Soal Bahasa Ingggris

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soal bahasa ingggris adam syakir X ipa 4

1-5 zamran and his family are on vacation to jakarta precisely to dufan.ketika zamran sitting in the bus with her sister named zyahri.di bus zyahri was reading a novel while listening music. when zamran've arrived and all of his family zamran disebuah rest home to eat before heading dufan. after they were fed directly into dufan and have fun but unfavorable weather and heavy rain finally arrived soaked them all. they can only be shady for not bringing an umbrella. they see the land begin submerged ankle and they were finally out of dufan bus ride. zamran how shocked when he saw the surrounding land flooded adult knee. he could only feel sorry and go home to Sukabumi. 1.What appropriate title for the story above... a. jakarta city b. flooding in Jakarta c. dufan d. lack jakarta e. earthquake 2. who the people who read the novel from the story above .. a. zamran b. brother zamran c. uncle zamran d. mother zamran e. younger zamran 3.What causes zamran and his family out of the dufan and go back home to Sukabumi.. a. due to heavy rains that resulted in flooding overwrite jakarta b. finished having fun c. fatigue d. uncle sick e. grandfather in hospital 4.dari sentence above (the bold) the replacement of the word rest is ... a. relaxed b. excited c. sad d. sullen e. sick 5. from the story above belong to the ... a. recount text

b. narrative text c.descriptive d. report text e. fairytale 6-10 earthquake in padang pariaman catastrophic earthquake which sent down by God to awaken his people. one of the earthquakes that have occurred in Indonesia is in the desert pariaman western Sumatra. with a magnitude of 7.3 for a couple of minutes. a lot of different cities in Indonesia accounted good: food, clothing, home appliances, and money. many victims who died tragically because the quake but rescuers could only pray and counsel grieving families to be patient. 6. What magnitude earthquake in padang pariaman .. a. 7.3 b. 6.3 C.10.1 d. 5.5 e. 7.2 7. What are donated from various cities. except ... a. food b. home appliances c. money d. apprehension e. clothing 8. what rescuers can do ... a. pray and advise families to be patient b. evacuate casualties c. silent d. help rescue victims mourn e. prayed and rebuked the victim 9. printed slanted letters mean .. a. sorrow b. exult c. lose heart d. annoyed e. insult 10. what should we do if not experienced similar things in the desert pariaman ... a. grateful for everything that God gave b. be pleased c. very cool and do not care

d. terwtawa e. indifferent 11-14 tsunami waves tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning big waves. tsunami occurred in one of the cities in Indonesia in Aceh. tsunami struck destroy all buildings and many of the victims were carried away by the tsunami and was not found again. until now has not happened again tsunami signs BMG. 11. What is a tsunami ... a. huge waves of the sea to the land b. huge waves of the sea to the land c. ordinary wave d. waves in the deepest sea e. water play 12. tsunami comes from .. a. Japan b. aceh c. China d. English e. south korea 13. synonym of the word destroy is ... a. borrow b. ruin c. choose d. step e. ask 14. What lessons can we learn from the story above ... a. tsunami is a disaster b. Tsunami is a rarity c. should always work together d. should always be ordinary e. should be good to others 14-20 landslide report dilebak offerings landslide occurred at 7 this morning. no loss of life can only losses in the tens of millions of dollars. and a lot of cars that drown the land and prosecuted because they were grateful to be alive. Tuesday, 25 October 2013

15. including the above information into the ... a. report text b. descriptive text c.recountext d. legend e. narrative text 16. when it happens .. a. Tuesday, 25 October 2012 b. Tuesday 25 February 2013 c. Tuesday, 25 October 2013 d. Tuesday, 25 January 2013 e. Tuesday 25 May 2013 17. where there was .. a. banten b. west jakarta c. Cibadak d. pelabuan ratu e. lebak banten 18. landslides also called ... a. landslip b. land c. quake d. tree e. agriculture fell 19. of the incident on the news .. a. day b. dawn c. morning d. very early e. night 20.landslides usually occur on ... a. plateau b. strait c. beach d. mainland e. land

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