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The Urantia Book Paper 3 The Attributes of God (44.1) 3:0.

1 GOD is everywhere present; the Universal Father rules the circle o eternity. !ut he rules in the local universes in the persons o his "ara#ise $reator %ons& even as he 'estows li e throu(h these %ons. )Go# has (iven useternal li e& an# this li e is in his %ons.* +hese $reator %ons o Go# are the personal e,pression o hi-sel in the sectors o ti-e an# to the chil#ren o the whirlin( planets o the evolvin( universes o space. (44..) 3:0.. +he hi(hly personali/e# %ons o Go# are clearly #iscerni'le 'y the lower or#ers o create# intelli(ences& an# so #o they co-pensate or the invisi'ility o the in inite an# there ore less #iscerni'le Father. +he "ara#ise $reator %ons o the Universal Father are a revelation o an otherwise invisi'le 'ein(& invisi'le 'ecause o the a'soluteness an# in inity inherent in the circle o eternity an# in the personalities o the "ara#ise Deities. (44.3) 3:0.3 $reatorship is har#ly an attri'ute o Go#; it is rather the a((re(ate o his actin( nature. 0n# this universal unction o creatorship is eternally -ani este# as it is con#itione# an# controlle# 'y all the co1or#inate# attri'utes o the in inite an# #ivine reality o the First %ource an# $enter. 2e sincerely #ou't whether any one characteristic o the #ivine nature can 'e re(ar#e# as 'ein( antece#ent to the others& 'ut i such were the case& then the creatorship nature o Deity woul# ta3e prece#ence over all other natures& activities& an# attri'utes. 0n# the creatorship o Deity cul-inates in the universal truth o the Fatherhoo# o Go#. 1. Gods Everywhereness (44.4) 3:1.1 +he a'ility o the Universal Father to 'e everywhere present& an# at the sa-e ti-e& constitutes his o-nipresence. Go# alone can 'e in two places& in nu-'erless places& at the sa-e ti-e. Go# is si-ultaneously present )in heaven a'ove an# on the earth 'eneath*; as the "sal-ist e,clai-e#: )2hither shall 4 (o ro- your spirit5 or whither shall 4 lee ro- your presence5* (44.6) 3:1.. )74 a- a Go# at han# as well as

+he Urantia 3ertas 3 "ara 0tri'ut 0llah ( 44.1 ) 3:0.1 08809 #i -ana1-ana ini; !apa Universal aturan lin(3aran 3ea'a#ian . +api #ia -e-erintah #i alase-esta lo3al #i oran( nya "ara#ise %ons "encipta & 'ah3an saat #ia -e-'eri3an 3ehi#upan -elalui %ons terse'ut . : +uhan telah -e-'eri 3ita hi#up yan( 3e3al & #an 3ehi#upan ini 'era#a #i %ons nya . : 4ni %ons "encipta +uhan a#alah e3spresi pri'a#i #irinya #i se3tor wa3tu #an ana31ana3 #ari planet 'erputar #ari ala- se-esta 'er3e-'an( ruan( . ( 44&. ) 3:0.. +he %ons san(at personal 0llah ;elas #ilihat oleh perintah ren#ah -encipta3an 3ecer#asan & sehin((a -ere3a -en(3o-pensasi terlihatnya !apa yan( ta3 ter'atas #an 3arena itu 3uran( ;elas. +he "ara#ise %ons "encipta !apa Universal a#alah wahyu #ari #inyata3an ta3 terlihat ini& ti#a3 terlihat 3arena 3e-utla3an #an in inity -ele3at #ala- lin(3aran 3ea'a#ian #an 3epri'a#ian para Dewa %ur(a . ( 44&3 ) 3:0.3 $reatorship ha-pir atri'ut #ari +uhan & -elain3an a(a3 a(re(at ala- a3tin(nya . Dan ini un(si universal creatorship yan( a'a#i #iwu;u#3an 3arena #i3on#isi3an #an #i3en#ali3an oleh se-ua atri'ut ter3oor#inasi #ari realitas ta3 ter'atas #an ilahi %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat . <a-i sun((uh1 sun((uh -era(u3an apa3ah salah satu ciri si at ilahi #apat #ian((ap se'a(ai pen#ahuluan untu3 yan( lain & tetapi ;i3a #e-i3ian halnya & -a3a si at <etuhanan creatorship a3an #i#ahulu3an atas se-ua si at lainnya & 3e(iatan & #an atri'ut . Dan creatorship <etuhanan -e-unca3 #ala3e'enaran universal #ari 0llah !apa . 1 . =verywhereness 0llah ( 44&4 ) 3:1.1 <e-a-puan !apa Universal #i -ana1-ana saat ini& #an pa#a saat yan( sa-a & -erupa3an <e-ahaha#iran nya . +uhan sa;a 'isa 'era#a #i #ua te-pat & #i te-pat1te-pat ;u-lahnya & pa#a saat yan( sa-a . 0llah 'ersa-aan ha#ir : #i lan(it #i atas #an #i 'u-i #i

a ar o &> says the 8or#. 7Do not 4 ill heaven an# earth5>* +he Universal Father is all the ti-e present in all parts an# in all hearts o his ar1 lun( creation. 9e is )the ullness o hi- who ills all an# in all&* an# )who wor3s all in all&* an# urther& the concept o his personality is such that )the heaven (universe) an# heaven o heavens (universe o universes) cannot contain hi-.* 4t is literally true that Go# is all an# in all. !ut even that is not allo Go#. +he 4n inite can 'e inally reveale# only in in inity; the cause can never 'e ully co-prehen#e# 'y an analysis o e ects; the livin( Go# is i--easura'ly (reater than the su- total o creation that has co-e into 'ein( as a result o the creative acts o his un ettere# ree will. Go# is reveale# throu(hout the cos-os& 'ut the cos-os can never contain or enco-pass the entirety o the in inity o Go#. (46.1) 3:1.3 +he Father>s presence unceasin(ly patrols the -aster universe. )9is (oin( orth is ro- the en# o the heaven& an# his circuit to the en#s o it; an# there is nothin( hi##en ro- the li(ht thereo .* (46..) 3:1.4 +he creature not only e,ists in Go#& 'ut Go# also lives in the creature. )2e 3now we #well in hi- 'ecause he lives in us; he has (iven us his spirit. +his (i t ro- the "ara#ise Father is -an>s insepara'le co-panion.* )9e is the ever1 present an# all1perva#in( Go#.* )+he spirit o the everlastin( Father is conceale# in the -in# o every -ortal chil#.* )?an (oes orth searchin( or a rien# while that very rien# lives within his own heart.* )+he true Go# is not a ar o ; he is a part o us; his spirit spea3s ro- within us.* )+he Father lives in the chil#. Go# is always with us. 9e is the (ui#in( spirit o eternal #estiny.* (46.3) 3:1.6 +ruly o the hu-an race has it 'een sai#& )@ou are o Go#* 'ecause )he who #wells in love #wells in Go#& an# Go# in hi-.* =ven in wron(#oin( you tor-ent the in#wellin( (i t o Go#& or the +hou(ht 0#;uster -ust nee#s (o throu(h the conseAuences o evil thin3in( with the hu-an -in# o its incarceration. (46.4) 3:1.B +he o-nipresence o Go# is in reality a part o his in inite nature; space

'awah : & seperti pe-a/-ur 'erseru : : <e -ana saya harus per(i #ari se-an(at 0n#a 5 atau 3e -ana harus saya lari #ari ha#apan1?u 5 : ( 44.6 ) 3:1.. : 03ulah +uhan #i tan(an serta ;auh& #e-i3ianlah ir-an +U90C . :Dan(an a3u -en(isi lan(it #an 'u-i 5 E : !apa Universal a#alah se-ua saat ini #i se-ua 'a(ian #an se-ua hati penciptaan 'er;auhan nya . Dia a#alah : 3epenuhan Dia& yan( -e-enuhi se-ua #an #i #alase-ua & : #an : yan( 'e3er;a se-uanya & : #an selan;utnya & 3onsep 3epri'a#iannya se#e-i3ian rupa sehin((a : lan(it ( ala- se-esta ) #an lan(it #ari lan(it ( se-esta ala- se-esta ) ti#a3 #apat 'erisi #ia. : itu 'enar1'enar 'enar 'ahwa 0llah a#alah se-ua #an #i #ala- se-ua . +api 'ah3an itu ti#a3 se-ua 0llah . +a3 ter'atas #apat a3hirnya terun(3ap hanya #ala- in inity & penye'a'nya ti#a3 #apat sepenuhnya #ipaha-i oleh analisis #a-pa3 & 0llah yan( hi#up ;auh le'ih 'esar ;i3a #i'an#in(3an #en(an ;u-lah total penciptaan yan( telah #atan( -en;a#i se'a(ai a3i'at #ari tin#a3an 3reati ter3e3an( nya 3ehen#a3 'e'as . 0llah #inyata3an #i seluruh 3os-os & tapi 3os-os ti#a3 pernah #apat 'erisi atau -enca3up 3eseluruhan #ari 3eti#a3ter'atasan 0llah . ( 46.1 ) 3:1.3 !apa <eha#iran ta3 henti1 hentinya patroli ala- se-esta in#u3 . : Cya per(i se'a(ainya a#alah #ari u;un( lan(it & #an ran(3aian nya 3e u;un( itu & #an a#a sesuatu yan( terse-'unyi #ari cahaya terse'ut. : ( 46.. ) 3:1.4 ?a3hlu3 itu ti#a3 hanya a#a pa#a +uhan& tapi +uhan ;u(a tin((al #i -a3hlu3 itu . :<a-i tahu 3a-i tin((al #i #ia 3arena #ia hi#up #i #ala- 3ita & ia telah -e-'eri 3ita roh1Cya . <arunia ini #ari !apa sur(a a#alah pen#a-pin( #ipisah3an -anusia . : : Dia a#alah +uhan selalu ha#ir #an -eliputi se(ala sesuatu . : : %e-an(at !apa 3e3al yan( terse-'unyi #ala- pi3iran setiap ana3 ana . : : ?an per(i 3e luar -encari te-an saat itu te-an hi#up yan( san(at #ala- hatinya sen#iri : : 0llah yan( 'enar a#alah ti#a3 ;auh1;auh & ia a#alah

constitutes no 'arrier to Deity. Go# is& in per ection an# without li-itation& #iscerni'ly present only on "ara#ise an# in the central universe. 9e is not thus o'serva'ly present in the creations encirclin( 9avona& or Go# has li-ite# his #irect an# actual presence in reco(nition o the soverei(nty an# the #ivine prero(atives o the co1or#inate creators an# rulers o the universes o ti-e an# space. 9ence -ust the concept o the #ivine presence allow or a wi#e ran(e o 'oth -o#e an# channel o -ani estation e-'racin( the presence circuits o the =ternal %on& the 4n inite %pirit& an# the 4sle o "ara#ise. Cor is it always possi'le to #istin(uish 'etween the presence o the Universal Father an# the actions o his eternal co1or#inates an# a(encies& so per ectly #o they ul ill all the in inite reAuire-ents o his unchan(in( purpose. !ut not so with the personality circuit an# the 0#;usters; here Go# acts uniAuely& #irectly& an# e,clusively. (46.6) 3:1.F +he Universal $ontroller is potentially present in the (ravity circuits o the 4sle o "ara#ise in all parts o the universe at all ti-es an# in the sa-e #e(ree& in accor#ance with the -ass& in response to the physical #e-an#s or this presence& an# 'ecause o the inherent nature o all creation which causes all thin(s to a#here an# consist in hi-. 8i3ewise is the First %ource an# $enter potentially present in the UnAuali ie# 0'solute& the repository o the uncreate# universes o the eternal uture. Go# thus potentially perva#es the physical universes o the past& present& an# uture. 9e is the pri-or#ial oun#ation o the coherence o the so1calle# -aterial creation. +his nonspiritual Deity potential 'eco-es actual here an# there throu(hout the level o physical e,istences 'y the ine,plica'le intrusion o so-e one o his e,clusive a(encies upon the sta(e o universe action. (46.B) 3:1.G +he -in# presence o Go# is correlate# with the a'solute -in# o the $on;oint 0ctor& the 4n inite %pirit& 'ut in the inite creations it is 'etter #iscerne# in the everywhere unctionin( o the cos-ic -in# o the "ara#ise ?aster %pirits. Dust as the First %ource an# $enter is potentially present in the -in#

'a(ian #ari 3ita & . se-an(atnya 'er'icara #ari #ala- #iri 3ita : . : !apa hi#up pa#a ana3 . +uhan selalu 'ersa-a 3ita . Dia a#alah se-an(at -e-'i-'in( tu;uan 3e3al . : ( 46.3 ) 3:1.6 %esun((uhnya u-at -anusia telah itu telah 'er3ata& :<a-u 'erasal #ari 0llah : 3arena :#ia yan( #ia- #i #ala- cinta 'er#ia- #i #ala0llah #an 0llah #i #ala- #ia . : !ah3an #ala- 3esalahan 0n#a -enyi3sa ha#iah 'er#ia-nya 0llah & untu3 0#;uster pe-i3iran harus -elintasi 3onse3uensi #ari pe-i3iran ;ahat #en(an pi3iran -anusia penahanan terse'ut . ( 46.4 ) 3:1.B +he 3e-ahaha#iran +uhan #ala- 3enyataan 'a(ian #ari ala- ta3 ter'atas & ruan( ti#a3 -erupa3an pen(halan( untu3 Dewa . +uhan a#alah& #ala- 3ese-purnaan #an tanpa 'atasan & #iscerni'ly ha#ir hanya pa#a sur(a #an #i ala- se-esta pusat. Dia ti#a3 #e-i3ian o'serva'ly ha#ir #ala3reasi -en(elilin(i 9avona & 3arena 0llah telah -e-'atasi 3eha#irannya lan(sun( #an a3tual pen(a3uan 3e#aulatan #an ha31ha3 isti-ewa ilahi pencipta 3oor#inasi #an pen(uasa ala- se-esta ruan( #an wa3tu . Oleh 3arena itu harus 3onsep 3eha#iran ilahi -e-un(3in3an untu3 'er'a(ai 3e#ua -o#us #an saluran -ani estasi -eran(3ul sir3uit 3eha#iran "utra 0'a#i & Hoh +a3 +er'atas & #an 4sle o "ara#ise . Du(a ti#a3 selalu -un(3in untu3 -e-'e#a3an antara 3eha#iran !apa Universal #an tin#a3an a'a#inya 3oor#inat #an le-'a(a & 'e(itu se-purna -ere3a -e-enuhi se-ua persyaratan yan( ta3 ter'atas tu;uan 'eru'ah nya . Ca-un ti#a3 #e-i3ian #en(an sir3uit 3epri'a#ian #an a#;uster & #i sini 0llah 'ertin#a3 uni3 & lan(sun( & #an e3s3lusi . ( 46&6 ) 3:1.F Universal $ontroller 'erpotensi ha#ir #i sir3uit (ravitasi 4sle o "ara#ise #i se-ua 'a(ian ala- se-esta sepan;an( wa3tu #an #ala- #era;at yan( sa-a & sesuai #en(an -assa & #ala-enan((api tuntutan isi3 untu3 ini 3e'era#aan& #an 3arena si at yan( -ele3at pa#a se-ua ciptaan yan( -enye'a'3an se(ala sesuatu untu3

circuits o the $on;oint 0ctor& so is he potentially present in the tensions o the Universal 0'solute. !ut -in# o the hu-an or#er is a 'estowal o the Dau(hters o the $on;oint 0ctor& the Divine ?inisters o the evolvin( universes. (4B.1) 3:1.I +he everywhere1present spirit o the Universal Father is co1or#inate# with the unction o the universal spirit presence o the =ternal %on an# the everlastin( #ivine potential o the Deity 0'solute. !ut neither the spiritual activity o the =ternal %on an# his "ara#ise %ons nor the -in# 'estowals o the 4n inite %pirit see- to e,clu#e the #irect action o the +hou(ht 0#;usters& the in#wellin( ra(-ents o Go#& in the hearts o his creature chil#ren. (4B..) 3:1.10 $oncernin( Go#>s presence in a planet& syste-& constellation& or a universe& the #e(ree o such presence in any creational unit is a -easure o the #e(ree o the evolvin( presence o the %upre-e !ein(: 4t is #eter-ine# 'y the en -asse reco(nition o Go# an# loyalty to hi- on the part o the vast universe or(ani/ation& runnin( #own to the syste-s an# planets the-selves. +here ore it is so-eti-es with the hope o conservin( an# sa e(uar#in( these phases o Go#>s precious presence that& when so-e planets (or even syste-s) have plun(e# ar into spiritual #ar3ness& they are in a certain sense Auarantine#& or partially isolate# ro- intercourse with the lar(er units o creation. 0n# all this& as it operates on Urantia& is a spiritually #e ensive reaction o the -a;ority o the worl#s to save the-selves& as ar as possi'le& ro- su erin( the isolatin( conseAuences o the alienatin( acts o a hea#stron(& wic3e#& an# re'ellious -inority. (4B.3) 3:1.11 2hile the Father parentally encircuits all his sons J all personalities J his in luence in the- is li-ite# 'y the re-oteness o their ori(in ro- the %econ# an# the +hir# "ersons o Deity an# au(-ente# as their #estiny attain-ent nears such levels. +he fact o Go#>s presence in creature -in#s is #eter-ine# 'y whether or not they are in#welt 'y Father ra(-ents& such as the ?ystery ?onitors& 'ut

-e-atuhi #an ter#iri #ala- #irinya . De-i3ian ;u(a a#alah %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat 'erpotensi ha#ir #alaUnAuali ie# 0'solute & (u#an( alase-esta tercipta -asa #epan yan( 3e3al . +uhan sehin((a 'erpotensi -enye'ar ala- se-esta isi3 #ari -asa lalu& se3aran( & #an -asa #epan . Dia a#alah #asar pri-or#ial 3oherensi penciptaan 'ahan yan( #ise'ut . 4ni potensi Dewa nonspiritual -en;a#i a3tual #i sana1sini #i seluruh tin(3at 3e'era#aan isi3 oleh intrusi #i;elas3an 'e'erapa salah satu 'a#an e3s3lusi Cya #i atas pan((un( a3si se-esta . ( 46&B ) 3:1.G "i3iran ha#irat 0llah 'er3orelasi #en(an pi3iran -utla3 03tor $on;oint & Hoh ta3 ter'atas & tetapi #ala3reasi ter'atas le'ih 'ai3 #irasa3an #i -ana1-ana 'er un(si #ari pi3iran 3os-is #ari ?aster %pirits "ara#ise . %a-a seperti %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat 'erpotensi ha#ir #i sir3uit pi3iran 03tor $on;oint & #e-i3ianlah ia 'erpotensi ha#ir #ala- 3ete(an(an Universal ?utla3 . +api pi3iran tatanan -anusia a#alah pen(anu(erahan "utri 03tor $on;oint & ?enteri 4lahi #ari ala- se-esta 'er3e-'an( . ( 4B.1 ) 3:1.I %e-an(at #i -ana1-ana 1 se3aran( !apa Universal ter3oor#inasi #en(an un(si se-an(at 3eha#iran universal "utra 0'a#i #an potensi ilahi yan( 3e3al #ari +uhan ?utla3 . +api 'ai3 3e(iatan spiritual "utra 0'a#i an# %ons "ara#ise nya -aupun 'estowals pi3iran Hoh +a3 +er'atas ta-pa3nya -en(ecuali3an tin#a3an lan(sun( #ari a#;uster "e-i3iran & ra(-en 'er#ia-nya 0llah & #i #ala- hati ana3 -a3hlu3 1Cya . ( 4B.. ) 3:1.10 ?en(enai 3eha#iran 0llah #ala- se'uah planet & siste- & 3onstelasi & atau ala- se-esta & tin(3at 3eha#iran terse'ut #ala- suatu unit penciptaan a#alah u3uran tin(3at 3eha#iran 'er3e-'an( @an( ?ahatin((i : 9al ini #itentu3an oleh -assal pen(enalan a3an +uhan #an loyalitas 3epa#anya pa#a 'a(ian #ari or(anisasi ala- se-esta yan( luas & -en(alir 3e siste- #an planet1planet itu sen#iri . Oleh 3arena itu 3a#an(13a#an( #en(an harapan

his effective presence is #eter-ine# 'y the #e(ree o co1operation accor#e# these in#wellin( 0#;usters 'y the -in#s o their so;ourn. (4B.4) 3:1.1. +he luctuations o the Father>s presence are not #ue to the chan(ea'leness o Go#. +he Father #oes not retire in seclusion 'ecause he has 'een sli(hte#; his a ections are not alienate# 'ecause o the creature>s wron(#oin(. Hather& havin( 'een en#owe# with the power o choice (concernin( 9i-sel )& his chil#ren& in the e,ercise o that choice& #irectly #eter-ine the #e(ree an# li-itations o the Father>s #ivine in luence in their own hearts an# souls. +he Father has reely 'estowe# hi-sel upon us without li-it an# without avor. 9e is no respecter o persons& planets& syste-s& or universes. 4n the sectors o ti-e he con ers #i erential honor only on the "ara#ise personalities o Go# the %even ol#& the co1or#inate creators o the inite universes. 2. Gods nfinite Power (4B.6) 3:..1 0ll the universes 3now that )the 8or# Go# o-nipotent rei(ns.* +he a airs o this worl# an# other worl#s are #ivinely supervise#. )9e #oes accor#in( to his will in the ar-y o heaven an# a-on( the inha'itants o the earth.* 4t is eternally true& )there is no power 'ut o Go#.* (4B.B) 3:... 2ithin the 'oun#s o that which is consistent with the #ivine nature& it is literally true that )with Go# all thin(s are possi'le.* +he lon(1#rawn1out evolutionary processes o peoples& planets& an# universes are un#er the per ect control o the universe creators an# a#-inistrators an# un ol# in accor#ance with the eternal purpose o the Universal Father& procee#in( in har-ony an# or#er an# in 3eepin( with the all1wise plan o Go#. +here is only one law(iver. 9e uphol#s the worl#s in space an# swin(s the universes aroun# the en#less circle o the eternal circuit. (4F.1) 3:..3 O all the #ivine attri'utes& his o-nipotence& especially as it prevails in the -aterial universe& is the 'est un#erstoo#. Kiewe# as an unspiritual pheno-enon& Go# is ener(y. +his #eclaration o physical act is pre#icate#

-elestari3an #an -en;a(a ase ini 3eha#iran 0llah 'erhar(a yan( & 3eti3a 'e'erapa planet ( atau 'ah3an siste- ) telah ;atuh ;auh 3e 3e(elapan rohani & -ere3a #ala- arti tertentu #i3arantina & atau se'a(ian terisolasi #ari hu'un(an se3sual #en(an le'ih 'esar unit penciptaan . Dan se-ua ini & 3arena 'eroperasi pa#a Urantia & a#alah rea3si #e ensi rohani #ari -ayoritas #unia untu3 -enyela-at3an #iri & se;auh -un(3in & #ari pen#eritaan 3onse3uensi -en(isolasi #ari per'uatan -en(asin(3an #ari 3eras 3epala & ;ahat & #an pe-'eronta3 -inoritas . ( 4B&3 ) 3:1.11 %e-entara !apa "arentally encircuits se-ua ana3nya 1 se-ua 3epri'a#ian 1 pen(aruhnya #i #ala-nya #i'atasi oleh 3eterpencilan asal -ere3a #ari <e#ua #an <eti(a Oran( <etuhanan #an #ita-'ah se'a(ai pencapaian nasi' -ere3a -en#e3ati tin(3at terse'ut . Fa3ta 3eha#iran 0llah #ala- pi3iran -a3hlu3 #itentu3an oleh apa3ah atau ti#a3 -ere3a telah #i#ia-i oleh ra(-en !apa & seperti ?onitor ?isteri & tetapi 3eha#iran e e3ti nya #itentu3an oleh tin(3at 3er;asa-a yan( #i'eri3an ini a#;uster 'er#ia-nya oleh pi3iran -ere3a tin((al . ( 4B&4 ) 3:1.1. Flu3tuasi 3eha#iran !apa ti#a3 3arena chan(ea'leness 0llah . !apa ti#a3 pensiun #ala- pen(asin(an 3arena ia telah #ire-eh3an & 3asih sayan( ti#a3 terasin( 3arena 3esalahan -a3hlu3 itu . %e'ali3nya & yan( telah #i'er3ahi #en(an 3e3uatan pilihan ( tentan( #iri1Cya ) & ana31ana3nya & #ala- -ela3sana3an pilihan itu & lan(sun( -enentu3an #era;at #an 3eter'atasan pen(aruh ilahi !apa #ala- hati #an ;iwa -ere3a sen#iri . !apa telah #i3arunia3an 3epa#a 3ita sen#iri tanpa 'atas #an tanpa 'antuan . Dia ti#a3 -e-'e#a3an oran( & planet & siste- & atau ala- se-esta . Di se3tor 3ali ia -en(anu(erah3an 3ehor-atan #i erensial hanya pa#a 3epri'a#ian sur(a #ari 0llah %even ol# & pencipta 3oor#inasi #ari ala- se-esta yan( ter'atas . . . <uasa 0llah yan( +a3 +erhin((a ( 4B&6 ) 3:..1 %e-ua ala- se-esta tahu

on the inco-prehensi'le truth that the First %ource an# $enter is the pri-al cause o the universal physical pheno-ena o all space. Fro- this #ivine activity all physical ener(y an# other -aterial -ani estations are #erive#. 8i(ht& that is& li(ht without heat& is another o the nonspiritual -ani estations o the Deities. 0n# there is still another or- o nonspiritual ener(y which is virtually un3nown on Urantia; it is as yet unreco(ni/e#. (4F..) 3:..4 Go# controls all power; he has -a#e )a way or the li(htnin(*; he has or#aine# the circuits o all ener(y. 9e has #ecree# the ti-e an# -anner o the -ani estation o all or-s o ener(y1 -atter. 0n# all these thin(s are hel# orever in his everlastin( (rasp J in the (ravitational control centerin( on nether "ara#ise. +he li(ht an# ener(y o the eternal Go# thus swin( on orever aroun# his -a;estic circuit& the en#less 'ut or#erly procession o the starry hosts co-posin( the universe o universes. 0ll creation circles eternally aroun# the "ara#ise1"ersonality center o all thin(s an# 'ein(s. (4F.3) 3:..6 +he o-nipotence o the Father pertains to the everywhere #o-inance o the a'solute level& whereon the three ener(ies& -aterial& -in#al& an# spiritual& are in#istin(uisha'le in close pro,i-ity to hi- J the %ource o all thin(s. $reature -in#& 'ein( neither "ara#ise -onota nor "ara#ise spirit& is not #irectly responsive to the Universal Father. Go#adjusts with the -in# o i-per ection J with Urantia -ortals throu(h the +hou(ht 0#;usters. (4F.4) 3:..B +he Universal Father is not a transient orce& a shi tin( power& or a luctuatin( ener(y. +he power an# wis#o- o the Father are wholly a#eAuate to cope with any an# all universe e,i(encies. 0s the e-er(encies o hu-an e,perience arise& he has oreseen the- all& an# there ore he #oes not react to the a airs o the universe in a #etache# way 'ut rather in accor#ance with the #ictates o eternal wis#o- an# in consonance with the -an#ates o in inite ;u#(-ent. He(ar#less o appearances& the power o Go# is not unctionin( in the universe as a 'lin# orce.

'ahwa : +uhan -e-erintah -aha3uasa. : Urusan #unia ini #an #unia lain yan( ilahi #iawasi . : Dia ti#a3 sesuai #en(an 3ehen#a31Cya #ala- tentara sur(a #an #i antara pen#u#u3 'u-i . : 4ni a#alah sela-anya 'enar & : ti#a3 a#a 3e3uatan -elain3an #ari 0llah . : ( 4B&B ) 3:... Dala- 'atas1'atas apa yan( 3onsisten #en(an si at ilahi & itu 'enar1'enar 'enar 'ahwa : 'a(i 0llah se(ala sesuatu -un(3in . : "roses evolusi yan( 'er3epan;an(an #ari -asyara3at & planet & #an ala- se-esta 'era#a #i 'awah 3ontrol se-purna #ari pencipta ala- se-esta #an a#-inistrator #an terun(3ap sesuai #en(an tu;uan 3e3al !apa Universal & -elan;ut3an #alahar-oni #an 3eterti'an #an sesuai #en(an rencana se-ua 1 'i;a3sana 0llah. 9anya a#a satu pe-'eri hu3u- . 4a -en;un;un( tin((i #unia #ala- ruan( #an ayunan ala- se-esta se3itar lin(3aran ta3 'eru;un( sir3uit yan( 3e3al . ( 4F.1 ) 3:..3 Dari se-ua atri'ut ilahi & 3e-aha3uasaan1Cya & teruta-a 3arena 'erla3u #i ala- se-esta -aterial& a#alah yan( ter'ai3 #ipaha-i . Dilihat se'a(ai suatu eno-ena rohani & +uhan a#alah ener(i . 4ni #e3larasi a3ta isi3 #i#asar3an pa#a 3e'enaran #i-en(erti 'ahwa %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat a#alah penye'a' uta-a #ari eno-ena isi3 universal se-ua ruan( . Dari 3e(iatan ini ilahi se-ua ener(i isi3 #an -ani estasi -aterial lainnya 'erasal . $ahaya & yaitu cahaya tanpa panas & -erupa3an -ani estasi nonspiritual #ari Dewa . Dan -asih a#a 'entu3 lain #ari ener(i nonspiritual yan( ha-pir ti#a3 #i3enal #i Urantia & itu 'elu- #i3enal . ( 4F&. ) 3:..4 0llah -en(en#ali3an se-ua 3e3uasaan & ia telah -e-'uat : ;alan 'a(i petir : & ia telah #itah'is3an sir3uit #ari seluruh ener(i . Dia telah -enetap3an wa3tu #an cara -ani estasi #ari se-ua 'entu3 ener(i 1-ateri . Dan se-ua hal ini #ia#a3an sela-anya #ala(en((a-an 1Cya yan( 3e3al 1 #ala3ontrol (ravitasi 'erpusat pa#a nether "ara#ise . $ahaya #an ener(i #ari 0llah yan( 3e3al sehin((a ayunan sela-anya #i se3itar sir3uit -e(ah nya & prosesi ta3

(4F.6) 3:..F

%ituations #o arise in which it appears that e-er(ency rulin(s have 'een -a#e& that natural laws have 'een suspen#e#& that -isa#aptations have 'een reco(ni/e#& an# that an e ort is 'ein( -a#e to recti y the situation; 'ut such is not the case. %uch concepts o Go# have their ori(in in the li-ite# ran(e o your viewpoint& in the initeness o your co-prehension& an# in the circu-scri'e# scope o your survey; such -isun#erstan#in( o Go# is #ue to the pro oun# i(norance you en;oy re(ar#in( the e,istence o the hi(her laws o the real-& the -a(nitu#e o the Father>s character& the in inity o his attri'utes& an# the act o his ree1willness. (4F.B) 3:..G +he planetary creatures o Go#>s spirit in#wellin(& scattere# hither an# yon throu(hout the universes o space& are so nearly in inite in nu-'er an# or#er& their intellects are so #iverse& their -in#s are so li-ite# an# so-eti-es so (ross& their vision is so curtaile# an# locali/e#& that it is al-ost i-possi'le to or-ulate (enerali/ations o law a#eAuately e,pressive o the Father>s in inite attri'utes an# at the sa-e ti-e to any #e(ree co-prehensi'le to these create# intelli(ences. +here ore& to you the creature& -any o the acts o the all1 power ul $reator see- to 'e ar'itrary& #etache#& an# not in reAuently heartless an# cruel. !ut a(ain 4 assure you that this is not true. Go#>s #oin(s are all purpose ul& intelli(ent& wise& 3in#& an# eternally consi#erate o the 'est (oo#& not always o an in#ivi#ual 'ein(& an in#ivi#ual race& an in#ivi#ual planet& or even an in#ivi#ual universe; 'ut they are or the wel are an# 'est (oo# o all concerne#& ro- the lowest to the hi(hest. 4n the epochs o ti-e the wel are o the part -ay so-eti-es appear to #i er ro- the wel are o the whole; in the circle o eternity such apparent #i erences are none,istent. (4G.1) 3:..I 2e are all a part o the a-ily o Go#& an# we -ust there ore so-eti-es share in the a-ily #iscipline. ?any o the acts o Go# which so #istur' an# con use us are the result o the #ecisions an# inal rulin(s o all1wis#o-& e-powerin( the $on;oint 0ctor to e,ecute the choosin( o the in alli'le will o the

'eru;un( tapi terti' 'er'intan( host -enyusun ala- se-esta ala- se-esta . %e-ua ciptaan lin(3aran sela-anya se3itar "ara#ise 1 <epri'a#ian pusat se(ala hal #an -a3hlu3 . ( 4F.3 ) 3:..6 <e-aha3uasaan -enyin((un( !apa 3e -ana1-ana #o-inasi tin(3at a'solut & yan( #iin;a3 oleh ti(a ener(i & -aterial& -in#al & #an spiritual & yan( 'isa #i'e#a3an #i #e3at #ia 1 %u-'er #ari se(ala sesuatu . $reature pi3iran& #an 'u3anlah "ara#ise -onota -aupun "ara#ise se-an(at & ti#a3 lan(sun( responsi terha#ap !apa Universal . 0llah -enyesuai3an #en(an pi3iran 3eti#a3se-purnaan 1 #en(an -anusia Urantia -elalui a#;uster +hou(ht . ( 4F&4 ) 3:..B !apa Universal 'u3anlah 3e3uatan se-entara& per(eseran 3e3uasaan & atau ener(i 'er lu3tuasi . <e3uatan #an 3e'i;a3sanaan !apa a#alah sepenuhnya -e-a#ai untu3 -en(atasi setiap #an se-ua ur(ensi se-esta . %e'a(ai #arurat pen(ala-an -anusia -uncul & ia telah #ira-al3an -ere3a se-ua & #an 3arena itu ia ti#a3 'erea3si terha#ap urusan ala- se-esta #en(an cara terpisah -elain3an sesuai #en(an 3ai#ah13ai#ah 3e'i;a3sanaan a'a#i #an seira-a #en(an -an#at pen(ha3i-an ter'atas . +erlepas #ari pena-pilan & 3uasa 0llah ti#a3 'er un(si #i alase-esta se'a(ai 3e3uatan 'uta. ( 4F.6 ) 3:..F %ituasi yan( ti-'ul #i -ana ta-pa3 'ahwa putusan #arurat telah #i'uat & 'ahwa hu3u-1hu3u- ala- telah #itan((uh3an & yan( -isa#aptations telah #ia3ui & #an 'ahwa upaya se#an( #ila3u3an untu3 -e-per'ai3i situasi & tetapi seperti ti#a3 3asus. <onsep seperti 0llah -e-ili3i asal -ere3a #i ;an(3auan ter'atas #ari su#ut pan#an( 0n#a & #ala- initeness pe-aha-an 0n#a & #an #ala- lin(3up yan( #i'atasi survei 0n#a& 3esalahpaha-an seperti 0llah a#alah 3arena 3eti#a3tahuan yan( -en#ala0n#a -eni3-ati -en(enai 3e'era#aan hu3u- yan( le'ih tin((i 3era;aan & 'esarnya 3ara3ter !apa & in inity atri'ut & #an a3ta nya 'e'as willness .

in inite -in#& to en orce the #ecisions o the personality o per ection& whose survey& vision& an# solicitu#e e-'race the hi(hest an# eternal wel are o all his vast an# ar1 lun( creation. (4G..) 3:..10 +hus it is that your #etache#& sectional& inite& (ross& an# hi(hly -aterialistic viewpoint an# the li-itations inherent in the nature o your 'ein( constitute such a han#icap that you are una'le to see& co-prehen#& or 3now the wis#o- an# 3in#ness o -any o the #ivine acts which to you seerau(ht with such crushin( cruelty& an# which see- to 'e characteri/e# 'y such utter in#i erence to the co- ort an# wel are& to the planetary happiness an# personal prosperity& o your ellow creatures. 4t is 'ecause o the li-its o hu-an vision& it is 'ecause o your circu-scri'e# un#erstan#in( an# inite co-prehension& that you -isun#erstan# the -otives& an# pervert the purposes& o Go#. !ut -any thin(s occur on the evolutionary worl#s which are not the personal #oin(s o the Universal Father. (4G.3) 3:..11 +he #ivine o-nipotence is per ectly co1or#inate# with the other attri'utes o the personality o Go#. +he power o Go# is& or#inarily& only li-ite# in its universe spiritual -ani estation 'y three con#itions or situations: (4G.4) 3:..1. 1. !y the nature o Go#& especially 'y his in inite love& 'y truth& 'eauty& an# (oo#ness. (4G.6) 3:..13 .. !y the will o Go#& 'y his -ercy -inistry an# atherly relationship with the personalities o the universe. (4G.B) 3:..14 3. !y the law o Go#& 'y the ri(hteousness an# ;ustice o the eternal "ara#ise +rinity. (4G.F) 3:..16 Go# is unli-ite# in power& #ivine in nature& inal in will& in inite in attri'utes& eternal in wis#o-& an# a'solute in reality. !ut all these characteristics o the Universal Father are uni ie# in Deity an# universally e,presse# in the "ara#ise +rinity an# in the #ivine %ons o the +rinity. Otherwise& outsi#e o "ara#ise an# the central universe o 9avona& everythin( pertainin( to Go# is li-ite# 'y the evolutionary presence o the %upre-e& con#itione# 'y the eventuatin( presence o the Ulti-ate& an# co1or#inate# 'y the

( 4F&B ) 3:..G ?a3hlu31-a3hlu3 planet 0llah Hoh 'er#ia-nya & -ari terse'ar #an yon seluruh se-esta ruan( & 'e(itu ha-pir ta3 ter'atas #ala- ;u-lah #an 3eterti'an & 3ecer#asan -ere3a 'e(itu 'era(a- & pi3iran -ere3a 'e(itu ter'atas #an 3a#an(13a#an( san(at 3otor & -ere3a visi san(at #i'atasi #an lo3al & 'ahwa ha-pir ti#a3 -un(3in untu3 -eru-us3an (eneralisasi hu3u- cu3up e3spresi atri'ut !apa yan( ta3 ter'atas #an pa#a saat yan( sa-a untu3 setiap tin(3at #ipaha-i ini #i'uat 3ecer#asan . Oleh 3arena itu & 'a(i 0n#a -a3hlu3 & 'anya3 tin#a3an #ari %an( "encipta yan( san(at 3uat ta-pa3nya sewenan(1 wenan( & terpisah & #an ti#a3 ;aran( 'erperasaan #an 3e;a- . +api se3ali la(i saya -eya3in3an 0n#a 'ahwa hal ini ti#a3 'enar . "er'uatan 0llah a#alah se-ua tu;uan & cer#as& 'i;a3sana & 'ai3& #an selalu -e-perti-'an(3an yan( ter'ai3 'ai3& ti#a3 selalu #ari -a3hlu3 in#ivi#u& perlo-'aan in#ivi#u& planet in#ivi#u& atau 'ah3an ala- se-esta in#ivi#u& tetapi -ere3a a#alah untu3 3ese;ahteraan #an ter'ai3 'ai3 #ari se-ua piha3& #ari yan( teren#ah sa-pai yan( tertin((i . "a#a /a-an wa3tu 3ese;ahteraan 'a(ian 3a#an(13a#an( ta-pa3 'er'e#a #ari 3ese;ahteraan 3eseluruhan; #ala- lin(3aran 3ea'a#ian per'e#aan nyata terse'ut ti#a3 a#a . ( 4G.1 ) 3:..I <ita se-ua a#alah 'a(ian #ari 3eluar(a 0llah & #an 3arena itu 3ita harus 3a#an(13a#an( 'er'a(i #ala#isiplin 3eluar(a. !anya3 tin#a3an +uhan yan( 'e(itu -en((an((u #an -e-'in(un(3an 3ita a#alah hasil #ari 3eputusan #an 3eputusan a3hir #ari se-ua 1 3e'i;a3sanaan& -e-'er#aya3an 03tor $on;oint untu3 -ela3sana3an "e-ilihan -a3su- a3an #ari pi3iran ta3 ter'atas& untu3 -ene(a33an 3eputusan 3epri'a#ian 3ese-purnaan & yan( survei & visi & #an 3eprihatinan -eran(3ul 3ese;ahteraan tertin((i #an 3e3al se-ua ciptaan luas #an 'er;auhan nya . ( 4G&. ) 3:..10 Da#i itu a#alah 'ahwa terpisah & sectional & ter'atas & 3otor & #an san(at -aterialistis su#ut pan#an( 0n#a #an 3eter'atasan yan( -ele3at #alasi at #ari 3e'era#aan 0n#a -erupa3an

three e,istential 0'solutes J Deity& Universal& an# UnAuali ie#. 0n# Go#>s presence is thus li-ite# 'ecause such is the will o Go#. 3. Gods Universa! "now!ed#e (4G.G) 3:3.1 )Go# 3nows all thin(s.* +he #ivine -in# is conscious o & an# conversant with& the thou(ht o all creation. 9is 3nowle#(e o events is universal an# per ect. +he #ivine entities (oin( out ro- hi- are a part o hi-; he who )'alances the clou#s* is also )per ect in 3nowle#(e.* )+he eyes o the 8or# are in every place.* %ai# your (reat teacher o the insi(ni icant sparrow& )One o the- shall not all to the (roun# without -y Father>s 3nowle#(e&* an# also& )+he very hairs o your hea# are nu-'ere#.* )9e tells the nu-'er o the stars; he calls the- all 'y their na-es.* (4I.1) 3:3.. +he Universal Father is the only personality in all the universe who #oes actually 3now the nu-'er o the stars an# planets o space. 0ll the worl#s o every universe are constantly within the consciousness o Go#. 9e also says: )4 have surely seen the a liction o -y people& 4 have hear# their cry& an# 4 3now their sorrows.* For )the 8or# loo3s roheaven; he 'ehol#s all the sons o -en; ro- the place o his ha'itation he loo3s upon all the inha'itants o the earth.* =very creature chil# -ay truly say: )9e 3nows the way 4 ta3e& an# when he has trie# -e& 4 shall co-e orth as (ol#.* )Go# 3nows our #ownsittin(s an# our uprisin(s; he un#erstan#s our thou(hts a ar o an# is acAuainte# with all our ways.* )0ll thin(s are na3e# an# open to the eyes o hi- with who- we have to #o.* 0n# it shoul# 'e a real co- ort to every hu-an 'ein( to un#erstan# that )he 3nows your ra-e; he re-e-'ers that you are #ust.* Desus& spea3in( o the livin( Go#& sai#& )@our Father 3nows what you have nee# o even 'e ore you as3 hi-.* (4I..) 3:3.3 Go# is possesse# o unli-ite# power to 3now all thin(s; his consciousness is universal. 9is personal circuit enco-passes all personalities& an# his 3nowle#(e o even the lowly creatures is supple-ente# in#irectly throu(h the #escen#in( series o #ivine %ons an# #irectly throu(h the in#wellin(

cacat seperti 'ahwa 0n#a ti#a3 #apat -elihat & -e-aha-i & atau -en(etahui 3e'i;a3sanaan #an 3e'ai3an #ari 'anya3 tin#a3an ilahi yan( 0n#a ta-pa3 penuh #en(an 3e3e;a-an -en(hancur3an seperti itu& #an yan( ta-pa3nya #itan#ai #en(an 3eti#a3 pe#ulian terse'ut untu3 3enya-anan #an 3ese;ahteraan & untu3 3e'aha(iaan #an 3ese;ahteraan planet pri'a#i & -a3hlu3 sesa-a . 9al ini 3arena 3eter'atasan pen(lihatan -anusia& itu 3arena pe-aha-an #i'atasi #an pe-aha-an yan( ter'atas & 'ahwa 0n#a salah paha- -oti & #an -e-utar'ali33an tu;uan & 0llah . +api 'anya3 hal ter;a#i pa#a #unia evolusi yan( 'u3an per'uatan pri'a#i #ari !apa Universal . ( 4G&3 ) 3:..11 +he 3e-aha3uasaan ilahi se-purna ter3oor#inasi #en(an atri'ut lain #ari 3epri'a#ian 0llah . <e3uatan 0llah & 'iasanya & hanya ter'atas #ala-ani estasi spiritual ala- se-esta se'esar ti(a 3on#isi atau situasi : (4G&4) 3:..1. 1 . Den(an si at 0llah & 3hususnya oleh cintanya yan( ta3 ter'atas & #en(an 3e'enaran& 3ein#ahan & #an 3e'ai3an . (4G&6) 3:..13 . . Den(an 3ehen#a3 0llah & oleh 3e-enterian #an 3e'apa3an rah-at hu'un(annya #en(an 3epri'a#ian alase-esta . (4G&B) 3:..14 3 . Den(an hu3u- 0llah & #en(an 3e'enaran #an 3ea#ilan yan( a'a#i "ara#ise +rinity . ( 4G&F ) 3:..16 0llah ti#a3 ter'atas #ala3e3uasaan & ilahi #i ala- & inal a3an& ta3 ter'atas #ala- atri'ut & a'a#i #ala3e'i;a3sanaan & #an -utla3 #ala3enyataan. +api se-ua 3ara3teristi3 #ari !apa Universal #isatu3an #ala- Dewa #an universal #inyata3an #ala- sur(a +rinitas #an #ala- %ons ilahi #ari +rinitas . Di3a ti#a3 & #i luar sur(a #an ala- se-esta ten(ah 9avona & se(ala sesuatu yan( 'er3aitan #en(an 0llah #i'atasi oleh 3eha#iran evolusi 0(un( & #i3on#isi3an oleh 3eha#iran eventuatin( #ari Ulti-ate & #an #i3oor#inasi oleh ti(a -utla3 e3sistensial 1 Dewa & Universal &

+hou(ht 0#;usters. 0n# urther-ore& the 4n inite %pirit is all the ti-e everywhere present. (4I.3) 3:3.4 2e are not wholly certain as to whether or not Go# chooses to ore3now events o sin. !ut even i Go# shoul# ore3now the reewill acts o his chil#ren& such ore3nowle#(e #oes not in the least a'ro(ate their ree#o-. One thin( is certain: Go# is never su';ecte# to surprise. (4I.4) 3:3.6 O-nipotence #oes not i-ply the power to #o the non#oa'le& the un(o#li3e act. Ceither #oes o-niscience i-ply the 3nowin( o the un3nowa'le. !ut such state-ents can har#ly 'e -a#e co-prehensi'le to the inite -in#. +he creature can har#ly un#erstan# the ran(e an# li-itations o the will o the $reator. $. Gods %i&it!essness (4I.6) 3:4.1 +he successive 'estowal o hi-sel upon the universes as they are 'rou(ht into 'ein( in no wise lessens the potential o power or the store o wis#oas they continue to resi#e an# repose in the central personality o Deity. 4n potential o orce& wis#o-& an# love& the Father has never lessene# au(ht o his possession nor 'eco-e #iveste# o any attri'ute o his (lorious personality as the result o the unstinte# 'estowal o hi-sel upon the "ara#ise %ons& upon his su'or#inate creations& an# upon the -ani ol# creatures thereo . (4I.B) 3:4.. +he creation o every new universe calls or a new a#;ust-ent o (ravity; 'ut even i creation shoul# continue in#e initely& eternally& even to in inity& so that eventually the -aterial creation woul# e,ist without li-itations& still the power o control an# co1 or#ination reposin( in the 4sle o "ara#ise woul# 'e oun# eAual to& an# a#eAuate or& the -astery& control& an# co1 or#ination o such an in inite universe. 0n# su'seAuent to this 'estowal o li-itless orce an# power upon a 'oun#less universe& the 4n inite woul# still 'e surchar(e# with the sa-e #e(ree o orce an# ener(y; the UnAuali ie# 0'solute woul# still 'e un#i-inishe#; Go# woul# still possess the sa-e in inite potential& ;ust as i orce& ener(y& an# power ha# never 'een poure# orth or

#an 2a;ar +anpa "en(ecualian . Dan 3eha#iran 0llah #e-i3ian ter'atas 3arena terse'ut a#alah 3ehen#a3 0llah . 3 . "en(etahuan Universal 0llah ( 4G.G ) 3:3.1 : 0llah -en(etahui se(ala sesuatu . : "i3iran ilahi sa#ar & #an asih #en(an & pi3iran #ari se-ua ciptaan. "en(etahuan tentan( peristiwa 'ersi at universal #an se-purna . =ntitas ilahi 3eluar #ari #ia a#alah 'a(ian #ari #irinya & . Dia yan( : sal#o awan : ;u(a : . %e-purna #ala- pen(etahuan : :?ata +uhan a#a #i se(ala te-pat : <ata (uru 'esar 0n#a #ari 'urun( (ere;a ti#a3 si(ni i3an & : salah satu #ari -ere3a ti#a3 a3an ;atuh 3e tanah tanpa sepen(etahuan !apa1<u & : #an ;u(a& : #an 3a-u& ra-'ut 3epala-u #i'eri no-or : : #ia -en(ata3an ;u-lah 'intan(1'intan( & ia -e-an((il -ere3a se-ua #en(an na-a -ere3a . : . ( 4I&1 ) 3:3.. !apa Universal a#alah satu1 satunya 3epri'a#ian #i seluruh alase-esta yan( ti#a3 'enar1'enar tahu ;u-lah 'intan(1'intan( #an planet1planet ruan( . %e-ua #unia setiap se-esta terus1-enerus #ala- 3esa#aran +uhan . Dia ;u(a -en(ata3an : : . 03u su#ah -elihat pen#eritaan u-at1<u & 03u telah -en#en(ar teria3an -ere3a & #an a3u -en(etahui se(ala sen(saranya : Untu3 : +uhan -elihat #ari sor(a & ia -e-an#an(i se-ua ana3 la3i1la3i& #ari te-pat per3e-ahannya ia -e-an#an( se-ua pen#u#u3 'u-i : %etiap ana3 -a3hlu3 yan( 'enar1'enar #apat -en(ata3an : : . . #ia tahu cara saya a-'il& #an 3eti3a ia telah -enco'a & a3u a3an ti-'ul seperti e-as : : +uhan tahu #ownsittin(s #an pe-'eronta3an 3ita; ia -e-aha-i pi3iran ;auh 3ita o #an 'er3enalan #en(an se-ua cara1cara 3ita . : : se-ua hal yan( telan;an( #an ter'u3a #i #epan -ata Dia #en(an siapa yan( harus 3ita la3u3an . : #an itu harus -en;a#i 3enya-anan nyata 'a(i setiap -anusia untu3 -e-aha-i 'ahwa : #ia sen#iri tahu 0n#a& ia in(at 'ahwa 0n#a a#alah #e'u : @esus & 'er'icara #ari 0llah yan( hi#up & 'er3ata&: 0yah 0n#a tahu apa yan( 0n#a -e-ili3i 3e'utuhan 'ah3an se'elu- 0n#a 'ertanya pa#anya

the en#ow-ent o universe upon universe. (60.1) 3:4.3 0n# so with wis#o-: +he act that -in# is so reely #istri'ute# to the thin3in( o the real-s in no wise i-poverishes the central source o #ivine wis#o-. 0s the universes -ultiply& an# 'ein(s o the real-s increase in nu-'er to the li-its o co-prehension& i -in# continues without en# to 'e 'estowe# upon these 'ein(s o hi(h an# low estate& still will Go#>s central personality continue to e-'race the sa-e eternal& in inite& an# all1wise -in#. (60..) 3:4.4 +he act that he sen#s orth spirit -essen(ers ro- hi-sel to in#well the -en an# wo-en o your worl# an# other worl#s in no wise lessens his a'ility to unction as a #ivine an# all1power ul spirit personality; an# there is a'solutely no li-it to the e,tent or nu-'er o such spirit ?onitors which he can an# -ay sen# out. +his (ivin( o hi-sel to his creatures creates a 'oun#less& al-ost inconceiva'le uture possi'ility o pro(ressive an# successive e,istences or these #ivinely en#owe# -ortals. 0n# this pro#i(al #istri'ution o hi-sel as these -inisterin( spirit entities in no -anner #i-inishes the wis#o- an# per ection o truth an# 3nowle#(e which repose in the person o the all1wise& all1 3nowin(& an# all1power ul Father. (60.3) 3:4.6 +o the -ortals o ti-e there is a uture& 'ut Go# inha'its eternity. =ven thou(h 4 hail ro- near the very a'i#in( place o Deity& 4 cannot presu-e to spea3 with per ection o un#erstan#in( concernin( the in inity o -any o the #ivine attri'utes. 4n inity o -in# alone can ully co-prehen# in inity o e,istence an# eternity o action. (60.4) 3:4.B ?ortal -an cannot possi'ly 3now the in initu#e o the heavenly Father. Finite -in# cannot thin3 throu(h such an a'solute truth or act. !ut this sa-e inite hu-an 'ein( can actually feel literally e,perience J the ull an# un#i-inishe# i-pact o such an in inite Father>s 8OK=. %uch a love can 'e truly e,perience#& al'eit while Auality o e,perience is unli-ite#& Auantity o such an e,perience is strictly li-ite# 'y the hu-an capacity or spiritual receptivity an# 'y the associate# capacity to love the Father in

:.. ( 4I.. ) 3:3.3 0llah yan( -e-ili3i 3e3uatan ta3 ter'atas untu3 tahu se(ala sesuatu& 3esa#arannya 'ersi at universal . %ir3uit pri'a#i1Cya -eliputi se-ua 3epri'a#ian & #an pen(etahuan tentan( 'ah3an -a3hlu3 ren#ahan #ilen(3api secara ti#a3 lan(sun( -elalui seran(3aian turun #ari %ons ilahi #an lan(sun( -elalui a#;uster "e-i3iran 'er#ia- . Dan selan;utnya & Hoh 4n inite sepan;an( wa3tu #i -ana1-ana saat ini . ( 4I&3 ) 3:3.4 <a-i ti#a3 sepenuhnya ya3in & apa3ah atau ti#a3 +uhan -e-ilih untu3 -en(etahui se'elu-nya peristiwa #osa. +etapi 'ah3an ;i3a +uhan harus -en(etahui se'elu-nya tin#a3an 3ehen#a3 'e'as #ari ana31ana3nya & ra-alan terse'ut ti#a3 se#i3it pun -enca'ut 3e'e'asan -ere3a . %atu hal yan( pasti : +uhan ti#a3 pernah -en(ala-i 3e;utan. ( 4I.4 ) 3:3.6 ?aha3uasa ti#a3 'erarti 3e3uatan untu3 -ela3u3an non#oa'le & tin#a3an un(o#li3e . Du(a ti#a3 3e-ahatahuan -enyirat3an -en(etahui #ari #i3etahui . +api pernyataan seperti itu ha-pir ti#a3 #apat #i'uat #ipaha-i oleh pi3iran yan( ter'atas . ?a3hlu3 itu ha-pir ti#a3 #apat -e-aha-i ;an(3auan #an 3eter'atasan 3ehen#a3 %an( "encipta . 4 . 8i-itlessness 0llah ( 4I.6 ) 3:4.1 +he pen(anu(erahan 'erturut #irinya pa#a ala- se-esta 3arena -ere3a #i'awa 3e 'era#a #i ti#a3 -en(uran(i 'i;a3sana potensi 3e3uasaan atau to3o 3e'i;a3sanaan 3arena -ere3a terus tin((al #an 'eristirahat #i pusat 3epri'a#ian <etuhanan . Dala- potensi 3e3uatan & 3e'i;a3sanaan& #an 3asih & !apa ti#a3 pernah 'er3uran( se#i3it pun #ari -ili3nya ;u(a -en;a#i #ivestasi atri'ut 3epri'a#ian -ulia se'a(ai hasil #ari pen(anu(erahan 'oros #irinya pa#a %ons "ara#ise & setelah 3reasi 'awahannya & #an setelah -a3hlu3 'er;enis #aripa#anya . ( 4I&B ) 3:4.. "e-'entu3an setiap

(60.6) 3:4.F

Finite appreciation o in inite Aualities ar transcen#s the lo(ically li-ite# capacities o the creature 'ecause o the act that -ortal -an is -a#e in the i-a(e o Go# J there lives within hi- a ra(-ent o in inity. +here ore -an>s nearest an# #earest approach to Go# is 'y an# throu(h love& or Go# is love. 0n# all o such a uniAue relationship is an actual e,perience in cos-ic sociolo(y& the $reator1creature relationship J the Father1chil# a ection. '. The (athers )upre&e *u!e (60.B) 3:6.1 4n his contact with the post1 9avona creations& the Universal Father #oes not e,ercise his in inite power an# inal authority 'y #irect trans-ittal 'ut rather throu(h his %ons an# their su'or#inate personalities. 0n# Go# #oes all this o his own ree will. 0ny an# all powers #ele(ate#& i occasion shoul# arise& i it shoul# 'eco-e the choice o the #ivine -in#& coul# 'e e,ercise# #irect; 'ut& as a rule& such action only ta3es place as a result o the ailure o the #ele(ate# personality to ul ill the #ivine trust. 0t such ti-es an# in the ace o such #e ault an# within the li-its o the reservation o #ivine power an# potential& the Father #oes act in#epen#ently an# in accor#ance with the -an#ates o his own choice; an# that choice is always one o un ailin( per ection an# in inite wis#o-. (61.1) 3:6.. +he Father rules throu(h his %ons; on #own throu(h the universe or(ani/ation there is an un'ro3en chain o rulers en#in( with the "lanetary "rinces& who #irect the #estinies o the evolutionary spheres o the Father>s vast #o-ains. 4t is no -ere poetic e,pression that e,clai-s: )+he earth is the 8or#>s an# the ullness thereo .* )9e re-oves 3in(s an# sets up 3in(s.* )+he ?ost 9i(hs rule in the 3in(#o-s o -en.* (61..) 3:6.3 4n the a airs o -en>s hearts the Universal Father -ay not always have his way; 'ut in the con#uct an# #estiny o a planet the #ivine plan prevails; the eternal purpose o wis#o- an# love triu-phs. (61.3) 3:6.4 %ai# Desus: )?y Father& who (ave the- to -e& is (reater than all; an# no one is a'le to pluc3 the- out o -y

se-esta 'aru pan((ilan untu3 penyesuaian 'aru (ravitasi & tetapi 'ah3an ;i3a penciptaan harus terus tanpa 'atas & sela-anya& 'ah3an sa-pai ta3 terhin((a & sehin((a a3hirnya penciptaan -ateri a3an a#a tanpa 3eter'atasan & -asih 3e3uatan pen(en#alian #an 3oor#inasi ter(eleta3 #i 4sle o "ara#ise a3an #ite-u3an sa-a & #an -e-a#ai untu3 & pen(uasaan & 3ontrol& #an 3oor#inasi seperti ala- se-esta tanpa 'atas . Dan setelah pen(anu(erahan ini 3e3uatan ta3 ter'atas #an 3e3uasaan atas ala- se-esta ta3 ter'atas & ta3 ter'atas tetap a3an surchar(e# #en(an tin(3at yan( sa-a 3e3uatan #an ener(i& 2a;ar +anpa "en(ecualian ?utla3 -asih a3an 'er3uran( & +uhan -asih a3an -e-ili3i potensi ta3 ter'atas yan( sa-a & hanya seolah1olah 3e3uatan & ener(i & #an 3e3uatan ti#a3 pernah #icurah3an untu3 #ana a'a#i alase-esta pa#a ala- se-esta . ( 60&1 ) 3:4.3 Dan #en(an hi3-at : Fa3ta 'ahwa pi3iran 'e(itu 'e'as #i#istri'usi3an 3epa#a pe-i3iran alase3ali ti#a3 'i;a3sana -e-is3in3an pusat su-'er 3e'i;a3sanaan ilahi . %e'a(ai se-esta -ultiply & #an -a3hlu3 penin(3atan ala- #i no-or 'atas pe-aha-an & ;i3a pi3iran 'erlan;ut tanpa a3hir yan( a3an #i'eri3an 3epa#a -a3hlu3 real tin((i #an ren#ah & -asih a3an pusat 3epri'a#ian 0llah terus -eran(3ul sa-a 3e3al & ta3 ter'atas & #an se-ua 1 'i;a3sana pi3iran . ( 60.. ) 3:4.4 Fa3ta 'ahwa ia -en(iri-3an ta-pillah suatu roh utusan #ari #irinya untu3 -en#ia-i pria #an wanita #ari #unia 0n#a #an #unia lain ti#a3 a#a -en(uran(i 'i;a3sana 3e-a-puannya untu3 'er un(si se'a(ai 3epri'a#ian se-an(at ilahi #an se-ua 1 3uat& #an a#a 'enar1'enar a#a 'atasan luas atau ;u-lah ?onitor se-an(at seperti yan( ia #apat #an -un(3in a3an -en(iri-3an . 4ni pe-'erian #irinya untu3 -a3hlu31Cya -encipta3an ta3 ter'atas & 3e-un(3inan -asa #epan ha-pir ta3 ter'ayan(3an e3sistensi pro(resi #an 'erturut1turut 'a(i para -anusia ilahi #i'er3ahi . Dan #istri'usi ini hilan( #ari #irinya se'a(ai entitas ini

Father>s han#.* 0s you (li-pse the -ani ol# wor3in(s an# view the sta((erin( i--ensity o Go#>s well1ni(h li-itless creation& you -ay alter in your concept o his pri-acy& 'ut you shoul# not ail to accept hi- as securely an# everlastin(ly enthrone# at the "ara#ise center o all thin(s an# as the 'ene icent Father o all intelli(ent 'ein(s. +here is 'ut )one Go# an# Father o all& who is a'ove all an# in all&* )an# he is 'e ore all thin(s& an# in hi- all thin(s consist.* (61.4) 3:6.6 +he uncertainties o li e an# the vicissitu#es o e,istence #o not in any -anner contra#ict the concept o the universal soverei(nty o Go#. 0ll evolutionary creature li e is 'eset 'y certain inevitabilities. $onsi#er the ollowin(: (61.6) 3:6.B 1. 4s courage stren(th o character J #esira'le5 +hen -ust -an 'e reare# in an environ-ent which necessitates (rapplin( with har#ships an# reactin( to #isappoint-ents. (61.B) 3:6.F .. 4s altruism service o one>s ellows J #esira'le5 +hen -ust li e e,perience provi#e or encounterin( situations o social ineAuality. (61.F) 3:6.G 3. 4s hope the (ran#eur o trust J #esira'le5 +hen hu-an e,istence -ust constantly 'e con ronte# with insecurities an# recurrent uncertainties. (61.G) 3:6.I 4. 4s faith the supre-e assertion o hu-an thou(ht J #esira'le5 +hen -ust the -in# o -an in# itsel in that trou'leso-e pre#ica-ent where it ever 3nows less than it can 'elieve. (61.I) 3:6.10 6. 4s the love of truth an# the willin(ness to (o wherever it lea#s& #esira'le5 +hen -ust -an (row up in a worl# where error is present an# alsehoo# always possi'le. (61.10) 3:6.11 B. 4s idealism the approachin( concept o the #ivine J #esira'le5 +hen -ust -an stru((le in an environ-ent o relative (oo#ness an# 'eauty& surroun#in(s sti-ulative o the irrepressi'le reach or 'etter thin(s. (61.11) 3:6.1. F. 4s loyalty #evotion to hi(hest #uty J #esira'le5 +hen -ust -an carry on a-i# the possi'ilities o 'etrayal an# #esertion. +he valor o #evotion to #uty consists in the i-plie# #an(er o #e ault. (61.1.) 3:6.13 G. 4s unselfishness the spirit

-elayani roh #en(an cara ti#a3 -en(uran(i 3e'i;a3sanaan #an 3ese-purnaan 3e'enaran #an pen(etahuan yan( 'eristirahat #alapri'a#i se-ua1 'i;a3sana & ?ahatahu & #an -aha3uasa !apa . ( 60&3 ) 3:4.6 Untu3 -anusia wa3tu #i sana a#alah -asa #epan & tapi +uhan -en#ia-i 3e3e3alan . ?es3ipun saya 'erasal #ari #e3at te-pat yan( san(at taat Dewa & saya ti#a3 #apat -en(an((ap 'er'icara #en(an 3ese-purnaan pe-aha-an tentan( 3eti#a3ter'atasan 'anya3 atri'ut ilahi . 4n inity pi3iran sa;a #apat sepenuhnya -e-aha-i in inity 3e'era#aan #an 3ea'a#ian tin#a3an. ( 60&4 ) 3:4.B pria ?ortal ti#a3 -un(3in -en(etahui ter'atasan !apa sur(awi . "i3iran yan( ter'atas ti#a3 'isa -e-i3ir3an seperti 3e'enaran a'solut atau a3ta . +api ini -anusia ter'atas yan( sa-a 'enar1'enar #apat -erasa3an 1 secara har iah pen(ala-an 1 #a-pa3 penuh #an 'er3uran( $4C+0 seperti !apa yan( ta3 ter'atas itu . $inta seperti itu #apat 'enar1'enar -en(ala-i & -es3ipun se-entara 3ualitas pen(ala-an ti#a3 ter'atas & ;u-lah pen(ala-an seperti itu san(at ter'atas oleh 3e-a-puan -anusia untu3 peneri-aan rohani #an oleh 3apasitas ter3ait untu3 -en(asihi !apa se'a(ai 'alasannya. ( 60&6 ) 3:4.F apresiasi 9in((a 3ualitas ta3 ter'atas ;auh -ela-paui 3apasitas lo(is ter'atas -a3hlu3 3arena a3ta 'ahwa -anusia ana #i'uat #ala(a-'ar 0llah 1 a#a hi#up #ala- #irinya se'uah ra(-en ta3 terhin((a . Oleh 3arena ter#e3at #an ter3asih pen#e3atan -anusia terha#ap 0llah a#alah #en(an #an -elalui cinta& se'a' 0llah a#alah 3asih . Dan se-ua hu'un(an uni3 terse'ut -erupa3an pen(ala-an a3tual #ala- sosiolo(i 3os-i3 & hu'un(an pencipta #an ciptaan 1 3asih sayan( 0yah 1 ana3. 6 . !apa 0(un( "eraturan ( 60&B ) 3:6.1 Dala- 3onta3nya #en(an

o sel 1 or(et ulness J #esira'le5 +hen -ust -ortal -an live ace to ace with the incessant cla-orin( o an inescapa'le sel or reco(nition an# honor. ?an coul# not #yna-ically choose the #ivine li e i there were no sel 1li e to orsa3e. ?an coul# never lay savin( hol# on ri(hteousness i there were no potential evil to e,alt an# #i erentiate the (oo# 'y contrast. (61.13) 3:6.14 I. 4s pleasure the satis action o happiness J #esira'le5 +hen -ust -an live in a worl# where the alternative o pain an# the li3elihoo# o su erin( are ever1present e,periential possi'ilities. (6..1) 3:6.16 +hrou(hout the universe& every unit is re(ar#e# as a part o the whole. %urvival o the part is #epen#ent on co1 operation with the plan an# purpose o the whole& the wholehearte# #esire an# per ect willin(ness to #o the Father>s #ivine will. +he only evolutionary worl# without error (the possi'ility o unwise ;u#(-ent) woul# 'e a worl# without freeintelli(ence. 4n the 9avona universe there are a 'illion per ect worl#s with their per ect inha'itants& 'ut evolvin( -an -ust 'e alli'le i he is to 'e ree. Free an# ine,perience# intelli(ence cannot possi'ly at irst 'e uni or-ly wise. +he possi'ility o -ista3en ;u#(-ent (evil) 'eco-es sin only when the hu-an will consciously en#orses an# 3nowin(ly e-'races a #eli'erate i--oral ;u#(-ent. (6...) 3:6.1B +he ull appreciation o truth& 'eauty& an# (oo#ness is inherent in the per ection o the #ivine universe. +he inha'itants o the 9avona worl#s #o not reAuire the potential o relative value levels as a choice sti-ulus; such per ect 'ein(s are a'le to i#enti y an# choose the (oo# in the a'sence o all contrastive an# thou(ht1co-pellin( -oral situations. !ut all such per ect 'ein(s are& in -oral nature an# spiritual status& what they are 'y virtue o the act o e,istence. +hey have e,perientially earne# a#vance-ent only within their inherent status. ?ortal -an earns even his status as an ascension can#i#ate 'y his own aith an# hope. =verythin( #ivine which the hu-an -in# (rasps an# the hu-an soul acAuires is an e,periential attain-ent; it is a reality o personal e,perience an# is

3reasi pasca 1 9avona & !apa Universal ti#a3 -en;alan3an 3e3uasaan yan( ta3 ter'atas #an otoritas inal oleh lan(sun( pen(iri-an -elain3an -elalui %ons #an 3epri'a#ian 'awahan -ere3a. Dan +uhan -ela3u3an se-ua ini atas 3e-auannya sen#iri . %etiap #an se-ua wewenan( yan( #i#ele(asi3an & ;i3a 3ese-patan harus -uncul & ;i3a harus -en;a#i pilihan #ari pi3iran ilahi & #apat #ie3se3usi lan(sun( & tetapi & se'a(ai suatu peraturan & tin#a3an terse'ut hanya ter;a#i se'a(ai a3i'at #ari 3e(a(alan #ari 3epri'a#ian #i#ele(asi3an untu3 -e-enuhi 3epercayaan ilahi . "a#a saat1 saat seperti itu #an #ala- -en(ha#api stan#ar terse'ut #an #ala- 'atas1'atas reservasi 3e3uasaan ilahi #an potensi & !apa ti#a3 'ertin#a3 in#epen#en #an sesuai #en(an -an#at #ari pilihannya sen#iri & #an pilihan itu selalu salah satu 3ese-purnaan putus1putusnya #an ta3 ter'atas 3e'i;a3sanaan. ( 61&1 ) 3:6.. 0turan !apa -elalui %ons Cya& #i 'awah -elalui or(anisasi se-esta a#a rantai yan( ta3 terputus #ari pen(uasa 'era3hir #en(an "rinces "lanetary & yan( lan(sun( nasi' 'ola evolusi #o-ain !apa luas . 9al ini ti#a3 hanya e3spresi puitis yan( 'erseru : : . !u-i a#alah +uhan #an 3epenuhan #arinya : : Dia -en(hilan(3an ra;a #an -en#iri3an ra;a : : "alin( aturan 9i(hs #i 3era;aan -anusia . : . ( 61&. ) 3:6.3 Dala- urusan hati -anusia !apa Universal -un(3in ti#a3 selalu -e-ili3i cara & tetapi #ala- pela3sanaan #an nasi' planet rencana ilahi 'erla3u & tu;uan 3e3al 3e'i;a3sanaan #an cinta 3e-enan(an . ( 61.3 ) 3:6.4 <ata @esus : : . !apa1<u & yan( -e-'eri3an -ere3a 3epa#a saya & le'ih 'esar #ari se-ua & #an ti#a3 a#a yan( -a-pu -ere'ut -ere3a #ari tan(an !apa : <eti3a 0n#a se3ilas cara 3er;a -ani ol# #an -elihat 'esarnya -en(e;ut3an #ari ha-pir1ha-pir ta3 ter'atas ciptaan 0llah & 0n#a -un(3in (oyah #ala- 3onsep 0n#a tentan( 3euta-aan 1Cya & tetapi 0n#a ti#a3 'oleh (a(al untu3 -eneri-a #ia se'a(ai a-an #an senantiasa 'ertahta #i ten(ah sur(a

there ore a uniAue possession in contrast to the inherent (oo#ness an# ri(hteousness o the inerrant personalities o 9avona. (6..3) 3:6.1F +he creatures o 9avona are naturally 'rave& 'ut they are not coura(eous in the hu-an sense. +hey are innately 3in# an# consi#erate& 'ut har#ly altruistic in the hu-an way. +hey are e,pectant o a pleasant uture& 'ut not hope ul in the e,Auisite -anner o the trustin( -ortal o the uncertain evolutionary spheres. +hey have aith in the sta'ility o the universe& 'ut they are utter stran(ers to that savin( aith where'y -ortal -an cli-'s ro- the status o an ani-al up to the portals o "ara#ise. +hey love the truth& 'ut they 3now nothin( o its soul1savin( Aualities. +hey are i#ealists& 'ut they were 'orn that way; they are wholly i(norant o the ecstasy o 'eco-in( such 'y e,hilaratin( choice. +hey are loyal& 'ut they have never e,perience# the thrill o wholehearte# an# intelli(ent #evotion to #uty in the ace o te-ptation to #e ault. +hey are unsel ish& 'ut they never (aine# such levels o e,perience 'y the -a(ni icent conAuest o a 'elli(erent sel . +hey en;oy pleasure& 'ut they #o not co-prehen# the sweetness o the pleasure escape ro- the pain potential. +. The (athers Pri&a,y (6..4) 3:B.1 2ith #ivine sel lessness& consu--ate (enerosity& the Universal Father relinAuishes authority an# #ele(ates power& 'ut he is still pri-al; his han# is on the -i(hty lever o the circu-stances o the universal real-s; he has reserve# all inal #ecisions an# unerrin(ly wiel#s the all1power ul veto scepter o his eternal purpose with unchallen(ea'le authority over the wel are an# #estiny o the outstretche#& whirlin(& an# ever1circlin( creation. (6..6) 3:B.. +he soverei(nty o Go# is unli-ite#; it is the un#a-ental act o all creation. +he universe was not inevita'le. +he universe is not an acci#ent& neither is it sel 1e,istent. +he universe is a wor3 o creation an# is there ore wholly su';ect to the will o the $reator. +he will o Go# is #ivine truth& livin( love; there ore are the per ectin( creations o the evolutionary universes characteri/e# 'y

#ari se(ala sesuatu #an se'a(ai !apa #er-awan #ari se-ua -a3hlu3 cer#as . 0#a tapi : satu 0llah #an !apa #ari se-ua & 0llah yan( #i atas se-ua #an #i #ala- se-ua & : : #an #ia a#a se'eluse(ala sesuatu & #an #i #ala- Dia se-ua hal a#a . : ( 61&4 ) 3:6.6 <eti#a3pastian hi#up #an peru'ahan1peru'ahan e3sistensi ti#a3 #en(an cara apapun 'ertentan(an #en(an 3onsep 3e#aulatan 0llah yan( universal . %e-ua -a3hlu3 hi#up evolusi se#an( terti-pa inevita'ilities tertentu. "erti-'an(3an hal 'eri3ut : (61&6) 3:6.B 1 . 0pa3ah 3e'eranian 1 3e3uatan 3ara3ter 1 #iin(in3an 5 <e-u#ian pria harus #i'esar3an #alalin(3un(an yan( -e-erlu3an 'er(ulat #en(an 3esulitan #an 'erea3si terha#ap 3e3ecewaan . (61&B) 3:6.F . . 0pa3ah altruis-e 1 pelayanan re3an1re3an satu 1 #iin(in3an 5 <e-u#ian harus hi#up pen(ala-an -enye#ia3an untu3 -en(ha#api situasi 3eti-pan(an sosial . (61&F) 3:6.G 3 . 0pa3ah harapan 1 3e-e(ahan 3epercayaan 1 yan( #iin(in3an 5 <e-u#ian 3e'era#aan -anusia harus selalu #iha#ap3an #en(an 3eti#a3a-anan #an 3eti#a3pastian 'erulan( . (61&G) 3:6.I 4 . 0pa3ah i-an 1 pernyataan tertin((i pe-i3iran -anusia 1 yan( #iin(in3an 5 <e-u#ian harus pi3iran -anusia -ene-u3an #irinya #ala3ea#aan 'er-asalah -ana itu pernah tahu 3uran( #ari itu 'isa percaya . (61&I) 3:6.10 6 . 0pa3ah cinta a3an 3e'enaran #an 3e-auan untu3 per(i 3e -ana pun itu -en(arah & #iin(in3an 5 <e-u#ian pria harus tu-'uh #i #unia #i -ana 3esalahan ha#ir #an 3epalsuan selalu -un(3in . (61&10) 3:6.11 B . 0pa3ah i#ealis-e 1 3onsep -en#e3ati yan( ilahi 1 #iin(in3an 5 8alu oran( harus 'er;uan( #ala- lin(3un(an 3e'ai3an relati #an 3ein#ahan & lin(3un(an sti-ulati #ari

(oo#ness J nearness to #ivinity; 'y potential evil J re-oteness ro- #ivinity. (63.1) 3:B.3 0ll reli(ious philosophy& sooner or later& arrives at the concept o uni ie# universe rule& o one Go#. Universe causes cannot 'e lower than universe e ects. +he source o the strea-s o universe li e an# o the cos-ic -in# -ust 'e a'ove the levels o their -ani estation. +he hu-an -in# cannot 'e consistently e,plaine# in ter-s o the lower or#ers o e,istence. ?an>s -in# can 'e truly co-prehen#e# only 'y reco(ni/in( the reality o hi(her or#ers o thou(ht an# purposive will. ?an as a -oral 'ein( is ine,plica'le unless the reality o the Universal Father is ac3nowle#(e#. (63..) 3:B.4 +he -echanistic philosopher pro esses to re;ect the i#ea o a universal an# soverei(n will& the very soverei(n will whose activity in the ela'oration o universe laws he so #eeply reverences. 2hat uninten#e# ho-a(e the -echanist pays the law1$reator when he conceives such laws to 'e sel 1actin( an# sel 1 e,planatoryL (63.3) 3:B.6 4t is a (reat 'lun#er to hu-ani/e Go#& e,cept in the concept o the in#wellin( +hou(ht 0#;uster& 'ut even that is not so stupi# as co-pletely to mechanize the i#ea o the First Great %ource an# $enter. (63.4) 3:B.B Does the "ara#ise Father su er5 4 #o not 3now. +he $reator %ons -ost certainly can an# so-eti-es #o& even as #o -ortals. +he =ternal %on an# the 4n inite %pirit su er in a -o#i ie# sense. 4 thin3 the Universal Father #oes& 'ut 4 cannot un#erstan# how; perhaps throu(h the personality circuit or throu(h the in#ivi#uality o the +hou(ht 0#;usters an# other 'estowals o his eternal nature. 9e has sai# o the -ortal races& )4n all your a lictions 4 a- a licte#.* 9e unAuestiona'ly e,periences a atherly an# sy-pathetic un#erstan#in(; he -ay truly su er& 'ut 4 #o not co-prehen# the nature thereo . (63.6) 3:B.F +he in inite an# eternal Huler o the universe o universes is power& or-& ener(y& process& pattern& principle& presence& an# i#eali/e# reality. !ut he is -ore; he is personal; he e,ercises a soverei(n will& e,periences sel 1

;an(3auan ta3 tertahan3an untu3 hal1hal yan( le'ih 'ai3 . (61&11) 3:6.1. F . 0pa3ah 3esetiaan 1 3esetiaan pa#a tu(as tertin((i 1 #iin(in3an 5 <e-u#ian pria harus -elan;ut3an ten(ah 3e-un(3inan pen(3hianatan #an #esersi . <e'eranian 3esetiaan pa#a tu(as ter#iri #ala'ahaya tersirat #e ault. (61&1.) 3:6.13 G . 0pa3ah ti#a3 -e-entin(3an #iri sen#iri 1 se-an(at #iri 3elupaan 1 #iin(in3an 5 <e-u#ian harus -anusia ana tin((al 'erha#ap1ha#apan #en(an 'erteria31teria3 terus1-enerus #iri yan( ta3 terhin#ar3an untu3 pen(a3uan #an 3ehor-atan . ?anusia ti#a3 'isa secara #ina-is -e-ilih 3ehi#upan ilahi ;i3a ti#a3 a#a #iri hi#up untu3 -enin((al3an . ?anusia ti#a3 pernah 'isa 'er'arin( -enyi-pan 'erpe(an( pa#a 3e'enaran ;i3a ti#a3 a#a 3e;ahatan potensi untu3 -enin((i3an #an -e-'e#a3an yan( 'ai3 #en(an 3ontras. (61&13) 3:6.14 I . 0pa3ah 3esenan(an 1 3epuasan 3e'aha(iaan 1 #iin(in3an 5 <e-u#ian pria harus hi#up #i #unia #i -ana alternati rasa sa3it #an 3e-un(3inan pen#eritaan 3e-un(3inan pen(ala-an selalu ha#ir . ( 6.&1 ) 3:6.16 %epan;an( ala- se-esta & setiap unit #ian((ap se'a(ai 'a(ian #ari 3eseluruhan . <elan(sun(an hi#up 'a(ian ter(antun( pa#a 3er;asa-a #en(an rencana #an tu;uan 3eseluruhan & 3ein(inan sepenuh hati #an 3e-auan yan( se-purna untu3 -ela3u3an !apa 3ehen#a3 ilahi . %atu1satunya #unia evolusi tanpa 3esalahan ( 3e-un(3inan pen(ha3i-an 'i;a3sana ) a3an -en;a#i #unia tanpa 3ecer#asan (ratis. Di alase-esta 9avona a#a satu -iliar #unia yan( se-purna #en(an pen(huninya se-purna& tetapi 'er3e-'an( -anusia harus 'isa salah ;i3a ia -en;a#i 'e'as . <ecer#asan Gratis #an 'erpen(ala-an ti#a3 -un(3in pa#a awalnya -en;a#i sera(a- 'i;a3sana . <e-un(3inan salah pen(ha3i-an ( ;ahat ) -en;a#i #osa hanya 3eti3a -anusia sa#ar a3an #u3un( #an sa#ar -enca3up 3eputusan 'er-oral

consciousness o #ivinity& e,ecutes the -an#ates o a creative -in#& pursues the satis action o the reali/ation o an eternal purpose& an# -ani ests a Father>s love an# a ection or his universe chil#ren. 0n# all these -ore personal traits o the Father can 'e 'etter un#erstoo# 'y o'servin( the- as they were reveale# in the 'estowal li e o ?ichael& your $reator %on& while he was incarnate# on Urantia. (63.B) 3:B.G Go# the Father loves -en; Go# the %on serves -en; Go# the %pirit inspires the chil#ren o the universe to the ever1ascen#in( a#venture o in#in( Go# the Father 'y the ways or#aine# 'y Go# the %ons throu(h the -inistry o the (race o Go# the %pirit. (63.F) 3:B.I M!ein( the Divine $ounselor assi(ne# to the presentation o the revelation o the Universal Father& 4 have continue# with this state-ent o the attri'utes o Deity.N

#isen(a;a . ( 6... ) 3:6.1B 0presiasi penuh 3e'enaran& 3ein#ahan & #an 3e'ai3an yan( -ele3at #ala- 3ese-purnaan alase-esta ilahi . "en#u#u3 #unia 9avona ti#a3 -e-erlu3an potensi tin(3at nilai relati se'a(ai sti-ulus pilihan& -a3hlu3 yan( se-purna seperti -a-pu -en(i#enti i3asi #an -e-ilih yan( 'ai3 #ala- 3etia#aan se-ua situasi -oral yan( 3ontrasti #an pe-i3iran 1 -enari3 . +api se-ua -a3hlu3 yan( se-purna seperti itu & #i ala- -oral #an status rohani & apa yan( -ere3a 'er#asar3an a3ta e3sistensi . ?ere3a telah e,perientially -en#apat3an 3e-a;uan hanya #ala- statusnya -ele3at -ere3a . ?anusia ana -en#apat3an 'ah3an statusnya se'a(ai 3an#i#at 3enai3an #en(an i-an #an harapannya sen#iri . %e-uanya ilahi yan( -en((en((api3iran -anusia #an ;iwa -en(a3uisisi -anusia -erupa3an pencapaian pen(ala-an & yan( -erupa3an realitas pen(ala-an pri'a#i #an 3arena itu 3epe-ili3an yan( uni3 'er'e#a #en(an 3e'ai3an yan( -ele3at #an 3e'enaran #ari 3epri'a#ian ti#a3 -un(3in salah #ari 9avona . ( 6.&3 ) 3:6.1F +he -a3hlu3 9avona secara ala-i 'erani & tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 'erani #ala- arti -anusia. ?ere3a 'awaan 'ai3 #an perhatian & tapi ha-pir ti#a3 altruisti3 #en(an cara -anusia. ?ere3a ha-il -asa #epan yan( -enyenan(3an & tapi ti#a3 'erharap #en(an cara in#ah #ari ana percaya #ari 'ola evolusi pasti. ?ere3a -e-ili3i i-an #ala- sta'ilitas ala- se-esta & tetapi -ere3a a#alah oran( asin( -en(ucap3an #en(an i-an yan( -enyela-at3an #i-ana -anusia ana nai3 #ari status 'inatan( sa-pai #en(an portal sur(a . ?ere3a -encintai 3e'enaran & tapi -ere3a tahu apa1apa tentan( 3ualitas ;iwa ta'un(annya . ?ere3a a#alah i#ealis & tapi -ere3a lahir seperti itu & -ere3a -en(etahui sa-a se3ali e3stasi -en;a#i seperti oleh pilihan -en((e-'ira3an . ?ere3a setia& tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 pernah -en(ala-i sensasi sepenuh hati #an cer#as 3esetiaan pa#a tu(as #ala- -en(ha#api (o#aan untu3

#e ault. ?ere3a ti#a3 e(ois & tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 pernah -en#apat3an tin(3at seperti pen(ala-an #en(an pena3lu3an -e(ah #ari #iri 'erperan( . ?ere3a -eni3-ati 3esenan(an& tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 -e-aha-i -anisnya -elari3an #iri 3esenan(an #ari potensi sa3it . B . "ri-acy !apa ( 6..4 ) 3:B.1 Den(an -e-entin(3an #iri ilahi & 3e-urahan hati yan( se-purna& !apa Universal relinAuishes otoritas #an 3e3uasaan #ele(asi & na-un ia -asih pri-al & tan(annya pa#a tuas per3asa #ari 3ea#aan ala- universal& ia telah -enyerah3an seluruh 3eputusan a3hir #an tanpa ra(u -e-e(an( ha3 veto ton(3at se-ua13uat tu;uan a'a#inya #en(an otoritas ta3 tertan#in(i atas 3ese;ahteraan #an nasi' yan( terentan( & 'erputar & #an terus 'erputar1putar penciptaan. ( 6.&6 ) 3:B.. <e#aulatan +uhan ti#a3 ter'atas & itu a#alah a3ta -en#asar #ari se-ua ciptaan . 0la- se-esta ti#a3 terela33an. 0la- se-esta 'u3an 3ecela3aan & ;u(a 'u3an a#a #en(an sen#irinya . 0la- se-esta a#alah 3arya penciptaan #an 3arena itu sepenuhnya tun#u3 pa#a 3ehen#a3 san( "encipta . <ehen#a3 0llah a#alah 3e'enaran ilahi & hi#up cinta & 3arena itu a#alah 3reasi penye-purnaan #ari ala- se-esta evolusi #itan#ai #en(an 3e'ai3an 1 3e#e3atan #en(an 3eilahian ; oleh calon ;ahat 1 3eterpencilan #ari 3eilahian . ( 63&1 ) 3:B.3 %e-ua iloso i a(a-a & cepat atau la-'at & sa-pai pa#a 3onsep aturan se-esta 'ersatu& satu +uhan . "enye'a' Universe ti#a3 'isa le'ih ren#ah #ari e e3 ala- se-esta . %u-'er #ari aliran 3ehi#upan ala- se-esta #an pi3iran 3os-is harus #iatas tin(3at -ani estasi -ere3a. "i3iran -anusia ti#a3 #apat secara 3onsisten #i;elas3an #en(an perintah yan( le'ih ren#ah #ari 3e'era#aan . "i3iran -anusia #apat 'enar1'enar -e-aha-i hanya #en(an -en(a3ui realitas perintah yan( le'ih tin((i #ari pi3iran #an 3ehen#a3 purposive . ?anusia se'a(ai -a3hlu3

-oral ti#a3 'isa #i;elas3an 3ecuali realitas !apa Universal #ia3ui . ( 63&. ) 3:B.4 +he -e3anisti3 ilsu -en(a3u -enola3 (a(asan 3ehen#a3 universal #an 'er#aulat & 3e-auan san(at 'er#aulat yan( 3e(iatan #alapen(e-'an(an hu3u- se-esta yan( 'e(itu -en#ala- reverences . 0pa pen(hor-atan yan( ti#a3 #iin(in3an -echanist -e-'ayar hu3u- 1 "encipta 3eti3a #ia -e-aha-i hu3u- terse'ut -en;a#i 'ertin#a3 sen#iri #an cu3up ;elas L ( 63&3 ) 3:B.6 4ni a#alah 3esalahan 'esar untu3 -e-anusia3an 0llah & 3ecuali #ala- 3onsep "e-i3iran 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya & tapi 'ah3an yan( ti#a3 'e(itu 'o#oh untu3 -e3anisasi sepenuhnya (a(asan "erta-a %u-'er 0(un( #an "usat . ( 63&4 ) 3:B.B 0pa3ah !apa "ara#ise -en#erita5 %aya ti#a3 tahu. +he %ons "encipta pasti 'isa #an 3a#an(13a#an( & 'ah3an seperti halnya -anusia . "utra 0'a#i #an Hoh +a3 +er'atas -en#erita #ala- arti #i-o#i i3asi . %aya pi3ir !apa Universal ti#a3& tapi a3u ti#a3 'isa -en(erti 'a(ai-ana & -un(3in -elalui ran(3aian 3epri'a#ian atau -elalui in#ivi#ualitas 0#;uster "e-i3iran #an 'estowals lainnya ala- a'a#inya . Dia -en(ata3an #ari ras -anusia& : Dalase-ua pen#eritaan 0n#a saya -en#erita . : Dia ti#a3 #ira(u3an la(i -en(ala-i pe-aha-an 3e'apa3an #an si-pati3 & ia -un(3in 'enar1'enar -en#erita & tapi saya ti#a3 -e-aha-i si at terse'ut. ( 63&6 ) 3:B.F ta3 ter'atas #an a'a#i "en(uasa ala- se-esta ala- se-esta a#alah 3e3uatan& 'entu3 & ener(i& proses & pola & prinsip & 3e'era#aan & #an i#eal realitas. +api #ia le'ih & ia a#alah pri'a#i& ia latihan 3e-auan 'er#aulat & -en(ala-i 3esa#aran #iri 3eilahian & -ela3sana3an -an#at #ari pi3iran 3reati & -en(e;ar 3epuasan realisasi tu;uan yan( 3e3al & #an -e-perlihat3an 3asih !apa #an 3asih sayan( untu3 nya se-esta ana3 . Dan se-ua si at1si at ini le'ih pri'a#i !apa #apat le'ih #ipaha-i

#en(an -en(a-ati -ere3a saat -ere3a terun(3ap #ala- 3ehi#upan pen(anu(erahan ?ichael & 0na3 "encipta 0n#a& se-entara ia -en;el-a #i Urantia . ( 63&B ) 3:B.G 0llah !apa -en(asihi -anusia& 0llah "utra -elayani -anusia& 0llah Hoh <u#us -en(ilha-i ana31ana3 ala- se-esta 3e petualan(an terus -enai3 -ene-u3an 0llah !apa #en(an cara #itah'is3an oleh 0llah %ons -elalui pelayanan 3asih 3arunia 0llah Hoh. ( 63&F ) 3:B.I M ?en;a#i "enasihat 4lahi #itu(as3an untu3 penya;ian wahyu !apa Universal & saya terus #en(an pernyataan ini #ari atri'ut #ari Dewa. N +he Urantia 3ertas F6 De ault 0#a- #an 9awa ( G3I&1 ) F6:0.1 %=+=809 le'ih #ari seratus tahun usaha #i Urantia & 0#a#apat -elihat san(at se#i3it 3e-a;uan luar +a-an & #unia pa#a u-u-nya ta-pa3nya ti#a3 a3an -e-'ai3 'anya3. Healisasi per'ai3an ras ta-pa3nya -en;a#i ;auh& #an situasi ta-pa3 'e(itu putus asa untu3 -enuntut sesuatu untu3 'antuan ti#a3 -e-elu3 #ala- rencana asli . %eti#a3nya itulah yan( serin( -elewati pi3iran 0#a- & #an ia 'e(itu -enyata3an #irinya 'er3ali13ali untu3 9awa . 0#a- #an pasan(annya yan( setia& tetapi -ere3a terisolasi #ari ;enis -ere3a & #an -ere3a san(at terte3an oleh -enyesal pen#eritaan #unia -ere3a . 1 . +he Urantia ?asalah ( G3I&. ) F6:1.1 +he 0#a- -isi pa#a e3speri-ental & pe-'eronta3an 1 -enyen(at & #an terisolasi Urantia a#alah usaha yan( tan((uh . Dan 0na3 !ahan #an "utri awal -enya#ari 3esulitan #an 3o-ple3sitas tu(as planet -ere3a. ?es3ipun #e-i3ian& -ere3a 'erani -en(atur tentan( tu(as -e-ecah3an -asalah 'er-aca-1-aca- -ere3a. +api 3eti3a -ere3a 'er'icara sen#iri #en(an pe3er;aan yan( san(at pentin( #ala-en(hilan(3an 'aran( cacat #an

The Urantia Book Paper -' The .efau!t of Ada& and Eve (G3I.1) F6:0.1 0F+=H -ore than one hun#re# years o e ort on Urantia& 0#a- was a'le to see very little pro(ress outsi#e the Gar#en; the worl# at lar(e #i# not seeto 'e i-provin( -uch. +he reali/ation o race 'etter-ent appeare# to 'e a lon( way o & an# the situation see-e# so #esperate as to #e-an# so-ethin( or relie not e-'race# in the ori(inal plans. 0t least that is what o ten passe# throu(h 0#a->s -in#& an# he so e,presse# hi-sel -any ti-es to =ve. 0#a- an# his -ate were loyal& 'ut they were isolate# ro- their 3in#& an# they were sorely #istresse# 'y the sorry pli(ht o their worl#. 1. The Urantia Prob!e& (G3I..) F6:1.1 +he 0#a-ic -ission on e,peri-ental& re'ellion1seare#& an# isolate# Urantia was a or-i#a'le un#erta3in(. 0n# the ?aterial %on an# Dau(hter early 'eca-e aware o the #i iculty an# co-ple,ity o their planetary assi(n-ent. Cevertheless& they coura(eously set a'out the tas3 o solvin( their -ani ol# pro'le-s. !ut when they a##resse# the-selves to the all1i-portant wor3 o eli-inatin( the #e ectives an# #e(enerates ro- a-on( the hu-an strains& they were Auite #is-aye#. +hey coul# see no way out o the #ile--a& an# they coul# not ta3e counsel with their superiors on either Deruse- or =#entia. 9ere they were& isolate# an# #ay 'y #ay con ronte# with

so-e new an# co-plicate# tan(le& so-e pro'le- that see-e# to 'e unsolva'le. (G3I.3) F6:1.. Un#er nor-al con#itions the irst wor3 o a "lanetary 0#a- an# =ve woul# 'e the co1or#ination an# 'len#in( o the races. !ut on Urantia such a pro;ect see-e# ;ust a'out hopeless& or the races& while 'iolo(ically it& ha# never 'een pur(e# o their retar#e# an# #e ective strains. (G3I.4) F6:1.3 0#a- an# =ve oun# the-selves on a sphere wholly unprepare# or the procla-ation o the 'rotherhoo# o -an& a worl# (ropin( a'out in a';ect spiritual #ar3ness an# curse# with con usion worse con oun#e# 'y the -iscarria(e o the -ission o the prece#in( a#-inistration. ?in# an# -orals were at a low level& an# instea# o 'e(innin( the tas3 o e ectin( reli(ious unity& they -ust 'e(in all anew the wor3 o convertin( the inha'itants to the -ost si-ple or-s o reli(ious 'elie . 4nstea# o in#in( one lan(ua(e rea#y or a#option& they were con ronte# 'y the worl#1wi#e con usion o hun#re#s upon hun#re#s o local #ialects. Co 0#a- o the planetary service was ever set #own on a -ore #i icult worl#; the o'stacles see-e# insupera'le an# the pro'le-s 'eyon# creature solution. (G3I.6) F6:1.4 +hey were isolate#& an# the tre-en#ous sense o loneliness which 'ore #own upon the- was all the -ore hei(htene# 'y the early #eparture o the ?elchi/e#e3 receivers. Only in#irectly& 'y -eans o the an(elic or#ers& coul# they co--unicate with any 'ein( o the planet. %lowly their coura(e wea3ene#& their spirits #roope#& an# so-eti-es their aith al-ost altere#. (G40.1) F6:1.6 0n# this is the true picture o the consternation o these two no'le souls as they pon#ere# the tas3s which con ronte# the-. +hey were 'oth 3eenly aware o the enor-ous un#erta3in( involve# in the e,ecution o their planetary assi(n-ent. (G40..) F6:1.B "ro'a'ly no ?aterial %ons o Ce'a#on were ever ace# with such a #i icult an# see-in(ly hopeless tas3 as con ronte# 0#a- an# =ve in the sorry pli(ht o Urantia. !ut they woul# have so-eti-e -et with success ha# they 'een -ore arseein( an# patient. !oth o

'er#e(enerasi #ari 3alan(an strain -anusia & -ere3a cu3up 3ecewa . ?ere3a 'isa -elihat ;alan 3eluar #ari #ile-a & #an -ere3a ti#a3 'isa -en(a-'il 'er3onsultasi #en(an atasan -ere3a #i 3e#ua Deruse- atau =#entia . Di sini -ere3a & terisolasi #an hari #e-i hari #iha#ap3an #en(an 'e'erapa 3usut 'aru #an ru-it & 'e'erapa -asalah yan( ta-pa3nya ta3 terpecah3an . ( G3I&3 ) F6:1.. Dala- 3on#isi nor-al 3arya perta-a #ari "lanetary 0#a- #an 9awa a3an -en;a#i 3oor#inasi #an ca-puran ras . +api #i Urantia proye3 se-aca- itu ta-pa3nya hanya tentan( putus asa& untu3 'alapan & se-entara 'iolo(is it & ti#a3 pernah #i'ersih3an #ari strain ter'ela3an( #an cacat -ere3a. ( G3I&4 ) F6:1.3 0#a- #an 9awa -ene-u3an #iri -ere3a pa#a 'ola sepenuhnya siap untu3 pro3la-asi persau#araan -anusia & #unia yan( -era'a1ra'a #ala- 3e(elapan spiritual hina #an #i3utu3 #en(an 3e'in(un(an 'uru3 'in(un( #en(an 3e(u(uran -isi pe-erintahan se'elu-nya . "i3iran #an -oral 'era#a pa#a tin(3at yan( ren#ah & #an 'u3annya -e-ulai tu(as -e-pen(aruhi persatuan a(a-a & -ere3a harus -ulai la(i se-ua pe3er;aan -en(3onversi pen#u#u3 #en(an 'entu3 palin( se#erhana #ari 3eya3inan a(a-a . 0lih1alih -ene-u3an satu 'ahasa siap untu3 #ia#opsi & -ere3a #iha#an( oleh 3e'in(un(an #i seluruh #unia ratusan #e-i ratusan #iale3 lo3al . +i#a3 0#a- #ari layanan planet pernah #itetap3an pa#a #unia yan( le'ih sulit& ha-'atan ta-pa3 #iatasi #an -asalah #i luar solusi -a3hlu3 . ( G3I&6 ) F6:1.4 ?ere3a terisolasi & #an rasa yan( luar 'iasa 3esepian yan( -elahir3an #i atas -ere3a a#alah se-ua le'ih tin((i #en(an 3e'eran(3atan awal #ari peneri-a ?el3ise#e3 . 9anya secara ti#a3 lan(sun( & -elalui perintah -alai3at & -ere3a 'isa 'er3o-uni3asi #en(an -a3hlu3 apapun #ari planet ini . "erlahan 3e'eranian -ere3a -ele-ah & se-an(at -ere3a ter3ulai & #an 3a#an(1 3a#an( i-an -ere3a ha-pir tersen#at .

the-& especially =ve& were alto(ether too i-patient; they were not willin( to settle #own to the lon(& lon( en#urance test. +hey wante# to see so-e i--e#iate results& an# they #i#& 'ut the results thus secure# prove# -ost #isastrous 'oth to the-selves an# to their worl#. 2. /a!i#astias P!ot (G40.3) F6:..1 $ali(astia pai# reAuent visits to the Gar#en an# hel# -any con erences with 0#a- an# =ve& 'ut they were a#a-ant to all his su((estions o co-pro-ise an# short1cut a#ventures. +hey ha# 'e ore the- enou(h o the results o re'ellion to pro#uce e ective i--unity a(ainst all such insinuatin( proposals. =ven the youn( o sprin( o 0#a- were unin luence# 'y the overtures o Dali(astia. 0n# o course neither $ali(astia nor his associate ha# power to in luence any in#ivi#ual a(ainst his will& -uch less to persua#e the chil#ren o 0#a- to #o wron(. (G40.4) F6:... 4t -ust 'e re-e-'ere# that $ali(astia was still the titular "lanetary "rince o Urantia& a -is(ui#e# 'ut nevertheless hi(h %on o the local universe. 9e was not inally #epose# until the ti-es o $hrist ?ichael on Urantia. (G40.6) F6:..3 !ut the allen "rince was persistent an# #eter-ine#. 9e soon (ave up wor3in( on 0#a- an# #eci#e# to try a wily lan3 attac3 on =ve. +he evil one conclu#e# that the only hope or success lay in the a#roit e-ploy-ent o suita'le persons 'elon(in( to the upper strata o the Co#ite (roup& the #escen#ants o his oneti-e corporeal1sta associates. 0n# the plans were accor#in(ly lai# or entrappin( the -other o the violet race. (G40.B) F6:..4 4t was arthest ro- =ve>s intention ever to #o anythin( which woul# -ilitate a(ainst 0#a->s plans or ;eopar#i/e their planetary trust. <nowin( the ten#ency o wo-an to loo3 upon i--e#iate results rather than to plan arsi(hte#ly or -ore re-ote e ects& the ?elchi/e#e3s& 'e ore #epartin(& ha# especially en;oine# =ve as to the peculiar #an(ers 'esettin( their isolate# position on the planet an# ha# in particular warne# her never to stray ro- the si#e o her -ate& that is& to atte-pt no personal or secret -etho#s o urtherin(

( G40&1 ) F6:1.6 Dan ini a#alah (a-'aran yan( 'enar #ari 3e3hawatiran #ari #ua ;iwa yan( -ulia 3arena -ere3a -erenun(3an tu(as yan( -en(ha#api -ere3a . ?ere3a 'er#ua san(at -enya#ari pe3er;aan 'esar yan( terli'at #ala- pela3sanaan tu(as planet -ere3a. ( G40&. ) F6:1.B ?un(3in a#a %ons !ahan Ce'a#on yan( pernah #iha#ap3an #en(an tu(as yan( sulit #an ta-pa3nya sia1sia 3arena #iha#ap3an 0#a- #an 9awa #i -enyesal pen#eritaan Urantia . +api -ere3a a3an 3a#an(13a#an( 'erte-u #en(an 3e'erhasilan yan( telah -ere3a le'ih 'i;a3sana #an sa'ar . <e#uanya & teruta-a 9awa & yan( sa-a se3ali ti#a3 sa'ar & -ere3a ti#a3 'erse#ia untu3 -enetap 3e & u;i 3etahanan la-a . ?ere3a in(in -elihat 'e'erapa hasil se(era & #an -ere3a la3u3an& tapi hasilnya sehin((a #i;a-in ter'u3ti palin( 'encana 'ai3 pa#a #iri sen#iri -aupun #unia -ere3a . . . "lot $ali(astia ini ( G40&3 ) F6:..1 $ali(astia #i'ayar serin( 'er3un;un( 3e ta-an #an -en(a#a3an 'anya3 3on erensi #en(an 0#a- #an 9awa & tapi -ere3a 'ersi3eras untu3 se-ua saran tentan( 3o-pro-i #an ;alan pintas petualan(an . ?ere3a se'elu-nya -ere3a cu3up hasil pe-'eronta3an untu3 -en(hasil3an 3e3e'alan yan( e e3ti terha#ap se-ua proposal terse'ut -enyin#ir . !ah3an ana3 -u#a #ari 0#a- yan( ti#a3 #ipen(aruhi oleh tawaran #ari Dali(astia . Dan tentu sa;a ti#a3 $ali(astia -aupun re3annya -e-ili3i 3e3uatan untu3 -e-pen(aruhi setiap in#ivi#u 'ertentan(an #en(an 3ein(inannya& apala(i untu3 -e-'u;u3 ana31ana3 0#a- untu3 'er'uat salah . ( G40&4 ) F6:... 9arus #iin(at 'ahwa $ali(astia -asih "an(eran "lanetary tituler Urantia & "utra sesat tapi tetap tin((i ala- se-esta lo3al . Dia ti#a3 a3hirnya #i(ulin(3an sa-pai wa3tu <ristus ?ichael #i Urantia . ( G40&6 ) F6:..3 +api ;atuh "an(eran (i(ih #an #itentu3an . Dia se(era -enyerah 'e3er;a pa#a 0#a- #an -e-utus3an

their -utual un#erta3in(s. =ve ha# -ost scrupulously carrie# out these instructions or -ore than one hun#re# years& an# it #i# not occur to her that any #an(er woul# attach to the increasin(ly private an# con i#ential visits she was en;oyin( with a certain Co#ite lea#er na-e# %erapatatia. +he whole a air #evelope# so (ra#ually an# naturally that she was ta3en unawares. (G40.F) F6:..6 +he Gar#en #wellers ha# 'een in contact with the Co#ites since the early #ays o =#en. Fro- these -i,e# #escen#ants o the #e aultin( -e-'ers o $ali(astia>s sta they ha# receive# -uch valua'le help an# co1operation& an# throu(h the- the =#enic re(i-e was now to -eet its co-plete un#oin( an# inal overthrow. 3. The Te&ptation of Eve (G41.1) F6:3.1 0#a- ha# ;ust inishe# his irst one hun#re# years on earth when %erapatatia& upon the #eath o his ather& ca-e to the lea#ership o the western or %yrian con e#eration o the Co#ite tri'es. %erapatatia was a 'rown1tinte# -an& a 'rilliant #escen#ant o the oneti-e chie o the Dala-atia co--ission on health -ate# with one o the -aster e-ale -in#s o the 'lue race o those #istant #ays. 0ll #own throu(h the a(es this line ha# hel# authority an# wiel#e# a (reat in luence a-on( the western Co#ite tri'es. (G41..) F6:3.. %erapatatia ha# -a#e several visits to the Gar#en an# ha# 'eco-e #eeply i-presse# with the ri(hteousness o 0#a->s cause. 0n# shortly a ter assu-in( the lea#ership o the %yrian Co#ites& he announce# his intention o esta'lishin( an a iliation with the wor3 o 0#a- an# =ve in the Gar#en. +he -a;ority o his people ;oine# hi- in this pro(ra-& an# 0#a- was cheere# 'y the news that the -ost power ul an# the -ost intelli(ent o all the nei(h'orin( tri'es ha# swun( over al-ost 'o#ily to the support o the pro(ra- or worl# i-prove-ent; it was #eci#e#ly heartenin(. 0n# shortly a ter this (reat event& %erapatatia an# his new sta were entertaine# 'y 0#a- an# =ve in their own ho-e. (G41.3) F6:3.3 %erapatatia 'eca-e one o the -ost a'le an# e icient o all o 0#a->s

untu3 -enco'a seran(an sayap lihai pa#a -ala- . @an( ;ahat -enyi-pul3an 'ahwa satu1satunya harapan untu3 su3ses terleta3 pa#a 3er;a cer#as #ari oran(1oran( yan( coco3 -ili3 strata atas 3elo-po3 Co#ite & 3eturunan nya -antan re3an 3orporeal 1 sta . Dan rencana terse'ut sesuai #ileta33an untu3 pen;e'a3an i'u #ari ras violet . ( G40&B ) F6:..4 4tu ter;auh #ari niat 9awa pernah -ela3u3an apa pun yan( a3an 'ertentan(an #en(an rencana 0#a- atau -e-'ahaya3an 3epercayaan planet -ere3a. ?en(etahui 3ecen#erun(an wanita untu3 -e-an#an( hasil lan(sun( #aripa#a untu3 -erencana3an arsi(hte#ly untu3 e e3 yan( le'ih ;auh& ?el3ise#e3 & se'elu- 'eran(3at & telah #iperintah3an teruta-a 9awa -en(enai 'ahaya aneh -eni-pa posisi -ere3a yan( terpencil #i planet ini #an telah secara 3husus -e-perin(at3an #ia untu3 ti#a3 pernah -enyi-pan( #ari sisi pasan(annya & yaitu& untu3 -enco'a ti#a3 a#a -eto#e pri'a#i atau rahasia -e-a;u3an usaha 'ersa-a -ere3a . =ve yan( palin( hati1hati -ela3sana3an instru3si ini sela-a le'ih #ari seratus tahun & #an hal itu ti#a3 ter;a#i 3epa#anya 'ahwa 'ahaya a3an -ene-pel pa#a 3un;un(an se-a3in pri'a#i #an rahasia ia -eni3-ati #en(an pe-i-pin Co#ite tertentu 'erna-a %erapatatia . %eluruh urusan #i3e-'an(3an secara 'ertahap #an ala-i 'ahwa #ia #i'awa tanpa #isa#ari . ( G40&F ) F6:..6 +he Gar#en pen(huni telah 'erhu'un(an #en(an Co#ites se;a3 awal =#en. Dari 3eturunan ca-puran an((ota #e aultin( sta $ali(astia & -ere3a telah -eneri-a 'anya3 'antuan yan( 'erhar(a #an 3er;asa-a & #an -elalui -ere3a re/i- =#en ini se3aran( untu3 -e-enuhi 3ehancuran len(3ap #an pen((ulin(an a3hir . 3 . "enco'aan 9awa ( G41&1 ) F6:3.1 0#a- 'aru sa;a selesai perta-anya seratus tahun #i 'u-i saat %erapatatia & setelah 3e-atian ayahnya & #atan( 3e pi-pinan 3on e#erasi 'arat atau %uriah su3u Co#ite . %erapatatia

lieutenants. 9e was entirely honest an# thorou(hly sincere in all o his activities; he was never conscious& even later on& that he was 'ein( use# as a circu-stantial tool o the wily $ali(astia. (G41.4) F6:3.4 "resently& %erapatatia 'eca-e the associate chair-an o the =#enic co--ission on tri'al relations& an# -any plans were lai# or the -ore vi(orous prosecution o the wor3 o winnin( the re-ote tri'es to the cause o the Gar#en. (G41.6) F6:3.6 9e hel# -any con erences with 0#a- an# =ve J especially with =ve J an# they tal3e# over -any plans or i-provin( their -etho#s. One #ay& #urin( a tal3 with =ve& it occurre# to %erapatatia that it woul# 'e very help ul i & while awaitin( the recruitin( o lar(e nu-'ers o the violet race& so-ethin( coul# 'e #one in the -eanti-e i--e#iately to a#vance the nee#y waitin( tri'es. %erapatatia conten#e# that& i the Co#ites& as the -ost pro(ressive an# co1operative race& coul# have a lea#er 'orn to the- o part ori(in in the violet stoc3& it woul# constitute a power ul tie 'in#in( these peoples -ore closely to the Gar#en. 0n# all o this was so'erly an# honestly consi#ere# to 'e or the (oo# o the worl# since this chil#& to 'e reare# an# e#ucate# in the Gar#en& woul# e,ert a (reat in luence or (oo# over his ather>s people. (G41.B) F6:3.B 4t shoul# a(ain 'e e-phasi/e# that %erapatatia was alto(ether honest an# wholly sincere in all that he propose#. 9e never once suspecte# that he was playin( into the han#s o $ali(astia an# Dali(astia. %erapatatia was entirely loyal to the plan o 'uil#in( up a stron( reserve o the violet race 'e ore atte-ptin( the worl#1wi#e upsteppin( o the con use# peoples o Urantia. !ut this woul# reAuire hun#re#s o years to consu--ate& an# he was i-patient; he wante# to see so-e i--e#iate results J so-ethin( in his own li eti-e. 9e -a#e it clear to =ve that 0#a- was o tenti-es #iscoura(e# 'y the little that ha# 'een acco-plishe# towar# upli tin( the worl#. (G41.F) F6:3.F For -ore than ive years these plans were secretly -ature#. 0t last they ha# #evelope# to the point where =ve consente# to have a secret con erence

a#alah seoran( pria co3elat 'erwarna & 3eturunan 'rilian 3epala -antan 3o-isi Dala-atia pa#a 3esehatan #i3awin3an #en(an salah satu pi3iran pere-puan -aster ras 'iru #ari hari1hari yan( ;auh . %e-ua sela-a 'era'a#1a'a# 'aris ini telah -en(a#a3an wewenan( #an -e-e(an( pen(aruh 'esar #i antara su3u1su3u Co#ite !arat . ( G41&. ) F6:3.. %erapatatia telah -e-'uat 'e'erapa 3un;un(an 3e ta-an #an -en;a#i san(at ter3esan #en(an 3e'enaran penye'a' 0#a- . Dan ta3 la-a setelah asu-si pi-pinan Co#ites %uriah & ia -en(u-u-3an niatnya untu3 -en#iri3an a iliasi #en(an 3arya 0#a#an 9awa #i +a-an . ?ayoritas ra3yatnya 'er(a'un( #ala- pro(ra- ini & #an 0#a- #ielu1elu3an oleh 'erita 'ahwa yan( palin( 3uat #an palin( cer#as #ari se-ua su3u tetan((a telah 'erayun ha-pir tu'uh untu3 -en#u3un( pro(rauntu3 per'ai3an #unia & itu ;elas -en((e-'ira3an . Dan ta3 la-a setelah peristiwa 'esar ini & %erapatatia #an sta 'arunya #ihi'ur oleh 0#a- #an 9awa #i ru-ah -ere3a sen#iri . ( G41&3 ) F6:3.3 %erapatatia -en;a#i salah satu yan( palin( -a-pu #an e isien se-ua letnan 0#a- . Dia sepenuhnya ;u;ur #an 'enar1'enar tulus #ala- se-ua 3e(iatannya & ia ti#a3 pernah sa#ar & 'ah3an #i 3e-u#ian hari & 'ahwa ia se#an( #i(una3an se'a(ai alat -en#ala- #ari yan( cer#i3 $ali(astia . ( G41&4 ) F6:3.4 %aat ini & %erapatatia -en;a#i 3etua asosiasi 3o-isi =#en ini pa#a hu'un(an su3u& #an 'anya3 rencana #ileta33an untu3 penuntutan le'ih 3uat #ari pe3er;aan -e-enan(3an su3u1su3u terpencil #en(an penye'a' sur(a . ( G41&6 ) F6:3.6 4a -e-e(an( 'anya3 3on erensi #en(an 0#a- #an 9awa 1 teruta-a #en(an =ve 1 #an -ere3a 'er'icara atas 'anya3 rencana untu3 -enin(3at3an -eto#e -ere3a . %uatu hari & saat 'er'icara #en(an 9awa & terpi3ir %erapatatia 'ahwa a3an san(at -e-'antu ;i3a & sa-'il -enun((u

with $ano& the -ost 'rilliant -in# an# active lea#er o the near1'y colony o rien#ly Co#ites. $ano was very sy-pathetic with the 0#a-ic re(i-e; in act& he was the sincere spiritual lea#er o those nei(h'orin( Co#ites who avore# rien#ly relations with the Gar#en. (G4..1) F6:3.G +he ate ul -eetin( occurre# #urin( the twili(ht hours o the autu-n evenin(& not ar ro- the ho-e o 0#a-. =ve ha# never 'e ore -et the 'eauti ul an# enthusiastic $ano J an# he was a -a(ni icent speci-en o the survival o the superior physiAue an# outstan#in( intellect o his re-ote pro(enitors o the "rince>s sta . 0n# $ano also thorou(hly 'elieve# in the ri(hteousness o the %erapatatia pro;ect. (Outsi#e o the Gar#en& -ultiple -atin( was a co--on practice.) (G4...) F6:3.I 4n luence# 'y lattery& enthusias-& an# (reat personal persuasion& =ve then an# there consente# to e-'ar3 upon the -uch1 #iscusse# enterprise& to a## her own little sche-e o worl# savin( to the lar(er an# -ore ar1reachin( #ivine plan. !e ore she Auite reali/e# what was transpirin(& the atal step ha# 'een ta3en. 4t was #one. $. The *ea!i0ation of .efau!t (G4..3) F6:4.1 +he celestial li e o the planet was astir. 0#a- reco(ni/e# that so-ethin( was wron(& an# he as3e# =ve to co-e asi#e with hi- in the Gar#en. 0n# now& or the irst ti-e& 0#a- hear# the entire story o the lon(1nourishe# plan or acceleratin( worl# i-prove-ent 'y operatin( si-ultaneously in two #irections: the prosecution o the #ivine plan conco-itantly with the e,ecution o the %erapatatia enterprise. (G4..4) F6:4.. 0n# as the ?aterial %on an# Dau(hter thus co--une# in the -oonlit Gar#en& )the voice in the Gar#en* reprove# the- or #iso'e#ience. 0n# that voice was none other than -y own announce-ent to the =#enic pair that they ha# trans(resse# the Gar#en covenant; that they ha# #iso'eye# the instructions o the ?elchi/e#e3s; that they ha# #e aulte# in the e,ecution o their oaths o trust to the soverei(n o the universe. (G4..6) F6:4.3 =ve ha# consente# to

-ere3rut se;u-lah 'esar #ari ras violet& sesuatu yan( 'isa #ila3u3an se-entara itu se(era untu3 -e-a;u3an su3u -enun((u -e-'utuh3an. %erapatatia 'erpen#apat 'ahwa& ;i3a Co#ites & se'a(ai ras yan( palin( pro(resi #an 3operasi & 'isa -e-ili3i pe-i-pin lahir -ere3a 'a(ian asal #i saha- violet& itu a3an -erupa3an #asi yan( 3uat -en(i3at -asyara3at ini le'ih #e3at 3e sur(a. Dan se-ua ini #en(an tenan( #an ;u;ur #ian((ap #e-i 3e'ai3an #unia se;a3 ana3 ini & yan( harus #ipelihara #an #i#i#i3 #i +a-an& a3an -e-'eri3an pen(aruh yan( 'esar 'a(i oran(1oran( yan( 'ai3 atas ayahnya . ( G41&B ) F6:3.B 4ni harus 3e-'ali #ite3an3an 'ahwa %erapatatia itu se3ali(us ;u;ur #an sepenuhnya tulus #ala- se-ua yan( ia -en(usul3an . Dia ti#a3 pernah -en#u(a 'ahwa ia se#an( 'er-ain 3e tan(an $ali(astia #an Dali(astia . %erapatatia sepenuhnya setia 3epa#a rencana -e-'an(un ca#an(an yan( 3uat #ari ras violet se'elu-enco'a upsteppin( seluruh #unia #ari oran(1oran( 'in(un( Urantia . +api ini a3an -e-erlu3an ratusan tahun untu3 se-purna& #an #ia ti#a3 sa'ar & ia in(in -elihat 'e'erapa hasil se(era 1 sesuatu #ala- hi#up sen#iri. 4a -en;elas3an 3epa#a 9awa 'ahwa 0#a- serin(3ali #ian;ur3an oleh se#i3it yan( telah #icapai -enu;u se-an(at #unia . ( G41&F ) F6:3.F %ela-a le'ih #ari li-a tahun rencana ini secara #ia-1#ia- ;atuh te-po . 03hirnya -ere3a telah -en(e-'an(3an 3e titi3 #i -ana 9awa setu;u untu3 -en(a#a3an 3on erensi rahasia #en(an $ano & pe-i-pin palin( ce-erlan( pi3iran #an a3ti #ari #e3at1 oleh 3oloni Co#ites rien#ly. $ano san(at si-pati3 #en(an re/i- 0#a- & 'ah3an& #ia a#alah pe-i-pin spiritual yan( tulus #ari -ere3a Co#ites tetan((a yan( #isu3ai hu'un(an persaha'atan #en(an ta-an . ( G4.&1 ) F6:3.G "erte-uan naas ter;a#i sela-a ;a- sen;a -ala- -usi- (u(ur& ti#a3 ;auh #ari ru-ah 0#a- . =ve 'elupernah 'erte-u #en(an in#ah #an antusias $ano 1 #an ia a#alah spesi-en

participate in the practice o (oo# an# evil. Goo# is the carryin( out o the #ivine plans; sin is a #eli'erate trans(ression o the #ivine will; evil is the -isa#aptation o plans an# the -ala#;ust-ent o techniAues resultin( in universe #ishar-ony an# planetary con usion. (G4..B) F6:4.4 =very ti-e the Gar#en pair ha# parta3en o the ruit o the tree o li e& they ha# 'een warne# 'y the archan(el custo#ian to re rain ro- yiel#in( to the su((estions o $ali(astia to co-'ine (oo# an# evil. +hey ha# 'een thus a#-onishe#: )4n the #ay that you co--in(le (oo# an# evil& you shall surely 'eco-e as the -ortals o the real-; you shall surely #ie.* (G4..F) F6:4.6 =ve ha# tol# $ano o this o t1 repeate# warnin( on the ate ul occasion o their secret -eetin(& 'ut $ano& not 3nowin( the i-port or si(ni icance o such a#-onitions& ha# assure# her that -en an# wo-en with (oo# -otives an# true intentions coul# #o no evil; that she shoul# surely not #ie 'ut rather live anew in the person o their o sprin(& who woul# (row up to 'less an# sta'ili/e the worl#. (G4..G) F6:4.B =ven thou(h this pro;ect o -o#i yin( the #ivine plan ha# 'een conceive# an# e,ecute# with entire sincerity an# with only the hi(hest -otives concernin( the wel are o the worl#& it constitute# evil 'ecause it represente# the wron( way to achieve ri(hteous en#s& 'ecause it #eparte# rothe ri(ht way& the #ivine plan. (G43.1) F6:4.F +rue& =ve ha# oun# $ano pleasant to the eyes& an# she reali/e# all that her se#ucer pro-ise# 'y way o )new an# increase# 3nowle#(e o hu-an a airs an# Auic3ene# un#erstan#in( o hu-an nature as supple-ental to the co-prehension o the 0#a-ic nature.* (G43..) F6:4.G 4 tal3e# to the ather an# -other o the violet race that ni(ht in the Gar#en as 'eca-e -y #uty un#er the sorrow ul circu-stances. 4 listene# ully to the recital o all that le# up to the #e ault o ?other =ve an# (ave 'oth o the- a#vice an# counsel concernin( the i--e#iate situation. %o-e o this a#vice they ollowe#; so-e they #isre(ar#e#. +his con erence appears in your recor#s

-e(ah 3elan(sun(an hi#up isi3 un((ul #an 3ecer#asan luar 'iasa #ari nene3 -oyan( ;auh sta nya "an(eran . Dan $ano ;u(a 'enar1'enar percaya pa#a 3e'enaran proye3 %erapatatia . ( Di luar ta-an & 'e'erapa 3awin a#alah pra3te3 u-u- . ) ( G4.&. ) F6:3.I Dipen(aruhi oleh san;un(an & antusias-e & #an persuasi pri'a#i yan( 'esar & =ve itu ;u(a setu;u untu3 -e-ulai pa#a perusahaan 'anya3 #i'ahas & untu3 -ena-'ah3an s3e-a 3ecilnya sen#iri #unia -ena'un( untu3 le'ih 'esar #an le'ih ;auh rencana ilahi . %e'elu- #ia cu3up -enya#ari apa yan( transpirin( & lan(3ah -aut telah #ia-'il . 9al itu #ila3u3an . 4 . Healisasi #e ault ( G4.&3 ) F6:4.1 <ehi#upan sur(awi planet itu ra-ai . 0#a- -en(a3ui 'ahwa a#a sesuatu yan( salah & #an ia -e-inta 9awa #atan( selain #en(an #ia #i ta-an . Dan se3aran( & untu3 perta-a 3alinya & 0#a- -en#en(ar seluruh cerita #ari rencana pan;an( 'er(i/i untu3 -e-percepat penin(3atan #unia #en(an 'eroperasi secara 'ersa-aan #ala- #ua arah : penuntutan rencana ilahi 'ersa-aan #en(an pela3sanaan perusahaan %erapatatia . ( G4.&4 ) F6:4.. Dan se'a(ai 0na3 !ahan #an "utri sehin((a co--une# #ala#iteran(i cahaya 'ulan ta-an & : suara #i +a-an : -ene(ur -ere3a 3arena 3eti#a3taatan . Dan suara itu ta3 lain a#alah pen(u-u-an saya sen#iri untu3 pasan(an =#en ini 'ahwa -ere3a telah -elan((ar +a-an per;an;ian& 'ahwa -ere3a ti#a3 -entaati instru3si #ari ?el3ise#e3 & 'ahwa -ere3a telah (a(al #ala- pela3sanaan su-pah -ere3a 3epercayaan 3epa#a pen(uasa alase-esta . ( G4.&6 ) F6:4.3 =ve telah setu;u untu3 'erpartisipasi #ala- pra3te3 'ai3 #an ;ahat . !ai3 a#alah -ela3sana3an rencana ilahi& #osa a#alah pelan((aran yan( #isen(a;a #ari 3ehen#a3 ilahi& 3e;ahatan a#alah -isa#aptation rencana #an 3eti#a3-a-puan te3ni3 #ihasil3an #i

as )the 8or# Go# callin( to 0#a- an# =ve in the Gar#en an# as3in(& 72here are you5>* 4t was the practice o later (enerations to attri'ute everythin( unusual an# e,traor#inary& whether natural or spiritual& #irectly to the personal intervention o the Go#s. '. *eper,ussions of .efau!t (G43.3) F6:6.1 =ve>s #isillusion-ent was truly pathetic. 0#a- #iscerne# the whole pre#ica-ent an#& while heart'ro3en an# #e;ecte#& entertaine# only pity an# sy-pathy or his errin( -ate. (G43.4) F6:6.. 4t was in the #espair o the reali/ation o ailure that 0#a-& the #ay a ter =ve>s -isstep& sou(ht out 8aotta& the 'rilliant Co#ite wo-an who was hea# o the western schools o the Gar#en& an# with pre-e#itation co--itte# the olly o =ve. !ut #o not -isun#erstan#; 0#awas not 'e(uile#; he 3new e,actly what he was a'out; he #eli'erately chose to share the ate o =ve. 9e love# his -ate with a super-ortal a ection& an# the thou(ht o the possi'ility o a lonely vi(il on Urantia without her was -ore than he coul# en#ure. (G43.6) F6:6.3 2hen they learne# what ha# happene# to =ve& the in uriate# inha'itants o the Gar#en 'eca-e un-ana(ea'le; they #eclare# war on the near1'y Co#ite settle-ent. +hey swept out throu(h the (ates o =#en an# #own upon these unprepare# people& utterly #estroyin( the- J not a -an& wo-an& or chil# was spare#. 0n# $ano& the ather o $ain yet un'orn& also perishe#. (G43.B) F6:6.4 Upon the reali/ation o what ha# happene#& %erapatatia was overco-e with consternation an# 'esi#e hi-sel with ear an# re-orse. +he ne,t #ay he #rowne# hi-sel in the (reat river. (G43.F) F6:6.6 +he chil#ren o 0#a- sou(ht to co- ort their #istracte# -other while their ather wan#ere# in solitu#e or thirty #ays. 0t the en# o that ti-e ;u#(-ent asserte# itsel & an# 0#areturne# to his ho-e an# 'e(an to plan or their uture course o action. (G43.G) F6:6.B +he conseAuences o the ollies o -is(ui#e# parents are so o ten share# 'y their innocent chil#ren. +he upri(ht an# no'le sons an# #au(hters o 0#aan# =ve were overwhel-e# 'y the ine,plica'le sorrow o the un'elieva'le

ala- se-esta 3eti#a3har-onisan #an 3e'in(un(an planet . ( G4.&B ) F6:4.4 %etiap 3ali pasan(an +a-an telah parta3en #ari 'uah pohon 3ehi#upan & -ere3a telah #iperin(at3an oleh -alai3at pen;a(a untu3 -enahan #iri #ari -enyerah terha#ap saran $ali(astia untu3 -en((a'un(3an 'ai3 #an ;ahat . ?ere3a telah #inasehati : : "a#a hari yan( 'erca-pur 'ai3 #an ;ahat & 0n#a pasti a3an -en;a#i se'a(ai -anusia 3era;aan & 0n#a pasti a3an -ati . : ( G4.&F ) F6:4.6 =ve telah -en(ata3an $ano perin(atan ini serin( #iulan(1ulan( pa#a 3ese-patan naas perte-uan rahasia -ere3a & tapi $ano & ti#a3 -en(etahui i-por atau -a3na #ari perin(atan terse'ut & telah -eya3in3annya 'ahwa pria #an wanita #en(an -oti yan( 'ai3 #an 'enar niat 'isa ti#a3 -ela3u3an 3e;ahatan & 'ahwa #ia pasti ti#a3 harus -ati -elain3an hi#up la(i #ala- #iri 3eturunan -ere3a & yan( a3an tu-'uh untu3 -e-'er3ati #an -ensta'il3an #unia . ( G4.&G ) F6:4.B ?es3ipun proye3 ini -e-o#i i3asi rencana ilahi telah #ipaha-i #an #ila3sana3an #en(an seluruh 3etulusan #an #en(an hanya -oti tertin((i -en(enai 3ese;ahteraan #unia & hal ini #i#asari ;ahat 3arena itu -erupa3an cara yan( salah untu3 -encapai tu;uan yan( 'enar & 3arena 'eran(3at #ari cara yan( 'enar & rencana ilahi . ( G43&1 ) F6:4.F !enar & =ve telah -ene-u3an $ano -enyenan(3an untu3 -ata & #an #ia -enya#ari se-ua yan( #i;an;i3an perayu nya #en(an cara : pen(etahuan 'aru #an penin(3atan urusan -anusia #an pe-aha-an #ipercepat si at -anusia se'a(ai ta-'ahan untu3 pe-aha-an #ari 0#aala-. : ( G43&. ) F6:4.G saya 'er'icara #en(an ayah #an i'u #ari ras violet -ala- #i +a-an 'ahwa -en;a#i 3ewa;i'an saya #ala- 3ea#aan se#ih. 03u -en#en(ar3an sepenuhnya pe-'acaan

tra(e#y which ha# 'een so su##enly an# so ruthlessly thrust upon the-. Cot in i ty years #i# the ol#er o these chil#ren recover ro- the sorrow an# sa#ness o those tra(ic #ays& especially the terror o that perio# o thirty #ays #urin( which their ather was a'sent ro- ho-e while their #istracte# -other was in co-plete i(norance o his wherea'outs or ate. (G43.I) F6:6.F 0n# those sa-e thirty #ays were as lon( years o sorrow an# su erin( to =ve. Cever #i# this no'le soul ully recover ro- the e ects o that e,cruciatin( perio# o -ental su erin( an# spiritual sorrow. Co eature o their su'seAuent #eprivations an# -aterial har#ships ever 'e(an to co-pare in =ve>s -e-ory with those terri'le #ays an# aw ul ni(hts o loneliness an# un'eara'le uncertainty. %he learne# o the rash act o %erapatatia an# #i# not 3now whether her -ate ha# in sorrow #estroye# hi-sel or ha# 'een re-ove# ro- the worl# in retri'ution or her -isstep. 0n# when 0#a- returne#& =ve e,perience# a satis action o ;oy an# (ratitu#e that never was e ace# 'y their lon( an# #i icult li e partnership o toilin( service. (G44.1) F6:6.G +i-e passe#& 'ut 0#a- was not certain o the nature o their o ense until seventy #ays a ter the #e ault o =ve& when the ?elchi/e#e3 receivers returne# to Urantia an# assu-e# ;uris#iction over worl# a airs. 0n# then he 3new they ha# aile#. (G44..) F6:6.I !ut still -ore trou'le was 'rewin(: +he news o the annihilation o the Co#ite settle-ent near =#en was not slow in reachin( the ho-e tri'es o %erapatatia to the north& an# presently a (reat host was asse-'lin( to -arch on the Gar#en. 0n# this was the 'e(innin( o a lon( an# 'itter war are 'etween the 0#a-ites an# the Co#ites& or these hostilities 3ept up lon( a ter 0#a- an# his ollowers e-i(rate# to the secon# (ar#en in the =uphrates valley. +here was intense an# lastin( )en-ity 'etween that -an an# the wo-an& 'etween his see# an# her see#.* +. Ada& and Eve %eave the Garden (G44.3) F6:B.1 2hen 0#a- learne# that the Co#ites were on the -arch& he sou(ht the counsel o the ?elchi/e#e3s& 'ut they

se-ua yan( -en(arah 3e #e ault 4'u 9awa #an -e-'eri -ere3a 'er#ua saran #an nasihat -en(enai situasi -en#esa3 . !e'erapa saran ini -ere3a -en(i3uti & 'e'erapa -ere3a #ia'ai3an . <on erensi ini -uncul #ala- catatan 0n#a se'a(ai : +uhan 0llah -e-an((il 0#a- #an 9awa #i +a-an #an 'ertanya&: Di-ana3ah en(3au5 E : 4tu pra3te3 (enerasi selan;utnya untu3 atri'ut se(ala sesuatu yan( ti#a3 'iasa #an luar 'iasa & 'ai3 ala-i -aupun spiritual & lan(sun( 3e ca-pur tan(an pri'a#i para Dewa . 6 . 03i'at 2anprestasi ( G43&3 ) 3e3ecewaan F6:6.1 =ve 'enar1 'enar -enye#ih3an . 0#a- #ilihat seluruh situasi #an& se-entara patah hati #an se#ih & terhi'ur hanya 3asihan #an si-pati 'a(i pasan(annya 'er#osa . ( G43&4 ) F6:6.. 4tu #i 3eputusasaan realisasi 3e(a(alan 'ahwa 0#a- & sehari setelah salah lan(3ah =ve & -encari 8aotta & wanita Co#ite 'rilian yan( a#alah 3epala se3olah 'arat +a-an & #an #en(an #irencana3an terle'ih #ahulu -ela3u3an 3e'o#ohan yan( 9awa . +api ;an(an salah paha- & 0#a- ti#a3 terpe#aya & #ia tahu persis apa yan( a3an ia & ia sen(a;a -e-ilih untu3 'er'a(i nasi' 9awa . Dia -encintai pasan(annya #en(an 3asih sayan( super-ortal & #an pi3iran 3e-un(3inan 'er;a(a 3esepian #i Urantia tanpa #ia le'ih #aripa#a yan( 'isa 'ertahan . ( G43&6 ) F6:6.3 <eti3a -ere3a tahu apa yan( ter;a#i 3epa#a 9awa& -arah pen#u#u3 sur(a -en;a#i ti#a3 ter3en#ali & -ere3a -enyata3an peran( pa#a #e3at1oleh pe-u3i-an Co#ite . ?ere3a -enyapu 3eluar -elalui (er'an( =#en #an turun pa#a oran(1oran( ti#a3 siap & 'enar1'enar -en(hancur3an -ere3a 1 'u3an pria& wanita & atau ana3 terhin#ar . Dan $ano & ayah #ari <ain 'elu- lahir & ;u(a tewas . ( G43&B ) F6:6.4 %etelah realisasi apa yan( telah ter;a#i & %erapatatia #iliputi 3eta3utan #an #i sa-pin( #irinya #en(an 3eta3utan #an penyesalan. <eeso3an harinya ia -enen((ela-3an #irinya #i

re use# to a#vise hi-& only tellin( hi- to #o as he thou(ht 'est an# pro-isin( their rien#ly co1operation& as ar as possi'le& in any course he -i(ht #eci#e upon. +he ?elchi/e#e3s ha# 'een or'i##en to inter ere with the personal plans o 0#a- an# =ve. (G44.4) F6:B.. 0#a- 3new that he an# =ve ha# aile#; the presence o the ?elchi/e#e3 receivers tol# hi- that& thou(h he still 3new nothin( o their personal status or uture ate. 9e hel# an all1ni(ht con erence with so-e twelve hun#re# loyal ollowers who ple#(e# the-selves to ollow their lea#er& an# the ne,t #ay at noon these pil(ri-s went orth ro- =#en in Auest o new ho-es. 0#a- ha# no li3in( or war an# accor#in(ly electe# to leave the irst (ar#en to the Co#ites unoppose#. (G44.6) F6:B.3 +he =#enic caravan was halte# on the thir# #ay out ro- the Gar#en 'y the arrival o the seraphic transports ro- Deruse-. 0n# or the irst ti-e 0#aan# =ve were in or-e# o what was to 'eco-e o their chil#ren. 2hile the transports stoo# 'y& those chil#ren who ha# arrive# at the a(e o choice (twenty years) were (iven the option o re-ainin( on Urantia with their parents or o 'eco-in( war#s o the ?ost 9i(hs o Corlatia#e3. +wo thir#s chose to (o to =#entia; a'out one thir# electe# to re-ain with their parents. 0ll chil#ren o prechoice a(e were ta3en to =#entia. Co one coul# have 'ehel# the sorrow ul partin( o this ?aterial %on an# Dau(hter an# their chil#ren without reali/in( that the way o the trans(ressor is har#. +hese o sprin( o 0#a- an# =ve are now on =#entia; we #o not 3now what #isposition is to 'e -a#e o the-. (G44.B) F6:B.4 4t was a sa#& sa# caravan that prepare# to ;ourney on. $oul# anythin( have 'een -ore tra(icL +o have co-e to a worl# in such hi(h hopes& to have 'een so auspiciously receive#& an# then to (o orth in #is(race ro- =#en& only to lose -ore than three ourths o their chil#ren even 'e ore in#in( a new a'i#in( placeL -. .e#radation of Ada& and Eve (G46.1) F6:F.1 4t was while the =#enic caravan was halte# that 0#a- an# =ve were in or-e# o the nature o their trans(ressions an# a#vise# concernin(

sun(ai 'esar . ( G43&F ) F6:6.6 'ani 0#a- 'erusaha -en(hi'ur i'u -ere3a ter(an((u 3eti3a ayah -ere3a 'er;alan #ala- 3esen#irian sela-a ti(a puluh hari . "a#a a3hir wa3tu itu pen(ha3i-an -ene(as3an #irinya & #an 0#a- 3e-'ali 3e ru-ahnya #an -ulai -erencana3an arah -asa #epan -ere3a tin#a3an . ( G43&G ) F6:6.B <onse3uensi #ari 3e'o#ohan oran( tua sesat 'e(itu serin( 'ersa-a oleh ana31ana3 -ere3a yan( ta3 'er#osa . 0na31ana3 te(a3 #an -ulia 1ana3 0#a- #an 9awa 3ewalahan oleh 3ese#ihan 'isa #i;elas3an #ari tra(e#i luar 'iasa yan( telah 'e(itu ti'a1ti'a #an 'e(itu 3e;a- #oron( 3e atas -ere3a . +i#a3 #ala- li-a puluh tahun yan( le'ih tua #ari ana31ana3 pulih #ari #u3a #an 3ese#ihan hari1hari yan( tra(is & teruta-a teror yan( wa3tu ti(a puluh hari #i -ana ayah -ere3a ti#a3 ha#ir #ari ru-ah se-entara i'u -ere3a ter(an((u a#alah #ala- 3eti#a3tahuan len(3ap 3e'era#aannya atau nasi' . ( G43&I ) F6:6.F Dan oran(1oran( yan( sa-a ti(a puluh hari a#alah se'a(ai 'ertahun1tahun 3ese#ihan #an pen#eritaan 'a(i 9awa . +i#a3 pernah ;iwa -ulia ini sepenuhnya pulih #ari e e3 #ari perio#e -enyi3sa pen#eritaan -ental #an 3ese#ihan spiritual . +i#a3 a#a itur pera-pasan 'eri3utnya -ere3a #an 3esulitan -ateri yan( pernah -ulai -e-'an#in(3an #ala- -e-ori =ve #en(an hari1hari yan( -en(eri3an #an -en(eri3an -ala- 3esepian #an 3eti#a3pastian ta3 tertahan3an . Dia 'ela;ar #ari tin#a3an rua- %erapatatia #an ti#a3 tahu apa3ah pasan(annya telah #ala- 3ese#ihan -en(hancur3an #irinya sen#iri atau telah #ihapus #ari #unia se'a(ai 'alasan atas 3esalahan nya . Dan 3eti3a 0#a- 3e-'ali & =ve -en(ala-i 3epuasan su3acita #an syu3ur yan( ti#a3 pernah telah #ihapus3an oleh 3e-itraan u-ur pan;an( #an sulit layanan -ere3a 'e3er;a 3eras . ( G44&1 ) F6:6.G 2a3tu 'erlalu & tapi 0#a- ti#a3 tertentu #ari si at pelan((aran -ere3a sa-pai tu;uh puluh

their ate. Ga'riel appeare# to pronounce ;u#(-ent. 0n# this was the ver#ict: +he "lanetary 0#a- an# =ve o Urantia are a#;u#(e# in #e ault; they have violate# the covenant o their trusteeship as the rulers o this inha'ite# worl#. (G46..) F6:F.. 2hile #owncast 'y the sense o (uilt& 0#a- an# =ve were (reatly cheere# 'y the announce-ent that their ;u#(es on %alvin(ton ha# a'solve# thero- all char(es o stan#in( in )conte-pt o the universe (overn-ent.* +hey ha# not 'een hel# (uilty o re'ellion. (G46.3) F6:F.3 +he =#enic pair were in or-e# that they ha# #e(ra#e# the-selves to the status o the -ortals o the real-; that they -ust hence orth con#uct the-selves as -an an# wo-an o Urantia& loo3in( to the uture o the worl# races or their uture. (G46.4) F6:F.4 8on( 'e ore 0#a- an# =ve le t Deruse-& their instructors ha# ully e,plaine# to the- the conseAuences o any vital #eparture ro- the #ivine plans. 4 ha# personally an# repeate#ly warne# the-& 'oth 'e ore an# a ter they arrive# on Urantia& that re#uction to the status o -ortal lesh woul# 'e the certain result& the sure penalty& which woul# un ailin(ly atten# #e ault in the e,ecution o their planetary -ission. !ut a co-prehension o the i--ortality status o the -aterial or#er o sonship is essential to a clear un#erstan#in( o the conseAuences atten#ant upon the #e ault o 0#a- an# =ve. (G46.6) F6:F.6 1. 0#a- an# =ve& li3e their ellows on Deruse-& -aintaine# i--ortal status throu(h intellectual association with the -in#1(ravity circuit o the %pirit. 2hen this vital sustenance is 'ro3en 'y -ental #is;unction& then& re(ar#less o the spiritual level o creature e,istence& i--ortality status is lost. ?ortal status ollowe# 'y physical #issolution was the inevita'le conseAuence o the intellectual #e ault o 0#a- an# =ve. (G46.B) F6:F.B .. +he ?aterial %on an# Dau(hter o Urantia& 'ein( also personali/e# in the si-ilitu#e o the -ortal lesh o this worl#& were urther #epen#ent on the -aintenance o a #ual circulatory syste-& the one #erive# rotheir physical natures& the other ro- the superener(y store# in the ruit o the tree

hari setelah #e ault 9awa & 3eti3a peneri-a ?el3ise#e3 3e-'ali 3e Urantia #an #iasu-si3an yuris#i3si atas urusan #unia . Dan 3e-u#ian ia tahu -ere3a telah (a(al . ( G44&. ) F6:6.I +api tetap le'ih 'anya3 -asalah a#alah pe-'uatan 'ir : <a'ar #ari pen(hancuran pe-u3i-an Co#ite #e3at =#en ti#a3 la-'at #ala- -encapai su3u ru-ah %erapatatia 3e utara & #an saat ini se;u-lah 'esar itu pera3itan untu3 'er'aris #i +a-an . Dan ini a#alah awal #ari se'uah peran( pan;an( #an pahit antara 0#a-ites #an Co#ites & untu3 per-usuhan ini terus la-a setelah 0#a- #an pen(i3utnya 'ere-i(rasi 3e ta-an 3e#ua #i le-'ah = rat . 0#a intens #an a'a#i : per-usuhan antara la3i1la3i #an pere-puan & antara 3eturunannya #an 3eturunannya . : B . 0#a- #an 9awa +in((al3an Gar#en ( G44&3 ) F6:B.1 <eti3a 0#a- -en(etahui 'ahwa Co#ites se#an( 'er'aris & ia -encari nasihat para ?el3ise#e3 & tetapi -ere3a -enola3 untu3 -e-'eritahu #ia& hanya -enyuruhnya untu3 -ela3u3an apa yan( #ia pi3ir ter'ai3 #an -en;an;i3an ra-ah 3er;asa-a -ere3a& se;auh -un(3in & #ala- 3ursus apapun #ia -un(3in -e-utus3an . "ara ?el3ise#e3 telah #ilaran( -en((an((u rencana pri'a#i 0#a- #an 9awa . ( G44&4 ) F6:B.. 0#a- tahu 'ahwa ia #an 9awa telah (a(al; 3eha#iran peneri-a ?el3ise#e3 -en(ata3an 3epa#anya 'ahwa & -es3ipun ia -asih ti#a3 tahu status pri'a#i -ere3a atau nasi' -asa #epan . Dia -e-e(an( se'uah 3on erensi sepan;an( -ala- #en(an 'e'erapa #ua ratus pen(i3ut setia yan( -en(i3rar3an #iri untu3 -en(i3uti pe-i-pin -ere3a & #an hari 'eri3utnya pa#a sian( hari ini pe/iarah 'eran(3at #ari =#en #ala- pencarian ru-ah 'aru . 0#a- ta3 3ein(inan untu3 peran( #an 3arenanya -e-ilih untu3 -enin((al3an ta-an perta-a 3e Co#ites terlin#un( . ( G44&6 ) F6:B.3 +he =#en ini 3a ilah #ihenti3an pa#a hari 3eti(a 3eluar #ari +a-an =#en oleh 3e#atan(an an(3utan

o li e. 0lways ha# the archan(el custo#ian a#-onishe# 0#a- an# =ve that #e ault o trust woul# cul-inate in #e(ra#ation o status& an# access to this source o ener(y was #enie# thesu'seAuent to their #e ault. (G46.F) F6:F.F $ali(astia #i# succee# in trappin( 0#a- an# =ve& 'ut he #i# not acco-plish his purpose o lea#in( theinto open re'ellion a(ainst the universe (overn-ent. 2hat they ha# #one was in#ee# evil& 'ut they were never (uilty o conte-pt or truth& neither #i# they 3nowin(ly enlist in re'ellion a(ainst the ri(hteous rule o the Universal Father an# his $reator %on. 1. The )o2/a!!ed (a!! of 3an (G46.G) F6:G.1 0#a- an# =ve #i# all ro- their hi(h estate o -aterial sonship #own to the lowly status o -ortal -an. !ut that was not the all o -an. +he hu-an race has 'een upli te# #espite the i--e#iate conseAuences o the 0#a-ic #e ault. 0lthou(h the #ivine plan o (ivin( the violet race to the Urantia peoples -iscarrie#& the -ortal races have pro ite# enor-ously ro- the li-ite# contri'ution which 0#a- an# his #escen#ants -a#e to the Urantia races. (G4B.1) F6:G.. +here has 'een no ) all o -an.* +he history o the hu-an race is one o pro(ressive evolution& an# the 0#a-ic 'estowal le t the worl# peoples (reatly i-prove# over their previous 'iolo(ic con#ition. +he -ore superior stoc3s o Urantia now contain inheritance actors #erive# ro- as -any as our separate sources: 0n#onite& %an(i3& Co#ite& an# 0#a-ic. (G4B..) F6:G.3 0#a- shoul# not 'e re(ar#e# as the cause o a curse on the hu-an race. 2hile he #i# ail in carryin( orwar# the #ivine plan& while he #i# trans(ress his covenant with Deity& while he an# his -ate were -ost certainly #e(ra#e# in creature status& notwithstan#in( all this& their contri'ution to the hu-an race #i# -uch to a#vance civili/ation on Urantia. (G4B.3) F6:G.4 4n esti-atin( the results o the 0#a-ic -ission on your worl#& ;ustice #e-an#s the reco(nition o the con#ition o the planet. 0#a- was con ronte# with a well1ni(h hopeless tas3 when& with his 'eauti ul -ate& he was transporte# roDeruse- to this #ar3 an# con use# planet.

