Summer Training Handbo Ok: Lokesh Jasrai

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Summer Training Handbo ok

!A students of

A practical Guide to Summer Training for Lo"el# $rofessional %ni"ersit#

Lokesh Jasrai

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' am grateful to (r San)a# odi* Sr (ean* Lo"el# +acult# of !usiness and Applied Arts ,L+!AA-* .ho is the inspiration behind this book* (r !ha"ana Adhikari* Associate (ean* School of anagement* for her unrelenting support* (r/ Girish Tane)a* Head of (epartment ,(01- and (r/ Sandeep 1i)* * Head of (epartment ,(02from School of !usiness* for this sagacious ad"ice and inputs* r Suresh 2ash#ap* H3(* School of anagement* for being a constant source of moti"ation/ ' am grateful to all facult# members at L+!AA for contributing to this document/ ' e4tend m# gratitude to all the management teachers of #ester#ears .ho ha"e contributed to the pool of kno.ledge and ha"e had a huge impact on curriculum of management education/

,Lokesh Jasrai15/03/2013

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This book is a compendium of sample topics for summer training of !A students/ An attempt has been made to make it as comprehensi"e and concise as possible/ The topics gi"en herein are for the purpose of guiding the students to choose their summer training pro)ects and can be modified as per the re6uirement of the compan#/ The topics ha"e been classified into areas of speciali7ation for the sake of con"enience and clarit#/ 'n addition to being a guide for summer training this book can also be used to peek into the )ob re6uirements of "arious speciali7ations and can be used to decide on the right speciali7ation for a student/ 'n addition to sample topics this book contains "arious guidelines to be follo.ed in order to deri"e the ma4imum benefit out of the t.o months of summer training/ 't contains the rules of %ni"ersit# and the code of conduct the student is e4pected to obser"e during the period of internship/ The book also contains a section on the acti"ities .hich are generall# done b# "arious departments of a compan#/ This shall help in .idening the perspecti"e of the students and also increase the e4posure he can recei"e/ All the formats for the "arious components of the course ha"e been presented in anne4ure at the end of the book/ ' .ish #ou all the best for #our summer training/ Ha"e fun8

,Lokesh Jasrai-

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Ackno.ledgements /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 $reface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 $rofessional Goals during Summer Training///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////: ;ode of ;onduct///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// : arketing/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// < +inance ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = Hospital and Health Human >esource >etail anagement /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12 anagement ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////19

'nformation Technolog# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1< anagement ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1? 'nternational !usiness ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1= The acti"ities of the "arious departments ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////20 A@@AB%>A ' 0 A"aluation $arameters///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////23 Anne4ure '''0 'mportant deadlines////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2? A@@AB%>A '10 $ro)ect Topic $erforma//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////30 A@@AB%>A 1' 0 +eedback on fortnightl# report b# facult# guide ,for facult# onl#-///39 A@@AB%>A 1'''0 Attendance Sheet///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3< A@@AB%>A 'B 0 Guidelines for Summer Training >eport///////////////////////////////////////////3? Anne4ure B C >eferences ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 90

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1/ To undertake a meaningful pro)ect 2/ To .ork hard and sho. initiati"e to .in confidence 3/ Dork hard to get $$3,$re0 $lacement 3ffer9/ Aim at ma4imi7ing learning/ :/ !uilding relations .ith peers to thoroughl# understand the strengths and .eaknesses of s#stemEs policies and procedures/ </ %nderstand s#stems* procedures and policies/ 5/ (iscuss doubts and see* if* #ou can make suggestions/ ?/ Tr# to relate the practice to theor# and find out reasons for difference bet.een theor# and practice

Code of Conduct
The students should obser"e the guidelines .hile their summer training/

Professional Goals during Summer Training

The purpose of summer training is to ac6uaint the students .ith the practices follo.ed in the industr# and at the same time gi"e them an opportunit# to do research on some rele"ant topics in their area of speciali7ation/

1/ Adhere to a formal dress code/ 2/ !e punctual in attendance/ 3/ A"ail lea"e onl# if authori7ed b# the pro)ect head/ 9/ Adhere to organi7ationEs policies and rules/ :/ %se appropriate professional language in communication at .orkplace/

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</ A"oid an# conduct that ma# cause embarrassment or disrepute to the organi7ation/ 5/ Assure that all actions and beha"iors promote the fa"orable image of the organi7ation/ ?/ @ot taking action .hich disrupts the normal functioning/

ICC World Cup ffect on the promotions of various products!

A cricket .orld cup has al.a#s captured the attention of marketers and consumers alike/ A lot of research and studies ha"e been done on this topic/ ost of these pertain to the large companies/ Ho.e"er* this is a gala e"ent .hich affect business at all le"els/ The students ha"e to stud# the impact of the .orld cup on the business and the sales of the compan# the student is doing internship .ith/

Survey on preferences for insurance companies with special reference to a particular player
'nsurance is considered one of the most difficult products to sell/ The sale is mostl# push sales* dri"en b# the sales agentF emplo#ee/ Ho.e"er* the companies spent a lot of mone# on ad"ertisement and promotions/ The student has to identif# the ke# factors dri"ing the sales and should tr# to come up .ith some ideal 'ntegrated arketing ;ampaign design for the product/ The focus has to be on customer interaction and the actual challenges in"ol"ed in making the deal happen/

Impact of price on the "uying "ehavior

$ricing has a lot of affect on the bu#ing beha"ior of indi"iduals/ This is reflected in the price discounts offered b# the producers and also the con"enient pricing ,multiples of :* 10-/ The topic re6uires the students to stud# the effect of the printed price , >$- on the bu#ing beha"ior of the customer/ After the stud# the student can suggest some modifications in the price 6uantit# combination in order to ma4imi7e the re"enue of the product in 6uestion/

This topic can be used b# more than one student* "ar#ing it as per the compan#Fproduct in 6uestion/

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Market Survey for a new product launch#

'n an e"er prospering middle class there is a perpetual need to ne. products and product categories/ ;onfectioneries and be"erage unheard of ten #ear ago* are no. a standard part of our dietar# plans/ There are studies on the changing demographics of the decision maker in a t#pical household purchase decision/ An# compan# looking for additional re"enue streams keeps on launching ne. products/ The student has to do a sur"e# to identif# the needFgap in some categor# and suggest a ne. product to be launched in it/

C in terms of brand recall* in the decision making process of the indi"idual/

ffect of Packaging on sales of consumer products$

There are a lot of products in market .hich are purchased on impulse or are small ticket bu#sG bottled .ater* chips* soaps* eatables etc/ in the case of such products the packaging pla#s an important role/ This stud# should focus on the role of packaging in the sales of the product in 6uestion/

Marketing Communication needs of %ligopoly Companies

There are some companies .hich ha"e a near monopol# their product segment or at best the# can be described as oligopolies/ H$;L* !$;L* '3;L are three such e4amples in the petrol and diesel categor#/ These companies .hich had a "er# laidback attitude in the #ester#ears ha"e become acti"e ad"ertisers no./ The students need to stud# their marketing communication needs if an# and anal#7e ho. their needs are different from the pla#ers in more competiti"e productFser"ice categories/


ffect in Insurance Sale

Dithin an increase in the pri"ate sector )obs the urban consumer has started looking for insurance co"ers to reduce an# and all t#pes of risk/ At the same time* the indi"idual does not entertain the calls of the insurance sales agents/ This dichotom# creates the need to anal#7e the ke# factors affecting the sales and find out the scope of generating pull effect in insurance sales/ The student has to find out the effect of marketing communication

