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The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines


Based upon B3 Minnesota Sustainable Building GuidelinesVERSION 2. !

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".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines

T)B*E O+ %ONTENTS...................................................................................................... 2 INTRO$,%TION............................................................................................................. 3 2 %OMMISSIONING TE)M MEMBERS................................................................................ # 3 S-STEMS.TO.BE.%OMMISSIONE$.................................................................................. / 3. S0ste( # %OMMISSIONING "RO%ESS N)RR)TIVES......................................................................2 #. GENER)* %OMMISSIONING )%TIVITIES.................................................................2 #. . %o((issioning Repo&ts 3 .!241 ..................................................................2 #. .2 Sub(it Out'o(e $o'u(entation 3 .!341 .....................................................5 #.2 S-STEMS %OMMISSIONING )%TIVITIES.................................................................5 #.2. )GEN%- "*)NNING....................................................................................... 5 #.2.2 "RE.$ESIGN 6 "ROGR)MMING......................................................................5 #.2.3 "RE.$ESIGN 6 SITE SE*E%TION................................................................... ! #.2.# S%7EM)TI% $ESIGN................................................................................... ! #.2./ $ESIGN $EVE*O"MENT.............................................................................. #.2.8 %ONSTR,%TION $O%,MENTS.................................................................... 2 #.2.9 %ONSTR,%TION.......................................................................................... 2 #.2.2 %ORRE%TION "ERIO$................................................................................. 3 #.2.5 ON.GOING O"ER)TIONS............................................................................. # #.3 %ONSTR,%TION )IR :,)*IT- M)N)GEMENT "*)N............................................ # #.# %ORRE%TION "ERIO$ )IR :,)*IT- M)N)GEMENT "*)N.................................... # #./ %ONSTR,%TION ;)STE M)N)GEMENT "*)N..................................................... # #.8 RO*ES )N$ RES"ONSIBI*ITIES........................................................................... # #.8. GENER)* %OMMISSIONING )%TIVITIES....................................................... 8 #.8.2 )GEN%- "*)NNING..................................................................................... 5 #.8.3 "RE.$ESIGN<"ROGR)MMING ..................................................................... 5 #.8.# "RE.$ESIGN<SITE SE*E%TION.....................................................................2! #.8./ S%7EM)TI% $ESIGN "7)SE........................................................................2! #.8.8 $ESIGN $EVE*O"MENT.............................................................................. 23 #.8.9 %ONSTR,%TION $O%,MENTS....................................................................2# #.8.2 %ONSTR,%TION.......................................................................................... 29 #.8.5 %ORRE%TION "ERIO$................................................................................. 3 #.8. ! ON.GOING O"ER)TIONS...........................................................................33 #.8. %ONSTR,%TION )IR :,)*IT- M)N)GEMENT "*)N..................................33 #.8. 2 %ORRE%TION "ERIO$ )IR :,)*IT- M)N)GEMENT "*)N..........................33 #.8. 3 %ONSTR,%TION ;)STE M)N)GEMENT "*)N...........................................3# S,""ORTING %OMMISSIONING $O%,MENT)TION .......................................................3/ #.9 +o&( ".2 "e&fo&(an'e Manage(ent $o'u(entationB3.MSBG T&a'=ing Tool 3>>>.(sbgt&a'=ing.'o(4.................................................................................... 3/ #.2 )ppendi? ". Suggested I(ple(entation fo& )ll "e&fo&(an'e Manage(ent Guidelines........................................................................................................... 3/ #.5 )ppendi? ".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning Suppo&ting Info&(ation 3/ #. ! )ppendi? "./ $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning Mat&i?.........................3/

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age 2

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning &efe&s to the p&o'ess that shall begin in s'he(ati' design and 'on'lude afte& the 'o&&e'tion pe&iod o& afte& 'o(pletion of a full 0ea& of ope&ation@ >hi'heAe& is late&. The $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "&o'ess is the (eans to Ae&if0 and do'u(ent that the fa'ilit0 s0ste(s ope&ate in a''o&dan'e >ith thei& design intent and that the ope&ations staff full0 unde&stands the s0ste( ope&ational p&o'edu&es and a&e p&epa&ed to 'ontinue ope&ating the s0ste( pe& the design intent. This in'ludes do'u(enting s0ste( ope&ational goals and design pa&a(ete&s@ spe'if0ing Ae&ifi'ation and testing in the 'ont&a't do'u(ents@ 'onfi&(ing the su''essful 'o(pletion of the Ae&ifi'ation p&o'ess@ do'u(enting the s0ste( ope&ational p&o'edu&es and t&aining the ope&ations staff. The $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "&o'ess is 'oo&dinated b0 the %o((issioning *eade& and e?e'uted b0 the %o((issioning Tea(. The goals of the $esign and %onst&u'tion "lan a&e to define the1 4 S0ste( 24 %o((issioning a'tiAities and do'u(entation 34 S'heduling pa&a(ete&s #4 )''eptan'e '&ite&ia /4 Roles and &esponsibilities of the %o((issioning Tea( (e(be&s !dd" #$ Construction !ir %ualit &anagement Plan '$ Correction Period !ir %ualit &anagement Plan ($ Construction )aste &anagement Plan *$ Correction Period +ser Comfort and ,atisfaction !ssessment Plan The $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan is a liAing do'u(ent that g&o>s in detail oAe& ti(e@ as s0ste(s a&e spe'ified and design details a&e &efined. The follo>ing is a des'&iption of ho> the $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan shall eAolAe oAe& the 'ou&se of the p&oBe't.

