Biscuits & Cultured Drinks Comparison 2nd

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HFS 3093








28th of March 2013

In our everyday life, human needs energy and good health in order to do work, chores,
any action of physical activities and many kind of responsibilities. Without energy and the
best health from a person, work and other responsibilities cannot be done as they do not
have the power and are easily feeling tired. That is the reason why it is necessary for us to
take conscious on what food and drinks that we consume. The food and drinks must be
beneficial and great for our body functions.
As everybody knows, there are 3 essential meals that should be taken each day and they
are breakfast, lunch and dinner. But the most significant of all 3 meals that most people
already know of is breakfast. Breakfast is the main meal that must be taken by each person
in the whole world. People having breakfast, signifies a better energy for the whole day.
Some people do not take breakfast because they are not aware of the benefits of taking
breakfast each day. The benefits include better memory and focus through out the day.
Some might say that they are not able to prepare or have breakfast because rushing out
to work or having important issues to attend. So in the end, they skip breakfast that will
make them not energized starting from morning. These people should not take that as an
excuse to skip breakfast. As a matter affect, they ought to have a simple yet sufficient
nutrient content meal. They can just have an oatmeal biscuits with a simple drink like
cultured drink.
The oatmeal biscuits and cultured drink are easily found in stores. Purchasing these
kinds of food and drink is an excellent choice to be made as it saves time preparing
breakfast. It is easy and effortless having this sort of breakfast in the morning. Without
hesitation that these type of biscuits and drinks are occupied with enough nutrients. No
more fuss and no more excuses of skipping breakfast. Eat breakfast! And have a remarkable



The table shows the nutrient contents in each different brand of oatmeal biscuits. The
brands are from IKO, Julies, Jacobs, Munchys and Quaker. These different brands of oatmeal
biscuits provide us with many nutrients. Some provide nutrients that others do not. The biscuits
are compared according to the nutrient contents per 100 g. The oatmeal biscuit that provide the
highest energy is the Julies. It gives 504 kcal of energy; meanwhile others only provide less than
490 kcal of energy. This means that we can get more energy in the morning if we consume the
oatmeal biscuit from Julies. But the Julies oatmeal biscuit has a quite high amount of saturated
fat that is 12 g. The oatmeal biscuit with the lowest content of saturated fat is the Quaker. We
must eat less saturated fat but more on unsaturated fat. So, the Quaker oatmeal biscuit is better in
terms of less saturated fat with only 8.5 g. Unfortunately, the Quaker oatmeal biscuit contain the
highest amount of sodium with 452.6 mg whereas the lowest sodium contain in the biscuit is
Julies. We must take sodium in low quantity because excessive intake of sodium can lead to
The similarity among all the biscuits is that they do not contain any trans fat. For all
biscuits they do not contain any cholesterol except for Quaker with 5.6 g. Consuming foods with
less or without cholesterol is better for our health. The total carbohydrate in all the biscuits are
different where Julies has the lowest amount with only 64 g and the highest amount of total
carbohydrate is Quaker with 70.4 g. Next is the dietary fibre content in the biscuits. The one with
the highest amount of dietary fibre is IKO with 8.3 g and the lowest amount of dietary fibre
content is the Julies. The biscuit with more dietary fibre is better as it can help our bowel health.
The biscuit containing the highest amount of sugar is the Quaker with 33.3 g, meanwhile the
biscuit containing the lowest amount of sugar is IKO with only 15.4 g. So, it is better to take the
biscuit with less sugar as we need it only in moderate amount.
All the biscuit has quite similar protein content but the one with the highest protein is IKO
and the lowest protein content is Munchys. Protein is crucial for our body functions. As for
calcium, the biscuits that contain calcium are IKO, Jacobs and Munchys. IKO and Munchys
gave the percentage of daily values based on a 2000 calories diet with 2% and 8% of calcium
respectively. Meanwhile, Jacobs specifically stated that it provides 290 mg of calcium. The RNI
values of calcium for both men and women are the same that is 800 mg. Next is iron content in
the biscuits. All the biscuits contain iron except for Quaker. The iron content of IKO and
Munchys are the same which is 4% of daily values based on 2000 calories diet and Julies
provide only 2%. As for Jacobs it state that it gives 4.2 mg of iron.