This topic can be used b# more than one student* "ar#ing it as per the compan#Fproduct in 6uestion/

This topic can be used b# more than one student* "ar#ing it as per the compan#Fproduct in 6uestion/

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Consumer perception a"out the company&product&organi 'ation

The consumer perception about a compan# is a "er# important factor in the success or failure of an# compan#/ ;ompanies spend a fortune to create a good perception/ Thus* it is "er# necessar# for an# compan# to kno. ho. the consumer percei"es it/ This stud# shall focus on the "arious aspect of consumer perception ranging from brand recall to brand e6uit# and the general opinion of people e"en if the# are not customers right no. ,potential customers or influencers -

use of this data/ The student should dra. results from both past and present data/

ffectiveness of Integrated Marketing Plan of the company

@o. a da# the marketing and promotions e4penditure forms the ma)or part of the budgets of an# compan#/ Dith the ad"ent of alternati"e channels of promotions* marketers ha"e increased opportunities for promotional acti"ities/ At the same time a large number of a"enues add to the alread# pre"ailing state of confusion/ The purpose of this stud# is to anal#7e all the

Market positioning of the products

The positioning of an# product defines the marketing campaign it has to follo.* its budget* the price of the product and a lot of ancillar# acti"ities/ Thus* the positioning of the product is a "er# important decision the compan# has to take/ an# a time it so happens that the compan# does not kno. the correct positioning it has in the minds of the consumers/ This leads to a mismatch in the actual and the appropriate efforts done b# the compan#/ As a part of this stud#* the student is re6uired to e"aluate the positioning of the compan#Es product and )udge that .hether it

(rend analysis of sales during different times of years

an# products ha"e a c#clical demand* peaking at some peculiar time of the #ear/ 'f a compan# is able to predict the trend correctl# and timel#* the# can make good use of this data/ The in"entor# management* staff management and also the promotions can be "aried according to the trend/ The student shall stud# the c#cles and trends for the product in 6uestion and suggest .a#s to ma4imi7e the re"enues b# making

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is a correct positioning or should the compan# re.ork its plans for the positioning/

Pro*ect financing
'n a business companies ha"e to .ork on ne. pro)ects in order to enhance their profitabilit#/ !ut before a ne. pro)ect is taken up its "iabilit# has to be checked/ 't should pass certain parameters/ 3nce the compan# decides to go up .ith a pro)ect then the problem of its financing comes/ Ho. to finance a pro)ectH (ifferent financing instruments ha"e to be e"aluated/ Students .ill stud# the financing instruments used b# the compan# for financing a pro)ect out of a"ailable options/ ;ause for selecting a particular instruments/ The# .ill anal#7e the a"ailable instruments and suggest the compan# about other profitable options/

Working capital management at the organi'ation
;ompan#Es big chunk of funds usuall# gets stuck in .orking capital/ 'n order to run the business smoothl# business needs the appropriate amount of .orking capital/ !ut .orking capital at an# time should not be moreFless than the re6uirement of the compan#/ Appropriate amount of .orking capital needs to be maintained/ Dorking capital has three ma)or deri"ersG ;ash >ecei"ables $a#ables All three need to be properl# managed/ ;ash con"ersion c#cle needs to be minimi7ed* >ecei"able turno"er and pa#able c#cle need to be optimi7ed/ All the factors ha"e their effect on profitabilit# of the business/ Students .ill stud# the .orking capital management techni6ues follo.ed b# the compan# so as to maintain the li6uidit# .hile maintaining the profitabilit# and suggest means to impro"e the .orking capital c#cle .ithout hampering profitabilit#/

+atio analysis to know the financial position of company,

>atios tell all about the compan#Es .ell being/ (ifferent ratios are used to get information about compan#Es .orth* its profitabilit#* li6uidit# I sol"enc#/ Students .ill get the information about the different ratios of the compan#/ Their composition and .ill compare it .ith their peer group/ Dhile anal#7ing the ratios if the# find an# fla. in compan#Es .orking the# .ill suggest the measures to the compan# to impro"e their .orking .hich .ill automaticall# impro"e the ratios/

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-udgetary control techni.ues used "y the organi'ation

!udgeting is a control de"ice in the hands of the compan#/ (ifferent budgets are prepared b# the compan# for the efficient .orking of the compan#/ !ecause budgeted figures gi"e a parameter to the compan# against .hom the results ha"e to be e"aluated/ Students .ill stud# the different techni6ues used b# the compan# for budgetar# control* reasons for the use of a specific techni6ue/ 3utcomes of the techni6ue in the form of increased production* increased sale* less e4penditure* reduced labor turn o"er* impro"ed cash position etc/

'n"entor# control techni6ues not used b# the compan#/

Cash Conversion cycles and its Impact on the profita"ility

+irms t#picall# follo. a c#cle in .hich the# purchase in"entor#* sell goods on credit* and then collect accounts recei"able/ This c#cle is referred to as the cash con"ersion c#cle/ Sound .orking capital polic# is designed to minimi7e the time bet.een cash e4penditures on materials and the collection of cash on sales/ Shortening the cash con"ersion c#cle leads to higher profitabilit# and "aluation of the compan#* pro"ided the other factors are constant/ Generall#* a dra.back of shorter (a#sE Sales 3utstanding ,(S3- is loss in sales/ The students ha"e to stud# ho. the companies are achie"ing these mutuall# contradicting ob)ecti"es and suggest means to impro"e the cash con"ersion c#cle .ithout hampering sales/

Inventory control techni.ues used "y the company

'n an# production house in"entor# constitutes the ma)or portion of their .orking capital/ 'n"entor# must be managed properl# so as to reduce the chances of shortage as .ell as e4cess of in"entor#/ $roduction houses use "arious in"entor# management tools such as A!; anal#sis* J'T* L'+3 +'+3* stock le"els etc/ Student is re6uired to stud# the "arious 'n"entor# control techni6ues used b# the compan#* reasons behind the use of a particular techni6ue* benefits of using a particular techni6ue/ Students .ill e4plore the opportunities to use other

+eceiva"les management techni.ues used "y the company

A compan# gets recei"ables .hene"er it sells goods on credit/ >ecei"ables are an important component of .orking capital as .ell of balance sheet/ Students are re6uired to anal#7e the current recei"able management

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techni6ues/ managing

Dhether the# are the recei"ables

themsel"es or using the factoring techni6ues/ Ho. much

time it takes to con"ert recei"ables into cashH +ind the possibilities to impro"e the recei"able c#cle/

0PA1s and growing scope of Securiti'ation

@$AEs are a part and parcel of banking industr#/ !ut banks can use these @$AEs for their benefit b# resorting to the techni6ue of Securiti7ation/ Students .ill be re6uired to stud# the @$AEs of a particular bank* ho. the# are generated and ho. securiti7ation .orks in reducing @$AEs/ Telling complete procedure follo.ed b# the bank along .ith re6uired proofs/

Capital "udgeting techni.ues used "y the companies/

Dhene"er a ne. pro)ect is under taken b# a compan# its financial "iabilit# needs to be checked using "arious capital budgeting techni6ues/ Students .ill anal#7e the techni6ues adopted b# the compan#* reasons behind the adoption of a particular techni6ue ,such as pa#back period* @$1* '>>its benefits o"er the re)ected techni6ues/

