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KaSCIyahan is the annual sports event of the College of Science participated by the undergraduates, graduates, alumni, administration and faculty of the entire College. Hosted by the Socio-Cultural Committee of the College of Science Student Council, it is an event that provides the opportunity for students and teachers from different institutes to compete with each other in an atmosphere of camaraderie and good sportsmanship through sports and games. For maximum participation, the KaSCIyahan this year will span three weekends, from August 23 to September 14. To ensure that the rules that will be used for the said event are agreed upon by every institute, all the rules in this rule book will be deliberated upon and finalized by the SCC Committee and representatives from different institutes. This guarantees that each institute will never be in a disadvantage at any part of the event and the games will be played with the highest level of sportsmanship among all the players.

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With the inclusion of 4 new teams in this years KaSCIyahan, the following will be the team colors: For the undergraduate teams:

For the Admin, and Graduate Teams, we have:

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In order to determine the overall champion for this years KaSCIyahan, points will be awarded to each institute whenever they place in an event or win special awards. Each of the Major Events listed below will be given the corresponding points: Overall Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th-10th Points 100 80 50 30 10 Badminton Basketball Dodgeball Football Scavengers Hunt Table Tennis Ulitimate Virtual KaSCIyahan Volleyball

The Minor Events listed below will be given the corresponding points: Overall Rank 1st 2nd 3rd Points 50 30 10 Catch the Dragons Tail Chess Game of the Generals Tug-of-War

Because of the needed preparation for some events, they will be given additional point merits, and shall be classified as Special Events: Overall Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 10th Points 150 125 100 75 50 25 15 Cheerdance Competition Mascot Contest

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Teams are divided per institute. Players of a team should be bona fide University of the Philippines Diliman College of Science undergraduate or graduate student, administration, faculty, staff or alumni of the corresponding institute. One alumni PLUS one alumni/faculty/staff could be on the floor at all times for the undergraduate Institutes, unless otherwise specified in the rules of the specific sport. Faculty and Graduate teams are exempted from this rule. Non-majors and students who are on Leave of Absence are allowed to play for the institute where he/she was enrolled last provided that he is able to present proofs to the organizers of the event. Non-majors and students on Leave of Absence will be playing as students and not as alumni/staff. Shiftees or Cross registered students who used to belong to an Institute of the College of Science are no longer considered members of the College of Science and will not be allowed to play. To ensure eligibility of players, each institute representatives shall submit a list of their current students, alumni, administration and/or faculty and a roster of players in which the CSSC shall cross-check. For the alumni, they shall present documents that will certify their eligibility before the game or not later than one week after the game played, provided the opposing team will not complain regarding eligibility of the alumni. Teams that are found out to have players not eligible to play (i.e. not UPD CS student, not from the same institute, non-major without permit from the organizers, etc.) will incur automatic loss for that game and incur a 30 point deduction from the overall score. Different bracketing and tournament formats will be employed in different events. Schedule of games will strictly be followed. DEFAULT time is 10 minutes after the match schedule (will adjust depending on the actual time the match is ready to start.) Default will incur a loss of 10 points for the team. If a match is defaulted, players are still welcome to use the facilities and equipment provided to play an unofficial for-fun-only match. However, they must exit the playing area and return all equipment at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the next game. Each institute is assigned a specific shirt color or jersey to wear. Each player should wear a shirt or jersey that is DOMINANTLY made of this color. Shorts or jogging pants of any color are permissible. Inappropriate attire will disqualify the players from participating in the game.
IB Green IC Red NIGS Orange IM Black NIMBB Yellow NIP Blue Deans Office White MSI Purple IESM Maroon NSRI Pink

The default time count shall start only after all the requirements of the sporting event are accomplished. Only complaints filed by the team captain and endorsed by the Institute Representative will be entertained, and should be given to the KaSCIyahan Head Organizer not later than a week after the game. Postponement of games due to unavoidable circumstances will be announced by the SCC at least 10 minutes before the scheduled game. If such situations occur immediately before or during a game, the game shall be resumed in the same condition (i.e. score, set of players, service, etc.) when it was stopped. The SCC shall hold full authority over these matters.

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Most games will follow a 10 team double elimination tournament with two brackets. A sample bracketing system is shown below.

