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Marketing Plan for a Social Media

Sandra Esplugues

Social Media in Marketing November 2013

Abstract 10. November 2013 Degree programme Author or authors Sandra Esplugues / 1301989 Title of report How to create a succesfull Social Media Strategy Teacher/s or supervisor/s Johanna Heinonen The purpose of this report is to provide all necessary information to create a succesfully Social Media Strategy. Group or year of entry 2013 Number of pages and appendices

Keywords Social Media, Business Strategy

Table of contents
1 Introduction .................................................................... Error! Marcador no definido. 2 Stages of Social Media Plan ................................................................................................ 1 2.1 Strategic Stage .............................................................................................................. 1 2.2 Planning Stage .............................................................................................................. 1 2.3 Active Listening ........................................................................................................... 2 2.4 Command Base............................................................................................................ 2 2.5 Social Platforms ........................................................................................................... 3 2.6 Strategic Processes ...................................................................................................... 3 2.7 Community .................................................................................................................. 4 2.8 Tactic ............................................................................................................................ 4 2.9 Human Business Plan ................................................................................................ 5 2. 10 It Measures and Quantifies ............................................................................................ 5 3 Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 5

1 Introduction
Social media marketing is different from any other type of marketing because it allows businesses and consumers to interact and comment. It is a completely new system for feedback and advice. This is totally new compared to traditional marketing, which relegates the consumer to a spectator seeing advertising. Social media marketing on the Internet gives consumers a voice. The content is not enough, companies must know how to work. it for improvement. We live the "knowledge society", compared to the previous "information society", (human capacity to manage information critically, against technological capacity, respectively), but what we manage knowledge? What do we get from the media and social networking? How can we improve our strategies, businesses, marketing and communication through collective intelligence?

2 Stages of Social Media Plan

1. Strategic Stage
These would be the main lines on which structure the plan: Objectives: general strategy and specific objectives . Analysis: Community and target audience and new attractions. Resources. Methods: formulating strategic questions . Stage philosophical.

2. Planning Stage
Research and information search. Strategic areas .

Test or final plan. Millennium goals. Final state. Internal resources. External Resources. Points of development, implementation, integration and structure. Input the equipment. Screenplay coordination . Report structure. Training. Roadmap . Considerations . Timing .

3. Active Listening
Establishes an active listening process for monitoring your brand, market, customers and competition. Use it also to discover what people in your industry says about you. Do something you learn. Find the value of listening to what you are doing and point it towards the right places. Listen not for marketers, is for the company to customer service, product management to the executive team. Keep your active listening station all the time, perflala. Work hard to know they're saying about you or what interests you. In this way you will find information to get new ideas, ways to help your audience or things you could do to make it grow, but in the process of active listening online.

4. Command Base
A base where you can direct all your efforts and serve the public as depth to know more about your company. It is in this place where people should interact more with your business.

Create your Web site or blog or if you have the two - or more - determines what will be the principal. Optimize your website or Blog : plugins, SEO, corporate design (remember that everything must breathe the same flavor) and do not forget Social Media integration . That is, sharing buttons, "like", "share on Facebook" badges, "calls to action."

5. Social Platforms
Create your own Social Media Ecosystem platforms that meet your goals, profile, attractions and methods. Say that you do, how, where and why you're going to do. Also where you're going - always goal oriented, never lose sight. Optimizes platforms: information, design and programming if necessary. In addition to the platforms you develop and include in the ecosystem, working depth: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Foursquare. From strategy, optimization, integration and tactics.

6. Strategic Processes
Your strategy Content Marketing . Defines the content, where you will get it, how will you create, distribution and re-distribution and how to enhance it. a. Create content. b. Upgrade contents. c. Use the content to create a greater amount of business transactions. Create a framework for the Social Web ( Web Social Framework ) to optimize your Social Media ecosystem, it empowers, develops through the plane processes online, optimize and maximize other practical tools and applications. Design a workflow ( Workflow Social Media ) to establish resources, equipment, time and tasks in a logical line of time.

7. Community
Establishes the relationship between social media and community? Differences? How will be the hybrid ? List and explain the tasks and responsibilities , or of each, or those of the integrated. Your Techniques for Community Engagement. Interacting with each other. Viral Content. It does not happen by chance. Take time. Facilitates participation. All are welcome. Identify potential users. Displays and publishes user-generated content. Rewards those who participate and contribute. Encourage community building movements. Guide your community through the sales tunnel. How you use the Community-Social Media to meet your goals. Make those responsible for community engagement are the new online spearhead of your company, your constant active listener base and real time and offer ongoing support to the community and the different areas of the company. You must exercise leading online community manager not.

8. Tactic
Now create a plan with all the actions that are going to carry out and fixed dates and length of campaigns are going to launch. Continuously Lanza actions that add value to your community and have a clear return to both parties.

Defines campaigns, especifcalas before you start, join forces to potential partners so you can make more attractive, appealing and valuable your campaign. Always start with the end in mind, if ideas and formulas you plan, you end up in action and impact, otherwise it does not count.

9. Human Business Plan

Now is the time to put it all together and give it a human sense, that changes in the digital world can apply so that we more resonance with our audience through different channels that can be used. Put everything on paper - yes, on paper works great - and draws the relationship is going to be between strategy, ecosystem processes, tactics and other social elements as they could be the email mkt, Social CRM, podcasts, streaming or PPC between others. In this eco-sphere is an example of how it might work.

10. It measures and quantifies

Measure the results with the goals you set. Sets compare with the current growth and natural increase your ROI. Correct, aligns, reviews and redefined.

3 Bibliography
Lon, Safko: The Social Media Bible (3rd Edition) Melissa S. Barker, Donald I. Barker, Nicholas F. Bormann & Krista E. Neher: Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach (International Edition, 1st Edition) Heinonen, J.2010. Social Media in Marketing. PowerPoint on Haaga Helia University of Applied Science Moodle page.

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