Bio Paper 1

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SOLAF 1 1. Diagram 1 shows an organelle X.


Organelle X Diagram 1 What is the function of organelle X? A Synthesises protein Sorts car!ohy"rate C D Packages protein #ransport synthesise" protein


Diagram $ shows the guar" cell on the leaf of a plant.

Diagram $ Which organelle is the most a!un"ant in the guar" cell? A %itochon"ria C &ough en"oplasmic reticulum Chloroplast D 'olgi apparatus Which of the following is not matche" correctly? (. A )eurones* ner+e tissue Skeletal muscles* Connecti+e tissue C #en"ons* Connecti+e tissue D loo"* connecti+e tissue


Which of the following lists the structures from the simplest to the most comple-? Simplest %ost comple-

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Diagram ( shows the structure of plasma mem!rane. Which part A/ / C an" D allows the amino aci"s an" glucose to !e transporte" through the plasma mem!rane?

Diagram ( 0. Diagram , shows the net flow of water molecules from a "ilute solution to a concentrate" solution through a semi1permea!le mem!rane.


Diagram , A Osmosis Acti+e transport Diagram . shows a mango strip.


Simple "iffusion 2acilitate" "iffusion

Diagram . A stu"ent soaks the mango strip in a concentrate" sugar solution for $, hours. Which of the following shows its con"ition after $, hours? Con#ition o$ %ell A 4551/1 2011 Hak Cipta Jabatan Pelajaran Perak $ Con#ition o$ mango &trip

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#he graph !elow shows the changes in the mass of potato strips immerse" in "ifferent concentrations of sucrose solution.

ase" on the a!o+e graph/ which of the following concentrations of sucrose solution shoul" !e use" so that a flacci" potato strip regains its turgi"ity?

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SOLAF 1 A 1.. g per 155 ml (.. g per 155 ml C D $.. g per 155 ml ,.. g per 155 ml



Diagram 0 shows a comparison of ion concentration in pon" water an" in the cell sap of Nitella sp

Diagram 0 Which process causes the ion concentration in Nitella sp. to !e higher than that in pon" water A Osmosis Acti+e transport C D Plasmolysis Passi+e transport

15. Which of the following represents the hy"rolysis of protein? A Polypepti"e water 7 "ipepti"e Dipepti"e 7 water C D Dipepti"e Polypepti"e 7 water polypepti"e water 7 polypepti"e Dipepti"e

11. Diagram 3 shows a shirt with !loo" stain to !e washe" with a "etergent containing en8yme.

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What is the most suita!le en8yme an" temperature to !e use" ? 9n8yme A C D :ipase Protease :ipase Protease #emperature (3oC 14oC 14oC (3oC

1$. #he +itamin that function as a coen8yme in the cell respiration is? A ;itamin A ;itamin C D ;itamin C ;itamin D

1(. Diagram 4 shows the cell cycle of an organism.

Diagram 4 A respiratory inhi!itor is intro"uce" into the culture containing a "i+i"ing cell at phase <. Which of the following will occur to the cell? 4551/1 2011 Hak Cipta Jabatan Pelajaran Perak . S L!"

SOLAF 1 A #he cell increase in si8e #he cell "ou!le its num!er C D #he cell fails to "i+i"e #he cell !reaks "own


1,. Diagram 6 shows a stage "uring mitosis in a plant cell

Diagram 6 Which of the statements a!out the cell in Diagram 6 is not true? A C D #he cell pro"uces "iploi" "aughter cells #he cell is at anaphase #he cell has eight chromosomes at interphase #he cell is foun" at the apical meristem

1.. Diagram 15 shows an animal cell "uring anaphase = of meiosis.

Diagram 15 What is the num!er of chromosome in the parent cell? A $ C 4 , D 10

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SOLAF 1 10.


Which +itamin is !est "escri!e" !y the a!o+e "escription? A ;itamin A ;itamin C D ;itamin C ;itamin D

13. #a!le 1 shows the result of an e-periment to "etermine the percentage of +itamin C in lime >uice an" papaya >uice.

