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Prijedlog recentijih naslova za pripravnike koji se pripremaju za polaganje strunog ispita iz engleskog jezika

Drnyei, Z. , (2005). The Psychology of the Language Learner: Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Routledge. Oxford. Fontana, D. ( !!2). Psychology for Teachers. "#$ "oo%&.

Glasser, W. (1994). Kvalitetna kola, Zagreb: Educa. Glasser, W. (1999). Nastavnik u kvalitetnoj koli. Zagreb:Educa. Jensen, E. (2003). Super nastava. Zagreb: Educa. Kyriac u, !. (2001). Temeljna nastavna umijea. Zagreb: Educa. Willia"s, #. $ %. &. 'urden (199(). )syc* l gy + r &anguage ,eac*ers.
'a()ridge: '*#. ++++++++++++++++ "ro,n, -. and -. .ule. ( !/0). Teaching the Spoken Language. 'a()ridge: '*#. 'la1(an, '. and D. 'or&on (ed&.) ( !!/). Encyclopedia of language and education. Dordre2ht: 3lu,er Da4ie&, #. and 5. #ear&e. (200 ). Success in English Teaching. Oxford: O*#. 5lli&, R. ( !!6). Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: O*#. 7ar(er, 8. (200 ). (0rd ed.). The Practice of English Language Teaching. 7arlo,: 9ong(an. 7ay2roft, 8.( !!/) An Introduction To English Language Teaching. 9ondon: 9ong(an. :ihal;e4i< D;iguno4i<, 8. (2002). Strah od stranog e!ika: kako nasta e" kako se o#itu e kako ga se oslo$oditi. Zagre): =a%lada 9;e4a%. O)ler, 9. and 3. -;erlo,. ( !!!). Language and the %rain. 'a()ridge: '*#. #re)eg+>il%e, : ( !! ). &a'e di ete i e!ik. Zagre): ?%ol&%a %n;iga. *r, #. ( !!@). A (ourse in Language Teaching: Practice and theory. 'a()ridge: '*#. Aood,ard, T. (200 ): Planning Lessons and (ourses: Designing sequences of )ork for the language classroo*. 'a()ridge: '*#.

Osnovna kola, rano uenje

"re,&ter, 8., 5lli&, -. and D. -irard. (2002). The Pri*ary English Teacher+s ,uide. 9ondon: #enguin. "ru(fit, '., :oon, 8 and R. Tongue. (5d&.) ( !! ). Teaching English to (hildren - .ro* Practice to Principle. 9ondon: =el&on. 'a(eron, 9. (200 ).Teaching Languages to /oung Learners. 'a()ridge: '*#. 5lli&, -. B 8. "re,&ter. ( !! ). The Storytelling 0and$ook for Pri*ary Teachers. 9ondon: #enguin "oo%&. 7alli,ell, $. ( !!2). Teaching English in the Pri*ary (lassroo*. 5&&ex: 9ong(an. :oon, 8. (2000). (hildren Learning English. Oxford: :a2(illan 7eine(ann.

#hilli1&, $. ( !!0). /oung Learners. Oxford: O*#. #hilli1&, $. ( !!!). Dra*a )ith (hildren. Oxford:O*#. $2ott, A. B 9. .tre)erg. ( !!0). Teaching English to (hildren. 9ondon: 9ong(an. >ale, D. B C. Feunteun. ( !!5). Teaching (hildren English. 'a()ridge: '*#. >il%e, :. B .. >rho4a2. (5d&.) ( !!0). (hildren and .oreign Languages, Zagre): *ni4er&ity of Zagre). >il%e, :. et al. (5d&.) ( !!5). (hildren and .oreign Languages, Zagre): *ni4er&ity of Zagre). >rho4a2, .. (5d.) (200 ). (hildren and .oreign Languages, Zagre): *ni4er&ity of Zagre). >rho4a2, .. et al. (5d.) ( !!!). Strani e!ik u osnovno 'koli. Zagre): =a1ri;ed.

Strategije uenja, teorija viestruke inteligencije, kritiko miljenje

Fi&her, R. ( !!0). Teaching (hildren to Think. 9ondon: =el&on Thorne&. -ardner, 7. ( !/0). .ra*es of 1ind: The theory of *ultiple intelligences. =e, .or%: "a&i2 "oo%&. -ardner, 7. ( !!0). 1ultiple Intelligences: The theory in practice. =e, .or%: "a&i2 "oo%&. OD:alley, 8. :. and C. 'ha(ot. ( !!0). Learning Strategies in Second language Acquisition. 'a()ridge: '*# Oxford, R. 9. ( !!0). Language Learning Strategies: 2hat Every Teacher Should 3no). =e, .or%: =e,)ury 7ou&e #u)li&her&.