The only biscuit that contain Vitamin A is Jacobs. It has at least half of the RNI value for
men and women. Jacobs has 312 g of Vitamin A where the RNI value for men is 600 g and
RNI for women is 500 g. Jacobs also contain other vitamins like Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2,
Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6. It has 0.42 mg of Vitamin B1, 0.55 mg of Vitamin B2, 6.7 mg of
Vitamin B3 and 0.83 mg of Vitamin B6. Although all the vitamins content are less than the RNI
value, it is still good to be consumed. Other vitamins like Vitamin D and Vitamin E are only
contained in Jacobs oatmeal biscuit with 4.17 g and 8.3 mg respectively. But all the biscuits
are alike as they do not contain any Vitamin C. Lastly; the Jacobs oatmeal biscuit has an extra
nutrient that is the 6.8 g of Beta Glucan.







The colour of
packaging is
light blue. It is
very unique
with its own
other colours for
the name and

The colour of
packaging is
green. The
colour is not as
attractive as it is
quite common.

The colour of
packaging is
very interesting.
It has yellow,
pink and other
colours that
would make
buyers attracted.


The colour of
packaging is
cream white.
Although white
seems common
but the variety
colours for the
name and
statement is
very attractive.
It has an image
It has an image
It has a very
It is very
of its own
of all the 10
unique way of
interesting as it
biscuit and some various grains it
putting the
has the image of
grains which
contains. It also image. It shows its own biscuits
will make
has an image of the image of oat
has hands and
buyers know
how the biscuit and stacks of the
skipping. It
how it looks
looks like.
shows its a
healthy biscuit.
The nutrition
The ingredients
The nutrition
The nutrition
facts and
and nutrition
facts and
facts and
ingredients are
facts are well
ingredients are
ingredients are
provided at the
stated at the
at the back of
stated at the side
back of the
back of package. the package but of the package.
package. It also It also stated the
it is colourful
It is very easy to
states the main major ingredient
and easier to
go through and
ingredients that
that are the 10
refer and
to refer. It also
are the 9 grains grains contained
stated that it
in front of the
and oligo.
contains organic
hazelnut in front
of the package.

The colour of
packaging is red,
white cream and
a little brown.
The different
colours on the
package are very
It has an image
of their biscuit.
It is rather
simple but it has
its own touch
that it seems
very nice and
The nutrition
facts and
ingredients are
at the back of
the package. It is
very nice and
easy to be read.
It also stated one
of the main
ingredients in
front of the


It claims that it
is high-fibre.
The biscuit is
certified by the
HACCP in front
of package.

It claims that it
contains oligo. It
is also certified
by the HACCP.

It claims that it
contains Beta
Glucan, it is
60% wholemeal
and 30% less

There are no
claims on the

It claims that it
is made fully
from oat,
contains 0%
trans fat, source
of fibre and
there are no

Table 1.1
All the 5 brands have their own types of way packaging and promoting. They are using
colours, images, nutrition facts & ingredients and commercial claims to attract people. As for
IKO, it uses colour of light blue which is very unique as not many products uses that colour. It
also uses the image of its own biscuit as the main image on the packaging. It also emphasizes the
9 different grains that are contained in the biscuit. The nutrition facts and ingredients are also
well-stated at the back of package. It also claims that it is high in fibre and the HACCP certified
are shown in front of the package stating that it is quality to be taken.
Next, Julies also has its way of promoting. The colour used by Julies is green. It is
common and not very attractive. It has an image and labelled the different 10 grains contained in
the biscuit. It uses the image of the biscuit and OAT 25 as the main attraction. The nutrition
facts and ingredients are also stated at the back of the packaging. The main ingredients like the
10 grains and oligo are also emphasized at the front of the package. It claims that it contains
oligo and is certified by the HACCP. Then, Jacobs which is different than others. It uses various
colours on the packaging to attract buyers. It has yellow, pink, and others. It has very special
images like the oats and stack of its own biscuits. It is very unique and attractive. The nutrition
facts and ingredients are easy to be read as it is very colourful and specific. It also claims that it
contains Beta Glucan, it is 60% wholemeal and 30% less fat.
Munchys is another brand that is very nice and attractive. Although Munchys uses only
creamy white colour, the images on the packaging is very rare and appealing. The image of its
biscuit skipping shows that it is healthy to be consumed. The nutrition facts and ingredients are
stated at the side of the packaging. It is also very nice and easy to be referred. But there are no
claims on the packaging. Lastly, the colours used by Quacker are very nice and tempting. It uses
red, white cream and brown. It has an image of the biscuit with some chocolate chips. It has
nutrition facts and ingredients at the back of the package. It is easily to be read and detailed. The
claims are stated at the front of the package where it states that it is made fully from oat, it
contains 0% trans fat, source of fibre and there are no artificial flavours.