+isk Management in 2ife Insurance

Dhene"er .e talk about >isk management it is all about under.riting process/ Students are supposed to learn complete under.riting process follo.ed b# the life insurance compan#/ The# ha"e to find ho. risk can change the premium re6uirements/

Cost reduction techni.ues used "y the company and their effectiveness/
;ompan# can increase its profitabilit# b# increasing its saleFselling price or b# reducing its cost/ 'ts easier for a compan# to reduce its cost/ Students .ill stud# the "arious cost reduction techni6ues used b# the compan# such as 2'JA@ and the benefits deri"ed b# the compan# after the use of these techni6ues/

+isk Management in General Insurance

Dhene"er .e talk about >isk management it is all about under.riting process/ Students are supposed to learn complete under.riting process follo.ed b# the general insurance compan#/ The# ha"e to find ho. risk can change the premium re6uirements/

+isk Management in -anking

!anking business itself entails a lot of risk* because the banking

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business mainl# consists of lending mone# to people/ Lending mone# implies risk of bad debts/ Students are e4pected to learn about risk management techni6ues follo.ed b# the banks and ho. these techni6ues help the banks reducing the risk/

the needs of the in"estor/ Students doing their intern in financial planning .ill be re6uired to kno. all about the construction of portfolio* ho. and .h# the portfolios are rebalanced/ The# .ill also stud# the effect of rebalancing on the portfolio/

A study on "anking procedures

!anking itself is a big industr#/ 't is composed of lot of procedures sa#* making drafts* clearing* assigning the ';> codes to non ';> bank che6ues/ A student doing hisFher intern in the banking sector is e4pected to learn all the banking procedures and .hat is the use of these procedures/

3ospital and 3ealth Management

Study on Patient Satisfaction
Students can .ork upon "arious departments like '$(F3$( to measure the satisfaction le"el of the patients regarding the ser"ices pro"ided b# the hospital/ The# can find out the areas in .hich the patient satisfaction le"el is lo. and can de"elop a model for impro"ing it* thereb# helping the hospital to retain customers and increase re"enue/

Comparative study of loan procedures followed "y "anks

Loans are the life blood of the banking business/ A procedure has to be follo.ed to grant a loan/ Students .ill stud# the procedure follo.ed b# banks in granting the loans/ The# .ill also compare the loans of different banks issued in same stream/ The# .ill be re6uired to find out the possible causes of difference in interest charged b# different banks for same kind of loan/

Gap Analysis
Students can use the SA>1K%AL scale to measure the ser"ice gaps e4isting in the ser"ice deli"er# s#stem of the hospital/ The# can find out the causes of the e4isting gaps/ +inall# the# can de"elop strategies to close those gaps and thereb# impro"ing the ser"ice deli"er#/

Portfolio Management
$ortfolio construction is itself a tedious task/ 't needs consistent rebalancing of the assets as per

(A( of 2a"oratory Procedures

Turn Around Time ,TAT- is the time period bet.een collection of

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sample for diagnostic test and deli"er# of report/ The students ha"e to record the TAT for a definite time period/ The# ha"e to find out the a"erage TAT for each procedure and compare .ith a benchmark/ +inall# design a model to impro"e up on the procedures ha"ing higher TAT/ This .ill help the hospital to impro"e the responsi"eness parameter of the ser"ice deli"er# process/

the ser"ice deli"er# s#stem of the hospital as per the @A!H guidelines and ha"e to compare the status of the hospital .ith the benchmark set b# @A!H/ +inall# the# ha"e to suggest and recommend the hospitals to reach the @A!H standards/ This .ill help hospital to attract more patients especiall# international patients thereb# increasing the re"enue/

Medical Audit
edical audit is one of the ma)or process for achie"ing 6ualit# healthcare ser"ice deli"er#/ Students ha"e to check medical records of the inpatients for a definite time period and also the past records/ The# ha"e to find out the missing components in the records/ +inall# the# ha"e to de"elop a check list for maintaining the medical records/

Patient )low in %P4

3$( is the unit of the hospital .here patients ha"e the first ser"ice encounter/ 3ften it is seen that most of the hospitals face problems of o"ercro.ding and longer .aiting time period in 3$(/ This ultimatel# leads to the dissatisfaction among patients/ Students ha"e to do a detail stud# on each and e"er# procedure taken in the 3$(/ The# ha"e to find out the lacunae in the ser"ice deli"er# process and finall# de"elop a model for optimum ser"ice deli"er#/

Materials and Store Management

Students ha"e to stud# on the parameters for selecting the "endors for hospital supplies/ The# also ha"e to do an in0depth stud# on "endor rating s#stem on the e4isting "endors of the hospital/ The# can collect the information from the market and help the hospital in getting the best "endors/ This .ill help the hospital in 6ualit# assurance and cost cutting b# impro"ing the suppl# chain efficienc#/

Comparative Study with 0A-3 standards

@A!H is the bod# responsible for accreditation of hospitals in 'ndia .hich certifies the 6ualit# management practices in the hospitals/ @A!H has de"eloped certain guidelines and set standards for hospital to be certified/ Students ha"e to e"aluate

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5rinary Catheteri'ation Infection

'n most of the hospital infection due to urinar# catheteri7ation is "er# common gi"ing rise to complications and increasing the length of sta# of the patients/ Students ha"e to de"elop a check list for all procedures regarding urinar# catheteri7ation/ The# ha"e to keenl# obser"e each procedure during their sta# in the hospital/ The# ha"e to find out the de"iations in the standard procedures/ +inall# the# ha"e to de"elop a training module for the medical and $ara0medical staffs for the best procedure/

insurance reimbursement* T$A bills* AS' I ;GHS bills etc/ The# ha"e to also find out the patient satisfaction le"el regarding billing/ The# ha"e to find out the areas of impro"ement and suggest procedures for optimum billing process/

3uman +esource Management

+ecruitment 6 Selection process
>ecruitment I Selection encapsulates attracting* screening* and selecting 6ualified people for a )ob in an organi7ation/ Dith the changing times there has been a paradigm shift in the >ecruitment process .ith a of )ob search engines I headhunters for e4ecuti"e recruitment/ There has been a constant focus on identif#ing critical competencies .hile hiring prospects .hich encompasses not onl# "isible factors like 2no.ledge* Skills I Abilities but also in"isible I belo.0 the .aterline competencies like Traits* oti"es* Self0;oncept etc/ The student is e4pected to undertake a stud# on the recruitment I selection process of the particular organi7ation and also stud# the recruitment I selection techni6ue being follo.ed in the particular industr# and compare

4esign and )acilities in the mergency Casualty 4epartment

Students ha"e to do an in0depth stud# on the design* e4isting facilities* process and patient flo. in the emergenc# department of the hospital/ The# ha"e to find out the lacunae in the abo"e areas/ The# ha"e to de"elop an ideal design for the department for smooth operations/ This .ill help hospital to reduce the o"ercro.ding and impro"e the o"erall operations of the emergenc# department/

Medical -illing 4epartment

Students ha"e to do an in0depth stud# on different billing procedures in the hospital such as