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age 3

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines


Role %o((issioning *eade& +a'ilities Ope&ations Manage& 3+OM4 "&oBe't Manage& %o(pan0 Title Na(e "hone Nu(be& 3CCC4 CCC.CCCC E.(ail )dd&ess






Guideline *eade&

3CCC4 CCC.CCCC Please insert the pro-ect team contact information .e.g. Compan , Title, Name, Phone Number, and /0mail$.

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age #

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines

Please substitute the 12s with all the relevant s stems0to0be commissioned

3.1 Systems-t -!e-C mm"ss" #e$%

4 Me'hani'al 7V)% S0ste( 3in'luding Testing@ )dBusting@ and Balan'ing4 a4 C b4 C '4 C d4 D 24 Ene&g0 a4 C b4 C '4 C d4 D 34 Rene>able Ene&g0 S0ste(s a4 C b4 C '4 C d4 D 3ther elements related to performance of 4uidelines" /.5, /.6, /.7, /.8, 9.8, and 9.:. #4 "o>e& and Ele't&i'al S0ste(s a4 C b4 C '4 C d4 D 3ther elements related to performance of 4uidelines" ,.:, /.5, /.6, /.7, 9.#, and 9.*. /4 *ighting and $a0lighting %ont&ols a4 C b4 C '4 C d4 D 84 Indoo& )i& :ualit0 Ele(ents and S0ste(s a4 C b4 C '4 C d4 D 3ther elements related to performance of 4uidelines" 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, and 9.:.

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age /

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines 94 See )ppendi? ".# fo& (o&e details on &eEui&e(ents unde& $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan &odif the , stems0to0be0Commissioned ;ist to be pro-ect0specific. <or example" &echanical =>!C , stem !ir =andling , stem Chilled )ater , stem =eating =ot )ater , stem ?omestic =ot )ater , stem @ Aenewable /nerg , stem Photovoltaic , stem @ Power and /lectrical , stem Normal Power ?istribution , stem /mergenc Power , stem @ ;ighting and ?a lighting , stem ;ighting Control , stem @ 9ndoor !ir %ualit /lements and , stem @ @ This list of the s stems0to0be0commissioned should be modified to accommodate the pro-ect0specific s stems. Aefer to !ppendix P08 for more details on reBuirements under ?esign and Construction Commissioning Plan. A/C3&&/N?/? ,C,T/&,0T30D/0C3&&9,,93/?" Plumbing , stems " 9n addition to reBuired flow rate commissioning above as needed to support operational achievement of guidelines" ,.', ,.(, ,.57 9nterior materials .specification, installation$" !s needed to support operational achievement of guidelines" 9.6, &.5, &.6 /nvelope integrit " 9n addition to reBuired water infiltration commissioning above as needed to support operational achievement of guidelines" 9.7, &.5, &.6 9/%" >ibrations/acoustics/noise" 9n addition to occupant surve s above, perform ph sical measurements as needed to support operational achievement of guidelines" 9.', 9.( Plumbing , stems" <low Aate /nvelope 9ntegrit " Test Duilding /nvelope for )ater 9nfiltration

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age 8

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age 9

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines


The follo>ing se'tion defines the Gene&al %o((issioning )'tiAities@ S0ste( %o((issioning )'tiAities 3in 'h&onologi'al o&de& f&o( )gen'0 "lanning to On. Going Ope&ations4@ and the &oles F &esponsibilities of the Aa&ious tea( (e(be&s.


The follo>ing a&e 'o((on o& gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities that o''u& th&oughout the "&oBe't "hase f&o( )gen'0 "lanning to the %o&&e'tion "e&iod. The nu(be&s 'aptu&ed en'losed >ithin pa&entheses 3e.g. .! 4 &efe& to the tas= nu(be& found in !ppendix P0:" ?esign and Construction Commissioning &atrix. $esign F %onst&u'tion "hase %o((issioning "lan 3 .! 41 The %o((issioning "lan is a do'u(ent that outlines the %o((issioning "&o'ess and its &elated a'tiAities@ the &oles F &esponsibilities of the %o((issioning Tea(@ and %o((issioning.&elated &eEui&e(ents. Th&oughout the p&oBe't phase@ the %o((issioning "lan is updated to &efle't 'hanges in the $esign Intent $o'u(ent. %&ite&ia that 'ould not be (et@ su((ation of the asso'iated eAents@ i(pa'ts to the $esign Intent $o'u(ent@ and the &esulting $esign Intent $o'u(ent (odifi'ations should be do'u(ented. &.1.1 C mm"ss" #"#( Re) *ts +1.,2-% %o((issioning Repo&ts shall be p&epa&ed at the end of ea'h phase of design and 'onst&u'tion do'u(enting p&og&ess in and 'o(plian'e >ith the %o((issioning "lan fo& that phase. Ea'h &epo&t should in'lude &e'o((endations fo& adBust(ents in the %o((issioning "lan fo& the ne?t phase. Sta&ting >ith the "&e.$esign "hase and going th&ough the %onst&u'tion $o'u(ents "hase@ the %o((issioning Repo&ts should in'lude design &eAie> 'o((ents do'u(enting the %o((issioning Tea(Gs eAaluation of the abilit0 of the fa'ilit0@ as defined o& des'&ibed at the "hase@ to (eet the $esign Intent $o'u(ent '&ite&ia. The end.of.%o&&e'tion "e&iod %o((issioning Repo&t shall be the final deliAe&able of the $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "&o'ess. The Repo&t shall state that the $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan has been 'o(pleted and the $esign Intent $o'u(ent '&ite&ia haAe been a'hieAed. If the o>ne& a''epts s0ste(s that do not (eet the $esign Intent $o'u(ent '&ite&ia@ the Repo&t shall do'u(ent >hi'h deAiations >e&e app&oAed b0 the o>ne&. The &epo&t shall also in'lude@ but not be li(ited to@ the follo>ing1 $esign Intent $o'u(ent Othe& S0ste( ReEui&e(ents and "a&a(ete&s Spe'ifi's of EEuip(ent and S0ste(s Ope&ation Test "&o'edu&es Testing Re'o&d OFM T&aining Re'o&d %o((issioning Tea( "a&ti'ipants ".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age 2