52 kcal
0.9 g

74 kcal
1.9 g

40 kcal
0.6 g

57 kcal
1.1 g

49 kcal
0.4 g

2440 kcal
62 g

2000 kcal
55 g

Total Fat





0.3 g


12.1 g

16.7 g

9.4 g

13.3 g

11.3 g

Total Sugar

11.7 g

6.1 g

13.3 g

9.5 g


Dietary Fibre

0.2 g




47 mg


2.6 mg

14 mg

29 mg

Vitamin B1

0.1 mg

1.2 mg

1.1 mg

Vitamin B2

0.2 mg

1.3 mg

1.1 mg

Vitamin B3

1.4 mg

16 mg NE

14 mg NE

Vitamin B4

0.2 mg

Vitamin B6

4.47 mg

Vitamin B12

0.3 g

Vitamin C


70 mg

70 mg

Table 2.1
The table 2.1 shows the differences of all brand of cultured drinks based on their nutrient
contents. The 5 different brands of cultured drinks are Vitagen, Nutrigen, Solivite, Yakult and
Astrogen C/M Assorted. The cultured drinks are compared according to their nutrient content
included in per 100 ml. All the cultured drinks provide different energy value. The cultured drink
that provides the lowest energy value is Solivite with 40 kcal and the highest energy value is
Nutrigen with 74 kcal. Next is the protein content in the cultured drinks. All the protein content
is far from the RNI value for both men and women. The RNI value of protein for men is 62 g
whereas for women is 55 g. But the cultured drink that serves the highest protein is Nutrigen
with only 1.9 g and the lowest protein content is Astrogen C/M Assorted with only 0.4 g.
As for fat, all the cultured drink does not contain any fat except for Astrogen C/M Assorted
where it contains 0.3 g of fat. Fat is not needed in our body in high amount, we only need it
adequately. The carbohydrate amount in the cultured drinks varies where the highest amount of
carbohydrate is Nutrigen with 16.7 g and the lowest amount of carbohydrate is Solivite with only
9.4 g. After that, the cultured drinks are compared according to their sugar amount contained per


100 ml. Solivite contain the utmost total sugar among others with 13.3 g and the least total sugar
is Nutrigen with only 6.1 g. The only cultured drink that serves dietary fibre is Yakult. It
provides 0.2 g of dietary fibre where others do not. The similarity of all the cultured drinks is that
they do not contain any cholesterol which is very good. All the cultured drinks do not state the
sodium content except for Yakult with 47 mg of sodium. Next is the iron contained in the
cultured drinks is only Solivite with 2.6 mg while others do not. The RNI value of iron for men
and women is quite far where it should be 14 mg and 29 mg respectively. Iron is needed in our
blood for oxygen transportation.
Then, it is the vitamins content in the cultured drinks. The only cultured drink that serves
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B4 and Vitamin B12 is Solivite. The Vitamin B1
contained in Solivite is 0.1 mg but the RNI value is 1.2 mg for men and 1.1 mg for women. The
Vitamin B2 content is almost the same as Vitamin B1 with 0.2 mg and the RNI value for men is
1.3 mg whereas for women is 1.1 mg. Next, the Vitamin B3 contained in Solivite is only 1.4 mg.
Meanwhile, the RNI value of Vitamin B3 is 16 mg NE for men and 14 mg NE for women. As for
the Vitamin B4 and Vitamin B12, there are no RNI values. But Solivite do contain 0.2 mg of
Vitamin B4 and 0.3 g of Vitamin B12. Lastly is the Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C content are only
present in the Astrogen C/M Assorted. The Vitamin B6 content is 4.47 mg but there are RNI
values for that. As for Vitamin C, Astrogen C/M Assorted has about 4% of percentage daily
values based on 2000 calorie diet and the RNI value for men and women are the same that is 70



The colour of
packaging is red
and blue. It is
quite simple and
not very
attractive as it
does not have
variety flavours.
There are no
images on
package. It only
states the name
of brand and
that it is made in


The colour of
packaging has
some red and
white colours.
The variety
flavours also
provide colours.

The colour of
packaging is
very nice as it
has green and
yellow colours
on it.

The colour of
packaging is
blue and some
red. It is very
attractive and


There are no
images on the
package. It only
states the name
of the brand.

There are
images of fruits
that it used as
the flavours of
the cultured

There is an
image of a boy
holding a ball
and stationeries.
It shows that the
cultured drink

There are no
colours on the
packaging. It
only states the
name of the
brand. The
colours are only
on the bottles.
There are no
images on the
package at all. It
is very empty
and boring.



The nutrition
facts and
ingredients are
stated at the
back of the
packaging. It is
big and easy to
be referred.

The nutrition
facts and
ingredients are
only stated on
the bottles. It is
hard to be read.