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the best practices in both the cases/ (raining and 4evelopment process The Training I (e"elopment Scenario in 'ndia has undergone a radical o"erhaul .ith a sole purpose of augmenting the performance of 'ndi"iduals I Team members in organi7ational settings/ There has been a focus on Human >esource (e"elopment and there is constant attempt b# organi7ations to become Learning 3rgani7ations/ At e"er# step Training I (e"elopment has been linked to Strategic goals of the organi7ation to augment the "alue generated b# the program/ The students are e4pected to stud# the training and de"elopment s#stem of a particular organi7ation/ 'n this pro)ect* the# can anal#7e the different techni6ues of training and de"elopment being emplo#ed along .ith other critical training and de"elopment issues like the proficienc# of trainers* e4pectations from trainees* timing* budget etc/

e4pected to anal#7e the correlation bet.een >emuneration I oti"ation le"el of emplo#ees/ Generall# it has been opined that higher remuneration has an impact on the moti"ation le"els of emplo#ees but it can be different for different industries as .ell as different le"els of management/ Students can research the impact of monetar# as .ell as non0 monetar# benefits on different le"els of management/

Impact of recession on 3+ policies

>ecession has pla#ed ma)or role in business decisions o"er the #ears and H> policies form a critical part of it/ The recent in the 'ndian Aconom# impacted almost all the critical H> functions be it Hiring (ecisions* Training I (e"elopment* ;ompensation etc/ The student is e4pected to anal#7e and stud# these impacts I its effects on the sustainabilit# of the organi7ations in the long term/

Change management
;hange management is an indispensable part of an# organi7ation/ Students can stud# different techni6ues adopted b# organi7ations for managing change or for reducing the resistance to change/ The# can focus on an# ma)or change program initiated b# the organi7ation and can track the

Impact of remuneration on Motivation

This topic is an attempt to e4plore the critical moti"ation factor for emplo#ees o"er the ages >emuneration I its impact on moti"ation le"els/ The students are

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transition during the unfree7ing* mo"ement I refree7ing stage/

Sharing* and Telecommuting etc/ ma# be studied/

(alent management
The students are e4pected to stud# the different techni6ues organi7ation emplo# to groom the most "aluable assets i/e/ its emplo#ees I ho. it attempts to build up on its Human ;apital b# identif#ing the high0pots/ The students can undertake a stud# on the different initiati"es .hich organi7ations are taking for maintaining the pool of talent through the Assessment ;entres I (e"elopment ;entres I ho. organi7ations are focusing on second line de"elopment/

Performance management system

The students are e4pected to undertake an in0depth anal#sis on the $erformance anagement s#stem in the organi7ation .hich .ill encapsulate a detailed stud# on $erformance $lanning* $erformance anaging* $erformance Appraisals* and $erformance onitoring being follo.ed/

Competency Mapping of particular organi'ation

The student is e4pected to understand the process of apping ;ompetencies for 'ndi"iduals in the organi7ation I attempt to prepare ;ompetenc# odels for critical positions in 3rgani7ation/ The linkage .ith each and e"er# step like >ecruitment I Selection* Training I (e"elopment and ;ompensation needs to be established after the same to )ustif# the entire process/

Information (echnology
Study of Supply Chain Management System of an I( %rgani'ation
There is a net.ork of interconnected businesses in"ol"ed in the process of pro"iding product and ser"ice packages re6uired b# end customers of an 'T compan#/ The students need to stud# this net.ork and suggest means to impro"e its efficienc#/

Work life "alance

Students ma# stud# the impact of .ork life balance techni6ues on the emplo#eeEs producti"it# and turno"er rate of the organi7ation/ 1arious concepts like +le4time* Job0

7"usiness and its role in inventory management

Students stud# ho. information and communication technologies ,';T- are utili7ed in support of all

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the acti"ities of business in "ie. to control 'n"entor# s#stem/ This pro)ect should entail stud#ing the impact of better in"entor# management on the profit of the compan#/

Impact of -udget and Schedule Pressure on Software 4evelopment Cycle (ime and ffort
The pro)ect re6uires anal#7ing the direct and indirect impact of !udget assigned to pro)ect b# management to.ards the pro)ect on de"elopment of soft.are in terms of time and effort/ At the end of the stud# the student should be in a position to criticall# anal#7e the effecti"eness of the use of the budget/

(otal .uality management for I( Industry

TK is used to reduce the errors produced during the manufacturing or ser"ice process* increase customer satisfaction* and streamline suppl# chain management in 'T industr#/ The student need to stud# the current processes and suggest impro"ements if an#/

Consumer "uying "ehavior of e7marketed I( products

A0commerce has emerged as a lo. cost and eas# medium of selling soft.are products/ Though it is cost efficient* companies are still grappling .ith the issues of reaching the consumers in a much cluttered c#berspace/ This stud# .ill tr# to gauge consumer perspecti"e to.ards the 'T product pro"ided b# companies on internet* and suggest means to increase the reach/

-rand positioning and advertising of I( Products

The positioning of an# product defines the marketing campaign it has to follo.* its budget* the price of the product and a lot of ancillar# acti"ities/ Thus* the positioning of the product is a "er# important decision the compan# has to take/ an# a time it so happens that the compan# does not kno. the correct positioning it has in the minds of the consumers/ This leads to a mismatch in the actual and the appropriate efforts done b# the compan#/ The student is re6uired to anal#7e the positioning of the 'T $roducts and the related ad"ertising campaigns/

Implementation of cy"er law in I( %rgani'ation

The students need to anal#7e the concept of ;#ber La.s .ith special reference to the issues 0 ho. much consideration is gi"en b# 'ndustr# to.ards this and ho. it is implemented b# the 3rgani7ation/

$ a g e & 1?

Some practical implementations can also be discussed/

Staffing management and fle8i timing implemented in +etail stores

>etail sector recruits large number of staffs for smooth operation/ 'ssue arises because of e4tended dail# .orking hours and retail stores are open 5 da#s a .eek/ So* impact of .orkforce rotation and fle4ible timing offered to staffs should be studied/

+etail Management
Study of effectiveness of merchandise availa"ility and consumer shopping "ehavior
;ustomers follo. a specific pattern of "isiting to nearest con"enience store/ !asicall# it depends upon t#pe of merchandise a store has/ So effect of merchandise selection b# a store manager on foot fall of a store should be studied/ 'n a .arehouse* space management is based upon t#pes of "ehicle and material handling e6uipment used dail# on the shop floor/ Ho. it makes the s#stem efficient can be anal#7ed/

Materials handling e.uipment used for cost reduction on shop floor&warehouse

conse6uence all retailers do the automation in phases/ Stud# the degree of automation and future planning for that store so that it more automated/

+etail stores and degree of automation used for competitive advantage

A"er# store .ants the highest degree of automation done in their store/ !ut it costs a lot to setup the infrastructure for automation/ As a a stud# of suppl# chain management .hich sometime depends on third part# "endor/

+etail stores1 warehouse management

Students need to stud# ho. the .are house is coordinates .ith indi"idual retail stores for effecti"e in"entor# management/ Also* anal#sis should be done on basis of centrali7ed and decentrali7ed store/ Generall# the logistics are important factor but largel# outsourced/ Stud# about the "ari market segment and merchandise mi4/ Students .ill stud# the impact of the decision about a specific site

Study of +etail location and layout

The retail stores decide on the location depending upon the

$ a g e & 1=

related to a retailF.arehouse on the long term strateg#/ The# shall also* the utili7ation of carpet floor area for inside la#out of a retailF.arehouse/

methods also for enhancing safet# and securit# for the specific compan#/

International -usiness
8port import policies of the company
The student needs to stud# the e4port import policies of the compan# and relate it .ith the pre"ailing geopolitical and economic conditions of the countries of the .orld/ The# should also stud# the effect domestic markets ha"e on these policies/

Customer relationship management

;ustomer relation officers are the first ones on the store .ho interact .ith the customer and help them in their bu#ing process/ The stud# re"ol"es around the training .hich is pro"ided to the customer relationship managers and the .a#s the compan# uses to keep them updated .ith "arious training and de"elopment program

-usiness 5nit Strategies

an# companies organi7e themsel"es as independent business units in different markets/ Aach unit has its o.n accounts and strategies/ The students need to anal#7e the strategies businesses are using for effecti"e market penetration and profitabilit# in different business units/

9isual merchandising and atmospherics

1isual merchandising can be achie"ed effecti"el# b# .orking on some neglected areas of the shop like floors or .alls and e"en ceilings/ This can be studied in detail b# the students and some implementable suggestions should be gi"en/

Security measures for reducing the store1s theft

1arious steps are taken b# a retail store to ensure safet# and minimi7e shrinkage .ithin a store/ Some e4amples are bar0 codingFsecurit# and tagsF>+'(s/ Anal#7e the effecti"eness of abo"e methods and suggest some ne.

