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teking. Figure 1: How to formet your prges using the cornell System of note

STEP 6: Listening, NoteTaking, and Participating in


Name: Class: Academic Snarcgies _ENGL1003-101 Date: Fall 2012



What are the basics of listening and note-taking?

Take a few minutes to review vour study notes for the previous class. Consider recording your lectures. Instructors always think that what they say while lecturins is more important than what the text says. If you have trouble understanding the material presented by your instructor, ask him to speak slower or to repeat key points. Particioate in class discussions.

Name 3 most frequently used note-taking systems

1. Cornell Format: is a systematic method for condensing and organizing notes that allow students to review notes without laborious recopvins. 2. Outline Format: is a systematic method useful for material that moves from main ideas to details. 3. Paragraph Format: an idea or summary of a particular topic is presented in a detailed oarasraoh.

What are the most important Note-Taking


IdentiS, the main ideas, which contain key points. Proceed to focus on the details. Do not trv to write down everythine. It will distract vou from thinkine. Consult vour readins material with vour instructor(s) and/or classmates. Check vour class svllabus and oroceed to do the assisned readins. Read/review any complimentary material provided by your instructor such as handouts. and electronic sources. Keeo an oDen mind.
Prepare yourself to hear. to listen, and to receive the message Listen for the main conceots and ideas first. Repeat mentally. Restate in your own words the messaqe being received. Ask questions. Respect vour own ideas and those of others.

What do I need to do before


...and during class?

...What about after class?

How do I take notes for nonlecture/quantitative

Respond, recite, and review Keep your notes in a three-ring binder labeled with the course number and

Take notes only on the front ofeach piece ofloose-leafpaper. Consider takine your notes in pencil or erasable pen. Write down all worked problems, step by step. Use standard symbols, abbreviation- and scientific notation.
Focus vour eyes on the lecturer. Listen carefully to him. Sit as close to the front as possible. Raise your hand when you do not understand something. Speak up, and never feel that you are askine a o'stuDid question".

How can I become an ACTIVE LEARNER?

Summary: Learning is not an easy task to accomplish. To really learn, you must talk about what you are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences and make it part of yourself. PARTICIPATION is the heart of ACTIVE LEARNING. By actively participating in class, you will listen better and take meaningful notes. When you are a good listener, your capacity of understanding complex materials and your academic performance improves significantly.

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