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CRWS Customization User Manual

CRWS Customization User Manual

Project Headline
CRWS Customization user manual is for CRWS3.1 and upcoming releases. Customization feature is used to Customize CRWS application where user can define own default IP address to test the Connectivity Customized !ogo "it map etc. #his can "e achieved "y editing the customized tags in the Config$%p.cfg. #his document outlines all the customiza"le tags in the Config$%p.cfg file and how to customize the CRWS tool.
Revision History

Re v 1.& '.&

Date &'(1'('&&1 1'(11('&&'

Author ) * #himothy *aidil -ohan

Description +irst ,raft Second ,raft

Department Program -anager $ngineering -gr ,evtest -anager ,evelopment #eam ,ev3#est #eam

Name Approval Date *im .ir/ Sri/umar Chari Sri/umar Chari Premchandar 0amasivayam *aidil -ohan .arippara Ritesh Shelat 1i2oy 0.#homas Santhosh .umar )iridhar Pa"itti .annan Sampath ,heera2 .andula.

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CRWS Customization User Manual

Product -ar/eting ,ocumentation +ield #est Coordinator Servicea"ility -anufacturing 8sa"ility

Peter +al/ #om ,o"rovolny 6eronica Silva )reg 0a/amura 7ai #ran Su""arao Ivaturi


)8I P9#S 6PI(6CI 4#,7CP PPP 4,S! CRWS

)raphical 8ser Interface Plain 9ld #elephone System 6irtual Path Identifier ( 6irtual Circuit Identifier 4synchronous #ransfer -ode ,ynamic 7ost Configuration Protocol Point3to3Point Protocol 4symmetric ,igital Su"scri"e !ine Cisco Router We" Setup

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CRWS Customization User Manual

TA !" #$ C#%T"%TS
1& '"S()% #*"R*("W&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+ 1.1. I0#R9,8C#I90..................................................................................................................................................: 1.'. R$!4#$, ,9C8-$0#S......................................................................................................................................: 1.3. C8S#9-I;I0) CRWS.......................................................................................................................................:

1.3.1. !ogo 1it -ap..............................................................................................................: 1.3.'. Customization of #estConnection...............................................................................: 1.3.3. Customization of Well .nown P6Cs.........................................................................<
1.:. 7I,$ 4 +$4#8R$ #7R98)7 C8S#9-I;4#I90..................................................................................................<

1.:.1. 7iding Change !40 IP 4ddress................................................................................= 1.:.'. 7iding ,7CP +eature #hrough Customization..........................................................= 1.:.3. 7iding P4# #hrough Customization........................................................................1& 1.:.:. 7iding +irewall #hrough Customization..................................................................1& 1.:.>. 7iding 6oice #hrough Customization......................................................................11 1.:.?. 7iding $asy6P0 #hrough Customization................................................................11 1.:.5. 7iding Release Renew #hrough Customization ......................................................1' 1.:.<. 7iding Remote -anagement #hrough Customization ............................................1' 1.:.=. 7iding 6P0 !ogin #hrough Customization ............................................................13
1.>. 4,,I0) 4 0$W R98#$R -9,$!...................................................................................................................13

1.>.1. Supporting 0on3,S! Routers...................................................................................1: 1.>.'. Supporting ,S! Routers...........................................................................................1:

1.?. R$!94, R$@8IR$, #7R98)7 C8S#9-I;4#I90 ...........................................................................................1> 1.5. S4-P!$ C90+I)$AP.C+) +I!$ WI#7 C8S#9-I;4#I90 #4)S.........................................................................1>

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CRWS Customization User Manual

1. Design Overview

1.1. Introduction
Cisco Router We" Setup BCRWSCDs Config$%p.cfg file is used for customization of the CRWS tool. Config$%p.cfg file contains the I9S commands that are reEuired to configure the CP$ router configuration. #he file is designed in such a way that it helps ISP in customizing the CRWS. #he user has to open Config$%p.cfg and edit the tags which are specific to the ISP. It is mandatory that the user editing this file at any point should "e aware of all the tags and the format of the file. 1.2. Related Documents
Document Description

Cisco Router We" Setup 3.13 4 tool for <&& "road"and CP$s B<&? <'% and S979 5%C $,CS3 1'>?:: CRWS 63.1 System +unctional Specification $,CS313?1?:

Product ReEuirements ,ocument for the 3.1 version of CRWS. System +unctional specification document for the 3.1 version of CRWS.