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines &.1.2 S.!m"t O.t/ me D /.me#t0t" # +1.,3-% Sub(it +o&(s ". th&ough ".8do'u(entation as &eEui&ed b0 the MSBG at the end of ea'h phase of the design and 'onst&u'tion p&o'ess using the online B3. MSBG T&a'=ing Tool 3>>>.(sbgt&a'=ing.'o(4. 3&efe& to the list belo>@ B3. MSBG ;o&=boo=@ and Se'tion 8 6 Out'o(e $o'u(entation4. +o&( ". 1 %o(plian'e Su((a&0 +o&( . "a&t )ssign(ents and Status fo& Guideline *eade& +o&( ".21 "e&fo&(an'e Manage(ent $o'u(entation +o&( ".31 Site and ;ate& $o'u(entation +o&( ".#1 Ene&g0 and )t(osphe&e $o'u(entation +o&( "./1 Indoo& EnAi&on(ental :ualit0 $o'u(entation +o&( ".8 1 Mate&ials and ;aste $o'u(entation


&.2.1 AGENCY PLANNING In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing )gen'0 "lanning1 "lanning Baseline1 The "&oBe't Manage& >ill >o&= >ith the $esigne&s to deAelop b&oad building.>ide e?pe'tations and '&ite&ia. This be'o(es the f&a(e>o&= fo& an initial design intent do'u(ent. "&io& to deAeloping the "lanning Baseline@ the %o((issioning *eade& 'an p&oAide the "&oBe't Manage& >ith insight as to >hat to define du&ing these ea&l0 stages f&o( a 'o((issioning pe&spe'tiAe. &.2.2 PRE-DESIGN 1 PROGRAMMING In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing "&e.$esign . "&og&a((ing1 Engage )'ting %o((issioning Tea( 32.! 41 The )'ting %o((issioning Tea( is asse(bled to fa'ilitate and oAe&see 'o((issioning a'tiAities du&ing the "lanning and "&e.$esign phases of the p&oBe't. The )'ting %o((issioning Tea( shall in'lude the follo>ing (e(be&s. These tea( (e(be&s (a0 o& (a0 not be the sa(e people >ho se&Ae of the $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning Tea(. %o((issioning *eade& +a'ilities Ope&ations Manage& 3+OM4 "&oBe't Manage& Guideline *eade& The %o((issioning *eade& fa'ilitates and 'oo&dinates the effo&ts of the %o((issioning Tea(. +o& $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning@ the %o((issioning leade& shall haAe a distin't &ole f&o( the design tea( but (a0 be e(plo0ed >ithin a fi&( p&oAiding design se&Ai'es. The +a'ilit0 Ope&ations Manage& is a''ountable fo& fa'ilit0 pe&fo&(an'e du&ing ongoing o''upan'0 and >ill (anage o& pe&fo&( ongoing ope&ations and (aintenan'e follo>ing 'onst&u'tion. This pe&son is aAailable to pa&ti'ipate ".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age 5

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines th&oughout the design and 'onst&u'tion p&o'ess fo& 'ontinuit0 into final ope&ation. "&og&a((ing Baseline1 The "&oBe't Manage& >ill 'ontinue to >o&= >ith $esigne&s to &efine the building '&ite&ia and e?pe'tations. "&io& to deAeloping the "&og&a((ing Baseline@ the %o((issioning *eade& 'an p&oAide the "&oBe't Manage& >ith insight as to >hat to define du&ing these ea&l0 stages f&o( a 'o((issioning pe&spe'tiAe. &.2.3 PRE-DESIGN 1 SITE SELECTION In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing "&e.$esign 6 Site Sele'tion1 Engage )'ting %o((issioning Tea( 32.! 41 Refe& to p&eAious des'&iption. "&og&a((ing Baseline1 The "&oBe't Manage& >ill 'ontinue to >o&= >ith $esigne&s to &efine the building '&ite&ia and e?pe'tations. "&io& to deAeloping the "&og&a((ing Baseline@ the %o((issioning *eade& 'an p&oAide the "&oBe't Manage& >ith insight as to >hat to define du&ing these ea&l0 stages f&o( a 'o((issioning pe&spe'tiAe. ReAie> Site )lte&natiAes fo& )bilit0 to )'hieAe "e&fo&(an'e Goals 32.!241 ReAie> Site )lte&natiAes fo& thei& i(pa't on the abilit0 of the s0ste(s being 'o((issioned to a'hieAe thei& $esign Intent '&ite&ia. &.2.& SCHEMATIC DESIGN In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing S'he(ati' $esign1 $esign Baseline1 GiAen the p&eAiousl0 deAeloped baselines@ the $esigne& >ill deAelop the d&a>ings and spe'ifi'ations >hi'h o>ne&Gs needs and &eEui&e(ents. The s'he(ati' design should in'lude 3but not li(ited to41 spe'ifi'ations@ site details@ lands'aping@ building e?te&io& enAelope@ st&u'tu&al@ building inte&io&@ eleAato&s@ plu(bing@ 7V)%@ 7V)% 'ont&ols@ ele't&i'al@ fi&e p&ote'tion@ lighting@ ele't&i'al po>e& dist&ibution@ fi&e ala&(@ tele'o((uni'ations@ and se&Ai'e fa'ilities. Engage )'ting %o((issioning Tea( 32.! 41 Refe& to p&eAious des'&iption. $esign Intent $o'u(ent 32.!#41 The $esign Intent $o'u(ent shall Euantif0 fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e e?pe'tations and pa&a(ete&s fo& ea'h s0ste( to be 'o((issioned. The $esign Intent $o'u(ent p&oAides the 'o((on unde&standing that fo'uses design@ 'onst&u'tion@ and 'o((issioning a'tiAities on the desi&ed out'o(e. The $esign Intent $o'u(ent shall be >&itten in obBe'tiAe and (easu&able te&(s. :uantif0 pa&a(ete&s su'h as spa'e te(pe&atu&es@ hu(idit0 leAels@ lighting leAels@ sound leAels@ and Aentilation &ates >hen applied to the 'onditioned building spa'es. The $esign Intent $o'u(ent shall be updated eAe&0 ti(e the o>ne& a''epts an alte&nate pe&fo&(an'e '&ite&ion 6 due to o>ne& desi&es@ s'hedule@ o& budget. This (ight o''u& th&ough no&(al design eAolution@ Aalue enginee&ing@ 'hange o&de&s@ o& ".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age !

