Orifice Measurement or Control of Flow Tube Sharp-Edged Circular Orifice Mean Velocity Velocity of Approach

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Osborne Reynold path line / streamlines

CHAPTER 5 he makes possible to predict the characteristics of flow of any fluid path followed by a particle imaginary curves drawn through a fluid to indicate direction of motion of flow small bundle of path lines represents elementary portion of a flowing fluid bounded by a group of stream lines w/c confines flow is the amount of fluid passing through a section per unit of time discharge is constant with time average velocity is the same usually occurs when an incompressible fluid flows through a stream with uniform cross section velocity changes discharge at every section is the same path of individual fluid particles do not intersect or cross path of individual particles are irregular and continuously cross each other occurs when in an incompressible fluid, the direction and magnitude of velocity at all points are the same occurs when fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and streamline patterns are the same indicate flow patterns in case of two-dimensional flow energy possesed by flowing fluid consists of __ and __ energy

stream tube

Discharge or flow rate steady flow uniform flow

non-uniform flow continuous flow laminar flow turbulent flow one-dimensional flow two-dimensional flow flow nets kinetic potential kinetic energy elevation energy

ability of fluid mass to do work energy possesed by fluid by virtue of its position or elevation with respect to a datum plane potential energy also know as pressure energy total head or energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energy power is the rate at which work is done bernoulli's energy theorem results from application of principles of conservation of energy ideal or theoretical values actual values pump hydraulic grade line energy grade line values that we get from neglecting head loss

values that we get from considering head loss is used to increase head is the graph representation of total potential energy of flow is the graph representation of total energy of flow CHAPTER 6 Orifice An opening with a closed perimeter through which a fluid flows. Measurement or control of Purpose of an orifice. flow Tube An orifice with prolonged sides. Sharp-edged circular Most common cross-section for fluid measurement. orifice Mean velocity Velocity due to the mean head. Velocity of approach Mean velocity in the channel of approach

The theoretical velocity of discharge from an orifice is therefore the velocity acquired by a body falling freely in a vacuum through a height equal to the head on the orifice. Actual velocity < theoretical velocity because of frictional resistance. Coefficient of velocity, Cv Ratio of actual mean velocity, V to the theoretical velocity, Vt. Contraction of the jet Phenomenon in which the fluid particles follow a curvilinear path, thus causing the jet to contract for a short distance beyond the orifice. Section where contraction caused by the orifice ceases. Distance of vena contracta for a sharp-edge circular orifice. Ratio of cross-sectional area of the jet at the vena contracta to the area of the orifice. Product of Cc and Cv Change of cross-section of the jet as it reaches the vena contracta.

Torricellis theorem

Vena contracta D Coefficient of contraction, Cc Coefficient of discharge, C Inversion of the jet Pitot tube Coordinate method Medaugh and Johnson

Used to measure the velocity in the jet with fair accuracy. Method used to determine the velocity of the jet. Made an experiment to determine the coefficients of discharge of sharpedged circular orifices. C decreases as the head and the size of orifice increase. Schoder and Dawson Stated that the percent increase in Q due to rounding equals 3.1 times the percent that r is of D. Gate Opening in a dam or other hydraulic structure to control the passage of water. Suppressed contraction If a gate has any portion of its edge flushes with the bottom or a side of the channel of approach. Sluice gate A gate which has its lower edge in or near the bed of a channel. 0.82H Pressure head at the contracted section of the tube. Nozzle Converging tube. Venturi and Eytelwein Experimented on diverging tubes. Re-entrant or inwardTubes having their end projecting into a reservoir. projecting tubes Bordas mouthpiece A special case of the re-entrant tube, consisting of a thin tube projecting into the reservoir about one diameter. Pressure-momentum Based on principle of mechanics that force equals the rate of change of theory momentum. Cavitation Causes pitting of the concrete on siphon spillways. Weir An overflow structure built across an open channel for the purpose of measuring the flow. Triangular weir Best adapted for measurement of other liquids. Crest Edge or top surface with which the flowing liquid comes in contact. Sharp-crested Broad-crested Free flow Forms of crest If the water surface downstream from the weir is lower than the crest

Submerged Nappe Crest contraction Contracted weir Suppressed weir Full width weir Drop-down curve Stilling well Hook gage Point gage Law of inertia

If downstream surface is higher than the crest. Overfalling stream The nappe is contracted at its under side by the action of the vertical components of velocity just upstream from the weir. If the sides of the opening also have sharp upstream edges so that the nappe is contracted in width If the nappe suffers no contraction in width. Other name for suppressed Downward curvature of the surface of the liquid Used to measure head on weirs Consists of a graduated metallic rod with a pointed hook at the bottom Like a hook gage CHAPTER 9 A body at rest will remain to be at rest or in motion will remain in motion with a uniform velocity along a straight line until acted upon by an external force. A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force system has an acceleration in line with and directly proportional to the resultant of the force system and

Law of force

Law of stress Newton's third law of motion Drag Pressure Drag Friction Drag Lift Terminal velocity

Water Hammer

inversely proportional to its mass. In every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. The force exerted by the fluid to the plate is equal but opposite in direction. It is component of the resultant force exerted by a fluid on a body parallel to the relative motion of the fluid. It is the resultant of all the pressure forces exerted on the surface of the body. It is the resultant of the shear stress along the surface of the body in the direction of motion. It is the component of the resultant force exerted by a fluid on a body perpendicular to the relative motion of the fluid. If the body falls freely for a sufficient length of time, its velocity increases so the drag force is increased until the total upward force equals the weight of the body and the body has acquired a constant velocity called the ______________. It is a term used to express the resulting shock (pressure rise) in a pipeline cause by the sudden decrease or stoppage of motion of the fluid.