Market segmentation strategies

arket segmentation has a ke# role to pla# in the strategies formulated b# the companies/ A product .hich is mass market product in one countr# can be treated as a premium product in some other countr#/ The compan# has to realign its entire marketing plan to accommodate this change/

$ a g e & 20

The student .ill stud# the market segmentation strategies of the compan# in t.o or more different markets/

(ransfer pricing techni.ues followed "y company

The student needs to stud# the transfer price techni6ues .hich are being follo.ed b# the companies and anal#7e the same/

organi7ation the# are .orking .ith/ The# need to obser"e and understand the "arious acti"ities and processes of the organi7ation/ These acti"ities ha"e been classified in three sections as gi"en belo./

Accounts& )inance 4epartment

1/ Dhether the accounts are computeri7ed or manualH 2/ +ormat of the e4penses and ad)ustment "ouchers/ 3/ !anks transactions and bank reconciliations process/ 9/ Suppliers and (ebtors control ledgers and process of maintaining the records/ :/ $rocess of issuing (ebit and ;redit note to the customers and suppliers/ </ Ho. man# t#pes of (ail# >eports are being Generated and their flo.H 5/ Ho. man# t#pes of costing books are being maintainedH ?/ The process of Appro"ing of Suppliers !ills on the basis of $F3s/ =/ $a#ment procedures to the suppliers/ 10/ $rocess of making ;ash +lo. and +und +lo./

Management Compensation
A multinational compan# has to structure the compensation for the management as per the need of the countr#/ There are a lot of factors that affect this decision/ The student has to stud# the management compensation for a compan# for different markets/

)inancing of Pro*ects of the companies

The pro)ects situated in different markets .ill ha"e different uses and "arious modes of financing C ranging from +oreign ;urrenc# ;on"ertible !onds to loan from local banks 0 can be used/ The student has to stud# the "arious options* anal#7e them and suggest the best option for a gi"en compan#/

(he activities of the various departments

'n addition to their respecti"e pro)ects* the students are e4pected to utili7e the time spent at the

$ a g e & 21

11/ Ho. do the reco"eries maintainH 12/ ethod !udgeting/ of making

23/ !FL +orms and its procurement b# the shipping companies etc/ 29/ ;D; formalities and issuance of containers for the bonded .arehouses/ 2:/ 'dentification of shipping companies and scheduling the loading and unloading the consignments/ 2</ $lacing the orders to the suppliers to import the goods and formats of all related documents/ 25/ A4ecution of A4port orders and the procedures/ 2?/ A;G; formalities/

13/ ethod of calculating the depreciation/ ,As per 'ncome Ta4 Act and as per ;ompanies Act19/ ethod of doing the in"entor# "aluation/ 1:/ ethod of stocks taking for bank purpose/ 1</ ethod of keeping checks of consumables/ 15/ $rocess of sanctioning emplo#ees imprest and method of ad)ustments/ 1?/ All details re6uired for the finali7ation of accounts/ 1=/ 'mportant books and records of the compan# secretar# department/ 20/ 'mportant returnsand process of filing the return for >3;/ 21/ LF; opening procedure and LF; 22/ $rocessing of A4portF 'mport (ocuments and their formats/

2=/ Transit 'nsurance Guarantees document/ 30/ LF; I !ill discounting procedures .ith the banks/ 31/ ;op# of the A4cise Gate $assF 'n"oiceF ;hallansF A4port 'n"oice/

3uman +esource
1/ ;op# of the Standing 3rders/ 2/ ;op# of the H> polic#/ 3/ Ho. man# statutor# returns are being filled on monthl# basis ,$+FAS'FLabour (ept*F Gratuit#F 'nsurance* -

$ a g e & 22

9/ ;op# of all challans for the reference/ :/ !onus polic#F increment polic#F polic#* Annual incenti"e

15/ Staff Training (e"elopment Acti"ities/ 1?/ onthl# +eed S#stem of the staff/ 1=/ 20/ $romotion $olices* LTA $olices/

and !ack

</ >ecruitment process and method of obtaining re6uirements from the respecti"e departments/ 5/ Appraisal methods b# different departments/ ?/ the

Marketing 6 Sales
1/ ;ustomers 3rders >eceipts $rocedures/ 2/ 3rder $rocessing $rocedure/ 3/ 'ssue of >e6uisition* $roduction

aintaining of comparati"e statements of the competitors/

=/ An# S;> acti"it# and its flo. and treatment/ 10/ +orecasting and !udgeting of ;S> acti"ities/ 11/ ;alculation of emplo#ee cost to compan# and product/ per the

9/ Statement of 'n"entor# in the !onded .arehouse/ :/ (ealers and (istributor Appointment +ormalities/ </ $rocedure of 'ssue (ispatch ad"ise to dispatch department/ 5/ Setting of eligibilit# norms/ ?/ of the

12/ $reparation of monthl# salar# bill and procedure/ 13/ ;alculation of .orking da#s and o"ertime hours/ 19/ Specific polices for the moti"ation of the emplo#ees/ 1:/ ;ompensation polices in case of some accident or mishaps in the organi7ation/ 1</ Staff .elfare acti"ities/


aintenance of A4ciseF 1AT records and the formats of all returns/

=/ Treatment of re)ected goods at the dealersFretailers godo.ns/ 10/ 11/ (iscount $olices/ $ricing policies/

$ a g e & 23

12/ (ebit @oteF ;redit @ote issue polices/ 13/ 'n"oicing procedure/ and

20/ To understand 'S3 norms and maintaining the procedures/ 21/ !randing Ad"ertisement $olices/ 22/ After polices/ 23/ arket polices* sales I

19/ Jone .iseF Area .ise controlling of sales/ 1:/ $rocedure of targeting and sales forecasting/ 1</ ethods .atch on acti"ities/ of keeping competitor

ser"ices >esearch

29/ ;ustomer >elationship $olices* 2:/ !ack 3rder treatment polices* 2</ (istribution Logistics polices* 25/ Sales compensation policies/ 2?/ 'mprest policies/ I and force

15/ Statements .hich are mostl# prepared in the department as part of 'S/ 1?/ $rocedure of maintaining coordination .ith other departments such as procurement departmentF storesF $roduction (epartmentF KT (epartmentF (ispatch (epartment etc/ 1=/ Strategies of keeping the pace .ith Logistic (epartment/


A00 :5+
;3%>SA ;3(AG


valuation Parameters
G@<02* GT 502* GT5::* ;3 3<1 ;3%>SA T'TLAG Seminar on Summer $ro)ect

$ a g e & 29

L 0

T 0

$ 0

;>A('TS 3

Attendan ce 0

;A 0 0


AT$ 100

Course %"*ective; To enable students to de"elop and relate management theor# to practice/ To help students in making an informed career choice after e4posure to the actual .ork en"ironment/ C%5+S 9A25A(I%0 ;
arks Deightag e

!/)eed -ack < 8ternal and Internal=

A/ 'nternal +eedback b# entors !/ A4ternal +eedback b# ;ompan# a/ Attendance ,10 marks,Abo"e =0L M 10marks ?00?=LM ?* 5005=LM<*<00 <=LM 9* :=0<0LM 2b/ 'ndustrial feedback ,1: marks(otal ) 4-AC>

10 2:

10 10

#? !?? @? !??

