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Year 10 PDHPE Relationship Roundup Kai Choong

INTRODUCTION Terminology Definitions Active Listening Definition: Active Listening is here the listener gives feed!ac" on hat he hears !# the spea"er$ sho E%a&ple: A teacher &ar"ing an essa# for his' her student ill de&onstrate active listening to hat the# could i&prove on

Decision (a"ing Definition: )he a!ilit# to &a"e a final choice that is correct or the !est option$ )his &a# !e under pressure E%a&ple: )he referee displa#s decision &a"ing s"ills !# re arding fouls or points that &# change the result of the ga&e$ )here is a lot of pressure in this as the opposition &a# argue their case *egotiation Definition: )he a!ilit# to co&e to a solution here the t o or &ore parties agree on$ E%a&ple: Politicians &ust !e a!le to negotiate their point in order to find peace or to have a happ# resolution Conflict Resolution Definition: )he result of a conflict that as peaceful$ +ften due to &isco&&unication or ideologies$ E%a&ple: )he peaceful protests ca&e to a conflict resolution and !eca&e a riot after the govern&ent ould not let the& do hat the# ant$

Year 10 PDHPE Relationship Roundup Kai Choong

,se of Po er in Relationships Definition: Po er in relationships involve the safet# of each partner and ho the# ill !e happ# in a relationship$ E%a&ple: A hus!and &a# threaten to ta"e a a# his child fro& his ife if she does not do so&ething E&path# Definition: )he capacit# to recognise and share feelings that are !eing e%perienced !# another person E%a&ple: A !o# ho has recovered fro& depression &a# !e a!le to e&pathise ith friend ho suffers fro& depression -pea"ing ,p Definition: )he a!ilit# to sa# out hat #our feelings are and' or to share an idea that #ou have are !elieve in E%a&ple: Politicians spea" up hen tr#ing to introduce a point and so do people ho ant to go against the council against a plan or polic# .ualities in a Partner Definition: )he reasons h# #ou li"e #our partner$ )heir good parts and hat #ou li"e a!out the& E%a&ple: )he /ualities in that girl are /uite e%traordinar#$ -he is funn#0 s&art and also eas# to tal" to$ Appropriatel# e%pressing and e%ploring se%ual feeling Definition: 1etting to "no ho #ou are and hat t#pe of se%ualit# #ou are$

E%a&ple: )he &an as unsure of his se%ualit# so he decided to go to counselling to tr# and get hi&self a definite ans er Po er0 1ender and Ris" )a"ing Definition: Ris" )a"ing and gender are closel# related &eaning that depending on #our gender and age0 the decisions that #ou &a"e are ver# different$ E%a&ple: )he !o# atte&pted to 2a# al" to the other side of the road in order to get the the shops faster$ 3hereas the girl aited at the lights for the green light$ -e%ual choices and their conse/uences Definition: Learning a!out hat having se% can do and hat can happen E%a&ple: )eenagers ho do not realise the i&portance of earing protection &a# find out the hard a# through an -)4 or getting pregnant

Year 10 PDHPE Relationship Roundup Kai Choong

Outline the influence of the media image on values, decisions and behaviours associated ith relationshi!s" Item # Title$ #% and Pregnant The TV series 16 and Pregnant depicts the story of teens who have made bad sexual choices and have had to face the consequences. It may be a good show in order to give nowledge that being 16 and Pregnant is not a good thing! but the population who find trouble in containing their ris ta ing behaviours and expressing and exploring their sexual feelings. There are many lessons to be learnt including the consequence of ma ing bad sexual choices. These may include the conception of a child! development of a "exually Transmissible Infection #"TI$ or a "exually Transmitted %isease #"T%$. There are many dangers to having sex at a young age! some which may include internal damage that may effect the carrier&s life and future capacity to have babies. This show may encourage teens to have sex due to the role model that this show condones! though it can also deter teens from doing this act due to the witnessing of the causes and effects of having sex. This show shows sexual choices and their consequences at their worst.

