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The Inconvenient Truth about the Palestinian Israeli Conflict



What a "uslim #ho converte$ to Christianit% sai$ As a former Shiite Muslim, I recommend this book to anyone who desires to know the truth about Islam. Dr. Heinrich has uncovered im ortant material that is hidden from !estern audiences. "his reli#ion is not based on love$ it has no lace where %od or Allah transforms the life of a erson. It is a reli#ion of an#er and con&uest.' (( Adrian Medley, )ehrersbur#, *A

&i'ure (! An Islamic Poster Celebrates America)s &uture Destruction! "his book e+ lains the ma,or root cause of the *alestinian(Israeli conflict that is now #lobal and

the reason ,ihadists have a and America.

assionate hatred for both Israel

All -ible Scri ture &uotations are from the .ew American Standard /ersion of the -ible. 0o yri#ht 1 2345, 2346, 2347, 2348, 2392, 2396, 2397, 239:, 2399, 233: by the ;ockman <oundation. =sed by ermission courtesy of the >ondervan *ublishin# House. All ?uranic &uotations are from the Authori@ed An#lish "ranslation of the Arabic ?uran BCoranD by Dr. )ashad Chalifa, Aditor and "ranslator. =sed by *ermission of >ondervan *ublishin# House. All Hadith &uotations were translated by =niversity of Southern 0alifornia, 0enter of Muslim(Eewish An#a#ement and are from the =S0 website. =sed by *ermission of >ondervan *ublishin# House.

REALITY DENIED: The Inconvenient Truth about the Palestinian ** Israeli Conflict! 0o yri#ht 1 6558(6522 by !illiam H. Heinrich All ri#hts reserved *ublished by Avidence of "ruth Ministries, Inc. *F -o+ 2 !itmer, *A 29:8: www.AvidenceFf"ruthMinistries.or# IS-.G 398(2(6:9(46693(: ;ibrary of 0on#ress 2. 6. 7. Islamic History -iblical History Middle Aast History

All ri#hts reserved. .o ortion of this book may be re roduced in any form without the written ermission of the author. *rinted in the =nited States of America

"he ur ose of this book is to inform readers of the si#nificant eo le, tribes, nations, and events that formed todays Middle Aast and #lobal crises, and to develo enli#htened readers who think critically.

Tables of Content With +ubtitles Cha,ter Pa'e 2 <rom Abraham to Muhammad 29 %enealo#ical )ecordG !ho is !hoH Historical Fverview Eewish BHasmoneanD )ule B247 I 47 -0D )oman Am ire B47 -0 I AD 726D -y@antine Am ire B726 I 474D 6 Muhammad and the <oundin# of Islam J7 "he 0ultural Anvironment of the Arabian *eninsula )eli#ions of the Arabian *eninsula MuhammadG *ro het or Military MysticH 7 Islamic A+ ansion )ule of Islamic 0ali hates B474 I 2596D 0rusader *eriod B2534 I 2632D Fttoman Am ire B2:29(2329D .ineteenth 0enturyG Massive 0han#es -e#in J 277 !orld !ar I and the Division of the ;and 0onflictin# -ritish *olicies : "he -e#innin# of *alestinian Arab Identity and "errorism 2J4 Division in the Arab House Eewish *resence K Islamic Idealism L /iolence


4 296

Adolf Hitler, !orld !ar II and the Arab 0ons iracy Insti#ators of Hatred "he .a@i I *alestinian Alliance "he Matter of Athics and Morality

*ost !orld !ar II and the -irth of Israel 657

"he Eewish *assion and Stru##le for their *romised ;and "he -irth of Israel )efu#ees and more !ar 8 643 Muslim !ar of to Misinformation and and *ro a#anda acce ted by

!arnin#s !estern

Dece tions

%overnments and Academics 3 752 "he 0onflict A+ ands Internationally *eace A#reements L /iolence Si#nificant ?uestions about *alestine' 25 78J Summary and 0onclusion !ords of Ho e and 0omfort

"he hardest thin# to e+ lain is the #larin#ly evidence which everybody had decided not to see.' (( Ayn )and


&i'ures 2 An Islamic *oster 0elebrates Americas Destruction 7 6 "he %reat >i##urat of Ancient =r 23 7 A )elief 0arvin# of the Moon %od 23 J "he %enealo#ical "ree of AbrahamG Eewish Side 68 : "he %enealo#ical "ree of AbrahamG Arab Side 63 4 Illustration of a 0oin with 0rescent Moon J4 9 Stone Monument with 0rescent Moon J4 8 Manuscri t De icts the -irth of Muhammad J3 3 Hamas -ride#rooms with 0hild -rides :2 25 Muhammad )ides his !in#ed Horse :9 22 Muhammad ;eads Abraham, Moses and Eesus in *rayer :9 26 *aintin# of Muhammad Cillin# Eews 49 27 Modern "errorist <ollows Muhammads A+am le 48 2J Muhammad Anters Mecca 99 2: "he )uins of the 0a ernaum Syna#o#ue 83 24 A Auro ean kni#ht vs. an Arabian horseman 36 29 Dome of the )ock 34 28 )ock within the Dome 34 23 "he Shahada 39 65 0rusader Ma of Eerusalem 252 62 )uins of the 0rusader .imrod <ortress 256 66 Drawin# of a Muslim and 0hristian *layin# 0hess 258 67 "he Southern !all of the Fld 0ity 225 6J Eewish immi#rants enter .ew Mork. 26J 6: "he %erman Adition of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 26:



*russian Am eror !ilhelm II Anters Eerusalem 269 69 A =ni&ue Eewish !eddin# 272 68 ;awrence of Arabia after the -attle of A&aba 27J 63 "he -alfour Declaration 278 75 %eneral Allenbys Air lane over Eerusalem 2J2


%eneral Allenby Anters Eerusalem 2J2 76 %eneral Allenby Acce ts the Surrender 2J6 77 ;etter of Disa ointment 2:5 7J Ha,, Amin Al(Husseini, the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem 2:J 7: 2363 Arab )iot in Eerusalem 246 74 Armed Eewish %uards *rotect <armers 247 79 Eewish <armers ;oad *roduce 244 78 Death to any Arab who sells land to Eews' 292 73 Hitler and *o e *ius NII 299 J5 0atholic 0ler#y and .a@i Ffficials 299 J2 .a@i -elt -uckle 298 J6 %erman Mouth in a .a@i Summer 0am 293 J7 Adolf Hitler and .eville 0hamberlain 287 JJ Husseinis Islamic(.a@i <la# 28: J: %rand Mufti Husseini Ins ects .a@i Muslims 28: J4 "he Shi Parita 289 J9 "he Shi Jewish State 288 J8 )efu#ees died onboard Shi . 288 J3 Eews Mourn at >echariahs "omb. 283 :5 !ill we live to see liberationH' 232


:2 .a@i *oster 236 :6 Holocaust *risoners Interviewed by an American Ser#eant 234 :7 *risoners <reed from Auschwit@ 234 :J "he Mufti and Adolf Hitler *lannin# to Cill Eews in *alestine 238 :: Eewish >ionists -omb the Cin# David Hotel 65J :4 "he =nited .ations on .ovember 63, 23J9 658 :9 David -en %urion in "el Aviv on May 2J, 23J8 62: :8 *resident "rumans Memo 624 :3 Ha#anah <i#hters in Eerusalem 66J 45 "he ;ittle David' Mortar 664 42 A butchered cow 677 46 <resh chickens for sale 677 47 )efu#ee "ent 0ity 67: 4J Moshe Dayan %ives /ictory Address 6J5 4: Develo ers of Israels .uclear *ro#ram 6J2 44 Israels <irst .uclear )esearch <acility 6J6 49 Masser Arafat idoli@es Adolf Hitler 6J3 48 Israeli Soldiers in front of the !estern !all 6:: 43 Israeli destruction of A#y tian lanes 6:4 95 Arab Anti(Semitic 0artoons 64J 92 698 698 693 693 683 Smoke )ises in -eirut 96 Mani ulated Smoke 97 In,ured' Moun# Man 9J Moun# Man Directs !orkers 9: *alestinian Man A+ecuted by *;F %unmen

94 Arafats !e *ronounce "his Holyland O' 63: 99 %reek Frthodo+ Archbisho Atallah Hanna 63: 98 =. Human )i#hts )esolutions 6557(6553 757 93 "he =nited .ations Head&uarters in Eerusalem 757 85

Israelis !earin# %as Masks durin# Ira&i Attacks 759 82 American *atriot Missiles Interce t Ira&i Scud Missiles. 759 86 *alestinian key chains of Israel 722 87 Fslo Accords *artici ants 72J 8J -us -ombed by a Suicide -omber 72J 8: *alestinian 0hildren *ractice Cillin# Eews. 728 84 728 723 723 762 %erman School#irls offer .a@i Salute. 89 Arabic Adition of Hitlers Mein Kampf 88 A 0hilds <ace Mask of Fsama ben ;aden 83 %raffiti on the Security !all 35 *alestinian <la# with Scri t 764

32 Moral A&uivalency Illustrated 772 36 Israeli *olice *rotects Student from Arab Mob. 776 37 Distorted Media *oster 776 3J He@bollah "ar#eted Israeli School -us 779 3: ID< Soldiers A+amine Sei@ed !ea onry 7J2 34 Arafats *ersonal Authori@ation for "errorist 7J6 39 "he 2,555 Mear(old *salm -ook <ound in Irish -o# 7:8 38 *alestinian 0hildren Assassinated by Hamas %unmen 742 33 786 "a,s 2 "he *romised ;and of the Abrahamic 0ovenant 62 6 "he Mi#ration of the Adomites 64 7 "he Arabian *eninsula JJ J Eewish 0ommunities in 9th(22th 0entury *alestine 88 : "he S read of Islam 37

.ews a er )e ort of an Arab )evolt.' 785 255 %en. Eohn E. *ershin#

4 "he Seven 0ities of the Mountains of Israel' 266 9 "he 2365 Ma of the *romised ;and 2:7 8 "he -ritish Mandate Ma of 2366 2:8 3 "he =. *artition *lan of 23J9 625 25 "he Ma of the *salm 87 .ations 662 22 Armistice Demarcation of 23J3 674 26 A@ekiels Mountains of Israel' 0ities 674 27 0a tured ;and of the 2349 !ar 6:J 2J "he .ations of A@ekiel 78 797 A,,en$ices 2 J56 J5: J5: J54 J59 !ho Fwns the ;andH !estern vs. Islamic !orldviews -asic <acts of Israel and Eerusalem !ho )uled *alestine and !henH *eace "reaties and A#reements

6 7 J :

4 How Muslims Inter ret the -ible J53 9 Definitions of 0ommon "erms J27 8 )ecommended -ooks for <urther Study J66 Wor-s Cite$ -ooks P Fther Sources J6J

&ore#or$ Fn Se tember 22, 6552, =S *resident %eor#e !. -ush made the followin# statementG

"oday, the world has chan#ed forever. Fur world will never a#ain be the same.' Immediately, olitical fi#ures and news broadcasters echoed the same sentiment. "he destruction of the "win "owers in .ew Mork 0ity stunned the nationG it was a wake(u call from the bowels of hell. -ut was 3 ( 22 really the day when the world chan#ed foreverH Fr was it the day when we reali@ed the world had chan#ed, and we Americans were too busy in our ursuit of life, liberty and materialistic ha iness to be bothered with realityH Did we care to investi#ate the numerous warnin#sH Most disturbin# is this &uestionG !hy were we sur risedH "he fact is that warnin#s e+isted for years, decades, yes even centuries. .o one bothered to notice$ no one ever thou#ht that one day there could be a war of culture, reli#ion and economics. Almost immediately after Se tember 22, oliticians and the media also referred to Islam as a reli#ion of eace.' At a memorial service at the .ational 0athedral in !ashin#ton D0, an Islamic Imam o ened the service with a rayer in Arabic to insure that Allahs rotection and blessin# was over the =nited States. "he &uestion is, If we look to Eudaeo(0hristian %od for Divine rotection and blessin#s, why was an a#ent of Allah invitedH' "here is a certain level of common knowled#e that most readers have concernin# the Middle AastQ#lobal events. "his book di#s below that level and reveals hidden truths as well as numerous fictionalQmythical o inions that have become established as truth. It identifies historical ersons, nations and events that formed the foundation of todays Middle Aast and #lobal crises. ;earn what you need to know and why you need to know it. "here is a world of disinformation in !estern media where facts are all too often cloudy and blurred concernin# ideolo#ies, failures of #overnments, or the re orters worldview. "his is es ecially true when emotions cloud facts and lo#ical reasonin#. "his book outlines, in a chronolo#ical se&uence, a re ort delineatin# what has ha ened, what has been said, and why. -y tracin# Islams #reat con&uests and determined stru##les a#ainst non(believers since the time of Muhammad, this book illustrates that Islams values and #oals are not only decidedly different, but incom atible with !estern

secular society, and even more so with Eudaeo(0hristian society. "o add confusion to the matter, there is a #rowin# belief in mainline 0hristendom that the %od of the Eewish eo le and 0hristians is the same deity as Allah. "his ers ective has even encroached u on some traditional evan#elicals. "he fact is that there are hu#e differences between the %od of Abraham, Isaac and Eacob and Allah, the #od of the Muslims.2 "o identify those differences, this book discloses the ma,or events of Muhammads life and of those of some of his followers so the reader can com are those events with the biblical account of Eesus and His disci les. "his book also connects Muhammads life, instruction and actions with radical Islamic terrorists of today in an informative, easy to ready style. -oth the ?uran and Islamic history reveal that Allah is not %od or that Islam is not a reli#ion of eace. Wh% +e,tember ((. Americans have no understandin# of the ower Muslims ascribe to their symbols and calendar dates. In the summer of 2487 Muslim were on the march to convert Auro e to Islam by the ower of the sword. "hey had ,ust defeated %reece, )omania, Serbia, -ul#aria, and were on a victory roll into Auro e. -y early Se tember they were in Austria and were besie#in# the city of /ienna where the 0hristians were outnumbered by Muslims by 65 to 2. However, news of their revious con&uests had traveled throu#hout Auro e. Fn Se tember 22, J5,555 soldiers arrived from *oland and, and while still outnumbered by the Muslims, they saved the city. "hat ended the con&uest of Auro e. So why did Fsama bin ;aden choose Se tember 22H "o rei#nite the war effort that ended in 2487. "he &uestion remainsG Did the war really end in 2487H "his book will answer that &uestion and many more.

"he Arabic word Muslim means one who submits' to %ods BAllahsD will. Some An#lish translations use an alternate s ellin#G Moslem.

A "ust Rea$ Preface In my numerous tri s to the Middle Aast, I have been rivile#ed to dine in the homes of Eews, 0hristians and Arab friends, as well as in the tent of a -edouin family. I have heard their frustrations concernin# the olitical strife. !hile studyin# and teachin# there, I met a lovely <innish volunteer who had s ent ten years hel in# the elderly, oor and needy of Eerusalem. !e were married alon# the Sea of %alilee. Fur weddin# arty included 0hristians, Eews and Arabs. !ords cannot e+ ress the de th of sensitivity I feel concernin# the sub,ect of this book. <ormer Muslims who have come to faith in 0hrist have told me the messa#e of this book needs to be told. -ut those of the Muslim faith, as well as the new left win#' of evan#elicals and 0hristian mainline denominations, will likely believe this book is offensive. "herefore, the facts are resented in the kindest way ossible. Most Muslims are ordinary eo le who wish to live eaceful lives. "hey want to raise their children in a lovin# and nurturin# home ,ust as any Auro ean or American would like to do. -ein# a Muslim does not e&uate to bein# a radical or terrorist. Met there are also #rou s of radical Muslims and terrorists. !e can look at recent history and see other radical and terroristic events. "he two most notable are %ermany and )ussia. !hen terroristic leaders ruled these countries, the eo le under these re#imes did not a#ree with them, but had to com ly to survive. "hey either com lied or were killed. "he same is true today in Islamic *alestine. I am a %erman. My arents emi#rated from %ermany rior to the rise of Adolf Hitler. In the 2375s Hitler hi,acked the country and led a crusade that eventually killed millions. "he %erman eo le had to com ly to survive. I still have family in that beautiful country but they never were .a@is or terrorists. .either am I. In the early 65th century, radicals in )ussia hi,acked the country and the world was threatened with 0ommunism. In fact, a number of Aastern Auro ean nations fell under the sie#e of the hammer and sickle. More eo le were murdered under Stalin and other 0ommunist leaders than under Hitler. "he )ussian eo le had to com ly to survive.


"his book identifies historical ersons, tribes, nations and events that formed the foundation of todays Middle Aast crises. It will inform you of what you need to know and why you need to know it. "his book resents, in a chronolo#ical se&uence, what has ha ened and what has been said. "he reason the reader needs to know this information is that, in a world of disin(formation, facts concernin# ideolo#ies, failures of #overnments and reli#ion all too often become cloudy and blurred. "his is es ecially true when emotions shade lo#ical reasonin#. "wo si#nificant oints make todays Middle Aast cultural hi,ackin# so owerfully dan#erous. <irst, the core motivator is the literal inter retation of the Quran by radicals. Second is the blatant decision by !estern academics, oliticians and clerics, to be willfully i#norant of critical cultural and historical data in the name of cultural sensitivity and tolerance. "his book does not cover the two distinct and conflictin# worldviews of the !estern and the Arab(Islamic cultures. A brief outline is resented in A endi+ 6. <urthermore, a ma,or reason for the inability of the two worldviews to meet on common #round is their view of deity. "he !est, which has a 0hristian(Eudaeo history, has for the most art abandoned its belief in %od and become secular. In the Arab(Islamic culture those who hold to a literal readin# of the Quran believe they are authori@ed by Muhammad and Allah to brin# the entire world under Islamic submission. !estern academics, oliticians and clerics are &uick to identify the conflictin# worldviews, but often fail to reveal the history of violence done in the name of Allah. In fact, Islams violent nature is not only #enerally denied, but Allah is said to be the same deity as the %od of the Eews and 0hristians. As was reviously stated, the ur ose of this book is to inform and enli#hten readers. "he readers then decide what to believe. Most Muslims are Islamic by tradition and have seldom studied the ?uran. "hey faithfully obey their imams in their local mos&ues who are res ectfully considered to be Allahs a ointed overseers of the community. =nfortunately, neither they nor their imams are ermitted to &uestion the holy book or any of its instructions or historical events. It is im ortant that both Muslims and non(Muslims understand

the true tenants of the Islamic faith. <ailure to do so will create an international environment of military conflicts and terrorism the likes of which has never been e+ erienced throu#hout human history. <inally, Arabic words, with which you may not be familiar, are used throu#hout this te+t. A definition is #iven when the word first a ears. If you do not recall the meanin# of the word when you encounter it later, you can refresh your memory by usin# A endi+ 9. Ac-no#le$'ements I am #rateful to my lovely wife, *aivi, for her encoura#ement and sacrifice of many lost hours to#ether while I was buried in my writers cave.' "his book would not have been com leted without her hel and su ort. In addition, I am #rateful for the su##estions of several individuals as well as 0. Shirley Shenber#er and Alana -eckett who s ent many hours editin# this manuscri t.


I#norance is weakness ( know the truth, but self(inflicted i#norance is suicide.' (( =nknown Cha,ter ( &rom Abraham to "uhamma$


Introduction Abraham could never have ima#ined that the descendants of his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, would one day be the focus of world attention. In the centuries that followed, the descendants of Isaac became known as the Hebrew 0hildren, then as Israelites and today as Eews. "hey followed the %od of Abraham, Isaac and Eacob. "he descendants of Ishmael became known as Ishmaelites and are todays Arabs who embraced the -abylonian moon #od of war. "he latter #rou absorbed a number of other ethnic #rou sQtribes who were descendants of Abrahams other sons and their cousins. Fne of those was Asau who crossed over from Isaacs line. "he core issue of the Middle Aast conflict has less to do with land, olitics, refu#ees or anythin# else of that nature, than it has to do with the reli#ious issues of !hose %od is %odH' and !hich book, the -ible or ?uran, 6 is the authentic !ord of %odQAllahH' "hose two issues are e+tremely si#nificant to radical Muslims as they believe they are commanded to convert the entire world to Islam. "hrou#hout recent centuries Islam has been rather dormant. In the ast few decades it has develo ed a revived ers ective of #lobal con&uest. !hyH Fther si#nificant &uestions areG If Allah is #reater than all other #ods, why are non(Muslim nations stron#er and more ros erous than MuslimQIslamic nationsH' If the Eewish eo le are cursed by Allah, why has Allah ermitted them to returnH' !hy have the Arabs lost all of the wars with IsraelH' As will be shown, these &uestions are e+tremely roblematic to Muslims and their only a ro riate res onse is the com letion of Hitlers work as soon as ossible. In s ite of the current conflict and ublic o inion, a historical overview reveals that the Eewish and Arab eo le have at times lived in eace and harmony with each other. =nfortunately, all too often there has been conflict in their J,555 year(old history. Some of these conflicts were recorded in the Fld "estament and reveal that the Arabs were the a##ressors. "he -ible also shows that some Arabs held key ositions in Cin# Davids administration, and a thousand years later some are mentioned as bein# 0hristians who

An alternate An#lish s ellin# is Koran.


encountered the Holy S irit on the Day of *entecost. Hence, a review of history is si#nificant. Since %od did make a covenant with Ishmael, the day will come when Arabs will be blessed by the %od of Abraham, Isaac and Eacob. Hence, ,ust as there was a reconciliation of Asau and Eacob B%en. 77D, one day there will be reconciliation between their descendants, but first there will be eriods of war and ,ud#ment. In the meantime, radical Muslims BArabsD a ear to worshi death in their &uest for #lobal victory while there are millions of eace(lovin# Muslims who sim ly wish to live a &uiet life, care for their families and contribute to the communities in which they live. "his distinction must not be for#otten. -oth Eews and Arabs reco#ni@e Abram Bname chan#ed to AbrahamD as their s iritual and #enealo#ical forefather. .on(Arab Muslims, such as the A#y tians and "urks, reco#ni@e him as their s iritual forefather. "herefore, it is necessary to be#in this study from the be#innin#,' that is, with Abraham. 6555 -0 Abram BAbrahamD I *atriarch of the Eewish and Arab *eo le Abram, whose name was chan#ed to Abraham, lived in =r of the 0haldees,' located southeast of -abylon in what is today southern Ira&. It was known as the city of the war(#od Nannar, also known as Sin and symboli@ed by a crescent moon over a wise old man. 7 Abraham was obviously knowled#eable and sensitive to the many deities worshi ed by his family and community. "he city was filled with a multitude of tem les and shrines where riests racticed various reli#ious rites.J "he most sacred laces were the @i##urats, which were man(made yramid(ty e structures built of bricks and tar that resembled mountains u on which sacrifices could be offered to the #ods. "he ancients believed it was at the innacle to where the #ods descended from heaven to meet man. In later centuries these tem les were re licated by the Assyrians and -abylonians. "he biblical tower of -abel was also a @i##urat B%en. 22D.
7 J

Millard, :5.

"o date the ruins of 76 @i##urats have been discovered in ancient Meso otamia Bmodern Ira& and IranD.


"he %reat >i##urat at =r that Abram would have been familiar with was built in the 62 st century -0 by Cin# Shul#i, who claimed to be a #od. It too was a massive ste ed yramid a ro+imately 625 by 2:5 feet in si@e. !hile the entire structure was made of sun(dried bricks, the outer layer or skin consisted of oven(fired bricks that withstood the elements of the desert heat, winds and sand storms. It was dedicated to the moon #od Sin, el or Nannar, the atron moon #od of the city and was de icted with a crescent moon. "he shrine on the >i##urats innacle was both a lace of sacrifice and a bedroom chamber for the deity. Since se+ was often art of ancient reli#ions, riests chose women to s end the ni#ht with them in the chamber of the deity.

&i'ure /! The 0reat 1i''urat of Ancient 2r! "his center of worshi , near modern .asiriyah in southern Ira&, was constructed in the 62 st century -0 by Cin# Shul#i. "he yramid(ty e structure was a tem le, whereas A#y tian yramids were tombs.


&i'ure 3! A Relief Carvin' of the "oon 0o$! !orshi ers come before the moon #od of war known as Sin, el or Nannar, de icted as a wise old man. .ote the crescent moon that is believed to be the ori#in of the Islamic moon. <rom this olytheistic cultural environment, %od called Abraham to have faith in Him alone, and move his entire household to another country. He undoubtedly went from a secure dwellin# to become a nomadic shee and cattle herder similar to the -edouins of today. He traveled from Meso otamia Bmodern Ira&D to the A#y tian rovince of 0anaan Bmodern *alestineQIsraelD. Fnce in 0anaan he went to Sheckem, then to -ethel, to Hebron, and to -eer Sheva. He urchased land only when his wife Sarah died and he needed a family tomb which is located in Hebron. "he reason no romise of land was made in %enesis 26G2(7 was because Abraham was nomadic at the time, and hence, he did not need land ownershi . However, %od did romise to make of him a #reat nation, which to him meant children and descendants, but not real estate with national boundaries. Fnly later in %enesis 26G9 was the romise of land made. "he irony of Abrams olytheistic back#round is that in his culture the moon was the rimary #od of worshi . He left his home to serve a sin#le #od. 0enturies later Muhammad would ada t elements of 0hristianity and Eudaism into Islam,

and reintroduce the moon #od of Abraham. ;ittle wonder then, that Muslims consider Abraham to have been the first Muslim. However, they vehemently ar#ue a#ainst the historical fact that Allah was ori#inally the war #od of -abylon symboli@ed by the crescent moon. "he 0han#in# ;and of *romise %od romised land to Abraham and his descendants. As will be shown, that romise was re eated to his son Isaac and #randson Eacob. "here have been many hases in the boundary lines of eo le #rou s and nations throu#hout history. !hile these lines chan#ed as em ires rose and fell, si+ ma,or successive hases remain si#nificant in understandin# the transition from the initial biblical romise by %od to todays olitical delineation. 2. "he land romised to Abraham is a massive area. "he east(west boundaries are from the )iver of A#y t' : and the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Au hrates )iver in the east B%en. 25G23, 2:G28(62D. <or centuries there was a #reat debate concernin# the location or identification of the )iver of A#y t, as scholars a#reed it is not the )iver .ile. "he acce ted location now is a wadi Bseasonal streamD located in A#y t near a villa#e of the same name, Al(Arish. It is several miles south of the Israeli(A#y tian border. 4 6. "he northern boundary was an east(west line assin# throu#h ;evo Hamath9 in southern ;ebanon from the Mediterranean Sea to the Au hrates )iver. "he southern boundary was an east(west line

Since the identification of the )iver of A#y t' has been lost in history some scholars su##est it may have been the biblical .ahal Misraim B%en. 2:G28D. "his was first su##ested by the medieval Eewish commentator, Saadiya, who said it was robably the !adi el(Arish, a seasonal river of heavy torrents durin# the rainy season on the north(eastern ed#e of the Sinai Desert.
4 9

%oldschmidt Er. 694.

Scholars believe this is robably modern ;abwa on the Frontes )iver in .orthern ;ebanon. It was also the northern border of the ancient A#y tian rovince of 0anaan.


be#innin# at the )iver of A#y t' on the north(eastern side of the Sinai *eninsula and went to the Au hrates )iver. "he biblical romise remains unfilled as no historical fi#ure ever controlled this massive re#ion. "he land occu ied by the Israelites was modern(day Israel, the !est -ank and lands ,ust east of the Eordan )iver B art of EordanD.

"a, (! The Promise$ Lan$ of the Abrahamic Covenant! "he land area is delineated by a shaded solid line and includes a land mass from the Au hrates )iver to the Mediterranean Sea. It has a 755 kilometer border on the north and a 2JJ5 kilometer border on the south. "he broken lines show resent nation states of Israel, ;ebanon, Eordan, Ira&, Syria and Saudi Arabia. 7. "he land romised to Moses and eventually occu ied by the Israelites after the A+odus is described in .umbers 7JG6(26. Fther descri tions are found in Deuteronomy 2G9(8$ 22G6J$ Eoshua 2GJ, 26(27$ and 2 Cin#s 8G4:. In the books of Eud#es, Samuel and Cin#s it is often referred to as the land from Dan to -eersheba.' It rou#hly covers the same area as in modern Israel lus a section east of the Eordan )iver.

J. "he fourth set of boundaries of the Holy ;and was established when the Eewish ca tives returned from -abylonian ca tivity 22G69(75D. -y the time Eesus arrived five centuries later, the land was divided into three districtsG Eerusalem and the surroundin# area of Eudah, %alilee, and a arcel of land east of the Eordan )iver known as *erea. :. In 28J5 the ;ondon 0onvention established the national boundaries of A#y t of what would eventually determine the southern boundary of modern Israel. ;and boundaries of various eo le #rou s in the 23 th century were unclear. =nless there was a distinctive natural marker, such as a river or mountain, no one knew where one country ended and another be#an. Hence, Muhammad Ali, who was the Fttoman *asha of A#y t, was not only the founder of the modern state of A#y t, but he also determined that a national border from the southern ti of the Dead Sea e+tendin# to the northern oint of the %ulf of A&aba would be the eastern border of A#y t. ;ater another boundary line was created from the northern ti of the %ulf of A&aba to Al(Arish alon# the Mediterranean Sea. "oday the land between these two international borders encom asses southern Israel and includes the .e#ev Desert and the southern city of Ailat on the %ulf of A&aba. 4. "he establishment of the modern northern border of Israel was ,ust as disconcertin#. In the 2365s there was a #reat deal of wran#lin# as to where it should be located. A#reements resultin# from the San )emo 0onference and later the ;ea#ue of .ations resulted in its lacement in such a manner as not to divide villa#es or the lar#e ro erties of two wealthy land owners, a -edouin sheik named Amir Mahmud al(<awr al(<adl and an Arab named Abbas Afendi. However, future military actions would chan#e these lines drastically.


Hence, the modern boundaries of Israel have little or nothin# in common with the land descri tion of the ori#inal biblical covenant.8 "here is, however, one e+ce tion. "he western border is the Mediterranean Sea. Met even that was com romised when the %a@a Stri was #iven to the *alestinian Authority. 0enealo'ical Recor$: Who is Who. Eews and Arabs A &uestion is often asked as to the identity of the Eewish eo le, Arabs and *alestinians. In the centuries that followed Abraham, his son Isaac and his #randson Eacob Bname later chan#ed to Israel,' %en. 76G68D and their descendants eventually became known as Eews' Bsee <i#. 7D.3 Abrahams first son was Ishmael, born to him by a servant BslaveD, and Ishmaels descendants became known as the Arabs Bsee <i#. JD. ;ater, Asau who was born into Isaacs linea#e, married two dau#hters of Ishmael, and his descendants became art of the Arab #enealo#ical tree. Eews are from the line of Abraham, Isaac and Eacob while the Arabs are from the line of Abraham and Ishmael with descendants of Asau who crossed over from the Eewish line. "oday the definition of an !ra" has become somewhat ambi#uous. "he #enerally acce ted definition has been that it was someone who s oke the Arabic lan#ua#e. However, the ;ebanese Maronites do not consider themselves Arab nor do the A#y tian 0o ts, yet both #rou s s eak Arabic. Met Eewish eo le, who were born and raised in Arab countries, s eak Arabic but are never considered Arabs. Arabs consider a fellow Arab to be one who s eaks Arabic, has been reared in the Arab culture, lives in the country and takes ride in the #lory of the Arab nation and eo le. 25 Due to establishment of Israel in 23J8 and the olitical ramifications that followed, A#y tians who clearly are not of Arab stock now identify themselves with the Arab eo le. In the early 65 th century A#y tians considered bein# called an Arab' to be an insult. "hat has radically chan#ed. After the Eews returned to

;ewis, 242.

"he Israelites became known as the Hebrew 0hildren' and eventually as the Eews.'

%oldschmidt, Er. 237.


*alestine the A#y tians laid aside their fellow Muslims to evict the Eews.

ride and rallied with

Also included in todays broad definition of Arab eo le' are the Assyrians, Hittites and descendants of other ancient tribes. "his writer once met an American colle#e student who was tourin# Israel. She roudly said that she was an Assyrian and could s eak her native lan#ua#e. Assyrians today lace themselves under the Islamic(Arab umbrella. !hat is known is that Ishmael had twelve sons who were identified as rinces' B%en. 29G65(62D. "hese rinces became Ishmaels #reat nation' in the closin# verses of %enesis 6:. "heir names and those of their sons are listed in 2 0hronicles 2. In many cases the tribal names became names of Arabian territories in the Arabian Desert Bmodern Saudi ArabiaD.

"he Ancient *hilistines and Modern *alestinians "he #enealo#ical history of the *alestinian eo le is &uite interestin#. Ironically, since their &uest for modern Israel they have had differences of o inions concernin# their ancestral ori#in. In recent years they claimed to be descendants of the *hilistines, 0anaanites, Eebusites as well as sons of Abraham. However, there are four difficulties with these claims. 2. All three #rou s disa eared from history rior to the end of the Fld "estament eriod Bcirca J55 -0D. Does it not seem stran#e that they would suddenly rea ear in the 65th century and announce that they have always been fully occu yin# *alestineH 6. "he Eebusites were a sub#rou of the 0anaanites, but the *hilistines were a different eo le #rou . "he claim of Eebusite ancestry may be because the Eebusites occu ied Eerusalem rior to the Israelite invasion. If this were true, then the *alestinians could say they have a historic ri#ht to the city that was con&uered by Cin# David about 2555 -0.