#a!le 1

What is the percentage of +itamin C foun" in lime >uice an" papaya >uice? A C D 14. Lime J'i%e ,..5 $3.4 ,,.5 ...5 Papa(a J'i%e $3.4 1$.. 1$.. ,,.5

=n which organelle "oes the a!o+e process take place? A Chloroplast C )ucleus %itochon"rion D &i!osome

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16. Diagram 11 shows the stomach of a ruminant. Which part of the stomach contain !acteria which li+es sym!iotically with the ruminant?

&eticulum &umen


Diagram 11 A!omasum Omasum

$5. Diagram 1$ shows the e-periment to stu"y photosynthesis

Diagram 1$ What is the function of so"ium hy"rogen car!onate solution use in this e-periment? A &e"ucing agent O-i"i8ing agent C D Source of car!on "io-i"e Source of o-ygen


9-plain what will happen at point P.

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&ate of car!on "io-i"e pro"uce" "uring respiration is e?ual to the rate of car!on "io-i"e use" for photosynthesis &ate of car!on "io-i"e pro"uce" "uring respiration is higher than the rate of car!on "io-i"e use" for photosynthesis


&ate of car!on "io-i"e pro"uce" "uring respiration is lower than the rate of car!on "io-i"e use" for photosynthesis &ate of car!on "io-i"e pro"uce" "uring respiration is not e?ual to the rate of car!on "io-i"e use" for photosynthesis

$$. Which of the following are pro"ucts of aero!ic an" anaero!ic respiration in muscle cells ? A C D $(. Aerobi% )e&piration Car!on "io-i"e an" water Car!on "io-i"e an" water :actic aci" :actic aci" Anaerobi% )e&piration 9thanol :actic aci" 9thanol Car!on "io-i"e an" water

Diagram 1( shows an al+eolus an" the !loo" capillary which surroun"s it.

Diagram 1( Which of the following statements are tr'e when a person inhales? = == === =; %ore o-yhaemoglo!in will !e forme". O-ygen "iffuses from X into the !loo" capillary. #he partial pressure of o-ygen in X is higher than the partial pressure of o-ygen in the !loo" capillary. #he partial pressure of car!on "io-i"e in X is lower than the partial pressure of car!on "io-i"e in the !loo" capillary. 6 S L!"

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= an" == only === an" =; only


=/ ==/ an" === only =/ ==/ ===/ an" =;

$,. Diagram 1, shows the respiratory structure of an insert. Diagram 1, Which of the following is tr'e a!out S? A C D Control the opening of the spiracle :ine" with rings of chitin to pre+ent it from collaping Allow gaseous e-change to occurs rapi"ly Co+ere" with a thin layer of flui" to ai" "ifusi@n

$.. A stu"ents take part in a $55 m spring e+ent. Which e?uation represents his respiration process after he has run the first 155 m? A 'lucose 'lucose 7 O-ygen C D 'lucose 'lucose 7 O-ygen :actic aci" 7 9nergy :actic aci" 7 9nergy 9thanol 7 Car!on "io-i"e 7 9nergy Car!on "io-i"e 7 Water 7 9nergy

$0. Which of the following is a !iotic component of an ecosystem? A #a"pole Aumi"ity C D :ight intensity #opography

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$3. Diagram 1. shows a foo" we!.

Diagram 1. Which organism is a primary consumer? A Organism P Organism < C D Organism S Organism #

$4. #he "iagram !elow shows an energy flow in a foo" chain.

Calculate the amount of energy recei+e" !y the organism P. A 455 kB 45 kB C D 4 kB 5.4 kB

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SOLAF 1 $6. #a!le $ shows the results o!taine" from the capture1mark1release an" recapture techni?ue for a population of snails in a school fiel". Sample 2irst sample CSnails caught/ marke" an" release"D Secon" sample E#otal num!er of snails caught E Snails that are marke" *'mber $5


,5 15

#a!le $ 9stimate the population si8e of the snails !ase" on the information gi+en a!o+e. A 44 C 45 455 D 4 (5. Diagram 10 shows four organisms !elonging to "ifferent king"oms.



S < Diagram 10

Which of the following is a correct match? P + ) 1$ S S L!"

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SOLAF 1 A C D (1. %onera Plantae Animalia Protista Plantae 2ungi %onera Plantae 2ungi Protista 2ungi 2ungi Protista Animalia Plantae %onera


Diagrams 13 shows a tropical rainforest !efore an" after "eforestation.