CHAPTER 3 - OBJECTIVES 1. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium due to the force of gravity.

2. Semi graphic Methods may be used in locating the center of pressure on any plane area whose horizontal dimension does not vary with the depth

3. Dams are built for the purpose of impounding water.

4. The Dam is subject to Hydrostatic Forces which tend to : (1) slide it horizontally on its foundation, (2) overturn it about its downstream edge or toe. These tendencies are resisted by: (1) friction on the base of the dam, (2) gravitational forces which produce moment opposite in direction to the overturning moment.

5. Hydrostatic Uplift. The hydrostatic force of water exerted on or underneath a structure tending to cause a displacement of the structure. It (1) reduces stability against sliding, (2) reduces the stability against overturning; and (3) it may increase the intensity of this pressure at the toe.

6. Buoyant Force. The force exerted vertically upward by a fluid on a body wholly or partly immersed in it; its magnitude is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. 7. Principle of Archimedes. Any body immersed in a fluid is subjected to a buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.


Metacentric Height. A measurement of the initial static stability of a floating body. It is calculated as

Righting Moment. The torque which tends to restore a vessel heeled over to its upright position; it is the product of the righting arm and the weight of the vessel.

Hydraulics Hydrostatics Hydrodynamics Fluids Shearing Stress Unit Weight Mass Density Specific Gravity Viscosity Dynamic/Absolute Viscosity Poise Relative Viscosity 1 Centipoise Kinematic Viscosity Stoke

Chapter 1 - Fundamental Properties of Fluids Branch of science which treats of water or other fluid in motion. Study of the pressure exerted by fluids at rest. Study of the forces exerted by or upon fluids in motion. Substances capable of flowing, having particles which easily move and change their position without a separation of the mass. The amount of unit deformation up to a certain point being proportional to the unit stress. The weight of a unit volume of a fluid. The mass per unit volume. The ratio of the unit weight of a fluid to the unit weight of water at 4 degrees Celsius (39.2 degrees Fahrenheit). Property of a fluid which determines the amount of its resistance to a shearing stress. The force required to move a flat surface of unit area at unit relative velocity parallel to another surface at unit distance away, the space between the surfaces being filed with the fluid. Unit of viscosity The ratio of the dynamic viscosity of any fluid to the dynamic viscosity of water at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Dynamic viscosity of water at 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) The ratio of the dynamic viscosity of a fluid to its mass density. Unit of the answer in no. 14.

Viscometer/Viscosimeter Instrument used to measure viscosity of fluids. Chapter 2 - Principles of Hydrostatic Pressure

Principle of Hydrostatic Pressure Unit Pressure Pascal's Law Free Surface Vacuum Perfect Vacuum Absolute Pressure Gage Pressure Pressure Head Barometer

The resultant pressure on any plane in a fluid at rest is normal to that plane. The amount of pressure per unit area. At any point in a fluid at rest, the pressure is the same in all directions. A liquid in which the surface is subjected to zero pressure. Associated with space subjected to pressure less than the prevailng atmospheric pressure. A space in which is no matter either in the solid, liquid, or gaseous form. The intensity of pressure measured above absolute zero. Measured pressure. The height of a column of homogenous fluid of unit weight that will produce an intensity of pressure. A device for measuring intensities of pressure exerted by the atmosphere. He discovered that, if a tube more than 30 in. long and closed at one end is filled with mercury and then made to stand vertically with the open end submerged in a vessel of mercury , the column in the tube will stand approximately 30 in. above the surface of the mercury. Name for the device discovered in no.27. He proved that the height of the column of mercury depended upon atmospheric pressure,when he carried a barometer at higher elevation, height of column decreased as altitude increased. A tube, usually bent in the form of a U, containing a liquid of known specific gravity, the surface of which moves proportionally to changes of pressure. A type of manometer with an atmospheric surface in one leg and capable of neasuring gage pressures. A type of manometer without an atmospheric surface and capable of neasuring only differences of pressure. The simplests form of manometer which is a tube tapped into the wall of a container or conduit for the purpose of measuring the pressure.


Mercury Barometer Pascal

Manometer Open Type Manometer Differential Type Manometer Piezometer Piezometer Single-Tube Manometer U-Tube Manometer

Three types of open type manometer

Hydrokinetics Relative Equilibrium

Chapter 4 - Relative Equilibrium of Liquids Deals with liquids that are in motion with respect both to the earth and the containers. The liquid is in equilibrium and at rest with respect to the vessel, but it is neither in equilibrium nor at rest with respect to the earth.

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