7. .either one of these eo le #rou s descendants of Abraham and his son Ishmael.


J. "he final difficulty is that the *alestinian claim is based u on the biblical record$ a book Muslims claim is full of errors. .one of the ori#inal Islamic writin#s mention the *hilistines, 0anaanites or Eebusites. Since the *hilistine connection has been acce ted by the !estern academia, it is e+ lained in further detail. "hey were an ancient eo le who, in the 2J th or 27th century -0, mi#rated from 0rete in the Ae#ean Sea. Scholars believe they relocated because the volcano, Mount Cnossos, in 0rete eru ted causin# ma,or devastation. "hey fled to A#y t, where they were re elled and eventually settled alon# the coastal land known today as the %a@a Stri .' %a@a is the name of both a city and a thin stri of land area located alon# the Mediterranean Sea, a southwestern ortion of Israel. "he earliest known inhabitants were the Avvites BDeut. 6G67$ Eosh. 27G7D who were defeated by the *hilistines, who in turn were defeated by the invadin# Israelites. However, there never was a sustained victory for either side because the two #rou s I *hilistine and Israelites I fre&uently fou#ht each other. In the Stri ' the *hilistines established five ma,or citiesG Ashdod, Ashkelon, %a@a, Akron and %ath BEosh. 27G72$ I Sam. 4G29$ Eer. 6:G65D. "he city of %a@a layed an im ortant role in the life of Samson accordin# to Eud#es 27(24. "he Fld "estament records numerous battles between the two #rou s. "he historical fact is that the ancient *hilistines were of %reek ori#in, not Arab or any Arab sub(#rou by any stretch of the ima#ination. Aventually they intermarried with other eo le #rou s and disa eared from the scene rior to the .ew "estament era. In AD 27: Am eror Hadrian, who hated the Eews, cursed their land by renamin# it *alestine,' in honor of the ancient *hilistines. It is sometimes said that the word *alestinian' ori#inated from the word *hilistine.' !hile there a ears to be an etymolo#ical connection, it is va#ue and any attem t to substitute etymolo#y for history is a #ross error. "he fact that the Fld "estament re eatedly makes a distinction between Arabs and *hilistines is additional evidence they are not one and the same eo le Bi.e., 6 0hron. 64G4(8D.

"herefore, the &uestion is, !ho are the *alestiniansH' "he answer lies in combinin# the biblical record with Middle Aast history for the ast two centuries. "here a ears to be an interestin# connection between the descendants of Asau and the modern *alestinians. Abraham raised his family, includin# his sons Isaac and Ishmael in the ancient city of -eer Sheva in southern Israel. As Abrahams descendants multi lied as did their cattle they needed lar#er #ra@in# lands. Ishmael moved south into Arabia, hence the name Arab,' while Eacob remained in 0anaan Bmodern IsraelD. Asau moved east into the Seir Mountains B%en. 74G8D and settled in the ancient city of *etra Bmodern EordanD. "here they multi lied and the re#ion became known as Adom. "he linea#e of Asau is reserved in %enesis 74G26 states that Asaus #randson Amalek was the father of the Amalekites. !hen the Israelites were leavin# A#y t and on their way to 0anaan, they were confronted with hostility by their cousins, the Amalekites BA+. 29D. Another art of the linea#e is reserved in I Samuel 2: where the ro het Samuel told Cin# Saul to wi e out the Amalekites and all their ossession. Saul failed to do so and the ro het ersonally killed the Amalekite kin# A#a# BI Sam. 2:G77D. Some esca ed and fled to *ersia. "he ne+t linea#e is found in the book of Asther where Haman, who was the second hi#hest rankin# official in the *ersian #overnment, wanted to kill all the Eews. Asther 7G2 identifies him as the son of Hammedatha who was an A#a#ite. "he A#a#ites were a sub#rou within the Amalekite clan, which is why the first century historian Eose hus identified Haman as an Amaletite.22 In essence, the descendants of Asau and Eacob were in conflict throu#hout the centuries. !hen Cin# .ebuchadne@@ar of -abylon ca tured Eerusalem in 45: -0, he took the leadin# #overnment and reli#ious leaders to -abylon. "he eo le of the Holy 0ity rebelled and the kin# sent his army to restore order in :39 and a#ain in :84Q:, by which time he became so frustrated with the Eews that he burned Solomons tem le. A#ain he


Eose hus, !nti#uities of the Jews. -ook 22, 0ha ter 4, Section :.


relocated thousands of eo le to -abylon leavin# only the oorest of the oor to maintain the land. "he Adomites of *etra saw their vulnerable relatives in 0anaan and raided their villa#es slau#hterin# innocent men, women and children. "he book of Fbadiah was written to warn them of %ods endin# ,ud#ment for their ride Bv. 7D and violence a#ainst your brother Eacob' Bv. 25D and destruction. About five centuries before 0hrist, the .abataeans, an Arab sub#rou known for their stone carvin#, befriended the Adomites. "he .abataeans worked and lived to#ether with their new friends for a brief time to establish Adomite trust, and then con&uered them. "he Adomites had been deceived Bv. 9D and those who esca ed moved west into the .e#ev Desert Bof modern IsraelD where they became known as the Idumeans. "he .abataeans built the beautiful city of *etra that tourists see today and the Idumeans inhabited small villa#es in desert lands of what was once known as 0anaan.


"a, /! The "i'ration of the E$omites! About 6,555 -0 Abraham raised his family near -eer Sheva BA'D. ;ater the Asau clan moved to *etra B-' %en. 74G8D in the Mount Seir re#ion. Around :55 -0 the clan moved west into what is today southern Israel. <rom the Idumeans there are two individuals who were hi#hly influential in the life of 0hrist and the Eewish eo le. "he first was Herod the %reat. !hen the )omans wanted a u et kin# who understood the Eews and would never ,oin them in a revolt a#ainst the em ire, they chose a descendant of Asau. "he second may have been Eudas Iscariot who was the man of Ceriot BEn. 7G66$ JG7D, near Arad. "hereafter, the Idumeans, while livin# in the southern most desert re#ions of Israel, have no effect on the Eewish eo le elsewhere in the land. It is believed that they became Muslim with the Islamic con&uest in the 475s. Since then "urks, Arabs, A#y tians, -abylonians and other ethnic #rou s ruled the land as absentee landlords. In the 23th century A#y tians, Syrians, ;ebanese Arabs and other Muslim #rou s arrived for em loyment o ortunities. Fthers came at the invitation of the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem to fi#ht the Eews in the 2375s. In the course of time, they all intermarried and became known as *alestinians.' "he hrase Palestinian !ra" is therefore a reference to the mi+ed breed' of various Islamic ethnic #rou s with roots to Asau. In the Islamic culture, eo le have ride in their history, clan, and tribe. "hey have a stron# sense of family honor and tradition. Aach #rou has a feelin# of su eriority over others, but all look down u on the mi+ed race of the mi+ed breed' of *alestinians. Similar feelin#s were held by first century Eews who des ised the Samaritans because they were a mi+ed #rou Bby intermarria#eD of Israelites and forei#ners who were brou#ht in by the Assyrians.

The Palestinians are a mixed breed of various Arab clans who, for the most part, migrated into Palestine since the mid-18 s and intermarried with the descendants of !sau"

Page 1#


<or centuries, until 23J8, everyone livin# in *alestine, whether he or she was a Eew, 0hristian or Arab, was considered to be a *alestinian.' ;ikewise businesses were referred to as *alestinian.' <or e+am le, todays news a er known as the Jerusalem Post was at one time called the Palestinian Post. Israeli inde endence chan#ed everyones identity drastically. Since then the local Arabs have hesitated to call themselves Israeli Arabs even thou#h they are so by olitical definition. =nfortunately, all too often a *alestinian meant second(class citi@enshi not only in the eyes of Israelis but also to evan#elicals. However, the roverbial bottom line' is that the *alestinians are an Arab eo le descendant mainly from Asau intermarried with multi le Arab and Islamic eo le #rou s.


&i'ure 4! The 0enealo'ical Tree of Abraham: 5e#ish +i$e .ote that Asau married two dau#hters of

Ishmael as well as a Hittite woman and descendants became art of Arab ancestry.


&i'ure 6! The 0enealo'ical Tree of Abraham: Arab +i$e "he ancient Arabs contained several sub(

#rou s who, for the most art, have lost their ancient distinctions but still maintain clan and tribal loyalties. istorical 7vervie# 65th 0entury -0G <irst 0ovenant of 0onflict I Isaac and Ishmael Abrahams first son, Ishmael,26 was not born to his wife Sarai Blater known as SarahD, but with his wifes A#y tian slave, Ha#ar, since Sarah could not bare children B%en. 24G7D. 0hildren born of slaves or concubines had no ri#hts of inheritance while other children had a limited inheritance. Mears later, however, Isaac was born to Abraham and his wife Sarah. In essence, Ishmael was born outside of the marria#e covenant but Isaac was born within the marria#e covenant. "herefore, the covenant of blessin#s, includin# the land, belon# to Isaac and his descendants Bthe EewsD, and not to Ishmael and his descendants Bthe ArabsD. Hence, todays Arab(Eew conflict is rooted, in art, in this J,555 year(old matter of inheritance. Arabs today believe that Abraham followed the cultural norm and #ave Ishmael the #reater blessin# of the first born son even thou#h he was born to Abrahams second wife,' who was a slave. "hat blessin# includes all the land known today as *alestine. "he Arabs also believe that the Eews chan#ed the biblical te+t in order to steal the blessin#s. Fn the other hand, Eews and 0hristians believe that %od functions with man throu#h covenants and blessin#s, and inheritance follows the covenants. "hose outside any covenant with %od have neither His blessin#s nor His salvation. "he blessin#s of Abraham therefore, #o to the children and descendants of the marria#e covenant I the Eewish eo le. 23th 0entury -0G Second 0ovenant of 0onflict ( Eacob and Asau Abrahams son Isaac had twin boys, Eacob Bname later chan#ed to Israel$ %en. 76G68D and Asau, who did not always #et alon# with each other. Fne day after huntin# #ame, Asau

<or an in de th study of Ishmael in -iblical History, see "ony ". Maalouf $shmael in i"lical %istor&, an un ublished doctoral dissertation at Dallas "heolo#ical Seminary. May 2338.


returned home very hun#ry and sold his birthri#ht to his brother for a &uick bowl of stew B%en. 6:G63(7JD. Decades later, when Isaac was old and on his deathbed, he was about to #ive his blessin# to Asau, but it was already #iven to Eacob leavin# him with neither the birthri#ht nor a blessin#. As a result, Asau des ised his brother. In fact, Asau burned with so much an#er that he lanned to kill his brother B%en. 69GJ5( J2D, but their arents sent Eacob away to save his life B%en. 69GJ6(68G3D. Arab animosity is not only due to the Isaac( Ishmael 0ovenant conflict but also the Eacob(Asau blessin#( birthri#ht issue. Hence, Arabs believe the Eews have tricked them twice. 23th I 28th 0enturies -0G Eose h "aken to A#y t by the Ishmaelites "he ne+t recorded encounter of the traditional Eew vs. Arab' conflict is the story of Eose h. He was the favorite son of his father Israel Bformerly known as EacobD which in turn created an#er amon# his brothers. "heir feelin#s intensified when he foolishly described his dreams wherein he was in a su erior osition over them. Eealously ra#ed and they discussed killin# him, but finally decided to sell him as a slave to a band of Midianites, a sub#rou of the Ishmaelites. <i#ure : on a revious a#e shows that the Midianites were not in the #enealo#ical linea#e of Ishmael, but were a tribe that was assimilated into the linea#e. It was a common ractice in ancient times to accom any a eace treaty with intermarria#e. Hence various tribes became united. "he biblical account of Eose h reads, "hen they sat down to eat a meal O they raised their eyes and looked, behold, a caravan of Ishmaelites was comin# from %ilead, with their camels bearin# aromatic #um and balm and myrrh, on their way to brin# them down to A#y t. %enesis 79G6: "wice the biblical narrative indicates that those who urchased Eose h as a slave were Ishmaelites B%en. 79G 6:, 69D, but in verse 68 they were referred to as the Midianites.

"he linea#e of the Ishmaelites has already been discussed. "he linea#e of the Midianites is that they were descendants of Midian, the son of Caturah. She was a concubine who became Abrahams wife after Sarahs death B%en. 6:G6(JD. "heir kin#doms 72G8D were near Moab east of the Eordan )iverQDead Sea area. It should be noted that the chan#e of tribal names in reference to those who urchased Eose h has been cited by destructive critics as roof of the e+istence biblical errors. However, when Samuel wrote the book of Eud#es, he used these tribal names interchan#eably in Eud#es 8G66(68. "he fact remains that while most of the Ishmaelites lived in the Arabian Desert, some inhabited two other desert areas such as the lands near Moab in modern Eordan. "hey assimilated and later became known as Arabs.' "his was underscored by Moses and Samuel who considered the Ishmaelites and Midianites as the same eo le #rou . Hence, there are no errors in the narratives of the fi#htin# cousins.' 2:th 0entury -0G "he Adomite 0onfrontation a#ainst Moses After Moses led his eo le out of A#y tian slavery, they were faced by their distant cousins, the Adomites and Moabites. Moses re&uested ermission to ass throu#h their land as it was the shortest way to the *romised ;and 65G2JD. He even offered to ay for water, but the Adomite kin# refused 65G28(62D. %od told Moses not to attack them BDeut. 6GJ(8, 23D, but to lead the Israelites in a detour around the Adomite kin#dom throu#h hostile and difficult deserts. "he Adomite resistance to Moses was not out of fear of a forei#n enemy, but sim ly reven#e for erceived in,ustices a#ainst Ishmael and Asau. .ote that Asau was ori#inally from the same linea#e as Moses and the Israelites, but married into the Ishmael tribe where an#er and reven#e a ears to be #enerational. 2Jth or 27th 0entury -0G %ideon After the death of Moses, Eoshua led the Israelites into the *romised ;and, a re#ion west of the Eordan )iver and a small section to the east of it althou#h they never fully occu ied the territory. = on the death of Eoshua the Israelites were ruled by a number of ,ud#es Bc. 2785I25:5

-0D. Amon# those ,ud#es was one of %ideon.

articular mentionG

At this time a number of nei#hborin# tribes includin# the Midianites, Amalekites, Ishmaelites and several other eastern tribes re eatedly invaded the Israelite lands to kill domestic animals, destroy cro s, and cause a wholesale destruction BEud. 4G2(4D. In res onse %ideon took a small #rou of 755 Israelite men and strate#ically attacked the enemy at ni#ht I a rare mission since ancient battles were daytime events. !ith each man blowin# a trum et and then holdin# u a bri#ht li#ht, the enemies were &uickly confused and they killed each other in their attem t to esca e. In the ensuin# battle the brothers of %ideon were killed. !hen %ideon finally ca tured the Midianite kin#s, >ebah and >almunna, he asked, !hat kind of men did you kill at "aborH' Men like you,' they answered, each one with the bearin# of a rince.' %ideon re lied, "hose were my brothers, the sons of my own mother. As surely as the ;ord lives, if you had s ared their lives, I would not kill youO.' %ideon killed them and took the ornaments off their camels necks BEud#. 8G28(23, 62bD. %ideon then turned his attention to the ornaments that adorned the camels of the Ishmaelite kin#s. %ideon collected the #old earrin#s, the endants and the ur le #arments worn by the kin#s of Midian and the chains that were on their camels necks' BEud#. 8G64bD. Hence, at the end of the day, the seven years of Arab invasions ended with %ideon bein# both victorious and rich. Afterward, the land en,oyed eace throu#hout his lifetime I a eriod of forty years. It was the custom of the time to carry idols, ornaments or other mementos of #ods when travelin#, and es ecially when #oin# into battle. "hey believed these items would secure divine victory and rotection. "he word ornament' in Eud#es 8G62 is better translated as crescent ornament,' as found in the .ew American Standard, .ew Cin# Eames and Holman 0hristian /ersions. More accurate translations are in %ods !ord "ranslation which uses the hrase half(moon ornament' and the .ew International )eaders /ersion uses


the hrase moon(sha ed necklaces.' 27 "hat was the same a#an deity that centuries later Muhammad would call !llah, and today the same crescent ornament' adorns the roof of every mos&ue. It was believed that when one eo le #rou defeated another, the winnin# #rou had the su erior deity. "he victor would destroy the idol of the defeated foe. Scholars believe that %ideon took the #old and ornaments not only for the value of its wealth, but also to destroy the crescent moon symbols of the a#an war #od. !ithout an idol B#odD the enemy would feel emasculated and hel less, at least until new idols could be made. In this case, %ideon and his eo le lived in eace for the rest of his life.

The crescent moon ornaments of war gods mentioned in $udges 8%18-1&, '1 are the same as the crescent moon o rnaments on mos(ues"

Page ')

25J5 -0G Cin# Saul and Doe# the Adomite <ollowin# the eriod of the ,ud#es, Saul was anointed kin# of the Israelites but it did not take lon# for his rei#n to deteriorate. As a result, David rose u to be his re lacement. At one oint, when Saul was attem tin# to kill David, the kin# asked his officials to kill ei#hty(five riests who had sided with David. However, the officials would not kill the riests. "herefore, the kin# ordered Doe# the Adomite to kill them, an assi#nment he immediately erformed alon# with their wives, children, infants, cattle, donkeys and shee B2 Sam. 66G3(67D. "he Adomites, descendants of Asau, were a sub#rou of the children of Ishmael I later known as Arabs. 25J5 -0G David 0a tured Eerusalem !hen Cin# Saul was killed in battle, David became the new kin#. A few years after his humble anointin# to the kin#shi , he ca tured Eerusalem and made it his ca ital city.

Fther biblical references to a crescent ornament' are found in Eud#es 8G64 and Isaiah 7G28.


He united the twelve disor#ani@ed and s&uabblin# Israelite tribes and transformed them into a cohesive military force that became an international su er ower. .ever had a eo le #rou been so dramatically transformed within a sin#le #enerationG from s&uabblin# tribes to international status. Met his success was artly due to his ability to work well with non(Israelites whom he laced in #overnmental ositions. <or e+am le, he mentioned that, Fbil the Ishmaelite was in char#e of the camels' B2 0hron. 69G75D. Since his kin#dom was so massive, Fbil and his camels would robably have been housed in a desert re#ion and in Eerusalem or the immediate surroundin# area. David also had Hittites and members of other ethnic #rou s workin# for him, so this action was not unusual. Interestin#ly, he redicted that one day the kin#s of Arabia would brin# #ifts to the MessiahG ;et the kin#s of "arshish and of the islands brin# resents$ the kin#s of Sheba and Seba offer #iftsO. So may he live, and may the #old of Sheba be #iven to him$ and let them ray for him continually. *salm 96G 25, 2: David was not always leased with his Ishmaelite sub,ects. In *salm 265 he referred to them as havin# lyin# li s' Bv. 6D and that they were haters of eace' Bv. 4D. He concluded the cha ter by sayin#, I am for eace, but when I s eak, they are for war' Bv. 9D. He was hardly alone in his o inion. In the 26th century AD, Eewish sa#e and hysician Maimonides said, "here will never be a eo le driven more by hate than the Ishmaelites, nor a eo le more thorou#hly wicked, whose ur ose is to lacerate us, to diminish our numbers and to de#rade us.' Fbviously the Arab re utation was established lon# before Muhammad resurrected the -abylonian moon #od of war that he renamed Allah.
*h+ do teachers an d textboo,s fail to mentio n that man+ ancient enemies o f the -sraelites are the forefathers of toda+.s Arabs/

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3th ( 8th 0enturies -0G Arab(Israelite 0onflicts Since a few conflicts between Eews and Arabs were recorded in the -ible, it can be assumed there were robably others that were not recorded. .onetheless, the first biblical use of the word Arabians' is found in 6 0hronicles 29G22, where the Arabs and *hilistines brou#ht #ifts and silver to Eehosha hat Ban IsraeliteD as tribute Bta+esD, alon# with 2J,555 rams and #oats. Fbviously the reason they aid ta+es was because they were a sub,u#ated eo le to an Israelite kin#. .ote also that the Arabs and *hilistines are mentioned as two distinct eo le #rou s Bthat lived in o osite re#ionsD. About the year 8J2 -0, when Aha@iah wanted to be kin# of Eudah, he #athered a #rou of Arab assassins. "hey carefully entered the cam of his older brothers and killed them B6 0hron. 66G2D. "hen Cin# Aha@iah fou#ht the Adomites B6 Cin#s 2JG9D and defeated 25,555 of them in the /alley of the Salt near the Dead Sea. Afterwards he ca tured Sela, now known as *etra in modern Eordan. Fn numerous occasions Arabs have told this writer that throu#hout their history they have fou#ht each other when not fi#htin# Eews or 0hristians. Several decades later, when =@@iah was kin# of Eudah B936(9J5 -0D, he also fou#ht and defeated both the *hilistines and Arabs B6 0hron. 64G4(8D. "hose who suffered defeat had to ay tribute, or ta+es, to the victor I a common ractice throu#hout all ancient Middle Aast cultures. Hence, when Muhammad instituted his new reli#ion, he re&uired non(Muslims to ay a Ji'ra, a ta+ im osed u on non(Muslims for the rivile#e of life and the continuation of their reli#ious faith.

Arab violence predates -slam, but -slam sanctifies it and calls it jihad.

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4:5 -0G .abataeans BArabsD *aid "a+es to Assyrians


In the mid(seventh century -0, a nomadic tribe known as the .abataeans established ermanent residency in the ancient city of Sela and aid tribute Bta+esD to the Assyrians. -y the Jth century, several additional .abataeans communities were established in the .e#ev Desert, a lar#e land mass in todays southern Israel. Scholars are of a #eneral consensus that the .abataeans were robably a sub(#rou of the Arabs, but this is without certainty. If true, they would be the only Arab( related #rou to have lived in or near the land of the Eews. !hat is si#nificant, however, is that no archaeolo#ical discoveries have uncovered Arab occu ation in the area of modern Israel rior to the Islamic invasion in AD 474 with the e+ce tion of a few .abataean villa#es in the .e#ev Desert. 45:, :39, and :84 -0G Cin# .ebuchadne@@ar 0on&uered Eerusalem Cin# .ebuchadne@@ar of -abylon con&uered Eerusalem in 45: -0. !hen the Eews rebelled, he returned in :39 -0 to defeat them a#ain. "hey rebelled a#ain and when he returned a#ain in :84 -0, he was so thorou#hly dis#usted with them that he destroyed the city and Solomons "em le. In the kin#s mind, the destruction of the tem le was aramount to killin# the %od of the Eews, ,ust as %ideon destroyed the crescent moons from the Midianites. !ith the destruction of the tem le, the last divinely a ointed kin#, >edekiah B:39(:84D, was taken into e+ile. "here has not been a divinely a ointed kin# over the Eewish eo le since then, nearly 6,455 years a#o. !hile many were taken into ca tivity in -abylon, some fled to the west and settled in S ain. However, the oor and destitute were left behind to occu y Eerusalem and the land. "he Adomites became aware of the -abylonian destruction u on their cousins and took advanta#e of them. "hey re eatedly raided Eerusalem and the surroundin# villa#es stealin# whatever they could from eo le who were so oor that not even the -abylonians wanted them. "he Adomites then moved into southern Eudah below Hebron. In the course of time their name was chan#ed to Idumeans' and in the 2 st BADD century, )ome a ointed a ruthless Idumean, Herod the %reat, to be the kin# of the Eews.

It was in res onse to the Adomite relentless attacks on the Eews that the ro het Fbadiah #ave his ro hetic words. He said that because the sons of Asau attacked and slau#htered the sons of Eacob Bv 3(25D, Divine ,ud#ment would fall u on the Adomites. He also said that one day e+iles of Eerusalem who are in Se harad' Bv. 65D will return and live in the .e#ev. "he word Se harad' is a reference to Eews livin# in S anish(s eakin# nations. 2J "hey will occu y the land once held by the sons of Asau. 4th 0entury -0G %od *romised -lessin#s u on the Arab *eo le !hile the -ible has romised ,ud#ment a#ainst those nations Bnamely ArabQIslamic nationsD who lan to destroy Israel, %od has also romised blessin#s for the Arab eo le throu#h His ro het Isaiah. "ony Maaouf, in his $shmael in i"lical %istor& noted comments by Isaiah concernin# the Arab eo le.2: He says that in the comfort cha ters of Isaiah J5 ( 45, %od will brin# restoration to His eo le and the Eews as well as others. Included are the Arabs who will one day sin# the raises of the ;ord. A+am les are the Arab eo le of Cedar and SelaG Sin# to the ;F)D a new son#. Sin# His raise from the end of the earthR Mou who #o down to the sea, and all that is in it. Mou islands and those who dwell on them. ;et the wilderness and its cities lift u their voices, the settlements where Cedar inhabits let the inhabitants of Sela sin# aloud, let them shout for ,oy from the to s of the mountains. Isaiah J6G25(22 Isaiah also identified the Arab settlements of Midian, A hah, and .ebaioth as followsG A multitude of camels will cover you, the youn# camels of Midian and A hah$ all those from Sheba will come$ they

<or more information on the fulfillment rocess of this ro hetic assa#e, see -ill Heinrich T%E %!N( )* +)(, !ncient Prophecies - Modern Miracles in $srael.

"ony ". Maalouf $shmael in i"lical %istor&. An un ublished doctoral dissertation resented to Dallas "heolo#ical Seminary, May, 2338.


will brin# #old and frankincense, and will bear #ood news of the raises of the ;F)D. All the flocks of Cedar will be #athered to#ether to you, the rams of .ebaioth will minister to you$ they will #o u with acce tance on My altar, and I shall #lorify My #lorious house. Isaiah 45G4(9 .onetheless, while %od romised blessin#s for the Arab eo le, He also romised Divine ,ud#ment a#ainst them and all the nations that will one day rise a#ainst Israel in an attem t to destroy her. :37 ( :92 -0G *ro hetic !arnin#s by A@ekiel In 0ha ter 7: of A@ekiel, the ro het resented reasons as to why %od was a#ainst the descendants of Asau. 2. "hey fou#ht a#ainst and took innocent Israelite lives Bv. :D, 6. "hey wanted Israels land Bv. 25D and 7. "hey blas hemed and boasted a#ainst the ;ord Bvv. 26(27D. .ote that when the ro het s oke a#ainst Mount Seir,' he was referrin# to the eo le who lived there, the Adomites. "hose who romoted the a#e(old an#er and ersecutions would one day be ,ud#ed by %od. J75 -0G Arabs 0onfronted .ehemiah "he ob,ections of Arabs today concernin# the Eewish occu ation of the !est -ank and Eerusalem is hardly a new one. It e+isted centuries before 0hrist. About the year J75 -0 the ro het .ehemiah wrote in his book the account of rebuildin# the defensive walls of Eerusalem. Amon# those who ob,ected were the Arabs. He stated, So we built the wall and the whole wall was ,oined to#ether to half its hei#ht, for the eo le had a mind to work. .ow when Sanballat, "obiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the Ashdodites heard that the re air of the walls of Eerusalem went on, and that the breaches be#an to be

closed, they were very an#ry. All of them cons ired to#ether to come and fi#ht a#ainst Eerusalem and to cause a disturbance in it. .ehemiah JG4(8 As of this time, the Ammonites and several other tribes had not yet intermarried with the Arabs and, therefore, still maintained tribal identity. 777 -0G Ale+ander 0a tured "hebes Ale+ander the %reat B7:4(767 -0D of %reek Macedonia con&uered the known world by the a#e of thirty(three. Amon# his many con&uests was the A#y tian city of "hebes where he enslaved more than 75,555 citi@ens. "his event would forever cast a owerful shadow of distrust u on Auro eans. Its effect in todays conte+t is that A#y tians view Israelis in similar manner. "hey believe Auro eans, includin# Eews, cannot be trusted because they came to lunder the land and take advanta#e of the local eo le. 243 -0G Antiochus I/ A i hanes 0reated the -lood ;ibel' Myth <ollowin# the death of Ale+ander the %reat, his four #enerals divided his %reek Am ire. "he Seleucid %eneral ac&uired art of the eastern Mediterranean area that included the Eewish lands. In the early 6nd century, one of his descendants, Cin# Antiochus I/ A i hanes of Syria, claimed to be divine and was determined to either convert the Eewish eo le to the %reek culture or kill them. He was so incredibly ruthless that some scholars have said he was a ty e and shadow' of the future anti(0hrist. <or e+am le, he killed anyone who owned a co y of the Hebrew -ible BFld "estamentD, killed anyone who circumcised a male child and killed anyone who ublicly racticed Eudaism. In 243 -0, he sacrificed a i# on the Eerusalem tem le24 altar in honor of >eus, thereby causin# an abomination. He is believed to have ori#inated the blood libel myth ( the fictitious account of Eews kidna in# a %entile child and usin# the childs blood

"his tem le was rebuilt 95 years after the destruction of Solomons "em le.


for *assover. "hrou#hout the centuries the myth has been romoted by Muslims and some churches. It is still actively romoted in Islamic countries today.

5e#ish 8 asmonean9 Rule

8(:3 :3 ;C9

24: -0G Maccabean )evoltG A 0entury of Eewish <reedom -e#ins In res onse to the brutality of Antiochus I/ A i hanes, an orthodo+ Eewish family by the name of Maccabee led a revolt that eventually ended %reek control and domination in 247 -0. A i hanes was overthrown by Eews in the well( documented Maccabean )evolt. "he Eerusalem tem le was cleansed and rededicated on the 6J th day of 0hislev of the Eewish calendar, a date that would become si#nificant more than two millennia later in the year 2329. "he si#nificance of the Maccabean )evolt lies in the fact that the land was occu ied by Eews, not Arabs$ and it was the Eews, not Arabs, who revolted a#ainst the cruel %reek dictator. <rom 247 -0 until 47 -0, when the )omans came, the Eewish eo le had their own soverei#n state com letely free of forei#n dominance and ta+ation. Durin# all other centuries from 45: -0 until 23J8, they were under control of a forei#n ower. .o archaeolo#ical or written evidence has been found concernin# Arab or *hilistine occu ation durin# the five centuries before or after the life of Eesus, yet evidence of Eewish occu ation is overwhelmin#. "he Arab Muslims arrived in AD 474. Ama@in#ly, today a #rowin# number of !estern academics deny any Eewish ancestry to the land. Roman Em,ire 8:3 ;C AD 3(/9 "he olitical and social influences that sha ed the events of the )oman and -y@antine Am ires are well known to historians. A brief e+ lanation will be resented to #ive the back#round information about the conditions that e+isted at the time of the Islamic invasion into the Holy ;and.

47 -0G )oman Fccu ation of Israel It is a well established historical fact that in 47 -0 the )omans defeated the Eews, not the Arabs or *alestinians, to establish a buffer @one a#ainst the eastern *arthian Am ire that was e+ andin# westward. )oman le#ions were sent to control key cities such as Damascus and Eerusalem and revent the *arthians from reachin# the Mediterranean Sea. <or that reason, more ancient )oman roads are found today in Israel than in any other country, includin# Italy. <or administrative ur oses, the )omans divided the Eewish land into three districtsG Eudea which included Eerusalem, %alilee, and *erea which lay east of the Eordan )iver. As the )omans took control of the re#ion, they encountered Samaritans, %reeks, and Eews, but no Arab tribes e+ce t for the .abataeans who lived in resent(day Eordan. AD 75G Arab 0hristians )eceive the Holy S irit Some historians have concluded that the Arabs have always dis layed hostility a#ainst the Eewish eo le. However, there were eriods of eace between them. Met in the midst of daily life, some Arabs evidently heard of Eesus and became believers. "his was evident because on the Day of *entecost the Holy S irit came u on many believers includin# Arabs. ;uke wrote in Acts 6G22 that 0retans and Arabs ( we hear them declarin# the wonders of %od in our own ton#ues.' AD 45 KQ(G Herod Anti as Divorces his Arab !ife "he .ew "estament records the account of Herod Anti as, who was the son of Herod the %reat with his fourth wife Malthrace, a Samaritan. Herod Anti as was reviously married to the dau#hter of the Arabian Cin# Aretas I/ of the .abataeans Bcf. 6 0or. 22G76D. Such marria#e arran#ements were common forms of eace treaties. Herod, however, eventually decided to divorce her and marry his brothers wife. <or this reason, Eohn the -a tist #ave his stin#in# criticisms. "he divorce also resulted in a war in which Anti as was defeated. ;ittle else is known of the Arab

influence u on the Eewish land at this time, as they were centered in the city known today as *etra in Eordan. AD 44 ( 95G "he <irst )evoltG "he Destruction of Eerusalem and the "em le In the year AD 44 the Eewish >ealots Bfreedom fi#htersD revolted a#ainst the )omans. "he res onse was a massive military cam ai#n that resulted in the destruction of Eerusalem and the tem le, as well as the enslavement and deaths of thousands of Eews. Aven thou#h there had been more than a do@en revolts a#ainst the )omans between 47 -0 and AD 44, the conse&uences of this one were so massive that it became known as the <irst )evolt.' Incidentally, those who today wish to endorse the reconstructed history of the Middle Aast need to understand that the )omans defeated the Eews, not the Arabs or so(called *alestinians. AD 276 ( 27:G "he Second )evoltG "he Fri#in of the .ame Palestine !ithin si+ty years after the <irst )evolt, Eerusalem was rebuilt and the lans were in rocess for a third tem le. Am eror Hadrian and his )oman army were fi#htin# the *arthians, when, in AD 276, Simon -ar Cokhba convinced Israels leadin# rabbi, )abbi Akiva, that he, Cokhba, was the lon# awaited messiah.29 !ith the rabbis blessin#, Cokhba #athered an army of Eewish soldiers and started what became known as the Second )evolt.' "he )oman res onse was utter destruction. "his time not only was Eerusalem destroyed, but key leaders and an estimated 455,555 men, women and children were killed. Survivors were e+ orted as slaves. !hen )oman eace was restored, Hadrian decreed that any Eew found in the city would be e+ecuted e+ce t on Tisha "!., the day of mournin# for the destruction of both tem les. ;ike Antiochus before him, he was determined to eradicate the name of the Eewish eo le forever. <or that reason he cursed the land by renamin# it Palestinia, in honor of the ancient *hilistine

*rit@, 8:. "he history of the Eews in the ast two thousand years is filled with many self(a ointed messiahs. <or a com rehensive study, see )abbi Abba Hillel Silver, ! %istor& of Messianic Speculation in $srael B2369D.


enemies. He also lanned to rebuild the city in the s lendor of %reek culture, but died shortly thereafter. It is from Palestinia that the modern name Palestine was derived, even thou#h the *hilistines had disa eared centuries earlier, their le#acy continued. As stated reviously, there is no cultural or olitical connection between the ancient *hilistines and modern *alestinians, but Hadrians curse remains.
-n A1 123 !mperor 4adrian cursed the land of the $ews b+ renaming it Palestinia, in honor of their ancient enemies"

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!hile a ma,ority of Eews were dis ursed into other countries, some remained in the town and villa#es throu#hout the countryside. In the late 65th century archaeolo#ists uncovered more than 255 ancient syna#o#ue ruins that date from AD 2:5 to 8:5, with about 6: of those ruins in the %olan Hei#hts ,ust east of the Sea of %alilee. 28 "hese discoveries are overwhelmin# evidence that there has been a continuous Eewish resence in the land. ;%<antine Em,ire 83(/ :3:9 Introduction <ar to the north of the Middle Aast, where a narrow water assa#e connects the Mediterranean and -lack Seas, is the city of -y@antium. ;ike Eerusalem, it is a city that suffered many wars. In 234 it was ca tured by )oman Am eror Severus, but a century later in 63: the )oman Am ire s lit creatin# the )oman B!esternD and -y@antine BAasternD Am ires. "hen in 76J the !estern )oman Am eror 0onstantine ca tured -y@antium and renamed it 0onstantino le. However, after the )oman Am ire fell in J94, 0onstantino le was a#ain the ca ital of the -y@antine Am ire. Hence, this era of history carries its nameG -y@antine

-en(David, JJ(:2, :J.


