2nd Test 3rd Term

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I Read the text carefully.

Modem Times
5You already have experience with electronic communications: every time
you make an airline reservation or use an automatic teller machine or have your credit card verified, you are participating in an electronic ut communications session. A remote computer is talking to another computer on your behalf in order to perform some function for you.

10what if computers could talk to remote people! "r if you could talk to
remote colleagues and libraries via computer! #ell, that is a reality $ a virtual reality, as the saying goes. %ot only it is possible for us to communicate instantly with people and places via computer using electronic mail &e'mail(, it can also be inexpensive and simple to do. )'mail, which is

15the essence of the *nternet, is only one of many tools that are appearing
along the entire length of the electronic superhighway. +his highway is now the ,uickest way to get to the people we want to talk to and the information we want to find. *n short, while e'mail is the simplest and most immediate function of the *nternet for many people, there are many other

20fascinating aspects of electronic communications, all of which revolve

around the ac,uisition and transfer of information. +he industrial age has matured into the information age, wherein the means to access, manipulate, and use information has become crucial to our lives and success as citi-ens of the global village. +he electronic superhighway

25provides an entree to libraries, research institutions, databases, art

galleries, census bureaus, and myriad other sources of data. but for those of us interested in intercultural communication, the best part about it all is that /yberspace is a universal community, with instant access not 0ust to information everywhere, but also to friends old and new around the globe.

&by Anthea +illyer in )nglish +eaching 1orum, "ctober 2334(


1. Explain the meaning of the title of the text.

2. Say hether the follo ing sentences are True or !alse. "ustify your choice. a( "ur world is being deeply influenced by the *nternet. 5 b( +he *nternet compresses distance. c( #e cannot communicate instantly with a friend via *nternet. d( +he electronic superhighway never enters libraries or museums.

#. !ind synonyms in the text for the follo ing 10phrases% a( /hecked. b( *n your interest. c( 5o. d( 5istant. 15 e( /heap.


&. 'ns er the follo ing (uestions on the text. a( #hat are the advantages of the *nternet mentioned in the text! b( +he author of the text emphasises the importance of e'mail. 5o 20 you agree with her! Account for your answer. c( #hat sources of information does the *nternet provide! d( 5o you agree with the definition of /yberspace given by the author! 6ustify your answer.



1. Rephrase the follo ing sentences )eginning them as sho n% a( /hildren, teens and adults are using the *nternet unnecessary purposes these days. The doctor said... 5 for

b( 5on7t sit in front of the +8 screen for so long9 The teacher ad*ised us... c( where do you usually search for information for school essays! 'na as+ed her friend...


d( * have been looking all over for this fashion maga-ine. My sister told us... e( 5id you see the episode of :tar +rek last night! Tom anted to +no ... f( Yesterday * saw an outstanding documentary on +8. My father said...

152. Report the follo ing statement. * don7t usually use the %et to talk to strangers because my parents say that it can be dangerous. * usually use the %et to do research for my school pro0ects since this year * have a lot to do. 20 Mary said...

#. "oin the sentences using a relati*e pronoun. a( Ana is my friend. :he loves meeting people in chat rooms. b( +he maga-ine article about anorexia is excellent. * took the 25 article from the school library. c( ;y brother is <= years old. >is wife works for a well'known fashion maga-ine. d( +he cyber criminal was condemned. >e managed to get access to confidential data. 30 e( )asily influenced teenagers and children soon become addicted. +hey spend long hours in chat rooms.


,omment the follo ing statement. -rite a)out 1..


#hat do you think about online dating! #ould you go for it! #hy! #hy not! 5on7t forget to mention the advantages and disadvantages 5 of the *nternet.



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