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BADMINTON 1. The games will be officiated using the BWVF rules. (See and 2. Each badminton team consists of one (1) pair of mens doubles players, one (1) pair of womens singles players and one (1) pair of mixed doubles players. A player can play in only one category. 3. At least one student per pair must be playing on the court at all times. 4. A match is composed of a. 1 mens doubles game b. 1 womens doubles game c. 1 mixed doubles game 5. Order between games will be randomized right before each match. 6. List of players and the game that they will play should be given before randomization of the order of games. 7. For all matches, each game is a best-of-3 sets game. Each set will be a race to 21 points. Rally system will be employed. An advantage of 2 points is required to win a game. 8. The team that will win 2 out of the 3 games shall win the match. If a team wins a match in the first 2 games, the teams have the option whether or not to continue playing the games which do not have bearing. 9. The officials shall not permit any player to wear equipment which, in his judgment, is dangerous to other players. Any equipment which is of hard substance (cast, splints, guards and braces) must be padded or foam-covered and must have no exposed sharp of cutting edge. All the face masks and eye or nose protectors must conform to the contour of the face and have no sharp or protruding edges. 10. Should there be any injuries, a player may be substituted, provided that the substitute is not a player from the list. 11. Referees decisions are final and irrevocable. BASKETBALL 1. The games will be officiated using regular collegiate-level basketball rules (NCAA; may be provided upon request). 2. For the mens category, it will be a full court, 5-on-5 match. On the other hand, the womens category will be a half court 3-on-3 match. 3. A mens team must start with five (5) players and a womens team with three (3) players. Five players (for men) and three players (for women) should always be on the court; otherwise, the team that cannot play the said number of players will incur an automatic loss in that match. Only five (men)/three (women) players from each team are allowed to play on the court at all times. Other players can play after a substitution of players is recognized.

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4. Only one alumni plus one alumni/faculty/staff per team should be playing on the floor at all times. Graduate students are counted as students over any other title (i.e. Masters students who are faculty members will be counted as students). 5. Game will consist of four quarters for mens basketball a. Four quarters i. First three quarters: 10 minutes running time ii. Fourth quarter: 10 minutes stop-time b. Overtime of six (6) minutes when needed (4 minutes running time, a 2 minute stop clock) c. Five (5)-minute half-time d. Clock stopping on: i. Time-outs 30 seconds per quarter ii. Injury iii. Officials conferring with scorer iv. Any emergency 6. Game will consist of two half- times for the womens basketball a. Two halves i. Each half time shall consist of 10 minutes 7. Upon entering the facility, the team shall select their team bench through coin toss. 8. The officials shall not permit any player to wear equipment which, in his judgment, is dangerous to other players. Any equipment which is of hard substance (cast, splints, guards and braces) must be padded or foam covered and has no exposed sharp or cutting edge. All the face masks and eye or nose protectors must conform to the contour of the face and have no sharp or protruding edges. 9. Excessive and unnecessary aggression may be sanctioned by a suspension for the next game as deemed by the SCC. 10. Referees decisions are final and irrevocable CATCH THE DRAGONS TAIL 1. Eight participants are required per team. Failure to have eight members would mean automatic disqualification. 2. The participants must arrange themselves in a line and connect themselves by holding the shoulders of the person in front of them (except for the front-most person). The last person will have a hankerchief hanging from his back. 3. The goal of the game is for the front-most participants to take the hankerchief from the back-most participant of the other team, but in doing so, the entire line of people must remain in contact with each other as mentioned above. 4. If the above condition is satisfied without breaking the teams line, the team will be awarded one point. 5. If a team breaks their line, the other team scores a point. a. If any player in the line falls to the ground, (i.e. not standing on his feet), the line is considered broken.

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b. The frontmen are not allowed to break their opponents line apart by force. Doing so will merit a loss for that round and a point awarded to the opposing team. 6. First team to reach five points would win the match. CHEERDANCE 1. General competition rules and guidelines a. No jewelry is permitted during performances (including belly button rings and all oral jewelry. b. The use of mini-tramps, springboards, or any other height enhancing apparatus is prohibited. c. Casts of any type are not permitted. Supportive braces should be covered if possible. d. Each team must bring at least two copies of their music to the competition (in CD). e. Mascots in routines are not permitted to participate in any high-fly stunts, pyramids, or as spotters or catchers. f. Officials have the right to stop a routine if there is an injured athlete still performing on the floor. In this event, the routine is scored accordingly and is not re-run. g. Cheating of any kind is not tolerated. If you are caught, your team will be disqualified from the competition. h. Only the following props are allowed: flags, banners, megaphones, pom poms, and signs. Flags and/or banners with poles or similar support apparatus may not be used in conjunction with a stunt or tumbling. Other props not stated here must be approved first by the SCC Committee before using it in the actual performance. i. Judges decisions are final. 2. Routine parameters a. In addition to the routines, the teams are required to produce and perform a CS and Institute cheer/chant. b. The mascot of the institute should have a part in the routine. c. The minimum routine time limit is 4 minutes; maximum is 10 minutes. Timing starts at the first obvious movement or sound, and ends when the end of the routine is obvious to the officials. d. Routines must be appropriate for family viewing. Any vulgar or suggestive movements, words, or music may result in a score deduction. No tear-away uniforms or removal of clothing is allowed. e. All stunts must be submitted to the officials in paper one week before the event. General and known stunts need not be described, however, others shall be described in detail together with a visual presentation in the form of videos and/or pictures. 3. Order of performances will be released together with the Final Bracketing. 4. Eligibility Note

