Art Mag Final Tue 2

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For art believers

May 13 / issue 1

MAXXI Museum

Designed by the creative

Zaha Hadid

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24th of June 2013

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Contents May 2013

Main Feature The art of

8 25

Illustration art by Jim Bradshaw MAXXI Museum Zaha Hadid


18 24

6 Creative product packaging designs

Stencil of the month

Interactive art installation

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Greetings and warm welcoem to our very first issue of Artelier magazine! Artelier is the magazine for the diverse variety of arts out there!

Dear reader,

We strive to please art believers.

As the magazine is issued monthly,it brings us joy to share with you the latest illustration,graphics,fine arts and more... We are honored to share the beautiful work of many talented locals as well as

art news,galleries,design, architecture, photography,

international artists. There shall be one stencil design every month that could be traced to keep our interaction. We hope that you will fid the contents of this magazine interesting enough for you and we are always open for any suggestions and requests for next issues.

Zeina Zumot

Hania Bitar

Editors Letter
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Umbrellas floating
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If you like these drawings then you should check out his sketchbooks theyre even better. Jim shares I love creative energy! For years, I have been working full-time as an art director and part-time as an illustrator. I art direct because of money and I hate that. I am not wired for the corporate box that life has shoved me in am intensely focused on changing that. This past year has been spent redefining my style, technique and business direction. Its been a blast because no one is telling me to make my stuff look like what I have already done. Lots of experimentation. It feels like being in school again. The creative energy keeps feeding on itself and its blowing me away!

Who is Jim Bradshaw?

im Bradshaws illustrations come out of his love for doodling. Yep, doodling, that must underrated of activities, that thing everyone does in school, on the train, in the coffee shop, wherever and whenever a space interrupts our life. That glorious moment when your pen goes on a trip of its own and drags you along with it. Bradshaw has made this trip a career and his surreal cartoons and outer space jaunts are much sought after by the likes of the Childrens Television Workshop, Bantam Doubleday Dell, GibbsSmith Publisher, VRAK TV, Breakaway Magazine, Clubhouse and Clubhouse Jr. Magazine, Nabisco, Nylabone, Ghost Writer Magazine, New Horizons Magazine and Great Commission Publications.

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p o h gr

a phy

By: Hania Bitar Zeina Zumot

Whether at home or travelling , a photograph never fails to capture true emotions. The following photos capture the essence of diverse beauty taking you into a different world of art,imagination and mixed feelings.

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Tough life
Downtown, Amman Jordan

Bash Muhandes

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Die Elbe River


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Belantis park

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Kids out in the jungle

Ras al Ein, Amman Jordan

All you can do is smile

Downtown, Amman Jordan

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Gortz 17 Shoelace Box


Gloji Juice

Product packaging



Note Earphones

The unusual light bulb shaped bottle is a nice reference to the energy-giving properties of the drink

To boost the sales of a stylish shoe thats already a cult product, Kempertrautmann agency created new packaging that made the brand even more desirable in terms of look and functionality. (Advertising Agency: Kempertrautmann)

To change the earphones packaging into something interesting, Corinne Pant looked at the real needs of electronic parts packaging. In a poetic and very functional gesture, it shows us once again that less is more. (Designer: Corinne Pant)

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Smirnoff Caipiroska

To launch the new formula of the flavors of Smirnoff Caipiroska, design agency JWT created bottles with the texture of the fruit for the flavors lemon, passion fruit and berries and a diagonal perforation, so that consumers could feel the unique experience of peeling a drink )made of fruit. (Designer: JWT

5. 6.
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The small white box resembles a bee have box with embossed ridges to denote planks of wood & nails. The famous Klein Constantia crest is gold foiled on the front of the box below the diecut slit that has one bee on its way into the box inviting you to open the packaging. The box opens to reveal a, bee covered, honey comb pattern as well as small diecut bees packaged inside each box. (Designer: Terence Kitching

Honey Packaging

Butter Better
Whenever we eat bread, at the picnic, in the cafe or airplane, we usually use disposable butter. I replaced its ordinary container lid with a wooden, knife shaped one. This way butter can be easily and quickly spread .This container is not only easy and fast to use but also it makes daily routine of spreading butter more fun and exciting. (Designer: )Yeongkeun

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If magic eye puzzles make you woozy and racing games bring you close to ralphing, you may want to avert your eyes from these mindbending, illusory installations by artist Peter Kogler. a


Interactive Art Installation

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The walls within these creative pieces morph and change, as viewers walk through the spaces continuously altering environments. The Austrian-born artist is known for his extensive work with illusory pieces, employing classic trick-of-the-eye techniques. Taking the work of such manipulators of perception as the legendary M.C. Escher to the next level, Kogler creates shapeshifting spaces that viewers can walk among and experience first hand. Often utilizing ingenious geometric projections, Peter Kogler creates melting walls, spectacular light shows and bizarre environments that are not for art lovers plagued with weak stomachs. Sure to inspire awe and the occasional wave of nausea, Peter Koglers pieces beg to be experienced first hand.

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Body art illusions 22

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Gesine Marwedel
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There will be a different stencil pattern in each issue, in which you can use in your own designs and art projects.

STENCIL of the month

You can send us your own designs to share for the coming issues!

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Send in your work for next issues!

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