*eriod. "he Am ire was lar#ely 0hristian until Muslim invaders re eatedly attacked the city in the 9th and 8th centuries, durin# which time it decreased in si@e and many of its districts became Islamic. 726G "he -y@antine )ule in Eerusalem "he -y@antine *eriod officially be#an when Am eror 0onstantine su osedly converted to 0hristianity in 726. A decisive battle between the )omans and -y@antines occurred at the -attle of Milvian -rid#e. "here he claimed to have seen an ima#e of the cross of 0hrist in the sky which was a si#n of his comin# victory. 0onstantine relocated his ca ital city from )ome to the eastern side of the -os orus Strait, a twenty mile channel that connects the -lack Sea with the Sea of Marmora. He named his ca ital -y@antium$ today it is known as Istanbul. In honor of his victory, he laced the ima#e of the cross on coins, alon# with a#an symbols, and made the cross the symbol of the rei#nin# 0hristian faith. 23 "oday, scholars &uestion whether he had ever seen any ima#e in the sky and if he ever was an orthodo+ 0hristian. 65 !ith his victory secure, 0onstantine now had control of Eerusalem and the Holy ;and. 746G Am eror Eulian *lans to )ebuild the Eewish "em le Eulian became the Am eror after the death of Am eror 0onstantine. Eulian is known throu#hout history as Eulian the A ostate, for he des ised 0hristianity and desired to rove it to be a colossal error, es ecially its ro hetic assa#es. "herefore, on Euly 23, he met with a dele#ation of Eewish leaders who desired to build the tem le. He #ranted them ermission and soon the "em le Mount was active with crews clearin# the site of centuries of debris. However, on May 69 of the followin# year, an earth&uake rocked the Middle Aast and the work ceased. 0hristians believed it was %ods ,ud#ment a#ainst the em eror, who was killed a few weeks later in battle.

23 65

%uinnes, 774. )ussell, 69(68.


"his entire account roves two si#nificant ointsG <irst, a Eewish remnant lived in *alestine in the mid(fourth century. Second, %od will not ermit the Eewish "em le to be rebuilt until its ro hetic time. Cha,ter / "uhamma$ an$ the &oun$in' of Islam Introduction <ew leaders have made as much of an im act u on the world as did the founder of Islam, Muhammad, also known as Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, Ibn Abdul(Muttalib, Ibn Hashim, Ibn Adbmanaf, Ibn ?ussai. Since Ibn means son of,' his lon# name reserves his #enealo#y, a si#nificant element of identification in ancient Middle Aast cultures althou#h there is no linka#e to any ro het or other reli#ious leaders in his ast. Muhammad #rew u as a lonely or han but died a wealthy reli#ious monarch. "oday one out of every si+ eo le has acce ted his reli#ion, althou#h seldom by choice. Millions of eo le have been im acted by it. "o understand his life it is necessary to first review the culture and reli#ious environment in which he lived. "his is followed by his marria#es, reli#ious revelations,' and military con&uests. Selected events and si#nificant values are resented because these are modeled by radical Muslims of today. The Cultural Environment of the Arabian Peninsula In the early 4th century AD, the Arabian *eninsula Bmodern Saudi ArabiaD was a harsh desert filled with warrin# Arab tribes. "hey barely eked out a livin# from a land that #ave minimal ve#etative #rowth and where the climate was brutally hot in the day and cold at ni#ht. If the natural harsh elements did not take ones life, then tribal wars did. So abusive were the climate and the desert that invadin# armies often avoided it. "he only ma,or e+ternal influence durin# rior centuries was the *ersians who introduced the written lan#ua#e alon# the coastline that eventually became the ori#in of the written Arabic lan#ua#e. "herefore, for centuries Arabs of the *eninsula remained isolated and unchan#ed with their shee and camels, while Auro eans were movin#

forward in knowled#e of the sciences, mathematics, medicine and social advancement. "o survive, the Arabs had to be fully dedicated to the rotection of their own clans and tribes, in s ite of the fact that related tribes were otential enemies and often became the tar#et of war. Social mores, ethics, reli#ions and obli#ations were defined with a survival ers ective. Aach tribe had its own reli#ious cult with numerous deities and ractices. "he Arabian eo le, es ecially the -edouin tribes, maintained a strict rovincialism. "hey considered other tribes somewhat inferior. "his attitude survived the centuries as today Arabs consider the *alestinians inferior. Muhammad was born into this live or die cultural and hysical environment. Some scholars have su##ested that the Arabian reli#ious and social environment formulated his reli#ious ideas and his methodolo#y of im lantin# those ideals.

"a, 3! The Arabian Peninsula! Shown are Mecca and Al(Medina in what is now Saudi Arabia. "he *eninsula is such a lar#e massive desert land area that it dwarfs Israel and Eordan.

Reli'ions of the Arabian Peninsula Arabian )eli#ions "he Arabs were olytheistic and had hundreds of idols re resentin# their deities. Fne of those deities was the moon #od of the sword and war, Hubal, also known as Al(ilah, which Muhammad renamed HubalQAl(ilahQAl(ilahi Bsim lified to Allah'D. "housands of inscri tions with crescent moon ima#es have been collected from walls and rocks in northern and southern Arabia and dated as early as 6555 -0. Allah was the ancient moon(#od of war and the sword of various eo le #rou s in Meso otamia. !ith these discoveries were relief carvin#s and votive bowls used in worshi of the dau#hters of HubalQAl(ilah.' "he three dau#hters, Al(;at, Al( =@@a, and Manat are sometimes de icted to#ether with HubalQAl(ilah, re resented by a crescent moon above them. 62 Deities had different names in different cultures. <or e+am le, the )oman love #oddess /enus was known by the %reeks as A hrodite and the )oman #oddess Diana was the %reek Artemis. ;ikewise the -abylonian moon #od Sin, 66 or -el, was known by the Arabs as Hubal, Al(ilah, or Al(ilahi. It is from Al(ilah' that the name Allah' was derived and was the chief deity of Muhammads ?uraysh tribe. HubalQAl(ilah was deemed so si#nificant that .abonidus, Cin# of -abylon, Brei#ned :::(:73 -0D, built a tem le to the #od of the sword and war in the city of "ayma B"emaD, in northern Arabia. *reviously in the 9 th century -0 the ro het Eeremiah ro hesied a#ainst the city BEer. 6:G67D for the sins of the Arab ?edarite dynasty. Accordin# to -erta Se#all, Arabias stellar reli#ion has always been dominated by the moon #od in various variations.' 67 ;ittle wonder then

Isaac )abinowit@. Aramaic Inscri tions of the <ifth 0entury,' Eournal of .ear Aastern Studies, N/, 23:4, 2(3$ See also )abinowit@. Another Aramaic )ecord of the .orth Arabian %oddess HanS;lat,' Eournal of .ear Aastern Studies, N/III, 23:3, 2:J(::.

Some sources identified the moon #od of -abylon as was a title attributed to various deities.

el, however,


-eta Se#all. "he Icono#ra hy of 0osmic Cin#shi ,' The !rt 78, 23:4, 99.

ulletin, vol.


that the name of Muhammads father was Abdullah, meanin# slave of Allah.' Amon# the si#nificant cities of the Arabian *eninsula was Mecca, a center known for its tradin# and commercial enter rises. Many Arabian tribes considered it to be their rimary holy city and re&uired annual il#rima#es as art of their reli#ious duties. "ribes often fou#ht over control of it as the ta+ation of travelin# caravans was a lucrative source of wealth. Amon# those who fou#ht for Mecca was Muhammads #reat(#randfather ?ussai Ibn Colabn. Colabn was victorious and became the self(a ointed #overnor. He attem ted to unify all the Arab tribes but his success was limited only in Mecca. His rei#n was assed on to his son Abd Allah ibn Abd al(Muttalib who also functioned as the reli#ious leader of his tribe. However, he died shortly after Muhammads birth and leadershi was assed on to someone else. It is believed that Muhammads assion to unite the Arabs ori#inated with his #reat(#randfather because he felt that his tribal osition was stolen from him. As #overnor, Colabn constructed a cube(sha ed buildin# in Mecca that he called the Caabah.' It housed the 745 Arabian idols and a black stone BmeteoriteD that was also an ob,ect of worshi . Some scholars believe that the moon symbol of the HubalQAl(ilah was laced u on the roof of the Cabbah rior to Muhammads time, and this is the ori#in of the crescent moon that adorns the to of minarets and mos&ues today.


&i'ure :! LE&T: Illustration of a Coin #ith Crescent "oon! "his coin dated to 6,555 -0, was found in Harran, a northern city of the Sumerian Am ire of ancient Meso otamia. &i'ure =! CENTER: A +tone "onument #ith Crescent "oon! Stone monuments with a relief carvin# of a crescent moon near the to were used in a#an worshi . Muslims who eventually #athered the sayin#s and commands of Muhammad said that the Caabah was built by Abraham. Accordin# to Islamic history, Abraham became the first Muslim when he offered Ishmael as a sacrifice to Allah, but Allah revented the childs death. "his account mimics the biblical narrative of Abraham offerin# his son Isaac. "hey also claimed that Allah #ave the black stone to Adam as he was leavin# the %arden of Aden. However, history reveals that many Arab tribes once worshi ed stones as is mentioned in Islams second most im ortant book, the HadithG

!e used to worshi stones, and when we found a better stone than the first one, we would throw the first one and take the latter, but if we could not #et a stone then we would collect some earth Bi.e. soilD and then brin# a shee and milk that slee over it, and erform the "awaf around it. Sahih al(-ukhari, /ol :, T442.

In the establishment of his monotheistic faith, Muhammad no lon#er worshi ed the moon, but used it as a symbol of Allah. "he three #oddess dau#hters Al(lat, Al( Manat, and Al(=@@a disa eared for theolo#ical reasons, but su osedly were in early versions of the ?uran. Islamic scholars ar#ue vehemently a#ainst the thou#ht that their ro het ever worshi ed them or that Allah has three dau#hters. .onetheless, the three mythical dau#hters are re#arded as Muslim saints and a crescent moon rests u on every mos&ue.


htt GQQwww.usc.eduQschoolsQcolle#eQcrccQen#a#ementQresourcesQte+tsQ muslimQhadithQbukhariQ5:3.sbt.html )etrieved Eune :, 6553.


1id +ou ,n ow that the crescent moon on the top of ever+ mo s(ue is s+mbolic of Bel, the ancient 5ab +lonian moon god/

Pag e '2

0hristian and Eewish %rou s "here were a number of 0hristian #rou s in the Arabian *eninsula. ;ike 0hristians elsewhere at this time, they had difficulties #ra lin# with understandin# the "rinity and the dual nature of Eesus B255U %od and 255U manD. "he decision of the 0ouncil of 0halcedon in J:2 declared that Eesus was fully man and fully %od, but churches in the *eninsula re,ected the 0ouncils decision. "oday 0hristian #rou s that do not reco#ni@e the "rinity as %od the <ather, Eesus the Son, and the Holy S irit, are considered cults. "he Arab 0hristian #rou s that influenced Muhammad in his early years were the Mono hysites, Abionites and .estorians. "he Mono hysistes denied the humanity of Eesus but tau#ht that He was fully %od. "heir name derived from two %reek words, monos BoneD and ph&sis BnatureD. "heir influence u on Muhammad is thou#ht to have been limited. Islam was derived in art, from the 0hristian Abionites near Mecca. "he term Abionite' is from the Hebrew E.&onim, meanin# oor ones.' "he founders took the term from the words of EesusG -lessed are the oor in s irit for theirs is the Cin#dom of %od.' "hey believed in an abbreviated -ible that consisted of the "orah Bfirst five books of the Fld "estamentD, the book of *salms and a revised version of the #os el of Matthew. "hey denied the deity of Eesus but acce ted His humanity, and believed that Eudas was crucified and his body was made to look like that of Eesus. "hey also believed that the A ostle *aul was an a ostate. <or many years Muhammad was tutored by the Abionite -isho !araka ibn .ofal who became a si#nificant influence in Muhammads life. After the -isho died, Muhammad was tutored by -uhaira, a 0hristian .estorian monk. "he .estorians believed that Eesus e+isted as two ersonsG the man Eesus and the Divine Son of %od, rather

than Eesus with two natures B255U %od and 255U manD. !hile the .estorian view was condemned by the 0ouncil of A hesus in J72, it continued to #row in many arts of the world, includin# the Arabian *eninsula. Fne day -uhaira ha ened to notice a mole on Muhammads back and told him it was a si#n of riesthood. He also instructed Muhammads uncle Abu("alib, to rotect the youn# mans life from the Eewish eo le. !ord s read throu#hout the community and when the time came for Muhammad to make his #rand a earance as a ro het, many were waitin# for him. )e#ardless of the theolo#ical stru##les of these early 0hristians, they did ractice rayin#, fastin#, #ivin# to the oor Balms#ivin#D and rofessin# their faith in 0hrist Eesus. In li#ht of the fact that Arabs went to Mecca annually for a reli#ious il#rima#e, many scholars believe that the five tenets of the Islamic faith B rayer, fastin#, alms#ivin#, confession of faith, il#rima#e to MeccaD, were derived from e+istin# ractices that were already well known. .onetheless, Muhammad obviously received a distorted view of 0hristianity. <inally, there were a number of Eewish communities that dated their ori#ins rior to a time before 0hrist$ some, more than 6,555 years rior to the advent of Islam. "here were lon# eriods of eace between the Eews and their Arab nei#hbors. In fact, some Arab leaders even embraced Eudaism.6: "he *eninsula was truly a land of reli#ious freedom. Aventually Muhammad terminated all reli#ions e+ce t his own. "uhamma$: Pro,het or "ilitar% "%stic. :95 ( 476G MuhammadG His ;ife and the <oundin# of Islam Muhammad was born into the -anu Hashim64 clan of the ?uraysh tribe in Mecca, Arabia. He came from one of the oorest families of all clans. ;ittle is known of his early years. His father, Abdullah, died before the boys birth. His mother,

*eters, 72.


Cin# Abdullah II of Eordan is a descendant of the Arab -anu Hashim clan. Hence, the official name of Eordan is the Hashemite Cin#dom of Eordan.


Aminah -int !ahab, died when he was only si+ years old, and thereafter, he was briefly raised by a -edouin nurse named Halima Muhammad. !hile under her care he became sub,ect to e ile tic fits and was assed on to his #randfather Abdul al(Muttalib who cared for him. !hen the elderly man died, the boy was assed on to his uncle Abu "alib. 0onse&uently, his early years were not only im overished, but also without education or the nurture of a carin# mother as he was shuffled from one family to another. Muhammad had a difficult and lonely childhood. At the a#e of nine he be#an travelin# with his uncle on camel caravan merchandisin# e+ editions to Damascus. It was here that he learned how to be a hard worker, a skillful businessman BtraderD and a successful leader. It is believed that on these ,ourneys he was e+ osed to some of the Eewish sites from where he learned of various Fld "estament stories.

&i'ure >! "anuscri,t De,icts the ;irth of "uhamma$! "his 2Jth century Islamic manuscri t illustration has numerous elements taken from 0hristian -y@antine art, such as the illars from .ativity art, win#s of an#els and the osition of the Muhammad(child. "he three fi#ures standin# to the side reflect the three wise men. Medieval critics

considered this ima#e a mockery.

erverse and blas hemous

!hile travelin# with his uncle, his cousin Ali, son of Abu "alib, became like a brother and would eventually become a central fi#ure of the Islamic Shiite sect. ;ittle is known of his early years as only eleven verses in the ?uran make reference to his childhood BSura 37D. 69

Muhammads <irst !ifeG Chadi,a !hen Muhammad was in his early twenties he was em loyed by Chad,ia who, with her second husband, owned a caravan. Muhammad continued to travel to distant cities, develo ed his leadershi and business skills, and became an im ortant asset to the caravan. "herefore, when her husband suddenly died, Chadi,a entrusted Muhammad to lead the caravans for her. Soon she broke the Arab custom and sent a maid to him and ro osed marria#e. She was an Abionite 0hristian and belon#ed to a church where her cousin !araka ibn .ofal was the bisho . It is not sur risin# then, that in the year :3:, when Muhammad was only 64, he went into an Abionite church and married Chadi,a, a J5(year old wealthy and hi#hly educated businesswoman. He did not mind layin# his reli#ious herita#e aside to ac&uire wealth and status. It has often been su##ested that she served as a mother fi#ure to a man who was not nurtured as a child. "o#ether they had two boys and four #irls, but only one dau#hter, <atima, survived the harsh desert environment and #rew into adulthood. Ironically, when Muhammad established Islam, o ortunities as business entre reneurshi and education for women would be terminated. A&ually stran#e is the fact that Muhammad was married in a church. !ith his marria#e, his fortune chan#ed radically. Fverni#ht he went from overty to wealth. He now had more time to study reli#ion and wander out to a desert cave in Mount Hira to s end hours in solitude and meditation. -ein#

"he oldest source of information concernin# Muhammads roots is found in the Arabic book !lera !lna"awia BThe io/raph& of MuhammadD written in 9:8 by Ibn Isha&, and edited in 877 by Ibn Hesham and other Arab editors.


rudent and wise, he was faithful to his wife durin# her lifetime. He was not about to risk his future by institutin# any foolish ideas such as women bein# re#arded as ro erty, bein# subservient to men, or remainin# uneducated. Chadi,as life and re(Islamic Arab history su##est that at times women en,oyed business status and wealth, and commanded a lifestyle unknown in many other areas of the world. All this would end, of course, when Muhammad instituted Islamic Shariah Bor Sharia0 1aws. Fther !ives of Muhammad "he accounts of Muhammads other wives, as recorded in the Quran, %adith68 and other Islamic books are le#endary. Fnly a few are mentioned here. !ithin a decade Muhammad ac&uired many wives and concubines. His third and youn#est wife was Aisha B42J(498D, also known as =mm Abdallah. She was his favorite. She was only si+ years old at the time of the weddin#, but due to her youn# a#e, the :7( year old Muhammad eventually had a harem of 25 to 27 wives Bsources conflictD. Muhammad waited until she was nine years old to consummate the marria#e. 63 Since a true Muslim faithfully follows the ways of Muhammad, some men today marry child brides. "he account of Muhammads marria#e with Aisha is found in the u2hari, a book within the %adith, is considered by many scholars to be one of the most reliable sources. It contains the followin# re ortG "he *ro het married her when she was si+ years old and he consummated his marria#e when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years Bi.e., till his deathD. Sahih -ukhari, /ol. 9, -ook 46, .o. 4J.75

68 63 75

See Definitions of 0ommon "erms in A

endi+ 9.

Mikhail, 94 citin# Aisha Abd(Alrahman in of the Prophet, :9(42.

=niversity of Southern 0alifornia, 0enter of Muslim(Eewish An#a#ement. htt GQQwww.usc.eduQschoolsQcolle#eQcrccQen#a#ementQresourcesQte+tsQmusli mQhadithQbukhariQ546.sbt.html. )etrieved Eune 2, 6553. "he Sahih u2hari, /ol. 9, -ook 46, describes the se+ual assions of the *ro het.


&i'ure ?! amas bri$e'rooms #ith chil$ bri$es! In 6553 a mass weddin# was held for Muslim men and their child brides in %a@a. Muslims continue the traditions romoted by their *ro het. -ecause he claimed Allah ermitted him to erform this act, marria#es between adult Muslim men and re(teen #irls continue. After the *ro hets death, Aisha never remarried and accordin# to Sunni Muslim tradition, she recorded 2655 hadiths BtraditionsD. In todays !estern world Muhammad would, without &uestion, be identified as a child molester or a edo hile. Muhammad had not only obtained a dee assionQlust for se+, but also for wealth. He received word that a Eew named Cinana, the chief of a Eewish villa#e at Cheibar, had hidden treasures of #old. Muhammads men ca tured and tortured him until he was near death at which time he was beheaded. "hat ni#ht Muhammad took the victims seventeen year old widow, Safiya -int Huyay, to bed and later she became his ei#hth wife, but Cinana had no wealth. 72

Mikhail, 86(87.


Most notable is the account of his thirteenth wife, Maria. Since Muhammad was ersuasive by means of military and reli#ious stren#th, not to mention terrorism and torture, he ressured Al(Mockawkas, the ruler of the A#y tian 0o tic 0hristians, to #ive him a bride. Hence, Maria became Muhammads wife and eventually bore him a son. Historical sources conflict and some state that because she never renounced her 0hristian faith. She was either a concubine or a slave, but not a wife. 76 )e#ardless, her son was eventually oisoned by another ,ealous wife of Muhammads harem. 77 Muhammad claimed to be the #reatest and last ro het of Allah and established s ecial ri#hts and rivile#es for himself. "hese ri#hts and rivile#es ertained mostly to women and wealth. Met with all these wives and concubines he only had two sons. Marias son was oisoned and the other died in infancy. It was e+tremely im ortant in this culture to have a son and the *ro het was des erate. So eventually he ado ted a boy named >aid. Fne day, after >aid was married, Muhammad visited his home and saw >aids beautiful wife, >ainab. "he assions of Muhammad went wild, so he returned to the 0ave of Hira and s oke to the s irit.' After receivin# council from the s irit' who s oke on behalf of Allah, Muhammad returned to his >aid and an a#reement was made. >aid divorced >ainab so Muhammad could marry her$ in essence, he married his e+(dau#hter(in(law B?uran 77GJ, 79(J5D.7J "he marria#e stemmed from his ado ted son and to revent a similar reoccurrence in the future, the ado tion of or haned children was forbidden. "his lo#ic is counter to modern !estern thou#ht, but the rohibition a#ainst ado tion continues in Muslim states. In face, of the J9 Islamic countries, only four ermit ado tion I "unisia, Indonesia, Iran and A@erbai,an. .ot only are Eews, 0hristians and other eo le #rou s victims of Islam, but so are Muslims.

425G /isions, %enies and An#les

76 77 7J

Morey, 84(89. Mikhail, 87.

Mikhail, 98(85 citin# Aisha Abd(Alrahman in of the Prophet, 269( 2J5.


<or fifteen years Muhammad en,oyed the life of a wealthy merchant. He was rivately tutored by reli#ious leaders and s ent many hours meditatin# in a cave on Mount Hira. In 425, at the a#e of forty, he claimed to have had his first revelation' visitation with the archan#el %abriel. It occurred one day when he was in the cave and a s irit came over him, s&uee@in# him so hard that he believed he was #oin# to die. "he s irit demanded that he read, but Muhammad rotested sayin# that he was illiterate. So the s irit told him to breathe in the name of the ;ord and then disa eared.7: Muhammad &uickly returned home and told Chadi,a of the horrific e+ erience. She, in turn, ran to her uncle .ofal, who declared Muhammad to be a ro het like Moses. ;ater, Muhammad identified the s irit as havin# been the an#el %abriel and declared that no one should o ose %abriel or the instructions #iven to him BMuhammadD. "he ?uran has the followin#, Say, Anyone who o oses %abriel should know that he has brou#ht down this Bthe ?uranD into your heart, in accordance with Allahs will, confirmin# revious scri tures, and rovidin# #uidance and #ood news for the believers.' Anyone who o oses Allah, and His an#els, and His messen#ers, and %abriel and Michael, should know that Allah o oses the disbelievers. Sura 6G 39(38

<or the ne+t twenty(three years %abriel eriodically #ave him revelations' that he told to others who recorded them. Some scholars have stated that whenever Muhammad received a revelation,' he may have been in a trance resemblin# an e ile tic sei@ure. Fthers ar#ue that he had a revelation' whenever he needed a reason to fulfill his assion. In addition to his fre&uent cave meetin#s with %abriel, Muhammad claimed that he encountered #enies Balso s elled ,ennies'D. In Arabian le#ends there are numerous accounts of #enies. -y definition, a #enie is a s irit that can take on


Sura 3:G2(:.


the form of a erson or animal, and can then e+ercise su ernatural influence throu#h that bein#. "he 2345s o ular American sitcom, $ (ream of Jeannie, was based on that le#end. ;ikewise school children may have read a story where someone rubs a ma#ical lam ' three times, says the ma#ical word a4"ra42a4da"4"ra Bthe name of an Arabian s iritD and a #enie comes out of the lam s s out to #rant a wish. "he 9th century Arabs had a #reater fear and res ect for #enies than they did for their own #ods. "hey believed #enies were either #ood or evil s irit bein#s that lived in the desert. !hen one went there to meditate it would be ossible to communicate with them. "hat mi#ht be why Muhammad had such dee res ect for them. In Arabic, #enies were considered so realistic that d,inn' was the collective name for a #rou of #enies. Einni' was a male #enie and ,inniyah' was a female #enie, but neither is to be confused with the )oman mytholo#ical #enii.' Accordin# to the ?uran, Muhammad tau#ht #enies BiinnsD and they a lauded what they had heard. A se#ment of 0ha ter 96 titled, Al Einn' Bthe %enie'D not only #ives credit to Muhammad for teachin# them, but also discredits Eesus as bein# the Son of %od. .ote the followin#, Say, I was ins ired that a #rou of ,inns listened, then said, V!e have heard a wonderful ?uran. It #uides to ri#hteousness, and we have believed in it$ we will never set u any idols beside our ;ord. "he Most Hi#h is our only ;ord. He never had a mate, nor a son.' Sura 96G2(7

6uhammad med itated in the desert du rin g which times he spo,e to spirits 7evil/8 ,nown as genies 79ura 0'%1-28"

Page '8

425 I 466G Muhammads Aarly Interest in )eli#ion


<or centuries Mecca had been a reli#ious center with hundreds of craftsmen creatin# various idols. After three years of conversin# with s irit bein#s in the desert, in 427 Muhammad actively romoted his reli#ion as the only true reli#ion that had no idol. "his was an affront to other reli#ious leaders and the Meccans reacted ne#atively toward him. "he illiterate ro het first reached to his wife Chadi,a, his family and clan. <ew others were interested in his monotheistic reli#ion. ;ocal officials s oke with his uncle, Abu "alib, a hi#hly res ected tribal and community leader. "hey tolerated Muhammad as much as they could because of his uncles influence, but eventually that #ave way. "his was es ecially true in 428 when "alib fell #ravely ill. "he Meccan leaders, aware of this, came to "alib and Muhammad and im lored a final time for a eaceful co(e+istence, but Muhammad re,ected their eace initiatives. "hen, as now, eaceful co(e+istence was not an o tion, not a oint to be ne#otiated. Muhammad became the lau#hin# stock of Mecca, a humiliation that he would aven#e years later. Hostility continued to #row as craftsmen who made idols be#an losin# business. Met to the credit of the 9 th century Meccans, they were e+tremely tolerant of him. After three years of fruitless evan#elism in Mecca, his family su##ested he ermit them to worshi the three dau#hters of AllahG Al(il(;at, Al(=@@a and Manat. Aach had her own shrine near Mecca. Al(il(;at was symboli@ed by a s&uare stone in the villa#e of "aif$ Al(=@@a was the mornin# star symboli@ed by a #ray #ranite stone in the sha e of a thi#h bone$ Manat was the #oddess of destiny symboli@ed by a black stone in the villa#e of ?uayd. "he su##estion of #oddess worshi was an attem t to cater to the whims of the Meccan leaders. At first Muhammad refused but he finally relented in what he said was a moment of weakness. Some of his disci les rebuked him and the *ro het concluded that Satan had tricked him BSura 66G:6$ :7G23(64D. "he sub,ect of Allahs three dau#hters is hotly denied by Muslim clerics. It is the to ic of Salman )ushdies book, The Satanic 5erses.74 It was initially ublished in the =nited Cin#dom in Se tember of 2388 and two months later a review a eared in a "ehran daily a er without rotest.

)oberts, 3.


)ushdie was well known to the Iranian eo le for his literary work which included rior novels. It was not until its American ublication in <ebruary of 2383 that the Ayatollah Chomeini, the hi#hest Islamic reli#ious authority in Iran, condemned )ushdie and his book. He laced one million dollars in a trust for the assassin who would end his life. !hat offense did )ushdie commitH He sim ly recorded a le#endary event in Islamic history, but brin#in# it to ublic awareness is what the leadin# Islamic cleric of Iran called blas hemy.'79 BSee How Muslims Inter ret the -ible' in A endi+ 4.D 425G Islamic Invasion of A#y t It did not take lon# after Muhammads first revelation for him to send an army into A#y t. He was well aware that the A#y tian 0o tic 0hristians, were not only weary of their -y@antine overlords, but also had hu#e sums of #old. "herefore, in December under the direction of %eneral Amr ibn al As, a J,555(man cavalry crossed the Sinai Desert and A#y t was introduced to Islam. "he fact that the 0o tic 0hristians looked favorably u on the new con&uerors is why they have survived, and at times thrived under centuries of Islamic rule.78 However, in recent decades the homes and churches of 0o tic 0hristians have been burned and ransacked. 423G "he Deaths of Abu "alib and Chadi,a "his was a sorrowful year for Muhammad. "he death of his nurturin# wife and the death of his uncle, who had rotected him from the warrin# Meccans, were hu#e losses for him. !hile the *ro het ac&uired some followers, his attem ts to win converts failed and #enerally caused conflict. "his worried the Meccan leaders. <urthermore, they were concerned about the otential loss of business the idol makers would suffer as an increasin# number of eo le left the a#an reli#ions and followed Islam. !ith Abu "alib and Chadi,a #one the Meccans now laced more ressure on Muhammad to either dro his reli#ious ideas or leave town.

;ewis, 742(4J. FShea, :5(:2.



"he more they became.

ressured him, the more determined he

"o the Arabs, like the olytheistic )omans and %reeks of centuries ast, the idea of a sin#le deity was lau#hable. Eust as the Eews and 0hristians had been the ob,ects of slander and ridicule, so likewise were Muhammad and his followers. "o an Arab, to become the sub,ect of ridicule is often considered ,ust cause for war. Muhammad did not have the stren#th to win an armed conflict and soon reali@ed that he needed to esca e or lose his life. -ut first he had an ima#inary fli#ht to a fartherist mos&ue.' 462G Muhammads .i#ht <li#ht *rior to his esca e from Mecca, Muhammad claimed to have had an event known as the !l lsraa, or $sra. Some Islamic scholars say this was a real event while others claim it is an alle#ory. .onetheless, accordin# to the ?uran BSura 29D, Muhammad rode his win#ed horse to the farthest mos&ue,' said to be the 0ity of the *ro hets,' for an obvious biblical reason. !hile the city was not identified in the ?uran, it has been assumed to be Eerusalem I the city of the biblical ro hets. "here it is alle#ed that Muhammad tied his win#ed horse to the !estern !all and ste ed u on the rock that is on the to of the "em le Mount. <rom the rock, Muhammad made a miraculous ,ourney, known as the Mira6, throu#h the seven levels of Heaven to be ordained head of all ro hets, includin# Eesus and Moses. It was there he saw the celestial Cabah and received from Allah the fundamentals of the Islamic creed. After leadin# the ro hets in rayer he returned to the rock, walked down to his win#ed horse and flew back to Mecca. Hence, the Muslims renamed Eerusalem !l Kuds meanin# "he Holy Fne,' and early Muslims rayed facin# Eerusalem, not Mecca. Incidentally, the rock from where he claimed he ascended to heaven is the same rock where, accordin# to the -ible, Abraham offered Isaac. Muhammad challen#ed his listeners with claims such as havin# had discussions with a s irit named %abriel who #ave him revelations from Allah, his tri to Heaven, and his discourses with #enies. He be#an to enthusiastically reach the messa#e of Allah throu#hout Mecca. Avan#elism was

considerably more difficult than he antici ated and his own ?uraysh tribe no lon#er wanted to be associated with him.