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a. Each competitor must be enrolled in a minimum of 3 units in the term of competition and is under the department/institute he/she will represent. Graduate students, faculty members, and employees of the said department are also eligible. Alumni must have a certification submitted to the SCC before they can join the competition. b. The team can be composed of at most 40% alumni, faculty, administration or staff. c. Teams are composed of a minimum of 10 members. Boosters are allowed in the sidelines and may be composed of any number of individuals. Judging will be based on the following categories: a. Technique rhythm, sharpness, extension, etc. (10 points) b. Choreography and dance (10 points) c. Creativity and originality (10 points) d. Overall impression and precision unity, spacing, coordination and timing (10 points) e. CS and Institute Chant (10 points) Restrictions a. A spotter is required for all extended stunts. i. An inattentive person is not considered a spotter. ii. A spotter must be in the proper position to prevent injuries and does not have to be in direct contact with the stunt. b. Flips and Twists are not allowed. Tosses are also not allowed. c. Pyramids over 2.5 people high are prohibited. (i.e. The maximum height is 2.5) Interruption of performance a. Injury. In the event that an injury causes the teams routine to be interrupted during the competition, the team will have 30 minutes to regroup before performing their routine again. Judging will resume from the point at which the injury/interruption occurred as determined by the judges. b. Uniform Distractions (e.g. Garment not being securely fastened/attached, straps break, pants split, etc.). Each performer is required to take the necessary steps to avoid inappropriate exposure (leave performance floor or adjust uniform) which will result in a deduction of a Major Mistake and/or Safety Guideline infraction assessable from a 0.1 to a 0.5 deduction depending on the amount of distraction. If a judge stops the routine, the penalty will be 0.5 points. c. Music. In the event a technical error causes the teams music to be interrupted, the discretion of the CSSC and judges will be invoked. The coach/director may be given the opportunity to stop the performance and begin again immediately. It is recommended that coaches/directors have a backup CD with them at the music table. Judging and timing will resume from the point at which the malfunction occurred as determined by the judges. In the event a music error caused by the coach/director occurs, the performance may be stopped and begun again immediately, however the timing of the routine will not be stopped and, in most cases, a time penalty will occur. Judging will resume from the point at which the interruption occurred as determined by the judges. Penalty PAGE | 9





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a. A 0.5 penalty will be imposed for each deficiency or error committed. Overtime or under time will be penalized 0.1 per second. b. The penalties will be deducted from the total averaged scores of the teams. CHESS 1. The games will be officiated using World Chess Championship Rules. ( ) 2. Each chess team is composed of three different players coming from the same institute. The player may either be a male or female. 3. Touch-move rule will be employed. 4. Each player has 15 minutes of turn-time facilitated by a chess clock or an efficient improvised one. If his/her time is depleted, the player automatically loses the game. 5. Each chess match is team-based. Match-ups between the players of each team will be randomized at the start of the match. 6. The team that will win 2 out of the three games will be proclaimed winner of the match and shall proceed to the next round. 7. In case of draw, a do-or-die game will be played. Player of each team for this game shall be randomized. 8. Coaching will not be tolerated. 9. Disqualification of the team may be done if it was proven that fair play was not observed. 10. Each game will be observed by an SCC Committee member to ensure fair play from both teams. 11. Referees decisions are final and irrevocable. DODGEBALL 1. Each team shall be composed of 5 players with at least 2 girls on court, and 1-3 ball retrievers outside the playing area for a total of 8 players. 2. There shall be three balls on court. The marshals shall ensure that all three balls always be available for play. a. In case only two balls are available, the game is continued unless deemed by the officials, in which case a dead ball situation is declared. During a dead ball situation, the game is stopped but players should remain on court unless retrieving a ball or is substituted. b. If only one ball is available, automatically a dead ball situation is declared. 3. Each team shall have a team captain who will brief his/her team about the rules and regulations of the game. The team captain will also choose the side of court for his/her team. 4. Each match will be based on a best of 3 contest, with 7-minute rounds. 5. Each round shall begin with an opening rush. Three balls shall be placed on the center line, dividing the teams court sides, at the left, right and cent er. All players shall take a position behind the respective endline until the referees signal to start. Players rush to the center line to retrieve the balls, which also starts the game. In case of players jumping the start signal, a false start is declared and the opening rush is restarted. 6. Players are dismissed from the court when: CSSC 2013-2014 P A G E | 10

