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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Communicating the intended message clearly and effectively is an important skill which key factories often in decided the chances of success. Communication is the process of transforming formation from one entity to another but communication skill are set off important to attributes that highlights one personality, you need to focus diligently one your communication skill to convey your idea better. The important of communication skill over emphasized whether its written or verbal the ability to communicate the message is extremely important whether or the receiver are not understand the speaker will have not only the conversation but also in the relationship. Individual that have master the art of communicating are often able to develop deeper more meaning relationship on a personal level professionally they are able to communicate more effectively with both these collages and clients.

Communication skill broadly classified as

1. Written communication 2. Verbal communication 3. Analysis skill 4. Listening skill 1. Written communication Irrespective of whether it is a verbal or a written communication. It leads to be presides and lucid. Short sentences pack more power as they are easier to read and understand but they are should be correct clear and consistence. If you provide enough chooses and verity in your languages that would make the reading and listening experience of your audience more comfortable and enjoyable. 2. Verbal communication

Verbal communicating verily you need to speak out your point succulently express clearly saying carefully attention to your pitch modulate your tone within the context you should

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

be well away and through about the subject your speaking on and should be able to justify your points with logic. Facts and figures. 3. Listening skill

Good communication know the importance of listening they will tell you listening is important than speaking. While in the conversation. If you dont listen carefully to what other speaking it will appear as

it simply tracing to put your points of view only am training to dominant other which my perfect you as very arrogant. Important your communication skill is an art of the comes with the regular practice as proven practice makes man perfect Starts noble intension and keep practicing dedicating till you reach perfectly no matter how intelligent your, communication skill is the only tribute that will help you to convinced to target audience so, make wise use of your words, skill fully and make sure to establish your polity Analysis skill

Data analysis is the body of methods that help you to described facts detect. Patterns develop explanation and test hypothesis it is used in business in administration and in a policy. Then numerical results provided by a data analysis are usually simple. It feeds the number and describes a triticale value and it finds difference among number. It finds average like the average income, average temperature fill in income from group to difference in average temperature from year to year. Types of data

1. Dates can be of several types quantities data is a number offer this is a continues decimal number to an specified number significant digits some time it is a whole consisting number. 2. Qualitative data is a pass or a fail or presence or lack of characteristics. Remember: Art of communication is a language of leadership.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic

Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic

Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Commutation skill:
Our communication skill programs built connection chemistry and charisma good communication skills are essential for personal and professions success communication skill is not so much what you say as teachers core communication skill concepts that allow it to experienced your natural ability to be with others in deeply connected way you will learn to crest an atmosphere of permission to be genue so the real message can be said and heard.

Importance of communication skill

The important of communication skill cannot be empathathazed wether it verbal the ability to communicate the message accurately extremely important whether or not the receiver understand what was intended by the speaker will have an effect not only on the conversation but also on the relationship. Individuals that have mastered the art of communication are after able to develop deeper more meaning full relationship on a personal level professionally they are able to communicate more effectively with both their colleagues and clients. The colossal misunderstanding of our times is the assumption that insight will work with the people who are unmotivated to change communication does not depends on the systems or eloquences or articulation on the emotional context in which the message is being hurt. People can only heard you when they are moving towards you and they are not likely to your words or pursuing them. Even the closest words lose their power when they are used to over power.


Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic

Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.


Today we are going to exhibit the conversation between call co-coordinator and customer. I am vagdhana I am doing a part of call co-coordinator I am Tejaswini I am doing a part of customer Customer: Call co : help you, Hello.. Hello good afternoon madam. Welcome to BSNL Service we are happy to Tell me what can I do for you. Customer: Call co : My name is thejaswini from chikmagalur. Tell me whats the problem is. From two days I am getting network problem to this number. Is this number is registered on your name. Yes madam. K please stays on the line madam I am going to check. K madam. Thank you for being on line madam. K. tell me madam We have already installed a new tower on your village recently, madam so, in future the Network service will be good and we hope that your requirement will be fulfilled. Customer: K. madam I want to activate internet pack to this number. Could you give any Details? Regarding this. Call co : May I know model of your cell phone. Samsung Galaxy : Sure madam, I will activate internet pack to your number its cost is 200rs per Month. Do you want to activate? Customer: Yes madam is there any new offers to this number and also I want call cost details.