&i'ure (@! "uhamma$ Ri$es his Win'e$ orse! "his 27th century illustration show the *ro het u on his horse, -orak Bor -ura&D, as he flew from Mecca to Eerusalem. "he horse is said to have had the head of a woman and the tail of a eacock.


&i'ure ((! "uhamma$ lea$s AbrahamA "oses an$ 5esus in Pra%er! A medieval aintin#, in the A&sa Mos&ue of Eerusalem, shows the *ro het in Heaven leadin# si+ other ro hets, includin# Abraham, Moses and Eesus, in rayer. <or centuries Muslim clerics debated the location of the fartherest mos&ue.' Some Islamic theolo#ians throu#hout history have said it was -a#hdad, others said Damascus and some said it was Eerusalem. "he matter was not settled until the *alestinian(Israeli issues arose. Fbviously the final decision was not for theolo#ical reasons, but for the su ort of the *alestinian cause. However, there is a roblem with Muhammads fanciful tri . At this time there was no mos&ue in Eerusalem or anywhere else in the Holy ;and. <urthermore, Eerusalem was under -y@antine control and without any Arabs. It is a sub,ect many Muslims refer not to discuss. 465 or 462G "he Arab /isitation Durin# the month of )amadan, when Arabs worshi ed idols at the shrines in Mecca, si+ tribal leaders from the oasis town of Mathrib Blater known as MedinaD visited the *ro het. "hey told him of the civil four(year war between the citys two Arab tribes, the Aws and Cha@ra,. "his conflict threatened to weaken Arab control to the oint that three smaller Eewish tribes73 would soon take control of the city. Since Muhammad had established a res ectable re utation, at least in some circles, they ur#ed him to come north and brin# eace to their community. "his was an e+cellent o ortunity for him for three reasonsG 2. Mathrib was the hometown of his mother, 6. ;ivin# there it would enable him to unite his followers for a common cause and 7. ;ivin# there would #ive him the o function as law#iver and ro het. ortunity to


"he three tribes are -anu ?uray@a, -anu ?aynu&a and -anu l(.adir.


<rom this oint on he saw himself #reater than Moses. His ultimate #oal was to unite all the Arab eo le under a sin#le faith, a vision #reater than that of his illustrious #reat( #randfather, ?ussai bin Colabn. "he invitation was attractive. "o be res ected in Mathrib was far better than bein# humiliated by the Meccan leaders. 466G Muhammads Asca e to Medina Bthe %i6raD -y now the Meccans had enou#h of Muhammad and his reli#ious ideas. He first was banned from the city and then attem ts were made to kill him. ;ife became so dan#erous that he divided his family and followers into small #rou s so each #rou could sneak out in secrecy. Fn the ni#ht he was to be assassinated, he and his small #rou of armed followers left Mecca by #oin# south to throw off their ursuers. "hen they doubled back and went to Mathrib. His esca e or emi#ration became known in Arabic as the %i6ra or %e6ira.J5 "his was the turnin# oint in the develo ment of Islam and the establishment of the first year of the Islamic calendar. "he le#end that Muhammad and his #rou were ersecuted in Mecca is at best a myth. He was humiliated, ridiculed and re,ected because he attem ted to im ose his reli#ion u on others, but he was not ersecuted. !hen the *ro het and his band of family and su orters arrived in Medina, they were tired, e+hausted and hun#ry. "he Eewish residents cared for them and nursed them back to health. "here he established his new home and was ermitted to reach as he desired. Since the olytheistic Arabs also re,ected him, he a ealed to the Eews and 0hristians who were already monotheistic. He believed they would be easy converts. So to a ease them, he s oke kindly. In an attem t to win them, he challen#ed them to read their -ibles to discover the truth. *ortions of the ?uran that are assive and refer to love and kindness toward Eewish eo le and 0hristians were written at this time. A+am les are as followsG If you have any doubt re#ardin# what is revealed to you from your ;ord, then ask those who read the

Scholars differ on the recise date.


revious Scri ture Bthe -ibleD. Indeed, the truth has come to you from your ;ord. Do not be with the doubters. Sura 25G3J Surely, those who believe, those who are Eewish, the 0hristians, and the converts$ anyone who B2D believes in %FD, and B6D believes in the ;ast Day, and B7D leads a ri#hteous life, will receive their recom ense from their ;ord. "hey have nothin# to fear, nor will they #rieve. Sura 6G46

!e have #iven the 0hildren of Israel the scri ture, wisdom, and ro hethood, and rovided them with #ood rovisions$ we bestowed u on them more blessin#s than any other eo le. Sura J:G24 Muhammad also fasted on the Eewish holiday of Mom Ci ur and led his eo le in rayer facin# Eerusalem. He even went so far as to say that Allah had #iven the Holy ;and Btodays IsraelQ*alestineD to the Eews.

F eo le of the scri ture, our messen#er has come to you, to e+ lain thin#s to you, after a eriod of time without messen#ers, lest you say, !e did not receive J2 any reacher or warner.' A reacher and warner have now come to you. Allah is Fmni otent. )ecall that Moses said to his eo le, F my eo le, remember Allahs blessin#s u on youG He a ointed ro hets from amon# you, made you kin#s, and #ranted you what He never #ranted any other eo le. F my eo le, enter the holy land that Allah has decreed for you, and do not rebel, lest you become losers.' Sura :G23(62


A warner' is someone who #ives a warnin#.


1id +ou ,now that 6uhammad told his people that -srael belongs to the $ews/

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=nfortunately, the era of kindness to the Eewish eo le would not last lon#. 466G Muhammad the Mediator In Mathrib he faced the Arab Aws and Cha@ra, clans who had been feudin# for years. He not only successfully arbitrated conflicts amon# them, but he also converted them to Islam. "his further elevated his status in the community. In the meantime, the Eews and 0hristians reali@ed that Muhammad was not Eewish, he uttered no ro hecies, he erformed no miracles and his life and messa#e contradicted both Fld and .ew "estament laws. "he Eews even had a #limmer of ho e that he mi#ht be their lon# awaited messiah. However, that ho e &uickly faded when they reali@ed he was illiterate I and every biblical ro het knew how to read and write. "hey concluded that his so(called revelations were used to satisfy his own assions and ur oses. Muhammads favorable comments about Eews and 0hristians were about to end. -ecause they soundly re,ected him, the *ro het vilified both. .o lon#er would Muslims fast on the Eewish holy day of Mom Ci ur, now they would fast durin# dayli#ht hours durin# the month of )amadan, the month when he received his first revelation. Muhammad chan#ed the direction of his rayers from Eerusalem to Mecca. His words became even more heated when the Eews ,oined the Meccans in a failed attem t to defeat Muhammad. 0han#e of AttitudeG "he ;aw of Abro#ation Still stin#in# from the humiliation and re,ection from his clan in Mecca, he was now insulted a#ain by the re,ection of the Eews and 0hristians. !hen he reali@ed that eaceful evan#elism would not succeed, he introduced the sword.

"hereafter, he s oke only of killin# every Eew and 0hristian he could find. A##ressive ?uranic references be#an at this time, but were in conflict with revious references of kindness. "his osed an obvious roblem for Islamic theolo#ians. "o resolve the roblem the 1aw of !"ro/ation was devised. "he 1aw states that latter sayin#s of the *ro het su ersede his earlier ones. Hence, the ?uran has no conflicts. Allah is ermitted to chan#e his mind and, therefore, correct himself. .ote the followin# versesG Allah erases whatever He wills, and fi+es Bwhatever He willsD. !ith Him is the ori#inal Master )ecord. Sura 27G73

!hen we substitute one revelation in lace of another, and Allah is fully aware of what He reveals, they say, WMou made this u RW Indeed, most of them do not know. Sura 24G252 If we will, we can take back what we revealed to you, then you will find no rotector a#ainst us. Sura 29G84 !hen we abro#ate any miracle, or cause it to be for#otten, we roduce a better miracle, or at least an e&ual one. Do you not reco#ni@e the fact that Allah is Fmni otentH Sura 6G254 Another translation of Sura 6G254 reads as followsG !hatever communications we abro#ate or cause to be for#otten, we brin# one better than it or like it. Do you not know that Allah has ower over all thin#sH J6


htt GQQ&uod.lib.umich.eduQc#iQkQkoranQkoran(id+Hty eLDI/5PbyteL2765. )etrieved Au#ust 27, 6525.


"hese assa#es motivate Muslims today who wish to make Islam a #lobal reli#ion. "o say that the ?uran is a reli#ion of eace like the -ible is to admit that one has little or no knowled#e of Islam. However, while Muhammad said no one can abro#ate his laws, the ?uran has do@ens of contradictions which are resolved by the ;aw of Abro#ation. "he ?uran has 6J: verses that are ositive and affirm non(Muslims, includin# Eews and 0hristians. "hese are tolerant statements Muhammad made early in his ministry.' Avery one of these was abro#ated later. 0onse&uently, there are :69 verses that are intolerant of non(Muslims and an additional 253 verses that refer to violence and death to non(Muslims. More s ecifically, many of the 253 verses are referenced to Eews and 0hristians. "here is not a sin#le ositive or tolerant verse about non(Muslims in the ?uran.

T4! :A* ;< A5=;>AT-;?% @erses of peace and tolerance are superseded b+ verses of violence and $ihad A hol+ w ar

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467G Muhammad )aids 0aravans$ Divine )evelations In Medina Muhammad increased his military stren#th and established a #overnment and state reli#ion. !hen he needed money to ay his army, the &uickest way to attain those funds was to attack caravans brin#in# il#rims and merchandise to Mecca. -ut first he had to s eak with a s irit, at which time he received a revelation' that ermitted him to lunder towns, villa#es and travelin# caravans. Muhammad could have su orted himself by ownin# a caravan business Bwhich was very lucrativeD or bein# a merchant. )ather, he raided towns and cities in his &uest to s read his reli#ion. He not only received ermission from Allah to steal, kill and destroy, but he was also told to kee one(fifth of the booty B lunderD and #ive his soldiers the rest. His words were recorded in a ?uran cha ter titled The Spoils of 3ar,

Mou should know that if you #ain any s oils in war, one(fifth shall #o to Allah and the messen#er, to be #iven to the relatives, the or hans, the oor, and the travelin# alien. Mou will do this if you believe in Allah and in what we revealed to our servant on the day of decision, the day the two armies clashed. Allah is Fmni otent. Sura 8GJ2 His mode of o eration was sim leG !hether the issue was women or lunder, he would receive a revelation,' to ,ustify his assion or that of his men. Cillin# and stealin# &uickly became the way of life. <or e+am le, in Eanuary of 467, he ordered an attack on a caravan that was travelin# to Mecca. However, his men could not handle the emotions resultin# from the killin# of innocent men, women and children. Muhammad reali@ed that if he convinced his troo s that the killin# was a command of Allah, they would do it. "herefore, he had a revelation' and told them that it was not they who were killin#, but it was Allah who was killin# throu#h them$ they were a#ents of Allah. "his ermitted Muslims to be #uilt(free of killin# innocent non(Muslim men, women, children, and even the elderly. Hence, the ?uranic cha ter titled The Spoils of 3ar states, It was not you who killed them$ Allah is the Fne who killed them. It was not you who threw when you threw$ Allah is the Fne who threw. -ut He thus #ives the believers a chance to earn a lot of credit. Allah is Hearer, Fmniscient. Sura 8G29 "his verse is doctrinal for modern ,ihadists. <or those who chose not to artici ate in war, their future was bleak. Muhammad romised they would incur Allahs eternal unishment in Hell. Anyone who turns back on that day, e+ce t to carry out a battle lan, or to ,oin his #rou , has incurred wrath from Allah, and his abode is Hell$ what a miserable destinyR

Sura 8G24 As reviously stated, Muhammad is said to have created Islam as a reli#ion of convenience. !hen he desired wealth or a woman, he sim ly asked Allah. Muhammad then announced what s ecial revelation' Allah had #iven him. Allah also encoura#ed him to invade, subdue or kill all non( Muslim men and to take their women and children as slaves, and all ro erties of the risoners as booty B /animahD. Muhammad said that Allah made the confiscated ro erty of war lawful BhalalD for Muslim warriors. In essence, Muhammad said that Muslim warriors had the le#al ri#ht to steal, kill and destroy whatever they wanted in the name of Allah. Several verses that confirm this are as followsG "hey consult you about Bthin#s taken asD war. Say, "he s oils of war BbootyD belon# the messen#er.' Mou shall observe Allah, another to be ri#hteous, and obey Allah messen#er, if you are believers. Sura 8G2 "herefore eat from the s oils you have earned, that which is lawful and #ood, and observe Allah. Allah is <or#iver, Most Merciful. Sura 8G43 His men followed him not only because he was a military leader, but they firmly believed they were followin# a erson who was divinely ins ired and the ersonal a#ent of the 0reator of the universe. "hey #ave every ounce of stren#th and blood for him$ borderline worshi of a man who was almost #od himself.' As a#ents of Allah, they became killin# machines in a manner never seen reviously. /ictims who survived a Muslim onslau#ht were often ra ed and sold as slaves, but seldom #iven their freedom. .eedless to say, his theolo#y was one of intolerance and ruthlessness. His teachin# continues today in the 3ahha"ism doctrine of Islam. ;ittle

the s oils of to Allah and e+hort one and His

wonder then that *alestinians are #uilt(free when their children become suicide bombers$ they believe their children are a#ents killin# for Allah. ;ikewise, when any non(Muslim is killed, *alestinians and other radical Muslims dance in the streets with ,oy and cry out !llahu !2"ar BAllah is #reatD. <ortunately, most Muslims are eace(lovin# eo le who do not live accordin# to the strict Shari 1aws. "he ,ust retribution for those who fi#ht Allah and His messen#er, and commit horrendous crimes, are to be killed, or crucified, or to have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or to be banished from the land. "his is to humiliate them in this life, then they suffer a far worse retribution in the Hereafter. Sura :G77 !hether you #et killed or die in the cause of Allah, the for#iveness from Allah and mercy are far better than anythin# they hoard. !hether you die or #et killed, you will be summoned before Allah. Sura 7G2:9(2:8 Allah has bou#ht from the believers their lives and their money in e+chan#e for *aradise. "hus, they fi#ht in the cause of Allah, willin# to kill and #et killed. Such is His truthful led#e in the "orah, the %os el, and the ?uran ( and who fulfills His led#e better than AllahH Mou shall re,oice in makin# such an e+chan#e. "his is the #reatest trium h. Sura 3G222 46JG "he -attle of -adr "he Muslims raided caravans travelin# to Mecca continuously with the e+ce tion of the month of )amadan. Fn March 29 Muhammad ersonally lead a small army of 755 men a#ainst a caravan from his own ?uraysh tribe, a serious violation of Arabian custom. It was loaded with money and #oods from Syria and, therefore, a lucrative ri@e. "he Meccans, however, became aware of the lan and &uickly

sent relief forces which sur rised him. Futnumbered three( to(one, Muhammad not only mana#ed to emer#e victorious but his chief anta#onists were killed. All ?uraysh men were either killed or ca tured. Fne of the leaders leaded for his life, sayin#, -ut who will look after my children, F MuhammadH' "he *ro het res onded, Hell,' and ordered him to be killed.J7 In the revious year there had been a number of skirmishes between Muhammads men and the Meccans. "his was the first lar#e(scale confrontation between them and the victory not only enhanced the *ro hets olitical and social status, but the Muslims felt confident that Allah was on their side. Accounts written years later stated that an#els led by the archan#el, %abriel, fou#ht with them. "he si#nificance of the battle was that the tribes throu#hout Arabia now reali@ed that Muhammad was the leader of a new ower with whom they would sooner or later have to contend. Some decided it was better to convert now than to die later$ thus the e+ ansion of Islam be#an.JJ 46:G "he -attle of =hud "he Meccans did not acce t their defeat at -adr li#htly. "hey carefully lanned their ne+t strate#y and, on March 67, they a#ain encountered the Muslims. Muhammad and his men were, for the second time, si#nificantly outnumbered but mana#ed to sta#e another victory I or so they thou#ht. As the Meccans were retreatin#, Muhammads men be#an #rabbin# the s oils of their enemy. However, to their sur rise, the Meccans sent a cavalry u on them, creatin# chaos and killin# many. Muhammad was wounded by a stone missile. Some of his men believed he was killed which added to the chaos. "he si#nificance of the encounter is that Muhammad and his men were soundly defeated. "he loss was a theolo#ical defeat since they believed that Allah would #ive them only victories after their -attle of -adr. .onetheless, the sa#a between the Meccans and Muslims would continue.


%uillaume, 758. Du#dale(*ointon, ". B66 Eanuary 6558D, attle of adr 78th March 9:; !(, )etrieved Au#ust 6,

htt GQQhistoryofwar.or#QarticlesQbattlesXbadr.html. 6558.


Some Islamic scholars believe that their doctrine of salvation and eternity in aradise for one who dies fi#htin# ori#inated durin# this battle. Fne account states that durin# a battle a soldier asked Muhammad, 0an you tell me where I will be if I should #et martyred Bdie fi#htin#DH' "he *ro het answered, In aradise.' "he soldier fou#ht until he was killed.J: Muslims must ask themselves if Muhammad made the romise sim ly to lure soldiers into fi#htin# to their death of if there really is a aradise for martyrs.' J4 469G "he -attle of the Ditch and the Massacre of the -anu ?uray@a Eews "he Meccans attacked a#ain in 469, but this time Muhammad was waitin# for them. He instructed his men to di# a hu#e trench around the city. !hen the Meccans arrived at the trench, they refused to cross it, and after a few weeks they returned home. "he -attle of the Ditch' was hardly a battle, but it #ave Muhammad clout and he was honored for his wisdom. However, the Medina Eews of the -enu ?uray@a tribe did not have as much wisdom. "hey had sided with the Meccans and that decision was a horrible mistake. "he time had ended for eace and tolerance for those who had once comforted Muhammad, his family and followers. He #athered all the Eewish men, a ro+imately 355, alon# the ditch Bsometimes called a trench'D and had 455 of them beheaded. He then sei@ed the ossessions of their households. %irls and women became se+ slaves. Fne of those Eewish women was )ayhana, whom the *ro het of Islam took to bed Bra edD the same evenin# of her husbands death. "he news of the con&uests and Muhammads brutality traveled &uickly across the Arabian *eninsula. Since revious world con&uerors never reco#ni@ed any value in the *eninsula, the Arabs had never e+ erienced such massive military destruction. 0onse&uently, more tribes converted to
J: J4

-ukhari /ol. :, -k. :3, .o. 799.

)obert S encer, in his book entitled The Truth !"out Muhammad, *ounder of the 3orlds Most $ntolerant <eli/ion, B.ew MorkG )e#nery *ublication, 655:D, cites numerous verses that are revealin# of Islam. In December 6554, the #overnment of *akistan confiscated all co ies of the book and banned it citin# ob,ectionable material' as the cause.


Islam sim ly for self( reservation. "hose who did not found their blood on a Muslim sword.

&i'ure (/! Paintin' of "uhamma$ -illin' 5e#s! Detail from miniature aintin# The Prophet, !li, and the =ompanions at the Massacre of the Prisoners of the Jewish Tri"e of eni Qura&'ah , illustration of a 23th century te+t by Muhammad )afi -a@il. 0ourtesy of the "rustees of the -ritish ;ibrary. Muhammad was not only a brilliant leader but also an outstandin# sycholo#ist. He tau#ht his men Bdisci lesD that they were su erior to all other eo le, es ecially to the Eews and 0hristians. In fact, near his latter years, he not only commanded Eewish eo le to be killed, but also redicted the roverbial end times' of humanity when su erior Muslims will kill the last remainin# Eews who will be hidin# like

cowards behind stones and trees. .ote the followin# verses from the Quran and the %adithG Mou are the best community ever raised amon# the eo leG you advocate ri#hteousness and forbid evil, and you believe in Allah. If the followers of the scri ture BEews and 0hristiansD believed, it would be better for them. Some of them do believe, but the ma,ority of them are wicked. Sura 7G225 F you who believe, do not take certain Eews and 0hristians as allies$ these are allies of one another. "hose amon# you who ally themselves with these belon# with them. Allah does not #uide the trans#ressors. Sura :G:2

&i'ure (3! "o$ern Terrorist follo#s "uhamma$)s eBam,le! *alestinian suicide bomber Chatem Shweiki, 6J, s rayed a school bus with #unfire in the name of Allah. He his holdin# his rifle and a ?uran.

"he Eews said, A@ra J9 is the son of Allah,' while the 0hristians said, Eesus is the son of AllahR' "hese are blas hemies uttered by their mouths. "hey thus match the blas hemies of those who have disbelieved in the ast. Allah condemns them. Sura 3G75 Abu Huraira re orted Allahs Messen#er Bmay eace be u on himD as sayin#G "he last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fi#ht a#ainst the Eews and the Muslims would kill them until the Eews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would sayG Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Eew behind me$ come and kill him$ but the tree %har&ad would not say, for it is the tree of the Eews.' %adith Shih Muslim, -k. J2, .o. 438:.J8 Muhammad then #ave additional instructions concernin# those who resisted conversion. He was authori@ed to terrori@e them. If needed he was ermitted to strike them above the necks,' or strike their necks,' meanin# to behead them, and to strike every fin#er,' meanin# to remove fin#er nails. )ecall that your ;ord ins ired the an#elsG I am with you$ so su ort those who believed. I will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved. Mou may strike them above the necks, and you may strike even every fin#er.' Sura 8G26 If you encounter Bin warD those who disbelieve, you may strike the necks. If you take them as ca tives you may set them free or ransom them, until the war ends.

Muhammad was a arently a bit confused about Eewish history and the Fld "estament narratives.

=niversity of Southern 0alifornia, 0enter of Muslim(Eewish An#a#ement. htt GQQwww.usc.eduQschoolsQcolle#eQcrccQen#a#ementQresourcesQte+tsQmusli mQhadithQmuslimQ5J2.smt.html )etrieved Eune 2, 6553.


Had Allah willed, he could have #ranted you victory, without war. -ut He thus tests you by one another. As for those who #et killed in the cause of Allah he will never ut their sacrifice to waste. Sura J9GJ -ecause of his brutalities, several oets and oliticians in Medina s oke out a#ainst him. !hen the *ro het cau#ht u with them, they were tortured to death. Eews who once demonstrated kindness had to abandon their homes and flee for their lives. "he Jihad Some Islamic scholars believe that it was at =hud, others say it was in Medina, where Muhammad received his revelation of 6ihad. He tau#ht that the only sure way to know one would receive eternal life with Allah in *aradise was to be killed in holy war, known as 6ihad. If death should come, then the soul would ascend to *aradise where there are some rivers flowin# with wine, others flowin# with milk, and the rest flowin# with honey Bthree delicacies of the Arabs, althou#h later wine was outlawed for use on earthD. "he heavenly descri tion was one of the roverbial wine, women and son#' that satisfies human lusts. !hen the charismatic ro het convinced his warriors of these wishful eternal dreams, they were ready to kill for anythin# and became the fiercest army that ever marched. ;ittle wonder then that fundamentalist Muslims today will never acce t bein# taken as a rison of war, as they will challen#e their enemies to the death so they can en,oy a aradise of wine, women and son#. "hrou#hout modern history, durin# times of war, soldiers referred to surrender than be killed. In !orld !ars I and II many enemy combatants were ca tured by the Allies and released accordin# to the %eneva 0onvention when eace was restored. .ot so with Muslim fi#hters. Surrender was neverQis never an o tion. In fact, it is a sin. <urthermore, in Islam 6ihad is the only secure way to find salvation. "his was also confirmed in the Islamic te+t known as the %adith. "he *ro het said that he wished he could have many lives to martyr for Allahs cause. "he %adith reads,

"he *ro het said, "he erson who artici ates in BHoly battlesD in Allahs cause and nothin# com els him to do so e+ce t belief in Allah and his A ostles, will be recom ensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty Bif he survivesD or will be admitted to *aradise Bif he is killed in the battle as a martyrD. Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any sari&a #oin# for Eihad and I would have loved to be martyred in Allahs cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then a#ain martyred in His cause.' %adith /ol 2, -k. 6, .o.7: J3 Since the romoters of 6ihad state that martyrs will receive 96 vir#ins in aradise, soldiers will literally fi#ht to their death. "hose heavenly rewards include a lu+urious eternal life in a #arden of s lendors and er etual en,oyment of full(breasted vir#ins. .ote the followin#G "hose of the ri#ht side, will be on the ri#ht side, in lush orchards Ben,oyD fra#rant fruits, e+tended shade, abundant water, many fruits, never endin#$ never forbidden, lu+urious furnishin#s. !e create for them mates, never reviously touched Bvir#insD erfectly matched. Sura :4G69(79 :5 .ot only does the ?uran assure its fallen fi#hters that they will en,oy eternity in the roverbial wine, women and son#,' but the romise is eternal and cannot be abro#ated. 0oncernin# the ossible abro#ation of Muhammads comments on heaven and hell, ;ord of the heavens and the earth, and everythin# between them. "he Most %racious. .o one can abro#ate His decisions. Sura 98G79 :2

=niversity of Southern 0alifornia, 0enter of Muslim(Eewish An#a#ement. htt GQQwww.usc.eduQschoolsQcolle#eQcrccQen#a#ementQresourcesQte+tsQmusli mQhadithQbukhariQ556.sbt.html. )etrieved Eune 2, 6553.
:5 :2

A similar romise is found in Sura 98G76(7J.

Some clerics claim there are four laces in eternityG B2D the Hi#h Heaven, B6D the ;ower Heaven, B7D the *ur#atory, and BJD Hell. "he *ur#atory will be


468G "he "reaty of Hudaybiyah and the 0on&uest of Mecca In March of 468 Bsome sources claim 469D Muhammad and 2,455 of his men attem ted to con&uer his own tribe that ruled Mecca under the #uise of a reli#ious il#rima#e to the Caabah.:6 "hey brou#ht animals for sacrifices, some had heads shaved, others had their hair cut and the #rou had all the markin#s of a reli#ious entoura#e. An route he discovered that the Meccans had received word of his comin# and they were well armed and ready for war. So Muhammad cam ed at the Fasis of Hudaybiyah, about ten miles outside of town where he met them. .either side wanted to a ear weak. Muhammad reali@ed that his army was no match for the su erior Meccan force. "herefore, the *ro het ro osed a treaty. It would become known as the "reaty of Hudaybiyah and is a model for future Muslim eace treaties. It was to be for a ten(year eriod in which Muhammad was to set aside his self(im osed title as *ro het of Allah,' and he would ermit the Meccans to conduct their business and reli#ious activities as they wished. "his enabled him to enter the city and interact with all of the si#nificant leaders, thus buildin# their trust. "he basic "reaty is as followsG In the name of Allah. "hese are the conditions of *eace between Muhammad, son of Abdullah and Suhail Ibn Amr the envoy of Mecca. "here will be no fi#htin# for ten years. Anyone who wishes to ,oin Muhammad and to enter into any a#reement with him is free to do so. Anyone who wishes to ,oin the ?uraish BMuhammads tribeD and to enter into any a#reement with them is free to do so. A youn# man, or one whose father is alive, if he #oes to Muhammad without ermission from his father or #uardian, will be returned to his father or #uardian. -ut if anyone #oes to the ?uraish, he will not be returned. "his year Muhammad will #o back without enterin# Mecca. -ut ne+t year he and his followers can enter Mecca, s end three days, erform the circuit. Durin# these three days the ?uaraish will withdraw to the surroundin# hills.
anne+ed into the ;ower Heaven Bsee also Sura 9GJ4(J3D.

Fther sources estimate an army of 25,555 men.


!hen Muhammad and his followers enter into Mecca, they will be unarmed e+ce t for sheathed swords which wayfarers in Arabia always have with them.':7 His followers were horrified when they discovered he surrendered his divinely a ointed title. His two leadin# #enerals, =mar and Abu -akr com lained about the eace treaty BhudnahD. It left them feelin# defeated. In res onse he told them, to use a modern term, the end ,ustifies the means,' and that Allah would eventually have his reven#e. !hen Muhammad returned to Medina, he claimed victory because Allah had #iven him another revelation. "hat revelation was for the a easement of his dis#runtled men, and si+ weeks later they attacked the Eewish town of Chaybar where they ra ed and killed most of the inhabitants, then stole whatever booty they could find. However, the "reaty was not for#otten. In a divine revelation Muhammad was told that the "reaty was to be used for the ultimate destruction of the enemy. In Islam, a treaty continues to be a military document for the sole ur ose of destroyin# the enemy, as stated in the ?uranG F you who believe, if you encounter the disbelievers who have mobili@ed a#ainst you, do not turn back and flee. Anyone who turns back on that day, e+ce t to carry out a battle lan, or to ,oin his #rou , has incurred wrath from Allah, and his abode is Hell$ what a miserable destinyR Sura 8G2:(24 If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breakin# off your treaty with them. Sura 3G24 "o write a treaty with the hidden a#enda of breakin# it in order to destroy the enemy is not acce table in !estern culture. !estern treaties are entered into with an understandin# of honesty and inte#rity. "herefore, it is

htt edia.or#QwikiQ"reatyXofXHudaybiyyah. See also htt GQH www.witness ioneer.or#QvilQ-ooksQMHX;MQtreatyXofXhudaybiyah.htm )etrieved Eune 28, 6558.


difficult for a !esterner to ima#ine that a reli#ious ro het, of all eo le, would romote a eace treaty under the #uise of dece tion. Met this is not difficult for the Muslims because they claim that Allah is the *rince of Deceivers. .ote the followin# verseG "he disbelievers lot and scheme to neutrali@e you, or kill you, or banish you. However, they lot and scheme, but so does Allah. Allah is the best schemer. Sura 8G75 "he hrase those who disbelieve lot a#ainst thee' is a reference to those who lot a#ainst Muhammad. "he ?uran also states that the best men cannot outsmart Allah because he is the best of lotters,' meanin# that he is the best liar and lanner of dece tions. "he hrase bein# the best deceiver,' 2heir ol ma2arein, also found in 8G75 and 25G62, says Allah is the fastest in lannin#Qdeceit. Fther references to the lottin# Bor schemin#D are 9G33$ 69G:5$ 27GJ6$ 2JGJ4$ J7G93$ 84G2:f$ 9G255$ JG2J6. It should be noted that An#lish translations soften these verses to make it more alatable to Americans. Additional assa#es e+ oundin# the benefits of dece tion and schemin# are found in the %adith.

Acco rding to the Boran, Allah is the Chief o f 1eceivers, 9u rah 2%32-3) and 8%2 "



Fne of the uni&ue differences between Islam and all other world reli#ions, and most certainly a uni&ue difference with Eudaism and 0hristianity, is ta&iyya.' It is the doctrine that instructs Muslims to lie to non(Muslims concernin# faith and olitical #oals$ for the ur ose of rotectin# and s readin# Islam. "he %rand Mufti of Eerusalem, Husseini and Masser Arafat have often made one statement in An#lish to the !esterners and shortly thereafter, said the com lete o osite to their eo le in Arabic. "hat is ta&iyya.'

"herefore, when Arafat entered into an a#reement with the Israelis, was it truly for eace or was it for the ultimate #oal of destroyin# IsraelH Another oint of consideration is thisG Most !esterners have acce ted the obli#ation, when in a court of law, to lace a hand on the -ible and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothin# but the truth. Met when asked if Muslims can lace the hand on the Quran, and swear the same oath, does it have the same meanin#H Fbviously not.

TAQIYYA is the -slamic doctrine that instructs dishonest+ to promote t he faith to non-6uslims"

P age 02

"here are other so(called divine commands that are incom rehensible to those of a Eudaeo(0hristian herita#e, but are acce table in Islam. "he *ro het claimed to have had revelations that he, Muhammad, needed to be dece tive, un,ust and unfair BSura 29G24D as well as a torturer BSura 3G2JD. Hence, he could do to his o onents whatever he wished. .ote the followin# e+am les. If we are to annihilate any community, we let the leaders commit vast corru tion therein. Fnce they deserve retribution, we annihilate it com letely. Sura 29G24 Mou shall fi#ht them, for Allah will unish them at your hands, humiliate them, #rant you victory over them, and cool the chests of the believers. Sura 3G2J .early a century and a half after the death of Muhammad, Islamic scholar Sahih -ukhari B825(895D s ent si+teen years com ilin# sayin#s of the *ro het. He accumulated 6,456 &uotations B3,586 with re etitionD. His

criteria for acce tance into the collection were amon#st the most strin#ent of all the scholars of the Hadith and, therefore, his collection is considered to be authentic. Included in -ukharis discoveries is a statement by Muhammad who said that terrorism made him victorious in this direct statementG I have been made victorious with terror.' .ote the followin# assa#eG Allahs A ostle said, I have been sent with the shortest e+ ressions bearin# the widest meanin#s, and I have been made victorious with terror Bcast in the hearts of the enemyD, and while I was slee in#, the keys of the treasures of the world were brou#ht to me and ut in my hand.' -ukhari /ol. J, -k. :6, .o. 665.