The ball has touched any part of the opposing players body, unless a live ball is caught by the hands. i. A ball is live when it has been thrown and has not touched anything, including the floor/ground, another ball, another player, official or other item outside of the playing field. ii. In case the ball is caught but has touched the ground, any opponent or him/herself, the player catching the ball is eliminated. iii. In case the ball has touched more than one opponent in a single play, all opposing players touched by the ball are dismissed. iv. If a ball released while the player is in the air hits any opponent, and the thrower crosses over the midline, both players are dismissed. v. Catching a live ball will result in an extra life which must be used to bring a teammate back on the floor. b. The player has crossed over to the opponents court by means of stepping on or crossing over the middle mark. i. The 5 Players are not allowed to go out of bounds. Retrievers situated outside the playing area are there to help in retrieving the ball, but are not allowed to make a throw and must give them back to the players on field. ii. Players caught outside the boundary are also eliminated. iii. Any member of the audience is not allowed to retrieve the ball. c. A player throwing the ball deliberately hits an opponent in the face or in the groin. The nature of the play shall then be determined by the marshals and the referee immediately. In case such an event occurs and are deemed as a deliberate attempt, both the player throwing the ball and the player hit are eliminated. 7. Stalling is prohibited. The balls must always be kept in play. 8. Substitutions are allowed for the entire match. a. Substitutions can only be made during a dead ball situation and not during play. i. If a substitution is asked during play, the substitution shall take place on the next dead ball situation or time out. ii. If a substitution takes place due to an injury of any player on court, the game is stopped and an official timeout is declared by the referee. An official timeout is a timeout declared by the referee. No play shall be allowed and players may leave the court during this time. Game resumes when the court is cleared or upon the referees discretion. b. Substitutions can be motioned by any player of the team, on or off court. c. Substitutes must be registered team members and have not been eliminated during that specific round. 9. Each team is given three 30-second timeouts for the entire match. However, no timeouts are allowed during 2-minute extensions. Any player on court, or the team captain, is allowed to call a timeout. The clock is stopped during a timeout and play will be resumed afterwards. a. A time-out can be called for any reason. b. Substitutions can be made during time-outs. CSSC 2013-2014 P A G E | 11 a.

c. Players that are not on court after the expiration of the timeout are eliminated. 10. The winning team shall be declared with the team with the most number of players on court after expiration of regular 10-minute time. a. In case of a tie after the ten minute time, 2 minute extensions shall be declared until the tie is broken and a winner is declared. All the standard rules apply for the 2-minute extension except for calling of timeouts. FOOTBALL [No. of women required] 1. General a. Football matches for KaSCIyahan will be7-a-side, mixed. b. Field dimensions will be: 100m x 50m c. Each game will be composed of two halves. Each half will be 20 minutes long, but may be extended up to 5 minutes of stoppage (injury) time at the discretion of the referee. d. There will be a half-time break of 5 minutes. 2. Players a. Seven players must be on the field during the game with at least 3 female players at all times. Only 1 alumnus plus 1 alumni/faculty/staff per team is allowed to be on the field at all times. b. Each team must designate one player as goal keeper. c. There is no limit to the number of substitutes and players allowed to re-enter the game even after they have been substituted. d. Substitutions can only be made when the ball is out of play and with the permission of the referee. The player being substituted must leave the playing field before the substitute may enter. e. Players may not wear anything which may be harmful to himself or another player. All forms of jewelry are banned. f. Players must wear a jersey or shirt in their team color, shorts, and closed footwear (i.e., no flip-flops, sandals, etc.). Shin guards and long socks are recommended. Goalkeepers must wear colors that distinguish them from other players and officials. 3. Referees a. The referee has full authority to make all decisions regarding the game. On matters of fact, such as whether a goal has been scored or a foul was committed, the referees decisions are final; and not subject to appeal. b. The referees authority extends to the coaches and other spectators, if necessary. c. While ensuring the safety of the game is the referees primary objective, he should permit the smooth flow of the game. He should not call trivial fouls, nor award free kicks when it would be less beneficial to the fouled team than permitting play to continue. 4. Kick Off