Diagram 13 Which of the following are the effects of "eforestation? = == === =; 'lo!al warming Disruptions to the roa" transport system Soil 9rosion 9-tinction of flora an" fauna

=/ == an" === only =/ == an" =; only

=/ === an" =; only =/ ==/ === an" =; only


Diagram 14 shows the apparatus use" to in+estigate the le+el of pollution of water samples !y using 5.1F methylene !lue solution.

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Diagram 14 #he results are shown in the #a!le !elow.

Which of the following is a correct e-planation for the results? A Sample % comes from the least pollute" area. Sample ) is more pollute" compare" with sample O. C D ((. Sample P has the lowest OD +alue. Sample O has lesser microorganisms compare" to sample ).

Which atom reacts with the o8one molecule an" causes o8one "epletion? A Car!on 2luorine C Chlorine D O-ygen


#he "iagram !elow shows a type of human !loo" cell.

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What is the main function of this cell? A C D (.. #o transport o-ygen #o pro"uce anti!o"ies #o transport car!on "io-i"e #o pro"uce antito-ins

#he "iagram !elow shows the longitu"inal section of a human heart.

Which of the +al+es A/ ,/ C or D/ pre+ents the !ackflow of !loo" from the pulmonary artery to the right +entricle? (0. Which of the following !loo" components cannot mo+e across the !loo" capillary wall into the interstitial flui"? = 9rythrocytes == Amino aci" A = an" =; only == an" === only === Grea =; 2i!rinogen C D =/ == an" === only ==/ === an" =; only


Diagram 16 shows a cross1section of the root an" stem of a plant.

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Diagram 16 Which tissues in the root an" stem transport water an" mineral salts? = P == Q A = an" == only , (4. == an" =; only === R =; S C = an" =; only D = an" === only

Diagram $5 shows some plant tissues.

Diagram $5 #hese tissues can !e foun" a!un"antly in A Durian tree Water hyacinth C D %ai8e plant Cucum!er plant


P/ Q an" R in Diagram $1 are three types of +erte!rae on the human !ack!one.

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< Diagram $1


Which of the following is the correct se?uence of the +erte!rae arrangement? A </ &/ P C </ P/ & P/ </ & D &/ P/ < ,5. Diagram $$ shows the !ones of a human.

Diagram $$ Which of the following forms a !all an" socket >oint ? A P an" & < an" & ,1. Diagram $( shows a knee >oint. C D < an" S P an" S

Diagram $( Which of the following tissues >oins X to H? A ,$. :igament #en"on Diagram $, shows a human arm. C D A"ipose Cartilage

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A medical check-up shows that a patient`s pancreas is damaged X to be removed and has



Diagram $, =f ten"on X was torn off/ what happens to the arm? A #he el!ow >oint loosens up #he fingers cannot grip ,( C D #he arm cannot !e !ent #he lower arm cannot twist

Diagram $. shows the pathway of an impulse in a refle- arc.

Diagram $. Which statement is true in the figure a!o+e? B recei+es an impulse "irect from : an" carries it to ) : transmits the impulse to % from the central ner+ous system #he rate of impulse transmission through I increases ) causes the finger to react

,,. Which of the following shoul" !e "one !y the patient to maintain a normal !loo" sugar le+el? A B C D ,.. #ake insulin an" glucagon in>ections #ake a !alance" "iet &e"uce intake of high calorie foo" #ake glucose in>ections

Diagram $0 shows the human en"ocrine system.

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Diagram $0 Which of the glan"s A/ / C or D/ is known as the master glan"?


Which characteristics of the glomerulus enhances the efficiency of ultrafiltration? = #he "iameter of the afferent arteriole is larger than that of the efferent arteriole. == #he afferent arteriole "i+i"es further into a "ense network of capillaries. === #he high hy"rostatic pressure of the !loo" entering the glomerulus. =; #he owmanJs capsule is ma"e up of only two layers of cells. A ==/ === an" =; only C =/ == an" === only =/ == an" =; only D =/ ==/ === an" =;


Diagram $3 shows the negati+e fee"!ack mechanism which controls an" regulates the glucose le+els in the !loo".

Diagram $3 What are represente" !y hormone X an" hormone Y? A Hormone X 'lucagon Anti"iuretic hormone Hormone Y =nsulin Progesterone 16 S L!"