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines othe& supple(ental inst&u'tions du&ing 'onst&u'tion. $u&ing the %o&&e'tion "e&iod and On.Going Ope&ations@ the $esign Intent $o'u(ent helps the o>ne&<ope&ato&s unde&stand the o&iginal design intent. It also p&oAides the ben'h(a&= fo& (aintenan'e@ &epai&@ and &epla'e(ent de'isions. The $esign Intent $o'u(ent is deAeloped b0 the O>ne&. Basis of $esign 32.!/41 The Basis of $esign is a na&&atiAe des'&iption of ho> the s0ste(s >ill be designed in o&de& to a'hieAe the design intent a''eptan'e '&ite&ia. The Basis of $esign is deAeloped b0 the $esigne&s. %o((issioning $esign ReAie> 32.!841 )t least on'e du&ing ea'h of the S'he(ati' $esign@ $esign $eAelop(ent@ and %onst&u'tion $o'u(ents "hases@ the %o((issioning *eade& >ill &eAie> the design p&og&ess against the goals of the $esign Intent $o'u(ent. %o((issioning $esign ReAie> 'o((ents shall be do'u(ented in >&iting and &esponses p&epa&ed b0 the $esigne&s. 4 "e&fo&(an'e %he'=1 %o((issioning Tea( shall &eAie> design as do'u(ented to Ae&if0 that it (eets the ph0si'al out'o(es and ope&ational pe&fo&(an'e defined at that phase. "e&fo&(an'e a&eas in'lude@ but a&e not li(ited to1 a4 $esign Intent a''eptan'e '&ite&ia fo& all &eEui&ed o& additional pu&sued guidelines b4 ReEui&e(ents fo& spe'ifi' ope&ational s'ena&ios of the building '4 Regula& (aintenan'e@ 'leaning@ and se&Ai'ing 3in'luding ISO #!!! 'leaning (ate&ials4 24 Measu&abilit0< Testabilit0 %he'=1 %o((issioning Tea( shall &eAie> design as do'u(ented to Ae&if0 that it (eets '&ite&ia fo& testing and Ae&ifi'ation of pe&fo&(an'e fo& $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning as >ell as Ope&ations %o((issioning (onito&ing du&ing On.going O''upan'0. "e&fo&(an'e a&eas in'lude@ but a&e not li(ited to1 a4 Measu&e(ents and testing &eEui&ed du&ing all phases of $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning. b4 Measu&e(ent@ (onito&ing@ and 'ont&ol of ene&g0@ >ate&@ indoo& enAi&on(ental Eualit0 du&ing Ongoing O''upan'0. %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents 32.!941 %oope&ate >ith the Ope&ations %o((issioning Tea( b0 in'o&po&ating design featu&es &eEui&ed to pe&fo&( Ope&ations %o((issioning. Refe& to Guideline "./ Ope&ations %o((issioning fo& an unde&standing of >hat these featu&es (ight be. &.2.2 DESIGN DE'ELOPMENT In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing $esign $eAelop(ent1 %o((issioning $esign ReAie> 32.!841 Refe& to p&eAious des'&iption. %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents 32.!941 Refe& to p&eAious des'&iption.

