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AMOG Consulting Deep Water Conceptual Design

AMOG Consulting offers a wide range of deep water technical design services, reflecting the individual and combined areas of recognised expertise maintained by the company's principals and associates.

Deep Water Conceptual Design

AMOG Consulting has e.tensive e.perience in the conceptual engineering of deep "ater developments, building on its core strengths related to the dynamics of hull forms and riser2mooring systems. AMOG has been involved in key areas such as hydrostatic and hydrodynamic responses of hull forms, mooring system analysis, riser system analysis, met'ocean design criteria determination and + + response. n addition, AMOG has also been involved in key pro!ect interface areas relating to flo" assurance, topsides design, topsides2hull integration methodology, installation and risk assessment.

Introduction to AMOG
AMOG Consulting is an Australian engineering consultancy offering specialist skills in concept development; numerical and scale modelling; oil spill response planning; naval architecture; structural and hydrodynamic engineering; risk and reliability engineering; subsea, coastal and offshore engineering; and advanced analysis.

AMOG Consulting provides independent advice and service to a broad range of clients including the Department of Defence, Defence ndustry AMOG Consulting has undertaken studies for a suppliers, oil companies, other consultants and number of ma!or oil companies in the Gulf of ma!or offshore design and construction Me.ico, as "ell as for deep "ater studies off the companies. Australian coast. A number of its principals have e.tensive e.perience ranging from %3) design for ts principal engineers have been active in the &orth $ea, conceptual design of deep "ater offshore consulting, pro!ect management, testing developments in the Gulf of Me.ico and offshore and research for many years, "ith "ork on (est Africa, through to leading edge resesarch in pro!ects in #ass $trait, %imor $ea, &orth'(est + + response. $helf, the )acific #asin *$ingapore, +ietnam, Active research and collaboration is at the forefront of AMOG4s interests. n the late 56674s AMOG Consulting had involvement in the D00)08 9 ) through the Australian Maritime 0ngineering Cooperative 8esearch Centre. &o" AMOG is a key player in the development and use of the "orld4s leading + + prediction soft"are: $;0A8<. AMOG gains e.posure to most of the deep"ater developments in the "orld through the users of $;0A8<, thus continuing to maintain a currency in deep "ater technologies.


Malaysia, ndonesia, %he )hilippines and &e" ,ealand-, the &orth $ea, the Caribbean, the Gulf of Me.ico and the /nited Arab 0mirates. AMOG Consulting dra"s on leading consulting engineers, practising academics and technicians for each engineering pro!ect, supported by a select group of high 1ualified and e.perienced engineers, state'of'the'art soft"are and sophisticated hard"are.

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Major Areas of Expertise

AMOG Consulting provides a range of conceptual and detailed design e.pertise to Clients for Deep (ater pro!ects. A summary of AMOG4s core skills is given belo".

Hydrostatics & Hydrodynamics

ntact and damage stability assessment ;ydrodynamic forces and resulting motions of floating and fi.ed bodies, and coupled floating bodies +essel response in e.treme sea'states, including instantaneous "etted surface area effects and green "ater effects =or"ard speed effects and effect of high current speeds $et do"n effects &on'linear mooring stiffnesses, "ave damping, form and skin friction drag damping, mooring line drag damping 8elative motions and forces bet"een floating bodies, including both coupling forces and hydrodynamic interaction forces Mean, lo" fre1uency, "ave fre1uency and higher order "ind, "ave and current loads Modelling of stabilisers, rudders and thrusters for ships and offshore drilling and construction vessels

$tability Analysis of $hip ;ull =orm


Hull Form Analysis and Selection

Design, analysis and selection of a "ide range of hull forms including: $emi'submersible hulls Minimum facilities semis Deep draught lo" response hulls )roduction only )roduction and drilling $pars Conventional and truss hull forms )roduction only hulls Alternative hull configurations =)$Os Deep "ater hull forms %urret system design %3)s 3arge production and drilling %3)s Mini'%3)s Control buoys Alternative hull forms Production & Drilling Spar %opside integration methodologies nstallation methodologies Cost > schedule estimation

Mooring System Design

?uasi'static and dynamic mooring system analyses Catenary, semi'taut and taut'leg mooring system design Anchor2pile selection Chain, "ire rope and synthetic rope selection + + response =atigue assessment Deep "ater verification methodology development

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Riser Systems:
Conceptual and detailed design of a range of deep "ater riser solutions including: =le.ible risers %op'tensioned risers $teel catenary risers ;ybrid risers $ingle leg offset risers /mbilicals Dynamic analysis of riser systems %hermal analysis + + analysis Materials and insulation selection #uoyancy selection Clashing analysis

Risk Assessment
8isk assessment of pipelines including consideration of: +essel response @ air gap, green "ater, set do"n, ma.imum heave at riser attachments )ro!ect risks @ construction, flo" assurance, installation %echnical risk evaluation ;A, D, ;A,O) and A3A8) )rinciples =ailure modes and effects


Metocean Conditions Review

Analysis of historical and hindcast met'ocean data Definition and revie" of design conditions 8evie" of applicability of design conditions %ransformation of conditions bet"een locations &umerical modelling of "aves and currents for coarse model refinement

VIV Response
AMOG is actively involved in the development and use of $;0A8<. Analysis of + + response of risers, drill strings, tendons and other slender structures + + response of mooring system components =atigue life evaluation using standard and advanced approaches 0valuation of critical parameters affecting the magnitude of + + responses 0valuation of + + induced hull responses *motions and accelerations$uppression system design $ensitivity studies %esting programs

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