Allah.s Apostle said, D - have been made victorious wi th terror"

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"he oint is that Islam is not a eaceful reli#ion and those Muslims who are identified as radical' by the !est are, in fact, faithfully followin# their instructions of the ?uran. <ortunately, the vast ma,ority of Muslims are eace( lovin# eo le who do not follow their holy book to the letter of Islamic Sharia law - the law of !llah. 468G "he -attle of ChaybarG "he Dhimmi *eo le In 466, when Muhammad be#an his systematic con&uerin# of a#an Arab o ulations and territories in the Arab desserts and eninsulas, he set u a recedent of conversion, death or servitude. Mi+in# war and reli#ion, he utili@ed and abro#ated relationshi s with non(Muslims to #ain olitical and eventual territorial #ains. He took advanta#e of non(belli#erency acts Bin essence, attacked those who had a#reed not to artici ate in warD to attack and sub,u#ate o ulations. In 468, after a lon# sie#e of a Eewish fortress at

the oasis of Chaybar, lastin# a month and a half, the inhabitants surrendered under terms of a treaty known as the (himma. Accordin# to this a#reement Muhammad allowed the Eews livin# there to continue to cultivate the land on the condition that they #ave him half of their roduce, but he reserved the ri#ht to cancel the a#reement and e+ el them whenever he desired. "his became the rototy e of all future sub,u#ations. Hence, makin# a#reements and then breakin# them to #ain olitical #ains became a hallmark of Muslim armies. "he Eewish eo le lived under heavy economic stress for several years and were eventually e+ elled under the rulershi of 0ali h =mar. As usual, the eace treaty roved to be worthless. (himmi is the Arabic term for non(Muslim eo le who are ermitted to live under Islamic rule. Fri#inally it was for Eews and 0hristians, but then e+ anded to all other non( Muslims. (himmitude is the reli#ious(le#islative action that serves two ur osesG it enriches the Muslim masters B Ji'ra ta>D and serves to drive conversions to Islam. It is a method of controllin# non(Muslim o ulations by severely limitin# their freedoms so they are in com liance with Shari ;aws. S ecifically, it is the ta+ation of them in e+chan#e for toleratin# their resence and as a coercive means of convertin# con&uered remnants to Islam. Muslim scholars have said that more have converted to Islam due to the Ji'ra ta> than by the sword. In the rocess, their Muslim masters have become #reatly enriched. It continues to be one of several foundational illars that it Islamic #overnments a#ainst non(Islamic systems, such as democracy. "he ?uran reserved his words, Mou shall fi#ht back a#ainst those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the ;ast Day, nor do they rohibit what Allah and His messen#er have rohibited, nor do they abide by the reli#ion of truth ( amon# those who received the scri ture ( until they ay the due ta+, willin#ly or unwillin#ly. Sura 3G63


See also Sura 6G235(36$ JG94$ :G77$ 3G:, J2$ J9GJ, etc.


463G Muhammad Directs )aid of 0hristian "own of Muta Muhammads troo s marched toward the southern ti of the Dead Sea to raid the 0hristian villa#e of Muta, located in modern Eordan. "o their utter sur rise, they were soundly defeated and Eafar, Alis brother, was killed in the conflict. Humiliated by the 0hristians, they returned home. Defeat was always bitter, but bein# defeated by either Eews or 0hristians was not only horrible, but was also an insult to Allah. Muhammad would not rest until he would #et his reven#e. <rom the time he slau#htered the -anu ?uray@a Eews until his death, he was victorious in every assassination attem t and battle e+ce t this one. 475G Muhammad 0on&uers Mecca "he defeat at Muta haunted Muhammad and he des erately needed a victory. He considered a new &uest for Mecca, but first he had to ask for a revelation.' Allah res onded by #ivin# him ermission to break his treaty with the Meccans. He made re arations, #athered a massive army and be#an to march. )umors of his comin# terrori@ed everyone. !hen he arrived the city surrendered eacefully. -ecause of the surrender he told his men not to kill women, children, or the elderly. Fnly a selected few were e+ecuted and Muhammad was in full control of commerce, the reli#ious shrines and the rofits these roduced. He e+ elled all non( Muslims who, for unknown reasons, were ermitted to live and forbidden from re(enterin# the city. "his olicy has not chan#ed since that day.


&i'ure (4! "uhamma$ enters "ecca! "he *ro het is de icted advancin# on Mecca as shown in Siyer(i .ebiSs The 1ife of the Prophet. "he warriors are shown as an#elic bein#s in their victorious entry. Muhammads attention was now on the Caabah, the holy shrine that housed 745 idols and the black meteorite stone. His victory was seen as Allah havin# su erior stren#th over the combined forces of all the other #ods BidolsD. In essence, everyone believed that Muhammads #od was stron#er than all the others combined. "hrou#hout the ancient world, when one eo le #rou defeated another, it was believed the winner had the su erior deity. Allah was seen as the stron#est of hundreds. "he idols of Mecca were destroyed and the black stone was declared holy. Some traditions say that the ori#inal stone was stolen as were some of its re lacements. "he stone that is resently in the holy lace is broken and its ieces are held to#ether with

silver bands. "oday Arabs believe that Mecca was founded by Adam, and that its tem le, the Caaba, was built by Abraham. "he "reaty of Hudaybiyah became a military tactic whenever an outri#ht con&uest could not be attained. "he Muslims have historically si#ned eace treaties and, when the enemys trust was secured and the Islamic military mi#ht was stren#thened, the enemy was destroyed. An Islamic eace treaty was not and never will be a treaty as defined in the !estern conce t$ rather it is merely another instrument of war. 0enturies later in 2337, whenever Masser Arafat s oke in An#lish to !estern audiences, he used the hrase eace of the brave.' He #ave the im ression that he was a sincere artner in the eace rocess and that the Israelis were the a##ressors. However, when he s oke to his eo le in Arabic, he reminded them that Muhammad si#ned the "reaty of Hudaybiyah with the ?uraysh tribes in order to destroy them. "he eace talks with Israel, he said, were critical ste s to their eventual destruction and he used the hrase hudna.' "he ways of Muhammad continue to direct Islamic leaders to this day. All Islamic scholars a#ree that there are more than 255 verses in the ?uran that ur#e every Muslim in the #lobal &uest to s read Islam. Since Arafats death, nothin# has chan#ed. 472G Muhammad )eturns to Muta Muhammad felt success was finally achieved with the Meccans, but the defeat at Muta haunted him$ he needed to settle a score with those 0hristians. !ith a su erior army, he marched a#ainst them and erformed a wholesale slau#hter of men, women and children. "odays 0hristian theolo#ians who believe that Allah is the same %od of the Eews and 0hristians need to e+ lain why the 0hristians of Muta and the -enu ?uray@a Eews were ruthlessly killed. !ould those same theolo#ians dare to su##est that Eesus would erform similar acts of violenceH "hey can oint to so(called 0hristians who committed similar crimes, but there is not a sin#le verse in the -ible to su ort such actions.


476G )e lacement "heolo#yG Islamic Style Muhammad effectively re laced centuries of Eudaism and 0hristianity with his own reli#ion. "he few Eews and 0hristians who survived were re&uired to ay the Ji'ra ta+, were sub,ected to a series of hi#hly discriminatory re#ulations, had little or no le#al rotection and were under constant death threats. Muhammads reli#ion of eace' was finally established. "rue freedom of reli#ion that was once common lace in the Arabian *eninsula was now history. ;ikewise rivile#es women once en,oyed were also terminated. ;ife had chan#ed radically. "hose who o osed Muhammad were &uickly and ermanently silenced. <or e+am le, one of his critics was a woman oet who, unfortunately, met with one of his envoys. "he mother of five was stabbed to death after her nursin# infant was removed from her breast. 0aravans continued to carry the horrific news of the military ro het throu#hout the Arabian *eninsula and one tribe after another fearfully vowed alle#iance to him. His conditions were sim leG convert to Islam and ermit his teachers to disci le the new converts, or die. "he Ji'ra ta> was not always an o tion. Muhammad, who once was a lonely and unwanted or haned boy, achieved honor and resti#e #reater than his #reat(#randfather. .ot only was he #overnor of Mecca, but he was also the reli#ious( olitical dictator of the entire Arabian *eninsula$ a measure of success seldom dreamed of in ancient times, and much less achieved. Muhammad was a brutal taskmaster who never claimed to be a ro het of eace. His reli#ion is not a reli#ion per se$ but in its fullest form it is a com lete, total, 255U system of life. Islam has reli#ious, le#al, olitical, economic, social and military com onents. In fact, if the reli#ious' element were removed, Islam would be ille#al in westerni@ed nations. 476G "he Death of Muhammad "en years had trans ired since Muhammad was forced to flee Mecca. He was now livin# comfortably in Medina, but

had a lon# list of enemies. *ersonal #uards always surrounded him and ke t watch for a would(be assassin. Islamic scholars are not in a#reement on how their ro het died. Several sources re ort that he died of malaria. Fthers re ort that one day when Muhammad and his friends were en,oyin# a feast, a Eewish woman re ared his favorite meal, roasted lamb. She re ared many delicacies, but also concocted a deadly oison. She laced it on the ortion that was to be served to the ro het. "hen, after Muhammad had led his friends in evenin# rayer, they dined. Muhammad ordered his friends to en,oy the food. !hen some swallowed their food they reali@ed this was no ordinary meal. At least one died. Muhammad and several others &uickly s it it out. !hen he asked her why she had done such a horrible thin#, she said that he had killed her father, uncle and brother. She continued to say that if he was truly a kin#, her eo le would be relieved$ if he was truly a ro het he would have erceived what was about to ha en. He didnt. His commanders wanted him to crucify her, but ama@in#ly, some accounts read that he ardoned her.

6uhammad had good reason to be worried about being assassinated, but eventuall + he was poisoned b+ one of his wives who was $ewis h"

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;ater, on his death bed, he said that he could still taste the oison. His head lay on the la of Aisha, his favorite wife who was then only si+teen years old. So ended the life of the *ro het. Accordin# to tradition, his body was buried at the site of his death. If true, little wonder that Muslims suffer from a love deficiency for the Eewish eo le. Most Muslims deny this account as it is dee ly humiliatin# that their ro het would not only be killed by a woman, but one who was a Eewess. Most sources state that he died of natural causes.


*h+ is 6uhammad called the Prophet of Pe ace, if he was i nvolve d in doEens of assassinati ons and militar+ conflic ts/

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0onclusion Muhammad was a man with a reli#ious assion driven by su ernatural forces. His mode of o eration was totally o osite of any biblical fi#ures, or that of any other ma,or reli#ious fi#ure. Aven the most violent ones of others are ale when com ared to his ruthless and barbaric slau#hter of innocent lives. <or e+am le, in the biblical narrative of Eesus birth, Herod the %reat is ortrayed as a demonically driven man because he killed innocent boys in the small villa#e of -ethlehem. "he Islamic writin#s in the Quran and %adith that describe the actions of Muhammad make Herod the %reat look like an altar boy. A si#nificant issue is that he never #ave an ori#inal ro hecy, never erformed any miracles and never officiated in reli#ious rites as ro hets normally did. Eews and 0hristians stated that if he was a true ro het, he would have erformed miracles to authenticate his office and callin#. )ather, he was a military leader who used reli#ion as an instrument to unite warrin# Arab tribes and formed a well or#ani@ed military machine motivated to con&uer any foe. His battles became so le#endary that s ecific words were used to describe them. <or e+am le, the Arabic word /ha'w or /ha'ah B lural /ha'awatD refers to the 69 battles that Muhammad ersonally lanned and led. "he Arabic word sir&a B lural sara&aD refers to battles the ro het commissioned but did not artici ate in. Islamic scholars differ on 94 or 84 of those. "oday these military e+ loits are an embarrassment for those who claim he and Islam re resent eace and #ood will to all men. Islam is a true su remacist and se+ist ideolo#y$ it is not com atible with non(Islamic systems.:: !ere it not for the reli#ious element, Islam would have been outlawed as a olitical ideolo#y of hate decades or centuries a#o.

htt GQQwww.absoluteastronomy.comQto icsQ%ha@w. )etrieved Eune 4, 6553.


"here is little &uestion that Muhammad was an incredible military warrior. His con&uests throu#hout the Arabian *eninsula and, later those of followers, were both stunnin# and terrifyin#. !ere these victories due to the blessin#s of AllahH !hat is seldom mentioned is the fact that the *ro het took advanta#e of a new military technolo#y. "he 0hinese 0alvary had been usin# the sim le stirru Battached to a riders saddleD since the : th century. Scholars believe Muhammad became aware of this invention durin# his earlier caravan ventures. "he stirru was im ortant for two reasons. <irst, it held the riders foot in lace and thereby have better control of his horse or camel. In close cavalry combat the rider with stirru s had much better control of his animal than one who was usin# his le#s to han# on for dear life. Secondly, the stirru ermitted the full force of his #allo in# steed to be behind his sword. "here is no &uestion that this sim le device had a rofound affect on his military success. "hrou#hout the centuries the ortrayals of the *ro het have evolved from warrior to saint. His bio#ra hy' has been constructed and reconstructed in various Islamic cultures to the oint that it is difficult to understand who he was unless ancient writin#s are studied. <or this reason commentaries are #enerally in disa#reement.:4


<or further study, see "arif Chalidi. $ma/es of Muhammad, The E.olution of Portra&als of the Prophet of $slam across the =enturies. .ew MorkG Doubleday, 6553.


Cha,ter 3 Islamic EB,ansion "he Muslim armies marched as &uickly after the death of Muhammad as they did durin# his lifetime. "here was hardly a re#ion or city from where one could esca e the sword of Allah. Met immediately after Muhammads assin#, many of those under his rule rebelled. 476(47JG "he !ar of A ostasy .ews of the death of Muhammad traveled like wildfire. .umerous tribes believed this was a #olden o ortunity to fi#ht for their lost freedom. Most who had converted' to Islam rebelled a#ainst the new leader, Abu -akr, in what became known as the !ar of A ostasy. -akr had s ent many years with Muhammad and was well trained in the *ro hets strate#ies. He called himself 2halifat rasul !llah Bsuccessor of the messen#er of %odD, shortened to 2halifah, or caliph in An#lish. He came to ower in Islams most critical hour and, with li#htnin# s eed, he sent various Muslim armies a#ainst the revoltin# tribes, subduin# them &uickly. He slau#htered thousands who believed they could break away from their overlords. -ut he was hardly two years into his office when he died. In that brief eriod he stabili@ed the Islamic Am ire, con&uered Syria and Ira& and be#an collectin# the sayin#s of Muhammad that years later others would enter into a book known as the ?uran. 47JG Islamic Discrimination a#ainst the Eews After the death of Abu -akr, 0ali h Fmar took hold of the reins of Islam and authori@ed the Fmar 0harter althou#h he faced some o osition. "his document ermitted Eewish eo le to live in Muslim communities as a rotected eo le but with the followin# restrictionsG 2. "hey were forbidden to touch the ?uran. 6. "hey were re&uired to wear distinctive clothin#. 7. "hey were re&uired to wear a yellow iece of cloth as a bad#e whereas 0hristians were re&uired to

wear a blue iece of fabric. J. "hey were not ermitted to erform reli#ious observances in ublic. :. "hey were not ermitted to own a horse. Such ownershi was a si#n of nobility. 4. "hey were re&uired not to #rieve ublicly durin# funerals. 9. "hey were re&uired to ay an e+tra ta+, as were 0hristians. B*oll ta+ for each erson lus a land ta+ for ro ertyD. 8. "hey were not ermitted to defend themselves a#ainst a Muslim. 3. "hey were not ermitted to testify a#ainst a Muslim. 25."heir homes were not ermitted to be hi#her than those of nearby Muslims. 22."heir #raves had to be level as to ermit Muslims to walk over them.:9 Fver time the identifyin# markin#s varied amon# Islamic nations. <or e+am le, in Morocco, Eews had to wear black shoes while in Memen women had to wear one black and one white shoe. *ersecution was so incredibly severe in Memen and so many Eewish men were killed that survivin# men often had two or three Eewish wives to er etuate survival.:8 Muslims had #rown in military stren#th sufficiently to become a threat to both the *ersian and -y@antine Am ires. <or Eewish eo le this was a mi+ed blessin#. "he )oman 0atholic 0hurch ermitted and, at times, encoura#ed ersecution of the Eewish eo le unless they converted. Muslims, on the other hand, did not always re&uire them to convert, but did #ive them second class citi@enshi . As ha ened so often throu#hout the centuries, Eewish eo le fared better livin# under Islam rule than under 0hristian domination. 477(855G "he Develo ment of the ?uran and Hadith
:9 :8

-lech, 225(222$ *eters, 7J. *eters, 7:.


Since Muhammad was illiterate, he de ended on others to write down the many revelations he received from the messen#er archan#el %abriel and other s irit bein#s. He said that the holy book was #iven to him iecemeal to facilitate memori@ation. A ?uran that we have released slowly, in order for you to read it to the eo le over a lon# eriod, althou#h we sent it down all at once. Sura 29G254 "here is, however, dis ute amon# Islamic scholars of the ori#in of the holy book. Some sources claim that about twelve years later a third cali h, Fthman, revised the first edition and destroyed the ori#inal fra#ments leavin# only his revision for future #enerations. Met in the rocess of com ilin# and editin#, several editions emer#ed. However, most Islamic scholars vehemently deny this editin#Qrewritin#, claimin# that the Quran of today contains the actual words s oken by Allah. .onetheless, it took nearly 2:5 years before the modern edition was roduced. It contains 22J Suras Bcha tersD which are arran#ed accordin# to len#th, the lon#est bein# first and the shortest at the end of the book. "he Suras have unusual names, such as "he -ee,' "he Einn,' or "he 0ow,' that make no sense and often are not related to the cha ter contents. Fn the other hand the %adith is a collection of narrations, &uotations, accounts and events of Muhammads life. Many Muslims today live more by the %adith than the Quran. However, the two ma,or divisions of Muslims, the Shiites and Sunnis, have different versions of the %adith. Aach considers their edition as sacred and the other as heresy. Hence, there is am le theolo#ical fuel for the two sects to fi#ht each other. Rule of Islamic Cali,hates 8:3: (@=/9 *re(Islamic Fverview of Eerusalem


"o understand the Islamic victory of the Eewish Homeland, a brief overview of history of this era needs to be resented. In 422 the *ersian Btodays modern IranD con&uered the -y@antine 0hristians of Eerusalem. "heir victory was successful lar#ely because thousands of Eews from %alilee ,oined the *ersian army. A few years later in 463, the -y@antines rebelled and overthrew their *ersian landlords. In retaliation they slau#htered Eews by the thousands. "here was so much sufferin# and bloodshed that when the Muslims came in 474, the Eews wondered if the Muslim leader could be their lon#(awaited messiah. !hile they soon reali@ed their messianic e+ ectations were false, they did in fact, live better under Islamic rule than under the domination of the -y@antine 0hurch. "his historic fact reveals that a Eewish resence not only e+isted in *alestine, but was instrumental in influencin# history of the re#ion. !hile Islamic cali hates of various ethnic ori#ins ruled IsraelQ*alestine for more than four centuries, Arab Muslims ruled only sli#htly more than two decades. Avery cali hate lived in constant fear and was eventually subdued by another. !hen Muslims were not united to fi#ht a common enemy, they fou#ht each other. *rior to the Islamic con&uest of 474, there were no Arabs livin# in the Eewish land with the e+ce tion of a few -edouins who roamed the southern desert areas I as in the tradition of Abraham and the *atriarchs. "here were no Arab villa#es or towns and, therefore, while technically there were some in the area, scholars have concluded that their o ulation count is statistically insi#nificant.

474G Eerusalem SurrendersG "he "em le Mount %iven to the Muslims <our years after the death of Muhammad, Arab Muslim armies under 0ali h Fmar Balso s elled =marD, took control of Eerusalem. Muslim armies were on the march to con&uer the world for Allah. Fne military unit was in modern(day Eordan. "here the 0ali h =mar BaQkQa FmarD, the successor to Muhammad, defeated Am eror Heraclius in the -attle of Marmuk B,ust east of the Eordan )iverD on Au#ust 65, 474. His victorious re utation had receded him to Eerusalem. Hence,

when he arrived, the citys atriarch, -isho So hronius, rode out to surrender to the cali h and to#ether they entered the city. After they toured the city, So hronius invited the 0ali h into the 0hurch of the Holy Se ulcher to ray. -ut the 0ali h refused to enter citin# that once he set foot inside the buildin# it would have to become a mos&ue. Since the 0hristians willin#ly #ave u the city there was no killin#, destruction of ro erty or desecration of churches. =mar undoubtedly was one of the kindest Islamic warriors in history and did not re&uire his sub,ects to convert to Islam. "he -isho then #ave the cali h a #ift that is the oint of confrontation in Eerusalem today. He resented to the Muslim cleric the ruins of the "em le Mount I the holy rock where Abraham offered Isaac that was also the location of the two Eewish tem les. "he reason for the #ift was that the 0hurch was entrenched in its doctrine of re lacement theolo#y$ a doctrine that states that %od has forever abandoned the Eewish eo le and there is no ho e for a national Israel.:3 "herefore, it was believed, that if %od hated the Eews why shouldnt the 0hurchH 0onse&uently the "em le Mount was used as a dum for #arba#e and e+crement, an ob,ect lesson to the 0hristians to illustrate that the Eews were the refuse of %od. "o the -isho , the "em le Mount Bbuilt over Abrahams rockD and nearby Saint Marys 0hurch Bbuilt u on Solomons 0olonnade$ Acts 7G22$ :G26D had no value and therefore he #ave it to the 0ali h for a house of Muslim rayer. 45 =mar converted St. Marys 0hurch into the Al As&a Mos&ue. "he -isho told Fmar that the "em le site was an abomination of desolation,' reflectin# u on the ro hetic words of Daniel. -ecause of the animal refuse, the Muslim con&ueror had difficulty acce tin# the #ift,' but did so anyway. He was not a alled so much by the fact that it once belon#ed to the Eewish eo le, but what the 0hristians had done to it. .othin# was done to the site until the rains of si+ty winters washed away the fecal matter. In 432, Fmars son

<or more information on re lacement theolo#y see !illiam H. Heinrich. $n the Shame of Jesus. Mor#antown, *AG Mastof *ress, 6553. 0h. 2.

"he "em le was destroyed in AD 95 and still lay in ruins, hence, there was only one buildin# at this time.


0ali h Abd al(Milik B48:(95:D, built a wooden structure over the rock that was believed to have been the rock of sacrifice,' for the Eews and from where Muslims today believe Muhammad ascended to and descended from Heaven !ooden structures were rare in a land where most buildin# were constructed of stone. It became known as the Dome of the )ock and its sole ur ose was to dis lay Islamic he#emony over the Eewish site and Eerusalem. "he Muslims, however, had a roblem. "he 0hurch of the Holy Se ulcher was the most beautiful buildin# in Eerusalem and the Muslims believed it was a sin to be outdone by any non(Muslim. 0ali h =mar converted St. Marys 0hurch that was also on the "em le Mount, into an attractive mos&ue. It became known as the Al(As&a Mos&ue. "odays Al(As&a -ri#ade is named after the mos&ue and a #rou of armed militants who fi#ht for control of the "em le Mount and Eerusalem. =nfortunately, only a few years after Islams bloodless victory of Eerusalem, =mar was assassinated by a *ersian risoner of war. =mar was re laced by =thman bin Affan, but he was killed in 4J4 by his military #enerals. "he #enerals laced another cali h, Ali ibn Ali "alib, in the osition of ower, but he too was killed in 442. "he irony is that many wanted to be in the osition of ower even thou#h it #enerally was a death sentence waitin# to ha en. "he violence of Islamic rule continues to this day.

1id +ou ,now that there has been a continuous remnant of $ewish people livi ng in the 4ol + :and since the da +s of $oshua/

Page 28

. It has often been said that all the Eewish eo le were evicted from Eudah in AD 95, after the destruction of the tem le and Eerusalem. "his is only artly true as many others were evicted after the Second )evolt in AD 27:. "he Holy ;and has had a continuous occu ation since the days of Eoshua in the 24th century -0. Ma 7 locates many Eewish villa#es that flourished after the Islamic con&uest of 474.

"hrou#hout the centuries the Eewish eo le suffered from military invasions, famine, both )oman 0atholic and Muslim 0rusaders and earth&uakes, yet a remnant continued to occu y the land. Eerusalem was never a ca ital city to any other eo le #rou other than the Eews. "o Muslims, -a#hdad, Damascus and 0airo were the centers of im erial ower. Eerusalem was a small city that had no ma,or hi#hways or rivers, and was located u on an inconvenient mountain to . It was never a site of #reat Islamic schools, Islamic ideas or theolo#ians. In fact, throu#hout much of history, the Muslims looked down u on Eerusalem Arabs in the same way that in the time of Eesus, tem le leaders looked down u on the Samaritans. Its only si#nificance was its re utation as the city of the biblical ro hets.' "herefore, to say that Eerusalem is the holy city of three faiths is a myth. Historically it has been the holy city only for Eudaism and 0hristianity. It was never si#nificant in Islam until the 65th century when its status was elevated as an instrument to eradicate the Eews. In fact, throu#hout Islamic history other cities such as Damascus were considered far more holy' than the 0ity of >ion. Ironically, medieval Islamic scholars inter reted the ?uran to mean that *alestine belon#ed to the Eewish eo le. !hen the Muslims entered the land they were aware that the residin# Eewish eo le were the ri#htful owners. As stated reviously, Muhammad believed that he &uoted Moses in sayin#, F my eo le, enter the holy land that %od has decreed for you, and do not rebel, lest you become losers' BSura :G65(62D.


?orth 9outh

"a, 4! 5e#ish Communities in = th * ((th Centur% Palestine! !ritten and archaeolo#ical evidence indicates without doubt that a remnant of Eewish eo le continuously occu ied the Holy ;and since the time of Eoshuas con&uest Bcirca 2J:5 -0D. 0ali h Fmar was without &uestion one of the kindest monarchs to Eewish eo le and 0hristians. "he Eewish eo le en,oyed #reater freedom under him than under the 0hristian church, even thou#h they were sub,ected to discrimination, ethnic ta+ation and re eated humiliation. 0hristians, like the Eewish eo le, were now ermitted to have limited reli#ious freedom as lon# as they maintained a osition of servitude to the Muslims and made no efforts whatsoever to o ose Islam. 0ali h Fmar successfully set the tone of rulershi that would last more than three centuries, and durin# that time Eewish eo le, 0hristians and Muslims lived in harmony inside the Holy 0ity. "here was no burnin# of buildin#s, no one was forced to chan#e reli#ion and there were no e+ ulsions. "his was truly a time of eace.


&i'ure (6! The Ruins of the Ca,ernaum +%na'o'ue! "he artially reconstructed walls of the Jth 0entury AD syna#o#ue rest u on the foundations of an earlier syna#o#ue wherein Eesus tau#ht. "he later structure was destroyed by an earth&uake in Eanuary, 9J4, and is a testimony to the fact that a remnant of Eewish eo le lived in *alestine. 473 ( 442G Fnly *eriod when Arabs )uled *alestine "he Arabs ruled *alestine only for a 66 year eriod (( it was only the =mayyad 0ali hate and he maintained Damascus as his ca ital city, not Eerusalem. 42 <rom 442 until the be#innin# of the 0rusader *eriod in 2533, non(Arab Muslims ruled the land, namely the <atimids from 0airo, the Abbasids from -a#hdad and the Sel,iks from "urkey. 46 As reviously stated, Eerusalem was never a ca ital city for the Arabs or any other Islamic eo le #rou .

42 46

*arkes, 45(42$ *eters, 2:2. See A endi+ 7G !ho )uled *alestine and !henH


-n spite of toda+.s popular opinions, the Ara bs ruled Palestine onl+ for '' +ears 7#2&-##1 8"

Page #8

In 266: Arab #eo#ra her Makkut wrote that Eerusalem was holy to the Eews and 0hristians, and Mecca was holy to the Muslims.47 He a arently did not associate Eerusalem to any Islamic si#nificance. As )andall *rice says, if Eerusalem had any reli#ious si#nificance it would be mentioned in Sura 29, which #ives the account of Muhammads fantasy fli#ht to the mos&ue in a distant city.4J Some scholars have always believed that the destination of that fli#ht was not Eerusalem, but Mecca. "he name of the city was not mentioned in the ?uran because Muhammad knew his followers understood the conte+t of his statement. 485G Muslim S lit BShiite vs. SunniD <ew reli#ious schisms have influenced the world as much as when the Muslims s lit into Shiite and Sunni sects. Aach formed their own identities and reli#ious doctrines and considered the other as heretics. Since at the death of Muhammad there was no clear leader, s&uabblin#, chaos and assassinations a eared to rule from which four cali hs Bthose in Muhammads lace of authorityD emer#ed. "hey were Abu -akr, =mar, Fthman and Ali. Abu -akr is said to have been the Muhammads first convert. He ruled only for two years and three months, but durin# this short rei#n he e+ anded and consolidated Muhammads kin#dom. = on his death a number of Arab tribes rebelled a#ain and =mar Bruled 47J(4JJD crushed them. After =mar came Fthman ibn Affan who ruled from 4JJ until he was assassinated in 4:4. He was followed by Ali ibn Ali "alib, commonly referred to as Ali, who was the cousin and son(in(law of Muhammad. Ali ruled from 4:4 until he was
47 4J

*rice, The *rice, The

attle. 266(67. attle. 262.


assassinated in 442 while rayin# at a Mos&ue of Cufa. Ali had a few reli#ious ideas of his own, which soon caused controversy in the Muslim cam . "his caused a s lit creatin# two distinct Muslim #rou sG the Sunnis and Shiites. "he Sunni Muslims essentially i#nore the teachin#s of Ali and follow the ?uran. "heir leaders, 0ali hs, are direct descendants of Muhammad. "hey a ear to i#nore the teachin#s of Ali and his son Hassein. "he Shiites, B*arty of Ali'D, are followers of Muhammads cousin Ali, who married Muhammads dau#hter <atima >ahra. Hence, he was both a cousin and son(in(law to the *ro het. Ali #roomed his son Hussein to be the ne+t leader, but the youn# man was killed on Fctober 25, 485 at the -attle of Carbala by an assassin. Since then there have been few owerful Shiite leaders and today the sect com rises only about ten ercent of the Muslim world o ulation. Some Islamic scholars claim there was no si#nificant Shiite leader until 2393 when the Ayatollah Chomeini returned to Iran after bein# e+iled for years in <rance. "oday Shiite Islam is the ma,or reli#ion in Iran and in arts of Ira& and Af#hanistan. Amon# the main theolo#ical differences of the two #rou s is that Shiites believe that their #overnments are a divine institution and, therefore, can do no wron#. "hey believe they have a direct command from Allah to con&uer or convert the world to their brand of Islam, includin# the conversion of all other Muslims. Hence, there has always been war and rumors of war between the two #rou s, but Sunni Muslims have been somewhat more tolerant of diversity and, therefore, more able to ada t to diver#ent cultures. "he Sunni !ahhabists are as focused on #lobal domination as are the Shiites. A ma,or factor of the future Middle Aast war is likely to be the Shiite doctrine of the 26 th Imam. !hereas 0ali hs are leaders in the Sunni world, Imams are the divinely a ointed leaders in the Shiite world. Shiites believe that the Mahdi, or 26th Imam, is a Messianic( ty e fi#ure who will a ear, and with descent of Eesus, the two will kill all the Eews and i#s and convert the world to Shiite Islam. "o hasten the advent of the Mahdi, they believe they will need to s read chaos and war on a #lobal scale so the Mahdi will brin# world eace.

"he Islamic theolo#ical division had limited si#nificance to either Eewish or 0hristian eo le livin# in Muslim lands until the 65th century. "hen all Muslim sects sto ed fi#htin# each other and focused on killin# Eews, and after 23J8, destroyin# Israel. "he old Arabic sayin# is I Me and my brother a#ainst our cousins$ but my brother and I and my cousins a#ainst our enemies.' As will be shown later, they are now determined to destroy the =nited States as well. Arab violence redates Islam$ Islam sanctifies violence. 9th I 8th 0enturiesG Muslim 0rusaders Invade Auro e -y the end of the 9th century the Muslim 0rusaders swe t across .orth Africa, destroyed more than J55 archdioceses and slau#htered thousands of 0hristians. "he local o ulations were tired of -y@antine rule, but it was better than Islamic rule. "heir new Muslim overlords re&uired ayment of the Ji'ra ta>? of those who wished to live and maintain their reli#ion. As stated reviously, some scholars believe that more converts were won to Islam by the resultin# economic ressure than by the sword. -y 922 the Muslim army had traveled to the western ed#e of .orth Africa and 0hristiani@ed .orth Africa was suddenly Islamic. "he 0rusaders crossed the Strait of %ibraltar into what is today southern S ain. <rom there they marched north con&uerin# and illa#in# as they went. <or 67 years the =mayyad con&uests s read terror throu#hout the re#ion. Cin#dom leaders from -ritain to Austria throu#hout northern Auro e reali@ed it would be only a matter of time until they would succumb to the Islamic sword. Hence, they united and marched south to confront the invaders. In Fctober of 976 the Muslims, led by Abdul )ahman Al %hafi#i, reached north(central <rance. "here they met an array of Auro ean armies led by 0harles Martel in what became known as the -attle of "ours. "here the Muslims suffered heavy causalities and %haf#i was killed in battle. "he Auro eans emer#ed victoriously and, in subse&uent years, Martel drove the invaders south and reca tured re#ions of what is today known as <rance and northern S ain.