Customer: Call co : Customer: Call co :

Customer: Call co :

Customer: Call co :

Customer: Call co

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Call co

Madam. Actually Karnataka mitra plan has been revised to suvarna Karnataka mitra plan. To enjoy this plan to recharge top up of 500rs. Can get validity from180days and recharge 350rs will get full talk value.

Customer : And next query madam, every day I get call from your network so, how to stop that call Madam. Call co : Send sms to deactivate to 56733. After 24 hours we are going to deactivate that service to You. Customer : And also deactivate the service reply and activate DND. Call co : madam why should you want to deactivate service reply even there is no charge for it. Customer : Yes madam your right but my actual problem is, in our boarding due to service reply the battery will drain off, so I want to deactivate it. Call co : K. k. I dont want to displease you, madam. It will be deactivate with in 10 days any other details to your number. Customer : No madam Call co : I think what details I have given are satisfactory?

Customer : Yes madam it is good. Call co : K thank you for spending your valuable time with us. Have a good day.

Customer : K thanks you.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic

Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic

Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Several years back there was a public service announcement that ran on television. It talked about the importance of good listening skilla and the different between hearing and listning. H earing is a physical ability while listening is a skill. Listening skills allow one to make sense of and understand wht another person is saying. In other words, listening skills allow you to understand what someone is talking about In 1991 the United States Department of Labour Secretarys Commission on Ahieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) identified five competencies and three foundation skills that are essential for those entering the workforce.Listening skillswere among the foundation skills SCANS identified. Why you need good listening skill? Good listening skills make workers more productives. The ability to listen carefully will allow you to: Better understand assignments and what is expected of you; Build repport with co-workers, bosses, and clients; Show support; Work better in a team- based environment; Recolve problem with customers, co-workers, and bosses; Answer questions; and Find underlying meaning in what other say. A good knows that being attentive to what the speaker doent say as important as being attentive to what he does say. Look for non-verbal cues as facial expressions and posture to get the full gist of what the speaker is telling you.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic

Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Fresh concrete is also called as plastic concrete is a freshly mixed material which can be moulded to any shape and size. Aggregates and cement are mixed in desired ratio proportion of concrete in the wet state as well as in harden state. The role of water is very important in mixing, the water cement ratio should be maintained correctly normally theoretical water cement ratio is 0.38 but while using for practical purpose use more than that value, if we use less than this incomplete hydration occurs and also lack of space in the system. We know that while making mortar for concrete, the quantity of water used will be less due to presence of free surface moisture in the aggregates. Water cement ratio is introduced from the point of view of workability of concrete. Workability 100 percentages is required for good compaction, if compaction is not done properly air voids will be appeared this will proceeds to weakness of concrete and dullness. compaction process must be carefully done without segregation The quality of concrete satisfying the above requirements is termed as workable concrete. The word workable means much wider and deeper a concrete which is high consistency and which is more mobile, need not be right workability for any work, concrete which is considered for common work is not suitable for mass concreting like roof construction vibrate is used in roof construction to settle concrete with compaction therefore the word workability assumes full significance of the type of work, thickness of section, extent of reinforcement and mode of compaction. Many research workers tried to define workability. But as it signifies much wider properties the property of concrete which determines the amount of useful internal work necessary to produce full compaction. Water content in a given volume of concrete, will have significant influences on the workability. The higher the water content per cubic meter of concrete the higher will be the fluidity of concrete, at the work site supervisors who are not well versed with the practice of making good concrete, resort to adding more water for increasing workability . The

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic

Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Simulation is useful for many purposes. You explore situation for which it would be difficult or impossible to do research for practical or ethical reasons, such as the impact on group sets composition of male biased child birth strategies or the impact of famine on local political organization you evaluate the extent to which on anthropologists account is consistent with the information they provide do they provide sufficient information to justify their conclusion? You explore holistic inter connection between relatively simple principles when joint in a common contest Simulation put models in context by letting us observe how the models behave in the models environment. Models literally means to demonstrated or copy in anthropologists model more means some kind of representation used to accounts for some kind of representation used to accounts for some ethnographic facts.anthroplologists after use models to generalize the results of their research.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Topic: - The National Flag