'i#a#ari #ari Deruse- . Dan untu3 perta-a 3alinya 0#a- #an 9awa #i'eritahu apa yan( -en;a#i ana31ana3 -ere3a . %e-entara an(3ut 'er#iri & ana31ana3 yan( telah ti'a pa#a usia pilihan ( #ua puluh tahun ) #i'eri pilihan yan( tersisa #i Urantia #en(an oran( tua -ere3a atau -en;a#i 'an(sal "alin( 9i(hs #ari Corlatia#e3 . Dua perti(a -e-ilih untu3 per(i 3e =#entia & se3itar seperti(a -e-ilih untu3 tetap #en(an oran( tua -ere3a . %e-ua ana31ana3 usia prechoice #i'awa 3e =#entia . +i#a3 a#a yan( 'isa -elihat& 'ahwa perpisahan se#ih !ahan ini putra #an putri #an ana31 ana3 -ere3a tanpa -enya#ari 'ahwa ;alan pelan((ar sulit . <eturunan ini 0#a- #an 9awa se3aran( #i =#entia & 3ita ti#a3 tahu apa #isposisi yan( harus ter'uat #ari -ere3a . ( G44&B ) F6:B.4 4tu -enye#ih3an & 3a ilah se#ih yan( -e-persiap3an untu3 per;alanan pa#a . !isa apa1apa le'ih tra(is L Untu3 #atan( 3e #unia #en(an harapan tin((i seperti & telah 'e(itu auspiciously #iteri-a & #an 3e-u#ian untu3 per(i #ala- 3ehinaan #ari =#en & hanya untu3 3ehilan(an le'ih #ari ti(a pere-pat #ari ana31ana3 -ere3a 'ah3an se'elu- -ene-u3an te-pat 'er#ia'aruL F . De(ra#asi 0#a- #an 9awa ( G46&1 ) F6:F.1 4a se-entara 3a ilah =#en ini #ihenti3an 'ahwa 0#a- #an 9awa #i'eritahu tentan( si at pelan((aran -ere3a #an -enyaran3an tentan( nasi' -ere3a . Di'ril -uncul -en;atuh3an hu3u-an . Dan ini a#alah putusan : +he "lanetary 0#a- #an 9awa #ari Urantia yan( #iputus3an #alastan#ar & -ere3a telah -elan((ar per;an;ian perwalian -ere3a se'a(ai pen(uasa #unia ini #ihuni . ( G46&. ) F6:F.. %e-entara tertun#u3 oleh rasa 'ersalah & 0#a- #an 9awa san(at 'ersora3 oleh pen(u-u-an 'ahwa ha3i- -ere3a pa#a %alvin(ton telah #i'e'as3an -ere3a #ari se(ala tu#uhan 'er#iri #i : pen(hinaan pe-erintah se-esta . : ?ere3a ti#a3 #itahan 'ersalah pe-'eronta3an .

!ut ha# they 'een (ui#e# 'y the counsel o the ?elchi/e#e3s an# their associates& an# had they been more patient, they woul# have eventually -et with success. !ut =ve listene# to the insi#ious propa(an#a o personal li'erty an# planetary ree#o- o action. %he was le# to e,peri-ent with the li e plas- o the -aterial or#er o sonship in that she allowe# this li e trust to 'eco-e pre-aturely co--in(le# with that o the then -i,e# or#er o the ori(inal #esi(n o the 8i e $arriers which ha# 'een previously co-'ine# with that o the repro#ucin( 'ein(s once attache# to the sta o the "lanetary "rince. (G4B.4) F6:G.6 Cever& in all your ascent to "ara#ise& will you (ain anythin( 'y i-patiently atte-ptin( to circu-vent the esta'lishe# an# #ivine plan 'y short cuts& personal inventions& or other #evices or i-provin( on the way o per ection& to per ection& an# or eternal per ection. (G4B.6) F6:G.B 0ll in all& there pro'a'ly never was a -ore #isheartenin( -iscarria(e o wis#o- on any planet in all Ce'a#on. !ut it is not surprisin( that these -issteps occur in the a airs o the evolutionary universes. 2e are a part o a (i(antic creation& an# it is not stran(e that everythin( #oes not wor3 in per ection; our universe was not create# in per ection. "er ection is our eternal (oal& not our ori(in. (G4B.B) F6:G.F 4 this were a -echanistic universe& i the First Great %ource an# $enter were only a orce an# not also a personality& i all creation were a vast a((re(ation o physical -atter #o-inate# 'y precise laws characteri/e# 'y unvaryin( ener(y actions& then -i(ht per ection o'tain& even #espite the inco-pleteness o universe status. +here woul# 'e no #isa(ree-ent; there woul# 'e no riction. !ut in our evolvin( universe o relative per ection an# i-per ection we re;oice that #isa(ree-ent an# -isun#erstan#in( are possi'le& or there'y is evi#ence# the act an# the act o personality in the universe. 0n# i our creation is an e,istence #o-inate# 'y personality& then can you 'e assure# o the possi'ilities o personality survival& a#vance-ent& an# achieve-ent; we can 'e con i#ent o

( G46&3 ) F6:F.3 +he =#en ini pasan(an #i'eritahu 'ahwa -ere3a harus ter#e(ra#asi #iri 3e status -anusia 3era;aan & 'ahwa -ere3a selan;utnya harus -ela3u3an #iri se'a(ai pria #an wanita #ari Urantia & -elihat 3e -asa #epan ras #unia untu3 -asa #epan -ere3a . ( G46&4 ) F6:F.4 Dauh se'elu- 0#a- #an 9awa -enin((al3an Deruse- & instru3tur -ere3a telah sepenuhnya -en;elas3an 3epa#a -ere3a 3onse3uensi #ari setiap 3e'eran(3atan pentin( #ari rencana ilahi . 03u secara pri'a#i #an 'erulan( 3ali -e-perin(at3an -ere3a & 'ai3 se'elu- #an setelah -ere3a ti'a pa#a Urantia & 'ahwa pen(uran(an #en(an status #a(in( ana a3an -en;a#i hasil tertentu & hu3u-an ya3in & yan( un ailin(ly a3an -en(ha#iri #e ault #ala- pela3sanaan -isi planet -ere3a. +api pe-aha-an status 3ea'a#ian urutan -ateri 0na3 0llah a#alah pentin( untu3 pe-aha-an yan( ;elas tentan( petu(as 3onse3uensi atas #e ault 0#a#an 9awa . (G46&6) F6:F.6 1 . 0#a- #an 9awa & seperti re3an1re3an -ere3a #i Deruse- & -e-pertahan3an statusnya a'a#i -elalui asosiasi intele3tual #en(an sir3uit pi3iran 1 (ravitasi #ari Hoh. <eti3a ini re/e3i pentin( rusa3 oleh #is;un(si -ental& -a3a & terlepas #ari tin(3at spiritual 3e'era#aan -a3hlu3 & status 3ea'a#ian hilan( . %tatus ?ortal #ii3uti #en(an pe-'u'aran isi3 a#alah 3onse3uensi ta3 terela33an #ari #e ault intele3tual 0#a- #an 9awa . (G46&B) F6:F.B . . !ahan "utra #an "utri Urantia & yan( ;u(a #ipersonalisasi #alarupa #a(in( yan( ana #ari #unia ini & yan( le'ih 'er(antun( pa#a pe-eliharaan siste- pere#aran #arah (an#a & yan( 'erasal #ari si at isi3 -ere3a & yan( lain #ari superener(y yan( #isi-pan #ala- 'uah #ari pohon 3ehi#upan . %elalu -e-ili3i pen;a(a -alai3at -en(in(at3an 0#a- #an 9awa 'ahwa stan#ar 3epercayaan a3an 'eru;un( pa#a #e(ra#asi status& #an a3ses 3e su-'er ener(i ini #itola3

personality (rowth& e,perience& an# a#venture. 2hat a (lorious universe& in that it is personal an# pro(ressive& not -erely -echanical or even passively per ectL (G4B.F) F6:G.G M"resente# 'y %olonia& the seraphic )voice in the Gar#en.*N

-ere3a 'eri3utnya 3e #e ault -ere3a. ( G46&F ) F6:F.F $ali(astia ti#a3 'erhasil #ala- -en;e'a3 0#a- #an 9awa & na-un ia ti#a3 -encapai tu;uannya untu3 -e-i-pin -ere3a 3e #alape-'eronta3an ter'u3a terha#ap pe-erintah se-esta . 0pa yan( -ere3a la3u3an itu -e-an( ;ahat& tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 pernah 'ersalah -en(hina 3e'enaran & -ere3a ;u(a ti#a3 sa#ar ter#a tar #ala- pe-'eronta3an -elawan 3e3uasaan 'enar #ari !apa #an "utra Universal "enciptanya . G . +he %o1$alle# Fall o ?an ( G46&G ) F6:G.1 0#a- #an 9awa -ela3u3an ;atuh #ari real tin((i #ari ana31ana3 -ateri 3e status ren#ah #ari -anusia ana . +api itu 'u3an 3e;atuhan -anusia . U-at -anusia telah teran(3at -es3ipun 3onse3uensi lan(sun( #ari #e ault 0#a- . ?es3ipun rencana ilahi -e-'eri3an perlo-'aan violet untu3 -asyara3at Urantia 3e(u(uran & ras ana #iuntun(3an san(at 'esar #ari 3ontri'usi ter'atas yan( 0#a- #an 3eturunannya #i'uat untu3 'alapan Urantia . ( G4B&1 ) F6:G.. !elu- a#a : 3e;atuhan -anusia . : %e;arah u-at -anusia a#alah salah satu evolusi pro(resi & #an 0#apen(anu(erahan -enin((al3an -asyara3at #unia san(at -enin(3at #ari 3on#isi 'iolo(is -ere3a se'elu-nya . %aha- le'ih un((ul #ari Urantia se3aran( -en(an#un( a3tor1 a3tor yan( 'erasal #ari warisan se'anya3 e-pat su-'er terpisah : 0n#onite & %an(i3 & Co#ite & #an 0#a- . ( G4B&. ) F6:G.3 0#a- ti#a3 'oleh #ian((ap se'a(ai penye'a' 3utu3an terha#ap u-at -anusia . %e-entara ia (a(al #ala- -en;alan3an -a;u rencana ilahi & se-entara #ia -elan((ar per;an;ian1Cya #en(an Dewa & se-entara ia #an pasan(annya yan( pasti ter#e(ra#asi #ala- status -a3hlu3 & -es3ipun se-ua ini & 3ontri'usi -ere3a terha#ap u-at -anusia 'er'uat 'anya3 untu3 -e-a;u3an pera#a'an #i Urantia . ( G4B&3 ) F6:G.4 Dala- -e-per3ira3an

hasil #ari -isi 0#a- pa#a #unia 0n#a & 3ea#ilan -enuntut pen(a3uan 3on#isi planet . 0#a- #iha#ap3an #en(an tu(as yan( ha-pir1ha-pir putus asa 3eti3a & #en(an pasan(an yan( in#ah & ia #ian(3ut #ari Deruse- 3e planet ini (elap #an 'in(un( . +api sean#ainya -ere3a #i'i-'in( oleh nasihat para ?el3ise#e3 #an re3an -ere3a & #an sean#ainya -ere3a le'ih sa'ar & -ere3a a3hirnya a3an 'erte-u #en(an su3ses . +api =ve -en#en(ar3an propa(an#a 'er'ahaya #ari 3e'e'asan pri'a#i #an 3e'e'asan planet tin#a3an . Dia #ituntun untu3 'ere3speri-en #en(an plas-a 3ehi#upan urutan -ateri #ari ana31ana3 #ala- 'ahwa ia -e-'iar3an ini 3epercayaan -asyara3at untu3 -en;a#i pre-atur 'erca-pur #en(an yan( -a3a or#er ca-puran #ari #esain asli #ari <ehi#upan Operator yan( se'elu-nya telah #i3o-'inasi3an #en(an 'ahwa #ari repro#u3si -a3hlu3 se3ali -ele3at pa#a sta "an(eran "lanetary . ( G4B&4 ) F6:G.6 pernah & #ala- se-ua pen#a3ian 0n#a 3e sur(a & 0n#a a3an -en#apat3an apa1apa #en(an sa'ar -enco'a untu3 -en(hin#ari rencana -apan #an ilahi oleh ;alan pintas & pene-uan pri'a#i& atau peran(3at lain untu3 -enin(3at3an pa#a ;alan 3ese-purnaan& untu3 3ese-purnaan & #an untu3 3ese-purnaan a'a#i . ( G4B&6 ) F6:G.B %e-ua #ala- se-ua & -un(3in pernah a#a 3e(u(uran le'ih -enye#ih3an 3e'i;a3sanaan pa#a setiap planet #ala- se-ua Ce'a#on . +api itu ti#a3 -en(heran3an 'ahwa salah lan(3ah ini ter;a#i #ala- urusan alase-esta evolusi . <a-i a#alah 'a(ian #ari ciptaan ra3sasa & #an ti#a3 aneh 'ahwa se(ala sesuatu ti#a3 'e3er;a #ala- 3ese-purnaan & ala- se-esta 3ita ti#a3 #icipta3an #ala- 3ese-purnaan . <ese-purnaan a#alah tu;uan 3e3al 3ita & ti#a3 asal 3a-i. ( G4B&B ) F6:G.F Di3a ini a#alah alase-esta -e3anisti3 & ;i3a "erta-a %u-'er 0(un( #an "usat hanya 3e3uatan & 'u3an ;u(a 3epri'a#ian & ;i3a se-ua ciptaan a#alah a(re(asi 'esar -ateri isi3 #i#o-inasi oleh un#an(1un#an( yan(

tepat #itan#ai #en(an tin#a3an se'an(un ener(i& -un(3in 3e-u#ian -e-peroleh 3ese-purnaan & 'ah3an -es3ipun 3eti#a3len(3apan status se-esta . +i#a3 a3an a#a perselisihan & ti#a3 a3an a#a (ese3an. Ca-un #ala- ala- se-esta 3ita 'er3e-'an( 3ese-purnaan relati #an 3eti#a3se-purnaan 3ita 'ersu3acita 'ahwa perselisihan #an 3esalahpaha-an yan( -un(3in & untu3 #e-i3ian #i'u3ti3an a3ta #an tin#a3an 3epri'a#ian #i ala- se-esta . Dan ;i3a penciptaan 3ita a#alah e3sistensi #i#o-inasi oleh 3epri'a#ian & -a3a 0n#a #apat ya3in 3e-un(3inan 3elan(sun(an hi#up 3epri'a#ian& 3e-a;uan & #an prestasi & 3ita 'isa ya3in pertu-'uhan 3epri'a#ian & pen(ala-an & #an petualan(an . 0pa ala- se-esta yan( -ulia & #ala- hal ini 'ersi at pri'a#i #an pro(resi & 'u3an hanya -e3ani3 atau 'ah3an pasi se-purnaL ( G4B&F ) F6:G.G M Disa-pai3an oleh %olonia & para 'i#a#ari : suara #i ta-an . :N +he Urantia 3ertas F4 0#a- #an 9awa ( G.G&1 ) F4:0.1 0D0? D0C =K= ti'a pa#a Urantia & #ari tahun ?asehi 1I34 & 3F.G4G tahun yan( lalu . 4tu #i -i#season 3eti3a +a-an itu #i punca3 -e3ar -ere3a ti'a . "a#a ten(ah hari #an tanpa pe-'eritahuan & #ua an(3utan 'i#a#ari & #i#a-pin(i personel Deruse- intruste# #en(an transportasi #ari upli ters 'iolo(is untu3 Urantia & -enetap perlahan 3e per-u3aan planet 'erputar #i se3itar 3uil !apa Universal . %e-ua pe3er;aan re-ateriali/in( tu'uh 0#a- #an 9awa #ila3u3an #i #ala- wilayah ini 3uil 'aru #i'uat . Dan #ari wa3tu 3e#atan(an -ere3a sepuluh hari 'erlalu se'elu-ere3a #icipta3an 3e-'ali #ala- 'entu3 -anusia (an#a untu3 presentasi se'a(ai pen(uasa 'aru #i #unia . ?ere3a sa#ar secara 'ersa-aan . +he %ons !ahan #an "utri selalu -elayani 'ersa-a1sa-a . 4ni a#alah inti #ari layanan -ere3a setiap saat #an #i se-ua te-pat ti#a3 pernah #ipisah3an . ?ere3a #irancan( untu3

The Urantia Book Paper -$ Ada& and Eve (G.G.1) F4:0.1 0D0? 0CD =K= arrive# on Urantia& ro- the year 0.D. 1I34& 3F&G4G years a(o. 4t was in -i#season when the Gar#en was in the hei(ht o 'loo- that they arrive#. 0t hi(h noon an# unannounce#& the two seraphic transports& acco-panie# 'y the Derusepersonnel intruste# with the transportation o the 'iolo(ic upli ters to Urantia& settle# slowly to the sur ace o the revolvin( planet in the vicinity o the te-ple o the Universal Father. 0ll the wor3 o re-ateriali/in( the 'o#ies o 0#a- an# =ve was carrie# on within the precincts o this newly create# shrine. 0n# ro- the ti-e o their arrival ten #ays passe# 'e ore they were re1create# in #ual hu-an or- or presentation as the worl#>s new rulers. +hey re(aine# consciousness si-ultaneously. +he ?aterial %ons an# Dau(hters always serve to(ether. 4t is the essence o their service at all ti-es an# in all places never to 'e separate#. +hey are #esi(ne# to wor3 in pairs; sel#o- #o they unction alone.

1. Ada& and Eve on 4eruse& +he "lanetary 0#a- an# =ve o Urantia were -e-'ers o the senior corps o ?aterial %ons on Deruse-& 'ein( ;ointly nu-'er 14&311. +hey 'elon(e# to the thir# physical series an# were a little -ore than ei(ht eet in hei(ht. (G.G.3) F4:1.. 0t the ti-e 0#a- was chosen to co-e to Urantia& he was e-ploye#& with his -ate& in the trial1an#1testin( physical la'oratories o Deruse-. For -ore than i teen thousan# years they ha# 'een #irectors o the #ivision o e,peri-ental ener(y as applie# to the -o#i ication o livin( or-s. 8on( 'e ore this they ha# 'een teachers in the citi/enship schools or new arrivals on Deruse-. 0n# all this shoul# 'e 'orne in -in# in connection with the narration o their su'seAuent con#uct on Urantia. (G.G.4) F4:1.3 2hen the procla-ation was issue# callin( or volunteers or the -ission o 0#a-ic a#venture on Urantia& the entire senior corps o ?aterial %ons an# Dau(hters volunteere#. +he ?elchi/e#e3 e,a-iners& with the approval o 8ana or(e an# the ?ost 9i(hs o =#entia& inally selecte# the 0#a- an# =ve who su'seAuently ca-e to unction as the 'iolo(ic upli ters o Urantia. (G.G.6) F4:1.4 0#a- an# =ve ha# re-aine# loyal to ?ichael #urin( the 8uci er re'ellion; nevertheless& the pair were calle# 'e ore the %yste- %overei(n an# his entire ca'inet or e,a-ination an# instruction. +he #etails o Urantia a airs were ully presente#; they were e,haustively instructe# as to the plans to 'e pursue# in acceptin( the responsi'ilities o rulership on such a stri e1torn worl#. +hey were put un#er ;oint oaths o alle(iance to the ?ost 9i(hs o =#entia an# to ?ichael o %alvin(ton. 0n# they were #uly a#vise# to re(ar# the-selves as su';ect to the Urantia corps o ?elchi/e#e3 receivers until that (overnin( 'o#y shoul# see it to relinAuish rule on the worl# o their assi(n-ent. (G.I.1) F4:1.6 +his Deruse- pair le t 'ehin# the- on the capital o %atania an# elsewhere& one hun#re# o sprin( J i ty sons an# i ty #au(hters J -a(ni icent creatures who ha# escape# the pit alls o pro(ression& an# who were all in
(G.G..) F4:1.1

'e3er;a 'erpasan(an & ;aran( -ere3a 'er un(si sen#irian . 1 . 0#a- #an 9awa #i Deruse( G.G&. ) F4:1.1 +he "lanetary 0#a- #an 9awa #ari Urantia a#alah an((ota 3orps senior %ons ?aterial pa#a Deruse- & yan( 'ersa-a1sa-a se;u-lah 14.311 . ?ere3a -ili3 seri isi3 3eti(a #an se#i3it le'ih #ari #elapan -eter tin((inya . ( G.G&3 ) F4:1.. "a#a saat 0#a- #ipilih untu3 #atan( 3e Urantia & ia 'e3er;a & #en(an pasan(annya & #i la'oratoriuisi3 trial1an# 1 pen(u;ian Deruse- . %ela-a le'ih #ari li-a 'elas ri'u tahun -ere3a telah #ire3tur #ivisi ener(i e3speri-ental yan( #iterap3an #en(an -o#i i3asi 'entu3 hi#up . Dauh se'eluini -ere3a telah (uru #i se3olah 3ewar(ane(araan 'a(i para pen#atan( 'aru #i Deruse- . Dan se-ua ini harus #iin(at sehu'un(an #en(an narasi perila3u 'eri3utnya -ere3a pa#a Urantia . ( G.G&4 ) F4:1.3 <eti3a pro3la-asi itu #i3eluar3an yan( -enyeru3an relawan untu3 -isi petualan(an 0#a- pa#a Urantia & 3orps senior yan( seluruh %ons !ahan #an "utri su3arela . ?el3ise#e3 pe-eri3sa & #en(an persetu;uan 8ana or(e #an <e'anya3an 9i(hs #ari =#entia & a3hirnya -e-ilih 0#a- #an 9awa yan( 3e-u#ian #atan( untu3 'er un(si se'a(ai upli ters 'iolo(is Urantia . ( G.G&6 ) F4:1.4 0#a- #an 9awa tetap setia 3epa#a ?ichael sela-a pe-'eronta3an 8uci er & na-un& pasan(an itu #ise'ut se'elu- %iste%overei(n #an seluruh an((ota 3a'inetnya untu3 pe-eri3saan #an instru3si . Hincian urusan Urantia sepenuhnya #isa;i3an; -ere3a #iperintah3an -en#ala- -en(enai rencana yan( a3an #i3e;ar #ala-eneri-a tan((un( ;awa' pe-erintahan #i #unia seperti perselisihan 1 ro'e3 . ?ere3a #ileta33an #i 'awah sen#i su-pah setia 3epa#a <e'anya3an 9i(hs #ari =#entia #an ?ichael %alvin(ton . Dan -ere3a sepatutnya #isaran3an untu3

co--ission as aith ul stewar#s o universe trust at the ti-e o their parents> #eparture or Urantia. 0n# they were all present in the 'eauti ul te-ple o the ?aterial %ons atten#ant upon the arewell e,ercises associate# with the last cere-onies o the 'estowal acceptance. +hese chil#ren acco-panie# their parents to the #e-ateriali/ation hea#Auarters o their or#er an# were the last to 'i# the- arewell an# #ivine spee# as they ell asleep in the personality lapse o consciousness which prece#es the preparation or seraphic transport. +he chil#ren spent so-e ti-e to(ether at the a-ily ren#e/vous re;oicin( that their parents were soon to 'eco-e the visi'le hea#s& in reality the sole rulers& o planet B0B in the syste- o %atania. (G.I..) F4:1.B 0n# thus #i# 0#a- an# =ve leave Deruse- a-i#st the acclai- an# well1wishin( o its citi/ens. +hey went orth to their new responsi'ilities a#eAuately eAuippe# an# ully instructe# concernin( every #uty an# #an(er to 'e encountere# on Urantia. 2. Arriva! of Ada& and Eve (G.I.3) F4:..1 0#a- an# =ve ell asleep on Deruse-& an# when they awa3ene# in the Father>s te-ple on Urantia in the presence o the -i(hty thron( asse-'le# to welco-e the-& they were ace to ace with two 'ein(s o who- they ha# hear# -uch& Kan an# his aith ul associate 0-a#on. +hese two heroes o the $ali(astia secession were the irst to welco-e the- in their new (ar#en ho-e. (G.I.4) F4:... +he ton(ue o =#en was an 0n#onic #ialect as spo3en 'y 0-a#on. Kan an# 0-a#on ha# -ar3e#ly i-prove# this lan(ua(e 'y creatin( a new alpha'et o twenty1 our letters& an# they ha# hope# to see it 'eco-e the ton(ue o Urantia as the =#enic culture woul# sprea# throu(hout the worl#. 0#a- an# =ve ha# ully -astere# this hu-an #ialect 'e ore they #eparte# roDeruse- so that this son o 0n#on hear# the e,alte# ruler o his worl# a##ress hiin his own ton(ue. (G.I.6) F4:..3 0n# on that #ay there was (reat e,cite-ent an# ;oy throu(hout =#en as the runners went in (reat haste to the ren#e/vous o the carrier pi(eons

-en(an((ap #irinya se'a(ai tun#u3 pa#a Urantia 3orps peneri-a ?el3ise#e3 sa-pai 'ahwa 'a#an harus -elihat coco3 untu3 -elepas3an 3e3uasaan pa#a #unia tu(as -ere3a . ( G.I&1 ) F4:1.6 "asan(an ini Deruse#itin((al3an -ere3a #i i'u3ota %atania #an #i te-pat lain & seratus ana3 1 ana3 li-a puluh li-a puluh ana3 pere-puan 1 -a3hlu3 a(un( yan( telah lolos peran(3ap per3e-'an(an & #an yan( se-uanya #ala- 3o-isi se'a(ai pelayan setia 3epercayaan se-esta pa#a saat 3e'eran(3atan oran( tua -ere3a untu3 Urantia . Dan -ere3a se-ua ha#ir #i 3uil yan( in#ah #ari %ons !ahan petu(as pa#a latihan perpisahan yan( ter3ait #en(an upacara tera3hir #ari peneri-aan pen(anu(erahan . 0na31ana3 #ite-ani oran( tua -ere3a 3e -ar3as #e-aterialisasi pesanan -ere3a #an yan( tera3hir untu3 tawaran -ere3a perpisahan #an 3ecepatan ilahi seperti -ere3a terti#ur #ala- selan( 3epri'a#ian 3esa#aran yan( -en#ahului persiapan untu3 transportasi 'i#a#ari . 0na31ana3 -en(ha'is3an wa3tu 'ersa-a #i perte-uan 3eluar(a (e-'ira& 3arena oran( tua -ere3a yan( se(era -en;a#i 3epala terlihat& pa#a 3enyataannya satu1 satunya pen(uasa & planet B0B #alasiste- %atania . ( G.I&. ) F4:1.B Dan #e-i3ianlah 0#a#an 9awa -enin((al3an Deruse- ten(ah pu;ian #an 'ai3 1 'erharap war(anya . ?ere3a 'eran(3at #en(an tan((un( ;awa' 'aru -ere3a cu3up #ilen(3api #an sepenuhnya -en(instru3si3an -en(enai setiap tu(as #an 'ahaya yan( harus #iha#api pa#a Urantia . . . <e#atan(an 0#a- #an 9awa ( G.I&3 ) F4:..1 0#a- #an 9awa ;atuh terti#ur #i Deruse- & #an 3eti3a -ere3a ter'an(un #i 'ait !apa #i Urantia #i ha#apan 3eru-unan per3asa 'er3u-pul untu3 -enya-'ut -ere3a & -ere3a 'erha#apan #en(an #ua -a3hlu3 #ari siapa -ere3a telah -en#en(ar 'anya3 & Kan #an 0-a#on asosiasi setia . <e#ua pahlawan pe-isahan $ali(astia a#alah yan( perta-a untu3 -enya-'ut -ere3a

asse-'le# ro- near an# ar& shoutin(: )8et loose the 'ir#s; let the- carry the wor# that the pro-ise# %on has co-e.* 9un#re#s o 'eliever settle-ents ha# aith ully& year a ter year& 3ept up the supply o these ho-e1reare# pi(eons or ;ust such an occasion. (G.I.B) F4:..4 0s the news o 0#a->s arrival sprea# a'roa#& thousan#s o the near1'y tri'es-en accepte# the teachin(s o Kan an# 0-a#on& while or -onths an# -onths pil(ri-s continue# to pour into =#en to welco-e 0#a- an# =ve an# to #o ho-a(e to their unseen Father. (G.I.F) F4:..6 %oon a ter their awa3enin(& 0#a- an# =ve were escorte# to the or-al reception on the (reat -oun# to the north o the te-ple. +his natural hill ha# 'een enlar(e# an# -a#e rea#y or the installation o the worl#>s new rulers. 9ere& at noon& the Urantia reception co--ittee welco-e# this %on an# Dau(hter o the syste- o %atania. 0-a#on was chair-an o this co--ittee& which consiste# o twelve -e-'ers e-'racin( a representative o each o the si, %an(i3 races; the actin( chie o the -i#wayers; 0nnan& a loyal #au(hter an# spo3es-an or the Co#ites; Coah& the son o the architect an# 'uil#er o the Gar#en an# e,ecutive o his #ecease# ather>s plans; an# the two resi#ent 8i e $arriers. (G30.1) F4:..B +he ne,t act was the #elivery o the char(e o planetary custo#y to 0#aan# =ve 'y the senior ?elchi/e#e3& chie o the council o receivership on Urantia. +he ?aterial %on an# Dau(hter too3 the oath o alle(iance to the ?ost 9i(hs o Corlatia#e3 an# to ?ichael o Ce'a#on an# were proclai-e# rulers o Urantia 'y Kan& who there'y relinAuishe# the titular authority which or over one hun#re# an# i ty thousan# years he ha# hel# 'y virtue o the action o the ?elchi/e#e3 receivers. (G30..) F4:..F 0n# 0#a- an# =ve were investe# with 3in(ly ro'es on this occasion& the ti-e o their or-al in#uction into worl# rulership. Cot all o the arts o Dala-atia ha# 'een lost to the worl#; weavin( was still practice# in the #ays o =#en. (G30.3) F4:..G +hen was hear# the archan(els> procla-ation& an# the 'roa#cast voice o

#i ru-ah 3e'un 'aru -ere3a . ( G.I&4 ) F4:... 8i#ah =#en a#alah #iale3 0n#onic se'a(ai-ana #iucap3an oleh 0-a#on . Kan #an 0-a#on telah nyata -e-'ai3 'ahasa ini #en(an -encipta3an al a'et 'aru #ua puluh e-pat huru & #an -ere3a 'erharap untu3 -elihatnya -en;a#i li#ah Urantia se'a(ai 'u#aya =#en ini a3an -enye'ar 3e seluruh #unia . 0#a- #an 9awa telah sepenuhnya -en(uasai #iale3 -anusia ini se'elu-ere3a 'eran(3at #ari Deruse- sehin((a ana3 ini 0n#on -en#en(ar pen(uasa a(un( #unianya -enyapanya #ala'ahasa sen#iri . ( G.I&6 ) F4:..3 Dan pa#a hari itu a#a 3e(e-'iraan #an su3acita seluruh =#en se'a(ai pelari per(i ter'uru1'uru 3e te-pat perte-uan #ari -erpati pe-'awa #ira3it #ari ;auh #an #e3at & 'erteria3 : : !iar3an lon((ar 'urun( & 'iar3an -ere3a -e-'awa 3ata 'ahwa 0na3 yan( #i;an;i3an telah #atan( . : Hatusan pe-u3i-an percaya -e-ili3i setia & tahun #e-i tahun & terus paso3an ini -erpati ru-ah #ipelihara untu3 hanya 3ese-patan seperti itu. ( G.I&B ) F4:..4 %e'a(ai 3a'ar 3e#atan(an 0#a- -enye'ar 3e luar ne(eri & ri'uan war(a su3u #e3at1oleh -eneri-a a;aran Kan #an 0-a#on & se#an(3an untu3 'ulan #an 'ulan pe/iarah terus tuan(3an 3e =#en untu3 -enya-'ut 0#a- #an 9awa #an untu3 -ela3u3an pen(hor-atan 3epa#a !apa (ai' -ere3a. ( G.I&F ) F4:..6 %e(era setelah 3e'an(3itan -ere3a & 0#a- #an 9awa #i3awal peneri-aan or-al (un#u3an 'esar #i se'elah utara can#i . !u3it ala-i ini telah #iper'esar #an siap untu3 instalasi pen(uasa 'aru #i #unia . Di sini & #i sian( hari & panitia peneri-aan Urantia -enya-'ut 0na3 ini #an "utri siste%atania . 0-a#on a#alah 3etua 3o-ite ini & yan( ter#iri #ari #ua 'elas an((ota -eran(3ul perwa3ilan #ari -asin(1 -asin( ena- 'alapan %an(i3 & 3epala 'ertin#a3 #ari -i#wayers & 0nnan & putri setia #an ;uru 'icara Co#ites & Coah & ana3 #ari arsite3 #an pe-'an(un #ari

Ga'riel #ecree# the secon# ;u#(-ent roll call o Urantia an# the resurrection o the sleepin( survivors o the secon# #ispensation o (race an# -ercy on B0B o %atania. +he #ispensation o the "rince has passe#; the a(e o 0#a-& the thir# planetary epoch& opens a-i#st scenes o si-ple (ran#eur; an# the new rulers o Urantia start their rei(n un#er see-in(ly avora'le con#itions& notwithstan#in( the worl#1wi#e con usion occasione# 'y lac3 o the co1operation o their pre#ecessor in authority on the planet.O 3. Ada& and Eve %earn about the P!anet (G30.4) F4:3.1 0n# now& a ter their or-al installation& 0#a- an# =ve 'eca-e pain ully aware o their planetary isolation. %ilent were the a-iliar 'roa#casts& an# a'sent were all the circuits o e,traplanetary co--unication. +heir Deruse- ellows ha# (one to worl#s runnin( alon( s-oothly with a well1 esta'lishe# "lanetary "rince an# an e,perience# sta rea#y to receive thean# co-petent to co1operate with the#urin( their early e,perience on such worl#s. !ut on Urantia re'ellion ha# chan(e# everythin(. 9ere the "lanetary "rince was very -uch present& an# thou(h shorn o -ost o his power to wor3 evil& he was still a'le to -a3e the tas3 o 0#a- an# =ve #i icult an# to so-e e,tent ha/ar#ous. 4t was a serious an# #isillusione# %on an# Dau(hter o Deruse- who wal3e# that ni(ht throu(h the Gar#en un#er the shinin( o the ull -oon& #iscussin( plans or the ne,t #ay. (G30.6) F4:3.. +hus en#e# the irst #ay o 0#a- an# =ve on isolate# Urantia& the con use# planet o the $ali(astia 'etrayal; an# they wal3e# an# tal3e# ar into the ni(ht& their irst ni(ht on earth J an# it was so lonely. (G30.B) F4:3.3 0#a->s secon# #ay on earth was spent in session with the planetary receivers an# the a#visory council. Frothe ?elchi/e#e3s& an# their associates& 0#a- an# =ve learne# -ore a'out the #etails o the $ali(astia re'ellion an# the result o that upheaval upon the worl#>s pro(ress. 0n# it was& on the whole& a #isheartenin( story& this lon( recital o the -is-ana(e-ent o worl# a airs. +hey learne# all the acts re(ar#in( the

Gar#en #an e3se3uti rencana -en#ian( ayahnya itu & #an #ua pen#u#u3 9i#up Operator . ( G30&1 ) F4:..B +in#a3an 'eri3utnya a#alah pen(iri-an -uatan tahanan planet 3epa#a 0#a- #an 9awa #en(an ?el3ise#e3 senior& 3epala #ewan 3urator pa#a Urantia . !ahan "utra #an "utri -en(a-'il su-pah 3esetiaan 3epa#a "alin( 9i(hs #ari Corlatia#e3 #an ?ichael Ce'a#on #an -enyata3an pen(uasa Urantia oleh Kan & yan( #en(an #e-i3ian -elepas3an otoritas tituler yan( sela-a le'ih #ari 160.000 tahun ia telah -en(a#a3an 'er#asar3an #ari a3si peneri-a ?el3ise#e3 . ( G30&. ) F4:..F Dan 0#a- #an 9awa #iinvestasi3an #en(an ra;a ;u'ah pa#a 3ese-patan ini & wa3tu in#u3si or-al -ere3a 3e pe-erintahan #unia . +i#a3 se-ua seni Dala-atia telah hilan( untu3 #unia& tenun -asih #ipra3te33an #i /a-an =#en . ( G30&3 ) F4:..G <e-u#ian ter#en(ar pro3la-asi -alai3at E & #an suara siaran Ga'riel -e-utus3an 3e#ua pen(ha3i-an (ulun(an pan((ilan Urantia #an 3e'an(3itan sela-at ti#ur #ari #ispensasi 3e#ua anu(erah #an 'elas 3asihan pa#a B0B #ari %atania . Dispensasi "an(eran telah 'erlalu & usia 0#a- & /a-an planet 3eti(a& ter'u3a #i ten(ah1ten(ah a#e(an 3ea(un(an se#erhana& #an pen(uasa 'aru Urantia awal pe-erintahan -ere3a #ala- 3on#isi yan( ta-pa3nya -en(untun(3an & -es3ipun 3e'in(un(an #i seluruh #unia #ise'a'3an oleh 3uran(nya 3er;asa-a pen#ahulu -ere3a yan( 'erwenan( #i planet ini . O 3 . 0#a- #an 9awa "ela;ari tentan( "lanet ( G30&4 ) F4:3.1 Dan se3aran( & setelah instalasi or-al -ere3a & 0#a- #an 9awa -en;a#i san(at -enya#ari isolasi planet -ere3a. Dia- a#alah siaran a3ra' & #an ti#a3 a#a yan( se-ua sir3uit 3o-uni3asi e,traplanetary . Fellows Deruse- -ere3a per(i 3e #unia 'er;alan #en(an lancar #en(an "lanetary "an(eran -apan #an sta yan( 'erpen(ala-an siap untu3

utter collapse o the $ali(astia sche-e or acceleratin( the process o social evolution. +hey also arrive# at a ull reali/ation o the olly o atte-ptin( to achieve planetary a#vance-ent in#epen#ently o the #ivine plan o pro(ression. 0n# thus en#e# a sa# 'ut enli(htenin( #ay J their secon# on Urantia. (G31.1) F4:3.4 +he thir# #ay was #evote# to an inspection o the Gar#en. Fro- the lar(e passen(er 'ir#s J the an#ors J 0#aan# =ve loo3e# #own upon the vast stretches o the Gar#en while 'ein( carrie# throu(h the air over this& the -ost 'eauti ul spot on earth. +his #ay o inspection en#e# with an enor-ous 'anAuet in honor o all who ha# la'ore# to create this (ar#en o =#enic 'eauty an# (ran#eur. 0n# a(ain& late into the ni(ht o their thir# #ay& the %on an# his -ate wal3e# in the Gar#en an# tal3e# a'out the i--ensity o their pro'le-s. (G31..) F4:3.6 On the ourth #ay 0#a- an# =ve a##resse# the Gar#en asse-'ly. Fro- the inau(ural -ount they spo3e to the people concernin( their plans or the reha'ilitation o the worl# an# outline# the -etho#s where'y they woul# see3 to re#ee- the social culture o Urantia rothe low levels to which it ha# allen as a result o sin an# re'ellion. +his was a (reat #ay& an# it close# with a east or the council o -en an# wo-en who ha# 'een selecte# to assu-e responsi'ilities in the new a#-inistration o worl# a airs. +a3e noteL wo-en as well as -en were in this (roup& an# that was the irst ti-e such a thin( ha# occurre# on earth since the #ays o Dala-atia. 4t was an astoun#in( innovation to 'ehol# =ve& a wo-an& sharin( the honors an# responsi'ilities o worl# a airs with a -an. 0n# thus en#e# the ourth #ay on earth. (G31.3) F4:3.B +he i th #ay was occupie# with the or(ani/ation o the te-porary (overn-ent& the a#-inistration which was to unction until the ?elchi/e#e3 receivers shoul# leave Urantia. (G31.4) F4:3.F +he si,th #ay was #evote# to an inspection o the nu-erous types o -en an# ani-als. 0lon( the walls eastwar# in =#en& 0#a- an# =ve were escorte# all #ay& viewin( the ani-al li e o the planet

-eneri-a -ere3a #an 3o-peten untu3 'e3er;a sa-a #en(an -ere3a sela-a pen(ala-an awal -ere3a #i #unia terse'ut . +api #i Urantia pe-'eronta3an telah -en(u'ah se(alanya . !eri3ut "lanetary "an(eran san(at 'anya3 ha#ir & #an -es3ipun #icu3ur se'a(ian 'esar 3e3uasaannya untu3 'e3er;a ;ahat & ia -asih -a-pu -e-'uat tu(as 0#a- #an 9awa sulit #an sa-pai 'atas tertentu 'er'ahaya . 4tu a#alah "utra serius #an 3ecewa #an "utri Deruse- yan( 'er;alan -ala- itu -elalui ta-an 'awah 'ersinar 'ulan purna-a & -en#is3usi3an rencana untu3 hari 'eri3utnya . ( G30&6 ) F4:3.. #e-i3ian -en(a3hiri hari perta-a 0#a- #an 9awa pa#a terisolasi Urantia & planet 'in(un( #ari pen(3hianatan $ali(astia & #an -ere3a 'er;alan #an 'er'icara sa-pai ;auh -ala- & -ala- perta-a -ere3a #i 'u-i 1 #an itu san(at 3esepian . 9ari 3e#ua ( G30&B ) F4:3.3 0#a- #i 'u-i #iha'is3an #i sesi #en(an peneri-a planet #an #ewan penasehat . Dari ?el3ise#e3 & #an re3an -ere3a & 0#a#an 9awa 'ela;ar le'ih 'anya3 tentan( rincian pe-'eronta3an $ali(astia #an hasil yan( per(ola3an pa#a 3e-a;uan #unia . Dan itu & secara 3eseluruhan & cerita -enye#ih3an & ini resital pan;an( salah urus urusan #unia . ?ere3a 'ela;ar se-ua a3ta -en(enai runtuhnya -en(ucap3an s3e-a $ali(astia untu3 -e-percepat proses evolusi sosial . ?ere3a ;u(a ti'a #i se'uah realisasi penuh 3e'o#ohan 'erusaha untu3 -encapai 3e-a;uan planet in#epen#en #ari rencana ilahi per3e-'an(an . Dan #en(an #e-i3ian -en(a3hiri se#ih tapi -encerah3an hari 1 3e#ua -ere3a pa#a Urantia . ( G31&1 ) F4:3.4 9ari 3eti(a #i3husus3an untu3 inspe3si sur(a . Dari 'urun( penu-pan( 'esar 1 an#ors 1 0#a- #an 9awa -e-an#an( para -e-'entan( luas +a-an se-entara #i'awa -elalui u#ara #i atas ini & te-pat yan( palin( in#ah #i 'u-i . 9ari ini pe-eri3saan 'era3hir #en(an pesta 'esar untu3 -en(hor-ati se-ua oran( yan( telah 'e3er;a 3eras untu3 -e-'uat ta-an ini

an# arrivin( at a 'etter un#erstan#in( as to what -ust 'e #one to 'rin( or#er out o the con usion o a worl# inha'ite# 'y such a variety o livin( creatures. (G31.6) F4:3.G 4t (reatly surprise# those who acco-panie# 0#a- on this trip to o'serve how ully he un#erstoo# the nature an# unction o the thousan#s upon thousan#s o ani-als shown hi-. +he instant he (lance# at an ani-al& he woul# in#icate its nature an# 'ehavior. 0#a- coul# (ive na-es #escriptive o the ori(in& nature& an# unction o all -aterial creatures on si(ht. +hose who con#ucte# hi- on this tour o inspection #i# not 3now that the worl#>s new ruler was one o the -ost e,pert anato-ists o all %atania; an# =ve was eAually pro icient. 0#a- a-a/e# his associates 'y #escri'in( hosts o livin( thin(s too s-all to 'e seen 'y hu-an eyes. (G31.B) F4:3.I 2hen the si,th #ay o their so;ourn on earth was over& 0#a- an# =ve reste# or the irst ti-e in their new ho-e in )the east o =#en.* +he irst si, #ays o the Urantia a#venture ha# 'een very 'usy& an# they loo3e# orwar# with (reat pleasure to an entire #ay o ree#o- ro- all activities. (G31.F) F4:3.10 !ut circu-stances #ictate# otherwise. +he e,perience o the #ay ;ust past in which 0#a- ha# so intelli(ently an# so e,haustively #iscusse# the ani-al li e o Urantia& to(ether with his -asterly inau(ural a##ress an# his char-in( -anner& ha# so won the hearts an# overco-e the intellects o the Gar#en #wellers that they were not only wholehearte#ly #ispose# to accept the newly arrive# %on an# Dau(hter o Deruse- as rulers& 'ut the -a;ority were a'out rea#y to all #own an# worship the- as (o#s. $. The (irst Upheava! (G3..1) F4:4.1 +hat ni(ht& the ni(ht ollowin( the si,th #ay& while 0#a- an# =ve slu-'ere#& stran(e thin(s were transpirin( in the vicinity o the Father>s te-ple in the central sector o =#en. +here& un#er the rays o the -ellow -oon& hun#re#s o enthusiastic an# e,cite# -en an# wo-en listene# or hours to the i-passione# pleas o their lea#ers. +hey -eant well& 'ut they si-ply coul# not un#erstan# the

3ein#ahan #an 3ea(un(an =#en ini . Dan la(i& larut -ala- hari 3eti(a -ere3a & 0na3 #an pasan(annya 'er;alan #i ta-an #an 'er'icara tentan( 'esarnya -asalah -ere3a . ( G31&. ) F4:3.6 "a#a hari 3ee-pat 0#a#an 9awa #itu;u3an pera3itan Gar#en. Dari (unun( per#ana -ere3a 'er'icara 3epa#a oran(1oran( tentan( rencana -ere3a untu3 reha'ilitasi #unia #an #iurai3an -eto#e #i-ana -ere3a a3an 'erusaha untu3 -ene'us sosial 'u#aya Urantia #ari tin(3at ren#ah yan( telah ;atuh se'a(ai a3i'at #ari #osa #an pe-'eronta3an . 4ni a#alah hari yan( 'esar & #an #itutup #en(an pesta untu3 #ewan pria #an wanita yan( telah #ipilih untu3 -e-i3ul tan((un( ;awa' #alaa#-inistrasi 'aru urusan #unia . "erhati3an L pere-puan -aupun la3i1la3i 'era#a #ala- 3elo-po3 ini & #an itu a#alah perta-a 3alinya hal seperti itu ter;a#i #i 'u-i se;a3 /a-an Dala-atia . 4tu se'uah inovasi luar 'iasa 'a(i lihatlah =ve & seoran( wanita & 'er'a(i 3ehor-atan #an tan((un( ;awa' urusan #unia #en(an seoran( pria. Dan #e-i3ianlah 'era3hir hari 3ee-pat #i 'u-i . ( G31&3 ) F4:3.B 9ari 3eli-a #i#u#u3i #en(an or(anisasi pe-erintah se-entara& pe-erintahan yan( 'er un(si sa-pai peneri-a ?el3ise#e3 harus -enin((al3an Urantia . ( G31&4 ) F4:3.F 9ari 3eena- #i3husus3an untu3 inspe3si 'er'a(ai ;enis -anusia #an 'inatan( . %epan;an( #in#in( ti-ur #i =#en & 0#a- #an 9awa #i3awal sepan;an( hari & -elihat 3ehi#upan hewan #ari planet ini #an -encapai pe-aha-an yan( le'ih 'ai3 tentan( apa yan( harus #ila3u3an untu3 -enerti'3an 3eluar #ari 3e'in(un(an #unia #ihuni oleh seperti 'er'a(ai -a3hlu3 hi#up . ( G31&6 ) F4:3.G 4ni san(at ter3e;ut -ere3a yan( -ene-ani 0#aper;alanan ini untu3 -en(a-ati 'a(ai-ana ia sepenuhnya -e-aha-i si at #an un(si #ari ri'uan hewan -enun;u33an pa#anya . !e(itu ia -eliri3 'inatan(& ia a3an -enun;u33an si at #an

si-plicity o the raternal an# #e-ocratic -anner o their new rulers. 0n# lon( 'e ore #ay'rea3 the new an# te-porary a#-inistrators o worl# a airs reache# a virtually unani-ous conclusion that 0#a- an# his -ate were alto(ether too -o#est an# unassu-in(. +hey #eci#e# that Divinity ha# #escen#e# to earth in 'o#ily or-& that 0#a- an# =ve were in reality (o#s or else so near such an estate as to 'e worthy o reverent worship. (G3...) F4:4.. +he a-a/in( events o the irst si, #ays o 0#a- an# =ve on earth were entirely too -uch or the unprepare# -in#s o even the worl#>s 'est -en; their hea#s were in a whirl; they were swept alon( with the proposal to 'rin( the no'le pair up to the Father>s te-ple at hi(h noon in or#er that everyone -i(ht 'ow #own in respect ul worship an# prostrate the-selves in hu-'le su'-ission. 0n# the Gar#en #wellers were really sincere in all o this. (G3..3) F4:4.3 Kan proteste#. 0-a#on was a'sent& 'ein( in char(e o the (uar# o honor which ha# re-aine# 'ehin# with 0#a- an# =ve overni(ht. !ut Kan>s protest was swept asi#e. 9e was tol# that he was li3ewise too -o#est& too unassu-in(; that he was not ar ro- a (o# hi-sel & else how ha# he live# so lon( on earth& an# how ha# he 'rou(ht a'out such a (reat event as the a#vent o 0#a-5 0n# as the e,cite# =#enites were a'out to sei/e hi- an# carry hi- up to the -ount or a#oration& Kan -a#e his way out throu(h the thron( an#& 'ein( a'le to co--unicate with the -i#wayers& sent their lea#er in (reat haste to 0#a-. (G3..4) F4:4.4 4t was near the #awn o their seventh #ay on earth that 0#a- an# =ve hear# the startlin( news o the proposal o these well1-eanin( 'ut -is(ui#e# -ortals; an# then& even while the passen(er 'ir#s were swi tly win(in( to 'rin( the- to the te-ple& the -i#wayers& 'ein( a'le to #o such thin(s& transporte# 0#a- an# =ve to the Father>s te-ple. 4t was early on the -ornin( o this seventh #ay an# ro- the -ount o their so recent reception that 0#a- hel# orth in e,planation o the or#ers o #ivine sonship an# -a#e clear to these earth

perila3u . 0#a- 'isa -e-'eri3an na-a #es3ripti tentan( asal1usul & si at & #an un(si se-ua -a3hlu3 -ateri pa#a pan#an(an . ?ere3a yan( -ela3u3an #ia #i tur ini pe-eri3saan ti#a3 tahu 'ahwa pen(uasa 'aru #i #unia a#alah salah satu ahli anato-i palin( ahli #ari seluruh %atania & #an 9awa sa-a1sa-a -ahir . 0#a- 3a(u- re3an1re3annya #en(an -en((a-'ar3an host -a3hlu3 hi#up terlalu 3ecil untu3 #ilihat oleh -ata -anusia . ( G31&B ) F4:3.I <eti3a hari 3eena-ere3a tin((al #i 'u-i su#ah 'era3hir & 0#a- #an 9awa 'eristirahat untu3 perta-a 3alinya #i ru-ah 'aru -ere3a #i : se'elah ti-ur =#en . : @an( ena- hari perta-a #ari petualan(an Urantia telah san(at si'u3 & #an -ere3a -e-an#an( 3e #epan #en(an senan( hati untu3 seluruh hari 3e'e'asan #ari se-ua 3e(iatan . ( G31&F ) F4:3.10 +etapi 3ea#aan #i#i3te se'ali3nya . "en(ala-an hari hanya -elewati #i -ana 0#a- -e-ili3i 'e(itu cer#as #an 'e(itu -en#ala- -e-'ahas 3ehi#upan hewan Urantia & 'ersa-a1 sa-a #en(an pi#ato pen(u3uhannya -en(a(u-3an #an si3apnya yan( -enawan & telah 'e(itu -e-enan(3an hati #an -en(atasi intele3 #ari +a-an pen(huni 'ahwa -ere3a ti#a3 hanya sepenuh hati #i'uan( untu3 -eneri-a 0na3 yan( 'aru ti'a #an "utri Derusese'a(ai pen(uasa & tetapi se'a(ian 'esar a#alah tentan( siap untu3 ;atuh #an -enye-'ah -ere3a se'a(ai #ewa. 4 . "erta-a "er(ola3an ( G3.&1 ) F4:4.1 ?ala- itu & -alasetelah hari 3eena- & se-entara 0#a#an 9awa terti#ur & hal1hal aneh yan( transpirin( #i se3itar can#i !apa #i se3tor ten(ah =#en. Di sana& #i 'awah sinar 'ulan -ellow & ratusan pria #an wanita antusias #an 'erse-an(at -en#en(ar3an sela-a 'er;a-1;a#en(an per-ohonan 'erapi1api pe-i-pin -ere3a . ?ere3a 'er-a3su# 'ai3 & tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 'isa -e-aha-i 3ese#erhanaan cara persau#araan #an #e-o3ratis pen(uasa

-in#s that only the Father an# those who- he #esi(nates -ay 'e worshipe#. 0#a- -a#e it plain that he woul# accept any honor an# receive all respect& 'ut worship neverL (G3..6) F4:4.6 4t was a -o-entous #ay& an# ;ust 'e ore noon& a'out the ti-e o the arrival o the seraphic -essen(er 'earin( the Deruse- ac3nowle#(-ent o the installation o the worl#>s rulers& 0#aan# =ve& -ovin( apart ro- the thron(& pointe# to the Father>s te-ple an# sai#: )Go you now to the -aterial e-'le- o the Father>s invisi'le presence an# 'ow #own in worship o hi- who -a#e us all an# who 3eeps us livin(. 0n# let this act 'e the sincere ple#(e that you never will a(ain 'e te-pte# to worship anyone 'ut Go#.* +hey all #i# as 0#a- #irecte#. +he ?aterial %on an# Dau(hter stoo# alone on the -ount with 'owe# hea#s while the people prostrate# the-selves a'out the te-ple. (G3..B) F4:4.B 0n# this was the ori(in o the %a''ath1#ay tra#ition. 0lways in =#en the seventh #ay was #evote# to the noonti#e asse-'ly at the te-ple; lon( it was the custo- to #evote this #ay to sel 1culture. +he orenoon was #evote# to physical i-prove-ent& the noonti-e to spiritual worship& the a ternoon to -in# culture& while the evenin( was spent in social re;oicin(. +his was never the law in =#en& 'ut it was the custo- as lon( as the 0#a-ic a#-inistration hel# sway on earth. '. Ada&s Ad&inistration (G33.1) F4:6.1 For al-ost seven years a ter 0#a->s arrival the ?elchi/e#e3 receivers re-aine# on #uty& 'ut the ti-e inally ca-e when they turne# the a#-inistration o worl# a airs over to 0#a- an# returne# to Deruse-. (G33..) F4:6.. +he arewell o the receivers occupie# the whole o a #ay& an# #urin( the evenin( the in#ivi#ual ?elchi/e#e3s (ave 0#a- an# =ve their partin( a#vice an# 'est wishes. 0#a- ha# several ti-es reAueste# his a#visers to re-ain on earth with hi-& 'ut always were these petitions #enie#. +he ti-e ha# co-e when the ?aterial %ons -ust assu-e ull responsi'ility or the con#uct o worl# a airs. 0n# so& at -i#ni(ht& the seraphic transports o %atania le t the planet with

'aru -ere3a . Dan ;auh se'elu- a;ar a#-inistrator 'aru #an se-entara urusan #unia -encapai 3esi-pulan ha-pir sepa3at 'ahwa 0#a- #an pasan(annya yan( sa-a se3ali terlalu se#erhana #an se#erhana . ?ere3a -e-utus3an Divinity yan( turun 3e 'u-i #ala- 'entu3 tu'uh& 'ahwa 0#a- #an 9awa 'era#a #i #ewa realitas atau lain 'e(itu #e3at estate seperti -en;a#i laya3 i'a#ah 3hi#-at. ( G3.&. ) F4:4.. "eristiwa -ena3;u'3an #ari ena- hari perta-a 0#a- #an 9awa #i 'u-i a#alah sepenuhnya terlalu 'anya3 untu3 pi3iran siap 'ah3an oran( ter'ai3 #i #unia& 3epala -ere3a 'era#a #i pusaran & -ere3a tersapu 'ersa-a #en(an proposal untu3 -e-'awa pasan(an -ulia 3e ru-ah !apa #i ten(ah hari a(ar setiap oran( #apat su;u# #alai'a#ah hor-at #an su;u# #alapen(a;uan ren#ah hati. Dan +a-an pen#u#u3 yan( 'enar1'enar tulus #alase-ua ini . ( G3.&3 ) F4:4.3 Kan protes . 0-a#on ti#a3 ha#ir & yan( 'ertan((un( ;awa' atas pen;a(a 3ehor-atan yan( tetap tertin((al #en(an 0#a- #an 9awa se-ala-. +api protes Kan #isin(3ir3an . Dia #i'eritahu 'ahwa ia ;u(a terlalu se#erhana & terlalu se#erhana & 'ahwa ia ti#a3 ;auh #ari +uhan sen#iri & yan( lain 'a(ai-ana #ia hi#up 'e(itu la-a #i 'u-i & #an 'a(ai-ana #ia -e-'awa suatu peristiwa 'esar se'a(ai -unculnya 0#a5 Dan se'a(ai =#enites 'erse-an(at hen#a3 -enan(3apnya #an -e-'awanya 3e (unun( untu3 a#orasi & Kan -e-'uat ;alan 3eluar -elalui 3eru-unan oran( #an & -a-pu 'er3o-uni3asi #en(an -i#wayers & -en(iri- pe-i-pin -ere3a #en(an ter(esa1(esa 'esar untu3 0#a- . ( G3.&4 ) F4:4.4 4tu #e3at a;ar hari 3etu;uh -ere3a #i 'u-i 'ahwa 0#a- #an 9awa -en#en(ar 'erita -en(e;ut3an #ari usulan terse'ut 'er-a3su# 'ai3 tapi salah arah -anusia & #an 3e-u#ian & 'ah3an 3eti3a 'urun(1'urun( penu-pan( cepat win(in( untu3 -e-'awa -ere3a 3e 'ait suci & para -i#wayers & -a-pu -ela3u3an hal1hal seperti itu& #ian(3ut 0#a- #an 9awa 3e

ourteen 'ein(s or Deruse-& the translation o Kan an# 0-a#on occurrin( si-ultaneously with the #eparture o the twelve ?elchi/e#e3s. (G33.3) F4:6.3 0ll went airly well or a ti-e on Urantia& an# it appeare# that 0#awoul#& eventually& 'e a'le to #evelop so-e plan or pro-otin( the (ra#ual e,tension o the =#enic civili/ation. "ursuant to the a#vice o the ?elchi/e#e3s& he 'e(an to oster the arts o -anu acture with the i#ea o #evelopin( tra#e relations with the outsi#e worl#. 2hen =#en was #isrupte#& there were over one hun#re# pri-itive -anu acturin( plants in operation& an# e,tensive tra#e relations with the near1 'y tri'es ha# 'een esta'lishe#. (G33.4) F4:6.4 For a(es 0#a- an# =ve ha# 'een instructe# in the techniAue o i-provin( a worl# in rea#iness or their speciali/e# contri'utions to the a#vance-ent o evolutionary civili/ation; 'ut now they were ace to ace with pressin( pro'le-s& such as the esta'lish-ent o law an# or#er in a worl# o sava(es& 'ar'arians& an# se-icivili/e# hu-an 'ein(s. 0si#e ro- the crea- o the earth>s population& asse-'le# in the Gar#en& only a ew (roups& here an# there& were at all rea#y or the reception o the 0#a-ic culture. (G33.6) F4:6.6 0#a- -a#e a heroic an# #eter-ine# e ort to esta'lish a worl# (overn-ent& 'ut he -et with stu''orn resistance at every turn. 0#a- ha# alrea#y put in operation a syste- o (roup control throu(hout =#en an# ha# e#erate# all o these co-panies into the =#enic lea(ue. !ut trou'le& serious trou'le& ensue# when he went outsi#e the Gar#en an# sou(ht to apply these i#eas to the outlyin( tri'es. +he -o-ent 0#a->s associates 'e(an to wor3 outsi#e the Gar#en& they -et the #irect an# well1 planne# resistance o $ali(astia an# Dali(astia. +he allen "rince ha# 'een #epose# as worl# ruler& 'ut he ha# not 'een re-ove# ro- the planet. 9e was still present on earth an# a'le& at least to so-e e,tent& to resist all o 0#a->s plans or the reha'ilitation o hu-an society. 0#a- trie# to warn the races a(ainst $ali(astia& 'ut the tas3 was -a#e very #i icult 'ecause his archene-y was

3uil !apa . 4tu awal pa#a pa(i ini hari 3etu;uh #an #ari (unun( peneri-aan sehin((a -ere3a 'aru1'aru 'ahwa 0#a#ia#a3an se'a(ainya #ala- pen;elasan perintah se'a(ai 0na3 0llah #an -e-'uat ;elas 3epa#a pi3iran1pi3iran 'u-i yan( hanya !apa #an oran(1oran( yan( ia -enun;u3 -un(3in #ise-'ah . 0#a- -e-'uat ;elas 'ahwa ia a3an -eneri-a 3ehor-atan apapun #an -eneri-a se(ala hor-at & tapi ti#a3 pernah -enye-'ah L ( G3.&6 ) F4:4.6 4tu a#alah hari yan( pentin( & #an hanya se'elu- ten(ah hari & tentan( wa3tu 3e#atan(an utusan 'i#a#ari 'antalan pen(a3uan Deruse#ari instalasi pen(uasa #unia & 0#a- #an 9awa & 'er(era3 terpisah #ari 3eru-unan& -enun;u3 3e 3uil ayah #an 'er3ata: :"er(ilah 0n#a se3aran( untu3 la-'an( 'ahan 3eha#iran ta3 terlihat !apa #an su;u# #ala- i'a#ah #ari #irinya yan( -e-'uat 3ita se-ua #an yan( -e-'uat 3ita hi#up. Dan 'iar3an tin#a3an ini -en;a#i ;an;i tulus 'ahwa 0n#a ti#a3 a3an pernah la(i ter(o#a untu3 -enye-'ah siapa pun 3ecuali 0llah . : ?ere3a se-ua -ela3u3an seperti 0#a- #iarah3an . !ahan "utra #an "utri 'er#iri sen#irian #i (unun( #en(an 3epala tertun#u3 se-entara oran(1oran( 'ersu;u# tentan( can#i . ( G3.&B ) F4:4.B Dan ini a#alah asal #ari tra#isi hari %a'at . %elalu #i =#en hari 3etu;uh #i3husus3an untu3 pera3itan noonti#e #i 3uil & pan;an( itu 3e'iasaan untu3 -en(a'#i3an hari ini untu3 #iri 'u#aya . "a(i hari itu #i3husus3an untu3 per'ai3an isi3& sian( hari untu3 i'a#ah spiritual & sore 3e pi3iran 'u#aya & se#an(3an -ala- #iha'is3an #i sosial 'ersu3acita . 4ni ti#a3 pernah hu3u- #i =#en & tapi itu a#alah 3e'iasaan sela-a pe-erintahan 0#a- -e-e(an( 3e3uasaan #i 'u-i . 6 . 0#-inistrasi 0#a( G33&1 ) F4:6.1 %ela-a ha-pir tu;uh tahun setelah 3e#atan(an 0#apeneri-a ?el3ise#e3 tetap 'ertu(as& tapi wa3tu a3hirnya #atan( 3eti3a -ere3a 'erpalin( a#-inistrasi urusan #unia 3e

invisi'le to the eyes o -ortals. (G33.B) F4:6.B =ven a-on( the =#enites there were those con use# -in#s that leane# towar# the $ali(astia teachin( o un'ri#le# personal li'erty; an# they cause# 0#a- no en# o trou'le; always were they upsettin( the 'est1lai# plans or or#erly pro(ression an# su'stantial #evelop-ent. 9e was inally co-pelle# to with#raw his pro(ra- or i--e#iate sociali/ation; he ell 'ac3 on Kan>s -etho# o or(ani/ation& #ivi#in( the =#enites into co-panies o one hun#re# with captains over each an# with lieutenants in char(e o (roups o ten. (G34.1) F4:6.F 0#a- an# =ve ha# co-e to institute representative (overn-ent in the place o -onarchial& 'ut they oun# no (overn-ent worthy o the na-e on the ace o the whole earth. For the ti-e 'ein( 0#a- a'an#one# all e ort to esta'lish representative (overn-ent& an# 'e ore the collapse o the =#enic re(i-e he succee#e# in esta'lishin( al-ost one hun#re# outlyin( tra#e an# social centers where stron( in#ivi#uals rule# in his na-e. ?ost o these centers ha# 'een or(ani/e# a oreti-e 'y Kan an# 0-a#on. (G34..) F4:6.G +he sen#in( o a-'assa#ors ro- one tri'e to another #ates ro- the ti-es o 0#a-. +his was a (reat orwar# step in the evolution o (overn-ent. +. 5o&e %ife of Ada& and Eve (G34.3) F4:B.1 +he 0#a-ic a-ily (roun#s e-'race# a little over ive sAuare -iles. 4--e#iately surroun#in( this ho-esite& provision ha# 'een -a#e or the care o -ore than three hun#re# thousan# o the pure1line o sprin(. !ut only the irst unit o the pro;ecte# 'uil#in(s was ever constructe#. !e ore the si/e o the 0#a-ic a-ily out(rew these early provisions& the whole =#enic plan ha# 'een #isrupte# an# the Gar#en vacate#. (G34.4) F4:B.. 0#a-son was the irst1'orn o the violet race o Urantia& 'ein( ollowe# 'y his sister an# =veson& the secon# son o 0#a- an# =ve. =ve was the -other o ive chil#ren 'e ore the ?elchi/e#e3s le t J three sons an# two #au(hters. +he ne,t two were twins. %he 'ore si,ty1three chil#ren& thirty1two #au(hters an# thirty1 one sons& 'e ore the #e ault. 2hen 0#aan# =ve le t the Gar#en& their a-ily

0#a- #an 3e-'ali 3e Deruse- . ( G33&. ) F4:6.. +he perpisahan #ari peneri-a -en#u#u3i seluruh hari & #an sela-a -ala- hari ?el3ise#e3 in#ivi#u -e-'eri 0#a- #an 9awa saran perpisahan -ere3a #an harapan ter'ai3 . 0#a- telah 'e'erapa 3ali -e-inta penasihatnya untu3 tetap #i 'u-i #en(an #ia & tapi selalu 'era#a petisi terse'ut #itola3 . 2a3tunya telah ti'a 3eti3a %ons !ahan harus 'ertan((un( ;awa' penuh untu3 pela3sanaan urusan #unia . Dan & #i ten(ah -ala- & -en(an(3ut 'i#a#ari #ari %atania -enin((al3an planet ini #en(an e-pat 'elas -a3hlu3 untu3 Deruse- & ter;e-ahan #ari Kan #an 0-a#on ter;a#i 'ersa-aan #en(an 3e'eran(3atan #ua 'elas ?el3ise#e3 . ( G33&3 ) F4:6.3 %e-ua 'er;alan cu3up 'ai3 untu3 wa3tu pa#a Urantia & #an ta-pa3nya 0#a- a3an & a3hirnya & -a-pu -en(e-'an(3an 'e'erapa rencana untu3 -e-pro-osi3an perpan;an(an 'ertahap #ari pera#a'an =#en ini . %esuai #en(an saran #ari ?el3ise#e3 & ia -ulai -en#oron( seni pe-'uatan #en(an i#e -en(e-'an(3an hu'un(an per#a(an(an #en(an #unia luar . <eti3a =#en ter(an((u & a#a le'ih #ari seratus pa'ri3 pri-iti #ala- operasi& #an hu'un(an #a(an( yan( luas #en(an su3u1su3u #e3at1oleh telah #i#iri3an . ( G33&4 ) F4:6.4 Untu3 usia 0#a- #an 9awa telah #iperintah3an #ala- te3ni3 -enin(3at3an #unia #ala- 3esiapan untu3 3ontri'usi 3husus -ere3a terha#ap 3e-a;uan pera#a'an evolusi & tetapi se3aran( -ere3a 'erha#apan #en(an -asalah -en#esa3 & seperti pe-'entu3an hu3u- #an 3eterti'an #ala- #unia 'ia#a' & 'ar'ar & #an -anusia se-icivili/e# . %elain 3ripen#u#u3 'u-i & 'er3u-pul #i +a-an& hanya 'e'erapa 3elo-po3 & #i sana1sini & 'era#a #i se-ua siap untu3 peneri-aan 'u#aya 0#a- . ( G33&6 ) F4:6.6 0#a- -ela3u3an upaya heroi3 #an #itentu3an untu3 -e-'entu3 pe-erintahan #unia & tetapi ia 'erte-u #en(an perlawanan 3eras #i setiap 3ese-patan . 0#a- su#ah #i-asu33an

consiste# o our (enerations nu-'erin( 1&B4F pure1line #escen#ants. +hey ha# orty1two chil#ren a ter leavin( the Gar#en 'esi#es the two o sprin( o ;oint parenta(e with the -ortal stoc3 o earth. 0n# this #oes not inclu#e the 0#a-ic parenta(e to the Co#ite an# evolutionary races. (G34.6) F4:B.3 +he 0#a-ic chil#ren #i# not ta3e -il3 ro- ani-als when they cease# to nurse the -other>s 'reast at one year o a(e. =ve ha# access to the -il3 o a (reat variety o nuts an# to the ;uices o -any ruits& an# 3nowin( ull well the che-istry an# ener(y o these oo#s& she suita'ly co-'ine# the- or the nourish-ent o her chil#ren until the appearance o teeth. (G34.B) F4:B.4 2hile coo3in( was universally e-ploye# outsi#e o the i--e#iate 0#a-ic sector o =#en& there was no coo3in( in 0#a->s househol#. +hey oun# their oo#s J ruits& nuts& an# cereals J rea#y prepare# as they ripene#. +hey ate once a #ay& shortly a ter noonti-e. 0#aan# =ve also i-'i'e# )li(ht an# ener(y* #irect ro- certain space e-anations in con;unction with the -inistry o the tree o li e. (G34.F) F4:B.6 +he 'o#ies o 0#a- an# =ve (ave orth a shi--er o li(ht& 'ut they always wore clothin( in con or-ity with the custo- o their associates. +hou(h wearin( very little #urin( the #ay& at eventi#e they #onne# ni(ht wraps. +he ori(in o the tra#itional halo encirclin( the hea#s o suppose# pious an# holy -en #ates 'ac3 to the #ays o 0#a- an# =ve. %ince the li(ht e-anations o their 'o#ies were so lar(ely o'scure# 'y clothin(& only the ra#iatin( (low rotheir hea#s was #iscerni'le. +he #escen#ants o 0#a-son always thus portraye# their concept o in#ivi#uals 'elieve# to 'e e,traor#inary in spiritual #evelop-ent. (G34.G) F4:B.B 0#a- an# =ve coul# co--unicate with each other an# with their i--e#iate chil#ren over a #istance o a'out i ty -iles. +his thou(ht e,chan(e was e ecte# 'y -eans o the #elicate (as cha-'ers locate# in close pro,i-ity to their 'rain structures. !y this -echanis- they coul# sen# an# receive thou(ht oscillations. !ut this

3e #ala- operasi siste- 3elo-po3 3ontrol seluruh =#en #an -e-ili3i e#erasi se-ua perusahaan 3e #ala- li(a =#en ini . +api -asalahnya & -asalah serius & ter;a#i 3eti3a ia per(i 3e luar ta-an #an 'erusaha untu3 -enerap3an i#e1i#e ini 3epa#a su3u1su3u terpencil. %aat re3an 0#a- -ulai 'e3er;a #i luar ta-an & -ere3a 'erte-u perlawanan lan(sun( #an terencana $ali(astia #an Dali(astia . +he ;atuh "an(eran telah #i(ulin(3an se'a(ai pen(uasa #unia & tetapi ia 'elu- #ihapus #ari planet ini . Dia -asih a#a #i 'u-i #an -a-pu & seti#a3nya sa-pai 'atas tertentu & untu3 -enola3 se-ua rencana 0#a- untu3 reha'ilitasi -asyara3at -anusia . 0#a-enco'a -e-perin(at3an ras terha#ap $ali(astia & tetapi tu(as #i'uat san(at sulit 3arena -usuh nya terlihat oleh -ata -anusia . ( G33&B ) F4:6.B !ah3an #i antara =#enites a#a oran(1oran( 'in(un( pi3iran yan( con#on( 3e a;aran $ali(astia ta3 ter3en#ali 3e'e'asan pri'a#i & #an -ere3a -enye'a'3an 0#a- ti#a3 a#a a3hir -asalah & selalu yan( -ere3a -en(acau3an rencana ter'ai3 1 -eleta33an untu3 3e-a;uan terti' #an pen(e-'an(an su'stansial . Dia a3hirnya #ipa3sa untu3 -enari3 pro(ra-nya untu3 sosialisasi lan(sun( & ia ;atuh 3e-'ali pa#a -eto#e Kan or(anisasi & -e-'a(i =#enites -en;a#i perusahaan seratus #en(an 3epala pasu3an -asin(1-asin( #an #en(an letnan yan( 'ertan((un( ;awa' atas 3elo-po3 sepuluh . ( G34&1 ) F4:6.F 0#a- #an 9awa #atan( 3e pe-erintahan perwa3ilan le-'a(a #i te-pat -onar3hi & tapi -ere3a ti#a3 -ene-u3an pe-erintah laya3 na-a #i -u3a seluruh 'u-i . Untu3 saat ini 0#a-enin((al3an se-ua upaya untu3 -e-'an(un pe-erintahan perwa3ilan & #an se'elu- runtuhnya re/i- =#en ini #ia 'erhasil -en#iri3an ha-pir seratus per#a(an(an terpencil #an pusat1pusat sosial #i-ana in#ivi#u yan( 3uat -e-erintah #ala- na-a1Cya . %e'a(ian 'esar pusat1pusat telah #iselen((ara3an ter;a#i #ahulu oleh Kan #an 0-a#on .

power was instantly suspen#e# upon the -in#>s surren#er to the #iscor# an# #isruption o evil. (G36.1) F4:B.F +he 0#a-ic chil#ren atten#e# their own schools until they were si,teen& the youn(er 'ein( tau(ht 'y the el#er. +he little ol3s chan(e# activities every thirty -inutes& the ol#er every hour. 0n# it was certainly a new si(ht on Urantia to o'serve these chil#ren o 0#a- an# =ve at play& ;oyous an# e,hilaratin( activity ;ust or the sheer un o it. +he play an# hu-or o the present1#ay races are lar(ely #erive# ro- the 0#a-ic stoc3. +he 0#a-ites all ha# a (reat appreciation o -usic as well as a 3een sense o hu-or. (G36..) F4:B.G +he avera(e a(e o 'etrothal was ei(hteen& an# these youths then entere# upon a two years> course o instruction in preparation or the assu-ption o -arital responsi'ilities. 0t twenty they were eli(i'le or -arria(e; an# a ter -arria(e they 'e(an their li ewor3 or entere# upon special preparation there or. (G36.3) F4:B.I +he practice o so-e su'seAuent nations o per-ittin( the royal a-ilies& suppose#ly #escen#e# ro- the (o#s& to -arry 'rother to sister& #ates ro- the tra#itions o the 0#a-ic o sprin( J -atin(& as they -ust nee#s& with one another. +he -arria(e cere-onies o the irst an# secon# (enerations o the Gar#en were always per or-e# 'y 0#a- an# =ve. -. %ife in the Garden (G36.4) F4:F.1 +he chil#ren o 0#a-& e,cept or our years> atten#ance at the western schools& live# an# wor3e# in the )east o =#en.* +hey were traine# intellectually until they were si,teen in accor#ance with the -etho#s o the Deruse- schools. Fro- si,teen to twenty they were tau(ht in the Urantia schools at the other en# o the Gar#en& servin( there also as teachers in the lower (ra#es. (G36.6) F4:F.. +he entire purpose o the western school syste- o the Gar#en was socialization. +he orenoon perio#s o recess were #evote# to practical horticulture an# a(riculture& the a ternoon perio#s to co-petitive play. +he evenin(s were e-ploye# in social intercourse an# the cultivation o

( G34&. ) F4:6.G +he pen(iri-an #uta 'esar #ari satu su3u yan( lain tan((al #ari /a-an 0#a- . 4ni a#alah lan(3ah -a;u yan( 'esar #ala- evolusi pe-erintah . B . Hu-ah <ehi#upan 0#a- #an 9awa ( G34&3 ) F4:B.1 0lasan 3eluar(a 0#a-e-elu3 se#i3it le'ih #ari li-a -il perse(i . %e(era se3itarnya ho-esite ini & 3etentuan telah #i'uat untu3 perawatan le'ih #ari ti(a ratus ri'u #ari 3eturunan -urni 1line . +api hanya unit perta-a #ari 'an(unan #iproye3si3an pernah #i'an(un . %e'elu- u3uran 3eluar(a 0#a- out(rew 3etentuan13etentuan awal & rencana =#en ini seluruh telah ter(an((u #an +a-an #i3oson(3an . ( G34&4 ) F4:B.. 0#a-son a#alah yan( perta-a 1 lahir #ari violet ras Urantia & #ii3uti oleh a#i3 #an =veson & putra 3e#ua #ari 0#a- #an 9awa . 9awa a#alah i'u #ari li-a ana3 se'elu- ?el3ise#e3 3iri 1 ti(a putra #an #ua putri . Dua 'eri3utnya a#alah sau#ara 3e-'ar . Dia -elahir3an ena- puluh ti(a ana3 & ti(a puluh #ua ana3 pere-puan #an ti(a puluh satu ana3 & se'elu- #e ault . <eti3a 0#a- #an 9awa -enin((al3an +a-an & 3eluar(a -ere3a ter#iri #ari e-pat (enerasi 'er;u-lah 1.B4F 3eturunan -urni 1line . ?ere3a -e-ili3i e-pat puluh #ua ana3 setelah -enin((al3an ta-an selain 3eturunan #ua 3eturunan 'ersa-a #en(an saha- ana 'u-i . Dan ini ti#a3 ter-asu3 usul 0#a- 3e ras Co#ite #an evolusi . ( G34&6 ) F4:B.3 0na31ana3 0#a- ti#a3 -en(a-'il susu #ari hewan 3eti3a -ere3a 'erhenti untu3 perawat payu#ara i'u saat usia satu tahun . =ve -e-ili3i a3ses 3e susu 'er'a(ai -aca- 3acan(1 3acan(an #an ;us 'anya3 'uah1'uahan& #an -en(etahui #en(an 'ai3 3i-ia #an ener(i #ari -a3anan ini & #ia coco3 #i3o-'inasi3an untu3 -a3anan ana31 ana3nya sa-pai -unculnya (i(i . ( G34&B ) F4:B.4 %e-entara -e-asa3 secara universal 'e3er;a #i luar se3tor 0#a- lan(sun( #ari =#en & ti#a3 a#a -e-asa3 #ala- ru-ah tan((a 0#a- .

personal rien#ships. Heli(ious an# se,ual trainin( were re(ar#e# as the province o the ho-e& the #uty o parents. (G36.B) F4:F.3 +he teachin( in these schools inclu#e# instruction re(ar#in(: (G36.F) F4:F.4 1. 9ealth an# the care o the 'o#y. (G36.G) F4:F.6 .. +he (ol#en rule& the stan#ar# o social intercourse. (G36.I) F4:F.B 3. +he relation o in#ivi#ual ri(hts to (roup ri(hts an# co--unity o'li(ations. (G36.10) F4:F.F 4. 9istory an# culture o the various earth races. (G36.11) F4:F.G 6. ?etho#s o a#vancin( an# i-provin( worl# tra#e. (G36.1.) F4:F.I B. $o1or#ination o con lictin( #uties an# e-otions. (G36.13) F4:F.10 F. +he cultivation o play& hu-or& an# co-petitive su'stitutes or physical i(htin(. (G36.14) F4:F.11 +he schools& in act every activity o the Gar#en& were always open to visitors. Unar-e# o'servers were reely a#-itte# to =#en or short visits. +o so;ourn in the Gar#en a Urantian ha# to 'e )a#opte#.* 9e receive# instructions in the plan an# purpose o the 0#a-ic 'estowal& si(ni ie# his intention to a#here to this -ission& an# then -a#e #eclaration o loyalty to the social rule o 0#a- an# the spiritual soverei(nty o the Universal Father. (G3B.1) F4:F.1. +he laws o the Gar#en were 'ase# on the ol#er co#es o Dala-atia an# were pro-ul(ate# un#er seven hea#s: (G3B..) F4:F.13 1. +he laws o health an# sanitation. (G3B.3) F4:F.14 .. +he social re(ulations o the Gar#en. (G3B.4) F4:F.16 3. +he co#e o tra#e an# co--erce. (G3B.6) F4:F.1B 4. +he laws o air play an# co-petition. (G3B.B) F4:F.1F 6. +he laws o ho-e li e. (G3B.F) F4:F.1G B. +he civil co#es o the (ol#en rule. (G3B.G) F4:F.1I F. +he seven co--an#s o supre-e -oral rule. (G3B.I) F4:F..0 +he -oral law o =#en was little #i erent ro- the seven co--an#-ents o Dala-atia. !ut the 0#a-ites tau(ht -any a##itional reasons or these

?ere3a -ene-u3an -a3anan -ere3a 1 'uah1'uahan& 3acan(13acan(an& #an sereal 1 siap #isiap3an saat -ere3a -atan( . ?ere3a -a3an se3ali sehari & ta3 la-a setelah ten(ah hari . 0#a- #an 9awa ;u(a -enyerap : cahaya #an ener(i : lan(sun( #ari e-anasi ruan( tertentu #ala- hu'un(annya #en(an pelayanan pohon 3ehi#upan . ( G34&F ) F4:B.6 Dena/ah 0#a- #an 9awa -e-'eri se'a(ainya shi--er cahaya & tetapi -ere3a selalu -en(ena3an pa3aian sesuai #en(an 3e'iasaan re3an1 re3an -ere3a . ?es3ipun -e-a3ai san(at se#i3it #i sian( hari & #i sen;a -ere3a -en(ena3an -ala- wraps . 0sal usul halo tra#isional -elin(3ari 3epala seharusnya la3i1la3i yan( saleh #an suci tan((al 3e-'ali 3e /a-an 0#a- #an 9awa . <arena pancaran cahaya tu'uh -ere3a sehin((a se'a(ian 'esar tertutup oleh pa3aian& hanya cahaya yan( -e-ancar #ari 3epala -ere3a a#alah ;elas. <eturunan 0#a-son selalu #i(a-'ar3an #e-i3ian 3onsep -ere3a tentan( in#ivi#u yan( #iya3ini luar 'iasa #ala- per3e-'an(an spiritual . ( G34&G ) F4:B.B 0#a- #an 9awa 'isa 'er3o-uni3asi satu sa-a lain #an #en(an ana31ana3 -ere3a lan(sun( le'ih ;ara3 se3itar li-a puluh -il . "ertu3aran ini pe-i3iran ini #ila3u3an #en(an cara 3a-ar (as halus terleta3 #i #e3at stru3tur ota3 -ere3a . Den(an -e3anis-e ini -ere3a 'isa -en(iri#an -eneri-a osilasi pi3iran . +etapi 3e3uatan ini lan(sun( #ihenti3an setelah -enyerah pi3iran untu3 perselisihan #an (an((uan 3e;ahatan . ( G36&1 ) F4:B.F 0na31ana3 0#a'erse3olah #i se3olah -ere3a sen#iri sa-pai -ere3a 'erusia ena- 'elas tahun le'ih -u#a #ia;ar3an oleh penatua . Oran(1oran( se#i3it 'eru'ah 3e(iatan setiap ti(a puluh -enit & se-a3in tua setiap ;a- . Dan itu pasti pe-an#an(an 'aru #i Urantia untu3 -en(a-ati ana31ana3 0#a- #an 9awa #i 'er-ain & a3tivitas yan( -en((e-'ira3an #an -enyenan(3an hanya untu3 'ersenan( se-ata1-ata itu . !er-ain #an hu-or ras /a-an

co--an#s; or instance& re(ar#in( the in;unction a(ainst -ur#er& the in#wellin( o the +hou(ht 0#;uster was presente# as an a##itional reason or not #estroyin( hu-an li e. +hey tau(ht that )whoso she#s -an>s 'loo# 'y -an shall his 'loo# 'e she#& or in the i-a(e o Go# -a#e he -an.* (G3B.10) F4:F..1 +he pu'lic worship hour o =#en was noon; sunset was the hour o a-ily worship. 0#a- #i# his 'est to #iscoura(e the use o set prayers& teachin( that e ective prayer -ust 'e wholly in#ivi#ual& that it -ust 'e the )#esire o the soul*; 'ut the =#enites continue# to use the prayers an# or-s han#e# #own ro- the ti-es o Dala-atia. 0#a- also en#eavore# to su'stitute the o erin(s o the ruit o the lan# or the 'loo# sacri ices in the reli(ious cere-onies 'ut ha# -a#e little pro(ress 'e ore the #isruption o the Gar#en. (G3B.11) F4:F... 0#a- en#eavore# to teach the races se, eAuality. +he way =ve wor3e# 'y the si#e o her hus'an# -a#e a pro oun# i-pression upon all #wellers in the Gar#en. 0#a- #e initely tau(ht thethat the wo-an& eAually with the -an& contri'utes those li e actors which unite to or- a new 'ein(. +hereto ore& -an3in# ha# presu-e# that all procreation resi#e# in the )loins o the ather.* +hey ha# loo3e# upon the -other as 'ein( -erely a provision or nurturin( the un'orn an# nursin( the new'orn. (G3B.1.) F4:F..3 0#a- tau(ht his conte-poraries all they coul# co-prehen#& 'ut that was not very -uch& co-paratively spea3in(. Cevertheless& the -ore intelli(ent o the races o earth loo3e# orwar# ea(erly to the ti-e when they woul# 'e per-itte# to inter-arry with the superior chil#ren o the violet race. 0n# what a #i erent worl# Urantia woul# have 'eco-e i this (reat plan o upli tin( the races ha# 'een carrie# outL =ven as it was& tre-en#ous (ains resulte# ro- the s-all a-ount o the 'loo# o this i-porte# race which the evolutionary peoples inci#entally secure#. (G3B.13) F4:F..4 0n# thus #i# 0#a- wor3 or the wel are an# upli t o the worl# o his

se3aran( se'a(ian 'esar 'erasal #ari saha- 0#a- . "ara 0#a-ites se-ua -e-ili3i apresiasi 'esar -usi3 serta rasa hu-or . ( G36&. ) F4:B.G Hata1rata usia pertunan(an 'erusia #elapan 'elas tahun & #an pe-u#a ini 3e-u#ian -asu3 pa#a 3ursus #ua tahun E instru3si #alapersiapan untu3 asu-si tan((un( ;awa' perni3ahan . "a#a #ua puluh -ere3a yan( -e-enuhi syarat untu3 -eni3ah & #an setelah -eni3ah -ere3a -ulai pe3er;aan seu-ur hi#up -ere3a atau -asu3 pa#a persiapan 3husus untu3 itu . ( G36&3 ) F4:B.I "ra3te3 'e'erapa ne(ara 'eri3utnya yan( -e-un(3in3an 3eluar(a 3era;aan & 3onon 3eturunan #ari para #ewa & untu3 -eni3ahi 3a3a3 #en(an a#i3 & 'erasal #ari tra#isi 3eturunan 0#a- 1 3awin & 3arena -ere3a harus 3e'utuhan & #en(an satu sa-a lain . Upacara perni3ahan (enerasi perta-a #an 3e#ua #ari +a-an selalu #ila3u3an oleh 0#a- #an 9awa . F . <ehi#upan #i +a-an ( G36&4 ) F4:F.1 'ani 0#a- & 3ecuali 3eha#iran e-pat tahun #i se3olah 'arat & tin((al #an 'e3er;a #i : ti-ur #ari =#en . : ?ere3a #ilatih secara intele3tual sa-pai -ere3a ena- 'elas sesuai #en(an -eto#e se3olah Deruse- . Dari 1B1.0 -ere3a #ia;ar3an #i se3olah1 se3olah Urantia #i u;un( ta-an & -elayani ;u(a a#a se'a(ai (uru #i 3elas1 3elas yan( le'ih ren#ah . ( G36&6 ) F4:F.. %eluruh tu;uan #ari siste- se3olah 'arat +a-an a#alah sosialisasi . Dan(3a wa3tu pa(i hari reses yan( #i3husus3an untu3 horti3ultura pra3tis #an pertanian& perio#e sore untu3 'er-ain 3o-petiti . ?ala- hari #ipe3er;a3an #ala- per(aulan sosial #an 'u#i#aya persaha'atan pri'a#i . "elatihan a(a-a #an se3sual #ian((ap se'a(ai provinsi ru-ah & tu(as oran( tua . ( G36&B ) F4:F.3 "en(a;aran #i se3olah1 se3olah ter-asu3 instru3si tentan( :

so;ourn. !ut it was a #i icult tas3 to lea# these -i,e# an# -on(rel peoples in the 'etter way. 1. The %e#end of /reation (G3B.14) F4:G.1 +he story o the creation o Urantia in si, #ays was 'ase# on the tra#ition that 0#a- an# =ve ha# spent ;ust si, #ays in their initial survey o the Gar#en. +his circu-stance lent al-ost sacre# sanction to the ti-e perio# o the wee3& which ha# 'een ori(inally intro#uce# 'y the Dala-atians. 0#a->s spen#in( si, #ays inspectin( the Gar#en an# or-ulatin( preli-inary plans or or(ani/ation was not prearran(e#; it was wor3e# out ro- #ay to #ay. +he choosin( o the seventh #ay or worship was wholly inci#ental to the acts herewith narrate#. (G3F.1) F4:G.. +he le(en# o the -a3in( o the worl# in si, #ays was an a terthou(ht& in act& -ore than thirty thousan# years a terwar#s. One eature o the narrative& the su##en appearance o the sun an# -oon& -ay have ta3en ori(in in the tra#itions o the oneti-e su##en e-er(ence o the worl# ro- a #ense space clou# o -inute -atter which ha# lon( o'scure# 'oth sun an# -oon. (G3F..) F4:G.3 +he story o creatin( =ve out o 0#a->s ri' is a con use# con#ensation o the 0#a-ic arrival an# the celestial sur(ery connecte# with the interchan(e o livin( su'stances associate# with the co-in( o the corporeal sta o the "lanetary "rince -ore than our hun#re# an# i ty thousan# years previously. (G3F.3) F4:G.4 +he -a;ority o the worl#>s peoples have 'een in luence# 'y the tra#ition that 0#a- an# =ve ha# physical or-s create# or the- upon their arrival on Urantia. +he 'elie in -an>s havin( 'een create# ro- clay was well1ni(h universal in the =astern 9e-isphere; this tra#ition can 'e trace# ro- the "hilippine 4slan#s aroun# the worl# to 0 rica. 0n# -any (roups accepte# this story o -an>s clay ori(in 'y so-e oro special creation in the place o the earlier 'elie s in pro(ressive creation J evolution. (G3F.4) F4:G.6 0way ro- the in luences o Dala-atia an# =#en& -an3in# ten#e# towar# the 'elie in the (ra#ual ascent o the hu-an race. +he act o evolution is

(G36&F) F4:F.4 1 . <esehatan #an perawatan tu'uh . (G36&G) F4:F.6 . . 0turan e-as & stan#ar per(aulan . (G36&I) F4:F.B 3 . 9u'un(an ha31ha3 in#ivi#u untu3 3elo-po3 ha3 asasi #an 3ewa;i'an -asyara3at . (G36&10) F4:F.F 4 . %e;arah #an 'u#aya #ari 'er'a(ai ras 'u-i . (G36&11) F4:F.G 6 . ?eto#e -e-a;u3an #an -enin(3at3an per#a(an(an #unia . (G36&1.) F4:F.I B . <oor#inasi tu(as yan( salin( 'ertentan(an #an e-osi . (G36&13) F4:F.10 F . !u#i#aya 'er-ain & hu-or & #an pen((anti 3o-petiti untu3 perte-puran isi3. ( G36&14 ) F4:F.11 %e3olah1se3olah & pa#a 3enyataannya setiap 3e(iatan +a-an & selalu ter'u3a untu3 pen(un;un(. "en(a-at ti#a3 'ersen;ata 'e'as -en(a3ui =#en untu3 3un;un(an sin(3at . Untu3 tin((al #i ta-an yan( Urantian harus : -en(a#opsi . : Dia -eneri-a instru3si #ala- rencana #an tu;uan pen(anu(erahan 0#a- & -enan#a3an niatnya untu3 -e-atuhi -isi ini & #an 3e-u#ian -e-'uat pernyataan 3esetiaan 3epa#a aturan sosial 0#a- #an 3e#aulatan rohani #ari !apa Universal . ( G3B&1 ) F4:F.1. 9u3u- +a-an #i#asar3an pa#a 3o#e yan( le'ih tua #ari Dala-atia #an #iun#an(3an #i 'awah tu;uh 3epala : (G3B&.) F4:F.13 1 . 9u3u- 3esehatan #an sanitasi . (G3B&3) F4:F.14 . . "eraturan sosial sur(a . (G3B&4) F4:F.16 3 . <o#e per#a(an(an #an per#a(an(an . (G3B&6) F4:F.1B 4 . 9u3u- air play #an 3o-petisi.

not a -o#ern #iscovery; the ancients un#erstoo# the slow an# evolutionary character o hu-an pro(ress. +he early Gree3s ha# clear i#eas o this #espite their pro,i-ity to ?esopota-ia. 0lthou(h the various races o earth 'eca-e sa#ly -i,e# up in their notions o evolution& nevertheless& -any o the pri-itive tri'es 'elieve# an# tau(ht that they were the #escen#ants o various ani-als. "ri-itive peoples -a#e a practice o selectin( or their )tote-s* the ani-als o their suppose# ancestry. $ertain Corth 0-erican 4n#ian tri'es 'elieve# they ori(inate# ro- 'eavers an# coyotes. $ertain 0 rican tri'es teach that they are #escen#e# ro- the hyena& a ?alay tri'e ro- the le-ur& a Cew Guinea (roup rothe parrot. (G3F.6) F4:G.B +he !a'ylonians& 'ecause o i--e#iate contact with the re-nants o the civili/ation o the 0#a-ites& enlar(e# an# e-'ellishe# the story o -an>s creation; they tau(ht that he ha# #escen#e# #irectly ro- the (o#s. +hey hel# to an aristocratic ori(in or the race which was inco-pati'le with even the #octrine o creation out o clay. (G3F.B) F4:G.F +he Ol# +esta-ent account o creation #ates ro- lon( a ter the ti-e o ?oses; he never tau(ht the 9e'rews such a #istorte# story. !ut he #i# present a si-ple an# con#ense# narrative o creation to the 4sraelites& hopin( there'y to au(-ent his appeal to worship the $reator& the Universal Father& who- he calle# the 8or# Go# o 4srael. (G3F.F) F4:G.G 4n his early teachin(s& ?oses very wisely #i# not atte-pt to (o 'ac3 o 0#a->s ti-e& an# since ?oses was the supre-e teacher o the 9e'rews& the stories o 0#a- 'eca-e inti-ately associate# with those o creation. +hat the earlier tra#itions reco(ni/e# pre1 0#a-ic civili/ation is clearly shown 'y the act that later e#itors& inten#in( to era#icate all re erence to hu-an a airs 'e ore 0#a->s ti-e& ne(lecte# to re-ove the telltale re erence to $ain>s e-i(ration to the )lan# o Co#&* where he too3 hi-sel a wi e. (G3G.1) F4:G.I +he 9e'rews ha# no written lan(ua(e in (eneral usa(e or a lon( ti-e a ter they reache# "alestine. +hey learne# the use o an alpha'et ro- the

(G3B&B) F4:F.1F 6 . 9u3u- 3ehi#upan ru-ah . (G3B&F) F4:F.1G B . <o#e sipil aturan e-as . (G3B&G) F4:F.1I F . +u;uh perintah tertin((i aturan -oral. ( G3B&I ) F4:F..0 9u3u- -oral =#en a#alah se#i3it 'er'e#a #ari tu;uh perintah Dala-atia . +api 0#a-ites #ia;ar3an 'anya3 alasan ta-'ahan untu3 perintah1perintah ini & -isalnya & -en(enai perintah terha#ap pe-'unuhan& 'er#ia- #i #ala- 0#;uster "e-i3iran #isa;i3an se'a(ai alasan ta-'ahan untu3 ti#a3 -en(hancur3an 3ehi#upan -anusia . ?ere3a -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa : 'aran(siapa #arah (u#an( -anusia oleh -anusia #arahnya a3an #itu-pah3an & 3arena #ala(a-'ar 0llah -e-'uat #ia -anusia. : ( G3B&10 ) F4:F..1 Da- i'a#ah u-u=#en a#alah sian( & -atahari ter'ena;a- i'a#ah 3eluar(a. 0#a- -ela3u3an yan( ter'ai3 untu3 -ence(ah pen((unaan set #oa & -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa #oa yan( e e3ti harus sepenuhnya in#ivi#ual & 'ahwa hal itu harus -en;a#i : 3ein(inan ;iwa : & tetapi =#enites terus -en((una3an #oa #an 'entu3 yan( #iturun3an #ari /a-an Dala-atia . 0#a- ;u(a 'erusaha untu3 -en((anti3an perse-'ahan 'uah lahan untu3 pen(or'anan #arah #ala- upacara 3ea(a-aan & tetapi telah -e-'uat se#i3it 3e-a;uan se'elu- (an((uan sur(a . ( G3B&11 ) F4:F... 0#a- 'erusaha untu3 -en(a;ar3an 3esetaraan se3s ras . $ara 9awa 'e3er;a #i sisi sua-inya -e-'uat 3esan -en#ala- pa#a se-ua pen(huni #i +a-an. 0#a- pasti -en(a;ar3an -ere3a 'ahwa wanita& sa-a #en(an pria & -e-'eri3an 3ontri'usi a3tor1 a3tor 3ehi#upan yan( 'ersatu untu3 -e-'entu3 suatu -a3hlu3 'aru . %a-pai saat itu & u-at -anusia telah #ian((ap 'ahwa se-ua pro3reasi tin((al #i : pin((an( ayah . : ?ere3a -e-an#an( i'u se'a(ai se3e#ar 3etentuan untu3 -e-elihara ;anin #an -enyusui 'ayi

nei(h'orin( "hilistines& who were political re u(ees ro- the hi(her civili/ation o $rete. +he 9e'rews #i# little writin( until a'out I00 !.$.& an# havin( no written lan(ua(e until such a late #ate& they ha# several #i erent stories o creation in circulation& 'ut a ter the !a'ylonian captivity they incline# -ore towar# acceptin( a -o#i ie# ?esopota-ian version. (G3G..) F4:G.10 Dewish tra#ition 'eca-e crystalli/e# a'out ?oses& an# 'ecause he en#eavore# to trace the linea(e o 0'raha- 'ac3 to 0#a-& the Dews assu-e# that 0#a- was the irst o all -an3in#. @ahweh was the creator& an# since 0#a- was suppose# to 'e the irst -an& he -ust have -a#e the worl# ;ust prior to -a3in( 0#a-. 0n# then the tra#ition o 0#a->s si, #ays (ot woven into the story& with the result that al-ost a thousan# years a ter ?oses> so;ourn on earth the tra#ition o creation in si, #ays was written out an# su'seAuently cre#ite# to hi-. (G3G.3) F4:G.11 2hen the Dewish priests returne# to Derusale-& they ha# alrea#y co-plete# the writin( o their narrative o the 'e(innin( o thin(s. %oon they -a#e clai-s that this recital was a recently #iscovere# story o creation written 'y ?oses. !ut the conte-porary 9e'rews o aroun# 600 !.$. #i# not consi#er these writin(s to 'e #ivine revelations; they loo3e# upon the- -uch as later peoples re(ar# -ytholo(ical narratives. (G3G.4) F4:G.1. +his spurious #ocu-ent& repute# to 'e the teachin(s o ?oses& was 'rou(ht to the attention o "tole-y& the Gree3 3in( o =(ypt& who ha# it translate# into Gree3 'y a co--ission o seventy scholars or his new li'rary at 0le,an#ria. 0n# so this account oun# its place a-on( those writin(s which su'seAuently 'eca-e a part o the later collections o the )sacre# scriptures* o the 9e'rew an# $hristian reli(ions. 0n# throu(h i#enti ication with these theolo(ical syste-s& such concepts or a lon( ti-e pro oun#ly in luence# the philosophy o -any Occi#ental peoples. (G3G.6) F4:G.13 +he $hristian teachers perpetuate# the 'elie in the iat creation o the hu-an race& an# all this le#

yan( 'aru lahir . ( G3B&1. ) F4:F..3 0#a- -en(a;ar3an se/a-annya se-ua yan( -ere3a 'isa -e-aha-i & tapi itu ti#a3 terlalu 'anya3 & relati 'er'icara . Ca-un #e-i3ian& le'ih cer#as #ari ras 'u-i -e-an#an( 3e #epan penuh se-an(at untu3 wa3tu 3eti3a -ere3a a3an #ii/in3an untu3 -eni3ah #en(an ana31 ana3 yan( un((ul #ari ras violet . Dan apa Urantia #unia yan( 'er'e#a a3an -en;a#i apa3ah ini rencana 'esar -en(an(3at ras telah #ila3u3an L !ah3an saat itu & 3euntun(an luar 'iasa #ihasil3an #ari se;u-lah 3ecil #arah lo-'a ini i-por yan( -asyara3at evolusi 3e'etulan #i;a-in . ( G3B&13 ) F4:F..4 Dan #e-i3ianlah 0#a'e3er;a untu3 3ese;ahteraan #an pen(an(3atan #ari #unia persin((ahannya . +api itu tu(as yan( sulit untu3 -e-i-pin oran(1oran( ini ca-puran #an an;in( #ala- cara yan( le'ih 'ai3 . G . +he 8e(en# o $reation ( G3B&14 ) F4:G.1 <isah penciptaan Urantia #ala- ena- hari #i#asar3an pa#a tra#isi 'ahwa 0#a- #an 9awa telah -en(ha'is3an hanya ena- hari #alasurvei awal -ere3a #ari +a-an . <ea#aan ini #ipin;a-3an san3si ha-pir suci untu3 ;an(3a wa3tu se-in((u & yan( telah awalnya #iper3enal3an oleh Dala-atians . 0#a- -en(ha'is3an enahari -e-eri3sa ta-an #an -eru-us3an rencana awal untu3 or(anisasi ti#a3 #iatur se'elu-nya & -elain3an 'e3er;a #ari hari 3e hari . "e-ilihan hari 3etu;uh untu3 i'a#ah a#alah sepenuhnya ter3ait #en(an a3ta1 a3ta #en(an ini #iriwayat3an . ( G3F&1 ) F4:G.. 8e(en#a pe-'uatan #unia #ala- ena- hari a#alah se'uah renun(an & pa#a 3enyataannya & le'ih #ari ti(a puluh ri'u tahun 3e-u#ian . %alah satu itur #ari narasi & 3e-unculan -atahari #an 'ulan & -un(3in telah #ia-'il asal #ala- tra#isi -unculnya ti'a1ti'a -antan #unia #ari awan ruan( pa#at -ateri -enit yan( su#ah la-a

#irectly to the or-ation o the hypothesis o a oneti-e (ol#en a(e o utopian 'liss an# the theory o the all o -an or super-an which accounte# or the nonutopian con#ition o society. +hese outloo3s on li e an# -an>s place in the universe were at 'est #iscoura(in( since they were pre#icate# upon a 'elie in retro(ression rather than pro(ression& as well as i-plyin( a ven(e ul Deity& who ha# vente# wrath upon the hu-an race in retri'ution or the errors o certain oneti-e planetary a#-inistrators. (G3G.B) F4:G.14 +he )(ol#en a(e* is a -yth& 'ut =#en was a act& an# the Gar#en civili/ation was actually overthrown. 0#a- an# =ve carrie# on in the Gar#en or one hun#re# an# seventeen years when& throu(h the i-patience o =ve an# the errors o ;u#(-ent o 0#a-& they presu-e# to turn asi#e ro- the or#aine# way& spee#ily 'rin(in( #isaster upon the-selves an# ruinous retar#ation upon the #evelop-ental pro(ression o all Urantia. (G3G.F) F4:G.16 MCarrate# 'y %olonia& the seraphic )voice in the Gar#en.*N The Urantia Book Paper 'The 6ri#in of Urantia7 (B61.1) 6F:0.1 4C "H=%=C+4CG e,cerpts rothe archives o Deruse- or the recor#s o Urantia respectin( its antece#ents an# early history& we are #irecte# to rec3on ti-e in ter-s o current usa(e J the present leap1year calen#ar o 3B6P #ays to the year. 0s a rule& no atte-pt will 'e -a#e to (ive e,act years& thou(h they are o recor#. 2e will use the nearest whole nu-'ers as the 'etter -etho# o presentin( these historic acts. (B61..) 6F:0.. 2hen re errin( to an event as o one or two -illions o years a(o& we inten# to #ate such an occurrence 'ac3 that nu-'er o years ro- the early #eca#es o the twentieth century o the $hristian era. 2e will thus #epict these ar1#istant events as occurrin( in even perio#s o thousan#s& -illions& an# 'illions o years. 1. The Andronover 8ebu!a (B61.3) 6F:1.1 Urantia is o ori(in in your sun& an# your sun is one o the -ulti arious o sprin( o the 0n#ronover ne'ula&

3a'ur 'ai3 -atahari #an 'ulan .