#/ Presentation and Written +eport valuation (%(A2 (P

$ a g e & 2:

M%4 2 ! +esearch &Consultancy pro*ect components

S. no 1 Component PRESENTATION: Body Language Communication skills Content Question Handling Audio/Visual Aids Marks 10 "0 #0 #0 10 " PROJECT REPORT $nt%oduction-&u%'ose and ()*ecti+es Amount o, -o%k done (Lite%atu%e .e+ieand .esea%ch /ethodology! Quality o, -o%k done(0ata Analysis1 0ata $nte%'%etation1 2indings! .ecommendations and .e,e%ence "0 40 #0 10 (otal <Presentation and Written +eport= (%(A2 MA+>S %) (P #?A @? 80 100Marks 100 (Weightage40 ! 100 (Weightage40 ! Total

M%4 2 # Sale pro*ect components

S. no 1 Component PRESENTATION: 3ale demo Communication skills Content- sale st%ategy1 '%oducts kno-ledge1 selling '%ocess1 allocation o, %esou%ces1 4a%gets achie+ement1 Question Handling Audio/Visual Aids 20 10 30 30 10

(otal 100 (Weightage40 !


$ a g e & 2<
" PROJECT REPORT $nt%oduction to com'any and ()*ecti+es Amount o, -o%k done (3elling &%ocess1 4heo%etical Conce'ts1 2unctional '%ocess ,ollo-ed! Quality o, -o%k done (0ata '%esentation! .ecommendations1 .e,e%ences 5 6+idences 20 90 30 10 100 (Weightage40 !

Total<Presentation and Written +eport= (%(A2 MA+>S %) (P #?A @?

@? 100Marks

M%4 2 $ Community 4evelopment Pro*ect

S. no 1 Component PRESENTATION: Body Language Communication 3kill Content Question handling Audio/Visual Aids Marks 20 10 30 30 10 " PROJECT REPORT $nt%oduction and ()*ecti+es o, the &%o*ect Amount o, -o%k done (67ecution 1 0ata Collection and 0ocumentation! Quality o, -o%k done (Analysis1 2indings1 Quality o, %e'o%t! .ecommendation and .e,e%ences 20 90 30 10

(otal 100 (Weightage40 !

100 (Weightage40 !

Total <Presentation and Written +eport= (%(A2 MA+>S %) (P #?A @?

@? 100Marks

$ a g e & 25

Anne4ure ''0 Guidelines

1/ The e"aluation procedure of summer training pro)ect ,>eport and $resentation- .ill be held on :th* <th and 5th Aug* 2013/ 2/ The e"aluation panel .ill consist of t.o facult# members/ The 'nternal feedback component .ill be e"aluated one facult# , entor- and the ATA component .ill be e"aluated b# t.o facult# members/ 3/ +our T#pes of reports a- >esearch pro)ect based report b- ;onsultanc# !ased >eport c- Sales based report C for those students are engaged in selling during the training/ d- ;ommunit# (e"elopment >eport0 Students those are

engaged .ith the @G3F$ublic SectorF>eputed Associations* e/g/ A'ASA; for e4ecution of ;ommunit# (e"elopment $ro)ect during the training period/

9/ $edagog#G All the students are re6uired to do summer training for < .eeks/ ,Less than < .eeks .ill not accepted The students are re6uired to prepare a report on the basis of summer training .hich should be submitted at the time of their presentation turn/ The students .ill register for the NSeminar on Summer $ro)ectE course for the purpose of e"aluation/

$ a g e & 2?

@ame * (esignation and Sign of ;ourse $lanner

Appro"al of Ho(0+

Appro"al of Ho+

Anne8ure III7 Important deadlines


$ro)ect Topic $erforma ,Anne4ure0'1must be submitted to the facult# guide and respecti"e school training coordinator .ithin se"en da#s after starting the summer training through e mail/ +ortnightl# $rogress ,+or





must be sent in soft cop# to the

respecti"e facult# guide and

respecti"e school training coordinator b# e"er# 1: da#s inter"al/ Hence three reports to be send b# the students/

>eport >eport Training




through A0mail

$eriod from 1st June to 1:th

1st report0 1 June to 1:th June 2nd report0 1<th June to 30th June 3rd report0 1st Jul# to 1:th Jul#

15th June 2nd Jul# 15th Jul#

$ a g e & 2=


+acult# gi"e a

Guide on

.ould the

turn to e"aluators/,(ul# Signed and Stamped3ne final hard cop# of the report along .ith a ;( in pdf format must be submitted to A3 office after signed b# the facult# guide/ And one report ,in Spiral !inding- must be dul# signed b# must be


fortnightl# report ,Annue4ure0

1'- through email .ithin 3 da#s of 9/ students Hard fortnightl# ,Signed and mailing cop# progress of
the fortnightl# report/

the b#



the facult# presented for


compan#Es official- must be submitted at the time of the presentation be gi"en/ :/ submit The students at the time of their presentation must 'ndustr# +eedback +orm ,Anne4ure01''- and the Attendance sheet ,Anne4ure0 1'''- of their sta# at industr# .hich has to be signed and stamped </ form sealed b# the industr# pro)ect guide/ The industr# feedback and attendance b# sheet the should be submitted in the en"elope students at their presentation other.ise the marks for the same .ould not

mentor during



Training reports should be made b# the students0 , one is to submit to the respecti"e A3 officeOin hard cop#P * one is self cop# OSpiral bindingP .hich is to be presented at the time of presentation for e"aluation and one for submission to compan#* if demanded b# the compan#-/+or guide lines on ho. to make report refer to anne4ure0B'/

?/ The front page of the report must be in the prescribed format/ ,Anne4ure0B'-/
=/ @ames and A0mail '(s for training coordinators of different schools are as follo.s0 a/ K1 ,School of !usiness- 0 Lokesh Jasrai0 ?19<:?:39=*

$ a g e & 30 lokesh/)asraiQlpu/co/in b/ K2 ,School of !usiness Administration- 0 Sheetal C ?0:9913:0?* sheetal/1<?=9Qlpu/co/in c/ K3 ,School of Amanpreet 2aur0 =?1:=<=<9?*amanpreet/kaurQlpu/co/i n d/ K9 ,School of ;ommerce I Aconomics-0 @itin0 =?03:303:0* nitin/152=3Qlpu/co/in 10/Dhile sending the reports through e0mail to facult# guide and training coordinator* students are re6uired to follo. the title of the sub)ect in e0 mails* as follo.s0 >oll no/ .ith sectionF >egistration of the no/ FStudent @ameF @ame anagement-0 !!/All students are informed to complete their summer training "efore Bth of August #?!$C as the evaluation will "e scheduled on BthC Dth and on Eth AugustC #?!$/ Students along are advised summer to come with training report,Aither pro)ect topic report or forthrightl#

pro*ect reports <(wo +eports on in hard copyA C4 and one in spiral with PP(s= and "e present on these dates for the evaluation of the seminar on after the summer a"ove Pro*ect/ 0o presentation will "e rescheduled these mentioned dates/