The Indian national flag represents the Indias long struggle for freedom is which national treasure. The Indian national flag was designed as a symbol of freedom. And it signifies the status of Indias as an independent republic. The lat prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru called it a flag is not only for freedom for us but symbols of freedom to all the people. The Indian national flag was came into being in its presents form at the meeting of constitutional assembly on 22 nd July 1947 since it has first served as the national flag of the nominal of India from 15 th august 1947 to 26 January 1950. The national Indian flag designed by Pingali venkayya and contains 3 equal strips of saffron, white and green the ratio of the width to the length of the flag that is 3:2. The Indian flag is horizontal tri-color in equal proportion of deep saffron on the top white in the middle and dark green at the bottom. the saffron color in the flag stands for the courage sacrifice and spirit of self resignation. The white colour in the flag stands for the purity and truth. The green colour in the flag stands for the faith and fertility. At the center of the white band is a wheel in navy blue colour that indicates the Dharma Chakra and also known as ashoka chakra which as 24 spikes is presents in the middle of white strip. According to the standard set down by ISI it should be occupy 75% of the space of the white strip when India got independence, communities headed by Rajendra Prasad formed to discuss the national flag of India and they decided to adopt the flag of Indian national congress with suitable modification as the flag of India As a result, the flag of 1931 was adopted as Indian flag but Charaka in the middle was replaced by Chakra and hence our national flag came into being, Charaka was replaced by the Ashoka chakra reprinting the eternal wheel of law Sarvapalli radha Krishna, who later become Indias first vice president, classified the adopted flag and described its significance as follows. The Asoka chakra in the center of the white is the wheel of the law of dharma. True or sathya, dharma or throught to be the controlling principles of those who work under this flag. Again the wheel denotes motion. There is life moment. India should more resist change it most and move go forward. The wheel represents dynamism of peacefully change. The national flag is one of the most respectable national symbols there is sticks law regarding its manufacturing and its hoisting the official flag specification required the flag to
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the made of Khadi. The design and manufacturing process fer the national flag is regulated by three documents issued by Burean of Indian standard (BIS). All the flag are made out khadi cloth of silk or cotton the standard were created in 1963 and adopted in 2008. 9 standard sizes of the flag are specified by law and the leggiest size 6.3/4.2m (21ft/14ft) is flown by government of Maharashtra as top the mathralaya buiding. It is made up of two types of khadi and one for its main part and the one for the cloth which holds flag to the staff. According to the Indian standard code, of Indian citizen do not have the right to hoist the Indian flag expects for some important days like republic day, Independence Day and mahathma Gandhis birth day Some interesting facts on national flag 1. The Indian flag was hoisted on the highest mountain peak to the world Mount Everest on the 29th may 1953. 2. The Indian national flag flew to space in 1984 when wing commander rakesh Sharma went to the space 3. The flag was attached as a medallion on the space suit of rakesh Sharma. 4. Madave bhik magi rustum cama was the first person to hoist Indian flag on the foreign soil on 22nd august 1907 in stultgrat Germany.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

According to one credible international survey it is said that the words talks 500 most powerful personality have one thing common their reading speed is more than 500 words per minute. Proof that reading is an essential skill in this present day age. Your reading skill is a very critical factor responsible for increasing your ability to learn and master large volumes of information. Thus you are ability to react fast gives you can edge over others by making it possible for you to go through files of papers quickly. The most important factor about fast reading is that you should be clear in your objective. You should have knowledge on what information you are looking for in textbooks, documents before you start reading them. What is the reading ability of a common man? First of all should stop reading word by word then pronouncing them saliently. To enhance your reading skilling you should look at groups of words instead of reading word by word. Then try to take out meaning from. It not easy at first, but if you continue to practice you will master this art quickly. Then you will capable of reading a block of words instead of individual work and if the meaning any devious block is not clear go back to pervious block. However skilled read us become habitual a reading many words in a block and repeating the block seldom occur with skilled readers. Skilled readers also require only a fraction of second to go through a block.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

A Culvert is a structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trail, or similar obstruction. Typically embedded so to be surrounded by soil, a culvert may be from a pipe, reinforced concrete or other material. A structure that carries water above land is known as an aqueduct.