+he Urantia 3ertas 6F +he Ori(in o Urantia O ( B61&1 ) 6F:0.1 D080? "=C@0D40C 3utipan #ari arsip Deruse- untu3 catatan Urantia -en(hor-ati pen#ahulunya #an se;arah awal & 3ita #iarah3an untu3 -e-perhitun(3an wa3tu #ala- hal pen((unaan saat 1 saat lo-patan 1 tahun 3alen#er hari P 3B6 tahun . %e'a(ai aturan & ti#a3 a#a upaya a3an #ila3u3an untu3 -e-'eri3an tahun yan( tepat & -es3ipun -ere3a catatan . <a-i a3an -en((una3an seluruh no-or ter#e3at se'a(ai -eto#e yan( le'ih 'ai3 untu3 -enya;i3an a3ta1 a3ta 'erse;arah. ( B61&. ) 6F:0.. <eti3a -en(acu pa#a se'uah acara pa#a satu atau #ua ;uta tahun yan( lalu & 3a-i 'erniat untu3 saat ini 3e;a#ian seperti 3e-'ali 'ahwa 'e'erapa tahun #ari #e3a#e awal a'a# 3e#ua puluh #ari era <risten . Den(an #e-i3ian 3ita a3an -en((a-'ar3an

which was oneti-e or(ani/e# as a co-ponent part o the physical power an# -aterial -atter o the local universe o Ce'a#on. 0n# this (reat ne'ula itsel too3 ori(in in the universal orce1char(e o space in the superuniverse o Orvonton& lon(& lon( a(o. (B61.4) 6F:1.. 0t the ti-e o the 'e(innin( o this recital& the "ri-ary ?aster Force Or(ani/ers o "ara#ise ha# lon( 'een in ull control o the space1ener(ies which were later or(ani/e# as the 0n#ronover ne'ula. (B61.6) 6F:1.3 987, , , years a(o associate orce or(ani/er an# then actin( inspector nu-'er G11&30F o the Orvonton series& travelin( out roUversa& reporte# to the 0ncients o Days that space con#itions were avora'le or the initiation o -ateriali/ation pheno-ena in a certain sector o the& then& easterly se(-ent o Orvonton. (B61.B) 6F:1.4 9 , , , years a(o& the Uversa archives testi y& there was recor#e# a per-it issue# 'y the Uversa $ouncil o =Auili'riu- to the superuniverse (overn-ent authori/in( the #ispatch o a orce or(ani/er an# sta to the re(ion previously #esi(nate# 'y inspector nu-'er G11&30F. +he Orvonton authorities co--issione# the ori(inal #iscoverer o this potential universe to e,ecute the -an#ate o the 0ncients o Days callin( or the or(ani/ation o a new -aterial creation.O (B6..1) 6F:1.6 +he recor#in( o this per-it si(ni ies that the orce or(ani/er an# sta ha# alrea#y #eparte# ro- Uversa on the lon( ;ourney to that easterly space sector where they were su'seAuently to en(a(e in those protracte# activities which woul# ter-inate in the e-er(ence o a new physical creation in Orvonton. (B6...) 6F:1.B 87!, , , years a(o the enor-ous 0n#ronover ne'ula nu-'er GFB&I.B was #uly initiate#. Only the presence o the orce or(ani/er an# the liaison sta was reAuire# to inau(urate the ener(y whirl which eventually (rew into this vast cyclone o space. %u'seAuent to the initiation o such ne'ular revolutions& the livin( orce or(ani/ers si-ply with#raw at ri(ht an(les to the plane o the revolutionary #is3& an# ro- that ti-e orwar#& the

peristiwa ;auh1;auh se'a(ai ter;a#i pa#a 'e'erapa perio#e ri'uan & ;utaan & #an -ilyaran tahun . 1 . +he 0n#ronover Ce'ula ( B61&3 ) 6F:1.1 Urantia a#alah asal #i 'awah sinar -atahari 0n#a & #an -atahari 0n#a a#alah salah satu #ari 3eturunan ane3a ne'ula 0n#ronover & yan( #iselen((ara3an se3ali pa3ai se'a(ai 'a(ian 3o-ponen #ari 3e3uatan isi3 #an -ateri -ateri ala- se-esta lo3al Ce'a#on . Dan ini ne'ula 'esar itu sen#iri -en(a-'il asal universal 3e3uatan 1 -uatan ruan( #i superuniverse #ari Orvonton & pan;an(& la-a . ( B61&4 ) 6F:1.. "a#a saat awal resital ini& "ri-er Guru "enyelen((ara 0n(3atan sur(a telah la-a #ala- 3ontrol penuh #ari ruan( 1 ener(i yan( 3e-u#ian #iselen((ara3an se'a(ai ne'ula 0n#ronover . ( B61&6 ) 6F:1.3 IGF.000.000.000 tahun lalu asosiasi 3e3uatan or(ani/er #an 3e-u#ian 'ertin#a3 ;u-lah inspe3tur G11.30F #ari seri Orvonton & 'eper(ian 3eluar #ari Uversa & #ilapor3an the 0ncients Days 'ahwa 3on#isi ruan( yan( -en(untun(3an untu3 inisiasi eno-ena -aterialisasi #i se3tor tertentu & 3e-u#ian & se(-en ti-ur #ari Orvonton . ( B61&B ) 6F:1.4 I00.000.000.000 tahun yan( lalu & arsip Uversa 'ersa3si & a#a tercatat i/in yan( #i3eluar3an oleh Dewan Uversa =Auili'riu- 3epa#a pe-erintah superuniverse otorisasi pen(iri-an 3e3uatan or(ani/er #an sta untu3 wilayah se'elu-nya #itun;u3 oleh inspe3tur no-or G11.30F . "iha3 'erwenan( Orvonton -enu(as3an pene-u asli potensi ala- se-esta ini untu3 -ela3sana3an -an#at o the 0ncients Days -enyeru3an or(anisasi #ari suatu penciptaan -ateri 'aru . O ( B6.&1 ) 6F:1.6 "encatatan i/in ini -enan#a3an 'ahwa 3e3uatan or(ani/er #an sta su#ah 'eran(3at #ari Uversa pa#a per;alanan pan;an( #en(an se3tor ruan( ti-ur #i -ana -ere3a selan;utnya

inherent Aualities o ener(y insure the pro(ressive an# or#erly evolution o such a new physical syste-. (B6..3) 6F:1.F 0t a'out this ti-e the narrative shi ts to the unctionin( o the personalities o the superuniverse. 4n reality the story has its proper 'e(innin( at this point J at ;ust a'out the ti-e the "ara#ise orce or(ani/ers are preparin( to with#raw& havin( -a#e the space1 ener(y con#itions rea#y or the action o the power #irectors an# physical controllers o the superuniverse o Orvonton. 2. The Pri&ary 8ebu!ar )ta#e (B6..4) 6F:..1 0ll evolutionary -aterial creations are 'orn o circular an# (aseous ne'ulae& an# all such pri-ary ne'ulae are circular throu(hout the early part o their (aseous e,istence. 0s they (row ol#er& they usually 'eco-e spiral& an# when their unction o sun or-ation has run its course& they o ten ter-inate as clusters o stars or as enor-ous suns surroun#e# 'y a varyin( nu-'er o planets& satellites& an# s-aller (roups o -atter in -any ways rese-'lin( your own #i-inutive solar syste-. (B6..6) 6F:... 8 , , , years a(o the 0n#ronover creation was well esta'lishe# as one o the -a(ni icent pri-ary ne'ulae o Orvonton. 0s the astrono-ers o near1'y universes loo3e# out upon this pheno-enon o space& they saw very little to attract their attention. Gravity esti-ates -a#e in a#;acent creations in#icate# that space -ateriali/ations were ta3in( place in the 0n#ronover re(ions& 'ut that was all. (B6..B) 6F:..3 7 , , , years a(o the 0n#ronover syste- was assu-in( (i(antic proportions& an# a##itional physical controllers were #ispatche# to nine surroun#in( -aterial creations to a or# support an# supply co1operation to the power centers o this new -aterial syste- which was so rapi#ly evolvin(. 0t this #istant #ate all o the -aterial 'eAueathe# to the su'seAuent creations was hel# within the con ines o this (i(antic space wheel& which continue# ever to whirl an#& a ter reachin( its -a,i-u- o #ia-eter& to whirl aster an# aster as it continue# to con#ense an# contract.

untu3 terli'at #ala- 3e(iatan13e(iatan yan( 'erlarut1larut a3an 'era3hir pa#a -unculnya ciptaan isi3 'aru Orvonton . ( B6.&. ) 6F:1.B GF6.000.000.000 tahun lalu 'esar 0n#ronover ne'ula no-or GFB.I.B sepatutnya #i-ulai . 9anya 3eha#iran 3e3uatan or(ani/er #an sta pen(hu'un( #i-inta untu3 -eres-i3an pusaran ener(i yan( a3hirnya tu-'uh -en;a#i si3lon ini luas ruan( . %etelah inisiasi ne'ula revolusi terse'ut & penyelen((ara (aya hi#up se#erhana -enari3 #i su#ut 3anan terha#ap 'i#an( #is3 revolusioner & #an #ari wa3tu 3e #epan & 3ualitas yan( -ele3at ener(i -en;a-in evolusi pro(resi #an terti' seperti siste- isi3 'aru . ( B6.&3 ) 6F:1.F "a#a se3itar wa3tu ini narasi 'er(eser 3e un(si 3epri'a#ian superuniverse terse'ut . "a#a 3enyataannya cerita -e-ili3i awal yan( tepat pa#a titi3 ini 1 hanya tentan( wa3tu 3e3uatan penyelen((ara "ara#ise se#an( -e-persiap3an untu3 -un#ur& setelah -e-'uat 3on#isi ruan( 1 ener(i siap tin#a3an #ire3si 3e3uasaan #an pen(en#ali isi3 superuniverse #ari Orvonton . . . "rata-a Ce'ular +ahap ( B6.&4 ) 6F:..1 %e-ua 3reasi -ateri evolusi lahir #ari -elin(3ar #an (as ne'ula & #an se-ua ne'ula pri-er seperti yan( -elin(3ar #i seluruh 'a(ian awal #ari 3e'era#aan (as -ere3a. %aat -ere3a tu-'uh #ewasa & -ere3a 'iasanya -en;a#i spiral & #an 3eti3a un(si -ere3a pe-'entu3an -atahari telah -en;alan3an sa;a & -ere3a serin( 'era3hir se'a(ai 3elo-po3 'intan( atau -atahari se'a(ai 'esar #i3elilin(i oleh 'er'a(ai ;u-lah planet & satelit & #an 3elo-po313elo-po3 yan( le'ih 3ecil #ari -ateri #i 'anya3 cara -enyerupai tata surya 3ecil 0n#a sen#iri. ( B6.&6 ) 6F:... G00.000.000.000 tahun lalu penciptaan 0n#ronover telah -apan se'a(ai salah satu ne'ula pri-er -e(ah #ari Orvonton . %e'a(ai astrono- #ari ala- se-esta #e3at1oleh ta-pa3 pa#a eno-ena ruan( & -ere3a -elihat san(at

(B6..F) 6F:..4

" , , , years a(o the hei(ht o the 0n#ronover ener(y1 -o'ili/ation perio# was attaine#; the ne'ula ha# acAuire# its -a,i-u- o -ass. 0t this ti-e it was a (i(antic circular (as clou# in shape so-ewhat li3e a lattene# spheroi#. +his was the early perio# o #i erential -ass or-ation an# varyin( revolutionary velocity. Gravity an# other in luences were a'out to 'e(in their wor3 o convertin( space (ases into or(ani/e# -atter. 3. The )e,ondary 8ebu!ar )ta#e (B63.1) 6F:3.1 +he enor-ous ne'ula now 'e(an (ra#ually to assu-e the spiral or- an# to 'eco-e clearly visi'le to the astrono-ers o even #istant universes. +his is the natural history o -ost ne'ulae; 'e ore they 'e(in to throw o suns an# start upon the wor3 o universe 'uil#in(& these secon#ary space ne'ulae are usually o'serve# as spiral phenomena. (B63..) 6F:3.. +he near1'y star stu#ents o that araway era& as they o'serve# this -eta-orphosis o the 0n#ronover ne'ula& saw e,actly what twentieth1 century astrono-ers see when they turn their telescopes spacewar# an# view the present1a(e spiral ne'ulae o a#;acent outer space. (B63.3) 6F:3.3 0'out the ti-e o the attain-ent o the -a,i-u- o -ass& the (ravity control o the (aseous content co--ence# to wea3en& an# there ensue# the sta(e o (as escape-ent& the (as strea-in( orth as two (i(antic an# #istinct ar-s& which too3 ori(in on opposite si#es o the -other -ass. +he rapi# revolutions o this enor-ous central core soon i-parte# a spiral appearance to these two pro;ectin( (as strea-s. +he coolin( an# su'seAuent con#ensation o portions o these protru#in( ar-s eventually pro#uce# their 3notte# appearance. +hese #enser portions were vast syste-s an# su'syste-s o physical -atter whirlin( throu(h space in the -i#st o the (aseous clou# o the ne'ula while 'ein( hel# securely within the (ravity (rasp o the -other wheel. (B63.4) 6F:3.4 !ut the ne'ula ha# 'e(un to contract& an# the increase in the rate o revolution urther lessene# (ravity control; an# erelon(& the outer (aseous

se#i3it untu3 -enari3 perhatian -ere3a . Gravitasi -e-per3ira3an #i'uat #ala3reasi yan( 'er#e3atan -enun;u33an 'ahwa -ateriali/ations ruan( yan( -en(a-'il te-pat #i #aerah 0n#ronover & tapi itu se-ua . ( B6.&B ) 6F:..3 F00.000.000.000 tahun lalu siste- 0n#ronover -en(asu-si3an proporsi ra3sasa & #an pen(en#ali isi3 ta-'ahan #i3iri- 3e se-'ilan se3itarnya 3reasi -ateri untu3 -e-'eli #u3un(an #an paso3an 3er;asa-a #en(an pusat1 pusat 3e3uasaan #ari siste- -ateri 'aru yan( 'e(itu cepat 'er3e-'an( . "a#a tan((al ini ;auh se-ua -ateri #iwaris3an 3epa#a 3reasi 'eri3utnya #ia#a3an #ala'atas1'atas ini ro#a ruan( ra3sasa & yan( terus 'erputar #an pernah & setelah -encapai -a3si-u- #ia-eter & untu3 'erputar le'ih cepat #an le'ih cepat 3arena terus -en(e-'un #an 3ontra3 . ( B6.&F ) 6F:..4 B00.000.000.000 tahun lalu 3etin((ian perio#e ener(i -o'ilisasi 0n#ronover tercapai & ne'ula telah -en(a3uisisi -a3si-u- -assa . "a#a saat ini itu a#alah awan (as ra3sasa -elin(3ar #ala- 'entu3 a(a3 seperti spheroi# #irata3an . 4ni a#alah perio#e awal pe-'entu3an -assa #i erensial #an 'er'a(ai 3ecepatan revolusioner. Gravitasi #an pen(aruh lainnya yan( a3an -e-ulai pe3er;aan -ere3a untu3 -en(u'ah (as ruan( -en;a#i -ateri yan( teror(anisir . 3 . %econ#ary Ce'ular +ahap ( B63&1 ) 6F:3.1 +he ne'ula 'esar 3ini -ulai secara 'ertahap untu3 -en(a-'il 'entu3 spiral #an -en;a#i ;elas terlihat #en(an astrono- 'ah3an ala- se-esta ;auh. 4ni a#alah se;arah ala- yan( palin( ne'ula & se'elu- -ere3a -ulai -e-'uan( -atahari #an -ulai pa#a pe3er;aan 'an(unan ala- se-esta & ini ne'ula ruan( se3un#er 'iasanya #ia-ati se'a(ai eno-ena spiral . ( B63&. ) 6F:3.. +he #e3at1oleh 'intan( -ahasiswa era ;auh & 3arena -ere3a -en(a-ati -eta-or osis ini ne'ula 0n#ronover & -elihat apa yan( astronoa'a# 3e#ua puluh -elihat 3eti3a -ere3a

re(ions 'e(an actually to escape rothe i--e#iate e-'race o the ne'ular nucleus& passin( out into space on circuits o irre(ular outline& returnin( to the nuclear re(ions to co-plete their circuits& an# so on. !ut this was only a te-porary sta(e o ne'ular pro(ression. +he ever1increasin( rate o whirlin( was soon to throw enor-ous suns o into space on in#epen#ent circuits. (B63.6) 6F:3.6 0n# this is what happene# in 0n#ronover a(es upon a(es a(o. +he ener(y wheel (rew an# (rew until it attaine# its -a,i-u- o e,pansion& an# then& when contraction set in& it whirle# on aster an# aster until& eventually& the critical centri u(al sta(e was reache# an# the (reat 'rea3up 'e(an. (B63.B) 6F:3.B ! , , , years a(o the irst 0n#ronover sun was 'orn. +his 'la/in( strea3 'ro3e away ro- the -other (ravity (rasp an# tore out into space on an in#epen#ent a#venture in the cos-os o creation. 4ts or'it was #eter-ine# 'y its path o escape. %uch youn( suns Auic3ly 'eco-e spherical an# start out on their lon( an# event ul careers as the stars o space. =,ceptin( ter-inal ne'ular nucleuses& the vast -a;ority o Orvonton suns have ha# an analo(ous 'irth. +hese escapin( suns pass throu(h varie# perio#s o evolution an# su'seAuent universe service. (B63.F) 6F:3.F # , , , years a(o 'e(an the recaptive perio# o the 0n#ronover ne'ula. ?any o the near1'y an# s-aller suns were recapture# as a result o the (ra#ual enlar(e-ent an# urther con#ensation o the -other nucleus. Kery soon there was inau(urate# the ter-inal phase o ne'ular con#ensation& the perio# which always prece#es the inal se(re(ation o these i--ense space a((re(ations o ener(y an# -atter. (B64.1) 6F:3.G 4t was scarcely a -illion years su'seAuent to this epoch that ?ichael o Ce'a#on& a $reator %on o "ara#ise& selecte# this #isinte(ratin( ne'ula as the site o his a#venture in universe 'uil#in(. 0l-ost i--e#iately the architectural worl#s o %alvin(ton an# the one hun#re# constellation hea#Auarters (roups o planets were 'e(un. 4t reAuire# al-ost one -illion years to co-plete these

'erpalin( teles3op -ere3a -enu;u 3e an(3asa #an -elihat spiral ne'ula ini 1 usia luar an(3asa yan( 'er#e3atan . ( B63&3 ) 6F:3.3 +entan( wa3tu pencapaian -a3si-u- -assa & 3ontrol (ravitasi isi (as -ulai -ele-ah & #an a#a ter;a#i tahap pelarian (as & (as strea-in( se'a(ainya se'a(ai #ua len(an ra3sasa #an 'er'e#a& yan( -en(a-'il asal #i sisi 'erlawanan #ari -assa i'u . Hevolusi yan( cepat #ari inti pusat 'esar se(era #isa-pai3an pena-pilan spiral untu3 3e#ua -e-proye3si3an aliran (as . "en#in(inan #an selan;utnya 3on#ensasi 'a(ian #ari len(an -enon;ol a3hirnya -en(hasil3an pena-pilan tersi-pul -ere3a. 4ni 'a(ian pa#at a#alah sisteyan( luas #an su'siste- #ari -ateri isi3 'erputar -elalui ruan( #i ten(ah1ten(ah awan (as #ari ne'ula 3eti3a se#an( #isi-pan #en(an a-an #ala(en((a-an (ravitasi #ari ro#a i'u . ( B63&4 ) 6F:3.4 +api ne'ula -ulai 3ontra3 & #an penin(3atan la;u revolusi 3ontrol (ravitasi le'ih 'er3uran( & #an erelon( & #aerah (as luar -ulai se'enarnya untu3 -elari3an #iri #ari pelu3an lan(sun( #ari inti ne'ula & pin(san 3e ruan( pa#a sir3uit ti#a3 teratur (aris 'esar & 3e-'ali 3e #aerah nu3lir untu3 -enyelesai3an sir3uit -ere3a & #an se'a(ainya. +api ini hanya se-entara tahap per3e-'an(an ne'ula . +in(3at terus -enin(3at 'erputar se(era -e-'uan( -atahari yan( san(at 'esar 3e luar an(3asa pa#a sir3uit in#epen#en. ( B63&6 ) 6F:3.6 Dan inilah yan( ter;a#i #i 0n#ronover usia pa#a usia lalu . Ho#a ener(i tu-'uh #an tu-'uh sa-pai -encapai -a3si-u- e3spansi & #an 3e-u#ian & 3eti3a 3ontra3si #iatur #ala- & itu 'erputar pa#a le'ih cepat #an le'ih cepat sa-pai & a3hirnya & tahap sentri u(al 3ritis tercapai #an perpisahan 'esar #i-ulai . ( B63&B ) 6F:3.B 600.000.000.000 tahun yan( lalu perta-a 0n#ronover -atahari #ilahir3an . 4ni 'eruntun teri3 -e-isah3an #iri #ari (ravitasi pe(an( i'u #an -ero'e3 3eluar 3e an(3asa pa#a petualan(an in#epen#en #ala- 3os-os

clusters o specially create# worl#s. +he local syste- hea#Auarters planets were constructe# over a perio# e,ten#in( rothat ti-e to a'out ive 'illion years a(o. (B64..) 6F:3.I $ , , , years a(o the 0n#ronover solar circuits were well esta'lishe#& an# the ne'ular syste- was passin( throu(h a transient perio# o relative physical sta'ility. 0'out this ti-e the sta o ?ichael arrive# on %alvin(ton& an# the Uversa (overn-ent o Orvonton e,ten#e# physical reco(nition to the local universe o Ce'a#on. (B64.3) 6F:3.10 % , , , years a(o witnesse# the pro(ression o contraction an# con#ensation with enor-ous heat (eneration in the 0n#ronover central cluster& or nuclear -ass. Helative space appeare# even in the re(ions near the central -other1sun wheel. +he outer re(ions were 'eco-in( -ore sta'ili/e# an# 'etter or(ani/e#; so-e planets revolvin( aroun# the new'orn suns ha# coole# su iciently to 'e suita'le or li e i-plantation. +he ol#est inha'ite# planets o Ce'a#on #ate ro- these ti-es. (B64.4) 6F:3.11 Cow the co-plete# universe -echanis- o Ce'a#on irst 'e(ins to unction& an# ?ichael>s creation is re(istere# on Uversa as a universe o inha'itation an# pro(ressive -ortal ascension. (B64.6) 6F:3.1. & , , , years a(o the ne'ular ape, o con#ensation tension was reache#; the point o -a,i-u- heat tension was attaine#. +his critical sta(e o (ravity1heat contention so-eti-es lasts or a(es& 'ut sooner or later& heat wins the stru((le with (ravity& an# the spectacular perio# o sun #ispersion 'e(ins. 0n# this -ar3s the en# o the secon#ary career o a space ne'ula. $. Tertiary and 9uartan )ta#es (B64.B) 6F:4.1 +he pri-ary sta(e o a ne'ula is circular; the secon#ary& spiral; the tertiary sta(e is that o the irst sun #ispersion& while the Auartan e-'races the secon# an# last cycle o sun #ispersion& with the -other nucleus en#in( either as a (lo'ular cluster or as a solitary sun unctionin( as the center o a ter-inal solar syste-. (B64.F) 6F:4.. 7!, , , years a(o this ne'ula ha# attaine# the hei(ht o its sun1

penciptaan . Or'itnya #itentu3an oleh ;alurnya untu3 -elari3an #iri. ?atahari -u#a terse'ut #en(an cepat -en;a#i 'ola #an -ulai 3eluar pa#a 3arir -ere3a pan;an( #an 3e;a#ian seperti 'intan(1 'intan( ruan( . <ecuali ter-inal ne'ula nucleuses & se'a(ian 'esar Orvonton -atahari telah -e-ili3i 3elahiran analo( . 4ni -atahari -elari3an #iri -elewati perio#e 'era(a- evolusi #an layanan ala- se-esta 'eri3utnya . ( B63&F ) 6F:3.F 400.000.000.000 tahun yan( lalu -ulai perio#e recaptive #ari ne'ula 0n#ronover . !anya3 -atahari #e3at1oleh #an le'ih 3ecil #itan(3ap 3e-'ali se'a(ai a3i'at #ari pe-'esaran 'ertahap #an 3on#ensasi le'ih lan;ut #ari inti i'u . %e(era a#a #ires-i3an tahap ter-inal ne'ula 3on#ensasi & perio#e yan( selalu -en#ahului pe-isahan a3hir #ari a(re(asi ruan( 'esar ener(i #an -ateri. ( B64&1 ) 6F:3.G 4tu ha-pir satu ;uta tahun setelah /a-an ini 'ahwa ?ichael Ce'a#on & "utra "encipta "ara#ise & #ipilih ini ne'ula #isinte(rasi se'a(ai situs petualan(annya #ala- -e-'an(un ala- se-esta . 9a-pir se(era #unia arsite3tur %alvin(ton #an seratus 3onstelasi 3elo-po3 -ar3as planet #i-ulai. Untu3 itu #iperlu3an ha-pir satu ;uta tahun untu3 -enyelesai3an ini 3elo-po3 #unia #icipta3an secara 3husus . %iste- -ar3as planet lo3al #i'an(un sela-a perio#e -e-'entan( #ari saat itu sa-pai se3itar li-a -iliar tahun yan( lalu . ( B64&. ) 6F:3.I 300.000.000.000 tahun lalu sir3uit surya 0n#ronover yan( -apan & #an siste- ne'ula se#an( -elewati perio#e transien sta'ilitas isi3 relati . %e3itar saat ini sta ?ichael ti'a #i %alvin(ton & #an pe-erintah Uversa #ari Orvonton #iperpan;an( pen(a3uan isi3 ala- se-esta lo3al Ce'a#on . ( B64&3 ) 6F:3.10 . tahun lalu -enya3si3an per3e-'an(an 3ontra3si #an 3on#ensasi #en(an (enerasi panas yan( san(at 'esar #i cluster pusat 0n#ronover & atau -assa nu3lir . Huan( relati -uncul 'ah3an #i

a-ily sta(e. +his was the ape, o the irst perio# o sun losses. +he -a;ority o these suns have since possesse# the-selves o e,tensive syste-s o planets& satellites& #ar3 islan#s& co-ets& -eteors& an# cos-ic #ust clou#s. (B64.G) 6F:4.3 ! , , , years a(o this irst perio# o sun #ispersion was co-plete#; the ne'ula was ast inishin( its tertiary cycle o e,istence& #urin( which it (ave ori(in to GFB&I.B sun syste-s. (B64.I) 6F:4.4 %!, , , years a(o witnesse# the co-pletion o the tertiary cycle o ne'ular li e an# 'rou(ht a'out the or(ani/ation an# relative sta'ili/ation o the ar1 lun( starry syste-s #erive# ro- this parent ne'ula. !ut the process o physical contraction an# increase# heat pro#uction continue# in the central -ass o the ne'ular re-nant. (B66.1) 6F:4.6 & , , , years a(o the Auartan cycle o 0n#ronover 'e(an. +he -a,i-u- o nuclear1-ass te-perature ha# 'een attaine#; the critical point o con#ensation was approachin(. +he ori(inal -other nucleus was convulsin( un#er the co-'ine# pressure o its own internal1heat con#ensation tension an# the increasin( (ravity1ti#al pull o the surroun#in( swar- o li'erate# sun syste-s. +he nuclear eruptions which were to inau(urate the secon# ne'ular sun cycle were i--inent. +he Auartan cycle o ne'ular e,istence was a'out to 'e(in. (B66..) 6F:4.B 8, , , years a(o the terri ic ter-inal eruption 'e(an. Only the outer syste-s are sa e at the ti-e o such a cos-ic upheaval. 0n# this was the 'e(innin( o the en# o the ne'ula. +his inal sun #is(or(e-ent e,ten#e# over a perio# o al-ost two 'illion years. (B66.3) 6F:4.F 7, , , years a(o witnesse# the hei(ht o the 0n#ronover ter-inal 'rea3up. +his was the perio# o the 'irth o the lar(er ter-inal suns an# the ape, o the local physical #istur'ances. (B66.4) 6F:4.G ", , , years a(o -ar3s the en# o the ter-inal 'rea3up an# the 'irth o your sun& the i ty1si,th ro- the last o the 0n#ronover secon# solar a-ily. +his inal eruption o the ne'ular nucleus (ave 'irth to 13B&F0. suns& -ost

#aerah #e3at pusat ro#a i'u 'er;e-ur. 8uar #aerah -en;a#i le'ih sta'il #an le'ih teror(anisir & 'e'erapa planet 'erputar #i se3itar -atahari yan( 'aru lahir telah -en#in(in cu3up coco3 untu3 i-plantasi hi#up . "lanet1planet yan( #ihuni tertua tan((al Ce'a#on #ari wa3tu terse'ut. ( B64&4 ) 6F:3.11 %e3aran( -e3anis-e ala- se-esta selesai Ce'a#on perta-a #i-ulai 'er un(si& #an penciptaan ?ichael ter#a tar pa#a Uversa se'a(ai ala- se-esta 3e#ia-an #an pro(resi ana 3enai3an . ( B64&6 ) 6F:3.1. tahun yan( lalu ne'ula punca3 3ete(an(an 3on#ensasi tercapai & titi3 3ete(an(an panas -a3si-u- tercapai . 4ni tahap 3ritis pertentan(an (ravitasi 1 panas 3a#an(13a#an( 'erlan(sun( sela-a 'era'a#1a'a# & tetapi cepat atau la-'at & panas -e-enan(3an per;uan(an #en(an (ravitasi & #an perio#e spe3ta3uler #ispersi -atahari #i-ulai . Dan ini -enan#ai a3hir #ari 3arir se3un#er #ari ne'ula ruan(. 4 . +ahapan tersier #an Auartan ( B64&B ) 6F:4.1 +ahap uta-a #ari ne'ula a#alah -elin(3ar & se3un#er & spiral & tahap tersier a#alah 'ahwa #ari #ispersi -atahari perta-a& se-entara Auartan yan( -enca3up si3lus 3e#ua #an tera3hir #ari #ispersi -atahari & #en(an inti i'u 'era3hir 'ai3 se'a(ai 3elo-po3 'un#ar atau se'a(ai -atahari 'er un(si soliter se'a(ai pusat tata surya ter-inal . ( B64&F ) 6F:4.. F6000000000 tahun lalu ne'ula ini telah -encapai 3etin((ian pan((un( -atahari 3eluar(anya . 4ni a#alah punca3 #ari perio#e perta-a 3eru(ian 'er;e-ur. %e'a(ian 'esar -atahari se;a3 -e-ili3i sen#iri sistee3stensi planet & satelit & pulau (elap& 3o-et & -eteor & #an awan #e'u 3os-i3 . ( B64&G ) 6F:4.3 60000000000 tahun lalu perio#e perta-a #ispersi -atahari selesai & ne'ula itu cepat -enyelesai3an si3lus tersier e3sistensinya & sela-a itu -e-'eri3an asal 3e GFB.I.B siste-

o the- solitary or's. +he total nu-'er o suns an# sun syste-s havin( ori(in in the 0n#ronover ne'ula was 1&013&B.G. +he nu-'er o the solar syste- sun is 1&013&6F.. (B66.6) 6F:4.I 0n# now the (reat 0n#ronover ne'ula is no -ore& 'ut it lives on in the -any suns an# their planetary a-ilies which ori(inate# in this -other clou# o space. +he inal nuclear re-nant o this -a(ni icent ne'ula still 'urns with a re##ish (low an# continues to (ive orth -o#erate li(ht an# heat to its re-nant planetary a-ily o one hun#re# an# si,ty1 ive worl#s& which now revolve a'out this venera'le -other o two -i(hty (enerations o the -onarchs o li(ht. '. 6ri#in of 3on&atia : The Urantia )o!ar )yste& (B66.B) 6F:6.1 !, , , years a(o your sun was a co-paratively isolate# 'la/in( or'& havin( (athere# to itsel -ost o the near1'y circulatin( -atter o space& re-nants o the recent upheaval which atten#e# its own 'irth. (B66.F) 6F:6.. +o#ay& your sun has achieve# relative sta'ility& 'ut its eleven an# one1 hal year sunspot cycles 'etray that it was a varia'le star in its youth. 4n the early #ays o your sun the continue# contraction an# conseAuent (ra#ual increase o te-perature initiate# tre-en#ous convulsions on its sur ace. +hese titanic heaves reAuire# three an# one1hal #ays to co-plete a cycle o varyin( 'ri(htness. +his varia'le state& this perio#ic pulsation& ren#ere# your sun hi(hly responsive to certain outsi#e in luences which were to 'e shortly encountere#. (B66.G) 6F:6.3 +hus was the sta(e o local space set or the uniAue ori(in o 'onmatia, that 'ein( the na-e o your sun>s planetary a-ily& the solar systeto which your worl# 'elon(s. 8ess than one per cent o the planetary syste-s o Orvonton have ha# a si-ilar ori(in. (B66.I) 6F:6.4 #,! , , years a(o the enor-ous 0n(ona syste- 'e(an its approach to the nei(h'orhoo# o this solitary sun. +he center o this (reat syste- was a #ar3 (iant o space& soli#& hi(hly char(e#& an# possessin( tre-en#ous (ravity pull.

'er;e-ur. ( B64&I ) 6F:4.4 .6000000000 tahun lalu -enya3si3an penyelesaian si3lus tersier 3ehi#upan ne'ula #an -e-'awa tentan( or(anisasi #an sta'ilisasi relati #ari siste- 'er'intan( 'er;auhan #iturun3an #ari oran( tua ini ne'ula . +etapi proses 3ontra3si isi3 #an pro#u3si panas -enin(3at terus #ala- -assa ten(ah ne'ula sisa . ( B66&1 ) 6F:4.6 10000000000 tahun lalu si3lus Auartan #ari 0n#ronover #i-ulai . ?a3si-u- suhu -assa nu3lir telah #icapai & titi3 3ritis 3on#ensasi -en#e3at. 0sli 4'u inti se#an( 3e;an(13e;an( #i 'awah te3anan (a'un(an 3ete(an(an 3on#ensasi internal panas sen#iri #an pull -enin(3atnya (ravitasi 1ti#al #ari 3awanan se3itarnya siste- -atahari #i'e'as3an . 8etusan nu3lir yan( untu3 -eres-i3an 3e#ua ne'ula si3lus -atahari yan( #e3at. +he Auartan si3lus 3e'era#aan ne'ula se(era #i-ulai . ( B66&. ) 6F:4.B G000000000 tahun yan( lalu letusan ter-inal he'at #i-ulai . 9anya siste- luar a-an pa#a saat seperti per(ola3an 3os-i3 . Dan ini a#alah awal #ari a3hir ne'ula . 4ni #is(or(e-ent -atahari a3hir #iperpan;an( sela-a ha-pir #ua -iliar tahun . ( B66&3 ) 6F:4.F F000000000 tahun yan( lalu -enya3si3an 3etin((ian ter-inal perpisahan 0n#ronover . 4ni a#alah perio#e 3elahiran le'ih 'esar -atahari ter-inal #an punca3 #ari (an((uan isi3 sete-pat . ( B66&4 ) 6F:4.G B&000&000&000 tahun yan( lalu -enan#ai a3hir #ari perpecahan ter-inal #an 3elahiran -atahari 0n#a & li-a puluh ena- #ari yan( tera3hir #ari 0n#ronover 3eluar(a -atahari 3e#ua . 4ni letusan a3hir #ari inti ne'ula -elahir3an 13B.F0. -atahari & se'a(ian 'esar #ari -ere3a 'ola soliter . Du-lah total -atahari #an siste-atahari -e-ili3i asal #ala- ne'ula 0n#ronover a#alah 1.013.B.G . Du-lah -atahari tata surya a#alah 1.013.6F. .

(B6B.1) 6F:6.6

0s 0n(ona -ore closely approache# the sun& at -o-ents o -a,i-u- e,pansion #urin( solar pulsations& strea-s o (aseous -aterial were shot out into space as (i(antic solar ton(ues. 0t irst these la-in( (as ton(ues woul# invaria'ly all 'ac3 into the sun& 'ut as 0n(ona #rew nearer an# nearer& the (ravity pull o the (i(antic visitor 'eca-e so (reat that these ton(ues o (as woul# 'rea3 o at certain points& the roots allin( 'ac3 into the sun while the outer sections woul# 'eco-e #etache# to or- in#epen#ent 'o#ies o -atter& solar -eteorites& which i--e#iately starte# to revolve a'out the sun in elliptical or'its o their own. (B6B..) 6F:6.B 0s the 0n(ona syste- #rew nearer& the solar e,trusions (rew lar(er an# lar(er; -ore an# -ore -atter was #rawn ro- the sun to 'eco-e in#epen#ent circulatin( 'o#ies in surroun#in( space. +his situation #evelope# or a'out ive hun#re# thousan# years until 0n(ona -a#e its closest approach to the sun; whereupon the sun& in con;unction with one o its perio#ic internal convulsions& e,perience# a partial #isruption; roopposite si#es an# si-ultaneously& enor-ous volu-es o -atter were #is(or(e#. Fro- the 0n(ona si#e there was #rawn out a vast colu-n o solar (ases& rather pointe# at 'oth en#s an# -ar3e#ly 'ul(in( at the center& which 'eca-e per-anently #etache# ro- the i--e#iate (ravity control o the sun. (B6B.3) 6F:6.F +his (reat colu-n o solar (ases which was thus separate# ro- the sun su'seAuently evolve# into the twelve planets o the solar syste-. +he repercussional e;ection o (as ro- the opposite si#e o the sun in ti#al sy-pathy with the e,trusion o this (i(antic solar syste- ancestor& has since con#ense# into the -eteors an# space #ust o the solar syste-& althou(h -uch& very -uch& o this -atter was su'seAuently recapture# 'y solar (ravity as the 0n(ona syste- rece#e# into re-ote space. (B6B.4) 6F:6.G 0lthou(h 0n(ona succee#e# in #rawin( away the ancestral -aterial o the solar syste- planets an# the enor-ous volu-e o -atter now

( B66&6 ) 6F:4.I Dan se3aran( 0n#ronover ne'ula 'esar ti#a3 le'ih & tapi hi#up #ala- 'anya3 -atahari #an 3eluar(a planet -ere3a yan( 'erasal #ari i'u awan ruan( . %isa1sisa nu3lir a3hir #ari ne'ula -e(ah -asih -enyala #en(an cahaya 3e-erahan #an terus -e-ancar3an cahaya -o#erat #an panas untu3 sisa 3eluar(anya planet 1B6 #unia & yan( 3ini 'erputar tentan( i'u terhor-at #ua (enerasi per3asa #ari ra;a cahaya . 6 . 0sal ?on-atia 1 +he Urantia +ata %urya ( B66&B ) 6F:6.1 6&000&000&000 tahun yan( lalu -atahari 0n#a a#alah relati terisolasi teri3 'ola & setelah -en(u-pul3an #irinya sen#iri se'a(ian 'esar #e3at oleh -ateri ruan( & sisa1sisa #ari per(ola3an 'aru1'aru ini yan( #iha#iri 3elahiran sen#iri 'ere#ar . ( B66&F ) 6F:6.. 9ari ini & -atahari 0n#a telah -encapai relati sta'il & na-un se'elas #an satu 1 seten(ah tahun si3lus sunspot -en(3hianati 'ahwa itu a#alah 'intan( varia'el #ala- (enerasi -u#a. "a#a hari1hari awal -atahari 0n#a 3ontra3si lan;utan #an penin(3atan 'ertahap a3i'at suhu #i-ulai 3e;an( yan( luar 'iasa pa#a per-u3aannya . 4ni titanic na as #i'utuh3an ti(a #an satu seten(ah hari untu3 -enyelesai3an si3lus 'ervariasi 3ecerahan . 4ni varia'el ne(ara& #enyut ini perio#i3 & #i'eri3an -atahari 0n#a san(at responsi terha#ap pen(aruh luar tertentu yan( harus se(era #iha#api . ( B66&G ) 6F:6.3 De-i3ianlah tahap ruan( lo3al #itetap3an untu3 asal uni3 ?on-atia & 'ahwa -en;a#i na-a 3eluar(a planet -atahari 0n#a & tata surya yan( #i-ili3i #unia 0n#a . <uran( #ari satu persen #ari siste- planet Orvonton -e-ili3i asal yan( sa-a . ( B66&I ) 6F:6.4 4&600&000&000 tahun yan( lalu siste- 'esar 0n(ona -ulai pen#e3atan 3e lin(3un(an ini -atahari soliter . "usat siste- 'esar ini a#alah seoran( ra3sasa (elap ruan( & pa#at&

circulatin( a'out the sun as asteroi#s an# -eteors& it #i# not secure or itsel any o this solar -atter. +he visitin( syste- #i# not co-e Auite close enou(h to actually steal any o the sun>s su'stance& 'ut it #i# swin( su iciently close to #raw o into the intervenin( space all o the -aterial co-prisin( the present1#ay solar syste-. (B6B.6) 6F:6.I +he ive inner an# ive outer planets soon or-e# in -iniature rothe coolin( an# con#ensin( nucleuses in the less -assive an# taperin( en#s o the (i(antic (ravity 'ul(e which 0n(ona ha# succee#e# in #etachin( ro- the sun& while %aturn an# Dupiter were or-e# ro- the -ore -assive an# 'ul(in( central portions. +he power ul (ravity pull o Dupiter an# %aturn early capture# -ost o the -aterial stolen ro- 0n(ona as the retro(ra#e -otion o certain o their satellites 'ears witness. (B6B.B) 6F:6.10 Dupiter an# %aturn& 'ein( #erive# ro- the very center o the enor-ous colu-n o superheate# solar (ases& containe# so -uch hi(hly heate# sun -aterial that they shone with a 'rilliant li(ht an# e-itte# enor-ous volu-es o heat; they were in reality secon#ary suns or a short perio# a ter their or-ation as separate space 'o#ies. +hese two lar(est o the solar systeplanets have re-aine# lar(ely (aseous to this #ay& not even yet havin( coole# o to the point o co-plete con#ensation or soli#i ication. (B6B.F) 6F:6.11 +he (as1contraction nucleuses o the other ten planets soon reache# the sta(e o soli#i ication an# so 'e(an to #raw to the-selves increasin( Auantities o the -eteoric -atter circulatin( in near1'y space. +he worl#s o the solar syste- thus ha# a #ou'le ori(in: nucleuses o (as con#ensation later on au(-ente# 'y the capture o enor-ous Auantities o -eteors. 4n#ee# they still continue to capture -eteors& 'ut in (reatly lessene# nu-'ers. (B6F.1) 6F:6.1. +he planets #o not swin( aroun# the sun in the eAuatorial plane o their solar -other& which they woul# #o i they ha# 'een thrown o 'y solar revolution. Hather& they travel in the plane o the 0n(ona solar e,trusion& which e,iste# at a consi#era'le an(le to

san(at #ituntut& #an -e-ili3i tari3 (ravitasi yan( luar 'iasa . ( B6B&1 ) 6F:6.6 %e'a(ai 0n(ona le'ih #e3at -en#e3ati -atahari & pa#a saat1 saat e3spansi -a3si-u- sela-a #enyutan -atahari & aliran 'ahan (as #ite-'a3 3eluar 3e an(3asa se'a(ai 'ahasa surya ra3sasa. "a#a awalnya ini -enyala li#ah (as selalu a3an ;atuh 3e-'ali 3e -atahari & tetapi se'a(ai 0n(ona se-a3in -en#e3at #an -en#e3at & (ravitasi tari3 #ari pen(un;un( ra3sasa -en;a#i 'e(itu 'esar 'ahwa li#ah (as a3an -e-utus3an pa#a titi3 tertentu & a3ar ;atuh 3e-'ali 3e -atahari se#an(3an 'a(ian luar a3an terlepas untu3 -e-'entu3 'a#an in#epen#en #ari -ateri & -eteorit surya & yan( se(era -ulai 'erputar se3itar -atahari #ala- or'it elips -ere3a sen#iri . ( B6B&. ) 6F:6.B %e'a(ai siste- 0n(ona -en#e3at & e3strusi surya tu-'uh le'ih 'esar #an le'ih 'esar & le'ih #an le'ih pe#uli #ia-'il #ari -atahari -en;a#i 'a#an in#epen#en #ala- 'ere#ar se3itar ruan(. %ituasi ini #i3e-'an(3an sela-a se3itar li-a ratus ri'u tahun sa-pai 0n(ona -e-'uat posisi ter#e3atnya #en(an -atahari & #i-ana -atahari & #ala- hu'un(annya #en(an salah satu 3e;an( internal perio#i3 & -en(ala-i (an((uan parsial & #ari sisi yan( 'erlawanan #an secara 'ersa-aan& volu-e 'esar -ateri yan( -e-untah3an . Dari sisi 0n(ona a#a #itari3 3eluar 3olo- 'esar (as surya & 'u3an -enun;u3 pa#a 3e#ua u;un(nya #an nyata -en((e-'un( #i pusat & yan( -en;a#i per-anen terlepas #ari 3ontrol (ravitasi lan(sun( #ari -atahari . ( B6B&3 ) 6F:6.F 4ni 3olo- 'esar (as surya yan( #e-i3ian #ipisah3an #ari -atahari 3e-u#ian 'erevolusi -en;a#i #ua 'elas planet #ari tata surya . +he repercussional e;e3si (as #ari sisi 'erlawanan #ari -atahari #ala- si-pati pasan( surut #en(an e3strusi ra3sasa ini siste- surya leluhur & se;a3 terpa#at3an -en;a#i -eteor #an #e'u an(3asa #ari siste- surya & -es3ipun 'anya3& san(at 'anya3 & #ari hal ini a#alah selan;utnya

the plane o the sun>s eAuator. (B6F..) 6F:6.13 2hile 0n(ona was una'le to capture any o the solar -ass& your sun #i# a## to its -eta-orphosin( planetary a-ily so-e o the circulatin( space -aterial o the visitin( syste-. Due to the intense (ravity iel# o 0n(ona& its tri'utary planetary a-ily pursue# or'its o consi#era'le #istance ro- the #ar3 (iant; an# shortly a ter the e,trusion o the solar syste- ancestral -ass an# while 0n(ona was yet in the vicinity o the sun& three o the -a;or planets o the 0n(ona syste- swun( so near to the -assive solar syste- ancestor that its (ravitational pull& au(-ente# 'y that o the sun& was su icient to over'alance the (ravity (rasp o 0n(ona an# to per-anently #etach these three tri'utaries o the celestial wan#erer. (B6F.3) 6F:6.14 0ll o the solar syste- -aterial #erive# ro- the sun was ori(inally en#owe# with a ho-o(eneous #irection o or'ital swin(& an# ha# it not 'een or the intrusion o these three orei(n space 'o#ies& all solar syste- -aterial woul# still -aintain the sa-e #irection o or'ital -ove-ent. 0s it was& the i-pact o the three 0n(ona tri'utaries in;ecte# new an# orei(n #irectional orces into the e-er(in( solar syste- with the resultant appearance o retrograde motion. Hetro(ra#e -otion in any astrono-ic syste- is always acci#ental an# always appears as a result o the collisional i-pact o orei(n space 'o#ies. %uch collisions -ay not always pro#uce retro(ra#e -otion& 'ut no retro(ra#e ever appears e,cept in a systecontainin( -asses which have #iverse ori(ins. +. The )o!ar )yste& )ta#e : The P!anet2(or&in# Era (B6F.4) 6F:B.1 %u'seAuent to the 'irth o the solar syste- a perio# o #i-inishin( solar #is(or(e-ent ensue#. Decreasin(ly& or another ive hun#re# thousan# years& the sun continue# to pour orth #i-inishin( volu-es o -atter into surroun#in( space. !ut #urin( these early ti-es o erratic or'its& when the surroun#in( 'o#ies -a#e their nearest approach to the sun& the solar parent was a'le to recapture a lar(e portion o this -eteoric -aterial.

#ire'ut 3e-'ali oleh (ravitasi -atahari se'a(ai siste- 0n(ona surut 3e ruan( an(3asa ;auh. ( B6B&4 ) 6F:6.G ?es3ipun 0n(ona 'erhasil -enari3 ;auh -ateri leluhur planet tata surya #an volu-e 'esar -ateri 3ini 'ere#ar tentan( -atahari se'a(ai asteroi# #an -eteor & itu ti#a3 a-an untu3 #irinya sen#iri setiap -ateri surya ini . %iste- -en(un;un(i ti#a3 #atan( cu3up #e3at untu3 'enar1'enar -encuri /at -atahari & tapi itu ayunan cu3up #e3at untu3 -enari3 o 3e ruan( intervensi se-ua 'ahan yan( ter#iri #ari tata surya saat ini. ( B6B&6 ) 6F:6.I 8i-a planet luar #ala#an li-a se(era -e-'entu3 -iniatur #ari pen#in(inan #an 3on#ensasi nucleuses #i u;un( 3uran( -asi #an -eruncin( #ari ton;olan (ravitasi ra3sasa yan( 0n(ona telah 'erhasil -e-isah3an #ari -atahari & se-entara %aturnus #an Dupiter yan( ter'entu3 #ari 'a(ian ten(ah le'ih 'esar #an -enon;ol . <uat tari3 (ravitasi Dupiter #an %aturnus awal -enan(3ap se'a(ian 'esar 'ahan #icuri #ari 0n(ona se'a(ai (era3 retro(ra#e #ari 'e'erapa satelit -ere3a turut 'ersa3si . ( B6B&B ) 6F:6.10 Dupiter #an %aturnus & yan( 'erasal #ari pusat san(at 3olo'esar (as surya superheate# & ter#apat 'e(itu 'anya3 -ateri -atahari yan( san(at panas 'ahwa -ere3a 'ersinar #en(an cahaya teran( #an #ipancar3an volu-e 'esar panas & -ere3a 'era#a #i realitas -atahari se3un#er untu3 wa3tu yan( sin(3at setelah pe-'entu3an -ere3a se'a(ai 'a#an ruan( terpisah. <e#ua ter'esar #ari planet tata surya se'a(ian 'esar tetap (as sa-pai hari ini & 'ah3an 'elu- -e-ili3i -en#in(in 3e titi3 3on#ensasi len(3ap atau pe-'e3uan . ( B6B&F ) 6F:6.11 Gas 1 3ontra3si nucleuses #ari sepuluh planet lain se(era -encapai tahap pe-a#atan #an se'a(ainya -ulai -enari3 #iri -ere3a sen#iri -enin(3atnya 3uantitas -ateri -eteori3 'ere#ar #i #e3at1oleh ruan(. Dunia tata surya sehin((a -e-ili3i asal

(B6F.6) 6F:B..

+he planets nearest the sun were the irst to have their revolutions slowe# #own 'y ti#al riction. %uch (ravitational in luences also contri'ute to the sta'ili/ation o planetary or'its while actin( as a 'ra3e on the rate o planetary1a,ial revolution& causin( a planet to revolve ever slower until a,ial revolution ceases& leavin( one he-isphere o the planet always turne# towar# the sun or lar(er 'o#y& as is illustrate# 'y the planet ?ercury an# 'y the -oon& which always turns the sa-e ace towar# Urantia. (B6F.B) 6F:B.3 2hen the ti#al rictions o the -oon an# the earth 'eco-e eAuali/e#& the earth will always turn the sa-e he-isphere towar# the -oon& an# the #ay an# -onth will 'e analo(ous J in len(th a'out orty1seven #ays. 2hen such sta'ility o or'its is attaine#& ti#al rictions will (o into reverse action& no lon(er #rivin( the -oon arther away ro- the earth 'ut (ra#ually #rawin( the satellite towar# the planet. 0n# then& in that ar1#istant uture when the -oon approaches to within a'out eleven thousan# -iles o the earth& the (ravity action o the latter will cause the -oon to #isrupt& an# this ti#al1(ravity e,plosion will shatter the -oon into s-all particles& which -ay asse-'le a'out the worl# as rin(s o -atter rese-'lin( those o %aturn or -ay 'e (ra#ually #rawn into the earth as -eteors. (B6G.1) 6F:B.4 4 space 'o#ies are si-ilar in si/e an# #ensity& collisions -ay occur. !ut i two space 'o#ies o si-ilar #ensity are relatively uneAual in si/e& then& i the s-aller pro(ressively approaches the lar(er& the #isruption o the s-aller 'o#y will occur when the ra#ius o its or'it 'eco-es less than two an# one1hal ti-es the ra#ius o the lar(er 'o#y. $ollisions a-on( the (iants o space are rare in#ee#& 'ut these (ravity1ti#al e,plosions o lesser 'o#ies are Auite co--on. (B6G..) 6F:B.6 %hootin( stars occur in swar-s 'ecause they are the ra(-ents o lar(er 'o#ies o -atter which have 'een #isrupte# 'y ti#al (ravity e,erte# 'y near1'y an# still lar(er space 'o#ies. %aturn>s rin(s are the ra(-ents o a #isrupte# satellite. One o the -oons o

(an#a : nucleuses (as 3on#ensasi 3e-u#ian #ita-'ah #en(an penan(3apan #ala- ;u-lah 'esar -eteor . ?e-an( -ere3a -asih terus -enan(3ap -eteor & tetapi #ala- ;u-lah yan( san(at 'er3uran( . ( B6F&1 ) 6F:6.1. "lanet1planet ti#a3 'erayun -atahari #i 'i#an( e3uator i'u surya -ere3a & yan( a3an -ere3a la3u3an ;i3a -ere3a telah terle-par oleh revolusi -atahari . %e'ali3nya & -ere3a -ela3u3an per;alanan #i pesawat #ari 0n(ona surya e3strusi & yan( a#a pa#a su#ut yan( cu3up terha#ap 'i#an( e3uator -atahari . ( B6F&. ) 6F:6.13 %e-entara 0n(ona ti#a3 #apat -enan(3ap salah satu -assa -atahari & -atahari 0n#a la3u3an -ena-'ah 3eluar(a planet -eta-orphosin( nya 'e'erapa -ateri ruan( sir3ulasi siste- 3un;un(an . <arena -e#an (ravitasi intens 0n(ona & 3eluar(a planet ana3 sun(ai yan( -en(e;ar or'it ;ara3 yan( cu3up ;auh #ari ra3sasa (elap& #an ta3 la-a setelah e3strusi tata surya -assa leluhur #an se-entara 0n(ona a#alah 'elu- #i se3itar -atahari & ti(a #ari uta-a planet #ari siste- 0n(ona 'erayun 'e(itu #e3at #en(an sisteleluhur surya 'esar yan( tari3 (ravitasi & #ita-'ah #en(an yan( #ari -atahari & su#ah cu3up untu3 le'ihan pe(an( (ravitasi 0n(ona #an per-anen -elepas3an ti(a ana3 sun(ai #ari pen(e-'ara an(3asa . ( B6F&3 ) 6F:6.14 %e-ua 'ahan tata surya 'erasal #ari -atahari awalnya #i'er3ahi #en(an arah ho-o(en ayunan or'ital & #an itu ti#a3 pernah untu3 intrusi #ari 3eti(a 'a#an ruan( an(3asa asin( & se-ua -ateri tata surya -asih a3an -e-pertahan3an searah (era3an or'ital . %eperti itu & #a-pa3 #ari ti(a ana3 sun(ai 0n(ona #isunti33an 3e3uatan arah 'aru #an asin( 3e #alatata surya -uncul #en(an pena-pilan yan( #ihasil3an #ari (era3 retro(ra#e . Gera3 retro(ra#e #ala- siste- astrono-i selalu #isen(a;a #an selalu -uncul se'a(ai a3i'at #ari #a-pa3 tu-'u3an 'en#a luar an(3asa . +a'ra3an terse'ut ti#a3 selalu -en(hasil3an (era3an

Dupiter is now approachin( #an(erously near the critical /one o ti#al #isruption an#& within a ew -illion years& will either 'e clai-e# 'y the planet or will un#er(o (ravity1ti#al #isruption. +he i th planet o the solar syste- o lon(& lon( a(o traverse# an irre(ular or'it& perio#ically -a3in( closer an# closer approach to Dupiter until it entere# the critical /one o (ravity1ti#al #isruption& was swi tly ra(-enti/e#& an# 'eca-e the present1 #ay cluster o asteroi#s. (B6G.3) 6F:B.B #, , , years a(o witnesse# the or(ani/ation o the Dupiter an# %aturn syste-s -uch as o'serve# to#ay e,cept or their -oons& which continue# to increase in si/e or several 'illions o years. 4n act& all o the planets an# satellites o the solar syste- are still (rowin( as the result o continue# -eteoric captures. (B6G.4) 6F:B.F $,! , , years a(o the con#ensation nucleuses o the other ten planets were well or-e#& an# the cores o -ost o the -oons were intact& thou(h so-e o the s-aller satellites later unite# to -a3e the present1#ay lar(er -oons. +his a(e -ay 'e re(ar#e# as the era o planetary asse-'ly. (B6G.6) 6F:B.G $, , , years a(o the solar syste- was unctionin( -uch as it #oes to#ay. 4ts -e-'ers continue# to (row in si/e as space -eteors continue# to pour in upon the planets an# their satellites at a pro#i(ious rate. (B6G.B) 6F:B.I 0'out this ti-e your solar syste- was place# on the physical re(istry o Ce'a#on an# (iven its na-e& ?on-atia. (B6G.F) 6F:B.10 %,! , , years a(o the planets ha# (rown i--ensely in si/e. Urantia was a well1#evelope# sphere a'out one tenth its present -ass an# was still (rowin( rapi#ly 'y -eteoric accretion. (B6G.G) 6F:B.11 0ll o this tre-en#ous activity is a nor-al part o the -a3in( o an evolutionary worl# on the or#er o Urantia an# constitutes the astrono-ic preli-inaries to the settin( o the sta(e or the 'e(innin( o the physical evolution o such worl#s o space in preparation or the li e a#ventures o ti-e. -. The 3eteori, Era : The ;o!,ani,

retro(ra#e & tetapi ti#a3 a#a retro(ra#e pernah -uncul 3ecuali #ala- suatu siste- yan( -en(an#un( -assa yan( -e-ili3i 'era(a- asal1usul . B . +ata %urya %ta(e 1 "lanet 1 ?e-'entu3 =ra ( B6F&4 ) 6F:B.1 %etelah 3elahiran tata surya perio#e 'er3uran( #is(or(e-ent surya ter;a#i . Decreasin(ly & sela-a li-a ratus ri'u tahun & -atahari terus -encurah3an volu-e se-a3in 'er3uran( #ari -ateri -en;a#i se3itar ruan(. +api -asa1-asa awal #ari or'it ti#a3 -enentu & 3eti3a tu'uh1tu'uh se3itarnya -e-'uat pen#e3atan -ere3a ter#e3at #en(an -atahari & in#u3 surya -a-pu -ere'ut 3e-'ali se'a(ian 'esar 'ahan ini -ero3et . ( B6F&6 ) 6F:B.. "lanet1planet ter#e3at -atahari a#alah yan( perta-a untu3 -e-ili3i revolusi -ere3a #iperla-'at oleh (ese3an pasan( surut . "en(aruh (ravitasi terse'ut ;u(a 'er3ontri'usi terha#ap sta'ilisasi or'it planet se-entara 'ertin#a3 se'a(ai re- pa#a tin(3at revolusi planet 1 a3sial & -enye'a'3an planet 'erputar pernah la-'at sa-pai revolusi a3sial 'erhenti & -enin((al3an satu 'elahan planet ini selalu 'eru'ah 3e arah -atahari atau le'ih 'esar tu'uh & seperti yan( #i(a-'ar3an oleh planet ?er3urius #an #en(an 'ulan & yan( selalu 'eru'ah wa;ah sa-a terha#ap Urantia . ( B6F&B ) 6F:B.3 <eti3a ri3si pasan( surut 'ulan #an 'u-i -en;a#i -enya-a3an 3e#u#u3an & 'u-i a3an selalu -en(hi#up3an 'elahan 'u-i yan( sa-a terha#ap 'ulan & #an hari #an 'ulan a3an analo( 1 pan;an( se3itar e-pat puluh tu;uh hari . <eti3a sta'ilitas seperti or'it #icapai & ri3si pasan( surut a3an 'era3si se'ali3nya & ti#a3 la(i -en(e-u#i 'ulan ;auh #ari 'u-i na-un secara 'ertahap -en((a-'ar satelit -enu;u planet . Dan 3e-u#ian & #ala- wa3tu ;auh1;auh 3eti3a 'ulan pen#e3atan untu3 #ala- wa3tu se3itar se'elas ri'u -il #ari 'u-i & a3si (ravitasi yan( tera3hir a3an -enye'a'3an 'ulan untu3 -en((an((u & #an ini le#a3an pasan( 1 (ravitasi a3an

A#e The Pri&itive P!anetary At&osphere (B6G.I) 6F:F.1 +hrou(hout these early ti-es the space re(ions o the solar systewere swar-in( with s-all #isruptive an# con#ensation 'o#ies& an# in the a'sence o a protective co-'ustion at-osphere such space 'o#ies crashe# #irectly on the sur ace o Urantia. +hese incessant i-pacts 3ept the sur ace o the planet -ore or less heate#& an# this& to(ether with the increase# action o (ravity as the sphere (rew lar(er& 'e(an to set in operation those in luences which (ra#ually cause# the heavier ele-ents& such as iron& to settle -ore an# -ore towar# the center o the planet. (B6I.1) 6F:F.. %, , , years a(o the earth 'e(an #eci#e#ly to (ain on the -oon. 0lways ha# the planet 'een lar(er than its satellite& 'ut there was not so -uch #i erence in si/e until a'out this ti-e& when enor-ous space 'o#ies were capture# 'y the earth. Urantia was then a'out one i th its present si/e an# ha# 'eco-e lar(e enou(h to hol# the pri-itive at-osphere which ha# 'e(un to appear as a result o the internal ele-ental contest 'etween the heate# interior an# the coolin( crust. (B6I..) 6F:F.3 De inite volcanic action #ates ro- these ti-es. +he internal heat o the earth continue# to 'e au(-ente# 'y the #eeper an# #eeper 'urial o the ra#ioactive or heavier ele-ents 'rou(ht in ro- space 'y the -eteors. +he stu#y o these ra#ioactive ele-ents will reveal that Urantia is -ore than one 'illion years ol# on its sur ace. +he ra#iu- cloc3 is your -ost relia'le ti-epiece or -a3in( scienti ic esti-ates o the a(e o the planet& 'ut all such esti-ates are too short 'ecause the ra#ioactive -aterials open to your scrutiny are all #erive# rothe earth>s sur ace an# hence represent Urantia>s co-paratively recent acAuire-ents o these ele-ents. (B6I.3) 6F:F.4 &,! , , years a(o the earth was two thir#s its present si/e& while the -oon was nearin( its present -ass. =arth>s rapi# (ain over the -oon in si/e ena'le# it to 'e(in the slow ro''ery o the little at-osphere which its satellite ori(inally ha#.

-en(hancur3an 'ulan -en;a#i parti3el 3ecil & yan( #apat -era3it tentan( #unia se'a(ai cincin -ateri yan( -enyerupai %aturnus atau -un(3in secara 'ertahap #itari3 3e 'u-i se'a(ai -eteor . ( B6G&1 ) 6F:B.4 Di3a 'a#an ruan( an(3asa serupa #ala- u3uran #an 3epa#atan & ta'ra3an #apat ter;a#i . +etapi ;i3a #ua 'a#an ruan( 3epa#atan serupa relati -erata #ala- u3uran & 3e-u#ian& ;i3a le'ih 3ecil se-a3in -en#e3ati 'esar & (an((uan tu'uh yan( le'ih 3ecil a3an ter;a#i 3eti3a ;ari1;ari or'itnya -en;a#i 3uran( #ari #ua #an satu seten(ah 3ali ra#ius tu'uh yan( le'ih 'esar . +a'ra3an antara ra3sasa ruan( ;aran( -e-an(& tapi ini le#a3an (ravitasi 1 pasan( 'a#an ren#ah cu3up u-u- . ( B6G&. ) 6F:B.6 %hootin( 'intan( ter;a#i pa#a 3awanan 3arena -ere3a a#alah ra(-en tu'uh yan( le'ih 'esar #ari -ateri yan( telah ter(an((u oleh (ravitasi yan( #i'eri3an oleh pasan( surut #e3at1oleh #an -asih le'ih 'esar 'a#an ruan( an(3asa . $incin %aturnus a#alah ra(-en satelit ter(an((u . %alah satu 'ulan Dupiter saat ini -en#e3ati 'er'ahaya #e3at /ona 3ritis (an((uan pasan( surut #an & #ala- 'e'erapa ;uta tahun & 'ai3 a3an #i3lai- oleh planet atau a3an -en;alani (an((uan (ravitasi 1 pasan( . <eli-a planet #ari tata surya pan;an( & la-a -elintasi or'it yan( ti#a3 teratur & secara 'er3ala -e-'uat pen#e3atan le'ih #e3at #an le'ih #e3at 3e Dupiter sa-pai -e-asu3i /ona 3ritis (an((uan (ravitasi 1 pasan( & #en(an se(era ra(-enti/e# & #an -en;a#i cluster 3ini asteroi# . ( B6G&3 ) 6F:B.B 4&000&000&000 tahun yan( lalu -enya3si3an or(anisasi sisteDupiter #an %aturnus se'anya3 #ia-ati saat ini 3ecuali untu3 'ulan -ere3a& yan( terus -enin(3at #ala- u3uran untu3 'e'erapa -iliaran tahun . !ah3an & se-ua planet #an satelit #ala- sistesurya -asih tu-'uh se'a(ai hasil #ari terus -enan(3ap -ero3et . ( B6G&4 ) 6F:B.F 3600000000 tahun yan( lalu nucleuses 3on#ensasi #ari sepuluh planet lain yan( ter'entu3 #en(an 'ai3 &

(B6I.4) 6F:F.6

Kolcanic action is now at its hei(ht. +he whole earth is a verita'le iery in erno& the sur ace rese-'lin( its earlier -olten state 'e ore the heavier -etals (ravitate# towar# the center. (his is the volcanic age. Cevertheless& a crust& consistin( chie ly o the co-paratively li(hter (ranite& is (ra#ually or-in(. +he sta(e is 'ein( set or a planet which can so-e#ay support li e. (B6I.6) 6F:F.B +he pri-itive planetary at-osphere is slowly evolvin(& now containin( so-e water vapor& car'on -ono,i#e& car'on #io,i#e& an# hy#ro(en chlori#e& 'ut there is little or no ree nitro(en or ree o,y(en. +he at-osphere o a worl# in the volcanic a(e presents a Aueer spectacle. 4n a##ition to the (ases enu-erate# it is heavily char(e# with nu-erous volcanic (ases an#& as the air 'elt -atures& with the co-'ustion pro#ucts o the heavy -eteoric showers which are constantly hurtlin( in upon the planetary sur ace. %uch -eteoric co-'ustion 3eeps the at-ospheric o,y(en very nearly e,hauste#& an# the rate o -eteoric 'o-'ar#-ent is still tre-en#ous. (B6I.B) 6F:F.F "resently& the at-osphere 'eca-e -ore settle# an# coole# su iciently to start precipitation o rain on the hot roc3y sur ace o the planet. For thousan#s o years Urantia was envelope# in one vast an# continuous 'lan3et o stea-. 0n# #urin( these a(es the sun never shone upon the earth>s sur ace. (B6I.F) 6F:F.G ?uch o the car'on o the at-osphere was a'stracte# to or- the car'onates o the various -etals which a'oun#e# in the super icial layers o the planet. 8ater on& -uch (reater Auantities o these car'on (ases were consu-e# 'y the early an# proli ic plant li e. (BB0.1) 6F:F.I =ven in the later perio#s the continuin( lava lows an# the inco-in( -eteors 3ept the o,y(en o the air al-ost co-pletely use# up. =ven the early #eposits o the soon appearin( pri-itive ocean contain no colore# stones or shales. 0n# or a lon( ti-e a ter this ocean appeare#& there was virtually no ree o,y(en in the at-osphere; an# it #i# not appear in si(ni icant Auantities until it was later (enerate# 'y the seawee#s an#

#an inti #ari se'a(ian 'esar 'ulan -asih utuh & -es3ipun 'e'erapa satelit yan( le'ih 3ecil 3e-u#ian 'ersatu untu3 -e-'uat -asa 3ini 'ulan yan( le'ih 'esar . Usia ini #apat #ian((ap se'a(ai era pera3itan planet . ( B6G.6 ) 6F:B.G 3000000000 tahun lalu tata surya itu 'er un(si 'anya3 seperti halnya hari ini . 0n((otanya terus tu-'uh #ala- u3uran seperti -eteor ruan( terus -enuan(3an #i atas planet #an satelit -ere3a pa#a tin(3at yan( luar 'iasa . ( B6G&B ) 6F:B.I +entan( saat ini sistesurya 0n#a #ite-pat3an pa#a re(istri isi3 Ce'a#on #an #i'eri na-a & ?on-atia . ( B6G&F ) 6F:B.10 .&600&000&000 tahun yan( lalu planet telah 'er3e-'an( pesat #ala- u3uran . Urantia a#alah 'ola 'er3e-'an( #en(an 'ai3 sepersepuluh -assa se3aran( #an -asih 'er3e-'an( pesat #en(an perta-'ahan -eteori3 . ( B6G&G ) 6F:B.11 %e-ua 3e(iatan ini luar 'iasa a#alah 'a(ian nor-al #ari pe-'uatan suatu evolusi #unia pa#a urutan Urantia #an -erupa3an pen#ahuluan astrono-i 3e pen(aturan pan((un( untu3 awal evolusi isi3 #unia seperti ruan( #ala- persiapan untu3 petualan(an hi#up wa3tu . F . +he -eteori3 =ra 1 +he Kolcanic U-ur +he "ri-iti %uasana "lanetary ( B6G&I ) 6F:F.1 %epan;an( -asa awal #aerah ruan( tata surya 'er3eru-un #en(an tu'uh -en((an((u #an 3on#ensasi 3ecil& #an ti#a3 a#anya suasana pe-'a3aran pelin#un( 'a#an ruan( terse'ut ;atuh lan(sun( pa#a per-u3aan Urantia . Da-pa3 (encarnya terus per-u3aan planet le'ih atau 3uran( panas & #an ini & 'ersa-a #en(an penin(3atan a3si (ravitasi se'a(ai 'ola tu-'uh le'ih 'esar & -ulai ter'ena#ala- operasi pen(aruh1pen(aruh yan( secara 'ertahap -enye'a'3an unsur yan( le'ih 'erat & seperti 'esi & untu3 -enyelesai3an le'ih #an le'ih -enu;u pusat planet .

other or-s o ve(eta'le li e. (BB0..) 6F:F.10 +he pri-itive planetary at-osphere o the volcanic a(e a or#s little protection a(ainst the collisional i-pacts o the -eteoric swar-s. ?illions upon -illions o -eteors are a'le to penetrate such an air 'elt to s-ash a(ainst the planetary crust as soli# 'o#ies. !ut as ti-e passes& ewer an# ewer prove lar(e enou(h to resist the ever1stron(er riction shiel# o the o,y(en1enrichin( at-osphere o the later eras. 1. /rusta! )tabi!i0ation The A#e of Earth<uakes The =or!d 6,ean and the (irst /ontinent (BB0.3) 6F:G.1 &, , , years a(o is the #ate o the actual 'e(innin( o Urantia history. +he planet ha# attaine# appro,i-ately its present si/e. 0n# a'out this ti-e it was place# upon the physical re(istries o Ce'a#on an# (iven its na-e& )rantia. (BB0.4) 6F:G.. +he at-osphere& to(ether with incessant -oisture precipitation& acilitate# the coolin( o the earth>s crust. Kolcanic action early eAuali/e# internal1heat pressure an# crustal contraction; an# as volcanoes rapi#ly #ecrease#& earthAua3es -a#e their appearance as this epoch o crustal coolin( an# a#;ust-ent pro(resse#. (BB0.6) 6F:G.3 +he real (eolo(ic history o Urantia 'e(ins with the coolin( o the earth>s crust su iciently to cause the or-ation o the irst ocean. 2ater1vapor con#ensation on the coolin( sur ace o the earth& once 'e(un& continue# until it was virtually co-plete. !y the en# o this perio# the ocean was worl#1wi#e& coverin( the entire planet to an avera(e #epth o over one -ile. +he ti#es were then in play -uch as they are now o'serve#& 'ut this pri-itive ocean was not salty; it was practically a resh1water coverin( or the worl#. 4n those #ays& -ost o the chlorine was co-'ine# with various -etals& 'ut there was enou(h& in union with hy#ro(en& to ren#er this water aintly aci#. (BB0.B) 6F:G.4 0t the openin( o this araway era& Urantia shoul# 'e envisa(e# as a water1'oun# planet. 8ater on& #eeper an# hence #enser lava lows ca-e out upon

( B6I&1 ) 6F:F.. .&000&000&000 tahun yan( lalu 'u-i -ulai ;elas untu3 -en#apat3an #i 'ulan. %elalu -e-ili3i planet le'ih 'esar #aripa#a satelit & tapi ti#a3 'e(itu 'anya3 per'e#aan #alau3uran sa-pai se3itar saat ini & 3eti3a tu'uh ruan( 'esar #itan(3ap oleh 'u-i . Urantia itu se3itar seperli-a u3uran se3aran( #an telah -en;a#i cu3up 'esar untu3 -ena-pun( at-os er pur'a yan( telah -ulai -uncul se'a(ai a3i'at #ari 3ontes unsur internal antara #ipanas3an interior #an 3era3 pen#in(inan . ( B6I&. ) 6F:F.3 tin#a3an vul3ani3 "asti 'erasal #ari wa3tu terse'ut. "anas internal 'u-i terus #ita-'ah #en(an se-a3in #ala- pe-a3a-an unsur ra#ioa3ti atau 'erat #i'awa #ari ruan( an(3asa oleh -eteor . %tu#i tentan( unsur1unsur ra#ioa3ti a3an -en(un(3ap3an 'ahwa Urantia a#alah le'ih #ari satu -iliar tahun pa#a per-u3aannya . Ha#iu- cloc3 arlo;i yan( palin( #apat #ian#al3an untu3 -e-'uat per3iraan il-iah #ari usia planet & tetapi se-ua per3iraan terse'ut terlalu pen#e3 3arena 'ahan ra#ioa3ti ter'u3a untu3 pen(awasan 0n#a se-ua 'erasal #ari per-u3aan 'u-i #an 3arenanya -ewa3ili acAuire-ents relati 'aru Urantia tentan( ini ele-en . ( B6I&3 ) 6F:F.4 1&600&000&000 tahun yan( lalu 'u-i itu #ua per ti(a u3uran yan( se3aran( & se-entara 'ulan su#ah -en#e3ati -assa yan( se3aran( . <euntun(an cepat !u-i sela-a 'ulan #ala- u3uran -e-un(3in3an untu3 -e-ulai pera-po3an la-'at #ari se#i3it suasana yan( satelit awalnya . ( B6I&4 ) 6F:F.6 a3si vul3ani3 3ini -encapai punca3nya . %eluruh 'u-i a#alah api nera3a 'enar & per-u3aan -enyerupai 3ea#aan cair awal se'elulo(a- 'erat con#on( 3e ten(ah. 4ni a#alah usia vul3ani3 . Ca-un #e-i3ian & 3era3 & ter#iri teruta-a #ari (ranit relati le'ih rin(an & secara 'ertahap -e-'entu3 . "an((un( se#an( #iatur untu3 se'uah planet yan( suatu hari nanti #apat -en#u3un( 3ehi#upan .

the 'otto- o the present "aci ic Ocean& an# this part o the water1covere# sur ace 'eca-e consi#era'ly #epresse#. +he irst continental lan# -ass e-er(e# ro- the worl# ocean in co-pensatory a#;ust-ent o the eAuili'riu- o the (ra#ually thic3enin( earth>s crust. (BB0.F) 6F:G.6 9! , , years a(o Urantia presents the picture o one (reat continent o lan# an# one lar(e 'o#y o water& the "aci ic Ocean. Kolcanoes are still wi#esprea# an# earthAua3es are 'oth reAuent an# severe. ?eteors continue to 'o-'ar# the earth& 'ut they are #i-inishin( in 'oth reAuency an# si/e. +he at-osphere is clearin( up& 'ut the a-ount o car'on #io,i#e continues lar(e. +he earth>s crust is (ra#ually sta'ili/in(. (BB0.G) 6F:G.B 4t was at a'out this ti-e that Urantia was assi(ne# to the syste- o %atania or planetary a#-inistration an# was place# on the li e re(istry o Corlatia#e3. +hen 'e(an the a#-inistrative reco(nition o the s-all an# insi(ni icant sphere which was #estine# to 'e the planet whereon ?ichael woul# su'seAuently en(a(e in the stupen#ous un#erta3in( o -ortal 'estowal& woul# participate in those e,periences which have since cause# Urantia to 'eco-e locally 3nown as the )worl# o the cross.* (BB1.1) 6F:G.F 9 , , years a(o witnesse# the arrival on Urantia o the irst %atania scoutin( party sent out roDeruse- to e,a-ine the planet an# -a3e a report on its a#aptation or a li e1 e,peri-ent station. +his co--ission consiste# o twenty1 our -e-'ers& e-'racin( 8i e $arriers& 8anonan#e3 %ons& ?elchi/e#e3s& seraphi-& an# other or#ers o celestial li e havin( to #o with the early #ays o planetary or(ani/ation an# a#-inistration. (BB1..) 6F:G.G 0 ter -a3in( a painsta3in( survey o the planet& this co--ission returne# to Deruse- an# reporte# avora'ly to the %yste- %overei(n& reco--en#in( that Urantia 'e place# on the li e1e,peri-ent re(istry. @our worl# was accor#in(ly re(istere# on Deruse- as a #eci-al planet& an# the 8i e $arriers were noti ie# that they woul# 'e (rante# per-ission to institute new patterns o

( B6I&6 ) 6F:F.B 0t-os er planet pri-iti perlahan1lahan 'er3e-'an( & se3aran( 'erisi 'e'erapa uap air & 3ar'on -ono3si#a & 3ar'on #io3si#a & #an hi#ro(en 3lori#a & tapi a#a se#i3it atau ti#a3 a#a nitro(en 'e'as atau o3si(en 'e'as . %uasana #unia #i usia vul3ani3 -enya;i3an tontonan aneh . %elain (as #ise'ut3an itu 'er-uatan #en(an (as vul3ani3 'anya3 #an & se'a(ai sa'u3 u#ara ;atuh te-po & #en(an hasil pe-'a3aran 3a-ar -an#i -eteori3 'erat yan( terus -eluncur #i atas per-u3aan planet . "e-'a3aran -eteori3 seperti -e-'uat o3si(en at-os er san(at ha-pir ha'is & #an tin(3at pe-'o-an -eteori3 -asih luar 'iasa . ( B6I&B ) 6F:F.F %aat ini & suasana -en;a#i le'ih -apan #an #i#in(in3an cu3up untu3 -e-ulai presipitasi hu;an pa#a per-u3aan 'er'atu panas planet ini . %ela-a ri'uan tahun Urantia #iseli-uti satu seli-ut yan( luas #an 'er3esina-'un(an uap . Dan sela-a usia ini -atahari ti#a3 pernah 'ersinar atas per-u3aan 'u-i . ( B6I&F ) 6F:F.G %e'a(ian 'esar 3ar'on #ari at-os er #isari3an untu3 -e-'entu3 3ar'onat #ari 'er'a(ai lo(a- yan( 'erli-pah #i lapisan per-u3aan planet . <e-u#ian & ;u-lah yan( ;auh le'ih 'esar #ari (as1(as ini 3ar'on #i3onsu-si oleh 3ehi#upan tana-an awal #an pro#u3ti . ( BB0&1 ) 6F:F.I !ah3an pa#a perio#e 3e-u#ian aliran lava terus #an -eteor yan( -asu3 terus o3si(en #ari u#ara ha-pir sepenuhnya ha'is . !ah3an #eposito awal laut pri-iti se(era -uncul ti#a3 -en(an#un( 'atu 'erwarna atau serpih . Dan untu3 wa3tu yan( la-a setelah laut ini -uncul & nyaris ti#a3 a#a o3si(en 'e'as #i at-os er & #an itu ti#a3 -uncul #ala- ;u-lah yan( si(ni i3an sa-pai 3e-u#ian #ihasil3an oleh ru-put laut #an 'entu31'entu3 lain #ari 3ehi#upan na'ati . ( BB0&. ) 6F:F.10 pri-iti suasana planet usia vul3ani3 -e-'eri se#i3it perlin#un(an terha#ap #a-pa3 tu-'u3an #ari 3awanan -ero3et . Dutaan

-echanical& che-ical& an# electrical -o'ili/ation at the ti-e o their su'seAuent arrival with li e transplantation an# i-plantation -an#ates. (BB1.3) 6F:G.I 4n #ue course arran(e-ents or the planetary occupation were co-plete# 'y the -i,e# co--ission o twelve on Deruse- an# approve# 'y the planetary co--ission o seventy on =#entia. +hese plans& propose# 'y the a#visory counselors o the 8i e $arriers& were inally accepte# on %alvin(ton. %oon therea ter the Ce'a#on 'roa#casts carrie# the announce-ent that Urantia woul# 'eco-e the sta(e whereon the 8i e $arriers woul# e,ecute their si,tieth %atania e,peri-ent #esi(ne# to a-pli y an# i-prove the %atania type o the Ce'a#on li e patterns. (BB1.4) 6F:G.10 %hortly a ter Urantia was irst reco(ni/e# on the universe 'roa#casts to all Ce'a#on& it was accor#e# ull universe status. %oon therea ter it was re(istere# in the recor#s o the -inor an# the -a;or sector hea#Auarters planets o the superuniverse; an# 'e ore this a(e was over& Urantia ha# oun# entry on the planetary1li e re(istry o Uversa. (BB1.6) 6F:G.11 +his entire a(e was characteri/e# 'y reAuent an# violent stor-s. +he early crust o the earth was in a state o continual lu,. %ur ace coolin( alternate# with i--ense lava lows. Cowhere can there 'e oun# on the sur ace o the worl# anythin( o this ori(inal planetary crust. 4t has all 'een -i,e# up too -any ti-es with e,tru#in( lavas o #eep ori(ins an# a#-i,e# with su'seAuent #eposits o the early worl#1 wi#e ocean. (BB1.B) 6F:G.1. Cowhere on the sur ace o the worl# will there 'e oun# -ore o the -o#i ie# re-nants o these ancient preocean roc3s than in northeastern $ana#a aroun# 9u#son !ay. +his e,tensive (ranite elevation is co-pose# o stone 'elon(in( to the preoceanic a(es. +hese roc3 layers have 'een heate#& 'ent& twiste#& upcru-ple#& an# a(ain an# a(ain have they passe# throu(h these #istortin( -eta-orphic e,periences. (BB1.F) 6F:G.13 +hrou(hout the oceanic a(es& enor-ous layers o ossil1 ree strati ie#

pa#a ;utaan -eteor -a-pu -ene-'us seperti sa'u3 u#ara untu3 -en(hancur3an terha#ap 3era3 planet se'a(ai tu'uh pa#at . +etapi #en(an 'er;alannya wa3tu & se-a3in se#i3it -e-'u3ti3an cu3up 'esar untu3 -enahan (ese3an perisai selalu 3uat #ari at-os er o3si(en -e-per3aya era 3e-u#ian. G . 3era3 sta'ilisasi +he 0(e o Ge-pa +he 2orl# Ocean #an !enua "erta-a ( BB0&3 ) 6F:G.1 1&000&000&000 tahun yan( lalu a#alah tan((al awal se'enarnya se;arah Urantia . "lanet telah -encapai se3itar u3uran se3aran( . Dan tentan( 3ali ini #ite-pat3an pa#a pen#a tar isi3 Ce'a#on #an #i'eri na-a & Urantia . ( BB0&4 ) 6F:G.. 0t-os er& 'ersa-a1sa-a #en(an curah hu;an 3ele-'a'an (encarnya & -e- asilitasi pen#in(inan 3era3 'u-i .

stone were #eposite# on this ancient ocean 'otto-. (8i-estone can or- as a result o che-ical precipitation; not all o the ol#er li-estone was pro#uce# 'y -arine1li e #eposition.) 4n none o these ancient roc3 or-ations will there 'e oun# evi#ences o li e; they contain no ossils unless& 'y so-e chance& later #eposits o the water a(es have 'eco-e -i,e# with these ol#er preli e layers. (BB..1) 6F:G.14 +he earth>s early crust was hi(hly unsta'le& 'ut -ountains were not in process o or-ation. +he planet contracte# un#er (ravity pressure as it or-e#. ?ountains are not the result o the collapse o the coolin( crust o a contractin( sphere; they appear later on as a result o the action o rain& (ravity& an# erosion. (BB...) 6F:G.16 +he continental lan# -ass o this era increase# until it covere# al-ost ten per cent o the earth>s sur ace. %evere earthAua3es #i# not 'e(in until the continental -ass o lan# e-er(e# well a'ove the water. 2hen they once 'e(an& they increase# in reAuency an# severity or a(es. For -illions upon -illions o years earthAua3es have #i-inishe#& 'ut Urantia still has an avera(e o i teen #aily. (BB..3) 6F:G.1B 8! , , years a(o the irst real epoch o the sta'ili/ation o the earth>s crust 'e(an. ?ost o the heavier -etals ha# settle# #own towar# the center o the (lo'e; the coolin( crust ha# cease# to cave in on such an e,tensive scale as in or-er a(es. +here was esta'lishe# a 'etter 'alance 'etween the lan# e,trusion an# the heavier ocean 'e#. +he low o the su'crustal lava 'e# 'eca-e well1ni(h worl#1wi#e& an# this co-pensate# an# sta'ili/e# the luctuations #ue to coolin(& contractin(& an# super icial shi tin(. (BB..4) 6F:G.1F Kolcanic eruptions an# earthAua3es continue# to #i-inish in reAuency an# severity. +he at-osphere was clearin( o volcanic (ases an# water vapor& 'ut the percenta(e o car'on #io,i#e was still hi(h. (BB..6) 6F:G.1G =lectric #istur'ances in the air an# in the earth were also #ecreasin(. +he lava lows ha# 'rou(ht to the sur ace a -i,ture o ele-ents which #iversi ie# the crust an# 'etter insulate# the planet

ro- certain space1ener(ies. 0n# all o this #i# -uch to acilitate the control o terrestrial ener(y an# to re(ulate its low& as is #isclose# 'y the unctionin( o the -a(netic poles. (BB..B) 6F:G.1I 8 , , years a(o witnesse# the inau(uration o the irst (reat lan# epoch& the a(e o increase# continental e-er(ence. (BB..F) 6F:G..0 %ince the con#ensation o the earth>s hy#rosphere& irst into the worl# ocean an# su'seAuently into the "aci ic Ocean& this latter 'o#y o water shoul# 'e visuali/e# as then coverin( nine tenths o the earth>s sur ace. ?eteors allin( into the sea accu-ulate# on the ocean 'otto-& an# -eteors are& (enerally spea3in(& co-pose# o heavy -aterials. +hose allin( on the lan# were lar(ely o,i#i/e#& su'seAuently worn #own 'y erosion& an# washe# into the ocean 'asins. +hus the ocean 'otto- (rew increasin(ly heavy& an# a##e# to this was the wei(ht o a 'o#y o water at so-e places ten -iles #eep. (BB..G) 6F:G..1 +he increasin( #ownthrust o the "aci ic Ocean operate# urther to upthrust the continental lan# -ass. =urope an# 0 rica 'e(an to rise out o the "aci ic #epths alon( with those -asses now calle# 0ustralia& Corth an# %outh 0-erica& an# the continent o 0ntarctica& while the 'e# o the "aci ic Ocean en(a(e# in a urther co-pensatory sin3in( a#;ust-ent. !y the en# o this perio# al-ost one thir# o the earth>s sur ace consiste# o lan#& all in one continental 'o#y. (BB..I) 6F:G... 2ith this increase in lan# elevation the irst cli-atic #i erences o the planet appeare#. 8an# elevation& cos-ic clou#s& an# oceanic in luences are the chie actors in cli-atic luctuation. +he 'ac3'one o the 0siatic lan# -ass reache# a hei(ht o al-ost nine -iles at the ti-e o the -a,i-ulan# e-er(ence. 9a# there 'een -uch -oisture in the air hoverin( over these hi(hly elevate# re(ions& enor-ous ice 'lan3ets woul# have or-e#; the ice a(e woul# have arrive# lon( 'e ore it #i#. 4t was several hun#re# -illions o years 'e ore so -uch lan# a(ain appeare# a'ove water. (BB3.1) 6F:G..3 7! , , years a(o the irst

'rea3s in the continental lan# -ass 'e(an as the (reat north1an#1south crac3in(& which later a#-itte# the ocean waters an# prepare# the way or the westwar# #ri t o the continents o Corth an# %outh 0-erica& inclu#in( Greenlan#. +he lon( east1an#1west cleava(e separate# 0 rica ro- =urope an# severe# the lan# -asses o 0ustralia& the "aci ic 4slan#s& an# 0ntarctica ro- the 0siatic continent. (BB3..) 6F:G..4 7 , , years a(o Urantia was approachin( the ripenin( o con#itions suita'le or the support o li e. +he continental lan# #ri t continue#; increasin(ly the ocean penetrate# the lan# as lon( in(erli3e seas provi#in( those shallow waters an# sheltere# 'ays which are so suita'le as a ha'itat or -arine li e. (BB3.3) 6F:G..6 "! , , years a(o witnesse# the urther separation o the lan# -asses an#& in conseAuence& a urther e,tension o the continental seas. 0n# these waters were rapi#ly attainin( that #e(ree o saltiness which was essential to Urantia li e. (BB3.4) 6F:G..B 4t was these seas an# their successors that lai# #own the li e recor#s o Urantia& as su'seAuently #iscovere# in well1preserve# stone pa(es& volu-e upon volu-e& as era succee#e# era an# a(e (rew upon a(e. +hese inlan# seas o ol#en ti-es were truly the cra#le o evolution. (BB3.6) 6F:G..F M"resente# 'y a 8i e $arrier& a -e-'er o the ori(inal Urantia $orps an# now a resi#ent o'server.N The Urantia Book Paper 1 The Universa! (ather7 (.1.1) 1:0.1 +9= Universal Father is the Go# o all creation& the First %ource an# $enter o all thin(s an# 'ein(s. First thin3 o Go# as a creator& then as a controller& an# lastly as an in inite uphol#er. +he truth a'out the Universal Father ha# 'e(un to #awn upon -an3in# when the prophet sai#: )@ou& Go#& are alone; there is none 'esi#e you. @ou have create# the heaven an# the heaven o heavens& with all their hosts; you preserve an# control the-. !y the %ons o Go# were the universes -a#e. +he $reator covers +he Urantia 3ertas 1 +he Universal !apa O ( .1.1 ) 1:0.1 +9= !apa Universal a#alah 0llah se-ua ciptaan& %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat se(ala sesuatu #an -a3hlu3 . "erta-a 'erpi3ir tentan( 0llah se'a(ai pencipta & -a3a se'a(ai pen(en#ali& #an tera3hir se'a(ai pene(a3 ta3 ter'atas. <e'enaran tentan( !apa Universal -ulai a;ar pa#a u-at -anusia saat na'i 'er3ata: : <au & 0llah & sen#irian & ti#a3 a#a yan( #i sa-pin( 0n#a . 0n#a telah

hi-sel with li(ht as with a (ar-ent an# stretches out the heavens as a curtain.* Only the concept o the Universal Father J one Go# in the place o -any (o#s J ena'le# -ortal -an to co-prehen# the Father as #ivine creator an# in inite controller. (.1..) 1:0.. +he -yria#s o planetary syste-s were all -a#e to 'e eventually inha'ite# 'y -any #i erent types o intelli(ent creatures& 'ein(s who coul# 3now Go#& receive the #ivine a ection& an# love hiin return. +he universe o universes is the wor3 o Go# an# the #wellin( place o his #iverse creatures. )Go# create# the heavens an# or-e# the earth; he esta'lishe# the universe an# create# this worl# not in vain; he or-e# it to 'e inha'ite#.* (.1.3) 1:0.3 +he enli(htene# worl#s all reco(ni/e an# worship the Universal Father& the eternal -a3er an# in inite uphol#er o all creation. +he will creatures o universe upon universe have e-'ar3e# upon the lon(& lon( "ara#ise ;ourney& the ascinatin( stru((le o the eternal a#venture o attainin( Go# the Father. +he transcen#ent (oal o the chil#ren o ti-e is to in# the eternal Go#& to co-prehen# the #ivine nature& to reco(ni/e the Universal Father. Go#1 3nowin( creatures have only one supre-e a-'ition& ;ust one consu-in( #esire& an# that is to 'eco-e& as they are in their spheres& li3e hi- as he is in his "ara#ise per ection o personality an# in his universal sphere o ri(hteous supre-acy. Fro- the Universal Father who inha'its eternity there has (one orth the supre-e -an#ate& )!e you per ect& even as 4 a- per ect.* 4n love an# -ercy the -essen(ers o "ara#ise have carrie# this #ivine e,hortation #own throu(h the a(es an# out throu(h the universes& even to such lowly ani-al1 ori(in creatures as the hu-an races o Urantia. (...1) 1:0.4 +his -a(ni icent an# universal in;unction to strive or the attain-ent o the per ection o #ivinity is the irst #uty& an# shoul# 'e the hi(hest a-'ition& o all the stru((lin( creature creation o the Go# o per ection. +his possi'ility o the attain-ent o #ivine per ection is the inal an# certain #estiny o all -an>s

-encipta3an lan(it #an lan(it #ari sur(a & #en(an se-ua host -ere3a& 0n#a -e-pertahan3an #an -en(en#ali3an -ere3a . Den(an 0na31ana3 0llah yan( ala- se-esta #i'uat . "encipta -eliputi #irinya #en(an cahaya seperti pa3aian #an -e-'entan(3an lan(it se'a(ai tirai : 9anya 3onsep !apa Universal 1 . %atu +uhan #i te-pat 'anya3 #ewa 1 -e-un(3in3an -anusia ana untu3 -e-aha-i !apa se'a(ai pencipta ilahi #an 3ontroler yan( ta3 ter'atas . ( .1.. ) 1:0.. +he 'er;uta siste- planet se-ua #i'uat untu3 a3hirnya #ihuni oleh 'er'a(ai ;enis -a3hlu3 cer#as & -a3hlu3 yan( 'isa -en(enal 0llah & -eneri-a 3asih sayan( ilahi & #an -encintainya se'a(ai 'alasannya . 0la- se-esta alase-esta a#alah 3arya 0llah #an te-pat tin((al -a3hlu3 yan( 'era(a- . : 0llah -encipta3an lan(it #an -e-'entu3 'u-i& ia -en#iri3an ala- se-esta #an -encipta3an #unia ini ti#a3 sia1sia & ia -e-'entu3nya untu3 #i#ia-i . : ( .1.3 ) 1:0.3 +he #unia tercerah3an se-ua -en(a3ui #an -enye-'ah !apa Universal & pe-'uat a'a#i #an pene(a3 ta3 ter'atas #ari se-ua ciptaan. <e-auan -a3hlu3 ala- se-esta pa#a ala- se-esta telah -e-ulai pa#a pan;an( & per;alanan "ara#ise pan;an(& per;uan(an yan( -enari3 #ari petualan(an 3e3al -encapai 0llah !apa . +u;uan transen#en ana31ana3 wa3tu a#alah untu3 -ene-u3an 0llah yan( 3e3al & untu3 -e-aha-i si at ilahi & untu3 -en(enali !apa Universal . ?a3hlu3 +uhan 1 tahu hanya -e-ili3i satu a-'isi tertin((i & hanya satu 3ein(inan -en(3onsu-si & #an itu a#alah untu3 -en;a#i & 3arena -ere3a #ala'i#an( -ere3a & seperti saat ia 'era#a #i sur(a 3ese-purnaannya 3epri'a#ian #an #ala- lin(3up yan( universal tentan( supre-asi 'enar . Dari !apa Universal yan( -en#ia-i 3e3e3alan #isini telah -enin((al3an 3e#uniawian -an#at tertin((i & : Da#ilah en(3au se-purna& sa-a seperti saya se-purna. : Dala3asih #an 'elas 3asihan para utusan sur(a telah -ela3u3an seruan ilahi ini sela-a 'era'a#1a'a# #an 3eluar -elalui ala- se-esta & 'ah3an se#e-i3ian

eternal spiritual pro(ress. (....) 1:0.6 Urantia -ortals can har#ly hope to 'e per ect in the in inite sense& 'ut it is entirely possi'le or hu-an 'ein(s& startin( out as they #o on this planet& to attain the supernal an# #ivine (oal which the in inite Go# has set or -ortal -an; an# when they #o achieve this #estiny& they will& in all that pertains to sel 1 reali/ation an# -in# attain-ent& 'e ;ust as replete in their sphere o #ivine per ection as Go# hi-sel is in his sphere o in inity an# eternity. %uch per ection -ay not 'e universal in the -aterial sense& unli-ite# in intellectual (rasp& or inal in spiritual e,perience& 'ut it is inal an# co-plete in all inite aspects o #ivinity o will& per ection o personality -otivation& an# Go#1consciousness. (...3) 1:0.B +his is the true -eanin( o that #ivine co--an#& )!e you per ect& even as 4 a- per ect&* which ever ur(es -ortal -an onwar# an# 'ec3ons hi- inwar# in that lon( an# ascinatin( stru((le or the attain-ent o hi(her an# hi(her levels o spiritual values an# true universe -eanin(s. +his su'li-e search or the Go# o universes is the supre-e a#venture o the inha'itants o all the worl#s o ti-e an# space. 1. The (athers 8a&e (...4) 1:1.1 O all the na-es 'y which Go# the Father is 3nown throu(hout the universes& those which #esi(nate hi- as the First %ource an# the Universe $enter are -ost o ten encountere#. +he First Father is 3nown 'y various na-es in #i erent universes an# in #i erent sectors o the sa-e universe. +he na-es which the creature assi(ns to the $reator are -uch #epen#ent on the creature>s concept o the $reator. +he First %ource an# Universe $enter has never reveale# hi-sel 'y na-e& only 'y nature. 4 we 'elieve that we are the chil#ren o this $reator& it is only natural that we shoul# eventually call hi- Father. !ut this is the na-e o our own choosin(& an# it (rows out o the reco(nition o our personal relationship with the First %ource an# $enter. (...6) 1:1.. +he Universal Father never i-poses any or- o ar'itrary reco(nition& or-al worship& or slavish service upon the intelli(ent will creatures

ren#ah -a3hlu3 hewan 1 asal se'a(ai ras -anusia Urantia . ( ...1 ) 1:0.4 4ni perintah -e(ah #an universal untu3 'er;uan( untu3 pencapaian 3ese-purnaan 3etuhanan a#alah tu(as perta-a & #an harus -en;a#i a-'isi tertin((i & #ari se-ua penciptaan -a3hlu3 'er;uan( #ari 0llah 3ese-purnaan . 4ni 3e-un(3inan pencapaian 3ese-purnaan ilahi a#alah tu;uan a3hir #an 'e'erapa 3e-a;uan rohani yan( 3e3al se-ua -anusia . ( .... ) 1:0.6 Urantia -anusia ti#a3 'isa 'erharap untu3 -en;a#i se-purna #alaarti ta3 ter'atas& tetapi san(atlah -un(3in 'a(i -anusia & -ulai 3eluar seperti yan( -ere3a la3u3an #i planet ini & untu3 -encapai tu;uan ilahi #an ilahi yan( 0llah yan( ta3 ter'atas telah -enetap3an 'a(i -anusia ana & #an 3eti3a -ere3a la3u3an -encapai tu;uan ini& -ere3a a3an & #ala- se(ala hal yan( 'er3aitan #en(an realisasi #iri #an pencapaian pi3iran& hanya se'a(ai penuh #ala- lin(3up -ere3a 3ese-purnaan ilahi 0llah sen#iri #ala- lin(3un(an1nya ta3 terhin((a #an 3e3e3alan . <ese-purnaan terse'ut ti#a3 'ersi at universal #ala- arti -ateri & ter'atas #ala- (en((a-an intele3tual & atau a3hir #ala- pen(ala-an rohani& tetapi itu a#alah inal #an len(3ap #ala- se-ua aspe3 ter'atas 3eilahian 3ehen#a3 & 3ese-purnaan -otivasi 3epri'a#ian & #an 3esa#aran +uhan . ( ...3 ) 1:0.B ini a#alah arti se'enarnya #ari itu perintah ilahi & : Da#ilah en(3au se-purna& sa-a seperti saya se-purna& : yan( pernah -en#esa3 ana -anusia yan( san(at -a;u #an -en(un#an( #ia 3e #ala- #ala- per;uan(an pan;an( #an -enari3 untu3 pencapaian yan( le'ih tin((i #an tin(3at yan( le'ih tin((i nilai1 nilai spiritual #an -a3na se-esta 'enar. 4ni pencarian luhur untu3 +uhan alase-esta a#alah petualan(an tertin((i #ari pen#u#u3 seluruh #unia #ari wa3tu #an ruan( . 1 . Ca-a !apa ( ...4 ) 1:1.1 Dari se-ua na-a #en(an

o the universes. +he evolutionary inha'itants o the worl#s o ti-e an# space -ust o the-selves J in their own hearts J reco(ni/e& love& an# voluntarily worship hi-. +he $reator re uses to coerce or co-pel the su'-ission o the spiritual ree wills o his -aterial creatures. +he a ectionate #e#ication o the hu-an will to the #oin( o the Father>s will is -an>s choicest (i t to Go#; in act& such a consecration o creature will constitutes -an>s only possi'le (i t o true value to the "ara#ise Father. 4n Go#& -an lives& -oves& an# has his 'ein(; there is nothin( which -an can (ive to Go# e,cept this choosin( to a'i#e 'y the Father>s will& an# such #ecisions& e ecte# 'y the intelli(ent will creatures o the universes& constitute the reality o that true worship which is so satis yin( to the love1#o-inate# nature o the $reator Father. (...B) 1:1.3 2hen you have once 'eco-e truly Go#1conscious& a ter you really #iscover the -a;estic $reator an# 'e(in to e,perience the reali/ation o the in#wellin( presence o the #ivine controller& then& in accor#ance with your enli(hten-ent an# in accor#ance with the -anner an# -etho# 'y which the #ivine %ons reveal Go#& you will in# a na-e or the Universal Father which will 'e a#eAuately e,pressive o your concept o the First Great %ource an# $enter. 0n# so& on #i erent worl#s an# in various universes& the $reator 'eco-es 3nown 'y nu-erous appellations& in spirit o relationship all -eanin( the sa-e 'ut& in wor#s an# sy-'ols& each na-e stan#in( or the #e(ree& the #epth& o his enthrone-ent in the hearts o his creatures o any (iven real-. (.3.1) 1:1.4 Cear the center o the universe o universes& the Universal Father is (enerally 3nown 'y na-es which -ay 'e re(ar#e# as -eanin( the First %ource. Farther out in the universes o space& the ter-s e-ploye# to #esi(nate the Universal Father -ore o ten -ean the Universal $enter. %till arther out in the starry creation& he is 3nown& as on the hea#Auarters worl# o your local universe& as the First $reative %ource an# Divine $enter. 4n one near1'y constellation Go# is calle# the Father o

-ana 0llah !apa #i3enal #i seluruh alase-esta & -ere3a yan( -enun;u3 #ia se'a(ai %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat Universe yan( palin( serin( #ite-ui . !apa "erta-a #i3enal #en(an 'er'a(ai na-a #i se-esta yan( 'er'e#a #an #i 'er'a(ai se3tor ala- se-esta yan( sa-a . Ca-a1na-a yan( -e-'eri3an -a3hlu3 3epa#a %an( "encipta ;auh ter(antun( pa#a 3onsep -a3hlu3 %an( "encipta . "erta-a %u-'er #an Universe "usat ti#a3 pernah -en(un(3ap3an #irinya #en(an na-a & hanya oleh ala- . Di3a 3ita percaya 'ahwa 3ita a#alah ana31ana3 "encipta ini & wa;ar sa;a 'ahwa 3ita a3hirnya harus -e-an((ilnya 0yah . +api ini a#alah na-a yan( 3ita pilih & #an tu-'uh #ari pen(a3uan hu'un(an pri'a#i 3ita #en(an %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat . ( ..&6 ) 1:1.. !apa Universal pernah -e-a3sa3an 'entu3 pen(a3uan sewenan(1wenan( & i'a#ah or-al & atau layanan seperti 'u#a3 pa#a 3ehen#a3 -a3hlu3 cer#as #ari ala- se-esta . "en#u#u3 evolusi #ari #unia ruan( #an wa3tu harus #ari #iri -ere3a sen#iri 1 #i #ala- hati -ere3a sen#iri 1 -en(enal & -en(asihi #an -enye-'ah Dia secara su3arela . "encipta -enola3 untu3 -e-a3sa atau -e-a3sa penyerahan 3ehen#a3 'e'as spiritual -a3hlu3 -aterialnya. +he sayan( #e#i3asi 3ehen#a3 -anusia untu3 -ela3u3an 3ehen#a3 !apa a#alah 3arunia terpilih -anusia 3epa#a 0llah & 'ah3an& suatu pentah'isan seperti -a3hlu3 a3an -erupa3an hanya -un(3in ha#iah -anusia #ari nilai se'enarnya !apa sur(a . Dala- +uhan & -anusia hi#up & 'er(era3 & #an -e-ili3i 3e'era#aannya & ti#a3 a#a yan( -anusia #apat -e-'eri3an 3epa#a 0llah 3ecuali ini -e-ilih untu3 -e-atuhi 3ehen#a3 !apa & #an 3eputusan terse'ut & #ipen(aruhi oleh 3ehen#a3 -a3hlu3 cer#as #ari ala- se-esta & -erupa3an realitas 'ahwa penye-'ahan yan( 'enar yan( le'ih -e-uas3an 'a(i si at #i#o-inasi cinta 1 #ari !apa "encipta . ( ...B ) 1:1.3 !ila 0n#a telah pernah -en;a#i 'enar1'enar 0llah 1 sa#ar & setelah 0n#a 'enar1'enar -ene-u3an

Universes. 4n another& the 4n inite Uphol#er& an# to the east& the Divine $ontroller. 9e has also 'een #esi(nate# the Father o 8i(hts& the Gi t o 8i e& an# the 0ll1power ul One. (.3..) 1:1.6 On those worl#s where a "ara#ise %on has live# a 'estowal li e& Go# is (enerally 3nown 'y so-e na-e in#icative o personal relationship& ten#er a ection& an# atherly #evotion. On your constellation hea#Auarters Go# is re erre# to as the Universal Father& an# on #i erent planets in your local systeo inha'ite# worl#s he is variously 3nown as the Father o Fathers& the "ara#ise Father& the 9avona Father& an# the %pirit Father. +hose who 3now Go# throu(h the revelations o the 'estowals o the "ara#ise %ons& eventually yiel# to the senti-ental appeal o the touchin( relationship o the creature1$reator association an# re er to Go# as )our Father.* (.3.3) 1:1.B On a planet o se, creatures& in a worl# where the i-pulses o parental e-otion are inherent in the hearts o its intelli(ent 'ein(s& the ter- Father 'eco-es a very e,pressive an# appropriate na-e or the eternal Go#. 9e is 'est 3nown& -ost universally ac3nowle#(e#& on your planet& Urantia& 'y the na-e *od. +he na-e he is (iven is o little i-portance; the si(ni icant thin( is that you shoul# 3now hi- an# aspire to 'e li3e hi-. @our prophets o ol# truly calle# hi- )the everlastin( Go#* an# re erre# to hi- as the one who )inha'its eternity.* 2. The *ea!ity of God (.3.4) 1:..1 Go# is pri-al reality in the spirit worl#; Go# is the source o truth in the -in# spheres; Go# oversha#ows all throu(hout the -aterial real-s. +o all create# intelli(ences Go# is a personality& an# to the universe o universes he is the First %ource an# $enter o eternal reality. Go# is neither -anli3e nor -achineli3e. +he First Father is universal spirit& eternal truth& in inite reality& an# ather personality. (.3.6) 1:... +he eternal Go# is in initely -ore than reality i#eali/e# or the universe personali/e#. Go# is not si-ply the supre-e #esire o -an& the -ortal Auest o';ecti ie#. Ceither is Go# -erely a

"encipta -e(ah #an -ulai -en(ala-i realisasi 3eha#iran 'er#ia-nya #ari 3ontroler ilahi & -a3a & sesuai #en(an pencerahan #an sesuai #en(an cara #an -eto#e yan( 0na31ana3 ilahi -enyata3an 0llah & 0n#a a3an -ene-u3an na-a untu3 !apa Universal yan( a3an cu3up e3spresi 3onsep 0n#a tentan( "erta-a %u-'er 0(un( #an "usat . ?a3a pa#a #unia yan( 'er'e#a #an #i 'er'a(ai ala- se-esta & %an( "encipta -en;a#i #i3enal oleh 'anya3 se'utan & #ala- roh hu'un(an se-ua 'erarti sa-a tetapi & #ala- 3ata13ata #an si-'ol & setiap na-a 'er#iri untu3 (elar & 3e#ala-an & #ari peno'atannya #i hati ciptaan1Cya #ari setiap wilayah tertentu . ( .3.1 ) 1:1.4 De3at pusat ala- se-esta ala- se-esta & !apa Universal u-u-nya #i3enal #en(an na-a yan( #apat #ian((ap se'a(ai -a3na %u-'er "erta-a . 8e'ih ;auh #i ala- se-esta ruan( & istilah yan( #i(una3an untu3 -enun;u3 !apa Universal le'ih serin( 'erarti Universal $enter. ?asih ;auh 3eluar #ala- penciptaan 'er'intan(& ia #i3enal & seperti pa#a #unia -ar3as alase-esta lo3al & se'a(ai %u-'er <reati "erta-a #an 4lahi $enter. Dala- satu #e3at1oleh 3onstelasi +uhan #ise'ut !apa Universes . Di lain& "enopan( +a3 +er'atas & #an #i se'elah ti-ur & $ontroller 4lahi . 4a ;u(a telah #itun;u3 !apa3 8i(hts & 9a#iah <ehi#upan & #an One 1 3uat . ( .3.. ) 1:1&6 "a#a #unia1#unia #i -ana %on "ara#ise telah -en;alani 3ehi#upan pen(anu(erahan & 0llah u-u-nya #i3enal oleh 'e'erapa na-a -enan#a3an hu'un(an pri'a#i& 3asih sayan( yan( le-'ut & #an #evosi seoran( ayah . Di -ar3as 3onstelasi 0llah-u #ise'ut se'a(ai !apa Universal & #an #i planet yan( 'er'e#a #ala- siste- lo3al 0n#a #unia #ihuni #ia 'er'a(ai cara yan( #i3enal se'a(ai !apa3 !apa & !apa sur(a & !apa 9avona & #an !apa Hoh . ?ere3a yan( -en(enal +uhan -elalui wahyu #ari 'estowals #ari %ons "ara#ise & a3hirnya -enyerah pa#a #aya tari3 senti-ental #ari hu'un(an -enyentuh asosiasi -a3hlu3 1 "encipta #an -enye'ut 0llah se'a(ai : !apa 3ita . :

concept& the power1potential o ri(hteousness. +he Universal Father is not a synony- or nature& neither is he natural law personi ie#. Go# is a transcen#ent reality& not -erely -an>s tra#itional concept o supre-e values. Go# is not a psycholo(ical ocali/ation o spiritual -eanin(s& neither is he )the no'lest wor3 o -an.* Go# -ay 'e any or all o these concepts in the -in#s o -en& 'ut he is -ore. 9e is a savin( person an# a lovin( Father to all who en;oy spiritual peace on earth& an# who crave to e,perience personality survival in #eath. (.4.1) 1:..3 +he actuality o the e,istence o Go# is #e-onstrate# in hu-an e,perience 'y the in#wellin( o the #ivine presence& the spirit ?onitor sent ro"ara#ise to live in the -ortal -in# o -an an# there to assist in evolvin( the i--ortal soul o eternal survival. +he presence o this #ivine 0#;uster in the hu-an -in# is #isclose# 'y three e,periential pheno-ena: (.4..) 1:..4 1. +he intellectual capacity or 3nowin( Go# J Go#1consciousness. (.4.3) 1:..6 .. +he spiritual ur(e to in# Go# J Go#1see3in(. (.4.4) 1:..B 3. +he personality cravin( to 'e li3e Go# J the wholehearte# #esire to #o the Father>s will. (.4.6) 1:..F +he e,istence o Go# can never 'e prove# 'y scienti ic e,peri-ent or 'y the pure reason o lo(ical #e#uction. Go# can 'e reali/e# only in the real-s o hu-an e,perience; nevertheless& the true concept o the reality o Go# is reasona'le to lo(ic& plausi'le to philosophy& essential to reli(ion& an# in#ispensa'le to any hope o personality survival. (.4.B) 1:..G +hose who 3now Go# have e,perience# the act o his presence; such Go#13nowin( -ortals hol# in their personal e,perience the only positive proo o the e,istence o the livin( Go# which one hu-an 'ein( can o er to another. +he e,istence o Go# is utterly 'eyon# all possi'ility o #e-onstration e,cept or the contact 'etween the Go#1 consciousness o the hu-an -in# an# the Go#1presence o the +hou(ht 0#;uster that in#wells the -ortal intellect an# is 'estowe# upon -an as the ree (i t o the Universal Father.

( .3.3 ) 1:1.B "a#a planet -a3hlu3 se3s & #i #unia #i -ana #oron(an e-osi oran(tua yan( -ele3at #i hati -a3hlu3 cer#as & !apa istilah -en;a#i na-a yan( san(at e3spresi #an sesuai untu3 0llah yan( 3e3al . 4a palin( #i3enal & palin( universal #ia3ui & #i planet 0n#a & Urantia & oleh 0llah na-a . Ca-a #ia #i'eri3an ti#a3 terlalu pentin( & hal yan( pentin( a#alah 'ahwa 0n#a harus tahu #ia #an 'ercita1cita -en;a#i seperti #ia . Ca'i 0n#a tua yan( 'enar1'enar -enye'utnya : 0llah yan( 3e3al : #an -enye'utnya se'a(ai oran( yan( : -en(huni 3ea'a#ian. : . . Healitas 0llah ( .3.4 ) 1:..1 0llah a#alah realitas terpentin( #ala- #unia roh & +uhan a#alah su-'er 3e'enaran #ala- lin(3up pi3iran& 0llah -e-'ayan(i #i seluruh ala- -aterial. Untu3 se-ua #icipta3an 0llah a#alah 3ecer#asan 3epri'a#ian & #an ala- se-esta ala- se-esta #ia a#alah %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat realitas a'a#i . +uhan 'u3anlah seperti la3i1la3i -aupun -achineli3e . !apa "erta-a a#alah roh universal 3e'enaran a'a#i & realitas ta3 ter'atas & #an 3epri'a#ian ayah . ( .3.6 ) 1:... 0llah yan( a'a#i a#alah ;auh le'ih #aripa#a 3enyataan #ii#eal3an atau ala- se-esta pri'a#i . 0llah ti#a3 hanya 3ein(inan tertin((i -anusia & pencarian ana o';e3ti i3asi . !ai3 0llah se'atas 3onsep & 3e3uatan 1 potensi 3e'enaran. !apa Universal 'u3anlah sinoni- untu3 ala-& yan( pentin( 'u3anlah hu3u- ala#ipersoni i3asi3an . 0llah a#alah realitas transen#en & 'u3an hanya 3onsep tra#isional -anusia nilai tertin((i. +uhan 'u3anlah o3alisasi psi3olo(is -a3na spiritual & yan( pentin( 'u3anlah : pe3er;aan -ulia -anusia . : +uhan -un(3in salah satu atau se-ua 3onsep1 3onsep #ala- pi3iran -anusia & tetapi ia le'ih . Dia a#alah oran( yan( -enyi-pan #an !apa yan( penuh 3asih untu3 se-ua oran( yan( -eni3-ati 3e#a-aian spiritual #i 'u-i& #an yan( -en#a-'a3an untu3 -en(ala-i hi#up

(.4.F) 1:..I

4n theory you -ay thin3 o Go# as the $reator& an# he is the personal creator o "ara#ise an# the central universe o per ection& 'ut the universes o ti-e an# space are all create# an# or(ani/e# 'y the "ara#ise corps o the $reator %ons. +he Universal Father is not the personal creator o the local universe o Ce'a#on; the universe in which you live is the creation o his %on ?ichael. +hou(h the Father #oes not personally create the evolutionary universes& he #oes control the- in -any o their universal relationships an# in certain o their -ani estations o physical& -in#al& an# spiritual ener(ies. Go# the Father is the personal creator o the "ara#ise universe an#& in association with the =ternal %on& the creator o all other personal universe $reators. (.4.G) 1:..10 0s a physical controller in the -aterial universe o universes& the First %ource an# $enter unctions in the patterns o the eternal 4sle o "ara#ise& an# throu(h this a'solute (ravity center the eternal Go# e,ercises cos-ic overcontrol o the physical level eAually in the central universe an# throu(hout the universe o universes. 0s -in#& Go# unctions in the Deity o the 4n inite %pirit; as spirit& Go# is -ani est in the person o the =ternal %on an# in the persons o the #ivine chil#ren o the =ternal %on. +his interrelation o the First %ource an# $enter with the co1or#inate "ersons an# 0'solutes o "ara#ise #oes not in the least preclu#e the direct personal action o the Universal Father throu(hout all creation an# on all levels thereo . +hrou(h the presence o his ra(-enti/e# spirit the $reator Father -aintains i--e#iate contact with his creature chil#ren an# his create# universes. 3. God is a Universa! )pirit (.6.1) 1:3.1 )Go# is spirit.* 9e is a universal spiritual presence. +he Universal Father is an in inite spiritual reality; he is )the soverei(n& eternal& i--ortal& invisi'le& an# only true Go#.* =ven thou(h you are )the o sprin( o Go#&* you ou(ht not to thin3 that the Father is li3e yourselves in or- an# physiAue 'ecause you are sai# to 'e create# )in his i-a(e* J in#welt 'y ?ystery ?onitors #ispatche# ro- the

3epri'a#ian #ala- 3e-atian . ( .4.1 ) 1:..3 +he a3tualitas e3sistensi +uhan #itun;u33an #ala- pen(ala-an -anusia #en(an 'er#ia-nya 3eha#iran ilahi & se-an(at -onitor #i3iri- #ari sur(a untu3 hi#up #ala- pi3iran -anusia ana #an a#a untu3 -e-'antu #ala-en(e-'an(3an ;iwa a'a#i 3elan(sun(an hi#up yan( 3e3al . <eha#iran 0#;uster ilahi ini #ala- pi3iran -anusia #iun(3ap3an oleh ti(a eno-ena pen(ala-an : ( .4.. ) 1:..4 1 . <apasitas intele3tual untu3 -en(enal 0llah 1 3esa#aran +uhan . ( .4.3 ) 1:..6 . . Desa3an spiritual -ene-u3an +uhan 1 +uhan 1 cari. (.4&4) 1:..B 3 . <ein(inan 3epri'a#ian untu3 -en;a#i seperti 0llah 1 3ein(inan sepenuh hati untu3 -ela3u3an 3ehen#a3 !apa . ( .4&6 ) 1:..F <e'era#aan +uhan ti#a3 #apat #i'u3ti3an #en(an e3speri-en il-iah atau #en(an alasan -urni #e#u3si lo(is . +uhan hanya #apat #irealisasi3an #i ala- pen(ala-an -anusia & na-un& 3onsep se'enarnya #ari realitas 0llah a#alah wa;ar untu3 lo(i3a & -asu3 a3al untu3 ilsa at& pentin( untu3 a(a-a & #an san(at #iperlu3an untu3 setiap harapan hi#up 3epri'a#ian. ( .4.B ) 1:..G ?ere3a yan( -en(enal +uhan telah -en(ala-i 3enyataan 3eha#irannya; seperti 0llah -en(etahui -anusia terus #ala- pen(ala-an pri'a#i -ere3a satu1satunya 'u3ti positi #ari 3e'era#aan 0llah yan( hi#up yan( -ana -anusia #apat -enawar3an yan( lain . <e'era#aan 0llah sa-a se3ali -ela-paui se(ala 3e-un(3inan #e-onstrasi 3ecuali untu3 3onta3 antara 0llah 1 3esa#aran pi3iran -anusia #an 0llah 1 3eha#iran 0#;uster "e-i3iran yan( -en#ia-i 3ecer#asan -anusia #an #i'eri3an 3epa#a -anusia se'a(ai ha#iah (ratis #ari Universal !apa . ( .4.F ) 1:..I %ecara teori 0n#a -un(3in 'erpi3ir tentan( 0llah se'a(ai "encipta &

central a'o#e o his eternal presence. %pirit 'ein(s are real& notwithstan#in( they are invisi'le to hu-an eyes; even thou(h they have not lesh an# 'loo#. (.6..) 1:3.. %ai# the seer o ol#: )8o& he (oes 'y -e& an# 4 see hi- not; he passes on also& 'ut 4 perceive hi- not.* 2e -ay constantly o'serve the wor3s o Go#& we -ay 'e hi(hly conscious o the -aterial evi#ences o his -a;estic con#uct& 'ut rarely -ay we (a/e upon the visi'le -ani estation o his #ivinity& not even to 'ehol# the presence o his #ele(ate# spirit o hu-an in#wellin(. (.6.3) 1:3.3 +he Universal Father is not invisi'le 'ecause he is hi#in( hi-sel away ro- the lowly creatures o -aterialistic han#icaps an# li-ite# spiritual en#ow-ents. +he situation rather is: )@ou cannot see -y ace& or no -ortal can see -e an# live.* Co -aterial -an coul# 'ehol# the spirit Go# an# preserve his -ortal e,istence. +he (lory an# the spiritual 'rilliance o the #ivine personality presence is i-possi'le o approach 'y the lower (roups o spirit 'ein(s or 'y any or#er o -aterial personalities. +he spiritual lu-inosity o the Father>s personal presence is a )li(ht which no -ortal -an can approach; which no -aterial creature has seen or can see.* !ut it is not necessary to see Go# with the eyes o the lesh in or#er to #iscern hi- 'y the aith1vision o the spirituali/e# -in#. (.6.4) 1:3.4 +he spirit nature o the Universal Father is share# ully with his coe,istent sel & the =ternal %on o "ara#ise. !oth the Father an# the %on in li3e -anner share the universal an# eternal spirit ully an# unreserve#ly with their con;oint personality co1or#inate& the 4n inite %pirit. Go#>s spirit is& in an# o hi-sel & a'solute; in the %on it is unAuali ie#& in the %pirit& universal& an# in an# 'y all o the-& in inite. (.6.6) 1:3.6 Go# is a universal spirit; Go# is the universal person. +he supre-e personal reality o the inite creation is spirit; the ulti-ate reality o the personal cos-os is a'sonite spirit. Only the levels o in inity are a'solute& an# only on such levels is there inality o oneness 'etween -atter& -in#& an# spirit. (.6.B) 1:3.B 4n the universes Go# the Father

#an #ia a#alah pencipta pri'a#i sur(a #an ala- se-esta ten(ah 3ese-purnaan & na-un ala- se-esta ruan( #an wa3tu se-ua #icipta3an #an #iselen((ara3an oleh "ara#ise <orps %ons "encipta . !apa Universal 'u3anlah pencipta pri'a#i #ari ala- se-esta lo3al Ce'a#on & alase-esta #i -ana 0n#a tin((al a#alah penciptaan 0na31Cya ?ichael . ?es3ipun !apa ti#a3 -encipta3an ala- se-esta pri'a#i evolusi & #ia -en(en#ali3an -ere3a #ala- 'anya3 hu'un(an universal -ere3a #an #ala- 'e'erapa -ani estasi isi3 -ere3a & -in#al & #an spiritual ener(i . 0llah !apa a#alah pencipta ala- se-esta pri'a#i #ari sur(a #an & 'er3aitan #en(an "utra 0'a#i & pencipta se-ua <reator se-esta pri'a#i lainnya . ( .4&G ) 1:..10 %e'a(ai pen(ontrol isi3 #i ala- se-esta -ateri ala- se-esta & %u-'er "erta-a #an un(si "usat #alapola 4sle 3e3al #i #ala- sur(a & #an -elalui pusat (ravitasi -utla3 0llah yan( 3e3al latihan overcontrol 3os-i3 tin(3at isi3 yan( sa-a #i ala- se-esta pusat #an seluruh ala- se-esta alase-esta . %e'a(ai pi3iran& un(si +uhan #ala- <etuhanan Hoh +a3 +er'atas & se'a(ai roh & 0llah nyata #ala- pri'a#i "utra 0'a#i #an oran(1oran( #ari ana31 ana3 ilahi "utra 0'a#i . 4ni interelasi %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat #en(an Oran( 3oor#inasi #an -utla3 sur(a ti#a3 se#i3it pun -en(halan(i tin#a3an pri'a#i lan(sun( #ari !apa Universal seluruh penciptaan #an pa#a se-ua tin(3atan terse'ut. ?elalui 3eha#iran roh ra(-enti/e# nya !apa "encipta -e-pertahan3an 3onta3 lan(sun( #en(an -a3hlu3 1Cya ana31ana3 #an ala- se-esta #icipta3an 1Cya . 3 . 0llah a#alah Hoh Universal ( .6.1 ) 1:3.1 : 0llah a#alah roh . : 4a a#alah suatu 3eha#iran spiritual universal. !apa Universal -erupa3an realitas spiritual ta3 ter'atas& : . @an( 'er#aulat& 3e3al & a'a#i& ta3 terlihat & #an hanya 0llah yan( 'enar : #ia ?es3ipun 0n#a : 3eturunan 0llah & : 0n#a seharusnya ti#a3 'erpi3ir 'ahwa !apa a#alah seperti #iri #i 'entu3 #an isi3

is& in potential& the overcontroller o -atter& -in#& an# spirit. Only 'y -eans o his ar1 lun( personality circuit #oes Go# #eal #irectly with the personalities o his vast creation o will creatures& 'ut he is contacta'le (outsi#e o "ara#ise) only in the presences o his ra(-ente# entities& the will o Go# a'roa# in the universes. +his "ara#ise spirit that in#wells the -in#s o the -ortals o ti-e an# there osters the evolution o the i--ortal soul o the survivin( creature is o the nature an# #ivinity o the Universal Father. !ut the -in#s o such evolutionary creatures ori(inate in the local universes an# -ust (ain #ivine per ection 'y achievin( those e,periential trans or-ations o spiritual attain-ent which are the inevita'le result o a creature>s choosin( to #o the will o the Father in heaven. (.B.1) 1:3.F 4n the inner e,perience o -an& -in# is ;oine# to -atter. %uch -aterial1 lin3e# -in#s cannot survive -ortal #eath. +he techniAue o survival is e-'race# in those a#;ust-ents o the hu-an will an# those trans or-ations in the -ortal -in# where'y such a Go#1 conscious intellect (ra#ually 'eco-es spirit tau(ht an# eventually spirit le#. +his evolution o the hu-an -in# ro-atter association to spirit union results in the trans-utation o the potentially spirit phases o the -ortal -in# into the -orontia realities o the i--ortal soul. ?ortal -in# su'servient to -atter is #estine# to 'eco-e increasin(ly -aterial an# conseAuently to su er eventual personality e,tinction; -in# yiel#e# to spirit is #estine# to 'eco-e increasin(ly spiritual an# ulti-ately to achieve oneness with the survivin( an# (ui#in( #ivine spirit an# in this way to attain survival an# eternity o personality e,istence. (.B..) 1:3.G 4 co-e orth ro- the =ternal& an# 4 have repeate#ly returne# to the presence o the Universal Father. 4 3now o the actuality an# personality o the First %ource an# $enter& the =ternal an# Universal Father. 4 3now that& while the (reat Go# is a'solute& eternal& an# in inite& he is also (oo#& #ivine& an# (racious. 4 3now the truth o the (reat #eclarations: )Go# is spirit* an# )Go# is

3arena 0n#a #i3ata3an #icipta3an : -enurut (a-'ar1Cya : 1 #i#ia-i oleh ?onitor ?isteri #i3iri- #ari te-pat tin((al uta-a 3eha#iran 1Cya yan( 3e3al . ?a3hlu3 roh a#alah nyata & -es3ipun -ere3a ti#a3 terlihat oleh -ata -anusia & -es3ipun -ere3a ti#a3 -e-ili3i #a(in( #an #arah . ( .6.. ) 1:3.. %ai# pelihat tua : : . 8o & #ia per(i oleh saya & #an saya -elihat #ia ti#a3 & ia -elewati pa#a ;u(a & tapi saya -e-an#an( #ia ti#a3 : <ita -un(3in terus -en(a-ati 3arya13arya +uhan & 3ita -un(3in san(at sa#ar a3an 'aran( 'u3ti perila3u -e(ah & tetapi -un(3in ;aran( 3ita -elihat 3e atas -ani estasi nyata #ari 3eilahian1Cya & 'ah3an ti#a3 untu3 #ilihat 3eha#iran ;iwanya #i#ele(asi3an #ari 'er#ia-nya -anusia. ( .6.3 ) 1:3.3 !apa Universal ti#a3 terlihat 3arena ia -enye-'unyi3an #iri #ari -a3hlu3 hina cacat -aterialistis #an 3arunia rohani yan( ter'atas . %ituasi a(a3 a#alah : : 0n#a ti#a3 #apat -elihat wa;ah saya & 3arena ti#a3 a#a -anusia yan( #apat -elihat saya #an hi#up . : +i#a3 a#a oran( -ateri 'isa -elihat roh 0llah #an -elestari3an 3e'era#aan ana . <e-uliaan #an 3ece-erlan(an spiritual 3eha#iran 3epri'a#ian ilahi ti#a3 -un(3in pen#e3atan #en(an 3elo-po3 yan( le'ih ren#ah #ari -a3hlu3 roh atau oleh urutan 3epri'a#ian -aterial. 8u-inositas spiritual 3eha#iran pri'a#i !apa a#alah : cahaya yan( a#a -anusia ana 'isa -en#e3ati & yan( a#a -a3hlu3 -ateri telah -elihat atau 'isa -elihat . : +api itu ti#a3 perlu -elihat 0llah #en(an -ata #a(in( #ala- ran(3a untu3 -elihat #ia #en(an i-an 1 visi #ari pi3iran spiritualisasi . ( .6.4 ) 1:3.4 %e-an(at si at !apa Universal #i'a(i sepenuhnya #en(an #iri 1Cya hi#up 'er#a-pin(an & "utra 0'a#i "ara#ise . <e#ua !apa #an 0na3 secara seperti 'er'a(i se-an(at universal #an a'a#i penuh #an tanpa syarat #en(an con;oint 3epri'a#ian -ere3a 3oor#inasi & Hoh +a3 +er'atas . Hoh 0llah a#alah& #ala- #an #ari #irinya sen#iri & -utla3& #i #ala- 0na3 itu a#alah wa;ar tanpa pen(ecualian & #ala- Hoh & universal& #an

love&* an# these two attri'utes are -ost co-pletely reveale# to the universe in the =ternal %on. $. The 3ystery of God (.B.3) 1:4.1 +he in inity o the per ection o Go# is such that it eternally constitutes hi- -ystery. 0n# the (reatest o all the un atho-a'le -ysteries o Go# is the pheno-enon o the #ivine in#wellin( o -ortal -in#s. +he -anner in which the Universal Father so;ourns with the creatures o ti-e is the -ost pro oun# o all universe -ysteries; the #ivine presence in the -in# o -an is the -ystery o -ysteries. (.B.4) 1:4.. +he physical 'o#ies o -ortals are )the te-ples o Go#.* Cotwithstan#in( that the %overei(n $reator %ons co-e near the creatures o their inha'ite# worl#s an# )#raw all -en to the-selves*; thou(h they )stan# at the #oor* o consciousness )an# 3noc3* an# #eli(ht to co-e in to all who will )open the #oors o their hearts*; althou(h there #oes e,ist this inti-ate personal co--union 'etween the $reator %ons an# their -ortal creatures& nevertheless& -ortal -en have so-ethin( ro- Go# hi-sel which actually #wells within the-; their 'o#ies are the te-ples thereo . (.B.6) 1:4.3 2hen you are throu(h #own here& when your course has 'een run in te-porary or- on earth& when your trial trip in the lesh is inishe#& when the #ust that co-poses the -ortal ta'ernacle )returns to the earth whence it ca-e*; then& it is reveale#& the in#wellin( )%pirit shall return to Go# who (ave it.* +here so;ourns within each -oral 'ein( o this planet a ra(-ent o Go#& a part an# parcel o #ivinity. 4t is not yet yours 'y ri(ht o possession& 'ut it is #esi(ne#ly inten#e# to 'e one with you i you survive the -ortal e,istence. (.B.B) 1:4.4 2e are constantly con ronte# with this -ystery o Go#; we are nonpluse# 'y the increasin( un ol#in( o the en#less panora-a o the truth o his in inite (oo#ness& en#less -ercy& -atchless wis#o-& an# super' character. (.B.F) 1:4.6 +he #ivine -ystery consists in the inherent #i erence which e,ists 'etween the inite an# the in inite& the te-poral an# the eternal& the ti-e1space creature

#ala- #an oleh -ere3a se-ua & ta3 ter'atas. ( .6&6 ) 1:3.6 0llah a#alah roh universal& 0llah a#alah oran( yan( universal. Healitas pri'a#i tertin((i ciptaan yan( ter'atas a#alah roh & realitas #ari 3os-os pri'a#i a#alah roh a'sonite . 9anya tin(3at in inity a#alah -utla3& #an hanya pa#a tin(3at terse'ut a#a inalitas 3esatuan antara -ateri & pi3iran& #an ;iwa . ( .6&B ) 1:3.B Dala- ala- se-esta 0llah !apa a#alah & #ala- potensial& overcontroller -ateri & pi3iran& #an ;iwa . 9anya #en(an cara sir3uit 3epri'a#ian yan( ;auh nya apa3ah 0llah 'erhu'un(an lan(sun( #en(an 3epri'a#ian ciptaan yan( luas -a3hlu3 3ehen#a3 & tapi #ia #ihu'un(i (#i luar sur(a ) hanya #i 3eha#iran entitas ter ra(-entasi nya & 3ehen#a3 0llah #i luar ne(eri alase-esta . "ara#ise ini roh yan( -en#ia-i pi3iran para -anusia wa3tu #an ti#a3 -en#oron( evolusi #ari ;iwa yan( a'a#i #ari -a3hlu3 hi#up a#alah si at #an 3eilahian !apa Universal . +api pi3iran -a3hlu3 evolusi terse'ut 'erasal #ari ala- se-esta lo3al #an harus -en#apat3an 3ese-purnaan ilahi #en(an -encapai trans or-asi terse'ut pen(ala-an pencapaian spiritual yan( -erupa3an hasil ta3 terela33an #ari se'uah -a3hlu3 itu -e-ilih untu3 -ela3u3an 3ehen#a3 !apa #i sur(a . ( .B.1 ) 1:3.F Dala- pen(ala-an 'atin -anusia & pi3iran 'er(a'un( -en;a#i -asalah . "i3iran 'ahan 1 lin3e# terse'ut ti#a3 #apat 'ertahan hi#up 3e-atian ana . +e3ni3 'ertahan hi#up #ianut #ala- penyesuaian #ari 3ehen#a3 -anusia #an -ere3a trans or-asi #alapi3iran ana #i-ana seperti intele3 0llah 1 sa#ar secara 'ertahap -en;a#i se-an(at -en(a;ar #an a3hirnya se-an(at #ipi-pin . 4ni evolusi pi3iran -anusia #ari asosiasi -ateri hasil seri3at roh #alatrans-utasi 'erpotensi se-an(at ase #ari pi3iran ana 3e #ala- realitas -orontia ;iwa a'a#i . ?ortal pi3iran tun#u3 3epa#a pe#uli #ita3#ir3an untu3 -en;a#i se-a3in -aterial #an a3i'atnya -en#erita 3epunahan 3epri'a#ian

an# the Universal $reator& the -aterial an# the spiritual& the i-per ection o -an an# the per ection o "ara#ise Deity. +he Go# o universal love un ailin(ly -ani ests hi-sel to every one o his creatures up to the ullness o that creature>s capacity to spiritually (rasp the Aualities o #ivine truth& 'eauty& an# (oo#ness. (.F.1) 1:4.B +o every spirit 'ein( an# to every -ortal creature in every sphere an# on every worl# o the universe o universes& the Universal Father reveals all o his (racious an# #ivine sel that can 'e #iscerne# or co-prehen#e# 'y such spirit 'ein(s an# 'y such -ortal creatures. Go# is no respecter o persons& either spiritual or -aterial. +he #ivine presence which any chil# o the universe en;oys at any (iven -o-ent is li-ite# only 'y the capacity o such a creature to receive an# to #iscern the spirit actualities o the super-aterial worl#. (.F..) 1:4.F 0s a reality in hu-an spiritual e,perience Go# is not a -ystery. !ut when an atte-pt is -a#e to -a3e plain the realities o the spirit worl# to the physical -in#s o the -aterial or#er& -ystery appears: -ysteries so su'tle an# so pro oun# that only the aith1(rasp o the Go#13nowin( -ortal can achieve the philosophic -iracle o the reco(nition o the 4n inite 'y the inite& the #iscern-ent o the eternal Go# 'y the evolvin( -ortals o the -aterial worl#s o ti-e an# space. '. Persona!ity of the Universa! (ather (.F.3) 1:6.1 Do not per-it the -a(nitu#e o Go#& his in inity& either to o'scure or eclipse his personality. )9e who planne# the ear& shall he not hear5 9e who or-e# the eye& shall he not see5* +he Universal Father is the ac-e o #ivine personality; he is the ori(in an# #estiny o personality throu(hout all creation. Go# is 'oth in inite an# personal; he is an in inite personality. +he Father is truly a personality& notwithstan#in( that the in inity o his person places hi- orever 'eyon# the ull co-prehension o -aterial an# inite 'ein(s. (.F.4) 1:6.. Go# is -uch -ore than a personality as personality is un#erstoo# 'y the hu-an -in#; he is even ar -ore

a3hirnya & pi3iran -en(hasil3an se-an(at #ita3#ir3an untu3 -en;a#i se-a3in spiritual #an a3hirnya untu3 -encapai 3esatuan #en(an hi#up #an -e-'i-'in( roh ilahi #an #en(an cara ini untu3 -encapai 3elan(sun(an hi#up #an 3ea'a#ian 3e'era#aan 3epri'a#ian. ( .B.. ) 1:3.G %aya -a;u #ari 0'a#i & #an saya telah 'erulan( 3ali 3e-'ali 3e ha#irat !apa Universal . %aya tahu a3tualitas #an 3epri'a#ian %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat & !apa yan( <e3al #an Universal . 03u tahu itu& se#an(3an 0llah yan( 'esar a#alah -utla3& 3e3al & #an ta3 ter'atas & #ia ;u(a 'ai3 & ilahi & #an an((un . %aya tahu 3e'enaran #e3larasi 'esar: : 0llah a#alah roh : #an : 0llah a#alah 3asih & : #an 3e#ua atri'ut palin( #iun(3ap3an sepenuhnya 3epa#a alase-esta #ala- "utra 0'a#i . 4 . ?isteri 0llah ( .B.3 ) 1:4.1 4n inity #ari 3ese-purnaan 0llah a#alah se#e-i3ian rupa sehin((a selalu -erupa3an -isteri 'a(inya . Dan yan( ter'esar #ari se-ua -isteri yan( ta3 ter#u(a #ari 0llah a#alah eno-ena 'er#ia-nya ilahi pi3iran ana . $ara #i -ana !apa so;ourns Universal #en(an -a3hlu3 wa3tu a#alah yan( palin( -en#ala- #ari se-ua -isteri alase-esta & 3eha#iran ilahi #ala- pi3iran -anusia a#alah -isteri -isteri . ( .B&4 ) 1:4.. +u'uh isi3 -anusia a#alah : 'ait 0llah . : ?es3ipun 'ahwa %ons "encipta %overei(n -en#e3ati -a3hlu3 #unia #ihuni #an : -enari3 se-ua oran( untu3 #iri -ere3a sen#iri : & -es3ipun -ere3a : 'er#iri #i pintu : 3esa#aran : #an -en(etu3 : #an -enyenan(3an untu3 #atan( untu3 se-ua oran( yan( a3an : -e-'u3a pintu hati -ere3a : & -es3ipun a#a ti#a3 a#a ini perse3utuan pri'a#i yan( inti- antara %ons "encipta #an -a3hlu3 ana -ere3a & 'a(ai-anapun & -anusia ana -e-ili3i sesuatu #ari 0llah sen#iri yan( 'enar1 'enar tin((al #i #ala- -ere3a& tu'uh -ere3a a#alah can#i terse'ut. ( .B&6 ) 1:4.3 <eti3a 0n#a -elalui #i sini & 3eti3a 0n#a tentu telah #i;alan3an #ala-

than any possi'le concept o a superpersonality. !ut it is utterly utile to #iscuss such inco-prehensi'le concepts o #ivine personality with the -in#s o -aterial creatures whose -a,i-uconcept o the reality o 'ein( consists in the i#ea an# i#eal o personality. +he -aterial creature>s hi(hest possi'le concept o the Universal $reator is e-'race# within the spiritual i#eals o the e,alte# i#ea o #ivine personality. +here ore& althou(h you -ay 3now that Go# -ust 'e -uch -ore than the hu-an conception o personality& you eAually well 3now that the Universal Father cannot possi'ly 'e anythin( less than an eternal& in inite& true& (oo#& an# 'eauti ul personality. (.F.6) 1:6.3 Go# is not hi#in( ro- any o his creatures. 9e is unapproacha'le to so -any or#ers o 'ein(s only 'ecause he )#wells in a li(ht which no -aterial creature can approach.* +he i--ensity an# (ran#eur o the #ivine personality is 'eyon# the (rasp o the unper ecte# -in# o evolutionary -ortals. 9e )-easures the waters in the hollow o his han#& -easures a universe with the span o his han#. 4t is he who sits on the circle o the earth& who stretches out the heavens as a curtain an# sprea#s theout as a universe to #well in.* )8i t up your eyes on hi(h an# 'ehol# who has create# all these thin(s& who 'rin(s out their worl#s 'y nu-'er an# calls the- all 'y their na-es*; an# so it is true that )the invisi'le thin(s o Go# are partially un#erstoo# 'y the thin(s which are -a#e.* +o#ay& an# as you are& you -ust #iscern the invisi'le ?a3er throu(h his -ani ol# an# #iverse creation& as well as throu(h the revelation an# -inistration o his %ons an# their nu-erous su'or#inates. (.G.1) 1:6.4 =ven thou(h -aterial -ortals cannot see the person o Go#& they shoul# re;oice in the assurance that he is a person; 'y aith accept the truth which portrays that the Universal Father so love# the worl# as to provi#e or the eternal spiritual pro(ression o its lowly inha'itants; that he )#eli(hts in his chil#ren.* Go# is lac3in( in none o those superhu-an an# #ivine attri'utes which constitute a per ect& eternal& lovin(& an#

'entu3 se-entara #i 'u-i & 3eti3a per;alanan perco'aan 0n#a #ala- #a(in( selesai & 3eti3a #e'u yan( co-poses ana ta'erna3el : 3e-'ali 3e 'u-i #ari -ana itu #atan( : & 3e-u#ian & ia -en(un(3ap3an & 'er#ia-nya : Hoh a3an 3e-'ali 3epa#a 0llah yan( -en(arunia3annya : 0#a tin((al #i ten(ah1 #ala- setiap -a3hlu3 -oral planet ini se'uah ra(-en #ari 0llah & 'a(ian ta3 terpisah3an #ari 3eilahian . . 4ni 'elu- ha3-u 3epe-ili3an & tetapi sen(a;a #i-a3su#3an untu3 -en;a#i satu #en(an 0n#a ;i3a 0n#a 'ertahan 3e'era#aan ana . ( .B&B ) 1:4.4 <a-i terus1-enerus #iha#ap3an #en(an -isteri 0llah& 3ita tercen(an( #en(an -enin(3atnya terun(3apnya panora-a ta3 'eru;un( 3e'enaran #ala- 3e'ai3an1Cya yan( ta3 ter'atas & rah-at ta3 'eru;un( & 3e'i;a3sanaan ta3 tertan#in(i & #an 3ara3ter yan( luar 'iasa . ( .B&F ) 1:4.6 ?isteri 4lahi ter#iri #alaper'e#aan yan( -ele3at yan( a#a antara yan( ter'atas #an ta3 ter'atas& te-poral #an 3e3al & -a3hlu3 ruan(1 wa3tu #an "encipta Universal & -aterial #an spiritual & 3eti#a3se-purnaan -anusia #an 3ese-purnaan "ara#ise Dewa . 0llah 3asih universal un ailin(ly -e-ani estasi3an #irinya setiap satu #ari -a3hlu31Cya sa-pai 3epenuhan 3apasitas -a3hlu3 rohani untu3 -e-aha-i si at 3e'enaran ilahi & 3ein#ahan & #an 3e'ai3an . ( .F.1 ) 1:4.B Untu3 setiap roh yan( #an setiap -a3hlu3 ana #ala- setiap 'i#an( #an pa#a setiap #unia ala- se-esta ala- se-esta & !apa Universal -en(un(3ap3an se-ua ra-ah #an ilahi #irinya yan( 'isa #ilihat atau #ipaha-i oleh -a3hlu3 roh terse'ut #an oleh -a3hlu3 ana terse'ut. 0llah ti#a3 -e-'e#a3an oran( & 'ai3 spiritual -aupun -aterial. <eha#iran ilahi yan( setiap ana3 #ari ala- se-esta -eni3-ati setiap saat hanya #i'atasi oleh 3apasitas -a3hlu3 terse'ut untu3 -eneri-a #an -e-aha-i a3tualitas se-an(at #unia super-aterial .

in inite $reator personality. (.G..) 1:6.6 4n the local creations (e,ceptin( the personnel o the superuniverses) Go# has no personal or resi#ential -ani estation asi#e ro- the "ara#ise $reator %ons who are the athers o the inha'ite# worl#s an# the soverei(ns o the local universes. 4 the aith o the creature were per ect& he woul# assure#ly 3now that when he ha# seen a $reator %on he ha# seen the Universal Father; in see3in( or the Father& he woul# not as3 nor e,pect to see other than the %on. ?ortal -an si-ply cannot see Go# until he achieves co-plete# spirit trans or-ation an# actually attains "ara#ise. (.G.3) 1:6.B +he natures o the "ara#ise $reator %ons #o not enco-pass all the unAuali ie# potentials o the universal a'soluteness o the in inite nature o the First Great %ource an# $enter& 'ut the Universal Father is in every way divinelypresent in the $reator %ons. +he Father an# his %ons are one. +hese "ara#ise %ons o the or#er o ?ichael are per ect personalities& even the pattern or all local universe personality ro- that o the !ri(ht an# ?ornin( %tar #own to the lowest hu-an creature o pro(ressin( ani-al evolution. (.G.4) 1:6.F 2ithout Go# an# e,cept or his (reat an# central person& there woul# 'e no personality throu(hout all the vast universe o universes. *od is personality. (.G.6) 1:6.G Cotwithstan#in( that Go# is an eternal power& a -a;estic presence& a transcen#ent i#eal& an# a (lorious spirit& thou(h he is all these an# in initely -ore& nonetheless& he is truly an# everlastin(ly a per ect $reator personality& a person who can )3now an# 'e 3nown&* who can )love an# 'e love#&* an# one who can 'e rien# us; while you can 'e 3nown& as other hu-ans have 'een 3nown& as the rien# o Go#. 9e is a real spirit an# a spiritual reality. (.G.B) 1:6.I 0s we see the Universal Father reveale# throu(hout his universe; as we #iscern hi- in#wellin( his -yria#s o creatures; as we 'ehol# hi- in the persons o his %overei(n %ons; as we continue to sense his #ivine presence here an# there& near an# a ar& let us not #ou't nor Auestion his personality

( .F.. ) 1:4.F %e'a(ai suatu 3enyataan #ala- pen(ala-an spiritual -anusia 0llah 'u3anlah -isteri . +api 3eti3a #ila3u3an usaha untu3 -e-'uat #ataran realitas #unia roh #ala- pi3iran isi3 urutan -ateri & -isteri -uncul : -isteri 'e(itu halus #an 'e(itu -en#ala'ahwa hanya i-an 1 pe-aha-an #ari 0llah -en(etahui ana #apat -encapai 3ea;ai'an iloso is #ari pen(a3uan 4n inite oleh 'erhin((a& pene(asan #ari 0llah yan( 3e3al oleh -anusia 'er3e-'an( #ari #unia -ateri ruan( #an wa3tu . 6 . <epri'a#ian !apa Universal ( .F&3 ) 1:6.1 Dan(an 'iar3an 'esarnya 0llah & in inity nya & 'ai3 untu3 -en(a'ur3an atau (erhana 3epri'a#iannya . : Dia yan( -erencana3an telin(a & a3an ia ti#a3 -en#en(ar 5 Dia yan( -e-'entu3 -ata & a3an ia ti#a3 -elihat : !apa Universal a#alah punca3 #ari 3epri'a#ian ilahi& 5 Dia a#alah asal #an tu;uan 3epri'a#ian seluruh ciptaan . 0llah a#alah ta3 ter'atas #an pri'a#i & ia a#alah 3epri'a#ian yan( ta3 ter'atas . !apa a#alah 'enar1'enar 3epri'a#ian & walaupun ta3 terhin((a oran( nya -ene-pat3an #ia sela-anya -ela-paui pe-aha-an penuh #en(an -ateri #an ter'atas -a3hlu3 . ( .F&4 ) 1:6.. 0llah ;auh le'ih #ari se'uah 3epri'a#ian se'a(ai 3epri'a#ian #ipaha-i oleh pi3iran -anusia & ia 'ah3an ;auh le'ih #ari 3e-un(3inan 3onsep superpersonality a. +api itu sa-a se3ali sia1sia untu3 -e-'ahas 3onsep #i-en(erti seperti 3epri'a#ian ilahi #en(an pi3iran -a3hlu3 -ateri yan( -a3si-u- 3onsep realitas yan( ter#iri #ala- (a(asan #an i#eal 3epri'a#ian . +ertin((i 3onsep -ateri -a3hlu3 %an( "encipta Universal #ianut #ala- cita1cita spiritual (a(asan -ulia 3epri'a#ian ilahi . Oleh 3arena itu & -es3ipun 0n#a -un(3in tahu 'ahwa 0llah harus ;auh le'ih #ari 3onsepsi -anusia 3epri'a#ian& 0n#a sa-a 'ai3nya tahu 'ahwa !apa Universal ti#a3 -un(3in -en;a#i sesuatu yan( 3uran( #ari satu & ta3 ter'atas & 3epri'a#ian se;ati & 'ai3 & #an in#ah yan( 3e3al .