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a. Prior to the game, a coin-toss will determine possession of the ball and which side of the field a team defends. The winner of the coin-toss may decide to have either initial ball possession or choose their side of the field for the first half. They may not choose both. b. A kick-off is used for starting each half of the game and for restarting the game after a goal. c. In a kick-off, each team must be in their respective defending half of the field. d. The opposing team must have no players closer than 10 yards from the center spot of the field where the kick-off takes place. e. The ball is in play as soon as it is kicked and moves forward, regardless of how short the distance. Nudging, prodding, or stepping on the ball to cause it to move slightly forward it still considered as a kick-off. f. In situations where the game is interrupted and the rules do not specify a specific mode of restart, the game is restarted with a drop ball. The referee drops the ball (or kicks it upward) and play is resumed as soon as the ball touches the ground. After which both teams may contest for possession. The ball is in play when one of the prescribed means of (re)starting play has been properly executed. These include the kick-off, throw-in, goal-kick, corner kick, free kick, penalty kick and drop ball. The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line, or when the game has been stopped by the referee. Scoring a. Three things have to happen for a goal to be awarded: i. The whole ball has to cross over the goal line ii. The ball has to pass through the goal iii. No foul by the attacking team occurred before the ball went over the goal line and through the goal. b. Yellow and red cards will be given at the discretion of the referee. c. Two yellow cards given to a player in a single match will result in a red card. d. A player given a red card must leave the playing field and cannot be used as substitute. e. Deciding when a player commits dangerous play is left completely to the referees judgment. This is interpreted as actions which are dangerous to the opponent or to oneself or denying an opponent the fair opportunity to play. The decision of the referee is final and incontestable. Free kicks a. Free kicks are awarded to a team whenever a foul is committed on them. b. Free kicks are taken on the spot where the foul was committed. c. Opposing players must be at least 10 yards away from the spot where the free kick is taken. d. The kicker cannot handle the ball until it has touched another player. Penalty kick a. A penalty kick is awarded to the offensive team when a foul is committed on their player within the penalty area of the opposing goal. b. Any player of the team may take the penalty kick.





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c. All players, except for the player taking the penalty kick and the goalkeeper must remain outside the penalty area and behind the ball until the ball is kicked. d. The ball must be kicked forward. e. The kicker cannot play the ball a second time until it has touched another player. f. The defending keeper must remain on his goal line until the ball is kicked. Corner kick a. Corner kicks are awarded to a team when a player of the opposing team is last to touch the ball before it passes over the defending teams own goal line. b. Any player of a team may take the corner kick. c. Corner kicks are taken from the corner of the field that was closer to the ball when it left play. Throw-in a. Throw-ins are used to restart games when the ball passes entirely over the touch line, on the ground or in the air. b. The team that did not touch the ball last performs the throw-in from the point where the ball left play. c. Opposing players must be at least 2 meters from the thrower. d. Goals cannot be scored from a throw-in. e. A throw-in must be executed properly: i. Both feet must remain on the ground behind or partly on the touchline. ii. The thrower faces the field of play. iii. The thrower uses both hands. iv. The ball is delivered from behind and over the head. Goal kick a. Goal kicks are taken when the ball passes over the goal line; a goal was not scored; and was last touched by the goalkeepers opponents (atta ckers). b. The goal kick is taken from any point within the goal area and by any player of the defending team. c. Opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play. d. The player taking the goal kick cannot play the ball a second time until it has touched another player. In case of a draw, a sudden death penalty shootout will be employed. For penalty shootouts, each team gets to take five penalty kicks, each taken by a different player (at least 2 male, at least 2 female). If after five kicks there is still no winner, the shootout goes to sudden death. This also goes for penalty shootouts during the knockout round in case of a draw.




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GAME OF THE GENERALS 1. The games will be officiated using the official rules for the Games of the Generals. ( 2. Each team is composed of three different players coming from the same institute. The player may either be a male or female. 3. Touch-move rule will be employed.