&i'ure (:! A Euro,ean Cni'ht vs! an Arabian orseman! At the -attle of "ours the Auro eans sto ed the Islamic advancement into Auro e. A 23 th century illustration.


Ma :. "he S read of Islam. B2D "he Am ire at the death of Muhammad in 476. B6D Fmayid Dynasty I 9 th century con&uests. B7D Abassid Dynasty I 8th century con&uests.


"he -attle of "ours is si#nificant in that it saved Auro e from Muslim rule and reserved 0hristianity as the reli#ion of Auro e. As such the im ortance of this historic event cannot be overstated. Martel was raised as the cham ion of 0hristianity and a reservationist of Auro ean culture. Muslim domination was confined to S ain until the Auro eans finally reca tured it in the 2: th century. In other arts of Aastern Auro e Islamic con&uests continued. 3J2G "he Disa earance of Muhammad Al(Mahdi

"he Shiites, followers of the *ro het Muhammads cousin and son(in(law Ali Ibn Abi "alib, believe that the twelve descendants, also known as imams, of Abi "alib were endowed with s ecial divine &ualities to serve as Allahs ambassadors to the Muslim eo le. In the year 3J2 the twelfth descendant mysteriously disa eared. Since then senior clerics have re resented the missin# direct descendants of Abi "alib, and they made reli#ious and ,udicial decisions in accordance to the ?uran and the Hadith. "he missin# imam has become known as the Al(Mahdi,' the "welfth Imam,' or "he Mahdi,' and his devotees are known as "he "welvers.' His disa earance would be of no future concern if it was not for the fact that he was endowed with messianic &ualities and divine favors that included his return at the end of time.' "his antici ated return is to occur when the world is full of chaos and violence. Accordin# to Shiite theolo#y, when the Mahdi comes he will brin# eace and harmony throu#hout the worldYa world that will re ent and acce t the Shiites faith. "o hasten his return, the Iranian *resident Ahmadine,ad is committed to increasin# #lobal violence, most notably a#ainst the !est with his rimary focus a#ainst Israel and the =nited States. 4: In essence, Shiites believe that world eace will come only after they #enerate #lobal chaos and violence. Muslim 0rusadersG Eews and Muslim ;ive in *eace "he Islamic e+ ansion &uickly covered a massive area from Southern S ain to *akistan. .early ninety ercent of all Eewish eo le found themselves livin# under Islamic rule. Seldom was there freedom of reli#ion, but the choice was

Parto4&e So2han BIranD, Fctober 22, 6554.


either life with Islam and ayment of the Ei@ra ta+, or death. Any si#n of o osition was immediately s&uelched in blood. "he wise rulers reali@ed it was better to have Eews and 0hristians who aid the Ei@ra ta+es, than dead ones who aid nothin#. An interestin# diver#ence of Sharia ;aw occurred in S ain. "here the Eewish eo le had for centuries lived under the o ression of the )oman 0atholic 0hurch. !hen they heard of the comin# invadin# Muslims, they believed the Muslims mi#ht brin# their messiah. "herefore, in 926, they ,oined the Muslim invaders and to#ether they won. As a reward, the Eews were ermitted to live in eace and ros erity. Islams #olden a#e then blossomed from the 9 th century until the time of the )oman 0atholic 0rusades. "he imams believed that if all the minority #rou s thrived and became ros erous, then the Muslims would do likewise. Seldom have Eewish eo le lived in such tran&uility in the ast 6,555 years. It is almost im ossible to com rehend that at one time Eews and Muslims fou#ht to/ether, and not a#ainst each other, and that they lived in eace and ros ered to#ether. Met S ain has a history that testifies to that oint.

1id +ou ,now that for centuries $ews and 6uslims in 9pain lived and wor,ed together i n peace and ha rmon+/

Page )

Durin# this era lived one of Eudaisms most honored S anish rabbis, Moses Maimonides B227:(265JD. Also known as )ambam, he was the reeminent medieval rabbi, hysician and hiloso her. He was the ersonal hysician for the A#y tian 0ali h althou#h some historians ar#ue a#ainst this fact.44 )ambams ideas, while initially o osed, eventually influenced Eewish, 0hristian and Islamic theolo#ians. He and many others are historical monuments to the true kindness e+ ressed by Islamic rulers. "he so(

;ewis, 286(8:.


called Islamic %olden A#e' occurred in S ain when Muslims were kind and res ectful to the Eewish eo le. 432G "he Dome of the )ock is -uilt u on the "em le Mount -etween the years 488 and 432 =mayyad 0ali h Abd al(Malik constructed the Dome of the )ock over the site where Muslims believe Muhammad ascended briefly into Heaven B?uran 29D. It is the same rock, where accordin# to Eewish and 0hristian tradition B%en. 66D, Abraham was about to offer Isaac to %od until %od intervened and rovided a ram. In the 9th century there were a number of beautiful churches in Eerusalem. "he Muslims, therefore, constructed one of the most beautiful shrines in the Middle Aast I the Dome of the )ock. "he Dome was built in an octa#on sha e. It was an architectural desi#n taken from the beautiful -y@antine churches built in the early Jth century by ?ueen Helena. "o Muslims the si#nificance of the Dome is that it re resents Islamic victory over Eudaism and the Eewish "em le.


&i'ure (=! LE&T: The Dome of the Roc-! "he Islamic shrine was built over the ruins of the two Eewish tem les. &i'ure (>! RI0 T: The +acre$ Roc-! Inside the Dome of the )ock is the sacred rock where Eews and 0hristians believe Abraham offered Isaac to %od and where the Muslims believe Muhammad ste ed briefly into Heaven to become the head of all ro hets. "he roof was later #old lated in the early 65 th century by the -ritish(a ointed %rand Mufti Husseini of Eerusalem. "hat elevated the si#nificance of the site in the Islamic world. "he current roof, which was installed between 2345 and 234J, is made of aluminum and bron@e alloy to #ive the a earance of #old. <or centuries it was #raced with a ty ical Islamic crescent moon, identical to those found u on thousands of other mos&ues. "hen, after the 2349 Si+(Day !ar, the Muslims elevated the Dome to the hi#hest veneration and re laced the crescent moon with one that has the two oints connected with a thin circular line. "his action was taken to im ress u on the *alestinian eo le a #reater need to fi#ht the Eews as Eerusalem was now a hi#h holy city' in the Islamic world. .earby the Dome is the A&sa Mos&ue that was rebuilt in 49J. It re resents Islamic victory over 0hristianity as it was converted from the 0hurch of St. Mary. "he A&sa Mos&ue has suffered so much devastation from earth&uakes and fire that there is very little of the ori#inal buildin# remainin#. "he im ortance of the symbolism cannot be understated I it clearly means an Islamic victory over an enemy. !hen the Muslims con&uered Syria, the 0hurch of St. Eohn the -a tist in Damascus was destroyed and re laced with the Mos&ue of St. Eohn the -a tist, who is one of Islams forty ro hets. "he mos&ue re resents victory over the destroyed 0hristianity.


&i'ure (?! The Shahada. "he Arabic words written on the Dome of the )ock are known as the Shada. It reads, "here is no %od but Allah and Muhammad is the *ro het of Allah.' ;ikewise in .ew Mork 0ity, where on Se tember 22, 6552, the "win "owers were destroyed by Muslims committed to Sharia ;aw. At this writin# in 6525, Muslims were lannin# to build a thirteen story buildin# nearby as a shrine for the study of Islamic culture and Sharia ;aw. It will be known as the 0ordoba House. "he one hundred million dollar edifice is scheduled to o en on Se tember 22, 6522. Ama@in#ly, oliticians welcome the edifice which most certainly will be one of the most attractive buildin#s in the city. "he New @or2 Post re orted that the Muslim cleric behind the ro osed #iant mos&ue near %round >ero is none other than a ma,or donor to the ro(Hamas <ree %a@a movement. "he cleric, Imam <eisal Abdul )auf is also a key fi#ure in Malaysian(based *erdana %lobal *eace Fr#ani@ation. He is &uick to romote the eace a#enda sayin#, !hy cant we all #et alon#H' As stated reviously, the term eace' has a si#nificant different meanin# to Muslims than to Americans or Auro eans. =nder the blind eye of olitical correctness and tolerance, the "ro,an horse has been welcomed because !esterners have failed to reco#ni@e that Muslims take Sura 7G68(63 very seriously. It reads, "he believers never ally themselves with the disbelievers, instead of the believers. !hoever does this is e+iled from %FD. A+em ted are those who are forced to do this to avoid ersecution. %FD alerts you that you shall reverence Him alone. "o %FD is the ultimate destiny. Say, !hether you conceal your innermost thou#ht, or declare it, %FD is fully aware thereof.' He is fully aware of everythin# in the heavens and the earth. %FD is Fmni otent. Sura 7G68(63 "he third cha ter of the ?uran clearly states that the Muslim is not to make friendshi s with non(Muslims unless

forced to do so. "his assa#e is also understood to mean that a Muslim can make friends with non(Muslims for the ur ose of defeatin# them. <or that reason, the innermost thou#hts are to be concealed. ;ittle wonder then that those who wish to have their ears tickled with eace messa#es will fall for this "ro,an horse. "he 0ordoba House, if constructed as lanned, will #ive a owerful messa#e to Muslims around the world while its si#nificance is bein# down layed in America. "he Islamic invasion of S ain be#an in 922 when it established a foothold in the city of 0ordoba. "here the Muslims demolished the 0hurch of St. /incent to make way for a massive beautiful mos&ue I the Mos&ue of 0ordoba. "he symbolism is rofound for two reasons. <irst and foremost in Muslim thinkin#, My Allah is bi##er than your %od.' Second, 0ordoba was the foothold for the eventual con&uest of S ain. Aventually all churches were destroyed. "he .ew Mork facility is symbolic of a future destruction of America andQor its Islami@ation. 378G )iots a#ainst 0hristians "he socially tense tran&uility' between Eews and Muslims in the Holy ;and finally ended in the early 25 th century. Muslims ersecuted both Eews and 0hristians as their tolerance for non(Muslims ended. "he critical breakin# oint occurred on *alm Sunday of 378. 0hristian il#rims who were reenactin# 0hrists walk to %ol#otha were attacked. "he riot swelled as Muslims killed many and dra##ed the atriarch to a stake where he was burned alive. *eaceful co(e+istence between the Eews and Arab cousins was rimarily de endent u on the local Islamic imam. In neither Islamic nor Eewish writin#s are there accounts of a##ression that ori#inated from the Eewish community. Some eriods were truly eaceful while other times were eace under tension. 2553G 0hurches Destroyed Arab riots in Eerusalem resulted in the destruction of do@ens of church buildin#s. )ioters also du# u 0hristian #raves in an attem t to ur#e all evidence of their e+istence. "his attack and others like it rom ted 0hurch officials to

discuss and lan the 0rusades, but it would be another #eneration before they would march to Eerusalem. 2592G Muslim Sel,uk "urks 0a ture Eerusalem "he Sel,uk "urks are the ancestors of the modern "urks who established the foundation of the future "urkish Fttoman Am ire B2:29(2329D. "hey were Sunni Muslims who ersecuted Eews and 0hristians and, conse&uently, became the tar#et of the <irst 0rusade.

Crusa$er Perio$ 8(@?: (/?(9 S rin#, 2534G 0all for Holy !ar At the 0ouncil of 0lermont, *o e =rban II declared that Muslims were ersecutin# 0hristians in the Holy ;and. He also claimed that churches were bein# destroyed and that the 0hurch of the Holy Se ulcher had been converted into a mos&ue. .either statement was true. He leaded with Auro eans to set aside their re#ional s&uabbles, unite and march in a holy war to route out the infidels' Bnamely Eews and non(0atholic 0hristiansD out of the Holy 0ity. !hat followed became one of the darkest eriods of 0hurch history I the 0rusader *eriod. <rom 2534 to 26:5, seven ma,or )oman 0atholic( s onsored 0rusades49 from Auro e attem ted to urify' the Holy 0ity. "he 0rusaders were cler#y(led easant farmers, homeless eo le, and soldiers of fortune who were romised heavenly rewards if they went to battle. As they #athered and considered their task, they &uestioned why they should tolerate Eews in Auro e if they were to remove them from *alestine, alon# with the Muslims. "he res onse was nothin# less than terrorism. <or e+am le, on May 7, 2539, in S eyer, %ermany, 0rusaders attem ted to break into a syna#o#ue. !hen they failed, they killed eleven Eews who ha ened to

"he seven )oman 0atholic 0rusades were B2D 2234(2533$ B6D 22J9( 22J3$ B7D 2288(2236$ BJD 2656(265J$ B:D 2629(2662$ B4D 2668(2663$ and B9D 26J8(26:5. "he atrocities committed a#ainst the Eews, Muslims and Arab 0hristians durin# this eriod fill volumes.


be walkin# on a nearby street.48 Soldiers were told that when they killed a Eew or Muslim, they would #ain merit and ossibly even salvation. 43 Hence, their o ular slo#an was, Cill a Eew and save your soul.'95 "he 0rusaders then offered a choice of ba tism or death to every Eew they met. 0enturies later in the 2855s, the )ussians had a similar motto, -eat the Eews and save )ussia.'92 "oday radical Muslims continue the same blood( shed that was ins ired by Muhammad. "he inhumane treatment of others is es ecially horrible when de raved humanity wears a cloak of reli#ious su eriority and so(called di#nity. Ff course not all have done so and thank %od that there have been countless 0atholics and Muslims who have treated their nei#hbors well. =nfortunately their heroism has been lost. 0rusader soldiers were told that their war efforts would be rewarded in Heaven. "he radical Muslims of today who romote the Islamic 6ihad Bholy warD have a similar slo#an. It says, Cill a Eew and #o strai#ht to heaven to be in the resence of Allah.' "here is a si#nificant difference between )oman 0atholic 0rusaders and the Islamic Eihadists. "he 0rusaders carried out their evil mission in direct diso"edience to the -ible and were the very antithesis of the 0hristian faith. Modern Islamic terrorists em loy violence to s read Islam in o"edience to the ?uran. 0enturies later Hitler would follow this e+am le, and his e+am le is bein# followed by radical Muslims to this very day.

6uslims ,ill in obedience to their Boran, Catho lic Crusaders ,illed in disobedience to their 5ible"

Page )'

48 43 95 92

Schwar@fuchs. "he 0rusades.' Enc&clopedia Judaica. 0D )FM 2399. .icholls, 663. <lannery, 35(32. Hay, 69.


<i#htin# for the o es cause was not only an obli#ation, it made one ri#hteous. "he irony of the 0rusades is that both )oman 0atholics and Muslims slau#htered each other for the honor and #lory of their #od. Fne Muslim chronicler stated that when the 0rusaders entered the "em le Mount, in the Dome of the )ock and al Aska Mos&ue, they killed every man, woman and child$ and estimated 95,555 deaths. A 0rusader re orted that the bodies and blood were more than knee(dee . !ar always has its horrors, but clearly the sava#ery that occurred here was beyond winnin# a war I it was reven#e on the worst scale ima#inable. Met when radical Muslims today ,ustify their actions, they reflect the horrors committed by the )oman 0atholic 0rusaders and for#et the 9th century Muslim 0rusaders in .orth Africa. "heir ar#ument is successful because most Americans know of the 0rusaders, but are unaware of the 9 th century Islamic 0rusaders who eradicated thousands of churches in .orth Africa. "hey also destroyed churches at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, includin# the seven described in )evelation 2(7. "o them, the 0hristian' 0rusades never ended. "hey believe the so(called 0hristians sim ly lay dormant but have risen in recent years to destroy the Islamic world. Hence, they feel they must fi#ht to rotect their homeland, families and, more im ortantly, honor the name of Allah.


&i'ure /@! Crusa$er "a, of 5erusalem "he ma de icts 0hristian sites that re laced the tem le and other Eewish sites. .ote the 0hristian kni#ht Bdressed in whiteD killin# an evil Muslim kni#ht

Bdressed in blackD. 0ourtesy of the Eewish .ational and =niversity ;ibrary of Hebrew =niversity. 2255sG 0rusaders and the Arab Smokers of Hashish In the 26th century, the 0rusaders constructed the .imrod <ortress in northern Israel at the base of Mount Hermon overlookin# the Hula /alley. It rotected the ancient -anias(Damascus road from Arab bandits and invaders. <or two centuries it was lost and won several times, but eventually the %ashshashin, an Islamic Arab sub#rou of a mystical cult known as the Ni'ari, con&uered it and controlled the caravan routes. "heir influence continues to la#ue the free world today. In 25:5, Hasan(I Sabah, founder of the %ashshahin, was born in ?umm, *ersia Bmodern IranD. He was a Shiite who #rew u under the heavy hand of a Sunni #overnment, and eventually decided that he had to force all moderate Muslims and non(Muslims to observe Shari 1aw. !ith the hel of several friends whom he convinced he had su ernatural s iritual insi#ht, he established a mystical cult, the %ashshashin. It was a violent reli#ious #rou known for its orthodo+y to Islamic fundamentals and barbaric killin#s. "hey occu ied several fortresses and controlled various arts of the Middle Aast, namely near the 0as ian Sea until the 2J th century. -etween the 22 th and 27th centuries they occu ied a former 0rusader castle in northern *alestine.


&i'ure /(! &ortress






Fn a mountain to north of the Sea of %alilee is the fortress home of the former Hashshashin. "he Hashshashin were a violent Islamic cult who enticed youn# men with hashish to assassinate moderate Muslim leaders who were considered unfaithful to the ?uran. !hile their influence seldom e+tended as far south as Eerusalem, they need to be mentioned because their violent terrorist activities were similar to those of terrorists today. "hey systematically murdered anyone they believed did not adhere faithfully to the Sharia 1aws of the ?uran I the laws of Allah. "heir favorite tar#ets were Sunni Muslim leaders and any moderate rulers re#ardless of the sect he belon#ed. <or e+am le, durin# the "hird 0rusade B2283(36D, they assassinated 0onrad of Montferat, Cin# of Eerusalem, as well as 0ount )aymond of "ri oli. 96 "heir murderous e+ loits became so well known, that the An#lish word assassin' is rooted in the Arabic word %ashshashin. "he Hashshashin actively recruited new members to conduct murder lots and were known as the eaters' or smokers of hashish.' "his dru# was #iven to new recruits,

FShea, 242.


often in combination with wine and se+, to let them e+ erience *aradise,' that is, a demented view of Heaven. "hey were then told that if they would be killed durin# an assassination attem t, they would #o directly to *aradise and forever e+ erience the eu horia of dru#s, wine and se+. <urthermore, the act of killin# one who was not faithful to the ?uran would also result in the for#iveness of sin. "hey not only terrori@ed fellow Muslims, but they stole whatever su lies they needed or could sell. "hey were criminals motivated by #reed and reli#ion. "he accounts of Hasan(I Sabah would become known to Auro e when adventurer Marco *olo, in his writin#s described him as the Fld Man,' and said the followin#G

"he Fld Man ke t at his court such boys of twelve years old as seemed to him destined to become coura#eous men. !hen the Fld Man sent them into the #arden in #rou s of four, ten or twenty, he #ave them hashish to drink. "hey sle t for three days, then were carried slee in# into the #arden where he had them awakened. !hen these youn# men awoke and found themselves in the #arden with all these marvelous thin#s, they truly believed themselves to be in *aradise. And these damsels were always with them in son#s and #reat entertainments Bse+D$ they received everythin# they asked for, so that they would never have left that #arden of their own will. And when the Fld Man wished to kill someone, he would take him and sayG %o and do this thin#, I do this because I want to make you return to *aradise.' And the assassins #o and erform the deed willin#ly. 97 !hile Muhammad had advocated a heavenly *aradise for those who died in combat, the Hashshashin added that those who would commit suicide in order to kill the enemy would likewise receive a heavenly reward. Hence was born the fatalistic doctrine of suicide martyr' for Hasans assassins. His recruits were known as the *eda&een, meanin#, Fne who is willin# to sacrifice his life.' "he challen#e for any victim was how to sto an assassin if the


0antrell, J:, citin# The !d.entures of Marco Polo.


assassin had no fear of death and desired to kill or to be killed in the rocess.

The !nglish word assassin is rooted in the Arabic word 4ashshashin, which was the name of a terrorist group that promoted 9hari :aw"



Mears later the Ayatollah )uhullah Chomeini of Iran ideali@ed the tactics of the %ashsha"in and Masser Arafat fre&uently made reference to the *eda&een. "he *eda&een were Arafats armed militias recruited from refu#ee cam s. "oday, all Islamic military units have *eda&een units, reflectin# u on the ancient assassins who were willin# to sacrifice their lives. Alon# with the 0rusaders, they demonstrated the de raved nature of reli#ious men. 2289G 0rusaders Defeated by Saladin 0orru tion and dishonesty of every kind thrived in the Auro ean culture. ;ife was difficult and many men ,oined the 0rusaders to esca e the res onsibilities at home and search for forei#n adventure and #old. In some Auro ean communities, so many ,oined that it was difficult to find a man for every seven women. !hen the 0rusade ended, many chose not to return to their homes, but started new families elsewhere. Hence, someone said that everywhere there are widows whose husbands are still alive. 9J ;ikewise in Eerusalem the bisho s and leaders were more concerned about reli#iousQ olitical #ains than their true res onsibility. <or e+am le, in 22:7 *rincess 0onstance decided to marry )eynaud, a commoner 0rusader au er, rather than a man of royalty. "his was considered scandalous. )eynaud suddenly ac&uired status and military authority, but had no military trainin# and limited e+ erience. .onetheless, he decided to send his army to 0y rus where his men ra ed 0hristian women, cut the noses off Frthodo+ riests, illa#ed and murdered at will. "heir

FShea, 29J(9:.


actions caused #reat discontent amon# other -y@antine leaders and, therefore, when the Muslims finally arrived, the )oman 0atholic military was in chaos. 9: "he Muslims advanced into *alestine and the events that occurred in a relatively brief eriod of time are rather com licated. Suffice it to say, the -y@antines reali@ed they were about to meet a serious challen#e. ;eadin# the advancin# Islamic military machine was Salahuddin Ayyubi B2278(2237D, better known as Saladin in Auro e. He was a Curd, not an Arab, and a member of the Shiite Muslim sect. As a military con&ueror and leader, he ruled over a vast area from A#y t to Syria, which obviously included the Holy ;and. -ecause he was a Shiite, he not only had to be careful of the -y@antines, but also for the Sunni assassins. In 229: he barely esca ed an assassination attem t when the ruthless killers had infiltrated his entoura#e, includin# his body#uards. "hereafter, he was so worried that he wore his armor at all times and sle t on an elevated bed. Met somehow, for reasons unknown to historians, Saladin made eace with his would(be killers and in the 2285s they harassed his foes. Met in the midst of this he was about to demonstrate his cunnin# military strate#y. In res onse to the Islamic threat, Cin# %uy of Eerusalem called u on various 0rusader factions to assemble. In the semi(arid summer heat they marched toward %alilee to meet the challen#ers. In true Auro ean style, they were armed with heavy e&ui ment includin# mail, a fle+ible metal coverin# that rotected kni#hts from the enetratin# arrows. He commanded his men to set u cam on the #rassy hi#h #round known as the Horns of Hattin, a short distance west of the Sea of %alilee. He #ave little re#ard to the effects of the stiflin# summer heat u on his men and horses, or that he had limited water su lies. -elow the #rassy hillto a forest encom assed the mountain. "he 0rusaders had the un rotected hi#h #round but were surrounded and tra ed as they could not see their enemy hidden in the woods. Saladins army had surrounded them. It was said that the 6:,555 men were nearly shoulder to shoulder so that a cat could not have assed between them. Saladin lanned his strate#y well, for he even had a camel caravan that brou#ht water from the Sea of %alilee to

Fshea, 286(8J.


kee in his army well nourished while they rested in the shady forest. .ow there was little for them to do but to wait atiently for the intense summer heat to dehydrate the 0rusaders. "he lon# days of Eune became the early days of Euly and every day was hotter and hotter. Avery time the 0rusaders attem ted to en#a#e the Muslims, they were #reeted with clouds of arrows and forced to retreat. Dissention broke out in the ranks as more and more soldiers reali@ed their li#ht was little more than a miserable death. "hen on the mornin# of Euly Jth, with the sun risin# in the eastern sky, the Muslims set fire to the #rassy field. "hey advanced westward as the fire(line advanced ra idly u the mountain toward the 0rusaders. Cin# %uy and his men were blinded by the sun and chokin# from the smoke. "hey were already faint from the heat and had no stamina to fi#ht. In a matter of a few hours the contest was over. "housands of Auro eans lost their lives and the Muslims hardly lost anyone. Hence, Saladin will #o down in Islamic history as one of the #reatest military strate#ists. 94 "he ;astin# Affects of the 0rusaders "here is no &uestion that what the )oman 0atholic 0rusaders did was a horrible un(0hristian act of dis#race. "hey illa#ed and killed not only Muslims and Eews, but also Middle Aastern 0hristians whom they assumed to be Muslim or Eewish. Met today radical Muslims fre&uently use the 0hristian' 0rusader events as an e+cuse for their violent actions, deliberately for#ettin# the violent actions of Muhammad and the Islamic 0rusaders. Some modern Islamic a olo#ists, such as noted author Caren Armstron#, have rewritten the historical accounts and #lorified Muslim actions and blamed !estern misconce tions of Islam on the 0rusaders.99 ;ittle wonder then that half(truths and inaccurate information have ersuaded ublic o inion and olicies. "he ori#ins of todays Middle Aast or #lobal conflict did not be#in with the 0rusaders, but with Muhammad. "he attention #iven to the 0rusaders merely distracts from the root cause.

94 99

FShea, 28:(84. Armstron#, 298(85.


26JJ, 2645, 2633G Mon#olian Invasions of Eerusalem Eust as the 0rusaders had difficulty maintainin# control of Eerusalem, so did the Muslims. Mon#olian armies in e+cess of :55,555 men led by "emu,in, better known as %en#his Chan Bmeanin# world con&ueror'D, came from mountains of Mon#olia thousands of miles to the east. "hey devastated modern(day Af#hanistan, Iran, the Middle Aast and every other land they entered. *rior to comin# into the Holy ;and, %an#his Cahn destroyed cities in "urkey B2628(2662D, where in the city of Merv he killed 955,555 Muslims. His barbaric violence made the atrocities of Muhammad look like childs lay. In one city he #athered the severed heads of his victims and stacked them in the sha e of a yramid. "he Muslims were stunned to suffer such incredible defeats, but eventually the Muslims reor#ani@ed and the Mon#ols were driven out. After Chan died, his #randson Hula#u continued the slau#hter. "he Mon#olians e+ erienced wins and defeats in *alestine, which is why they invaded it three times in the years 26JJ, 2645 and 2633. <or the Muslims the re eated invasions had been an a allin# shock. After centuries of military e+ ansion cou led with olitical and cultural su eriority, the defeats si#naled a reflection as to why these had occurred. "heir conclusion was that they failed to follow the te+t of the ?uran and the words of the *ro het. Hence, they reinstituted stricter observant laws BSharia 1awD and amassed a hu#e army to challen#e the Mon#ols. In 2757 they marched a#ainst the Mon#ols in *alestine and soundly defeated them and removed the shame of rior defeats. !hile in the Middle Aast, %en#his Chan converted to Islam. He was so im ressed with the union of reli#ion and military stren#th that he brou#ht Muslims back to 0hina to hel administer his em ire. A century later when the 0hinese overthrew the Mon#ols, the Muslim administrators fled to what today are Corea and the Sinkian# *rovince of western 0hina. 0urrently the oil(rich Sinkian# *rovince has a Muslim o ulation of over 95 million and its ca ital city is =rum&uiG &ui' means Muslim.' "he 0hinese 0ommunist #overnment has lon# worried that the dee ly reli#ious rovince mi#ht break off and become a se aratist state, as ha ened with the Islamic rovinces in the former southern =.S.S.)., which


now are soverei#n Islamic states. 98 "he conversion of %en#his Chan and his Islamic le#acy have dee rooted influences in the reli#ious( olitical environment of western 0hina and central Asia today. Middle A#esG Eews and Muslims An,oy Fccasional *eace As reviously stated, in li#ht of the violence in todays news, it is difficult to ima#ine that Eews and Muslims once lived eacefully to#ether. Met history demonstrates this to have been true in ast centuries. Eews who lived in the Muslim world faired much better than those who lived in )oman 0atholic Auro e. It is a myth that these cousins have been fi#htin# continuously. In Islamic countries Eews were reduced to second class citi@ens and considered infidels who are sub,ected to occasional violence and humiliated in various ways. .onetheless, they found a niche in the society wherein they achieved success in every ima#inable occu ation includin# commerce, medicine, education and even #overnment. "hose who achieved wealth were hi#hly res ected by their Arab eers. Documents discovered in the late 2835s in a 0airo %eni@a 93 indicate that durin# the 25(27 th centuries, Eews and Arabs lived and interacted eacefully as 85 nei#hbors. *ossibly to the benefit of them, the Eews were not the only minority #rou . "here were also various 0hristian #rou s, the >oroasters and other reli#ious communities. Aven thou#h the ?uran hi#hly condemns them, when Muslim leaders reali@ed that when Eews ros ered they also ros ered, they e+tended a favorable hand to them.


A artial listin# of these nations is =@bekistan, Ca@akhstan, Cyr#ystan, "a,ikistan and "urkmenistan.

A %eni@a is the section of a syna#o#ue where -ibles and other im ortant documents are laced once they are worn out.

<or a com arative on the Eewish life in the 0hristian and Islamic worlds durin# the Middle A#es, read Mark 0ohen, Ander =rescent and =ross, The Jews in the Middle !/es. .EG *rinceton =. 233:.


&i'ure //! A "uslim an$ Christian Pla% Chess! "he eaceful scene illustrates that Arabs and 0hristians Band EewsD at times lived to#ether in eace. Illustration from the oo2 of +ames com iled for Cin# Alfonso N Brei#ned 26:6(8JD of 0astile and ;evin.

7ttoman Em,ire 8(6(=*(?(=9 !hile the reli#ious revival of the )eformation was transformin# Auro e, in the Middle Aast the "urkish Fttoman Am ire was birthed in 2:29 when Fttoman Sultan Selim I defeated the Mamlukes. In 2:65 Selim con&uered Eerusalem.

<or the ne+t four centuries the new Am ire ruled the Holy ;and the surroundin# Middle Aast, with the e+ce tion of arts of Morocco and Arabia. "he "urkish rule surrendered to the -ritish in 2329 at the end of !orld !ar I. "he "urks were im erialists who took from the land but #ave nothin# back. "hey afforded no favors to the few oor *alestinian easant Eews and Arabs who had labored for centuries in the hot, dry dusty soil. -oth were heavily ta+ed, were sub,u#ated as second(class citi@ens and received no benefits from their #overnment. /ast areas of land were owned by absentee landlords who seldom visited their tenant farmers. !hile historically Eerusalem was #overned from Damascus, the "urks administered *alestine from e&routh, the <rench name for -eirut' in ;ebanon. Eerusalem was an insi#nificant city in their estimation. Eerusalem was also another insi#nificant city to the Muslims, never a ca ital for any Islamic or other eo le #rou other than the Eews. 2:79 ( 2:J5G Suleiman the Ma#nificent !hile the 0hurch and Auro e were stru##lin# with the roblem of what to do with the Eews, in Eerusalem the Curdish leader, Suleiman the Ma#nificent, sei@ed control of the Holy 0ity. He has often been called the erfect Islamic ruler, or the Second Solomon' Bhe was named after the famous Eewish kin#D. Some scholars have called him one of the finest military leaders of the Fttoman Am ire. He carefully created unstable situations ittin# Auro ean kin#s a#ainst each other while securin# his own em ire and ittin# )oman 0atholics a#ainst *rotestants to reduce the robability of a revolt. He made Istanbul his ca ital and the center of Islamic civili@ation and culture. "he Fttomans called him the Kanuni, meanin# the law #iver.' His #reatest #ift to the Eewish eo le was ermission for them to ray at the !estern B!ailin#D !all. ;ife for both 0hristians and Eewish eo le under Suleiman was #reatly im roved than reviously when they were under the A#y tian Mamlukes. In the years 2:7: to 2:78, Suleiman the Ma#nificent rebuilt the Fld 0ity walls of Eerusalem that are admired by tourists today.


&i'ure /3! The +outhern Wall of the 7l$ Cit%! Most of Eerusalems Fld 0ity walls as seen today were rebuilt by Suleiman the Ma#nificent from the years 2:7: to 2:78. Shown are re air crews doin# maintenance work after under#round e+cavations for a mos&ue weakened the wall in 6554. 2445G Muslims Slau#hter Eews in Safed *eriodically, in various re#ions of the Muslim world, imams would be#in a 6ihad to rid themselves of their Eewish or 0hristian nei#hbors. "he results were always tra#ic. <or e+am le, in 2445, Muslims killed an estimated 65,555 Eews in Safed, a Eewish holy city in northern %alilee. In the followin# years the imams held a sli#htly kinder view toward their infidel nei#hbors. "he Eews rebuilt the city but in 2933 the Muslims destroyed it a#ain durin# another massacre. -oth Eews and 0hristians have usually lived in time of eace, but with a dreaded fear of another massacre.