pri-acy. Cotwithstan#in( all these ar1 lun( #istri'utions& he re-ains a true person an# everlastin(ly -aintains personal connection with the countless hosts o his creatures scattere# throu(hout the universe o universes. (.G.F) 1:6.10 +he i#ea o the personality o the Universal Father is an enlar(e# an# truer concept o Go# which has co-e to-an3in# chie ly throu(h revelation. Heason& wis#o-& an# reli(ious e,perience all in er an# i-ply the personality o Go#& 'ut they #o not alto(ether vali#ate it. =ven the in#wellin( +hou(ht 0#;uster is prepersonal. +he truth an# -aturity o any reli(ion is #irectly proportional to its concept o the in inite personality o Go# an# to its (rasp o the a'solute unity o Deity. +he i#ea o a personal Deity 'eco-es& then& the -easure o reli(ious -aturity a ter reli(ion has irst or-ulate# the concept o the unity o Go#. (.I.1) 1:6.11 "ri-itive reli(ion ha# -any personal (o#s& an# they were ashione# in the i-a(e o -an. Hevelation a ir-s the vali#ity o the personality concept o Go# which is -erely possi'le in the scienti ic postulate o a First $ause an# is only provisionally su((este# in the philosophic i#ea o Universal Unity. Only 'y personality approach can any person 'e(in to co-prehen# the unity o Go#. +o #eny the personality o the First %ource an# $enter leaves one only the choice o two philosophic #ile--as: -aterialis- or pantheis-. (.I..) 1:6.1. 4n the conte-plation o Deity& the concept o personality -ust 'e #iveste# o the i#ea o corporeality. 0 -aterial 'o#y is not in#ispensa'le to personality in either -an or Go#. +he corporeality error is shown in 'oth e,tre-es o hu-an philosophy. 4n -aterialis-& since -an loses his 'o#y at #eath& he ceases to e,ist as a personality; in pantheis-& since Go# has no 'o#y& he is not& there ore& a person. +he superhu-an type o pro(ressin( personality unctions in a union o -in# an# spirit. (.I.3) 1:6.13 "ersonality is not si-ply an attri'ute o Go#; it rather stan#s or the totality o the co1or#inate# in inite nature an# the uni ie# #ivine will which is

( .F&6 ) 1:6.3 0llah ti#a3 'erse-'unyi #ari salah satu -a3hlu31Cya . Dia #i#e3ati #en(an 'e(itu 'anya3 pesanan #ari -a3hlu3 hanya 3arena ia : 'er#ia#ala- cahaya yan( a#a -a3hlu3 -ateri 'isa -en#e3ati . : !esarnya #an 3ea(un(an #ari 3epri'a#ian ilahi 'era#a #i luar ;an(3auan pi3iran -anusia unper ecte# #ari evolusi . Dia : -en(u3ur air laut #en(an le3u3 tan(annya & -en(u3ur ala- se-esta #en(an rentan( tan(annya . 4ni #ia yan( #u#u3 #i lin(3aran 'u-i & yan( -e-'entan(3an lan(it se'a(ai tirai #an -enye'ar -ere3a 3eluar se'a(ai ala- se-esta untu3 tin((al -asu3 : : 0n(3atlah -ata-u 3e lan(it #an lihatlah siapa yan( telah -encipta3an se-ua hal ini & yan( -e-'awa out #unia -ere3a #en(an no-or #an -e-an((il -ere3a se-ua #en(an na-a -ere3a : & #an hal itu 'enar 'ahwa : hal1hal 0llah yan( ti#a3 3elihatan se'a(ian #ipaha-i oleh hal1hal yan( #i'uat :9ari ini & #an seperti 0n#a & 0n#a harus -e-'e#a3an pe-'uat terlihat . -elalui 'er-aca-1-aca- #an 'era(a- 3reasi & serta -elalui wahyu #an pertolon(an #ari %ons #an 'anya3 'awahan -ere3a . ( .G.1 ) 1:6.4 ?es3ipun -anusia -ateri ti#a3 #apat -elihat oran( #ari 0llah & -ere3a harus 'ersu3acita #ala- ;a-inan 'ahwa ia a#alah seseoran( & #en(an i-an -eneri-a 3e'enaran yan( -en((a-'ar3an 'ahwa !apa Universal 'e(itu -en(asihi #unia ini untu3 -e-'eri3an untu3 3e3al per3e-'an(an spiritual pen#u#u3 ren#ah nya& 'ahwa ia : 'ersu3a ana31ana3nya . : +uhan ti#a3 3uran( #ari atri'ut1atri'ut super #an ilahi yan( -erupa3an & a'a#i & penuh 3asih & #an ta3 ter'atas 3epri'a#ian "encipta yan( se-purna . ( .G.. ) 1:6.6 Dala- 3reasi lo3al (3ecuali personil superuniverses ) 0llah ti#a3 -e-ili3i pri'a#i atau peru-ahan -ani estasi selain #ari %ons "ara#ise "encipta yan( a#alah ayah #ari #unia #ihuni #an para pen(uasa ala- se-esta lo3al. Di3a i-an -a3hlu3 yan( se-purna & ia pasti a3an tahu 'ahwa 3eti3a ia

e,hi'ite# in eternity an# universality o per ect e,pression. "ersonality& in the supre-e sense& is the revelation o Go# to the universe o universes. (.I.4) 1:6.14 Go#& 'ein( eternal& universal& a'solute& an# in inite& #oes not (row in 3nowle#(e nor increase in wis#o-. Go# #oes not acAuire e,perience& as inite -an -i(ht con;ecture or co-prehen#& 'ut he #oes& within the real-s o his own eternal personality& en;oy those continuous e,pansions o sel 1reali/ation which are in certain ways co-para'le to& an# analo(ous with& the acAuire-ent o new e,perience 'y the inite creatures o the evolutionary worl#s. (.I.6) 1:6.16 +he a'solute per ection o the in inite Go# woul# cause hi- to su er the aw ul li-itations o unAuali ie# inality o per ectness were it not a act that the Universal Father #irectly participates in the personality stru((le o every i-per ect soul in the wi#e universe who see3s& 'y #ivine ai#& to ascen# to the spiritually per ect worl#s on hi(h. +his pro(ressive e,perience o every spirit 'ein( an# every -ortal creature throu(hout the universe o universes is a part o the Father>s ever1e,pan#in( Deity1consciousness o the never1en#in( #ivine circle o ceaseless sel 1reali/ation. (.I.B) 1:6.1B 4t is literally true: )4n all your a lictions he is a licte#.* )4n all your triu-phs he triu-phs in an# with you.* 9is prepersonal #ivine spirit is a real part o you. +he 4sle o "ara#ise respon#s to all the physical -eta-orphoses o the universe o universes; the =ternal %on inclu#es all the spirit i-pulses o all creation; the $on;oint 0ctor enco-passes all the -in# e,pression o the e,pan#in( cos-os. +he Universal Father reali/es in the ullness o the #ivine consciousness all the in#ivi#ual e,perience o the pro(ressive stru((les o the e,pan#in( -in#s an# the ascen#in( spirits o every entity& 'ein(& an# personality o the whole evolutionary creation o ti-e an# space. 0n# all this is literally true& or )in 9i- we all live an# -ove an# have our 'ein(.* +. Persona!ity in the Universe (.I.F) 1:B.1 9u-an personality is the ti-e1 space i-a(e1sha#ow cast 'y the #ivine $reator personality. 0n# no actuality can

-elihat "utra "encipta ia telah -elihat !apa Universal & #ala- -encari !apa & ia ti#a3 a3an -e-inta atau -en(harap3an untu3 -elihat selain "utra. ?anusia ana ti#a3 'isa -elihat 0llah sa-pai ia -encapai -enyelesai3an trans or-asi se-an(at #an 'enar1'enar -encapai sur(a . ( .G.3 ) 1:6.B +he 3o#rat #ari %ons "ara#ise "encipta ti#a3 -enca3up se-ua potensi wa;ar tanpa pen(ecualian #ari 3e-utla3an universal si at ta3 ter'atas "erta-a %u-'er 0(un( #an "usat & tetapi !apa Universal #en(an se(ala cara ilahi ha#ir #ala- %ons "encipta . !apa #an %ons Cya a#alah satu. 4ni %ons "ara#ise #ari urutan ?ichael a#alah 3epri'a#ian yan( se-purna & 'ah3an pola untu3 se-ua 3epri'a#ian se-esta lo3al #ari yan( #ari (ilan(1(e-ilan( 3e -a3hlu3 -anusia teren#ah untu3 -a;u evolusi hewan . ( .G.4 ) 1:6.F +anpa +uhan #an 3ecuali untu3 'esar #an pusat #irinya & ti#a3 a3an a#a 3epri'a#ian seluruh alase-esta yan( luas #ari ala- se-esta . 0llah a#alah 3epri'a#ian. ( .G&6 ) 1:6.G ?es3ipun 'ahwa 0llah a#alah se'uah 3e3uatan yan( 3e3al & 3eha#iran -e(ah & suatu cita1cita transen#en & #an ;iwa yan( -ulia & -es3ipun ia a#alah se-ua ini #an ;auh le'ih & na-un& ia 'enar1'enar #an senantiasa 3epri'a#ian "encipta yan( se-purna & seseoran( yan( 'isa : -en(enal #an #i3enal & : yan( 'isa : -encintai #an #icintai & : #an oran( yan( 'isa 'erte-an #en(an 3ita& se-entara 0n#a #apat #i3etahui & se'a(ai -anusia lainnya telah #i3enal & se'a(ai saha'at 0llah . Dia a#alah roh yan( nyata #an realitas spiritual . ( .G&B ) 1:6.I %eperti yan( 3ita lihat !apa Universal -en(un(3ap3an seluruh alase-esta 1Cya& seperti yan( 3ita -elihat #ia 'er#ia-nya 'er;uta nya -a3hlu3 & seperti 3ita -elihat #ia #i oran( #ari %ons "en(uasa & 3arena 3a-i terus -erasa3an 3eha#iran ilahi1Cya #i sana1sini & #e3at #an ;auh & -arilah 3ita ti#a3 -era(u3an atau -e-pertanya3an 3euta-aan

ever 'e a#eAuately co-prehen#e# 'y an e,a-ination o its sha#ow. %ha#ows shoul# 'e interprete# in ter-s o the true su'stance. (30.1) 1:B.. Go# is to science a cause& to philosophy an i#ea& to reli(ion a person& even the lovin( heavenly Father. Go# is to the scientist a pri-al orce& to the philosopher a hypothesis o unity& to the reli(ionist a livin( spiritual e,perience. ?an>s ina#eAuate concept o the personality o the Universal Father can 'e i-prove# only 'y -an>s spiritual pro(ress in the universe an# will 'eco-e truly a#eAuate only when the pil(ri-s o ti-e an# space inally attain the #ivine e-'race o the livin( Go# on "ara#ise. (30..) 1:B.3 Cever lose si(ht o the antipo#al viewpoints o personality as it is conceive# 'y Go# an# -an. ?an views an# co-prehen#s personality& loo3in( ro- the inite to the in inite; Go# loo3s ro- the in inite to the inite. ?an possesses the lowest type o personality; Go#& the hi(hest& even supre-e& ulti-ate& an# a'solute. +here ore #i# the 'etter concepts o the #ivine personality have patiently to await the appearance o i-prove# i#eas o hu-an personality& especially the enhance# revelation o 'oth hu-an an# #ivine personality in the Urantian 'estowal li e o ?ichael& the $reator %on. (30.3) 1:B.4 +he prepersonal #ivine spirit which in#wells the -ortal -in# carries& in its very presence& the vali# proo o its actual e,istence& 'ut the concept o the #ivine personality can 'e (raspe# only 'y the spiritual insi(ht o (enuine personal reli(ious e,perience. 0ny person& hu-an or #ivine& -ay 'e 3nown an# co-prehen#e# Auite apart ro- the e,ternal reactions or the -aterial presence o that person. (30.4) 1:B.6 %o-e #e(ree o -oral a inity an# spiritual har-ony is essential to rien#ship 'etween two persons; a lovin( personality can har#ly reveal hi-sel to a loveless person. =ven to approach the 3nowin( o a #ivine personality& all o -an>s personality en#ow-ents -ust 'e wholly consecrate# to the e ort; hal hearte#& partial #evotion will 'e unavailin(. (30.6) 1:B.B +he -ore co-pletely -an

3epri'a#iannya . ?es3ipun se-ua ini #istri'usi yan( san(at luas & ia tetap -en;a#i oran( 'enar #an senantiasa -e-elihara hu'un(an pri'a#i #en(an host ta3 terhitun( -a3hlu31Cya yan( terse'ar #i seluruh ala- se-esta alase-esta . ( .G&F ) 1:6.10 4#e 3epri'a#ian !apa Universal -erupa3an 3onsep -e-'esar #an le'ih 'enar #ari 0llah yan( telah #atan( 3epa#a u-at -anusia teruta-a -elalui wahyu . 0lasan & 3e'i;a3sanaan& #an pen(ala-an reli(ius -enyi-pul3an #an -enyirat3an 3epri'a#ian 0llah & tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 sa-a se3ali -e-vali#asi itu . !ah3an "e-i3iran 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya a#alah prepersonal . <e'enaran #an 3e-atan(an a(a-a 'er'an#in( lurus #en(an 3onsep tentan( 3epri'a#ian 0llah yan( ta3 ter'atas #an pe-aha-an atas 3esatuan -utla3 Dewa . Ga(asan tentan( +uhan pri'a#i -en;a#i & -a3a & u3uran 3e-atan(an a(a-a setelah a(a-a perta-a 3ali #iru-us3an 3onsep 3eesaan +uhan . ( .I&1 ) 1:6.11 a(a-a pri-iti -e-ili3i 'anya3 tuhan pri'a#i& #an -ere3a #i'entu3 #ala- citra -anusia . 2ahyu -ene(as3an vali#itas 3onsep 3epri'a#ian 0llah yan( hanya -un(3in #ala- #alil il-iah "enye'a' "erta-a #an hanya se-entara #isaran3an #ala- (a(asan iloso is "ersatuan Universal . 9anya #en(an pen#e3atan 3epri'a#ian setiap oran( #apat -ulai -e-aha-i 3eesaan 0llah . Untu3 -enyan(3al 3epri'a#ian %u-'er "erta-a #an "usat #aun satu 1satunya pilihan #ua #ile-a ilsa at : -aterialis-e atau panteis-e . ( .I.. ) 1:6.1. Dala- 3onte-plasi Dewa & 3onsep 3epri'a#ian harus #ivestasi (a(asan ;as-ani . %e'uah 'a#an -ateri ti#a3 #iperlu3an untu3 3epri'a#ian 'ai3 -anusia atau +uhan . <esalahan 3orporealitas #ita-pil3an #ala- 3e#ua e3stre- ilsa at -anusia. Dala-aterialis-e & 3arena -anusia 3ehilan(an tu'uhnya pa#a saat 3e-atian & #ia 'erhenti untu3 e3sis se'a(ai 3epri'a#ian & #ala- panteis-e & 3arena 0llah ti#a3 -e-ili3i tu'uh & #ia ti#a3 &

un#erstan#s hi-sel an# appreciates the personality values o his ellows& the -ore he will crave to 3now the Ori(inal "ersonality& an# the -ore earnestly such a Go#13nowin( hu-an will strive to 'eco-e li3e the Ori(inal "ersonality. @ou can ar(ue over opinions a'out Go#& 'ut e,perience with hi- an# in hi- e,ists a'ove an# 'eyon# all hu-an controversy an# -ere intellectual lo(ic. +he Go#1 3nowin( -an #escri'es his spiritual e,periences& not to convince un'elievers& 'ut or the e#i ication an# -utual satis action o 'elievers. (30.B) 1:B.F +o assu-e that the universe can 'e 3nown& that it is intelli(i'le& is to assu-e that the universe is -in# -a#e an# personality -ana(e#. ?an>s -in# can only perceive the -in# pheno-ena o other -in#s& 'e they hu-an or superhu-an. 4 -an>s personality can e,perience the universe& there is a #ivine -in# an# an actual personality so-ewhere conceale# in that universe. (30.F) 1:B.G Go# is spirit J spirit personality; -an is also a spirit J potential spirit personality. Desus o Ca/areth attaine# the ull reali/ation o this potential o spirit personality in hu-an e,perience; there ore his li e o achievin( the Father>s will 'eco-es -an>s -ost real an# i#eal revelation o the personality o Go#. =ven thou(h the personality o the Universal Father can 'e (raspe# only in actual reli(ious e,perience& in Desus> earth li e we are inspire# 'y the per ect #e-onstration o such a reali/ation an# revelation o the personality o Go# in a truly hu-an e,perience. -. )piritua! ;a!ue of the Persona!ity /on,ept (31.1) 1:F.1 2hen Desus tal3e# a'out )the livin( Go#&* he re erre# to a personal Deity J the Father in heaven. +he concept o the personality o Deity acilitates ellowship; it avors intelli(ent worship; it pro-otes re reshin( trust ulness. 4nteractions can 'e ha# 'etween nonpersonal thin(s& 'ut not ellowship. +he ellowship relation o ather an# son& as 'etween Go# an# -an& cannot 'e en;oye# unless 'oth are persons. Only personalities can co--une with each other& al'eit this personal co--union -ay 'e (reatly acilitate# 'y

oleh 3arena itu& seseoran( . Denis super untu3 -a;u un(si 3epri'a#ian #ala3esatuan pi3iran #an ;iwa . ( .I.3 ) 1:6.13 <epri'a#ian 'u3an hanya atri'ut #ari +uhan & -elain3an a(a3 sin(3atan totalitas ala- yan( ta3 terhin((a ter3oor#inasi #an terpa#u 3ehen#a3 ilahi yan( #ipa-er3an #ala3ea'a#ian #an universalitas e3spresi yan( se-purna . <epri'a#ian & #ala- arti tertin((i & a#alah wahyu 0llah 3epa#a ala- se-esta ala- se-esta . ( .I&4 ) 1:6.14 0llah yan( a'a#i & universal& -utla3 & #an ta3 ter'atas & ti#a3 tu-'uh #ala- pen(etahuan -aupun penin(3atan 3e'i;a3sanaan. 0llah ti#a3 -e-peroleh pen(ala-an & se'a(ai -anusia yan( ter'atas -un(3in #u(aan atau -e-aha-i & tapi #ia & #alaala- 3e3al 3epri'a#ian sen#iri & -eni3-ati -ere3a e3spansi terus -enerus realisasi #iri yan( #en(an cara tertentu se'an#in( #en(an & #an analo( #en(an& perolehan pen(ala-an 'aru oleh -a3hlu3 ter'atas #ari #unia evolusi . ( .I&6 ) 1:6.16 <ese-purnaan -utla3 #ari 0llah yan( ti#a3 ter'atas a3an -enye'a'3an #ia -en#erita 3eter'atasan -en(eri3an inalitas wa;ar tanpa pen(ecualian #ari 3ese-purnaan 3alau 'u3an a3ta 'ahwa !apa Universal secara lan(sun( 'erpartisipasi #alaper;uan(an 3epri'a#ian setiap ;iwa se-purna #i ala- se-esta yan( luas yan( -encari& #en(an 'antuan ilahi & untu3 nai3 3e #unia yan( se-purna rohani yan( tin((i . 4ni pen(ala-an pro(resi setiap roh yan( #an setiap -a3hlu3 ana seluruh ala- se-esta alase-esta a#alah 'a(ian #ari !apa terus 'er3e-'an( Dewa 1 3esa#aran lin(3aran ilahi ti#a3 pernah 'era3hir tanpa henti realisasi #iri . ( .I&B ) 1:6.1B %ecara har iah 'enar: : Dala- se-ua pen#eritaan 0n#a #ia -en#erita . : : Dala- se-ua 3e-enan(an 0n#a ia 3e-enan(an #ala#an #en(an 0n#a : roh ilahi prepersonal Cya a#alah 'a(ian nyata #ari 0n#a . . +he 4sle o "ara#ise -erespon se-ua -eta-or osis isi3 ala- se-esta ala-

the presence o ;ust such an i-personal entity as the +hou(ht 0#;uster. (31..) 1:F.. ?an #oes not achieve union with Go# as a #rop o water -i(ht in# unity with the ocean. ?an attains #ivine union 'y pro(ressive reciprocal spiritual co--union& 'y personality intercourse with the personal Go#& 'y increasin(ly attainin( the #ivine nature throu(h wholehearte# an# intelli(ent con or-ity to the #ivine will. %uch a su'li-e relationship can e,ist only 'etween personalities. (31.3) 1:F.3 +he concept o truth -i(ht possi'ly 'e entertaine# apart ropersonality& the concept o 'eauty -ay e,ist without personality& 'ut the concept o #ivine (oo#ness is un#erstan#a'le only in relation to personality. Only a personcan love an# 'e love#. =ven 'eauty an# truth woul# 'e #ivorce# rosurvival hope i they were not attri'utes o a personal Go#& a lovin( Father. (31.4) 1:F.4 2e cannot ully un#erstan# how Go# can 'e pri-al& chan(eless& all1 power ul& an# per ect& an# at the sa-e ti-e 'e surroun#e# 'y an ever1chan(in( an# apparently law1li-ite# universe& an evolvin( universe o relative i-per ections. !ut we can +now such a truth in our own personal e,perience since we all -aintain i#entity o personality an# unity o will in spite o the constant chan(in( o 'oth ourselves an# our environ-ent. (31.6) 1:F.6 Ulti-ate universe reality cannot 'e (raspe# 'y -athe-atics& lo(ic& or philosophy& only 'y personal e,perience in pro(ressive con or-ity to the #ivine will o a personal Go#. Ceither science& philosophy& nor theolo(y can vali#ate the personality o Go#. Only the personal e,perience o the aith sons o the heavenly Father can e ect the actual spiritual reali/ation o the personality o Go#. (31.B) 1:F.B +he hi(her concepts o universe personality i-ply: i#entity& sel 1 consciousness& sel 1will& an# possi'ility or sel 1revelation. 0n# these characteristics urther i-ply ellowship with other an# eAual personalities& such as e,ists in the personality associations o the "ara#ise Deities. 0n# the a'solute unity o these associations is so per ect

se-esta & "utra 0'a#i -enca3up se-ua i-puls se-an(at se-ua ciptaan & 03tor $on;oint -enca3up se-ua e3spresi pi3iran 3os-os 'er3e-'an(. !apa Universal -enya#ari #ala- 3epenuhan 3esa#aran ilahi se-ua pen(ala-an in#ivi#u per;uan(an pro(resi pi3iran -e-perluas #an roh nai3 setiap entitas & -en;a#i & #an 3epri'a#ian #ari seluruh penciptaan evolusi wa3tu #an ruan( . Dan se-ua ini a#alah 'enar1'enar 'enar& 3arena :#i #ala- Dia 3ita se-ua hi#up #an 'er(era3 #an -e-ili3i 3e'era#aan 3ita . : B . <epri'a#ian #i ala- se-esta ( .I&F ) 1:B.1 3epri'a#ian -anusia a#alah ruan(1wa3tu (a-'ar 1 'ayan(an 3epri'a#ian "enciptanya. Dan ti#a3 a#a a3tualitas pernah #apat #ipaha-i secara -e-a#ai oleh pe-eri3saan 'ayan(annya . !ayan(an harus #ita sir3an #ala- hal su'stansi yan( 'enar . ( 30.1 ) 1:B.. +uhan a#alah il-u penye'a'& ilsa at i#e & a(a-a seseoran( & 'ah3an !apa sur(awi yan( penuh 3asih . +uhan a#alah il-uwan 3e3uatan pri-al & #en(an ilsu hipotesis 3esatuan & #en(an a(a-awan pen(ala-an spiritual yan( hi#up . <onsep -e-a#ai -anusia #ari 3epri'a#ian !apa Universal #apat #itin(3at3an hanya #en(an 3e-a;uan spiritual -anusia #i ala- se-esta #an a3an -en;a#i 'enar1'enar -e-a#ai hanya 3eti3a para pe/iarah ruan( #an wa3tu a3hirnya -encapai pelu3an ilahi #ari 0llah yan( hi#up #i sur(a . ( 30.. ) 1:B.3 +i#a3 pernah -elupa3an su#ut pan#an( antipo#al 3epri'a#ian seperti yan( #i3an#un( oleh 0llah #an -anusia .

that #ivinity 'eco-es 3nown 'y in#ivisi'ility& 'y oneness. )+he 8or# Go# is one.* 4n#ivisi'ility o personality #oes not inter ere with Go#>s 'estowin( his spirit to live in the hearts o -ortal -en. 4n#ivisi'ility o a hu-an ather>s personality #oes not prevent the repro#uction o -ortal sons an# #au(hters. (31.F) 1:F.F +his concept o in#ivisi'ility in association with the concept o unity i-plies transcen#ence o 'oth ti-e an# space 'y the Ulti-acy o Deity; there ore neither space nor ti-e can 'e a'solute or in inite. +he First %ource an# $enter is that in inity who unAuali ie#ly transcen#s all -in#& all -atter& an# all spirit. (31.G) 1:F.G +he act o the "ara#ise +rinity in no -anner violates the truth o the #ivine unity. +he three personalities o "ara#ise Deity are& in all universe reality reactions an# in all creature relations& as one. Ceither #oes the e,istence o these three eternal persons violate the truth o the in#ivisi'ility o Deity. 4 a- ully aware that 4 have at -y co--an# no lan(ua(e a#eAuate to -a3e clear to the -ortal -in# how these universe pro'le-s appear to us. !ut you shoul# not 'eco-e #iscoura(e#; not all o these thin(s are wholly clear to even the hi(h personalities 'elon(in( to -y (roup o "ara#ise 'ein(s. =ver 'ear in -in# that these pro oun# truths pertainin( to Deity will increasin(ly clari y as your -in#s 'eco-e pro(ressively spirituali/e# #urin( the successive epochs o the lon( -ortal ascent to "ara#ise. (3..1) 1:F.I M"resente# 'y a Divine $ounselor& a -e-'er o a (roup o celestial personalities assi(ne# 'y the 0ncients o Days on Uversa& the hea#Auarters o the seventh superuniverse& to supervise those portions o this orthco-in( revelation which have to #o with a airs 'eyon# the 'or#ers o the local universe o Ce'a#on. 4 a- co--issione# to sponsor those papers portrayin( the nature an# attri'utes o Go# 'ecause 4 represent the hi(hest source o in or-ation availa'le or such a purpose on any inha'ite# worl#. 4 have serve# as a Divine $ounselor in all seven o the superuniverses an# have lon( resi#e# at the "ara#ise center o all thin(s. ?any

ti-es have 4 en;oye# the supre-e pleasure o a so;ourn in the i--e#iate personal presence o the Universal Father. 4 portray the reality an# truth o the Father>s nature an# attri'utes with unchallen(ea'le authority; 4 3now whereo 4 spea3.N The Urantia Book Paper 2 The 8ature of God (33.1) .:0.1 4C0%?U$9 as -an>s hi(hest possi'le concept o Go# is e-'race# within the hu-an i#ea an# i#eal o a pri-al an# in inite personality& it is per-issi'le& an# -ay prove help ul& to stu#y certain characteristics o the #ivine naturewhich constitute the character o Deity. +he nature o Go# can 'est 'e un#erstoo# 'y the revelation o the Father which ?ichael o Ce'a#on un ol#e# in his -ani ol# teachin(s an# in his super' -ortal li e in the lesh. +he #ivine nature can also 'e 'etter un#erstoo# 'y -an i he re(ar#s hi-sel as a chil# o Go# an# loo3s up to the "ara#ise $reator as a true spiritual Father. (33..) .:0.. +he nature o Go# can 'e stu#ie# in a revelation o supre-e i#eas& the #ivine character can 'e envisa(e# as a portrayal o supernal i#eals& 'ut the -ost enli(htenin( an# spiritually e#i yin( o all revelations o the #ivine nature is to 'e oun# in the co-prehension o the reli(ious li e o Desus o Ca/areth& 'oth 'e ore an# a ter his attain-ent o ull consciousness o #ivinity. 4 the incarnate# li e o ?ichael is ta3en as the 'ac3(roun# o the revelation o Go# to -an& we -ay atte-pt to put in hu-an wor# sy-'ols certain i#eas an# i#eals concernin( the #ivine nature which -ay possi'ly contri'ute to a urther illu-ination an# uni ication o the hu-an concept o the nature an# the character o the personality o the Universal Father. (33.3) .:0.3 4n all our e orts to enlar(e an# spirituali/e the hu-an concept o Go#& we are tre-en#ously han#icappe# 'y the li-ite# capacity o the -ortal -in#. 2e are also seriously han#icappe# in the e,ecution o our assi(n-ent 'y the li-itations o lan(ua(e an# 'y the poverty o -aterial which can 'e utili/e# +he Urantia 3ertas . %i at 0llah ( 33.1 ) .:0.1 3arena tertin((i 3onsep -anusia 0llah -e-elu3 #ala- i#e -anusia #an i#eal 3epri'a#ian pri-al #an ta3 ter'atas & #iper'oleh3an & #an 'isa -e-'antu & untu3 -e-pela;ari 3ara3teristi3 tertentu #ari si at ilahi yan( -erupa3an 3ara3ter <etuhanan . %i at 0llah #apat #ipaha-i oleh penyataan !apa yan( ?ichael Ce'a#on 'erlan(sun( #ala- a;aran 'er-aca-1-aca- #an #ala- 3ehi#upan ana yan( luar 'iasa #ala- #a(in( . %i at ilahi ;u(a #apat le'ih #ipaha-i oleh -anusia ;i3a ia -en(an((ap #irinya se'a(ai ana3 0llah #an -en#on(a3 3e sur(a "encipta se'a(ai !apa rohani se;ati . ( 33.. ) .:0.. %i at 0llah #apat #ipela;ari #ala- wahyu i#e tertin((i& 3ara3ter ilahi #apat #iperti-'an(3an se'a(ai (a-'aran cita1cita ilahi & tapi yan( palin( -encerah3an #an -en#i#i3 rohani #ari se-ua wahyu #ari si at ilahi a#alah -en;a#i #ite-u3an #ala- pe-aha-an 3ehi#upan 3ea(a-aan @esus #ari Ca/aret & 'ai3 se'elu- -aupun sesu#ah pencapaiannya 3esa#aran penuh 3eilahian . Di3a -en;el-a 3ehi#upan ?ichael #ia-'il se'a(ai latar 'ela3an( wahyu 0llah 3epa#a -anusia & 3ita #apat -enco'a untu3 #i-asu33an 3e #alasi-'ol1si-'ol 3ata -anusia i#e #an cita1 cita -en(enai si at ilahi tertentu yan( -un(3in #apat 'er3ontri'usi untu3 pencahayaan le'ih lan;ut #an penyatuan 3onsep -anusia #ari si at #an 3ara3ter 3epri'a#ian !apa Universal . ( 33.3 ) .:0.3 Dala- se-ua upaya 3a-i untu3 -e-per'esar #an spiritualisasi 3onsep -anusia 0llah& 3ita san(at cacat

or purposes o illustration or co-parison in our e orts to portray #ivine values an# to present spiritual -eanin(s to the inite& -ortal -in# o -an. 0ll our e orts to enlar(e the hu-an concept o Go# woul# 'e well1ni(h utile e,cept or the act that the -ortal -in# is in#welt 'y the 'estowe# 0#;uster o the Universal Father an# is perva#e# 'y the +ruth %pirit o the $reator %on. Depen#in(& there ore& on the presence o these #ivine spirits within the heart o -an or assistance in the enlar(e-ent o the concept o Go#& 4 cheer ully un#erta3e the e,ecution o -y -an#ate to atte-pt the urther portrayal o the nature o Go# to the -in# o -an. 1. The nfinity of God (33.4) .:1.1 )+ouchin( the 4n inite& we cannot in# hi- out. +he #ivine ootsteps are not 3nown.* )9is un#erstan#in( is in inite an# his (reatness is unsearcha'le.* +he 'lin#in( li(ht o the Father>s presence is such that to his lowly creatures he apparently )#wells in the thic3 #ar3ness.* Cot only are his thou(hts an# plans unsearcha'le& 'ut )he #oes (reat an# -arvelous thin(s without nu-'er.* )Go# is (reat; we co-prehen# hi- not& neither can the nu-'er o his years 'e searche# out.* )2ill Go# in#ee# #well on the earth5 !ehol#& the heaven (universe) an# the heaven o heavens (universe o universes) cannot contain hi-.* )9ow unsearcha'le are his ;u#(-ents an# his ways past in#in( outL* (34.1) .:1.. )+here is 'ut one Go#& the in inite Father& who is also a aith ul $reator.* )+he #ivine $reator is also the Universal Disposer& the source an# #estiny o souls. 9e is the %upre-e %oul& the "ri-al ?in#& an# the Unli-ite# %pirit o all creation.* )+he (reat $ontroller -a3es no -ista3es. 9e is resplen#ent in -a;esty an# (lory.* )+he $reator Go# is wholly #evoi# o ear an# en-ity. 9e is i--ortal& eternal& sel 1 e,istent& #ivine& an# 'ounti ul.* )9ow pure an# 'eauti ul& how #eep an# un atho-a'le is the supernal 0ncestor o all thin(sL* )+he 4n inite is -ost e,cellent in that he i-parts hi-sel to -en. 9e is the 'e(innin( an# the en#& the Father o every (oo# an# per ect purpose.* )2ith Go# all thin(s are possi'le; the eternal $reator is the cause o causes.*

oleh ter'atasnya 3apasitas pi3iran -anusia . <a-i ;u(a serius cacat #alapela3sanaan tu(as 3a-i #en(an 3eter'atasan 'ahasa #an #en(an 3e-is3inan -aterial yan( #apat #i-an aat3an untu3 tu;uan ilustrasi atau per'an#in(an #ala- upaya 3ita untu3 -en((a-'ar3an nilai1nilai ilahi #an untu3 -enya;i3an -a3na spiritual yan( ter'atas & pi3iran ana -anusia . %e-ua upaya 3a-i untu3 -e-per'esar 3onsep -anusia 0llah a3an 'ai3 1 ha-pir sia1sia 3ecuali 3enyataan 'ahwa pi3iran ana #i#ia-i oleh 0#;uster #i'eri3an #ari !apa Universal #an #iliputi oleh Hoh <e'enaran "utra "encipta . +er(antun( & 3arena itu& pa#a 3eha#iran roh1roh ilahi #ala- hati -anusia untu3 'antuan #alape-'esaran 3onsep +uhan& a3u rian( -ela3u3an e3se3usi -an#at saya untu3 -enco'a pen((a-'aran le'ih lan;ut #ari si at 0llah #en(an pi3iran -anusia . 1 . +he 4n inity 0llah ( 33&4 ) .:1.1 : ?enyentuh 4n inite & 3a-i ti#a3 #apat -ene-u3an #ia . De;a3 ilahi ti#a3 #i3etahui . : : 1Cya ta3 terhin((a #an 3e'esaran1Cya ti#a3 ter#u(a . : $ahaya -enyilau3an 3eha#iran !apa a#alah se#e-i3ian rupa sehin((a untu3 -a3hlu3 ren#ahan ia rupanya: 'er#ia#ala- 3e3ela-an . : +i#a3 hanya pi3iran #an 'erencana ter#u(a & tapi : #ia -ela3u3an hal yan( 'esar #an -ena3;u'3an tanpa no-or . : : 0llah ?aha !esar & 3ita -e-aha-i #ia ti#a3& ti#a3 'isa ;u-lah tahun1tahun #icari 3eluar : : 0pa3ah +uhan -au #ia- #i atas 'u-i . 5 8ihatlah& lan(it ( alase-esta ) #an lan(it #ari lan(it ( se-esta ala- se-esta ) ti#a3 #apat 'erisi #ia. : : !a(ai-ana ta3 tersela-i penilaian #an cara1cara -asa lalunya -encari tahu L : ( 34.1 ) .:1.. : 9anya a#a satu 0llah & !apa yan( ta3 ter'atas & yan( ;u(a seoran( "encipta yan( setia . : : %an( "encipta ilahi ;u(a Universal Disposer & su-'er #an nasi' ;iwa . Dia a#alah Diwa 0(un( & "i3iran "ri-al & #an Hoh Unli-ite# seluruh ciptaan. : : +he (reat <ontroler ti#a3 -e-'uat 3esalahan . Dia (a(ah #ala- 3ea(un(an #an 3e-uliaan . : : 0llah "encipta sepenuhnya tanpa rasa

(34..) .:1.3

Cotwithstan#in( the in inity o the stupen#ous -ani estations o the Father>s eternal an# universal personality& he is unAuali ie#ly sel 1 conscious o 'oth his in inity an# eternity; li3ewise he 3nows ully his per ection an# power. 9e is the only 'ein( in the universe& asi#e ro- his #ivine co1or#inates& who e,periences a per ect& proper& an# co-plete appraisal o hi-sel . (34.3) .:1.4 +he Father constantly an# un ailin(ly -eets the nee# o the #i erential o #e-an# or hi-sel as it chan(es ro- ti-e to ti-e in various sections o his -aster universe. +he (reat Go# 3nows an# un#erstan#s hi-sel ; he is in initely sel 1conscious o all his pri-al attri'utes o per ection. Go# is not a cos-ic acci#ent; neither is he a universe e,peri-enter. +he Universe %overei(ns -ay en(a(e in a#venture; the $onstellation Fathers -ay e,peri-ent; the syste- hea#s -ay practice; 'ut the Universal Father sees the en# ro- the 'e(innin(& an# his #ivine plan an# eternal purpose actually e-'race an# co-prehen# all the e,peri-ents an# all the a#ventures o all his su'or#inates in every worl#& syste-& an# constellation in every universe o his vast #o-ains. (34.4) .:1.6 Co thin( is new to Go#& an# no cos-ic event ever co-es as a surprise; he inha'its the circle o eternity. 9e is without 'e(innin( or en# o #ays. +o Go# there is no past& present& or uture; all ti-e is present at any (iven -o-ent. 9e is the (reat an# only 4 0?. (34.6) .:1.B +he Universal Father is a'solutely an# without Auali ication in inite in all his attri'utes; an# this act& in an# o itsel & auto-atically shuts hi- o ro- all #irect personal co--unication with inite -aterial 'ein(s an# other lowly create# intelli(ences. (34.B) .:1.F 0n# all this necessitates such arran(e-ents or contact an# co--unication with his -ani ol# creatures as have 'een or#aine#& irst& in the personalities o the "ara#ise %ons o Go#& who& althou(h per ect in #ivinity& also o ten parta3e o the nature o the very lesh an# 'loo# o the planetary races& 'eco-in( one o you an# one with

ta3ut #an per-usuhan . Dia a#alah a'a#i & 3e3al & a#a #en(an sen#irinya & ilahi & #an 'erli-pah . : : !a(ai-ana -urni #an in#ah & se'erapa #ala- #an ta3 ter#u(a a#alah 8eluhur sur(awi #ari se(ala sesuatu L : : +a3 +er'atas a#alah yan( palin( 'ai3 #ala- 'ahwa ia -en(a;ar3an #irinya untu3 la3i1la3i . Dia a#alah awal #an a3hir & !apa setiap tu;uan yan( 'ai3 #an se-purna : : Den(an 0llah se(ala sesuatu -un(3in& "encipta yan( 3e3al a#alah penye'a' penye'a'. : . ( 34.. ) .:1.3 ?es3ipun in inity -ani estasi luar 'iasa #ari 3epri'a#ian yan( 3e3al #an universal !apa & #ia unAuali ie#ly sa#ar #iri #ari 3e#ua in inity #an 3e3e3alan; ;u(a #ia tahu sepenuhnya 3ese-purnaan #an 3e3uasaannya . Dia a#alah satu1satunya -a3hlu3 #i alase-esta & selain #ari ilahi1Cya 3oor#inat & yan( -en(ala-i penilaian yan( se-purna & tepat& #an len(3ap tentan( #irinya sen#iri . ( 34&3 ) .:1.4 !apa terus1-enerus #an un ailin(ly -e-enuhi 3e'utuhan #i erensial per-intaan untu3 #irinya sen#iri 3arena peru'ahan #ari wa3tu 3e wa3tu #i 'er'a(ai 'a(ian ala- se-esta tuannya . 0llah yan( 'esar -en(etahui #an -e-aha-i #irinya sen#iri & ia a#alah ;auh sa#ar #iri se-ua nya atri'ut pri-al 3ese-purnaan . +uhan 'u3anlah 3ecela3aan 3os-i3 & yan( pentin( 'u3anlah se'uah e3speri-en alase-esta . "ara "en(uasa %e-esta -un(3in terli'at #ala- petualan(an; !apa $onstellation 'isa 'ere3speri-en & 3epala siste- 'isa 'erlatih & tetapi !apa Universal -elihat a3hir #ari awal & #an rencana ilahi 1Cya #an tu;uan 3e3al 1'enar -eran(3ul #an -e-aha-i se-ua e3speri-en #an se-ua petualan(an se-ua 'awahannya setiap #unia & siste& #an 3onstelasi #i setiap se-esta #o-ain yan( luas . ( 34.4 ) .:1.6 hal yan( 'aru 3epa#a 0llah & #an ti#a3 a#a peristiwa 3os-i3 pernah #atan( se'a(ai 3e;utan & ia -en#ia-i lin(3aran 3ea'a#ian . Dia a#alah tanpa awal atau a3hir hari . Untu3 0llah ti#a3 a#a -asa lalu& se3aran( & atau -asa #epan & sepan;an( wa3tu ha#ir

you; thus& as it were& Go# 'eco-es -an& as occurre# in the 'estowal o ?ichael& who was calle# interchan(ea'ly the %on o Go# an# the %on o ?an. 0n# secon#& there are the personalities o the 4n inite %pirit& the various or#ers o the seraphic hosts an# other celestial intelli(ences who #raw near to the -aterial 'ein(s o lowly ori(in an# in so -any ways -inister to the- an# serve the-. 0n# thir#& there are the i-personal ?ystery ?onitors& +hou(ht 0#;usters& the actual (i t o the (reat Go# hi-sel sent to in#well such as the hu-ans o Urantia& sent without announce-ent an# without e,planation. 4n en#less pro usion they #escen# rothe hei(hts o (lory to (race an# in#well the hu-'le -in#s o those -ortals who possess the capacity or Go#1 consciousness or the potential there or. (36.1) .:1.G 4n these ways an# in -any others& in ways un3nown to you an# utterly 'eyon# inite co-prehension& #oes the "ara#ise Father lovin(ly an# willin(ly #ownstep an# otherwise -o#i y& #ilute& an# attenuate his in inity in or#er that he -ay 'e a'le to #raw nearer the inite -in#s o his creature chil#ren. 0n# so& throu(h a series o personality #istri'utions which are #i-inishin(ly a'solute& the in inite Father is ena'le# to en;oy close contact with the #iverse intelli(ences o the -any real-s o his ar1 lun( universe. (36..) .:1.I 0ll this he has #one an# now #oes& an# ever-ore will continue to #o& without in the least #etractin( ro- the act an# reality o his in inity& eternity& an# pri-acy. 0n# these thin(s are a'solutely true& notwithstan#in( the #i iculty o their co-prehension& the -ystery in which they are enshrou#e#& or the i-possi'ility o their 'ein( ully un#erstoo# 'y creatures such as #well on Urantia. (36.3) .:1.10 !ecause the First Father is in inite in his plans an# eternal in his purposes& it is inherently i-possi'le or any inite 'ein( ever to (rasp or co-prehen# these #ivine plans an# purposes in their ullness. ?ortal -an can (li-pse the Father>s purposes only now an# then& here an# there& as they are reveale# in relation to the outwor3in( o the plan o creature ascension on its

pa#a saat tertentu . Dia a#alah 'esar #an hanya 0<U . ( 34&6 ) .:1.B !apa Universal 'enar1'enar #an tanpa 3uali i3asi ta3 ter'atas #alase(ala atri'ut & #an a3ta ini & #en(an sen#irinya & secara oto-atis -enutup #ia #ari se-ua 3o-uni3asi pri'a#i lan(sun( #en(an -a3hlu3 hin((a -aterial #an lainnya ren#ah -encipta3an 3ecer#asan . ( 34&B ) .:1.F Dan se-ua ini -e-'utuh3an pen(aturan terse'ut untu3 3onta3 #an 3o-uni3asi #en(an -a3hlu3 'er;enis se'a(ai telah #itah'is3an & perta-a& #ala- 3epri'a#ian "ara#ise 0na3 0llah & yan( & -es3ipun se-purna #ala- 3eilahian & ;u(a serin( -en(a-'il 'a(ian #ari ala- #ari san(at #a(in( #an #arah ras planet & -en;a#i salah satu #ari 0n#a #an satu #en(an 0n#a & #en(an #e-i3ian& seolah1olah& 0llah -en;a#i -anusia & seperti yan( ter;a#i #ala- pen(anu(erahan ?ichael & yan( #ise'ut 'er(antian 0na3 0llah #an 0na3 ?an . Dan 3e#ua& a#a 3epri'a#ian Hoh +a3 +er'atas & 'er'a(ai perintah host 'i#a#ari #an lainnya an(3asa 3ecer#asan yan( -en#e3at 3epa#a -a3hlu3 'ahan asal ren#ah #an #ala'anya3 hal -elayani -ere3a #an -elayani -ere3a . Dan 3eti(a & a#a ?onitor ?isteri i-personal & "e-i3iran a#;uster & ha#iah se'enarnya #ari 0llah yan( 'esar sen#iri #i3iri- 3e -en#ia-i seperti -anusia #ari Urantia & #i3iritanpa pe-'eritahuan #an tanpa pen;elasan . Dala- pro esi ta3 'eru;un( -ere3a turun #ari 3etin((ian 3e-uliaan 'a(i rah-at #an -en#ia-i pi3iran ren#ah hati #ari oran(1 -anusia yan( -e-ili3i 3e-a-puan untu3 +uhan 1 3esa#aran atau potensi untu3 itu . ( 36.1 ) .:1.G Den(an cara ini #an 'anya3 oran( lain & #en(an cara yan( ti#a3 #i3etahui 'a(i 0n#a #an 'enar1'enar #i luar pe-aha-an yan( ter'atas & apa3ah !apa sur(a penuh cinta #an rela #ownstep #an -e-o#i i3asi & encer & #an -enipis3an in inity nya a(ar ia #apat untu3 -en#e3at pi3iran ter'atas ana3 -a3hlu3 1Cya . ?a3a & -elalui seran(3aian #istri'usi 3epri'a#ian yan( #i-inishin(ly -utla3& !apa yan( ta3

successive levels o universe pro(ression. +hou(h -an cannot enco-pass the si(ni icance o in inity& the in inite Father #oes -ost certainly ully co-prehen# an# lovin(ly e-'race all the inity o all his chil#ren in all universes. (36.4) .:1.11 Divinity an# eternity the Father shares with lar(e nu-'ers o the hi(her "ara#ise 'ein(s& 'ut we Auestion whether in inity an# conseAuent universal pri-acy is ully share# with any save his co1 or#inate associates o the "ara#ise +rinity. 4n inity o personality -ust& per orce& e-'race all initu#e o personality; hence the truth J literal truth J o the teachin( which #eclares that )4n 9i- we live an# -ove an# have our 'ein(.* +hat ra(-ent o the pure Deity o the Universal Father which in#wells -ortal -an is a part o the in inity o the First Great %ource an# $enter& the Father o Fathers. 2. The (athers Eterna! Perfe,tion (36.6) .:..1 =ven your ol#en prophets un#erstoo# the eternal& never1'e(innin(& never1en#in(& circular nature o the Universal Father. Go# is literally an# eternally present in his universe o universes. 9e inha'its the present -o-ent with all his a'solute -a;esty an# eternal (reatness. )+he Father has li e in hi-sel & an# this li e is eternal li e.* +hrou(hout the eternal a(es it has 'een the Father who )(ives to all li e.* +here is in inite per ection in the #ivine inte(rity. )4 a- the 8or#; 4 chan(e not.* Our 3nowle#(e o the universe o universes #iscloses not only that he is the Father o li(hts& 'ut also that in his con#uct o interplanetary a airs there )is no varia'leness neither sha#ow o chan(in(.* 9e )#eclares the en# ro- the 'e(innin(.* 9e says: )?y counsel shall stan#; 4 will #o all -y pleasures* )accor#in( to the eternal purpose which 4 purpose# in -y %on.* +hus are the plans an# purposes o the First %ource an# $enter li3e hi-sel : eternal& per ect& an# orever chan(eless. (36.B) .:... +here is inality o co-pleteness an# per ection o repleteness in the -an#ates o the Father. )2hatsoever Go# #oes& it shall 'e orever; nothin( can 'e a##e# to it nor anythin( ta3en roit.* +he Universal Father #oes not repent

ter'atas #ia3ti 3an untu3 -eni3-ati 3onta3 #e3at #en(an 3ecer#asan 'era(a- #ari 'anya3 ala- se-esta yan( san(at luas itu . ( 36.. ) .:1.I %e-ua ini telah ia la3u3an #an se3aran( ti#a3 & #an la-anya a3an terus -ela3u3annya & tanpa se#i3itpun -en(ecil3an #ari a3ta #an realitas in inity nya & 3ea'a#ian& #an 3euta-aan . Dan hal1hal ini 'enar1'enar 'enar & -es3ipun 3esulitan pe-aha-an -ere3a & -isteri #i -ana -ere3a enshrou#e# & atau 3eti#a3-un(3inan -ere3a #ipaha-i sepenuhnya oleh -a3hlu3 seperti -e-i3ir3an Urantia . ( 36.3 ) .:1.10 <arena !apa "erta-a ter'atas #ala- rencananya #an 3e3al #ala- tu;uan1Cya& secara inheren -ustahil 'a(i setiap ter'atas yan( pernah untu3 -e-aha-i atau -e-aha-i rencana ini ilahi #an tu;uan #ala- 3epenuhan -ere3a. ?anusia 'iasa 'isa se3ilas tu;uan !apa hanya se3aran( #an 3e-u#ian & #i sana1sini & seperti yan( terun(3ap #ala- 3aitannya #en(an outwor3in( #ari rencana -a3hlu3 3enai3an pa#a tin(3at 'erturut1turut per3e-'an(an ala- se-esta . ?es3ipun -anusia ti#a3 #apat -enca3up pentin(nya in inity & !apa yan( ta3 ter'atas ti#a3 pasti sepenuhnya -e-aha-i #an penuh cinta -eran(3ul se-ua inity se-ua ana3nya #alase-ua ala- se-esta . ( 36&4 ) .:1.11 Divinity #an 3e3e3alan saha- !apa #en(an se;u-lah 'esar -a3hlu3 sur(a yan( le'ih tin((i & tapi 3a-i -e-pertanya3an apa3ah in inity #an 3onse3uen 3euta-aan universal sepenuhnya 'ersa-a #en(an -enyi-pan re3an 3oor#inasi tentan( sur(a +rinity . 4n inity 3epri'a#ian harus & terpa3sa & -eran(3ul se-ua 3eter'atasan 3epri'a#ian & -a3a 3e'enaran 1 3e'enaran har iah 1 #ari a;aran yan( -enyata3an 'ahwa : DalaDia 3ita hi#up #an 'er(era3 #an -e-ili3i 3e'era#aan 3ita . : 4tu ra(-en #ari Dewa -urni #ari !apa Universal yan( -en#ia-i -anusia ana a#alah 'a(ian #ari 3eti#a3ter'atasan "erta-a %u-'er 0(un( #an "usat & !apa !apa .

o his ori(inal purposes o wis#o- an# per ection. 9is plans are stea# ast& his counsel i--uta'le& while his acts are #ivine an# in alli'le. )0 thousan# years in his si(ht are 'ut as yester#ay when it is past an# as a watch in the ni(ht.* +he per ection o #ivinity an# the -a(nitu#e o eternity are orever 'eyon# the ull (rasp o the circu-scri'e# -in# o -ortal -an. (3B.1) .:..3 +he reactions o a chan(eless Go#& in the e,ecution o his eternal purpose& -ay see- to vary in accor#ance with the chan(in( attitu#e an# the shi tin( -in#s o his create# intelli(ences; that is& they -ay apparently an# super icially vary; 'ut un#erneath the sur ace an# 'eneath all outwar# -ani estations& there is still present the chan(eless purpose& the everlastin( plan& o the eternal Go#. (3B..) .:..4 Out in the universes& per ection -ust necessarily 'e a relative ter-& 'ut in the central universe an# especially on "ara#ise& per ection is un#ilute#; in certain phases it is even a'solute. +rinity -ani estations vary the e,hi'ition o the #ivine per ection 'ut #o not attenuate it. (3B.3) .:..6 Go#>s pri-al per ection consists not in an assu-e# ri(hteousness 'ut rather in the inherent per ection o the (oo#ness o his #ivine nature. 9e is inal& co-plete& an# per ect. +here is no thin( lac3in( in the 'eauty an# per ection o his ri(hteous character. 0n# the whole sche-e o livin( e,istences on the worl#s o space is centere# in the #ivine purpose o elevatin( all will creatures to the hi(h #estiny o the e,perience o sharin( the Father>s "ara#ise per ection. Go# is neither sel 1centere# nor sel 1containe#; he never ceases to 'estow hi-sel upon all sel 1conscious creatures o the vast universe o universes. (3B.4) .:..B Go# is eternally an# in initely per ect& he cannot personally 3now i-per ection as his own e,perience& 'ut he #oes share the consciousness o all the e,perience o i-per ectness o all the stru((lin( creatures o the evolutionary universes o all the "ara#ise $reator %ons. +he personal an# li'eratin( touch o the Go# o per ection oversha#ows the hearts an# encircuits the natures o all those -ortal creatures who have

. . <ese-purnaan 0'a#i !apa ( 36.6 ) .:..1 !ah3an na'i1na'i #ahulu 0n#a -e-aha-i 3e3al & ti#a3 pernah 1 awal & ti#a3 pernah 'era3hir & si at -elin(3ar #ari !apa Universal . 0llah secara har iah #an a'a#i ha#ir #i alase-esta nya ala- se-esta . Dia -en#ia-i saat ini #en(an se(ala 3ea(un(an #an 3e'esaran -utla3 yan( 3e3al . : !apa -e-ili3i hi#up #ala#irinya & #an 3ehi#upan ini a#alah hi#up yan( 3e3al . : %epan;an( usia 3e3al telah -en;a#i !apa yan( : -e-'eri3an 3epa#a se-ua 3ehi#upan . : 0#a 3ese-purnaan ta3 ter'atas #ala- inte(ritas ilahi . : 03ulah +uhan & saya ti#a3 'eru'ah . : "en(etahuan 3ita tentan( ala- se-esta ala- se-esta ti#a3 hanya -en(un(3ap3an 'ahwa ia a#alah !apa se(ala teran( & tetapi ;u(a 'ahwa #alaperila3u nya antarplanet urusan #i sana Dia : ti#a3 a#a peru'ahan atau 'ayan(an 3arena 'eru'ah. : : -en(u-u-3an a3hir #ari awal . : Dia -en(ata3an : : nasihat saya a3an 'er#iri & saya a3an -ela3u3an se-ua 3esenan(an saya : : sesuai #en(an tu;uan 3e3al yan( saya 'er3etetapan #ala- 0na31<u : #e-i3ian a#alah rencana #an tu;uan %u-'er "erta-a #an . "usat seperti #irinya : a'a#i & se-purna& #an ta3 'eru'ah sela-anya . ( 36&B ) .:... 0#a inalitas 3elen(3apan #an 3ese-purnaan repleteness #ala-an#at #ari !apa . : 0papun yan( +uhan ti#a3 & itu a3an -en;a#i sela-anya& ti#a3 a#a yan( #apat #ita-'ah3an 3e #ala-nya atau apapun yan( #ia-'il #ari itu . : !apa Universal ti#a3 'erto'at tu;uan aslinya 3e'i;a3sanaan #an 3ese-purnaan . Hencananya yan( sa'ar & -enasehati 'eru'ah & se-entara per'uatannya ilahi #an se-purna. : %eri'u tahun #i ha#apan1Cya hanyalah seperti 3e-arin 3eti3a -asa lalu #an se'a(ai ;a(a #i -ala- hari . : <ese-purnaan 3eilahian #an 'esarnya 3ea'a#ian sela-anya #i luar ;an(3auan penuh #ari pi3iran #i'atasi -anusia ana . ( 3B.1 ) .:..3 Hea3si 0llah ta3 'eru'ah &

ascen#e# to the universe level o -oral #iscern-ent. 4n this -anner& as well as throu(h the contacts o the #ivine presence& the Universal Father actually participates in the e,perience with i--aturity an# i-per ection in the evolvin( career o every -oral 'ein( o the entire universe. (3B.6) .:..F 9u-an li-itations& potential evil& are not a part o the #ivine nature& 'ut -ortal e,perience with evil an# all -an>s relations thereto are -ost certainly a part o Go#>s ever1e,pan#in( sel 1 reali/ation in the chil#ren o ti-e J creatures o -oral responsi'ility who have 'een create# or evolve# 'y every $reator %on (oin( out ro- "ara#ise. 3. 4usti,e and *i#hteousness (3B.B) .:3.1 Go# is ri(hteous; there ore is he ;ust. )+he 8or# is ri(hteous in all his ways.* )74 have not #one without cause all that 4 have #one&> says the 8or#.* )+he ;u#(-ents o the 8or# are true an# ri(hteous alto(ether.* +he ;ustice o the Universal Father cannot 'e in luence# 'y the acts an# per or-ances o his creatures& ) or there is no iniAuity with the 8or# our Go#& no respect o persons& no ta3in( o (i ts.* (3B.F) .:3.. 9ow utile to -a3e puerile appeals to such a Go# to -o#i y his chan(eless #ecrees so that we can avoi# the ;ust conseAuences o the operation o his wise natural laws an# ri(hteous spiritual -an#atesL )!e not #eceive#; Go# is not -oc3e#& or whatsoever a -an sows that shall he also reap.* +rue& even in the ;ustice o reapin( the harvest o wron(#oin(& this #ivine ;ustice is always te-pere# with -ercy. 4n inite wis#o- is the eternal ar'iter which #eter-ines the proportions o ;ustice an# -ercy which shall 'e -ete# out in any (iven circu-stance. +he (reatest punish-ent (in reality an inevita'le conseAuence) or wron(#oin( an# #eli'erate re'ellion a(ainst the (overn-ent o Go# is loss o e,istence as an in#ivi#ual su';ect o that (overn-ent. +he inal result o wholehearte# sin is annihilation. 4n the last analysis& such sin1i#enti ie# in#ivi#uals have #estroye# the-selves 'y 'eco-in( wholly unreal throu(h their e-'race o iniAuity. +he actual #isappearance o such a creature is&

#ala- pela3sanaan tu;uan a'a#inya & -un(3in ta-pa3nya 'ervariasi sesuai #en(an peru'ahan si3ap #an pi3iran per(eseran nya 3ecer#asan #icipta3an & yaitu & -ere3a ta-pa3nya #an(3al #an 'ervariasi ; tetapi #i 'awah per-u3aan #an #i 'awah se-ua -ani estasi lahiriah & -asih -enya;i3an tu;uan ta3 'eru'ah & rencana 3e3al & #ari 0llah yan( 3e3al . ( 3B.. ) .:..4 Out #i ala- se-esta & 3ese-purnaan tentu harus -en;a#i istilah relati & tapi #i ala- se-esta pusat #an teruta-a pa#a sur(a & 3ese-purnaan a#alah -urni & #alaase1 ase tertentu itu 'ah3an -utla3 . ?ani estasi +rinity 'ervariasi pa-eran 3ese-purnaan ilahi tapi ;an(an -ele-ah3an itu . ( 3B&3 ) 3ese-purnaan pri-al .:..6 0llah ter#iri ti#a3 #ala- 3e'enaran #iasu-si3an -elain3an #ala3ese-purnaan yan( -ele3at pa#a 3e'ai3an ala- ilahi1Cya . Dia a#alah inal & len(3ap & #an se-purna . +i#a3 a#a hal yan( 3uran( #ala- 3ein#ahan #an 3ese-purnaan 3ara3ter 'enar nya . Dan seluruh s3e-a e3sistensi hi#up #i #unia ruan( 'erpusat #i tu;uan ilahi -en(an(3at se-ua -a3hlu3 3ehen#a3 3epa#a ta3#ir tin((i #ari pen(ala-an 'er'a(i "ara#ise 3ese-purnaan !apa . +uhan 'u3anlah e(ois atau -an#iri & ia ti#a3 pernah 'erhenti untu3 -e-'eri3an #irinya 3epa#a se-ua -a3hlu3 sa#ar #iri #ari ala- se-esta yan( luas #ari alase-esta . ( 3B&4 ) .:..B 0llah 3e3al #an ta3 ter'atas se-purna& ia ti#a3 #apat secara pri'a#i tahu 3eti#a3se-purnaan seperti pen(ala-an sen#iri & tapi ia 'er'a(i 3esa#aran se-ua pen(ala-an 3eti#a3 se-purnaan #ari se-ua -a3hlu3 'er;uan( #ari ala- se-esta evolusi se-ua %ons "ara#ise "encipta . %entuhan pri'a#i #an -e-'e'as3an #ari 0llah -e-'ayan(i 3ese-purnaan hati #an encircuits 3o#rat se-ua -a3hlu3 ana yan( telah nai3 3e tin(3at se-esta pene(asan -oral. Den(an cara ini & serta -elalui 3onta3 #ari 3eha#iran ilahi & !apa Universal se'enarnya 'erpartisipasi

however& always #elaye# until the or#aine# or#er o ;ustice current in that universe has 'een ully co-plie# with. (3F.1) .:3.3 $essation o e,istence is usually #ecree# at the #ispensational or epochal a#;u#ication o the real- or real-s. On a worl# such as Urantia it co-es at the en# o a planetary #ispensation. $essation o e,istence can 'e #ecree# at such ti-es 'y co1or#inate action o all tri'unals o ;uris#iction& e,ten#in( ro- the planetary council up throu(h the courts o the $reator %on to the ;u#(-ent tri'unals o the 0ncients o Days. +he -an#ate o #issolution ori(inates in the hi(her courts o the superuniverse ollowin( an un'ro3en con ir-ation o the in#ict-ent ori(inatin( on the sphere o the wron(#oer>s resi#ence; an# then& when sentence o e,tinction has 'een con ir-e# on hi(h& the e,ecution is 'y the #irect act o those ;u#(es resi#ential on& an# operatin( ro-& the hea#Auarters o the superuniverse. (3F..) .:3.4 2hen this sentence is inally con ir-e#& the sin1i#enti ie# 'ein( instantly 'eco-es as thou(h he ha# not 'een. +here is no resurrection ro- such a ate; it is everlastin( an# eternal. +he livin( ener(y actors o i#entity are resolve# 'y the trans or-ations o ti-e an# the -eta-orphoses o space into the cos-ic potentials whence they once e-er(e#. 0s or the personality o the iniAuitous one& it is #eprive# o a continuin( li e vehicle 'y the creature>s ailure to -a3e those choices an# inal #ecisions which woul# have assure# eternal li e. 2hen the continue# e-'race o sin 'y the associate# -in# cul-inates in co-plete sel 1i#enti ication with iniAuity& then upon the cessation o li e& upon cos-ic #issolution& such an isolate# personality is a'sor'e# into the oversoul o creation& 'eco-in( a part o the evolvin( e,perience o the %upre-e !ein(. Cever a(ain #oes it appear as a personality; its i#entity 'eco-es as thou(h it ha# never 'een. 4n the case o an 0#;uster1in#welt personality& the e,periential spirit values survive in the reality o the continuin( 0#;uster. (3F.3) .:3.6 4n any universe contest 'etween actual levels o reality& the personality o the hi(her level will ulti-ately triu-ph

#ala- pen(ala-an #en(an 3eti#a3#ewasaan #an 3eti#a3se-purnaan #ala- 3arir 'er3e-'an( setiap -oral yan( -en;a#i seluruh ala- se-esta . ( 3B.6 ) .:..F 3eter'atasan -anusia & 3e;ahatan potensial & 'u3an -erupa3an 'a(ian #ari si at ilahi & tapi pen(ala-an ana #en(an 3e;ahatan #an hu'un(an se-ua -anusia -enyertainya a#alah pasti 'a(ian #ari terus 'er3e-'an( realisasi #iri 0llah pa#a ana31ana3 wa3tu 1 -a3hlu3 tan((un( ;awa' -oral yan( telah #i'uat atau #i3e-'an(3an oleh setiap %on "encipta 3eluar #ari sur(a . 3 . <ea#ilan #an <e'enaran ( 3B&B ) .:3.1 0llah a#alah 'enar & 3arena itu #ia hanya . : +uhan itu a#il #alase(ala ;alan1Cya . : : : 03u ti#a3 -ela3u3an tanpa -enye'a'3an se-ua yan( saya la3u3an & #e-i3ianlah ir-an +U90C . : : +he hu3u-1hu3u- +uhan itu 'enar & a#il se-uanya . : +he 3ea#ilan !apa Universal ti#a3 #apat #ipen(aruhi oleh tin#a3an #an pertun;u3an ciptaan1 Cya & : 3arena ti#a3 a#a 3esalahan #en(an +U90C& 0llah 3ita & ti#a3 -e-an#an( oran( & ti#a3 -en(a-'il ha#iah . : ( 3B&F ) .:3.. !a(ai-ana sia1sia untu3 -e-'uat per-ohonan 3epa#a +uhan 3e3ana313ana3an seperti itu untu3 -en(u'ah 3eputusan1Cya ta3 'eru'ah sehin((a 3ita #apat -en(hin#ari 3onse3uensi hanya #ari operasi hu3uala- yan( 'i;a3sana #an -an#at spiritual 'enar L : Dan(an sesatL 0llah ti#a3 #ie;e3 & <arena apa yan( #ita'ur oran( itu ;u(a yan( a3an #ituainya. : !enar & 'ah3an #ala- 3ea#ilan -enuai panen 3esalahan & 3ea#ilan ilahi ini selalu -arah #en(an 'elas 3asihan. <e'i;a3sanaan ta3 ter'atas a#alah ar'iter a'a#i yan( -enentu3an proporsi 3ea#ilan #an 'elas 3asihan yan( a3an #i;atuh3an #ala3ea#aan tertentu . 9u3u-an ter'esar ( pa#a 3enyataannya -erupa3an 3onse3uensi ta3 terela33an ) untu3 3esalahan #an pe-'eronta3an yan( #isen(a;a terha#ap pe-erintahan +uhan a#alah hilan(nya e3sistensi se'a(ai

over the personality o the lower level. +his inevita'le outco-e o universe controversy is inherent in the act that #ivinity o Auality eAuals the #e(ree o reality or actuality o any will creature. Un#ilute# evil& co-plete error& will ul sin& an# un-iti(ate# iniAuity are inherently an# auto-atically suici#al. %uch attitu#es o cos-ic unreality can survive in the universe only 'ecause o transient -ercy1tolerance pen#in( the action o the ;ustice1#eter-inin( an# airness1 in#in( -echanis-s o the universe tri'unals o ri(hteous a#;u#ication. (3F.4) .:3.B +he rule o the $reator %ons in the local universes is one o creation an# spirituali/ation. +hese %ons #evote the-selves to the e ective e,ecution o the "ara#ise plan o pro(ressive -ortal ascension& to the reha'ilitation o re'els an# wron( thin3ers& 'ut when all such lovin( e orts are inally an# orever re;ecte#& the inal #ecree o #issolution is e,ecute# 'y orces actin( un#er the ;uris#iction o the 0ncients o Days. $. The .ivine 3er,y (3G.1) .:4.1 ?ercy is si-ply ;ustice te-pere# 'y that wis#o- which (rows out o per ection o 3nowle#(e an# the ull reco(nition o the natural wea3nesses an# environ-ental han#icaps o inite creatures. )Our Go# is ull o co-passion& (racious& lon(1su erin(& an# plenteous in -ercy.* +here ore )whosoever calls upon the 8or# shall 'e save#&* ) or he will a'un#antly par#on.* )+he -ercy o the 8or# is ro- everlastin( to everlastin(*; yes& )his -ercy en#ures orever.* )4 athe 8or# who e,ecutes lovin(13in#ness& ;u#(-ent& an# ri(hteousness in the earth& or in these thin(s 4 #eli(ht.* )4 #o not a lict willin(ly nor (rieve the chil#ren o -en&* or 4 a- )the Father o -ercies an# the Go# o all co- ort.* (3G..) .:4.. Go# is inherently 3in#& naturally co-passionate& an# everlastin(ly -erci ul. 0n# never is it necessary that any in luence 'e 'rou(ht to 'ear upon the Father to call orth his lovin(1 3in#ness. +he creature>s nee# is wholly su icient to insure the ull low o the Father>s ten#er -ercies an# his savin( (race. %ince Go# 3nows all a'out his chil#ren& it is easy or hi- to or(ive. +he 'etter -an un#erstan#s his nei(h'or& the

su'ye3 #ari pe-erintah itu. 9asil a3hir #ari #osa sepenuh hati a#alah pe-usnahan . Dala- analisis tera3hir & in#ivi#u 1 #osa #ii#enti i3asi terse'ut telah -en(hancur3an #iri -ere3a sen#iri #en(an -en;a#i sepenuhnya nyata -elalui pelu3an -ere3a #ala- 3e;ahatan . 9ilan(nya a3tual -a3hlu3 seperti itu & 'a(ai-anapun& selalu #itun#a sa-pai urutan #itah'is3an 3ea#ilan saat ini #i ala- se-esta yan( telah sepenuhnya -e-atuhi . ( 3F&1 ) .:3.3 "en(hentian e3sistensi 'iasanya #itetap3an pa#a a;u#i3asi #ispensasional atau #r ;a-an y( pentin( #ari ala- atau ala- . "a#a #unia seperti Urantia #atan( pa#a a3hir #ispensasi planet . "en(hentian e3sistensi #apat #itetap3an pa#a wa3tu terse'ut #en(an tin#a3an 3oor#inasi #ari se-ua pen(a#ilan yuris#i3si & -e-'entan( #ari planet #ewan up -elalui pen(a#ilan "utra "encipta untu3 pen(a#ilan pen(ha3i-an o the 0ncients o Days . ?an#at pe-'u'aran 'erasal #i pen(a#ilan yan( le'ih tin((i superuniverse -enyusul 3on ir-asi terputus #ari #a3waan yan( 'erasal #ari 'i#an( 3e#ia-an pela3u 3esalahan itu & #an 3e-u#ian & 3eti3a 3ali-at 3epunahan telah #i3on ir-asi pa#a tin((i & e3se3usi a#alah #en(an tin#a3an lan(sun( #ari -ere3a ha3i- peru-ahan #i & #an operasi #ari& -ar3as superuniverse terse'ut . ( 3F.. ) .:3.4 <eti3a 3ali-at ini a3hirnya #i3on ir-asi & #osa 1 #ii#enti i3asi yan( lan(sun( -en;a#i seolah1olah #ia ti#a3 pernah a#a. +i#a3 a#a 3e'an(3itan #ari nasi' seperti itu & itu a#alah 3e3al #an a'a#i . Fa3tor ener(i hi#up i#entitas #iselesai3an oleh trans or-asi wa3tu #an -eta-or osis ruan( 3e #ala- 3os-i3 potensi -ana -ere3a pernah -uncul . 0#apun 3epri'a#ian yan( 'en(is & ia 3ehilan(an 3en#araan 3e'erlan(sun(an 3ehi#upan oleh 3e(a(alan -a3hlu3 untu3 -e-'uat pilihan1pilihan #an 3eputusan a3hir yan( a3an -eya3in3an hi#up yan( 3e3al . <eti3a pelu3an terus #osa oleh pi3iran ter3ait -e-unca3 pa#a len(3ap i#enti i3asi #iri #en(an 3e;ahatan & 3e-u#ian setelah pen(hentian hi#up &

easier it will 'e to or(ive hi-& even to love hi-. (3G.3) .:4.3 Only the #iscern-ent o in inite wis#o- ena'les a ri(hteous Go# to -inister ;ustice an# -ercy at the sa-e ti-e an# in any (iven universe situation. +he heavenly Father is never torn 'y con lictin( attitu#es towar#s his universe chil#ren; Go# is never a victi- o attitu#inal anta(onis-s. Go#>s all1 3nowin(ness un ailin(ly #irects his ree will in the choosin( o that universe con#uct which per ectly& si-ultaneously& an# eAually satis ies the #e-an#s o all his #ivine attri'utes an# the in inite Aualities o his eternal nature. (3G.4) .:4.4 ?ercy is the natural an# inevita'le o sprin( o (oo#ness an# love. +he (oo# nature o a lovin( Father coul# not possi'ly withhol# the wise -inistry o -ercy to each -e-'er o every (roup o his universe chil#ren. =ternal ;ustice an# #ivine -ercy to(ether constitute what in hu-an e,perience woul# 'e calle# fairness. (3G.6) .:4.6 Divine -ercy represents a airness techniAue o a#;ust-ent 'etween the universe levels o per ection an# i-per ection. ?ercy is the ;ustice o %upre-acy a#apte# to the situations o the evolvin( inite& the ri(hteousness o eternity -o#i ie# to -eet the hi(hest interests an# universe wel are o the chil#ren o ti-e. ?ercy is not a contravention o ;ustice 'ut rather an un#erstan#in( interpretation o the #e-an#s o supre-e ;ustice as it is airly applie# to the su'or#inate spiritual 'ein(s an# to the -aterial creatures o the evolvin( universes. ?ercy is the ;ustice o the "ara#ise +rinity wisely an# lovin(ly visite# upon the -ani ol# intelli(ences o the creations o ti-e an# space as it is or-ulate# 'y #ivine wis#o- an# #eter-ine# 'y the all1 3nowin( -in# an# the soverei(n ree will o the Universal Father an# all his associate# $reators. '. The %ove of God (3G.B) .:6.1 )Go# is love*; there ore his only personal attitu#e towar#s the a airs o the universe is always a reaction o #ivine a ection. +he Father loves us su iciently to 'estow his li e upon us. )9e -a3es his sun to rise on the evil an#

pe-'u'aran 3os-is & seperti 3epri'a#ian terisolasi #iserap 3e #ala- Oversoul penciptaan & -en;a#i 'a(ian #ari pen(ala-an 'er3e-'an( yan( ?ahatin((i . +i#a3 pernah la(i apa3ah itu -uncul se'a(ai 3epri'a#ian & i#entitas -en;a#i seolah1olah itu ti#a3 pernah a#a. Dala- 3asus 3epri'a#ian 0#;uster 1 #i#ia-i & nilai1nilai se-an(at pen(ala-an 'ertahan #ala- realitas 0#;uster -elan;ut3an . ( 3F&3 ) .:3.6 Dala- setiap se-esta 3ontes antara tin(3at a3tual realitas & 3epri'a#ian #ari tin(3at yan( le'ih tin((i pa#a a3hirnya a3an -enan( atas 3epri'a#ian #ari tin(3at yan( le'ih ren#ah . 4ni hasil yan( ta3 terela33an #ari 3ontroversi se-esta -ele3at pa#a 3enyataan 'ahwa 3eilahian 3ualitas sa-a #en(an tin(3at realitas atau a3tualitas -a3hlu3 3ehen#a3 . <e;ahatan -urni & 3esalahan len(3ap & #osa yan( #isen(a;a & #an 3e;ahatan se;ati secara inheren #an oto-atis 'unuh #iri . %i3ap seperti ta3 nyata 3os-i3 #apat 'ertahan hi#up #i ala- se-esta hanya 3arena 'elas 3asihan 1 se-entara toleransi -enun((u a3si 3ea#ilan 1 3ea#ilan 1 -enentu3an #an -ene-u3an -e3anis-e pen(a#ilan se-esta a;u#i3asi 'enar . ( 3F.4 ) .:3.B 0turan 0na31ana3 "encipta #i ala- se-esta lo3al a#alah salah satu penciptaan #an spiritualisasi . 4ni %ons -en(a'#i3an #iri untu3 pela3sanaan yan( e e3ti #ari rencana "ara#ise pro(resi ana 3enai3an & untu3 reha'ilitasi pe-'eronta3 #an pe-i3ir yan( salah & tetapi 3eti3a se-ua upaya penuh 3asih terse'ut a3hirnya #an sela-anya #itola3 & 3eputusan a3hir pe-'u'aran #ila3u3an oleh (aya yan( 'e3er;a #i 'awah yuris#i3si 0ncients o Days . 4 . +he Divine ?ercy ( 3G&1 ) .:4.1 ?ercy hanya 3ea#ilan -arah #en(an itu 3e'i;a3sanaan yan( tu-'uh #ari 3ese-purnaan pen(etahuan #an pen(a3uan penuh 3ele-ahan ala#an cacat lin(3un(an -a3hlu3 ter'atas . : +uhan 3a-i a#alah penuh 3asih

on the (oo# an# sen#s rain on the ;ust an# on the un;ust.* (3I.1) .:6.. 4t is wron( to thin3 o Go# as 'ein( coa,e# into lovin( his chil#ren 'ecause o the sacri ices o his %ons or the intercession o his su'or#inate creatures& ) or the Father hi-sel loves you.* 4t is in response to this paternal a ection that Go# sen#s the -arvelous 0#;usters to in#well the -in#s o -en. Go#>s love is universal; )whosoever will -ay co-e.* 9e woul# )have all -en 'e save# 'y co-in( into the 3nowle#(e o the truth.* 9e is )not willin( that any shoul# perish.* (3I..) .:6.3 +he $reators are the very irst to atte-pt to save -an ro- the #isastrous results o his oolish trans(ression o the #ivine laws. Go#>s love is 'y nature a atherly a ection; there ore #oes he so-eti-es )chasten us or our own pro it& that we -ay 'e parta3ers o his holiness.* =ven #urin( your iery trials re-e-'er that )in all our a lictions he is a licte# with us.* (3I.3) .:6.4 Go# is #ivinely 3in# to sinners. 2hen re'els return to ri(hteousness& they are -erci ully receive#& ) or our Go# will a'un#antly par#on.* )4 a- he who 'lots out your trans(ressions or -y own sa3e& an# 4 will not re-e-'er your sins.* )!ehol# what -anner o love the Father has 'estowe# upon us that we shoul# 'e calle# the sons o Go#.* (3I.4) .:6.6 0 ter all& the (reatest evi#ence o the (oo#ness o Go# an# the supre-e reason or lovin( hi- is the in#wellin( (i t o the Father J the 0#;uster who so patiently awaits the hour when you 'oth shall 'e eternally -a#e one. +hou(h you cannot in# Go# 'y searchin(& i you will su'-it to the lea#in( o the in#wellin( spirit& you will 'e unerrin(ly (ui#e#& step 'y step& li e 'y li e& throu(h universe upon universe& an# a(e 'y a(e& until you inally stan# in the presence o the "ara#ise personality o the Universal Father. (3I.6) .:6.B 9ow unreasona'le that you shoul# not worship Go# 'ecause the li-itations o hu-an nature an# the han#icaps o your -aterial creation -a3e it i-possi'le or you to see hi-. !etween you an# Go# there is a tre-en#ous #istance (physical space) to 'e traverse#.

sayan( & ra-ah& pan;an( sa'ar #an 'erli-pah 3asih setia. : Oleh 3arena itu : 'aran(siapa -enyeru +uhan a3an #isela-at3an & : : 3arena ia 'erli-pah a3an -en(a-puninya. : : Hah-at #ari +uhan a#alah #ari 3e3al sa-pai 3e3al : & ya & : . rah-at1Cya 3e3al sela-anya : : . 03ulah +U90C yan( -en(e3se3usi cinta 3asih & 3ea#ilan #an 3e'enaran #i 'u-i & 3arena #ala- hal ini saya senan( : : %aya ti#a3 -eni-pa rela atau 'er#u3a ana31ana3 la3i1la3i & : 3arena 03u : !apa yan( penuh 'elas 3asihan #an 0llah su-'er se(ala pen(hi'uran . : ( 3G&. ) .:4.. 0llah secara inheren 'ai3& ala-i penuh 3asih & #an senantiasa penuh 'elas 3asihan . Dan ti#a3 pernah a#alah perlu 'ahwa a#a pen(aruh #i'awa 3e -enan((un( atas !apa untu3 -e-an((il 3asih setia1Cya . <e'utuhan -a3hlu3 itu sepenuhnya cu3up untu3 -en;a-in aliran penuh 'elas 3asihan !apa #an anu(rah 1Cya . <arena +uhan tahu se-ua tentan( ana31ana3nya & -u#ah 'a(inya untu3 -e-aa 3an . "ria yan( le'ih 'ai3 -e-aha-i tetan((anya & se-a3in -u#ah a3an -e-aa 3annya & 'ah3an -encintainya . ( 3G&3 ) .:4.3 9anya pene(asan 3e'i;a3sanaan ta3 ter'atas -e-un(3in3an 0llah yan( 'enar untu3 -elayani 3ea#ilan #an 'elas 3asih pa#a saat yan( sa-a #an #ala- situasi alase-esta yan( #i'eri3an . !apa sur(awi ti#a3 pernah ro'e3 oleh si3ap yan( 'ertentan(an terha#ap ana31ana3 alase-esta1Cya & 0llah ti#a3 pernah -en;a#i 3or'an si3ap anta(onis-e . %e-ua 3nowin(ness 0llah un ailin(ly -en(arah3an 3ehen#a3 'e'as #ala-e-ilih 'ahwa perila3u ala- se-esta yan( se-purna & secara 'ersa-aan & #an sa-a1sa-a -e-enuhi tuntutan se-ua atri'ut ilahi #an 3ualitas ta3 ter'atas ala- a'a#inya . ( 3G&4 ) .:4.4 ?ercy 3eturunan ala-i #an ta3 terela33an #ari 3e'ai3an #an cinta . %i at 'ai3 #ari !apa yan( penuh 3asih ti#a3 -un(3in -enahan pelayanan 'i;a3sana rah-at 'a(i setiap an((ota #ari tiap1tiap ana3 ala- se-esta1Cya . =ternal 3ea#ilan #an 'elas 3asih ilahi

+here li3ewise e,ists a (reat (ul o spiritual #i erential which -ust 'e 'ri#(e#; 'ut notwithstan#in( all that physically an# spiritually separates you ro- the "ara#ise personal presence o Go#& stop an# pon#er the sole-n act that Go# lives within you; he has in his own way alrea#y 'ri#(e# the (ul . 9e has sent o hi-sel & his spirit& to live in you an# to toil with you as you pursue your eternal universe career. (3I.B) .:6.F 4 in# it easy an# pleasant to worship one who is so (reat an# at the sa-e ti-e so a ectionately #evote# to the upli tin( -inistry o his lowly creatures. 4 naturally love one who is so power ul in creation an# in the control thereo & an# yet who is so per ect in (oo#ness an# so aith ul in the lovin(1 3in#ness which constantly oversha#ows us. 4 thin3 4 woul# love Go# ;ust as -uch i he were not so (reat an# power ul& as lon( as he is so (oo# an# -erci ul. 2e all love the Father -ore 'ecause o his nature than in reco(nition o his a-a/in( attri'utes. (3I.F) .:6.G 2hen 4 o'serve the $reator %ons an# their su'or#inate a#-inistrators stru((lin( so valiantly with the -ani ol# #i iculties o ti-e inherent in the evolution o the universes o space& 4 #iscover that 4 'ear these lesser rulers o the universes a (reat an# pro oun# a ection. 0 ter all& 4 thin3 we all& inclu#in( the -ortals o the real-s& love the Universal Father an# all other 'ein(s& #ivine or hu-an& 'ecause we #iscern that these personalities truly love us. +he e,perience o lovin( is very -uch a #irect response to the e,perience o 'ein( love#. <nowin( that Go# loves -e& 4 shoul# continue to love hi- supre-ely& even thou(h he were #iveste# o all his attri'utes o supre-acy& ulti-acy& an# a'soluteness. (40.1) .:6.I +he Father>s love ollows us now an# throu(hout the en#less circle o the eternal a(es. 0s you pon#er the lovin( nature o Go#& there is only one reasona'le an# natural personality reaction thereto: @ou will increasin(ly love your ?a3er; you will yiel# to Go# an a ection analo(ous to that (iven 'y a chil# to an earthly parent; or& as a ather& a real ather& a true ather& loves

'ersa-a1sa-a -e-'entu3 apa yan( #ala- pen(ala-an -anusia a3an #ise'ut 3ea#ilan . ( 3G.6 ) .:4.6 rah-at 4lahi -erupa3an te3ni3 3ewa;aran penyesuaian antara tin(3at se-esta 3ese-purnaan #an 3eti#a3se-purnaan . ?ercy 3ea#ilan %upre-acy #isesuai3an #en(an situasi yan( ter'atas 'er3e-'an( & 3e'enaran 3ea'a#ian #i-o#i i3asi untu3 -e-enuhi 3epentin(an tertin((i #an 3ese;ahteraan se-esta ana31ana3 wa3tu . ?ercy 'u3an suatu pelan((aran terha#ap 3ea#ilan -elain3an interpretasi pe-aha-an tentan( tuntutan 3ea#ilan tertin((i seperti cu3up #iterap3an pa#a -a3hlu3 spiritual 'awahan #an -a3hlu3 -aterial #ari ala- se-esta 'er3e-'an( . ?ercy 3ea#ilan sur(a +rinity 'i;a3sana #an penuh cinta #i3un;un(i pa#a -ani ol# 3ecer#asan #ari 3reasi ruan( #an wa3tu seperti yan( #iru-us3an oleh hi3-at ilahi #an #itentu3an oleh pi3iran ?aha +ahu #an 3ehen#a3 'e'as 'er#aulat !apa Universal #an se-ua nya <reator ter3ait . 6 . $inta +uhan ( 3G&B ) .:6.1 : 0llah a#alah 3asih : & 3arena itu hanya si3ap pri'a#inya terha#ap urusan ala- se-esta selalu rea3si 3asih sayan( ilahi . !apa -en(asihi 3ita cu3up untu3 -e-'eri3an hi#upnya 3epa#a 3ita . : Dia -e-'uat -atahari 'a(i pa#a 3e;ahatan #an oran( yan( 'ai3 #an -enurun3an hu;an 'a(i oran( yan( 'enar #an oran( yan( ti#a3 'enar . : ( 3I.1 ) .:6.. 0#alah salah untu3 'erpi3ir tentan( 0llah se'a(ai yan( #i'u;u3 untu3 -encintai ana31ana3nya 3arena pen(or'anan %ons nya atau perantaraan -a3hlu3 'awahannya & : untu3 !apa sen#iri -en(asihi 3a-u . : 9al ini #ala-enan((api ini 3asih sayan( seoran( ayah 'ahwa 0llah -en(iri-3an a#;uster luar 'iasa untu3 -en#ia-i pi3iran -anusia . <asih 0llah itu universal& :siapapun yan( -au 'isa #atan( . : Dia a3an : -e-ili3i se-ua oran( #isela-at3an #en(an #atan( 3e pen(etahuan tentan( 3e'enaran . : Dia :

his chil#ren& so the Universal Father loves an# orever see3s the wel are o his create# sons an# #au(hters. (40..) .:6.10 !ut the love o Go# is an intelli(ent an# arseein( parental a ection. +he #ivine love unctions in uni ie# association with #ivine wis#oan# all other in inite characteristics o the per ect nature o the Universal Father. Go# is love& 'ut love is not Go#. +he (reatest -ani estation o the #ivine love or -ortal 'ein(s is o'serve# in the 'estowal o the +hou(ht 0#;usters& 'ut your (reatest revelation o the Father>s love is seen in the 'estowal li e o his %on ?ichael as he live# on earth the i#eal spiritual li e. 4t is the in#wellin( 0#;uster who in#ivi#uali/es the love o Go# to each hu-an soul. (40.3) .:6.11 0t ti-es 4 a- al-ost paine# to 'e co-pelle# to portray the #ivine a ection o the heavenly Father or his universe chil#ren 'y the e-ploy-ent o the hu-an wor# sy-'ol love. +his ter-& even thou(h it #oes connote -an>s hi(hest concept o the -ortal relations o respect an# #evotion& is so reAuently #esi(native o so -uch o hu-an relationship that is wholly i(no'le an# utterly un it to 'e 3nown 'y any wor# which is also use# to in#icate the -atchless a ection o the livin( Go# or his universe creaturesL 9ow un ortunate that 4 cannot -a3e use o so-e supernal an# e,clusive ter- which woul# convey to the -in# o -an the true nature an# e,Auisitely 'eauti ul si(ni icance o the #ivine a ection o the "ara#ise Father. (40.4) .:6.1. 2hen -an loses si(ht o the love o a personal Go#& the 3in(#o- o Go# 'eco-es -erely the 3in(#o- o (oo#. Cotwithstan#in( the in inite unity o the #ivine nature& love is the #o-inant characteristic o all Go#>s personal #ealin(s with his creatures. +. The Goodness of God (40.6) .:B.1 4n the physical universe we -ay see the #ivine 'eauty& in the intellectual worl# we -ay #iscern eternal truth& 'ut the (oo#ness o Go# is oun# only in the spiritual worl# o personal reli(ious e,perience. 4n its true essence& reli(ion is a aith1trust in the (oo#ness o Go#. Go# coul# 'e (reat an# a'solute& so-ehow even intelli(ent an# personal& in

-en(hen#a3i supaya ;an(an a#a yan( 'inasa . : ( 3I.. ) .:6.3 +he $reators a#alah perta-a untu3 -enco'a untu3 -enyela-at3an -anusia #ari 'encana hasil #ari pelan((aran 'o#oh tentan( hu3u- ilahi . <asih 0llah a#alah #en(an si at 3asih sayan( 3e'apa3an & 3arena itu ia 3a#an(13a#an( : -en(ha;ar 3ita untu3 3euntun(an 3ita sen#iri & 'ahwa 3ita -un(3in -en(a-'il 'a(ian 3e3u#usan1 Cya . : !ah3an sela-a persi#an(an api 0n#a in(at 'ahwa : #ala- se(ala pen#eritaan 3a-i& #ia -en#erita #en(an 3ita . : ( 3I&3 ) .:6.4 0llah ilahi 'ai3 3epa#a oran(1oran( 'er#osa . <eti3a pe-'eronta3 3e-'ali 3e 3e'enaran & -ere3a untun(nya #iteri-a & :3arena 0llah 3ita a3an -eli-pah -en(a-puninya. : : 03ulah Dia yan( -en(hapus #osa pe-'eronta3an-u oleh 3arena 03u sen#iri & #an 03u ti#a3 -en(in(at1in(at #osa-u . : :8ihatlah apa cara cinta ayah telah #ili-pah3an 3epa#a 3ita 'ahwa 3ita harus #ise'ut ana31ana3 0llah . : ( 3I&4 ) .:6.6 %etelah se-ua & 'u3ti ter'esar #ari 3e'ai3an +uhan #an alasan tertin((i untu3 -encintainya a#alah 3arunia 'er#ia-nya !apa 1 yan( 0#;uster yan( 'e(itu sa'ar -enun((u ;a- 3eti3a 0n#a 'er#ua a3an sela-anya -e-'uat satu . ?es3ipun 0n#a ti#a3 #apat -ene-u3an 0llah #en(an -encari & ;i3a 0n#a a3an -enyerah3an 3epa#a pi-pinan se-an(at 'er#ia-nya & 0n#a a3an tanpa ra(u #ipan#u & lan(3ah #e-i lan(3ah & hi#up #en(an hi#up& -elalui ala- pa#a ala- se-esta & #an usia pa#a usia & sa-pai a3hirnya 'er#iri #i 3eha#iran 3epri'a#ian "ara#ise #ari !apa Universal . ( 3I&6 ) .:6.B !a(ai-ana -asu3 a3al 'ahwa 0n#a ti#a3 harus -enye-'ah 0llah 3arena 3eter'atasan si at -anusia #an cacat penciptaan -ateri 0n#a -e-'uatnya -un(3in 'a(i 0n#a untu3 'erte-u #en(annya . 0ntara 0n#a #an +uhan a#a ;ara3 yan( luar 'iasa ( ruan( isi3 ) yan( a3an #ilalui . 0#a ;u(a a#a

philosophy& 'ut in reli(ion Go# -ust also 'e -oral; he -ust 'e (oo#. ?an -i(ht ear a (reat Go#& 'ut he trusts an# loves only a (oo# Go#. +his (oo#ness o Go# is a part o the personality o Go#& an# its ull revelation appears only in the personal reli(ious e,perience o the 'elievin( sons o Go#. (40.B) .:B.. Heli(ion i-plies that the superworl# o spirit nature is co(ni/ant o & an# responsive to& the un#a-ental nee#s o the hu-an worl#. =volutionary reli(ion -ay 'eco-e ethical& 'ut only reveale# reli(ion 'eco-es truly an# spiritually -oral. +he ol#en concept that Go# is a Deity #o-inate# 'y 3in(ly -orality was upsteppe# 'y Desus to that a ectionately touchin( level o inti-ate a-ily -orality o the parent1chil# relationship& than which there is none -ore ten#er an# 'eauti ul in -ortal e,perience. (41.1) .:B.3 +he )richness o the (oo#ness o Go# lea#s errin( -an to repentance.* )=very (oo# (i t an# every per ect (i t co-es #own ro- the Father o li(hts.* )Go# is (oo#; he is the eternal re u(e o the souls o -en.* )+he 8or# Go# is -erci ul an# (racious. 9e is lon(1 su erin( an# a'un#ant in (oo#ness an# truth.* )+aste an# see that the 8or# is (oo#L !lesse# is the -an who trusts hi-.* )+he 8or# is (racious an# ull o co-passion. 9e is the Go# o salvation.* )9e heals the 'ro3enhearte# an# 'in#s up the woun#s o the soul. 9e is -an>s all1power ul 'ene actor.* (41..) .:B.4 +he concept o Go# as a 3in(1 ;u#(e& althou(h it ostere# a hi(h -oral stan#ar# an# create# a law1respectin( people as a (roup& le t the in#ivi#ual 'eliever in a sa# position o insecurity respectin( his status in ti-e an# in eternity. +he later 9e'rew prophets proclai-e# Go# to 'e a Father to 4srael; Desus reveale# Go# as the Father o each hu-an 'ein(. +he entire -ortal concept o Go# is transcen#ently illu-inate# 'y the li e o Desus. %el lessness is inherent in parental love. Go# loves not li+e a ather& 'ut as a ather. 9e is the "ara#ise Father o every universe personality. (41.3) .:B.6 Hi(hteousness i-plies that Go# is the source o the -oral law o the universe. +ruth e,hi'its Go# as a

;uran( 'esar #i erensial spiritual yan( harus #i;e-'atani & tetapi -es3ipun se-ua yan( secara isi3 #an rohani -e-isah3an 0n#a #ari 3eha#iran pri'a#i Fir#aus 0llah & 'erhenti #an -erenun(3an a3ta yan( 3husyu3 'ahwa 0llah #ia- #i #ala- 3a-u & #ia #en(an caranya sen#iri su#ah -en;e-'atani ;uran( . Dia telah -en(utus #irinya & se-an(atnya & untu3 hi#up #i #ala3a-u #an 'e3er;a 3eras #en(an 0n#a 3eti3a 0n#a -en(e;ar 3arir se-esta 3e3al 0n#a . ( 3I&B ) .:6.F %aya -erasa -u#ah #an -enyenan(3an untu3 -enye-'ah satu yan( 'e(itu 'esar #an pa#a saat yan( sa-a sehin((a sayan( #i3husus3an untu3 pelayanan -en((e-'ira3an -a3hlu3 ren#ah nya . %aya ala-i -encintai satu yan( 'e(itu 3uat #alapenciptaan #an #ala- 3ontrol #aripa#anya & na-un yan( 'e(itu se-purna #ala- 3e'ai3an #an 'e(itu setia #ala- cinta 3asih yan( selalu -e-'ayan(i 3ita. %aya pi3ir saya a3an -en(asihi +uhan hanya se'anya3 ;i3a ia ti#a3 'e(itu 'esar #an 3uat & sela-a #ia 'e(itu 'ai3 #an penuh 'elas 3asihan . <ita se-ua cinta !apa le'ih 3arena si atnya #aripa#a pen(a3uan atri'ut yan( luar 'iasa . ( 3I&F ) .:6.G <eti3a saya -en(a-ati %ons "encipta #an a#-inistrator 'awahan 'er;uan( 'e(itu (a(ah 'erani #en(an 3esulitan -ani ol# wa3tu yan( -ele3at #ala- evolusi ala- se-esta ruan( & saya -ene-u3an 'ahwa saya -enan((un( para pen(uasa yan( le'ih ren#ah #ari ala- se-esta yan( 'esar #an -en#ala- 3asih sayan(. %etelah se-ua& saya pi3ir 3ita se-ua & ter-asu3 -anusia #ari ala- & cinta !apa Universal #an se-ua -a3hlu3 lainnya & ilahi atau -anusia& 3arena 3ita -elihat 'ahwa 3epri'a#ian ini 'enar1'enar -encintai 3ita. "en(ala-an -encintai san(at 'anya3 respon lan(sun( terha#ap pen(ala-an #icintai . ?en(etahui 'ahwa +uhan -en(asihi saya & saya harus terus -encintainya san(at & -es3ipun ia #i#ivestasi #ari se(ala atri'ut supre-asi & ulti-acy & #an 3e-utla3an .

revealer& as a teacher. !ut love (ives an# craves a ection& see3s un#erstan#in( ellowship such as e,ists 'etween parent an# chil#. Hi(hteousness -ay 'e the #ivine thou(ht& 'ut love is a ather>s attitu#e. +he erroneous supposition that the ri(hteousness o Go# was irreconcila'le with the sel less love o the heavenly Father& presuppose# a'sence o unity in the nature o Deity an# le# #irectly to the ela'oration o the atone-ent #octrine& which is a philosophic assault upon 'oth the unity an# the ree1willness o Go#. (41.4) .:B.B +he a ectionate heavenly Father& whose spirit in#wells his chil#ren on earth& is not a #ivi#e# personality J one o ;ustice an# one o -ercy J neither #oes it reAuire a -e#iator to secure the Father>s avor or or(iveness. Divine ri(hteousness is not #o-inate# 'y strict retri'utive ;ustice; Go# as a ather transcen#s Go# as a ;u#(e. (41.6) .:B.F Go# is never wrath ul& ven(e ul& or an(ry. 4t is true that wis#o- #oes o ten restrain his love& while ;ustice con#itions his re;ecte# -ercy. 9is love o ri(hteousness cannot help 'ein( e,hi'ite# as eAual hatre# or sin. +he Father is not an inconsistent personality; the #ivine unity is per ect. 4n the "ara#ise +rinity there is a'solute unity #espite the eternal i#entities o the co1or#inates o Go#. (41.B) .:B.G Go# loves the sinner an# hates the sin: such a state-ent is true philosophically& 'ut Go# is a transcen#ent personality& an# persons can only love an# hate other persons. %in is not a person. Go# loves the sinner 'ecause he is a personality reality (potentially eternal)& while towar#s sin Go# stri3es no personal attitu#e& or sin is not a spiritual reality; it is not personal; there ore #oes only the ;ustice o Go# ta3e co(ni/ance o its e,istence. +he love o Go# saves the sinner; the law o Go# #estroys the sin. +his attitu#e o the #ivine nature woul# apparently chan(e i the sinner inally i#enti ie# hi-sel wholly with sin ;ust as the sa-e -ortal -in# -ay also ully i#enti y itsel with the in#wellin( spirit 0#;uster. %uch a sin1 i#enti ie# -ortal woul# then 'eco-e wholly unspiritual in nature (an#

( 40.1 ) .:6.I 3asih !apa 'eri3ut 3a-i se3aran( #an seluruh lin(3aran ta3 'eru;un( #ari usia 3e3al . <eti3a 0n#a -erenun(3an si at 0llah yan( penuh 3asih & hanya a#a satu yan( wa;ar #an ala-i 3epri'a#ian rea3si #ala-nya : 0n#a a3an se-a3in -encintai "encipta 0n#a& 0n#a a3an -en(hasil3an 3epa#a 0llah 3asih sayan( analo( #en(an yan( #i'eri3an oleh seoran( ana3 untu3 oran( tua #uniawi & 3arena & se'a(ai ayah& seoran( ayah 3an#un( & ayah se;ati & -encintai ana31ana3nya & sehin((a !apa Universal -encintai #an sela-anya -encari 3ese;ahteraan ana31ana3nya #i'uat #an putri . ( 40.. ) .:6.10 +etapi 3asih 0llah a#alah 3asih sayan( oran( tua cer#as #an 'erpan#an(an ;auh 3e #epan . Fun(si cinta ilahi #ala- hu'un(an terpa#u #en(an 3e'i;a3sanaan ilahi #an se-ua 3ara3teristi3 ter'atas lain #ari si at se-purna #ari !apa Universal . 0llah a#alah 3asih & tapi cinta 'u3an +uhan. ?ani estasi ter'esar #ari cinta ilahi 'a(i -a3hlu3 ana yan( #ia-ati #alapen(anu(erahan #ari a#;uster "e-i3iran & tapi wahyu ter'esar 0n#a 3asih !apa terlihat #ala- 3ehi#upan pen(anu(erahan 0na31Cya ?ichael saat ia hi#up #i 'u-i 3ehi#upan rohani yan( i#eal . 4ni a#alah 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya yan( in#ivi#uali/es 3asih 0llah 3epa#a setiap ;iwa -anusia . ( 40.3 ) .:6.11 "a#a saat saya ha-pir terlu3a a3an terpa3sa -en((a-'ar3an 3asih sayan( ilahi !apa sur(awi 'a(i ana31ana3 ala- se-esta1Cya #en(an 3er;a cinta si-'ol 3ata -anusia. 4stilah ini & -es3ipun ti#a3 'erarti 3onsep tertin((i -anusia #ari hu'un(an ana hor-at #an pen(a'#ian & 'e(itu serin( #esi(native 'e(itu 'anya3 hu'un(an -anusia yan( sepenuhnya tercela #an sa-a se3ali ti#a3 laya3 untu3 #i3etahui oleh setiap 3ata yan( ;u(a #i(una3an untu3 -enun;u33an 3asih sayan( ta3 tertan#in(i #ari 0llah yan( hi#up 'a(i -a3hlu3 ala- se-esta1Cya L !a(ai-ana #isayan(3an 'ahwa saya ti#a3 #apat -en((una3an 'e'erapa istilah sur(awi #an e3s3lusi yan( a3an -enya-pai3an 3epa#a pi3iran -anusia ha3i3at #an

there ore personally unreal) an# woul# e,perience eventual e,tinction o 'ein(. Unreality& even inco-pleteness o creature nature& cannot e,ist orever in a pro(ressin(ly real an# increasin(ly spiritual universe. (4..1) .:B.I Facin( the worl# o personality& Go# is #iscovere# to 'e a lovin( person; acin( the spiritual worl#& he is a personal love; in reli(ious e,perience he is 'oth. 8ove i#enti ies the volitional will o Go#. +he (oo#ness o Go# rests at the 'ottoo the #ivine ree1willness J the universal ten#ency to love& show -ercy& -ani est patience& an# -inister or(iveness. -. .ivine Truth and Beauty (4...) .:F.1 0ll inite 3nowle#(e an# creature un#erstan#in( are relative. 4n or-ation an# intelli(ence& (leane# ro- even hi(h sources& is only relatively co-plete& locally accurate& an# personally true. (4..3) .:F.. "hysical acts are airly uni or-& 'ut truth is a livin( an# le,i'le actor in the philosophy o the universe. =volvin( personalities are only partially wise an# relatively true in their co--unications. +hey can 'e certain only as ar as their personal e,perience e,ten#s. +hat which apparently -ay 'e wholly true in one place -ay 'e only relatively true in another se(-ent o creation. (4..4) .:F.3 Divine truth& inal truth& is uni oran# universal& 'ut the story o thin(s spiritual& as it is tol# 'y nu-erous in#ivi#uals hailin( ro- various spheres& -ay so-eti-es vary in #etails owin( to this relativity in the co-pleteness o 3nowle#(e an# in the repleteness o personal e,perience as well as in the len(th an# e,tent o that e,perience. 2hile the laws an# #ecrees& the thou(hts an# attitu#es& o the First Great %ource an# $enter are eternally& in initely& an# universally true; at the sa-e ti-e& their application to& an# a#;ust-ent or& every universe& syste-& worl#& an# create# intelli(ence& are in accor#ance with the plans an# techniAue o the $reator %ons as they unction in their respective universes& as well as in har-ony with the local plans an# proce#ures o the 4n inite %pirit an# o all other associate# celestial personalities. (4..6) .:F.4 +he alse science o -aterialiswoul# sentence -ortal -an to 'eco-e

-a3na yan( san(at in#ah 3asih sayan( ilahi !apa sur(a . ( 40&4 ) .:6.1. <eti3a seoran( pria 3ehilan(an pan#an(an #ari 3asih 0llah yan( pri'a#i& <era;aan 0llah -en;a#i se3e#ar 3era;aan 'ai3. ?es3ipun 3esatuan yan( ta3 ter'atas #ala- 3o#rat ilahi & cinta a#alah 3ara3teristi3 #o-inan #ari se-ua urusan pri'a#i 0llah #en(an -a3hlu31Cya . B . +he Goo#ness o 0llah ( 40.6 ) .:B.1 Di ala- se-esta isi3 3ita #apat -elihat 3ein#ahan ilahi & #ala#unia intele3tual 3ita #apat -elihat 3e'enaran yan( 3e3al & tetapi 3e'ai3an +uhan hanya #ite-u3an #ala- #unia spiritual pen(ala-an reli(ius pri'a#i. Dala- esensi se;ati & a(a-a a#alah i-an 1 3epercayaan #ala- 3e'ai3an 0llah . +uhan 'isa -en;a#i 'esar #an -utla3 & entah 'a(ai-ana 'ah3an cer#as #an pri'a#i& #ala- ilsa at & tapi #ala- a(a-a 0llah ;u(a harus 'er-oral & ia harus 'ai3 . ?anusia -un(3in ta3ut 0llah yan( 'esar & tapi #ia percaya #an -encintai hanya 0llah yan( 'ai3 . 4ni 3e'ai3an 0llah a#alah 'a(ian #ari 3epri'a#ian 0llah & #an wahyu penuh hanya -uncul #alapen(ala-an reli(ius pri'a#i #ari ana31 ana3 percaya 0llah . ( 40.B ) .:B.. 0(a-a -enyirat3an 'ahwa superworl# se-an(at ala- sa#ar & #an responsi terha#ap & 3e'utuhan -en#asar #ari #unia -anusia . 0(a-a evolusi #apat -en;a#i etis & tetapi hanya a(a-a yan( #iwahyu3an -en;a#i 'enar1'enar -oral #an rohani . +he #ahulu 3onsep 'ahwa 0llah a#alah Dewa #i#o-inasi oleh ra;a -oralitas upsteppe# oleh @esus untu3 yan( sayan( -enyentuh level -oralitas 3eluar(a inti- #ari hu'un(an oran(tua1ana3 & #ari yan( ti#a3 a#a yan( le'ih le-'ut #an in#ah #alapen(ala-an ana . ( 41.1 ) .:B.3 +he : . <e3ayaan 3e'ai3an 0llah -enuntun 'er#osa -anusia untu3 'erto'at : : %etiap pe-'erian yan( 'ai3 #an setiap anu(erah yan( se-purna turun #ari !apa se(ala teran( : :+uhan itu 'ai3 & . 4a a#alah perlin#un(an a'a#i

an outcast in the universe. %uch partial 3nowle#(e is potentially evil; it is 3nowle#(e co-pose# o 'oth (oo# an# evil. +ruth is 'eauti ul 'ecause it is 'oth replete an# sy--etrical. 2hen -an searches or truth& he pursues the #ivinely real. (4..B) .:F.6 "hilosophers co--it their (ravest error when they are -isle# into the allacy o a'straction& the practice o ocusin( the attention upon one aspect o reality an# then o pronouncin( such an isolate# aspect to 'e the whole truth. +he wise philosopher will always loo3 or the creative #esi(n which is 'ehin#& an# pre1 e,istent to& all universe pheno-ena. +he creator thou(ht invaria'ly prece#es creative action. (4..F) .:F.B 4ntellectual sel 1consciousness can #iscover the 'eauty o truth& its spiritual Auality& not only 'y the philosophic consistency o its concepts& 'ut -ore certainly an# surely 'y the unerrin( response o the ever1present %pirit o +ruth. 9appiness ensues rothe reco(nition o truth 'ecause it can 'e acted out; it can 'e live#. Disappoint-ent an# sorrow atten# upon error 'ecause& not 'ein( a reality& it cannot 'e reali/e# in e,perience. Divine truth is 'est 3nown 'y itsspiritual flavor. (4..G) .:F.F +he eternal Auest is or uni ication& or #ivine coherence. +he ar1 lun( physical universe coheres in the 4sle o "ara#ise; the intellectual universe coheres in the Go# o -in#& the $on;oint 0ctor; the spiritual universe is coherent in the personality o the =ternal %on. !ut the isolate# -ortal o ti-e an# space coheres in Go# the Father throu(h the #irect relationship 'etween the in#wellin( +hou(ht 0#;uster an# the Universal Father. ?an>s 0#;uster is a ra(-ent o Go# an# everlastin(ly see3s or #ivine uni ication; it coheres with& an# in& the "ara#ise Deity o the First %ource an# $enter. (43.1) .:F.G +he #iscern-ent o supre-e 'eauty is the #iscovery an# inte(ration o reality: +he #iscern-ent o the #ivine (oo#ness in the eternal truth& that is ulti-ate 'eauty. =ven the char- o hu-an art consists in the har-ony o its unity. (43..) .:F.I +he (reat -ista3e o the 9e'rew

;iwa -anusia . : : +uhan 0llah a#alah penyayan( #an pen(asih . Dia pan;an( sa'ar #an 'erli-pah #ala- 3e'ai3an #an 3e'enaran . : : Hasa #an -elihat 'ahwa +uhan itu 'ai3 L Di'er3atilah oran( yan( -en(an#al3an #ia. : : +uhan yan( "e-urah #an penuh 3asih sayan( . Dia a#alah +uhan 3esela-atan . : : 4a -enye-'uh3an oran( yan( patah hati #an -e-'alut lu3a1lu3a ;iwa . Dia a#alah #er-awan -anusia yan( san(at 3uat . : ( 41&. ) .:B.4 <onsep +uhan se'a(ai ra;a 1 ha3i- & -es3ipun #ipupu3 stan#ar -oral yan( tin((i #an -encipta3an hu3uoran( -en(hor-ati se'a(ai se'uah 3elo-po3 & -enin((al3an oran( percaya #ala- posisi se#ih 3eti#a3a-anan -en(hor-ati statusnya #ala- wa3tu #an #ala- 3e3e3alan . "ara na'i 4'rani 3e-u#ian -enyata3an +uhan -en;a#i !apa 4srael& @esus -enyata3an 0llah se'a(ai !apa setiap -anusia . %eluruh 3onsep ana 0llah transcen#ently #iteran(i oleh 3ehi#upan @esus . ?e-entin(3an Diri %en#iri -ele3at pa#a cinta oran(tua . 0llah -en(asihi 'u3an seperti seoran( ayah & tetapi se'a(ai seoran( ayah . Dia a#alah !apa %ur(awi setiap 3epri'a#ian se-esta . ( 41.3 ) .:B.6 <e'enaran -enyirat3an 'ahwa 0llah a#alah su-'er #ari hu3u-oral ala- se-esta . <e'enaran -enun;u33an 0llah se'a(ai pen(un(3ap & seperti (uru . +api cinta -e-'eri #an haus 3asih sayan( & 'erusaha -e-aha-i perse3utuan seperti a#a antara oran( tua #an ana3 . <e'enaran -un(3in pi3iran ilahi & tapi cinta a#alah si3ap seoran( ayah . +he 3eliru an((apan 'ahwa 3e'enaran 0llah ti#a3 #apat #i#a-ai3an #en(an 3asih tanpa pa-rih #ari !apa sur(awi & -ensyarat3an a#anya 3esatuan #ala- si at +uhan #an #ipi-pin lan(sun( 3epa#a ela'orasi pene'usan #o3trin & yan( -erupa3an seran(an iloso is atas 'ai3 3esatuan #an 'e'as willness 0llah . ( 41.4 ) .:B.B !apa sur(awi 3asih sayan( & se-an(at ana31ana3nya 'er#ia- #i 'u-i & 'u3an 3epri'a#ian yan( #i'a(i 1 salah satu #ari 3ea#ilan #an salah satu rah-at 1 ;u(a ti#a3 -e-'utuh3an -e#iator untu3 -en(a-an3an 'antuan !apa atau

reli(ion was its ailure to associate the (oo#ness o Go# with the actual truths o science an# the appealin( 'eauty o art. 0s civili/ation pro(resse#& an# since reli(ion continue# to pursue the sa-e unwise course o overe-phasi/in( the (oo#ness o Go# to the relative e,clusion o truth an# ne(lect o 'eauty& there #evelope# an increasin( ten#ency or certain types o -en to turn away rothe a'stract an# #issociate# concept o isolate# (oo#ness. +he overstresse# an# isolate# -orality o -o#ern reli(ion& which ails to hol# the #evotion an# loyalty o -any twentieth1century -en& woul# reha'ilitate itsel i & in a##ition to its -oral -an#ates& it woul# (ive eAual consi#eration to the truths o science& philosophy& an# spiritual e,perience& an# to the 'eauties o the physical creation& the char- o intellectual art& an# the (ran#eur o (enuine character achieve-ent. (43.3) .:F.10 +he reli(ious challen(e o this a(e is to those arseein( an# orwar#1 loo3in( -en an# wo-en o spiritual insi(ht who will #are to construct a new an# appealin( philosophy o livin( out o the enlar(e# an# e,Auisitely inte(rate# -o#ern concepts o cos-ic truth& universe 'eauty& an# #ivine (oo#ness. %uch a new an# ri(hteous vision o -orality will attract all that is (oo# in the -in# o -an an# challen(e that which is 'est in the hu-an soul. +ruth& 'eauty& an# (oo#ness are #ivine realities& an# as -an ascen#s the scale o spiritual livin(& these supre-e Aualities o the =ternal 'eco-e increasin(ly co1or#inate# an# uni ie# in Go#& who is love. (43.4) .:F.11 0ll truth J -aterial& philosophic& or spiritual J is 'oth 'eauti ul an# (oo#. 0ll real 'eauty J -aterial art or spiritual sy--etry J is 'oth true an# (oo#. 0ll (enuine (oo#ness J whether personal -orality& social eAuity& or #ivine -inistry J is eAually true an# 'eauti ul. 9ealth& sanity& an# happiness are inte(rations o truth& 'eauty& an# (oo#ness as they are 'len#e# in hu-an e,perience. %uch levels o e icient livin( co-e a'out throu(h the uni ication o ener(y syste-s& i#ea syste-s& an# spirit syste-s. (43.6) .:F.1. +ruth is coherent& 'eauty

pen(a-punan . <e'enaran ilahi ti#a3 #i#o-inasi oleh 3ea#ilan retri'uti yan( 3etat & 0llah se'a(ai seoran( ayah -ela-paui 0llah se'a(ai ha3i- . ( 41&6 ) .:B.F 0llah ti#a3 pernah -ur3a & #en#a- & atau -arah . ?e-an( 'enar 'ahwa 3e'i;a3sanaan ti#a3 serin( -enahan cintanya & se-entara 3on#isi 3ea#ilan rah-at1Cya #itola3 . $intanya 3e'enaran ti#a3 'isa #ipa-er3an se'a(ai 3e'encian yan( sa-a untu3 #osa. 0llah !apa 'u3anlah 3epri'a#ian yan( ti#a3 3onsisten & 3esatuan ilahi se-purna. Di "ara#ise +rinity a#a 3esatuan -utla3 -es3ipun i#entitas a'a#i 3oor#inat 0llah .

attractive& (oo#ness sta'ili/in(. 0n# when these values o that which is real are co1or#inate# in personality e,perience& the result is a hi(h or#er o love con#itione# 'y wis#o- an# Auali ie# 'y loyalty. +he real purpose o all universe e#ucation is to e ect the 'etter co1or#ination o the isolate# chil# o the worl#s with the lar(er realities o his e,pan#in( e,perience. Heality is inite on the hu-an level& in inite an# eternal on the hi(her an# #ivine levels. (43.B) .:F.13 M"resente# 'y a Divine $ounselor actin( 'y authority o the 0ncients o Days on Uversa.N The Urantia Book Paper 1>1 The *ea! 8ature of *e!i#ion (1104.1) 101:0.1 H=84G4OC& as a hu-an e,perience& ran(es ro- the pri-itive ear slavery o the evolvin( sava(e up to the su'li-e an# -a(ni icent aith li'erty o those civili/e# -ortals who are super'ly conscious o sonship with the eternal Go#. (1104..) 101:0.. Heli(ion is the ancestor o the a#vance# ethics an# -orals o pro(ressive social evolution. !ut reli(ion& as such& is not -erely a -oral -ove-ent& al'eit the outwar# an# social -ani estations o reli(ion are -i(htily in luence# 'y the ethical an# -oral -o-entu- o hu-an society. 0lways is reli(ion the inspiration o -an>s evolvin( nature& 'ut it is not the secret o that evolution. (1104.3) 101:0.3 Heli(ion& the conviction1 aith o the personality& can always triu-ph over the super icially contra#ictory lo(ic o #espair 'orn in the un'elievin( -aterial -in#. +here really is a true an# (enuine inner voice& that )true li(ht which li(hts every -an who co-es into the worl#.* 0n# this spirit lea#in( is #istinct ro- the ethical pro-ptin( o hu-an conscience. +he eelin( o reli(ious assurance is -ore than an e-otional eelin(. +he assurance o reli(ion transcen#s the reason o the -in#& even the lo(ic o philosophy. Heli(ion is aith& trust& an# assurance. 1. True *e!i#ion (1104.4) 101:1.1 +rue reli(ion is not a syste- o philosophic 'elie which can 'e reasone# out an# su'stantiate# 'y natural proo s& +he Urantia 3ertas 101 +he Heal Cature 0(a-a ( 1.104&1 ) 101:0.1 0G0?0 & se'a(ai pen(ala-an -anusia & 'er3isar #ari rasa ta3ut per'u#a3an pri-iti 'ia#a' 'er3e-'an( hin((a luhur #an -e(ah i-an 3e'e'asan -ere3a -anusia 'era#a' yan( luar 'iasa sa#ar se'a(ai ana3 #en(an 0llah yan( 3e3al . ( 1.104&. ) 101:0.. 0(a-a -erupa3an nene3 -oyan( #ari eti3a #an -oral -a;u evolusi sosial yan( pro(resi . +api a(a-a& #en(an #e-i3ian & 'u3an hanya (era3an -oral & -es3ipun -ani estasi lahiriah #an sosial a(a-a yan( -ati1 -atian #ipen(aruhi oleh -o-entueti3a #an -oral -asyara3at -anusia . %elalu a#alah a(a-a inspirasi ala'er3e-'an( -anusia & tetapi 'u3an rahasia 'ahwa evolusi . ( 1.104&3 ) 101:0.3 0(a-a & 3eya3inan 1 3eya3inan 3epri'a#ian & 'isa selalu -enan( atas lo(i3a #an(3al 'ertentan(an putus asa lahir #i percaya pi3iran -aterial. !enar1'enar a#a suara 'atin 'enar #an tulus & 'ahwa : cahaya se;ati yan( -eneran(i setiap oran( yan( #atan( 3e #ala- #unia . : Dan se-an(at ini -e-i-pin 'er'e#a #ari eti3a #oron(an hati nurani -anusia . "erasaan ;a-inan a(a-a le'ih #ari perasaan e-osional . <epastian a(a-a -ela-paui alasan pi3iran & 'ah3an lo(i3a ilsa at .

neither is it a antastic an# -ystic e,perience o in#escri'a'le eelin(s o ecstasy which can 'e en;oye# only 'y the ro-antic #evotees o -ysticis-. Heli(ion is not the pro#uct o reason& 'ut viewe# ro- within& it is alto(ether reasona'le. Heli(ion is not #erive# ro- the lo(ic o hu-an philosophy& 'ut as a -ortal e,perience it is alto(ether lo(ical. Heli(ion is the e,periencin( o #ivinity in the consciousness o a -oral 'ein( o evolutionary ori(in; it represents true e,perience with eternal realities in ti-e& the reali/ation o spiritual satis actions while yet in the lesh. (1104.6) 101:1.. +he +hou(ht 0#;uster has no special -echanis- throu(h which to (ain sel 1e,pression; there is no -ystic reli(ious aculty or the reception or e,pression o reli(ious e-otions. +hese e,periences are -a#e availa'le throu(h the naturally or#aine# -echanis- o -ortal -in#. 0n# therein lies one e,planation o the 0#;uster>s #i iculty in en(a(in( in #irect co--unication with the -aterial -in# o its constant in#wellin(. (1104.B) 101:1.3 +he #ivine spirit -a3es contact with -ortal -an& not 'y eelin(s or e-otions& 'ut in the real- o the hi(hest an# -ost spirituali/e# thin3in(. 4t is your thoughts, not your eelin(s& that lea# you Go#war#. +he #ivine nature -ay 'e perceive# only with the eyes o the -in#. !ut the -in# that really #iscerns Go#& hears the in#wellin( 0#;uster& is the pure -in#. )2ithout holiness no -an -ay see the 8or#.* 0ll such inner an# spiritual co--union is ter-e# spiritual insi(ht. %uch reli(ious e,periences result ro- the i-press -a#e upon the -in# o -an 'y the co-'ine# operations o the 0#;uster an# the %pirit o +ruth as they unction a-i# an# upon the i#eas& i#eals& insi(hts& an# spirit strivin(s o the evolvin( sons o Go#. (1106.1) 101:1.4 Heli(ion lives an# prospers& then& not 'y si(ht an# eelin(& 'ut rather 'y aith an# insi(ht. 4t consists not in the #iscovery o new acts or in the in#in( o a uniAue e,perience& 'ut rather in the #iscovery o new an# spiritualmeanings in acts alrea#y well 3nown to -an3in#. +he hi(hest reli(ious

0(a-a a#alah 3eya3inan& 3epercayaan & #an ;a-inan . 1 . +rue Heli(ion ( 1.104&4 ) 101:1.1 a(a-a se;ati 'u3anlah se'uah siste- 3eya3inan iloso is yan( #apat 'eralasan 3eluar #an #i#u3un( oleh 'u3ti1'u3ti ala-i & ;u(a 'u3an pen(ala-an yan( antastis #an -isti3 yan( ta3 terlu3is3an perasaan e3stasi yan( #apat #ini3-ati hanya oleh para pen(i3ut ro-antis -istisis-e . 0(a-a 'u3anlah pro#u3 a3al & tetapi #ilihat #ari #ala- & itu sa-a se3ali wa;ar . 0(a-a ti#a3 'erasal #ari lo(i3a ilsa at -anusia & tetapi se'a(ai pen(ala-an ana itu sa-a se3ali lo(is. 0(a-a a#alah -en(ala-i 3etuhanan #ala- 3esa#aran -a3hlu3 -oral asal usul evolusi & itu -erupa3an pen(ala-an yan( 'enar #en(an realitas 3e3al #ala- wa3tu& realisasi 3epuasan spiritual se-entara 'elu- #ala- #a(in( . ( 1.104&6 ) 101:1.. +he +hou(ht 0#;uster ti#a3 -e-ili3i -e3anis-e 3husus yan( a3an #i(una3an untu3 -en#apat3an e3spresi #iri & ti#a3 a#a a3ultas a(a-a -isti3 untu3 peneri-aan atau e3spresi e-osi 3ea(a-aan . "en(ala-an ini yan( #i'uat terse#ia -elalui -e3anis-e ala-i #itah'is3an pi3iran ana . Dan #i situlah leta3 salah satu pen;elasan #ari 3esulitan 0#;uster #ala- -ela3u3an 3o-uni3asi lan(sun( #en(an pi3iran -ateri 'er#ia-nya 3onstan. ( 1.104&B ) 101:1.3 %e-an(at ilahi -e-'uat 3onta3 #en(an -anusia ana & 'u3an #en(an perasaan atau e-osi & tetapi #ala- ranah pe-i3iran tertin((i #an palin( spiritualisasi . 4ni a#alah pi3iran 0n#a & 'u3an perasaan 0n#a & yan( -enye'a'3an 0n#a Go#war# . %i at ilahi #apat #irasa3an hanya #en(an -ata pi3iran . +etapi pi3iran yan( 'enar1'enar #iscerns 0llah & -en#en(ar 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya & a#alah pi3iran yan( -urni . : +anpa 3e3u#usan ti#a3 seoran(pun a3an -elihat +uhan . : %e-ua persatuan 'atin #an spiritual seperti #ise'ut wawasan rohani . "en(ala-an reli(ius seperti hasil #ari ter3esan #i'uat atas pi3iran -anusia oleh operasi (a'un(an 0#;uster #an Hoh <e'enaran 3arena

e,perience is not #epen#ent on prior acts o 'elie & tra#ition& an# authority; neither is reli(ion the o sprin( o su'li-e eelin(s an# purely -ystical e-otions. 4t is& rather& a pro oun#ly #eep an# actual e,perience o spiritual co--union with the spirit in luences resi#ent within the hu-an -in#& an# as ar as such an e,perience is #e ina'le in ter-s o psycholo(y& it is si-ply the e,perience o e,periencin( the reality o 'elievin( in Go# as the reality o such a purely personal e,perience. (1106..) 101:1.6 2hile reli(ion is not the pro#uct o the rationalistic speculations o a -aterial cos-olo(y& it is& nonetheless& the creation o a wholly rational insi(ht which ori(inates in -an>s -in#1e,perience. Heli(ion is 'orn neither o -ystic -e#itations nor o isolate# conte-plations& al'eit it is ever -ore or less -ysterious an# always in#e ina'le an# ine,plica'le in ter-s o purely intellectual reason an# philosophic lo(ic. +he (er-s o true reli(ion ori(inate in the #o-ain o -an>s -oral consciousness& an# they are reveale# in the (rowth o -an>s spiritual insi(ht& that aculty o hu-an personality which accrues as a conseAuence o the presence o the Go#1 revealin( +hou(ht 0#;uster in the Go#1 hun(ry -ortal -in#. (1106.3) 101:1.B Faith unites -oral insi(ht with conscientious #iscri-inations o values& an# the pre1e,istent evolutionary sense o #uty co-pletes the ancestry o true reli(ion. +he e,perience o reli(ion eventually results in the certain consciousness o Go# an# in the un#ou'te# assurance o the survival o the 'elievin( personality. (1106.4) 101:1.F +hus it -ay 'e seen that reli(ious lon(in(s an# spiritual ur(es are not o such a nature as woul# -erely lea# -en to want to 'elieve in Go#& 'ut rather are they o such nature an# power that -en are pro oun#ly i-presse# with the conviction that they ought to 'elieve in Go#. +he sense o evolutionary #uty an# the o'li(ations conseAuent upon the illu-ination o revelation -a3e such a pro oun# i-pression upon -an>s -oral nature that he inally reaches that position o -in# an# that attitu#e o soul where he conclu#es that he has no right

-ere3a 'er un(si #i ten(ah #an atas i#e1 i#e & cita1cita & wawasan & #an se-an(at "er;uan(an #ari ana31ana3 'er3e-'an( #ari 0llah. ( 1.106&1 ) 101:1.4 3ehi#upan 0(a-a #an -a3-ur & -a3a & 'u3an 3arena -elihat #an perasaan & -elain3an #en(an i-an #an wawasan . 4ni ter#iri ti#a3 #alapene-uan a3ta1 a3ta 'aru atau te-uan #ari pen(ala-an yan( uni3 & -elain3an #ala- pene-uan -a3na 'aru #an spiritual #ala- a3ta su#ah #i3enal -anusia . "en(ala-an 3ea(a-aan tertin((i ti#a3 ter(antun( pa#a tin#a3an se'elu-nya 3eya3inan & tra#isi & #an otoritas; ti#a3 a#alah a(a-a 3eturunan perasaan luhur #an e-osi -urni -istis . 9al ini& se'ali3nya & pen(ala-an -en#ala- -en#ala- #an a3tual perse3utuan spiritual #en(an roh #i-ana pen(aruh tin((al #i #ala- pi3iran -anusia & #an se;auh pen(ala-an se-aca- ini #i#e inisi3an #ala- hal psi3olo(i & itu hanya pen(ala-an -en(ala-i realitas percaya 0llah se'a(ai realitas pen(ala-an pri'a#i -urni . ( 1.106&. ) 101:1.6 %e-entara a(a-a 'u3anlah pro#u3 #ari spe3ulasi rasionalisti3 #ari 'ahan 3os-olo(i & itu & tetap & penciptaan wawasan yan( sepenuhnya rasional yan( 'erasal #ari -anusia pi3iran 1 pen(ala-an. 0(a-a lahir ti#a3 #ari -e#itasi -isti3 atau #ari perenun(an terisolasi & -es3ipun itu pernah le'ih atau 3uran( -isterius #an selalu ta3 #apat #i;elas3an #an ta3 #apat #ipaha-i #ala- hal alasan -urni intele3tual #an lo(i3a iloso is. <u-an a(a-a yan( 'enar 'erasal #ari #o-ain 3esa#aran -oral -anusia & #an -ere3a yan( terun(3ap #ala- pertu-'uhan wawasan rohani -anusia & 'ahwa a3ultas 3epri'a#ian -anusia yan( ti-'ul se'a(ai a3i'at #ari 3eha#iran "e-i3iran 0#;uster 0llah -en(un(3ap3an 3epa#a 0llah 1 lapar pi3iran ana . ( 1.106&3 ) 101:1.B 4-an -enyatu3an wawasan -oral #is3ri-inasi teliti nilai& #an arti evolusi pra1a#a tu(as -elen(3api 3eturunan #ari a(a-a yan( 'enar . "en(ala-an a(a-a a3hirnya -en(hasil3an 3esa#aran tertentu 0llah

not to believe in *od. +he hi(her an# superphilosophic wis#o- o such enli(htene# an# #iscipline# in#ivi#uals ulti-ately instructs the- that to #ou't Go# or #istrust his (oo#ness woul# 'e to prove untrue to the realest an# deepest thin( within the hu-an -in# an# soul J the #ivine 0#;uster. 2. The (a,t of *e!i#ion (1106.6) 101:..1 +he act o reli(ion consists wholly in the reli(ious e,perience o rational an# avera(e hu-an 'ein(s. 0n# this is the only sense in which reli(ion can ever 'e re(ar#e# as scienti ic or even psycholo(ical. +he proo that revelation is revelation is this sa-e act o hu-an e,perience: the act that revelation #oes synthesi/e the apparently #iver(ent sciences o nature an# the theolo(y o reli(ion into a consistent an# lo(ical universe philosophy& a co1or#inate# an# un'ro3en e,planation o 'oth science an# reli(ion& thus creatin( a har-ony o -in# an# satis action o spirit which answers in hu-an e,perience those Auestionin(s o the -ortal -in# which craves to 3now how the 4n inite wor3s out his will an# plans in -atter& with -in#s& an# on spirit. (110B.1) 101:... Heason is the -etho# o science; aith is the -etho# o reli(ion; lo(ic is the atte-pte# techniAue o philosophy. Hevelation co-pensates or the a'sence o the -orontia viewpoint 'y provi#in( a techniAue or achievin( unity in the co-prehension o the reality an# relationships o -atter an# spirit 'y the -e#iation o -in#. 0n# true revelation never ren#ers science unnatural& reli(ion unreasona'le& or philosophy illo(ical. (110B..) 101:..3 Heason& throu(h the stu#y o science& -ay lea# 'ac3 throu(h nature to a First $ause& 'ut it reAuiresreli(ious aith to trans or- the First $ause o science into a Go# o salvation; an# revelation is urther reAuire# or the vali#ation o such a aith& such spiritual insi(ht. (110B.3) 101:..4 +here are two 'asic reasons or 'elievin( in a Go# who osters hu-an survival: (110B.4) 101:..6 1. 9u-an e,perience& personal assurance& the so-ehow re(istere# hope

#an ;a-inan #ira(u3an 3elan(sun(an hi#up 3epri'a#ian percaya . ( 1.106&4 ) 101:1.F Da#i #apat #ilihat 'ahwa 3erin#uan reli(ius #an spiritual -en#esa3 ti#a3 ala- rupa hanya a3an -enuntun -anusia untu3 -au percaya pa#a +uhan & -elain3an -ere3a ala#an 3e3uatan sehin((a pria san(at ter3esan #en(an 3eya3inan 'ahwa -ere3a harus percaya pa#a +uhan . Hasa tu(as evolusi #an 3ewa;i'an atas 3onse3uensi pencahayaan wahyu -e-'uat 3esan 'e(itu -en#ala- pa#a si at -oral -anusia 'ahwa #ia a3hirnya -encapai posisi pi3iran #an si3ap ;iwa #i -ana ia -enyi-pul3an 'ahwa #ia ti#a3 punya ha3 untu3 ti#a3 percaya pa#a +uhan . %e-a3in tin((i #an superphilosophic 3e'i;a3sanaan in#ivi#u tercerah3an #an #isiplin terse'ut pa#a a3hirnya -e-erintah3an -ere3a 'ahwa -era(u3an +uhan atau 3eti#a3percayaan 3e'ai3an1Cya a3an ter'u3ti ti#a3 'enar untu3 hal yan( realest #an ter#ala#ala- pi3iran -anusia #an ;iwa 1 yan( 0#;uster ilahi . . . Fa3ta 0(a-a ( 1.106&6 ) 101:..1 Fa3ta a(a-a ter#iri sepenuhnya #ala- pen(ala-an reli(ius -anusia rasional #an rata1rata. Dan ini a#alah satu1satunya pen(ertian #i -ana a(a-a 'isa pernah #ian((ap se'a(ai il-iah atau 'ah3an psi3olo(is. !u3ti 'ahwa wahyu a#alah wahyu ini a3ta yan( sa-a pen(ala-an -anusia : a3ta 'ahwa wahyu ti#a3 -ensintesis il-u ta-pa3nya 'er'e#a ala- #an teolo(i a(a-a -en;a#i iloso i ala- se-esta yan( 3onsisten #an lo(is & pen;elasan ter3oor#inasi #an ta3 terputus #ari 3e#ua il-u pen(etahuan #an a(a-a & sehin((a -encipta3an 3eselarasan pi3iran #an 3epuasan se-an(at yan( -en;awa' #ala- pen(ala-an -anusia yan( Auestionin(s #ari pi3iran -a3hlu3 hi#up yan( san(at -e-'utuh3an untu3 -en(etahui 'a(ai-ana 4n inite 'erhasil 3ehen#a3 #an rencananya #ala- -ateri& #en(an pi3iran & #an ;iwa. ( 1.10B&1 ) 101:... 0lasan a#alah -eto#e il-u pen(etahuan & i-an a#alah -eto#e

an# trust initiate# 'y the in#wellin( +hou(ht 0#;uster. (110B.6) 101:..B .. +he revelation o truth& whether 'y #irect personal -inistry o the %pirit o +ruth& 'y the worl# 'estowal o #ivine %ons& or throu(h the revelations o the written wor#. (110B.B) 101:..F %cience en#s its reason1search in the hypothesis o a First $ause. Heli(ion #oes not stop in its li(ht o aith until it is sure o a Go# o salvation. +he #iscri-inatin( stu#y o science lo(ically su((ests the reality an# e,istence o an 0'solute. Heli(ion 'elieves unreserve#ly in the e,istence an# reality o a Go# who osters personality survival. 2hat -etaphysics ails utterly in #oin(& an# what even philosophy ails partially in #oin(& revelation #oes; that is& a ir-s that this First $ause o science an# reli(ion>s Go# o salvation are one and the same ,eity. (110B.F) 101:..G Heason is the proo o science& aith the proo o reli(ion& lo(ic the proo o philosophy& 'ut revelation is vali#ate# only 'y hu-an e-perience. %cience yiel#s 3nowle#(e; reli(ion yiel#s happiness; philosophy yiel#s unity; revelation con ir-s the e,periential har-ony o this triune approach to universal reality. (110B.G) 101:..I +he conte-plation o nature can only reveal a Go# o nature& a Go# o -otion. Cature e,hi'its only -atter& -otion& an# ani-ation J li e. ?atter plus ener(y& un#er certain con#itions& is -ani este# in livin( or-s& 'ut while natural li e is thus relatively continuous as a pheno-enon& it is wholly transient as to in#ivi#ualities. Cature #oes not a or# (roun# or lo(ical 'elie in hu-an1 personality survival. +he reli(ious -an who in#s Go# in nature has alrea#y an# irst oun# this sa-e personal Go# in his own soul. (110B.I) 101:..10 Faith reveals Go# in the soul. Hevelation& the su'stitute or -orontia insi(ht on an evolutionary worl#& ena'les -an to see the sa-e Go# in nature that aith e,hi'its in his soul. +hus #oes revelation success ully 'ri#(e the (ul 'etween the -aterial an# the spiritual& even 'etween the creature an# the $reator& 'etween -an an# Go#. (110F.1) 101:..11 +he conte-plation o nature

a(a-a & lo(i3a a#alah perco'aan te3ni3 ilsa at . 2ahyu -en(3o-pensasi a#anya su#ut pan#an( -orontia #en(an -enye#ia3an te3ni3 untu3 -encapai 3esatuan #ala- pe-aha-an realitas #an hu'un(an -ateri #an roh oleh -e#iasi pi3iran . Dan wahyu yan( 'enar ti#a3 pernah -e-'uat il-u wa;ar & a(a-a ti#a3 -asu3 a3al & ti#a3 lo(is atau ilsa at . ( 1.10B&. ) 101:..3 0lasan & -elalui stu#i il-u pen(etahuan & #apat -enye'a'3an 3e-'ali -elalui ala- untu3 "enye'a' "erta-a & tetapi -e-'utuh3an i-an untu3 -en(u'ah "enye'a' "erta-a il-u 3e 0llah 3esela-atan & #an wahyu le'ih lan;ut #iperlu3an untu3 vali#asi i-an seperti itu& wawasan rohani terse'ut. ( 1.10B&3 ) 101:..4 0#a #ua alasan #asar untu3 percaya pa#a +uhan yan( -en#oron( 3elan(sun(an hi#up -anusia : (110B&4) 101:..6 1 . "en(ala-an -anusia & ;a-inan pri'a#i& harapan entah 'a(ai-ana ter#a tar #an 3epercayaan #ipra3arsai oleh +hou(ht 0#;uster 'er#ia- . (110B&6) 101:..B . . 2ahyu 3e'enaran & apa3ah #en(an pelayanan pri'a#i lan(sun( #ari Hoh <e'enaran & #en(an pe-'erian #unia %ons ilahi & atau -elalui wahyu #ari 3ata13ata tertulis . ( 1.10B&B ) 101:..F %ains 'era3hir nya alasan 1 cari #ala- hipotesis "enye'a' "erta-a . 0(a-a ti#a3 'erhenti #alapener'an(an i-an sa-pai ya3in 0llah 3esela-atan . %tu#i -e-'e#a3an il-u lo(is -enun;u33an 3enyataan #an 3e'era#aan -utla3 . 0(a-a percaya tanpa syarat #ala- 3e'era#aan #an realitas +uhan yan( -en#oron( 3elan(sun(an hi#up 3epri'a#ian. 0pa -eta isi3a (a(al sa-a se3ali #ala-ela3u3an & #an apa 'ah3an ilsa at (a(al #ala- -ela3u3an se'a(ian & wahyu ti#a3& yaitu& -ene(as3an 'ahwa "enye'a' "erta-a il-u pen(etahuan #an a(a-a 0llah 3esela-atan a#alah satu #an +uhan yan( sa-a .