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines *ist of I<O $ata "oints 32.!241 The $esigne& >ill sub(it a list of input and output 3I<O4 data points as pa&t of out'o(e do'u(entation befo&e the end of $esign $eAelop(ent to the %o((issioning *eade&. These shall be sub(itted fo& all 'o(pute&.based 'ont&ol s0ste(s@ e.g.@ 7V)%@ lighting 'ont&ols@ et'. Measu&e(ent F Ve&ifi'ation Baseline 32.!541 The Measu&e(ent and Ve&ifi'ation Baseline3s4 a&e used to 'al'ulate saAings as pa&t of the Measu&e(ent and Ve&ifi'ation "&o'ess. See details of Measu&e(ent and Ve&ifi'ation unde& Guideline "./ Ope&ations %o((issioning. &.2.3 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing %onst&u'tion $o'u(ents deAelop(ent1 %o((issioning $esign ReAie> 32.!841 Refe& to p&eAious des'&iption. %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents 32.!941 Refe& to p&eAious des'&iption. In'o&po&ate %o((issioning %&ite&ia F S'ope into %onst&u'tion $o'u(ents 32. !41 The $esigne& >ill in'o&po&ate a 'o((issioning spe'ifi'ation se'tion into $iAision of the p&oBe't (anual. The 'o((issioning spe'ifi'ation shall define and elabo&ate on the 'ont&a'to&Gs &esponsibilities as defined in the %o((issioning "lan. In'o&po&ate the %o((issioning "lan into the 'ont&a't do'u(ents b0 &efe&en'e in o&de& to 'o((uni'ate the 'onte?t of the 'o((issioning spe'ifi'ation and info&(ation &ega&ding othe& tea( (e(be& &esponsibilities. The 'o((issioning spe'ifi'ation >ill be deAeloped b0 the %o((issioning *eade&. &.2.4 CONSTRUCTION In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing %onst&u'tion1 %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents 32.!941 Refe& to p&eAious des'&iption. ReAie> %ont&a'to&sG Sub(ittals 32. 41 The %o((issioning *eade& >ill &eAie> %ont&a'to&Gs sub(ittals fo& 'o((issioned eEuip(ent and othe& 'o((issioned design ele(ents. These design &eAie>s in'lude a gene&al Eualit0 &eAie>@ dis'ipline 'oo&dination@ spe'ifi'ation 'oo&dination@ and adhe&en'e to the design intent. Ve&if0 Installation 32. 241 The %ont&a'to& >ill 'o(plete 'usto(iHed s0ste( installation 'he'=lists p&io& to a''eptan'e b0 the o>ne&. The installation 'he'=lists >ill be deAeloped b0 the %o((issioning *eade& and >ill be in'luded in the $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan.

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age 2

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines Ve&if0 +un'tional "e&fo&(an'e 32. 341 The %ont&a'to& >ill 'o(plete all of the 'usto(iHed s0ste( fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e test p&o'edu&es p&io& to s0ste( a''eptan'e b0 the o>ne&. The %o((issioning *eade& >ill fa'ilitate the %ont&a'to&Gs i(ple(entation of these tests. The fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e test p&o'edu&es >ill be deAeloped b0 the %o((issioning *eade& and >ill be in'luded the $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan. Ve&if0 OFM $o'u(entation 32. #41 The OFM do'u(entation p&oAides info&(ation needed to unde&stand@ ope&ate@ and (aintain eEuip(ent. The OFM do'u(entation is b0 the fa'ilities staff as &efe&en'e th&oughout the life of the fa'ilit0. The OFM do'u(entation is p&oAided b0 %ont&a'to&s and is 'o(ponent to the s0ste(s (anuals. The %o((issioning *eade& >ill Ae&if0 that the OFM do'u(entation p&oAides the ne'essa&0 info&(ation to ope&ation and (aintain the eEuip(ent p&io& to 'onst&u'tion 'o(pletion and the s0ste( a''eptan'e b0 the O>ne&. Ve&if0 OFM T&aining 32. /41 The fa'ilities staff is p&oAided >ith OFM t&aining to ensu&e the0 haAe the =no>ledge and s=ills &eEui&ed to unde&stand@ ope&ate@ and (aintain the s0ste(s and eEuip(ent. T0pi'all0@ the $esigne&s p&oAide s0ste(s t&aining and the %ont&a'to&s p&oAide eEuip(ent t&aining. The %o((issioning *eade& >ill Ae&if0 that the t&aining sessions p&oAide the ne'essa&0 info&(ation to ope&ation and (aintain the fa'ilit0 p&io& to 'onst&u'tion 'o(pletion and s0ste( a''eptan'e b0 the O>ne&. %ohesiAe OFM S0ste(s Manual 32. 841 The OFM S0ste(s Manual p&oAides info&(ation needed to unde&stand@ ope&ate@ and (aintain the s0ste(s. The OFM S0ste(s Manuals a&e fo& the fa'ilities staff not inAolAed in the design o& 'onst&u'tion p&o'ess and utiliHed th&oughout the life of the fa'ilit0. The OFM S0ste(s Manual a&e '&eated b0 the %ont&a'to&s and a&e 'ontinuall0 updated th&oughout the design and 'onst&u'tion phases of the p&oBe't. The %ont&a'to& >ill 'oo&dinate the 'ontents of the %o((issioning Repo&t and 'o(bine into the 'ohesiAe OFM S0ste(s Manual to be deliAe&ed to the O>ne&. &.2.5 CORRECTION PERIOD In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing the %o&&e'tion "e&iod1 %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents 32.!941 Refe& to p&eAious des'&iption. $efe&&ed Ve&ifi'ation 32. 941 So(e of the s0ste( fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e test p&o'edu&es >ill not be p&a'ti'al o& (eaningful to 'o(plete p&io& to the %o&&e'tion "e&iod. This (a0 be due to 'onst&u'tion phasing o& 'li(ate 'onst&aints. Those test p&o'edu&es shall be 'o(pleted at an app&op&iate ti(e du&ing the %o&&e'tion "e&iod b0 the %ont&a'to&. The %o((issioning *eade& >ill fa'ilitate these defe&&ed test p&o'edu&es.

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age 3

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines Ten.Month OFM ReAie> 32. 241 Ten.(onths into the %o&&e'tion "e&iod@ the %o((issioning Tea( >ill &eAie> the building ope&ation >ith the OFM staff and '&eate a plan fo& &esolution of outstanding 'o((issioning.&elated issues. &.2.6 ON-GOING OPERATIONS In 'onBun'tion >ith the gene&al %o((issioning a'tiAities@ the follo>ing a&e spe'ifi' %o((issioning a'tiAities add&essed in du&ing On.Going Ope&ations1 !dd an additional Commissioning activities specific to the 3n04oing 3perations Phase.