1.3. Customizing CRWS

1. .1. !ogo "it Map #he logo "itmap in CRWS can "e customized as per the ISP reEuirements. #he logo "itmap should "e of size F13< % ><G pi%els. #his ISP logo "itmap will "e placed on the left side of the CRWS title "itmap +ollow the steps to customize your !ogo. Ste, 1- $nsure that name of the file is ISP.gif and size is of 13<%>< pi%els Ste, 2- Copy ISP.gif into flash directory of router. 1. .#. $ustomi%ation of &est$onnection #his allows the user to customize the #est Connection feature in two areas. a. ". c. d. Customization of #est Connection !a"el Customization of #est Connection Success !a"el Customization of #est Connection +ail !a"el. Customization of Ping 4ddress

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CRWS Customization User Manual

1&3&2 a& Customization o. TestConnection !a/el CRWS user can customize the #estConnection !a"el "y editing the Config$%p.cfg file. +ollow the steps "elow to customize the #est Connection feature. Ste, 1- 9pen Config$%p.cfg and identify the "loc/ which starts with tag H#estingIConnectionIla"elJ. #he #estingIConnectionIla"el "loc/ is as follows. KH#estingIConnectionIla"elJ K KH(#estingIConnectionIla"elJ. If you are not a"le to find the "loc/ as a"ove enter the #estConnection !a"el "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- $nter your ISP 0ame in the line which contains tag LKL only. +or $%ample you want to change to M#esting your connection to service providerM. 0ow #estingIConnectionIla"el "loc/ loo/s as follows. KH#estingIConnectionIla"elJ K #esting your connection to service provider KH(#estingIConnectionIla"elJ %otea. ,o not delete LKL B$%clamatoryC mar/ in the "eginning of the #est Connection !a"el. ". #est Connection !a"el should not e%ceed >& characters. c. #his te%t appears as the first line in the #est Connection start Panel.

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CRWS Customization User Manual

1&3&2 /& Customization o. TestConnection Success !a/el CRWS user can customize the #estConnection Success PopupDs first line "y editing the Config$%p.cfg file. +ollow the steps "elow to customize the #est Connection feature. Ste, 1- 9pen Config$%p.cfg and identify the "loc/ which starts with tag K H#estingIConnectionISuccessIla"elJ. #he #estingIConnectionIla"el "loc/ is as "elow. KH#estingIConnectionISuccessIla"elJ K KH(#estingIConnectionISuccessIla"elJ If you are not a"le to find the "loc/ as a"ove enter the #est Connection Success message !a"el "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- $nter your customized Success message in the line which contains tag LKL only. +or $%ample your customized Success message is M #est Connection to -y ISP Succeeded M. 0ow edited line is changed to MK Customized Success messageM. H#estingIConnectionISuccessIla"elJ "loc/ loo/s as follows. KH#estingIConnectionISuccessIla"elJ K Customized Success message KH(#estingIConnectionISuccessIla"elJ %otea. ,o not delete LKL B$%clamatoryC mar/ in the "eginning of your Customized Success message te%t. ". Customized Success message te%t should not e%ceed >& characters. 1&3&2 c& Customization o. TestConnection $ailed !a/el CRWS user can customize the #estConnection +ailed PopupDs first line "y editing the Config$%p.cfg file. +ollow the steps to customize the #est Connection feature. Ste, 1- 9pen Config$%p.cfg and identify the "loc/ which starts with tag K H#estingIConnectionI+ailIla"elJ. #he #estingIConnectionI+ailIla"el "loc/ is as "elow. KH#estingIConnectionI+ailIla"elJ K KH(#estingIConnectionI+ailIla"elJ

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CRWS Customization User Manual