COMMERCIAL It claims that it

is not fermented,
no fat, actively
cultured and
made up of
original fruit
juices except LB

It claims that it
is made up of
real fruit juices,
0% fat and
active live

will provide
better energy
and excellence.
The nutrition
facts and
ingredients are
stated on the
bottles. It is
quite small and
hard to refer. It
also has
It claims that it
contains BSmart and DR10
Probio. It also
claims that it
uses natural

The nutrition
facts and
ingredients are
stated at the
back of
packaging. It is
big and not
difficult to be

The nutrition
facts and
ingredients are
sated on the
bottles. It is not
easy to be

There are no
claims on the
package. It only
stated that it is
made in Japan.

It claims that it
is enriched with
Vitamin C and
Vitamin B6.

Table 2.2
Table 2.2 shows the cultured drinks of different brands are very unique in their own
way of packaging them. They also use various ways to promote their products. Starting
from Vitagen, it has colours of red and white which is very attractive. The different flavours
and colours of the drinks are also very nice and tempting. But there are no images on the
packaging, there are only the name of the brand. The nutrition facts and ingredients are
well-stated at the back of the packaging as it is big and make it easy for consumer to see
them. There are few claims that are made by them like it is not fermented, no fat, active
cultured and made up of original fruit juices except LB flavour.
Next is the Nutrigen. The packaging of Nutrigen is very nice with yellow and green
colours on it. On the packaging, it has images of fruits that they use as flavours like grapes,
oranges and apples. The nutrition facts and ingredients are only present on the bottles itself.
So, it is pretty hard to be read by consumers. It also has claimed that it is made up of real
fruit juices, 0% fat and active live cultures. Then, Solivite is also very appealing as it is
colourful with red and blue colours on the packaging. It has an image that interprets the
healthy effects of drinking theirs cultured drink. They are certified by the HACPP. But,
their nutrition facts and ingredients are only stated on the bottles which make it difficult for
consumers to refer. Solivite also has some claims like it contains B-Smart and DR10
Probio. It also claims that it uses only natural colour.


Yakult also uses the same colours as Solivite that are red and blue but it is not that
attractive. It is because it is rather simple and it provides with one flavour. There are also no
images on the packaging. It looks so simple and it only stated the name of the brand and
that it is made from Japan. The good thing about Yakult is that the nutrition facts and the
ingredients are big and easy to read by the consumers as it is stated at the back of the
packaging. For Yakult, there are not any claims stated by them on the packaging. Lastly is
the Astrogen C/M Assorted. The packaging of the bottles is not attractive because it has no
colours on them. There are only images and colours on the bottles itself. There is only the
name of the brand stated on the packaging. Next, the nutrition facts and ingredients are very
small paced on the bottle and it is hard for the buyers to refer. But there are claims made by
them, that it is enriched with Vitamin C and Vitamin B6.

After comparing all the 5 different brands of oatmeal biscuits and 5 different brands
of cultured drinks, the most beneficial or the better choice to be consumed can be obtained.
Each of the oatmeal biscuits and cultured drinks has their own advantages. Some has more
or less nutrients in the products. So, the comparison has been made and concluded the best
product to be taken for breakfast. The product must be the one that provide us a lot of
nutrients and energy for our body especially during morning.
For the oatmeal biscuits, best of the best oatmeal biscuit brand is Jacobs. This is
because, Jacobs oatmeal provide us the most and various nutrients for our body. The
nutrients are important for our body such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin
B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Beta-glucan which other oatmeal biscuits do
not have. The nutrients perform many functions in our body. Jacobs also has low total fat
and sugar. It contains high dietary fibre and protein which is good for our health. The
packaging of Jacobs is also one of the best which is very unique and very appealing.
Next, the cultured drink that is the best to be consume during breakfast is Solivite.
Solivite serves a lot of nutrients in the drink per 100 ml. It contains nutrients like iron,
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B4 and Vitamin B12. All of these are
important in our body. For example iron, it is essential especially for oxygen transportation


in blood. So, without iron, the cells in the body cannot function well due to lack or no
oxygen transported. The Solivite also provide energy and protein adequately. The
packaging of Solivite is also the best as it has many colours and it has images that will draw
the people to buy.
As a conclusion, all of the brands of oatmeal biscuits and cultured drinks have their
own strength and weaknesses. But, out of all brands there is only one that is more advisable
to be consumed especially for breakfast. Some people might look at how attractive the
product is, but some might look at the nutrition facts which benefit them most. So, the
choices are up to the customers interest. At all, the one that benefits people the most is the

1. RNI


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