Item & Title$ The 'ig 'ang Theory The 'ig 'ang Theory shows us how conflict resolution can be applied in daily life. There are many ways to find an appropriate resolution to a stic y situation. "heldon is able to ensure that he is comfortable with his surroundings with his ability to spea up! empathy! negotiation and active listening. (is application of fixing his problems adds a humorous theme to the show. The message that this television series shows us is that no matter how good or bad a situation! you can get through it by expressing your true feelings by! spea ing up. )ou can show respect and gain respect from others by empathising with others" )ou can gain what you want through negotiation of the situation. *e are able to to also listen and approve another&s arguments through active listening. If we are all able to empathise! spea up! negotiate and listen actively then we shall be able to find better resolutions to all our stic y situations.

Year 10 PDHPE Relationship Roundup Kai Choong

PART A con(t

Item ) Title$ e*armony +nline dating sites can be used to find people who are still attempting to express and explore their sexual feeling. It also can be used to find someone that you see has the right qualities in a partner! in other words! they are compatible. (owever! the message that this website sends is the ability for people to actively listen! spea up! see qualities in your partner! ris ta ing and expressing and exploring your sexual feeling. People will spea up! actively listen and attempt to see the qualities in your ,match- in order to see if the person is the right one. (owever! the website may encourage ris ta ing and exploration of your sexual feelings as you have the opportunity to feel what you have wondered without being .udged or criticised. The ris ta ing factor can also be a ris as you may be meeting an un nown person without getting to now them.

Item + Title$ ,occer Referees "occer referees are able to show their power of being a referee as they ma e decisions on the spot. Their decision ma ing s ills must be top notch and their ability to resolve conflicts will need to be good as well to settle disagreements such as a rash tac le without violence or problems. "occer referees show us how important our ability in resolving conflicts and quic decision ma ing is. "occer referees convey the message that a small mista e can cause large amounts of damage which may lead to fines or sentencing. (owever! their .ob is closely lin ed with the young players who are still experiencing power and ris ta ing. The players are still getting to now the limits in ris ta ing and so the referees will have to tal that into account when inspecting a bad challenge or a disruption.

Year 10 PDHPE Relationship Roundup Kai Choong

PART ' - Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis Critical Anal#sis involves thin"ing criticall#0 hich is appl#ing rational and logical thin"ing hile !rea"ing do n into si&ple parts the te%ts ' reference &aterial #ou read$ 3hen e thin" criticall# e are !eing active5 e are not passivel# accepting ever#thing e read and hear0 !ut /uestioning0 evaluating0 &a"ing 2udge&ents0 finding connections and categorising$ 4t &eans !eing open to other points of vie and not !eing !linded !# our o n !iases$ 4t can include as"ing /uestions0 identif#ing pro!le&s and solutions0 relating theor# to practice0 stating an argu&ent and supporting it ith evidence0 &a"ing co&parisons$ 4ntroduction Essa# )opic -entence 4ntro Paragraphs 10 60 70 80 9: A sentence or t o !ased on : as"ing /uestions0 identif#ing pro!le&s0 relating theor# to practice0 stating an argu&ent Paragraph 1 Point E%planation Evidence Lin" Paragraph 6 Point

Year 10 PDHPE Relationship Roundup Kai Choong E%planation Evidence Lin" Paragraph 7 Point E%planation Evidence Lin" Paragraph 8 Point E%planation Evidence Lin" Paragraph 9 Point E%planation Evidence Lin"

Year 10 PDHPE Relationship Roundup Kai Choong Conclusion Essa# )opic -entence Revie Paragraphs 10 60 70 80 9: Critical Anal#sis ;indings < evaluations0 2udge&ents ;inal sentence to point

Year 10 PDHPE Relationship Roundup Kai Choong

/ 0se 'ar er 1onventions "chool %iary Pages 23425

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