A00 :5+

I97 Pro*ect (opic Performa

2%9 2F P+%) SSI%0A2 50I9 +SI(F 4 PA+(M 0( %) MA0AG M 0(

,To be sent through email to facult# guide as .ell as to training coordinator of the respecti"e school b# prescribed dates-

$ a g e & 31

@ame of The Student >eg/ @o/ ;lass* Section and >oll @o/ obile @o/ @ame of the 3rgani7ation ,Address(ate of Joining $ro)ect Topic Location 3ther >esponsibilitiesG ;ompan#Es (esignated Super"ising Authorit#R @ameI (esignation $hone @o ,3obileG A0 ail G Signature of Authorit#,.ith stamp-

To be Sent toG the facult# guide through email 0

;hange of Topic shall not be allo.ed later on/

$ a g e & 32

This information is re6uired to keep track of studentEs performance during summer training through telephonic calls and surprise "isits/

$ a g e & 33 +ortnightl# $rogress >eport A@@AB%>A 1

,e0 mail to facult# guide and training co0ordinator of schoolSchool 0ame777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 1/ @ame of the StudentG SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


2/ $eriod of Training


3/ @ame and address of the 3rgani7ationG SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


9/ @ame and (esignation of the $ro)ect 'n charge in the organi7ation



Signature of the StudentG SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

$ a g e & 39

A00 :5+ 9I 7 )eed"ack on fortnightly report "y faculty guide <for faculty only=
To be emailed to the student .ithin 3 da#s of receipt/


Suggestion regarding the progress during SSSSSSSSSSSSStoSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


$ a g e & 3: A@@AB%>A 1''0 'ndustr# +eedback +orm

2%9 2F P+%) SSI%0A2 50I9 +SI(F 4 PA+(M 0( %) MA0AG M 0( Galandhar72udhiana G( +oadC 4istt/ >apurthalaC Phagwara 'ndustr# +eedback +orm
,To be signed and stamped b# the industr# $ro)ect guide/ This is to be submitted at the time of presentation b# the students in sealed en"elope-

1/ @ame of the studentGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS >eg/ @o and sectionSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 2/ @ame of the 3rgani7ation I AddressSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 3/ Ho. do #ou rank himFher on the 5 attributesH ,$lease TS/0 o 1 2 3 9 : < 5 valuation Criteria $unctualit# Adherence to compan# norms ;onduct F !eha"ior 'nitiati"e Aagerness to Learn Approach to.ards the $ro)ect Kualit# of $ro)ect .ork 9ery Good Goo d Satisfact ory Poo r 9ery Poor

Dhat are the prospects of the students of being recruited b# the organi7ation on the completion of his degreeH High oderate Lo.


$ a g e & 3<


A00 :5+

9III7 Attendance Sheet

$ a g e & 35

2%9 2F P+%) SSI%0A2 50I9 +SI(F 4 PA+(M 0( %) MA0AG M 0( Attendance Sheet

,To be maintained b# industr# $ro)ect guide/ This is to be submitted at the time of presentation b# the students-



$eriod of TrainingG +romSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSToSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS June onth (ate Jul# August

$ a g e & 3?

@ame and (esignation of the industr# pro)ect guideSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Signature of the industr# pro)ect guide

A00 :5+ +eport

I: 7 Guidelines for Summer (raining

2%9 2F P+%) SSI%0A2 50I9 +SI(F 4 PA+(M 0( %) MA0AG M 0(

$ a g e & 3=

Guidelines for Summer (raining +eport

+ont Si7e Line Spacing $aper Si7e argins G G

G 1/: G

12 Times @e. >oman


3ne inch on all sides of the page

P+ S 0(A(I%0 %) (3 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. C3AP(

+ P%+(

TitleF co"er page , Anne4ure B'';ertificate by the Project-Incharge Ackno.ledgements Table of contents ,including list of tables and illustrationsAbstractFA4ecuti"e summar# R + P2A0

As mentioned in the e"aluation parameters in anne4ure0 There can be t.o t#pes of repots research report and sales report and for e"aluation parameters refer to anne4ure0


A4ecuti"e Summar#F AbstractG The report should carr# an abstract ,or e4ecuti"e summar#- in the initial pages of the report/ 't helps the reader to get an o"er"ie. of the report/ The length of the e4ecuti"e summar#F abstract can be upto 30< pages and should thro. light on the essential informationG $urposeF ob)ecti"e of the stud# and its significance Scope of the stud# and methodolog# +indings and recommendations

$ a g e & 90

RR !ibliograph# must be presented in the formatG

Anne8ure : +eferences
3%W (% W+I( + ) + 0C S images* pictures and illustrations* maps* internet resources/ This section is an introduction to .riting references and co"ers the most common t#pes of material in both print and electronic formG books* chapters in books* conferences and their papers* official publications* dissertations and theses* )ournal articles*

(ip Saving (ime ake sure that #ou get all the reference information #ou need .hile #ou still ha"e the source

$ a g e & 91

material ,e/g/ book- in front of #ou/ Uou .ill .aste a lot of time if #ou ha"e to ha"e to go back and find this information later/ +or e4ampleG if #ou make a photocop# check that #ou ha"e the page numbersV if #ou inter"ie. someone make a note of the dateV if #ou print a .eb page make a note of the full .eb address and the date on .hich #ou accessed it/

that #ou cannot be accused of plagiarism* i/e/ stealing from another personEs .ork/ When should I include references in my workH 1/ Dhene"er #ou 6uote someone elseEs .ork/ This does not )ust include .ords but tables* charts* pictures* music* etc/ 2/ Dhen #ou re.rite or paraphrase someone elseEs .ork/ 3/ Dhen #ou summarise someone elseEs .ork/ Why should I give such detailed informationH The purpose of the details pro"ided is to make it eas# for someone else to follo. up and trace the materials .hich #ou ha"e used/ Dithout full references* #our tutor ma# be led into thinking #ou are tr#ing to take credit for someone elseEs .ork i/e/ plagiarism/ 1/ 2eep it accurate/ This means that the markerFtutor does not .aste time if the# .ish to consult the items #ou ha"e listed/ 'f #our list is full of errors #ou .ill lose marks/ 3/ %se a consistent format for #our references/ This .ill ensure that it is eas# to locate a reference .ithin #our reading list/

Why should I include references in my workH 1/ 't sho.s the range of reading .hich #ou ha"e done/ This gains #ou marks/ 2/ Uou ma# support #our arguments .ith the opinion of ackno.ledged e4perts and use data from reputable sources/ This can make #our o.n arguments more con"incing/ 3/ 't is a basic academic re6uirement to sho. details of the sources of #our information* ideas and arguments/ (oing so means

What are the most important points a"out my list of referencesH 2/ $ro"ide all the rele"ant details/ This makes it is eas# for the marker to identif# the items .hich #ou ha"e listed/ Again* if some of the important information is missing #ou .ill lose marks/