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SOLAF 1 C D ,4. Al"osterone =nsulin =nsulin 'lucagon


Diagram $4 shows the structure of human ki"ney nephron

Diagram $4 Which part "oes rea!sorption of glucose take place ? A Structure I Structure B C D Structure % Structure )


Diagram $6 shows four coleoptiles- K, L, M an" N/ which are e-pose" to unilateral light.

Diagram $6 After a few "ays/ which coleoptiles will grow towar"s the light? A I only % only C D I an" % only I/ : an" ) only


A farmer sprays all the mangoes in his farm with hormone X to ensure that all the mangoes ripen at the same time. What is hormone X? A Au-ins C $5 Cytokinin S L!"

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SOLAF 1 9thylene D 'i!!erilin


9)D O2 <G9S#=O) PAP9&

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Diagram 1 shows an organelle foun" in animal cell.

Diagram 1 )ame the organelle in Diagram 1. A Centriole Chloroplast $. Diagram $ shows a plant cell. C D %itochon"rion 'olgi apparatus

Diagram 2 #he main function of organelle X in Diagram $ is A Synthesi8e polypepti"e Synthesi8e an" transport lipi"s C D %o"ify su!stances that are secrete" Pro"uce energy to ena!le the cell to function


Diagram ( shows a type of muscle tissue foun" in the human !o"y. Where is the tissue foun"? $4 S L!"

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Diagram . A Aeart Pancreas ,. C D iceps Small intestine

#he following structures are foun" in a multicellular organism.

Arrange them in the correct le+el of organisation in an organism. A X H K C H X K H K X D K X H .. Diagram , shows Paramecium sp.

Diagram 4 What is the process !y which su!stances mo+e in an" out of the organism as shown in Diagram ,? A Simple "ifussion 4551/1 2011 Hak Cipta Jabatan Pelajaran Perak $6 C Osmosis S L!"

SOLAF 1 2acilitate" "iffusion 0. D Acti+e transport


=n which of the following solutions woul" the rate of the contraction of the contractile +acuole of a Paramecium sp. !e the fastest? A Pon" water C 1F salt solution D Distille" water 5.,F salt solution


A plant cell is immerse" in "istille" water for $5 minutes. =t is then taken out an" immerse" in (5F sucrose solution. #a!le = shows the o!ser+e" con"ition of the cell.

Con"ition of cell

#ype of solution

Distill water "able 1

(5F sucrose solution

=f the cell is put !ack into the "istille" water for $5 minutes/ which con"ition of the cell woul" !e e-pecte"? A C


Diagram . shows the initial le+el of 15F sucrose solution in a capillary tu!e !efore an e-periment.

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Diagram 5 Which graph shows how the le+el of sucrose solution ChD in the capillary tu!e changes "uring the e-periment? A C


Diagram 0 shows the formation of maltose from molecules P an" Q.

Diagram / What are molecules P an" Q? A 'lucose an" glucose 'lucose an" galactose C D 'lucose an" fructose 2ructose an" galactose

15. #he graph shows the effect of temperature on the acti+ity of en8yme X.

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9n8yme X is most acti+e at A 15oC to $5oC $5oC to (5oC C D (5oC to ,5oC ,5oC to .5oC

11. Diagram 3 shows the mechanism of en8yme action on a su!strate.

Diagram 0 What are W/ X/ Y an" Z? 1 Pro"ucts 9n8yme C D Su!strate 9n8yme1su!strate comple2 9n8yme Su!strate 9n8yme1su!strate complePro"ucts 3 Su!strate 9n8yme1su!strate complePro"ucts 9n8yme 4 9n8yme1su!strate complePro"ucts 9n8yme Su!strate


Diagram 4 shows a mo"el of D)A.

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Diagram 5 What is represente" !y the units P/ < an" &? P A , C D Sugar Phosphate Phosphate ase < ase Sugar ase Phosphate & Phosphate ase Sugar Sugar

1(. Diagram 6 shows an animal cell un"ergoing mitosis.

Diagram 6 Aow many chromosomes are there in the somatic cell of this animal? A 1, , chromosomes $ chromosomes C D 4 chromosomes 10 chromosomes

An animal cell possesses a chromosomal num!er of $n L $,. Which of the following is true of the num!er of chromosomes foun" in the o+um/ 8ygote/ an" o+ary of the animal? Ovum 1$ $, $, 1$ Zygote $, $, 1$ $, Ovary $, $, 1$ 1$

A C D 1.