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4. Each player will be given 5 minutes to set-up his field before a game officially starts. A player is allowed a maximum of two (2) minutes per move. A player over-stepping this limit three times, automatically loses the game by technicality. The game arbiter is under no obligation to warn the player of the approaching time limit. 5. Each match is team-based. Match-ups between the players of each team will be randomized at the start of the match. 6. The team that will win 2 out of the three games will be proclaimed winner of the match and shall proceed to the next round. 7. In case of draw, a do-or-die game will be played. Player of each team for this game shall be randomized. 8. Coaching will not be tolerated. 9. Disqualification of the team may be done if it was proven that fair play was not observed. 10. Each game will be observed by an SCC Committee member to ensure fair play from both teams. 11. Referees decisions are final and irrevocable. MASCOT AND MUSE 1. An institute mascot and muse should represent the institute in its campaign for this years KaSCIyahan Overall Championship. 2. It should be made primarily from recyclable materials and should be eco-friendly. 3. The mascot should be present in the Opening Night of the KaSCIyahan and should take part in the institutes routine in the Cheerdance Competition. 4. At the opening night, Mascots and Muses are required to take part in a ramp modelling with the mascots and muses from other institutes. Also, a presentation (min 5 mins, max 7mins) that shall showcase the institute and its mascot should be prepared by the respective institutes. 5. Awards will be given to the best Institute Mascot and Muse. The following awards will be given: a. KaSCIyahan Institute Mascot and Muse 2012 (150 points) b. 1st runner-up (125 points) c. 2nd runner-up (100 points) d. 3rd runner-up (75 points) e. 4th runner-up (50 points) f. 5th runner-up (25 points) g. Special Awards: i. Best Institute Presentation (additional 50 points) selected by CSSC SCC 6. Criteria for judging the mascot are as follows: a. 25% - Coherence to the Institute represented and ability to hype up Institute spirit b. 15% - Resourcefulness and eco-friendliness of the costume c. 30% - Aesthetics d. 20% - Creativity and Originality e. 10% - Recyclable Bottles.

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SCAVENGER HUNT 1. Teams participating in the Scavenger Hunt must have three members each. 2. The objective of the game is to complete the race by accomplishing the numerous tasks set by the council. 3. The coverage of the race is the entire UP area. The race is designed to test the participants knowledge and skill at various aspects. 4. The ONLY modes of transportation that are to be allowed in the race are the IKOT, TOKI, Katipunan, SM, Pantranco, and Philcoa jeeps, and walking/ running. Taxis, tricycles, private cars, and others are strictly prohibited. 5. The teams have the choice to utilize whichever route they deem would be most efficient. 6. The only things the participants are allowed to bring in their bags (if they choose to do so) are: beverages, towels, food items, clothes, pen and paper. Other materials are to be left at the starting line. 7. Marshals shall be placed at each stop along with various strategic places. They shall be in charge of implementing the rules. 8. Improper conduct shall mean an automatic disqualification from the race. 9. The following penalties shall be imposed for not following the rules outlined here: a. Using prohibited transportation 20 minute wait at the finish line b. Failure to complete a task/ Skipping a task 30 minute wait at the finish line 10. A team is considered to have finished the race upon reaching the finish line and successfully completing the penalties imposed to them (if there are any). TABLE TENNIS 1. Each table tennis team consists of of 1 pair of mens doubles players, 1 pair of womens singles players, and 1 pair of mixed doubles players. A player can only play in one category. 2. A match is composed of a. 1 mens doubles game b. 1 womens doubles game c. 1 mixed doubles game 3. Order between games will be randomized right before each match. 4. List of players and the game that they will play should be given before randomization of the order of games. 5. Upon entering the facility, the players shall select their side through coin toss. 6. The players shall call the toss. The winner shall choose either to serve or receive. 7. In doubles, the server shall first make a good service, the receiver shall then make a good return, the partner of the server shall then make a good return, the partner of the receiver shall then make a good return, and thereafter, each player alternately in that sequence shall make a good return. 8. Each game is a best-of-three sets game. Each set is a race to 11 points. Rally system will be employed. An advantage of 2 points is required to win a game. Server changes every 2 points.