Culvert may be used to form a bridge- like structure to carry traffic. Culverts come in many sizes and shapes include round, elliptical, flat-bottomed, pear-shaped, and box-like constructions. Culverts may be made of concrete, galvanized steel, aluminum, or plastic, typically high density polyethylene. Two or more materials may be combined to from composite structure. For example, openbottom corrugated steel structure is often built on concrete footings. Plastic culvert lines are also inserted into failing concrete or steel structure in order to repair the structure from collapsing, the space between it and the plastic lines is usually filled with grout.

Accidents due to culvert failures

Culverts fail due to corrosion of the materials they are made from, or erosion of the soil around or under them. If the failure is sudden and catastrophic, it can results in injury or loss of life. Sudden road collapses are often at poorly designed culvert crossing sites. Water passing through undersized culverts will scour away the surrounding soil over time. This can cause a sudden failure during medium sized rain events. There are more than 5000000 culverts currently in use in the United States alone. Continued inspection, maintence, and replacement of these structures is crucial for infrastructure and safety. Accidents due to culverts can also occurs if a flood overwhelms it, such as with the Jacobs creek flood of 2003, or disrupts the road or railways above it, such as with the bethungra accident of 1885, which killed seven people. Soil and sand carried through a culvert can wear away the galvanizing of a steel culvert, allowing it to corrode and eventually collapse, disrupting the road or railway above it. This happened at a culvert near go ford, New South Wales in 2007, killing five.
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Environmental impacts
Safe and stable steam crossing can accommodate wildlife and protect stream health while reducing expensive erosion and structural damage. Undersized and poorly placed culverts can cause problems for water quality and aquatic organisms. Poorly designed culverts can degrade water quality and via scourer and erosion and also restrict aquatic organism from being able to move freely between up upstream and downstream habitat. Fish are a common victim in the loss of habitat due to poorly designed crossing structures. Culverts that offer ataxic organism passage reduce impediments to movements. Of fish, wildlife and other aquatic life that require instead passage. These structures are less likely to fail in medium to large scale rain melt events, This culvert cannot accommodate wildlife passage Poorly designated culverts are also more apt to become jammed with sediment and debits during medium to large scale rain events. If the culvert cannot pass the water volume in the stream, the water may overflow over the road embankment. This may cause significant erosion, washing out the culvert. The embankment material that is washed away can clog other structure downstream; a properly sized structureand hard bank aromornija can help to alleviate this pressure.

Minimum energy loss culverts

In the coastal plains of Queensland, torrential rains during the wet season place a heavy demand on culverts. The natural slope of the flood plains is often very demand on culverts. The natural slope of the flood plains is often vary small and little fall is permissible in the culverts. Professors Gordon R McKay and Colin J. A pelt developed and patented the design procedure of minimum energy loss culverts waterways which yield small afflux. Colin J. Applet, professor of civil engineering at the University of Queensland, presented an authoritative review of the topic and well-documented documentary. A minimum energy loss culverts or waterway is a structure designed with the concept of minimum heads loss. The flow in the approach channel is contracted through a streamlined inlet into the barrel where the channel width is minimum, and then it is expanded in a streamlined outlet before being finally released into the downstream natural channel. Both

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

the inlet and outlet must be streamlined to increase the discharge capacity. The concept of minimum energy loss culverts was developing by Norman ottoman, shire engineer in Victoria in Victoria and by Professor Gordon McKay. While a number of small-size structure were designed and built in south- east Queensland.