#oes lo(ically point in the #irection o intelli(ent (ui#ance& even livin( supervision& 'ut it #oes not in any satis actory -anner reveal a personal Go#. On the other han#& nature #iscloses nothin( which woul# preclu#e the universe ro- 'ein( loo3e# upon as the han#iwor3 o the Go# o reli(ion. Go# cannot 'e oun# throu(h nature alone& 'ut -an havin( otherwise oun# hi-& the stu#y o nature 'eco-es wholly consistent with a hi(her an# -ore spiritual interpretation o the universe. (110F..) 101:..1. Hevelation as an epochal pheno-enon is perio#ic; as a personal hu-an e,perience it is continuous. Divinity unctions in -ortal personality as the 0#;uster (i t o the Father& as the %pirit o +ruth o the %on& an# as the 9oly %pirit o the Universe %pirit& while these three super-ortal en#ow-ents are uni ie# in hu-an e,periential evolution as the -inistry o the %upre-e. (110F.3) 101:..13 +rue reli(ion is an insi(ht into reality& the aith1chil# o the -oral consciousness& an# not a -ere intellectual assent to any 'o#y o #o(-atic #octrines. +rue reli(ion consists in the e,perience that )the %pirit itsel 'ears witness with our spirit that we are the chil#ren o Go#.* Heli(ion consists not in theolo(ic propositions 'ut in spiritual insi(ht an# the su'li-ity o the soul>s trust. (110F.4) 101:..14 @our #eepest nature J the #ivine 0#;uster J creates within you a hun(er an# thirst or ri(hteousness& a certain cravin( or #ivine per ection. Heli(ion is the aith act o the reco(nition o this inner ur(e to #ivine attain-ent; an# thus is 'rou(ht a'out that soul trust an# assurance o which you 'eco-e conscious as the way o salvation& the techniAue o the survival o personality an# all those values which you have co-e to loo3 upon as 'ein( true an# (oo#. (110F.6) 101:..16 +he reali/ation o reli(ion never has 'een& an# never will 'e& #epen#ent on (reat learnin( or clever lo(ic. 4t is spiritual insi(ht& an# that is ;ust the reason why so-e o the worl#>s (reatest reli(ious teachers& even the prophets& have so-eti-es possesse# so little o the wis#o- o the worl#.

( 1.10B&F ) 101:..G 0lasan a#alah 'u3ti il-u pen(etahuan & i-an 'u3ti a(a-a & lo(i3a 'u3ti ilsa at & tetapi wahyu #ivali#asi hanya #en(an pen(ala-an -anusia . 9asil il-u pen(etahuan& a(a-a -en(hasil3an 3e'aha(iaan & ilsa at hasil persatuan & wahyu -ene(as3an har-oni pen(ala-an #ari pen#e3atan ini +ritun((al #en(an realitas universal. ( 1.10B&G ) 101:..I +he 3onte-plasi alahanya #apat -en(un(3ap3an 0llah ala- & 0llah (era3 . 0la- pa-eran hanya -ateri & (era3 & #an ani-asi 1 hi#up. ?ateri #ita-'ah ener(i& #ala- 3on#isi tertentu & #iwu;u#3an #ala- 'entu3 hi#up& tapi se-entara 3ehi#upan ala#en(an #e-i3ian relati 3ontinu se'a(ai se'uah eno-ena & itu sepenuhnya se-entara untu3 in#ivi#u1in#ivi#u . 0lati#a3 -a-pu lan#asan 'a(i 3eya3inan lo(is #ala- 3elan(sun(an hi#up -anusia 1 3epri'a#ian. Oran( reli(ius yan( -ene-u3an 0llah #i ala- telah #an perta-a 3ali -ene-u3an ini +uhan pri'a#i yan( sa-a #ala- ;iwanya sen#iri . ( 1.10B&I ) 101:..10 4-an -en(un(3ap3an 0llah #ala- ;iwa . 2ahyu& pen((anti -orontia wawasan tentan( #unia yan( evolusioner & -e-un(3in3an -anusia untu3 -elihat +uhan yan( sa-a #i ala- yan( pa-eran i-an #ala- ;iwanya . De-i3ianlah wahyu 'erhasil -en;e-'atani ;uran( antara -aterial #an spiritual & 'ah3an antara -a3hlu3 #an %an( "encipta & antara -anusia #an +uhan . ( 1.10F&1 ) 101:..11 +he 3onte-plasi ala- ti#a3 lo(is titi3 #ala- arah pan#uan cer#as & 'ah3an tin((al pen(awasan & tapi ti#a3 #ala- cara yan( -e-uas3an -en(un(3ap3an +uhan pri'a#i . Di sisi lain & ala- -en(un(3ap3an ti#a3 a#a yan( a3an -en(halan(i ala- se-esta #ari yan( #ipan#an( se'a(ai hasil 3arya +uhan #ari a(a-a . 0llah ti#a3 #apat #ite-u3an -elalui ala- sa;a & tetapi -anusia setelah #inyata3an #ite-u3an #ia& stu#i tentan( ala- -en;a#i sepenuhnya 3onsisten #en(an interpretasi yan( le'ih tin((i #an le'ih

Heli(ious aith is availa'le ali3e to the learne# an# the unlearne#. (110F.B) 101:..1B Heli(ion -ust ever 'e its own critic an# ;u#(e; it can never 'e o'serve#& -uch less un#erstoo#& rothe outsi#e. @our only assurance o a personal Go# consists in your own insi(ht as to your 'elie in& an# e,perience with& thin(s spiritual. +o all o your ellows who have ha# a si-ilar e,perience& no ar(u-ent a'out the personality or reality o Go# is necessary& while to all other -en who are not thus sure o Go# no possi'le ar(u-ent coul# ever 'e truly convincin(. (110F.F) 101:..1F "sycholo(y -ay in#ee# atte-pt to stu#y the pheno-ena o reli(ious reactions to the social environ-ent& 'ut never can it hope to penetrate to the real an# inner -otives an# wor3in(s o reli(ion. Only theolo(y& the province o aith an# the techniAue o revelation& can a or# any sort o intelli(ent account o the nature an# content o reli(ious e,perience. 3. The /hara,teristi,s of *e!i#ion (110F.G) 101:3.1 Heli(ion is so vital that it persists in the a'sence o learnin(. 4t lives in spite o its conta-ination with erroneous cos-olo(ies an# alse philosophies; it survives even the con usion o -etaphysics. 4n an# throu(h all the historic vicissitu#es o reli(ion there ever persists that which is in#ispensa'le to hu-an pro(ress an# survival: the ethical conscience an# the -oral consciousness. (110G.1) 101:3.. Faith1insi(ht& or spiritual intuition& is the en#ow-ent o the cos-ic -in# in association with the +hou(ht 0#;uster& which is the Father>s (i t to -an. %piritual reason& soul intelli(ence& is the en#ow-ent o the 9oly %pirit& the $reative %pirit>s (i t to -an. %piritual philosophy& the wis#o- o spirit realities& is the en#ow-ent o the %pirit o +ruth& the co-'ine# (i t o the 'estowal %ons to the chil#ren o -en. 0n# the co1 or#ination an# interassociation o these spirit en#ow-ents constitute -an a spirit personality in potential #estiny. (110G..) 101:3.3 4t is this sa-e spirit personality& in pri-itive an# e-'ryonic or-& the 0#;uster possession o which survives the natural #eath in the lesh.

spiritual ala- se-esta . ( 1.10F&. ) 101:..1. 2ahyu se'a(ai eno-ena #r ;a-an y( pentin( a#alah perio#i3 & se'a(ai pen(ala-an -anusia pri'a#i yan( terus1-enerus . Fun(si Divinity #ala- 3epri'a#ian -anusia se'a(ai ha#iah 0#;uster !apa & se'a(ai Hoh <e'enaran "utra & #an Hoh <u#us se'a(ai Hoh Universe & se-entara 3eti(a wa3a super-ortal #isatu3an #alaevolusi pen(ala-an -anusia se'a(ai pelayanan 0(un( . ( 1.10F&3 ) 101:..13 0(a-a yan( 'enar a#alah wawasan -en;a#i 3enyataan & i-an 1 ana3 #ari 3esa#aran -oral & #an 'u3an persetu;uan intele3tual 'ela3a 3epa#a 'a#an #o3trin #o(-atis . 0(a-a yan( se;ati ter#iri #ala- pen(ala-an 'ahwa : Hoh itu 'ersa3si 'ersa-a roh 3ita 'ahwa 3ita a#alah ana31ana3 0llah . : 0(a-a ter#iri ti#a3 #ala- proposisi y( -en(enai a(a-a tetapi #ala- wawasan rohani #an 3ea(un(an 3epercayaan ;iwa . ( 1.10F&4 ) 101:..14 si at 0n#a yan( ter#ala- 1 yan( 0#;uster ilahi 1 -encipta3an #ala- #iri 0n#a rasa lapar #an haus a3an 3e'enaran & 3ein(inan tertentu untu3 3ese-purnaan ilahi . 0(a-a a#alah tin#a3an i-an pen(a3uan ini #oron(an untu3 pencapaian ilahi& #an #en(an #e-i3ian -e-'awa 3epercayaan ;iwa #an ;a-inan yan( 0n#a -en;a#i sa#ar se'a(ai ;alan 3esela-atan & te3ni3 3elan(sun(an hi#up 3epri'a#ian #an se-ua nilai1nilai yan( 0n#a telah -e-an#an( se'a(ai 'enar #an 'ai3 . ( 1.10F&6 ) 101:..16 Healisasi a(a-a ti#a3 pernah a#a & #an ti#a3 a3an pernah & ter(antun( pa#a 'ela;ar yan( 'esar atau lo(i3a pintar . 4ni a#alah wawasan rohani & #an itu hanya alasan -en(apa 'e'erapa (uru a(a-a ter'esar #i #unia & 'ah3an para na'i & 3a#an(13a#an( -e-ili3i 'e(itu se#i3it #ari 3e'i;a3sanaan #unia . <eya3inan a(a-a terse#ia sa-a untu3 'ela;ar #an terpela;ar . ( 1.10F&B ) 101:..1B 0(a-a harus pernah -en;a#i 3riti3us sen#iri #an ha3i- & ti#a3 pernah #apat #ia-ati & apala(i #ipaha-i &

+his co-posite entity o spirit ori(in in association with hu-an e,perience is ena'le#& 'y -eans o the livin( way provi#e# 'y the #ivine %ons& to survive (in 0#;uster custo#y) the #issolution o the -aterial sel o -in# an# -atter when such a transient partnership o the -aterial an# the spiritual is #ivorce# 'y the cessation o vital -otion. (110G.3) 101:3.4 +hrou(h reli(ious aith the soul o -an reveals itsel an# #e-onstrates the potential #ivinity o its e-er(in( nature 'y the characteristic -anner in which it in#uces the -ortal personality to react to certain tryin( intellectual an# testin( social situations. Genuine spiritual aith (true -oral consciousness) is reveale# in that it: (110G.4) 101:3.6 1. $auses ethics an# -orals to pro(ress #espite inherent an# a#verse ani-alistic ten#encies.O (110G.6) 101:3.B .. "ro#uces a su'li-e trust in the (oo#ness o Go# even in the ace o 'itter #isappoint-ent an# crushin( #e eat. (110G.B) 101:3.F 3. Generates pro oun# coura(e an# con i#ence #espite natural a#versity an# physical cala-ity. (110G.F) 101:3.G 4. =,hi'its ine,plica'le poise an# sustainin( tranAuillity notwithstan#in( 'a lin( #iseases an# even acute physical su erin(. (110G.G) 101:3.I 6. ?aintains a -ysterious poise an# co-posure o personality in the ace o -altreat-ent an# the ran3est in;ustice. (110G.I) 101:3.10 B. ?aintains a #ivine trust in ulti-ate victory in spite o the cruelties o see-in(ly 'lin# ate an# the apparent utter in#i erence o natural orces to hu-an wel are. (110G.10) 101:3.11 F. "ersists in the unswervin( 'elie in Go# #espite all contrary #e-onstrations o lo(ic an# success ully withstan#s all other intellectual sophistries. (110G.11) 101:3.1. G. $ontinues to e,hi'it un#aunte# aith in the soul>s survival re(ar#less o the #eceptive teachin(s o alse science an# the persuasive #elusions o unsoun# philosophy. (110G.1.) 101:3.13 I. 8ives an# triu-phs irrespective o the crushin( overloa# o the co-ple, an# partial civili/ations o -o#ern ti-es.

#ari luar . %atu1satunya ;a-inan pri'a#i 0llah ter#iri wawasan 0n#a sen#iri untu3 3eya3inan 0n#a & #an yan( 'erpen(ala-an #en(an hal1hal rohani . Untu3 se-ua re3an1re3an yan( -e-ili3i pen(ala-an serupa & a#a ar(u-en tentan( 3epri'a#ian atau realitas 0llah #iperlu3an & se#an(3an untu3 oran(1 oran( lain yan( ti#a3 #e-i3ian ya3in 0llah a#a ar(u-en yan( -un(3in pernah 'isa 'enar1'enar -eya3in3an . ( 1.10F&F ) 101:..1F "si3olo(i -un(3in -e-an( 'erusaha untu3 -e-pela;ari eno-ena rea3si a(a-a terha#ap lin(3un(an sosial & tetapi ti#a3 pernah 'isa ia 'erharap untu3 -ene-'us 3e -oti nyata #an #ala- #an 3er;a a(a-a . 9anya teolo(i & provinsi i-an #an te3ni3 wahyu& -a-pu apapun re3enin( cer#as si at #an isi #ari pen(ala-an reli(ius . 3 . <ara3teristi3 0(a-a ( 1.10F&G ) 101:3.1 0(a-a san(at pentin( 'ahwa tetap a#a tanpa a#anya pe-'ela;aran . 4a tin((al #i terlepas #ari 3onta-inasi #en(an salah 3os-olo(i #an iloso i palsu & -elain3an 'ertahan 'ah3an 3e'in(un(an -eta isi3a . Dala#an -elalui se-ua peru'ahan1peru'ahan 'erse;arah a(a-a pernah a#a tetap 'ahwa yan( #iperlu3an 'a(i 3e-a;uan -anusia #an 3elan(sun(an hi#up : hati nurani eti3a #an 3esa#aran -oral . ( 1.10G&1 ) 101:3.. 4-an 1 wawasan & atau intuisi spiritual & ?erupa3an 3e-a-puan #ari pi3iran 3os-is #ala- hu'un(an #en(an 0#;uster "e-i3iran & yan( -erupa3an 3arunia !apa 3epa#a -anusia . 0lasan spiritual& 3ecer#asan ;iwa & ?erupa3an 3e-a-puan #ari Hoh <u#us & ha#iah <reati Hoh 3epa#a -anusia . Filoso i spiritual & 3e'i;a3sanaan realitas roh& ?erupa3an 3e-a-puan #ari Hoh <e'enaran & 3arunia (a'un(an #ari %ons pen(anu(erahan 3epa#a ana31ana3 -anusia . Dan 3oor#inasi #an interassociation #ari wa3a roh -erupa3an pria 3epri'a#ian se-an(at #ala- ta3#ir potensial. ( 1.10G&. ) 101:3.3 inilah 3epri'a#ian

(110G.13) 101:3.14

10. $ontri'utes to the continue# survival o altruis- in spite o hu-an sel ishness& social anta(onis-s& in#ustrial (ree#s& an# political -ala#;ust-ents. (110G.14) 101:3.16 11. %tea# astly a#heres to a su'li-e 'elie in universe unity an# #ivine (ui#ance re(ar#less o the perple,in( presence o evil an# sin. (110G.16) 101:3.1B 1.. Goes ri(ht on worshipin( Go# in spite o anythin( an# everythin(. Dares to #eclare& )=ven thou(h he slay -e& yet will 4 serve hi-.* (110G.1B) 101:3.1F 2e 3now& then& 'y three pheno-ena& that -an has a #ivine spirit or spirits #wellin( within hi-: irst& 'y personal e,perience J reli(ious aith; secon#& 'y revelation J personal an# racial; an# thir#& 'y the a-a/in( e,hi'ition o such e,traor#inary an# unnatural reactions to his -aterial environ-ent as are illustrate# 'y the ore(oin( recital o twelve spiritli3e per or-ances in the presence o the actual an# tryin( situations o real hu-an e,istence. 0n# there are still others. (110I.1) 101:3.1G 0n# it is ;ust such a vital an# vi(orous per or-ance o aith in the #o-ain o reli(ion that entitles -ortal -an to a ir- the personal possession an# spiritual reality o that crownin( en#ow-ent o hu-an nature& reli(ious e,perience. $. The %i&itations of *eve!ation (110I..) 101:4.1 !ecause your worl# is (enerally i(norant o ori(ins& even o physical ori(ins& it has appeare# to 'e wise ro- ti-e to ti-e to provi#e instruction in cos-olo(y. 0n# always has this -a#e trou'le or the uture. +he laws o revelation ha-per us (reatly 'y their proscription o the i-partation o unearne# or pre-ature 3nowle#(e. 0ny cos-olo(y presente# as a part o reveale# reli(ion is #estine# to 'e out(rown in a very short ti-e. 0ccor#in(ly& uture stu#ents o such a revelation are te-pte# to #iscar# any ele-ent o (enuine reli(ious truth it -ay contain 'ecause they #iscover errors on the ace o the associate# cos-olo(ies therein presente#. (110I.3) 101:4.. ?an3in# shoul# un#erstan# that we who participate in the revelation o truth are very ri(orously li-ite# 'y the

se-an(at yan( sa-a & #ala- 'entu3 pri-iti #an e-'rio & 3epe-ili3an 0#;uster yan( 'ertahan 3e-atian ala-i #ala- #a(in( . 4ni entitas 3o-posit se-an(at asal #ala- hu'un(an #en(an pen(ala-an -anusia #ia3ti 3an & #en(an cara cara hi#up yan( #i'eri3an oleh %ons ilahi & untu3 'ertahan hi#up ( #alatahanan 0#;uster ) pe-'u'aran #iri 'ahan pi3iran #an -ateri 3eti3a seperti 3e-itraan transien -aterial #an spiritual 'ercerai #en(an 'erhentinya (era3an pentin( . ( 1.10G&3 ) 101:3.4 ?elalui i-an ;iwa -anusia -en(un(3ap3an #irinya #an -enun;u33an 3eilahian potensi alayan( -uncul #en(an cara 3ara3teristi3 yan( -en(in#u3si 3epri'a#ian ana 'erea3si terha#ap intele3tual tertentu #an -enco'a -en(u;i situasi sosial . 4-an rohani yan( se;ati ( 3esa#aran -oral yan( 'enar ) -en(un(3ap3an #ala- hal itu : (110G&4) 101:3.6 1 . "enye'a' eti3a #an -oral terha#ap 3e-a;uan -es3ipun 3ecen#erun(an 3e'inatan(an yan( -ele3at #an -eru(i3an . O (110G&6) 101:3.B . . ?en(hasil3an 3epercayaan luhur #ala- 3e'ai3an 0llah 'ah3an #ala- -en(ha#api 3e3ecewaan pahit #an -en(hancur3an 3e3alahan . (110G&B) 101:3.F 3 . ?en(hasil3an 3e'eranian #an 3eya3inan yan( -en#ala- -es3ipun 3esulitan ala- #an 'encana isi3. (110G&F) 101:3.G 4 . "a-eran 3etenan(an #i;elas3an #an -e-pertahan3an 3etenan(an -es3ipun penya3it -e-'in(un(3an #an pen#eritaan isi3 'ah3an a3ut. (110G&G) 101:3.I 6 . ?e-pertahan3an 3etenan(an -isterius #an 3etenan(an 3epri'a#ian #ala- -en(ha#api pen(aniayaan #an 3eti#a3a#ilan ran3est . (110G&I) 101:3.10 B . ?en;a(a 3epercayaan ilahi #ala- 3e-enan(an a3hir terlepas #ari 3e3e;a-an nasi' ta-pa3nya 'uta #an 3eti#a3 pe#ulian

instructions o our superiors. 2e are not at li'erty to anticipate the scienti ic #iscoveries o a thousan# years. Hevelators -ust act in accor#ance with the instructions which or- a part o the revelation -an#ate. 2e see no way o overco-in( this #i iculty& either now or at any uture ti-e. 2e ull well 3now that& while the historic acts an# reli(ious truths o this series o revelatory presentations will stan# on the recor#s o the a(es to co-e& within a ew short years -any o our state-ents re(ar#in( the physical sciences will stan# in nee# o revision in conseAuence o a##itional scienti ic #evelop-ents an# new #iscoveries. +hese new #evelop-ents we even now oresee& 'ut we are or'i##en to inclu#e such hu-anly un#iscovere# acts in the revelatory recor#s. 8et it 'e -a#e clear that revelations are not necessarily inspire#. +he cos-olo(y o these revelations is not inspired. 4t is li-ite# 'y our per-ission or the co1 or#ination an# sortin( o present1#ay 3nowle#(e. 2hile #ivine or spiritual insi(ht is a (i t& human wisdom must evolve. (110I.4) 101:4.3 +ruth is always a revelation: autorevelation when it e-er(es as a result o the wor3 o the in#wellin( 0#;uster; epochal revelation when it is presente# 'y the unction o so-e other celestial a(ency& (roup& or personality. (110I.6) 101:4.4 4n the last analysis& reli(ion is to 'e ;u#(e# 'y its ruits& accor#in( to the -anner an# the e,tent to which it e,hi'its its own inherent an# #ivine e,cellence. (110I.B) 101:4.6 +ruth -ay 'e 'ut relatively inspire#& even thou(h revelation is invaria'ly a spiritual pheno-enon. 2hile state-ents with re erence to cos-olo(y are never inspire#& such revelations are o i--ense value in that they at least transiently clari y 3nowle#(e 'y: (110I.F) 101:4.B 1. +he re#uction o con usion 'y the authoritative eli-ination o error. (110I.G) 101:4.F .. +he co1or#ination o 3nown or a'out1to1'e13nown acts an# o'servations. (1110.1) 101:4.G 3. +he restoration o i-portant 'its o lost 3nowle#(e concernin( epochal transactions in the #istant past. (1110..) 101:4.I 4. +he supplyin( o in or-ation

;elas 3e3uatan ala- 'a(i 3ese;ahteraan -anusia . (110G&10) 101:3.11 F . +etap #ala3eya3inan te(uh 3epa#a +uhan -es3ipun se-ua #e-onstrasi 'ertentan(an lo(i3a #an 'erhasil tahan se-ua sophistries intele3tual lainnya . (110G&11) 101:3.1. G . +erus -enun;u33an i-an (entar #ala3elan(sun(an hi#up ;iwa terlepas #ari a;aran -enipu il-u palsu #an #elusi persuasi ilsa at ti#a3 sehat . (110G&1.) 101:3.13 I . <ehi#upan #an 3e-enan(an terlepas #ari 3ele'ihan -en(hancur3an pera#a'an 3o-ple3s #an parsial /a-an -o#ern . (110G&13) 101:3.14 10 . !er3ontri'usi untu3 3elan(sun(an hi#upnya altruis-e terlepas #ari 3ee(oisan -anusia& anta(onis-e sosial & 3esera3ahan in#ustri& #an -ala#;ust-ents politi3. (110G&14) 101:3.16 11 . +etap -en(anut 3eya3inan luhur #ala- 3esatuan alase-esta #an 'i-'in(an ilahi terlepas #ari 3eha#iran -e-'in(un(3an 3e;ahatan #an #osa . (110G&16) 101:3.1B 1. . Goes tepat #ala- -enye-'ah +uhan terlepas #ari apa sa;a #an se(alanya . !erani -enyata3an & : ?es3ipun ia -e-'unuh a3u & na-un a3u a3an -elayaninya. : ( 110G&1B ) 101:3.1F <ita tahu & 3e-u#ian & oleh ti(a eno-ena & 'ahwa -anusia -e-ili3i se-an(at atau roh1roh ilahi tin((al #i #ala- #irinya : perta-a& -elalui pen(ala-an pri'a#i 1 3eya3inan a(a-a & 3e#ua& -elalui wahyu 1 pri'a#i #an ras & #an 3eti(a& oleh pa-eran -ena3;u'3an rea3si yan( luar 'iasa #an ti#a3 wa;ar terse'ut 3epa#a lin(3un(an -aterial se'a(ai #iilustrasi3an oleh resital se'elu-nya #ari #ua 'elas pertun;u3an spiritli3e #i ha#apan situasi yan( se'enarnya #an -enco'a e3sistensi -anusia nyata . Dan -asih a#a yan( lainnya . ( 1.10I&1 ) 101:3.1G Dan itu hanya

which will ill in vital -issin( (aps in otherwise earne# 3nowle#(e. (1110.3) 101:4.10 6. "resentin( cos-ic #ata in such a -anner as to illu-inate the spiritual teachin(s containe# in the acco-panyin( revelation. '. *e!i#ion E?panded by *eve!ation (1110.4) 101:6.1 Hevelation is a techniAue where'y a(es upon a(es o ti-e are save# in the necessary wor3 o sortin( an# si tin( the errors o evolution rothe truths o spirit acAuire-ent. (1110.6) 101:6.. %cience #eals with facts; reli(ion is concerne# only with values. +hrou(h enli(htene# philosophy the -in# en#eavors to unite the -eanin(s o 'oth acts an# values& there'y arrivin( at a concept o co-plete reality. He-e-'er that science is the #o-ain o 3nowle#(e& philosophy the real- o wis#o-& an# reli(ion the sphere o the aith e,perience. !ut reli(ion& nonetheless& presents two phases o -ani estation: (1110.B) 101:6.3 1. =volutionary reli(ion. +he e,perience o pri-itive worship& the reli(ion which is a -in# #erivative. (1110.F) 101:6.4 .. Heveale# reli(ion. +he universe attitu#e which is a spirit #erivative; the assurance o & an# 'elie in& the conservation o eternal realities& the survival o personality& an# the eventual attain-ent o the cos-ic Deity& whose purpose has -a#e all this possi'le. 4t is a part o the plan o the universe that& sooner or later& evolutionary reli(ion is #estine# to receive the spiritual e,pansion o revelation. (1110.G) 101:6.6 !oth science an# reli(ion start out with the assu-ption o certain (enerally accepte# 'ases or lo(ical #e#uctions. %o& also& -ust philosophy start its career upon the assu-ption o the reality o three thin(s: (1110.I) 101:6.B 1. +he -aterial 'o#y. (1110.10) 101:6.F .. +he super-aterial phase o the hu-an 'ein(& the soul or even the in#wellin( spirit. (1110.11) 101:6.G 3. +he hu-an -in#& the -echanis- or interco--unication an# interassociation 'etween spirit an# -atter& 'etween the -aterial an# the spiritual. (1110.1.) 101:6.I %cientists asse-'le acts&

seperti 3iner;a yan( pentin( #an 3uat i-an #ala- #o-ain a(a-a yan( -e-'eri3an ha3 -anusia ana untu3 -ene(as3an 3epe-ili3an pri'a#i #an realitas spiritual yan( a'a#i peno'atan si at -anusia & pen(ala-an reli(ius . 4 . <eter'atasan 2ahyu ( 1.10I&. ) 101:4.1 <arena #unia 0n#a u-u-nya tahu tentan( asal1usul & 'ah3an asal1usul isi3& telah -uncul -en;a#i 'i;a3sana #ari wa3tu 3e wa3tu untu3 -e-'eri3an instru3si #ala3os-olo(i . Dan selalu -e-'uat -asalah ini untu3 -asa #epan . 9u3u- wahyu -en(ha-'at 3ita san(at oleh laran(an -ere3a i-partasi pen(etahuan #itan((uh3an atau pre-atur . %etiap 3os-olo(i #isa;i3an se'a(ai 'a(ian #ari a(a-a yan( #iwahyu3an #ita3#ir3an untu3 -e-u#ar #ala- wa3tu yan( san(at sin(3at . Den(an #e-i3ian & para calon -ahasiswa wahyu terse'ut ter(o#a untu3 -e-'uan( unsur 3e'enaran a(a-a asli itu -un(3in 'erisi 3arena -ere3a -ene-u3an 3esalahan pa#a wa;ah ter3ait 3os-olo(i #ala-nya #isa;i3an . ( 1.10I&3 ) 101:4.. ?anusia harus -e-aha-i 'ahwa 3ita yan( 'erpartisipasi #ala- pen(un(3apan 3e'enaran san(at 3etat #i'atasi oleh instru3si #ari atasan 3ita . <a-i ti#a3 'erha3 untu3 -en(antisipasi pene-uan il-iah #ari seri'u tahun . "ewahyu harus 'ertin#a3 sesuai #en(an instru3si yan( -e-'entu3 'a(ian #ari -an#at wahyu . <a-i -elihat ti#a3 a#a cara untu3 -en(atasi 3esulitan ini & 'ai3 se3aran( atau pa#a wa3tu -en#atan( . <ita 'etul tahu 'ahwa & se-entara a3ta se;arah #an 3e'enaran a(a-a #ari ran(3aian presentasi penyataan a3an 'er#iri #i catatan la-a untu3 #atan( & #ala'e'erapa tahun 'anya3 laporan 3a-i tentan( il-u isi3a a3an 'er#iri -e-'utuh3an revisi #ala- 3onse3uensi #ari per3e-'an(an il-iah ta-'ahan #an pene-uan1pene-uan 'aru . "er3e-'an(an 'aru 3ita 'ah3an se3aran( -era-al3an & tapi 3ita #ilaran( untu3 -e-asu33an a3ta terse'ut 'elu#ite-u3an -anusiawi #ala- catatan

philosophers co1or#inate i#eas& while prophets e,alt i#eals. Feelin( an# e-otion are invaria'le conco-itants o reli(ion& 'ut they are not reli(ion. Heli(ion -ay 'e the eelin( o e,perience& 'ut it is har#ly the e,perience o eelin(. Ceither lo(ic (rationali/ation) nor e-otion ( eelin() is essentially a part o reli(ious e,perience& althou(h 'oth -ay variously 'e associate# with the e,ercise o aith in the urtherance o spiritual insi(ht into reality& all accor#in( to the status an# te-pera-ental ten#ency o the in#ivi#ual -in#. (1110.13) 101:6.10 =volutionary reli(ion is the outwor3in( o the en#ow-ent o the local universe -in# a#;utant char(e# with the creation an# osterin( o the worship trait in evolvin( -an. %uch pri-itive reli(ions are #irectly concerne# with ethics an# -orals& the sense o hu-an duty. %uch reli(ions are pre#icate# on the assurance o conscience an# result in the sta'ili/ation o relatively ethical civili/ations. (1111.1) 101:6.11 "ersonally reveale# reli(ions are sponsore# 'y the 'estowal spirits representin( the three persons o the "ara#ise +rinity an# are especially concerne# with the e,pansion o truth. =volutionary reli(ion #rives ho-e to the in#ivi#ual the i#ea o personal #uty; reveale# reli(ion lays increasin( e-phasis on lovin(& the (ol#en rule. (1111..) 101:6.1. =volve# reli(ion rests wholly on aith. Hevelation has the a##itional assurance o its e,pan#e# presentation o the truths o #ivinity an# reality an# the still -ore valua'le testi-ony o the actual e,perience which accu-ulates in conseAuence o the practical wor3in( union o the aith o evolution an# the truth o revelation. %uch a wor3in( union o hu-an aith an# #ivine truth constitutes the possession o a character well on the roa# to the actual acAuire-ent o a -orontial personality. (1111.3) 101:6.13 =volutionary reli(ion provi#es only the assurance o aith an# the con ir-ation o conscience; revelatory reli(ion provi#es the assurance o aith plus the truth o a livin( e,perience in the realities o revelation. +he thir# step

penyataan . !iar3an #i'uat ;elas 'ahwa wahyu ti#a3 selalu terinspirasi . <os-olo(i wahyu ini ti#a3 terinspirasi . 9al ini #i'atasi oleh i/in 3a-i untu3 3oor#inasi #an pe-ilahan pen(etahuan -asa 3ini . %e-entara wawasan ilahi atau spiritual a#alah 3arunia& hi3-at -anusia harus 'er3e-'an( . ( 1.10I&4 ) 101:4.3 <e'enaran selalu wahyu : autorevelation 3eti3a -uncul se'a(ai a3i'at #ari pe3er;aan 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya & wahyu #r ;a-an y( pentin( 3eti3a itu #isa;i3an oleh un(si #ari 'e'erapa le-'a(a lain sur(awi & 3elo-po3 & atau 3epri'a#ian . ( 1.10I&6 ) 101:4.4 Dala- analisis tera3hir & a(a-a yan( a3an #inilai #ari 'uahnya & -enurut cara #an se;auh -ana ia -enun;u33an 3eun((ulan yan( -ele3at #an ilahi sen#iri . ( 1.10I&B ) 101:4.6 <e'enaran -un(3in tetapi relati terinspirasi & -es3ipun wahyu selalu -erupa3an eno-ena spiritual . %e-entara laporan #en(an -en(acu pa#a 3os-olo(i ti#a3 pernah terinspirasi & wahyu terse'ut -e-ili3i nilai 'esar #ala- 'ahwa -ere3a seti#a3nya transiently -e-per;elas pen(etahuan #en(an : (110I&F) 101:4.B 1 . "en(uran(an 3e'in(un(an #en(an pen(hapusan otoritati 3esalahan . (110I&G) 101:4.F . . <oor#inasi a3ta #an pen(a-atan #i3etahui atau se3itar 1 to1 'e 1 ter3enal . (1110&1) 101:4.G 3 . "e-ulihan 'it pentin( #ari pen(etahuan yan( hilan( -en(enai transa3si #r ;a-an y( pentin( #i -asa lalu . (1110&.) 101:4.I 4 . "enye#iaan in or-asi yan( a3an -en(isi 3esen;an(an #ala- pen(etahuan pentin( yan( hilan( #inyata3an #iteri-a . (1110&3) 101:4.10 6 . "enya;ian #ata 3os-i3 se#e-i3ian rupa untu3 -eneran(i a;aran spiritual yan( ter3an#un( #ala- wahyu yan(

in reli(ion& or the thir# phase o the e,perience o reli(ion& has to #o with the -orontia state& the ir-er (rasp o -ota. 4ncreasin(ly in the -orontia pro(ression the truths o reveale# reli(ion are e,pan#e#; -ore an# -ore you will 3now the truth o supre-e values& #ivine (oo#nesses& universal relationships& eternal realities& an# ulti-ate #estinies. (1111.4) 101:6.14 4ncreasin(ly throu(hout the -orontia pro(ression the assurance o truth replaces the assurance o aith. 2hen you are inally -ustere# into the actual spirit worl#& then will the assurances o pure spirit insi(ht operate in the place o aith an# truth or& rather& in con;unction with& an# superi-pose# upon& these or-er techniAues o personality assurance. +. Pro#ressive *e!i#ious E?perien,e (1111.6) 101:B.1 +he -orontia phase o reveale# reli(ion has to #o with the e-perience of survival, an# its (reat ur(e is the attain-ent o spirit per ection. +here also is present the hi(her ur(e o worship& associate# with an i-pellin( call to increase# ethical service. ?orontia insi(ht entails an ever1 e,pan#in( consciousness o the %even ol#& the %upre-e& an# even the Ulti-ate. (1111.B) 101:B.. +hrou(hout all reli(ious e,perience& ro- its earliest inception on the -aterial level up to the ti-e o the attain-ent o ull spirit status& the 0#;uster is the secret o the personal reali/ation o the reality o the e,istence o the %upre-e; an# this sa-e 0#;uster also hol#s the secrets o your aith in the transcen#ental attain-ent o the Ulti-ate. +he e,periential personality o evolvin( -an& unite# to the 0#;uster essence o the e,istential Go#& constitutes the potential co-pletion o supre-e e,istence an# is inherently the 'asis or the super inite eventuation o transcen#ental personality. (1111.F) 101:B.3 ?oral will e-'races #ecisions 'ase# on reasone# 3nowle#(e& au(-ente# 'y wis#o-& an# sanctione# 'y reli(ious aith. %uch choices are acts o -oral nature an# evi#ence the e,istence o -oral personality& the orerunner o -orontia personality an# eventually o true spirit status.

-enyertainya . 6 . 0(a-a #iperluas oleh 2ahyu ( 1.110&4 ) 101:6.1 2ahyu a#alah te3ni3 #i-ana usia pa#a usia wa3tu #isi-pan #ala- pe3er;aan yan( #iperlu3an -e-ilah #an -e-ilah 3esalahan evolusi #ari 3e'enaran se-an(at perolehan . ( 1.110&6 ) 101:6.. penawaran %ains #en(an a3ta1 a3ta & a(a-a hanya 'er3aitan #en(an nilai1nilai . ?elalui iloso i tercerah3an upaya pi3iran untu3 -enyatu3an -a3na #ari 3e#ua a3ta #an nilai & sehin((a ti'a #i 3onsep 3enyataan len(3ap . 4n(at 'ahwa il-u pen(etahuan a#alah #o-ain pen(etahuan & ilsa at ala- hi3-at & #an a(a-a lin(3up pen(ala-an i-an. +api a(a-a & na-un & -en(ha#ir3an #ua tahap -ani estasi : (1110&B) 101:6.3 1 . 0(a-a evolusi . "en(ala-an i'a#ah pri-iti & a(a-a yan( -erupa3an turunan pi3iran . (1110&F) 101:6.4 . . +erun(3ap a(a-a . 0la- se-esta %i3ap yan( -erupa3an turunan roh& ;a-inan & #an 3epercayaan & 3onservasi realitas 3e3al & 3elan(sun(an hi#up 3epri'a#ian & #an pencapaian a3hir #ari Dewa 3os-i3 & yan( tu;uannya telah -e-'uat se-ua ini -un(3in . 4ni a#alah 'a(ian #ari rencana ala- se-esta itu& cepat atau la-'at & a(a-a evolusi #ita3#ir3an untu3 -eneri-a perluasan spiritual wahyu . ( 1.110&G ) 101:6.6 !ai3 sains #an a(a-a -ulai #en(an asu-si #asar yan( 'erla3u u-u- tertentu untu3 3esi-pulan lo(is . Da#i & ;u(a & harus ilsa at -e-ulai 3arirnya pa#a asu-si realitas ti(a hal : (1110&I) 101:6.B 1 . +u'uh -aterial. (1110&10) 101:6.F . . +he super-aterial ase -anusia & ;iwa atau 'ah3an se-an(at 'er#ia- . (1110&11) 101:6.G 3 . "i3iran -anusia & -e3anis-e untu3 salin( 'er3o-uni3asi #an interassociation antara roh #an -ateri & antara -aterial #an spiritual .

(1111.G) 101:B.4

+he evolutionary type o 3nowle#(e is 'ut the accu-ulation o protoplas-ic -e-ory -aterial; this is the -ost pri-itive or- o creature consciousness. 2is#o- e-'races the i#eas or-ulate# ro- protoplas-ic -e-ory in process o association an# reco-'ination& an# such pheno-ena #i erentiate hu-an -in# ro- -ere ani-al -in#. 0ni-als have 3nowle#(e& 'ut only -an possesses wis#o- capacity. +ruth is -a#e accessi'le to the wis#o-1 en#owe# in#ivi#ual 'y the 'estowal on such a -in# o the spirits o the Father an# the %ons& the +hou(ht 0#;uster an# the %pirit o +ruth. (111..1) 101:B.6 $hrist ?ichael& when 'estowe# on Urantia& live# un#er the rei(n o evolutionary reli(ion up to the ti-e o his 'aptis-. Fro- that -o-ent up to an# inclu#in( the event o his cruci i,ion he carrie# orwar# his wor3 'y the co-'ine# (ui#ance o evolutionary an# reveale# reli(ion. Fro- the -ornin( o his resurrection until his ascension he traverse# the -ani ol# phases o the -orontia li e o -ortal transition ro- the worl# o -atter to that o spirit. 0 ter his ascension ?ichael 'eca-e -aster o the e,perience o %upre-acy& the reali/ation o the %upre-e; an# 'ein( the one person in Ce'a#on possesse# o unli-ite# capacity to e,perience the reality o the %upre-e& he orthwith attaine# to the status o the soverei(nty o supre-acy in an# to his local universe. (111...) 101:B.B 2ith -an& the eventual usion an# resultant oneness with the in#wellin( 0#;uster J the personality synthesis o -an an# the essence o Go# J constitute hi-& in potential& a livin( part o the %upre-e an# insure or such a oneti-e -ortal 'ein( the eternal 'irthri(ht o the en#less pursuit o inality o universe service or an# with the %upre-e. (111..3) 101:B.F Hevelation teaches -ortal -an that& to start such a -a(ni icent an# intri(uin( a#venture throu(h space 'y -eans o the pro(ression o ti-e& he shoul# 'e(in 'y the or(ani/ation o 3nowle#(e into i#ea1#ecisions; ne,t& -an#ate wis#o- to la'or unre-ittin(ly at its no'le tas3 o trans or-in( sel 1 possesse# i#eas into increasin(ly practical 'ut nonetheless supernal i#eals&

( 1110&1. ) 101:6.I il-uwan -era3it a3ta & ilsu i#e 3oor#inasi & se#an(3an na'i -enin((i3an cita1cita . "erasaan #an e-osi yan( 'eru'ah1u'ah conco-itants a(a-a & tetapi -ere3a 'u3an a(a-a . 0(a-a -un(3in perasaan pen(ala-an & na-un itu 'u3anlah pen(ala-an perasaan . !ai3 lo(i3a ( rasionalisasi ) atau e-osi ( perasaan ) pa#a #asarnya -erupa3an 'a(ian #ari pen(ala-an reli(ius & -es3ipun 3e#uanya -un(3in 'era(a- #i3ait3an #en(an -en;alan3an i-an #ala- -e-a;u3an wawasan rohani -en;a#i 3enyataan & se-ua sesuai #en(an status #an 3ecen#erun(an te-pera-ental #ari pi3iran in#ivi#ual . ( 1110&13 ) 101:6.10 a(a-a =volusi a#alah outwor3in( #ari #ana a'a#i alase-esta a;u#an pi3iran lo3al yan( #i'e'an3an #en(an penciptaan #an pe-'inaan si at i'a#ah #ala- -anusia 'er3e-'an( . 0(a-a1a(a-a pri-iti terse'ut lan(sun( 'er3aitan #en(an eti3a #an -oral & rasa tu(as 3e-anusiaan . 0(a-a terse'ut #i#asar3an pa#a 3epastian hati nurani #an hasil #alasta'ilisasi pera#a'an yan( relati etis. ( 1.111&1 ) 101:6.11 a(a-a pri'a#i -en(un(3ap3an #isponsori oleh roh pen(anu(erahan -ewa3ili ti(a oran( #ari "ara#ise +rinitas #an san(at prihatin #en(an e3spansi 3e'enaran . 0(a-a evolusi #rive ru-ah 3epa#a in#ivi#u (a(asan tu(as pri'a#i& a(a-a yan( #iwahyu3an -eleta33an pene3anan pa#a cinta & aturan e-as . ( 1.111&. ) 101:6.1. a(a-a =volve# 'ertu-pu sepenuhnya pa#a i-an . 2ahyu -e-ili3i ;a-inan ta-'ahan penya;ian #iperluas atas 3e'enaran 3etuhanan #an realitas #an 3esa3sian -asih le'ih 'erhar(a #ari pen(ala-an nyata yan( tera3u-ulasi se'a(ai a3i'at #ari seri3at 3er;a pra3tis #ari i-an evolusi #an 3e'enaran wahyu . %eperti seri3at 3er;a i-an -anusia #an 3e'enaran ilahi -erupa3an 3epe-ili3an 3ara3ter 'ai3 pa#a ;alan -enu;u perolehan se'enarnya 3epri'a#ian -orontial . ( 1.111&3 ) 101:6.13 a(a-a =volusioner

even those concepts which are so reasona'le as i#eas an# so lo(ical as i#eals that the 0#;uster #ares so to co-'ine an# spiriti/e the- as to ren#er the- availa'le or such association in the inite -in# as will constitute the- the actual hu-an co-ple-ent thus -a#e rea#y or the action o the +ruth %pirit o the %ons& the ti-e1space -ani estations o "ara#ise truth J universal truth. +he co1or#ination o i#ea1#ecisions& lo(ical i#eals& an# #ivine truth constitutes the possession o a ri(hteous character& the prereAuisite or -ortal a#-ission to the ever1e,pan#in( an# increasin(ly spiritual realities o the -orontia worl#s. (111..4) 101:B.G +he teachin(s o Desus constitute# the irst Urantian reli(ion which so ully e-'race# a har-onious co1or#ination o 3nowle#(e& wis#o-& aith& truth& an# love as co-pletely an# si-ultaneously to provi#e te-poral tranAuillity& intellectual certainty& -oral enli(hten-ent& philosophic sta'ility& ethical sensitivity& Go#1consciousness& an# the positive assurance o personal survival. +he aith o Desus pointe# the way to inality o hu-an salvation& to the ulti-ate o -ortal universe attain-ent& since it provi#e# or: (111..6) 101:B.I 1. %alvation ro- -aterial etters in the personal reali/ation o sonship with Go#& who is spirit. (111..B) 101:B.10 .. %alvation ro- intellectual 'on#a(e: -an shall 3now the truth& an# the truth shall set hi- ree. (111..F) 101:B.11 3. %alvation ro- spiritual 'lin#ness& the hu-an reali/ation o the raternity o -ortal 'ein(s an# the -orontian awareness o the 'rotherhoo# o all universe creatures; the service1 #iscovery o spiritual reality an# the -inistry1revelation o the (oo#ness o spirit values. (1113.1) 101:B.1. 4. %alvation roinco-pleteness o sel throu(h the attain-ent o the spirit levels o the universe an# throu(h the eventual reali/ation o the har-ony o 9avona an# the per ection o "ara#ise. (1113..) 101:B.13 6. %alvation ro- sel & #eliverance ro- the li-itations o sel 1 consciousness throu(h the attain-ent o the cos-ic levels o the %upre-e -in# an# 'y co1or#ination with the

hanya -enye#ia3an ;a-inan i-an #an 3on ir-asi #ari hati nurani& a(a-a penyataan -e-'eri3an ;a-inan i-an #ita-'ah 3e'enaran pen(ala-an hi#up #ala- realitas wahyu . 8an(3ah 3eti(a #ala- a(a-a & atau ase 3eti(a #ari pen(ala-an a(a-a & harus #ila3u3an #en(an ne(ara -orontia & pe(an( 3encan( #ari -ota . %e-a3in #alaper3e-'an(an -orontia 3e'enaran a(a-a yan( #iwahyu3an #iperluas & se-a3in 'anya3 0n#a a3an -en(etahui 3e'enaran nilai1nilai tertin((i & (oo#nesses ilahi & hu'un(an yan( universal & realitas a'a#i& #an nasi' a3hir . ( 1.111&4 ) 101:6.14 %e-a3in seluruh per3e-'an(an -orontia 3epastian 3e'enaran -en((anti3an 3epastian i-an . <eti3a 0n#a a3hirnya -en(erah3an 3e #unia roh yan( se'enarnya& -a3a a3an ;a-inan -urni se-an(at wawasan 'eroperasi #i te-pat i-an #an 3e'enaran atau& le'ih tepatnya & #alahu'un(annya #en(an & #an #itu-pan(3an pa#a & ini -antan te3ni3 ;a-inan 3epri'a#ian. B . "ro(resi "en(ala-an <ea(a-aan ( 1.111&6 ) 101:B.1 +he -orontia ase a(a-a yan( #iwahyu3an 'er3aitan #en(an pen(ala-an hi#up & #an #oron(an yan( 'esar a#alah pencapaian se-an(at 3ese-purnaan. 0#a ;u(a -enya;i3an #oron(an i'a#ah yan( le'ih tin((i & ter3ait #en(an pan((ilan i-pellin( untu3 penin(3atan layanan etis . ?orontia wawasan -e-erlu3an 3esa#aran terus 'er3e-'an( #ari %even ol# & 0(un( & #an 'ah3an Ulti-ate . ( 1.111&B ) 101:B.. %epan;an( pen(ala-an reli(ius & #ari awal awal pa#a tin(3at -aterial hin((a saat pencapaian status penuh se-an(at & 0#;uster a#alah rahasia realisasi pri'a#i #ari realitas 3e'era#aan 0(un( ; #an ini 0#;uster yan( sa-a ;u(a -e-e(an( rahasia i-an 0n#a #ala- pencapaian transen#ental Ulti-ate . +he pen(ala-an 3epri'a#ian 'er3e-'an( -anusia& 'ersatu #en(an esensi 0#;uster #ari 0llah

attain-ents o all other sel 1conscious 'ein(s. (1113.3) 101:B.14 B. %alvation ro- ti-e& the achieve-ent o an eternal li e o unen#in( pro(ression in Go#1reco(nition an# Go#1service. (1113.4) 101:B.16 F. %alvation ro- the inite& the per ecte# oneness with Deity in an# throu(h the %upre-e 'y which the creature atte-pts the transcen#ental #iscovery o the Ulti-ate on the post inaliter levels o the a'sonite. (1113.6) 101:B.1B %uch a seven ol# salvation is the eAuivalent o the co-pleteness an# per ection o the reali/ation o the ulti-ate e,perience o the Universal Father. 0n# all this& in potential& is containe# within the reality o the aith o the hu-an e,perience o reli(ion. 0n# it can 'e so containe# since the aith o Desus was nourishe# 'y& an# was revelatory o & even realities 'eyon# the ulti-ate; the aith o Desus approache# the status o a universe a'solute in so ar as such is possi'le o -ani estation in the evolvin( cos-os o ti-e an# space. (1113.B) 101:B.1F +hrou(h the appropriation o the aith o Desus& -ortal -an can oretaste in ti-e the realities o eternity. Desus -a#e the #iscovery& in hu-an e,perience& o the Final Father& an# his 'rothers in the lesh o -ortal li e can ollow hi- alon( this sa-e e,perience o Father #iscovery. +hey can even attain& as they are& the sa-e satis action in this e,perience with the Father as #i# Desus as he was. Cew potentials were actuali/e# in the universe o Ce'a#on conseAuent upon the ter-inal 'estowal o ?ichael& an# one o these was the new illu-ination o the path o eternity that lea#s to the Father o all& an# which can 'e traverse# even 'y the -ortals o -aterial lesh an# 'loo# in the initial li e on the planets o space. Desus was an# is the new an# livin( way where'y -an can co-e into the #ivine inheritance which the Father has #ecree# shall 'e his or 'ut the as3in(. 4n Desus there is a'un#antly #e-onstrate# 'oth the 'e(innin(s an# en#in(s o the aith e,perience o hu-anity& even o #ivine hu-anity. -. A Persona! Phi!osophy of *e!i#ion (1113.F) 101:F.1 0n i#ea is only a theoretical

e3sistensial & -erupa3an penyelesaian potensi 3e'era#aan tertin((i #an secara inheren #asar untu3 eventuation super inite 3epri'a#ian transen#ental . ( 1.111&F ) 101:B.3 3ehen#a3 -oral -enca3up 3eputusan 'er#asar3an pen(etahuan 'eralasan& #ita-'ah #en(an 3e'i;a3sanaan& #an #isetu;ui oleh 3eya3inan a(a-a . "ilihan terse'ut -erupa3an 3e(iatan ala- -oral #an 'u3ti 3e'era#aan 3epri'a#ian -oral& ci3al 'a3al 3epri'a#ian -orontia #an a3hirnya status se-an(at se;ati . ( 1.111&G ) 101:B.4 Denis evolusi pen(etahuan hanyalah a3u-ulasi -ateri -e-ori protoplas-a & ini a#alah 'entu3 palin( pri-iti 3esa#aran -a3hlu3 . <e'i;a3sanaan -enca3up i#e1i#e #i or-ulasi3an #ari -e-ori protoplas-a #ala- proses 'erseri3at #an re3o-'inasi & #an eno-ena terse'ut -e-'e#a3an pi3iran -anusia #ari se3a#ar a3al hewan . 9ewan -e-ili3i pen(etahuan & tetapi hanya -anusia -e-ili3i 3apasitas 3e'i;a3sanaan. <e'enaran #i'uat #apat #ia3ses oleh in#ivi#u 3e'i;a3sanaan 1 #i'er3ahi oleh pen(anu(erahan pa#a pi3iran seperti roh !apa #an 0na31ana3 & yan( 0#;uster "e-i3iran #an Hoh <e'enaran . ( 1.11.&1 ) 101:B.6 <ristus ?ichael & 'ila #i'eri3an pa#a Urantia & hi#up #i 'awah pe-erintahan a(a-a evolusi hin((a saat pe-'aptisan nya . %e;a3 saat itu sa-pai #en(an #an ter-asu3 peristiwa penyali'an & ia #i'awa 3e #epan 3aryanya #en(an 'i-'in(an (a'un(an a(a-a evolusi #an wahyu . Dari pa(i hari 3e'an(3itan sa-pai 3enai3an1Cya ia -elintasi ase ra(a-nya 3ehi#upan -orontia transisi ana #ari #unia -ateri #en(an se-an(at. %etelah itu 3enai3an ?ichael -en;a#i -aster #ari pen(ala-an %upre-acy & realisasi 0(un( & #an -en;a#i satu1satunya oran( #i Ce'a#on -e-ili3i 3apasitas ter'atas untu3 -en(ala-i realitas 0(un( & ia se(era -encapai 3e status 3e#aulatan supre-asi #ala- #an ala- se-esta sete-pat . ( 1.11.&. ) 101:B.B Den(an -anusia&

plan or action& while a positive #ecision is a vali#ate# plan o action. 0 stereotype is a plan o action accepte# without vali#ation. +he -aterials out o which to 'uil# a personal philosophy o reli(ion are #erive# ro- 'oth the inner an# the environ-ental e,perience o the in#ivi#ual. +he social status& econo-ic con#itions& e#ucational opportunities& -oral tren#s& institutional in luences& political #evelop-ents& racial ten#encies& an# the reli(ious teachin(s o one>s ti-e an# place all 'eco-e actors in the or-ulation o a personal philosophy o reli(ion. =ven the inherent te-pera-ent an# intellectual 'ent -ar3e#ly #eter-ine the pattern o reli(ious philosophy. Kocation& -arria(e& an# 3in#re# all in luence the evolution o one>s personal stan#ar#s o li e. (1113.G) 101:F.. 0 philosophy o reli(ion evolves out o a 'asic (rowth o i#eas plus e,peri-ental livin( as 'oth are -o#i ie# 'y the ten#ency to i-itate associates. +he soun#ness o philosophic conclusions #epen#s on 3een& honest& an# #iscri-inatin( thin3in( in connection with sensitivity to -eanin(s an# accuracy o evaluation. ?oral cowar#s never achieve hi(h planes o philosophic thin3in(; it reAuires coura(e to inva#e new levels o e,perience an# to atte-pt the e,ploration o un3nown real-s o intellectual livin(. (1114.1) 101:F.3 "resently new syste-s o values co-e into e,istence; new or-ulations o principles an# stan#ar#s are achieve#; ha'its an# i#eals are reshape#; so-e i#ea o a personal Go# is attaine#& ollowe# 'y enlar(in( concepts o relationship thereto. (1114..) 101:F.4 +he (reat #i erence 'etween a reli(ious an# a nonreli(ious philosophy o livin( consists in the nature an# level o reco(ni/e# values an# in the o';ect o loyalties. +here are our phases in the evolution o reli(ious philosophy: %uch an e,perience -ay 'eco-e -erely con or-ative& resi(ne# to su'-ission to tra#ition an# authority. Or it -ay 'e satis ie# with sli(ht attain-ents& ;ust enou(h to sta'ili/e the #aily livin(& an# there ore 'eco-es early arreste# on such an a#ventitious level. %uch -ortals 'elieve in lettin( well enou(h alone. 0

a3hirnya usi #an 3esatuan resultan #en(an 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya 1 sintesis 3epri'a#ian -anusia #an esensi 0llah 1 -erupa3an #ia& potensi & hi#up 'a(ian #ari 0(un( #an -e-asti3an untu3 seperti ana -antan -en;a#i a'a#i ha3 3esulun(an #ari henti -en(e;ar inalitas layanan se-esta untu3 #an #en(an 0(un( . ( 1.11.&3 ) 101:B.F 2ahyu -en(a;ar3an -anusia ana itu& untu3 -e-ulai suatu petualan(an yan( -e(ah #an -enari3 -elalui ruan( #en(an cara 'er;alannya wa3tu & ia harus -ulai #en(an or(anisasi pen(etahuan 3e #ala- i#e 1 3eputusan & 'eri3utnya & -an#at 3e'i;a3sanaan untu3 tena(a 3er;a unre-ittin(ly pa#a tu(as -ulia untu3 -entrans or-asi3an i#e1i#e #iri yan( #i-ili3i -en;a#i se-a3in pra3tis tapi tetap ilahi cita1cita & 'ah3an 3onsep1 3onsep yan( san(at -asu3 a3al se'a(ai i#e1i#e #an cita1cita sehin((a lo(is 'ahwa 'erani 0#;uster sehin((a untu3 -en((a'un(3an #an spiriti/e -ere3a untu3 -e-'uat -ere3a terse#ia untu3 asosiasi seperti #ala- pi3iran yan( ter'atas seperti yan( a3an -e-'entu3 -ere3a 3o-ple-en -anusia yan( se'enarnya sehin((a -e-'uat siap untu3 tin#a3an Hoh 3e'enaran #ari %ons & -ani estasi wa3tu 1 ruan( "ara#ise 3e'enaran 1 3e'enaran universal . <oor#inasi i#e 1 3eputusan & cita1cita lo(is & #an 3e'enaran ilahi -erupa3an 3epe-ili3an 3ara3ter 'enar & prasyarat untu3 -asu3 ana #en(an realitas 1 'er3e-'an( pernah #an se-a3in spiritual #unia -orontia . ( 1.11.&4 ) 101:B.G 0;aran1a;aran @esus -erupa3an perta-a a(a-a Urantian yan( 'e(itu sepenuhnya -e-elu3 har-onis 3oor#inasi pen(etahuan & 3e'i;a3sanaan& i-an & 3e'enaran & #an cinta sepenuhnya #an se3ali(us untu3 -e-'eri3an 3etenan(an se-entara& 3epastian intele3tual & pencerahan -oral& sta'ilitas iloso is & sensitivitas etis & 3esa#aran +uhan & #an ;a-inan positi 3elan(sun(an hi#up pri'a#i . 4-an 3epa#a @esus -enun;u3 ;alan -enu;u inalitas 3esela-atan -anusia & 3e a3hir #ari pencapaian ana se-esta & 3arena #ise#ia3an untu3 :

thir# (roup pro(ress to the level o lo(ical intellectuality 'ut there sta(nate in conseAuence o cultural slavery. 4t is in#ee# piti ul to 'ehol# (iant intellects hel# so securely within the cruel (rasp o cultural 'on#a(e. 4t is eAually pathetic to o'serve those who tra#e their cultural 'on#a(e or the -aterialistic etters o a science& alsely so calle#. +he ourth level o philosophy attains ree#o- ro- all conventional an# tra#itional han#icaps an# #ares to thin3& act& an# live honestly& loyally& earlessly& an# truth ully. (1114.3) 101:F.6 +he aci# test or any reli(ious philosophy consists in whether or not it #istin(uishes 'etween the realities o the -aterial an# the spiritual worl#s while at the sa-e -o-ent reco(ni/in( their uni ication in intellectual strivin( an# in social servin(. 0 soun# reli(ious philosophy #oes not con oun# the thin(s o Go# with the thin(s o $aesar. Ceither #oes it reco(ni/e the aesthetic cult o pure won#er as a su'stitute or reli(ion. (1114.4) 101:F.B "hilosophy trans or-s that pri-itive reli(ion which was lar(ely a airy tale o conscience into a livin( e,perience in the ascen#in( values o cos-ic reality. 1. (aith and Be!ief (1114.6) 101:G.1 !elie has attaine# the level o aith when it -otivates li e an# shapes the -o#e o livin(. +he acceptance o a teachin( as true is not aith; that is -ere 'elie . Ceither is certainty nor conviction aith. 0 state o -in# attains to aith levels only when it actually #o-inates the -o#e o livin(. Faith is a livin( attri'ute o (enuine personal reli(ious e,perience. One 'elieves truth& a#-ires 'eauty& an# reverences (oo#ness& 'ut #oes not worship the-; such an attitu#e o savin( aith is centere# on Go# alone& who is all o these personi ie# an# in initely -ore. (1114.B) 101:G.. !elie is always li-itin( an# 'in#in(; aith is e,pan#in( an# releasin(. !elie i,ates& aith li'erates. !ut livin( reli(ious aith is -ore than the association o no'le 'elie s; it is -ore than an e,alte# syste- o philosophy; it is a livin( e,perience concerne# with spiritual -eanin(s& #ivine i#eals& an# supre-e values; it is Go#13nowin( an# -an1servin(. !elie s -ay 'eco-e (roup

(111.&6) 101:B.I 1 . <esela-atan #ari 'elen((u -ateri #ala- realisasi pri'a#i se'a(ai ana3 #en(an +uhan & yan( a#alah roh . (111.&B) 101:B.10 . . <esela-atan #ari per'u#a3an intele3tual : -anusia a3an -en(etahui 3e'enaran & #an 3e'enaran a3an -e-'e'as3annya . (111.&F) 101:B.11 3 . <esela-atan #ari 3e'utaan rohani & realisasi -anusia persau#araan -a3hlu3 ana #an 3esa#aran -orontian persau#araan se-ua -a3hlu3 ala- se-esta & layanan 1 pene-uan realitas spiritual #an pelayanan 1 wahyu #ari 3e'ai3an nilai1 nilai se-an(at . (1113&1) 101:B.1. 4 . <esela-atan #ari 3eti#a3len(3apan #iri -elalui pencapaian tin(3at se-an(at ala- se-esta #an -elalui realisasi a3hirnya har-oni 9avona #an 3ese-purnaan sur(a . (1113&.) 101:B.13 6 . <esela-atan #ari #iri & pe-'e'asan #ari 3eter'atasan 3esa#aran1#iri -elalui pencapaian tin(3at 3os-i3 #ari pi3iran 0(un( #an #en(an 3oor#inasi #en(an pencapaian se-ua -a3hlu3 sa#ar #iri lainnya . (1113&3) 101:B.14 B . <esela-atan #ari wa3tu & tercapainya 3ehi#upan 3e3al per3e-'an(an ta3 ter'atas pa#a +uhan 1 pen(a3uan #an +uhan 1service . (1113&4) 101:B.16 F . <esela-atan #ari ter'atas & 3esatuan se-purna #en(an +uhan #i #ala- #an -elalui 0(un( #i -ana -a3hlu3 upaya pene-uan transen#ental #ari Ulti-ate pa#a tin(3at post inaliter #ari a'sonite terse'ut .

possessions& 'ut aith -ust 'e personal. +heolo(ic 'elie s can 'e su((este# to a (roup& 'ut aith can rise up only in the heart o the in#ivi#ual reli(ionist. (1114.F) 101:G.3 Faith has alsi ie# its trust when it presu-es to #eny realities an# to con er upon its #evotees assu-e# 3nowle#(e. Faith is a traitor when it osters 'etrayal o intellectual inte(rity an# 'elittles loyalty to supre-e values an# #ivine i#eals. Faith never shuns the pro'le-1solvin( #uty o -ortal livin(. 8ivin( aith #oes not oster 'i(otry& persecution& or intolerance. (1116.1) 101:G.4 Faith #oes not shac3le the creative i-a(ination& neither #oes it -aintain an unreasonin( pre;u#ice towar# the #iscoveries o scienti ic investi(ation. Faith vitali/es reli(ion an# constrains the reli(ionist heroically to live the (ol#en rule. +he /eal o aith is accor#in( to 3nowle#(e& an# its strivin(s are the prelu#es to su'li-e peace. @. *e!i#ion and 3ora!ity (1116..) 101:I.1 Co pro esse# revelation o reli(ion coul# 'e re(ar#e# as authentic i it aile# to reco(ni/e the #uty #e-an#s o ethical o'li(ation which ha# 'een create# an# ostere# 'y prece#in( evolutionary reli(ion. Hevelation un ailin(ly enlar(es the ethical hori/on o evolve# reli(ion while it si-ultaneously an# un ailin(ly e,pan#s the -oral o'li(ations o all prior revelations. (1116.3) 101:I.. 2hen you presu-e to sit in critical ;u#(-ent on the pri-itive reli(ion o -an (or on the reli(ion o pri-itive -an)& you shoul# re-e-'er to ;u#(e such sava(es an# to evaluate their reli(ious e,perience in accor#ance with their enli(hten-ent an# status o conscience. Do not -a3e the -ista3e o ;u#(in( another>s reli(ion 'y your own stan#ar#s o 3nowle#(e an# truth. (1116.4) 101:I.3 +rue reli(ion is that su'li-e an# pro oun# conviction within the soul which co-pellin(ly a#-onishes -an that it woul# 'e wron( or hi- not to 'elieve in those -orontial realities which constitute his hi(hest ethical an# -oral concepts& his hi(hest interpretation o li e>s (reatest values an# the universe>s #eepest realities. 0n# such a reli(ion is si-ply the e,perience o yiel#in( intellectual loyalty to the hi(hest #ictates

o spiritual consciousness. (1116.6) 101:I.4 +he search or 'eauty is a part o reli(ion only in so ar as it is ethical an# to the e,tent that it enriches the concept o the -oral. 0rt is only reli(ious when it 'eco-es #i use# with purpose which has 'een #erive# ro- hi(h spiritual -otivation. (1116.B) 101:I.6 +he enli(htene# spiritual consciousness o civili/e# -an is not concerne# so -uch with so-e speci ic intellectual 'elie or with any one particular -o#e o livin( as with #iscoverin( the truth o livin(& the (oo# an# ri(ht techniAue o reactin( to the ever1recurrin( situations o -ortal e,istence. ?oral consciousness is ;ust a na-e applie# to the hu-an reco(nition an# awareness o those ethical an# e-er(in( -orontial values which #uty #e-an#s that -an shall a'i#e 'y in the #ay1'y1#ay control an# (ui#ance o con#uct. (1116.F) 101:I.B +hou(h reco(ni/in( that reli(ion is i-per ect& there are at least two practical -ani estations o its nature an# unction: (1116.G) 101:I.F 1. +he spiritual ur(e an# philosophic pressure o reli(ion ten# to cause -an to pro;ect his esti-ation o -oral values #irectly outwar# into the a airs o his ellows J the ethical reaction o reli(ion. (1116.I) 101:I.G .. Heli(ion creates or the hu-an -in# a spirituali/e# consciousness o #ivine reality 'ase# on& an# 'y aith #erive# ro-& antece#ent concepts o -oral values an# co1 or#inate# with superi-pose# concepts o spiritual values. Heli(ion there'y 'eco-es a censor o -ortal a airs& a or- o (lori ie# -oral trust an# con i#ence in reality& the enhance# realities o ti-e an# the -ore en#urin( realities o eternity. (111B.1) 101:I.I Faith 'eco-es the connection 'etween -oral consciousness an# the spiritual concept o en#urin( reality. Heli(ion 'eco-es the avenue o -an>s escape ro- the -aterial li-itations o the te-poral an# natural worl# to the supernal realities o the eternal an# spiritual worl# 'y an# throu(h the techniAue o salvation& the pro(ressive -orontia trans or-ation.

1>. *e!i#ion as 3ans %iberator 4ntelli(ent -an 3nows that he is a chil# o nature& a part o the -aterial universe; he li3ewise #iscerns no survival o in#ivi#ual personality in the -otions an# tensions o the -athe-atical level o the ener(y universe. Cor can -an ever #iscern spiritual reality throu(h the e,a-ination o physical causes an# e ects. (111B.3) 101:10.. 0 hu-an 'ein( is also aware that he is a part o the i#eational cos-os& 'ut thou(h concept -ay en#ure 'eyon# a -ortal li e span& there is nothin( inherent in concept which in#icates the personal survival o the conceivin( personality. Cor will the e,haustion o the possi'ilities o lo(ic an# reason ever reveal to the lo(ician or to the reasoner the eternal truth o the survival o personality. (111B.4) 101:10.3 +he -aterial level o law provi#es or causality continuity& the unen#in( response o e ect to antece#ent action; the -in# level su((ests the perpetuation o i#eational continuity& the unceasin( low o conceptual potentiality ro- pre1e,istent conceptions. !ut neither o these levels o the universe #iscloses to the inAuirin( -ortal an avenue o escape ropartiality o status an# ro- the intolera'le suspense o 'ein( a transient reality in the universe& a te-poral personality #oo-e# to 'e e,tin(uishe# upon the e,haustion o the li-ite# li e ener(ies. (111B.6) 101:10.4 4t is only throu(h the -orontial avenue lea#in( to spiritual insi(ht that -an can ever 'rea3 the etters inherent in his -ortal status in the universe. =ner(y an# -in# #o lea# 'ac3 to "ara#ise an# Deity& 'ut neither the ener(y en#ow-ent nor the -in# en#ow-ent o -an procee#s #irectly ro- such "ara#ise Deity. Only in the spiritual sense is -an a chil# o Go#. 0n# this is true 'ecause it is only in the spiritual sense that -an is at present en#owe# an# in#welt 'y the "ara#ise Father. ?an3in# can never #iscover #ivinity e,cept throu(h the avenue o reli(ious e,perience an# 'y the e,ercise o true aith. +he aith acceptance o the truth o Go# ena'les -an to escape ro(111B..) 101:10.1

the circu-scri'e# con ines o -aterial li-itations an# a or#s hi- a rational hope o achievin( sa e con#uct ro- the -aterial real-& whereon is #eath& to the spiritual real-& wherein is li e eternal. (111B.B) 101:10.6 +he purpose o reli(ion is not to satis y curiosity a'out Go# 'ut rather to a or# intellectual constancy an# philosophic security& to sta'ili/e an# enrich hu-an livin( 'y 'len#in( the -ortal with the #ivine& the partial with the per ect& -an an# Go#. 4t is throu(h reli(ious e,perience that -an>s concepts o i#eality are en#owe# with reality. (111B.F) 101:10.B Cever can there 'e either scienti ic or lo(ical proo s o #ivinity. Heason alone can never vali#ate the values an# (oo#nesses o reli(ious e,perience. !ut it will always re-ain true: 2hosoever wills to #o the will o Go# shall co-prehen# the vali#ity o spiritual values. +his is the nearest approach that can 'e -a#e on the -ortal level to o erin( proo s o the reality o reli(ious e,perience. %uch aith a or#s the only escape ro- the -echanical clutch o the -aterial worl# an# ro- the error #istortion o the inco-pleteness o the intellectual worl#; it is the only #iscovere# solution to the i-passe in -ortal thin3in( re(ar#in( the continuin( survival o the in#ivi#ual personality. 4t is the only passport to co-pletion o reality an# to eternity o li e in a universal creation o love& law& unity& an# pro(ressive Deity attain-ent. (111F.1) 101:10.F Heli(ion e ectually cures -an>s sense o i#ealistic isolation or spiritual loneliness; it en ranchises the 'eliever as a son o Go#& a citi/en o a new an# -eanin( ul universe. Heli(ion assures -an that& in ollowin( the (leao ri(hteousness #iscerni'le in his soul& he is there'y i#enti yin( hi-sel with the plan o the 4n inite an# the purpose o the =ternal. %uch a li'erate# soul i--e#iately 'e(ins to eel at ho-e in this new universe& his universe. (111F..) 101:10.G 2hen you e,perience such a trans or-ation o aith& you are no lon(er a slavish part o the -athe-atical cos-os 'ut rather a li'erate# volitional son o the Universal Father. Co lon(er is such a li'erate# son i(htin( alone a(ainst the ine,ora'le #oo- o the

ter-ination o te-poral e,istence; no lon(er #oes he co-'at all nature& with the o##s hopelessly a(ainst hi-; no lon(er is he sta((ere# 'y the paraly/in( ear that& perchance& he has put his trust in a hopeless phantas- or pinne# his aith to a anci ul error. (111F.3) 101:10.I Cow& rather& are the sons o Go# enliste# to(ether in i(htin( the 'attle o reality>s triu-ph over the partial sha#ows o e,istence. 0t last all creatures 'eco-e conscious o the act that Go# an# all the #ivine hosts o a well1ni(h li-itless universe are on their si#e in the supernal stru((le to attain eternity o li e an# #ivinity o status. %uch aith1li'erate# sons have certainly enliste# in the stru((les o ti-e on the si#e o the supre-e orces an# #ivine personalities o eternity; even the stars in their courses are now #oin( 'attle or the-; at last they (a/e upon the universe ro- within& ro- Go#>s viewpoint& an# all is trans or-e# rothe uncertainties o -aterial isolation to the sureties o eternal spiritual pro(ression. =ven ti-e itsel 'eco-es 'ut the sha#ow o eternity cast 'y "ara#ise realities upon the -ovin( panoply o space. (111F.4) 101:10.10 M"resente# 'y a ?elchi/e#e3 o Ce'a#on.N The Urantia Book Paper 1+ Ear!y Evo!ution of *e!i#ion (I60.1) GB:0.1 +9= evolution o reli(ion rothe prece#in( an# pri-itive worship ur(e is not #epen#ent on revelation. +he nor-al unctionin( o the hu-an -in# un#er the #irective in luence o the si,th an# seventh -in#1a#;utants o universal spirit 'estowal is wholly su icient to insure such #evelop-ent. (I60..) GB:0.. ?an>s earliest prereli(ious ear o the orces o nature (ra#ually 'eca-e reli(ious as nature 'eca-e personali/e#& spiriti/e#& an# eventually #ei ie# in hu-an consciousness. Heli(ion o a pri-itive type was there ore a natural 'iolo(ic conseAuence o the psycholo(ic inertia o evolvin( ani-al -in#s a ter such -in#s ha# once entertaine# concepts o the supernatural. 1. /han,eA Good %u,k and Bad %u,k he Urantia 3ertas GB =volusi 0wal 0(a-a ( I60&1 ) GB:0.1 +9= evolusi a(a-a #ari se'elu-nya #an pri-iti i'a#ah #oron(an ti#a3 ter(antun( pa#a wahyu . Fun(si nor-al #ari pi3iran -anusia #i 'awah pen(aruh #ire3ti 3eena- #an 3etu;uh pi3iran 1 a;u#an universal se-an(at pen(anu(erahan sepenuhnya cu3up untu3 -e-asti3an pe-'an(unan terse'ut . ( I60&. ) GB:0.. ?an awal 3eta3utan prereli(ious #ari 3e3uatan ala- secara 'ertahap -en;a#i a(a-a ala- -en;a#i pri'a#i & spiriti/e# & #an a3hirnya #i#ewa3an #ala- 3esa#aran -anusia . 0(a-a tipe pri-iti 3arena itu -erupa3an

(I60.3) GB:1.1

0si#e ro- the natural worship ur(e& early evolutionary reli(ion ha# its roots o ori(in in the hu-an e,periences o chance J so1calle# luc3& co--onplace happenin(s. "ri-itive -an was a oo# hunter. +he results o huntin( -ust ever vary& an# this (ives certain ori(in to those e,periences which -an interprets as good luc+ an# bad luc+. ?ischance was a (reat actor in the lives o -en an# wo-en who live# constantly on the ra((e# e#(e o a precarious an# harasse# e,istence. (I60.4) GB:1.. +he li-ite# intellectual hori/on o the sava(e so concentrates the attention upon chance that luc3 'eco-es a constant actor in his li e. "ri-itive Urantians stru((le# or e,istence& not or a stan#ar# o livin(; they live# lives o peril in which chance playe# an i-portant role. +he constant #rea# o un3nown an# unseen cala-ity hun( over these sava(es as a clou# o #espair which e ectively eclipse# every pleasure; they live# in constant #rea# o #oin( so-ethin( that woul# 'rin( 'a# luc3. %uperstitious sava(es always eare# a run o (oo# luc3; they viewe# such (oo# ortune as a certain har'in(er o cala-ity. (I60.6) GB:1.3 +his ever1present #rea# o 'a# luc3 was paraly/in(. 2hy wor3 har# an# reap 'a# luc3 J nothin( or so-ethin( J when one -i(ht #ri t alon( an# encounter (oo# luc3 J so-ethin( or nothin(5 Unthin3in( -en or(et (oo# luc3 J ta3e it or (rante# J 'ut they pain ully re-e-'er 'a# luc3. (I60.B) GB:1.4 =arly -an live# in uncertainty an# in constant ear o chance J 'a# luc3. 8i e was an e,citin( (a-e o chance; e,istence was a (a-'le. 4t is no won#er that partially civili/e# people still 'elieve in chance an# evince lin(erin( pre#ispositions to (a-'lin(. "ri-itive -an alternate# 'etween two potent interests: the passion o (ettin( so-ethin( or nothin( an# the ear o (ettin( nothin( or so-ethin(. 0n# this (a-'le o e,istence was the -ain interest an# the supre-e ascination o the early sava(e -in#. (I61.1) GB:1.6 +he later her#ers hel# the sa-e views o chance an# luc3& while the still later a(riculturists were increasin(ly

3onse3uensi 'iolo(is ala-i #ari inersia psi3olo(is yan( 'er3e-'an( pi3iran hewan setelah pi3iran seperti itu pernah -en(hi'ur 3onsep supranatural . 1 . Diper3ira3an : Goo# 8uc3 #an Casi' 'uru3 ( I60&3 ) GB:1.1 %elain #ari #oron(an ala-i i'a#ah & a(a-a evolusi awal -e-ili3i a3ar asalnya #ala- pen(ala-an -anusia 3ese-patan 1 yan( #ise'ut 3e'eruntun(an & 3e;a#ian 'iasa. ?anusia pri-iti a#alah seoran( pe-'uru -a3anan. 9asil 'er'uru harus pernah 'ervariasi & #an ini -e-'eri3an asal tertentu untu3 pen(ala-an1pen(ala-an #i-ana -anusia -ena sir3an se'a(ai nasi' 'ai3 #an nasi' 'uru3. <esialan a#alah a3tor 'esar #ala- 3ehi#upan pria #an wanita yan( tin((al terus1-enerus #i tepi co-pan(1ca-pin( #ari 3e'era#aan (entin( #an #ileceh3an . ( I60&4 ) GB:1.. ca3rawala intele3tual ter'atas 'uas sehin((a 'er3onsentrasi perhatian pa#a 3e-un(3inan 'ahwa 3e'eruntun(an -en;a#i a3tor 3onstan #ala- hi#upnya . Urantians "ri-iti 'er;uan( untu3 e3sistensi & 'u3an untu3 stan#ar hi#up & -ere3a hi#up #ari 'ahaya #i -ana 3ese-patan -e-ain3an peran pentin( . <onstanta ta3ut yan( ti#a3 #i3etahui #an ta3 terlihat 'encana ter(antun( #i atas liar ini se'a(ai awan 3eputusasaan yan( e e3ti terhalan( setiap 3esenan(an & -ere3a hi#up #ala3eta3utan terus1-enerus -ela3u3an sesuatu yan( a3an -e-'awa sial . 8iar ta3hayul selalu ta3ut lari #ari 3e'eruntun(an & -ere3a -elihat nasi' 'ai3 seperti pertan#a tertentu 'encana . ( I60&6 ) GB:1.3 ini ta3ut selalu a#a nasi' 'uru3 yan( -elu-puh3an . ?en(apa 'e3er;a 3eras #an -enuai nasi' 'uru3 1 apa1apa untu3 sesuatu 1 3eti3a seseoran( -un(3in hanyut 'ersa-a #an -ene-u3an 3e'eruntun(an 1 sesuatu untu3 apa1apa 5 "ria -e-'a'i 'uta lupa 3e'eruntun(an 1 -eneri-a 'e(itu sa;a 1 tetapi -ere3a -enya3it3an -en(in(at nasi' 'uru3 . ( I60&B ) GB:1.4 Oran( pur'a hi#up #ala-

conscious that crops were i--e#iately in luence# 'y -any thin(s over which -an ha# little or no control. +he ar-er oun# hi-sel the victi- o #rou(ht& loo#s& hail& stor-s& pests& an# plant #iseases& as well as heat an# col#. 0n# as all o these natural in luences a ecte# in#ivi#ual prosperity& they were re(ar#e# as (oo# luc3 or 'a# luc3. (I61..) GB:1.B +his notion o chance an# luc3 stron(ly perva#e# the philosophy o all ancient peoples. =ven in recent ti-es in the 2is#o- o %olo-on it is sai#: )4 returne# an# saw that the race is not to the swi t& nor the 'attle to the stron(& neither 'rea# to the wise& nor riches to -en o un#erstan#in(& nor avor to -en o s3ill; 'ut ate an# chance 'e all theall. For -an 3nows not his ate; as ishes are ta3en in an evil net& an# as 'ir#s are cau(ht in a snare& so are the sons o -en snare# in an evil ti-e when it alls su##enly upon the-.* 2. The Personifi,ation of /han,e (I61.3) GB:..1 0n,iety was a natural state o the sava(e -in#. 2hen -en an# wo-en all victi-s to e,cessive an,iety& they are si-ply revertin( to the natural estate o their ar1#istant ancestors; an# when an,iety 'eco-es actually pain ul& it inhi'its activity an# un ailin(ly institutes evolutionary chan(es an# 'iolo(ic a#aptations. "ain an# su erin( are essential to pro(ressive evolution. (I61.4) GB:... +he stru((le or li e is so pain ul that certain 'ac3war# tri'es even yet howl an# la-ent over each new sunrise. "ri-itive -an constantly as3e#& )2ho is tor-entin( -e5* Cot in#in( a -aterial source or his -iseries& he settle# upon a spirit e,planation. 0n# so was reli(ion 'orn o the ear o the -ysterious& the awe o the unseen& an# the #rea# o the un3nown. Cature ear thus 'eca-e a actor in the stru((le or e,istence irst 'ecause o chance an# then 'ecause o -ystery. (I61.6) GB:..3 +he pri-itive -in# was lo(ical 'ut containe# ew i#eas or intelli(ent association; the sava(e -in# was une#ucate#& wholly unsophisticate#. 4 one event ollowe# another& the sava(e consi#ere# the- to 'e cause an# e ect. 2hat civili/e# -an re(ar#s as superstition was ;ust plain i(norance in

3eti#a3pastian #an 3eta3utan 3ese-patan 1 nasi' 'uru3 . 9i#up a#alah per-ainan yan( -enyenan(3an 3ese-patan & 3e'era#aannya ;u#i. 9al ini ti#a3 -en(heran3an 'ahwa oran(1oran( 'era#a' se'a(ian -asih percaya pa#a 3ese-patan #an -e-perlihat3an 3ecen#erun(an 'erla-a1la-a #en(an per;u#ian . ?anusia pri-iti 'er(anti1 (anti antara #ua 3epentin(an a-puh : (airah -en#apat3an sesuatu untu3 apa1 apa #an ta3ut -en#apat3an apa1apa untu3 sesuatu . Dan 'er;u#i 3ehi#upan ini a#alah 3epentin(an uta-a #an #aya tari3 tertin((i #ari pi3iran liar awal . ( I61&1 ) GB:1.6 +he pen((e-'ala 3e-u#ian -e-e(an( pan#an(an yan( sa-a 3ese-patan #an 3e'eruntun(an & se#an(3an a(riculturists -asih 3e-u#ian a#alah se-a3in sa#ar 'ahwa tana-an se(era #ipen(aruhi oleh 'anya3 hal #i -ana -anusia -e-ili3i 3ontrol se#i3it atau ti#a3 a#a . "etani itu -ene-u3an #irinya 3or'an 3e3erin(an & 'an;ir & hu;an es & 'a#ai & ha-a & #an penya3it tana-an & serta panas #an #in(in . Dan se-ua ini pen(aruh ala- -e-pen(aruhi 3ese;ahteraan in#ivi#u & -ere3a #ian((ap se'a(ai nasi' 'ai3 atau nasi' 'uru3. ( I61&. ) GB:1.B Ga(asan 3ese-patan #an 3e'eruntun(an san(at -erasu3i iloso i se-ua 'an(sa 3uno. !ah3an #ala- 'e'erapa 3ali #ala<e'i;a3sanaan %alo-o #i3ata3an : : 03u 3e-'ali #an -elihat 'ahwa 3e-enan(an perlo-'aan 'u3an untu3 yan( cepat & #an 3eun((ulan per;uan(an 'u3an untu3 yan( 3uat & 'ai3 roti untu3 yan( 'erhi3-at& 3e3ayaan 'u3an untu3 oran( yan( 'era3al & ;u(a -en#u3un( untu3 cer#i3 cen#e3ia& na-un nasi' #an 3ese-patan -eni-pa -ere3a se-ua . Untu3 oran( yan( tahu ti#a3 nasi'nya & seperti i3an yan( #ia-'il #ala- ;arin( 3e;ahatan& #an seperti 'urun( ter;e'a3 #ala- ;erat & 'e(itu ;u(a ana31ana3 -anusia ter;erat pa#a wa3tu yan( ;ahat 3eti3a ;atuh ti'a1ti'a atas -ere3a : . . . +he "ersoni i3asi ?en#un( ( I61&3 ) GB:..1 <ece-asan a#alah

the sava(e. ?an3in# has 'een slow to learn that there is not necessarily any relationship 'etween purposes an# results. 9u-an 'ein(s are only ;ust 'e(innin( to reali/e that the reactions o e,istence appear 'etween acts an# their conseAuences. +he sava(e strives to personali/e everythin( intan(i'le an# a'stract& an# thus 'oth nature an# chance 'eco-e personali/e# as (hosts J spirits J an# later on as (o#s. (I61.B) GB:..4 ?an naturally ten#s to 'elieve that which he #ee-s 'est or hi-& that which is in his i--e#iate or re-ote interest; sel 1interest lar(ely o'scures lo(ic. +he #i erence 'etween the -in#s o sava(e an# civili/e# -en is -ore one o content than o nature& o #e(ree rather than o Auality. (I61.F) GB:..6 !ut to continue to ascri'e thin(s #i icult o co-prehension to supernatural causes is nothin( less than a la/y an# convenient way o avoi#in( all or-s o intellectual har# wor3. 8uc3 is -erely a ter- coine# to cover the ine,plica'le in any a(e o hu-an e,istence; it #esi(nates those pheno-ena which -en are una'le or unwillin( to penetrate. $hance is a wor# which si(ni ies that -an is too i(norant or too in#olent to #eter-ine causes. ?en re(ar# a natural occurrence as an acci#ent or as 'a# luc3 only when they are #estitute o curiosity an# i-a(ination& when the races lac3 initiative an# a#venture. =,ploration o the pheno-ena o li e sooner or later #estroys -an>s 'elie in chance& luc3& an# so1calle# acci#ents& su'stitutin( there or a universe o law an# or#er wherein all e ects are prece#e# 'y #e inite causes. +hus is the ear o e,istence replace# 'y the ;oy o livin(. (I6..1) GB:..B +he sava(e loo3e# upon all nature as alive& as possesse# 'y so-ethin(. $ivili/e# -an still 3ic3s an# curses those inani-ate o';ects which (et in his way an# 'u-p hi-. "ri-itive -an never re(ar#e# anythin( as acci#ental; always was everythin( intentional. +o pri-itive -an the #o-ain o ate& the unction o luc3& the spirit worl#& was ;ust as unor(ani/e# an# hapha/ar# as was pri-itive society. 8uc3 was loo3e# upon as the whi-sical an# te-pera-ental

3ea#aan ala-i pi3iran liar. <eti3a pria #an wanita ;atuh 3or'an untu3 3ece-asan yan( 'erle'ihan & -ere3a hanya 3e-'ali 3epa#a real ala-i nene31 -oyan( ;auh1;auh -ere3a& #an 3eti3a 3ece-asan -en;a#i 'enar1'enar -enya3it3an& itu -en(ha-'at a3tivitas #an un ailin(ly peru'ahan evolusioner le-'a(a #an 'iolo(is a#aptasi . Hasa sa3it #an pen#eritaan yan( pentin( untu3 evolusi pro(resi . ( I61&4 ) GB:... "er;uan(an untu3 hi#up 'e(itu -enya3it3an 'ahwa su3u1su3u tertentu& 'ah3an -un#ur 'elu- -elolon( #an -eratap atas setiap -atahari ter'it 'aru. ?anusia pri-iti terus1-enerus 'ertanya & : %iapa yan( -enyi3sa3u 5 : +i#a3 -ene-u3an su-'er 'ahan untu3 pen#eritaan & ia -enetap pa#a pen;elasan se-an(at . Dan 'e(itu ;u(a a(a-a lahir #ari rasa ta3ut yan( -isterius & 3e3a(u-an yan( ta3 terlihat & #an 3eta3utan yan( ti#a3 #i3etahui . 0la- ta3ut sehin((a -en;a#i a3tor #ala- per;uan(an untu3 e3sistensi perta-a 3arena 3e'etulan #an 3e-u#ian 3arena -isteri . ( I61&6 ) GB:..3 pri-iti pi3iran itu lo(is tetapi 'erisi 'e'erapa i#e untu3 cer#as asosiasi & pi3iran liar itu ti#a3 'erpen#i#i3an & sepenuhnya can((ih . Di3a salah satu acara #ilan;ut3an lain& 'uas -en(an((ap -ere3a se'a(ai se'a' #an a3i'at . 0pa -anusia 'era#a' -en(an((ap se'a(ai ta3hayul itu hanya 3e'o#ohan polos #ala- 'ia#a' . ?anusia telah la-'at untu3 'ela;ar 'ahwa 'elutentu a#a hu'un(an antara tu;uan #an hasil . ?anusia 'aru -ulai -enya#ari 'ahwa rea3si 3e'era#aan -uncul antara tin#a3an #an 3onse3uensinya. !uas 'erusaha untu3 -en(u'ah se(ala sesuatu 'erwu;u# #an a'stra3 & #an #en(an #e-i3ian ala- #an 3ese-patan -en;a#i pri'a#i se'a(ai hantu 1 roh 1 #an 3e-u#ian se'a(ai #ewa . ( I61&B ) GB:..4 ?an ala-i cen#erun( percaya 'ahwa yan( #ian((apnya ter'ai3 'a(inya & apa yan( -erupa3an 3epentin(an lan(sun( atau re-ote nya & 3epentin(an se'a(ian -en(a'ur3an lo(i3a . "er'e#aan antara pi3iran

reaction o the spirit worl#; later on& as the hu-or o the (o#s. (I6...) GB:..F !ut all reli(ions #i# not #evelop ro- ani-is-. Other concepts o the supernatural were conte-poraneous with ani-is-& an# these 'elie s also le# to worship. Caturalis- is not a reli(ion J it is the o sprin( o reli(ion. 3. .eath : The ne?p!i,ab!e (I6..3) GB:3.1 Death was the supre-e shoc3 to evolvin( -an& the -ost perple,in( co-'ination o chance an# -ystery. Cot the sanctity o li e 'ut the shoc3 o #eath inspire# ear an# thus e ectively ostere# reli(ion. 0-on( sava(e peoples #eath was or#inarily #ue to violence& so that nonviolent #eath 'eca-e increasin(ly -ysterious. Death as a natural an# e,pecte# en# o li e was not clear to the consciousness o pri-itive people& an# it has reAuire# a(e upon a(e or -an to reali/e its inevita'ility. (I6..4) GB:3.. =arly -an accepte# li e as a act& while he re(ar#e# #eath as a visitation o so-e sort. 0ll races have their le(en#s o -en who #i# not #ie& vesti(ial tra#itions o the early attitu#e towar# #eath. 0lrea#y in the hu-an -in# there e,iste# the ne'ulous concept o a ha/y an# unor(ani/e# spirit worl#& a #o-ain whence ca-e all that is ine,plica'le in hu-an li e& an# #eath was a##e# to this lon( list o une,plaine# pheno-ena. (I6..6) GB:3.3 0ll hu-an #isease an# natural #eath was at irst 'elieve# to 'e #ue to spirit in luence. =ven at the present ti-e so-e civili/e# races re(ar# #isease as havin( 'een pro#uce# 'y )the ene-y* an# #epen# upon reli(ious cere-onies to e ect healin(. 8ater an# -ore co-ple, syste-s o theolo(y still ascri'e #eath to the action o the spirit worl#& all o which has le# to such #octrines as ori(inal sin an# the all o -an. (I6..B) GB:3.4 4t was the reali/ation o i-potency 'e ore the -i(hty orces o nature& to(ether with the reco(nition o hu-an wea3ness 'e ore the visitations o sic3ness an# #eath& that i-pelle# the sava(e to see3 or help ro- the super-aterial worl#& which he va(uely visuali/e# as the source o these -ysterious vicissitu#es o li e. $. The .eath2)urviva! /on,ept

-anusia 'ia#a' #an 'era#a' le'ih salah satu isi #ari ala- & #era;at 3eti-'an( 3ualitas . ( I61&F ) GB:..6 +api untu3 terus -en(an((ap hal1hal sulit pe-aha-an se'a'1se'a' supernatural a#alah ti#a3 3uran( #ari cara -alas #an nya-an untu3 -en(hin#ari se(ala 'entu3 3er;a 3eras intele3tual . <e'eruntun(an hanyalah istilah yan( #icipta3an untu3 -enutupi #i;elas3an #ala- usia e3sistensi -anusia & -elain3an -enun;u3 eno-ena yan( la3i1la3i ti#a3 -a-pu atau ti#a3 -ene-'us . $hance a#alah se'uah 3ata yan( -enan#a3an 'ahwa -anusia terlalu 'o#oh atau terlalu -alas untu3 -enentu3an penye'a' . "ria -en(an((ap 3e;a#ian ala- se'a(ai 3ecela3aan atau nasi' se'uru3 hanya 3eti3a -ere3a -is3in #ari rasa in(in tahu #an i-a;inasi & 3eti3a ras 3uran( inisiati #an petualan(an . =3splorasi eno-ena 3ehi#upan cepat atau la-'at -en(hancur3an 3epercayaan -anusia #ala- 3ese-patan & 3e'eruntun(an & #an #ise'ut 1 3ecela3aan & -en((anti3an untu3 itu ala- se-esta hu3u- #an 3eterti'an #i-ana se-ua e e3 yan( #i#ahului oleh penye'a' yan( pasti . Den(an #e-i3ian a#alah ta3ut e3sistensi #i(anti3an oleh 3e(e-'iraan hi#up . ( I6.&1 ) GB:..B 'ia#a' -e-an#an( se-ua ala- se'a(ai hi#up & seperti yan( #i-ili3i oleh sesuatu . ?anusia 'era#a' -asih -enen#an( #an 3utu3an 'en#a1 'en#a -ati yan( -en#apat3an #i ;alan #an 'erte-u #ia. ?anusia pri-iti ti#a3 pernah #ian((ap se'a(ai sesuatu yan( #isen(a;a & selalu a#alah se(alanya #isen(a;a. Untu3 -anusia pri-iti #o-ain nasi'& un(si 3e'eruntun(an & #unia roh & itu hanya se'a(ai teror(anisir #an sera-pan(an seperti -asyara3at pri-iti . <e'eruntun(an #ipan#an( se'a(ai rea3si aneh #an te-pera-ental #ari #unia roh & #i 3e-u#ian hari & se'a(ai hu-or #ari para #ewa . ( I6.&. ) GB:..F +api se-ua a(a-a ti#a3 'er3e-'an( #ari ani-is-e . <onsep lain #ari supranatural yan( se;a-an #en(an ani-is-e & #an 3epercayaan ini ;u(a -enye'a'3an 'eri'a#ah . Caturalis-e

(I6..F) GB:4.1

+he concept o a super-aterial phase o -ortal personality was 'orn o the unconscious an# purely acci#ental association o the occurrences o every#ay li e plus the (host #rea-. +he si-ultaneous #rea-in( a'out a #eparte# chie 'y several -e-'ers o his tri'e see-e# to constitute convincin( evi#ence that the ol# chie ha# really returne# in so-e or-. 4t was all very real to the sava(e who woul# awa3en ro- such #rea-s ree3in( with sweat& tre-'lin(& an# screa-in(. (I63.1) GB:4.. +he #rea- ori(in o the 'elie in a uture e,istence e,plains the ten#ency always to i-a(ine unseen thin(s in the ter-s o thin(s seen. 0n# presently this new #rea-1(host1 uture1li e concept 'e(an e ectively to anti#ote the #eath ear associate# with the 'iolo(ic instinct o sel 1preservation. (I63..) GB:4.3 =arly -an was also -uch concerne# a'out his 'reath& especially in col# cli-ates& where it appeare# as a clou# when e,hale#. +he breath of life was re(ar#e# as the one pheno-enon which #i erentiate# the livin( an# the #ea#. 9e 3new the 'reath coul# leave the 'o#y& an# his #rea-s o #oin( all sorts o Aueer thin(s while asleep convince# hi- that there was so-ethin( i--aterial a'out a hu-an 'ein(. +he -ost pri-itive i#ea o the hu-an soul& the (host& was #erive# rothe 'reath1#rea- i#ea1syste-. (I63.3) GB:4.4 =ventually the sava(e conceive# o hi-sel as a #ou'le J 'o#y an# 'reath. +he 'reath -inus the 'o#y eAuale# a spirit& a (host. 2hile havin( a very #e inite hu-an ori(in& (hosts& or spirits& were re(ar#e# as superhu-an. 0n# this 'elie in the e,istence o #ise-'o#ie# spirits see-e# to e,plain the occurrence o the unusual& the e,traor#inary& the in reAuent& an# the ine,plica'le. (I63.4) GB:4.6 +he pri-itive #octrine o survival a ter #eath was not necessarily a 'elie in i--ortality. !ein(s who coul# not count over twenty coul# har#ly conceive o in inity an# eternity; they rather thou(ht o recurrin( incarnations. (I63.6) GB:4.B +he oran(e race was especially (iven to 'elie in trans-i(ration an# reincarnation. +his i#ea o reincarnation

'u3an a(a-a 1 itu a#alah 3eturunan a(a-a . 3 . Death 1 ta3 #pt #ipaha-i ( I6.&3 ) GB:3.1 <e-atian shoc3 tertin((i untu3 'er3e-'an( -anusia& 3o-'inasi yan( palin( -e-'in(un(3an 3ese-patan #an -isteri . +i#a3 3esucian hi#up tetapi 3e;utan 3e-atian terinspirasi 3eta3utan #an a(a-a sehin((a secara e e3ti #ipupu3 . Di antara oran(1oran( 'ia#a' 3e-atian 'iasanya 3arena 3e3erasan & sehin((a 3e-atian tanpa 3e3erasan -en;a#i se-a3in -isterius . <e-atian se'a(ai a3hir ala-i #an #iharap3an 3ehi#upan ti#a3 ;elas #en(an 3esa#aran oran(1oran( pri-iti & #an telah #iperlu3an usia pa#a usia 'a(i -anusia untu3 -enya#ari ta3 terhin#ar3an . ( I6.&4 ) GB:3.. Oran( pur'a #iteri-a se'a(ai a3ta 3ehi#upan & se-entara ia -en(an((ap 3e-atian se'a(ai 3un;un(an #ari 'e'erapa -aca- . %e-ua ras -e-ili3i le(en#a -ere3a oran(1oran( yan( ti#a3 -ati & tra#isi penin((alan #ari si3ap awal -enu;u 3e-atian. %u#ah #ala- pi3iran -anusia a#a a#a 3onsep yan( sa-ar #ari 3a'ur #an ti#a3 teror(anisir #unia roh & yan( #ari -ana #o-ain #atan( se-ua yan( #i;elas3an #ala- 3ehi#upan -anusia & #an 3e-atian telah #ita-'ah3an 3e #a tar pan;an( eno-ena yan( ti#a3 #apat #i;elas3an . ( I6.&6 ) GB:3.3 %e-ua penya3it -anusia #an 3e-atian ala-i pa#a awalnya #iya3ini 3arena pen(aruh roh. !ah3an saat ini 'e'erapa ras 'era#a' -en(an((ap penya3it se'a(ai telah #ipro#u3si oleh : -usuh : #an ter(antun( pa#a upacara 3ea(a-aan untu3 e e3 penye-'uhan . <e-u#ian siste- #an le'ih 3o-ple3s teolo(i -asih -en(an((ap 3e-atian a3si #unia roh & yan( se-uanya telah -enye'a'3an #o3trin seperti #osa asal #an 3e;atuhan -anusia . ( I6.&B ) GB:3.4 4tu realisasi i-potensi se'elu- 3e3uatan per3asa ala- & 'ersa-a #en(an pen(a3uan 3ele-ahan

ori(inate# in the o'servance o here#itary an# trait rese-'lance o o sprin( to ancestors. +he custo- o na-in( chil#ren a ter (ran#parents an# other ancestors was #ue to 'elie in reincarnation. %o-e later1#ay races 'elieve# that -an #ie# ro- three to seven ti-es. +his 'elie (resi#ual rothe teachin(s o 0#a- a'out the -ansion worl#s)& an# -any other re-nants o reveale# reli(ion& can 'e oun# a-on( the otherwise a'sur# #octrines o twentieth1century 'ar'arians. (I63.B) GB:4.F =arly -an entertaine# no i#eas o hell or uture punish-ent. +he sava(e loo3e# upon the uture li e as ;ust li3e this one& -inus all ill luc3. 8ater on& a separate #estiny or (oo# (hosts an# 'a# (hosts J heaven an# hell J was conceive#. !ut since -any pri-itive races 'elieve# that -an entere# the ne,t li e ;ust as he le t this one& they #i# not relish the i#ea o 'eco-in( ol# an# #ecrepit. +he a(e# -uch pre erre# to 'e 3ille# 'e ore 'eco-in( too in ir-. (I63.F) GB:4.G 0l-ost every (roup ha# a #i erent i#ea re(ar#in( the #estiny o the (host soul. +he Gree3s 'elieve# that wea3 -en -ust have wea3 souls; so they invente# 9a#es as a it place or the reception o such ane-ic souls; these unro'ust speci-ens were also suppose# to have shorter sha#ows. +he early 0n#ites thou(ht their (hosts returne# to the ancestral ho-elan#s. +he $hinese an# =(yptians once 'elieve# that soul an# 'o#y re-aine# to(ether. 0-on( the =(yptians this le# to care ul to-' construction an# e orts at 'o#y preservation. =ven -o#ern peoples see3 to arrest the #ecay o the #ea#. +he 9e'rews conceive# that a phantoreplica o the in#ivi#ual went #own to %heol; it coul# not return to the lan# o the livin(. +hey #i# -a3e that i-portant a#vance in the #octrine o the evolution o the soul. '. The Ghost2)ou! /on,ept (I63.G) GB:6.1 +he non-aterial part o -an has 'een variously ter-e# (host& spirit& sha#e& phanto-& specter& an# latterlysoul. +he soul was early -an>s #rea- #ou'le; it was in every way e,actly li3e the -ortal hi-sel e,cept

-anusia se'elu- 3un;un(an penya3it #an 3e-atian & yan( ter#oron( liar untu3 -encari 'antuan #ari #unia super-aterial & yan( sa-ar1sa-ar #ivisualisasi3an se'a(ai su-'er ini peru'ahan1peru'ahan -isterius 3ehi#upan . 4 . <e-atian 1 <elan(sun(an 9i#up <onsep ( I6.&F ) GB:4.1 <onsep ase super-aterial 3epri'a#ian -anusia lahir #ari asosiasi sa#ar #an -urni #isen(a;a 3e;a#ian 3ehi#upan sehari1hari #ita-'ah -i-pi hantu . +he si-ultan 'er-i-pi tentan( seoran( 3epala 'eran(3at #en(an 'e'erapa an((ota su3unya ta-pa3nya -erupa3an 'u3ti yan( -eya3in3an 'ahwa 3epala tua itu 'enar1 'enar 3e-'ali #ala- 'e'erapa 'entu3 . 4tu se-ua san(at nyata untu3 'ia#a' yan( a3an ter'an(un #ari -i-pi terse'ut 'er'au #en(an 3erin(at & (e-etar & #an -en;erit . ( I63&1 ) GB:4.. ?i-pi asal 3epercayaan pa#a 3e'era#aan -asa #epan -en;elas3an 3ecen#erun(an selalu -e-'ayan(3an hal1hal (ai' #ala- hal hal1hal yan( terlihat . Dan saat ini 3onsep ini -i-pi 1 hantu 1 -asa 1 3ehi#upan 'aru -ulai e e3ti o'at penawar rasa ta3ut 3e-atian yan( ter3ait #en(an naluri 'iolo(is -e-pertahan3an #iri . ( I63&. ) GB:4.3 pria 0wal ;u(a -enaruh perhatian terha#ap napas & teruta-a #i #aerah 'eri3li- #in(in & #i -ana ia -uncul se'a(ai awan 3eti3a #ihe-'us3an . Ca as 3ehi#upan #ian((ap se'a(ai eno-ena satu yan( -e-'e#a3an hi#up #an yan( -ati . Dia tahu na as 'isa -enin((al3an tu'uh& #an i-piannya -ela3u3an se(ala -aca- hal aneh saat ti#ur -eya3in3annya 'ahwa a#a sesuatu yan( i-aterial tentan( -anusia . 4#e yan( palin( pri-iti #ari ;iwa -anusia & hantu & 'erasal #ari na as 1 -i-pi i#e 1 siste- . ( I63&3 ) GB:4.4 03hirnya 'uas #ipaha-i #irinya se'a(ai (an#a 1 tu'uh #an napas . Ca as #i3uran(i tu'uh -enya-ai se-an(at & hantu . %e-entara -e-ili3i

that it was not responsive to touch. +he 'elie in #rea- #ou'les le# #irectly to the notion that all thin(s ani-ate an# inani-ate ha# souls as well as -en. +his concept ten#e# lon( to perpetuate the nature1spirit 'elie s; the =s3i-os still conceive that everythin( in nature has a spirit. (I64.1) GB:6.. +he (host soul coul# 'e hear# an# seen& 'ut not touche#. Gra#ually the #rea- li e o the race so #evelope# an# e,pan#e# the activities o this evolvin( spirit worl# that #eath was inally re(ar#e# as )(ivin( up the (host.* 0ll pri-itive tri'es& e,cept those little a'ove ani-als& have #evelope# so-e concept o the soul. 0s civili/ation a#vances& this superstitious concept o the soul is #estroye#& an# -an is wholly #epen#ent on revelation an# personal reli(ious e,perience or his new i#ea o the soul as the ;oint creation o the Go#13nowin( -ortal -in# an# its in#wellin( #ivine spirit& the +hou(ht 0#;uster. (I64..) GB:6.3 =arly -ortals usually aile# to #i erentiate the concepts o an in#wellin( spirit an# a soul o evolutionary nature. +he sava(e was -uch con use# as to whether the (host soul was native to the 'o#y or was an e,ternal a(ency in possession o the 'o#y. +he a'sence o reasone# thou(ht in the presence o perple,ity e,plains the (ross inconsistencies o the sava(e view o souls& (hosts& an# spirits. (I64.3) GB:6.4 +he soul was thou(ht o as 'ein( relate# to the 'o#y as the per u-e to the lower. +he ancients 'elieve# that the soul coul# leave the 'o#y in various ways& as in: (I64.4) GB:6.6 1. Or#inary an# transient aintin(. (I64.6) GB:6.B .. %leepin(& natural #rea-in(. (I64.B) GB:6.F 3. $o-a an# unconsciousness associate# with #isease an# acci#ents. (I64.F) GB:6.G 4. Death& per-anent #eparture. (I64.G) GB:6.I +he sava(e loo3e# upon snee/in( as an a'ortive atte-pt o the soul to escape ro- the 'o#y. !ein( awa3e an# on (uar#& the 'o#y was a'le to thwart the soul>s atte-pte# escape. 8ater on& snee/in( was always acco-panie# 'y so-e reli(ious e,pression& such as )Go# 'less youL* (I64.I) GB:6.10 =arly in evolution sleep was

asal yan( san(at pasti -anusia& hantu & atau roh & yan( #ian((ap se'a(ai -anusia super . Dan 3eya3inan ini #ala3e'era#aan roh tanpa tu'uh ta-pa3nya untu3 -en;elas3an ter;a#inya ti#a3 'iasa & yan( luar 'iasa& ;aran( & #an 'isa #i;elas3an . ( I63&4 ) GB:4.6 Do3trin pri-iti hi#up setelah 3e-atian itu 'elu- tentu 3eya3inan 3ea'a#ian. ?a3hlu3 yan( ti#a3 'isa -en(hitun( le'ih #ari #ua puluh ha-pir ti#a3 'isa -e-'ayan(3an in inity #an 3e3e3alan & -ere3a le'ih su3a -e-i3ir3an in3arnasi 'erulan( . ( I63&6 ) GB:4.B "erlo-'aan oranye teruta-a #i'eri3an 3epa#a 3eya3inan trans-i(rasi #an rein3arnasi . 4ni (a(asan rein3arnasi 'erasal #ari 3etaatan 3e-iripan 3eturunan #an si at 3eturunan nene3 -oyan( . <e'iasaan pena-aan ana31ana3 setelah 3a3e3 #an nene3 -oyan( lainnya a#alah 3arena 3eya3inan rein3arnasi . !e'erapa ras 3e-u#ian hari percaya 'ahwa -anusia -enin((al ti(a sa-pai tu;uh 3ali . <eya3inan ini ( resi#ual #ari a;aran 0#atentan( #unia ru-ah ) & #an 'anya3 sisa1 sisa lainnya #ari a(a-a yan( #iwahyu3an & #apat #ite-u3an #i antara #o3trin #inyata3an a'sur# 'ar'ar a'a# 3e#ua puluh . ( I63&B ) GB:4.F Oran( pur'a #ihi'ur a#a i#e nera3a atau hu3u-an -asa #epan . +he liar -e-an#an( 3ehi#upan -asa #epan seperti yan( satu ini & -inus se-ua nasi' 'uru3 . <e-u#ian & ta3#ir terpisah untu3 hantu 'ai3 #an hantu 'uru3 1 sur(a #an nera3a 1 #i3an#un( . +api 3arena 'anya3 ras pri-iti percaya 'ahwa -anusia -e-asu3i 3ehi#upan 'eri3utnya seperti #ia -enin((al3an satu ini & -ere3a ti#a3 -enyu3ai i#e -en;a#i tua #an ;o-po . Oran( tua 'anya3 pilihan untu3 #i'unuh se'elu- -en;a#i terlalu le-ah . ( I63&F ) GB:4.G 9a-pir setiap 3elo-po3 -e-ili3i i#e yan( 'er'e#a tentan( nasi' ;iwa hantu . Oran( @unani percaya 'ahwa la3i1la3i yan( le-ah harus -e-ili3i ;iwa yan( le-ah & sehin((a -ere3a

re(ar#e# as provin( that the (host soul coul# 'e a'sent ro- the 'o#y& an# it was 'elieve# that it coul# 'e calle# 'ac3 'y spea3in( or shoutin( the sleeper>s na-e. 4n other or-s o unconsciousness the soul was thou(ht to 'e arther away& perhaps tryin( to escape or (oo# J i-pen#in( #eath. Drea-s were loo3e# upon as the e,periences o the soul #urin( sleep while te-porarily a'sent ro- the 'o#y. +he sava(e 'elieves his #rea-s to 'e ;ust as real as any part o his wa3in( e,perience. +he ancients -a#e a practice o awa3in( sleepers (ra#ually so that the soul -i(ht have ti-e to (et 'ac3 into the 'o#y. (I64.10) GB:6.11 0ll #own throu(h the a(es -en have stoo# in awe o the apparitions o the ni(ht season& an# the 9e'rews were no e,ception. +hey truly 'elieve# that Go# spo3e to the- in #rea-s& #espite the in;unctions o ?oses a(ainst this i#ea. 0n# ?oses was ri(ht& or or#inary #rea-s are not the -etho#s e-ploye# 'y the personalities o the spiritual worl# when they see3 to co--unicate with -aterial 'ein(s. (I64.11) GB:6.1. +he ancients 'elieve# that souls coul# enter ani-als or even inani-ate o';ects. +his cul-inate# in the werewol i#eas o ani-al i#enti ication. 0 person coul# 'e a law1a'i#in( citi/en 'y #ay& 'ut when he ell asleep& his soul coul# enter a wol or so-e other ani-al to prowl a'out on nocturnal #epre#ations. (I66.1) GB:6.13 "ri-itive -en thou(ht that the soul was associate# with the 'reath& an# that its Aualities coul# 'e i-parte# or trans erre# 'y the 'reath. +he 'rave chie woul# 'reathe upon the new'orn chil#& there'y i-partin( coura(e. 0-on( early $hristians the cere-ony o 'estowin( the 9oly %pirit was acco-panie# 'y 'reathin( on the can#i#ates. %ai# the "sal-ist: )!y the wor# o the 8or# were the heavens -a#e an# all the host o the- 'y the 'reath o his -outh.* 4t was lon( the custo- o the el#est son to try to catch the last 'reath o his #yin( ather. (I66..) GB:6.14 +he sha#ow ca-e& later on& to 'e eare# an# revere# eAually with the 'reath. +he re lection o onesel in the water was also so-eti-es loo3e# upon

-encipta3an 9a#es se'a(ai te-pat yan( coco3 untu3 peneri-aan ;iwa ane-ia terse'ut; ini spesi-en unro'ust ;u(a seharusnya -e-ili3i 'ayan(an pen#e3 . "ara 0n#ites awal 'erpi3ir hantu -ere3a 3e-'ali 3e tanah air leluhur . Oran( $ina #an ?esir pernah percaya 'ahwa ;iwa #an tu'uh tetap 'ersa-a1sa-a . Di antara oran( ?esir ini -enye'a'3an hati 3onstru3si -a3a- #an upaya pelestarian tu'uh . !ah3an -asyara3at -o#ern yan( 'erusaha untu3 -enan(3ap pe-'usu3an oran( -ati . Oran( 4'rani #ipaha-i 'ahwa repli3a hantu in#ivi#u per(i 3e #unia oran( -ati& ti#a3 'isa 3e-'ali 3e ne(eri oran( hi#up . ?ere3a -ela3u3an -e-'uat 3e-a;uan pentin( #ala#o3trin evolusi ;iwa . 6 . +he Ghost 1%oul $oncept ( I63&G ) GB:6.1 +he non-aterial 'a(ian #ari -anusia telah 'anya3 #ise'ut hantu & roh& te#uh & hantu& hantu& #an ;iwa a3hir1a3hir ini . Diwa a#alah (an#a -i-pi awal -anusia & -elain3an #alase(ala hal persis seperti ana #irinya 3ecuali 'ahwa itu ti#a3 responsi terha#ap sentuhan . <epercayaan #ala-i-pi (an#a #ipi-pin lan(sun( 3epa#a (a(asan 'ahwa se(ala sesuatu yan( hi#up -aupun -ati -e-ili3i ;iwa -aupun la3i1la3i . <onsep ini cen#erun( la-a untu3 -en(a'a#i3an 3eya3inan ala- roh& oran( =s3i-o -asih -e-'ayan(3an 'ahwa se(ala sesuatu #i ala- -e-ili3i roh . ( I64&1 ) GB:6.. Diwa hantu 'isa #i#en(ar #an #ilihat & tapi ti#a3 tersentuh . %ecara 'ertahap 3ehi#upan i-pian lo-'a 'e(itu 'er3e-'an( #an -e-perluas 3e(iatan ini 'er3e-'an( #unia roh 'ahwa 3e-atian a3hirnya #ian((ap se'a(ai : -enyerah hantu . : %e-ua su3u1su3u pri-iti & 3ecuali se#i3it #i atas 'inatan( & telah -en(e-'an(3an 'e'erapa 3onsep ;iwa . %eirin( 3e-a;uan pera#a'an & 3onsep ta3hayul ;iwa hancur & #an -anusia sepenuhnya ter(antun( pa#a wahyu #an pen(ala-an reli(ius pri'a#i untu3 i#e 'aru tentan( ;iwa se'a(ai penciptaan 'ersa-a 0llah 1tahu pi3iran ana #an se-an(at ilahi 'er#ia-nya nya & +hou(ht a#;uster .

as proo o the #ou'le sel & an# -irrors were re(ar#e# with superstitious awe. =ven now -any civili/e# persons turn the -irror to the wall in the event o #eath. %o-e 'ac3war# tri'es still 'elieve that the -a3in( o pictures& #rawin(s& -o#els& or i-a(es re-oves all or a part o the soul ro- the 'o#y; hence such are or'i##en. (I66.3) GB:6.16 +he soul was (enerally thou(ht o as 'ein( i#enti ie# with the 'reath& 'ut it was also locate# 'y various peoples in the hea#& hair& heart& liver& 'loo#& an# at. +he )cryin( out o 0'el>s 'loo# ro- the (roun#* is e,pressive o the oneti-e 'elie in the presence o the (host in the 'loo#. +he %e-ites tau(ht that the soul resi#e# in the 'o#ily at& an# a-on( -any the eatin( o ani-al at was ta'oo. 9ea# huntin( was a -etho# o capturin( an ene-y>s soul& as was scalpin(. 4n recent ti-es the eyes have 'een re(ar#e# as the win#ows o the soul. (I66.4) GB:6.1B +hose who hel# the #octrine o three or our souls 'elieve# that the loss o one soul -eant #isco- ort& two illness& three #eath. One soul live# in the 'reath& one in the hea#& one in the hair& one in the heart. +he sic3 were a#vise# to stroll a'out in the open air with the hope o recapturin( their straye# souls. +he (reatest o the -e#icine -en were suppose# to e,chan(e the sic3 soul o a #isease# person or a new one& the )new 'irth.* (I66.6) GB:6.1F +he chil#ren o !a#onan #evelope# a 'elie in two souls& the 'reath an# the sha#ow. +he early Co#ite races re(ar#e# -an as consistin( o two persons& soul an# 'o#y. +his philosophy o hu-an e,istence was later re lecte# in the Gree3 viewpoint. +he Gree3s the-selves 'elieve# in three souls; the ve(etative resi#e# in the sto-ach& the ani-al in the heart& the intellectual in the hea#. +he =s3i-os 'elieve that -an has three parts: 'o#y& soul& an# na-e.O +. The Ghost2)pirit Environ&ent (I66.B) GB:B.1 ?an inherite# a natural environ-ent& acAuire# a social environ-ent& an# i-a(ine# a (host environ-ent. +he state is -an>s reaction to his natural environ-ent& the ho-e to his social environ-ent& the church to his

( I64&. ) GB:6.3 -anusia awal 'iasanya ti#a3 -e-'e#a3an 3onsep se-an(at 'er#ia-nya #an ;iwa ala- evolusi . Oran( liar itu 'anya3 'in(un( apa3ah ;iwa hantu itu asli atau tu'uh a#alah le-'a(a e3sternal yan( -e-ili3i tu'uh . +i#a3 a#anya 'eralasan 'erpi3ir #en(an a#anya 3e'in(un(an -en;elas3an in3onsistensi 3otor pan#an(an 'ia#a' ;iwa & hantu & #an roh . ( I64&3 ) GB:6.4 ;iwa itu #ian((ap se'a(ai ter3ait #en(an tu'uh se'a(ai par u- 3e 'un(a . Oran( #ahulu percaya 'ahwa ;iwa 'isa -enin((al3an tu'uh #ala'er'a(ai cara & seperti #ala- : (I64&4) GB:6.6 1 . !iasa #an transien pin(san . (I64&6) GB:6.B . . +i#ur & 'er-i-pi ala-i . (I64&B) GB:6.F 3 . $o-a #an 3eti#a3sa#aran yan( ter3ait #en(an penya3it #an 3ecela3aan . (I64&F) GB:6.G 4 . <e-atian & 3e'eran(3atan per-anen. ( I64&G ) GB:6.I 'ia#a' #ipan#an( 'ersin se'a(ai upaya (a(al ;iwa untu3 -elari3an #iri #ari tu'uh . ?en;a#i ter;a(a #an waspa#a & tu'uh -a-pu -en((a(al3an ;iwa perco'aan -elari3an #iri . <e-u#ian & 'ersin selalu #isertai #en(an 'e'erapa e3spresi 3ea(a-aan & seperti : +uhan -e-'er3ati 0n#a L : ( I64&I ) GB:6.10 awal evolusi ti#ur #ian((ap se'a(ai pe-'u3tian 'ahwa ;iwa hantu 'isa a'sen #ari tu'uh & #an #iya3ini 'ahwa itu 'isa #ise'ut 3e-'ali #en(an 'er'icara atau 'erteria3 na-a ti#ur itu . Dala- 'entu3 lain #ari 3eti#a3sa#aran ;iwa #ian((ap le'ih ;auh & -un(3in -enco'a -elari3an #iri untu3 sela-anya 1 3e-atian yan( a3an #atan( . ?i-pi yan( #ipan#an( se'a(ai pen(ala-an ;iwa sela-a ti#ur se-entara se-entara a'sen #ari tu'uh. +he 'uas percaya -i-pinya -en;a#i hanya senyata setiap 'a(ian #ari pen(ala-an 'an(un. Oran( #ahulu -ela3u3an pra3ti3 -e-'an(un3an ti#ur 'ertahap sehin((a

illusory (host environ-ent. (I66.F) GB:B.. Kery early in the history o -an3in# the realities o the i-a(inary worl# o (hosts an# spirits 'eca-e universally 'elieve#& an# this newly i-a(ine# spirit worl# 'eca-e a power in pri-itive society. +he -ental an# -oral li e o all -an3in# was -o#i ie# or all ti-e 'y the appearance o this new actor in hu-an thin3in( an# actin(. (I66.G) GB:B.3 4nto this -a;or pre-ise o illusion an# i(norance& -ortal ear has pac3e# all o the su'seAuent superstition an# reli(ion o pri-itive peoples. +his was -an>s only reli(ion up to the ti-es o revelation& an# to#ay -any o the worl#>s races have only this cru#e reli(ion o evolution. (I66.I) GB:B.4 0s evolution pro(resse#& (oo# luc3 'eca-e associate# with (oo# spirits an# 'a# luc3 with 'a# spirits. +he #isco- ort o en orce# a#aptation to a chan(in( environ-ent was re(ar#e# as ill luc3& the #ispleasure o the spirit (hosts. "ri-itive -an slowly evolve# reli(ion out o his innate worship ur(e an# his -isconception o chance. $ivili/e# -an provi#es sche-es o insurance to overco-e these chance occurrences; -o#ern science puts an actuary with -athe-atical rec3onin( in the place o ictitious spirits an# whi-sical (o#s. (I6B.1) GB:B.6 =ach passin( (eneration s-iles at the oolish superstitions o its ancestors while it (oes on entertainin( those allacies o thou(ht an# worship which will (ive cause or urther s-ilin( on the part o enli(htene# posterity. (I6B..) GB:B.B !ut at last the -in# o pri-itive -an was occupie# with thou(hts which transcen#e# all o his inherent 'iolo(ic ur(es; at last -an was a'out to evolve an art o livin( 'ase# on so-ethin( -ore than response to -aterial sti-uli. +he 'e(innin(s o a pri-itive philosophic li e policy were e-er(in(. 0 supernatural stan#ar# o livin( was a'out to appear& or& i the spirit (host in an(er visits ill luc3 an# in pleasure (oo# ortune& then -ust hu-an con#uct 'e re(ulate# accor#in(ly. +he concept o ri(ht an# wron( ha# at last evolve#; an# all o this lon( 'e ore the ti-es o any revelation on earth.

;iwa -un(3in punya wa3tu untu3 3e-'ali 3e #ala- tu'uh . ( I64&10 ) GB:6.11 %e-ua sela-a 'era'a#1a'a# -anusia telah 'er#iri #ala- 3e3a(u-an pena-pa3an -usi-ala- & #an 4'rani ti#a3 ter3ecuali . ?ere3a 'enar1'enar percaya 'ahwa 0llah 'er'icara 3epa#a -ere3a #ala- -i-pi & -es3ipun perintah ?usa -enentan( i#e ini . Dan ?usa 'enar & i-pian 'iasa ti#a3 -eto#e yan( #i(una3an oleh 3epri'a#ian #ari #unia spiritual 3eti3a -ere3a 'erusaha untu3 'er3o-uni3asi #en(an -a3hlu3 -aterial. ( I64&11 ) GB:6.1. Oran( #ahulu percaya 'ahwa ;iwa 'isa -asu3 hewan atau 'ah3an 'en#a -ati . 9al ini -e-unca3 #ala- i#e werewol i#enti i3asi hewan . %eseoran( 'isa -en;a#i war(a ne(ara yan( taat hu3u- #e-i hari & tetapi 3eti3a ia terti#ur & ;iwanya 'isa -asu3 seri(ala atau 'inatan( lain untu3 -encari -an(sa tentan( pa#a pen(hancuran no3turnal. ( I66&1 ) GB:6.13 oran( pri-iti 'erpi3ir 'ahwa ;iwa #i3ait3an #en(an na as & #an 'ahwa 3ualitasnya #apat #isa-pai3an atau #itrans er oleh na as . <epala 'erani a3an 'ernapas pa#a 'ayi yan( 'aru lahir & sehin((a -enana-3an 3e'eranian . Di antara oran(1oran( <risten awal upacara -en(anu(erah3an Hoh <u#us #isertai #en(an 'ernapas pa#a 3an#i#at . "e-a/-ur -en(ata3an : : Oleh ir-an +uhan lan(it telah #i'uat #an se(enap tentara -ere3a #en(an na as -ulut1Cya . : 4tu la-a 3e'iasaan putra sulun( untu3 -enco'a untu3 -enan(3ap napas tera3hir ayahnya se3arat . ( I66&. ) GB:6.14 !ayan(an itu #atan( & 3e-u#ian & harus #ita3uti #an #ihor-ati sa-a #en(an na as. He le3si #iri #i #alaair ;u(a 3a#an(13a#an( #ipan#an( se'a(ai 'u3ti #iri (an#a & #an cer-in #ian((ap #en(an 3a(u- ta3hayul . !ah3an se3aran( 'anya3 oran( 'era#a' -en(u'ah cer-in 3e #in#in( #ala- hal 3e-atian . !e'erapa su3u -un#ur -asih percaya 'ahwa pe-'uatan oto& (a-'ar & -o#el & atau (a-'ar -en(hapus se-ua atau 'a(ian #ari ;iwa #ari tu'uh & -a3a #ilaran( terse'ut.