Diagram 15 shows an animal cell un"ergoing meiosis at anaphase ==.

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Diagram 10 Aow many chromosomes are there in the "iploi" cell of this animal? A ( 0 C D 1$ $,

10. Diagram 11 shows the cloning of sheep.

Diagram 11 #his metho" of cloning sheep in+ol+es A se-ual repro"uction fertilisation of an egg !y a sperm C D ase-ual repro"uction fusion of male an" female gametes

13. =n or"er to ha+e growth of healthy teeth/ the "iet of young chil"ren shoul" !e rich in

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SOLAF 1 = == A 1 4 =ron Calcium = an" =; =/ == an" === === =; C D ;itamin D Phosphorus == an" === ==/ === an" =;


Diagram 1$ shows an e-periment carrie" out to stu"y the factors that affect the process of photosynthesis.

Diagram 12 Which of the following will increase the num!er of gas !u!!les pro"uce" in the test tu!e? =. Gsing a 05W !ul!. ==. Gsing a water !ath at 055C.. ===. ringing the !ul! closer to the test tu!e =;. Gsing a !igger !ul! !ut with the same power. A. = an" === only . = an" =; only C. == an" === only D. =/ ==/ === an" =;

16. Diagram 1( shows the structure of a chloroplast seen un"er an electron microscope.

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Diagram 1. Which of the following processes occurs in X? A C D Pro"uction of starch &e"uction of car!on "io-i"e !y hy"rogen Pro"uction of glucose Photolysis of water molecule !y sunlight

$5. #he photograph shows a chil" suffering from a "isease.

Which of the foo"s A/ / C or D/ shoul" !e taken often !y the chil" to reco+er from the "isease?

$1 .

#he following information shows the results of an e-periment to "etermine the o-ygen content in e-hale" air using a B1tu!e. :ength of e-hale" air column L 15.5 cm (0 S L!"

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:ength of e-hale" air column after treatment with potassium hy"ro-i"e solution L 6.0 cm :ength of e-hale" air column after treatment with potassium pyrogallate solution L 4.5 cm What is the percentage of o-ygen content in the e-hale" air? A $$ . ,.$ F $1.5 F C D 4.. F 10.5 F

Diagram 1, shows the respiratory system in humans.

Diagram 14 What are represente" !y X/ H an" K respecti+ely? 2 3 A #rachea ronchus #rachea Al+eolus C Al+eolus #rachea D Al+eolus ronchus

4 Al+eolus ronchus ronchus #rachea

$( .

#he a!o+e e?uation shows A Con"ensation of glucose (3 C Anaero!ic respiration S L!"

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SOLAF 1 Ay"rolysis of glucose $, . D Aero!ic respiration


#he scientific name for human !eings is Homo Sapiens. What "oes Homo an" Sapiens represent? A C D Homo phylum family genus class Sapiens species genus species or"er

$. .

Diagram 1. shows an interaction !etween organism X an" H.

Diagram 15 What type of interaction is shown? A %utualism Commensalism C D Parasitism Saprophytism

$0 .

#he ta!le !elow shows the results of a fiel" stu"y to estimate the population of gar"en snails in a +egeta!le farm.

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SOLAF 1 *'mber o$ %apt're 2irst Secon" *'mber o$ gar#en &nail& %apt're# $45 35 marke" 45 unmarke"


What is the estimate" si8e of the snail population ? A 0 (3 C D .$. 055

$3 .

#he ta!le !elow shows the result of an e-periment to stu"y the le+el of pollution from "ifferent sources of water. 1ater &ample P < & S "ime taken $or met7(lene bl'e &ol'tion to #e%olo'ri&e 87o'r9 Di" not "ecolourise , hours 1 hour ( hours

Which of the following water samples is the most pollute"? A Water sample P Water sample < C D Water sample & Water sample S

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$4. Which of the following is a correct match !etween human acti+ity an" the effect on the en+ironment? H'man A%ti:it( A Deforestation Open !urning C D Ploughe" "own the slope for agriculture purposes Open more hea+y in"ustrial area ;$$e%t on t7e en:ironment 9utrophication :an"sli"e an" air pollution Soil erosion an" lan"sli"es Soil erosion an" thinning of o8one layer

$6. Diagram 10 shows the structure of human heart. What are X an" Y in Diagram 10?