$ a g e & 92

What do I need to includeH The most important parts of a reference are as follo.sG 1/ The person,s- .ho N.roteE the .orkG 0 The Author,s- or 3riginator,s-/ 2/ An#one .ho edited* translated* arranged the item/ 3/ The name of the .orkG 0 usuall# the Title/ 9/ An# additional information about the name of the itemG 0 usuall# the Subtitle/ :/ The person .ho puts the .ork into its ph#sical formatG 0 usuall# the $ublisher/ </ The date .hen the .ork .as made a"ailable or published ,not necessaril# .hen it .as .ritten* etc/-/ 5/ The place of publication ,if kno.n-/ ?/ $h#sical details of the item such as 1ol/ @o/ page numbers etc// =/ An# additional information helpful to locate the .orks ,such as a .eb address* a catalogue number* the title of a series* etc/-/ or

3ow do I Cite an Item in the (e8t of my Pro*ectH >esearcher need to pro"ide the information if #ou mention another piece of .ork* book etc/ in #our assignment/

(a) When quoting directly from someone elses work give: Author,s- follo.ed #ear in round brackets/ b# the

e/g/ WAs .ith an# in"estment* .orking capital e4poses the business to risk/X 1erma ,2003-

(b) If there is no author give either: A statement that the .ork is anon#mous ,Anon-follo.ed b# the #ear in round bracketsG e/g/ Anon/ ,200<-

Title follo.ed b# the date in round brackets/ e/g/ Anc#clopaedia !ritannica ,2003-

(c) If the author

roduced more than one work in the same year: the items alphabeticall# b# their title first-G

%se letters to indicate this ,probabl# it is best to arrange

$ a g e & 93


Singh ,2009 aSingh ,2009 b-

List the authors in the form abo"e .ith WIX bet.een them/ e/g/ ohammed* A/ I 2han* J/

(d) When referring to or summarising ut both the author(s) and year. e/g/ 1erma ,2005describes ho. the business is e4posed to risk b# .orking capital/

c- Three AuthorsG List the authors as abo"e .ith a comma after the first and WIX after the second/ e/g/ $r#ce0Jones* T/* $atel* 1/ I !ro.n* $/ dore than three authors should be listed .ith onl# the first named follo.ed b# the Greek term Wet alX/ This translates as Wand othersX/ e/g/ Hussain* J/ et al/

G 0 +A2 +52 S <i=/ Authors a- Single Author +amil# name first* then a comma and space and then personal name,s- or initial,s-/ e/g/ Singh* A/ b- T.o Authors

ditors Aditors are treated the same as authors e4cept that Ad/ or Ads/ is put in brackets after the editor or editors names/

e/g/ Dalker* T/ ,Ad/-

Corporate Author A corporate author is a group .hich takes responsibilit# for .riting a publication/ 't could be a societ# and professional bod#* an international organisation* a go"ernment department or an# other group/ A go"ernment

publication should begin .ith the countr#* then the department* then an# committee or subcommittee/ e/g/ (epartment Skills Great !ritain/ for Aducation and

e/g/ $riceDaterhouse;oopers

$ a g e & 99

<ii= 4ate The date of NpublicationE should be included/ 'f there are a number of different reissues or reprints of the item gi"e the earliest date of the edition #ou are referring to/ e/g/ if the information in the book reads W1=?= reprinted in 1==0* 1==2* 1==:* 1==<* 2000X gi"e 1=?=/ Dhere appropriate #ou should include the place .here the item .as published/ e/g/ @e. (elhi ,'ndia'f there is more than one place of publication gi"en choose the first one/ e/g/ for $aris* @e. Uork* London gi"e W$arisX

'f it is not possible to ascertain the date put the follo.ingG On/d/P or OundatedP or Ono dateP/

<vi= Pu"lisher 'f the item is published gi"e the name of the publisher as it appears on the item/ e/g Sultan ;hand I Sons 'f the item is unpublished it ma# still be possible to gi"e the name of the bod# responsible for issuing the .ork/ e/g/ 1erma * >/ ,1==?-/ 'mpact of arket 3rientation on ;orporate Success/ %npublished $h( thesis* %ni"ersit# of Himachal $radesh/ <vii= %ther Information Uou ma# .ish to include other information about the item such as its 'S!@* ph#sical format ,e/g/ Lecture* Deb Site* A0 ail* internet address* etc/-/ ore detail is gi"en in the section

<iii= (itle The title should be copied from the item itself if possible and should be in italics/ 'f there is no title on the item #ou ma# need to in"ent a descripti"e title/ 'n this case #ou should put it in s6uare brackets O P/



'f there are different editions of the .ork #ou should gi"e details of .hich edition #ou are using/ e/g 3rd ed

<v= Place

$ a g e & 9:

4 (AI2 4


<i= -ooks <or reports= 'nformation about a book should* if possible* be taken from the title page and the back of the title page/

't is usuall# laid out like thisG

2otler* $/ ,200<-* Marketing Management* 12th Ad/ @e. (elhiG $earson $ublishers Ltd/* pp/ 1023/

Author $ages

(ate of $ublication



$lace of $ublication



lectronic -ooks

Alectronic !ooks should be treated "er# similarl# to print ones/ Uou need to include the address of the .ebsite at .hich #ou "ie.ed the .ork and the date on .hich #ou "ie.ed it/ e/g/ >oshan* $/ I Lear#* J/ ,2003Financial Analysis/ Sebastopol* ;AG ;isco $ress

Oa"ailable atG httpGFFpro6uest/safaribooksonline/comF1: ?50:0553 "ie.ed on 11F03F200?P

<iii= Gournal Articles $ublications that are published regularl# .ith the same title and often a "olume andFor part number are usuall# kno.n as serials/ These could include publications published annuall#* 6uarterl# ,9

$ a g e & 9<

times per #ear-* bimonthl# ,e"er# 2 months-* monthl#* .eekl# or dail#/ $opular serials e/g/ !usiness Dorld* are usuall# called maga7ines but more academic publications are often kno.n as )ournals/ Author Journal Title Uear

The reference from )ournal should be laid out like thisG

Article Title

2umar* G/ !/ ,200:- ;hanges Ahead in Health ;are aga7ine* 1ol :0* @o 13* pp/ <00<1/

anagement/ H>



$age @umbers

<iv= We" Sites A .eb page should be treated similarl# to a print .ork in that it ma# ha"e an author or editor and a title/ 't ma# be dated and the main site ,of .hich the page is a partma# also ha"e a publisher and ma# also gi"e an address in the Wabout usX or WcontactX section/ Uou should include the address of the .eb page and also include the date on .hich #ou "ie.ed the page/ e/g/

!arger* J/ ,2000- A biograph# of Leopold $aula !loom httpGFF.../robot.isdom/com F)a)Ful#ssesFbloom/html O"ie.ed 11F05F200<P/

@oteG All references should be gi"en alphabeticall#/ The literature re"ie.ed should be arranged as per the re6uirement of theme/

$ a g e & 95

$ a g e & 9? A@@AB%>A0B' >eport on Summer Training

2%9 2F P+%) SSI%0A2 50I9 +SI(F 4 PA+(M 0( %) MA0AG M 0(

+eport on Summer (raining I(itleJ KKKKKKKKKKKKKK// KKKKKKKKKKKKKK// KKKKKKKKKKKKKK// Su"mitted to 2ovely Professional 5niversity

'n partial fulfillment of the >e6uirements for the a.ard of (egree of aster of !usiness Administration Submitted by: Name of the student Uni ersity !oll No"

4 PA+(M 0( %) MA0AG M 0( 2%9 2F P+%) SSI%0A2 50I9 +SI(F GA2A043A+ 0 W 4 23I G( +%A4 P3AGWA+A P50GA-

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