Forestry is the science, art, and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving, and repairing forests and associate resources to meet desired goals, needa, and values for human benefit. Forestry is to create and implements systems and natural stands. The main goal of forestry is to create and implements systems that manage forests to provide environmental supplies and services. The challenges of forestry are to create systems that are socially accepted while sustaining the resource and other resources that might be affected. Silviculture, a related science, involves the regeneration, tending and harvesting of trees and forests at the stands level. Modern forestry generally embraces a broad range of concerns, including co system services by assisting forests to provide timber as raw Materials for wood products, wildlife habitat, natural water quality management, recreation landscape and community protection,employment aesthetically appealing landscape, biodiversity management, water shed management, erosion control, and preserving forests as sinks

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Good writing skills are essential for effective communication. Learning to write well takes time and practice. Be sure to leave yourself enough time for all of these steps.

Some tips:
Avoid wordiness. Say out loud what you are trying to write. Listen to how the words sound. For example, the sentence I found out that I should take a look at past sales figures in order to come up with a plan to help us re-evaluate our sales technique could be more simply stated as I must take a look at our past sales to re-evaluate our sales technique. Write for your audience Use simple language You dont want the reader to need a dictionary to decipher what y ou are trying to say. You should not try to impress your reader with your huge vocabulary. Chances are that you will frustrate your reader instead. Most people are juggling several tasks at the same time, and are interested in receiving only necessary information. You are responsible for making this happen. Instead of saying, his gregarious nature credentials him as a superlative candidate for the job say his friendliness makes him a top candidate for the job Proof reading is one of the most important things you can do. Since you probably do most of your writing on a computer, you have access to automated spelling and grammer checkers. Beware though some words, used in the wrong context may be missed by computruzed spell checkers. For example the sentence to employees attended too meeting two learn about the new software, would pass through the spells check without any misspelling being detected. Have someone else proof read your documents, if possible. If time allows, put your composition away, and proof read it later, or evenbrtter, the next day.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.


We live in an age of progress and one result of that is that the urban landscape of many cities is changing. An unfortunate consequence of this is that some historical building is being lost for future generations. Something needs to be done to preserve these building and, to ensure that, we first need to understand why they are being destroyed.

There are a variety of reasons why these building are being replaced and this mainly depends on their original purpose. Many of these historicism building were residential and typically the problem is that they no longer have the appropriate facilities for modern-day living. For example, they might have been built in era when central heating was not a priority, or even when bath rooms and toilets were outside. Unfortunately, it is often cheaper to pull these building down rather than renovate them. Other historic building that is now under threat originally had a civic function and was built in city centres. Examples of these buildings are theatre and cinemas. As often as not, these buildings are being replaced through economic necessity as they are no longer financially viable. They are replaced by supermarkets or modern cinema complexes that cater for the demands of the twenty-first century. There is probably no one solution to ensure that these buildings are preserved. One possible step though would be for the civic planning authorities to list certain buildings that they consider historic and prevent any alterations being made to them. Another possibility would be to ensure that at least the facades of these buildings were preserved for posterity. Clearly, this is a complex problem and we have seen that there are a number of social and financial factors that have led to the destruction of historic buildings. If we are to preserve them, we will need legislation to prevent or limit the activities of developers. Historic preservation is an endeavor that seeks to preserve, conserve and protect building objects. Landscapes or other artifacts of historical significance. It tends to refer specially to

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

the preservation of the built environment and not to preservation for example, primeval forests or wilderness, this term is generally used by English speaker in the united states whereas to terms. Heritage conservation and heritage preservation are more common in the United Kingdom.

If these recommendations are taken up then some of the main risks to traditional building of retrofitting practices may be averted furthermore, it is believed by the STBA that if these recommendation are carried through the green deal and other retrofit schemes could be undertaken with more financial energy and environmental benefits the previously envisaged. In addition retrofitting of traditional building can become a driver for significant positive change in the construction industry in terms of employment and skills. In user behavior and for public understanding and engagement with older building. Now days historical buildings are destroying, because of different purposes like pollution and several needs of people and landscape. Some old houses are destroying because of olden days the bath rooms and w/c are constructed outside but now in 21st century we all need compacted house Due to this people are destroying piller houses. We are polluting our environment in different ways. Because of that the historical building was destroying like taj mahal. Taj mahal is becoming a black due to acid rain.