(I6B.3) GB:B.F

2ith the e-er(ence o these concepts& there was initiate# the lon( an# waste ul stru((le to appease the ever1#isplease# spirits& the slavish 'on#a(e to evolutionary reli(ious ear& that lon( waste o hu-an e ort upon to-'s& te-ples& sacri ices& an# priesthoo#s. 4t was a terri'le an# ri(ht ul price to pay& 'ut it was worth all it cost& or -an therein achieve# a natural consciousness o relative ri(ht an# wron(; hu-an ethics was 'ornL -. The (un,tion of Pri&itive *e!i#ion (I6B.4) GB:F.1 +he sava(e elt the nee# o insurance& an# he there ore willin(ly pai# his 'ur#enso-e pre-iu-s o ear& superstition& #rea#& an# priest (i ts towar# his policy o -a(ic insurance a(ainst ill luc3. "ri-itive reli(ion was si-ply the pay-ent o pre-iu-s on insurance a(ainst the perils o the orests; civili/e# -an pays -aterial pre-iu-s a(ainst the acci#ents o in#ustry an# the e,i(encies o -o#ern -o#es o livin(. (I6B.6) GB:F.. ?o#ern society is re-ovin( the 'usiness o insurance ro- the real- o priests an# reli(ion& placin( it in the #o-ain o econo-ics. Heli(ion is concernin( itsel increasin(ly with the insurance o li e 'eyon# the (rave. ?o#ern -en& at least those who thin3& no lon(er pay waste ul pre-iu-s to control luc3. Heli(ion is slowly ascen#in( to hi(her philosophic levels in contrast with its or-er unction as a sche-e o insurance a(ainst 'a# luc3. (I6B.B) GB:F.3 !ut these ancient i#eas o reli(ion prevente# -en ro- 'eco-in( atalistic an# hopelessly pessi-istic; they 'elieve# they coul# at least #o so-ethin( to in luence ate. +he reli(ion o (host ear i-presse# upon -en that they -ustregulate their conduct, that there was a super-aterial worl# which was in control o hu-an #estiny. (I6B.F) GB:F.4 ?o#ern civili/e# races are ;ust e-er(in( ro- (host ear as an e,planation o luc3 an# the co--onplace ineAualities o e,istence. ?an3in# is achievin( e-ancipation ro- the 'on#a(e o the (host1spirit e,planation o ill luc3. !ut while -en are (ivin( up the erroneous #octrine o a spirit cause o the vicissitu#es o li e& they e,hi'it a

( I66&3 ) GB:6.16 ;iwa itu u-u-nya #ian((ap se'a(ai yan( #ii#enti i3asi #en(an na as & tetapi ;u(a terleta3 oleh 'er'a(ai 'an(sa #i 3epala & ra-'ut& ;antun(& hati & #arah & #an le-a3 . +he : -enan(is #arah 0'el #ari tanah : a#alah e3spresi #ari 3eya3inan -antan #i ha#apan hantu #ala- #arah . "ara %e-it -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa ;iwa 'era#a #i le-a3 tu'uh & #an #i antara 'anya3 -e-a3an le-a3 hewan a#alah hal yan( ta'u . <epala 'er'uru a#alah -eto#e -enan(3ap ;iwa -usuh & seperti scalpin( . Dala- 'e'erapa 3ali -ata telah #ian((ap se'a(ai ;en#ela ;iwa . ( I66&4 ) GB:6.1B ?ere3a yan( -e-e(an( #o3trin ti(a atau e-pat ;iwa percaya 'ahwa hilan(nya satu ;iwa 'erarti 3eti#a3nya-anan & #ua penya3it & ti(a 3e-atian. %atu ;iwa tin((al #i na as& satu #i 3epala & satu #i ra-'ut & satu #i hati . Oran( sa3it #isaran3an untu3 'er;alan1;alan se3itar #i u#ara ter'u3a #en(an harapan -ere'ut 3e-'ali ;iwa -enyi-pan( -ere3a. @an( ter'esar #ari oran(1oran( 3e#o3teran seharusnya 'ertu3ar ;iwa sa3it oran( sa3it yan( 'aru & :lahir 'aru . : ( I66&6 ) GB:6.1F 'ani !a#onan -en(e-'an(3an 3epercayaan #ua ;iwa & na as #an 'ayan(an . !alapan Co#ite awal #ian((ap -anusia se'a(ai ter#iri #ari #ua oran( & ;iwa #an tu'uh . 4ni ilsa at e3sistensi -anusia 3e-u#ian tercer-in #ala- su#ut pan#an( @unani. Oran( @unani sen#iri percaya ti(a ;iwa & ve(etati tin((al #i perut & hewan #alahati & intele3tual #i 3epala . Oran( =s3i-o percaya 'ahwa -anusia -e-ili3i ti(a 'a(ian : . +u'uh& ;iwa & #an na-e O B . +he Ghost 1 %pirit 8in(3un(an ( I66&B ) GB:B.1 ?an -ewarisi lin(3un(an ala- & -e-peroleh lin(3un(an sosial & #an -e-'ayan(3an lin(3un(an hantu . Ce(ara a#alah rea3si -anusia terha#ap lin(3un(an ala-iahnya & ru-ah 'a(i lin(3un(an sosialnya & (ere;a terha#ap lin(3un(an hantu ilusi nya .

surprisin( willin(ness to accept an al-ost eAually allacious teachin( which 'i#s the- attri'ute all hu-an ineAualities to political -isa#aptation& social in;ustice& an# in#ustrial co-petition. !ut new le(islation& increasin( philanthropy& an# -ore in#ustrial reor(ani/ation& however (oo# in an# o the-selves& will not re-e#y the acts o 'irth an# the acci#ents o livin(. Only co-prehension o acts an# wise -anipulation within the laws o nature will ena'le -an to (et what he wants an# to avoi# what he #oes not want. %cienti ic 3nowle#(e& lea#in( to scienti ic action& is the only anti#ote or so1calle# acci#ental ills. (I6F.1) GB:F.6 4n#ustry& war& slavery& an# civil (overn-ent arose in response to the social evolution o -an in his natural environ-ent; reli(ion si-ilarly arose as his response to the illusory environ-ent o the i-a(inary (host worl#. Heli(ion was an evolutionary #evelop-ent o sel 1 -aintenance& an# it has wor3e#& notwithstan#in( that it was ori(inally erroneous in concept an# utterly illo(ical. (I6F..) GB:F.B "ri-itive reli(ion prepare# the soil o the hu-an -in#& 'y the power ul an# aweso-e orce o alse ear& or the 'estowal o a 'ona i#e spiritual orce o supernatural ori(in& the +hou(ht 0#;uster. 0n# the #ivine 0#;usters have ever since la'ore# to trans-ute Go#1 ear into Go#1love. =volution -ay 'e slow& 'ut it is unerrin(ly e ective. (I6F.3) GB:F.F M"resente# 'y an =venin( %tar o Ce'a#on.N

( I66&F ) GB:B.. %an(at awal #alase;arah u-at -anusia realitas #unia i-a;iner hantu #an roh -en;a#i universal percaya & #an 'aru -e-'ayan(3an #unia roh ini -en;a#i 3e3uatan #ala-asyara3at pri-iti . <ehi#upan -ental #an -oral seluruh u-at -anusia telah #i-o#i i3asi untu3 se-ua wa3tu #en(an -unculnya a3tor 'aru ini pa#a -anusia 'erpi3ir #an 'ertin#a3 . ( I66&G ) GB:B.3 <e ini pre-is uta-a ilusi #an 3eti#a3tahuan & 3eta3utan ana telah #i3e-as se-ua ta3hayul 'eri3utnya #an a(a-a oran(1oran( pri-iti . 4ni a#alah -anusia 1satunya a(a-a hin((a /a-an wahyu & #an hari ini 'anya3 ras #i #unia ini hanya -e-ili3i a(a-a -entah evolusi . ( I66&I ) GB:B.4 %e'a(ai evolusi 'er3e-'an( & 3e'eruntun(an -en;a#i ter3ait #en(an roh 'ai3 #an nasi' 'uru3 #en(an roh ;ahat . <eti#a3nya-anan a#aptasi #ite(a33an #en(an peru'ahan lin(3un(an #ian((ap se'a(ai nasi' 'uru3 & 3eti#a3senan(an hantu roh. ?anusia pri-iti perlahan 'erevolusi a(a-a #ari i'a#ah #oron(an 'awaan #an 3esalahpaha-an tentan( 3e'etulan. ?anusia 'era#a' -enye#ia3an s3e-a asuransi untu3 -en(atasi 3e;a#ian 3e'etulan; il-u pen(etahuan -o#ern -ene-pat3an a3tuaris #en(an perhitun(an -ate-ati3a #i te-pat roh1 roh #an #ewa1#ewa i3ti aneh . ( I6B&1 ) GB:B.6 %etiap -elewati tersenyu- (enerasi pa#a ta3hayul 'o#oh nene3 -oyan( se-entara itu terus -en(hi'ur oran(1 3e3eliruan pe-i3iran #an i'a#ah yan( a3an -e-'eri3an alasan untu3 tersenyu- le'ih lan;ut pa#a 'a(ian #ari cucu tercerah3an . ( I6B&. ) GB:B.B +api a3hirnya pi3iran -anusia pri-iti #i#u#u3i #en(an pi3iran yan( -ela-paui se-ua 'iolo(is 'awaan -en#esa3 & pa#a oran( tera3hir hen#a3 -enyusun suatu seni hi#up 'er#asar3an sesuatu yan( le'ih #ari respon terha#ap ran(san(an -aterial. 0wal #ari se'uah polis asuransi ;iwa iloso is pri-iti yan( -uncul . %e'uah stan#ar supranatural hi#up a#alah tentan( -uncul & untu3 &

;i3a se-an(at hantu #ala- 3e-arahan 3un;un(an nasi' 'uru3 #an nasi' 'ai3 3esenan(an & -a3a harus -ela3u3an -anusia #iatur sesuai. <onsep 'enar #an salah telah a3hirnya 'er3e-'an( & #an se-ua ini ;auh se'elu- /a-an setiap wahyu #i 'u-i . ( I6B&3 ) GB:B.F Den(an -unculnya 3onsep13onsep ini & a#a #i-ulai per;uan(an yan( pan;an( #an 'oros untu3 -enenan(3an roh selalu senan(& per'u#a3an 'u#a3 ta3ut a(a-a evolusi & 'ahwa li-'ah pan;an( usaha -anusia pa#a -a3a-& can#i & pen(or'anan & #an i-a-at . 4tu har(a yan( -en(eri3an #an -ena3ut3an untu3 -e-'ayar & tapi itu laya3 se-ua 'iaya & 3arena -anusia #i #ala-nya -encapai 3esa#aran alarelati 'enar #an salah & eti3a -anusia lahir L F . Fun(si 0(a-a "ri-iti ( I6B&4 ) GB:F.1 'ia#a' -erasa perlu asuransi & #an 3arena itu ia 'erse#ia -e-'ayar pre-i nya -e-'erat3an ta3ut& ta3hayul & 3eta3utan & #an ha#iah i-a- terha#ap 3e'i;a3an tentan( asuransi sihir terha#ap nasi' 'uru3 . 0(a-a pri-iti itu hanya pe-'ayaran pre-i asuransi terha#ap 'ahaya hutan & -anusia 'era#a' -e-'ayar pre-i -ateri terha#ap 3ecela3aan in#ustri #an ur(ensi -o#e hi#up -o#ern . ( I6B&6 ) GB:F.. ?asyara3at -o#ern -en(hapus usaha asuransi #ari alai-a- #an a(a-a & -ene-pat3annya #ala- #o-ain e3ono-i . 0(a-a a#alah tentan( #irinya se-a3in #en(an asuransi 3ehi#upan setelah 3e-atian . ?anusia -o#ern & seti#a3nya -ere3a yan( 'erpi3ir & ti#a3 la(i -e-'ayar pre-i 'oros untu3 -en(en#ali3an 3e'eruntun(an . 0(a-a perlahan1lahan nai3 3e tin(3at yan( le'ih tin((i ilsa at 'er'e#a #en(an un(si se-ula se'a(ai s3e-a asuransi terha#ap nasi' 'uru3 . ( I6B&B ) GB:F.3 +api i#e1i#e 3uno a(a-a -ence(ah oran( #ari -en;a#i atalisti3 #an putus asa pesi-is & -ere3a percaya 'ahwa -ere3a 'isa seti#a3nya -ela3u3an sesuatu untu3 -e-pen(aruhi

nasi' . 0(a-a ta3ut hantu ter3esan pa#a la3i1la3i 'ahwa -ere3a harus -en(atur perila3u -ere3a & 'ahwa a#a #unia super-aterial yan( -en(en#ali3an nasi' -anusia. ( I6B&F ) GB:F.4 ras 'era#a' -o#ern hanya -uncul #ari rasa ta3ut hantu se'a(ai pen;elasan 3e'eruntun(an #an 3esen;an(an 'iasa e3sistensi . ?anusia a#alah -encapai e-ansipasi #ari per'u#a3an hantu 1 roh pen;elasan nasi' 'uru3 . +api se-entara pria -enyerah #o3trin yan( 3eliru tentan( se'a' se-an(at peru'ahan hi#up & -ere3a -enun;u33an 3ese#iaan -en(e;ut3an untu3 -eneri-a pen(a;aran yan( 3eliru ha-pir sa-a tawaran -ere3a -en(an((ap se-ua 3eti#a3setaraan -anusia untu3 -isa#aptation politi3& 3eti#a3a#ilan sosial & #an persain(an in#ustri. +api un#an(1un#an( 'aru & -enin(3at3an ilantropi & #an le'ih in#ustri reor(anisasi & na-un 'ai3 #i #ala- #an #ari #iri -ere3a sen#iri & ti#a3 a3an -e-per'ai3i a3ta lahir #an 3ecela3aan hi#up . 9anya pe-aha-an a3ta #an -anipulasi 'i;a3sana #alahu3u- ala- a3an -e-un(3in3an -anusia untu3 -en#apat3an apa yan( ia in(in3an #an untu3 -en(hin#ari apa yan( #ia ti#a3 in(in3an. "en(etahuan il-iah & yan( -en(arah 3e tin#a3an il-iah& a#alah satu1satunya penawar yan( #ise'ut penya3it #isen(a;a . ( I6F&1 ) GB:F.6 4n#ustri & peran( & per'u#a3an & #an pe-erintahan sipil -uncul se'a(ai tan((apan terha#ap evolusi sosial -anusia #i lin(3un(an ala- & a(a-a sa-a -uncul se'a(ai tan((apan terha#ap lin(3un(an ilusi #unia hantu i-a;iner . 0(a-a -erupa3an per3e-'an(an evolusi perawatan #iri & #an telah 'e3er;a & walaupun itu awalnya salah #ala- 3onsep #an sa-a se3ali ti#a3 lo(is . ( I6F&. ) GB:F.B a(a-a pri-iti -enyiap3an tanah #ari pi3iran -anusia & #en(an 3e3uatan yan( 3uat #an -en(a(u-3an ta3ut palsu & untu3 pen(anu(erahan 3e3uatan spiritual 'ona i#e asal supranatural & yan( 0#;uster "e-i3iran . Dan a#;uster ilahi

telah se;a3 'e3er;a -entrans-utasi3an +uhan 1 3eta3utan -en;a#i +uhan cinta. =volusi -un(3in la-'at & tetapi tanpa ra(u e e3ti . ( I6F&3 ) GB:F.F M Disa-pai3an oleh =venin( %tar Ce'a#on . N +he Urantia 3ertas I1 =volusi Doa ( II4&1 ) I1:0.1 DO0 & se'a(ai le-'a(a a(a-a & 'erevolusi #ari -onolo( nonreli(ius se'elu-nya #an e3spresi #ialo( . Den(an pencapaian 3esa#aran #iri oleh -anusia pri-iti a#a ter;a#i a3i'at wa;ar ta3 terela33an lain 1 3esa#aran & potensi (an#a respon sosial #an pen(a3uan 0llah . ( II4&. ) I1:0.. +he 'entu3 #oa awal ti#a3 #itu;u3an 3epa#a Dewa . =3spresi ini yan( 'anya3 seperti apa yan( a3an 0n#a 3ata3an 3epa#a seoran( te-an saat 0n#a -asu3 pa#a 'e'erapa pe3er;aan pentin( & : Doa3an a3u. : ?anusia pri-iti itu #iper'u#a3 sihir& 3e'eruntun(an & 'ai3 #an 'uru3 & -asu3 3e #ala- se-ua urusan 3ehi#upan . "a#a awalnya& 3e'eruntun(an petisi a#alah -onolo( 1 hanya se-aca- 'erpi3ir 3eras oleh server sihir. %elan;utnya& percaya ini 'eruntun( a3an -e-inta #u3un(an #ari te-an1te-an #an 3eluar(a & #an saat ini 'e'erapa 'entu3 upacara a3an #ila3u3an ter-asu3 seluruh 3lan atau su3u . ( II4&3 ) I1:0.3 <eti3a 3onsep hantu #an roh 'erevolusi & petisi ini -en;a#i super ala-at & #an #en(an 3esa#aran #ewa & e3spresi seperti -encapai 3e tin(3at #oa yan( tulus . %e'a(ai ilustrasi ini & antara su3u1su3u tertentu 0ustralia #oa a(a-a pri-iti -en#ahului 3eya3inan -ere3a roh #an 3epri'a#ian -anusia super . ( II4&4 ) I1:0.4 %u3u +o#a #ari 4n#ia 3ini -en(a-ati pra3ti3 ini 'er#oa 3epa#a siapa pun secara 3husus & seperti -ela3u3an ra3yat awal se'elu- /a-an 3esa#aran 3ea(a-aan . 9anya & #i antara +o#as & ini -erupa3an re(resi a(a-a -erosot -ere3a 3e tin(3at pri-iti ini .

The Urantia Book Paper @1 The Evo!ution of Prayer (II4.1) I1:0.1 "H0@=H& as an a(ency o reli(ion& evolve# ro- previous nonreli(ious -onolo(ue an# #ialo(ue e,pressions. 2ith the attain-ent o sel 1 consciousness 'y pri-itive -an there occurre# the inevita'le corollary o other1 consciousness& the #ual potential o social response an# Go# reco(nition. (II4..) I1:0.. +he earliest prayer or-s were not a##resse# to Deity. +hese e,pressions were -uch li3e what you woul# say to a rien# as you entere# upon so-e i-portant un#erta3in(& )2ish -e luc3.* "ri-itive -an was enslave# to -a(ic; luc3& (oo# an# 'a#& entere# into all the a airs o li e. 0t irst& these luc3 petitions were -onolo(ues J ;ust a 3in# o thin3in( out lou# 'y the -a(ic server. Ce,t& these 'elievers in luc3 woul# enlist the support o their rien#s an# a-ilies& an# presently so-e or- o cere-ony woul# 'e per or-e# which inclu#e# the whole clan or tri'e. (II4.3) I1:0.3 2hen the concepts o (hosts an# spirits evolve#& these petitions 'eca-e superhu-an in a##ress& an# with the consciousness o (o#s& such e,pressions attaine# to the levels o (enuine prayer. 0s an illustration o this& a-on( certain 0ustralian tri'es pri-itive reli(ious prayers ante#ate# their 'elie in spirits an# superhu-an personalities. (II4.4) I1:0.4 +he +o#a tri'e o 4n#ia now o'serves this practice o prayin( to no one in particular& ;ust as #i# the early peoples 'e ore the ti-es o reli(ious consciousness. Only& a-on( the +o#as& this represents a re(ression o their #e(eneratin( reli(ion to this pri-itive level. +he present1#ay rituals o the #airy-en priests o the +o#as #o not represent a reli(ious cere-ony since these i-personal prayers #o not contri'ute anythin( to the conservation or enhance-ent o any social& -oral& or

spiritual values. (II4.6) I1:0.6 "rereli(ious prayin( was part o the -ana practices o the ?elanesians& the ou#ah 'elie s o the 0 rican "y(-ies& an# the -anitou superstitions o the Corth 0-erican 4n#ians. +he !a(an#a tri'es o 0 rica have only recently e-er(e# ro- the -ana level o prayer. 4n this early evolutionary con usion -en pray to (o#s J local an# national J to etishes& a-ulets& (hosts& rulers& an# to or#inary people. 1. Pri&itive Prayer (II4.B) I1:1.1 +he unction o early evolutionary reli(ion is to conserve an# au(-ent the essential social& -oral& an# spiritual values which are slowly ta3in( or-. +his -ission o reli(ion is not consciously o'serve# 'y -an3in#& 'ut it is chie ly e ecte# 'y the unction o prayer. +he practice o prayer represents the uninten#e#& 'ut nonetheless personal an# collective& e ort o any (roup to secure (to actuali/e) this conservation o hi(her values. !ut or the sa e(uar#in( o prayer& all holy #ays woul# spee#ily revert to the status o -ere holi#ays. (II6.1) I1:1.. Heli(ion an# its a(encies& the chie o which is prayer& are allie# only with those values which have (eneral social reco(nition& (roup approval. +here ore& when pri-itive -an atte-pte# to (rati y his 'aser e-otions or to achieve un-iti(ate# sel ish a-'itions& he was #eprive# o the consolation o reli(ion an# the assistance o prayer. 4 the in#ivi#ual sou(ht to acco-plish anythin( antisocial& he was o'li(e# to see3 the ai# o nonreli(ious -a(ic& resort to sorcerers& an# thus 'e #eprive# o the assistance o prayer. "rayer& there ore& very early 'eca-e a -i(hty pro-oter o social evolution& -oral pro(ress& an# spiritual attain-ent. (II6..) I1:1.3 !ut the pri-itive -in# was neither lo(ical nor consistent. =arly -en #i# not perceive that -aterial thin(s were not the province o prayer. +hese si-ple1-in#e# souls reasone# that oo#& shelter& rain& (a-e& an# other -aterial (oo#s enhance# the social wel are& an# there ore they 'e(an to pray or these physical 'lessin(s. 2hile this constitute# a perversion o prayer& it encoura(e# the

Hitual 3ini para i-a- #airy-en #ari +o#as ti#a3 -ewa3ili upacara 3ea(a-aan 3arena ini #oa i-personal ti#a3 -e-'eri3an 3ontri'usi apa1apa untu3 3onservasi atau penin(3atan nilai1 nilai sosial& -oral & atau spiritual . ( II4&6 ) I1:0.6 "rereli(ious 'er#oa a#alah 'a(ian #ari pra3te3 -ana #ari ?elanesia & 3eya3inan ou#ah #ari su3u "y(-y 0 ri3a & #an -anitou ta3hayul oran( 4n#ian 0-eri3a Utara. %u3u1su3u !a(an#a 0 ri3a hanya 'aru1'aru -uncul #ari tin(3at -ana #oa . "a#a awal ini pria 3e'in(un(an evolusi 'er#oa 3epa#a #ewa 1 lo3al #an nasional 1 untu3 ;i-at1 ;i-at & ;i-at & hantu & pen(uasa & #an oran(1oran( 'iasa . 1 . Doa pri-iti ( II4&B ) I1:1.1 Fun(si a(a-a evolusi awal a#alah untu3 -elestari3an #an -enin(3at3an nilai1nilai sosial& -oral & #an spiritual pentin( yan( secara perlahan -en(a-'il or-ulir . 4ni -isi a(a-a ti#a3 sa#ar #ia-ati oleh -anusia & tetapi teruta-a #ipen(aruhi oleh un(si #ari #oa . "ra3te3 #oa -erupa3an #iin(in3an & tapi tetap pri'a#i #an 3ole3ti & upaya 3elo-po3 -anapun untu3 -en(a-an3an ( -en(a3tualisasi3an ) 3onservasi ini nilai yan( le'ih tin((i . +api untu3 pen(a-anan #oa & se-ua hari suci cepat a3an 3e-'ali 3e status li'uran 'ela3a. ( II6&1 ) I1:1.. 0(a-a #an instansi& 3epala yan( a#alah #oa & 'erse3utu hanya #en(an nilai1nilai yan( -e-ili3i pen(enalan & persetu;uan 3elo-po3 sosial u-u-. <arena itu& 3eti3a -anusia pri-iti 'erusaha untu3 -e-uas3an 'aser e-osinya atau untu3 -encapai a-'isi e(ois ta3 tan((un(1tan((un( & ia 3ehilan(an pen(hi'uran a(a-a #an 'antuan #oa . Di3a in#ivi#u 'erusaha untu3 -encapai sesuatu yan( antisosial & ia terpa3sa -encari 'antuan sihir nonreli(ius & resor untu3 tu3an( sihir & #an #en(an #e-i3ian a3an 3ehilan(an 'antuan #oa . Doa & oleh 3arena itu& san(at awal -en;a#i pro-otor per3asa evolusi sosial & 3e-a;uan -oral& #an pencapaian spiritual .

e ort to reali/e these -aterial o';ectives 'y social an# ethical actions. %uch a prostitution o prayer& while #e'asin( the spiritual values o a people& nevertheless #irectly elevate# their econo-ic& social& an# ethical -ores. (II6.3) I1:1.4 "rayer is only -onolo(uous in the -ost pri-itive type o -in#. 4t early 'eco-es a #ialo(ue an# rapi#ly e,pan#s to the level o (roup worship. "rayer si(ni ies that the pre-a(ical incantations o pri-itive reli(ion have evolve# to that level where the hu-an -in# reco(ni/es the reality o 'ene icent powers or 'ein(s who are a'le to enhance social values an# to au(-ent -oral i#eals& an# urther& that these in luences are superhu-an an# #istinct ro- the e(o o the sel 1conscious hu-an an# his ellow -ortals. +rue prayer #oes not& there ore& appear until the a(ency o reli(ious -inistry is visuali/e# as personal. (II6.4) I1:1.6 "rayer is little associate# with ani-is-& 'ut such 'elie s -ay e,ist alon(si#e e-er(in( reli(ious senti-ents. ?any ti-es& reli(ion an# ani-is- have ha# entirely separate ori(ins. (II6.6) I1:1.B 2ith those -ortals who have not 'een #elivere# ro- the pri-itive 'on#a(e o ear& there is a real #an(er that all prayer -ay lea# to a -or'i# sense o sin& un;usti ie# convictions o (uilt& real or ancie#. !ut in -o#ern ti-es it is not li3ely that -any will spen# su icient ti-e at prayer to lea# to this har- ul 'roo#in( over their unworthiness or sin ulness. +he #an(ers atten#ant upon the #istortion an# perversion o prayer consist in i(norance& superstition& crystalli/ation& #evitali/ation& -aterialis-& an# anaticis-. 2. Evo!vin# Prayer (II6.B) I1:..1 +he irst prayers were -erely ver'ali/e# wishes& the e,pression o sincere #esires. "rayer ne,t 'eca-e a techniAue o achievin( spirit co1 operation. 0n# then it attaine# to the hi(her unction o assistin( reli(ion in the conservation o all worth1while values. (II6.F) I1:... !oth prayer an# -a(ic arose as a result o -an>s a#;ustive reactions to Urantian environ-ent. !ut asi#e rothis (enerali/e# relationship& they have little in co--on. "rayer has always in#icate# positive action 'y the prayin(

( II6&. ) I1:1.3 +api pi3iran pri-iti a#alah ti#a3 lo(is atau 3onsisten. "ria awal ti#a3 -erasa 'ahwa hal1hal -aterial yan( 'u3an provinsi #oa. Diwa1;iwa yan( 'erpi3iran se#erhana 'eralasan 'ahwa -a3anan& te-pat tin((al & hu;an & (a-e& #an lain 'aran(1'aran( -aterial -enin(3at3an 3ese;ahteraan sosial & #an 3arena itu -ere3a -ulai 'er#oa untu3 'er3at ;as-ani . %e-entara ini -erupa3an suatu penyi-pan(an #oa & itu -en#oron( upaya -ewu;u#3an tu;uan1 tu;uan -aterial oleh tin#a3an sosial #an eti3a . %eperti prostitusi #oa & se-entara -eren#ah3an nilai1nilai spiritual #ari oran(1oran( & na-un lan(sun( -enin(3at a#at istia#at e3ono-i& sosial & #an eti3a -ere3a. ( II6&3 ) I1:1.4 Doa hanya -onolo(uous #ala- ;enis yan( palin( pri-iti #ari pi3iran . 4ni awal -en;a#i #ialo( #an cepat -e-perluas 3e tin(3at i'a#ah 3elo-po3 . Doa -enan#a3an 'ahwa -antra pre-a(ical a(a-a pri-iti telah 'erevolusi 3e tin(3at #i -ana pi3iran -anusia -en(a3ui realitas 3e3uasaan #er-awan atau -a3hlu3 yan( -a-pu -enin(3at3an nilai1nilai sosial #an untu3 -ena-'ah cita1cita -oral& #an le'ih lan;ut & 'ahwa pen(aruh ini a#alah -anusia super #an 'er'e#a #ari e(o -anusia sa#ar #iri #an sesa-a -anusia nya . Doa yan( 'enar ti#a3 & oleh 3arena itu& -uncul sa-pai le-'a(a pelayanan a(a-a #ivisualisasi3an se'a(ai pri'a#i. ( II6&4 ) I1:1.6 Doa se#i3it 'erhu'un(an #en(an ani-is-e & tetapi 3eya3inan seperti itu -un(3in a#a #i sa-pin( -uncul senti-en 3ea(a-aan . !anya3 3ali & a(a-a #an ani-is-e -e-ili3i asal1 usul yan( sa-a se3ali terpisah . ( II6&6 ) I1:1.B Den(an oran( -anusia yan( 'elu- #i-er#e3a3an #ari per'u#a3an pri-iti ta3ut & a#a 'ahaya nyata 'ahwa se-ua #oa #apat -enye'a'3an rasa wa;ar #osa & 3eya3inan #i'enar3an 'ersalah & nyata atau na3sir . +api #i /a-an -o#ern ti#a3 -un(3in 'ahwa 'anya3 oran( a3an -en(ha'is3an wa3tu yan( cu3up pa#a #oa -enye'a'3an -erenun( ini

e(o; it has 'een always psychic an# so-eti-es spiritual. ?a(ic has usually si(ni ie# an atte-pt to -anipulate reality without a ectin( the e(o o the -anipulator& the practitioner o -a(ic. Despite their in#epen#ent ori(ins& -a(ic an# prayer o ten have 'een interrelate# in their later sta(es o #evelop-ent. ?a(ic has so-eti-es ascen#e# 'y (oal elevation ro- or-ulas throu(h rituals an# incantations to the threshol# o true prayer. "rayer has so-eti-es 'eco-e so -aterialistic that it has #e(enerate# into a pseu#o-a(ical techniAue o avoi#in( the e,pen#iture o that e ort which is reAuisite or the solution o Urantian pro'le-s. (IIB.1) I1:..3 2hen -an learne# that prayer coul# not coerce the (o#s& then it 'eca-e -ore o a petition& avor see3in(. !ut the truest prayer is in reality a co--union 'etween -an an# his ?a3er. (IIB..) I1:..4 +he appearance o the sacri ice i#ea in any reli(ion un ailin(ly #etracts ro- the hi(her e icacy o true prayer in that -en see3 to su'stitute the o erin(s o -aterial possessions or the o erin( o their own consecrate# wills to the #oin( o the will o Go#. (IIB.3) I1:..6 2hen reli(ion is #iveste# o a personal Go#& its prayers translate to the levels o theolo(y an# philosophy. 2hen the hi(hest Go# concept o a reli(ion is that o an i-personal Deity& such as in pantheistic i#ealis-& althou(h a or#in( the 'asis or certain or-s o -ystic co--union& it proves atal to the potency o true prayer& which always stan#s or -an>s co--union with a personal an# superior 'ein(. (IIB.4) I1:..B Durin( the earlier ti-es o racial evolution an# even at the present ti-e& in the #ay1'y1#ay e,perience o the avera(e -ortal& prayer is very -uch a pheno-enon o -an>s intercourse with his own su'conscious. !ut there is also a #o-ain o prayer wherein the intellectually alert an# spiritually pro(ressin( in#ivi#ual attains -ore or less contact with the superconscious levels o the hu-an -in#& the #o-ain o the in#wellin( +hou(ht 0#;uster. 4n a##ition& there is a #e inite spiritual phase o true prayer which concerns its reception an# reco(nition 'y the spiritual

'er'ahaya sela-a ti#a3 laya3 atau #osa -ere3a . !ahaya petu(as pa#a #istorsi #an penyi-pan(an #oa ter#iri #ala3e'o#ohan& ta3hayul & 3ristalisasi & #evitali/ation & -aterialis-e & #an anatis-e . . . 'er3e-'an( Doa ( II6&B ) I1:..1 Doa perta-a a#alah 3ein(inan ?elisan3an & e3spresi 3ein(inan tulus se-ata . Doa selan;utnya -en;a#i suatu te3ni3 untu3 -encapai se-an(at 3er;asa-a . Dan 3e-u#ian -encapai 3e un(si yan( le'ih tin((i -e-'antu a(a-a #ala- 3onservasi #ari se-ua nilai 1 nilai se-entara . ( II6&F ) I1:... <e#ua #oa #an sihir -uncul se'a(ai a3i'at #ari rea3si a#;ustive -anusia terha#ap lin(3un(an Urantian . +api selain #ari hu'un(an ini u-u- & -ere3a -e-ili3i 'anya3 3esa-aan . Doa selalu -enun;u33an tin#a3an positi oleh e(o 'er#oa & -elain3an telah selalu psi3is #an 3a#an(1 3a#an( spiritual . %ihir telah 'iasanya #itan#ai upaya untu3 -e-anipulasi realitas tanpa -e-pen(aruhi e(o -anipulator & pra3tisi sihir . ?es3ipun asal1usul in#epen#en -ere3a & sihir #an #oa serin( telah salin( ter3ait #alatahap a3hir pe-'an(unan -ere3a . %ihir telah 3a#an(13a#an( nai3 oleh elevasi (ol #ari or-ula -elalui ritual #an -antra 3e a-'an( #oa yan( 'enar . Doa 3a#an(13a#an( -en;a#i 'e(itu -aterialistis yan( telah -erosot -en;a#i te3ni3 pseu#o-a(ical -en(hin#ari pen(eluaran upaya yan( #iperlu3an untu3 pe-ecahan -asalah Urantian . ( IIB&1 ) I1:..3 <eti3a seoran( pria 'ela;ar 'ahwa #oa ti#a3 'isa -e-a3sa para #ewa & -a3a itu -en;a#i le'ih #ari petisi & Favor -encari . +etapi #oa palin( 'enar #ala- 3enyataan perse3utuan antara -anusia #an "enciptanya . ( IIB&. ) I1:..4 ?unculnya (a(asan 3ur'an #ala- a(a-a apapun un ailin(ly -en(uran(i #ari 3e'erhasilan yan( le'ih tin((i #ari #oa yan( 'enar #ala- 'ahwa pria 'erusaha -en((anti3an perse-'ahan harta 'en#a untu3

orces o the universe& an# which is entirely #istinct ro- all hu-an an# intellectual association. (IIB.6) I1:..F "rayer contri'utes (reatly to the #evelop-ent o the reli(ious senti-ent o an evolvin( hu-an -in#. 4t is a -i(hty in luence wor3in( to prevent isolation o personality. (IIB.B) I1:..G "rayer represents one techniAue associate# with the natural reli(ions o racial evolution which also or-s a part o the e,periential values o the hi(her reli(ions o ethical e,cellence& the reli(ions o revelation. 3. Prayer and the A!ter E#o (IIB.F) I1:3.1 $hil#ren& when irst learnin( to -a3e use o lan(ua(e& are prone to thin3 out lou#& to e,press their thou(hts in wor#s& even i no one is present to hear the-. 2ith the #awn o creative i-a(ination they evince a ten#ency to converse with i-a(inary co-panions. 4n this way a 'u##in( e(o see3s to hol# co--union with a ictitious alter ego. !y this techniAue the chil# early learns to convert his -onolo(ue conversations into pseu#o #ialo(ues in which this alter e(o -a3es replies to his ver'al thin3in( an# wish e,pression. Kery -uch o an a#ult>s thin3in( is -entally carrie# on in conversational or-. (IIB.G) I1:3.. +he early an# pri-itive or- o prayer was -uch li3e the se-i-a(ical recitations o the present1#ay +o#a tri'e& prayers that were not a##resse# to anyone in particular. !ut such techniAues o prayin( ten# to evolve into the #ialo(ue type o co--unication 'y the e-er(ence o the i#ea o an alter e(o. 4n ti-e the alter1e(o concept is e,alte# to a superior status o #ivine #i(nity& an# prayer as an a(ency o reli(ion has appeare#. +hrou(h -any phases an# #urin( lon( a(es this pri-itive type o prayin( is #estine# to evolve 'e ore attainin( the level o intelli(ent an# truly ethical prayer. (IIF.1) I1:3.3 0s it is conceive# 'y successive (enerations o prayin( -ortals& the alter e(o evolves up throu(h (hosts& etishes& an# spirits to polytheistic (o#s& an# eventually to the One Go#& a #ivine 'ein( e-'o#yin( the hi(hest i#eals an# the lo tiest aspirations o the prayin( e(o. 0n# thus #oes prayer unction as the

penawaran 3ehen#a3 -ere3a sen#iri #itah'is3an untu3 -ela3u3an #ari 3ehen#a3 +uhan. ( IIB&3 ) I1:..6 <eti3a a(a-a a#alah #ivestasi #ari +uhan pri'a#i & #oa yan( -ener;e-ah3an 3e tin(3at teolo(i #an ilsa at . <eti3a 0llah 3onsep tertin((i a(a-a a#alah 'ahwa #ari Dewa i-personal & seperti #ala- i#ealis-e panteisti3 & -es3ipun a or#in( #asar untu3 'entu31'entu3 tertentu #ari -isti3 3o-uni & itu -e-'u3ti3an atal 'a(i potensi #oa yan( 'enar & yan( selalu 'er#iri untu3 perse3utuan -anusia #en(an -a3hlu3 pri'a#i #an un((ul . ( IIB&4 ) I1:..B %ela-a -asa awal evolusi rasial #an 'ah3an pa#a saat ini & #ala- pen(ala-an hari #e-i hari ana rata & #oa san(at 'anya3 eno-ena hu'un(an -anusia #en(an ala- 'awah sa#ar sen#iri . +api a#a ;u(a #o-ain #oa #i-ana le'ih atau 3uran( 3onta3 intele3tual waspa#a #an spiritual -a;u in#ivi#u -encapai #en(an tin(3at supra #ari pi3iran -anusia & #o-ain #ari "e-i3iran 0#;uster 'er#ia- . %elain itu& a#a ase spiritual pasti #oa yan( 'enar yan( -enyan(3ut peneri-aan #an pen(a3uan oleh 3e3uatan spiritual alase-esta & #an yan( sepenuhnya 'er'e#a #ari se-ua hu'un(an -anusia #an intele3tual . ( IIB&6 ) I1:..F Doa -e-'eri3an 3ontri'usi 'esar terha#ap per3e-'an(an senti-en 3ea(a-aan #ari pi3iran -anusia 'er3e-'an( . 4ni a#alah pen(aruh yan( 3uat 'e3er;a untu3 -ence(ah isolasi 3epri'a#ian. ( IIB&B ) I1:..G Doa -erupa3an salah satu te3ni3 yan( ter3ait #en(an a(a-a1 a(a-a ala-iah evolusi rasial yan( ;u(a -erupa3an 'a(ian #ari nilai1nilai pen(ala-an #ari a(a-a1a(a-a yan( le'ih tin((i 3eun((ulan etis & a(a-a1 a(a-a wahyu . 3 . Doa #an 0lter =(o ( IIB&F ) I1:3.1 0na3 & 3eti3a perta-a 3ali 'ela;ar untu3 -e-'uat pen((unaan 'ahasa & cen#erun( untu3 'erpi3ir 3eras &

-ost potent a(ency o reli(ion in the conservation o the hi(hest values an# i#eals o those who pray. Fro- the -o-ent o the conceivin( o an alter e(o to the appearance o the concept o a #ivine an# heavenly Father& prayer is always a sociali/in(& -orali/in(& an# spirituali/in( practice. (IIF..) I1:3.4 +he si-ple prayer o aith evi#ences a -i(hty evolution in hu-an e,perience where'y the ancient conversations with the ictitious sy-'ol o the alter e(o o pri-itive reli(ion have 'eco-e e,alte# to the level o co--union with the spirit o the 4n inite an# to that o a 'ona i#e consciousness o the reality o the eternal Go# an# "ara#ise Father o all intelli(ent creation. (IIF.3) I1:3.6 0si#e ro- all that is supersel in the e,perience o prayin(& it shoul# 'e re-e-'ere# that ethical prayer is a splen#i# way to elevate one>s e(o an# rein orce the sel or 'etter livin( an# hi(her attain-ent. "rayer in#uces the hu-an e(o to loo3 'oth ways or help: or -aterial ai# to the su'conscious reservoir o -ortal e,perience& or inspiration an# (ui#ance to the superconscious 'or#ers o the contact o the -aterial with the spiritual& with the ?ystery ?onitor. (IIF.4) I1:3.B "rayer ever has 'een an# ever will 'e a two ol# hu-an e,perience: a psycholo(ic proce#ure interassociate# with a spiritual techniAue. 0n# these two unctions o prayer can never 'e ully separate#. (IIF.6) I1:3.F =nli(htene# prayer -ust reco(ni/e not only an e,ternal an# personal Go# 'ut also an internal an# i-personal Divinity& the in#wellin( 0#;uster. 4t is alto(ether ittin( that -an& when he prays& shoul# strive to (rasp the concept o the Universal Father on "ara#ise; 'ut the -ore e ective techniAue or -ost practical purposes will 'e to revert to the concept o a near1'y alter e(o& ;ust as the pri-itive -in# was wont to #o& an# then to reco(ni/e that the i#ea o this alter e(o has evolve# ro- a -ere iction to the truth o Go#>s in#wellin( -ortal -an in the actual presence o the 0#;uster so that -an can tal3 ace to ace& as it were& with a real an# (enuine an# #ivine alter e(o that

untu3 -en(un(3ap3an pi3iran -ere3a #ala- 3ata13ata & 'ah3an ;i3a ti#a3 a#a yan( ha#ir untu3 -en#en(ar -ere3a . Den(an a;ar i-a;inasi 3reati -ere3a -eni-'ul3an nuasa 3ecen#erun(an untu3 'er3o-uni3asi #en(an saha'at i-a;iner . Den(an cara ini e(o pe-ula 'erusaha untu3 -en(a#a3an perse3utuan #en(an alter e(o i3ti . Den(an te3ni3 ini ana3 'ela;ar awal untu3 -en(u'ah perca3apan -onolo(nya #ala- #ialo( se-u #i -ana ini alter e(o -e-'uat 'alasan pe-i3iran ver'al #an 'erharap e3spresi . %an(at 'anya3 pe-i3iran oran( #ewasa a#alah -ental #i;alan3an #ala- 'entu3 perca3apan . ( IIB&G ) I1:3.. !entu3 awal #an pri-iti #oa ;auh seperti tilawah se-i-a(ical -asa 3ini 1 hari +o#a su3u & #oa yan( ti#a3 #itu;u3an 3epa#a oran( tertentu . +api te3ni3 seperti 'er#oa cen#erun( 'er3e-'an( -en;a#i ;enis #ialo( 3o-uni3asi #en(an -unculnya (a(asan tentan( alter e(o . Dala- wa3tu 3onsep alter1e(o #itin((i3an 3e status un((ul -arta'at ilahi & #an #oa se'a(ai le-'a(a a(a-a telah -uncul . ?elalui 'er'a(ai tahapan #an sela-a usia pan;an( ;enis pri-iti 'er#oa #ita3#ir3an untu3 'er3e-'an( se'elu- -encapai tin(3at #oa yan( cer#as #an 'enar1'enar etis. ( IIF&1 ) I1:3.3 %eperti yan( #i3an#un( oleh (enerasi1(enerasi -anusia 'er#oa & yan( alter e(o 'er3e-'an( sa-pai -elalui hantu & ;i-at & #an roh untu3 #ewa1#ewa politeis-e & #an a3hirnya 3e +uhan @an( ?aha =sa & -a3hlu3 ilahi -ewu;u#3an cita1cita tertin((i #an palin( -ulia aspirasi e(o 'er#oa . Dan #en(an #e-i3ian 'er un(si secara #oa se'a(ai 'a#an palin( a-puh a(a-a #ala3onservasi nilai1nilai tertin((i #an cita1 cita -ere3a yan( 'er#oa. Dari saat yan( ha-il #ari alter e(o untu3 pena-pilan 3onsep !apa ilahi #an sur(awi & #oa selalu 'ersosialisasi & -oral & #an rohani1 pra3te3. ( IIF&. ) I1:3.4 Doa i-an yan( se#erhana 'u3ti evolusi per3asa #alapen(ala-an -anusia #i-ana perca3apan 3uno #en(an si-'ol i3ti #ari alter e(o

in#wells hi- an# is the very presence an# essence o the livin( Go#& the Universal Father. $. Ethi,a! Prayin# (IIF.B) I1:4.1 Co prayer can 'e ethical when the petitioner see3s or sel ish a#vanta(e over his ellows. %el ish an# -aterialistic prayin( is inco-pati'le with the ethical reli(ions which are pre#icate# on unsel ish an# #ivine love. 0ll such unethical prayin( reverts to the pri-itive levels o pseu#o -a(ic an# is unworthy o a#vancin( civili/ations an# enli(htene# reli(ions. %el ish prayin( trans(resses the spirit o all ethics oun#e# on lovin( ;ustice. (IIF.F) I1:4.. "rayer -ust never 'e so prostitute# as to 'eco-e a su'stitute or action. 0ll ethical prayer is a sti-ulus to action an# a (ui#e to the pro(ressive strivin( or i#ealistic (oals o supersel 1 attain-ent. (IIG.1) I1:4.3 4n all your prayin( 'e fair; #o not e,pect Go# to show partiality& to love you -ore than his other chil#ren& your rien#s& nei(h'ors& even ene-ies. !ut the prayer o the natural or evolve# reli(ions is not at irst ethical& as it is in the later reveale# reli(ions. 0ll prayin(& whether in#ivi#ual or co--unal& -ay 'e either e(oistic or altruistic. +hat is& the prayer -ay 'e centere# upon the sel or upon others. 2hen the prayer see3s nothin( or the one who prays nor anythin( or his ellows& then such attitu#es o the soul ten# to the levels o true worship. =(oistic prayers involve con essions an# petitions an# o ten consist in reAuests or -aterial avors. "rayer is so-ewhat -ore ethical when it #eals with or(iveness an# see3s wis#o- or enhance# sel 1 control. (IIG..) I1:4.4 2hile the nonsel ish type o prayer is stren(thenin( an# co- ortin(& -aterialistic prayin( is #estine# to 'rin( #isappoint-ent an# #isillusion-ent as a#vancin( scienti ic #iscoveries #e-onstrate that -an lives in a physical universe o law an# or#er. +he chil#hoo# o an in#ivi#ual or a race is characteri/e# 'y pri-itive& sel ish& an# -aterialistic prayin(. 0n#& to a certain e,tent& all such petitions are e icacious in that they unvaryin(ly lea# to those e orts an# e,ertions which are contri'utory to

a(a-a pri-iti telah -en;a#i #itin((i3an 3e tin(3at perse3utuan #en(an se-an(at ta3 ter'atas #an itu #ari 3esa#aran 'ona i#e realitas 0llah yan( 3e3al #an sur(a !apa #ari se-ua ciptaan yan( cer#as . ( IIF&3 ) I1:3.6 %elain #ari se-ua yan( %upersel #ala- pen(ala-an 'er#oa & harus #iin(at 'ahwa #oa eti3a a#alah cara yan( in#ah untu3 -enin(3at3an e(o seseoran( #an -e-per3uat #iri untu3 hi#up le'ih 'ai3 #an pencapaian yan( le'ih tin((i . Doa -en(in#u3si e(o -anusia untu3 -encari 3e#ua cara untu3 -e-'antu : 'antuan -ateri 3e reservoir 'awah sa#ar pen(ala-an ana & untu3 inspirasi #an 'i-'in(an 3e per'atasan supra #ari 3onta3 'ahan #en(an spiritual & #en(an ?onitor ?isteri . ( IIF&4 ) I1:3.B Doa pernah telah #an selalu a3an -en;a#i pen(ala-an -anusia #ua: prose#ur psi3olo(is interassociate# #en(an te3ni3 spiritual . Dan 3e#ua un(si #oa ti#a3 a3an 'isa sepenuhnya #ipisah3an . ( IIF&6 ) I1:3.F #oa +ercerah3an harus -en(a3ui ti#a3 hanya +uhan yan( e3sternal #an pri'a#i tetapi ;u(a Divinity internal #an i-personal & yan( 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya . 9al ini sa-a se3ali pas 'ahwa -anusia & 3eti3a ia 'er#oa & harus 'erusaha untu3 -e-aha-i 3onsep !apa Universal tentan( "ara#ise & tetapi te3ni3 yan( le'ih e e3ti untu3 tu;uan pra3tis se'a(ian 'esar a3an untu3 3e-'ali 3e 3onsep #e3at1oleh alter e(o & seperti pi3iran pri-iti itu 'iasa #ila3u3an & #an 3e-u#ian -en(a3ui 'ahwa i#e ini alter e(o telah 'er3e-'an( #ari se'uah i3si 'ela3a terha#ap 3e'enaran 'er#ia-nya -anusia ana 0llah #i ha#apan a3tual 0#;uster sehin((a -anusia #apat 'er'icara tatap -u3a & se'a(ai itu a#alah & #en(an alter e(o nyata #an asli #an ilahi yan( 'er#ia- #irinya #an ha#irat #an esensi #ari 0llah yan( hi#up & !apa Universal . 4 . eti3a !er#oa ( IIF&B ) I1:4.1 #oa a#a #apat etis 'ila pe-ohon 'erusaha untu3 3euntun(an

achievin( the answers to such prayers. +he real prayer o aith always contri'utes to the au(-entation o the techniAue o livin(& even i such petitions are not worthy o spiritual reco(nition. !ut the spiritually a#vance# person shoul# e,ercise (reat caution in atte-ptin( to #iscoura(e the pri-itive or i--ature -in# re(ar#in( such prayers. (IIG.3) I1:4.6 He-e-'er& even i prayer #oes not chan(e Go#& it very o ten e ects (reat an# lastin( chan(es in the one who prays in aith an# con i#ent e,pectation. "rayer has 'een the ancestor o -uch peace o -in#& cheer ulness& cal-ness& coura(e& sel 1-astery& an# air1 -in#e#ness in the -en an# wo-en o the evolvin( races. '. )o,ia! *eper,ussions of Prayer (IIG.4) I1:6.1 4n ancestor worship& prayer lea#s to the cultivation o ancestral i#eals. !ut prayer& as a eature o Deity worship& transcen#s all other such practices since it lea#s to the cultivation o #ivine i#eals. 0s the concept o the alter e(o o prayer 'eco-es supre-e an# #ivine& so are -an>s i#eals accor#in(ly elevate# ro- -ere hu-an towar# supernal an# #ivine levels& an# the result o all such prayin( is the enhance-ent o hu-an character an# the pro oun# uni ication o hu-an personality. (IIG.6) I1:6.. !ut prayer nee# not always 'e in#ivi#ual. Group or con(re(ational prayin( is very e ective in that it is hi(hly sociali/in( in its repercussions. 2hen a (roup en(a(es in co--unity prayer or -oral enhance-ent an# spiritual upli t& such #evotions are reactive upon the in#ivi#uals co-posin( the (roup; they are all -a#e 'etter 'ecause o participation. =ven a whole city or an entire nation can 'e helpe# 'y such prayer #evotions. $on ession& repentance& an# prayer have le# in#ivi#uals& cities& nations& an# whole races to -i(hty e orts o re or- an# coura(eous #ee#s o valorous achieve-ent. (IIG.B) I1:6.3 4 you truly #esire to overco-e the ha'it o critici/in( so-e rien#& the Auic3est an# surest way o achievin( such a chan(e o attitu#e is to esta'lish the ha'it o prayin( or that person every

pri'a#i atas re3an1re3annya . =(ois #an -aterialistis 'er#oa sesuai #en(an a(a-a eti3a yan( #i#asar3an pa#a cinta ti#a3 e(ois #an ilahi . %e-ua seperti ti#a3 etis 'er#oa 'eralih 3e tin(3at pri-iti sihir se-u #an ti#a3 laya3 -e-a;u3an pera#a'an #an a(a-a tercerah3an . =(ois 'er#oa -elan((ar hu3use-an(at se-ua eti3a #i#iri3an pa#a -encintai 3ea#ilan. ( IIF&F ) I1:4.. Doa ti#a3 harus 'e(itu #ilacur3an untu3 -en;a#i pen((anti untu3 tin#a3an . %e-ua #oa eti3a a#alah sti-ulus untu3 'ertin#a3 #an pan#uan untu3 pro(resi 'er;uan( untu3 tu;uan i#ealis %upersel 1 pencapaian . ( IIG&1 ) I1:4.3 Dala- se-ua 0n#a 'er#oa 'ersi3ap a#il & ;an(an -en(harap3an 0llah -enun;u33an parsialitas& untu3 -encintai-u le'ih #ari ana31ana3nya yan( lain & te-an & tetan((a & 'ah3an -usuh . +etapi #oa #ari a(a-a1a(a-a ala- atau 'er3e-'an( ti#a3 pa#a awalnya etis & 3arena #ala- a(a-a1a(a-a 3e-u#ian -en(un(3ap3an . %e-ua 'er#oa & 'ai3 in#ivi#u -aupun 3o-unal & #apat 'erupa e(oistis atau altruisti3 . 0rtinya& #oa #apat 'erpusat pa#a #iri sen#iri atau pa#a oran( lain . <eti3a #oa -encari apa1 apa untu3 oran( yan( 'er#oa atau apa pun untu3 te-an1te-annya & -a3a si3ap seperti ;iwa cen#erun( tin(3at i'a#ah yan( se;ati . Doa e(ois -eli'at3an pen(a3uan #an petisi #an serin( ter#iri #ala- per-intaan untu3 'antuan -aterial. Doa a(a3 le'ih etis 'ila 'erhu'un(an #en(an pen(a-punan #an -encari hi3-at untu3 -enin(3at3an 3ontrol #iri. ( IIG&. ) I1:4.4 %e#an(3an ;enis nonsel ish #oa -e-per3uat #an -en(hi'ur & -aterialistis 'er#oa #ita3#ir3an untu3 -e-'awa 3e3ecewaan #an 3e3ecewaan se'a(ai -e-a;u3an pene-uan il-iah -enun;u33an 'ahwa -anusia hi#up #i ala- se-esta isi3 hu3u- #an 3eterti'an . ?asa 3ecil seseoran( atau perlo-'aan #itan#ai #en(an pri-iti & e(ois & #an -aterialistis 'er#oa . Dan & sa-pai 'atas tertentu & se-ua per-intaan terse'ut -an;ur

#ay o your li e. !ut the social repercussions o such prayers are #epen#ent lar(ely on two con#itions: (IIG.F) I1:6.4 1. +he person who is praye# or shoul# 3now that he is 'ein( praye# or. (III.1) I1:6.6 .. +he person who prays shoul# co-e into inti-ate social contact with the person or who- he is prayin(. (III..) I1:6.B "rayer is the techniAue where'y& sooner or later& every reli(ion 'eco-es institutionali/e#. 0n# in ti-e prayer 'eco-es associate# with nu-erous secon#ary a(encies& so-e help ul& others #eci#e#ly #eleterious& such as priests& holy 'oo3s& worship rituals& an# cere-onials. (III.3) I1:6.F !ut the -in#s o (reater spiritual illu-ination shoul# 'e patient with& an# tolerant o & those less en#owe# intellects that crave sy-'olis- or the -o'ili/ation o their ee'le spiritual insi(ht. +he stron( -ust not loo3 with #is#ain upon the wea3. +hose who are Go#1conscious without sy-'olis- -ust not #eny the (race1-inistry o the sy-'ol to those who in# it #i icult to worship Deity an# to revere truth& 'eauty& an# (oo#ness without or- an# ritual. 4n prayer ul worship& -ost -ortals envision so-e sy-'ol o the o';ect1(oal o their #evotions. +. The Provin,e of Prayer (III.4) I1:B.1 "rayer& unless in liaison with the will an# actions o the personal spiritual orces an# -aterial supervisors o a real-& can have no #irect e ect upon one>s physical environ-ent. 2hile there is a very #e inite li-it to the province o the petitions o prayer& such li-its #o not eAually apply to the faith o those who pray. (III.6) I1:B.. "rayer is not a techniAue or curin( real an# or(anic #iseases& 'ut it has contri'ute# enor-ously to the en;oy-ent o a'un#ant health an# to the cure o nu-erous -ental& e-otional& an# nervous ail-ents. 0n# even in actual 'acterial #isease& prayer has -any ti-es a##e# to the e icacy o other re-e#ial proce#ures. "rayer has turne# -any an irrita'le an# co-plainin( invali# into a para(on o patience an# -a#e hi- an inspiration to all other hu-an su erers. (III.B) I1:B.3 Co -atter how #i icult it -ay 'e to reconcile the scienti ic #ou'tin(s

#ala- 'ahwa -ere3a unvaryin(ly -enye'a'3an upaya terse'ut #an pen(erahan tena(a yan( iuran untu3 -encapai ;awa'an atas #oa1#oa terse'ut . Doa sesun((uhnya i-an selalu -e-'eri3an 3ontri'usi untu3 pe-'esaran te3ni3 hi#up & 'ah3an ;i3a petisi terse'ut ti#a3 laya3 pen(a3uan spiritual . +etapi oran( -a;u rohani harus 'erhati1hati 'esar #ala- upaya untu3 -ence(ah pi3iran pri-iti atau 'elu-atan( -en(enai #oa terse'ut . ( IIG&3 ) I1:4.6 4n(at & 'ah3an ;i3a #oa ti#a3 -en(u'ah 0llah & san(at serin( e e3 yan( 'esar #an a'a#i peru'ahan #ala- #iri seseoran( yan( 'er#oa #alai-an #an harapan percaya #iri . Doa telah -en;a#i nene3 -oyan( #ari 'anya3 3etenan(an pi3iran & 3eceriaan & 3etenan(an& 3e'eranian & pen(uasaan #iri & #an a#il 1 pi3iran #ala- pria #an wanita #ari ras 'er3e-'an( . 6 . 03i'at %osial Doa ( IIG&4 ) I1:6.1 Dala- pe-u;aan leluhur & #oa -en(arah 3e 'u#i#aya cita1cita leluhur . +api #oa & se'a(ai itur i'a#ah Dewa & -ela-paui se-ua pra3te31 pra3te3 seperti lainnya 3arena -en(arah 3e 'u#i#aya cita1cita ilahi . %e'a(ai 3onsep alter e(o #ari #oa -en;a#i tertin((i #an ilahi & sehin((a cita1cita -anusia sesuai #ian(3at #ari -anusia 'iasa 3e tin(3at ilahi #an ilahi & #an hasil se-ua 'er#oa terse'ut a#alah penin(3atan 3ara3ter -anusia #an penyatuan yan( -en#ala- tentan( 3epri'a#ian -anusia . ( IIG&6 ) I1:6.. +api #oa ti#a3 perlu selalu -en;a#i in#ivi#u. <elo-po3 atau ;e-aat 'er#oa san(at e e3ti #ala- hal itu san(at 'ersosialisasi #i #a-pa3 nya . <eti3a se'uah 3elo-po3 terli'at #ala#oa -asyara3at untu3 penin(3atan -oral #an #oron(an rohani & #evosi terse'ut rea3ti atas in#ivi#u -enyusun 3elo-po3; -ere3a se-ua #i'uat le'ih 'ai3 3arena partisipasi . !ah3an seluruh 3ota atau seluruh 'an(sa #apat #i'antu #en(an i'a#ah shalat terse'ut . "en(a3uan & perto'atan & #an #oa telah -enye'a'3an in#ivi#u & 3ota & 'an(sa & #an seluruh ras

re(ar#in( the e icacy o prayer with the ever1present ur(e to see3 help an# (ui#ance ro- #ivine sources& never or(et that the sincere prayer o aith is a -i(hty orce or the pro-otion o personal happiness& in#ivi#ual sel 1 control& social har-ony& -oral pro(ress& an# spiritual attain-ent. (III.F) I1:B.4 "rayer& even as a purely hu-an practice& a #ialo(ue with one>s alter e(o& constitutes a techniAue o the -ost e icient approach to the reali/ation o those reserve powers o hu-an nature which are store# an# conserve# in the unconscious real-s o the hu-an -in#. "rayer is a soun# psycholo(ic practice& asi#e ro- its reli(ious i-plications an# its spiritual si(ni icance. 4t is a act o hu-an e,perience that -ost persons& i su iciently har# presse#& will pray in so-e way to so-e source o help. (III.G) I1:B.6 Do not 'e so sloth ul as to as3 Go# to solve your #i iculties& 'ut never hesitate to as3 hi- or wis#o- an# spiritual stren(th to (ui#e an# sustain you while you yoursel resolutely an# coura(eously attac3 the pro'le-s at han#. (III.I) I1:B.B "rayer has 'een an in#ispensa'le actor in the pro(ress an# preservation o reli(ious civili/ation& an# it still has -i(hty contri'utions to -a3e to the urther enhance-ent an# spirituali/ation o society i those who pray will only #o so in the li(ht o scienti ic acts& philosophic wis#o-& intellectual sincerity& an# spiritual aith. "ray as Desus tau(ht his #isciples J honestly& unsel ishly& with airness& an# without #ou'tin(. (1000.1) I1:B.F !ut the e icacy o prayer in the personal spiritual e,perience o the one who prays is in no way #epen#ent on such a worshiper>s intellectual un#erstan#in(& philosophic acu-en& social level& cultural status& or other -ortal acAuire-ents. +he psychic an# spiritual conco-itants o the prayer o aith are i--e#iate& personal& an# e,periential. +here is no other techniAue where'y every -an& re(ar#less o all other -ortal acco-plish-ents& can so e ectively an# i--e#iately approach the threshol# o that real- wherein he can co--unicate with his ?a3er& where the

upaya per3asa re or-asi #an per'uatan 'erani prestasi (a(ah . ( IIG&B ) I1:6.3 Di3a 0n#a 'enar1'enar in(in -en(atasi 3e'iasaan -en(3riti3 'e'erapa te-an & cara tercepat #an palin( pasti untu3 -encapai suatu peru'ahan si3ap a#alah untu3 -e-'an(un 3e'iasaan 'er#oa untu3 oran( itu setiap hari #ala- hi#up 0n#a . +api #a-pa3 sosial #ari #oa terse'ut ter(antun( se'a(ian 'esar pa#a #ua 3on#isi : (IIG&F) I1:6.4 1 . Oran( yan( 'er#oa untu3 harus tahu 'ahwa ia se#an( 'er#oa . (III&1) I1:6.6 . . Oran( yan( 'er#oa harus #atan( 3e #ala- 3onta3 sosial yan( inti- #en(an oran( untu3 siapa ia 'er#oa . ( III&. ) I1:6.B Doa a#alah te3ni3 #i-ana & cepat atau la-'at & setiap a(a-a -en;a#i #ile-'a(a3an . Dan #ala- #oa wa3tu -en;a#i ter3ait #en(an 'er'a(ai le-'a(a se3un#er & 'e'erapa -e-'antu& oran( lain ;elas -erusa3 & seperti pen#eta & 3ita' suci & ritual i'a#ah & #an sere-onial . ( III&3 ) I1:6.F +api pi3iran pencerahan spiritual yan( le'ih 'esar harus 'ersa'ar #en(an & #an toleran terha#ap & oran( intele3 3uran( #i'er3ahi yan( -en#a-'a3an si-'olis-e untu3 -o'ilisasi wawasan rohani -ere3a yan( le-ah . @an( 3uat ti#a3 harus -elihat #en(an ;i;i3 atas le-ah. ?ere3a yan( 0llah sa#ar tanpa si-'olis-e ti#a3 harus -enyan(3al 3asih 3arunia 1 pelayanan si-'ol 'a(i -ere3a yan( -erasa sulit untu3 -enye-'ah +uhan #an -en(hor-ati 3e'enaran& 3ein#ahan & #an 3e'ai3an tanpa 'entu3 #an ritual . Dala- i'a#ah #oa & -anusia yan( palin( -e-'ayan(3an 'e'erapa si-'ol o'ye3 1 tu;uan i'a#ah -ere3a . B . "rovinsi Doa ( III&4 ) I1:B.1 Doa & 3ecuali #alahu'un(an #en(an 3ehen#a3 #an tin#a3an 3e3uatan rohani pri'a#i #an

creature contacts with the reality o the $reator& with the in#wellin( +hou(ht 0#;uster. -. 3ysti,is&B E,stasyB and nspiration (1000..) I1:F.1 ?ysticis-& as the techniAue o the cultivation o the consciousness o the presence o Go#& is alto(ether praiseworthy& 'ut when such practices lea# to social isolation an# cul-inate in reli(ious anaticis-& they are all 'ut reprehensi'le. 0lto(ether too reAuently that which the overwrou(ht -ystic evaluates as #ivine inspiration is the uprisin(s o his own #eep -in#. +he contact o the -ortal -in# with its in#wellin( 0#;uster& while o ten avore# 'y #evote# -e#itation& is -ore reAuently acilitate# 'y wholehearte# an# lovin( service in unsel ish -inistry to one>s ellow creatures. (1000.3) I1:F.. +he (reat reli(ious teachers an# the prophets o past a(es were not e,tre-e -ystics. +hey were Go#1 3nowin( -en an# wo-en who 'est serve# their Go# 'y unsel ish -inistry to their ellow -ortals. Desus o ten too3 his apostles away 'y the-selves or short perio#s to en(a(e in -e#itation an# prayer& 'ut or the -ost part he 3ept the- in service1contact with the -ultitu#es. +he soul o -an reAuires spiritual e,ercise as well as spiritual nourish-ent. (1000.4) I1:F.3 Heli(ious ecstasy is per-issi'le when resultin( ro- sane antece#ents& 'ut such e,periences are -ore o ten the out(rowth o purely e-otional in luences than a -ani estation o #eep spiritual character. Heli(ious persons -ust not re(ar# every vivi# psycholo(ic presenti-ent an# every intense e-otional e,perience as a #ivine revelation or a spiritual co--unication. Genuine spiritual ecstasy is usually associate# with (reat outwar# cal-ness an# al-ost per ect e-otional control. !ut true prophetic vision is a superpsycholo(ic presenti-ent. %uch visitations are not pseu#o hallucinations& neither are they tranceli3e ecstasies. (1000.6) I1:F.4 +he hu-an -in# -ay per orin response to so1calle# inspiration when it is sensitive either to the uprisin(s o the su'conscious or to the sti-ulus o

pen(awas 'ahan ala- & 'isa ti#a3 -e-ili3i e e3 lan(sun( pa#a lin(3un(an isi3 seseoran( . %e-entara a#a 'atas yan( san(at pasti untu3 provinsi petisi #oa & 'atas terse'ut ti#a3 sa-a 'erla3u untu3 i-an -ere3a yan( 'er#oa. ( III&6 ) I1:B.. Doa 'u3an te3ni3 untu3 -enye-'uh3an penya3it nyata #an or(ani3 & tetapi telah -e-'eri3an 3ontri'usi 'esar terha#ap 3eni3-atan 3esehatan yan( 'erli-pah #an penye-'uhan 'er'a(ai penya3it -ental& e-osional & #an (u(up . Dan 'ah3an #ala- penya3it 'a3teri yan( se'enarnya & #oa -e-ili3i 'anya3 3ali #ita-'ah3an 3e 3e-an;uran prose#ur per'ai3an lainnya . Doa telah 'eru'ah 'anya3 yan( -arah #an -en(eluh ti#a3 vali# -en;a#i tela#an 3esa'aran #an -e-'uatnya -en;a#i inspirasi 'a(i se-ua pen#erita -anusia lainnya . ( III&B ) I1:B.3 +i#a3 pe#uli 'etapa sulitnya -un(3in untu3 -en#a-ai3an #ou'tin(s il-iah tentan( 3e-an;uran #oa #en(an #oron(an selalu ha#ir untu3 -encari 'antuan #an 'i-'in(an #ari su-'er ilahi & ti#a3 pernah lupa 'ahwa #oa yan( tulus i-an a#alah 3e3uatan per3asa untu3 pro-osi 3e'aha(iaan pri'a#i & in#ivi#u pen(en#alian #iri & har-oni sosial & 3e-a;uan -oral& #an pencapaian spiritual . ( III&F ) I1:B.4 Doa & 'ah3an se'a(ai pra3ti3 -urni -anusia& #ialo( #en(an seseoran( alter e(o & -erupa3an te3ni3 pen#e3atan yan( palin( e isien untu3 realisasi 3e3uatan13e3uatan ca#an(an #ari si at -anusia yan( #isi-pan #an #ilestari3an #i ala- 'awah sa#ar pi3iran -anusia . Doa a#alah pra3te3 psi3olo(is suara & selain #ari i-pli3asi reli(ius #an si(ni i3ansi spiritualnya . 4ni a#alah a3ta pen(ala-an -anusia yan( 3e'anya3an oran( & ;i3a cu3up #ite3an 3eras & a3an 'er#oa #ala- 'e'erapa cara untu3 'e'erapa su-'er 'antuan . ( III&G ) I1:B.6 Dan(an terlalu -alas untu3 -e-inta +uhan untu3 -e-ecah3an 3esulitan 0n#a & tetapi ti#a3 pernah ra(u untu3 -e-inta 3e'i;a3sanaan #an 3e3uatan spiritual

the superconscious. 4n either case it appears to the in#ivi#ual that such au(-entations o the content o consciousness are -ore or less orei(n. Unrestraine# -ystical enthusias- an# ra-pant reli(ious ecstasy are not the cre#entials o inspiration& suppose#ly #ivine cre#entials. (1000.B) I1:F.6 +he practical test o all these stran(e reli(ious e,periences o -ysticis-& ecstasy& an# inspiration is to o'serve whether these pheno-ena cause an in#ivi#ual: (1000.F) I1:F.B 1. +o en;oy 'etter an# -ore co-plete physical health. (1000.G) I1:F.F .. +o unction -ore e iciently an# practically in his -ental li e. (1000.I) I1:F.G 3. ?ore ully an# ;oy ully to sociali/e his reli(ious e,perience. (1000.10) I1:F.I 4. ?ore co-pletely to spirituali/e his #ay1'y1#ay livin( while aith ully #ischar(in( the co--onplace #uties o routine -ortal e,istence. (1001.1) I1:F.10 6. +o enhance his love or& an# appreciation o & truth& 'eauty& an# (oo#ness. (1001..) I1:F.11 B. +o conserve currently reco(ni/e# social& -oral& ethical& an# spiritual values. (1001.3) I1:F.1. F. +o increase his spiritual insi(ht J Go#1consciousness. (1001.4) I1:F.13 !ut prayer has no real association with these e,ceptional reli(ious e,periences. 2hen prayer 'eco-es over-uch aesthetic& when it consists al-ost e,clusively in 'eauti ul an# 'liss ul conte-plation o para#isiacal #ivinity& it loses -uch o its sociali/in( in luence an# ten#s towar# -ysticisan# the isolation o its #evotees. +here is a certain #an(er associate# with over-uch private prayin( which is correcte# an# prevente# 'y (roup prayin(& co--unity #evotions. 1. Prayin# as a Persona! E?perien,e (1001.6) I1:G.1 +here is a truly spontaneous aspect to prayer& or pri-itive -an oun# hi-sel prayin( lon( 'e ore he ha# any clear concept o a Go#. =arly -an was wont to pray in two #iverse situations: 2hen in #ire nee#& he e,perience# the i-pulse to reach out or help; an# when ;u'ilant& he in#ul(e# the i-pulsive e,pression o ;oy. (1001.B) I1:G.. "rayer is not an evolution o

untu3 -e-'i-'in( #an -en#u3un( 0n#a se-entara 0n#a sen#iri #en(an te(as #an 'erani -enyeran( -asalah #i tan(an . ( III&I ) I1:B.B Doa telah -en;a#i a3tor yan( san(at #iperlu3an #ala- 3e-a;uan #an pelestarian pera#a'an a(a-a & #an -asih -e-ili3i 3ontri'usi 'esar untu3 -e-'uat untu3 penin(3atan le'ih lan;ut #an spiritualisasi -asyara3at ;i3a oran(1 oran( yan( 'er#oa hanya a3an -ela3u3annya #ala- teran( il-iah a3ta & 3e'i;a3sanaan iloso is & 3etulusan intele3tual & spiritual #an i-an . !er#oalah seperti @esus -en(a;ar -uri#1 -uri#nya 1 ;u;ur & tanpa pa-rih & #en(an 3ea#ilan & #an tanpa -era(u3an . ( 1000.1 ) I1:B.F Ca-un 3e-an;uran #oa #ala- pen(ala-an spiritual pri'a#i #ari seseoran( yan( 'er#oa sa-a se3ali ti#a3 ter(antun( pa#a pe-aha-an seoran( penye-'ah seperti itu intele3tual & 3ecer#asan iloso is & tin(3at sosial& status 'u#aya & atau acAuire-ents ana lainnya . "ara conco-itants psi3is #an spiritual #oa i-an yan( lan(sun( & pri'a#i& #an pen(ala-an . +i#a3 a#a te3ni3 lain #i-ana setiap oran( & terlepas #ari se(ala yan( #ila3u3annya -a3hlu3 hi#up lain & #apat secara e e3ti #an se(era -en#e3ati a-'an( wilayah itu #i-ana #ia 'isa 'er3o-uni3asi #en(an "enciptanya & #i -ana 3onta3 -a3hlu3 #en(an realitas %an( "encipta & #en(an 'er#ia-nya +hou(ht a#;uster . F . +asawu & =3stasi & #an 4nspirasi ( 1000.. ) I1:F.1 ?istisis-e & se'a(ai te3ni3 'u#i#aya 3esa#aran 3eha#iran 0llah & a#alah sa-a se3ali #ipu;i & tapi 3eti3a pra3te31pra3te3 terse'ut -enye'a'3an isolasi sosial #an 'eru;un( pa#a anatis-e a(a-a & -ere3a se-ua tapi tercela . %e-uanya terlalu serin( 'ahwa yan( te(an( -isti3 -en(evaluasi se'a(ai inspirasi ilahi a#alah pe-'eronta3an pi3iran yan( -en#alasen#iri . <onta3 #ari pi3iran ana #en(an 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya & se-entara serin( #isu3ai oleh -e#itasi setia & le'ih serin( #i asilitasi oleh layanan sepenuh hati #an penuh 3asih #ala- pelayanan ti#a3 e(ois

-a(ic; they each arose in#epen#ently. ?a(ic was an atte-pt to a#;ust Deity to con#itions; prayer is the e ort to a#;ust the personality to the will o Deity. +rue prayer is 'oth -oral an# reli(ious; -a(ic is neither. (1001.F) I1:G.3 "rayer -ay 'eco-e an esta'lishe# custo-; -any pray 'ecause others #o. %till others pray 'ecause they ear so-ethin( #ire ul -ay happen i they #o not o er their re(ular supplications. (1001.G) I1:G.4 +o so-e in#ivi#uals prayer is the cal- e,pression o (ratitu#e; to others& a (roup e,pression o praise& social #evotions; so-eti-es it is the i-itation o another>s reli(ion& while in true prayin( it is the sincere an# trustin( co--unication o the spiritual nature o the creature with the anywhere presence o the spirit o the $reator. (1001.I) I1:G.6 "rayer -ay 'e a spontaneous e,pression o Go#1consciousness or a -eanin(less recitation o theolo(ic or-ulas. 4t -ay 'e the ecstatic praise o a Go#13nowin( soul or the slavish o'eisance o a ear1ri##en -ortal. 4t is so-eti-es the pathetic e,pression o spiritual cravin( an# so-eti-es the 'latant shoutin( o pious phrases. "rayer -ay 'e ;oyous praise or a hu-'le plea or or(iveness. (1001.10) I1:G.B "rayer -ay 'e the chil#li3e plea or the i-possi'le or the -ature entreaty or -oral (rowth an# spiritual power. 0 petition -ay 'e or #aily 'rea# or -ay e-'o#y a wholehearte# yearnin( to in# Go# an# to #o his will. 4t -ay 'e a wholly sel ish reAuest or a true an# -a(ni icent (esture towar# the reali/ation o unsel ish 'rotherhoo#. (1001.11) I1:G.F "rayer -ay 'e an an(ry cry or ven(eance or a -erci ul intercession or one>s ene-ies. 4t -ay 'e the e,pression o a hope o chan(in( Go# or the power ul techniAue o chan(in( one>s sel . 4t -ay 'e the crin(in( plea o a lost sinner 'e ore a suppose#ly stern Du#(e or the ;oy ul e,pression o a li'erate# son o the livin( an# -erci ul heavenly Father. (1001.1.) I1:G.G ?o#ern -an is perple,e# 'y the thou(ht o tal3in( thin(s over with Go# in a purely personal way. ?any have a'an#one# re(ular prayin(; they only pray when un#er unusual pressure J in

untu3 sesa-a -a3hlu3 seseoran( . ( 1.000&3 ) I1:F.. "ara (uru a(a-a 'esar #an na'i1na'i -asa la-pau ti#a3 -isti3us e3stri-. ?ere3a a#alah +uhan -en(etahui pria #an wanita yan( ter'ai3 #ilayani +uhan -ere3a #en(an pelayanan tanpa pa-rih 3epa#a sesa-a -anusia -ere3a. @esus serin( -en(a-'il rasul1Cya per(i #en(an sen#irinya untu3 perio#e sin(3at untu3 terli'at #ala- -e#itasi #an #oa & tetapi untu3 se'a(ian 'esar ia terus -ere3a #ala- pelayanan 1 3onta3 #en(an oran( 'anya3 . Diwa -anusia -e-'utuh3an latihan spiritual serta santapan rohani . ( 1.000&4 ) I1:F.3 e3stasi 0(a-a #iper'oleh3an 3eti3a #ihasil3an #ari pen#ahulunya waras & tetapi pen(ala-an terse'ut le'ih serin( hasil #ari pen(aruh -urni e-osional #aripa#a -ani estasi 3ara3ter spiritual yan( -en#ala- . U-at 'era(a-a ti#a3 harus -en(an((ap setiap irasat psi3olo(is hi#up #an setiap pen(ala-an e-osional yan( 3uat se'a(ai wahyu ilahi atau 3o-uni3asi rohani . =3stase spiritual 0sli 'iasanya #i3ait3an #en(an 3etenan(an luar yan( 'esar #an 3ontrol e-osional ha-pir se-purna . +api visi pro eti3 se;ati a#alah irasat superpsycholo(ic . <un;un(an terse'ut ti#a3 halusinasi se-u & 'ai3 -ere3a e3stasi trans . ( 1.000&6 ) I1:F.4 "i3iran -anusia #apat -ela3u3an #ala- -enan((api apa yan( #ise'ut inspirasi 3eti3a sensiti 'ai3 terha#ap pe-'eronta3an 'awah sa#ar atau sti-ulus #ari superconscious . Dala- 3e#ua 3asus ta-pa3nya in#ivi#u yan( au(-entations seperti isi 3esa#aran le'ih atau 3uran( asin(. 0ntusias-e -istis ter3en#ali #an e3stase reli(ius -era;alela ti#a3 -an#at inspirasi & 3re#ensial seharusnya ilahi . ( 1.000&B ) I1:F.6 U;i pra3tis #ari se-ua pen(ala-an ini a(a-a aneh -istisis-e & e3stasi & #an inspirasi a#alah untu3 -en(a-ati apa3ah eno-ena ini -enye'a'3an seoran( in#ivi#u : (1000&F) I1:F.B 1 . Untu3 -eni3-ati 3esehatan isi3 yan( le'ih 'ai3 #an le'ih

e-er(encies. ?an shoul# 'e una rai# to tal3 to Go#& 'ut only a spiritual chil# woul# un#erta3e to persua#e& or presu-e to chan(e& Go#. (100..1) I1:G.I !ut real prayin( #oes attain reality. =ven when the air currents are ascen#in(& no 'ir# can soar e,cept 'y outstretche# win(s. "rayer elevates -an 'ecause it is a techniAue o pro(ressin( 'y the utili/ation o the ascen#in( spiritual currents o the universe. (100...) I1:G.10 Genuine prayer a##s to spiritual (rowth& -o#i ies attitu#es& an# yiel#s that satis action which co-es roco--union with #ivinity. 4t is a spontaneous out'urst o Go#1 consciousness. (100..3) I1:G.11 Go# answers -an>s prayer 'y (ivin( hi- an increase# revelation o truth& an enhance# appreciation o 'eauty& an# an au(-ente# concept o (oo#ness. "rayer is a su';ective (esture& 'ut it contacts with -i(hty o';ective realities on the spiritual levels o hu-an e,perience; it is a -eanin( ul reach 'y the hu-an or superhu-an values. 4t is the -ost potent spiritual1(rowth sti-ulus. (100..4) I1:G.1. 2or#s are irrelevant to prayer; they are -erely the intellectual channel in which the river o spiritual supplication -ay chance to low. +he wor# value o a prayer is purely autosu((estive in private #evotions an# sociosu((estive in (roup #evotions. Go# answers the soul>s attitu#e& not the wor#s. (100..6) I1:G.13 "rayer is not a techniAue o escape ro- con lict 'ut rather a sti-ulus to (rowth in the very ace o con lict. "ray only or values& not thin(s; or (rowth& not or (rati ication. @. /onditions of Effe,tive Prayer (100..B) I1:I.1 4 you woul# en(a(e in e ective prayin(& you shoul# 'ear in -in# the laws o prevailin( petitions: (100..F) I1:I.. 1. @ou -ust Auali y as a potent prayer 'y sincerely an# coura(eously acin( the pro'le-s o universe reality. @ou -ust possess cos-ic sta-ina. (100..G) I1:I.3 .. @ou -ust have honestly e,hauste# the hu-an capacity or hu-an a#;ust-ent. @ou -ust have 'een in#ustrious. (100..I) I1:I.4 3. @ou -ust surren#er every wish o -in# an# every cravin( o soul to

len(3ap . (1000&G) I1:F.F . . Untu3 'er un(si le'ih e isien #an pra3tis #ala- 3ehi#upan -entalnya . (1000&I) I1:F.G 3 . 8e'ih len(3ap #an su3acita untu3 -ensosialisasi3an pen(ala-an reli(iusnya. (1000&10) I1:F.I 4 . 8e'ih len(3ap -enspiritual3an nya sehari 1hari oleh ta-u se-entara setia -ela3sana3an tu(as 'iasa #ari 3ehi#upan ana rutin. (1001&1) I1:F.10 6 . Untu3 -enin(3at3an cintanya & #an apresiasi & 3e'enaran& 3ein#ahan & #an 3e'ai3an . (1001&.) I1:F.11 B . Untu3 -en(he-at saat ini #ia3ui -oral& eti3a & #an spiritual nilai1nilai sosial & . (1001&3) I1:F.1. F . Untu3 -ena-'ah wawasan spiritualnya 1 3esa#aran +uhan . ( 1.001&4 ) I1:F.13 +api #oa ti#a3 -e-ili3i hu'un(an nyata #en(an pen(ala-an1pen(ala-an reli(ius yan( luar 'iasa . <eti3a #oa -en;a#i terlalu esteti3a & 3eti3a ter#iri ha-pir secara e3s3lusi #ala- 3onte-plasi yan( in#ah #an 'aha(ia 3eilahian ir#aus & 3ehilan(an 'anya3 pen(aruh 'ersosialisasi #an cen#erun( 3e arah -istisis-e #an isolasi pen(anutnya . 0#a 'ahaya tertentu yan( ter3ait #en(an terlalu pri'a#i 'er#oa yan( #i3ore3si #an #ice(ah #en(an 3elo-po3 'er#oa & i'a#ah -asyara3at. G . !er#oa se'a(ai "en(ala-an "ri'a#i ( 1.001&6 ) I1:G.1 0#a aspe3 yan( 'enar1 'enar spontan untu3 #oa& -anusia pri-iti -ene-u3an #irinya 'er#oa ;auh se'elu- ia punya 3onsep yan( ;elas #ari 0llah. ?anusia pur'a a#alah wont untu3 'er#oa #ala- #ua situasi yan( 'er'e#a : <eti3a -e-'utuh3an& ia -en(ala-i #oron(an untu3 -en;an(3au untu3 -e-'antu & #an 3eti3a (e-'ira & ia -e-an;a3an e3spresi i-pulsi su3acita .

the trans or-in( e-'race o spiritual (rowth. @ou -ust have e,perience# an enhance-ent o -eanin(s an# an elevation o values. (100..10) I1:I.6 4. @ou -ust -a3e a wholehearte# choice o the #ivine will. @ou -ust o'literate the #ea# center o in#ecision. (100..11) I1:I.B 6. @ou not only reco(ni/e the Father>s will an# choose to #o it& 'ut you have e ecte# an unAuali ie# consecration& an# a #yna-ic #e#ication& to the actual #oin( o the Father>s will. (100..1.) I1:I.F B. @our prayer will 'e #irecte# e,clusively or #ivine wis#o- to solve the speci ic hu-an pro'le-s encountere# in the "ara#ise ascension J the attain-ent o #ivine per ection. (100..13) I1:I.G F. 0n# you -ust have aith J livin( aith. (100..14) I1:I.I M"resente# 'y the $hie o the Urantia ?i#wayers.N

( 1.001&B ) I1:G.. Doa 'u3anlah evolusi sihir& -ere3a -asin(1-asin( -uncul secara in#epen#en . %ihir -erupa3an upaya untu3 -enyesuai3an #en(an 3on#isi Dewa & #oa a#alah upaya untu3 -enyesuai3an 3epri'a#ian #en(an 3ehen#a3 +uhan . Doa yan( 'enar a#alah 'ai3 -oral #an a(a-a & sihir a#alah ti#a3. ( 1.001&F ) I1:G.3 Doa #apat -en;a#i 3e'iasaan -apan & 'anya3 'er#oa 3arena oran( lain la3u3an . @an( lain 'er#oa 3arena -ere3a ta3ut sesuatu yan( -en#ahsyat3an -un(3in ter;a#i ;i3a -ere3a ti#a3 -enawar3an per-ohonan re(uler -ere3a . ( 1.001&G ) I1:G.4 Untu3 'e'erapa in#ivi#u #oa a#alah e3spresi tenan( syu3ur & untu3 oran( lain & e3spresi 3elo-po3 pu;ian & i'a#ah sosial & 3a#an(1 3a#an( itu a#alah i-itasi #ari a(a-a lain & se#an(3an pa#a yan( 'enar 'er#oa itu a#alah 3o-uni3asi yan( tulus #an percaya #ari si at spiritual #ari -a3hlu3 #en(an 3eha#iran #i -ana sa;a se-an(at %an( "encipta . ( 1.001&I ) I1:G.6 Doa #apat -en;a#i e3spresi spontan 3esa#aran +uhan atau 'acaan 'erarti or-ula y( -en(enai a(a-a . ?un(3in pu;ian (e-'ira #ari ;iwa +uhan -en(etahui atau se-'ah -e-'u#a3 seoran( -anusia ta3ut 1 #itun((an(i. <a#an(13a#an( e3spresi -enye#ih3an 3ein(inan spiritual #an 3a#an(13a#an( 'erteria3 teran(1 teran(an rasa saleh . Doa -un(3in pu;ian (e-'ira atau per-ohonan se#erhana pen(a-punan . ( 1001&10 ) I1:G.B Doa -un(3in per-ohonan seperti ana3 3ecil yan( ti#a3 -un(3in atau per-ohonan -atan( untu3 pertu-'uhan -oral #an 3e3uatan spiritual . %e'uah petisi -un(3in untu3 roti harian atau -un(3in -ewu;u#3an 3erin#uan sepenuh hati untu3 -encari +uhan #an -ela3u3an 3ehen#a31Cya . 4ni -un(3in se'uah per-intaan sepenuhnya e(ois atau si3ap yan( 'enar #an -e(ah -enu;u realisasi persau#araan e(ois . ( 1001&11 ) I1:G.F Doa #apat -en;a#i

teria3an -arah untu3 -e-'alas #en#aatau sya aat 3asih sayan( 'a(i -usuh seseoran(. 4ni -un(3in e3spresi #ari harapan -en(u'ah +uhan atau te3ni3 yan( a-puh untu3 -en(u'ah #iri seseoran( . ?un(3in pe-'elaan -en(ernyit oran( 'er#osa hilan( se'elu- 9a3i- seharusnya te(as atau e3spresi su3acita #ari ana3 #i'e'as3an #ari !apa sur(awi hi#up #an penuh 'elas 3asihan . ( 1001&1. ) I1:G.G ?anusia -o#ern a#alah 'in(un( oleh pi3iran 'er'icara hal1hal #i atas #en(an 0llah #en(an cara -urni pri'a#i . !anya3 yan( #itin((al3an teratur 'er#oa & -ere3a hanya 'er#oa 3eti3a 'era#a #i 'awah te3anan yan( ti#a3 'iasa 1 #ala- 3ea#aan #arurat . ?anusia harus ta3ut untu3 'er'icara 3epa#a +uhan & tetapi hanya seoran( ana3 spiritual a3an 'erusaha untu3 -e-'u;u3 & atau 'erani 'eru'ah& +uhan . ( 1.00.&1 ) I1:G.I +api nyata 'er#oa ti#a3 -encapai 3enyataan. !ah3an 3eti3a arus u#ara yan( nai3& a#a 'urun( 'isa -ela-'un( 3ecuali #en(an sayap terentan( . Doa -en(an(3at -anusia 3arena -erupa3an te3ni3 -a;u #en(an pe-an aatan arus spiritual -enai3 alase-esta . ( 1.00.&. ) I1:G.10 #oa 0sli -ena-'ah pertu-'uhan rohani & -e-o#i i3asi si3ap & #an hasil 'ahwa 3epuasan yan( 'erasal #ari perse3utuan #en(an 3eilahian . 4ni a#alah cetusan 3esa#aran +uhan . ( 1.00.&3 ) #oa I1:G.11 0llah -en;awa' -anusia #en(an -e-'erinya penin(3atan pen(un(3apan 3e'enaran & apresiasi #ise-purna3an 3ein#ahan & #an 3onsep au(-ente# 3e'ai3an . Doa a#alah si3ap su'ye3ti & tapi 3onta3 #en(an realitas o'ye3ti 3uat pa#a tin(3at spiritual pen(ala-an -anusia & yan( -erupa3an ;an(3auan yan( 'erarti oleh -anusia untu3 nilai1nilai -anusia super . 4ni a#alah yan( palin( a-puh sti-ulus spiritual 1 pertu-'uhan. ( 1.00.&4 ) I1:G.1. <ata13ata ti#a3 relevan untu3 'er#oa & -ere3a hanyalah saluran intele3tual #i -ana sun(ai

per-ohonan spiritual #apat 3ese-patan untu3 -en(alir. Cilai 3ata #oa a#alah -urni autosu((estive #ala- i'a#ah1 i'a#ah pri'a#i #an sociosu((estive #ala- i'a#ah 3elo-po3 . 0llah -en;awa' si3ap ;iwa & 'u3an 3ata13ata . ( 1.00.&6 ) I1:G.13 Doa 'u3anlah te3ni3 -elari3an #iri #ari 3on li3 -elain3an sti-ulus untu3 pertu-'uhan san(at -en(ha#api 3on li3 . !er#oa hanya untu3 nilai & 'u3an hal1hal & untu3 pertu-'uhan & 'u3an untu3 3epuasan . I . <on#isi Doa yan( = e3ti ( 1.00.&B ) I1:I.1 Di3a 0n#a a3an terli'at #ala- 'er#oa yan( e e3ti & 0n#a harus -en(in(at hu3u- yan( 'erla3u petisi : (100.&F) I1:I.. 1 . 0n#a harus -e-enuhi syarat se'a(ai #oa 3uat oleh tulus #an 'erani -en(ha#api -asalah alase-esta realitas. 0n#a harus -e-ili3i sta-ina 3os-i3 . (100.&G) I1:I.3 . . 0n#a harus ;u;ur ha'is 3e-a-puan -anusia untu3 penyesuaian -anusia. 0n#a pasti ra;in . (100.&I) I1:I.4 3 . 0n#a harus -enyerah3an setiap 3ein(inan pi3iran #an setiap 3ein(inan ;iwa 3e pelu3an trans or-asi pertu-'uhan rohani . 0n#a harus telah -en(ala-i penin(3atan -a3na #an 3etin((ian nilai1nilai . (100.&10) I1:I.6 4 . 0n#a harus -e-'uat pilihan sepenuh hati #ari 3ehen#a3 ilahi . 0n#a harus -elenyap3an pusat -ati 3e'in(un(an . (100.&11) I1:I.B 6 . 0n#a ti#a3 hanya -en(a3ui a3an !apa #an -e-ilih untu3 -ela3u3annya & tetapi 0n#a telah #ila3u3an suatu pentah'isan wa;ar tanpa pen(ecualian & #an #e#i3asi yan( #ina-is & untu3 se'enarnya -ela3u3an 3ehen#a3 !apa . (100.&1.) I1:I.F B . Doa 0n#a a3an #iarah3an secara e3s3lusi untu3 3e'i;a3sanaan ilahi untu3 -e-ecah3an -asalah -anusia spesi i3 yan( #iha#api #i "ara#ise 3enai3an 1 pencapaian

3ese-purnaan ilahi . (100.&13) I1:I.G F . Dan 0n#a harus -e-ili3i i-an 1 i-an yan( hi#up . ( 100.&14 ) I1:I.I M Disa-pai3an oleh <epala -i#wayers Urantia . N +he Urantia 3ertas 1F0 <era;aan %ur(a ( 1.G6G&1 ) 1F0:0.1 %0!+U sore & 11 ?aret & @esus -enya-pai3an 3hot'ah tera3hirnya #i "ella . 4ni a#alah salah satu ala-at pentin( pelayanan pu'li3 & -eran(3ul #is3usi penuh #an len(3ap #ari 3era;aan sur(a . Dia -enya#ari 3e'in(un(an yan( a#a #i 'ena3 para rasul1Cya #an -uri#1-uri# tentan( arti #an -a3na #ari istilah : 3era;aan sur(a : #an : <era;aan 0llah :& yan( ia (una3an se'a(ai se'utan #ipertu3ar3an -isi pen(anu(erahan nya . ?es3ipun 3era;aan yan( san(at pan;an( sur(a seharusnya su#ah cu3up untu3 -e-isah3an apa yan( 'er#iri #ari se-ua hu'un(an #en(an 3era;aan #uniawi #an pe-erintah se-entara& itu ti#a3 . Ga(asan seoran( ra;a #uniawi terlalu 'erurat1'era3ar #ala- pi3iran @ahu#i sehin((a a3an copot #ala- satu (enerasi . <arena itu @esus ti#a3 pa#a awalnya ter'u3a -enentan( 3onsep ini pan;an( 'er(i/i 3era;aan . ( 1.G6G&. ) 1F0:0.. %a'at sore ini Guru 'erusaha untu3 -en;elas3an a;aran tentan( 3era;aan sur(a & ia -e-'ahas su';e3 #ari setiap su#ut pan#an( #an 'erusaha untu3 -e-'uat ;elas 'anya3 in#era yan( 'er'e#a #i -ana istilah telah #i(una3an . Dala- 3isah ini 3ita a3an -e-per3uat ala-at #en(an -ena-'ah3an 'er'a(ai pernyataan yan( #i'uat oleh @esus pa#a 3ese-patan se'elu-nya #an #en(an -e-asu33an 'e'erapa pernyataan yan( #i'uat hanya untu3 para rasul sela-a #is3usi -alahari yan( sa-a . <a-i ;u(a a3an -e-'uat 3o-entar tertentu yan( 'erurusan #en(an outwor3in( 'eri3utnya (a(asan 3era;aan seperti yan( ter3ait #en(an (ere;a <risten 3e-u#ian .

The Urantia Book Paper 1-> The "in#do& of 5eaven (1G6G.1) 1F0:0.1 %0+UHD0@ a ternoon& ?arch 11& Desus preache# his last ser-on at "ella. +his was a-on( the nota'le a##resses o his pu'lic -inistry& e-'racin( a ull an# co-plete #iscussion o the 3in(#o- o heaven. 9e was aware o the con usion which e,iste# in the -in#s o his apostles an# #isciples re(ar#in( the -eanin( an# si(ni icance o the ter-s )3in(#o- o heaven* an# )3in(#o- o Go#&* which he use# as interchan(ea'le #esi(nations o his 'estowal -ission. 0lthou(h the very ter3in(#o- o heaven shoul# have 'een enou(h to separate what it stoo# or roall connection with earthly 3in(#o-s an# te-poral (overn-ents& it was not. +he i#ea o a te-poral 3in( was too #eep1 roote# in the Dewish -in# thus to 'e #islo#(e# in a sin(le (eneration. +here ore Desus #i# not at irst openly oppose this lon(1nourishe# concept o the 3in(#o-. (1G6G..) 1F0:0.. +his %a''ath a ternoon the ?aster sou(ht to clari y the teachin( a'out the 3in(#o- o heaven; he #iscusse# the su';ect ro- every viewpoint an# en#eavore# to -a3e clear the -any #i erent senses in which the ter- ha# 'een use#. 4n this narrative we will a-pli y the a##ress 'y a##in( nu-erous state-ents -a#e 'y Desus on previous occasions an# 'y inclu#in( so-e re-ar3s -a#e only to the apostles #urin( the evenin( #iscussions o this sa-e #ay. 2e will also -a3e certain co--ents #ealin( with the su'seAuent outwor3in( o the 3in(#o- i#ea as it is relate# to the later$hristian church. 1. /on,epts of the "in#do& of 5eaven (1G6G.3) 1F0:1.1 4n connection with the recital o Desus> ser-on it shoul# 'e note# that throu(hout the 9e'rew scriptures there was a #ual concept o the 3in(#o- o

heaven. +he prophets presente# the 3in(#o- o Go# as: (1G6G.4) 1F0:1.. 1. 0 present reality; an# as (1G6G.6) 1F0:1.3 .. 0 uture hope J when the 3in(#o- woul# 'e reali/e# in ullness upon the appearance o the ?essiah. +his is the 3in(#o- concept which Dohn the !aptist tau(ht. (1G6G.B) 1F0:1.4 Fro- the very irst Desus an# the apostles tau(ht 'oth o these concepts. +here were two other i#eas o the 3in(#o- which shoul# 'e 'orne in -in#: (1G6G.F) 1F0:1.6 3. +he later Dewish concept o a worl#1wi#e an# transcen#ental 3in(#o- o supernatural ori(in an# -iraculous inau(uration. (1G6G.G) 1F0:1.B 4. +he "ersian teachin(s portrayin( the esta'lish-ent o a #ivine 3in(#o- as the achieve-ent o the triu-ph o (oo# over evil at the en# o the worl#. (1G6G.I) 1F0:1.F Dust 'e ore the a#vent o Desus on earth& the Dews co-'ine# an# con use# all o these i#eas o the 3in(#o- into their apocalyptic concept o the ?essiah>s co-in( to esta'lish the a(e o the Dewish triu-ph& the eternal a(e o Go#>s supre-e rule on earth& the new worl#& the era in which all -an3in# woul# worship @ahweh. 4n choosin( to utili/e this concept o the 3in(#o- o heaven& Desus electe# to appropriate the -ost vital an# cul-inatin( herita(e o 'oth the Dewish an# "ersian reli(ions. (1G6I.1) 1F0:1.G +he 3in(#o- o heaven& as it has 'een un#erstoo# an# -isun#erstoo# #own throu(h the centuries o the $hristian era& e-'race# our #istinct (roups o i#eas: (1G6I..) 1F0:1.I 1. +he concept o the Dews. (1G6I.3) 1F0:1.10 .. +he concept o the "ersians. (1G6I.4) 1F0:1.11 3. +he personal1e,perience concept o Desus J )the 3in(#o- o heaven within you.* (1G6I.6) 1F0:1.1. 4. +he co-posite an# con use# concepts which the oun#ers an# pro-ul(ators o $hristianity have sou(ht to i-press upon the worl#. (1G6I.B) 1F0:1.13 0t #i erent ti-es an# in varyin( circu-stances it appears that Desus -ay have presente# nu-erous concepts o the )3in(#o-* in his pu'lic teachin(s& 'ut to his apostles he always

1 . <onsep <era;aan %ur(a ( 1.G6G&3 ) 1F0:1.1 %ehu'un(an #en(an pe-'acaan 3hot'ah @esus perlu #icatat 'ahwa seluruh <ita' %uci 4'rani a#a 3onsep (an#a #ari 3era;aan sur(a . "ara na'i #isa;i3an 3era;aan 0llah se'a(ai : (1G6G&4) 1F0:1.. 1 . %e'uah 3enyataan yan( a#a& #an se'a(ai (1G6G&6) 1F0:1.3 . . %e'uah harapan -asa #epan 1 saat 3era;aan a3an #irealisasi3an #ala- 3epenuhan atas pena-pilan ?esias . 4ni a#alah 3onsep 3era;aan yan( #ia;ar3an @ohanes "e-'aptis . ( 1.G6G&B ) 1F0:1.4 Dari @esus perta-a #an para rasul -en(a;ar3an 3e#ua 3onsep terse'ut. 0#a #ua i#e lain #ari 3era;aan yan( harus #iin(at : (1G6G&F) 1F0:1.6 3 . <onsep @ahu#i #i 3e-u#ian hari #ari 3era;aan #i seluruh #unia #an transen#ental asal supranatural #an peres-ian a;ai' . (1G6G&G) 1F0:1.B 4 . 0;aran "ersia -en((a-'ar3an pe-'entu3an 3era;aan ilahi se'a(ai pencapaian 3e-enan(an 3e'ai3an atas 3e;ahatan pa#a a3hir #unia . ( 1.G6G&I ) 1F0:1.F +epat se'elu3e#atan(an @esus #i 'u-i & oran(1oran( @ahu#i #i3o-'inasi3an #an 'in(un( se-ua i#e1i#e 3era;aan 3e #ala- 3onsep apo3alipti3 -ere3a 3e#atan(an ?esias untu3 -enetap3an usia 3e-enan(an @ahu#i & usia 3e3al tertin((i 0llah aturan #i 'u-i & #unia 'aru & era #i -ana se-ua u-at -anusia a3an -enye-'ah @ahweh . Dala- -e-ilih untu3 -e-an aat3an 3onsep 3era;aan sur(a & @esus -e-ilih untu3 tepat warisan yan( palin( pentin( #an 'erpunca3 #ari 3e#ua a(a-a @ahu#i #an "ersia . ( 1.G6I&1 ) 1F0:1.G <era;aan %or(a & seperti yan( telah #ipaha-i #an #isalahpaha-i sela-a 'era'a#1a'a# #ari era <risten & -e-elu3 e-pat 3elo-po3 yan( 'er'e#a #ari i#e :

tau(ht the 3in(#o- as e-'racin( -an>s personal e,perience in relation to his ellows on earth an# to the Father in heaven. $oncernin( the 3in(#o-& his last wor# always was& )+he 3in(#o- is within you.* (1G6I.F) 1F0:1.14 $enturies o con usion re(ar#in( the -eanin( o the ter)3in(#o- o heaven* have 'een #ue to three actors: (1G6I.G) 1F0:1.16 1. +he con usion occasione# 'y o'servin( the i#ea o the )3in(#o-* as it passe# throu(h the various pro(ressive phases o its recastin( 'y Desus an# his apostles. (1G6I.I) 1F0:1.1B .. +he con usion which was inevita'ly associate# with the transplantation o early $hristianity roa Dewish to a (entile soil. (1G6I.10) 1F0:1.1F 3. +he con usion which was inherent in the act that $hristianity 'eca-e a reli(ion which was or(ani/e# a'out the central i#ea o Desus> person; the (ospel o the 3in(#o- 'eca-e -ore an# -ore a reli(ion abouthi-. 2. 4esus /on,ept of the "in#do& (1G6I.11) 1F0:..1 +he ?aster -a#e it clear that the 3in(#o- o heaven -ust 'e(in with& an# 'e centere# in& the #ual concept o the truth o the atherhoo# o Go# an# the correlate# act o the 'rotherhoo# o -an. +he acceptance o such a teachin(& Desus #eclare#& woul# li'erate -an rothe a(e1lon( 'on#a(e o ani-al ear an# at the sa-e ti-e enrich hu-an livin( with the ollowin( en#ow-ents o the new li e o spiritual li'erty: (1G6I.1.) 1F0:... 1. +he possession o new coura(e an# au(-ente# spiritual power. +he (ospel o the 3in(#o- was to set -an ree an# inspire hi- to #are to hope or eternal li e. (1G6I.13) 1F0:..3 .. +he (ospel carrie# a -essa(e o new con i#ence an# true consolation or all -en& even or the poor. (1G6I.14) 1F0:..4 3. 4t was in itsel a new stan#ar# o -oral values& a new ethical yar#stic3 wherewith to -easure hu-an con#uct. 4t portraye# the i#eal o a resultant new or#er o hu-an society. (1G6I.16) 1F0:..6 4. 4t tau(ht the pre1e-inence o the spiritual co-pare# with the -aterial; it (lori ie# spiritual realities an# e,alte# superhu-an i#eals.

(1G6I&.) 1F0:1.I 1 . <onsep oran( @ahu#i . (1G6I&3) 1F0:1.10 . . <onsep "ersia . (1G6I&4) 1F0:1.11 3 . "ri'a#i 1 pen(ala-an 3onsep @esus 1 : 3era;aan sur(a #i #ala- #iri-u . : (1G6I&6) 1F0:1.1. 4 . <onsep 3o-posit #an 'in(un( #i-ana pen#iri #an pro-ul(ators <risten telah 'erusaha -e-'eri3an 3esan 3epa#a #unia . ( 1.G6I&B ) 1F0:1.13 "a#a wa3tu yan( 'er'e#a #an #ala- 'er'a(ai 3ea#aan ta-pa3 'ahwa @esus -un(3in telah #isa;i3an 'er'a(ai 3onsep #ari : 3era;aan : #ala- a;aran pu'li3& tetapi untu3 rasul ia selalu -en(a;ar3an 3era;aan se'a(ai -eran(3ul pen(ala-an pri'a#i -anusia #ala- 3aitannya #en(an nya re3an1re3an #i 'u-i #an !apa #i sur(a . ?en(enai 3era;aan & 3ata tera3hirnya selalu itu & : <era;aan a#alah #ala- #iri 0n#a . : ( 1.G6I&F ) 1F0:1.14 a'a# 3e'in(un(an tentan( arti #ari istilah : 3era;aan sur(a : telah #ise'a'3an oleh ti(a a3tor : (1G6I&G) 1F0:1.16 1 . <e'in(un(an #ise'a'3an oleh -en(a-ati (a(asan : 3era;aan : saat -elewati 'er'a(ai tahapan pro(resi recastin( yan( oleh @esus #an para rasul1Cya . (1G6I&I) 1F0:1.1B . . <e'in(un(an yan( pasti ter3ait #en(an transplantasi <e3ristenan awal #ari @ahu#i 3e tanah 3a ir . (1G6I&10) 1F0:1.1F 3 . <e'in(un(an yan( -ele3at pa#a 3enyataan 'ahwa <risten -en;a#i a(a-a yan( #iselen((ara3an tentan( i#e sentral #ari pri'a#i @esus & 4n;il 3era;aan -en;a#i le'ih #an le'ih -erupa3an a(a-a tentan( #ia . . . <onsep @esus <era;aan ( 1G6I&11 ) 1F0:..1 Guru -e-'uat ;elas 'ahwa 3era;aan sur(a harus #i-ulai #en(an & #an a3an 'erpusat #i & 3onsep (an#a #ari 3e'enaran 3e'apaan 0llah

(1GB0.1) 1F0:..B

6. +his new (ospel hel# up spiritual attain-ent as the true (oal o livin(. 9u-an li e receive# a new en#ow-ent o -oral value an# #ivine #i(nity. (1GB0..) 1F0:..F B. Desus tau(ht that eternal realities were the result (rewar#) o ri(hteous earthly strivin(. ?an>s -ortal so;ourn on earth acAuire# new -eanin(s conseAuent upon the reco(nition o a no'le #estiny. (1GB0.3) 1F0:..G F. +he new (ospel a ir-e# that hu-an salvation is the revelation o a ar1reachin( #ivine purpose to 'e ul ille# an# reali/e# in the uture #estiny o the en#less service o the salva(e# sons o Go#. (1GB0.4) 1F0:..I +hese teachin(s cover the e,pan#e# i#ea o the 3in(#o- which was tau(ht 'y Desus. +his (reat concept was har#ly e-'race# in the ele-entary an# con use# 3in(#o- teachin(s o Dohn the !aptist. (1GB0.6) 1F0:..10 +he apostles were una'le to (rasp the real -eanin( o the ?aster>s utterances re(ar#in( the 3in(#o-. +he su'seAuent #istortion o Desus> teachin(s& as they are recor#e# in the Cew +esta-ent& is 'ecause the concept o the (ospel writers was colore# 'y the 'elie that Desus was then a'sent ro- the worl# or only a short ti-e; that he woul# soon return to esta'lish the 3in(#o- in power an# (lory J ;ust such an i#ea as they hel# while he was with the- in the lesh. !ut Desus #i# not connect the esta'lish-ent o the 3in(#o- with the i#ea o his return to this worl#. +hat centuries have passe# with no si(ns o the appearance o the )Cew 0(e* is in no way out o har-ony with Desus> teachin(. (1GB0.B) 1F0:..11 +he (reat e ort e-'o#ie# in this ser-on was the atte-pt to translate the concept o the 3in(#o- o heaven into the i#eal o the i#ea o #oin( the will o Go#. 8on( ha# the ?aster tau(ht his ollowers to pray: )@our 3in(#o- co-e; your will 'e #one*; an# at this ti-e he earnestly sou(ht to in#uce theto a'an#on the use o the ter- +ingdom of *od in avor o the -ore practical eAuivalent& the will of *od. !ut he #i# not succee#. (1GB0.F) 1F0:..1. Desus #esire# to su'stitute or the i#ea o the 3in(#o-& 3in(& an#

#an a3ta 'er3orelasi #ari persau#araan -anusia . "eneri-aan a;aran seperti itu & @esus -enyata3an & a3an -e-'e'as3an -anusia #ari per'u#a3an usia pan;an( ta3ut hewan #an pa#a saat yan( sa-a -e-per3aya hi#up -anusia #en(an wa3a -en(i3uti 3ehi#upan 'aru 3e'e'asan spiritual : (1G6I&1.) 1F0:... 1 . <epe-ili3an 3e'eranian 'aru #an 3e3uatan spiritual #ita-'ah . 4n;il <era;aan a#alah untu3 -e-'e'as3an -anusia #an -en(inspirasi #ia untu3 'erani 'erharap untu3 hi#up yan( 3e3al . (1G6I&13) 1F0:..3 . . 4n;il -e-'awa pesan 3epercayaan 'aru #an pen(hi'uran se;ati untu3 se-ua -anusia & 'ah3an 'a(i -asyara3at -is3in . (1G6I&14) 1F0:..4 3 . 4tu sen#iri -erupa3an stan#ar 'aru nilai1nilai -oral & tolo3 u3ur eti3a 'aru yan(telah untu3 -en(u3ur perila3u -anusia . 4ni #i(a-'ar3an i#eal se'uah tatanan 'aru yan( #ihasil3an -asyara3at -anusia . (1G6I&16) 1F0:..6 4 . 4ni -en(a;ar3an 3eun((ulan #ari spiritual #i'an#in(3an #en(an -ateri & -elain3an #i-ulia3an realitas spiritual #an cita1cita super #itin((i3an . (1GB0&1) 1F0:..B 6 . 4ni 4n;il 'aru -en(an(3at pencapaian spiritual se'a(ai tu;uan se'enarnya #ari hi#up . <ehi#upan -anusia -eneri-a anu(erah 'aru nilai -oral #an -arta'at ilahi . (1GB0&.) 1F0:..F B . @esus -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa realitas 3e3al a#alah hasil (rewar# ) #ari 'enar 'er;uan( #uniawi . Fana persin((ahan -anusia #i 'u-i #iperoleh -a3na 'aru atas 3onse3uensi pen(a3uan ta3#ir -ulia . (1GB0&3) 1F0:..G F . 4n;il yan( 'aru -ene(as3an 'ahwa 3esela-atan -anusia a#alah wahyu #ari tu;uan ilahi ;auh untu3 #ipenuhi #an #iwu;u#3an #ala- -asa #epan nasi' #ari layanan ta3 'eru;un( ana31ana3 #isela-at3an 0llah . ( 1.GB0&4 ) 1F0:..I a;aran ini -enca3up

su';ects& the concept o the heavenly a-ily& the heavenly Father& an# the li'erate# sons o Go# en(a(e# in ;oy ul an# voluntary service or their ellow -en an# in the su'li-e an# intelli(ent worship o Go# the Father. (1GB0.G) 1F0:..13 Up to this ti-e the apostles ha# acAuire# a #ou'le viewpoint o the 3in(#o-; they re(ar#e# it as: (1GB0.I) 1F0:..14 1. 0 -atter o personal e,perience then present in the hearts o true 'elievers& an# (1GB0.10) 1F0:..16 .. 0 Auestion o racial or worl# pheno-ena; that the 3in(#o- was in the uture& so-ethin( to loo3 orwar# to. (1GB0.11) 1F0:..1B +hey loo3e# upon the co-in( o the 3in(#o- in the hearts o -en as a (ra#ual #evelop-ent& li3e the leaven in the #ou(h or li3e the (rowin( o the -ustar# see#. +hey 'elieve# that the co-in( o the 3in(#o- in the racial or worl# sense woul# 'e 'oth su##en an# spectacular. Desus never tire# o tellin( the- that the 3in(#o- o heaven was their personal e,perience o reali/in( the hi(her Aualities o spiritual livin(; that these realities o the spirit e,perience are pro(ressively translate# to new an# hi(her levels o #ivine certainty an# eternal (ran#eur. (1GB0.1.) 1F0:..1F On this a ternoon the ?aster #istinctly tau(ht a new concept o the #ou'le nature o the 3in(#o- in that he portraye# the ollowin( two phases: (1GB0.13) 1F0:..1G )First. +he 3in(#o- o Go# in this worl#& the supre-e #esire to #o the will o Go#& the unsel ish love o -an which yiel#s the (oo# ruits o i-prove# ethical an# -oral con#uct. (1GB1.1) 1F0:..1I )%econ#. +he 3in(#o- o Go# in heaven& the (oal o -ortal 'elievers& the estate wherein the love or Go# is per ecte#& an# wherein the will o Go# is #one -ore #ivinely.* (1GB1..) 1F0:...0 Desus tau(ht that& 'y aith& the 'eliever enters the 3in(#o- now. 4n the various #iscourses he tau(ht that two thin(s are essential to aith1entrance into the 3in(#o-: (1GB1.3) 1F0:...1 1. .aith, sincerity. +o co-e as a little chil#& to receive the 'estowal o sonship as a (i t; to su'-it to the #oin( o the Father>s will without Auestionin( an# in the ull con i#ence an# (enuine

(a(asan #iperluas 3era;aan yan( #ia;ar3an oleh @esus . <onsep 'esar ini ha-pir ti#a3 -e-elu3 #ala- a;aran 3era;aan #asar #an 'in(un( @ohanes "e-'aptis . ( 1.GB0&6 ) 1F0:..10 "ara rasul ti#a3 #apat -e-aha-i arti se'enarnya #ari ucapan ?aster -en(enai 3era;aan . Distorsi 'eri3utnya a;aran @esus & seperti yan( tercatat #ala- "er;an;ian !aru & 3arena 3onsep penulis 4n;il #iwarnai oleh 3eya3inan 'ahwa @esus itu a'sen #ari #unia hanya untu3 wa3tu yan( sin(3at & 'ahwa ia a3an se(era 3e-'ali 3e -en#iri3an 3era;aan #ala- 3uasa #an 3e-uliaan 1 hanya se'uah i#e seperti -ere3a yan( #ia#a3an saat 'eliau #en(an -ere3a #ala- #a(in( . +etapi @esus ti#a3 -en(hu'un(3an pe-'entu3an 3era;aan #en(an i#e 3e-'ali 3e #unia ini . 4tu 'era'a#1a'a# telah 'erlalu tanpa tan#a1tan#a -unculnya : Cew 0(e : sa-a se3ali ti#a3 ti#a3 selaras #en(an a;aran @esus . ( 1.GB0&B ) 1F0:..11 Upaya 'esar #iwu;u#3an #ala- 3hot'ah ini a#alah upaya untu3 -ener;e-ah3an 3onsep 3era;aan sur(a #en(an i#eal i#e untu3 -ela3u3an 3ehen#a3 0llah . "an;an( telah Guru -en(a;ar3an pen(i3utnya untu3 'er#oa : : <era;aan1?u #atan( & 0n#a a3an #ila3u3an : & #an saat ini #ia sun((uh1sun((uh 'erusaha untu3 -en#oron( -ere3a untu3 -enin((al3an pen((unaan istilah 3era;aan 0llah #ala-en#u3un( setara le'ih pra3tis& 3ehen#a3 0llah . +api #ia ti#a3 'erhasil . ( 1.GB0&F ) 1F0:..1. @esus yan( #iin(in3an untu3 -en((anti3an (a(asan 3era;aan & ra;a & #an -ata pela;aran & 3onsep 3eluar(a sur(awi & !apa sur(awi& #an ana31ana3 #i'e'as3an #ari 0llah terli'at #ala- su3acita #an su3arela layanan untu3 sesa-a -anusia #an #ala- i'a#ah luhur #an cer#as 0llah !apa . ( 1.GB0&G ) 1F0:..13 %a-pai saat ini para rasul telah -e-peroleh su#ut pan#an( (an#a 3era;aan & -ere3a -en(an((ap hal itu se'a(ai :

trust ulness o the Father>s wis#o-; to co-e into the 3in(#o- ree ropre;u#ice an# preconception; to 'e open1 -in#e# an# teacha'le li3e an unspoile# chil#. (1GB1.4) 1F0:.... .. (ruth hunger. +he thirst or ri(hteousness& a chan(e o -in#& the acAuire-ent o the -otive to 'e li3e Go# an# to in# Go#. (1GB1.6) 1F0:...3 Desus tau(ht that sin is not the chil# o a #e ective nature 'ut rather the o sprin( o a 3nowin( -in# #o-inate# 'y an unsu'-issive will. He(ar#in( sin& he tau(ht that Go# has or(iven; that we -a3e such or(iveness personally availa'le 'y the act o or(ivin( our ellows. 2hen you or(ive your 'rother in the lesh& you there'y create the capacity in your own soul or the reception o the reality o Go#>s or(iveness o your own -is#ee#s. (1GB1.B) 1F0:...4 !y the ti-e the 0postle Dohn 'e(an to write the story o Desus> li e an# teachin(s& the early $hristians ha# e,perience# so -uch trou'le with the 3in(#o-1o 1Go# i#ea as a 'ree#er o persecution that they ha# lar(ely a'an#one# the use o the ter-. Dohn tal3s -uch a'out the )eternal li e.* Desus o ten spo3e o it as the )3in(#o- o li e.*9e also reAuently re erre# to )the 3in(#o- o Go# within you.* 9e once spo3e o such an e,perience as ) a-ily ellowship with Go# the Father.* Desus sou(ht to su'stitute -any ter-s or the 3in(#o- 'ut always without success. 0-on( others& he use#: the a-ily o Go#& the Father>s will& the rien#s o Go#& the ellowship o 'elievers& the 'rotherhoo# o -an& the Father>s ol#& the chil#ren o Go#& the ellowship o the aith ul& the Father>s service& an# the li'erate# sons o Go#. (1GB1.F) 1F0:...6 !ut he coul# not escape the use o the 3in(#o- i#ea. 4t was -ore than i ty years later& not until a ter the #estruction o Derusale- 'y the Ho-an ar-ies& that this concept o the 3in(#o'e(an to chan(e into the cult o eternal li e as its social an# institutional aspects were ta3en over 'y the rapi#ly e,pan#in( an# crystalli/in( $hristian church. 3. n *e!ation to *i#hteousness (1GB1.G) 1F0:3.1 Desus was always tryin( to i-press upon his apostles an# #isciples

(1GB0&I) 1F0:..14 1 . %oal pen(ala-an pri'a#i 3e-u#ian ha#ir #i hati oran( percaya se;ati & #an (1GB0&10) 1F0:..16 . . %e'uah pertanyaan eno-ena ras atau #unia & 'ahwa 3era;aan itu #i -asa #epan& sesuatu untu3 -elihat 3e #epan untu3 . ( 1GB0&11 ) 1F0:..1B ?ere3a -e-an#an( 3e#atan(an 3era;aan #ala- hati -anusia se'a(ai pen(e-'an(an secara 'ertahap & seperti ra(i #ala- a#onan atau seperti tu-'uh #ari 'i;i sesawi . ?ere3a percaya 'ahwa 3e#atan(an 3era;aan #ala- arti ras atau #unia a3an 'ai3 ti'a1ti'a #an spe3ta3uler . @esus ti#a3 pernah lelah -en(ata3an 3epa#a -ere3a 'ahwa 3era;aan sur(a a#alah pen(ala-an pri'a#i -ere3a -ewu;u#3an 3ualitas hi#up yan( le'ih tin((i spiritual & 'ahwa realitas pen(ala-an roh pro(resi #iter;e-ah3an 3e tin(3at 'aru #an le'ih tin((i 3epastian ilahi #an 3ea(un(an a'a#i. ( 1GB0&1. ) 1F0:..1F "a#a sore ini Guru ;elas -en(a;ar3an se'uah 3onsep 'aru tentan( si at (an#a #ari 3era;aan #i 'ahwa ia #i(a-'ar3an #ua ase 'eri3ut : ( 1GB0&13 ) 1F0:..1G : "erta-a . <era;aan 0llah #i #unia ini & 3ein(inan tertin((i untu3 -ela3u3an 3ehen#a3 0llah & cinta ti#a3 e(ois -anusia yan( -en(hasil3an 'uah yan( 'ai3 #ari penin(3atan perila3u etis #an -oral. ( 1.GB1&1 ) 1F0:..1I : <e#ua . <era;aan 0llah #i sur(a & tu;uan oran( percaya ana & real #i-ana 3asih 3epa#a 0llah #ise-purna3an & #an #i-ana 3ehen#a3 0llah #ila3u3an le'ih ilahi . : ( 1.GB1&. ) 1F0:...0 @esus -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa & #en(an i-an & percaya -e-asu3i 3era;aan se3aran( . Dala'er'a(ai wacana #ia -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa a#a #ua hal yan( pentin( untu3 i-an -asu3 3e #ala- 3era;aan : (1GB1&3) 1F0:...1 1 . 4-an & 3etulusan . Untu3 #atan( se'a(ai seoran( ana3 3ecil & untu3 -eneri-a pen(anu(erahan status ana3 se'a(ai ha#iah & untu3

that they -ust acAuire& 'y aith& a ri(hteousness which woul# e,cee# the ri(hteousness o slavish wor3s which so-e o the scri'es an# "harisees para#e# so vain(loriously 'e ore the worl#. (1GB1.I) 1F0:3.. +hou(h Desus tau(ht that aith& si-ple chil#li3e 'elie & is the 3ey to the #oor o the 3in(#o-& he also tau(ht that& havin( entere# the #oor& there are the pro(ressive steps o ri(hteousness which every 'elievin( chil# -ust ascen# in or#er to (row up to the ull stature o the ro'ust sons o Go#. (1GB1.10) 1F0:3.3 4t is in the consi#eration o the techniAue o receiving Go#>s or(iveness that the attain-ent o the ri(hteousness o the 3in(#o- is reveale#. Faith is the price you pay or entrance into the a-ily o Go#; 'ut or(iveness is the act o Go# which accepts your aith as the price o a#-ission. 0n# the reception o the or(iveness o Go# 'y a 3in(#o- 'eliever involves a #e inite an# actual e,perience an# consists in the ollowin( our steps& the 3in(#o- steps o inner ri(hteousness: (1GB..1) 1F0:3.4 1. Go#>s or(iveness is -a#e actually availa'le an# is personally e,perience# 'y -an ;ust in so ar as he or(ives his ellows. (1GB...) 1F0:3.6 .. ?an will not truly or(ive his ellows unless he loves the- as hi-sel . (1GB..3) 1F0:3.B 3. +o thus love your nei(h'or as yoursel is the hi(hest ethics. (1GB..4) 1F0:3.F 4. ?oral con#uct& true ri(hteousness& 'eco-es& then& the natural result o such love. (1GB..6) 1F0:3.G 4t there ore is evi#ent that the true an# inner reli(ion o the 3in(#oun ailin(ly an# increasin(ly ten#s to -ani est itsel in practical avenues o social service. Desus tau(ht a livin( reli(ion that i-pelle# its 'elievers to en(a(e in the #oin( o lovin( service. !ut Desus #i# not put ethics in the place o reli(ion. 9e tau(ht reli(ion as a cause an# ethics as a result. (1GB..B) 1F0:3.I +he ri(hteousness o any act -ust 'e -easure# 'y the -otive; the hi(hest or-s o (oo# are there ore unconscious. Desus was never concerne# with -orals or ethics as such. 9e was wholly concerne# with that inwar# an# spiritual ellowship with Go# the Father

tun#u3 -ela3u3an 3ehen#a3 !apa tanpa -e-pertanya3an #an #ala3epercayaan penuh #an trust ulness asli 3e'i;a3sanaan !apa & untu3 #atan( 3e 'e'as 3era;aan #ari prasan(3a #an prasan(3a & untu3 -en;a#i 'erpi3iran ter'u3a #an #ia;ar seperti ana3 yan( 'elu- ter;a-ah . (1GB1&4) 1F0:.... . . <e'enaran 3elaparan. +he haus a3an 3e'enaran & peru'ahan pi3iran& perolehan -oti -en;a#i seperti 0llah #an -ene-u3an +uhan. ( 1.GB1&6 ) 1F0:...3 @esus -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa #osa 'u3anlah ana3 yan( 'ersi at cacat -elain3an 3eturunan #ari pi3iran -en(etahui #i#o-inasi oleh 3ehen#a3 unsu'-issive . ?en(enai #osa & #ia -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa 0llah telah -en(a-puni & yan( 3ita 'uat pen(a-punan seperti pri'a#i terse#ia #en(an tin#a3an -en(a-puni sesa-a 3ita . <eti3a 0n#a -e-aa 3an a#i3-u #ala- #a(in( & 0n#a sehin((a -e-'uat 3apasitas #ala- ;iwa 0n#a sen#iri untu3 peneri-aan realitas pen(a-punan 0llah #ari 3e;ahatan 0n#a sen#iri . ( 1.GB1&B ) 1F0:...4 "a#a saat Hasul @ohanes -ulai -enulis 3isah 3ehi#upan #an a;aran @esus & u-at <risten awal telah -en(ala-i 'e(itu 'anya3 -asalah #en(an (a(asan 3era;aan 1o 1 0llah se'a(ai peterna3 pen(aniayaan 'ahwa -ere3a telah se'a(ian 'esar #itin((al3an pen((unaan istilah . Dohn 'er'icara 'anya3 tentan( : hi#up yan( 3e3al . : @esus serin( 'er'icara tentan( hal itu se'a(ai : 3era;aan 3ehi#upan . : Dia ;u(a serin( #ise'ut : <era;aan 0llah #i #ala- #iri 0n#a . : Dia pernah 'er'icara tentan( pen(ala-an seperti itu se'a(ai : perse3utuan 3eluar(a #en(an +uhan !apa . : @esus 'erusaha untu3 -en((anti3an 'anya3 istilah untu3 3era;aan tapi selalu ti#a3 'erhasil. 0ntara lain & ia -en((una3an : 3eluar(a 0llah & 3ehen#a3 !apa & te-an1te-an 0llah & perse3utuan oran( percaya & persau#araan -anusia & lipat !apa & ana31ana3 0llah & perse3utuan u-at 'eri-an & layanan !apa & #an ana31ana3 #i'e'as3an #ari 0llah.

which so certainly an# #irectly -ani ests itsel as outwar# an# lovin( service or -an. 9e tau(ht that the reli(ion o the 3in(#o- is a (enuine personal e,perience which no -an can contain within hi-sel ; that the consciousness o 'ein( a -e-'er o the a-ily o 'elievers lea#s inevita'ly to the practice o the precepts o the a-ily con#uct& the service o one>s 'rothers an# sisters in the e ort to enhance an# enlar(e the 'rotherhoo#. (1GB..F) 1F0:3.10 +he reli(ion o the 3in(#o- is personal& in#ivi#ual; the ruits& the results& are a-ilial& social. Desus never aile# to e,alt the sacre#ness o the in#ivi#ual as contraste# with the co--unity. !ut he also reco(ni/e# that -an #evelops his character 'y unsel ish service; that he un ol#s his -oral nature in lovin( relations with his ellows. (1GB..G) 1F0:3.11 !y teachin( that the 3in(#ois within& 'y e,altin( the in#ivi#ual& Desus struc3 the #eath'low o the ol# society in that he ushere# in the new #ispensation o true social ri(hteousness. +his new or#er o society the worl# has little 3nown 'ecause it has re use# to practice the principles o the (ospel o the 3in(#o- o heaven. 0n# when this 3in(#o- o spiritual pre1e-inence #oes co-e upon the earth& it will not 'e -ani este# in -ere i-prove# social an# -aterial con#itions& 'ut rather in the (lories o those enhance# an# enriche# spiritual values which are characteristic o the approachin( a(e o i-prove# hu-an relations an# a#vancin( spiritual attain-ents. $. 4esus Tea,hin# about the "in#do& (1GB..I) 1F0:4.1 Desus never (ave a precise #e inition o the 3in(#o-. 0t one ti-e he woul# #iscourse on one phase o the 3in(#o-& an# at another ti-e he woul# #iscuss a #i erent aspect o the 'rotherhoo# o Go#>s rei(n in the hearts o -en. 4n the course o this %a''ath a ternoon>s ser-on Desus note# no less than ive phases& or epochs& o the 3in(#o-& an# they were: (1GB..10) 1F0:4.. 1. +he personal an# inwar# e,perience o the spiritual li e o the ellowship o the in#ivi#ual 'eliever with Go# the Father.