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9. The team that will win 2 out of the 3 games shall win the match. If a team wins a match in the first two games, the teams have the option whether or not to continue playing the games which do not have bearing. 10. The officials shall not permit any player to wear equipment which, in his judgment, is dangerous to other players. Any equipment which is of hard substance (cast, splints, guards and braces) must be padded or foam covered and has no exposed sharp or cutting edge. All the face masks and eye or nose protectors must conform to the contour of the face and have no sharp or protruding edges. 11. Should there be any injuries, a player may be substituted, provided that the substitute is not a player from the list. 12. Referees decisions are final and irrevocable. TUG OF WAR 1. A tug-o-war team must be composed of 10 players, with at least 3 women per team. 2. No other equipment aside from the following may be used during the tug-o-war games: a. Rope b. Handkerchiefs handkerchiefs may be wrapped around each players hands. c. Gloves are recommended for safety of the players. 3. Game mechanics: a. Players of each team may only be positioned within a marked region in the rope. b. Markers will be placed 10 feet from the center of the rope. c. A centerline will be marked on the ground as a reference point. d. Each team pulls until the opposite sides marker crosses the center line. The team who manages to do so wins. e. The match will be composed of 3 rounds. The team who manages to win 2 out of the 3 rounds wins the match. f. Leverage of any kind (rocks, trees, terrain elements) may not be used to any teams advantage. g. Any other violations deemed unacceptable by the CSSC will be grounds for disqualification. ULTIMATE 1. A team shall play seven players. Seven players should always be on the court; otherwise, the team that cannot play seven players will incur an automatic loss in that match. A team is composed of at least 3 women. Only 1 alumnus plus 1 alumni/faculty/staff per team is allowed to be on the field at all times. 2. Equipment a. No metal spikes on cleats. b. No jewelry c. No hats d. Knee braces are allowed, but the metal must be completely covered. 3. Playing Field a. A rectangular shape with end zones at each end.

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b. If a pass is completed outside the lateral boundary, it is considered incomplete and the defensive team gains possession of the disc. In order to be considered inbounds, a player must land with both feet touching inside or on the boundary line. Should the disc land outside the lateral boundary; it is returned to play on the main playing field at the point where the disc went out-of-bounds. The player throwing the Frisbee in-bounds must have one foot on the line. 4. No referee is used; the two teams play on an honor system. A member of the student council will keep the time and the score, and may be called upon to settle questions regarding rules, fouls, etc. 5. Time a. Games will consist of two 15-minute periods, with a 5-minute halftime between the periods. The clock will run continuously except for injuries, time outs and during the last 5 minutes of the second half and during the 5 minute overtime period. During the last 5 minutes and the overtime period, the clock will stop after every goal, for time outs, injuries, fouls, and when the disc goes out-of-bounds. The clock restarts when the disc is thrown in-bounds, when the receiving team touches the disc following a throw-off, or when both teams are ready to resume play. b. Each team is permitted 1 time-out per half and one per overtime period, each lasting one minute. Either team may call a time-out after a goal and before the ensuing throw-off. A team must be in possession of the disc in order to call a timeout during play. c. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time, there will be an overtime period lasting 5 minutes. The captains will flip a coin to determine which team will throw-off. If there is no winner at the end of this period, the tie will be broken by sudden-death overtime (first team to score wins). 6. Pull a. Play begins with the Pull. The captains of the two teams will flip a coin to determine which will throw or receive, or choice of goal. The teams shall alternate pulls at the beginning of each period. All players must be on or behind their own goal line until the disc is released. The receiving team must stand on their own goal line without changing relative position. b. A player on the goal line throws the disc toward the other team. As soon as the disc is released, all players may cross the goal lines. No player on the throwing team may touch the disc in the air or before it is touched by a member of the receiving team. The receiving team may catch the disc or allow it to fall untouched to the ground. If a member of the receiving team successfully catches the throw-of, that player has possession at that point. If the receiving team touches the disc and fails to catch it, the team which threw off gains possession of the disc where it is stopped. If the disc is allowed to fall untouched to the ground, the receiving team has possession where it is stopped. c. The disc must land within the boundaries of the playing field on the throw-off. If it does not, the receiving team has the option to take the disc where it went out-ofbounds or in the middle lateral to where it went out of bounds. Each time a goal