1id +ou ,now that no time in histor+ was $erusalem a capital cit+ to an+ pe ople other than the $ewish people/

Page )8

2487G Muslim Defeat at the Sie#e of /ienna, Austria "he Fttomans attem ted to e+ and their em ire throu#hout Auro e, but were defeated in /ienna, Austria. "heir #oal was to forcibly convert 0hristian Auro e much as they had done in .orthern Africa and the Middle Aast in the 9th century. Marco *olo had ,ust returned from 0hina with #un owder. He first offered to sell it to the Muslims, but they refused, citin# they had reviously con&uered many nations without it. "herefore, Marco sold it to heads of state in Auro e. 0onse&uently, when the Muslims attacked at /ienna, they were defeated and Auro e remained free. "his shook the foundations of their belief system and a#ain raised a er le+in# &uestionG How could Allah ermit infidels to defeat loyal and faithful MuslimsH Since the days of Muhammad, the Muslims armies seldom suffered defeat and when they did, they returned later with a ven#eance. "here were two ma,or e+ce tionsG "he -attle of "ours, <rance in 976 and the -attle of /ienna in 2487, both of which halted their attem t to con&uer Auro e. %radually Islamic armies were forced to retreat but there were a few e+ce tions, such as art of the -alkans. "oday Muslim clerics and strate#ists have their si#hts set a#ain on the con&uest of Auro e and !estern Bthey consider to be Auro ean'D civili@ation. "hey believe that Allah has blessed them with the hu#e oil wealth for the sole ur ose to con&uer the world for Allahs #lory and remove the shame suffered in 976 and in 2487. "herefore, they follow .a@ism, fascism and communism as the worlds latest hostile takeover as irant. "he si#nificant difference is that Muslims believe they are under the command of divine directives. "he Se tember 22, 2487 defeat resulted in a 755 year decline of Islamic society. It was not until the Islamic

)evolution of 2393, when Iran became the undis uted leader of Islamism, that the !estern world was ut on notice of a new confrontation. -ut the !est was cau#ht u in its materialism and did not take serious notice of the Islamic influence until Se tember 22, 6552.

9epte mber 11 , ' 1 was a reinstatement of the 5attle of @ienna that was los t on 9eptembe r 11, 1#8 2"

Page &8

Muslim Hatred for Auro eans %rows "here is #ood reason why Islamic nations have little love for !esterners. <or centuries a number of Auro ean owers com eted for the erceived wealth of undevelo ed nations. In 2J36 S anish e+ lorer 0hristo her 0olumbus sailed west with the ho e of findin# a shorter route to wealth and fortune in India. Fther S anish e+ lorers such as Herman 0orte@ in the early 24th century went to modern(day Me+ico, destroyed the A@tec Am ire and stole their #old. -y the 23th century the #reed of Auro ean olitical elite was insurmountable. -ritain ruled India and arts of the Middle Aast and Africa. Holland dominated the #reater art of Muslim Southeast Asia. )ussia, althou#h not art of Auro e, ,oined in the land #rab and con&uered the Islamic kin#doms of /ol#a, the 0aucasus, and 0entral Asia. -y the end of the 23th century Italy briefly ruled arts of northern and eastern Africa while %ermany and Austria established treaties with the Fttomans, the last survivin# Islamic Am ire. "o meet the #rowin# demand of im erialistic e+ ansion in Muslim countries, Auro ean universities established Arabic studies to re are youn# men for forei#n assi#nments. Academic chairs were established in 0olle#e de <rance B2:63D, 0ambrid#e B2477D and F+ford B2474D. Soon other universities ,oined the academic fad. "o Muslims, all Auro eans are seen as infidels and the thou#ht of 0hristians and some Eews dominatin# over them was both humiliatin# and revoltin#. "hey remember their history and the #lory days of Muhammad and the

henomenal victories of the 9th century. -y the end of the 23th century they a#ain &uestioned why Allah could ermit infidels to defeat them or to rule over them. "he &uestion would be answered by a reli#ious ,ud#e only a few decades later. 29J:G !ahhabismG "he )evival of Sharia ;aw In 29J: Muhammad ibn Adb al(!ahhab, a reli#ious ,ud#e in the Arabian *eninsula, believed that since the days of Muhammad, Muslims had drifted away from the teachin#s of their *ro het. "herefore the eo le of Allah suffered humiliation at the hands of the infidels. He roclaimed and enforced Sharia ;aw. Most Muslims, even today, are not strict observers of the ;aw but follow the #eneral #uidelines of their faith found in a book entitled the %adith. !ahhabism is a revival of the Muhammads teachin#s that initiated the violent 9th century Islamic con&uest and the 22 th century Hashshashin assassin cult. As !ahhabism was acce ted amon# the various se#ments of Arabia, its messa#e was carried to other Islamic countries. Soon riots broke out in Arabia in an attem t to convert everyone to the stricter Sharia law. In A#y t riots also broke out, but ossibly more as an o osition to Fttoman rulershi than for reli#ious dedication. However, other Arabs believed that any attem t to weaken the Fttoman Am ire was a t to harm Islam. .onetheless, eventually !ahhabism was acce ted throu#hout the Arabian *eninsula and today its influence is bein# actively e+ orted #lobally and financed with etroleum dollars. It is the foundational doctrine that motivates the radical Muslims of today and is tau#ht in many mos&ues and Islamic schools throu#hout the =nited States and Auro e. In the 2395s and 2385s the Saudi(s onsored !ahhabism and Irans Ayatollah Chomeinis fundamentalism be#an to s read ,ihad to a #lobal scale, usin# the *alestinian( Israeli conflict as their s rin#board. 2983G .a oleon <reed Eews from %hettos !hile Muslims were stru##lin# with their ideolo#y, Auro eans were e+ eriencin# the A#e of Anli#htenment. Fut

of this movement came <rench %eneral .a oleon -ona arte B2943(2862D. =nder his direction the <rench .ational Assembly established the Declaration of the )i#hts of Man and of the 0iti@en.' It emanci ated the Eewish eo le from Auro ean #hettos, reinstituted the Sanhedrin BEewish courtD, and romoted the ri#hts of Eewish citi@enshi . He became so o ular amon# the Eewish eo le that Austrian #overnment officials feared the Eews would consider him to be their Messiah. = on hearin# this, Muslims could not understand how Eews could ossibly have re#ained such favorable status under the rulershi of an atheist. However, less than a decade later a #reater challen#e would confront Muslims in A#y t. 2938G .a oleon 0on&uered A#y t In 2938, .a oleon invaded A#y t. His victory stunned the A#y tians who asked, How could an atheist defeat Muslims who were faithful followers of AllahH' "he &uestion still haunts them, es ecially since they believed that the Eews and 0hristians whom Allah cursed are su erior to atheists. "his theolo#ical &uestion has been mentioned re eatedly because today its resolution is foundational to their drivin# force to achieve #lobal Islamic victory. "he words of Muhammad ibn Adb al(!ahhab now had a #reater im act, which would become a drivin# force fostered by the Iranian Ayatollah Chomeini after 2393. "he si#nificance of .a oleons con&uest of A#y t is that the Muslims would view Auro eans as colonialists who came to rava#e the land and eo le. <urthermore, Auro eans brou#ht !estern ideas that would eventually clash with Aastern Islamic cultural values. Hence, today the return of Eews to Israel is no lon#er viewed by Muslims as Eews returnin# to their ancient homeland, but as a continued Auro ean invasion of Islamic land. "o resolve the Eewish roblem,' as well as the theolo#ical challen#es, radical Muslims are determined to restore the honor and di#nity to Allah that has been wanin# ever since .a oleon. "hey are determined to remove the Eews re#ardless of the cost. "he irony is that the Muslims fail to hold the same accountability to S ain which they also once ruled. ;ast but not least, another si#nificant outcome of .a oleons short rei#n was that he ins ired future writers,

cler#ymen and statesmen who would romote the idea of a national Eewish restoration I that eventually became todays nation of Israel. As a devout atheist he had no reli#ious convictions or motivations, but believed that the Eewish eo le were un,ustly evicted by the )omans in AD 27: and he wanted to ri#ht that wron#. -y this time not only was there a stron# anti(Auro ean sentiment buildin# in the Islamic world, but there was a small but owerful resur#ence of Muhammads literal instructions of life and con&uest.

(?th Centur%: "assive Chan'es ;e'in 23th 0enturyG Advent of the %as2ala Amon# the many chan#es of the 23th century was a Eewish movement known as %as2ala. It was the Hebrew version for the A#e of Anli#htenment' and it romoted actions a#ainst the dictatorial )ussian 0@ars as well as the le#alistic and backwardness of the ultra(orthodo+ rabbis. <or centuries the Eews were faithful to their local rabbis, but now a new #eneration of leaders would emer#e. "his #eneration was, for the most art, either atheistic or a#nostic and re,ected the le#alism of their reli#ion. A century later, most of Israels foundin# fathers were descendants of the %as2ala movement$ and they too were atheistic or a#nostic. <or e+am le, David -en(%urion, the first rime minister, was the son of Avi#or %reen, a leader of the %as2ala in *oland. %reen was the son of >vi Arieh %reen who was an activist of the early %as2ala movement. 2875sG Fttomans )elocated Arab *easants to *alestine Since the foundin# of the Fttoman Am ire in 2:29, lar#e areas of *alestine continued to be ne#lected and the land had become full of sta#nated swam s and uninhabited deserts. Fnly a few villa#es survived. In the 2875s the Fttoman rulers relocated outside o ulations I the -ul#arians, 0ircassians and Arabs, into *alestine. "hese new immi#rants were su osed to develo the land and thereby im rove the ta+ base. "he o ulation shift was a failure. Met

a century later when the Eews arrived, the land be#an to blossom. 28J5G -ritish Ancoura#ed the Fttomans to *ermit Eews to )eturn -ritish <orei#n Secretary ;ord Henry Eohn *almerston traveled to 0onstantino le to meet the Sultan of the Fttoman Am ire. He re&uested the Sultan to ermit Eews from )ussia to return to the land of their forefathers so they could become the cultivators of the land.' He said that they would be hi#hly advanta#eous to the Sultan as they would restore it and make it fruitful once a#ain. "he revious o ulation shift was a failure, so he saw little value of riskin# a re eated mistake. !hile his re&uest was denied, the news of his mission ins ired other Eews to come to *alestine. 28:8G "he Fttoman ;and 0ode At this time neither the "urks nor the Arabs in *alestine had a centrali@ed system whereby ro erty owners re#istered land ownershi . "he ;and 0ode of 28:8 re&uired re#istration of real estate but unfortunately, many ro erty owners were sus icious of the corru t officials. *easant farmers feared that re#istration would result in hi#her ta+ation and, therefore, did not re#ister their land. 0orru t land s eculators, aware of the sus icion of the uneducated ri#htful owners, sei@ed u on the o ortunity and re#istered the easant land as their own and sold it to Eews who are not aware that the ri#htful owners had been swindled. !hen the *alestinian Arab farmers reali@ed they had lost their farmland, armed conflicts arose. In "iberius the violence was so bad that Fttoman troo s were brou#ht in to restore order. A secret Eewish army was established to rotect Eewish farmers from Arab sni ers. "he words of the ro het Eeremiah were thus fulfilled, but with controversy and conflict. Men will buy fields for money, si#n and seal deeds, and call in witnesses in the land of -en,amin, in the environs of Eerusalem, in the cities of Eudah, in the cities of the hill country, in the cities of the lowland and in the

cities of the .e#ev$ for I will restore their fortunes,' declares the ;F)D. Eeremiah 76GJJ Fbviously the ;and 0ode was a disaster for *alestinian farmers. Many of them were forcibly brou#ht into the re#ion in the 2875s. "hey built mea#er livin# &uarters, established a subsistence livelihood on oor a#ricultural soil, and now what little they had was stolen by wealthy Arab investors' BeffendisD. Fn the other hand, it ermitted the Eews to urchase lar#e sections of real estate, and they were willin# to ay u to a hundred times more than what the land was worth. It is a myth that the Eews stole land from the easant Arabs but it is not without ,ust cause. "hese im overished eo le were victims of their own Arab nei#hbors. "he myth also fails the truth test when considerin# that Arab leaders rotested the sale of land to Eews, but they too sold their ro erties to the Eews at a #reat rofit. /ast areas of uninhabited swam s and deserts that no one claimed were also sold by land s eculators. Met a ro+imately one(fourth of the land ac&uired by Eews was urchased from 0hristian Arabs, rimarily the Sursu& family who lived in -eirut.82 28:3G Sue@ 0anal <or centuries Auro ean em ires sent tradin# shi s to India and the far east via the southern ti of Africa. "o shorten the ,ourney they considered a canal throu#h A#y t. In s ite of fearful reservations reviously established by less than noble Auro eans, the A#y tian #overnment be#an a ten(year construction ro,ect to connect the %ulf of Sue@ with the Mediterranean Sea that was funded by the <rench and the -ritish. Its construction re&uired a hu#e labor force and Muslim men of various ethnic back#rounds from many countries came with their families to find em loyment. After construction was com leted in 2843, unem loyment was hi#h. Eews in *alestine were in need of manual labor and many Arabs mi#rated north to *alestine for em loyment. A few years later more Arabs came when the rulin# Fttomans

;awson, 28:.


be#an the construction of a railroad. "he descendants of those Arabs and A#y tians laborers eventually became known as the *alestinian Arabs of today. 2844G !. M. "hom sons Descri tion of *alestine "he )everend !. M. "hom son toured to the Holy ;and and was ama@ed at what he saw. He could hardly believe that the land of the -ible was such a massive and barren wasteland. In his book, The 1and and the oo2, he described the lar#e areas of uninhabited country. How melancholy is this utter desolationR .ot a house, not a trace of inhabitants, not even she herds O to relieve the dull monotony O Isaiah says that Sharon shall be wilderness, and O ZIt[ has become a sad and 86 im ressive reality. 2849G Mark "wains ;and Descri tion 0om ared with <irst 0entury Eose hus "he o ular American author, Samuel 0lemens, aQkQa Mark "wain, also traveled throu#hout the Middle Aast on a world tour. "wo years later he ublished his observations and noted the absence of human occu ation. He #ave an incredible descri tion of a O Desolate country whose soil is rich enou#h, but is #iven over wholly to weeds ( a silent mournful e+ anse ... !e have never seen a human bein# on the whole route ... "here was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Aven the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of worthless soil, had almost deserted the country. In the Ee@reel /alley, there is not a solitary villa#e throu#hout its whole e+tent ... 0ome to %alilee...that melancholy ruin of 0a ernaum, this stu id villa#e of "iberius...!e reached "abor safely. !e never saw a human bein# the whole route... .a@areth is forlorn ... Eericho the accused lies a molderin# ruin today, even as Eoshuas miracle left it more than 7,:55 years a#o ... -ethlehem and -ethany, in their overty and humiliation, have

Archbold, 68 citin# "hom son.


nothin# to remind one that they once knew the hi#h honor of the Saviors resence. Mark "wain, $nnocents !"road

"he observations of "hom son and "wain confirmed the ro hecy of Moses who said, Mour land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins' B;ev. 64G77D. ;ittle did they know that within only a few decades the Fttomans would cut thousands of trees for a railroad. Met their descri tions are in shar contrast to those of the 2st century historian <lavius Eose hus. In AD 3: he described it as a bountiful and fruitful land as if to em hasi@e the Divine blessin#s. <or e+am le, in his descri tion of the land of %alilee, he said O "he country also that lies over a#ainst this lake has the same name of %ennesaret$ its nature is wonderful as well as its beauty. Its soil is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can #row u on it, and the inhabitants accordin#ly lant all sorts of trees there$ for the tem er of the air is so well mi+ed that it a#rees very well with those several sorts, articularly walnuts which re&uire the coldest air flourish there in vast lenty$ there the alm trees also, which #row best in hot air$ fi# trees and olives #row near them which yet re&uire an air that is more tem erate. Fne may call this lace the ambition of nature, where it forces those lants that are naturally enemies to one another to a#ree to#ether. Eose hus, 3ars 7.25.8 "he descri tions recorded by these observers rovide a rofound contrast and #ive credibility to the idea that the land would only be roductive when occu ied by the Eewish eo le I those to whom %od romised the land. <or all other inhabitants it was centuries of desolated land. !hen in the 23th century the Eewish eo le be#an to return, the ro hetic words of A@ekiel started to come into fulfillment.


?uoted by )at@er, 228.


Moreover, I will save you from all your uncleanness$ and I will call for the #rain and multi ly it, and I will not brin# a famine on you. I will multi ly the fruit of the tree and the roduce of the field, so that you will not receive a#ain the dis#race of famine amon# the nations. A@ekiel 74G63(75 If Eose hus could walk today in what was once an endless desert that surrounded the city of Arad or walk the wheat fields of %alilee, he would see a farmland far su erior to what he described. He would see flowers and trees native of distant continents that were unknown to him. He would be stunned to see his little homeland roduce enou#h citrus fruit for much of Auro e and many other nations. "he oint is thisG If the Arabs had occu ied the land throu#hout history as the *alestinians claim, then why would Mark "wain have mentioned their absence in cha ters J4, J9, J8, J3, :6, :7 and :4 of his bookH )ev. "hom son also noted their absence. "he truthful answer is rather sim le althou#h fre&uently deniedG "he *alestinian Arabs for the most art had not yet immi#rated to this area. In fact, most *alestinian ArabsQIsraeli Arabs have less than a 655 year history in the land.
*ere +ou told that a vast maForit+ of Palestinian Arabs have less than a ' +ea r histor+ in Palestine/

Page 31

2898G "he /alley of Achor shall be an F enin# of Ho e In 2898, four years before the first ma,or aliya or wave' of Eewish immi#ration be#an, a #rou of Auro ean Eews established the first a#ricultural settlement in the /alley of Achor near Eericho. "hey urchased wilderness land and chose the name *etah "ikva B)penin/ of %opeD from the ro hecy of Hosea,


"herefore, behold, I will allure her, brin# her into the wilderness and s eak kindly to her. "hen I will #ive her, her vineyards from there, /alley of Achor as a door of ho e O Hosea 6G2J(2:a "he sultan of the Fttoman Am ire cancelled the sale and the #rou moved north and urchased swam land alon# the Markon )iver. "his re#ion was more of a wilderness than was the /alley of Achor. "hey drained the mos&uito(infested swam s. "hey turned this re#ion into a#ricultural land u on which was established the be#innin# of Israels citrus industry. "he F enin# of Ho e did not come without ain and sufferin# as many died of malaria. A si#n of future violent times occurred in 2884 when Arabs attacked Eews. In the 2362 riots, four Eews were killed in this villa#e. .onetheless the villa#e ros ered. ;ikewise, in the years that followed, the ori#inal /alley of Achor also became a hi#hly roductive a#ricultural land of citrus fruits, vineyards and ve#etables. 2885sG Fttomans -uild )ailroad, Destroy <orests In the mid 2855s, the Fttomans contracted with a -el#ian com any to build a railroad in *alestine that would be art of the Frient A+ ressG Istanbul to Damascus. <rom the Damascus the He,a@ )ailroad line was went to Medina. "he ori#inal lan was to build connect it to Mecca, but construction was interru ted by !orld !ar I. *alestine is a land brid#e that connects the three continents of Auro e, Asia and Africa. It lies between the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the vast desert to the east. !hile the Her,a@ line went throu#h modern Eordan, another railroad line went throu#h the Eordan /alley. It had several branch lines to "iberias and Haifa, but its rimary ur ose was for the trans ort of reli#ious il#rims to Mecca durin# )amadan. "he construction of the rail line re&uired a lar#e labor force as well as its. 0onse&uently, thousands of Arabs mi#rated from the recently com leted Sue@ 0anal for em loyment. "hey earned a ro+imately ten times what their fathers had earned, thereby im rovin# their lifestyle immensely. Since the Middle Aast has no natural coal reserves, a hu#e su ly of wood from local forests was re&uired for the

railroad ties and steam en#ine fuel. %iven the fact that reviously the Fttomans ta+ed farmers for the trees, the &uantity of standin# timber was already hi#hly limited before construction be#an. 0onse&uently, most of the land was soon stri ed bare fulfillin# the ro hecy #iven by Moses. Fnly a few remote natural forests survived the environmental abuse. I will make the land desolate so that your enemies who settle in it will be a alled over it. Mou, however, I will scatter amon# the nations and will draw out a sword after you, as your land becomes desolate and your cities become waste. ;eviticus 64G76(77

All its land is brimstone and salt, a burnin# waste, unsown and un roductive, and no #rass #rows in it, like the overthrow of Sodom and %omorrah, Admah and >eboiim, which the ;F)D overthrew in His an#er and in His wrath. All the nations will say, !hy has the ;ord done thus to this landH !hy this #reat outburst of an#erH' Deuteronomy 63G67(6J It took nearly J,555 years for these ro hetic words to find fulfillment. Met, within the ast century what was once barren waste land has become one of the most roductive areas in the world. ;ate 23th 0enturyG Massive 0han#es Ascalate Since 28:8 the Fttoman land reforms ermitted non( Fttoman citi@ens to own land. As a result, Auro eans &uickly urchased land, fostered reli#ious and cultural enetration, and thus increased the e+istin# reli#ious rivalries. -y 2832, several influential Muslims a#ain demanded a total ban on land sales while some of them became investors.' In 2352 the Eewish .ational <und was established to buy land near the ancient city of Eaffa, where the modern city of "el Aviv was established. "hereafter, it urchased land in other re#ions as well.

!ith the influ+ of 0hristian missionaries and Eewish eo le, new economic o ortunities were afforded to the Arabs. "hey now en,oyed medical and educational o ortunities su erior to those in any other Muslim nation. 0onse&uently, more mi#rated to *alestine. However, they had a love(hate relationshi with the Eews. "hey en,oyed the economic o ortunities, but had difficulties reconcilin# how a cursed eo le could be so successful. In the meantime, only a handful of 0hristians reco#ni@ed these events as a move of the ro hetic hand of %od. Many were rooted in re lacement theolo#y and, therefore, concluded that Israel would never become a olitical state until after Eesus returns to establish His Millennium Cin#dom. In fact, Muslims and most 0hristians were convinced the idea of an Israel was a theolo#ical and ractical im ossibility. Fbviously the event of May 2J, 23J8 was rather stunnin# to them. 2885sG Eewish Immi#ration -e#ins *ro hetic <ulfillment Historically there were several minor immi#rations of Eews to *alestine throu#hout the centuries. As reviously stated, there was a continuous Eewish o ulation in *alestine from the time of Eoshua. !hile the )omans evicted them from Eerusalem, many Eews were ermitted to live throu#hout the countryside Bsee Ma 7D. <or e+am le, in 2:55 there were an estimated 25,555 Eewish eo le livin# in the Sefed re#ion of northern *alestine. In 2:47 the first rintin# ress on the Asian continent was established in Sefed, obviously a si#n of a si#nificant Eewish o ulation that was both literate and industrious. -y the year 2885, two years before the first aliya, they were once a#ain the ma,ority o ulation of Eerusalem. In 2886 the first massive influ+ of immi#ration or aliya' occurred I an aliya' bein# defined as thousands of Eews returnin# to their homeland. It was not the "e/innin/ of Eews returnin#, but the first mass transfer of a Eewish o ulation. In the followin# years, they came from the four corners of the earth and from more than a hundred nations. Many left Auro e and )ussia to esca e ersecution while others left to esca e reli#ious le#alism. "he latter #rou fre&uently went from e+treme orthodo+y to atheistic socialism. After centuries of bein# without a homeland and

wanderin# throu#hout the world, they be#an to fulfill the ro hecies of Isaiah and A@ekiel. "hen it will ha en on that day that the ;ord will a#ain recover the second time with His hand the remnant of His eo le, who will remain, from Assyria, A#y t, *athros, 0ush, Alam, Shinar, Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. And He will lift u a standard for the nations and assemble the banished ones of Israel, and will #ather the dis ersed of Eudah from the four corners of the earth. Isaiah 22G22(26 And you, son of man, ro hesy to the mountains of Israel and say, F mountains of Israel, hear the word of the ;F)D. "hus says the ;ord %FD, V-ecause the enemy has s oken a#ainst you, VAhaR and, V"he everlastin# hei#hts have become our ossession, therefore ro hesy and say, V"hus says the ;ord %FD, V<or #ood reason they have made you desolate and crushed you from every side, that you would become a ossession of the rest of the nations and you have been taken u in the talk and the whis erin# of the eo le. V"herefore, F mountains of Israel, hear the word of the ;ord %FD "hus says the ;ord %FD to the mountains and to the hills, to the ravines and to the valleys, to the desolate wastes and to the forsaken cities which have become a rey and a derision to the rest of the nations which are round about, therefore thus says the ;ord %FD, VSurely in the fire of My ,ealousy I have s oken a#ainst the rest of the nations, and a#ainst all Adom, who a ro riated My land for themselves as a ossession with wholehearted ,oy and with scorn of soul, to drive it out for a rey. "herefore ro hesy concernin# the land of Israel and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the ravines and to the valleys, V"hus says the ;ord %FD, S-ehold, I have s oken in My ,ealousy and in My wrath because you have endured the insults of the nations. "herefore thus says the ;ord %FD, VI have sworn that surely the nations which are around you will themselves endure their insults.'

A@ekiel 74G2(9 .ever has there been such a massive return of the Eewish eo le since the return of the -abylonian e+iles in the 4th century -0. Some settled in coastal cities such as Eaffa, now known as "el Aviv, or Haifa. Fthers settled in the cities in the central mountain ran#e of Shechem, Shilo, -ethel, Eerusalem, -ethany, -ethlehem and the biblical city of refu#e, Hebron. Ironically, today most of these cities are the focus of the Israeli so(called ille#al occu ation,' addin# si#nificance to the ro hetic hrase of A@ekiel, the mountains of Israel.'

"a, :! The +even Cities of the D"ountains of Israel!E "his hrase refers to the biblical cities located in todays so(called !est -ank' and is the sub,ect of *alestinian claims. Fnly Eerusalem is

e+cluded, and controversy.








A myth romoted today by !estern academics and *alestinians is that the returnin# Eews dis laced the indi#enous Arabs who su osedly lived there for centuries. "he fact is that a ma,ority of both #rou s arrived a ro+imately at the same time in the 23th century. !hile there has been a continuous Eewish resence that dates to the invasion by Eoshua B24th century -0D, there have also been a number of Muslim villa#es that date to Islamic Invasion of the 9th century AD. "he mystery of the return is, in art, that most Eews were more motivated by new social theories of socio( economic hiloso hies and ideals, than biblical rece ts or a callin# to ro hetic fulfillment. "hese new socio(economic conce ts were created by secular idealists such as "heodore Her@l and %eor#e !ilhelm He#el and Carl Mar+ and <riedrich An#els. Abandoned were the biblical and rabbinical teachin#s althou#h basic Eudaeo core values remained. 0hristians who were resent andQor facilitated in the return were stron#ly aware of the secularist motivation, yet believed -ible ro hecy was comin# into fulfillment. 0ritics have said that the Eews came to coloni@e the land similar to what the Auro eans did in the Americas. "he truth is that the Eews came to establish a home with reli#ious liberty free from ersecution. Most did not think of statehood as a ossibility until Her@l roclaimed the messa#e in 2839 in -asil, Swit@erland. Ins ired by him and others, more came to build homes, schools and syna#o#ues for their families in the land of their ancestors. 2835sG "he ;on# Arm of the %erman ( Fttoman <riendshi %ermany established a friendshi and unofficial alliance with the "urkish Fttoman Am ire that led to a secret treaty that was si#ned on Au#ust 6, 232J. !hile there was debate within the Am ire relative to the treatys le#ality, it nonetheless obli#ated the "urks to enter !orld !ar I. "he alliance was si#nificant in that the defeat of %ermany in 2328

also meant defeat for the "urkish Fttoman Am ire. "his in turn led to the division of the Am ire into the Middle Aast nation states of today (( Arab nations durin# the 2365s and 2375s and the rebirth of Israel in 23J8. As will be shown, the %erman(Fttoman friendshi would also rove to be instrumental in the formation of the Hitler(Mufti alliance in the 23J5s in which the #rand mufti of Eerusalem collaborated with Adolf Hitler to e+terminate Eews. 2835sG )ussian Eews *refer America .ot all Eews chose to return to *alestine. Many referred America to the ru##ed and barren Middle Aast. !ord had reached them of the reli#ious freedom in America, the o ortunities to enter into business and education and the ursuit of the American dream. 0onse&uently, between 2886 and 232J sli#htly more than two million Eews came from Auro e and )ussia to the shores of .ew Mork. So many came that olitical leaders in -rooklyn, .ew Mork feared American non(Eews would soon rotest the vast immi#ration. !hile there was no evidence of that fear becomin# a reality, in the 2375s it roduced a ne#ative influence in !ashin#ton. "his in turn roduced le#islation that limited the number who could immi#rate, which in turn increased the number of deaths in the Holocaust.


&i'ure /4! 5e#ish Immi'rants enter Ne# Yor-! Eews from Aastern Auro e enter .ew Mork. So many came that the =nited States limited emmi#ration durin# the Holocaust years. 2839G Protocols of the 1earned Elders of Zion "he Protocols ublished in )ussia, is a hi#hly anti( Semitic book in which Eewish elders are alle#ed to #ive details of a centuries(old cons iracy to attain #lobal domination. As a result, influential business and #overnment leaders have been incited a#ainst the Eews causin# millions of deaths. In 2323 !orld !ar I was blamed on the Eews and in the 236:, Adolf Hitler &uoted it in book Mein Kampf, as so( called evidence a#ainst them. "here is some debate as to where and when the myth of the Protocols ori#inated. Some believe it was a )ussian %reek Frthodo+ riest who wrote it with the fundin# from the )ussian 0@ar .icholas II. Its first ublication was for the benefit of the Secret *olice. Fthers believe the )ussian riest la#iari@ed a <rench writin# and modified it to suit the attitudes of )ussia in the 2835s. In 2372 the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem, Ha,, Amin Hussein, told fellow Arabs that, accordin# to the Protocols, the return of the Eews to *alestine was a critical ste in their lans of world domination. If there was anythin# that would incite a Muslim to riot, it would be the thou#ht that he could be under Eewish control. "he book was acce ted by influential leaders in !estern #overnments, businesses and even 0hurch leaders. -y 2366 it had been ublished in si+teen lan#ua#es and sold more than a half( million co ies in the =nited States alone.


&i'ure /6! The 0erman E$ition of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Adolf Hitler ublished this book numerous times in the 2375s to ,ustify his actions a#ainst the Eews. It has been translated in numerous lan#ua#es and is re&uired readin# by Muslim students. "he book was challen#ed and various le#al systems have discredited it as a for#ery. <or e+am le, in 2379 the Swiss court ruled it as defamation. In 2337 a )ussian court, com rised of non(Eews, ruled that the Protocols is an anti( Semitic for#ery, statin# the first such verdict in the land where the fraud ori#inated 35 years a#o.' 8J In 234J a subcommittee of the =S Senate condemned it as a fake and on December 9, 6557, the =nited .ations denounced it as well. Met today it is re&uired readin# by Islamic school children. Eust as the %rand Mufti incited fellow Arabs to fear domination of the Eews, Muslim school children inherit the same fear. -y 6556 it was available in all Muslim five(star hotels and continues to be art of re#ular television ro#rammin#. It is a bi# lie that has become truth' in

htt GQQddickerson.i#c.or#Q rotocols.html. May 24, 6525


Muslim minds. "heir solution to the so(called threat of Eewish #lobal domination is to kill all the Eews. 2839G <irst >ionist 0on#ress In Au#ust, "heodor Her@l had #athered influential Eewish leaders at the <irst >ionist 0on#ress in -asel, Swit@erland to discuss the re(establishment of the Eewish state. "he 0on#ress was to rovide a solution to the two roblems Eewish eo le facedG anti(Semitism and assimilation. He declared, "oday, we have birthed the nation of Israel. "he world may not know it now, but in fifty years, everybody will know it.' "he ro#ram of the 0on#ress was as followsG "he aim of >ionism is to create for the Eewish eo le a le#ally assured home in *alestine. Z"he hrase was subse&uently altered to read a ublicly, le#ally assured home.'[ In order to attain this ob,ect, the 0on#ress ado ts the followin# meansG 2. "o romote the settlement in *alestine of Eewish a#riculturalists, handicraftsmen, industrialists and men of followin# rofessions 6. "he centrali@ation of the entire Eewish eo le by means of #eneral institutions a#reeably to the laws of the land 7. "o stren#then Eewish settlements and national self( conscience J. "o obtain the sanction of %overnments to the carryin# out of the ob,ects of >ionism 8: Her@ls words carried the truth of a biblical ro het and the olitical wheels were laced in motion as fifty(one years later his ro hetic dream was fulfilled. He #ave birth to modern >ionism, a dream already laced in the hearts of many Eews and 0hristians for more than a century. !hile

Isaacs and Flit@ky, 7:.


Hert@l s oke of a nation of Israel,' it was his ori#inal intent to establish a Eewish Homeland' in *alestine under "urkish or %erman rule, but not as a soverei#n state. He could not have ima#ined the defeat and the disinte#ration of the Fttoman Am ire. "herefore, the establishment of Israel in 23J8 was beyond his wildest ima#ination. 2838G "heodore Her@l Meets with %erman Caiser !ilhelm in Eerusalem %erman Caiser !ilhelm traveled to Istanbul to secure a friendshi with the Fttomans Sultans. An route he visited Eerusalem and the Holy ;and to fulfill a lifelon# dream. It was there that "heodor Her@l met with the owerful %erman leader.

