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TEACHING CARE PLAN FOR DENGUE DESCRIPTION OF THE LEARNER: the learners are the community folk in Sitio

Adonot. Their senses are functioning well. Both They prefer Ilokano as a medium of instruction. They also prefer role play and discussion as the form of teaching. LEARNING NEED: Dengue awareness and prevention LEARNING DIAGNOSIS: Knowledge deficit: Dengue awareness and prevention related to lack of information dissemination LEARNING GOAL: The children will e aware of dengue and have ade!uate knowledge on its prevention. TIME ALLOTMENT AND RESOURCES " minutes Time and effort





After "# minutes of health teaching the children will e a le to: $ecall Dengue in own words Dengue Discussion !uestion &'hat is Dengue()

+ minutes Time and effort ,isual aid - minutes Time and effort

Instant oral feed ack: The patient will state what is dengue( Instant oral feed ack: The patient will enumerate the sign and symptoms of Dengue

%numerate the sign and symptoms of Dengue.

Sign and symptoms of Dengue

*ecture discussion

Identify the reeding sites of Dengue infested mos!uitoes

Breeding sites of infested mos!uitoes

*ecture discussion.

+ minutes Time and effort ,isual aid

Instant oral feed ack: The patient will classify the Breeding sites of infested mos!uitoes

%numerate ways to control or eliminate dengue

'ays to control dengue

*ecture discussion

- minutes Time and effort ,isual aid

Instant oral feed ack: The patient will state the ways to control or eliminate mos!uitoes.

LEARNING CONTENT Ang DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER ay isang sakit na sanhi ng isang virus .chikungunya virus) na dinadala ng isang lamok na tinatawag na aedes aegypti. Ang madalas na pangunahing sintomas nito ay mataas na lagnat. Transmission Ang Aedes aegypti ay isang lamok na nagiging sanhi ng paglipat ng virus at sakit sa i ang tao sa pamamagitan ng pagkagat nitong lamok. Sila ay nangingitlog sa tu ig at namamahay sa mga lalagyanan ng tu ig tulad ng drums/ tim a/ vases/ maging sa mga lata at lumang gulong. 0usto rin nila sa mga madidilim na sulok ng ahay/. Signs an S!m"#oms Biglaang pagkakaroon ng mataas na lagnat na nagtatagal ng "12 araw. 3agsakit ng mga kasu1kasuhan at mga kalamnan at pati sakit sa andang likod ng mata 3anghihina Skin rashes 1 maculopapular rash or red tiny spots on the skin called petechiae 3agdurugo galling sa ilong lalo kung uma a a na ang lagnat 3agsakit ng ulo at tiyan 3agsusuka .Kulay kape4

3agdudumi ng kulay itim na tae Pr$%$n#ion an Con#ro& 3alaging linisan ang mga pinaglalagyanan ng tu ig. Kuskusin ng ma uti ang mga ito upang maalis ang mga itlog na maaring nakadikit sa mga gilid Siguraduhin din na linisan ang mga lumang gulong/ mga lata o ote at ano mang agay na pwedeng malagyan ng tu ig na maaaring ahayan ng mga lamok. 3anatilihing malinis ang kapaligiran 5aaari ring gumamit ng mga pamatay lamok tulad ng katol o mga sprays. *aging takpan ang mga drums o tim a na pinag1iipunan ng upang maiwasan ang mga to prevent mos!uitoes from reeding. 3alitan palagi ang mga tu ig sa flower vases

Kumain ng masussustansyang pagkain. 6miwas sa mga matataong lugar Iwasan na magipon nang hindi umaagos na tu ig.

$eference: dengue Dengue fever can e caused y any one of four types of dengue virus: D%819/ D%81"/ D%81:/ and D%81+. ;ou can e infected y at least two/ if not all four types at different times during your lifetime/ ut only once y the same type. transmission ;ou can get dengue virus infections from the ite of an infected Aedes mos!uito. 5os!uitoes ecome infected when they ite infected humans/ and later transmit infection to other people they ite. Two main species of mos!uito/ Aedes aegypti and Aedes al opictus/ have een responsi le for all cases of dengue transmitted in this country. Dengue is not contagious from person to person. symptoms Symptoms of typical uncomplicated .classic4 dengue usually start with fever within - to < days after you have een itten y an infected mos!uito and include: =igh fever/ up to 9#- degrees >ahrenheit Severe headache $etro1or ital . ehind the eye4 pain Severe ?oint and muscle pain 8ausea and vomiting $ash The rash may appear over most of your ody : to + days after the fever egins. ;ou may get a second rash later in the disease. Symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever include all of the symptoms of classic dengue plus 5arked damage to lood and lymph vessels Bleeding from the nose/ gums/ or under the skin/ causing purplish ruises This form of dengue disease can cause death. Symptoms of dengue shock syndrome1the most severe form of dengue disease1include all of the symptoms of classic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever/ plus >luids leaking outside of lood vessels 5assive leeding Shock .very low lood pressure4 This form of the disease usually occurs in children .sometimes adults4 e@periencing their second dengue infection. It is sometimes fatal/ especially in children and young adults. There isnAt a specific treatment for dengue fever/ ut your ody will usually fight off the virus y itself after four to seven days. In the meantime/ you should make sure you rest and drink enough fluids. ;our 03 may suggest that you take oral rehydration therapy .a solution containing salts and other su stances4 to help prevent you ecoming dehydrated. ;ou can take paracetamol to help relieve your pain and reduce your fever/ ut you should not take aspirin or i uprofen/ as this can worsen any leeding you may have. Always read the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine and if you have any !uestions/ ask your pharmacist for advice. It can take some time to recover from dengue fever. At first/ you may feel tired and depressed/ and lose your appetite. =owever/ you should e ack to normal within several weeks.

If youAre severely dehydrated/ have severe symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever or your symptoms suddenly ecome worse/ you will need to e admitted to hospital. In hospital/ you will e given fluids via a drip in your arm to make sure you donAt ecome dehydrated. 5ost people make a full recovery if they receive appropriate treatment.

Pr$%$n#ion o' Dengue >ever At present/ there are no vaccines that can stop you from eing infected y any of the four types of dengue virus. The only way to prevent catching dengue fever is to protect yourself from getting itten y mos!uitoes. Advice for avoiding mos!uito is as follows. B 'ear light1coloured/ loose1fitting/ protective clothing that covers as much of your ody as possi le. B 6se an insect repellent on areas of your skin that are e@posed and on your clothing 1 especially around loose parts such as collars or cuffs. $epellents containing a chemical known as D%%T .8/ 81diethylmetatoluamide4 are thought to e most effective. B 6se plug1in devices/ which have insecticides in them/ to kill mos!uitoes. B Sleep under a mos!uito net to avoid eing itten at night. B Avoid areas where the mos!uitoes reed .normally in standing water in domestic containers/ around ur an areas4. ;ou can also remove such sources of water or cover them to prevent access y mos!uitoes.

ItAs most important to follow these precautions around dawn and dusk/ as this is when the Aedes mos!uito is most active. =owever/ itAs important to remem er that the Aedes mos!uito can ite at any time of the day or night/ so making sure you always take the necessary precautions can help to reduce your risk of catching dengue fever.


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