Clder&on, '. (2000). Assessing 4eading. 'a()ridge: '*#. "u2%, -. (200 ). C&&e&&ing Listening, 'a()ridge: '*#. "yra(, :. ( !!6). Teaching and Assessing Intercultural (o**unicative (o*petence. 'le4edon: :ultilingual :atter&. 'oun2il of 5uro1e, (200 ). (o**on European .ra*e)ork of 4eference for Languages: Learning" teaching"assess*ent. 'a()ridge: '*#. -ene&ee, F and 8. *1&hur ( !!@). (lassroo*5$ased Evaluation in Second Language Instruction. =e, .or%. 7ughe&, C. ( !!0). Testing for Language Teachers. 'a()ridge: '*#. :2=a(ara, T. (2000). Language Testing. Oxford: O*#. Rea+Di2%in&, #. and 3. -er(aine ( !!0). Evaluation. Oxford: O*#. Read, 8. (2000).. Assessing &oca$ulary. 'a()ridge: '*#. Aeigle, $. (2002). Assessing 2riting. 'a()ridge: '*#.

Engleski i moderna tehnologija

'oo1er, R., 9a4ery, :. B :. Rin4olu2ri ( !! ). &ideo. Oxford: O*#. 9e4y, :. ( !!6). (o*puter assisted language learning: (onte6t and conceptuali!ation. Oxford:O*#. Aindeatt, $., 7ardi&ty, D. and D. 5a&t(ent (2000): The Internet . Oxford: O*#.

Re lective teaching
#ollard, C. ( !!6). 4eflective Teaching in the Pri*ary School. 9ondon: 'a&&ell. Ri2hard&, 8.'. B '. 9o2%hart. ( !!!). 4eflective Teaching in Second Language (lassroo*s. 'a()ridge: '*#. Aalla2e, :. 8. ( !! ). Training .oreign Language Teachers: A 4eflective Approach, 'a()ridge: '*#.

!ntegrirana nastava, ljudska prava, gra"anski odgoj i sl#

Eudina+O)rado4i< i D. TeFa% ( !!5). 1irotvorni ra!red. Zagre): Zna(en.
-eller, $. i #ri2e, '. (GGG). Teaching 7ther Su$ ects Through English. Oxford: Oxford *ni4er&ity

#re&&. Fountain, $. ( !!5) Education for Develop*ent: A Teacher 4esource for ,lo$al Learning. 7odder B $toughton: *=H'5F. :il;e4i<+RiIiJ%i, D., :aleK, D. and :. Ri;a4e2 ( !!!). 7dgo !a ra!vo . 8a&tre)ar&%o: =a%lada $la1, *=H'5F. $no,, :. C. and D. :. "rinton (ed&.) !!6. The (ontent5$ased (lassroo*: perspectives on Integrating Language and (ontent. 9ondon: 9ong(an. $try%er, $. ". and ". 9. 9ea4er (ed&.) ( !!6). (ontent5$ased Instruction in .oreign Language Education: 1odels and 1ethods. Aa&hington, D': -eorgeto,n *ni4er&ity #re&&.

$eorija kurikuluma
=unan, D. ( !//). The Learner5(entered (urriculu*. 'a()ridge: '*#. =unan, D. ( !//). Sylla$us Design. Oxford: O*#. Ail%in&, D. ( !6@). 8otional Sylla$uses. 9ondon: O*#. .

'arter, Ronald B :. =. 9ong ( !! ). Teaching Literature. 9ondon: 9ong(an. 7adfield, 8. ( !!2). (lassroo* Dyna*ics. Oxford: O*#. 9e4y, :. ( !!6). Presentation Tips and Techniques. 'a()&: Ay4ern 're&t. #rodro(ou, 9. ( !!2). 1i6ed A$ility (lasses. #renti2e 7all. *nder,ood, :. ( !/6). Effective (lass 1anage*ent. 'a()ridge: '*#. *r, #. and Aright, C. ( !!2). .ive51inute Activities. 'a()ridge: 'a()ridge *ni4er&ity #re&&. Aiddo,&on, 7. -. ( !6/). Teaching English as (o**unication. Oxford: O*#. Aood,ard, T. and $. 9ind&tro()erg ( !!5). Planning fro* Lesson to Lesson: A 2ay of 1aking Lesson Planning Easier. 7arlo,: 9ong(an. Aright, C., "etteridge, D. and "u2%)y, :. ( !/L). ,a*es for Language Learning, 'a()ridge: 'a()ridge *ni4er&ity #re&&.

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