Ste, 2- $nter your customized +ailed message in the line which contains tag LKL only. +or $%ample your customized +ailed message is M #est Connection to -y ISP +ailed M. 0ow $dited line is changed to F#est Connection to -y ISP +ailed M. 0ow K H#estingIConnectionI+ailIla"elJ "loc/ loo/s as follows. KH#estingIConnectionI+ailIla"elJ K #est Connection to -y ISP +ailed KH(#estingIConnectionI+ailIla"elJ %otea. ,o not delete LKL B$%clamatoryC mar/ in the "eginning of your Customized +ailed message te%t. ". Customized +ailed message te%t should not e%ceed >& characters. 1&3&2 / Customization o. Pin0 Address 1y default CRWS tries to test the connection "y contacting 1tt,-//222&cisco&com& CRWS user can customize this address to well /nown IP address or CRWS userLs we" page. +ollow the steps to customize your #est ConnectionNNPing 4ddress. Ste, 1- 9pen Config$%p.cfg and identify the "loc/ which starts with tag KHPingI4ddressJ #he Ping 4ddress "loc/ is as follows. KHPingI4ddressJ K KH(PingI4ddressJ Ste, 2- $nter your well3/nown IP 4ddress or your we" page 8R! in the line which contains tag LKL only. +or e%ample your well3/nown IP 4ddress is 1='.13>.':3.13. #hen your edited line will change to MK1='.13>.':3.13M. 0ow PingI4ddress "loc/ loo/s as follows. KHPingI4ddressJ K1='.13>.':3.13 KH(PingI4ddressJ %otea. ,o not delete LKL B$%clamatoryC mar/ in the "eginning of your IPaddress or your we" page 8R!.

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CRWS Customization User Manual

1. . . $ustomi%ation of 'ell (nown )*$s 8ser can enter well3/nown P6C values in Config$%p.cfg. CRWS detects these P6Cs at remote side are configured and are up. Steps to follow for Customizing well /nown P6Cs. Ste, 1- 9pen Config$%p.cfg and identify the "loc/ starts with the tag KHP6CJ .#he well /nown P6C "loc/ is as follows. KHP6CJ K KH(P6CJ Ste, 2- $nter your well3/nown P6C values in the line which contains tag LKL.+or e%ample your well3/nown P6C value is <(3>. #hen edited line changes to MK<(3>M. 0ow P6C "loc/ loo/s as follows with Single P6C 6alue. KHP6CJ K<(3> KH(P6CJ If you have more than one P6C value then these P6C values need to "e separated "y a colon BNC. Suppose the P6C values you have are <(3> 1&(1& &(1' then the P6C "loc/ loo/s as follows with multiple P6C values. KHP6CJ K<(3>N1&(1&N&(1' KH(P6CJ

1.4. Hide a Feature Through Customization

#his customization is used to hide a feature Bleft panel lin/C. #he ISP can customize CRWS so that particular feature will not "e shown. +or e%ample if the ISP wants to hide the +irewall Configuration feature in CRWS the ISP can do so 2ust "y changing the Config$%p.cfg file. @uic/ Setup 7ome Router Password #est Connection Reset to +actory ,efaults all #rou"leshooting su"3lin/s 8pgrade 4"out CRWS and Close lin/s cannot "e hidden. 4dvanced Scenario Setup and 6P0 !ogin apart from all +eature Configuration lin/s can "e hidden(shown. 1y default all the features will "e shown as applica"le. 1y default all the features that CRWS supports are shown. #he tool can "e customized in such a way that the user can hide the feature which is not used at all. 4t present CRWS supports the following featuresN
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CRWS Customization User Manual

a. ". c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2.

Change !40 IP 4ddress ,7CP P4# +irewall 6oice $;6P0 Release Renew ,7CP Remote Configuration 6P0 !ogin Reload ReEuired or 0ot

4ll the feature lists that can "e customized "y CRWS are mentioned in Config$%p.cfg withN KH7ideI+eatureISectionJ as a start tag and KH(7ideI+eatureISectionJ as a end tag. 1.+.1. Hiding $hange !AN ,) Address Ste, 1- Identify the tag HChangeI!anIIPJ in Config$%p.cfg . #he "loc/ is as followsN KHChangeI!anIIPJ KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ KH(ChangeI!anIIPJ If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the Change !40 IP hide feature "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween theK H StatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/ as shown "elow. KHChangeI!anIIPJ KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(ChangeI!anIIPJ 1.+.#. Hiding DH$) -eature &hrough $ustomi%ation Ste, 1- Identify the tag H,7CPJ in Config$%p.cfg. #he "loc/ is as follows. KH,7CPJ KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ

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CRWS Customization User Manual

KH(,7CPJ If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the ,7CP hide feature "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween the KHStatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/s as shown "elow. KH,7CPJ KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(,7CPJ 1.+. . Hiding )A& &hrough $ustomi%ation Ste, 1- Identify the tag HP4#J in Config$%p.cfg. #he P4# +eature "loc/ is as follows. KHP4#J KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ KH(P4#J If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the P4# hide feature "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween the K HStatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/ as shown "elow. KHP4#J KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(P4#J 1.+.+. Hiding -irewall &hrough $ustomi%ation

Ste, 1- Identify the tag H+irewallJ in Config$%p.cfg. #he +irewall +eature "loc/ is as follows. KH+irewallJ KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ KH(+irewallJ If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the P4# feature hide "loc/ as a"ove.

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CRWS Customization User Manual

Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween the KH StatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/s as shown "elow. KH+irewallJ KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(+irewallJ 1.+... Hiding *oice &hrough $ustomi%ation Ste, 1- Identify the tag HvoiceJ in Config$%p.cfg. #he 6oice +eature "loc/ is as follows. KH6oiceJ KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ KH(6oiceJ If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the 6oice feature hide "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween the KHStatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/s as shown "elow. KH6oiceJ KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(6oiceJ 1.+./. Hiding 0asy*)N &hrough $ustomi%ation Ste, 1- Identify the tag H$z6P0J in Config$%p.cfg. #he $asy 6P0 +eature "loc/ is as follows. KH$z6P0J KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ KH($z6P0J If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the $asy 6P0 feature hide "loc/ as a"ove.

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CRWS Customization User Manual

Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween the KHStatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/s as shown "elow. KH$z6P0J KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH($z6P0J 1.+.1. Hiding Release Renew &hrough $ustomi%ation Ste, 1- Identify the tag HReleaseIRenewI,7CPJ in Config$%p.cfg. #he ReleaseIRenewI,7CP +eature "loc/ is as follows. KHReleaseIRenewI,7CPJ KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ KH(ReleaseIRenewI,7CPJ If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the Release Renew ,7CP feature hide "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the #e%t "etween the KHStatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/ as shown "elow. KHReleaseIRenewI,7CPJ KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(ReleaseIRenewI,7CPJ 1.+.2. Hiding Remote Management &hrough $ustomi%ation Ste, 1- Identify the tag KHRemoteI-anagementJ in Config$%p.cfg. #he Remote -anagement feature "loc/ is as follows. KHRemoteI -anagement J KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ KH(RemoteI -anagement J If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the 7ide Remote -anagement feature hide "loc/ as a"ove.

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CRWS Customization User Manual

Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween the KHStatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/ as shown "elow. KHRemoteI -anagement J KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(RemoteI -anagement J 1.+.3. Hiding *)N !ogin &hrough $ustomi%ation Ste, 1- Identify the tag KH6P0I!oginJ in Config$%p.cfg. #he 6P0 !ogin feature "loc/ is as follows. KH6P0I!oginJ KHStatusJ Show H(StatusJ KH(6P0I!oginJ If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the 6P0 !ogin feature hide "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween the KHStatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- Change the te%t Shown to 7ide. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/ as shown "elow. KH6P0I!oginJ KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(6P0I!oginJ 1.5. Adding a New Router Model 4t Present CRWS supports C<'53:6 C<'5 C<'? S979 55 S979 5< C<&? C<'< S97951 and S979557. 0ow CRWS supports new router model which has the same interface I9S feature supported "y it. +or e%ample if you want to include a new router support say S979 5? which has the same interface I9S feature li/e S979 55 and include the router model in the Config$%p.cfg and you are done. CRWS will start supporting the new router.