( 1.GB1&F ) 1F0:...6 +api #ia ti#a3 'isa lepas #ari pen((unaan (a(asan 3era;aan . 4tu le'ih #ari li-a puluh tahun 3e-u#ian & ti#a3 sa-pai setelah pen(hancuran @erusale- oleh tentara Ho-awi & 'ahwa 3onsep 3era;aan -ulai 'eru'ah -en;a#i 3ultus hi#up 3e3al se'a(ai aspe3 sosial #an 3ele-'a(aan yan( #ia-'il alih oleh 'er3e-'an( pesat #an -en(3ristal (ere;a <risten . 3 . %ehu'un(an #en(an <e'enaran ( 1.GB1&G ) 1F0:3.1 @esus selalu 'erusaha -e-'eri3an 3esan 3epa#a rasul1Cya #an -uri#1-uri# 'ahwa -ere3a harus -e-peroleh & #en(an i-an & se'uah 3e'enaran yan( a3an -ele'ihi 3e'enaran 3arya 'u#a3 yan( 'e'erapa ahli +aurat #an oran( Farisi #iara3 'e(itu vain(loriously se'elu- #unia . ( 1.GB1&I ) 1F0:3.. ?es3ipun @esus -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa i-an & 3eya3inan ana3 3ecil yan( se#erhana & a#alah 3unci pintu 3era;aan& ia ;u(a -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa & setelah -e-asu3i pintu & a#a lan(3ah1lan(3ah pro(resi 3e'enaran yan( setiap ana3 percaya harus nai3 #i -e-esan untu3 tu-'uh 'ertu'uh penuh ana31ana3 yan( 3uat #ari 0llah. ( 1GB1&10 ) 1F0:3.3 9al ini #alaperti-'an(an te3ni3 -eneri-a pen(a-punan 0llah 'ahwa pencapaian 3e'enaran 3era;aan terun(3ap . 4-an a#alah har(a yan( 0n#a 'ayar untu3 -asu3 3e #ala- 3eluar(a 0llah& tetapi pen(a-punan a#alah tin#a3an 0llah yan( -eneri-a i-an 0n#a se'a(ai har(a ti3et -asu3 . Dan peneri-aan pen(a-punan 0llah oleh 3era;aan percaya -eli'at3an pen(ala-an pasti #an a3tual #an ter#iri #ala- e-pat lan(3ah 'eri3ut & lan(3ah 3era;aan 3e'enaran 'atin : (1GB.&1) 1F0:3.4 1 . "en(a-punan 0llah #i'uat 'enar1'enar terse#ia #an secara pri'a#i #iala-i oleh -anusia hanya se;auh ia -en(a-puni te-an1te-annya. (1GB.&.) 1F0:3.6 . . ?anusia ti#a3 a3an 'enar1'enar -en(a-puni sesa-anya

(1GB3.1) 1F0:4.3

.. +he enlar(in( 'rotherhoo# o (ospel 'elievers& the social aspects o the enhance# -orals an# Auic3ene# ethics resultin( ro- the rei(n o Go#>s spirit in the hearts o in#ivi#ual 'elievers. (1GB3..) 1F0:4.4 3. +he super-ortal 'rotherhoo# o invisi'le spiritual 'ein(s which prevails on earth an# in heaven& the superhu-an 3in(#o- o Go#. (1GB3.3) 1F0:4.6 4. +he prospect o the -ore per ect ul ill-ent o the will o Go#& the a#vance towar# the #awn o a new social or#er in connection with i-prove# spiritual livin( J the ne,t a(e o -an. (1GB3.4) 1F0:4.B 6. +he 3in(#o- in its ullness& the uture spiritual a(e o li(ht an# li e on earth. (1GB3.6) 1F0:4.F 2here ore -ust we always e,a-ine the ?aster>s teachin( to ascertain which o these ive phases he -ay have re erence to when he -a3es use o the ter- 3in(#o- o heaven. !y this process o (ra#ually chan(in( -an>s will an# thus a ectin( hu-an #ecisions& ?ichael an# his associates are li3ewise (ra#ually 'ut certainly chan(in( the entire course o hu-an evolution& social an# otherwise. (1GB3.B) 1F0:4.G +he ?aster on this occasion place# e-phasis on the ollowin( ive points as representin( the car#inal eatures o the (ospel o the 3in(#o-: (1GB3.F) 1F0:4.I 1. +he pre1e-inence o the in#ivi#ual. (1GB3.G) 1F0:4.10 .. +he will as the #eter-inin( actor in -an>s e,perience. (1GB3.I) 1F0:4.11 3. %piritual ellowship with Go# the Father. (1GB3.10) 1F0:4.1. 4. +he supre-e satis actions o the lovin( service o -an. (1GB3.11) 1F0:4.13 6. +he transcen#ency o the spiritual over the -aterial in hu-an personality. (1GB3.1.) 1F0:4.14 +his worl# has never seriously or sincerely or honestly trie# out these #yna-ic i#eas an# #ivine i#eals o Desus> #octrine o the 3in(#oo heaven. !ut you shoul# not 'eco-e #iscoura(e# 'y the apparently slow pro(ress o the 3in(#o- i#ea on Urantia. He-e-'er that the or#er o pro(ressive evolution is su';ecte# to su##en an# une,pecte# perio#ical chan(es in 'oth the -aterial an# the spiritual worl#s. +he 'estowal o Desus as an incarnate# %on

3ecuali #ia -en(asihi -ere3a se'a(ai #irinya sen#iri . (1GB.&3) 1F0:3.B 3 . Untu3 sehin((a 3asihilah sesa-a-u -anusia seperti #iri sen#iri a#alah eti3a tertin((i . (1GB.&4) 1F0:3.F 4 . +in#a3an -oral& 3e'enaran se;ati & -en;a#i & 3e-u#ian & hasil ala-i #ari cinta terse'ut . ( 1.GB.&6 ) 1F0:3.G Oleh 3arena itu ter'u3ti 'ahwa a(a-a yan( 'enar #an #ala- 3era;aan un ailin(ly #an se-a3in cen#erun( -e-ani estasi3an #irinya #ala- ;alan pra3tis pelayanan sosial . @esus -en(a;ar3an a(a-a yan( hi#up yan( ter#oron( pen(anutnya untu3 terli'at #ala- -ela3u3an pelayanan 3asih . +etapi @esus ti#a3 -ene-pat3an eti3a #i te-pat a(a-a . Dia -en(a;ar3an a(a-a se'a(ai penye'a' #an eti3a se'a(ai hasilnya . ( 1.GB.&B ) 1F0:3.I <e'enaran setiap tin#a3an harus #iu3ur #en(an -oti & 'entu3 tertin((i #ari yan( 'ai3 3arena itu sa#ar . @esus ti#a3 pernah pe#uli #en(an -oral atau eti3a seperti itu. Dia sepenuhnya pe#uli #en(an perse3utuan 'atin #an rohani #en(an 0llah !apa yan( ;a#i tentu sa;a #an lan(sun( -e-ani estasi3an #irinya se'a(ai layanan luar #an penuh 3asih 'a(i -anusia . Dia -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa a(a-a 3era;aan a#alah pen(ala-an pri'a#i yan( -urni& ti#a3 seoran( pun #apat -en(an#un( #ala- #irinya sen#iri & 'ahwa 3esa#aran -en;a#i an((ota 3eluar(a oran( percaya -en(arah pasti 3epa#a pra3te3 a;aran perila3u 3eluar(a & pelayanan satu sau#ara #an sau#ari #ala- upaya untu3 -enin(3at3an #an -e-per'esar persau#araan . ( 1.GB.&F ) 1F0:3.10 0(a-a 3era;aan 'ersi at pri'a#i & in#ivi#u& 'uah1'uahan & hasil& a#alah 3eluar(a & sosial. @esus ti#a3 pernah (a(al untu3 -enin((i3an 3esucian in#ivi#u se'a(ai 3ontras #en(an -asyara3at . +api #ia ;u(a -en(a3ui 'ahwa -anusia -en(e-'an(3an 3ara3ternya #en(an pelayanan tanpa pa-rih & 'ahwa ia ter'entan( si at -oral

was ;ust such a stran(e an# une,pecte# event in the spiritual li e o the worl#. Ceither -a3e the atal -ista3e& in loo3in( or the a(e -ani estation o the 3in(#o-& o ailin( to e ect its esta'lish-ent within your own souls. (1GB3.13) 1F0:4.16 0lthou(h Desus re erre# one phase o the 3in(#o- to the uture an# #i#& on nu-erous occasions& inti-ate that such an event -i(ht appear as a part o a worl# crisis; an# thou(h he #i# li3ewise -ost certainly& on several occasions& #e initely pro-ise so-eti-e to return to Urantia& it shoul# 'e recor#e# that he never positively lin3e# these two i#eas to(ether. 9e pro-ise# a new revelation o the 3in(#o- on earth an# at so-e uture ti-e; he also pro-ise# so-eti-e to co-e 'ac3 to this worl# in person; 'ut he #i# not say that these two events were synony-ous. Fro- all we 3now these pro-ises -ay& or -ay not& re er to the sa-e event. (1GB3.14) 1F0:4.1B 9is apostles an# #isciples -ost certainly lin3e# these two teachin(s to(ether. 2hen the 3in(#o- aile# to -ateriali/e as they ha# e,pecte#& recallin( the ?aster>s teachin( concernin( a uture 3in(#o- an# re-e-'erin( his pro-ise to co-e a(ain& they ;u-pe# to the conclusion that these pro-ises re erre# to an i#entical event; an# there ore they live# in hope o his i--e#iate secon# co-in( to esta'lish the 3in(#o- in its ullness an# with power an# (lory. 0n# so have successive 'elievin( (enerations live# on earth entertainin( the sa-e inspirin( 'ut #isappointin( hope. '. %ater deas of the "in#do& (1GB4.1) 1F0:6.1 9avin( su--ari/e# the teachin(s o Desus a'out the 3in(#o- o heaven& we are per-itte# to narrate certain later i#eas which 'eca-e attache# to the concept o the 3in(#oan# to en(a(e in a prophetic orecast o the 3in(#o- as it -ay evolve in the a(e to co-e. (1GB4..) 1F0:6.. +hrou(hout the irst centuries o the $hristian propa(an#a& the i#ea o the 3in(#o- o heaven was tre-en#ously in luence# 'y the then rapi#ly sprea#in( notions o Gree3 i#ealis-& the i#ea o the natural as the sha#ow o the spiritual J the te-poral as

#ala- -encintai hu'un(an #en(an te-an1te-annya . ( 1.GB.&G ) 1F0:3.11 Den(an -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa 3era;aan itu #ala- & #en(an -enin((i3an in#ivi#u & @esus lu3a yan( parah -elan#a -asyara3at la-a 3arena ia #iantar #i #ispensasi 'aru 3e'enaran sosial yan( 'enar . 4ni or#e 'aru -asyara3at #unia telah se#i3it #i3etahui 3arena telah -enola3 untu3 -ela3u3an prinsip 4n;il <era;aan %or(a . Dan 3eti3a 3era;aan ini spiritual 3eun((ulan ti#a3 #atan( atas 'u-i & -a3a ti#a3 a3an terwu;u# #ala- 3on#isi sosial #an -aterial 'ela3a -e-'ai3 & -elain3an #ala- 3e-uliaan -ere3a #itin(3at3an #an nilai1nilai spiritual yan( #iper3aya yan( -erupa3an 3ara3teristi3 usia -en#e3ati #itin(3at3an -anusia hu'un(an #an -e-a;u3an pencapaian spiritual . 4 . "en(a;aran @esus tentan( <era;aan ( 1.GB.&I ) 1F0:4.1 @esus ti#a3 pernah -e-'eri3an #e inisi yan( tepat 3era;aan . "a#a suatu wa3tu ia a3an wacana satu ase 3era;aan & #an #i lain wa3tu ia a3an -e-'icara3an aspe3 yan( 'er'e#a #ari persau#araan pe-erintahan 0llah #ala- hati -anusia . Dalaper;alanan 3hot'ah %a'at sore ini @esus -encatat ti#a3 3uran( #ari li-a ase & atau /a-an & 3era;aan & #an -ere3a : (1GB.&10) 1F0:4.. 1 . "en(ala-an pri'a#i #an 'atin #ari 3ehi#upan rohani #ari perse3utuan oran( percaya #en(an 0llah !apa . (1GB3&1) 1F0:4.3 . . "e-'esaran persau#araan percaya 4n;il & aspe3 sosial -oral #an eti3a #itin(3at3an -e-percepat #ihasil3an #ari pe-erintahan roh 0llah #ala- hati oran( percaya . (1GB3&.) 1F0:4.4 3 . +he super-ortal persau#araan -a3hlu3 spiritual yan( ta3 terlihat yan( 'erla3u #i 'u-i #an #i sur(a & 3era;aan super 0llah. (1GB3&3) 1F0:4.6 4 . "rospe3 pe-enuhan le'ih se-purna #ari 3ehen#a3 0llah &

the ti-e sha#ow o the eternal. (1GB4.3) 1F0:6.3 !ut the (reat step which -ar3e# the transplantation o the teachin(s o Desus ro- a Dewish to a (entile soil was ta3en when the ?essiah o the 3in(#o- 'eca-e the He#ee-er o the church& a reli(ious an# social or(ani/ation (rowin( out o the activities o "aul an# his successors an# 'ase# on the teachin(s o Desus as they were supple-ente# 'y the i#eas o "hilo an# the "ersian #octrines o (oo# an# evil. (1GB4.4) 1F0:6.4 +he i#eas an# i#eals o Desus& e-'o#ie# in the teachin( o the (ospel o the 3in(#o-& nearly aile# o reali/ation as his ollowers pro(ressively #istorte# his pronounce-ents. +he ?aster>s concept o the 3in(#o- was nota'ly -o#i ie# 'y two (reat ten#encies: (1GB4.6) 1F0:6.6 1. +he Dewish 'elievers persiste# in re(ar#in( hi- as the 'essiah. +hey 'elieve# that Desus woul# very soon return actually to esta'lish the worl#1wi#e an# -ore or less -aterial 3in(#o-. (1GB4.B) 1F0:6.B .. +he (entile $hristians 'e(an very early to accept the #octrines o "aul& which le# increasin(ly to the (eneral 'elie that Desus was the /edeemer o the chil#ren o the church& the new an# institutional successor o the earlier concept o the purely spiritual 'rotherhoo# o the 3in(#o-. (1GB4.F) 1F0:6.F +he church& as a social out(rowth o the 3in(#o-& woul# have 'een wholly natural an# even #esira'le. +he evil o the church was not its e,istence& 'ut rather that it al-ost co-pletely supplante# the Desus concept o the 3in(#o-. "aul>s institutionali/e# church 'eca-e a virtual su'stitute or the 3in(#o- o heaven which Desus ha# proclai-e#. (1GB4.G) 1F0:6.G !ut #ou't not& this sa-e 3in(#o- o heaven which the ?aster tau(ht e,ists within the heart o the 'eliever& will yet 'e proclai-e# to this $hristian church& even as to all other reli(ions& races& an# nations on earth J even to every in#ivi#ual. (1GB4.I) 1F0:6.I +he 3in(#o- o Desus> teachin(& the spiritual i#eal o in#ivi#ual ri(hteousness an# the concept o -an>s #ivine ellowship with Go#& 'eca-e (ra#ually su'-er(e# into the -ystic

3e-a;uan -enu;u a;ar tatanan sosial 'aru sehu'un(an #en(an penin(3atan hi#up rohani 1 usia 'eri3utnya -anusia . (1GB3&4) 1F0:4.B 6 . <era;aan #ala3epenuhannya & usia spiritual -asa #epan cahaya #an 3ehi#upan #i 'u-i . ( 1.GB3&6 ) 1F0:4.F <arenanya 3ita harus senantiasa -enelaah a;aran Guru untu3 -e-asti3an -ana #ari li-a ase ia -un(3in -e-ili3i re erensi 3eti3a ia -e-an aat3an 3era;aan ;an(3a sur(a . Den(an proses ini secara 'ertahap -en(u'ah 3ehen#a3 -anusia #an #en(an #e-i3ian -e-pen(aruhi 3eputusan -anusia & ?ichael #an re3an1 re3annya yan( ;u(a secara 'ertahap tapi pasti -en(u'ah seluruh evolusi -anusia & sosial #an se'ali3nya. ( 1.GB3&B ) 1F0:4.G ?aster pa#a 3ese-patan ini -ene3an3an pa#a li-a hal 'eri3ut se'a(ai -ewa3ili itur 3ar#inal 4n;il 3era;aan : (1GB3&F) 1F0:4.I 1 . <euta-aan in#ivi#u . (1GB3&G) 1F0:4.10 . . <ehen#a3 se'a(ai a3tor penentu #ala- pen(ala-an -anusia . (1GB3&I) 1F0:4.11 3 . "erse3utuan rohani #en(an 0llah !apa . (1GB3&10) 1F0:4.1. 4 . "ara 3epuasan tertin((i #ari pelayanan 3asih -anusia . (1GB3&11) 1F0:4.13 6 . +he hal -ela-paui #ari spiritual atas -ateri #ala- 3epri'a#ian -anusia . ( 1GB3&1. ) 1F0:4.14 #unia ini ti#a3 pernah serius atau tulus atau ;u;ur -enco'a i#e1i#e #an cita1cita yan( #ina-is ilahi #o3trin @esus tentan( <era;aan %or(a . +etapi 0n#a ti#a3 perlu -en;a#i 'er3ecil hati #en(an 3e-a;uan ta-pa3nya la-'at #ari i#e 3era;aan pa#a Urantia . 4n(at 'ahwa urutan evolusi pro(resi -en(ala-i peru'ahan 'er3ala ti'a1ti'a #an ta3 ter#u(a #i 3e#ua -aterial #an #unia spiritual . "en(anu(erahan @esus se'a(ai 0na3 -en;el-a hanya seperti peristiwa aneh

conception o the person o Desus as the He#ee-er1$reator an# spiritual hea# o a sociali/e# reli(ious co--unity. 4n this way a or-al an# institutional church 'eca-e the su'stitute or the in#ivi#ually spirit1le# 'rotherhoo# o the 3in(#o-. (1GB4.10) 1F0:6.10 +he church was an inevita'le an# use ul social result o Desus> li e an# teachin(s; the tra(e#y consiste# in the act that this social reaction to the teachin(s o the 3in(#o- so ully #isplace# the spiritual concept o the real 3in(#o- as Desus tau(ht an# live# it. (1GB6.1) 1F0:6.11 +he 3in(#o-& to the Dews& was the 4sraelite community; to the (entiles it 'eca-e the $hristian church.+o Desus the 3in(#o- was the su- o those individuals who ha# con esse# their aith in the atherhoo# o Go#& there'y #eclarin( their wholehearte# #e#ication to the #oin( o the will o Go#& thus 'eco-in( -e-'ers o the spiritual 'rotherhoo# o -an. (1GB6..) 1F0:6.1. +he ?aster ully reali/e# that certain social results woul# appear in the worl# as a conseAuence o the sprea# o the (ospel o the 3in(#o-; 'ut he inten#e# that all such #esira'le social -ani estations shoul# appear as unconscious an# inevita'le out(rowths& or natural ruits& o this inner personal e,perience o in#ivi#ual 'elievers& this purely spiritual ellowship an# co--union with the #ivine spirit which in#wells an# activates all such 'elievers. (1GB6.3) 1F0:6.13 Desus oresaw that a social or(ani/ation& or church& woul# ollow the pro(ress o the true spiritual 3in(#o-& an# that is why he never oppose# the apostles> practicin( the rite o Dohn>s 'aptis-. 9e tau(ht that the truth1lovin( soul& the one who hun(ers an# thirsts or ri(hteousness& or Go#& is a#-itte# 'y aith to the spiritual 3in(#o-; at the sa-e ti-e the apostles tau(ht that such a 'eliever is a#-itte# to the social or(ani/ation o #isciples 'y the outwar# rite o 'aptis-. (1GB6.4) 1F0:6.14 2hen Desus> i--e#iate ollowers reco(ni/e# their partial ailure to reali/e his i#eal o the esta'lish-ent o the 3in(#o- in the hearts o -en 'y the spirit>s #o-ination an# (ui#ance o the in#ivi#ual 'eliever& they set a'out to save his teachin( ro- 'ein( wholly lost

#an ta3 ter#u(a #ala- 3ehi#upan spiritual #unia . !ai3 -e-'uat 3esalahan atal & #ala- -encari -ani estasi usia 3era;aan & (a(al untu3 -e-pen(aruhi pen#iriannya #ala- ;iwa 0n#a sen#iri. ( 1GB3&13 ) 1F0:4.16 ?es3ipun @esus #ise'ut satu ase 3era;aan 3e -asa #epan #an -ela3u3an & pa#a 'er'a(ai 3ese-patan & inti- 'ahwa peristiwa seperti itu -un(3in -uncul se'a(ai 'a(ian #ari 3risis #unia & #an -es3ipun ia -ela3u3an hal yan( sa-a pasti & pa#a 'e'erapa 3ese-patan & pasti 'er;an;i 3a#an(13a#an( untu3 3e-'ali 3e Urantia & hal itu harus #icatat 'ahwa ia ti#a3 pernah 'erhu'un(an positi 3e#ua i#e1i#e 'ersa-a . Dia 'er;an;i wahyu 'aru 3era;aan #i 'u-i #an #i 'e'erapa wa3tu -en#atan( & ia ;u(a 'er;an;i 3a#an(1 3a#an( untu3 3e-'ali 3e #unia ini secara pri'a#i & tetapi #ia ti#a3 -en(ata3an 'ahwa #ua peristiwa yan( i#enti3 . Dari se-ua 3ita tahu ;an;i1;an;i -un(3in & atau ti#a3 -un(3in & -en(acu pa#a acara yan( sa-a . ( 1GB3&14 ) 1F0:4.1B para rasul #an -uri# pasti ter3ait #ua a;aran ini 'ersa-a1sa-a . <eti3a 3era;aan (a(al terwu;u# seperti yan( -ere3a harap3an & -en(in(at a;aran Guru tentan( se'uah 3era;aan -asa #epan #an -en(in(at ;an;inya untu3 #atan( la(i & -ere3a -elo-pat 3e 3esi-pulan 'ahwa ;an;i1 ;an;i ini #ise'ut acara i#enti3& #an 3arena itu -ere3a tin((al #i harapan lan(sun(nya 3e#ua 3e#atan(an -e-'an(un 3era;aan #ala- 3epenuhan #an #en(an 3uasa #an 3e-uliaan. Dan telah (enerasi percaya 'erturut1turut tin((al #i 'u-i -en(hi'ur inspirasi tapi -en(ecewa3an harapan yan( sa-a . 6 . 4#e <e-u#ian <era;aan ( 1.GB4&1 ) 1F0:6.1 %etelah -eran(3ua;aran @esus tentan( 3era;aan sur(a & 3ita #ii/in3an untu3 -encerita3an i#e1i#e tertentu yan( 3e-u#ian -en;a#i -ele3at pa#a 3onsep 3era;aan #an untu3 terli'at #ala- per3iraan 3ena'ian 3era;aan 3arena #apat 'er3e-'an( #ala- #unia yan( a3an #atan( .

'y su'stitutin( or the ?aster>s i#eal o the 3in(#o- the (ra#ual creation o a visi'le social or(ani/ation& the $hristian church. 0n# when they ha# acco-plishe# this pro(ra- o su'stitution& in or#er to -aintain consistency an# to provi#e or the reco(nition o the ?aster>s teachin( re(ar#in( the act o the 3in(#o-& they procee#e# to set the 3in(#o- o into the uture. +he church& ;ust as soon as it was well esta'lishe#& 'e(an to teach that the 3in(#o- was in reality to appear at the cul-ination o the $hristian a(e& at the secon# co-in( o $hrist. (1GB6.6) 1F0:6.16 4n this -anner the 3in(#o'eca-e the concept o an a(e& the i#ea o a uture visitation& an# the i#eal o the inal re#e-ption o the saints o the ?ost 9i(h. +he early $hristians (an# all too -any o the later ones) (enerally lost si(ht o the Father1an#1son i#ea e-'o#ie# in Desus> teachin( o the 3in(#o-& while they su'stitute# there or the well1or(ani/e# social ellowship o the church. +he church thus 'eca-e in the -ain a social 'rotherhoo# which e ectively #isplace# Desus> concept an# i#eal o a spiritual 'rotherhoo#. (1GB6.B) 1F0:6.1B Desus> i#eal concept lar(ely aile#& 'ut upon the oun#ation o the ?aster>s personal li e an# teachin(s& supple-ente# 'y the Gree3 an# "ersian concepts o eternal li e an# au(-ente# 'y "hilo>s #octrine o the te-poral contraste# with the spiritual& "aul went orth to 'uil# up one o the -ost pro(ressive hu-an societies which has ever e,iste# on Urantia. (1GB6.F) 1F0:6.1F +he concept o Desus is still alive in the a#vance# reli(ions o the worl#. "aul>s $hristian church is the sociali/e# an# hu-ani/e# sha#ow o what Desus inten#e# the 3in(#o- o heaven to 'e J an# what it -ost certainly will yet 'eco-e. "aul an# his successors partly trans erre# the issues o eternal li e ro- the in#ivi#ual to the church. $hrist thus 'eca-e the hea# o the church rather than the el#er 'rother o each in#ivi#ual 'eliever in the Father>s a-ily o the 3in(#o-. "aul an# his conte-poraries applie# all o Desus> spiritual i-plications re(ar#in( hi-sel an# the in#ivi#ual 'eliever to the church as a (roup o 'elievers; an# in

( 1.GB4&. ) 1F0:6.. %ela-a 'era'a#1a'a# perta-a #ari propa(an#a <risten & (a(asan 3era;aan sor(a san(at #ipen(aruhi oleh (a(asan1(a(asan 3e-u#ian #en(an cepat -enye'ar i#ealis-e @unani& (a(asan ala- se'a(ai 'ayan(an spiritual 1 te-poral se'a(ai wa3tu 'ayan(an a'a#i . ( 1.GB4&3 ) 1F0:6.3 +api lan(3ah 'esar yan( -enan#ai transplantasi a;aran @esus #ari @ahu#i 3e tanah 3a ir #ia-'il 3eti3a ?esias #ari 3era;aan -en;a#i "ene'us (ere;a & or(anisasi 3ea(a-aan #an sosial yan( tu-'uh #ari 3e(iatan "aulus #an para penerusnya #an 'er#asar3an a;aran @esus 3arena -ere3a #ilen(3api #en(an i#e1i#e #ari "hilo #an #o3trin "ersia yan( 'ai3 #an ;ahat . ( 1.GB4&4 ) 1F0:6.4 4#e1i#e #an cita1cita @esus & #iwu;u#3an #ala- a;aran in;il 3era;aan & ha-pir (a(al realisasi se'a(ai pen(i3utnya se-a3in ter#istorsi pernyataan nya . <onsep Guru 3era;aan itu teruta-a #i-o#i i3asi oleh #ua 3ecen#erun(an 'esar: (1GB4&6) 1F0:6.6 1 . Oran(1oran( percaya @ahu#i 'ertahan #ala- tentan( #ia se'a(ai ?esias . ?ere3a percaya 'ahwa @esus a3an se(era 3e-'ali se'enarnya untu3 -e-'an(un #i seluruh #unia #an le'ih atau 3uran( 3era;aan -aterial. (1GB4&B) 1F0:6.B . . Oran(1oran( <risten 'u3an @ahu#i -ulai san(at awal untu3 -eneri-a #o3trin1#o3trin "aulus & yan( -enye'a'3an se-a3in #en(an 3epercayaan u-u- 'ahwa @esus a#alah "ene'us ana31ana3 (ere;a & penerus 'aru #an 3ele-'a(aan 3onsep awal #ari persau#araan spiritual -urni 3era;aan . ( 1.GB4&F ) 1F0:6.F Gere;a & se'a(ai hasil sosial 3era;aan & a3an sepenuhnya ala-i #an 'ah3an #iin(in3an . <e;ahatan (ere;a ti#a3 3e'era#aannya & -elain3an 'ahwa itu ha-pir sepenuhnya -en((anti3an 3onsep @esus 3era;aan . Gere;a #ile-'a(a3an "aulus -en;a#i pen((anti virtual untu3 <era;aan %or(a yan( @esus a;ar3an. ( 1.GB4&G ) 1F0:6.G +api ;an(anlah ra(u &

#oin( this& they struc3 a #eath'low to Desus> concept o the #ivine 3in(#o- in the heart o the in#ivi#ual 'eliever. (1GBB.1) 1F0:6.1G 0n# so& or centuries& the $hristian church has la'ore# un#er (reat e-'arrass-ent 'ecause it #are# to lay clai- to those -ysterious powers an# privile(es o the 3in(#o-& powers an# privile(es which can 'e e,ercise# an# e,perience# only 'etween Desus an# his spiritual 'eliever 'rothers. 0n# thus it 'eco-es apparent that -e-'ership in the church #oes not necessarily -ean ellowship in the 3in(#o-; one is spiritual& the other -ainly social. (1GBB..) 1F0:6.1I %ooner or later another an# (reater Dohn the !aptist is #ue to arise proclai-in( )the 3in(#o- o Go# is at han#* J -eanin( a return to the hi(h spiritual concept o Desus& who proclai-e# that the 3in(#o- is the will o his heavenly Father #o-inant an# transcen#ent in the heart o the 'eliever J an# #oin( all this without in any way re errin( either to the visi'le church on earth or to the anticipate# secon# co-in( o $hrist. +here -ust co-e a revival o theactual teachin(s o Desus& such a restate-ent as will un#o the wor3 o his early ollowers who went a'out to create a sociophilosophical syste- o 'elie re(ar#in( the fact o ?ichael>s so;ourn on earth. 4n a short ti-e the teachin( o this story about Desus nearly supplante# the preachin( o Desus> (ospel o the 3in(#o-. 4n this way a historical reli(ion #isplace# that teachin( in which Desus ha# 'len#e# -an>s hi(hest -oral i#eas an# spiritual i#eals with -an>s -ost su'li-e hope or the uture J eternal li e. 0n# that was the (ospel o the 3in(#o-. (1GBB.3) 1F0:6..0 4t is ;ust 'ecause the (ospel o Desus was so -any1si#e# that within a ew centuries stu#ents o the recor#s o his teachin(s 'eca-e #ivi#e# up into so -any cults an# sects. +his piti ul su'#ivision o $hristian 'elievers results ro- ailure to #iscern in the ?aster>s -ani ol# teachin(s the #ivine oneness o his -atchless li e. !ut so-e#ay the true 'elievers in Desus will not 'e thus spiritually #ivi#e# in their attitu#e 'e ore un'elievers. 0lways we -ay have #iversity o intellectual co-prehension

ini 3era;aan yan( sa-a sur(a yan( #ia;ar3an Guru a#a #ala- hati oran( percaya & na-un a3an #i'erita3an 3e (ere;a <risten ini & 'ah3an untu3 se-ua a(a-a lain & ras & #an 'an(sa #i 'u-i 1 'ah3an setiap in#ivi#u . ( 1.GB4&I ) 1F0:6.I <era;aan a;aran @esus & cita1cita spiritual 3e'enaran in#ivi#u #an 3onsep perse3utuan ilahi -anusia #en(an +uhan & -en;a#i secara 'ertahap ten((ela- 3e #ala- 3onsepsi -isti3 pri'a#i @esus se'a(ai "ene'us 1 "encipta #an pe-i-pin spiritual se'uah 3o-unitas a(a-a #isosialisasi3an . Den(an cara ini se'uah (ere;a or-al #an 3ele-'a(aan -en;a#i pen((anti in#ivi#ual se-an(at yan( #ipi-pin persau#araan 3era;aan . ( 1GB4&10 ) 1F0:6.10 (ere;a ini -erupa3an hasil sosial yan( ta3 terela33an #an 'er(una 3ehi#upan #an a;aran @esus & tra(e#i ter#iri #ala3enyataan 'ahwa rea3si sosial ini #en(an a;aran 3era;aan 'e(itu penuh pen(un(si 3onsep spiritual 3era;aan nyata se'a(ai @esus #ia;ar3an #an -en;alaninya . ( 1.GB6&1 ) 1F0:6.11 <era;aan & 3epa#a oran( @ahu#i & a#alah u-at 4srael & untu3 oran( 3a ir itu -en;a#i (ere;a <risten . !a(i @esus 3era;aan a#alah pen;u-lahan #ari oran(1oran( yan( telah -en(a3u i-an -ere3a #ala- 3e'apaan 0llah & #en(an #e-i3ian -enyata3an #e#i3asi sepenuh hati -ere3a untu3 -ela3u3an #ari 3ehen#a3 0llah & sehin((a -en;a#i an((ota persau#araan spiritual -anusia . ( 1.GB6&. ) 1F0:6.1. Guru sepenuhnya -enya#ari 'ahwa hasil sosial tertentu a3an -uncul #i #unia se'a(ai a3i'at #ari penye'aran 4n;il 3era;aan & tetapi ia 'er-a3su# 'ahwa se-ua -ani estasi sosial seperti yan( #iin(in3an a3an -uncul se'a(ai Out(rowths sa#ar #an ta3 terela33an & atau 'uah1'uahan ala-i & pen(ala-an pri'a#i ini 'atin oran( percaya & ini perse3utuan spiritual -urni #an perse3utuan #en(an roh ilahi yan( 'er#ia- #an -en(a3ti 3an se-ua oran( percaya terse'ut . ( 1.GB6&3 ) 1F0:6.13 @esus -era-al3an 'ahwa or(anisasi sosial & atau (ere;a &

an# interpretation& even varyin( #e(rees o sociali/ation& 'ut lac3 o spiritual 'rotherhoo# is 'oth ine,cusa'le an# reprehensi'le. (1GBB.4) 1F0:6..1 ?ista3e notL there is in the teachin(s o Desus an eternal nature which will not per-it the- orever to re-ain un ruit ul in the hearts o thin3in( -en. +he 3in(#o- as Desus conceive# it has to a lar(e e,tent aile# on earth; or the ti-e 'ein(& an outwar# church has ta3en its place; 'ut you shoul# co-prehen# that this church is only the larval sta(e o the thwarte# spiritual 3in(#o-& which will carry it throu(h this -aterial a(e an# over into a -ore spiritual #ispensation where the ?aster>s teachin(s -ay en;oy a uller opportunity or #evelop-ent. +hus #oes the so1calle# $hristian church 'eco-e the cocoon in which the 3in(#o- o Desus> concept now slu-'ers. +he 3in(#o- o the #ivine 'rotherhoo# is still alive an# will eventually an# certainly co-e orth rothis lon( su'-er(ence& ;ust as surely as the 'utter ly eventually e-er(es as the 'eauti ul un ol#in( o its less attractive creature o -eta-orphic #evelop-ent.

a3an -en(i3uti 3e-a;uan 3era;aan rohani yan( se;ati & #an itulah se'a'nya #ia ti#a3 pernah -enentan( para rasul E 'erlatih ritus 'aptisan @ohanes . Dia -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa ;iwa -encintai 3e'enaran & oran( yan( lapar #an haus a3an 3e'enaran & 3arena 0llah & #ia3ui oleh i-an 3era;aan spiritual & pa#a saat yan( sa-a para rasul -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa oran( percaya seperti ini #iteri-a #i or(anisasi sosial -uri# oleh ritus luar 'aptisan . ( 1.GB6&4 ) 1F0:6.14 <eti3a pen(i3ut lan(sun( @esus #ia3ui 3e(a(alan parsial -ere3a untu3 -ewu;u#3an cita1citanya pe-'entu3an 3era;aan #ala- hati -anusia #en(an #o-inasi #an 'i-'in(an oran( percaya roh & -ere3a -ulai untu3 -enyela-at3an a;arannya #ari -en;a#i sepenuhnya hilan( #en(an -en((anti3an i#eal Guru 3era;aan penciptaan 'ertahap #ari suatu or(anisasi sosial terlihat& (ere;a <risten . Dan 3eti3a -ere3a telah -enyelesai3an pro(ra- ini su'stitusi & #ala- ran(3a -en;a(a 3onsistensi #an untu3 -enye#ia3an pen(a3uan ?aster pen(a;aran -en(enai a3ta 3era;aan & -ere3a -elan;ut3an untu3 -en(atur 3era;aan o 3e -asa #epan . Gere;a & se(era setelah itu -apan & -ulai -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa 3era;aan itu #ala3enyataannya -uncul #i punca3 #ari /a-an <risten & pa#a 3e#atan(an <ristus yan( 3e#ua . ( 1.GB6&6 ) 1F0:6.16 Den(an cara ini 3era;aan -en;a#i 3onsep usia & (a(asan tentan( 3un;un(an -asa #epan& #an i#eal pene'usan a3hir #ari oran(1oran( 3u#us @an( ?ahatin((i . Oran(1oran( <risten awal ( #an terlalu 'anya3 yan( 3e-u#ian) u-u-nya 3ehilan(an pan#an(an #ari (a(asan !apa 1 #an 1 ana3 yan( ter3an#un( #ala- a;aran @esus tentan( 3era;aan & se-entara -ere3a #i(anti untu3 itu perse3utuan sosial yan( teror(anisasi #ari (ere;a . Gere;a sehin((a -en;a#i #i uta-a persau#araan sosial yan( e e3ti pen(un(si 3onsep @esus #an i#eal persau#araan spiritual . ( 1.GB6&B ) 1F0:6.1B 3onsep yan( i#eal

@esus ini (a(al& tetapi atas #asar 3ehi#upan #an a;aran pri'a#i Guru & #ilen(3api #en(an 3onsep @unani #an "ersia 3ehi#upan 3e3al #an #ita-'ah #en(an a;aran "hilo #ari te-poral 3ontras #en(an spiritual & "aulus per(i se'a(ainya untu3 -e-'an(un salah satu -asyara3at -anusia yan( palin( pro(resi yan( pernah a#a #i Urantia . ( 1.GB6&F ) 1F0:6.1F <onsep @esus -asih hi#up #ala- a(a-a1a(a-a -a;u #i #unia . Gere;a <risten "aulus a#alah #isosialisasi3an #an -anusiawi 'ayan(an apa yan( @esus #i-a3su#3an 3era;aan sur(a untu3 -en;a#i 1 #an apa itu pasti 'elu- a3an -en;a#i . "aulus #an penerusnya se'a(ian #itrans er -asalah 3ehi#upan 3e3al #ari in#ivi#u 3e (ere;a . %ehin((a <ristus -en;a#i 3epala (ere;a #aripa#a 3a3a3 #ari setiap oran( percaya #ala- 3eluar(a !apa 3era;aan . "aulus #an se/a-annya -enerap3an se-ua @esus E i-pli3asi spiritual -en(enai #irinya #an oran( percaya 3e (ere;a se'a(ai 3elo-po3 oran( percaya & #an #ala- -ela3u3an hal ini & -ere3a -e-u3ul -e-ati3an pa#a @esus 3onsep 3era;aan ilahi #i ;antun( oran( percaya . ( 1.GBB&1 ) 1F0:6.1G Dan & sela-a 'era'a#1a'a# & (ere;a <risten 'e3er;a #i 'awah -alu 'esar 3arena 'erani -en(3lai- -ere3a 3e3uatan -isterius #an 3eisti-ewaan 3era;aan & 3e3uasaan #an ha3 isti-ewa yan( #apat #ila3sana3an #an hanya #iala-i antara @esus #an spiritual percaya sau#ara . Dan #en(an #e-i3ian -en;a#i ;elas 'ahwa 3ean((otaan (ere;a ti#a3 'erarti perse3utuan 3era;aan & salah satunya a#alah spiritual & yan( lain teruta-a sosial. ( 1.GBB&. ) 1F0:6.1I $epat atau la-'at lain #an le'ih 'esar @ohanes "e-'aptis a#alah 3arena ti-'ul -e-'erita3an : <era;aan 0llah su#ah #e3at : 1 yan( 'erarti 3e-'ali 3e 3onsep spiritual yan( tin((i #ari @esus & yan( -enyata3an 'ahwa 3era;aan a#alah 3ehen#a3 !apa sur(awi 1Cya #o-inan #an transen#en #ala- hati oran( percaya 1 #an -ela3u3an se-ua ini tanpa #en(an cara apapun -eru;u3 'ai3 3e (ere;a yan(

ta-pa3 #i 'u-i atau untu3 3e#ua #iantisipasi 3e#atan(an <ristus . 0#a harus #atan( 3e'an(3itan a;aran @esus yan( se'enarnya & pernyataan ulan( seperti a3an -e-'atal3an 3er;a pen(i3ut awal yan( per(i tentan( -encipta3an siste- sociophilosophical 3eya3inan -en(enai a3ta tin((al ?ichael #i 'u-i . Dala- wa3tu sin(3at pen(a;aran cerita tentan( @esus ha-pir -en((anti3an pe-'eritaan 4n;il @esus 3era;aan . Den(an cara ini a(a-a historis -en(un(si 'ahwa -en(a;ar #i -ana @esus -e-ili3i i#e -oral yan( tertin((i #ica-pur -anusia #an cita1cita spiritual #en(an harapan palin( luhur -anusia untu3 -asa #epan 1 hi#up yan( 3e3al . Dan itu a#alah 4n;il 3era;aan . ( 1.GBB&3 ) 1F0:6..0 9al ini hanya 3arena 4n;il @esus 'e(itu 'anya3 sisi 'ahwa #ala- a'a# siswa 'e'erapa catatan a;arannya -en;a#i #i'a(i -en;a#i 'e(itu 'anya3 se3te #an se3te . 4ni pe-'a(ian -enye#ih3an oran( percaya hasil <risten #ari 3e(a(alan untu3 -e-'e#a3an #ala- a;aran -ani ol# Guru 3esatuan ilahi 3ehi#upan tanpa tan#in( nya . +api suatu hari nanti oran( percaya se;ati #i #ala- @esus ti#a3 a3an #e-i3ian rohani #i'a(i #ala- si3ap -ere3a se'eluoran(1oran( 3a ir . %elalu 3ita -un(3in -e-ili3i 3era(a-an pe-aha-an intele3tual #an interpretasi & 'ah3an 'er'a(ai tin(3at sosialisasi & tapi 3uran(nya persau#araan spiritual a#alah 'ai3 #i-aa 3an #an tercela . ( 1.GBB&4 ) 1F0:6..1 <esalahan ti#a3L a#a #ala- a;aran @esus 'ersi at 3e3al yan( ti#a3 a3an -e-un(3in3an -ere3a untu3 tetap sela-anya 'er'uah #ala- hati -anusia 'erpi3ir . <era;aan seperti @esus #i3an#un( itu untu3 se'a(ian 'esar (a(al #i 'u-i & untu3 saat ini & (ere;a luar telah te-patnya & tetapi 0n#a harus -e-aha-i 'ahwa (ere;a ini hanya tahap larva #ari 3era;aan rohani #i(a(al3an & yan( a3an -e-'awanya -elalui usia ini -aterial #an le'ih 3e #ala- #ispensasi le'ih spiritual #i -ana a;aran Guru #apat -eni3-ati 3ese-patan yan( le'ih len(3ap untu3 pen(e-'an(an . De-i3ianlah yan( #ise'ut (ere;a <risten -en;a#i 3epo-pon( #i -ana 3era;aan

The Urantia Book Paper '> The P!anetary Prin,es (6F..1) 60:0.1 2948= 'elon(in( to the or#er o 8anonan#e3 %ons& the "lanetary "rinces are so speciali/e# in service that they are co--only re(ar#e# as a #istinct (roup. 0 ter their ?elchi/e#e3 certi ication as secon#ary 8anonan#e3s& these local universe %ons are assi(ne# to the reserves o their or#er on the constellation hea#Auarters. Fro- here they are assi(ne# to various #uties 'y the %yste- %overei(n an# eventually co--issione# as "lanetary "rinces an# sent orth to rule the evolvin( inha'ite# worl#s. (6F...) 60:0.. +he si(nal or a %yste%overei(n to act in the -atter o assi(nin( a ruler to a (iven planet is the receptiono a reAuest ro- the 8i e $arriers or the #ispatch o an a#-inistrative hea# to unction on this planet whereon they have esta'lishe# li e an# #evelope# intelli(ent evolutionary 'ein(s. 0ll planets which are inha'ite# 'y evolutionary -ortal creatures have assi(ne# to the- a planetary ruler o this or#er o sonship. 1. 3ission of the Prin,es (6F..3) 60:1.1 +he "lanetary "rince an# his assistant 'rethren represent the nearest personali/e# approach (asi#e ro- incarnation) that the =ternal %on o "ara#ise can -a3e to the lowly creatures o ti-e an# space. +rue& the $reator %on touches the creatures o the real-s throu(h his spirit& 'ut the "lanetary "rince is the last o the or#ers o personal %ons e,ten#in( out ro- "ara#ise to the chil#ren o -en. +he 4n inite %pirit co-es very near in the persons o the (uar#ians o #estiny an# other an(elic 'ein(s; the Universal Father lives in -an 'y the prepersonal presence o the ?ystery ?onitors; 'ut the "lanetary "rince represents the last e ort o the =ternal

3onsep @esus se3aran( terlelap . <era;aan persau#araan ilahi -asih hi#up #an a3hirnya #an pasti a3an #atan( 3eluar #ari ini peren#a-an pan;an( & persis seperti 3upu13upu a3hirnya -uncul se'a(ai in#ah terun(3apnya -a3hlu3 -enari3 3uran( pe-'an(unannya -eta-or . +he Urantia 3ertas 60 +he "rinces "lanetary ( 6F.&1 ) 60:0.1 %00+ -ili3 urutan 8anonan#e3 %ons & "rinces "lanetary 'e(itu 3husus #ala- layanan yan( -ere3a u-u-nya #ian((ap se'a(ai 3elo-po3 yan( 'er'e#a . %etelah serti i3asi ?el3ise#e3 se'a(ai 8anonan#e3s se3un#er & ini %ons se-esta lo3al #itu(as3an untu3 ca#an(an pesanan -ere3a #i -ar3as 3onstelasi . Dari sini -ere3a #itu(as3an untu3 'er'a(ai tu(as oleh %overei(n %iste#an a3hirnya #itu(as3an se'a(ai "an(eran "lanetary #an #iutus untu3 -e-erintah #unia #ihuni 'er3e-'an( . ( 6F.&. ) 60:0.. %inyal untu3 %overei(n %iste- untu3 'ertin#a3 #ala- hal -enetap3an pen((aris untu3 se'uah planet yan( #i'eri3an a#alah peneri-aan per-intaan #ari <ehi#upan Operator untu3 pen(iri-an #ari 3epala a#-inistrasi 'er un(si #i planet ini whereon -ere3a -e-ili3i #i#iri3an hi#up #an 'er3e-'an( -a3hlu3 evolusi cer#as. %e-ua planet yan( #ihuni oleh -a3hlu31 -a3hlu3 ana evolusi telah #itu(as3an 3epa#a -ere3a pen(uasa planet #ari pesanan ini 3eputraan . 1 . ?isi "rinces ( 6F.&3 ) 60:1.1 +he "lanetary "an(eran #an asistennya sau#ara1sau#aranya -ewa3ili ter#e3at pen#e3atan personal ( selain #ari in3arnasi ) 'ahwa "utra 0'a#i "ara#ise #apat -e-'uat -a3hlu3 ren#ah ruan( #an wa3tu . !enar & 0na3 "encipta -enyentuh -a3hlu3 #ari ala-elalui rohnya & tetapi "lanetary "an(eran a#alah yan( tera3hir #ari perintah %ons pri'a#i -e-'entan( #ari

%on an# his %ons to #raw near you. On a newly inha'ite# worl# the "lanetary "rince is the sole representative o co-plete #ivinity& sprin(in( ro- the $reator %on (the o sprin( o the Universal Father an# the =ternal %on) an# the Divine ?inister (the universe Dau(hter o the 4n inite %pirit). (6F..4) 60:1.. +he prince o a newly inha'ite# worl# is surroun#e# 'y a loyal corps o helpers an# assistants an# 'y lar(e nu-'ers o the -inisterin( spirits. !ut the #irectin( corps o such new worl#s -ust 'e o the lower or#ers o the a#-inistrators o a syste- in or#er to 'e innately sy-pathetic with& an# un#erstan#in( o & the planetary pro'le-s an# #i iculties. 0n# all o this e ort to provi#e sy-pathetic rulership or the evolutionary worl#s entails the increase# lia'ility that these near1hu-an personalities -ay 'e le# astray 'y the e,altation o their own -in#s over an# a'ove the will o the %upre-e Hulers. (6F..6) 60:1.3 !ein( Auite alone as representatives o #ivinity on the in#ivi#ual planets& these %ons are teste# severely& an# Ce'a#on has su ere# the -is ortune o several re'ellions. 4n the creation o the %yste- %overei(ns an# the "lanetary "rinces there occurs the personali/ation o a concept that has 'een (ettin( arther an# arther away ro- the Universal Father an# the =ternal %on& an# there is an increasin( #an(er o losin( the sense o proportion as to one>s sel 1i-portance an# a (reater li3elihoo# o ailure to 3eep a proper (rasp o the values an# relationships o the nu-erous or#ers o #ivine 'ein(s an# their (ra#ations o authority. +hat the Father is not personally present in the local universe also i-poses a certain test o aith an# loyalty on all these %ons. (6F3.1) 60:1.4 !ut not o ten #o these worl# princes ail in their -issions o or(ani/in( an# a#-inisterin( the inha'ite# spheres& an# their success (reatly acilitates the su'seAuent -issions o the ?aterial %ons& who co-e to en(ra t the hi(her or-s o creature li e on the pri-itive -en o the worl#s. +heir rule also #oes -uch to prepare the planets or the "ara#ise %ons o Go#& who su'seAuently co-e to ;u#(e the worl#s an# to

sur(a untu3 ana31ana3 -anusia . +he 4n inite Hoh #atan( san(at #e3at #alaoran( #ari pen;a(a ta3#ir #an -a3hlu3 -alai3at lainnya & 3ehi#upan Universal !apa #ala- -anusia oleh 3eha#iran prepersonal #ari ?onitor ?isteri & tetapi "lanetary "an(eran -erupa3an upaya tera3hir "utra 0'a#i an# %ons untu3 -en#e3at 0n#a . "a#a #unia 'aru #ihuni "lanetary "an(eran a#alah satu1satunya wa3il #ari 3eilahian len(3ap & -elo-pat #ari 0na3 "encipta ( 3eturunan #ari !apa Universal #an "utra 0'a#i ) #an ?enteri 4lahiah ( "utri se-esta Hoh +a3 +er'atas ) . ( 6F.&4 ) 60:1.. "an(eran #ari #unia 'aru #ihuni #i3elilin(i oleh 3orps setia pe-'antu #an asisten #an oleh se;u-lah 'esar roh -elayani . +api 3orps -en(arah3an #ari #unia 'aru seperti harus #ari perintah 'awah a#-inistrator siste- #ala- ran(3a untu3 -en;a#i 'awaan si-pati3 #en(an & #an pe-aha-an & -asalah planet #an 3esulitan . Dan se-ua upaya ini untu3 -e-'eri3an pe-erintahan si-pati3 'a(i #unia evolusi -e-erlu3an penin(3atan 3ewa;i'an 'ahwa 3epri'a#ian ini #e3at 1 -anusia #apat #isesat3an oleh penin((ian pi3iran -ere3a sen#iri atas #an #i atas 3ehen#a3 "en(uasa 0(un(. ( 6F.&6 ) 60:1.3 ?en;a#i cu3up sen#iri se'a(ai perwa3ilan 3etuhanan #i planet in#ivi#u& %ons ini san(at #iu;i & #an Ce'a#on telah -en#erita 3e-alan(an 'e'erapa pe-'eronta3an . Dalapenciptaan %iste- "en(uasa #an "an(eran "lanetary a#a ter;a#i personalisasi 3onsep yan( telah -en#apat3an le'ih ;auh #an le'ih ;auh #ari !apa Universal #an "utra 0'a#i & #an a#a 'ahaya -enin(3atnya 3ehilan(an rasa proporsi untu3 seseoran( #iri pentin( #an 3e-un(3inan le'ih 'esar 3e(a(alan untu3 -en;a(a pe-aha-an yan( tepat #ari nilai1nilai #an hu'un(an #ari 'anya3 perintah -anusia ilahi #an (ra#asi 3ewenan(an -ere3a . !ahwa !apa a#alah pri'a#i ti#a3 ha#ir #i alase-esta lo3al ;u(a -e-'e'an3an tes tertentu i-an #an 3esetiaan pa#a se-ua %ons terse'ut .

inau(urate successive #ispensations. 2. P!anetary Ad&inistration (6F3..) 60:..1 0ll "lanetary "rinces are un#er the universe a#-inistrative ;uris#iction o Ga'riel& the chie e,ecutive o ?ichael& while in i--e#iate authority they are su';ect to the e,ecutive -an#ates o the %yste- %overei(ns. (6F3.3) 60:... +he "lanetary "rinces -ay at any ti-e see3 the counsel o the ?elchi/e#e3s& their or-er instructors an# sponsors& 'ut they are not ar'itrarily reAuire# to as3 or such assistance& an# i such ai# is not voluntarily reAueste#& the ?elchi/e#e3s #o not inter ere with the planetary a#-inistration. +hese worl# rulers -ay also avail the-selves o the a#vice o the our an# twenty counselors& asse-'le# ro- the 'estowal worl#s o the syste-. 4n %atania these counselors are at present all natives o Urantia. 0n# there is an analo(ous council o seventy at the constellation hea#Auarters also selecte# ro- the evolutionary 'ein(s o the real-s. (6F3.4) 60:..3 +he rule o the evolutionary planets in their early an# unsettle# careers is lar(ely autocratic. +he "lanetary "rinces or(ani/e their speciali/e# (roups o assistants roa-on( their corps o planetary ai#s. +hey usually surroun# the-selves with a supre-e council o twelve& 'ut this is variously chosen an# #iversely constitute# on the #i erent worl#s. 0 "lanetary "rince -ay also have as assistants one or -ore o the thir# or#er o his own (roup o sonship an# so-eti-es& on certain worl#s& one o his own or#er& a secon#ary 8anonan#e3 associate. (6F3.6) 60:..4 +he entire sta o a worl# ruler consists o personalities o the 4n inite %pirit an# certain types o hi(her evolve# 'ein(s an# ascen#in( -ortals ro- other worl#s. %uch a sta avera(es a'out one thousan#& an# as the planet pro(resses& this corps o helpers -ay 'e increase# up to one hun#re# thousan# or -ore. 0t any ti-e nee# is elt or -ore helpers& the "lanetary "rinces have only to -a3e reAuest o their 'rothers& the %yste%overei(ns& an# the petition is (rante# orthwith. (6F3.B) 60:..6 "lanets vary (reatly in nature

( 6F3&1 ) 60:1.4 +api ti#a3 serin( -ela3u3an hal1 pan(eran #unia (a(al #ala- -isi -ere3a untu3 -en(atur #an -en(elola 'ola #ihuni & #an 3e'erhasilan -ere3a san(at -e-u#ah3an -isi 'eri3utnya #ari %ons ?aterial & yan( #atan( untu3 -enana-3an 'entu31 'entu3 3ehi#upan yan( le'ih tin((i -a3hlu3 #i oran( pri-iti #unia . "e-erintahan -ere3a ;u(a -ela3u3an 'anya3 untu3 -e-persiap3an planet untu3 "ara#ise 0na3 0llah & yan( 3e-u#ian #atan( untu3 -en(ha3i-i #unia #an untu3 -eres-i3an #ispensasi 'erturut1turut . . . "lanetary 0#-inistrasi ( 6F3&. ) 60:..1 %e-ua "rinces "lanetary 'era#a #i 'awah yuris#i3si a#-inistrasi ala- se-esta Ga'riel & 3epala e3se3uti ?ichael & se#an(3an pa#a otoritas lan(sun( -ere3a tun#u3 pa#a -an#at e3se3uti %overei(ns %yste-. ( 6F3&3 ) 60:... "ara "an(eran "lanetary #apat setiap saat -encari nasihat para ?el3ise#e3 & -antan instru3tur -ere3a #an sponsor & tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 sewenan(1wenan( #iperlu3an untu3 -e-inta 'antuan terse'ut & #an ;i3a 'antuan terse'ut ti#a3 secara su3arela #i-inta& ?el3ise#e3 la3u3an ti#a3 -en((an((u pe-erintahan planet . "ara pen(uasa #unia ;u(a #apat -e-an aat3an #iri #ari saran #ari #ua puluh e-pat 3onselor & #ira3it #ari #unia pen(anu(erahan siste-. Dala- %atania 3onselor ini saat ini se-ua pen#u#u3 asli Urantia . Dan a#a #ewan analo( #ari tu;uh puluh #i -ar3as 3onstelasi ;u(a #ipilih #ari -a3hlu3 evolusi ala- . ( 6F3&4 ) 60:..3 0turan planet evolusi #ala- 3arir awal #an (elisah -ere3a se'a(ian 'esar oto3ratis . +he "rinces "lanetary -en(or(anisir 3elo-po31 3elo-po3 3husus -ere3a asisten #ari 3alan(an 3orps -ere3a 'antu planet . ?ere3a 'iasanya -en(elilin(i #iri #en(an #ewan tertin((i #ua 'elas & tapi ini a#alah 'er'a(ai #ipilih #an #iversely -erupa3an #i #unia yan( 'er'e#a . %e'uah "an(eran "lanetary -un(3in ;u(a se'a(ai asisten satu atau le'ih urutan

an# or(ani/ation an# in a#-inistration& 'ut all provi#e or tri'unals o ;ustice. +he ;u#icial syste- o the local universe has its 'e(innin(s in the tri'unals o a "lanetary "rince& which are presi#e# over 'y a -e-'er o his personal sta ; the #ecrees o such courts re lect a hi(hly atherly an# #iscretionary attitu#e. 0ll pro'le-s involvin( -ore than the re(ulation o the planetary inha'itants are su';ect to appeal to the hi(her tri'unals& 'ut the a airs o his worl# #o-ain are lar(ely a#;uste# in accor#ance with the personal #iscretion o the prince. (6F4.1) 60:..B +he rovin( co--issions o conciliators serve an# supple-ent the planetary tri'unals& an# 'oth spirit an# physical controllers are su';ect to the in#in(s o these conciliators. !ut no ar'itrary e,ecution is ever carrie# out without the consent o the $onstellation Father& or the )?ost 9i(hs rule in the 3in(#o-s o -en.* (6F4..) 60:..F +he controllers an# trans or-ers o planetary assi(n-ent are also a'le to colla'orate with an(els an# other or#ers o celestial 'ein(s in ren#erin( these latter personalities visi'le to -ortal creatures. On special occasions the seraphic helpers an# even the ?elchi/e#e3s can an# #o -a3e the-selves visi'le to the inha'itants o the evolutionary worl#s. +he principal reason or 'rin(in( -ortal ascen#ers ro- the syste- capital as a part o the sta o the "lanetary "rince is to acilitate co--unication with the inha'itants o the real-. 3. The Prin,es /orporea! )taff (6F4.3) 60:3.1 On (oin( to a youn( worl#& a "lanetary "rince usually ta3es with hi- a (roup o volunteer ascen#in( 'ein(s rothe local syste- hea#Auarters. +hese ascen#ers acco-pany the prince as a#visers an# helpers in the wor3 o early race i-prove-ent. +his corps o -aterial helpers constitutes the connectin( lin3 'etween the prince an# the worl# races. +he Urantia "rince& $ali(astia& ha# a corps o one hun#re# such helpers. (6F4.4) 60:3.. %uch volunteer assistants are citi/ens o a syste- capital& an# none o the- have use# with their in#wellin( 0#;usters. +he status o the 0#;usters o

3eti(a 3elo-po3 sen#iri #ari ana31ana3 #an 3a#an(13a#an( & pa#a #unia tertentu& salah urutannya & se'uah 8anonan#e3 asosiasi se3un#er . ( 6F3&6 ) 60:..4 %eluruh sta pen(uasa #unia ter#iri #ari 3epri'a#ian Hoh +a3 +er'atas #an 'e'erapa ;enis -a3hlu3 'erevolusi le'ih tin((i #an nai3 -anusia #ari #unia lain . %eperti sta rata1rata se3itar seri'u & #an se'a(ai planet 'erlan(sun( & 3orps ini pe-'antu #apat #itin(3at3an hin((a seratus ri'u atau le'ih . "a#a setiap 3e'utuhan wa3tu terasa le'ih pe-'antu & "rinces "lanetary hanya untu3 -e-'uat per-intaan sau#ara1sau#ara -ere3a& "en(uasa %iste- & #an per-ohonan #i3a'ul3an se(era . ( 6F3&B ) 60:..6 "lanet san(at 'ervariasi #i ala- #an or(anisasi #an a#-inistrasi& tetapi se-ua -e-'eri3an pen(a#ilan 3ea#ilan . %iste- pera#ilan se-esta lo3al -e-ili3i awal #ala- pen(a#ilan #ari "an(eran "lanetary & yan( #ipi-pin oleh seoran( an((ota sta pri'a#inya & 3etetapan13etetapan pen(a#ilan terse'ut -encer-in3an si3ap yan( san(at 3e'apa3an #an #is3resioner . %e-ua -asalah yan( -eli'at3an le'ih #ari pen(aturan pen#u#u3 planet tun#u3 pa#a 'an#in( 3e pen(a#ilan yan( le'ih tin((i & tapi urusan #o-ain #unianya se'a(ian 'esar #isesuai3an sesuai #en(an 3e'i;a3sanaan pri'a#i san( pan(eran. ( 6F4&1 ) 60:..B <o-isi 3elilin( 3onsiliator -elayani #an -elen(3api pen(a#ilan planet & #an 3e#ua se-an(at #an pen(en#ali isi3 tun#u3 pa#a te-uan 3onsiliator terse'ut . +api ti#a3 sewenan(1wenan( yan( pernah #ila3u3an tanpa persetu;uan #ari !apa $onstellation & untu3 : <e'anya3an aturan 9i(hs #i 3era;aan -anusia . : ( 6F4&. ) 60:..F "en(en#ali #an trans or-er penu(asan planet ;u(a -a-pu 'er3ola'orasi #en(an -alai3at #an perintah lain #ari -a3hlu3 sur(awi #ala- -e-'eri3an 3epri'a#ian ini tera3hir terlihat -a3hlu3 ana . "a#a acara1acara 3husus pe-'antu 'i#a#ari

such volunteer servers re-ains as o the resi#ential stan#in( on the systehea#Auarters while these -orontia pro(ressors te-porarily revert to a or-er -aterial state. (6F4.6) 60:3.3 +he 8i e $arriers& the architects o or-& provi#e such volunteers with new physical 'o#ies& which they occupy or the perio#s o their planetary so;ourn. +hese personality or-s& while e,e-pt ro- the or#inary #iseases o the real-s& are& li3e the early -orontia 'o#ies& su';ect to certain acci#ents o a -echanical nature. (6F4.B) 60:3.4 +he prince>s corporeal sta are usually re-ove# ro- the planet in connection with the ne,t a#;u#ication at the ti-e o the secon# %on>s arrival on the sphere. !e ore leavin(& they custo-arily assi(n their various #uties to their -utual o sprin( an# to certain superior native volunteers. On those worl#s where these helpers o the prince have 'een per-itte# to -ate with the superior (roups o the native races& such o sprin( usually succee# the-. (6F4.F) 60:3.6 +hese assistants to the "lanetary "rince sel#o- -ate with the worl# races& 'ut they #o always -ate a-on( the-selves. +wo classes o 'ein(s result ro- these unions: the pri-ary type o -i#way creatures an# certain hi(h types o -aterial 'ein(s who re-ain attache# to the prince>s sta a ter their parents have 'een re-ove# ro- the planet at the ti-e o the arrival o 0#a- an# =ve. +hese chil#ren #o not -ate with the -ortal races e,cept in certain e-er(encies an# then only 'y #irection o the "lanetary "rince. 4n such an event& their chil#ren J the (ran#chil#ren o the corporeal sta J are in status as o the superior races o their #ay an# (eneration. 0ll the o sprin( o these se-i-aterial assistants o the "lanetary "rince are 0#;uster in#welt. (6F6.1) 60:3.B 0t the en# o the prince>s #ispensation& when the ti-e co-es or this )reversion sta * to 'e returne# to the syste- hea#Auarters or the resu-ption o the "ara#ise career& these ascen#ers present the-selves to the 8i e $arriers or the purpose o yiel#in( up their -aterial 'o#ies. +hey enter the transition slu-'er an# awa3en #elivere#

#an 'ah3an ?el3ise#e3 #apat #an -e-an( -e-'uat #iri -ere3a terlihat oleh pen#u#u3 #unia evolusi . 0lasan uta-a untu3 -e-'awa ascen#ers ana #ari i'u3ota siste- se'a(ai 'a(ian #ari sta "lanetary "an(eran a#alah untu3 -e- asilitasi 3o-uni3asi #en(an pen#u#u3 3era;aan. 3 . "an(eran ;as-ani %ta ( 6F4&3 ) 60:3.1 "a#a per(i 3e #unia -u#a & "an(eran "lanetary 'iasanya -e-a3an wa3tu 'ersa-anya se3elo-po3 relawan nai3 -a3hlu3 #ari -ar3as siste- lo3al . 4ni ascen#ers -ene-ani pan(eran se'a(ai penasihat #an pe-'antu #ala- pe3er;aan per'ai3an awal lo-'a . 4ni 3orps pe-'antu -ateri -erupa3an pen(hu'un( antara pan(eran #an ras #unia . +he Urantia "rince& $ali(astia & -e-ili3i 3orps seratus pe-'antu terse'ut . ( 6F4&4 ) 60:3.. asisten relawan terse'ut a#alah war(a ne(ara #ari -o#al siste- & #an ti#a3 satupun #ari -ere3a telah -enyatu #en(an a#;uster 'er#ia-nya -ere3a. %tatus #ari a#;uster server relawan terse'ut tetap se'a(ai yan( 'er#iri peru-ahan #i -ar3as se-entara siste- ini pelan;ut -orontia se-entara 3e-'ali 3e 'e3as ne(ara -aterial. ( 6F4&6 ) 60:3.3 9i#up $arriers & arsite3 'entu3 & -enye#ia3an relawan terse'ut #en(an tu'uh isi3 'aru& yan( -ere3a te-pati untu3 perio#e tin((al planet -ere3a. !entu31'entu3 3epri'a#ian& se-entara #i'e'as3an #ari penya3it 'iasa #ari ala- & yan( & seperti 'a#an -orontia awal & tun#u3 pa#a 3ecela3aan tertentu yan( 'ersi at -e3anis . ( 6F4&B ) 60:3.4 %ta ;as-ani san( pan(eran 'iasanya #ihapus #ari planet sehu'un(an #en(an putusan 'eri3utnya pa#a saat 3e#atan(an 0na3 3e#ua pa#a 'ola. %e'elu- 'eran(3at & -ere3a 'iasanya -enetap3an 'er'a(ai tu(as -ere3a untu3 3eturunan -ere3a salin( #an relawan asli un((ul tertentu. "a#a #unia1#unia #i -ana ini pe-'antu san( pan(eran telah #ii/in3an untu3 3awin

ro- their -ortal invest-ent an# clothe# with -orontia or-s& rea#y or seraphic transportation 'ac3 to the syste- capital& where their #etache# 0#;usters await the-. +hey are a whole #ispensation 'ehin# their Deruse- class& 'ut they have (aine# a uniAue an# e,traor#inary e,perience& a rare chapter in the career o an ascen#in( -ortal. $. The P!anetary 5ead<uarters and ),hoo!s (6F6..) 60:4.1 +he prince>s corporeal sta early or(ani/e the planetary schools o trainin( an# culture& wherein the creao the evolutionary races are instructe# an# then sent orth to teach these 'etter ways to their people. +hese schools o the prince are locate# at the -aterial hea#Auarters o the planet. (6F6.3) 60:4.. ?uch o the physical wor3 connecte# with the esta'lish-ent o this hea#Auarters city is per or-e# 'y the corporeal sta . %uch hea#Auarters cities& or settle-ents& o the early ti-es o the "lanetary "rince are very #i erent rowhat a Urantia -ortal -i(ht i-a(ine. +hey are& in co-parison with later a(es& si-ple& 'ein( characteri/e# 'y -ineral e-'ellish-ent an# 'y relatively a#vance# -aterial construction. 0n# all o this stan#s in contrast with the 0#a-ic re(i-e centerin( aroun# a (ar#en hea#Auarters& ro- which their wor3 in 'ehal o the races is prosecute# #urin( the secon# #ispensation o the universe %ons. (6F6.4) 60:4.3 4n the hea#Auarters settle-ent on your worl# every hu-an ha'itation was provi#e# with a'un#ance o lan#. 0lthou(h the re-ote tri'es continue# in huntin( an# oo# ora(in(& the stu#ents an# teachers in the "rince>s schools were all a(riculturists an# horticulturists. +he ti-e was a'out eAually #ivi#e# 'etween the ollowin( pursuits: (6F6.6) 60:4.4 1. 0hysical labor. $ultivation o the soil& associate# with ho-e 'uil#in( an# e-'ellish-ent. (6F6.B) 60:4.6 .. 1ocial activities. "lay per or-ances an# cultural social (roupin(s. (6F6.F) 60:4.B 3. 2ducational application. 4n#ivi#ual instruction in connection with a-ily1(roup teachin(& supple-ente# 'y speciali/e# class

#en(an 3elo-po3 un((ul #ari ras asli& 3eturunan seperti ini 'iasanya 'erhasil -ere3a. ( 6F4&F ) 60:3.6 ini asisten untu3 "lanetary "an(eran ;aran( 3awin #en(an ras #unia & tetapi -ere3a selalu 3awin #i antara -ere3a sen#iri . Dua 3elas hasil -a3hlu3 #ari seri3at ini : ;enis uta-a #ari -a3hlu3 ten(ah #an ;enis tin((i tertentu -ateri -a3hlu3 yan( tetap -ele3at 3epa#a sta pan(eran setelah oran( tua -ere3a telah #ihapus #ari planet pa#a saat 3e#atan(an 0#a- #an 9awa . 0na31 ana3 ti#a3 3awin #en(an ras ana 3ecuali #ala- 3ea#aan #arurat tertentu #an 3e-u#ian hanya #en(an arah "an(eran "lanetary . Dala- hal #e-i3ian & ana31 ana3 -ere3a 1 cucu #ari sta 3orporeal 1 'era#a #ala- status se'a(ai satu ras un((ul hari -ere3a #an (enerasi . %e-ua 3eturunan #ari asisten se-i-aterial #ari "lanetary "an(eran a#alah 0#;uster #i#ia-i . ( 6F6&1 ) 60:3.B "a#a a3hir #ispensasi san( pan(eran & 3eti3a saatnya ti'a untu3 ini :%ta pen(e-'alian : yan( a3an 3e-'ali 3e -ar3as siste- untu3 -e-ulai 3e-'ali 3arir "ara#ise & ascen#ers ini -ena-pil3an #iri 3e 9i#up Operator untu3 tu;uan #ari -en(hasil3an sa-pai tu'uh -ateri -ere3a . ?ere3a -e-asu3i ti#ur transisi #an -e-'an(3it3an #isa-pai3an #ari investasi ana -ere3a #an #iperlen(3api #en(an 'entu3 -orontia & siap untu3 transportasi 'i#a#ari 3e-'ali 3e i'u3ota siste-& #i -ana a#;uster terpisah -ere3a -enun((u -ere3a . ?ere3a a#alah #ispensasi seluruh 'ela3an( 3elas Deruse- -ere3a& tetapi -ere3a telah -en#apat3an pen(ala-an yan( uni3 #an luar 'iasa & se'uah 'a' lan(3a #i 3arir seoran( -enai3 ana . 4 . ?ar3as "lanetary #an %e3olah ( 6F6&. ) 60:4.1 san( pan(eran %ta ;as-ani awal -en(atur se3olah planet pelatihan #an 'u#aya & #i-ana 3ri- #ari ras evolusi #iperintah3an #an 3e-u#ian #iutus untu3 -en(a;ar3an cara1cara yan( le'ih 'ai3 untu3 oran(1oran( -ere3a . %e3olah1se3olah san( pan(eran 'era#a #i

(6F6.G) 60:4.F

-ar3as -ateri planet . ( 6F6&3 ) 60:4.. !anya3 pe3er;aan isi3 terhu'un( #en(an pe-'entu3an 3antor pusat 3ota ini #ila3u3an oleh sta ;as-ani . <ota13ota seperti -ar3as & atau per-u3i-an & #ari /a-an awal "an(eran "lanetary san(at 'er'e#a #ari apa yan( Urantia ana 'ayan(3an . ?ere3a a#alah & #i'an#in(3an #en(an usia 3e-u#ian & se#erhana & yan( #itan#ai #en(an hiasan -ineral #an #en(an 'ahan 3onstru3si yan( relati -a;u . Dan se-ua ini 'er#iri #i 3ontras #en(an re/i- 0#a- 'erpusat #i se3itar 3antor pusat ta-an & #ari -ana pe3er;aan -ere3a #ala- na-a ras #ituntut sela-a #ispensasi 3e#ua %ons se-esta . ( 6F6&4 ) 60:4.3 Dala- penyelesaian -ar3as #i #unia 0n#a setiap te-pat tin((al -anusia #i'eri3an #en(an 'anya3nya lahan . ?es3ipun su3u1su3u terpencil terus #ala- 'er'uru #an -a3anan -encari -a3an & para siswa #an (uru #i se3olah1se3olah "an(eran se-ua a(riculturists #an horticulturists . 2a3tu itu se3itar #i'a(i sa-a rata antara 3e(iatan 'eri3ut : (6F6&6) 60:4.4 1 . <er;a isi3 . !u#i#aya tanah & ter3ait #en(an 'an(unan ru-ah #an perhiasan. (6F6&B) 60:4.6 . . <e(iatan sosial. !er-ain pertun;u3an #an 3elo-po3 sosial 'u#aya . (6F6&F) 60:4.B 3 . 0pli3asi pen#i#i3an . 4nstru3si in#ivi#u sehu'un(an #en(an a;aran 3eluar(a 3elo-po3 & #ilen(3api #en(an pelatihan 3elas 3husus . (6F6&G) 60:4.F 4 . "elatihan 3e;uruan . %e3olah per3awinan #an 3eru-ahtan((aan & se3olah seni #an pelatihan 3era;inan & #an 3elas untu3 pelatihan (uru 1 se3uler & 'u#aya & #an a(a-a . (6F6&I) 60:4.G 6 . !u#aya spiritual . "ersau#araan (uru & pencerahan -asa 3ana313ana3 #an 3elo-po3 pe-u#a & #an pelatihan -en(a#opsi ana31ana3 pri'u-i se'a(ai -isionaris 3epa#a oran(1oran(

4. 3ocational training. %chools o -arria(e an# ho-e-a3in(& the schools o art an# cra t trainin(& an# the classes or the trainin( o teachers J secular& cultural& an# reli(ious. (6F6.I) 60:4.G 6. 1piritual culture. +he teacher 'rotherhoo#& the enli(hten-ent o chil#hoo# an# youth (roups& an# the trainin( o a#opte# native chil#ren as -issionaries to their people. (6F6.10) 60:4.I 0 "lanetary "rince is not visi'le to -ortal 'ein(s; it is a test o aith to 'elieve the representations o the se-i-aterial 'ein(s o his sta . !ut these schools o culture an# trainin( are well a#apte# to the nee#s o each planet& an# there soon #evelops a 3een an# lau#atory rivalry a-on( the races o -en in their e orts to (ain entrance to these various institutions o learnin(. (6F6.11) 60:4.10 Fro- such a worl# center o culture an# achieve-ent there (ra#ually ra#iates to all peoples an upli tin( an# civili/in( in luence which slowly an# certainly trans or-s the evolutionary races. ?eanti-e the e#ucate# an# spirituali/e# chil#ren o the surroun#in( peoples who have 'een a#opte# an# traine# in the prince>s schools are returnin( to their native (roups an#& to the 'est o their a'ility& are there esta'lishin( new an# potent centers o learnin( an# culture which they carry on accor#in( to the plan o the prince>s schools. (6FB.1) 60:4.11 On Urantia these plans or planetary pro(ress an# cultural a#vance-ent were well un#er way& procee#in( -ost satis actorily& when the whole enterprise was 'rou(ht to a rather su##en an# -ost in(lorious en# 'y $ali(astia>s a#herence to the 8uci er re'ellion. (6FB..) 60:4.1. 4t was one o the -ost pro oun#ly shoc3in( episo#es o this re'ellion or -e to learn o the callous per i#y o one o -y own or#er o sonship& $ali(astia& who& in #eli'eration an# with -alice a orethou(ht& syste-atically perverte# the instruction an# poisone# the teachin( provi#e# in all the Urantia planetary schools in operation at that ti-e. +he wrec3 o these schools was spee#y an# co-plete.

(6FB.3) 60:4.13

?any o the o sprin( o the ascen#ers o the "rince>s -ateriali/e# sta re-aine# loyal& #esertin( the ran3s o $ali(astia. +hese loyalists were encoura(e# 'y the ?elchi/e#e3 receivers o Urantia& an# in later ti-es their #escen#ants #i# -uch to uphol# the planetary concepts o truth an# ri(hteousness. +he wor3 o these loyal evan(els helpe# to prevent the total o'literation o spiritual truth on Urantia. +hese coura(eous souls an# their #escen#ants 3ept alive so-e 3nowle#(e o the Father>s rule an# preserve# or the worl# races the concept o the successive planetary #ispensations o the various or#ers o #ivine %ons. '. Pro#ressive /ivi!i0ation (6FB.4) 60:6.1 +he loyal princes o the inha'ite# worl#s are per-anently attache# to the planets o their ori(inal assi(n-ent. "ara#ise %ons an# their #ispensations -ay co-e an# (o& 'ut a success ul "lanetary "rince continues on as the ruler o his real-. 9is wor3 is Auite in#epen#ent o the -issions o the hi(her %ons& 'ein( #esi(ne# to oster the #evelop-ent o planetary civili/ation. (6FB.6) 60:6.. +he pro(ress o civili/ation is har#ly ali3e on any two planets. +he #etails o the un ol#-ent o -ortal evolution are very #i erent on nu-erous #issi-ilar worl#s. Cotwithstan#in( these -any #iversi ications o planetary #evelop-ent alon( physical& intellectual& an# social lines& all evolutionary spheres pro(ress in certain well1#e ine# #irections. (6FB.B) 60:6.3 Un#er the 'eni(n rule o a "lanetary "rince& au(-ente# 'y the ?aterial %ons an# punctuate# 'y the perio#ic -issions o the "ara#ise %ons& the -ortal races on an avera(e worl# o ti-e an# space will successively pass throu(h the ollowin( seven #evelop-ental epochs: (6FB.F) 60:6.4 1. (he nutrition epoch. +he prehu-an creatures an# the #awn races o pri-itive -an are chie ly concerne# with oo# pro'le-s. +hese evolvin( 'ein(s spen# their wa3in( hours either in see3in( oo# or in i(htin(& o ensively or #e ensively. +he oo# Auest is para-ount in the -in#s o these early ancestors o su'seAuent civili/ation.

-ere3a. ( 6F6&10 ) 60:4.I 0 "lanetary "an(eran ti#a3 terlihat -a3hlu3 ana & yan( -erupa3an u;ian i-an untu3 percaya representasi #ari -a3hlu3 se-i-aterial sta nya . +api se3olah1se3olah 'u#aya #an pelatihan yan( 'ai3 #isesuai3an #en(an 3e'utuhan -asin(1-asin( planet & #an a#a se(era -en(e-'an(3an persain(an yan( ta;a- #an pu;ian #i antara ras -anusia #ala- upaya -ere3a untu3 -en#apat3an -asu3 3e 'er'a(ai per(uruan . ( 6F6&11 ) 60:4.10 Dari seperti pusat #unia 'u#aya #an prestasi a#a secara 'ertahap -enye'ar 3e se-ua oran( pen(aruh se-an(at #an pe-'u#ayaan yan( perlahan1lahan #an tentu sa;a -en(u'ah ras evolusi . %e-entara ana31 ana3 #i#i#i3 #an spiritualisasi #ari -asyara3at se3itarnya yan( telah #ia#opsi #an #ilatih #i se3olah1se3olah san( pan(eran a3an 3e-'ali 3e 3elo-po3 asal -ere3a #an & untu3 yan( ter'ai3 #ari 3e-a-puan -ere3a & apa3ah a#a -en#iri3an pusat 'aru #an a-puh 'ela;ar #an 'u#aya yan( -ere3a 'awa pa#a sesuai #en(an rencana se3olah san( pan(eran . ( 6FB&1 ) 60:4.11 "a#a Urantia rencana ini untu3 3e-a;uan planet #an 3e-a;uan 'u#aya yan( 'er;alan #en(an 'ai3 & -elan;ut3an yan( palin( -e-uas3an & 3eti3a seluruh perusahaan #i'awa 3e a3hir a(a3 ti'a1ti'a #an palin( -e-alu3an oleh 3epatuhan $ali(astia terha#ap pe-'eronta3an 8uci er . ( 6FB&. ) 60:4.1. 4ni a#alah salah satu episo#e palin( san(at -en(e;ut3an pe-'eronta3an ini 'a(i saya untu3 'ela;ar #ari pen(3hianatan 'erperasaan salah satu pesanan saya sen#iri se'a(ai ana3 & $ali(astia & yan(& #ala-usyawarah #an #en(an 3e#en(3ian sen(a;a & siste-atis sesat instru3si #an -eracuni pen(a;aran yan( #i'eri3an #i se-ua se3olah planet Urantia #alaoperasi pa#a wa3tu itu . !an(3ai se3olah ini a#alah cepat #an len(3ap . ( 6FB&3 ) 60:4.13 !anya3 3eturunan #ari

(6FB.G) 60:6.6

.. (he security age. Dust as soon as the pri-itive hunter can spare any ti-e ro- the search or oo#& he turns this leisure to au(-entin( his security. ?ore an# -ore attention is #evote# to the techniAue o war. 9o-es are orti ie#& an# the clans are soli#i ie# 'y -utual ear an# 'y the inculcation o hate or orei(n (roups. %el 1preservation is a pursuit which always ollows sel 1 -aintenance. (6FF.1) 60:6.B 3. (he material4comfort era. 0 ter oo# pro'le-s have 'een partially solve# an# so-e #e(ree o security has 'een attaine#& the a##itional leisure is utili/e# to pro-ote personal co- ort. 8u,ury vies with necessity in occupyin( the center o the sta(e o hu-an activities. %uch an a(e is all too o ten characteri/e# 'y tyranny& intolerance& (luttony& an# #run3enness. +he wea3er ele-ents o the races incline towar#s e,cesses an# 'rutality. Gra#ually these pleasure1see3in( wea3lin(s are su';u(ate# 'y the -ore stron( an# truth1lovin( ele-ents o the a#vancin( civili/ation. (6FF..) 60:6.F 4. (he 5uest for +nowledge and wisdom. Foo#& security& pleasure& an# leisure provi#e the oun#ation or the #evelop-ent o culture an# the sprea# o 3nowle#(e. +he e ort to e,ecute 3nowle#(e results in wis#o-& an# when a culture has learne# how to pro it an# i-prove 'y e,perience& civili/ation has really arrive#. Foo#& security& an# -aterial co- ort still #o-inate society& 'ut -any orwar#1loo3in( in#ivi#uals are hun(erin( or 3nowle#(e an# thirstin( or wis#o-. =very chil# is provi#e# an opportunity to learn 'y #oin(; e#ucation is the watchwor# o these a(es. (6FF.3) 60:6.G 6. (he epoch of philosophy and brotherhood. 2hen -ortals learn to thin3 an# 'e(in to pro it 'y e,perience& they 'eco-e philosophical J they start out to reason within the-selves an# to e,ercise #iscri-inative ;u#(-ent. +he society o this a(e 'eco-es ethical& an# the -ortals o such an era are truly 'eco-in( -oral 'ein(s. 2ise -oral 'ein(s are capa'le o esta'lishin( hu-an 'rotherhoo# on such a pro(ressin( worl#. =thical an# -oral 'ein(s can learn how to live in accor#ance with the (ol#en

ascen#ers sta "an(eran terwu;u# tetap setia & #esersi ;a;aran $ali(astia . 4ni loyalis #i#oron( oleh peneri-a ?el3ise#e3 #ari Urantia & #an #i 3e-u#ian hari 3eturunan -ere3a 'er'uat 'anya3 untu3 -ene(a33an 3onsep planet 3e'enaran #an 3e'a;i3an . <arya ini evan(els setia -e-'antu untu3 -ence(ah total pe-usnahan 3e'enaran rohani pa#a Urantia . Diwa1;iwa pe-'erani #an 3eturunan -ere3a tetap hi#up 'e'erapa pen(etahuan tentan( aturan ayah #an #iawet3an untu3 'alapan #unia 3onsep #ispensasi planet 'erturut 'er'a(ai perintah %ons ilahi . 6 . "era#a'an pro(resi ( 6FB&4 ) 60:6.1 "ara pan(eran setia #unia #ihuni terpasan( secara per-anen 3e planet1planet tu(as aslinya . "ara#ise %ons #an #ispensasi -ere3a 'isa #atan( #an per(i & tetapi "an(eran "lanetary su3ses terus #i se'a(ai pen(uasa wilayah 3e3uasaannya . <aryanya cu3up in#epen#en #ari -isi #ari %ons tin((i & yan( #irancan( untu3 -en#oron( per3e-'an(an pera#a'an planet . ( 6FB&6 ) 60:6.. <e-a;uan pera#a'an ha-pir sa-a pa#a #ua planet . Hincian #ari pe-e3aran evolusi -anusia san(at 'er'e#a #i 'er'a(ai #unia yan( 'er'e#a. ?es3ipun ini 'anya3 #iversi i3asi pe-'an(unan planet #i sepan;an( (aris isi3 & intele3tual & #an sosial& se-ua evolusi 'i#an( 3e-a;uan #ala- arah tertentu sa;a . ( 6FB&B ) 60:6.3 'awah pe-erintahan ;ina3 #ari "an(eran "lanetary & #ita-'ah #en(an %ons ?aterial #an #iselin(i oleh -isi perio#i3 #ari %ons "ara#ise & ras ana pa#a #unia rata1rata ruan( #an wa3tu 'erturut1turut a3an -elewati tu;uh 'eri3ut per3e-'an(an /a-an : (6FB&F) 60:6.4 1 . Qa-an (i/i . ?a3hlu31 -a3hlu3 pra1-anusia #an ras a;ar -anusia pri-iti yan( teruta-a 'er3aitan #en(an -asalah pan(an . ?a3hlu3 'er3e-'an( -en(ha'is3an 'er;a-1;a'an(un -ere3a 'ai3 #ala- -encari -a3anan atau #ala- perte-puran & o ensi atau #e ensi . "encarian

(6FF.4) 60:6.I

B. (he age of spiritual striving. 2hen evolvin( -ortals have passe# throu(h the physical& intellectual& an# social sta(es o #evelop-ent& sooner or later they attain those levels o personal insi(ht which i-pel the- to see3 or spiritual satis actions an# cos-ic un#erstan#in(s. Heli(ion is co-pletin( the ascent ro- the e-otional #o-ains o ear an# superstition to the hi(h levels o cos-ic wis#o- an# personal spiritual e,perience. =#ucation aspires to the attain-ent o -eanin(s& an# culture (rasps at cos-ic relationships an# true values. %uch evolvin( -ortals are (enuinely culture#& truly e#ucate#& an# e,Auisitely Go#13nowin(. (6FF.6) 60:6.10 F. (he era of light and life. +his is the lowerin( o the successive a(es o physical security& intellectual e,pansion& social culture& an# spiritual achieve-ent. +hese hu-an acco-plish-ents are now 'len#e#& associate#& an# co1or#inate# in cos-ic unity an# unsel ish service. 2ithin the li-itations o inite nature an# -aterial en#ow-ents there are no 'oun#s set upon the possi'ilities o evolutionary attain-ent 'y the a#vancin( (enerations who successively live upon these supernal an# settle# worl#s o ti-e an# space. (6FF.B) 60:6.11 0 ter servin( their spheres throu(h successive #ispensations o worl# history an# the pro(ressin( epochs o planetary pro(ress& the "lanetary "rinces are elevate# to the position o "lanetary %overei(ns upon the inau(uration o the era o li(ht an# li e. +. P!anetary /u!ture (6FG.1) 60:B.1 +he isolation o Urantia ren#ers it i-possi'le to un#erta3e the presentation o -any #etails o the li e an# environ-ent o your %atania nei(h'ors. 4n these presentations we are li-ite# 'y the planetary Auarantine an# 'y the syste- isolation. 2e -ust 'e (ui#e# 'y these restrictions in all our e orts to enli(hten Urantia -ortals& 'ut in so ar as is per-issi'le& you have 'een instructe# in the pro(ress o an avera(e evolutionary worl#& an# you are a'le to co-pare such a worl#>s career with the present state o Urantia. (6FG..) 60:B.. +he #evelop-ent o civili/ation

-a3anan a#alah yan( terpentin( #alapi3iran para nene3 -oyan( awal pera#a'an 'eri3utnya . (6FB&G) 60:6.6 . . Usia 3ea-anan. %e(era setelah pe-'uru pri-iti 'isa -eluan(3an wa3tu #ari -encari -a3anan & ia 'eru'ah luan( ini untu3 -ena-'ah 3ea-anannya . "erhatian le'ih #an le'ih #i3husus3an untu3 te3ni3 peran( . Hu-ah yan( #i'enten(i & #an 3lan yan( #ipa#at3an #en(an salin( ta3ut #an #en(an penana-an 3e'encian untu3 3elo-po3 asin(. %el 1 pelestarian a#alah -en(e;ar yan( selalu -en(i3uti perawatan #iri . (6FF&1) 60:6.B 3 . !ahan 13enya-anan era . %etelah -asalah pan(an se'a(ian telah #iselesai3an #an 'e'erapa tin(3at 3ea-anan telah #icapai & wa3tu luan( ta-'ahan #i(una3an untu3 -e-pro-osi3an 3enya-anan pri'a#i . Kies -ewah #en(an 3e'utuhan -en#u#u3i pusat tahap 3e(iatan -anusia . %eperti usia yan( su#ah terlalu serin( #itan#ai #en(an tirani & intoleransi & 3era3usan & #an 3e-a'u3an . Unsur1unsur yan( le'ih le-ah #ari ras -irin( terha#ap e3ses #an 3e'rutalan . %ecara 'ertahap ini le-ah 3esenan(an 1 see3in( yan( #itun#u33an oleh ele-en yan( le'ih 3uat #an 3e'enaran 1 -encintai pera#a'an -a;u . (6FF&.) 60:6.F 4 . "encarian untu3 pen(etahuan #an 3e'i;a3sanaan . ?a3anan & 3ea-anan & 3esenan(an& #an re3reasi -e-'eri3an #asar 'a(i pen(e-'an(an 'u#aya #an penye'aran pen(etahuan . Upaya untu3 -en(e3se3usi hasil pen(etahuan #ala3e'i;a3sanaan & #an 3eti3a 'u#aya telah 'ela;ar 'a(ai-ana 3euntun(an #an -enin(3at3an pen(ala-an& pera#a'an telah 'enar1'enar ti'a . ?a3anan & 3ea-anan & #an -aterial 3enya-anan -asih -en#o-inasi -asyara3at& tetapi 'anya3 in#ivi#u 3e #epan lapar a3an pen(etahuan #an haus a3an hi3-at . %etiap ana3 #i'eri3an 3ese-patan untu3 'ela;ar #en(an -ela3u3an & pen#i#i3an -erupa3an se-'oyan #ari usia terse'ut . (6FF&3) 60:6.G 6 . Qa-an ilsa at #an

on Urantia has not #i ere# so (reatly ro- that o other worl#s which have sustaine# the -is ortune o spiritual isolation. !ut when co-pare# with the loyal worl#s o the universe& your planet see-s -ost con use# an# (reatly retar#e# in all phases o intellectual pro(ress an# spiritual attain-ent. (6FG.3) 60:B.3 !ecause o your planetary -is ortunes& Urantians are prevente# ro- un#erstan#in( very -uch a'out the culture o nor-al worl#s. !ut you shoul# not envisa(e the evolutionary worl#s& even the -ost i#eal& as spheres whereon li e is a lowery 'e# o ease. +he initial li e o the -ortal races is always atten#e# 'y stru((le. = ort an# #ecision are an essential part o the acAuire-ent o survival values. (6FG.4) 60:B.4 $ulture presupposes Auality o -in#; culture cannot 'e enhance# unless -in# is elevate#. %uperior intellect will see3 a no'le culture an# in# so-e way to attain such a (oal. 4n erior -in#s will spurn the hi(hest culture even when presente# to the- rea#y1-a#e. ?uch #epen#s& also& upon the successive -issions o the #ivine %ons an# upon the e,tent to which enli(hten-ent is receive# 'y the a(es o their respective #ispensations. (6FG.6) 60:B.6 @ou shoul# not or(et that or two hun#re# thousan# years all the worl#s o %atania have reste# un#er the spiritual 'an o Corlatia#e3 in conseAuence o the 8uci er re'ellion. 0n# it will reAuire a(e upon a(e to retrieve the resultant han#icaps o sin an# secession. @our worl# still continues to pursue an irre(ular an# chec3ere# career as a result o the #ou'le tra(e#y o a re'ellious "lanetary "rince an# a #e aultin( ?aterial %on. =ven the 'estowal o $hrist ?ichael on Urantia #i# not i--e#iately set asi#e the te-poral conseAuences o these serious 'lun#ers in the earlier a#-inistration o the worl#. -. The *ewards of so!ation (6FG.B) 60:F.1 On irst thou(ht it -i(ht appear that Urantia an# its associate# isolate# worl#s are -ost un ortunate in 'ein( #eprive# o the 'ene icent presence an# in luence o such superhu-an personalities as a "lanetary "rince an# a ?aterial %on an# Dau(hter. !ut isolation

persau#araan . <eti3a -anusia 'ela;ar untu3 'erpi3ir #an -ulai untu3 -en#apat3an 3euntun(an #en(an pen(ala-an & -ere3a -en;a#i iloso is 1 -ere3a -ulai 3eluar untu3 alasan #ala#iri -ere3a sen#iri #an untu3 -ela3sana3an penilaian #is3ri-inati . ?asyara3at /a-an ini -en;a#i eti3a & #an -anusia #ari era terse'ut 'enar1'enar -en;a#i -a3hlu3 -oral. ?a3hlu3 'er-oral 2ise -a-pu -e-'an(un persau#araan u-at -anusia pa#a suatu #unia 'er3e-'an(. ?a3hlu3 etis #an -oral #apat 'ela;ar 'a(ai-ana untu3 hi#up sesuai #en(an aturan e-as . (6FF&4) 60:6.I B . Usia spiritual 'er;uan( . <eti3a 'er3e-'an( -anusia telah -elewati tahap isi3& intele3tual & #an sosial #ari pe-'an(unan & cepat atau la-'at -ere3a -encapai level terse'ut wawasan pri'a#i yan( -en#oron( -ere3a untu3 -encari 3epuasan spiritual #an pe-aha-an 3os-i3 . 0(a-a se#an( -enyelesai3an pen#a3ian #ari #o-ain e-osional ta3ut #an ta3hayul 3e tin(3at 3e'i;a3sanaan yan( tin((i 3os-i3 #an pen(ala-an rohani pri'a#i . "en#i#i3an 'ercita1cita untu3 pencapaian -a3na & #an -enan(3ap 'u#aya #i hu'un(an 3os-i3 #an nilai1nilai yan( 'enar . ?anusia 'er3e-'an( terse'ut 'enar1 'enar 'er'u#aya & 'enar1'enar 'erpen#i#i3an & #an in#ah +uhan tahu . (6FF&6) 60:6.10 F . =ra teran( #an hi#up . 4ni a#alah 'er'un(a #ari usia 'erturut 3ea-anan isi3 & e3spansi intele3tual & sosial 'u#aya & #an prestasi spiritual . 4ni pencapaian -anusia se3aran( #ica-pur & ter3ait& #an ter3oor#inasi #ala- 3esatuan 3os-i3 #an pelayanan tanpa pa-rih . Dala- 3eter'atasan ala- ter'atas #an wa3a -ateri ti#a3 a#a 'atas yan( #itetap3an pa#a 3e-un(3inan pencapaian evolusi oleh (enerasi -a;u yan( 'erturut1turut hi#up #i atas #unia ini ilahi #an -enetap ruan( #an wa3tu . ( 6FF&B ) 60:6.11 %etelah -elayani 'ola -ere3a -elalui 3ele(aan 'erturut se;arah #unia #an /a-an 3e-a;uan 3e-a;uan planet & para "an(eran "lanetary #ian(3at 3e posisi %overei(ns "lanetary pa#a peres-ian era teran( #an

o these spheres a or#s their races a uniAue opportunity or the e,ercise o aith an# or the #evelop-ent o a peculiar Auality o con i#ence in cos-ic relia'ility which is not #epen#ent on si(ht or any other -aterial consi#eration. 4t -ay turn out& eventually& that -ortal creatures hailin( ro- the worl#s Auarantine# in conseAuence o re'ellion are e,tre-ely ortunate. 2e have #iscovere# that such ascen#ers are very early intruste# with nu-erous special assi(n-ents to cos-ic un#erta3in(s where unAuestione# aith an# su'li-e con i#ence are essential to achieve-ent. (6FI.1) 60:F.. On Deruse- the ascen#ers rothese isolate# worl#s occupy a resi#ential sector 'y the-selves an# are 3nown as the agondonters, -eanin( evolutionary will creatures who can 'elieve without seein(& persevere when isolate#& an# triu-ph over insupera'le #i iculties even when alone. +his unctional (roupin( o the a(on#onters persists throu(hout the ascension o the local universe an# the traversal o the superuniverse; it #isappears #urin( the so;ourn in 9avona 'ut pro-ptly reappears upon the attain-ent o "ara#ise an# #e initely persists in the $orps o the ?ortal Finality. +a'a-antia is an agondonter o inaliter status& havin( survive# ro- one o the Auarantine# spheres involve# in the irst re'ellion ever to ta3e place in the universes o ti-e an# space. (6FI..) 60:F.3 0ll throu(h the "ara#ise career& rewar# ollows e ort as the result o causes. %uch rewar#s set o the in#ivi#ual ro- the avera(e& provi#e a #i erential o creature e,perience& an# contri'ute to the versatility o ulti-ate per or-ances in the collective 'o#y o the inaliters. (6FI.3) 60:F.4 M"resente# 'y a %econ#ary 8anonan#e3 %on o the Heserve $orps.N

hi#up . B . !u#aya "lanetary ( 6FG&1 ) 60:B.1 4solasi Urantia -e-'uat -ustahil untu3 -ela3u3an presentasi 'anya3 #etail #ari 3ehi#upan #an lin(3un(an tetan((a %atania 0n#a . Dala- presentasi ini 3ita #i'atasi oleh planet 3arantina #an oleh isolasi siste- . <ita harus #ipan#u oleh pe-'atasan ini #ala- se-ua upaya 3ita untu3 -encerah3an Urantia -anusia & na-un se;auh #iper'oleh3an & 0n#a telah #iperintah3an #ala- 3e-a;uan #unia yan( evolusioner rata1rata& #an 0n#a #apat -e-'an#in(3an 3arir #unia seperti #en(an -asa 3ini ne(ara Urantia . ( 6FG&. ) 60:B.. "er3e-'an(an pera#a'an #i Urantia ti#a3 'er'e#a 'e(itu ;auh #ari yan( #unia lain yan( telah -en#erita 3e-alan(an isolasi spiritual . +etapi 'ila #i'an#in(3an #en(an #unia setia ala- se-esta & planet 0n#a ta-pa3nya palin( -e-'in(un(3an #an san(at ter'ela3an( #ala- se-ua tahap per3e-'an(an intele3tual #an pencapaian spiritual . ( 6FG&3 ) 60:B.3 <arena 3e-alan(an planet 0n#a & Urantians #ice(ah #ari pe-aha-an san(at 'anya3 tentan( 'u#aya #unia nor-al. +etapi 0n#a ti#a3 perlu -e-'ayan(3an #unia evolusi & 'ah3an yan( palin( i#eal& 3arena 'i#an(1 'i#an( 3ehi#upan yan( #iin;a3 a#alah te-pat ti#ur 'un(a 3e-u#ahan . <ehi#upan awal #ari ras -anusia selalu #iha#iri oleh per;uan(an . Usaha #an 3eputusan -erupa3an 'a(ian pentin( #ari perolehan nilai hi#up . ( 6FG&4 ) 60:B.4 !u#aya -en(an#ai3an 3ualitas pi3iran & 'u#aya ti#a3 #apat #itin(3at3an 3ecuali pi3iran yan( #itin((i3an . 4ntele3 un((ul a3an -encari 'u#aya luhur #an -ene-u3an 'e'erapa cara untu3 -encapai tu;uan terse'ut . "i3iran in erior a3an -en(hina3an 'u#aya tertin((i 'ah3an 3eti3a #isa;i3an 3epa#a -ere3a siap pa3ai . !anya3 ter(antun( & ;u(a & pa#a -isi 'erurutan

#ari %ons ilahi #an pa#a se;auh -ana pencerahan #iteri-a oleh usia #ispensasi -asin(1-asin( . ( 6FG&6 ) 60:B.6 0n#a ti#a3 'oleh lupa 'ahwa sela-a #ua ratus ri'u tahun seluruh #unia #ari %atania telah 'eristirahat #i 'awah laran(an spiritual Corlatia#e3 se'a(ai a3i'at #ari pe-'eronta3an 8uci er . Dan itu a3an -e-'utuh3an usia pa#a usia untu3 -en(a-'il cacat resultan #ari #osa #an -e-isah3an #iri . Dunia 0n#a -asih terus -en(e;ar 3arir teratur #an 3ota31 3ota3 se'a(ai a3i'at #ari tra(e#i (an#a #ari "an(eran "lanetary -e-'eronta3 #an !ahan %on #e ault . !ah3an pen(anu(erahan <ristus ?ichael #i Urantia ti#a3 se(era -enyisih3an 3onse3uensi te-poral ini 3esalahan serius #ala- pe-erintahan se'elu-nya #i #unia. F . 9a#iah #ari 4solasi ( 6FG&B ) 60:F.1 "a#a pi3iran perta-a -un(3in ta-pa3 'ahwa Urantia #an #unia terisolasi ter3ait yan( palin( ti#a3 'eruntun( #ala- #ira-pas #ari 3eha#iran #er-awan #an pen(aruh 3epri'a#ian -anusia super seperti "an(eran "lanetary #an 0na3 ?aterial #an "utri . +api isolasi 'i#an( ini -e-'eri ras -ere3a 3ese-patan uni3 untu3 -en;alan3an i-an #an untu3 pen(e-'an(an 3ualitas aneh 3epercayaan #ala- 3ehan#alan 3os-is yan( ti#a3 ter(antun( pa#a pan#an(an atau 'ahan perti-'an(an lainnya . 4ni -un(3in 'eru'ah & a3hirnya & 'ahwa -a3hlu3 ana 'erasal #ari #unia #i3arantina se'a(ai a3i'at #ari pe-'eronta3an san(at 'eruntun( . <a-i telah -ene-u3an 'ahwa ascen#ers terse'ut san(at awal intruste# #en(an 'er'a(ai penu(asan 3husus 3epa#a usaha 3os-i3 #i-ana i-an #an 3eya3inan #ipertanya3an luhur san(at pentin( untu3 prestasi . ( 6FI&1 ) 60:F.. "a#a Deruse- para pen#a3i #ari #ua #unia yan( terisolasi -ene-pati se3tor peru-ahan sen#iri #an #i3enal se'a(ai a(on#onters & 'erarti 3ehen#a3 -a3hlu3 evolusi yan( percaya

tanpa -elihat & 'ertahan 3eti3a terisolasi & #an 3e-enan(an atas 3esulitan #apat #iatasi 'ah3an 3eti3a sen#irian. 4ni pen(elo-po3an un(sional #ari a(on#onters 'erlan;ut sepan;an( 3enai3an ala- se-esta lo3al #an traversal superuniverse & -elain3an -en(hilan( sela-a tin((al #i 9avona tetapi se(era -uncul 3e-'ali pa#a pencapaian sur(a #an pasti tetap #ala<orps Finalitas ?ortal . +a'a-antia a#alah a(on#onter status inaliter & setelah sela-at #ari salah satu 'i#an( #i3arantina terli'at #alape-'eronta3an perta-a yan( 'erlan(sun( #i ala- se-esta ruan( #an wa3tu . ( 6FI&. ) 60:F.3 %e-ua -elalui 3arir "ara#ise & ha#iah 'eri3ut usaha se'a(ai hasil #ari penye'a' . "en(har(aan terse'ut 'eran(3at in#ivi#u #ari rata1rata & -e-'eri3an #i erensial pen(ala-an -a3hlu3 & #an -e-'eri3an 3ontri'usi pa#a le3si'ilitas #ari pertun;u3an uta-a #ala- tu'uh 3ole3ti inaliters . ( 6FI&3 ) 60:F.4 M Disa-pai3an oleh 8anonan#e3 0na3 %e3un#er Heserve $orps. N +he Urantia 3ertas 1.B Dua +ahun <rusial ( 1.3GB&1 ) 1.B:0.1 OF pen(ala-an 'u-i hi#up 088 @esus & tahun 3ee-pat 'elas #an 3eli-a 'elas a#alah yan( palin( pentin( . 4ni #ua tahun & setelah ia -ulai sa#ar #iri 3eilahian #an ta3#ir & #an se'elu- #ia -encapai u3uran 'esar 3o-uni3asi #en(an 0#;uster 'er#ia-nya nya & a#alah yan( palin( -enco'a 3ehi#upan 3e;a#ian pa#a Urantia . 4ni a#alah perio#e #ua tahun yan( harus #ise'ut tes 'esar& (o#aan nyata . +i#a3 a#a pe-u#a -anusia& #ala- -elewati 3e'in(un(an awal #an -asalah penyesuaian re-a;a & pernah -en(ala-i pen(u;ian yan( le'ih pentin( #ari itu yan( @esus -elewati sela-a transisi #ari -asa 3ana313ana3 3e 3e#ewasaan -u#a. ( 1.3GB&. ) 1.B:0.. "erio#e pentin( #ala-

+he Urantia !oo3 "aper 1.B +he +wo $rucial @ears (13GB.1) 1.B:0.1 OF 088 Desus> earth1li e e,periences& the ourteenth an# i teenth years were the -ost crucial. +hese two years& a ter he 'e(an to 'e sel 1conscious o #ivinity an# #estiny& an# 'e ore he achieve# a lar(e -easure o co--unication with his in#wellin( 0#;uster& were the -ost tryin( o his event ul li e on Urantia. 4t is this perio# o two years which shoul# 'e calle# the (reat test& the real te-ptation. Co hu-an youth& in passin( throu(h the early con usions an# a#;ust-ent pro'le-s o a#olescence& ever e,perience# a -ore crucial testin( than that which Desus passe# throu(h #urin( his transition ro- chil#hoo# to youn( -anhoo#.

(13GB..) 1.B:0.. +his i-portant perio# in Desus> youth ul #evelop-ent 'e(an with the conclusion o the Derusalevisit an# with his return to Ca/areth. 0t irst ?ary was happy in the thou(ht that she ha# her 'oy 'ac3 once -ore& that Desus ha# returne# ho-e to 'e a #uti ul son J not that he was ever anythin( else J an# that he woul# hence orth 'e -ore responsive to her plans or his uture li e. !ut she was not or lon( to 'as3 in this sunshine o -aternal #elusion an# unreco(ni/e# a-ily pri#e; very soon she was to 'e -ore co-pletely #isillusione#. ?ore an# -ore the 'oy was in the co-pany o his ather; less an# less #i# he co-e to her with his pro'le-s& while increasin(ly 'oth his parents aile# to co-prehen# his reAuent alternation 'etween the a airs o this worl# an# the conte-plation o his relation to his Father>s 'usiness. Fran3ly& they #i# not un#erstan# hi-& 'ut they #i# truly love hi-. (13GB.3) 1.B:0.3 0s he (rew ol#er& Desus> pity an# love or the Dewish people #eepene#& 'ut with the passin( years& there #evelope# in his -in# a (rowin( ri(hteous resent-ent o the presence in the Father>s te-ple o the politically appointe# priests. Desus ha# (reat respect or the sincere "harisees an# the honest scri'es& 'ut he hel# the hypocritical "harisees an# the #ishonest theolo(ians in (reat conte-pt; he loo3e# with #is#ain upon all those reli(ious lea#ers who were not sincere. 2hen he scrutini/e# the lea#ership o 4srael& he was so-eti-es te-pte# to loo3 with avor on the possi'ility o his 'eco-in( the ?essiah o Dewish e,pectation& 'ut he never yiel#e# to such a te-ptation. (13GB.4) 1.B:0.4 +he story o his e,ploits a-on( the wise -en o the te-ple in Derusale- was (rati yin( to all Ca/areth& especially to his or-er teachers in the syna(o(ue school.

pe-'an(unan -u#a @esus #i-ulai #en(an 3esi-pulan #ari 3un;un(an @erusale- #an #en(an 3e-'ali 3e Ca/aret . "a#a awalnya ?ary senan( #ala- pe-i3iran 'ahwa ia -e-ili3i ana3nya 3e-'ali se3ali la(i & 'ahwa @esus telah 3e-'ali 3e ru-ah untu3 -en;a#i ana3 yan( 'er'a3ti 1 'u3an 'ahwa ia pernah apa pun 1 #an 'ahwa ia selan;utnya a3an le'ih responsi terha#ap rencananya untu3 -asa #epannya hi#up. +api ia ti#a3 la-a untu3 'er;e-ur #i 'awah sinar -atahari ini #elusi i'u #an #ia3ui 3e'an((aan 3eluar(a& se(era #ia a3an -en;a#i le'ih len(3ap 3ecewa . %e-a3in 'anya3 ana3 itu #i perusahaan ayahnya & 3uran( #an 3uran( #ia #atan( 3epa#anya #en(an -asalah & se-entara se-a3in 3e#ua oran(tuanya (a(al untu3 -e-aha-i per(antian yan( serin( antara urusan #unia #an perenun(an hu'un(annya #en(an nya 'isnis ayah. +erus teran( & -ere3a ti#a3 -e-aha-inya & tetapi -ere3a 'enar1 'enar -encintainya . ( 1.3GB&3 ) 1.B:0.3 %aat ia tu-'uh le'ih tua & 3asihan @esus #an cinta untu3 oran(1oran( @ahu#i #iper#ala- & tetapi #en(an 'erlalunya & a#a #i3e-'an(3an #ala- 'ena3nya 3e'encian 'enar tu-'uh 3eha#iran #i 'ait !apa para i-a- politi3 #itun;u3. @esus san(at -en(hor-ati oran(1oran( Farisi #an ahli tulus ;u;ur& tapi #ia -e-e(an( Farisi -una i3 #an teolo( ;u;ur -en(hina 'esar & ia -e-an#an( #en(an ;i;i3 pa#a se-ua pe-i-pin a(a-a yan( ti#a3 tulus . <eti3a ia -eneliti 3epe-i-pinan 4srael & ia 3a#an(13a#an( ter(o#a untu3 -elihat #en(an -en#u3un( tentan( 3e-un(3inan #irinya -en;a#i ?esias yan( #i;an;i3an @ahu#i & tapi #ia ti#a3 pernah -enyerah pa#a (o#aan terse'ut . ( 1.3GB&4 ) 1.B:0.4 <isah e3sploitasi #i antara oran(1oran( 'i;a3 #ari 3uil #i @erusale- a#alah -enyenan(3an untu3 se-ua Ca/aret & 3hususnya -antan (uru #i se3olah sina(o(e . Untu3 se-entara wa3tu pu;ian pa#a 'i'ir setiap oran( . %e-ua #esa -encerita3an 3eari an -asa 3ecilnya #an patut #ipu;i perila3u #an -era-al3an 'ahwa ia #ita3#ir3an untu3 -en;a#i seoran( pe-i-pin 'esar #i

For a ti-e his praise was on every'o#y>s lips. 0ll the villa(e recounte# his chil#hoo# wis#o- an# praiseworthy con#uct an# pre#icte# that he was #estine# to 'eco-e a (reat lea#er in 4srael; at last a really (reat teacher was to co-e out o Ca/areth in Galilee. 0n# they all loo3e# orwar# to the ti-e when he woul# 'e i teen years o a(e so that he -i(ht 'e per-itte# re(ularly to rea# the %criptures in the syna(o(ue on the %a''ath #ay. 1. 9is Fourteenth @ear (0.D. G) (13GF.1) 1.B:1.1 +his is the calen#ar year o his ourteenth 'irth#ay. 9e ha# 'eco-e a (oo# yo3e -a3er an# wor3e# well with 'oth canvas an# leather. 9e was also rapi#ly #evelopin( into an e,pert carpenter an# ca'inet-a3er. +his su--er he -a#e reAuent trips to the top o the hill to the northwest o Ca/areth or prayer an# -e#itation. 9e was (ra#ually 'eco-in( -ore sel 1 conscious o the nature o his 'estowal on earth. (13GF..) 1.B:1.. +his hill& a little -ore than one hun#re# years previously& ha# 'een the )hi(h place o !aal&* an# now it was the site o the to-' o %i-eon& a repute# holy -an o 4srael. Fro- the su--it o this hill o %i-eon& Desus loo3e# out over Ca/areth an# the surroun#in( country. 9e woul# (a/e upon ?e(i##o an# recall the story o the =(yptian ar-y winnin( its irst (reat victory in 0sia; an# how& later on& another such ar-y #e eate# the Du#ean 3in( Dosiah. Cot ar away he coul# loo3 upon +aanach& where De'orah an# !ara3 #e eate# %isera. 4n the #istance he coul# view the hills o Dothan& where he ha# 'een tau(ht Doseph>s 'rethren sol# hiinto =(yptian slavery. 9e then woul# shi t his (a/e over to ='al an# Geri/i- an# recount to hi-sel the tra#itions o 0'raha-& Daco'& an# 0'i-elech. 0n# thus he recalle# an# turne# over in his -in# the historic

4srael & pa#a a3hirnya seoran( (uru 'enar1'enar he'at a#alah untu3 3eluar #ari Ca/aret #i Galilea . Dan -ere3a se-ua -enanti3an saat 3eti3a ia a3an li-a 'elas tahun sehin((a ia 'isa #ii/in3an secara teratur untu3 -e-'aca 0l3ita' #i ru-ah i'a#at pa#a hari %a'at . 1 . +ahun <ee-pat'elas Cya ( ? G ) ( 1.3GF&1 ) 1.B:1.1 ini a#alah tahun 3alen#er ulan( tahun 3ee-pat 'elas . Dia telah -en;a#i pe-'uat 3u3 yan( 'ai3 #an 'e3er;a #en(an 'ai3 #en(an 3e#ua 3anvas #an 3ulit . Dia ;u(a cepat 'er3e-'an( -en;a#i seoran( tu3an( 3ayu ahli #an ca'inet . ?usi- panas ini ia serin( -ela3u3an per;alanan 3e atas 'u3it 3e arah 'arat laut Ca/aret untu3 'er#oa #an -e#itasi . Dia secara 'ertahap -en;a#i le'ih sa#ar #iri #ari si at pen(anu(erahan #i 'u-i . ( 1.3GF&. ) 1.B:1.. 'u3it ini & se#i3it le'ih #ari seratus tahun se'elu-nya & telah -en;a#i : te-pat tin((i !aal & : #an se3aran( -en;a#i lo3asi -a3a- %i-eon & oran( suci ter3enal #ari 4srael. Dari punca3 'u3it ini %i-eon & @esus -e-an#an( 3e Ca/aret #an ne(ara se3itarnya . Dia a3an -elihat 3e atas ?e(i#o #an -en(in(at 3isah tentara ?esir -e-enan(3an 3e-enan(an 'esar perta-a #i 0sia & #an 'a(ai-ana & 3e-u#ian & tentara lain seperti -en(alah3an @u#ea ra;a @osia . +i#a3 ;auh ia 'isa -e-an#an( +aana3h & #i -ana De'ora #an !ara3 -en(alah3an %isera . Di 3e;auhan ia 'isa -elihat per'u3itan Dothan & #i -ana ia telah #ia;ar3an sau#ara1sau#ara @usu -en;ual #ia 3e per'u#a3an #i ?esir . Dia 3e-u#ian a3an -en((eser tatapannya 3e ='al #an Geri/i- #an -encerita3an #irinya tra#isi 0'raha- & @a3u' & #an 0'i-ele3h . Dan #en(an #e-i3ian ia terin(at #an #iserah3an #ala- pi3irannya peristiwa 'erse;arah #an tra#isional -asyara3at ayahnya @usu . O ( 1.3GF&3 ) 1.B:1.3 Dia terus -elan;ut3an 3ursus lan;utan tentan( -e-'aca #i 'awah (uru sina(o(a & #an #ia ;u(a #ilan;ut3an #en(an pen#i#i3an ru-ah sau#ara1sau#aranya saat -ere3a tu-'uh

an# tra#itional events o his ather Doseph>s people.O (13GF.3) 1.B:1.3 9e continue# to carry on his a#vance# courses o rea#in( un#er the syna(o(ue teachers& an# he also continue# with the ho-e e#ucation o his 'rothers an# sisters as they (rew up to suita'le a(es. (13GF.4) 1.B:1.4 =arly this year Doseph arran(e# to set asi#e the inco-e ro- his Ca/areth an# $apernauproperty to pay or Desus> lon( course o stu#y at Derusale-& it havin( 'een planne# that he shoul# (o to Derusale- in 0u(ust o the ollowin( year when he woul# 'e i teen years o a(e. (13GF.6) 1.B:1.6 !y the 'e(innin( o this year 'oth Doseph an# ?ary entertaine# reAuent #ou'ts a'out the #estiny o their irst1'orn son. 9e was in#ee# a 'rilliant an# lova'le chil#& 'ut he was so #i icult to un#erstan#& so har# to atho-& an# a(ain& nothin( e,traor#inary or -iraculous ever happene#. %cores o ti-es ha# his prou# -other stoo# in 'reathless anticipation& e,pectin( to see her son en(a(e in so-e superhu-an or -iraculous per or-ance& 'ut always were her hopes #ashe# #own in cruel #isappoint-ent. 0n# all this was #iscoura(in(& even #isheartenin(. +he #evout people o those #ays truly 'elieve# that prophets an# -en o pro-ise always #e-onstrate# their callin( an# esta'lishe# their #ivine authority 'y per or-in( -iracles an# wor3in( won#ers. !ut Desus #i# none o these thin(s; where ore was the con usion o his parents stea#ily increase# as they conte-plate# his uture.O (13GF.B) 1.B:1.B +he i-prove# econo-ic con#ition o the Ca/areth a-ily was re lecte# in -any ways a'out the ho-e an# especially in the increase# nu-'er o s-ooth white 'oar#s which were use# as writin( slates& the writin( 'ein( #one with charcoal.

sa-pai #en(an usia yan( coco3 . ( 1.3GF&4 ) 1.B:1.4 0wal tahun ini @usu #iatur untu3 -enyisih3an pen#apatan #ari nya Ca/aret #an <apernau- properti untu3 -e-'ayar per;alanan pan;an( @esus stu#i #i @erusale- & itu yan( telah #irencana3an 'ahwa ia harus per(i 3e @erusale- pa#a 'ulan 0(ustus tahun 'eri3utnya 3eti3a ia a3an -en;a#i li-a 'elas tahun . ( 1.3GF&6 ) 1.B:1.6 "a#a awal tahun ini 'ai3 @usu #an ?aria terhi'ur 3era(uan serin( tentan( nasi' ana3 sulun( -ere3a. Dia -e-an( ana3 yan( ce-erlan( #an #icintai & tapi ia 'e(itu sulit #ipaha-i & sehin((a sulit untu3 -en(erti & #an se3ali la(i & ti#a3 a#a yan( luar 'iasa atau -u3;i/at pernah ter;a#i . "uluhan 3ali -e-ili3i i'u 'an((a nya 'er#iri #ala- -en(antisipasi sesa3 napas & 'erharap -elihat ana3nya terli'at #ala- 'e'erapa 3iner;a super atau a;ai' & tetapi selalu yan( harapannya 'erlari -enuruni #ala3e3ecewaan 3e;a- . Dan se-ua ini -en(ecil3an hati& 'ah3an -enye#ih3an . Oran(1oran( yan( saleh #ari hari1hari 'enar1'enar percaya 'ahwa para na'i #an oran(1oran( selalu -enun;u33an ;an;i pan((ilan -ere3a #an -en#iri3an otoritas ilahi -ere3a #en(an -ela3u3an -u3;i/at #an 3ea;ai'an 'e3er;a . +etapi @esus ti#a3 -ela3u3an satu pun #ari hal1 hal ini & oleh 3arena itu a#alah 3e'in(un(an oran( tuanya terus -enin(3at 3arena -ere3a -erenun(3an -asa #epannya O . ( 1.3GF&B ) 1.B:1.B <on#isi e3ono-i yan( terus -e-'ai3 #ari 3eluar(a Ca/areth tercer-in #ala- 'anya3 hal tentan( ru-ah #an teruta-a #ala- penin(3atan ;u-lah papan putih -ulus yan( #i(una3an se'a(ai papan tulis -enulis & tulisan yan( #ila3u3an #en(an aran( . @esus ;u(a #ii/in3an untu3 -elan;ut3an pela;aran -usi3nya & ia san(at (e-ar 'er-ain harpa . ( 1.3GF&F ) 1.B:1.F %epan;an( tahun ini 'enar1'enar #apat #i3ata3an 'ahwa @esus :'erta-'ah -en#u3un( #en(an -anusia #an #en(an +uhan . : "rospe3

Desus was also per-itte# to resu-e his -usic lessons; he was very on# o playin( the harp. (13GF.F) 1.B:1.F +hrou(hout this year it can truly 'e sai# that Desus )(rew in avor with -an an# with Go#.* +he prospects o the a-ily see-e# (oo#; the uture was 'ri(ht. .. +he Death o Doseph (13GG.1) 1.B:..1 0ll #i# (o well until that ate ul #ay o +ues#ay& %epte-'er .6& when a runner ro- %epphoris 'rou(ht to this Ca/areth ho-e the tra(ic news that Doseph ha# 'een severely in;ure# 'y the allin( o a #erric3 while at wor3 on the (overnor>s resi#ence. +he -essen(er ro- %epphoris ha# stoppe# at the shop on the way to Doseph>s ho-e& in or-in( Desus o his ather>s acci#ent& an# they went to(ether to the house to 'rea3 the sa# news to ?ary. Desus #esire# to (o i--e#iately to his ather& 'ut ?ary woul# hear to nothin( 'ut that she -ust hasten to her hus'an#>s si#e. %he #irecte# that Da-es& then ten years o a(e& shoul# acco-pany her to %epphoris while Desus re-aine# ho-e with the youn(er chil#ren until she shoul# return& as she #i# not 3now how seriously Doseph ha# 'een in;ure#. !ut Doseph #ie# o his in;uries 'e ore ?ary arrive#. +hey 'rou(ht hi- to Ca/areth& an# on the ollowin( #ay he was lai# to rest with his athers. (13GG..) 1.B:... Dust at the ti-e when prospects were (oo# an# the uture loo3e# 'ri(ht& an apparently cruel han# struc3 #own the hea# o this Ca/areth househol#& the a airs o this ho-e were #isrupte#& an# every plan or Desus an# his uture e#ucation was #e-olishe#. +his carpenter la#& now ;ust past ourteen years o a(e& awa3ene# to the reali/ation that he ha# not only to ul ill the co--ission o his heavenly Father to reveal the #ivine nature on earth an# in the lesh& 'ut that his

3eluar(a ta-pa3 'ai3 & -asa #epan cerah . . . <e-atian @usu ( 1.3GG&1 ) 1.B:..1 %e-ua itu 'er;alan #en(an 'ai3 sa-pai hari yan( -enentu3an hari %elasa & .6 %epte-'er 3eti3a seoran( pelari #ari %ep oris #i'awa 3e ru-ah ini Ca/aret 'erita tra(is 'ahwa @usu telah terlu3a parah oleh ;atuhnya #ere3 se-entara #i te-pat 3er;a pa#a 3e#ia-an (u'ernur . "ara utusan #ari %ep oris telah 'erhenti #i to3o #alaper;alanan 3e ru-ah @usu & -en(in or-asi3an @esus 3ecela3aan ayahnya & #an -ere3a per(i 'ersa-a1 sa-a 3e ru-ah untu3 -enya-pai3an 3a'ar se#ih untu3 ?ary . @esus #iin(in3an se(era per(i 3e ayahnya & tapi ?aria a3an -en#en(ar apa1apa tapi #ia harus cepat1cepat 3e sisi sua-inya . Dia -en(arah3an 'ahwa @a3o'us & 3e-u#ian sepuluh tahun & harus -ene-aninya 3e %ep oris se-entara @esus tetap ru-ah #en(an ana31ana3 -u#a sa-pai #ia harus 3e-'ali & 3arena #ia ti#a3 tahu se'erapa serius @usu telah terlu3a . +api @usu -enin((al 3arena lu3a1lu3anya se'elu- ?ary ti'a . ?ere3a -e-'awanya 3e Ca/aret & #an pa#a hari 'eri3utnya ia #i-a3a-3an #en(an nene3 -oyan(nya . ( 1.3GG&. ) 1.B:... +epat pa#a saat prospe3 yan( 'ai3 #an -asa #epan ta-pa3 cerah & tan(an ta-pa3nya 3e;a-e-u3ul 3epala ini Ca/aret ru-ah tan((a& urusan ru-ah ini ter(an((u & #an setiap rencana @esus #an pen#i#i3an -asa #epannya #ihancur3an . 4ni tu3an( 3ayu ana3 & se3aran( hanya -elewati e-pat 'elas tahun & ter'an(un #en(an 3esa#aran 'ahwa ia ti#a3 hanya untu3 -e-enuhi 3o-isi !apa sur(awi1Cya untu3 -en(un(3ap3an si at ilahi #i 'u-i #an #i #a(in(& tetapi 'ahwa ala- -u#a -anusianya ;u(a harus -e-i3ul tan((un( ;awa' untu3 -erawat i'unya yan( ;an#a #an tu;uh sau#ara #an sau#ari 1 #an satu la(i 'elu- lahir . 4ni pe-u#a #ari Ca/aret se3aran( -en;a#i satu1satunya #u3un(an #an 3enya-anan 3eluar(a ini 'e(itu ti'a1ti'a 'er#u3a . Da#i oran(1oran( yan( #ii/in3an 3e;a#ian

youn( hu-an nature -ust also shoul#er the responsi'ility o carin( or his wi#owe# -other an# seven 'rothers an# sisters J an# another yet to 'e 'orn. +his la# o Ca/areth now 'eca-e the sole support an# co- ort o this so su##enly 'ereave# a-ily. +hus were per-itte# those occurrences o the natural or#er o events on Urantia which woul# orce this youn( -an o #estiny so early to assu-e these heavy 'ut hi(hly e#ucational an# #isciplinary responsi'ilities atten#ant upon 'eco-in( the hea# o a hu-an a-ily& o 'eco-in( ather to his own 'rothers an# sisters& o supportin( an# protectin( his -other& o unctionin( as (uar#ian o his ather>s ho-e& the only ho-e he was to 3now while on this worl#. (13GG.3) 1.B:..3 Desus cheer ully accepte# the responsi'ilities so su##enly thrust upon hi-& an# he carrie# the- aith ully to the en#. 0t least one (reat pro'le- an# anticipate# #i iculty in his li e ha# 'een tra(ically solve# J he woul# not now 'e e,pecte# to (o to Derusale- to stu#y un#er the ra''is. 4t re-aine# always true that Desus )sat at no -an>s eet.* 9e was ever willin( to learn ro- even the hu-'lest o little chil#ren& 'ut he never #erive# authority to teach truth ro- hu-an sources. (13GG.4) 1.B:..4 %till he 3new nothin( o the Ga'riel visit to his -other 'e ore his 'irth; he only learne# o this roDohn on the #ay o his 'aptis-& at the 'e(innin( o his pu'lic -inistry. (13GG.6) 1.B:..6 0s the years passe#& this youn( carpenter o Ca/areth increasin(ly -easure# every institution o society an# every usa(e o reli(ion 'y the unvaryin( test: 2hat #oes it #o or the hu-an soul5 #oes it 'rin( Go# to -an5 #oes it 'rin( -an to Go#5 2hile this youth #i# not wholly ne(lect the recreational an# social aspects o li e& -ore an# -ore he #evote# his

#ari urutan peristiwa ala-i pa#a Urantia yan( a3an -e-a3sa pe-u#a ini ta3#ir 'e(itu awal untu3 -en(an((ap ini 'erat tapi san(at pen#i#i3an #an #isiplin petu(as tan((un( ;awa' setelah -en;a#i 3epala 3eluar(a -anusia & -en;a#i ayah 'a(i sau#ara sen#iri #an sau#ara & -en#u3un( #an -elin#un(i i'unya & 'er un(si se'a(ai pen;a(a ru-ah ayahnya & satu1satunya ru-ah ia tahu saat #unia ini . ( 1.3GG&3 ) 1.B:..3 @esus rian( -eneri-a tan((un( ;awa' 'e(itu ti'a1ti'a -enyo#or3an 3epa#anya & #an ia -e-'awa -ere3a setia sa-pai a3hir . %eti#a3nya satu -asalah 'esar #an 3esulitan #iantisipasi #ala- hi#upnya telah tra(is #ipecah3an 1 #ia ti#a3 se3aran( #iharap3an untu3 per(i 3e @erusale- untu3 'ela;ar #i 'awah para ra'i . 4tu tetap selalu 'enar 'ahwa @esus : #u#u3 #i 3a3i ta3 'ertuan . : Dia pernah -au 'ela;ar #ari 'ah3an yan( palin( se#erhana #ari ana31ana3 3ecil & tapi #ia ti#a3 pernah #iturun3an wewenan( untu3 -en(a;ar3an 3e'enaran #ari su-'er #aya -anusia . ( 1.3GG&4 ) 1.B:..4 ?asih ia tahu apa1apa tentan( 3un;un(an Ga'riel 3epa#a i'unya se'elu- 3elahirannya & ia hanya -en#en(ar hal ini #ari Dohn pa#a hari pe-'aptisan1Cya & pa#a awal pelayanan1 Cya #i #epan u-u- . ( 1.3GG&6 ) 1.B:..6 %eperti tahun1tahun 'erlalu & ini tu3an( 3ayu -u#a #ari Ca/aret se-a3in #iu3ur setiap institusi -asyara3at #an setiap pen((unaan a(a-a #en(an u;i se'an(un : 0pa (unanya 'a(i ;iwa -anusia 5 apa3ah itu -e-'awa +uhan 3epa#a -anusia 5 apa3ah itu -e-'awa -anusia 3epa#a 0llah 5 %e-entara pe-u#a ini ti#a3 sepenuhnya -en(a'ai3an aspe3 re3reasi #an sosial 3ehi#upan & se-a3in 'anya3 ia -encurah3an wa3tu #an ener(i untu3 hanya #ua tu;uan : perawatan 3eluar(a #an persiapan untu3 -ela3u3an 3ehen#a3 !apa1Cya sur(awi #i 'u-i . ( 1.3GI&1 ) 1.B:..B +ahun ini -en;a#i 3e'iasaan 'a(i para tetan((a untu3 penurunan sela-a -ala- hari -usi-

ti-e an# ener(ies to ;ust two purposes: the care o his a-ily an# the preparation to #o his Father>s heavenly will on earth. (13GI.1) 1.B:..B +his year it 'eca-e the custo- or the nei(h'ors to #rop in #urin( the winter evenin(s to hear Desus play upon the harp& to listen to his stories ( or the la# was a -aster storyteller)& an# to hear hi- rea# ro- the Gree3 scriptures. (13GI..) 1.B:..F +he econo-ic a airs o the a-ily continue# to run airly s-oothly as there was Auite a su- o -oney on han# at the ti-e o Doseph>s #eath. Desus early #e-onstrate# the possession o 3een 'usiness ;u#(-ent an# inancial sa(acity. 9e was li'eral 'ut ru(al; he was savin( 'ut (enerous. 9e prove# to 'e a wise an# e icient a#-inistrator o his ather>s estate. (13GI.3) 1.B:..G !ut in spite o all that Desus an# the Ca/areth nei(h'ors coul# #o to 'rin( cheer into the ho-e& ?ary& an# even the chil#ren& were overcast with sa#ness. Doseph was (one. Doseph was an unusual hus'an# an# ather& an# they all -isse# hi-. 0n# it see-e# all the -ore tra(ic to thin3 that he #ie# ere they coul# spea3 to hi- or hear his arewell 'lessin(. 3. +he Fi teenth @ear (0.D. I) (13GI.4) 1.B:3.1 !y the -i##le o this i teenth year J an# we are rec3onin( ti-e in accor#ance with the twentieth1century calen#ar& not 'y the Dewish year J Desus ha# ta3en a ir- (rasp upon the -ana(e-ent o his a-ily. !e ore this year ha# passe#& their savin(s ha# a'out #isappeare#& an# they were ace to ace with the necessity o #isposin( o one o the Ca/areth houses which Doseph an# his nei(h'or Daco' owne# in partnership. (13GI.6) 1.B:3.. On 2e#nes#ay evenin(& 0pril 1F& 0.D. I& Huth& the 'a'y o the

#in(in untu3 -en#en(ar @esus 'er-ain pa#a 3ecapi & untu3 -en#en(ar3an cerita ( untu3 ana3 ini seoran( pen#on(en( -aster) & #an untu3 -en#en(ar #ia -e-'aca #ari tulisan suci @unani. ( 1.3GI&. ) 1.B:..F Urusan e3ono-i 3eluar(a terus 'er;alan cu3up lancar 3arena a#a cu3up se;u-lah uan( #i tan(an pa#a saat 3e-atian @usu . @esus awal -enun;u33an 3epe-ili3an perti-'an(an 'isnis yan( ta;a- #an 3e'i;a3sanaan 3euan(an . Dia li'eral tapi he-at & ia -enyi-pan tapi -urah hati . Dia ter'u3ti -en;a#i a#-inistrator yan( 'i;a3sana #an e isien real ayahnya . ( 1.3GI&3 ) 1.B:..G +api -es3ipun se-ua yan( @esus #an para tetan((a Ca/areth 'isa la3u3an untu3 -e-'awa 3e(e-'iraan 3e ru-ah & ?aria & #an 'ah3an ana31ana3 & yan( -en#un( #en(an 3ese#ihan . @usu su#ah per(i . @usu a#alah seoran( sua-i #an ayah yan( ti#a3 'iasa & #an -ere3a se-ua -erin#u3annya . Dan ta-pa3nya se-ua le'ih tra(is untu3 -e-i3ir3an 'ahwa ia -enin((al se'elu- -ere3a 'isa 'er'icara 3epa#anya atau -en#en(ar 'er3at perpisahan . 3 . +ahun <eli-a'elas ( ? I ) ( 1.3GI&4 ) 1.B:3.1 "a#a perten(ahan tahun 3eli-a 'elas ini 1 #an 3a-i -e-perhitun(3an wa3tu sesuai #en(an 3alen#er a'a# 3e#ua puluh & 'u3an pa#a tahun @ahu#i 1 @esus telah -en(a-'il pe-aha-an yan( 3uat atas pen(elolaan 3eluar(anya . %e'elu- tahun ini 'erlalu & ta'un(an -ere3a telah -en(hilan( se3itar & #an -ere3a 'erha#apan #en(an perlunya -e-'uan( salah satu ru-ah Ca/areth yan( @usu #an tetan((anya @a3u' #i-ili3i #ala- 3e-itraan . ( 1.3GI&6 ) 1.B:3.. "a#a Ha'u -ala- & 1F 0pril 0D I & Huth & 'ayi #ari 3eluar(a & lahir & #an untu3 yan( ter'ai3 #ari 3e-a-puannya @esus 'erusaha untu3 -en(a-'il te-pat ayahnya #i -en(hi'ur #an -elayani i'unya sela-a ini -enco'a #an 3has se#ih co'aan . %ela-a ha-pir s3or tahun ( sa-pai #ia -e-ulai pelayananCya ) a#a ayah 'isa

a-ily& was 'orn& an# to the 'est o his a'ility Desus en#eavore# to ta3e the place o his ather in co- ortin( an# -inisterin( to his -other #urin( this tryin( an# peculiarly sa# or#eal. For al-ost a score o years (until he 'e(an his pu'lic -inistry) no ather coul# have love# an# nurture# his #au(hter any -ore a ectionately an# aith ully than Desus care# or little Huth. 0n# he was an eAually (oo# ather to all the other -e-'ers o his a-ily. (13GI.B) 1.B:3.3 Durin( this year Desus irst or-ulate# the prayer which he su'seAuently tau(ht to his apostles& an# which to -any has 'eco-e 3nown as )+he 8or#>s "rayer.* 4n a way it was an evolution o the a-ily altar; they ha# -any or-s o praise an# several or-al prayers. 0 ter his ather>s #eath Desus trie# to teach the ol#er chil#ren to e,press the-selves in#ivi#ually in prayer J -uch as he so en;oye# #oin( J 'ut they coul# not (rasp his thou(ht an# woul# invaria'ly all 'ac3 upon their -e-ori/e# prayer or-s. 4t was in this e ort to sti-ulate his ol#er 'rothers an# sisters to say in#ivi#ual prayers that Desus woul# en#eavor to lea# the- alon( 'y su((estive phrases& an# presently& without intention on his part& it #evelope# that they were all usin( a or- o prayer which was lar(ely 'uilt up ro- these su((estive lines which Desus ha# tau(ht the-. (13GI.F) 1.B:3.4 0t last Desus (ave up the i#ea o havin( each -e-'er o the a-ily or-ulate spontaneous prayers& an# one evenin( in Octo'er he sat #own 'y the little sAuat la-p on the low stone ta'le& an#& on a piece o s-ooth ce#ar 'oar# a'out ei(hteen inches sAuare& with a piece o charcoal he wrote out the prayer which 'eca-e ro- that ti-e on the stan#ar# a-ily petition. (13GI.G) 1.B:3.6 +his year Desus was -uch trou'le# with con use# thin3in(. Fa-ily responsi'ility ha#

-encintai #an #ipelihara putrinya la(i sayan( #an setia #aripa#a @esus pe#uli untu3 se#i3it Huth . Dan #ia a#alah seoran( ayah yan( sa-a 'ai3 untu3 se-ua an((ota 3eluar(anya yan( lain . ( 1.3GI&B ) 1.B:3.3 %ela-a tahun ini @esus perta-a 3ali #iru-us3an #oa yan( ia 3e-u#ian #ia;ar3an 3epa#a para rasul1 Cya & #an yan( 'anya3 telah -en;a#i #i3enal se'a(ai : Doa !apa <a-i . : Dala- cara itu a#alah evolusi #ari altar 3eluar(a & -ere3a -e-ili3i 'anya3 'entu3 pu;ian #an 'e'erapa #oa or-al. %etelah 3e-atian ayahnya @esus -enco'a untu3 -en(a;ar ana31ana3 untu3 -en(e3spresi3an #iri secara in#ivi#ual #ala- #oa 1 se'anya3 #ia 'e(itu -eni3-ati la3u3an 1 tetapi -ere3a ti#a3 'isa -e-aha-i pi3iran #an selalu a3an ;atuh 3e-'ali pa#a 'entu3 #oa -ere3a ha al . 4tu #ala- upaya ini untu3 -eran(san( 3a3a313a3a3nya #an sau#ari untu3 -en(ata3an #oa pri'a#i 'ahwa @esus a3an 'erupaya untu3 -e-i-pin -ere3a 'ersa-a #en(an rase su(esti & #an saat ini & tanpa niat #i piha3nya & itu 'er3e-'an( 'ahwa -ere3a se-ua -en((una3an 'entu3 #oa yan( se'a(ian 'esar #i'an(un #ari (aris1 (aris su(esti yan( @esus a;ar3an 3epa#a -ere3a . ( 1.3GI&F ) 1.B:3.4 "a#a @esus lalu -enyerah (a(asan -e-ili3i setiap an((ota 3eluar(a -eru-us3an #oa spontan & #an satu -ala- #i 'ulan O3to'er ia #u#u3 #en(an la-pu ;on(3o3 3ecil #i -e;a 'atu ren#ah& #an & #i atas sele-'ar -ulus ce#ar papan se3itar #elapan 'elas inci perse(i & #en(an sepoton( aran( ia -enulis #oa yan( -en;a#i se;a3 saat itu per-ohonan 3eluar(a stan#ar. ( 1.3GI&G ) 1.B:3.6 +ahun ini @esus 'anya3 'er-asalah #en(an pe-i3iran 'in(un( . +an((un( ;awa' 3eluar(a telah cu3up e e3ti -en(hapus se-ua pi3iran se(era -ela3sana3an rencana apapun untu3 -erespon 3un;un(an @erusale-en(arah3an 3epa#a @esus 'enar 'eralasan 'ahwa "e-eliharan 3eluar(a ayah #uniawi nya harus #iuta-a3an #ari se-ua tu(as : 'era#a #i #ala- ru-ah

Auite e ectively re-ove# all thou(ht o i--e#iately carryin( out any plan or respon#in( to the Derusalevisitation #irectin( hi- to )'e a'out his Father>s 'usiness.* Desus ri(htly reasone# that the watchcare o his earthly ather>s a-ily -ust ta3e prece#ence o all #uties; that the support o his a-ily -ust 'eco-e his irst o'li(ation. (13I0.1) 1.B:3.B 4n the course o this year Desus oun# a passa(e in the so1 calle# !oo3 o =noch which in luence# hi- in the later a#option o the ter- )%on o ?an* as a #esi(nation or his 'estowal -ission on Urantia. 9e ha# thorou(hly consi#ere# the i#ea o the Dewish ?essiah an# was ir-ly convince# that he was not to 'e that ?essiah. 9e lon(e# to help his ather>s people& 'ut he never e,pecte# to lea# Dewish ar-ies in overthrowin( the orei(n #o-ination o "alestine. 9e 3new he woul# never sit on the throne o Davi# at Derusale-. Ceither #i# he 'elieve that his -ission was that o a spiritual #eliverer or -oral teacher solely to the Dewish people. 4n no sense& there ore& coul# his li e -ission 'e the ul ill-ent o the intense lon(in(s an# suppose# ?essianic prophecies o the 9e'rew scriptures; at least& not as the Dews un#erstoo# these pre#ictions o the prophets. 8i3ewise he was certain he was never to appear as the %on o ?an #epicte# 'y the "rophet Daniel. (13I0..) 1.B:3.F !ut when the ti-e ca-e or hi- to (o orth as a worl# teacher& what woul# he call hi-sel 5 2hat clai- shoul# he -a3e concernin( his -ission5 !y what na-e woul# he 'e calle# 'y the people who woul# 'eco-e 'elievers in his teachin(s5 (13I0.3) 1.B:3.G 2hile turnin( all these pro'le-s over in his -in#& he oun# in the syna(o(ue li'rary at Ca/areth& a-on( the apocalyptic 'oo3s which he ha# 'een stu#yin(& this -anuscript calle# )+he !oo3 o