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Vagdhana U.R A.I.T Polytechnic Chikmagalure


Phone: 08262-210653

OBJECTIVIVE To work with dynamic organization where my creativity and responsibility can be nurtured to Endeavour towards achievement of the organizations goals through dedicated team work.

ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS Qualification diploma SSLC Institution A.I.T Polytechnic Jnanarashmi school university D.T.E Karnataka Karnataka state board percentage Still pursuing 62.72%

COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE M.S Office includes excel, power point, word etc Basic knowledge of computer and internet Auto CAD (Civil) 2D,3D

PARTICIPATION AND ACHIEVEMENTS Participated in the state level sports coco Participated in district level singing computation. Participated in National Jamboree in 2006-2007 as a guide candidate.

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

PERSONAL DETAILS Father name Mother name Date of birth Sex Marital status Permanent address Rame Gowda U.N Revathi H.K 26/10/1992 Female Single Rame Gowda U.N S/O Nanje Gowda Uluvagilu Kabbinahalli (Post) Chikmagalure

OTHER DETAILS Languages Known Languages Kannada English Hindhi HOBBIES Reading books listening to music and sketching drawings, playing throw ball. And spending some time with small kids. To write To read To speak

DECLARATION I hereby declare that all the above information furnished is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date : 23/8/2013 Place : Chikmagalur Vagdhana U.R Signature

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Internet- International
Net-Networking The internet has brought about a big relalution in the field of information technology. Internet is a global collection of computer connected to one another.

History of Internet
The History of the internet starts in the 1950s and 1960s with the development of computer. It is estimated that in 1993 the internet. It began with one computer in California and three in Utah. To share software and hardware resources. The military allowed universities to join the network students using the pooled resources. Developed a software that would communicate across computer giving birth to the now so popular Internet. The initial prototype of the Internet was called the national (or global or galactite) Information, Infrastructure. Its history is complex and involves many aspects relating to technological and organizational developments. It influences not only the technical fields of comture communication but communities across society as we move toward increasing the use of online tools to accomplish electronic commerce. Information acquirition and community operation. Internet is the interconnection between several computer of different types belonging to various networks of networks. It is an information super highway which has compressed the world into a cyber colony. Today there are no rurel for managing and accessing data over the internet though (ISOC) exits which is working towards bringing order and direction to the Internet.

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Introduction to Internet
The internet can be difined as a large network that connects other network of all computer all around the world. An example of a single network of computer linked to one onthre within an office or school building. A large network might be all the computer connected within an entire school district. The internet is tens of thousands of these netwoks communicating with one onther. Internet may be described as a global network connecting million of computer. More than 100 countries are linked into exchange of data, news, shares and opinions. Each internet computer called a hort is independent. Its operators can chose which internet services to use and which local services to make available to the global internet community. Remarkably, this anarchy by design work exceedingly well. The internet is not synonymess with world wide web.The www is not the internet; www is only a position of the internet. The case of navigation and the integration of many internet protocol for receving information has led to a global increase of over a billons pages from 1997 to present.

Network Classification
Network Classification are commonly used 1. LAN 2. WAN 3. MAN 1. LAN (Local Area Network): LAN refers to a combination of computer hardware a transmission media that is normally LANS do not exists of km(metres) in size to use only one type of transmission medium in addition a LAN is normaly connection to a compass. 2. WAN (Wide Area Network):

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WAN includes all networks larger than LAN. It inter connect LANS which may beat opposite size of a country orlocated around the world 3. MAN (Metro Politon Area Network): Metro politon area network is some where between a LANs and WAN the turns MANS sometime used it refersnetworks with connects by systems or LANS with is a MAN.


A desktop comouter with 16MB RAM IR-Modem Dial- o=up ISP Telephone connection

Dentium system with 16MB RAM In order to work with the Internet. Acomputer with minimum configuration of Pentium.I AND 16MB RAM having network card is essential, but if Pentium or above with 64MB RAM in used. Better performance can be expected. Modem(Modulator and Demodulator): Modem is an electronic device which is used to connect the computer the computer with Internet. It is a commonly known facts that computer knows only digital signals and telephone gives only anolog signals. Hence the anolog signals received from telephone has to be converted into digital and to send data from the computer, it has to be converted into anolog series or sognal. Modem is meant for conventing the anolog signals to digital and vice versa.