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is scored, the teams switch direction of their attack, and the team which scored throws-off on the signal of the receiving team. 7. The Play a. The team, which has possession of the disc, must attempt to move the disc into position so that they may score a goal. A player may propel the disc in any way he wishes. The Frisbee may never be handed from player to player. In order for the disc to go from one player to another, it must at some time be in the air. b. No player may walk, run or take steps while in possession of the disc. The momentum of the receiver, however, must be taken into consideration. Should a player take steps obviously not required to stop, play stops and he returns to the point where he gained possession and play resumes when both teams are ready. c. The player in possession may pivot on one foot, as in basketball. The thrower may not change his pivot foot. Only one player may guard the person in possession of the disc. The disc may not be wrenched from the grasp of an opposing player or knocked from his or her hand. d. The defensive team gains possession whenever the offensive teams pass is incomplete, intercepted, knocked down or goes out-of-bounds. A rolling or sliding disc may be stopped by any player, but may not be advanced in any direction. After the disc is stopped, no defensive player may touch it. Possession is gained at the point where the disc is stopped. Any member of the team gaining possession of the disc may throw it. e. A player may catch his own throw if the disc has been touched by another player during its flight. Bobbing to gain control is permitted, but tipping to oneself is not allowed. 8. Any time a team gains possession in the end zone which they are defending, the player may choose to resume play where the disc is stopped or at the goal line. A player may carry the disc up to the goal line provided that he or she approaches it perpendicularly. The player may not pass the disc as he or she approaches the goal line. If a team gains possession in the end zone, which it is attacking, the disc is carried perpendicularly to the goal line and play resumes immediately from the goal line. 9. Fouls: a. Only the player fouled calls a throwing foul. It is defined as any physical contact between offensive and defensive player sufficient to deter the flight of the disc. Contact occurring during the follow-through is not sufficient grounds for a foul. If the pass is completed, the foul is automatically declined, and play proceeds without stopping. b. A foul is also called when any physical contact occurs as a result of the offensive or defensive players playing the man instead of the disc. This includes pushing, grabbing, clipping, holding, kicking, submarining, etc. c. The player who is fouled calls foul, play stops and the player gains possession at the point of the infraction. Play continues when both teams are ready. Should a foul occur in the end zone, possession is regained at the goal line. d. A stalling violation occurs when the player guarding the thrower calls out stalling and counts aloud 10 seconds. If the disc has not been released at the end of the

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count it is turned over to the defense at that point. The person guarding the thrower must be one disk away, but thrower cannot pivot into the defender. 10. A goal is scored when an offensive player has two feet in the end zone after receiving a pass from a teammate. A player in possession may not score by running into the end zone. The team that scores receives one point. MERCY RULE: The game shall end if one team is ahead by 8 goals or more at halftime or any time thereafter. 11. Substitutions can be made only: 1) after a goal and before the ensuing throw-off, 2) tore place an injured player, or 3) after periods of play. Substitutions cannot be made during a timeout. 12. There are no scrimmage lines or offsides in Ultimate Frisbee. The disc may be in any directionforward, to the side, or backwards. The term when both teams are ready, implies that the defender will hold the disc until the defensive team is ready, and then hand the disc to the throwerthe clock restarts. It should be common practice that the offensive team remains stationary until the disc is given to the thrower. VIRTUAL KASCIYAHAN 1. The virtual games will be a separate event from the rest of the games. 2. The virtual KaSCIyahan consists of: a. Tekken 6 on PS3 team battle b. Wii boxing 2 sets of wii boxing matches c. Dance Dance Revolution 2 2 sets of DDR2 rounds 3. Each team must be composed of 5 players for Tekken, 2 players for Wii boxing and 2 players for Dance Dance Revolution. 4. Tournament will follow a round robin format. 5. Winners will be determined by a win-loss tally for all sets of games. VOLLEYBALL 1. The games will be officiated using FIVB rules (See Teams must arrive on time regardless of technical delays. 2. Teams must start with six (6) players. Six players should always be on the court; otherwise, the team that cannot play six players will incur an automatic loss in that match. Only six players from each team are allowed to play on the court at all times. Other players can play after a substitution of players is recognized. 3. A maximum of three men are allowed to play at a time. 4. All games except the championship will be best-of-three sets. The championship game is a best-of five sets game. 5. Each set is race to 25 points, rally system will be employed. When the game is a best-offive match, the last set will be a race to 15. 6. Two-point advantage is required to win a match. 7. The officials shall not permit any player to wear equipment which, in his judgment, is dangerous to other players. Any equipment which is of hard substance (cast, splints, guards and braces) must be padded or foam covered and has no exposed sharp or

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cutting edge. All the face masks and eye or nose protectors must conform to the contour of the face and have no sharp or protruding edges. 8. Referees decisions are final and irrevocable.

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