!dd descriptions for Construction !ir %ualit &anagement Plan .steps 7.E5 through 7.E*$


!dd descriptions for Correction Period !ir %ualit &anagement Plan .steps 8.E5 to 8.E6$


!dd descriptions for Construction )aste &anagement Plan .steps #.E5 through #.E7$


,nde&standing and 'lea&l0 defining the &ole of ea'h tea( (e(be& is '&u'ial to su''essfull0 i(ple(enting the %o((issioning "&o'ess. These &oles and &esponsibilities should be 'ont&a'tuall0 defined bet>een the 3 4 O>ne& and the %ont&a'to& and 324 O>ne& and the $esigne&s.

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age #

The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines The &oles and &esponsibilities fo& the %o((issioning *eade&@ +a'ilities Ope&ations Manage& 3+OM4@ $esigne&s@ %ont&a'to&s@ and the Guideline *eade& a&e defined belo>1

The ,uggested 9mplementation is presented in the form of the attached ?esign and Construction Commissioning matrix. Aoles and responsibilities for each Commissioning Team member are flexible and need to be defined as part of the pro-ect0specific Commissioning Plan. =owever, some team members are prohibited from performing some of the activities due to inherent conflicts of interest.

".# $esign and %onst&u'tion %o((issioning "lan Te(plate "age /


GENERAL COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES $esign F %onst&u'tion "hase %o((issioning "lan %o((issioning Repo&ts C mm"ss" #"# ( Le0$e* $eAelop and ,pdate F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOMReAie> P* :e/t M0#0(e* ReAie> G."$e9"#e Le0$e* ReAie>

Des"(#e*s ReAie>

C #t*0/t *s ReAie>

"&oAide pe&iodi' %o((issioning Repo&ts

"&oAide a''eptable &ep&esentation >ith the (eans and autho&it0 to p&epa&e and 'oo&dinate i(ple(entatio n of the %o((issioning "&o'ess as detailed in the %ont&a't $o'u(ents

ReAie> pe&iodi' %o((issioning Repo&ts

ReAie> and 'o((ent on the %o((issioning *eade&Gs %o((issioning &epo&ts and %o((issioning Issues *og

ReAie> pe&iodi' %o((issioning Repo&ts


C mm"ss" #"# ( Le0$e* "&oAide out'o(e do'u(entation f&o( %o((issioning a'tiAities

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM.

P* :e/t M0#0(e* .

Des"(#e*s .

C #t*0/t *s .

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* Sub(it the Out'o(e $o'u(entation as &eEui&ed b0 the MSBG at the end of ea'h phase of the design and 'onst&u'tion p&o'ess. Inte&p&et and p&oAide guidan'e &eleAant to the i(ple(entation Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines 3MSBG4


C mm"ss" #"# ( Le0$e* %ondu't and do'u(ent %o((issioning %oo&dination Meetings %ondu't and do'u(ent %o((issioning Ii' Meetings du&ing the p&e. design and p&e. 'onst&u'tion phases

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM"a&ti'ipate

P* :e/t M0#0(e* "a&ti'ipate

Des"(#e*s "a&ti'ipate in "&e.$esign@ S'he(ati' $esign@ $esign $eAelop(ent "hase 'oo&dination and &eAie> (eetings )ttend the p&e. bid and p&e. 'onst&u'tion (eetings as s'heduled b0 the %o((issioning *eade&

C #t*0/t *s "a&ti'ipate in the p&e. 'onst&u'tion and %o((issioning Tea( (eetings

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* "a&ti'ipate


C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* )dAises O>ne& F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM)ssists in deAelop(ent P* :e/t M0#0(e* )ssists in deAelop(ent G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

AGENCY PLANNING "lanning Baseline

Des"(#e*s $eAelops

C #t*0/t *s .

PRE-DESIGN / PROGRAMMING Engage )'ting %o((issioning Tea( C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* O&ganiHe@ lead@ and engage %o((issionin g Tea( )dAises O>ne& F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM"a&ti'ipates P* :e/t M0#0(e* "a&ti'ipates G."$e9"#e Le0$e* "a&ti'ipates

Des"(#e*s "a&ti'ipates

C #t*0/t *s .

"&og&a((ing Baseline

)ssists in deAelop(ent

)ssists in deAelop(ent



PRE-DESIGN / SITE SELECTION Engage )'ting %o((issioning Tea( C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* O&ganiHe@ lead@ and engage %o((issionin g Tea( )dAises O>ne& ReAie> to ensu&e that that s0ste(s being 'o((issioned 'an a'hieAe thei& $esign Intent '&ite&ia F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM"a&ti'ipates P* :e/t M0#0(e* "a&ti'ipates G."$e9"#e Le0$e* "a&ti'ipates

Des"(#e*s "a&ti'ipates

C #t*0/t *s .

"&og&a((ing Baseline ReAie> Site )lte&natiAes fo& )bilit0 to )'hieAe "e&fo&(an'e Goals

)ssists in deAelop(ent .

)ssists in deAelop(ent .

$eAelops .

. .

. .


SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE $esign Baseline C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* )dAises O>ne& F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM)ssists in deAelop(ent P* :e/t M0#0(e* )ssists in deAelop(ent G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

Des"(#e*s $eAelops

C #t*0/t *s .

SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE Engage )'ting %o((issioning Tea(

C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* O&ganiHe@ lead@ and engage %o((issionin g Tea( +a'ilitate and do'u(ent $I$

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM"a&ti'ipates

P* :e/t M0#0(e* "a&ti'ipates

Des"(#e*s "a&ti'ipates

C #t*0/t *s .

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* "a&ti'ipates

$esign Intent $o'u(ent



"a&ti'ipate and assist in the do'u(entatio n of the $I$ $eAelops based on the $I$ Respond to %o((issionin g Tea( design &eAie> 'o((ents and othe& issues in a ti(el0 (anne&

Basis of $esign



%o((issioning $esign ReAie>

ReAie> s'he(ati' design do'u(ents in a''o&dan'e >ith the $I$ %o(plete "e&fo&(an'e %he'= %o(plete Measu&abilit0 F Testabilit0 %he'=

SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents

C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* )ssist $esigne&s

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM.