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CRWS Customization User Manual

1...1. 4upporting Non5D4! Routers "3am,le Ste, 1- 9pen Config$%p.cfg and identify the "loc/ starts with KHSupportedIRouerIlistJ . #he supported Router list "loc/ loo/s as follows. KHSupportedIP$)IRouterI!istJ K KH(SupportedIP$)IRouterI!istJ If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the Supported Router !ist "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the routers you want to support other than the list of routers supported mentioned. Suppose you want to support 4 and 1 router models enter the router model 4 1 in the line containing only tag LKL Ste, 3- 0ow the new "loc/ loo/s li/e "elow. KHSupportedIP$)IRouterI!istJ K 4O1 KH(SupportedIP$)IRouterI!istJ 0ow CRWS supports 4 and 1 1...#. 4upporting D4! Routers "3am,le Ste, 1- 9pen Config$%p.cfg and identify the "loc/ starts with KHSupportedIRouerIlistJ . #he supported Router list "loc/ loo/s as follows KHSupportedI,S!IRouterI!istJ K KH(SupportedI,S!IRouterI!istJ If a"ove "loc/ doesnDt present in Config$%p.cfg . $nter the Supported Router !ist "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the routers you want to support other than the list of routers supported mentioned. Suppose you want to support 4 and 1 Router models. $nter the router model 4 1 in the line containing only tag LKL Ste, 3- 0ow the new "loc/ loo/s li/e this

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CRWS Customization User Manual

KHSupportedI,S!IRouterI!istJ K 4O1 KH(SupportedI,S!IRouterI!istJ 0ow CRWS supports 4 and 1

1.6. Reload Required Through Customization

Ste, 1- Identify the tag KHR$!94,IChec/IReEuiredJin Config$%p.cfg. #he Reload ReEuired +eature "loc/ is as follows. KHR$!94,IChec/IReEuiredJ K KH(R$!94,IChec/IReEuiredJ If a"ove "loc/ is not present in Config$%p.cfg enter the Reload reEuired feature "loc/ as a"ove. Ste, 2- Identify the te%t "etween the KHStatusJ and H(StatusJ. 1y default the te%t present is shown. Ste, 3- $nter the te%t true if re3load is reEuired or no if reload is not reEuired. +ollowing e%ample shown is with reload reEuired option. 0ow the new "loc/ will loo/ as shown "elow. KHR$!94,IChec/IReEuiredJ KHStatusJ true H(StatusJ KH(R$!94,IChec/IReEuiredJ

1.7. Sample ConfigExp.cfg File

ith Customization Tags

K Cisco Router We" Setup #emplate K no service pad no service tcp3small3servers no service udp3small3servers service timestamps de"ug uptime service timestamps log uptime

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CRWS Customization User Manual

service password3encryption K hostname Router K K ip su"net3zero ip domain3loo/up ip dhcp e%cluded3address 1&.1&.1&.1 K K ip dhcp pool C!I$0# import all networ/ 1&.1&.1&.& '>>.'>>.'>>.& default3router 1&.1&.1&.1 K K interface $thernet& ip address 1&.1&.1&.1 '>>.'>>.'>>.& no shutdown K interface 4#-& no shutdown no ip address no atm ilmi3/eepalive K ip classless ip http server K K line con & e%ec3timeout 1'& & stop"its 1 line vty & : e%ec3timeout & & login local K end K KHP6CJ K<(13N1&(1&N1&&(1&& KH(P6CJ KH#estIConnectionISectionJ KH#estingIConnectionIla"elJ KSathyam 9n !ine KH(#estingIConnectionIla"elJ

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KHPingI4ddressJ K1='.13>.':3.13 KH(PingI4ddressJ KH7ideI+eatureISectionJ K KHChangeI!anIIPJ KHStatusJ hide H(StatusJ KH(ChangeI!anIIPJ K KH6oiceJ KHStatusJ hide H(StatusJ KH(6oiceJ K KH$z6P0J KHStatusJ7ideH(StatusJ KH($z6P0J K KHReleaseIRenewI,7CPJ KHStatusJ 7ide H(StatusJ KH(ReleaseIRenewI,7CPJ K KHRemoteI-anagementJ KHStatusJ hide H(StatusJ KH(RemoteI -anagement J K KH(7ideI+eatureISectionJ KHSupportedIP$)IRouterI!istJ K1&&O'&&O3&&O:&& KH(SupportedIP$)IRouterI!istJ KHSupportedI,S!IRouterI!istJ K1&&4O'&&1O3&&CO:&&,OC<'53:6 KH(SupportedI,S!IRouterI!istJ

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