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Latin Symbols in Physics (items in bold are vectors)

a A A B B c c & & cal &al d dB e e e, . E f f f F 3 g g 5 h h 12 i, I I I ; j # ! ! ! ! !g % % acceleration (m/s2) ampere (S.I. unit of current, fundamental) amplitude (typically m) magnetic field (T) ul! modulus ("/m2) specific heat capacity (#/(!g$%)) speed of light (m/s) molar heat capacity (#/(mol$%)) coulom (S.I. unit of charge ' A$s) calorie (non-S.I. unit of energy ' (.)*+ #) &alorie or !cal (non-S.I. unit of energy ' ()*+ #) distance (m) deci els (non-S.I. unit of intensity) magnitude of charge of an electron (&) efficiency (dimensionless) electron-,olt (non-S.I. unit of energy ' ).+-.-)/ #) energy (#) electric field ("/&) fre0uency (12. or s-)) friction force (") focal length (m) force (") farad, S.I. unit of capacitance ' A2$s(/(!g$m2) magnitude of free fall acceleration 4 /.*- m/s2 gram (non-S.I. unit of mass ' -.--) !g) uni6ersal gra6itational constant 7lan!8s constant (+.+9.-9( #$s) height (m) hert2, S.I. unit of fre0uency ' s-) current (A) moment of inertia, !g$m2 intensity, :/m2 current density, A/m2 impulse, !g$m/s ;oule, S.I. unit of energy ' !g$m2/s2 Bolt2mann8s constant, #/% spring constant, "/m thermal conducti6ity, :/(m$%) <a6e num er, rad/m !ilogram, S.I. unit of mass, fundamental !el6in, S.I. unit of temperature, fundamental !inetic energy, #

l = = L m m n n " " N "A p p, 7 7 0, ? ? r @ @ @ s s S t T T T T u u B v, 6 , , , , w, W : : > y D 2

length, m liter, non-S.I. unit of 6olume latent heat, #/!g angular momentum (#$s) mass, !g meter (S.I. unit of distance) inde> of refraction (dimensionless) num er of moles num er of particles ne<ton (S.I. unit of force ' !g$m/s2) normal force (") A6ogadro8s num er momentum (!g$m/s) pressure (7a ' "/m2 ' !g/(m$s2) po<er (:) charge (&) heat (#) radius 6aria le (m) fi>ed radius (m) ideal gas constant (*.9) #/(mol$%)) resistance (A) seconds (S.I. unit of time) generic position, could e >, y, or 2 (m) entropy (#/%) time (s) period (s) temperature (%) tension force (") tesla (S.I. unit of magnetic field) atomic mass unit, non-S.I. unit of mass energy density (#/m9) potential energy (#) 6elocity, speed (m/s) 6olt (S.I. unit of potential) potential (,) 6oltage or potential difference (,), more correctly <ritten as C, 6olume (m9) <eight force (") <att (S.I. unit of po<er ' !g$m2/s9) <or! (#) &artesian coordinate (m) &artesian coordinate (m) Doung8s modulus ("/m2) &artesian coordinate (m)

Greek Symbols in Physics

E F G G H I C J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Y Z [ \ \ ] ^ _ ` a a b A alpha alpha eta gamma gamma gamma (capital) delta delta (capital) epsilon 2eta eta theta theta (capital) iota !appa lam da lam da (capital) mu nu >i >i (capital) pi pi (capital) rho rho sigma sigma (capital) tau tau upsilon phi phi (capital) chi psi psi psi (capital) omega omega (capital) angular acceleration (rad/s2) temperature coefficient of linear e>pansion (%-)) temperature coefficient of 6olume e>pansion (%-)) ratio of heat capacities (dimensionless) relati6istic gamma factor (dimensionless) instantaneous change finite change permitti6ity efficiency (dimensionless) angle (rad) dielectric constant (dimensionless) <a6elength (m) coefficient of friction (dimensionless)

circumference/diameter ratio (dimensionless) series product density (!g/m9) resisti6ity (A$m) Stefan-Bolt2mann constant series summation tor0ue (" > m) time constant (s) angle (rad) psychic po<er (:) <a6e function (dimensionless) <a6e function (dimensionless) angular 6elocity (rad/s) ohms (S.I. unit of resistance ' ,/A)

Common Subscripts
a6 or a6e c f h i ma> min rms th tot a6erage cold final hot initial ma>imum minimum initial root mean s0uare thermal total

Other Stuff
or = c d s0rt .

e0ual y definition su script superscript s0uare root $)-d

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