Diagram 1/ X Pulmonary artery Pulmonary +ein C D Pulmonary +ein Pulmonary artery Y ;ena ca+a ;ena ca+a Aorta Aorta


What type of treatment can !e gi+en to a !a!y to o!tain imme"iate effect against a "isease? A &ecei+ing anti!o"y from the mother while still in the wom! =n>ecting serum which contains anti!o"ies C D =n>ecting weakene" antigen &ecei+ing !reast milk ,5 S L!"

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SOLAF 1 (1. Which of the following !loo" +essel has the least amount of o-ygen? A Pulmonary +ein Aepar artery C D Pulmonary artery &enal artery


($. Which of the following is true a!out the function of lymphatic system? = == === =; A Pro"uce lymphocyte to "efen" the !o"y against "iseases #ransport erythrocytes which are filtere" out of the capillary #ransport the en" pro"uct of "igeste" fats from +illus to the li+er &eturn the interstitial flui" to the circulatory system = an" === only =/ ==/ === an" =; C D =/ === an" =; only = an" =; only

((. A plant was e-pose" to ra"ioacti+e car!on "io-i"e in the "aylight. After two hours/ a thin slice of the cross1section of the stem was cut an" place" on photographic film which !ecomes !lack if there is ra"ioacti+e car!on. Which tissue on the cross1section of the stem in Diagram 13 is the fastest to !ecome !lack?

Diagram 10

(,. Diagram 14 shows the !ones P, Q an" R which are from the human +erte!ral column. 4551/1 2011 Hak Cipta Jabatan Pelajaran Perak ,1 S L!"



Diagram 15 Which of the following shows the correct locations of P/ < an" &? A C D P #hora)eck #horaA!"omen Q )eck #horaA!"omen )eck R A!"omen A!"omen )eck #hora-

(.. Diagram 16 shows the structure of a human forearm.

Diagram 16 What happens to the parts la!elle" P, Q/ R an" S when the arm is !ent? A C D P Contracts &ela-es Contracts &ela-es < &ela-es Contracts &ela-es Contracts & Pull upwar"s Pull upwar"s Pull "ownwar"s Pull "ownwar"s S Pull upwar"s Pull upwar"s Pull "ownwar"s Pull "ownwar"s


o =nflammation of >oints o Causes pain an" swelling of >oints

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SOLAF 1 o Due to e-haustion of cartilage/ "epletion of syno+ial flui" an" others #he "escriptions of an impaire" musculoskeletal system a!o+e is relate" to A Osteoporosis Arthritis C D %uscle cramp %uscular "estrophy


(3. Diagram $5 shows the structure of an efferent neurone.

Diagram 20 What is X? A Den"rite %yelin sheath C D Cell !o"y A-on

(4. Diagram $1 shows a cross1section of the spinal cor".

Diagram 21 Which of the structure A/ ,/ C or D is ma"e up of grey matter?

(6. Diagram $$ shows ultrafiltration in a owmanJs capsule.

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Diagram 22 Which of the following su!stances enter X? = == A 'lucose Grea =/ == an" === only ==/ === an" =; only === =; Plasma protein Amino aci" C D =/ == an" =; only =/ === an" =; only

,5. A "ia!etic patient is treate" with hormone X. What is hormone X an" why it is use" to treat the "isease? Hormone 2 'lucagon =nsulin C D 'lucagon =nsulin F'n%tion in treatment Stimulate the a!sorption of glucose in small intestine Stimulate the con+ersion of glucose to glycogen Stimulate the con+ersion of glucose to glycogen Stimulate the a!sorption of glucose in small intestine

,1. )ame the processes P/< an" & in Diagram $(

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Diagram 2. P A C D Oogenesis Spermatogenesis Oogenesis Spermatogenesis + Spermatogenesis Oogenesis Spermatogenesis Oogenesis ) 2ertalisation =mplantation =mplantation 2ertalisation

,$. Diagram $, shows the stages in the "e+elopment of the em!ryo of a human.

