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Fill in the missing verbs in the text to find out a fascinating story about your life. You should change the verbs into the simple past tense in order to make sense.

be - fall - ask - lose - shake - pour - stand - agree - begin - smile

A philosophy professor 1) ... before his class and had some items in front of him. First he 2) ... filling a large glass jar with golf balls. The students 3) .. that the jar 4) .... full. So the professor 5) ..... and picked up a box of small pebbles and poured them into the jar. The pebbles, of course, 6) ... into the small spaces. Then the professor 7) .... a box of sand into the jar, 8) .. it, and the sand completely filled the jar. Then he explained. The jar represents your life, said the professor. The balls are the important things your family, your religion, your health; if you 9) . everything else, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the smaller things that matter your job, your house, your car. The sand represents the trivial things. If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the balls, just like life. Take care of the rocks first- the things that really matter. The rest is just sand. One student 10) .... what cups of tea represented. The professor smiled and said: Look, what happens! then he poured the entire contents of the cups into the jar and the tea was easily absorbed. Now its full, he said. You know what, the professor continued, the moral of the story is simple. No matter how full your life is, there is always room for a nice cup of tea with a friend.

Fill in the missing verbs in the text to find out a fascinating story about your life.

shook - asked - stood - fell - agreed - began - lost - was - smiled - poured

A philosophy professor 1) ... before his class and had some items in front of him. First he 2) ... filling a large glass jar with golf balls. The students 3) .. that the jar 4) .... full. So the professor 5) ..... and picked up a box of small pebbles and poured them into the jar. The pebbles, of course, 6) ... into the small spaces. Then the professor 7) ...... a box of sand into the jar, 8) .... it, and the sand completely filled the jar. Then he explained. The jar represents your life, said the professor. The balls are the important things your family, your religion, your health; if you 9) . everything else, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the smaller things that matter your job, your house, your car. The sand represents the trivial things. If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the balls, just like life. Take care of the rocks first- the things that really matter. The rest is just sand. One student 10) ... what cups of tea represented. The professor smiled and said: Look, what happens! then he poured the entire contents of the cups into the jar and the tea was easily absorbed. Now its full, he said. You know what, the professor continued, the moral of the story is simple. No matter how full your life is, there is always room for a nice cup of tea with a friend.

1. stood 2. began 3. agreed 4. was 5. smiled 6. fell 7. poured 8. shook 9. lost 10.asked

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