P* :e/t M0#0(e* .

Des"(#e*s %oope&ate >ith the Ope&ations %o((issionin g Tea( b0 in'o&po&ating design featu&es &eEui&ed to pe&fo&( Ope&ations %o((issionin g

C #t*0/t *s .

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .


C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* ReAie> s'he(ati' design do'u(ents in a''o&dan'e >ith the $I$ %o(plete "e&fo&(an'e %he'= %o(plete Measu&abilit0 F Testabilit0 %he'= F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM. P* :e/t M0#0(e* . G."$e9"#e Le0$e* Ve&if0 pe&fo&(an'e that is not 'oAe&ed unde& %o((issionin g Se'tion

DESIGN DEVELOPMENT %o((issioning $esign ReAie>

Des"(#e*s Respond to %o((issionin g Tea( design &eAie> 'o((ents and othe& issues in a ti(el0 (anne& ReAie> and in'o&po&ate 3as app&op&iate4 the %o((issionin g *eade&Gs sub(ittal &eAie>s

C #t*0/t *s .

DESIGN DEVELOPMENT %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents

C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* )ssist $esigne&s

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM.

P* :e/t M0#0(e* .

Des"(#e*s %oope&ate >ith the Ope&ations %o((issionin g Tea( b0 in'o&po&ating design featu&es &eEui&ed to pe&fo&( Ope&ations %o((issionin g .

C #t*0/t *s .

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

*ist of I<O $ata "oints

ReAie> I<O $ata "oints fo& 'o(pleteness and a''o&dan'e >ith the $I$ ReAie> MFV plan and baseline

"&oAide list of I<O data points to the %o((issionin g *eade& fo& &eAie> .

Measu&e(ents F Ve&ifi'ation Baseline

$eAelop MFV plan and baseline


CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS %o((issioning $esign ReAie>

C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* ReAie> design do'u(ents in a''o&dan'e >ith the $I$ ReAie> 'ont&a'to&sG sub(ittals fo& 'o(pleteness and a''o&dan'e >ith the $I$

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM.

P* :e/t M0#0(e* .

Des"(#e*s .

C #t*0/t *s "&oAide sub(ittals to %o((issionin g *eade& fo& &eAie>

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

%oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents

)ssist $esigne&s

%oope&ate >ith the Ope&ations %o((issionin g Tea( b0 in'o&po&ating design featu&es &eEui&ed to pe&fo&( Ope&ations %o((issionin g

CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS In'o&po&ate %o((issioning %&ite&ia F S'ope into %onst&u'tion $o'u(ents

C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* Ve&if0 that the %o((issionin g "&o'ess is 'lea&l0 defined in all s'opes of >o&= )ssist in the integ&ation of the %o((issionin g '&ite&ia and s'ope into 'onst&u'tion do'u(ents )ssist in integ&ating %o((issionin g a'tiAities into the p&oBe't s'hedule

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM.

P* :e/t M0#0(e* In'lude 'osts fo& the %o((issionin g "&o'ess in the 'ont&a't p&i'e

Des"(#e*s "&epa&e the %onst&u'tion $o'u(ents >ith the integ&ation of the %o((issionin g '&ite&ia and s'ope Spe'if0 and Ae&if0 the OFM do'u(entatio n has been adeEuatel0 detailed in the 'onst&u'tion do'u(ents

C #t*0/t *s "&oAide %o((issionin g '&ite&ia and s'ope in all sub'ont&a'to& sG 'ont&a'ts In'lude 'osts fo& the %o((issionin g "&o'ess in the 'ont&a't p&i'e In'lude %o((issionin g '&ite&ia@ s'ope@ and a'tiAities in ea'h pu&'hase o&de& o& sub'ont&a't >&itten Obtain 'oope&ation and pa&ti'ipation of all sub'ont&a'to& s and (anufa'tu&e& s In'lude

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS In'o&po&ate %o((issioning %&ite&ia F S'ope into %onst&u'tion $o'u(ents %ONTIN,E$

C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e*

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM-

P* :e/t M0#0(e*


C #t*0/t *s )ssist in integ&ating %o((issionin g a'tiAities into the p&oBe't s'hedule

G."$e9"#e Le0$e*

C mm"ss" # "#( Le0$e* )ssist $esigne&s F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM. P* :e/t M0#0(e* . G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

CONSTRUCTION %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents

Des"(#e*s %oope&ate >ith the Ope&ations %o((issionin g Tea( b0 in'o&po&ating design featu&es &eEui&ed to pe&fo&( Ope&ations %o((issionin g

C #t*0/t *s .

CONSTRUCTION ReAie> %ont&a'to&sG Sub(ittals

C mm"ss" # "#( Le0$e* ReAie> and %o((ent in a''o&dan'e >ith the $I$

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOMReAie> and %o((ent

P* :e/t M0#0(e* ReAie> and %o((ent

Des"(#e*s ReAie> and %o((ent

C #t*0/t *s "&oAide sub(ittals to the O>ne&@ $esigne&s@ and %o((issionin g *eade& %o(plete and sub(it the installation 'he'=lists %ontinuousl0 (aintain the &e'o&d d&a>ings

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

Ve&if0 Installation

Ve&if0 installation b0 &eAie>ing su''essful 'o(pletion of installation 'he'=lists "e&iodi'all0 &eAie> Re'o&d $&a>ings fo& a''u&a'0

ReAie> and a''ept &e'o&d d&a>ings as &eEui&ed b0 'onst&u'tion do'u(ents

CONSTRUCTION Ve&if0 +un'tional "e&fo&(an'e

C mm"ss" # "#( Le0$e* Ve&if0 +un'tional "e&fo&(an'e b0 fa'ilitating su''essful 'o(pletion of fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e tests $eAelop@ t&a'=@ and update %o((issioni ng Issues *og +a'ilitate &etesting of fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e testing

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM.