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

The internet service provides world wide offer various options and package to general public for internet access. It gives us the facility to gain acess to the internet against a fee some of the ISOs in india are o VSNL o MTNL o WiS o Mantra Online o Net cracker o Sathyam online o Airtel India o SPICE Punjab o Decoma dive in o Tata photon t o The ISP is connected the internet backbone if the permanent cabling of internet

Interne connection is possible in two ways

1. DIAL UP ACCESS: By dialing into an ISP ISP is dialed using the communication software It can be accessed only for a fixed number of hours

2. DEDICATED INTERNET ACCESS: With direct connection to an internet service provides.

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Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

The computer can remain connect to the internet 24 hours a day Large computerized universities and companies have such connection all over the world.

TYPES OF INTERNET Homogeneous Network Heterogeneous Network Enterprise Network Global Network Local area Network Cable Network Satellite or Ground ratio system Ring Network Mtropoliton Network Wide Area Network Broad cast Network Static Network Dynamic Network Point to point Network Communication subnetwork

INTERNET SERRICKS Remote login (TELENET) File transfer (FTP) Electronic mail (E-mail)
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News (USENET) Hypertent (WWW) Video conferencing Get information Provide information NETWORK GOUL o Resource sharing o High reliability o Interprocess communication o Distribution of processing function o Centralized management o Goad network performance o Compartibility of dissimilar equipment and software o Saving money o Scalability o Powerfull communication media o Acess to remote information o Person to person communication o Interactive entertailment

o An internet access account from an ISP o A computer o A modem connected to a telephone line (A MODEM (modulator) is an electronic device that converts electronic signal to anolog signal. This signal can then be
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transmitted over a normal telephone line. They can be inter I,e fitted extemally. A jack is required to connect telephone line to the computer) o Necessary software for a connecting to the externally internet and accessing the informations.

Domine name is the way ti identify and locate computer connection to the internet. Each domine name corresponding to numeric. ID address. The domine name system (DNS) MATCHES DOMINE NAME TO ID address DNS is a collection of databased that contains infprmation about domine names and their corresponding ID address. COM- Commercial entities EDU- Educational institutions Net - organization directly involved in internet operation Org - miscellaneous organisatons Gov - United states federal government Mil United states military.

Country coader
In india Uk united kingdom Fr- france http ://www address edu : 123/path/subdis/file exe




file and

Resource details

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Universal resource located (URC) is the method by which document or data are addressed in the world wide web (www)

As we already known there are more than 10000000 websites on the internet how can we find the required site. Remenrbring all web sites names is a very tough job. To make this task raries sites we can easily find out the site required by us.

Sending mail electronically usig computer network is called E- mail. It is vary fast retisble and cheep. Presently e mail is popular because of its speed. E-mail is a simple way to send message to people who in education. Kept persnol friendship and support buissness relationship.

How to create E- mail ID

First select the website in which you want to crest your E-mail ID. For example we want to creat a E-mail. In gmail. Then cclick on G-mail on the web page. To creat a new account click on create an account >> After that an page will details after filling all the dtails at last click. I accept, create my account. If the mention E-mail ID is unique then the system will create our E-mail ID I the same name otherwise it will show some possible list in that we must select. If all entries are correct, it will create E-mail ID.

How to open the mail

As we create uor account in the G-Mail page we enter the g-mail ID and password and click on sign in. To open mail, click on INBOX. Then the inbox be opened. Click on the mail which we want to reat. How to send mail. As we open the mail we must click on reply or before opening inbox we must click or compose message provided in liftside of the windows.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Then the E-mail page will be opened in that to, subject, Attachments will be their we must type what we want or attach we want and we must type to the address and click send button.

