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DOZENS OF JEWELRY DESIGNS TO KNIT AND CROCHET WITH WIRE PHOTOGRAPHY BY BELA BORSOD! aT ry 14 Ts Ty 36 ca 64 66 ry 70 2 ry aT try ory 6 at ara] rey ira INTRODUCTION: Why Knit with Wire? Orr cer cc Ne a Cone ea a Se erence ea folling Woter Necklace Gocheted Pearl & Coconut Shell Necklace Rees eed oa Cura aectay ReneS eRe Mohjong Tile Bracelet eee ee Cnc eas Bive Velvet Peorl Choker & Cuff Bracelot Copper & Silver Lace Bond Nechlace & Bracelet fee ee ee ee Ce en cece Ree esa eae renner aus ee neces Pact & Coconut Earrings ee egy Rose Pin PC Tcy CHAPTER 5: KNITTING WITH WIRE CHAPTER 6: CROCHETING WITH WIRE CHAPTER 7: FINISHING WIRE PIECES Percy tess) iat Meret iid 10 INTRODUCTION: WHY KNIT WITH WIRE? ‘The most frequent comment | hear when | explain to folks thet nit with wire is, Wire! Why?" A close second is, “Wire? Cool!” ‘And there Is the answer to the first question: | knit with wire because its cool Since we were kids we've loved making things that are neato, ‘cool, groovy, red —whichever adjective suits your decede. I Krit with wire because is unusual, i's beautiful, andi | can make things ‘with wire that | coulcin't find anywhere els. The delight | feel when | see:@ sweater andi know thet | can make it is douoled when | realize that | can also make beautiful jewelry pieces for myself and my friends! Wie is quite ifferent from plant ang animal fibers It lacks flexibility it can be brite; it con damage needles and may bbe rough on the hands. Butall the suffering is worth it because wite-knit fabric is extraorcinary—it looks different than any other fet fabric, Beads, shells, and stones all side along wire stitches ike disks on ‘an abacus, creating movement even when the fabric is stl, Wire Iriting spares; it shines and glimmers. When | wear a jewelty piece | have knit, feel acomed, When | give a wire knit cuff or necklace es a gift, | am giving something unique and quite unlike ‘any other knit sift | could sive. hen | look ot wire hniting, | fool os if Knitting with wite is cool—not in the fashion-of-the-minute Im seeing the sheleton of the fobric— ifthe word —61 ‘sik Indl the parecicoun, naked fremawork thot meaning ot ut cool because it's fun and! joyful Se erg itgives us a new vocabulary for expressing our artistic selves. ceri they sland on then iin 6 beautiful simplicity ‘ist + loop

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