Diagram 24 At which stage A/ / C or D is the morula? ,(. Diagram $. shows a section of em!ryo sac of a flowering plant.

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Diagram 25 Statement ;/ W X an" H are relate" to the structure P/</ & an" S in the figure a!o+e. ; W X H M M M M %ale gamete will fuse with < to form "iploi" 8ygote Another male gamete will fuse with !oth < to form triploi" nucleus One male gamete will fuses with !oth & to form triploi" nucleus %ale gamete will fuse with S to form "iploi" 8ygote

Which of the following is true a!out the fertili8ation of the plant? A ; an" W X an" H C D ; an" X W an" H

,,. #he #a!le !elow shows a few ways of !irth control an" its role. ,irt7 %ontrol met7o# P + ) S What are P/ </ & an" S? P A =ntrauterine "e+ice Contracepti+e pills C Contracepti+e pills D Diaphragm + Contracepti+e pills Diaphragm =ntrauterine "e+ice =ntrauterine "e+ice ,0 ) Diaphragm ;asectomy ;asectomy Contracepti+e pills S ;asectomy =ntrauterine "e+ice Diaphragm ;asectomy S L!" )ole Pre+ent the release of o+um from o+ary Pre+ent implantation of em!ryo on the en"ometrium Pre+ent the mo+ement of sperms from the testes Pre+ent the sperm in the +agina from entering the 2allopian tu!es.

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,.. Which of the following traits was use" in %en"elJs e-periments? A Colour of leaf )um!er of see"s C D Si8e of fruit Aeight of plant

,0 .

)ormal !loo" clotting is "etermine" !y a "ominant allele A while haemophilia is "ue to recessi+e allele. Which of the following crosses pro"uces haemophiliac an" normal sons? Fat7er A C D XAH XhH XAH XAH <ot7er XAXh XhXh XAXA XAXA

,3 .

Diagram $0 shows the genetic "iagram use" to "etermine" the se- of the offsprings.

Diagram 2/ What are the genotypes of cell &/ S an" #? A C D ,, ,, $$ $$ 7 7 7 7 ) X XX X X S ,, ,, $$ $$ 7 7 7 7 H XH H X ,, ,, $$ $$ 7 7 7 7 " H XX X H

,4. Which of the following is a result of gene mutation? A Change in the chromati"s ,3 S L!"

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SOLAF 1 Change in the num!er of chromosomes Change in the se?uence of genes Change in the structure of gene



,6. Diagram $3 shows the fre?uency "istri!ution of characteristic Q in a human population.

Diagram 20 Which of the following characteristics is shown !y the chart a!o+e? A loo" group o"y mass C Aeight D Skin colour

.5. Which of the following !est e-plain the role the se-ual repro"uction as a source of +ariation? A #he male gametes an" female gametes ha+e a haploi" num!er of chromosomes. A pair of homologous chromosomes carries information for the same C D characteristic. homologous chromosomes carries information for the same characteristic !ut in +arious forms. %eiosis pro"uces four "aughter cells/ compare" to mitosis which pro"uces only two "aughter cells. 9)D O2 <G9S#=O) PAP9&

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SOLAF 1 A*S1;) FO) ,!OLO=3 SOLAF 1 PAP;) 1


1 $ ( , . 0 3 4 6 1 5 1 1 1 $ 1 ( 1 , 1 . 1 0 1 3 1 4




$ 1 $ $ $ ( $ , $ . $ 0 $ 3 $ 4 $ 6 ( 5 ( 1 ( $ ( ( ( , ( . ( 0 ( 3 ( 4



, 1 , $ , ( , , , . , 0 , 3 , 4 , 6 . 5


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1 6 $ 5

( 6 , 5


A*S1;) FO) ,!OLO=3 SOLAF 2 PAP;) 1

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A*S1;) FO) ,!OLO=3 SOLAF . PAP;) 1 1 $ ( , . 0 3 4 6 15 11 1$ 1( 1, 1. 10 13 14 16 $5 C D A A C A A C A A C D A D $1 $$ $( $, $. $0 $3 $4 $6 (5 (1 ($ (( (, (. (0 (3 (4 (6 ,5 D A D C D C C D C A D A D C ,1 ,$ ,( ,, ,. ,0 ,3 ,4 ,6 .5 D C C C D A C D A C

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