P* :e/t M0#0(e* .

Des"(#e*s ReAie> test p&o'edu&es sub(itted b0 the %ont&a'to&s ReAie> and 'o((ent on the %o((issionin g *eade&Gs %o((issionin g Issues *og

C #t*0/t *s Notif0 the %o((issionin g *eade& >hen the s0ste(s and eEuip(ent a&e &ead0 fo& testing I(ple(ent the fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e tests Re(ed0 defi'ien'ies identified b0 the %o((issionin g *eade& du&ing the 'o(pletion of the installation 'he'=lists and fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e testing

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

CONSTRUCTION Ve&if0 OFM $o'u(entation

C mm"ss" # "#( Le0$e* Ve&if0 that the 'ont&a'to& '&eates and sub(its OFM (anuals fo& the o>ne& p&io& to 'onst&u'tion 'o(pletion and s0ste( a''eptan'e b0 the o>ne& +a'ilitate t&aining sessions

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM)''epts OFM $o'u(entatio n

P* :e/t M0#0(e* )''epts OFM $o'u(entatio n

Des"(#e*s .

C #t*0/t *s Sub(it OFM do'u(entatio n

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

Ve&if0 OFM T&aining

"&oAide staff to attend OFM t&aining

"&oAide staff to attend OFM t&aining

"a&ti'ipate in the t&aining sessions p&esenting a s0ste(s oAe&Aie> )ssist in deAelop(ent of OFM S0ste(s Manual

I(ple(ent the OFM t&aining as detailed in the 'ont&a't do'u(ents %o(plete OFM S0ste(s Manuals

%ohesiAe OFM S0ste(s Manual

Ve&if0 OFM S0ste( Manuals fo& 'o(pletenes s and a''o&dan'e >ith the $I$

)''epts OFM S0ste(s Manual $o'u(entatio n

)''epts OFM S0ste(s Manual $o'u(entatio n


C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* )ssist $esigne&s F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM. P* :e/t M0#0(e* . G."$e9"#e Le0$e* .

CORRECTION PERIOD %oo&dinate >ith Ope&ations %o((issioning ReEui&e(ents

Des"(#e*s %oope&ate >ith the Ope&ations %o((issionin g Tea( b0 in'o&po&ating design featu&es &eEui&ed to pe&fo&( Ope&ations %o((issionin g .

C #t*0/t *s .

$efe&&ed Ve&ifi'ation

+a'ilitate defe&&ed Ae&ifi'ation of fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e testing $eAelop@ t&a'=@ and update %o((issionin g Issues *og

I(ple(ent defe&&ed fun'tional pe&fo&(an'e testing


C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* "a&ti'ipate in !.Month OFM ReAie>

F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOM"a&ti'ipate in !.Month OFM ReAie>

P* :e/t M0#0(e* "a&ti'ipate in !.Month OFM ReAie>

Des"(#e*s .

C #t*0/t *s "a&ti'ipate in !.Month OFM ReAie>

G."$e9"#e Le0$e* "a&ti'ipate in !.Month OFM ReAie>

+inal %o((issioning Repo&t

$eAelop +inal %o((issionin g Repo&t ,pdate final %o((issionin g Repo&t 3as ne'essa&04

ReAie> the +inal %o((issionin g Repo&ts 3as ne'essa&04

ReAie> the +inal %o((issionin g Repo&ts 3as ne'essa&04

!dd the roles and responsibilities relevant to the Construction Phase !ir %ualit &anagement, Correction Period !ir %ualit &anagement, Construction )aste &anagement Correction Period +ser Comfort F ,atisfaction !ssessment


C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOMP* :e/t M0#0(e* G."$e9"#e Le0$e*

ON-GOING OPERATIONS )dd %o((issioning Tas= )dd %o((issioning Tas= )dd %o((issioning Tas=


C #t*0/t *s



C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOMP* :e/t M0#0(e* G."$e9"#e Le0$e*

CONSTRUCTION AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN )dd %o((issioning Tas= )dd %o((issioning Tas= )dd %o((issioning Tas=


C #t*0/t *s



C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOMP* :e/t M0#0(e* G."$e9"#e Le0$e*

CORRECTION PERIOD AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN )dd %o((issioning Tas= )dd %o((issioning Tas= )dd %o((issioning Tas=


C #t*0/t *s



C mm"ss" #" #( Le0$e* F0/"9"t"es O)e*0t" #s M0#0(e* +FOMP* :e/t M0#0(e* G."$e9"#e Le0$e*

CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN )dd %o((issioning Tas= )dd %o((issioning Tas= )dd %o((issioning Tas=


C #t*0/t *s


&.4 F *m P-2 Pe*< *m0#/e M0#0(eme#t D /.me#t0t" #B3MSBG T*0/="#( T 9 +>>>.ms!(t*0/="#(./ m&.5 A))e#$"? P-1 S.((este$ Im)9eme#t0t" # < * A99 Pe*< *m0#/e M0#0(eme#t G."$e9"#es &.6 A))e#$"? P-& Des"(# 0#$ C #st*./t" # C mm"ss" #"#( S.)) *t"#( I#< *m0t" # &.1, A))e#$"? P-2 Des"(# 0#$ C #st*./t" # C mm"ss" #"#( M0t*"?

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