!apa1Cya . : ; !ahwa #u3un(an #ari 3eluar(anya harus -en;a#i 3ewa;i'an perta-a . ( 1.3I0&1 ) 1.B:3.B Dala- per;alanan tahun ini @esus -ene-u3an se'uah 'a(ian #ala- yan( #ise'ut <ita' 9eno3h yan( -e-pen(aruhinya #i a#opsi 3e-u#ian istilah : 0na3 ?anusia : se'a(ai se'utan untu3 -isi pen(anu(erahan pa#a Urantia . Dia 'enar1'enar #iperti-'an(3an (a(asan ?esias @ahu#i #an ya3in 'ahwa ia ti#a3 -en;a#i ?esias . 4a in(in -e-'antu oran( ayahnya & tapi #ia ti#a3 pernah #iharap3an untu3 -e-i-pin tentara @ahu#i #i -enu-'an(3an #o-inasi asin( #ari "alestina . Dia tahu #ia ti#a3 a3an pernah #u#u3 #i atas ta3hta Dau# #i @erusale- . 4a ;u(a ti#a3 percaya 'ahwa -isinya a#alah 'ahwa #ari seoran( pe-'e'as spiritual atau (uru -oral se-ata1-ata untu3 oran( @ahu#i . Dalati#a3 -asu3 a3al & 3arena itu& #apat -isi hi#upnya -en;a#i pe-enuhan 3erin#uan intens #an seharusnya nu'uat ?esiani3 0l3ita' 4'rani & seti#a3nya & 'u3an se'a(ai oran( @ahu#i -en(erti ini pre#i3si para na'i . De-i3ian ;u(a #ia ya3in #ia ti#a3 pernah ta-pil se'a(ai 0na3 ?anusia yan( #i(a-'ar3an oleh Ca'i Daniel . ( 1.3I0&. ) 1.B:3.F +api 3eti3a ti'a saatnya 'a(i #ia untu3 per(i se'a(ai (uru #unia & apa yan( a3an #ia -enye'ut #irinya 5 0pa 3lai- yan( harus ia 'uat tentan( -isinya 5 Den(an na-a apa yan( a3an ia #ipan((il oleh oran(1oran( yan( a3an -en;a#i oran( percaya #alaa;arannya 5 ( 1.3I0&3 ) 1.B:3.G %e-entara 'ali3 se-ua -asalah ini #ala- 'ena3nya & ia -ene-u3an #i perpusta3aan i'a#at #i Ca/aret & #i antara 'u3u1'u3u apo3alipti3 yan( ia telah 'ela;ar & nas3ah ini #ise'ut : <ita' 9eno3h : & #an -es3ipun ia ya3in 'ahwa itu ti#a3 #itulis oleh 9eno3h tua & itu ter'u3ti san(at -enari3 'a(inya & #an ia -e-'aca #an -e-'aca 'er3ali13ali . 0#a satu 'a(ian yan( san(at ter3esan pa#anya & 'a(ian #i -ana istilah : 0na3 ?anusia : -uncul . "enulis ini #ise'ut <ita' 9eno3h -elan;ut3an untu3

=noch*; an# thou(h he was certain that it ha# not 'een written 'y =noch o ol#& it prove# very intri(uin( to hi-& an# he rea# an# rerea# it -any ti-es. +here was one passa(e which particularly i-presse# hi-& a passa(e in which this ter- )%on o ?an* appeare#. +he writer o this so1 calle# !oo3 o =noch went on to tell a'out this %on o ?an& #escri'in( the wor3 he woul# #o on earth an# e,plainin( that this %on o ?an& 'e ore co-in( #own on this earth to 'rin( salvation to -an3in#& ha# wal3e# throu(h the courts o heavenly (lory with his Father& the Father o all; an# that he ha# turne# his 'ac3 upon all this (ran#eur an# (lory to co-e #own on earth to proclai- salvation to nee#y -ortals. 0s Desus woul# rea# these passa(es (well un#erstan#in( that -uch o the =astern -ysticis- which ha# 'eco-e a#-i,e# with these teachin(s was erroneous)& he respon#e# in his heart an# reco(ni/e# in his -in# that o all the ?essianic pre#ictions o the 9e'rew scriptures an# o all the theories a'out the Dewish #eliverer& none was so near the truth as this story tuc3e# away in this only partially accre#ite# !oo3 o =noch; an# he then an# there #eci#e# to a#opt as his inau(ural title )the %on o ?an.* 0n# this he #i# when he su'seAuently 'e(an his pu'lic wor3. Desus ha# an unerrin( a'ility or the reco(nition o truth& an# truth he never hesitate# to e-'race& no -atter ro- what source it appeare# to e-anate. (13I0.4) 1.B:3.I !y this ti-e he ha# Auite thorou(hly settle# -any thin(s a'out his orthco-in( wor3 or the worl#& 'ut he sai# nothin( o these -atters to his -other& who still hel# stoutly to the i#ea o his 'ein( the Dewish ?essiah. (13I0.6) 1.B:3.10 +he (reat con usion o Desus> youn(er #ays now arose. 9avin( settle# so-ethin( a'out the nature o his -ission on earth& )to 'e a'out his Father>s 'usiness* J to

-encerita3an tentan( 0na3 ?anusia & -en;elas3an pe3er;aan yan( a3an #ila3u3an #i 'u-i #an -en;elas3an 'ahwa 0na3 ?anusia & se'elu- turun 3e #unia ini untu3 -e-'awa 3esela-atan 'a(i u-at -anusia & telah 'er;alan -elalui pen(a#ilan 3e-uliaan sur(awi #en(an !apa1Cya & !apa #ari se-ua & #an 'ahwa ia telah 'er'ali3 3epa#a se-ua 3ea(un(an #an 3e-uliaan ini untu3 turun #i 'u-i untu3 -ewarta3an 3esela-atan 3epa#a -anusia yan( -e-'utuh3an . %e'a(ai-ana @esus a3an -e-'aca ayat1ayat ( ;u(a pe-aha-an 'ahwa 'anya3 -istisis-e +i-ur yan( telah -en;a#i #ica-pur #en(an a;aran1 a;aran ini a#alah salah ) & #ia -en;awa' #ala- hatinya #an #ia3ui #alapi3irannya 'ahwa #ari se-ua pre#i3si ?esiani3 #ari 0l3ita' 4'rani #an se-ua teori tentan( pe-'e'as @ahu#i & ti#a3 'e(itu #e3at 3e'enaran se'a(ai cerita ini tersi-pan #ala- !u3u hanya se'a(ian tera3re#itasi 9eno3h & #an ia 3e-u#ian #an a#a -e-utus3an untu3 -en(a#opsi se'a(ai ;u#ul pelanti3annya #an ini #ia la3u3an 3eti3a : 0na3 ?anusia . : ia 3e-u#ian -ulai 'e3er;a pu'li3 . @esus -e-ili3i 3e-a-puan tepat untu3 pen(a3uan 3e'enaran & #an 3e'enaran ia ti#a3 pernah ra(u1ra(u untu3 -e-elu3 & ti#a3 pe#uli #ari su-'er itu ta-pa3nya 'erasal . ( 1.3I0&4 ) 1.B:3.I "a#a saat ini ia telah cu3up teliti -enetap 'anya3 hal tentan( pe3er;aan yan( a3an #atan( 'a(i #unia & tetapi ia -en(ata3an apa1apa tentan( hal ini 3epa#a i'unya & yan( -asih -e-e(an( te(as #en(an i#e nya -en;a#i ?esias @ahu#i . ( 1.3I0&6 ) 1.B:3.10 <e'in(un(an 'esar hari -u#a @esus se3aran( -uncul . %etelah -enetap sesuatu tentan( si at -isinya #i 'u-i & :untu3 'era#a #i #alaru-ah !apa1Cya : 1 untu3 -enun;u33an se'a(ainya si at !apa1Cya yan( penuh 3asih 3epa#a seluruh u-at -anusia 1 ia -ulai -erenun(3an la(i 'anya3 pernyataan #ala- 0l3ita' -en(acu pa#a 3e#atan(an nasional pe-'e'as & seoran( (uru @ahu#i atau ra;a . Untu3 acara apa yan( nu'uat1nu'uat ini -eru;u3 5 !u3an3ah #ia seoran( @ahu#i5 atau #ia 5

show orth his Father>s lovin( nature to all -an3in# J he 'e(an to pon#er anew the -any state-ents in the %criptures re errin( to the co-in( o a national #eliverer& a Dewish teacher or 3in(. +o what event #i# these prophecies re er5 2as not he a Dew5 or was he5 2as he or was he not o the house o Davi#5 9is -other averre# he was; his ather ha# rule# that he was not. 9e #eci#e# he was not. !ut ha# the prophets con use# the nature an# -ission o the ?essiah5 (13I1.1) 1.B:3.11 0 ter all& coul# it 'e possi'le that his -other was ri(ht5 4n -ost -atters& when #i erences o opinion ha# arisen in the past& she ha# 'een ri(ht. 4 he were a new teacher an# not the ?essiah& then how shoul# he reco(ni/e the Dewish ?essiah i such a one shoul# appear in Derusale- #urin( the ti-e o his earth -ission; an#& urther& what shoul# 'e his relation to this Dewish ?essiah5 0n# what shoul# 'e his relation& a ter e-'ar3in( on his li e -ission& to his a-ily5 to the Dewish co--onwealth an# reli(ion5 to the Ho-an =-pire5 to the (entiles an# their reli(ions5 =ach o these -o-entous pro'le-s this youn( Galilean turne# over in his -in# an# seriously pon#ere# while he continue# to wor3 at the carpenter>s 'ench& la'oriously -a3in( a livin( or hi-sel & his -other& an# ei(ht other hun(ry -ouths. (13I1..) 1.B:3.1. !e ore the en# o this year ?ary saw the a-ily un#s #i-inishin(. %he turne# the sale o #oves over to Da-es. "resently they 'ou(ht a secon# cow& an# with the ai# o ?iria- they 'e(an the sale o -il3 to their Ca/areth nei(h'ors. (13I1.3) 1.B:3.13 9is pro oun# perio#s o -e#itation& his reAuent ;ourneys to the hilltop or prayer& an# the -any stran(e i#eas which Desus a#vance# ro- ti-e to ti-e& thorou(hly alar-e# his -other. %o-eti-es she thou(ht the la# was 'esi#e hi-sel &

0pa3ah #ia atau #ia 'u3an #ari 3eluar(a Dau# 5 4'unya averre# #ia & ayahnya -e-utus3an 'ahwa ia ti#a3 . Dia -e-utus3an #ia ti#a3 . +api apa3ah para na'i 'in(un( si at #an -isi ?esias 5 ( 1.3I1&1 ) 1.B:3.11 %etelah se-ua & -un(3in3ah 'ahwa i'unya 'enar 5 Dala- 3e'anya3an hal & 3eti3a per'e#aan pen#apat telah -uncul #i -asa lalu & ia 'enar . Di3a #ia seoran( (uru 'aru #an 'u3an ?esias & lalu 'a(ai-ana seharusnya ia -en(enali ?esias @ahu#i ;i3a salah satu seperti itu harus -uncul #i @erusale- sela-a wa3tu -isi -u3a 'u-i1Cya & #an & le'ih lan;ut & apa yan( harus hu'un(annya #en(an ini ?esias @ahu#i 5 Dan apa yan( harus hu'un(annya & setelah -e-ulai -isi hi#upnya & untu3 3eluar(anya 5 3e perse-a3-uran @ahu#i #an a(a-a 5 3e <e3aisaran Ho-awi 5 untu3 oran( 3a ir #an a(a-a -ere3a5 ?asin(1-asin( -asalah pentin( ini Galilea -u#a #iserah3an #ala- pi3irannya #an serius -erenun(3an se-entara ia terus 'e3er;a #i 'an(3u tu3an( 3ayu & susah payah -encari na 3ah untu3 #irinya sen#iri & i'unya & #an #elapan -ulut lapar lainnya . ( 1.3I1&. ) 1.B:3.1. %e'elu- a3hir tahun ini ?ary -elihat #ana 3eluar(a 'er3uran( . Dia 'erpalin( pen;ualan -erpati 3e Da-es . %aat ini -ere3a -e-'eli sapi 3e#ua& #an #en(an 'antuan ?iria-ere3a -ulai pen;ualan susu tetan((a Ca/areth -ere3a. ( 1.3I1&3 ) 1.B:3.13 perio#e Cya -en#ala- -e#itasi & per;alanan serin( 3e punca3 'u3it untu3 'er#oa & #an 'anya3 i#e1i#e aneh yan( @esus -a;u #ari wa3tu 3e wa3tu & 'enar1'enar 3hawatir i'unya . <a#an(13a#an( #ia 'erpi3ir ana3 itu 'era#a #i sa-pin( #irinya & #an 3e-u#ian ia a3an sta'il 3eta3utannya & -en(in(at 'ahwa ia & setelah se-ua& ana3 per;an;ian #an #ala- 'e'erapa cara yan( 'er'e#a #ari pe-u#a lainnya . ( 1.3I1&4 ) 1.B:3.14 +etapi @esus 'ela;ar untu3 ti#a3 'er'icara tentan( se-ua pi3irannya & ti#a3 untu3 -enya;i3an

an# then she woul# stea#y her ears& re-e-'erin( that he was& a ter all& a chil# o pro-ise an# in so-e -anner #i erent ro- other youths. (13I1.4) 1.B:3.14 !ut Desus was learnin( not to spea3 o all his thou(hts& not to present all his i#eas to the worl#& not even to his own -other. Frothis year on& Desus> #isclosures a'out what was (oin( on in his -in# stea#ily #i-inishe#; that is& he tal3e# less a'out those thin(s which an avera(e person coul# not (rasp& an# which woul# lea# to his 'ein( re(ar#e# as peculiar or #i erent roor#inary ol3s. +o all appearances he 'eca-e co--onplace an# conventional& thou(h he #i# lon( or so-eone who coul# un#erstan# his pro'le-s. 9e crave# a trustworthy an# con i#ential rien#& 'ut his pro'le-s were too co-ple, or his hu-an associates to co-prehen#. +he uniAueness o the unusual situation co-pelle# hi- to 'ear his 'ur#ens alone. 4. First %er-on in the %yna(o(ue (13I1.6) 1.B:4.1 2ith the co-in( o his i teenth 'irth#ay& Desus coul# o icially occupy the syna(o(ue pulpit on the %a''ath #ay. ?any ti-es 'e ore& in the a'sence o spea3ers& Desus ha# 'een as3e# to rea# the %criptures& 'ut now the #ay ha# co-e when& accor#in( to law& he coul# con#uct the service. +here ore on the irst %a''ath a ter his i teenth 'irth#ay the cha/an arran(e# or Desus to con#uct the -ornin( service o the syna(o(ue. 0n# when all the aith ul in Ca/areth ha# asse-'le#& the youn( -an& havin( -a#e his selection o %criptures& stoo# up an# 'e(an to rea#: (13I1.B) 1.B:4.. )+he spirit o the 8or# Go# is upon -e& or the 8or# has anointe# -e; he has sent -e to 'rin( (oo# news to the -ee3& to 'in# up the 'ro3enhearte#& to proclaili'erty to the captives& an# to set the

se-ua i#e1i#enya 3epa#a #unia & 'ah3an untu3 i'unya sen#iri . Dari tahun ini pa#a & pen(un(3apan @esus tentan( apa yan( ter;a#i #ala- pi3irannya terus 'er3uran( & yaitu& ia 'er'icara se#i3it tentan( hal1hal yan( rata1rata oran( ti#a3 'isa -e-aha-i & #an yan( a3an -en(a3i'at3an 3e'era#aannya #ian((ap aneh atau 'er'e#a #ari 'iasa oran( . Untu3 se-ua pena-pilan ia -en;a#i 'iasa #an 3onvensional & -es3ipun ia -erin#u3an seseoran( yan( 'isa -e-aha-i -asalah1-asalahnya . Dia -en#a-'a3an te-an yan( #apat #ipercaya #an rahasia & na-un -asalahnya terlalu ru-it untu3 re3an -anusia untu3 -e-aha-i . <euni3an #ari situasi yan( ti#a3 'iasa -e-a3sanya untu3 -enan((un( 'e'annya sen#iri . 4 . <hot'ah perta-a #ala- %ina(o(e ( 1.3I1&6 ) 1.B:4.1 Den(an 3e#atan(an ulan( tahun 3eli-a 'elas & @esus res-i 'isa -ene-pati -i-'ar sina(o(a pa#a hari %a'at . !er3ali13ali se'elu-nya & #en(an ti#a3 a#anya spea3er & @esus telah #i-inta untu3 -e-'aca <ita' %uci & tapi se3aran( hari itu #atan( 3eti3a & -enurut hu3u- & ia 'isa -ela3u3an layanan. Oleh 3arena itu pa#a hari %a'at perta-a setelah ulan( tahun 3eli-a 'elas nya $ha/an #iatur 'a(i @esus untu3 -ela3u3an 3e'a3tian pa(i #ari ru-ah i'a#at . Dan 3eti3a se-ua oran( 'eri-an #i Ca/aret su#ah 'er3u-pul & pe-u#a & telah -e-'uat sele3si #ari <ita' %uci & 'er#iri #an -ulai -e-'aca : ( 1.3I1&B ) 1.B:4.. :Hoh +uhan 0llah a#a pa#a3u & 3arena +uhan telah -en(urapi a3u & ia telah -en(utus a3u untu3 -enya-pai3an 3a'ar 'ai3 3epa#a oran( yan( le-ah le-'ut & untu3 -e-'alut patah hati & untu3 -e-'erita3an 3e'e'asan 'a(i para tawanan & #an untu3 -en(atur tahanan spiritual (ratis& untu3 -e-'erita3an tahun rah-at 0llah #an hari perhitun(an 0llah 3ita & untu3 -en(hi'ur se-ua pelayat & untu3 -e-'eri -ere3a 3ecanti3an untu3 a'u & -inya3 su3acita #i te-pat 'er3a'un( & se'uah la(u pu;ian 'u3an se-an(at 3ese#ihan& 'ahwa -ere3a #apat #ise'ut

spiritual prisoners ree; to proclaithe year o Go#>s avor an# the #ay o our Go#>s rec3onin(; to co- ort all -ourners& to (ive the- 'eauty or ashes& the oil o ;oy in the place o -ournin(& a son( o praise instea# o the spirit o sorrow& that they -ay 'e calle# trees o ri(hteousness& the plantin( o the 8or#& wherewith he -ay 'e (lori ie#. (13I..1) 1.B:4.3 )%ee3 (oo# an# not evil that you -ay live& an# so the 8or#& the Go# o hosts& shall 'e with you. 9ate the evil an# love the (oo#; esta'lish ;u#(-ent in the (ate. "erhaps the 8or# Go# will 'e (racious to the re-nant o Doseph. (13I...) 1.B:4.4 )2ash yourselves& -a3e yourselves clean; put away the evil o your #oin(s ro- 'e ore -y eyes; cease to #o evil an# learn to #o (oo#; see3 ;ustice& relieve the oppresse#. De en# the atherless an# plea# or the wi#ow. (13I..3) 1.B:4.6 )2herewith shall 4 co-e 'e ore the 8or#& to 'ow -ysel 'e ore the 8or# o all the earth5 %hall 4 co-e 'e ore hi- with 'urnt o erin(s& with calves a year ol#5 2ill the 8or# 'e please# with thousan#s o ra-s& ten thousan#s o sheep& or with rivers o oil5 %hall 4 (ive -y irst1'orn or -y trans(ression& the ruit o -y 'o#y or the sin o -y soul5 CoL or the 8or# has showe# us& O -en& what is (oo#. 0n# what #oes the 8or# reAuire o you 'ut to #eal ;ustly& love -ercy& an# wal3 hu-'ly with your Go#5 (13I..4) 1.B:4.B )+o who-& then& will you li3en Go# who sits upon the circle o the earth5 8i t up your eyes an# 'ehol# who has create# all these worl#s& who 'rin(s orth their host 'y nu-'er an# calls the- all 'y their na-es. 9e #oes all these thin(s 'y the (reatness o his -i(ht& an# 'ecause he is stron( in power& not one ails. 9e (ives power to the wea3& an# to those who are weary he increases stren(th. Fear not& or 4 awith you; 'e not #is-aye#& or 4 a-

pohon 3e'enaran & penana-an +uhan & yan(telah #ia 'isa #i-ulia3an . ( 1.3I.&1 ) 1.B:4.3 : $arilah yan( 'ai3 #an ti#a3 ;ahat yan( -un(3in 0n#a hi#up & sehin((a +U90C& 0llah se-esta ala- & a3an -enyertai 3a-u . ?e-'enci 3e;ahatan #an -en(asihi yan( 'ai3& -e-'an(un pen(ha3i-an #i pintu (er'an( . ?un(3in +uhan a3an -en(asihani sisa1sisa 3eturunan @usu . ( 1.3I.&. ) 1.B:4.4 : $uci sen#iri & -e-'uat sen#iri -e-'ersih3an & -enyin(3ir3an ;ahat per'uatan-u #ari #epan -ata saya& 'erhenti -ela3u3an 3e;ahatan #an 'ela;ar untu3 'er'uat 'ai3 & -encari 3ea#ilan & -erin(an3an tertin#as . ?e-'ela ana3 yati- #an -e-ohon ;an#a. ( 1.3I.&3 ) 1.B:4.6 : yan(telah a3u a3an per(i #i ha#apan +uhan & untu3 tun#u3 -enye-'ah 3epa#a +uhan seluruh 'u-i 5 9arus3ah a3u #atan( #i #epannya #en(an 3or'an 'a3aran & #en(an ana3 le-'u 'eru-ur setahun 5 0pa3ah +uhan senan( #en(an ri'uan #o-'a ;antan & sepuluh ri'u #o-'a & atau #en(an sun(ai -inya3 5 9arus3ah saya -e-'eri3an saya perta-a lahir untu3 pelan((aran saya & 'uah tu'uh3u untu3 #osa ;iwa3u 5 +i#a3L 3arena +uhan telah -enun;u33an 3epa#a 3ita & hai la3i1la3i& apa yan( 'ai3 . Dan apa3ah yan( #ituntut +U90C #ari pa#a-u: selain 'er'uat a#il & -encintai 3esetiaan & #an hi#up #en(an ren#ah hati 0llah-u 5 ( 1.3I.&4 ) 1.B:4.B : <epa#a siapa & -a3a & 0n#a a3an -enya-a3an 0llah yan( #u#u3 #i atas lin(3aran 'u-i 5 0n(3at -ata 0n#a #an lihatlah siapa yan( telah -encipta3an se-ua #unia ini & yan( -enu-'uh3an tentara -ere3a #an -e-an((il -ere3a se-ua #en(an na-a -ere3a . Dia -ela3u3an se-ua hal ini #en(an 3e'esaran 3epahlawanannya #an 3arena #ia 3uat #ala- 3e3uasaan & ti#a3 satu (a(al . Dia -e-'eri 3e3uatan 3epa#a yan( le-ah & #an untu3 -ere3a yan( lelah ia -enin(3at3an 3e3uatan . Dan(an ta3ut & se'a' 03u -enyertai en(3au& ;an(anlah 3ecewa & 3arena 03u 0llah-u . 03u a3an -en(uat3an 0n#a

your Go#. 4 will stren(then you an# 4 will help you; yes& 4 will uphol# you with the ri(ht han# o -y ri(hteousness& or 4 a- the 8or# your Go#. 0n# 4 will hol# your ri(ht han#& sayin( to you& ear not& or 4 will help you. (13I..6) 1.B:4.F )0n# you are -y witness& says the 8or#& an# -y servant who- 4 have chosen that all -ay 3now an# 'elieve -e an# un#erstan# that 4 a- the =ternal. 4& even 4& a- the 8or#& an# 'esi#e -e there is no savior.* (13I..B) 1.B:4.G 0n# when he ha# thus rea#& he sat #own& an# the people went to their ho-es& pon#erin( over the wor#s which he ha# so (raciously rea# to the-. Cever ha# his townspeople seen hi- so -a(ni icently sole-n; never ha# they hear# his voice so earnest an# so sincere; never ha# they o'serve# hi- so -anly an# #ecisive& so authoritative. (13I..F) 1.B:4.I +his %a''ath a ternoon Desus cli-'e# the Ca/areth hill with Da-es an#& when they returne# ho-e& wrote out the +en $o--an#-ents in Gree3 on two s-ooth 'oar#s in charcoal. %u'seAuently ?artha colore# an# #ecorate# these 'oar#s& an# or lon( they hun( on the wall over Da-es>s s-all wor3'ench. 6. +he Financial %tru((le (13I..G) 1.B:6.1 Gra#ually Desus an# his a-ily returne# to the si-ple li e o their earlier years. +heir clothes an# even their oo# 'eca-e si-pler. +hey ha# plenty o -il3& 'utter& an# cheese. 4n season they en;oye# the pro#uce o their (ar#en& 'ut each passin( -onth necessitate# the practice o (reater ru(ality. +heir 'rea3 asts were very plain; they save# their 'est oo# or the evenin( -eal. 9owever& a-on( these Dews lac3 o wealth #i# not i-ply social in eriority.

#an saya a3an -e-'antu 0n#a & ya & 03u a3an -e-e(an( en(3au #en(an tan(an 3anan1<u & se'a' 03ulah +U90C& 0llah-u . Dan saya a3an -e-e(an( tan(an 3anan 0n#a & 3ata3an 3epa#a 0n#a & ;an(an ta3ut & se'a' 03u a3an -e-'antu 0n#a . ( 1.3I.&6 ) 1.B:4.F : Dan 3au sa3si saya & #e-i3ianlah ir-an +U90C & #an ha-'a1 <u yan( telah <upilih 'ahwa se-ua -un(3in tahu #an saya percaya #an -e-aha-i 'ahwa 03ulah 0'a#i . 03u & 'ah3an& 03ulah +U90C & #an #i sa-pin( saya ti#a3 a#a penyela-at . : ( 1.3I.&B ) 1.B:4.G Dan saat #e-i3ian ia telah -e-'aca & ia #u#u3 & #an oran(1 oran( per(i 3e ru-ah -ere3a & -erenun(3an atas 3ata13ata yan( ia punya 'e(itu an((un -e-'aca 3epa#a -ere3a . +a3 pernah war(a 3ota itu -elihatnya 'e(itu -e(ah 3husyu3 & 'elu- pernah -ere3a -en#en(ar suaranya 'e(itu sun((uh1sun((uh #an 'e(itu tulus & ti#a3 pernah -ere3a -en(a-ati #ia 'e(itu ;antan #an te(as & 'e(itu 'erwi'awa . ( 1.3I.&F ) 1.B:4.I ini sore hari %a'at @esus -enai3i Ca/aret 'u3it #en(an Da-es #an & 3eti3a -ere3a 3e-'ali 3e ru-ah & -enulis %epuluh "erintah 0llah #ala- 'ahasa @unani pa#a #ua papan halus aran( . %elan;utnya ?artha 'erwarna #an #ihiasi papan ini & #an untu3 wa3tu yan( la-a -ere3a ter(antun( #i #in#in( #i atas -e;a 3er;a 3ecil Da-es . 6 . "er;uan(an <euan(an ( 1.3I.&G ) 1.B:6.1 'ertahap @esus #an 3eluar(anya 3e-'ali 3e 3ehi#upan se#erhana -ere3a tahun se'elu-nya . "a3aian -ere3a #an 'ah3an -a3anan -ere3a -en;a#i le'ih se#erhana . ?ere3a -e-ili3i 'anya3 susu & -ente(a & #an 3e;u . "a#a -usi- -ere3a -eni3-ati hasil #ari 3e'un -ere3a & tapi setiap 'ulannya -en(harus3an pra3te3 'erhe-at le'ih 'esar . %arapan -ere3a yan( san(at ;elas & -ere3a #isela-at3an -a3anan ter'ai3 -ere3a untu3 -a3an -ala- . Ca-un& #i antara oran(1oran(

(13I..I) 1.B:6.. 0lrea#y ha# this youth well1ni(h enco-passe# the co-prehension o how -en live# in his #ay. 0n# how well he un#erstoo# li e in the ho-e& iel#& an# wor3shop is shown 'y his su'seAuent teachin(s& which so repletely reveal his inti-ate contact with all phases o hu-an e,perience. (13I..10) 1.B:6.3 +he Ca/areth cha/an continue# to clin( to the 'elie that Desus was to 'eco-e a (reat teacher& pro'a'ly the successor o the renowne# Ga-aliel at Derusale-. (13I3.1) 1.B:6.4 0pparently all Desus> plans or a career were thwarte#. +he uture #i# not loo3 'ri(ht as -atters now #evelope#. !ut he #i# not alter; he was not #iscoura(e#. 9e live# on& #ay 'y #ay& #oin( well the present #uty an# aith ully #ischar(in( the i--e#iate responsi'ilities o his station in li e. Desus> li e is the everlastin( co- ort o all #isappointe# i#ealists. (13I3..) 1.B:6.6 +he pay o a co--on #ay1la'orin( carpenter was slowly #i-inishin(. !y the en# o this year Desus coul# earn& 'y wor3in( early an# late& only the eAuivalent o a'out twenty1 ive cents a #ay. !y the ne,t year they oun# it #i icult to pay the civil ta,es& not to -ention the syna(o(ue assess-ents an# the te-ple ta, o one1hal she3el. Durin( this year the ta, collector trie# to sAuee/e e,tra revenue out o Desus& even threatenin( to ta3e his harp. (13I3.3) 1.B:6.B Fearin( that the copy o the Gree3 scriptures -i(ht 'e #iscovere# an# con iscate# 'y the ta, collectors& Desus& on his i teenth 'irth#ay& presente# it to the Ca/areth syna(o(ue li'rary as his -aturity o erin( to the 8or#. (13I3.4) 1.B:6.F +he (reat shoc3 o his i teenth year ca-e when Desus went over to %epphoris to receive the #ecision o 9ero# re(ar#in( the

@ahu#i ti#a3 -e-ili3i 3e3ayaan ti#a3 -enyirat3an in erioritas sosial. ( 1.3I.&I ) 1.B:6.. %u#ah -e-ili3i pe-u#a ini ha-pir1ha-pir -enca3up pe-aha-an tentan( 'a(ai-ana oran( hi#up #ala- /a-annya . Dan se'erapa 'ai3 ia -en(erti 3ehi#upan #i ru-ah& la#an( & #an wor3shop #itun;u33an oleh a;aran 'eri3utnya & yan( 'e(itu repletely -en(un(3ap3an hu'un(an inti- #en(an se-ua ase pen(ala-an -anusia . ( 13I.&10 ) 1.B:6.3 +he Ca/aret $ha/an terus 'erpe(an( te(uh pa#a 3eya3inan 'ahwa @esus a#alah -en;a#i seoran( (uru yan( he'at & -un(3in penerus #ari Ga-aliel ter3enal #i @erusale- . ( 1.3I3&1 ) 1.B:6.4 Hupanya se-ua rencana @esus untu3 'er3arir #i(a(al3an . ?asa #epan ti#a3 terlihat cerah se'a(ai -asalah se3aran( #i3e-'an(3an . +api #ia ti#a3 (oyah & ia ti#a3 putus asa. Dia tin((al #i & hari #e-i hari & -ela3u3an #en(an 'ai3 tu(as ini #an setia -ela3sana3an tan((un( ;awa' lan(sun( #ari stasiun hi#upnya . <ehi#upan @esus a#alah 3enya-anan a'a#i #ari se-ua i#ealis 3ecewa . ( 1.3I3&. ) 1.B:6.6 +he (a;i yan( u-usehari 1 tu3an( 3ayu 'e3er;a perlahan1 lahan 'er3uran(. "a#a a3hir tahun ini @esus 'isa -en#apat3an & #en(an 'e3er;a awal #an a3hir & hanya setara #en(an se3itar #ua puluh li-a sen sehari . "a#a tahun 'eri3utnya -ere3a -ene-u3an 3esulitan untu3 -e-'ayar pa;a3 sipil & 'elu- la(i penilaian ru-ah i'a#at #an pa;a3 'ait satu seten(ah syi3al . %ela-a tahun ini pe-un(ut cu3ai -enco'a -e-eras pen#apatan e3stra #ari @esus & 'ah3an -en(anca- untu3 -en(a-'il 3ecapinya . ( 1.3I3&3 ) 1.B:6.B <hawatir 'ahwa tulisan suci @unani -un(3in a3an #ite-u3an #an #isita oleh pe-un(ut pa;a3 & @esus & pa#a hari ulan( tahun 3eli-a 'elas nya & #isa;i3an 3e perpusta3aan sina(o(a Ca/aret se'a(ai 3e#ewasaannya -enawar3an 3epa#a +uhan .

appeal ta3en to hi- in the #ispute a'out the a-ount o -oney #ue Doseph at the ti-e o his acci#ental #eath. Desus an# ?ary ha# hope# or the receipt o a consi#era'le su- o -oney when the treasurer at %epphoris ha# o ere# the- a paltry a-ount. Doseph>s 'rothers ha# ta3en an appeal to 9ero# hi-sel & an# now Desus stoo# in the palace an# hear# 9ero# #ecree that his ather ha# nothin( #ue hi- at the ti-e o his #eath. 0n# or such an un;ust #ecision Desus never a(ain truste# 9ero# 0ntipas. 4t is not surprisin( that he once allu#e# to 9ero# as )that o,.* (13I3.6) 1.B:6.G +he close wor3 at the carpenter>s 'ench #urin( this an# su'seAuent years #eprive# Desus o the opportunity o -in(lin( with the caravan passen(ers. +he a-ily supply shop ha# alrea#y 'een ta3en over 'y his uncle& an# Desus wor3e# alto(ether in the ho-e shop& where he was near to help ?ary with the a-ily. 0'out this ti-e he 'e(an sen#in( Da-es up to the ca-el lot to (ather in or-ation a'out worl# events& an# thus he sou(ht to 3eep in touch with the news o the #ay. (13I3.B) 1.B:6.I 0s he (rew up to -anhoo#& he passe# throu(h all those con licts an# con usions which the avera(e youn( persons o previous an# su'seAuent a(es have un#er(one. 0n# the ri(orous e,perience o supportin( his a-ily was a sure sa e(uar# a(ainst his havin( over-uch ti-e or i#le -e#itation or the in#ul(ence o -ystic ten#encies. (13I3.F) 1.B:6.10 +his was the year that Desus rente# a consi#era'le piece o lan# ;ust to the north o their ho-e& which was #ivi#e# up as a a-ily (ar#en plot. =ach o the ol#er chil#ren ha# an in#ivi#ual (ar#en& an# they entere# into 3een co-petition in their a(ricultural e orts. +heir el#est 'rother spent so-e ti-e with the- in the (ar#en

( 1.3I3&4 ) 1.B:6.F <e;utan 'esar tahun 3eli-a 'elas #atan( 3eti3a @esus per(i 3e %ep oris untu3 -eneri-a 3eputusan 9ero#es tentan( 'an#in( #i'awa 3e #ia #ala- sen(3eta tentan( ;u-lah uan( 3arena @usu pa#a saat 3e-atian 3arena 3ecela3aan itu . @esus #an ?aria 'erharap untu3 peneri-aan se;u-lah 'esar uan( 3eti3a 'en#ahara #i %ep oris telah -enawar3an -ere3a se;u-lah re-eh . %au#ara1sau#ara @usu telah -en(a-'il 'an#in( 3e 9ero#es sen#iri & #an se3aran( @esus 'er#iri #i istana #an -en#en(ar 3eputusan 9ero#es 'ahwa ayahnya ti#a3 a#a 3arena #ia pa#a saat 3e-atiannya . Dan untu3 se'uah 3eputusan yan( ti#a3 a#il @esus ti#a3 pernah 3e-'ali #ipercaya 9ero#es 0ntipas . 9al ini ti#a3 -en(heran3an 'ahwa ia pernah #isin((un( 9ero#es se'a(ai : si seri(ala . : ( 1.3I3&6 ) 1.B:6.G @an( #e3at 'e3er;a #i 'an(3u tu3an( 3ayu sela-a ini #an tahun selan;utnya 3ehilan(an @esus 3ese-patan 'er'aur #en(an penu-pan( 3a ilah . <eluar(a to3o paso3an su#ah #ia-'il alih oleh pa-annya & #an @esus 'e3er;a sa-a se3ali #i to3o ru-ah& #i -ana ia #e3at untu3 -e-'antu ?aria #en(an 3eluar(a . %e3itar saat ini ia -ulai -en(iri-3an Da-es sa-pai 3e te-pat unta untu3 -en(u-pul3an in or-asi tentan( peristiwa #unia & #an #en(an #e-i3ian ia 'erusaha untu3 tetap 'erhu'un(an #en(an 'erita hari ini . ( 1.3I3&B ) 1.B:6.I %aat ia tu-'uh -en;a#i pria & ia -elewati se-ua 3on li3 #an 3e'in(un(an yan( oran(1oran( -u#a yan( rata1rata usia se'elu-nya #an 'eri3utnya telah -en(ala-i . Dan pen(ala-an 3etat -en#u3un( 3eluar(anya a#alah perlin#un(an ya3in terha#ap1Cya -e-ili3i wa3tu untu3 -e#itasi terlalu -en(an((ur atau -en(u-'ar 3ecen#erun(an -isti3 . ( 1.3I3&F ) 1.B:6.10 ini a#alah tahun yan( @esus -enyewa sepoton( tanah yan( cu3up hanya untu3 'a(ian utara ru-ah -ere3a & yan( #i'a(i se'a(ai ta-an tanah 3eluar(a . %etiap ana3 re-a;a -e-ili3i ta-an pri'a#i & #an -ere3a -asu3 3e #ala- persain(an yan(

each #ay #urin( the season o ve(eta'le cultivation. 0s Desus wor3e# with his youn(er 'rothers an# sisters in the (ar#en& he -any ti-es entertaine# the wish that they were all locate# on a ar- out in the country where they coul# en;oy the li'erty an# ree#o- o an unha-pere# li e. !ut they #i# not in# the-selves (rowin( up in the country; an# Desus& 'ein( a thorou(hly practical youth as well as an i#ealist& intelli(ently an# vi(orously attac3e# his pro'le- ;ust as he oun# it& an# #i# everythin( within his power to a#;ust hi-sel an# his a-ily to the realities o their situation an# to a#apt their con#ition to the hi(hest possi'le satis action o their in#ivi#ual an# collective lon(in(s. (13I3.G) 1.B:6.11 0t one ti-e Desus aintly hope# that he -i(ht 'e a'le to (ather up su icient -eans& provi#e# they coul# collect the consi#era'le su- o -oney #ue his ather or wor3 on 9ero#>s palace& to warrant un#erta3in( the purchase o a s-all ar-. 9e ha# really (iven serious thou(ht to this plan o -ovin( his a-ily out into the country. !ut when 9ero# re use# to pay the- any o the un#s #ue Doseph& they (ave up the a-'ition o ownin( a ho-e in the country. 0s it was& they contrive# to en;oy -uch o the e,perience o ar- li e as they now ha# three cows& our sheep& a loc3 o chic3ens& a #on3ey& an# a #o(& in a##ition to the #oves. =ven the little tots ha# their re(ular #uties to per or- in the well1re(ulate# sche-e o -ana(e-ent which characteri/e# the ho-e li e o this Ca/areth a-ily. (13I4.1) 1.B:6.1. 2ith the close o this i teenth year Desus co-plete# the traversal o that #an(erous an# #i icult perio# in hu-an e,istence& that ti-e o transition 'etween the -ore co-placent years o chil#hoo# an# the consciousness o approachin( -anhoo# with its

ta;a- #ala- upaya pertanian -ere3a. <a3a3 tertua -ere3a -en(ha'is3an wa3tu #en(an -ere3a #i 3e'un setiap hari sela-a -usi- 'u#i#aya sayuran . %e'a(ai-ana @esus 'e3er;a sa-a #en(an a#i3 #an sau#ara #i 3e'un & ia 'er3ali13ali -en(hi'ur 3ein(inan 'ahwa -ere3a se-ua terleta3 #i se'uah peterna3an #i ne(ara #i -ana -ere3a 'isa -eni3-ati 3e'e'asan #an 3e'e'asan 3ehi#upan ter3en#ala . +api -ere3a ti#a3 -ene-u3an #iri -ere3a tu-'uh #i ne(eri ini & #an @esus & -en;a#i seoran( pe-u#a 'enar1'enar pra3tis serta i#ealis& cer#as #an penuh se-an(at -enyeran( -asalahnya sa-a seperti ia -ene-u3annya & #an -ela3u3an se(alanya #ala3e3uasaannya untu3 -enyesuai3an #irinya #an 3eluar(anya #en(an realitas situasi -ere3a #an untu3 'era#aptasi #en(an 3on#isi -ere3a 3e tertin((i 3epuasan 3ein(inan in#ivi#u #an 3ole3ti -ere3a. ( 1.3I3&G ) 1.B:6.11 "a#a suatu wa3tu @esus sa-ar1sa-ar 'erharap 'ahwa ia -un(3in #apat -en(u-pul3an cu3up 'erarti & asal3an -ere3a 'isa -en(u-pul3an se;u-lah 'esar uan( 3arena ayahnya untu3 'e3er;a pa#a istana 9ero#es & untu3 -en;a-in -ela3u3an pe-'elian se'uah peterna3an 3ecil . Dia 'enar1'enar -en#apat perhatian serius #en(an rencana ini -e-in#ah3an 3eluar(anya 3eluar 3e ne(ara . +api 3eti3a 9ero#es -enola3 untu3 -e-'ayar -ere3a a#a #ari #ana 3arena @usu & -ere3a -enyerah a-'isi -e-ili3i ru-ah #i ne(ara itu . %eperti itu & -ere3a #i'i3in untu3 -eni3-ati 'anya3 pen(ala-an 3ehi#upan pertanian 3arena -ere3a se3aran( -e-ili3i ti(a e3or sapi & e-pat e3or #o-'a & 3awanan aya- & 3ele#ai & #an an;in(& #i sa-pin( -erpati . !ah3an +ots 3ecil -e-ili3i tu(as rutin -ere3a untu3 -ela3u3an #ala- s3e-a yan( #iatur -ana;e-en yan( 'erciri3an 3ehi#upan ru-ah 3eluar(a Ca/areth ini . ( 1.3I4&1 ) 1.B:6.1. Den(an penutupan ini tahun 3eli-a 'elas @esus -enyelesai3an traversal #ari perio#e 'er'ahaya #an sulit #ala- e3sistensi

increase# responsi'ilities an# opportunities or the acAuire-ent o a#vance# e,perience in the #evelop-ent o a no'le character. +he (rowth perio# or -in# an# 'o#y ha# en#e#& an# now 'e(an the real career o this youn( -an o Ca/areth. The Urantia Book Paper 1+The ;isit to Phi!ade!phia (1G33.1) 1BF:0.1 +9HOUG9OU+ this perio# o the "erean -inistry& when -ention is -a#e o Desus an# the apostles visitin( the various localities where the seventy were at wor3& it shoul# 'e recalle# that& as a rule& only ten were with hi- since it was the practice to leave at least two o the apostles at "ella to instruct the -ultitu#e. 0s Desus prepare# to (o on to"hila#elphia& %i-on "eter an# his 'rother& 0n#rew& returne# to the "ella enca-p-ent to teach the crow#s there asse-'le#. 2hen the ?aster le t the ca-p at "ella to visit a'out "erea& it was not unco--on or ro- three to ive hun#re# o the ca-pers to ollow hi-. 2hen he arrive# at "hila#elphia& he was acco-panie# 'y over si, hun#re# ollowers. (1G33..) 1BF:0.. Co -iracles ha# atten#e# the recent preachin( tour throu(h the Decapolis& an#& e,ceptin( the cleansin( o the ten lepers& thus ar there ha# 'een no -iracles on this "erean -ission. +his was a perio# when the (ospel was proclai-e# with power& without -iracles& an# -ost o the ti-e without the personal presence o Desus or even o his apostles. (1G33.3) 1BF:0.3 Desus an# the ten apostles arrive# at "hila#elphia on 2e#nes#ay& Fe'ruary ..& an# spent +hurs#ay an# Fri#ay restin( ro- their recent travels an# la'ors. +hat Fri#ay ni(ht Da-es spo3e in the syna(o(ue& an# a (eneral council was calle# or the ollowin( evenin(. +hey were -uch re;oice# over the pro(ress o the (ospel at "hila#elphia an# a-on( the near1'y villa(es. +he -essen(ers o Davi# also 'rou(ht wor# o the urther a#vance-ent o the 3in(#o- throu(hout "alestine& as

-anusia & wa3tu itu transisi antara tahun le'ih puas -asa 3ana313ana3 #an 3esa#aran -en#e3ati 3e#ewasaan #en(an tan((un( ;awa' -enin(3at #an peluan( untu3 perolehan pen(ala-an -a;u #ala- pen(e-'an(an a3hla3 yan( -ulia . "erio#e pertu-'uhan pi3iran #an tu'uh telah 'era3hir & #an se3aran( -ulai 3arir nyata #ari pe-u#a #ari Ca/aret . +he Urantia 3ertas 1BF <un;un(an 3e "hila#elphia ( 1.G33&1 ) 1BF:0.1 %=8UHU9 perio#e ini #ari "erean pelayanan & 3eti3a #ise'ut3an ter'uat #ari @esus #an para rasul -en(un;un(i 'er'a(ai te-pat #i -ana tu;uh puluh yan( 'e3er;a & harus #iin(at 'ahwa & se'a(ai suatu peraturan & hanya sepuluh sa-a #en(an #ia se;a3 itu a#alah pra3te3 untu3 -enin((al3an seti#a3nya #ua #ari para rasul #i "ella untu3 -en(instru3si3an oran( 'anya3 . <eti3a @esus siap untu3 per(i 3e "hila#elphia & %i-on "etrus #an sau#aranya & 0n#reas& 3e-'ali 3e per3e-ahan "ella untu3 -en(a;ar oran( 'anya3 #i sana 'er3u-pul . <eti3a %an( Guru -enin((al3an 3a-p #i "ella untu3 -en(un;un(i se3itar "erea & itu ti#a3 'iasa 'a(i 31600 #ari 'er3e-ah untu3 -en(i3utinya . <eti3a ia ti'a #i "hila#elphia & ia #i#a-pin(i oleh le'ih #ari ena- ratus pen(i3ut . ( 1.G33&. ) 1BF:0.. a#a -u3;i/at telah -en(ha#iri tur 3hot'ah tera3hir -elalui De3apolis & #an & 3ecuali pe-'ersihan #ari sepuluh pen#erita 3usta & se;auh ini ti#a3 a#a 3ea;ai'an #ala- -isi ini "erean . 4ni a#alah perio#e 3eti3a 4n;il #ipro3la-asi3an #en(an 3e3uasaan& tanpa -u3;i/at & #an se'a(ian 'esar wa3tu tanpa 3eha#iran pri'a#i @esus atau 'ah3an #ari para rasul1Cya . ( 1.G33&3 ) 1BF:0.3 @esus #an sepuluh rasul ti'a #i "hila#elphia pa#a hari Ha'u& .. Fe'ruari #an -en(ha'is3an <a-is #an Du-at 'eristirahat #ari per;alanan ter'aru -ere3a #an 'uruh . 4tu Du-at -ala- Da-es 'er'icara #i ru-ah i'a#at &

well as (oo# news ro- 0le,an#ria an# Da-ascus. 1. Breakfast with the Pharisees (1G33.4) 1BF:1.1 +here live# in "hila#elphia a very wealthy an# in luential "harisee who ha# accepte# the teachin(s o 0'ner& an# who invite# Desus to his house %a''ath -ornin( or 'rea3 ast. 4t was 3nown that Desus was e,pecte# in "hila#elphia at this ti-e; so a lar(e nu-'er o visitors& a-on( the- -any "harisees& ha# co-e over ro- Derusale- an# ro- elsewhere. 0ccor#in(ly& a'out orty o these lea#in( -en an# a ew lawyers were 'i##en to this 'rea3 ast& which ha# 'een arran(e# in honor o the ?aster. (1G33.6) 1BF:1.. 0s Desus lin(ere# 'y the #oor& spea3in( with 0'ner& an# a ter the host ha# seate# hi-sel & there ca-e into the roo- one o the lea#in( "harisees o Derusale-& a -e-'er o the %anhe#rin& an# as was his ha'it& he -a#e strai(ht or the seat o honor at the le t o the host. !ut since this place ha# 'een reserve# or the ?aster an# that on the ri(ht or 0'ner& the host 'ec3one# the Derusale- "harisee to sit our seats to the le t& an# this #i(nitary was -uch o en#e# 'ecause he #i# not receive the seat o honor. (1G34.1) 1BF:1.3 %oon they were all seate# an# en;oyin( the visitin( a-on( the-selves since the -a;ority o those present were #isciples o Desus or else were rien#ly to the (ospel. Only his ene-ies too3 notice o the act that he #i# not o'serve the cere-onial washin( o his han#s 'e ore he sat #own to eat. 0'ner washe# his han#s at the 'e(innin( o the -eal 'ut not #urin( the servin(. (1G34..) 1BF:1.4 Cear the en# o the -eal there ca-e in ro- the street a -an lon( a licte# with a chronic #isease an# now in a #ropsical con#ition. +his -an was a 'eliever& havin( recently 'een 'apti/e# 'y 0'ner>s associates. 9e -a#e no reAuest o Desus or healin(& 'ut the ?aster 3new ull well that this a licte# -an ca-e to this 'rea3 ast hopin( there'y to escape the crow#s which thron(e# hi- an# thus 'e -ore li3ely to en(a(e his attention. +his -an 3new that ew -iracles were then 'ein( per or-e#; however& he ha# reasone# in his heart that his sorry pli(ht -i(ht possi'ly

#an #ewan u-u- #ipan((il untu3 -ala'eri3utnya . ?ere3a 'anya3 'ersu3acita 3e-a;uan 4n;il #i "hila#elphia #an #i antara #esa1#esa #e3at1oleh . "ara utusan Dau# ;u(a -e-'awa ir-an 3e-a;uan le'ih lan;ut #ari 3era;aan seluruh "alestina & serta 3a'ar 'ai3 #ari 0le,an#ria #an Da-as3us . 1 . %arapan #en(an oran(1oran( Farisi ( 1.G33&4 ) 1BF:1.1 0#a tin((al #i "hila#elphia seoran( Farisi yan( san(at 3aya #an 'erpen(aruh yan( telah -eneri-a a;aran 0'ner & #an yan( -en(un#an( @esus 3e ru-ahnya %a'at pa(i untu3 sarapan . Di3etahui 'ahwa @esus #iharap3an #i "hila#elphia saat ini & sehin((a se;u-lah 'esar pen(un;un( & #i antara -ere3a 'anya3 oran(1oran( Farisi & telah #atan( #ari @erusale- #an #ari te-pat lain . Den(an #e-i3ian & se3itar e-pat puluh #ari oran(1oran( ter3e-u3a #an 'e'erapa pen(acara yan( #iperintah3an untu3 sarapan ini & yan( telah #iatur #ala- -en(hor-ati Guru . ( 1.G33&6 ) 1BF:1.. %eperti @esus 'erla-a1la-a #i #epan pintu& 'er'icara #en(an 0'ner & #an setelah tuan ru-ah telah #u#u3 sen#iri & #atan(lah 3e ruan( %eoran( Farisi ter3e-u3a @erusale- & an((ota ?ah3a-ah 0(a-a & #an seperti 3e'iasaannya & ia lan(sun( per(i 3e 3ursi 3ehor-atan #i se'elah 3iri tuan ru-ah . +api 3arena te-pat ini telah #ise#ia3an untu3 Guru #an 'ahwa #i se'elah 3anan untu3 0'ner & tuan ru-ah -e-an((il oran( Farisi @erusale- untu3 #u#u3 e-pat 3ursi 3e 3iri & #an "e-'esar ini 'anya3 tersin((un( 3arena ia ti#a3 -eneri-a 3ursi 3ehor-atan . ( 1.G34&1 ) 1BF:1.3 %e(era -ere3a se-ua #u#u3 #an -eni3-ati -en(un;un(i #i antara -ere3a sen#iri 3arena se'a(ian #ari -ere3a yan( ha#ir a#alah -uri# @esus atau yan( lain yan( ra-ah terha#ap 4n;il. 9anya -usuh1-usuhnya -en(a-'il pe-'eritahuan #ari a3ta 'ahwa ia ti#a3 -en(a-ati pe-'asuhan -enurut a#at tan(annya se'elu- ia #u#u3 untu3 -a3an . 0'ner -encuci tan(annya #i awal -a3an tetapi ti#a3 sela-a -elayani.

appeal to the ?aster>s co-passion. 0n# he was not -ista3en& or& when he entere# the roo-& 'oth Desus an# the sel 1ri(hteous "harisee ro- Derusaletoo3 notice o hi-. +he "harisee was not slow to voice his resent-ent that such a one shoul# 'e per-itte# to enter the roo-. !ut Desus loo3e# upon the sic3 -an an# s-ile# so 'eni(nly that he #rew near an# sat #own upon the loor. 0s the -eal was en#in(& the ?aster loo3e# over his ellow (uests an# then& a ter (lancin( si(ni icantly at the -an with #ropsy& sai#: )?y rien#s& teachers in 4srael an# learne# lawyers& 4 woul# li3e to as3 you a Auestion: 4s it law ul to heal the sic3 an# a licte# on the %a''ath #ay& or not5* !ut those who were there present 3new Desus too well; they hel# their peace; they answere# not his Auestion. (1G34.3) 1BF:1.6 +hen went Desus over to where the sic3 -an sat an#& ta3in( hi- 'y the han#& sai#: )0rise an# (o your way. @ou have not as3e# to 'e heale#& 'ut 4 3now the #esire o your heart an# the aith o your soul.* !e ore the -an le t the roo-& Desus returne# to his seat an#& a##ressin( those at the ta'le& sai#: )%uch wor3s -y Father #oes& not to te-pt you into the 3in(#o-& 'ut to reveal hi-sel to those who are alrea#y in the 3in(#o-. @ou can perceive that it woul# 'e li3e the Father to #o ;ust such thin(s 'ecause which one o you& havin( a avorite ani-al that ell in the well on the %a''ath #ay& woul# not (o ri(ht out an# #raw hi- up5* 0n# since no one woul# answer hi-& an# inas-uch as his host evi#ently approve# o what was (oin( on& Desus stoo# up an# spo3e to all present: )?y 'rethren& when you are 'i##en to a -arria(e east& sit not #own in the chie seat& lest& perchance& a -ore honore# -an than you has 'een invite#& an# the host will have to co-e to you an# reAuest that you (ive your place to this other an# honore# (uest. 4n this event& with sha-e you will 'e reAuire# to ta3e a lower place at the ta'le. 2hen you are 'i##en to a east& it woul# 'e the part o wis#o-& on arrivin( at the estive ta'le& to see3 or the lowest place an# ta3e your seat therein& so that& when the host loo3s over the (uests& he -ay say to you: 7?y rien#& why sit in the seat o the

( 1.G34&. ) 1BF:1.4 ?en;elan( a3hir -a3an #i sana #atan( #ari ;alan seoran( pria la-a -en#erita penya3it 3ronis #an se3aran( #ala- 3on#isi #ropsical . Oran( ini a#alah oran( percaya& setelah 'aru1 'aru #i'aptis oleh re3an 0'ner . Dia -e-'uat ti#a3 a#a per-intaan #ari @esus untu3 penye-'uhan & tetapi Guru tahu 'enar 'ahwa oran( ini -en#erita #atan( untu3 sarapan ini 'erharap #e-i3ian untu3 -en(hin#ari oran( 'anya3 yan( -e-a#ati #ia #an #en(an #e-i3ian le'ih -un(3in untu3 terli'at perhatiannya . Oran( ini tahu 'ahwa 'e'erapa -u3;i/at 3e-u#ian se#an( #ila3u3an & na-un ia 'eralasan #alahatinya 'ahwa -aa nasi' nya -un(3in sa;a -enari3 'elas 3asih Guru . Dan #ia ti#a3 salah & 3arena & 3eti3a ia -e-asu3i ruan(an & 'ai3 @esus #an oran( Farisi 'enar sen#iri #ari @erusale-e-erhati3an #irinya . Oran( Farisi itu ti#a3 la-'at untu3 -enyuara3an 3e'encian nya yan( satu terse'ut harus #ii/in3an untu3 -e-asu3i ruan(an . +etapi @esus -e-an#an( oran( sa3it #an tersenyu- 'e(itu 'eni(nly 'ahwa ia -en#e3at #an #u#u3 #i atas lantai . %e'a(ai -a3anan itu 'era3hir & Guru ta-pa3 atas ta-u sesa-a #an 3e-u#ian & setelah -eliri3 si(ni i3an pa#a pria #en(an 'asal & -en(ata3an : : +e-an1 te-an saya & (uru #i 4srael #an pen(acara 'ela;ar & saya in(in -en(a;u3an pertanyaan : 0pa3ah #iper'oleh3an untu3 -enye-'uh3an oran( sa3it #an -en#erita pa#a hari %a'at & atau ti#a3 :+api -ere3a yan( 'era#a #i sana ha#ir -en(enal @esus terlalu 'ai3 & 5 -ere3a -en(a#a3an per#a-aian -ere3a& -ere3a -en;awa' ti#a3 pertanyaannya . ( 1.G34&3 ) 1BF:1.6 8alu 3eluarlah @esus 3e te-pat oran( sa3it itu #an #u#u3 & -e-'awanya #en(an tan(an & 'er3ata: : !an(unlah #an per(ilah . . 0n#a 'elu-e-inta untu3 #ise-'uh3an & tapi a3u tahu 3ein(inan hati #an i-an ;iwa-u : %e'elu- pria itu -enin((al3an ruan(an & @esus 3e-'ali 3e 3ursinya #an -enan(ani -ere3a #i -e;a & -en(ata3an : : %eperti 'e3er;a saya ayah la3u3an& 'u3an untu3 -en((o#a 0n#a 3e #ala-

least5 co-e up hi(her>; an# thus will such a one have (lory in the presence o his ellow (uests. For(et not& every one who e,alts hi-sel shall 'e hu-'le#& while he who truly hu-'les hi-sel shall 'e e,alte#. +here ore& when you entertain at #inner or (ive a supper& invite not always your rien#s& your 'rethren& your 3ins-en& or your rich nei(h'ors that they in return -ay 'i# you to their easts& an# thus will you 'e reco-pense#. 2hen you (ive a 'anAuet& so-eti-es 'i# the poor& the -ai-e#& an# the 'lin#. 4n this way you shall 'e 'lesse# in your heart& or you well 3now that the la-e an# the halt cannot repay you or your lovin( -inistry.* 2. Parab!e of the Great )upper (1G36.1) 1BF:..1 0s Desus inishe# spea3in( at the 'rea3 ast ta'le o the "harisee& one o the lawyers present& #esirin( to relieve the silence& thou(htlessly sai#: )!lesse# is he who shall eat 'rea# in the 3in(#oo Go#* J that 'ein( a co--on sayin( o those #ays. 0n# then Desus spo3e a para'le& which even his rien#ly host was co-pelle# to ta3e to heart. 9e sai#: (1G36..) 1BF:... )0 certain ruler (ave a (reat supper& an# havin( 'i##en -any (uests& he #ispatche# his servants at supperti-e to say to those who were invite#& 7$o-e& or everythin( is now rea#y.> 0n# they all with one accor# 'e(an to -a3e e,cuses. +he irst sai#& 74 have ;ust 'ou(ht a ar-& an# 4 -ust nee#s to (o prove it; 4 pray you have -e e,cuse#.> 0nother sai#& 74 have 'ou(ht ive yo3e o o,en& an# 4 -ust (o to receive the-; 4 pray you have -e e,cuse#.> 0n# another sai#& 74 have ;ust -arrie# a wi e& an# there ore 4 cannot co-e.> %o the servants went 'ac3 an# reporte# this to their -aster. 2hen the -aster o the house hear# this& he was very an(ry& an# turnin( to his servants& he sai#: 74 have -a#e rea#y this -arria(e east; the atlin(s are 3ille#& an# all is in rea#iness or -y (uests& 'ut they have spurne# -y invitation; they have (one every -an a ter his lan#s an# his -erchan#ise& an# they even show #isrespect to -y servants who 'i# the- co-e to -y east. Go out Auic3ly& there ore& into the streets an# lanes o the city& out into the hi(hways an# the 'yways& an# 'rin(

3era;aan & tetapi untu3 -en(un(3ap3an #irinya untu3 -ere3a yan( su#ah #i 3era;aan . 0n#a #apat -elihat 'ahwa itu a3an -en;a#i seperti !apa untu3 -ela3u3an hal1hal seperti itu 3arena salah satu #ari 3alian & -e-ili3i hewan avorit yan( ;atuh #ala- su-ur pa#a hari %a'at & ti#a3 a3an per(i 3eluar #an -enari3 #ia 5 : Dan 3arena ti#a3 a#a yan( a3an -en;awa'nya & #an 3arena tuan ru-ahnya ;elas -enyetu;ui apa yan( se#an( ter;a#i & @esus 'er#iri #an 'er'icara 3epa#a se-ua yan( ha#ir : : sau#ara1sau#ara3u & 3eti3a 0n#a #iperintah3an untu3 pesta perni3ahan& #u#u3 ti#a3 turun #i 3ursi 3epala & ;an(an & 'aran(3ali & pria yan( le'ih terhor-at #aripa#a 0n#a telah #iun#an( & #an tuan ru-ah harus #atan( 3epa#a 0n#a #an -e-inta 0n#a -e-'eri3an te-pat 0n#a 3e ta-u lain #an terhor-at . Dalaacara ini & #en(an rasa -alu 0n#a a3an #i-inta untu3 -en(a-'il te-pat yan( le'ih ren#ah #i -e;a . <eti3a 0n#a #iperintah3an untu3 pesta & itu a3an -en;a#i 'a(ian #ari 3e'i;a3sanaan& saat ti'a #i -e;a -eriah & untu3 -encari te-pat teren#ah #an -en(a-'il te-pat #u#u3 0n#a #i #ala-nya & sehin((a & 3eti3a tuan ru-ah ta-pa3 #i atas ta-u & ia -un(3in -en(ata3an 3epa#a 0n#a : : te-an saya & -en(apa #u#u3 #i 3ursi yan( palin( 5 #atan( E yan( le'ih tin((i & #an #en(an #e-i3ian a3an seperti satu -e-ili3i 3e-uliaan #i ha#apan ta-u sesa-a . 8upa3an ti#a3& setiap oran( yan( -enin((i3an #iri a3an #iren#ah3an& se-entara #ia yan( 'enar1'enar -eren#ah3an #iri a3an #itin((i3an . Oleh 3arena itu & 3eti3a 0n#a -en(hi'ur saat -a3an -ala- atau -e-'eri3an -a3an -ala- & a;a3 te-an1te-an 0n#a ti#a3 selalu & sau#ara1sau#ara-u & sau#ara 0n#a & atau tetan((a 3aya 0n#a 'ahwa -ere3a se'a(ai i-'alan -un(3in tawaran 0n#a untu3 pesta -ere3a & #an #en(an #e-i3ian 0n#a a3an #i'eri pe-'alasan . <eti3a 0n#a -e-'eri3an per;a-uan & ter3a#an( -enawar -is3in& cacat & #an 'uta . Den(an cara ini 0n#a a3an #i'er3ati #ala- hati-u & untu3 0n#a ;u(a tahu 'ahwa lu-puh #an -en(henti3an ti#a3 #apat -e-'ayar 0n#a untu3 pelayanan -encintai 0n#a . :

hither the poor an# the outcast& the 'lin# an# the la-e& that the -arria(e east -ay have (uests.> 0n# the servants #i# as their lor# co--an#e#& an# even then there was roo- or -ore (uests. +hen sai# the lor# to his servants: 7Go now out into the roa#s an# the countrysi#e an# constrain those who are there to co-e in that -y house -ay 'e ille#. 4 #eclare that none o those who were irst 'i##en shall taste o -y supper.> 0n# the servants #i# as their -aster co--an#e#& an# the house was ille#.* (1G36.3) 1BF:..3 0n# when they hear# these wor#s& they #eparte#; every -an went to his own place. 0t least one o the sneerin( "harisees present that -ornin( co-prehen#e# the -eanin( o this para'le& or he was 'apti/e# that #ay an# -a#e pu'lic con ession o his aith in the (ospel o the 3in(#o-. 0'ner preache# on this para'le that ni(ht at the (eneral council o 'elievers. (1G36.4) 1BF:..4 +he ne,t #ay all o the apostles en(a(e# in the philosophic e,ercise o en#eavorin( to interpret the -eanin( o this para'le o the (reat supper. +hou(h Desus listene# with interest to all o these #i erin( interpretations& he stea# astly re use# to o er the- urther help in un#erstan#in( the para'le. 9e woul# only say& )8et every -an in# out the -eanin( or hi-sel an# in his own soul.* 3. The =o&an with the )pirit of nfir&ity (1G36.6) 1BF:3.1 0'ner ha# arran(e# or the ?aster to teach in the syna(o(ue on this %a''ath #ay& the irst ti-e Desus ha# appeare# in a syna(o(ue since they ha# all 'een close# to his teachin(s 'y or#er o the %anhe#rin. 0t the conclusion o the service Desus loo3e# #own 'e ore hiupon an el#erly wo-an who wore a #owncast e,pression& an# who was -uch 'ent in or-. +his wo-an ha# lon( 'een ear1ri##en& an# all ;oy ha# passe# out o her li e. 0s Desus steppe# #own ro- the pulpit& he went over to her an#& touchin( her 'owe#1over or- on the shoul#er& sai#: )2o-an& i you woul# only 'elieve& you coul# 'e wholly loose# ro- your spirit o in ir-ity.* 0n# this wo-an& who ha# 'een 'owe# #own an# 'oun# up 'y the #epressions o ear or -ore than

. . "eru-pa-aan tentan( "er;a-uan !esar ( 1.G36&1 ) 1BF:..1 <eti3a @esus selesai 'er'icara #i -e;a sarapan oran( Farisi & salah satu pen(acara ini& -en(in(in3an untu3 -erin(an3an 3ehenin(an & tanpa 'erpi3ir 'er3ata : : !er'aha(ialah oran( yan( a3an -a3an roti #i #ala- <era;aan 0llah : 1 'ahwa -en;a#i pepatah u-uhari1hari . 8alu @esus -encerita3an peru-pa-aan & yan( 'ah3an ra-ah host nya #ipa3sa untu3 #i'awa 3e ;antun(. Dia -en(ata3an : ( 1.G36&. ) 1BF:... : %eoran( pen(uasa tertentu -e-'eri3an per;a-uan 'esar & #an -e-ili3i 'anya3 ta-u #iperintah3an & ia -en(iri- ha-'anya pa#a saat -a3an -ala- untu3 -en(ata3an 3epa#a -ere3a yan( #iun#an( & E 0yo & untu3 se(ala sesuatu su#ah siap . : Dan -ere3a se-ua #en(an satu 3esepa3atan -ulai -e-'uat alasan . @an( perta-a 'er3ata& : %aya 'aru sa;a -e-'eli se'uah peterna3an & #an saya harus perlu per(i -e-'u3ti3annya & . 03u 'er#oa 3au punya a3u #i-aa 3an E @an( lain 'er3ata & E 03u telah -e-'eli li-a pasan( le-'u 3e'iri #an a3u harus per(i untu3 -eneri-a -ere3a& saya 'er#oa 0n#a a3u -inta #i-aa 3an . : yan( lain la(i 'er3ata & E saya 'aru sa;a 3awin & #an 3arena itu a3u ti#a3 #apat #atan(. Da#i pelayan 3e-'ali #an -elapor3an hal ini 3epa#a tuannya . <eti3a tuan ru-ah -en#en(ar ini& #ia san(at -arah & #an 'erpalin( 3epa#a ha-'a1ha-'anya & ia 'er3ata: : %aya telah -e-'uat siap ini pesta perni3ahan & se#an(3an terna3 (e-u3an #i'unuh & #an se-ua #ala3esiapan untu3 ta-u saya & tetapi -ere3a telah #itola3 un#an(an saya & -ere3a per(i setiap -anusia setelah tanah #an #a(an(annya & #an -ere3a 'ah3an -enun;u33an rasa ti#a3 hor-at 3epa#a ha-'a1<u yan( -e-inta -ere3a #atan( 3e pesta saya. "er(ilah #en(an se(era & oleh 3arena itu& 3e ;alan1;alan #an loron( 3ota & 3eluar 3e ;alan raya #an 'yways & #an -e-'awa 3e-ari oran( -is3in #an ter'uan( & oran( 'uta #an lu-puh & 'ahwa pesta perni3ahan -un(3in -e-ili3i ta-u . :Dan ha-'a1

ei(hteen years& 'elieve# the wor#s o the ?aster an# 'y aith strai(htene# up i--e#iately. 2hen this wo-an saw that she ha# 'een -a#e strai(ht& she li te# up her voice an# (lori ie# Go#. (1G3B.1) 1BF:3.. Cotwithstan#in( that this wo-an>s a liction was wholly -ental& her 'owe#1over or- 'ein( the result o her #epresse# -in#& the people thou(ht that Desus ha# heale# a real physical #isor#er. 0lthou(h the con(re(ation o the syna(o(ue at "hila#elphia was rien#ly towar# the teachin(s o Desus& the chie ruler o the syna(o(ue was an un rien#ly "harisee. 0n# as he share# the opinion o the con(re(ation that Desus ha# heale# a physical #isor#er& an# 'ein( in#i(nant 'ecause Desus ha# presu-e# to #o such a thin( on the %a''ath& he stoo# up 'e ore the con(re(ation an# sai#: )0re there not si, #ays in which -en shoul# #o all their wor35 4n these wor3in( #ays co-e& there ore& an# 'e heale#& 'ut not on the %a''ath #ay.* (1G3B..) 1BF:3.3 2hen the un rien#ly ruler ha# thus spo3en& Desus returne# to the spea3er>s plat or- an# sai#: )2hy play the part o hypocrites5 Does not every one o you& on the %a''ath& loose his o, ro- the stall an# lea# hi- orth or waterin(5 4 such a service is per-issi'le on the %a''ath #ay& shoul# not this wo-an& a #au(hter o 0'raha- who has 'een 'oun# #own 'y evil these ei(hteen years& 'e loose# ro- this 'on#a(e an# le# orth to parta3e o the waters o li'erty an# li e& even on this %a''ath #ay5* 0n# as the wo-an continue# to (lori y Go#& his critic was put to sha-e& an# the con(re(ation re;oice# with her that she ha# 'een heale#. (1G3B.3) 1BF:3.4 0s a result o his pu'lic criticis- o Desus on this %a''ath the chie ruler o the syna(o(ue was #epose#& an# a ollower o Desus was put in his place. (1G3B.4) 1BF:3.6 Desus reAuently #elivere# such victi-s o ear ro- their spirit o in ir-ity& ro- their #epression o -in#& an# ro- their 'on#a(e o ear. !ut the people thou(ht that all such a lictions were either physical #isor#ers or possession o evil spirits. (1G3B.6) 1BF:3.B Desus tau(ht a(ain in the syna(o(ue on %un#ay& an# -any were

ha-'a la3u3an se'a(ai ;un;un(an -ere3a #iperintah3an & #an 'ah3an 3e-u#ian a#a ruan( untu3 le'ih 'anya3 ta-u. 8alu 3ata tuan 3epa#a para pe(awainya : : "er(ilah se3aran( 3eluar 3e ;alan #an pe#esaan #an -e-'atasi oran(1oran( yan( a#a untu3 -asu3 3arena ru-ah3u harus penuh. %aya -enyata3an 'ahwa ti#a3 satupun #ari -ere3a yan( perta-a 3ali #iperintah3an a3an -erasa3an -a3an -ala- saya. :Dan ha-'a la3u3an se'a(ai -aster -ere3a #iperintah3an & #an ru-ah #ipenuhi . : ( 1.G36&3 ) 1BF:..3 Dan 3eti3a -ere3a -en#en(ar 3ata13ata ini & -ere3a 'eran(3at & setiap oran( per(i 3e te-pat sen#iri . %eti#a3nya satu oran( Farisi -enci'ir ha#ir pa(i itu -e-aha-i arti #ari peru-pa-aan ini & 3arena ia #i'aptis hari itu #an -e-'uat pen(a3uan pu'li3 i-annya 3epa#a 4n;il 3era;aan . 0'ner 'er3hot'ah tentan( peru-pa-aan ini -ala- itu #i #ewan u-u- oran( percaya . ( 1.G36&4 ) 1BF:..4 <eeso3an harinya se-ua rasul terli'at #ala- latihan iloso is 'erusaha untu3 -ena sir3an -a3na peru-pa-aan ini per;a-uan 'esar. ?es3ipun @esus -en#en(ar3an #en(an penuh perhatian terha#ap se-ua interpretasi yan( 'er'e#a & ia tetap -enola3 untu3 -enawar3an -ere3a 'antuan le'ih lan;ut #ala- -e-aha-i peru-pa-aan . Dia hanya -en(ata3an & : !iarlah setiap oran( -en(etahui arti untu3 #irinya sen#iri #an #ala- ;iwanya sen#iri . : 3 . +he 2o-an #en(an Hoh 3ele-ahan ( 1.G36&6 ) 1BF:3.1 0'ner telah #iatur untu3 Guru untu3 -en(a;ar #i ru-ah i'a#at pa#a hari %a'at & perta-a 3ali @esus -uncul #i sina(o(a 3arena -ere3a se-ua telah tertutup 'a(i a;arannya atas perintah %anhe#rin . "a#a a3hir @esus layanan -enun#u3 #i ha#apannya pa#a seoran( wanita tua yan( -en(ena3an e3spresi se#ih & #an siapa yan( 'anya3 -e-'un(3u3 #ala- 'entu3 . 2anita ini telah la-a ta3ut 1 nai3& #an se-ua su3acita telah 'erlalu #ari hi#upnya .

'apti/e# 'y 0'ner at noon on that #ay in the river which lowe# south o the city. On the -orrow Desus an# the ten apostles woul# have starte# 'ac3 to the "ella enca-p-ent 'ut or the arrival o one o Davi#>s -essen(ers& who 'rou(ht an ur(ent -essa(e to Desus ro- his rien#s at !ethany& near Derusale-. $. The 3essa#e fro& Bethany (1G3B.B) 1BF:4.1 Kery late on %un#ay ni(ht& Fe'ruary .B& a runner ro- !ethany arrive# at "hila#elphia& 'rin(in( a -essa(e ro- ?artha an# ?ary which sai#& )8or#& he who- you love is very sic3.* +his -essa(e reache# Desus at the close o the evenin( con erence an# ;ust as he was ta3in( leave o the apostles or the ni(ht. 0t irst Desus -a#e no reply. +here occurre# one o those stran(e interlu#es& a ti-e when he appeare# to 'e in co--unication with so-ethin( outsi#e o & an# 'eyon#& hi-sel . 0n# then& loo3in( up& he a##resse# the -essen(er in the hearin( o the apostles& sayin(: )+his sic3ness is really not to the #eath. Dou't not that it -ay 'e use# to (lori y Go# an# e,alt the %on.* (1G3F.1) 1BF:4.. Desus was very on# o ?artha& ?ary& an# their 'rother& 8a/arus; he love# the- with a ervent a ection. 9is irst an# hu-an thou(ht was to (o to their assistance at once& 'ut another i#ea ca-e into his co-'ine# -in#. 9e ha# al-ost (iven up hope that the Dewish lea#ers at Derusale- woul# ever accept the 3in(#o-& 'ut he still love# his people& an# there now occurre# to hi- a plan where'y the scri'es an# "harisees o Derusale- -i(ht have one -ore chance to accept his teachin(s; an# he #eci#e#& his Father willin(& to -a3e this last appeal to Derusale- the -ost pro oun# an# stupen#ous outwar# wor3in( o his entire earth career. +he Dews clun( to the i#ea o a won#er1wor3in( #eliverer. 0n# thou(h he re use# to stoop to the per or-ance o -aterial won#ers or to the enact-ent o te-poral e,hi'itions o political power& he #i# now as3 the Father>s consent or the -ani estation o his hitherto une,hi'ite# power over li e an# #eath. (1G3F..) 1BF:4.3 +he Dews were in the ha'it o 'uryin( their #ea# on the #ay o their #e-ise; this was a necessary practice in

%eperti @esus turun #ari -i-'ar & ia per(i 3e #ia #an & -enyentuh 'entu3 -e-'un(3u3 1over 'ahunya & -en(ata3an : : 2anita & ;i3a 0n#a hanya a3an percaya & 0n#a 'isa sepenuhnya #ilepas3an #ari se-an(at 0n#a 3ele-ahan. : Dan ini wanita& yan( telah su;u# #an teri3at oleh #epresi 3eta3utan sela-a le'ih #ari #elapan 'elas tahun & percaya 3ata13ata Guru #an #en(an i-an 'er#iri te(a3 se(era. <eti3a wanita ini -elihat 'ahwa ia telah #i'uat lurus& ia -en(an(3at suaranya #an -e-ulia3an 0llah . ( 1.G3B&1 ) 1BF:3.. ?es3ipun 'ahwa pen#eritaan wanita ini a#alah sepenuhnya -ental& #ia -e-'un(3u3 1 over or- -en;a#i hasil pi3iran #epresi nya & oran(1oran( 'erpi3ir 'ahwa @esus -enye-'uh3an (an((uan isi3 yan( nyata . ?es3ipun ;e-aat sina(o(a #i "hila#elphia a#alah ra-ah terha#ap a;aran @esus& 3epala ru-ah i'a#at itu -erupa3an Farisi ti#a3 ra-ah . Dan saat ia 'er'a(i pen#apat ;e-aat 'ahwa @esus -enye-'uh3an (an((uan isi3 & #an -en;a#i (usar 3arena @esus #ian((ap -ela3u3an hal seperti itu pa#a hari %a'at & ia 'er#iri #i ha#apan ;e-aat #an 'er3ata : :!u3an3ah a#a ena- hari #i -ana la3i1la3i harus -ela3u3an se-ua pe3er;aan -ere3a 5 Di hari 3er;a #atan( & 3arena itu& #an #ise-'uh3an & tetapi ti#a3 pa#a hari %a'at . : ( 1.G3B&. ) 1BF:3.3 <eti3a pen(uasa ra-ah telah #e-i3ian #iucap3an& @esus 3e-'ali 3e plat or- pe-'icara #an 'er3ata : : ?en(apa -e-ain3an 'a(ian #ari oran(1oran( -una i3 5 !u3an3ah setiap salah satu #ari 0n#a & pa#a hari %a'at & 3ehilan(an le-'unya #ari 3ios #an -e-'awanya 3eluar untu3 penyira-an 5 Di3a layanan terse'ut #iper'oleh3an pa#a hari %a'at & !u3an3ah pere-puan ini & putri 0'rahayan( telah teri3at 'awah oleh 3e;ahatan ini #elapan 'elas tahun & harus #ilepas3an #ari i3atan ini #an -e-i-pin 'ali3 3e -inu- air 3e'e'asan #an 3ehi#upan & 'ah3an pa#a hari %a'at 5 : #an saat wanita itu terus -e-ulia3an +uhan & 3riti3us nya -alu & #an ;e-aat 'ersu3acita #en(an #ia 'ahwa #ia telah

such a war- cli-ate. 4t o ten happene# that they put in the to-' one who was -erely co-atose& so that on the secon# or even the thir# #ay& such a one woul# co-e orth ro- the to-'. !ut it was the 'elie o the Dews that& while the spirit or soul -i(ht lin(er near the 'o#y or two or three #ays& it never tarrie# a ter the thir# #ay; that #ecay was well a#vance# 'y the ourth #ay& an# that no one ever returne# ro- the to-' a ter the lapse o such a perio#. 0n# it was or these reasons that Desus tarrie# yet two ull #ays in "hila#elphia 'e ore he -a#e rea#y to start or !ethany.O (1G3F.3) 1BF:4.4 0ccor#in(ly& early on 2e#nes#ay -ornin( he sai# to his apostles: )8et us prepare at once to (o into Du#ea a(ain.* 0n# when the apostles hear# their ?aster say this& they #rew o 'y the-selves or a ti-e to ta3e counsel o one another. Da-es assu-e# the #irection o the con erence& an# they all a(ree# that it was only olly to allow Desus to (o a(ain into Du#ea& an# they ca-e 'ac3 as one -an an# so in or-e# hi-. %ai# Da-es: )?aster& you were in Derusale- a ew wee3s 'ac3& an# the lea#ers sou(ht your #eath& while the people were -in#e# to stone you. 0t that ti-e you (ave these -en their chance to receive the truth& an# we will not per-it you to (o a(ain into Du#ea.* (1G3F.4) 1BF:4.6 +hen sai# Desus: )!ut #o you not un#erstan# that there are twelve hours o the #ay in which wor3 -ay sa ely 'e #one5 4 a -an wal3s in the #ay& he #oes not stu-'le inas-uch as he has li(ht. 4 a -an wal3s in the ni(ht& he is lia'le to stu-'le since he is without li(ht. 0s lon( as -y #ay lasts& 4 ear not to enter Du#ea. 4 woul# #o one -ore -i(hty wor3 or these Dews; 4 woul# (ive the- one -ore chance to 'elieve& even on their own ter-s J con#itions o outwar# (lory an# the visi'le -ani estation o the power o the Father an# the love o the %on. !esi#es& #o you not reali/e that our rien# 8a/arus has allen asleep& an# 4 woul# (o to awa3e hi- out o this sleepL* (1G3F.6) 1BF:4.B +hen sai# one o the apostles: )?aster& i 8a/arus has allen asleep& then will he the -ore surely recover.* 4t was the custo- o the Dews at that ti-e

se-'uh . ( 1.G3B&3 ) 1BF:3.4 %e'a(ai hasil #ari 3riti3 pu'li3 tentan( @esus pa#a hari %a'at ini 3epala ru-ah i'a#at yan( #i(ulin(3an & #an pen(i3ut @esus #i-asu33an 3e #ala- te-patnya . ( 1.G3B&4 ) 1BF:3.6 @esus serin( #isa-pai3an 3or'an seperti rasa ta3ut #ari se-an(at -ere3a 3ele-ahan & #ari #epresi pi3iran -ere3a & #an #ari per'u#a3an -ere3a 3eta3utan . +etapi oran(1oran( 'erpi3ir 'ahwa se-ua pen#eritaan seperti itu 'ai3 (an((uan isi3 atau 3epe-ili3an roh1roh ;ahat . ( 1.G3B&6 ) 1BF:3.B @esus -en(a;ar la(i #i ru-ah i'a#at pa#a hari ?in((u & #an 'anya3 #i'aptis oleh 0'ner pa#a sian( hari itu #i sun(ai yan( -en(alir #i se'elah selatan 3ota . "a#a 3eeso3an harinya @esus #an sepuluh rasul a3an -ulai 3e-'ali 3e per3e-ahan "ella tetapi untu3 3e#atan(an salah satu utusan Dau# & yan( -e-'awa pesan pentin( 3epa#a @esus #ari te-an1 te-annya #i !etania & #e3at @erusale- . 4 . "esan #ari !ethany ( 1.G3B&B ) 1BF:4.1 %an(at terla-'at pa#a hari ?in((u -ala- & .B Fe'ruari & seoran( pelari !etania ti'a #i "hila#elphia & -e-'awa pesan #ari ?artha #an ?aria yan( -en(ata3an & : +uhan & #ia yan( 0n#a cintai san(at sa3it . : "esan ini -encapai @esus pa#a penutupan 3on erensi -ala- #an hanya 3arena ia -en(a-'il cuti #ari para rasul untu3 -ala- . "a#a awalnya @esus ti#a3 -en;awa'. 0#a ter;a#i salah satu selin(an yan( aneh & saat ia ta-pa3nya 'era#a #ala- 3o-uni3asi #en(an sesuatu #i luar & #an seterusnya & #irinya sen#iri. Dan 3e-u#ian & -elihat 3e atas & ia 'er'icara utusan #ala- si#an( para rasul & -en(ata3an : : "enya3it ini 'enar1 'enar ti#a3 sa-pai -ati . <era(uan ti#a3 'ahwa itu #apat #i(una3an untu3 -e-ulia3an +uhan #an -enin((i3an 0na3. : ( 1.G3F&1 ) 1BF:4.. @esus san(at -enyu3ai ?arta& ?aria & #an sau#ara

to spea3 o #eath as a or- o sleep& 'ut as the apostles #i# not un#erstan# that Desus -eant that 8a/arus ha# #eparte# ro- this worl#& he now sai# plainly: )8a/arus is #ea#. 0n# 4 a- (la# or your sa3es& even i the others are not there'y save#& that 4 was not there& to the en# that you shall now have new cause to 'elieve in -e; an# 'y that which you will witness& you shoul# all 'e stren(thene# in preparation or that #ay when 4 shall ta3e leave o you an# (o to the Father.* (1G3G.1) 1BF:4.F 2hen they coul# not persua#e hi- to re rain ro- (oin( into Du#ea& an# when so-e o the apostles were loath even to acco-pany hi-& +ho-as a##resse# his ellows& sayin(: )2e have tol# the ?aster our ears& 'ut he is #eter-ine# to (o to !ethany. 4 asatis ie# it -eans the en#; they will surely 3ill hi-& 'ut i that is the ?aster>s choice& then let us acAuit ourselves li3e -en o coura(e; let us (o also that we -ay #ie with hi-.* 0n# it was ever so; in -atters reAuirin( #eli'erate an# sustaine# coura(e& +ho-as was always the -ainstay o the twelve apostles. '. 6n the =ay to Bethany (1G3G..) 1BF:6.1 On the way to Du#ea Desus was ollowe# 'y a co-pany o al-ost i ty o his rien#s an# ene-ies. 0t their noon lunchti-e& on 2e#nes#ay& he tal3e# to his apostles an# this (roup o ollowers on the )+er-s o %alvation&* an# at the en# o this lesson tol# the para'le o the "harisee an# the pu'lican (a ta, collector). %ai# Desus: )@ou see& then& that the Father (ives salvation to the chil#ren o -en& an# this salvation is a ree (i t to all who have the aith to receive sonship in the #ivine a-ily. +here is nothin( -an can #o to earn this salvation. 2or3s o sel 1ri(hteousness cannot 'uy the avor o Go#& an# -uch prayin( in pu'lic will not atone or lac3 o livin( aith in the heart. ?en you -ay #eceive 'y your outwar# service& 'ut Go# loo3s into your souls. 2hat 4 a- tellin( you is well illustrate# 'y two -en who went into the te-ple to pray& the one a "harisee an# the other a pu'lican. +he "harisee stoo# an# praye# to hi-sel : 7O Go#& 4 than3 you that 4 a- not li3e the rest o -en& e,tortioners& unlearne#&

-ere3a & 8a/arus & ia -encintai -ere3a #en(an 3asih sayan( yan( sun((uh1 sun((uh . Cya "i3iran perta-a #an -anusia a#alah untu3 per(i 3e 'antuan -ere3a se3ali(us& tetapi i#e lain #atan( 3e #ala- pi3iran (a'un(an nya . Dia ha-pir -enyerah harapan 'ahwa para pe-i-pin @ahu#i #i @erusale- a3an pernah -eneri-a 3era;aan & tapi ia -asih -encintai ra3yatnya & #an a#a se3aran( terpi3ir olehnya rencana #i-ana para ahli +aurat #an oran( Farisi @erusale-un(3in -e-ili3i satu 3ese-patan la(i untu3 -eneri-a a;aran1a;arannya ; #an ia -e-utus3an & !apa1Cya 'erse#ia & untu3 -e-'uat seruan tera3hir ini 3e @erusale- yan( palin( -en#ala- #an luar 'iasa luar 3er;a seluruh 3arir -u3a 'u-i1Cya . Oran(1oran( @ahu#i 'erpe(an( pa#a (a(asan seoran( pe-'e'as heran 13er;a . Dan -es3ipun ia -enola3 untu3 -e-'un(3u3 untu3 3iner;a 3ea;ai'an -ateri atau 'erla3unya pa-eran te-poral 3e3uasaan politi3 & ia se3aran( -e-inta persetu;uan !apa 'a(i perwu;u#an #ari 3e3uasaan une,hi'ite# sa-pai se3aran( atas hi#up #an -ati . ( 1.G3F&. ) 1BF:4.3 Oran(1oran( @ahu#i -e-ili3i 3e'iasaan -en(u'ur3an -ere3a yan( -ati pa#a hari 3e-atian -ere3a & ini a#alah pra3te3 yan( #iperlu3an #alasuasana han(at. %erin( ter;a#i 'ahwa -ere3a #i-asu33an 3e #ala- satu 3u'uran yan( hanya 3o-a & sehin((a pa#a 3e#ua atau 'ah3an hari 3eti(a & satu seperti itu a3an 3eluar #ari -a3aterse'ut . +api itu 3epercayaan oran( @ahu#i 'ahwa & se-entara roh atau ;iwa -un(3in 'erla-a1la-a #i #e3at tu'uh sela-a #ua atau ti(a hari & ti#a3 pernah 'er#ia- setelah hari 3eti(a & pe-'usu3an yan( 'ai3 -a;u pa#a hari 3ee-pat & #an 'ahwa ta3 seoran( pun pernah 3e-'ali #ari -a3a- setelah selan( perio#e seperti itu . Dan itu untu3 alasan ini 'ahwa @esus 'er#ia- 'elu#ua hari penuh #i "hila#elphia se'elu- ia 'ersiap1siap untu3 -e-ulai untu3 !ethany . O ( 1.G3F&3 ) 1BF:4.4 #e-i3ian & Ha'u #ini hari ia 'er3ata 3epa#a para rasulnya : : ?arilah 3ita -e-persiap3an se3ali(us untu3 per(i 3e @u#ea la(i. : Dan 3eti3a

un;ust& a#ulterers& or even li3e this pu'lican. 4 ast twice a wee3; 4 (ive tithes o all that 4 (et.> !ut the pu'lican& stan#in( a ar o & woul# not so -uch as li t his eyes to heaven 'ut s-ote his 'reast& sayin(& 7Go# 'e -erci ul to -e a sinner.> 4 tell you that the pu'lican went ho-e with Go#>s approval rather than the "harisee& or every one who e,alts hi-sel shall 'e hu-'le#& 'ut he who hu-'les hi-sel shall 'e e,alte#.* (1G3G.3) 1BF:6.. +hat ni(ht& in Dericho& the un rien#ly "harisees sou(ht to entrap the ?aster 'y in#ucin( hi- to #iscuss -arria(e an# #ivorce& as #i# their ellows one ti-e in Galilee& 'ut Desus art ully avoi#e# their e orts to 'rin( hi- into con lict with their laws concernin( #ivorce. 0s the pu'lican an# the "harisee illustrate# (oo# an# 'a# reli(ion& their #ivorce practices serve# to contrast the 'etter -arria(e laws o the Dewish co#e with the #is(race ul la,ity o the "harisaic interpretations o these ?osaic #ivorce statutes. +he "harisee ;u#(e# hi-sel 'y the lowest stan#ar#; the pu'lican sAuare# hi-sel 'y the hi(hest i#eal. Devotion& to the "harisee& was a -eans o in#ucin( sel 1ri(hteous inactivity an# the assurance o alse spiritual security; #evotion& to the pu'lican& was a -eans o stirrin( up his soul to the reali/ation o the nee# or repentance& con ession& an# the acceptance& 'y aith& o -erci ul or(iveness. +he "harisee sou(ht ;ustice; the pu'lican sou(ht -ercy. +he law o the universe is: 0s3 an# you shall receive; see3 an# you shall in#. (1G3G.4) 1BF:6.3 +hou(h Desus re use# to 'e #rawn into a controversy with the "harisees concernin( #ivorce& he #i# proclai- a positive teachin( o the hi(hest i#eals re(ar#in( -arria(e. 9e e,alte# -arria(e as the -ost i#eal an# hi(hest o all hu-an relationships. 8i3ewise& he inti-ate# stron( #isapproval o the la, an# un air #ivorce practices o the Derusale- Dews& who at that ti-e per-itte# a -an to #ivorce his wi e or the -ost tri lin( o reasons& such as 'ein( a poor coo3& a aulty house3eeper& or or no 'etter reason than that he ha# 'eco-e ena-ore# o a 'etter1loo3in( wo-an.O (1G3I.1) 1BF:6.4 +he "harisees ha# even (one

para rasul -en#en(ar Guru -ere3a -en(ata3an ini & -ere3a -enari3 o sen#iri untu3 wa3tu 3e -en(a-'il nasihat satu sa-a lain . Da-es #iasu-si3an arah 3on erensi & #an -ere3a se-ua setu;u 'ahwa itu hanya 3e'o#ohan untu3 -en(i;in3an @esus per(i la(i 3e @u#ea & #an -ere3a 3e-'ali se'a(ai satu oran( #an se'a(ainya -e-'eritahunya . <ata Da-es : : Guru & 0n#a 'era#a #i @erusale- 'e'erapa -in((u lalu & #an para pe-i-pin #icari 3e-atian 0n#a & se-entara oran(1oran( yan( 'erpi3iran -ele-pari =n(3au . "a#a saat itu 0n#a -e-'eri oran(1oran( 3ese-patan -ere3a untu3 -eneri-a 3e'enaran & #an 3ita ti#a3 a3an -en(i/in3an 0n#a untu3 per(i la(i 3e @u#ea . : ( 1.G3F&4 ) 1BF:4.6 ?a3a 3ata @esus : : +api 3a-u ti#a3 -en(erti 'ahwa a#a #ua 'elas ;a- hari #i -ana pe3er;aan #apat secara a-an #ila3u3an5 Di3a seoran( pria 'er;alan pa#a sian( hari & 3a3inya ti#a3 terantu3 3arena ia -e-ili3i cahaya. Di3a seoran( pria 'er;alan pa#a -ala- hari & #ia 'ertan((un( ;awa' untu3 tersan#un( 3arena ia tanpa cahaya . %ela-a hari saya 'erlan(sun( & saya ta3ut ti#a3 -asu3 @u#ea . %aya a3an -ela3u3an satu pe3er;aan le'ih per3asa untu3 oran(1oran( @ahu#i & saya a3an -e-'eri -ere3a satu 3ese-patan la(i untu3 percaya& 'ah3an pa#a istilah -ere3a sen#iri 1 3on#isi 3e-uliaan luar #an -ani estasi nyata #ari 3e3uatan !apa #an 3asih "utra . %elain itu & 0n#a ti#a3 -enya#ari 'ahwa te-an 3ita 8a/arus telah terti#ur & #an a3u a3an per(i 3e -e-'an(un3an #ia #ari ti#ur iniL : ( 1.G3F&6 ) 1BF:4.B <e-u#ian 3ata salah seoran( rasul : : Guru& ;i3a 8a/arus telah terti#ur & -a3a ia a3an le'ih pasti se-'uh. : 4tu a#alah a#at oran( @ahu#i pa#a wa3tu itu untu3 'er'icara tentan( 3e-atian se'a(ai 'entu3 ti#ur & tetapi se'a(ai rasul ti#a3 -en(erti 'ahwa @esus 'erarti 'ahwa 8a/arus telah 'eran(3at #ari #unia ini& ia se3aran( -en(ata3an #en(an ;elas : : 8a/arus su#ah -ati . Dan saya senan( 3arena 3a-u& 'ah3an ;i3a oran( lain ti#a3 #e-i3ian #isela-at3an & 'ahwa a3u ti#a3

so ar as to teach that #ivorce o this easy variety was a special #ispensation (rante# the Dewish people& particularly the "harisees. 0n# so& while Desus re use# to -a3e pronounce-ents #ealin( with -arria(e an# #ivorce& he #i# -ost 'itterly #enounce these sha-e ul loutin(s o the -arria(e relationship an# pointe# out their in;ustice to wo-en an# chil#ren. 9e never sanctione# any #ivorce practice which (ave -an any a#vanta(e over wo-an; the ?aster countenance# only those teachin(s which accor#e# wo-en eAuality with -en. (1G3I..) 1BF:6.6 0lthou(h Desus #i# not o er new -an#ates (overnin( -arria(e an# #ivorce& he #i# ur(e the Dews to live up to their own laws an# hi(her teachin(s. 9e constantly appeale# to the written %criptures in his e ort to i-prove their practices alon( these social lines. 2hile thus uphol#in( the hi(h an# i#eal concepts o -arria(e& Desus s3ill ully avoi#e# clashin( with his Auestioners a'out the social practices represente# 'y either their written laws or their -uch1 cherishe# #ivorce privile(es. (1G3I.3) 1BF:6.B 4t was very #i icult or the apostles to un#erstan# the ?aster>s reluctance to -a3e positive pronounce-ents relative to scienti ic& social& econo-ic& an# political pro'le-s. +hey #i# not ully reali/e that his earth -ission was e,clusively concerne# with revelations o spiritual an# reli(ious truths. (1G3I.4) 1BF:6.F 0 ter Desus ha# tal3e# a'out -arria(e an# #ivorce& later on that evenin( his apostles privately as3e# -any a##itional Auestions& an# his answers to these inAuiries relieve# their -in#s o -any -isconceptions. 0t the conclusion o this con erence Desus sai#: )?arria(e is honora'le an# is to 'e #esire# 'y all -en. +he act that the %on o ?an pursues his earth -ission alone is in no way a re lection on the #esira'ility o -arria(e. +hat 4 shoul# so wor3 is the Father>s will& 'ut this sa-e Father has #irecte# the creation o -ale an# e-ale& an# it is the #ivine will that -en an# wo-en shoul# in# their hi(hest service an# conseAuent ;oy in the esta'lish-ent o ho-es or the reception an# trainin( o

a#a #i sana & #en(an tu;uan a(ar 0n#a se3aran( a3an -e-ili3i alasan 'aru untu3 percaya pa#a saya & #an #en(an apa yan( 0n#a a3an -enya3si3an & 3alian se-ua harus #iper3uat #alapersiapan untu3 hari itu 3eti3a saya a3an -en(a-'il cuti 0n#a #an per(i 3epa#a !apa . : ( 1.G3G&1 ) 1BF:4.F <eti3a -ere3a ti#a3 'isa -e-'u;u3 #ia untu3 -enahan #iri #ari per(i 3e @u#ea & #an 3eti3a 'e'erapa rasul yan( en((an 'ah3an untu3 -ene-aninya & +ho-as #itu;u3an re3an1 re3annya & -en(ata3an : : <a-i telah -e-'eritahu Guru 3eta3utan & tapi #ia 'erte3a# untu3 per(i 3e !etania . %aya puas itu 'erarti a3hir & -ere3a pasti a3an -e-'unuhnya & tetapi ;i3a itu a#alah pilihan Guru & -a3a -arilah 3ita -e-'e'as3an #iri 3ita seperti oran( 3e'eranian & . ?arilah 3ita per(i ;u(a 'ahwa 3ita a3an -ati 'ersa-anya : Dan itu pernah ;a#i ; #ala- hal1hal yan( -e-'utuh3an 3e'eranian #isen(a;a #an 'er3elan;utan & +ho-as selalu an#alan 3e#ua 'elas rasul . 6 . ?enu;u !ethany ( 1.G3G&. ) 1BF:6.1 Dala- per;alanan 3e @u#ea @esus #ii3uti oleh perusahaan ha-pir li-a puluh te-an1te-an #an -usuh . %aat -a3an sian( sian( -ere3a & Ha'u & ia 'er'icara #en(an para rasul1 Cya #an 3elo-po3 pen(i3ut pa#a : %yarat o %alvation& : #an pa#a a3hir pela;aran ini -encerita3an peru-pa-aan tentan( oran( Farisi #an pe-un(ut cu3ai ( pe-un(ut pa;a3 ) . @esus 'er3ata : : <a-u lihat & 'ahwa !apa -e-'eri3an 3esela-atan 'a(i ana31ana3 -anusia & #an 3esela-atan ini a#alah ha#iah (ratis untu3 se-ua oran( yan( -e-ili3i i-an untu3 -eneri-a se'a(ai ana3 #ala3eluar(a ilahi . +i#a3 a#a yan( 'isa #ila3u3an -anusia untu3 -en#apat3an 3esela-atan ini . "e3er;aan 3ea#ilan sen#iri ti#a3 'isa -e-'eli ni3-at 0llah & #an 'anya3 'er#oa #i #epan u-u- ti#a3 a3an -ene'us 3uran(nya i-an yan( hi#up #i #ala- hati. "ria an#a -un(3in -enipu oleh layanan luar& tetapi 0llah -elihat 3e #ala- ;iwa 0n#a . 0pa yan( saya 'ilan( a#alah 'ai3 #i(a-'ar3an

chil#ren& in the creation o who- these parents 'eco-e copartners with the ?a3ers o heaven an# earth. 0n# or this cause shall a -an leave his ather an# -other an# shall cleave to his wi e& an# they two shall 'eco-e as one.* (1G3I.6) 1BF:6.G 0n# in this way Desus relieve# the -in#s o the apostles o -any worries a'out -arria(e an# cleare# up -any -isun#erstan#in(s re(ar#in( #ivorce; at the sa-e ti-e he #i# -uch to e,alt their i#eals o social union an# to au(-ent their respect or wo-en an# chil#ren an# or the ho-e. +. B!essin# the %itt!e /hi!dren (1G3I.B) 1BF:B.1 +hat evenin( Desus> -essa(e re(ar#in( -arria(e an# the 'lesse#ness o chil#ren sprea# all over Dericho& so that the ne,t -ornin(& lon( 'e ore Desus an# the apostles prepare# to leave& even 'e ore 'rea3 ast ti-e& scores o -others ca-e to where Desus lo#(e#& 'rin(in( their chil#ren in their ar-s an# lea#in( the- 'y their han#s& an# #esire# that he 'less the little ones. 2hen the apostles went out to view this asse-'la(e o -others with their chil#ren& they en#eavore# to sen# the- away& 'ut these wo-en re use# to #epart until the ?aster lai# his han#s on their chil#ren an# 'lesse# the-. 0n# when the apostles lou#ly re'u3e# these -others& Desus& hearin( the tu-ult& ca-e out an# in#i(nantly reprove# the-& sayin(: )%u er little chil#ren to co-e to -e; or'i# the- not& or o such is the 3in(#o- o heaven. Kerily& verily& 4 say to you& whosoever receives not the 3in(#oo Go# as a little chil# shall har#ly enter therein to (row up to the ull stature o spiritual -anhoo#.* (1G40.1) 1BF:B.. 0n# when the ?aster ha# spo3en to his apostles& he receive# all o the chil#ren& layin( his han#s on the-& while he spo3e wor#s o coura(e an# hope to their -others. (1G40..) 1BF:B.3 Desus o ten tal3e# to his apostles a'out the celestial -ansions an# tau(ht that the a#vancin( chil#ren o Go# -ust there (row up spiritually as chil#ren (row up physically on this worl#. 0n# so #oes the sacre# o tenti-es appear to 'e the co--on& as on this #ay these chil#ren an# their -others little reali/e# that the onloo3in( intelli(ences

oleh #ua oran( yan( per(i 3e !ait 0llah untu3 'er#oa & satu oran( Farisi #an yan( lain pe-un(ut cu3ai . Oran( Farisi itu 'er#iri #an 'er#oa #ala- hatinya : E @a 0llah & a3u 'ersyu3ur 3arena a3u ti#a3 sa-a seperti sisa la3i1la3i & 'u3an pera-po3 & ti#a3 terpela;ar & lali-& 'u3an pe/inah & atau 'ah3an seperti pe-un(ut cu3ai ini . 03u 'erpuasa #ua 3ali se-in((u& . 03u -e-'eri3an sepersepuluh #ari se-ua yan( saya #apat3an E +etapi pe-un(ut cu3ai & 'er#iri #ari ;auh & ti#a3 a3an 'e(itu 'anya3 seperti -en(an(3at -atanya 3e lan(it & tetapi -e-u3ul #a#anya #an 'er3ata & E @a 0llah& 3asihanilah a3u oran( 'er#osa ini . :%aya -e-'eritahu 0n#a 'ahwa pe-un(ut cu3ai pulan( #en(an persetu;uan 0llah #aripa#a oran( Farisi itu & untu3 setiap oran( yan( -enin((i3an #iri a3an #iren#ah3an& tapi #ia yan( -eren#ah3an #iri a3an #itin((i3an . : ( 1.G3G&3 ) 1BF:6.. ?ala- itu & #i @eri3ho & oran(1oran( Farisi ti#a3 ra-ah 'erusaha -en;e'a3 Guru #en(an -en#oron( #ia untu3 -e-'ahas perni3ahan #an perceraian & seperti yan( #ila3u3an re3an1re3an -ere3a satu wa3tu #i Galilea & tetapi @esus 'erseni #ihin#ari upaya -ere3a untu3 -e-'awa #ia 3e #ala- 3on li3 #en(an hu3u-ere3a tentan( perceraian . %e'a(ai pe-un(ut cu3ai #an oran( Farisi #i(a-'ar3an a(a-a yan( 'ai3 #an 'uru3 & pra3te3 perceraian -ere3a #isa;i3an untu3 -e-'e#a3an hu3u- perni3ahan yan( le'ih 'ai3 #ari 3o#e @ahu#i #en(an 3ele-ahan -e-alu3an interpretasi Farisi #ari un#an(1un#an( perceraian ?osaic . Farisi -enilai #irinya #en(an stan#ar teren#ah & pe-un(ut cu3ai 3ua#rat #irinya #en(an cita1cita tertin((i . "en(a'#ian & untu3 oran( Farisi & a#alah cara -eran(san( a3tivitas #iri 'enar #an ;a-inan 3ea-anan spiritual palsu& pen(a'#ian & untu3 pe-un(ut & a#alah sarana -e-'an(3it3an ;iwanya #en(an realisasi 3e'utuhan untu3 perto'atan& pen(a3uan & #an peneri-aan& #en(an i-an & pen(a-punan penuh 'elas 3asihan . Oran( Farisi itu 'erusaha 3ea#ilan& 'elas 3asihan #icari cu3ai . 9u3u- ala- se-esta a#alah : +anya3an

o Ce'a#on 'ehel# the chil#ren o Dericho playin( with the $reator o a universe. (1G40.3) 1BF:B.4 2o-an>s status in "alestine was -uch i-prove# 'y Desus> teachin(; an# so it woul# have 'een throu(hout the worl# i his ollowers ha# not #eparte# so ar ro- that which he painsta3in(ly tau(ht the-. (1G40.4) 1BF:B.6 4t was also at Dericho& in connection with the #iscussion o the early reli(ious trainin( o chil#ren in ha'its o #ivine worship& that Desus i-presse# upon his apostles the (reat value o 'eauty as an in luence lea#in( to the ur(e to worship& especially with chil#ren. +he ?aster 'y precept an# e,a-ple tau(ht the value o worshipin( the $reator in the -i#st o the natural surroun#in(s o creation. 9e pre erre# to co--une with the heavenly Father a-i#st the trees an# a-on( the lowly creatures o the natural worl#. 9e re;oice# to conte-plate the Father throu(h the inspirin( spectacle o the starry real-s o the $reator %ons. (1G40.6) 1BF:B.B 2hen it is not possi'le to worship Go# in the ta'ernacles o nature& -en shoul# #o their 'est to provi#e houses o 'eauty& sanctuaries o appealin( si-plicity an# artistic e-'ellish-ent& so that the hi(hest o hu-an e-otions -ay 'e arouse# in association with the intellectual approach to spiritual co--union with Go#. +ruth& 'eauty& an# holiness are power ul an# e ective ai#s to true worship. !ut spirit co--union is not pro-ote# 'y -ere -assive ornateness an# over-uch e-'ellish-ent with -an>s ela'orate an# ostentatious art. !eauty is -ost reli(ious when it is -ost si-ple an# natureli3e. 9ow un ortunate that little chil#ren shoul# have their irst intro#uction to concepts o pu'lic worship in col# an# 'arren roo-s so #evoi# o the 'eauty appeal an# so e-pty o all su((estion o (oo# cheer an# inspirin( holinessL +he chil# shoul# 'e intro#uce# to worship in nature>s out#oors an# later acco-pany his parents to pu'lic houses o reli(ious asse-'ly which are at least as -aterially attractive an# artistically 'eauti ul as the ho-e in which he is #aily #o-icile#. -. The Ta!k about An#e!s (1G40.B) 1BF:F.1 0s they ;ourneye# up the hills

#an 0n#a a3an -eneri-a; -encari #an 3a-u a3an -ene-u3an . ( 1.G3G&4 ) 1BF:6.3 ?es3ipun @esus -enola3 untu3 #itari3 3e #ala3ontroversi #en(an oran(1oran( Farisi tentan( perceraian & #ia -e-pro3la-ir3an a;aran positi #ari cita1 cita tertin((i tentan( perni3ahan . Dia perni3ahan #itin((i3an se'a(ai yan( palin( i#eal #an tertin((i #ari se-ua hu'un(an -anusia . De-i3ian ;u(a& ia -en(isyarat3an penola3an terha#ap pra3te31pra3te3 perceraian le-ah #an ti#a3 a#il #ari oran(1oran( @ahu#i #i @erusale- & yan( pa#a wa3tu itu #ii/in3an oran( -encerai3an istrinya untu3 yan( palin( sepele alasan & seperti -en;a#i seoran( ;uru -asa3 yan( -is3in& pe-'antu ru-ah tan((a yan( rusa3 & atau ti#a3 alasan yan( le'ih 'ai3 #ari itu ia telah -en;a#i terpi3at seoran( wanita le'ih ta-pan . O ( 1.G3I&1 ) 1BF:6.4 Oran(1oran( Farisi 'ah3an per(i se;auh untu3 -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa perceraian ini 'er'a(ai (a-pan( #ispensasi 3husus #i'eri3an oran(1oran( @ahu#i & 3hususnya oran(1oran( Farisi . Den(an #e-i3ian& se-entara @esus -enola3 untu3 -e-'uat pernyataan1 pernyataan yan( 'erhu'un(an #en(an perni3ahan #an perceraian & #ia yan( palin( pahit -encela ini loutin(s -e-alu3an hu'un(an perni3ahan #an -enun;u33an 3eti#a3a#ilan -ere3a untu3 pere-puan #an ana3 . Dia ti#a3 pernah san3si setiap pra3te3 perceraian yan( -e-'eri -an 3euntun(an atas wanita& Guru countenance# hanya a;aran1a;aran yan( #i'eri3an 3esetaraan pere-puan #en(an la3i1la3i . ( 1.G3I&. ) 1BF:6.6 ?es3ipun @esus ti#a3 -enawar3an -an#at 'aru yan( -en(atur per3awinan #an perceraian & #ia -en#esa3 oran(1oran( @ahu#i untu3 hi#up sa-pai hu3u- -ere3a sen#iri #an a;aran yan( le'ih tin((i . Dia terus1 -enerus -en(i-'au 3epa#a Fir-an yan( tertulis #ala- usahanya untu3 -enin(3at3an pra3ti3 -ere3a #i sepan;an( (aris sosial. %e-entara sehin((a -en;un;un( tin((i 3onsep tin((i #an i#eal per3awinan & @esus tera-pil

ro- Dericho to !ethany& Cathaniel wal3e# -ost o the way 'y the si#e o Desus& an# their #iscussion o chil#ren in relation to the 3in(#o- o heaven le# in#irectly to the consi#eration o the -inistry o an(els. Cathaniel inally as3e# the ?aster this Auestion: )%eein( that the hi(h priest is a %a##ucee& an# since the %a##ucees #o not 'elieve in an(els& what shall we teach the people re(ar#in( the heavenly -inisters5* +hen& a-on( other thin(s& Desus sai#: (1G41.1) 1BF:F.. )+he an(elic hosts are a separate or#er o create# 'ein(s; they are entirely #i erent ro- the -aterial or#er o -ortal creatures& an# they unction as a #istinct (roup o universe intelli(ences. 0n(els are not o that (roup o creatures calle# 7the %ons o Go#> in the %criptures; neither are they the (lori ie# spirits o -ortal -en who have (one on to pro(ress throu(h the -ansions on hi(h. 0n(els are a #irect creation& an# they #o not repro#uce the-selves. +he an(elic hosts have only a spiritual 3inship with the hu-an race. 0s -an pro(resses in the ;ourney to the Father in "ara#ise& he #oes traverse a state o 'ein( at one ti-e analo(ous to the state o the an(els& 'ut -ortal -an never 'eco-es an an(el. (1G41..) 1BF:F.3 )+he an(els never #ie& as -an #oes. +he an(els are i--ortal unless& perchance& they 'eco-e involve# in sin as #i# so-e o the- with the #eceptions o 8uci er. +he an(els are the spirit servants in heaven& an# they are neither all1wise nor all1power ul. !ut all o the loyal an(els are truly pure an# holy. (1G41.3) 1BF:F.4 )0n# #o you not re-e-'er that 4 sai# to you once 'e ore that& i you ha# your spiritual eyes anointe#& you woul# then see the heavens opene# an# 'ehol# the an(els o Go# ascen#in( an# #escen#in(5 4t is 'y the -inistry o the an(els that one worl# -ay 'e 3ept in touch with other worl#s& or have 4 not repeate#ly tol# you that 4 have other sheep not o this ol#5 0n# these an(els are not the spies o the spirit worl# who watch upon you an# then (o orth to tell the Father the thou(hts o your heart an# to report on the #ee#s o the lesh. +he Father has no nee# o such service inas-uch as his own spirit lives within

-en(hin#ari 'entro3 #en(an 3uesioner -en(enai pra3te31pra3te3 sosial yan( #iwa3ili oleh salah satu un#an(1un#an( -ere3a tertulis atau ha3 perceraian yan( san(at #ihar(ai -ere3a. ( 1.G3I&3 ) 1BF:6.B 4tu san(at sulit 'a(i para rasul untu3 -e-aha-i 3een((anan Guru untu3 -e-'uat pernyataan positi relati terha#ap -asalah il-iah & sosial & e3ono-i & #an politi3. ?ere3a ti#a3 -enya#ari sepenuhnya 'ahwa -isi 'u-inya secara e3s3lusi 'er3aitan #en(an terun(3apnya 3e'enaran spiritual #an 3ea(a-aan . ( 1.G3I&4 ) 1BF:6.F %etelah @esus 'er'icara tentan( perni3ahan #an perceraian & 3e-u#ian pa#a -ala- itu para rasul1Cya secara pri'a#i -en(a;u3an 'anya3 pertanyaan ta-'ahan & #an ;awa'an untu3 pertanyaan ini le(a pi3iran -ere3a 'anya3 3esalahpaha-an . "a#a a3hir 3on erensi ini @esus 'er3ata : : "erni3ahan a#alah terhor-at #an yan( #iin(in3an oleh se-ua oran( . Fa3ta 'ahwa 0na3 ?anusia -en(e;ar -isi 'u-inya sen#iri sa-a se3ali ti#a3 re le3si pa#a 3ein(inan untu3 -eni3ah . !ahwa a3u ;a#i harus 'e3er;a a#alah 3ehen#a3 !apa & -elain3an #ari !apa yan( sa-a telah -en(arah3an penciptaan pria #an wanita & #an itu a#alah 3ehen#a3 ilahi 'ahwa pria #an wanita harus -ene-u3an layanan #an 3onse3uen su3acita tertin((i #ala- pen#irian ru-ah 'a(i peneri-aan #an pelatihan ana31 ana3 & #ala- penciptaan siapa oran( tua -en;a#i copartners #en(an "e-'uat lan(it #an 'u-i . Dan untu3 alasan ini harus seoran( la3i1la3i -enin((al3an ayah #an i'unya #an wa;i' 'ersatu #en(an istrinya & #an -ere3a 3e#uanya a3an -en;a#i se'a(ai salah satu . : ( 1.G3I&6 ) 1BF:6.G Dan #en(an cara ini @esus le(a pi3iran para rasul 'anya3 3e3hawatiran tentan( perni3ahan #an #i'ersih3an 'anya3 3esalahpaha-an tentan( perceraian & pa#a saat yan( sa-a ia 'er'uat 'anya3 untu3 -enin((i3an cita1cita -ere3a seri3at sosial #an untu3 -ena-'ah rasa hor-at -ere3a untu3 pere-puan #an ana31ana3

you. !ut these an(elic spirits #o unction to 3eep one part o the heavenly creation in or-e# concernin( the #oin(s o other an# re-ote parts o the universe. 0n# -any o the an(els& while unctionin( in the (overn-ent o the Father an# the universes o the %ons& are assi(ne# to the service o the hu-an races. 2hen 4 tau(ht you that -any o these seraphiare -inisterin( spirits& 4 spo3e not in i(urative lan(ua(e nor in poetic strains. 0n# all this is true& re(ar#less o your #i iculty in co-prehen#in( such -atters. (1G41.4) 1BF:F.6 )?any o these an(els are en(a(e# in the wor3 o savin( -en& or have 4 not tol# you o the seraphic ;oy when one soul elects to orsa3e sin an# 'e(in the search or Go#5 4 #i# even tell you o the ;oy in the presence of the angels o heaven over one sinner who repents& there'y in#icatin( the e,istence o other an# hi(her or#ers o celestial 'ein(s who are li3ewise concerne# in the spiritual wel are an# with the #ivine pro(ress o -ortal -an. (1G41.6) 1BF:F.B )0lso are these an(els very -uch concerne# with the -eans where'y -an>s spirit is release# ro- the ta'ernacles o the lesh an# his soul escorte# to the -ansions in heaven. 0n(els are the sure an# heavenly (ui#es o the soul o -an #urin( that uncharte# an# in#e inite perio# o ti-e which intervenes 'etween the #eath o the lesh an# the new li e in the spirit a'o#es.* (1G41.B) 1BF:F.F 0n# he woul# have spo3en urther with Cathaniel re(ar#in( the -inistry o an(els& 'ut he was interrupte# 'y the approach o ?artha& who ha# 'een in or-e# that the ?aster was #rawin( near to !ethany 'y rien#s who ha# o'serve# hi- ascen#in( the hills to the east. 0n# she now hastene# to (reet hi-.

#an untu3 ru-ah . B . ?e-'er3ati 0na3 <ecil ( 1.G3I&B ) 1BF:B.1 4tu pesan -ala@esus tentan( perni3ahan #an 'er3at ana31ana3 yan( terse'ar #i seluruh @eri3ho & sehin((a 3eeso3an pa(inya & ;auh se'elu- @esus #an para rasul siap untu3 per(i& 'ah3an se'elu- sarapan wa3tu & puluhan i'u1i'u #atan( 3e te-pat @esus #ia;u3an & -e-'awa ana31 ana3 -ere3a #i len(an -ere3a #an -e-i-pin -ere3a #en(an tan(an -ere3a & #an #iin(in3an 'ahwa ia -e-'er3ati ana31ana3 3ecil . <eti3a para rasul per(i 3eluar untu3 -elihat 3u-pulan ini i'u #en(an ana31ana3nya & -ere3a 'erusaha untu3 -en(usir -ere3a & tapi pere-puan ini -enola3 untu3 per(i sa-pai Guru -eleta33an tan(annya #i atas ana31ana3 -ere3a #an -e-'er3ati -ere3a . Dan 3eti3a para rasul 3eras -ene(ur i'u1i'u ini & @esus & -en#en(ar 3eri'utan itu & 3eluar #an -arah -ene(ur -ere3a& -en(ata3an : : ?en#erita ana31ana3 3ecil untu3 #atan( 3epa#a saya & -elaran( -ere3a ti#a3& #ari terse'ut a#alah <era;aan %or(a . %esun((uhnya 03u 'er3ata 3epa#a-u & 'aran(siapa -eneri-a 'u3an <era;aan 0llah seperti seoran( ana3 3ecil ti#a3 a3an -asu3 #i #ala-nya untu3 tu-'uh #en(an 3epenuhan 3e#ewasaan spiritual . : ( 1.G40&1 ) 1BF:B.. Dan 3eti3a Guru telah 'er'icara #en(an para rasul1Cya & ia -eneri-a se-ua ana3 & -eleta33an tan(annya 3e atas -ere3a& se-entara #ia -en(ucap3an 3ata13ata 3e'eranian #an harapan 3epa#a i'u -ere3a . ( 1.G40&. ) 1BF:B.3 @esus serin( 'er'icara 3epa#a para rasul1Cya tentan( ru-ah1 ru-ah sur(awi #an -en(a;ar3an 'ahwa ana31ana3 -a;u +uhan harus a#a tu-'uh secara rohani se'a(ai ana31ana3 tu-'uh secara isi3 pa#a #unia ini . Dan 'e(itu ;u(a suci serin(3ali ta-pa3 u-u- & seperti pa#a hari ini ana31ana3 #an i'u -ere3a se#i3it -enya#ari 'ahwa onloo3in( 3ecer#asan Ce'a#on -elihat& 'ahwa ana31ana3 #ari @eri3ho 'er-ain #en(an "encipta ala- se-esta .

( 1.G40&3 ) %tatus 1BF:B.4 "ere-puan #i "alestina le'ih #itin(3at3an oleh a;aran @esus & #an hal itu a3an -en;a#i seluruh #unia ;i3a pen(i3utnya ti#a3 -enin((al3an 'e(itu ;auh #ari apa yan( ia susah payah -en(a;ar -ere3a . ( 1.G40&4 ) 1BF:B.6 4tu ;u(a #i @eri3ho & sehu'un(an #en(an pe-'ahasan pelatihan a(a-a awal ana31ana3 #ala3e'iasaan i'a#ah ilahi & 'ahwa @esus 3esan 3epa#a para rasul1Cya #en(an nilai 'esar 3ein#ahan se'a(ai pen(aruh yan( -en(arah 3e #oron(an untu3 -enye-'ah & teruta-a #en(an ana31 ana3 . ?aster #en(an a;aran #an tela#an -en(a;ar3an nilai -enye-'ah %an( "encipta #i ten(ah1ten(ah lin(3un(an ala- ciptaan . Dia le'ih su3a untu3 'er3o-uni3asi #en(an !apa sur(awi #i ten(ah1ten(ah pohon1pohon #an #i antara -a3hlu3 ren#ah #ari ala- . Dia 'ersu3acita untu3 -erenun(3an !apa -elalui tontonan inspirati 'er'intan( ala- 0na31ana3 "encipta . ( 1.G40&6 ) 1BF:B.B <eti3a itu a#alah ti#a3 -un(3in untu3 -enye-'ah +uhan #ala3e-ah ala- & la3i1la3i harus -ela3u3an yan( ter'ai3 untu3 -enye#ia3an ru-ah 3ein#ahan & sua3a #ari 3ese#erhanaan #an -enari3 perhiasan artisti3 & sehin((a tertin((i e-osi -anusia #apat teran(san( #ala- asosiasi #en(an pen#e3atan intele3tual untu3 perse3utuan rohani #en(an 0llah . <e'enaran& 3ein#ahan & #an 3e3u#usan a#alah alat 'antu yan( 3uat #an e e3ti untu3 i'a#ah yan( 'enar . +api se-an(at perse3utuan ti#a3 #ipro-osi3an oleh hanya 'erhias 'esar #an terlalu perhiasan #en(an seni yan( ru-it #an -ewah -anusia . <ecanti3an a#alah yan( palin( reli(ius saat palin( se#erhana #an natureli3e . !a(ai-ana #isayan(3an 'ahwa ana31ana3 3ecil harus -e-ili3i pen(enalan perta-a -ere3a #en(an 3onsep i'a#ah u-u#ala- ruan(an yan( #in(in #an tan#us sehin((a tanpa #aya tari3 3ein#ahan #an 'e(itu 3oson( se-ua saran (e-'ira #an 3e3u#usan inspirasi L 0na3 harus #iper3enal3an untu3 'eri'a#ah #i luar ala- #an 3e-u#ian -ene-ani

oran(tuanya untu3 pu'li3 ru-ah pera3itan a(a-a yan( seti#a3nya secara -aterial -enari3 #an artisti3 in#ah seperti ru-ah #i -ana ia 'er#o-isili setiap hari . F . !icara tentan( ?alai3at ( 1.G40&B ) 1BF:F.1 <eti3a -ere3a 'eran(3at -enai3i 'u3it #ari @eri3ho 3e !etania & Cathaniel 'er;alan se'a(ian 'esar ;alan #i sisi @esus & #an #is3usi -ere3a ana31ana3 #ala- 3aitannya #en(an <era;aan %or(a #ipi-pin lan(sun( #en(an perti-'an(an pelayanan -alai3at . Cathaniel a3hirnya 'ertanya Guru pertanyaan ini : : 5 ?elihat 'ahwa i-a- tin((i %a#u3i & #an 3arena oran(1oran( %a#u3i ti#a3 percaya pa#a -alai3at & apa yan( harus 3ita -en(a;ar oran(1oran( -en(enai -enteri sur(awi : <e-u#ian & antara lain & @esus 'er3ata : ( 1.G41&1 ) 1BF:F.. : 9ost -alai3at a#alah urutan terpisah -a3hlu3 & -ere3a sa-a se3ali 'er'e#a #ari urutan -ateri -a3hlu3 ana & #an -ere3a 'er un(si se'a(ai 3elo-po3 yan( 'er'e#a #ari ala- se-esta 3ecer#asan . ?alai3at ti#a3 #ari 3elo-po3 -a3hlu3 yan( #ise'ut E 0na31ana3 0llah E #ala- <ita' %uci & #an ;an(anlah -ere3a roh #i-ulia3an #ari -anusia ana yan( telah per(i untu3 -a;u -elalui ru-ah1ru-ah yan( tin((i . ?alai3at a#alah ciptaan lan(sun( & #an -ere3a ti#a3 -e-per'anya3 #iri . 9ost -alai3at hanya -e-ili3i 3e3era'atan spiritual #en(an u-at -anusia . %e'a(ai -anusia 'erlan(sun( #ala- per;alanan 3epa#a !apa #i sur(a & ia ti#a3 -elintasi suatu 3ea#aan pa#a satu wa3tu analo( #en(an 3ea#aan para -alai3at & tetapi ana -anusia ti#a3 -en;a#i -alai3at . ( 1.G41&. ) 1BF:F.3 : "ara -alai3at ti#a3 pernah -ati & se'a(ai -anusia ti#a3. "ara -alai3at a#alah a'a#i 3ecuali & 'aran(3ali& -ere3a terli'at #ala- #osa seperti yan( #ila3u3an 'e'erapa #ari -ere3a #en(an tipuan 8uci er . "ara -alai3at a#alah ha-'a roh #i sur(a & #an -ere3a ti#a3 se-ua 1 'i;a3sana #an ti#a3 se-ua13uat . +api se-ua -alai3at setia

'enar1'enar -urni #an suci . ( 1.G41&3 ) 1BF:F.4 : Dan 3au ti#a3 in(at 'ahwa saya -en(ata3an 3epa#a 0n#a setelah se'elu- itu & ;i3a 0n#a -e-ili3i -ata rohani 0n#a #iurapi & -a3a 0n#a a3an -elihat lan(it ter'u3a #an ta-pa3lah -alai3at1-alai3at 0llah turun nai3 5 4ni a#alah #en(an pelayanan para -alai3at yan( satu #unia #apat terus 'erhu'un(an #en(an #unia lain & 3arena saya 'elu- 'erulan( 3ali -en(ata3an 3epa#a 0n#a 'ahwa saya -e-ili3i #o-'a1#o-'a lain 'u3an #ari 3an#an( ini 5 Dan -alai3at ini 'u3an -ata1-ata #ari #unia roh yan( -enonton pa#a 0n#a #an 3e-u#ian per(i 3eluar untu3 -e-'eritahu !apa pe-i3iran hati #an untu3 -elapor3an per'uatan #a(in( . !apa ti#a3 -e-'utuh3an layanan seperti 3arena rohnya sen#iri hi#up #ala- #iri 0n#a . +etapi roh -alai3at -en;alan3an un(sinya untu3 -en;a(a salah satu 'a(ian #ari penciptaan sur(awi #i'eritahu -en(enai tin(3ah polah 'a(ian lain #an re-ote ala- se-esta . Dan 'anya3 #ari para -alai3at & se-entara 'er un(si #alape-erintahan !apa #an ala- se-esta #ari %ons & #itu(as3an untu3 -elayani ras -anusia. <eti3a saya -en(a;ar3an 0n#a 'ahwa 'anya3 sera i- ini -elayani roh & saya 'er'icara ti#a3 #ala- 'ahasa 3iasan -aupun #ala- strain puitis. Dan se-ua ini a#alah 'enar& terlepas #ari 3esulitan 0n#a #ala- -e-aha-i hal1hal terse'ut . ( 1.G41&4 ) 1BF:F.6 : !anya3 #ari -alai3at terli'at #ala- pe3er;aan oran( -ena'un( & 3arena saya 'elu-e-'eritahu 0n#a tentan( su3acita 'i#a#ari 3eti3a satu ;iwa -e-ilih untu3 -enin((al3an #osa #an -ulai -encari +uhan 5 03u 'ah3an -e-'eritahu 0n#a tentan( su3acita #i ha#apan para -alai3at #i sor(a 3arena satu oran( 'er#osa yan( 'erto'at & sehin((a -enun;u33an a#anya perintah lain #an le'ih tin((i #ari -a3hlu3 sur(awi yan( ;u(a pe#uli pa#a 3ese;ahteraan rohani #an #en(an 3e-a;uan ilahi -anusia ana . ( 1.G41&6 ) 1BF:F.B : Du(a -alai3at1

-alai3at ini san(at prihatin #en(an cara #i-ana roh -anusia #ilepas3an #ari ta'erna3el #a(in( #an ;iwanya #iantar 3e ru-ah1ru-ah #i sur(a . ?alai3at a#alah pan#uan pasti #an sur(awi ;iwa -anusia sela-a perio#e 'elu- #ipeta3an #an ta3 ter'atas wa3tu yan( -en(intervensi antara 3e-atian #a(in( #an 3ehi#upan 'aru #i te-pat tin((al roh. : ( 1.G41&B ) 1BF:F.F Dan #ia a3an 'er'icara le'ih lan;ut #en(an Cathaniel -en(enai pelayanan -alai3at & tapi ia ter(an((u oleh pen#e3atan ?artha & yan( telah #i'eritahu 'ahwa Guru itu se-a3in #e3at 3e !etania oleh te-an1 te-an yan( telah -en(a-ati #ia -enai3i 'u3it 3e ti-ur . Dan #ia se3aran( 'er(e(as untu3 -enya-'utnya .

The Urantia Book +his te,t con or-s to Urantia %tan#ar#i/e# He erence +e,t $o--ittee .00G Heco--en#ations +his te,t #isplays the %tan#ar# He erencin( %yste- (nu-'ers) Front ?atter "arts o the !oo3 +itles o the "apers $ontents o the !oo3 Forewor# "aper 1 1 +he Universal Father "aper . 1 +he Cature o Go# "aper 3 1 +he 0ttri'utes o Go# "aper 4 1 Go#Es Helation to the Universe "aper 6 1 Go#Es Helation to the 4n#ivi#ual "aper B 1 +he =ternal %on "aper F 1 Helation o the =ternal %on to the Universe "aper G 1 +he 4n inite %pirit "aper I 1 Helation o the 4n inite %pirit to the Universe "aper 10 1 +he "ara#ise +rinity "aper 11 1 +he =ternal 4sle o "ara#ise "aper 1. 1 +he Universe o Universes "aper 13 1 +he %acre# %pheres o "ara#ise "aper 14 1 +he $entral an# Divine Universe "aper 16 1 +he %even %uperuniverses "aper 1B 1 +he %even ?aster %pirits "aper 1F 1 +he %even %upre-e %pirit Groups "aper 1G 1 +he %upre-e +rinity "ersonalities "aper 1I 1 +he $o1Or#inate +rinity1Ori(in !ein(s "aper .0 1 +he "ara#ise %ons o Go# "aper .1 1 +he "ara#ise $reator %ons "aper .. 1 +he +riniti/e# %ons o Go# "aper .3 1 +he %olitary ?essen(ers "aper .4 1 9i(her "ersonalities o the 4n inite %pirit

+he Urantia +e3s ini sesuai #en(an <o-ite +e3s He erensi %tan#ar Urantia .00G He3o-en#asi +e3s ini -ena-pil3an ?en(acu %tan#ar %iste- ( no-or ) ?ateri #epan !a(ian #ari !u3u Du#ul "apers 4si !u3u 3ata pen(antar <ertas 1 1 !apa Universal <ertas . 1 %i at 0llah <ertas 3 1 0tri'ut 0llah <ertas 4 1 9u'un(an +uhan untu3 %e-esta <ertas 6 1 9u'un(an +uhan 3epa#a in#ivi#u <ertas B 1 "utra 0'a#i <ertas F 1 9u'un(an "utra 0'a#i untu3 %e-esta <ertas G 1 +he 4n inite %pirit <ertas I 1 9u'un(an Hoh 4n inite %e-esta "aper 10 1 +he "ara#ise +rinity "aper 11 1 +he =ternal 4sle o "ara#ise "aper 1. 1 +he Universe o Universes "aper 13 1 +he %pheres %uci "ara#ise "aper 14 1 +he $entral #an 4lahi Universe "aper 16 1 +u;uh %uperuniverses "aper 1B 1 +u;uh %pirits Guru "aper 1F 1 +u;uh 0(un( Grup %pirit "aper 1G 1 0(un( +rinity <epri'a#ian "aper 1I 1 +he $o 1 Or#inat ?a3hlu3 +rinity 1 0sal "aper .0 1 +he "ara#ise 0na31ana3 0llah "aper .1 1 +he "ara#ise %ons "encipta "aper .. 1 +he %ons +riniti/e# 0llah "aper .3 1 +he %olitary ?essen(er <ertas .4 1 <epri'a#ian yan( le'ih tin((i #ari Hoh +a3 +er'atas "aper .6 1 9ost ?essen(er %pace <ertas .B 1 ?elayani Hoh %e-esta +en(ah <ertas .F 1 <e-enterian %upernaphi"ri-er <ertas .G 1 ?elayani %pirits #ari %uperuniverses "aper .I 1 +he Universe Daya Dire3si <ertas 30 1 <epri'a#ian #ari Gran# Universe "aper 31 1 +he $orps o inalitas yan( "aper 3. 1 =volusi Universes 8o3al <ertas 33 1 0#-inistrasi %e-esta 8o3al

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