrative 3atter No! %,-11-1%-SC whi&h tooD effe&t on 3ar&h 1#. ,%%;!

Se&! :! Ans)er!M@1A The respon'ent shall file his answer within fifteen 'a1s fro( servi&e of su((ons. or within thirt1 'a1s fro( the last issue of pu4li&ation in &ase of servi&e of su((ons 41 pu4li&ation! The answer (ust 4e verifie' 41 the respon'ent hi(self an' not 41 &ounsel or attorne1-in-fa&t! @,A If the respon'ent fails to file an answer. the &ourt shall not 'e&lare hi( or her in 'efault! @;A Lhere no answer is file' or if the answer 'oes not ten'er an issue. the &ourt shall or'er the pu4li& prose&utor to investi-ate whether &ollusion eFists 4etween the parties! Se&! $! Investigation report of public prosecutor !M@1A Lithin one (onth after re&eipt of the &ourt or'er (entione' in para-raph @;A of Se&tion : a4ove. the pu4li& prose&utor shall su4(it a report to the &ourt statin- whether the parties are in &ollusion an' serve &opies thereof on the parties an' their respe&tive &ounsels. if an1! @,A If the pu4li& prose&utor fin's that &ollusion eFists. he shall state the 4asis thereof in his report! The parties shall file their respe&tive &o((ents on the fin'in- of &ollusion within ten 'a1s fro( re&eipt of a &op1 of the report! The &ourt shall set the report for hearinan'. if &onvin&e' that the parties are in &ollusion. it shall 'is(iss the petition! @;A If the pu4li& prose&utor reports that no &ollusion eFists. the &ourt shall set the &ase for pretrial! It shall 4e the 'ut1 of the pu4li& prose&utor to appear for the State at the pre-trial!
*, [*,]

See note ;$!

throu-h the presentation of his own evi'en&e. if in his opinion. the proof a''u&e' is 'u4ious an' fa4ri&ate'! Our &onstitution is &o((itte' to the poli&1 of stren-thenin- the fa(il1 as a 4asi& so&ial institution! Our fa(il1 law is 4ase' on the poli&1 that (arria-e is not a (ere &ontra&t. 4ut a so&ial institution in whi&h the State is vitall1 intereste'! The State &an fin' no stron-er an&hor than on -oo'. soli' an' happ1 fa(ilies! The 4reaD-up of fa(ilies weaDens our so&ial an' (oral fa4ri&K hen&e. their preservation is not the &on&ern of the fa(il1 (e(4ers alone! Lhether or not a (arria-e shoul' &ontinue to eFist or a fa(il1 shoul' sta1 to-ether (ust not 'epen' on the whi(s an' &apri&es of onl1 one part1. who &lai(s that the other suffers ps1&holo-i&al i(4alan&e. in&apa&itatin- su&h part1 to fulfill his or her (arital 'uties an' o4li-ations!

IN LIGHT O ALL THE OREGOING . the petition is RANTED! The Resolutions of the Court of Appeals 'ate' 9ul1 1;. ,%%% an' Septe(4er ,+. ,%%% in CA- !R! S" No! #$##% are here41 SET ASIDE an' REVERSED! 7et the re&or's of CA- !R! S" No! #$##% 4e re(an'e' to the Court of Appeals for further pro&ee'in-s &onfor(a4l1 with the De&ision of this Court an' Rule *+ of the Rules of Court. as a(en'e'! !O ORDERED. *uisumbing, +Acting C,airman-, Austria-&artine!, an' .inga, Puno, ., +C,airman-, on leave! ., &on&ur.



.uason v. Court of Appeals, ,#0 SCRA 1#: @1$$0A!

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