Scanning and Attachment

To attach anything in the page we must add by the computer or external device like pendrive,Cd,dvd etc or by thescanning material by the scanner. A scanner is used in desktop publishment to degits at work or photograph so that they can be merged with lint. To attach the scanner the computer must have its software The scanned material is attached in the attachment place.

1. Drum Scanner 2. Flat bedded scanner 3. Hand scanner

Pick and speak is a competition where in we have to pick a chit from a bowl where in there will be chits comprising of various topics of discussion. We will have to talk on a topic which is listed in the chit for a priod of 5 minutes. We can usually talk on any topic in general but when a particular topic given we may not be able to talk so much as we generally do. Speakers say that before they will usually have a rehearsal and many home works are done in order to have the speech spoken well and reachable to the audience. They conclude that lot of preparation is needed to speak well in such competitions. In such cases when they happen to deliver a speech they will be very fluent and speak within the time provided to them in a very effective manner.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas andinformation to a group. But unlike a presentation carries the speakers personality better and allows immediate interaction between all the partcipationts. A report is the orderly presentation of the results of the research which seeks truth and interprets facts into constructive ideas and suggestions (Gwinn,2007). A report is normanally built on research that develops, or substaintiates knowledge. Once all the facts are collected, they are then organized and presented In a report designed to meet a need fpr specific information. A presentation is created is the same manner as a report; however, it adda one additional element- The human Element. A good presentation contains at least four elements Contentit contains information that people need. But unlike reports, which are

read at the readers own pace, presentations must for how much information the audience can absorb in one sittig. Structure- it has a logical beginning, middle, and end, it must be sequenced and paced so that the audience can understand it. Whereas reports have appendices and footnotes to guide the reader, the speaker must be careful not to lose the audience when wandering from the main point of the presentation Packaging- it must be well perpered. A report can reresd and portons skipped over,but with a presentation, the audience is at the mercy of a presenter. Human Element- A good presentation will be remembered much more than a good report because it has a person attached to it. However, you must still analyse the audiences needs to determine if they would be better met if a report was sent instead.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science domains. The programme covers both quantities and quantitative approaches to data analysis. Data analysis is an important stagea of the reacherch process. This programme includes a summary of that process and explores specific areas of data analysis that might be applicable to learners studing at undergraduate and post graguate levels. It aims to provide a definition of qualitative and qualitative data analysis and pportunities to explore photographic, video, textual and numerical data analysis through providing worked examples and further opportunities for learners to develop knowledge and skills in data analysis. The programme also aims to support the development of crotical appraisal skills, through considering the critical review of research papers. The aims are achieved through capitalizing on the interactive opportunities of on ine learning. In completing all componenys of the programme learner are enable to develop the following learning outcomes: An anwareness of the situation of qualitative data analysis within the inductive paradigm. An awarNess of the situation of quqtitative data analysis within the dective paradigm. Skills in critically appraising the data analysis component of research studies. An appreciation of the different approaches to qualitative data analysis. An appreciation of the different approaches to quantitative data analysis Skilla in undertaking basic qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.


Debate or debating is a formal method of interactive argument. Debate is a border form of argument than logical argument, only examines consistency from axiom, and factual argument, which only examines is or isnt the case or rhetoric which is a technique of persuasion. Though logical consistency, factual accuracy and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience are important elements of the art of persuasion, in debating, one side often prevails over the other side by presenting a superior context and or frame work of the issue, which is far more suitable and strategic. In a formal debating contest, there are rules for people to discuss and decide on differences, with in a frame work defining hoe they will interact. Informal debate is a common occurance, the quality and depth of a debate improves with knowledge and skill of its participants as debaters. deliberative bodies such as parliaments, legislative assemblies by audience vote, by judges, or by some combination of the two.(of course, this implies that facts are based on consensus, which is not factual .) formal debates between candidates for elected office, such as the Leaders debates and the U.S presidential election debates, are common in democracy. The major goal of the study of debate as a method or art is to develop ones ability to play from either position with equal ease. Debates are sometime organized for purely competitive purposes, particularly at the US high school level, but also in other English speaking countries.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


Batch 01

Civil Engg 2013.

Adichunchanagiri Polytechnic


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