&i'ure /:! Prussian 80erman9 Em,eror Caiser Wilhelm II Enters 5erusalem! In 2838, the Caiser formed a friendshi with the Fttoman Am ire after he visited Eerusalem throu#h the enlar#ed Eaffa %ate. !hen the Caiser arrived, his entoura#e set u thirty lar#e white tents outside the city walls. It was an im ressive and intimidatin# si#ht. Her@l was nervous and &uite uncomfortable in the Fctober heat. !hen they met he #ave

the Caiser a hoto album of Eewish easants livin# in *alestine, but said little of a ossible Eewish homeland. -ecause of Her@ls shyness, the meetin# was a failure. 84 At times he was bold and forward and other times embarrassin#ly timid and &uiet. In the future, however, his assion and mission would emer#e with bold leadershi . After meetin# with Caiser !ilhelm, Her@l returned to his home in /ienna where he received a letter from the mayor of Eerusalem, Musuf Chalidi. "he mayor considered Her@l a madman and encoura#ed him to find another location for the Eews. "o this Her@l res onded on March 23, 2833, As you yourself said, there is no military ower behind the Eews. As a eo le, they have lon# lost the taste for war, they are a thorou#hly acific element, and fully content if left in eace. "herefore there is absolutely no reason to fear their immi#ration.89 Her@l continued to reassure the mayor that both 0hristians and Muslims would benefit from a #rowin# Eewish resence. Do you believe that an Arab who owns land in *alestine, or a house worth 7,555 or J,555 francs, will be sorry to see their value rise five( and ten(foldH -ut this would certainly ha en with the comin# of the Eews. And this is what one must brin# to natives to com rehend O if one looks at the matter from this view oint, and it is the ri#ht view oint, one inevitably becomes a friend of >ionism. 88 Mushuf Chalidi never became a friend of >ionism. .onetheless, the Eewish eo le continued to come and the land be#an to ros er. 2352G "he Eewish .ational <und Astablished
84 89 88

Marcus, 79(J5. Marcus, J9. Marcus, J9(J8.


"he Eewish .ational <und was established in -asle, Swit@erland durin# the fifth !orld >ionist 0on#ress. "he <und had two rimary ob,ectives. <irst was to urchase and reclaim land in *alestine and second, re are that land for farmin# and reforestation. "he E.< lanted Eerusalem ines and i#nolia ines in the Eudean hill country and im orted eucaly tus trees from Australia to hel dry out the swam lands. Aventually the E.< diversified the trees of the forests as to reduce the harmful affects of various timber diseases. It is the only nation that had a #ain of forest land in the 65 th century. "he E.< has numerous records of land that was urchased, not stolen as is fre&uently alle#ed. 2357G %reat -ritain Fffers =#anda to Hert@l Hert@ls connection with heads of state served him well. As a result, %reat -ritain offered his !orld >ionist Fr#ani@ation the country of =#anda for the re(establishment of a Eewish nation. "he country, located in central Africa, was twice the area of *alestine. It had more fertile land than the wasteland of *alestine and a nation was immediately ossible without the otential conflicts. !hile Hert@l seriously considered the offer for a brief time, the !>F decided that they would re,ect the kind offer based on the biblical romises, and they would return to their *romised ;and in *alestine. 235:G *ro hetic Insi#ht by .e#ib A@oury, an Arab .ationalist A ro hetic and insi#htful comment was made by .e#ib A@oury, an early Arab nationalist. He admitted to the historical hostility between the Arabs and Eews and redicted future confrontations. He said, "wo im ortant henomena manifest themselves at this timeG they are the awakenin# of the Arab nation and the latent efforts of the Eews to reconstitute the ancient monarchy of Israel on a very lar#e scale. "hese two movements are destined to fi#ht each other continually, until one of them revails over the other. = on the final outcome of the battle between these two eo les, re resentin# two o osed rinci les, the fate of the entire world de ends.83

?uoted by ;arson, 2:7, in A@oury, 22.


<or centuries there was little or no chan#e in *alestine. "hen in the mid and late 23 th century came a massive influ+ of Arab and Eewish eo le. A@ousy was concerned about this ra id chan#e. 2353G <irst Cibbut@ Astablished As reviously stated, many Eewish immi#rants from Auro e were either atheistic or a#nostic, as they had ado ted the social(economic ideas of Carl Mar+. "he 2i""ut' system was the Eewish res onse to his ideaG a communal livin# center established around a manufacturin# or farmin# enter rise. "he first kibbut@ was founded in De#ania on land urchased from the Arabs. "he si#nificance of this new social system was that it was instrumental in the foundation of the nation while simultaneously demonstratin# to the world that the Eews were here to stay. It was also inter reted by the soon(to(be Soviets that the Eews were interested in a socialistic society. In later decades the 0ommunists looked favorably u on Israel as a ossible Soviet ally or state within its =nion. "his in turn would be cause for Soviet sale and donations of military e&ui ment durin# Israels !ar of Inde endence. 2327G Fbservations of the -ritish *alestine )oyal 0ommission Since the -ritish had occasion to travel to *alestine, they made numerous observations, es ecially in li#ht of the endin# world war. "hey wanted to know what resources of any kind the Fttomans had in *alestine. "he followin# is an observation concernin# the inhabitants alon# the Mediterranean coast in which the 0ommission re orted that, "he road leadin# from %a@a to the north was only a summer track suitable for trans ort by camels and cartsOno oran#e #roves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until we reached Mabna /illa#e O not in a sin#le villa#e in all this area was water used for irri#ation O. Houses were all of mud. .o windows were anywhere to be seen O the lou#hs used were of wood O the Zcro [ yields were very oor O the sanitary conditions in the villa#e were horrible.

Schools did not e+ist O the rate of infant mortality was very hi#h O. "he western art, towards the sea, was almost a desert O the villa#es in this area were few and thinly o ulated. Many ruins of villa#es were scattered over the area, as owin# to the resence of malaria$ many villa#es were deserted by their inhabitants.35 "he -ritish reali@ed that *alestine was neither a otential military threat nor an asset to the Fttomans. "he re ort said that not only was the land under roductive and the o ulation s arse, but the livin# conditions were noticeably oor Bcom ared to early 2355s -ritish a#ricultural standardsD. ;ike the revious observations by Mark "wain and )ev. "hom son, this re ort affirms the im overished livin# conditions of the s arsely o ulated land. It leaves the reader to conclude that the words of Moses were fulfilled when he redicted the desolation of the land B;ev. 64G76(77$ Deut. 63G67(69D. "oday the century(old 0ommission re ort refutes the *alestinian claims that they have always maintained a ma,ority o ulation in a roductive land. 2327G Secret Meetin#s with Arab ;eaders !hile many Eewish and Arab nei#hbors were livin# eacefully, leaders of both #rou s reco#ni@ed the ossibilities of future violence. /ictor Eacobson was Her@ls confidant in secret meetin#s with leadin# Arab leaders in the ho e that some kind of a#reement could be reached. He established an office in Istanbul, the ca ital of the Fttoman Am ire, where he met with #overnment dele#ates as well as with the lar#e Eewish o ulation of the city. "here Eacobson aid the necessary bribes to Fttoman officials who enabled Eewish immi#rants to urchase more land in *alestine. !henever talks came to an im asse, Eacobson would chan#e the sub,ect and host a lar#e dinner arty for them. Fne of his assistants, )ichard ;ichtheim, told him that, "he Arabs are and will remain our natural o onents. !hat could the >ionists truly offer the Arabs other than a romise to #ive all their demands serious consideration,

;arson, 296.


and to talk constantly of the necessity for both sides of a lastin# a#reement, without actually reachin# oneH32

&i'ure /=! A 2niFue 5e#ish We$$in'! )elations were once so #ood in Ira& that Eews invited Arab nei#hbors to their weddin#s. Dated early 65 th century. BJerusalem Post $nt. Ed. May 75, 6557D Eacobsons di lomatic skills were second to none, but an a#reement of eaceful co(e+istence was not in his future. In o osition to him were several imams who romoted the idea that all Eews who were Auro eans, needed to be evicted from the land. "he Arabs did not reco#ni@e them as bein# Eews as much as they erceived them to be untrustworthy coloni@in# Auro eans who were comin# to ra e the land. Hence, s otty Arab terrorism a#ainst them was in motion and would increase. "he corru tion of the *alestinian leadershi today is no different than the corru tion Eacobson encountered in Istanbul. In the Muslim world, bribery is not a vice, but an economic o ortunity. Met eriodically, Eews and Arabs lived in eace in s ite of the failin#s of their leaders.

Marcus, 276.


Cha,ter 4 Worl$ War I an$ the Division of the Lan$


Ff all the issues that were involved with !orld !ar I B232J(2329D, the most si#nificant one was that it re ared the Eewish land for the Eewish eo le. "he Fttoman Am ire controlled *alestine from 2:29 to 2329, recisely four hundred years. <or a Eewish nation to be established, massive chan#es would have to take lace on the olitical landsca e. "here was hardly a nation that was not involved in some way. "he #lobal conflict a#ainst %ermany and its ally, the Fttoman Am ire, be#an under unusual circumstances on Eune 68, 232J, when Archduke <rancis <erdinand, heir to the Austro(Hun#arian throne, was assassinated in -osnia Ba rovince of the Austro(Hun#arian Am ireD. 36 -ehind the olitical scenes, however, was an international chess #ame, as "urkey was lured into the conflict by the )ussians. "hey were enemies since the !ar of 2868. "herefore, Muhammad /, B28JJ(2328D the monarch of the Fttoman Am ire B2353I 2328D, had no desire for war. In fact, he was havin# serious internal roblems with the rise of nationalism that started back in the 2865s. In 2358 the Moun# "urk )evolution &uickly s read and the Arabs were demandin# reform. *easants in *alestine, a small addition to the chorus of chaos, were u set because they had been swindled out of their land by "urkish land s eculators. In the meantime, the )ussian 0@ar dee ly wanted the city of Istanbul, once the -y@antine ca ital and now the ca ital of the Fttoman Am ire B2J:7I2366D. "he city is strate#ically located between the Mediterranean and -lack Seas where Auro e and Asia meet. <or centuries Istanbul was a ca ital city of 0hristendom and Auro es wealthiest city. <or the )ussians, control of the city and re#ion meant Moscow could have a warm winter sea ort which was im ortant for its im erialistic and later 0ommunist e+ ansion. In the )ussian lan#ua#e, the city was known as 0@ar#rad,' the 0ity of the 0@ar.' 37 However, the )ussian lans for the 0ity of the 0@ar never materiali@ed as the -olshevik )evolution broke out in 2329 and 0ommunism was established. "he )ussian involvement in the Middle Aast has e+isted for more than a century.

!hile the Austria(Hun#ary Am ire was also a !orld !ar I ally of %ermany and the Fttomans, it did not lay a role in the Middle Aast affairs.

*aassen, 72.


.onetheless the )ussians were layin# their olitical chess #ame while the -ritish and <rench were doin# the same. "he -ritish knew that after four centuries of Fttoman domination, the *alestinians were ready to revolt. Fnce the Fttomans entered the war, Sir Henry McMahon of the -ritish Hi#h 0ommand, wrote to Sharif Hussein of the Hashemite Arab ;ea#ue and asked them to start a revolt a#ainst the crumblin# Fttoman Am ire. "he e+chan#e of letters between 232: and 2324 would become known as the Hussein( McMahon 0orres ondence. It would also reveal lack of -ritish honesty and inte#rity concernin# the Eews. Hussein res onded that he would fi#ht the Fttomans, but only with -ritish fundin#, assistance and with the romise of a soverei#n nation state. "he -ritish a#reed and sent ". A. ;awrence, who became the le#endary 1awrence of !ra"ia, to hel them in the war effort.3J

&i'ure />! La#rence of Arabia after the ;attle of AFaba


"he book by ". A. ;awrence Se.en Pillars of 3isdom and the movie 1awrence of !ra"ia are interestin# stories and reflect Arabic culture, but neither is history.


In the be#innin# of the !ar, ;awrence of Arabia convinced Eordans late Cin# Husseins #randfather, Abdullah, to fi#ht with the -ritish a#ainst the Fttomans. "he -ritish success in the !ar was due in art to Abdullah and his fi#htin# -edouins. "herefore, the -ritish were obli#ated to reward him in ost(war concessions. !hile the land and ultimately soverei#n statehood were received as ,ust rewards, conversely, the conce t of a Eewish state was a su reme insult to Abdullah. "he -ritish soon learned that they would be unable to create eace between the Eewish eo le and their Arab nei#hbors. "his was in s ite of the fact that eventually the Arabs were #iven ei#hty(three ercent of the land and the Eewish eo le received only seventeen ercent in a confi#uration that was militarily indefensible. !orld !ar I was difficult for both the Eews and the Arabs, not only economically, but also health(wise because of local cholera and "y hus e idemics. In addition, the Fttomans, who reviously had #iven s ecial concessions to )ussia and ermitted )ussian Eews to immi#rate to *alestine, now re&uired them to leave. "he e+ ulsion occurred because these Eews used their )ussian citi@enshi to avoid the draft into the Fttoman army. "he "urks were untrustin# of them and wanted them out. !hile some left, others ,oined an under#round militant or#ani@ation that fed intelli#ence information to the -ritish. It should be noted that )ussia and %ermany throu#hout history have #enerally been allies e+ce t durin# the two world wars. *rior to !orld !ar I, %ermany reformed the )ussian army, but the )ussians were defeated in the )ussian(Ea anese !ar of 235:. After !orld !ar I, %ermany was disarmed and naval and army restrictions were im osed u on it. )ussia ermitted the %ermans to use )ussian factories to rebuild their military with artillery, lanes and tanks. Hence, when %ermany invaded )ussia in the winter of 23J5(J2, the )ussians were stunned. "he non(a##ression treaty between the two allies served %ermany well, but to the near defeat of the )ussians. %ermany has always considered itself as the master of Auro e, a le#acy that is sure to unfold in the future. 232:(2324G "he Armenian %enocide

"he Fttomans reali@ed that they were losin# the war and were faced with the imminent colla se of their #overnment and em ire. "hey were sus icious of non( Muslims in their country, namely the 0hristian Armenians, es ecially since several youn# Armenian nationalists had rebelled a#ainst the sultan reviously. "herefore, military leaders, in con,unction with the Islamic 0entral 0ommittee of the Moun# "urk *arty, masterminded the #enocide. "he Moun# "urks had two fundamental beliefs. <irst, they believed that "urkish laws should be based solely on the rinci les of Islam. Its non(Muslim and non("urkish inhabitants should either be forcibly Islami@ed, or otherwise destroyed.3: Second, in 232J as the nation became involved in !orld !ar I, the Moun# "urks feared that the Armenians mi#ht ,oin the )ussians and attem t to overthrow the Am ire. Hence, they concluded that ethnic cleansin# was the only viable solution. "o institute their lan, in 2322 "urkey established #un control. "his effectively disarmed the o ulation and those with wea ons were identified to the #overnment. "he "urks had no reason to sus ect that they would need to defend themselves a#ainst their own leaders. However, this was the first ste to the be#innin# of the first modern deliberate and systematic #enocide of a sub#rou . "he slau#hter be#an on March 6J, 232:, when a ro+imately 6:5 Armenian academics and leaders in Istanbul were arrested and killed. Some scholars would ar#ue that the Eewish o#rom of )ussia and Aastern Auro e were the first lanned #enocide. .onetheless, the butchery &uickly became nation(wide. In addition to the 0hristian Armenians, about one(half million 0hristian %reeks and Assyrians were also e+ecuted. Men, women and children were ra ed and forced to march to concentration cam s in the desert where they either died of thirst or starvation. "he fortunate ones were shot. "his was a classic case where Muslims killed 0hristians en mass to urify their country$ one and one(half million 0hristian Armenians or si+ty ercent of the entire Armenian o ulation were ruthlessly massacred. Since then similar forms of ethnic cleansin# have occurred in the %ermany, Sudan and ;ibya. "he Moun# "urk leaders were never rosecuted and, in fact, they were never char#ed with war crimes a#ainst

htt GQQwww.umd.umich.eduQde tQarmenianQfactsQ lan.html. )etrieved .ovember 2:, 6558.


humanity. "he international ress for the most art refused to comment on the issue and today only twenty(one nations acknowled#e the event known as the Armenian %enocide. "he =nited States and "urkish #overnments are not amon# them. "he si#nificance of the Armenian #enocide is that not only did it encoura#e Adolf Hitler in his lan to e+terminate Eews, but it also encoura#es radical Muslims to do likewise today. Hitler learned from the "urks the im ortance of im lementin# #un control, which he did in 2378 to disarm the #eneral o ulation. "hen he im lemented a more so histicated methodolo#y of #enocide while the Muslims would later shift from terrorism to olitical strate#ies. Hitler reco#ni@ed how mute the world was concernin# the Armenians and believed the same res onse would occur if he were to urify Auro e of Eews. <or the most art he was ri#ht. In the aftermath of !orld !ar II the Arabs also learned that they could kill thousands of Eews in Ira&, A#y t and Al#iers and not be called to ,ustice. =nfortunately, they were also ri#ht. 2324G !orld !ar I and the Sykes(*icot A#reement Aven before the !ar ended, the -ritish and <rench considered how they would carve u the Middle Aast once eace was restored. Sir Mark Sykes, re resentin# %reat -ritain and <rancois %eor#es(*icot, re resentin# <rance, a#reed to <rench dominance of what is now Syria and ;ebanon and -ritish dominance of *alestine, Meso otamia and "rans,ordan. Aach victor would then establish national borderlines for future Arab states within its Mandate area. Another interested victor of the !ar was )ussia, althou#h the )ussians were e+ eriencin# their own internal stru##les a#ainst a 0ommunist take(over. "herefore, the <rench and -ritish ke t the A#reement a secret from the 0@arists until the 0ommunists came to ower in Moscow in 2329. .ews of the secret A#reement incited further Arab mistrust and outra#e toward Auro eans because they were seen as mani ulatin# Arab affairs. "he Arabs believed they had suffered enou#h from revious Auro ean interventions and they resented anythin# and anyone from Auro e. <rom

their ers ective, it was another attack like those of .a oleon and the 0rusaders of centuries ast. .ot only had the -ritish broken their romises of the Hussein(McMahon 0orres ondence, but the a#reement would also violate the -alfour Declaration with the Eewish eo le which would be written in the followin# year B2329D. 2329G -ritish <avor a Eewish State$ "he -alfour Declaration *alestine and a lar#e tract of land around it were war ri@es the -ritish essentially owned from 2329 until 23J8. "he ;ea#ue of .ations, that was founded in 2366, #ave a mandate that a Eewish nation be established. ;ondon viewed with favor the establishment of a Eewish national home in *alestine for four reasons. <irst, there was a risin# tide of su ort in ;ondon from influential Eews and evan#elicals. Second, e+ce t for a few Eews and Arabs, the land was essentially void of human occu ation. "he -ritish reali@ed that the Eewish eo le had been returnin# in mass mi#rations since the early 2885s. ;ikewise, Arabs from nei#hborin# countries were also mi#ratin# to *alestine for better em loyment o ortunities. As some hi#h(rankin# -ritish leaders saw it, a *alestine filled with Auro ean Eews would better serve -ritish interests than a *alestine filled with Arabs. "hird, the <rench and -ritish had ma,or financial interests in the construction of the Sue@ 0anal. Su ort for the Eews would ermit them to maintain a foothold in the re#ion in the event that a roblem would arise with the A#y tians Bthis became a reality in the 23:5sD. <ourth, some -ritish leaders, such as Herbert Samuel encoura#ed the #overnment to control *alestine to rotect 0hristian holy sites. He cared little for the Eewish eo le, but was fearful that if the a#nostic atheistic <rench' controlled the land, the holy sites would be destroyed. "he >ionistic efforts of Her@l had influenced ositive results on an international scale. -ecause of favorable -ritish rule, >ionism #rew more o ular and an increasin# number of Eews worldwide desired to return to their homeland. <or months, Sir Arthur -alfour, -ritish forei#n secretary, led#ed that Cin# %eor#e /s #overnment would secure the entire area of *alestine for the benefit of the Eewish eo le. -alfour, a member of a *rotestant denomination known as the *lymouth -rethren, wrote a short

letter to ;ord )othschild that would roduce si#nificant conse&uences. It stated that His Ma,estys %overnment views with favor the establishment in *alestine and national home for the Eewish eo le.'

&i'ure /?! The ;alfour Declaration! "his document affirmed the official osition of the -ritish #overnment concernin# the establish( ment of a Eewish home in *alestine.


"here were two si#nificant factors inherent in the -alfour Declaration. <irst, it became instrumental in the eventual establishment of the state of Israel. Second, it reaffirmed the ri#hts of Eews to return to one hundred ercent of the land area of ancient *alestine. It does have one very si#nificant hrase concernin# the Arabs, ... nothin# shall be done which may re,udice the civil and reli#ious ri#hts to e+istin# non(Eewish communities in *alestine.' "he Eewish eo le were not only the ma,ority o ulation at this time, but they had also established and controlled commerce while the Arab *alestinians were a minority a#ricultural eo le.34 !hile the -ritish viewed that all *alestine Bsee Ma :D should belon# to the Eewish eo le, they were res ectful of the Arabs who also lived there. .o s ecific international boundary lines were created or identified in the document. Met so insi#nificant was *alestine in relation to other world events of the time that it was not mentioned in various ost(war ne#otiations and the resultin# documents. !hen the -alfour Declaration was announced, there was no o osition by any Muslim or Arab leaders. *alestine was, for the most art, a desert wilderness that no one wanted e+ce t for a few Eews.39 "o the Eews livin# in the Dias ora Bdisbursed in various countriesD, it was incredible news that soon they could return to their beloved Eerusalem. A few years after the Declaration was made ublic, critics said it had no le#al effect because it was merely a #overnment o inion. "heir osition was based on the fact that the Declaration was made by a Auro ean ower concernin# a non(Auro ean track of land without considerin# the wishes of the occu ants. <urthermore, critics ar#ued that *alestine did not belon# to the -ritish but was under the act of the ;ea#ue of .ations and it still belon#ed to the former Fttoman Am ire. "he truth is that *alestine already was a de facto Eewish homeland to an estimated 85,555 to 35,555 Eews. "he ma,ority o ulation in cities such as "el Aviv Bancient EaffaD, Eerusalem and Sefed was Eewish. <urthermore, there were do@ens of moshavim and kibbut@im in the western and northeastern sections of the land. "he international community and the -ritish were aware of the lon# Eewish
34 39

Arab scholars claim that the *alestinians were the ma,ority o ulation. *aassen, 9J.


history, so they had no difficulties incor oratin# it into the Declaration into the ;ea#ue of .ations Mandate. "hus, it became international law. 2329G %eneral Allenbys 0a ture of Eerusalem Fn December 3, %eneral Admund Allenby B2842( 2374D, commander of the -ritish forces in A#y t and *alestine, ca tured Eerusalem and the surroundin# areas from the "urks. It was the first time the Holy 0ity was under 0hristian rule since the 0rusader *eriod. However, some most unusual and interestin# events occurred that led u to the ca ture. In December of 2357, two Americans, Frville and !ilbur !ri#ht had invented the air lane. "he invention made international headlines and was &uickly used by both American and -ritish militaries. "he "urks and *alestinians had also heard of it and were very curious to see such a flyin# device. -ut in the summer of 232J, when the affects of international olitics and the Middle Aast wei#hed heavily u on the eo le, the Fttomans decided to #ive their countrymen somethin# to marvel about. "hey sent an air lane to various communities to demonstrate that their leaders in Istanbul had not for#otten them and all was well with the Am ire in s ite the #loomy news. Fne of those communities was Eerusalem. Fn the day of the air lanes antici ated arrival all the sho s closed and thousands went toward the landin# area on the Eerusalem( -ethlehem road. "hey wanted to see the mysterious flyin# machine, but then came the bad news. It had crashed near "iberius, killin# both ilots. "he fate of the Fttoman Am ire was as tenuous as the lane. Met this unfortunate accident would rove to be an incredible asset for the -ritish. In the meantime, %eneral Allenby was lannin# his assault on Eerusalem. He feared that hand(to(hand combat in the narrow streets of the Fld 0ity would result in a hu#e loss of life, so he devised a clever lan. He sent two air lanes over the city to dro leaflets with his si#nature encoura#in# the residents to surrender. "he Arabs were utterly dumbfounded at the two mysterious ob,ects in the sky. "he e+citement of the revious flyin# event' was still fresh in their minds. = on e+aminin# the leaflets, they misread Allenbys si#nature as, Allah .ebi,' meanin# ro het of Allah.' .ot wantin# to receive an an#ry hand of Allah, they

were e+cited to surrender. In fact, they were so an+ious to surrender to anyone, that on December 3, "urkish soldiers with white fla#s a roached two -ritish military cooks who were fora#in# for the e##s of wild birds north of Eerusalem. !ith the soldiers were the mayor of Eerusalem, some riests, rabbis and imams, all of whom were lookin# for the #eneral to acce t the citys surrender. "wo days later %eneral Allenby arrived at noon at the tollin# of every bell in the city. As he a roached Eaffa #ate, he dismounted his horse and ordered his entire rocession to do likewise. "hey walked into the city. !hen asked why he did so, he re lied that one day someone #reater than he would ride into the Holy 0ity. In his ,ournal he later wrote, I entered the city officially on noon, December 22 th, with a few of my staff, the commanders of the <rench and Italian detachments, the heads of olitical missions, and the Military Attaches of <rance, Italy and America. "he rocession was all afoot.' "he city surrendered and not a shot was fired, not a soul was in,ured or killed. Some have said that the air lanes were an eerie reflection of the verse that reads, As birds fly so %od will defend Eerusalem' BIsa. 72G:D. "he -ritish honored Allenby for his distin#uished career by conveyin# u on him the title of <ield Marshal ;ord Allenby. "he Allenby )oad and Allenby -rid#e Bto EordanD were named after him in 236:. He was a#ain honored to be art of the ceremonies of the layin# of the cornerstone of Hebrew =niversity. 38 .ever had a city fallen into the hands of con&uerors who were as concerned for its citi@ens, its culture, its buildin#s and its future as was Allenby.


Samuel. Allenby, Admund Henry Hynman, /iscount.' Enc&clopedia Judaica. 0D )FM ed., 2399.


&i'ure 3@! 0eneral Allenb%)s Air,lane over 5erusalem! *ilots dro ed leaflets demandin# surrender and the Arabs believed these were from Allah.

&i'ure 3(! 0eneral Allenb% enters 5erusalem! "he %eneral walked throu#h the Eaffa %ate to acce t

the surrender of Eerusalem, endin# centuries of Muslim domination.

&i'ure 3/! 0eneral Allenb% acce,ts the +urren$er! Fn Dec. 3, 2329, for the first time in centuries, Eerusalem was in the control of non(Muslims. "his ste re ared the land for the Eews. Miraculously, this history(makin# event took lace on the 6Jth day of 0hislev, the ninth month that is si#nificant on the Hebrew calendar. In 248 -0, the a#an tyrant Antiochus I/ A i hanes desecrated the tem le in Eerusalem and attem ted to eradicate Eudaism. "his led to the Maccabean )evolt and eventually the Eewish eo le en,oyed an incredible victory. After cleansin# and urifyin# the tem le, it was dedicated on the 6Jth day of 0hislev.33 Since Allenby ca tured Eerusalem on the same date, to some rabbis this event looked forward ro hetically to a future third "em le. "his inter retation was based on the words of the ro het Ha##ai, who said,


0hislev is the third month in the Eewish civil calendar and the ninth month in the Eewish reli#ious calendar. It s ans ortions of .ovember and December on the modern !estern calendar.


Do consider from this day onward, from the twenty( fourth day of the ninth month$ from the day when the tem le of the ;F)D was founded, considerG Is the seed still in the barnH Aven includin# the vine, the fi# tree, the ome#ranate and the olive tree, it has not borne fruit. Met from this day on I will bless you. Ha##ai 6G28(23 =nfortunately, Allenbys ro(>ionist ideals were soon bein# ut to a test. Sir )onald Storrs was a ointed to be the first -ritish #overnor of Eerusalem and had a assionate love for the Muslim culture. He, more than anyone else, formulated the -ritish anti(>ionist olicies that would lead to violence and hostilities. In a letter that reflected his ersonal o inion, Storrs stated that, !e are for Arabs O. !e make #reat ca ital out of the Arab tradition that Eerusalem comes back to the Arabs when a new ro het shall enter as a con&ueror,' a reference to Allenbys entrance to Eerusalem in 2329. "he -ritish, who romised a land and freedom for the oor and ersecuted Eews, eventually betrayed those they romised to hel .255 Sir )onald Storrs divided the Fld 0ity of Eerusalem into Armenian, 0hristian, Eewish and Moslem ?uarters, althou#h none of these &uarters was ever restricted to one reli#ion or ethnic #rou . Eewish eo le made u seventy ercent of the o ulation. "he nei#hborhood near the "em le Mount was ninety ercent Eewish, althou#h today it is art of the Moslem ?uarter. "here were hundreds of Eewish families and at least half a do@en syna#o#ues and yeshivas BseminariesD within a two(block radius of the Mount. <or almost a century, Eewish and Arab eo le lived eacefully side by side. A common myth is that Eerusalem was always a city with an Arab ma,ority and full of violence. "his was hardly the case.

-n 1&10 $erusalem.s population was 0 G $ewish and 2 G Arab"

Page 11'


*aassen, 84, 39.


"he conflictin# desires and olicies of various -ritish officials were evident and became more ronounced in the years to come. "hey a arently missed the oint that Allenby ca tured Eerusalem without the loss of a sin#le life or sin#le e+chan#e of #unfire. He roclaimed eace and rotection of all the citi@ens. "hey had not considered the ossibility that his incredible eaceful victory may have been due to Divine intervention that would be art of a lar#er ro hetic mai@e that would come to#ether in the followin# century. <inally, there is an interestin# account of %eneral Allenby and -ri#ade Ma,or /ivian %ilbert was reserved in a book written by !erner Celler. 2 Accordin# to Celler, Durin# the <irst !orld !ar in *alestine, a bri#ade ma,or in Allenbys army was on one occasion searchin# his -ible with the li#ht of a candle, lookin# for a certain name. His bri#ade had received orders to take a villa#e that stood on a rocky rominence on the other side of a dee valley. It was called Michmash and the name seemed somehow familiar. Aventually he found it in 2 Samuel 27 and read thereG And Saul and Eonathan his son, and the eo le that were resent with them, abode in %ibeah of -en,amin, but the *hilistines encam ed in Michmash.' It then went on to tell how Eonathan and his armor(bearer crossed over durin# the ni#ht to the *hilistines #arrison' on the other side, and how they assed two shar rocksG there was a shar rock on the one side, and a shar rock on the other sideG and the name of the one was -o@e@ and the name of the other Seneh' Z2 Sam. 2JGJ[. "hey clambered u the cliff and over owered the #arrison within as it were a half acre of land, which a yoke of o+en mi#ht lou#h.' "he main body of the enemy awakened by the melee thou#ht they were surrounded by Sauls troo s and melted away and they went on beatin# down one another' Z2 Sam. 2JG2J(24[. "hereu on Saul attacked with his whole force and beat the enemy, So the ;ord saved Israel that day.' Celler continued to describe how the ma,or showed the assa#e to Allenby and, to#ether, they studied the assa#e

and assumed that the lay of the land had not chan#ed si#nificantly throu#hout history. "hey decided to send out a s y atrol under the cover of darkness, althou#h there was sufficient moonli#ht. "he atrol found the dee valley, went ast the two ,a##ed rocks identified in the -ible, &uietly climbed u the hill, and found the small field of about one( half acre in si@e. "he atrol returned and re orted to %ilbert and Allenby what they had found, includin# the fact that it was oorly #uarded. Allenby then sent a com any to sunrise. "he "urks were sur com any of -ritish soldiers in their believed they were surrounded by either killed or taken risoner. to the to of the hill rior rised to find an entire cam , and in the melee, Allenbys army. All were

And so, after thousands of years, -ritish troo s successfully co ied the tactics of Saul and Eonathan. Sauls success #ave Israel new heart and Allenbys success #ave him and his staff new heart as well. "his could only have ha ened in the land of the -ible and both military cam ai#ns were robably divinely directed. "he days of the "urks and their Fttoman Am ire were numbered. Soon the land would be held by the -ritish until such time that the nation of Israel would be reborn.

Conflictin' ;ritish Policies Division in the -ritish House Fbviously there was a division within the -ritish #overnment. 0ontradictin# romises and a#reements a eared to be a normal course of events and, unfortunately, continued until -ritish withdrawal in 23J8. Amon# the -ritish elite and some military #enerals there was #enerous su ort for a Eewish state. Amon# some other hi#h(rankin# military officers, es ecially those who were stationed in the Middle Aast, there was a #reat disdain for the Eews but a reciation for the Arabs. %eneral Allenby was an evan#elical who reco#ni@ed Eerusalem as the eternal city for the Eewish eo le. Fn the other hand, Sir )onald Storrs, the first -ritish #overnor of Eerusalem, had a assionate love for the Muslim

culture and desired to see it be a Muslim city. Allenby and Storrs endorsed two distinctly different and o osin# hiloso hies and #oals that continue to this day. !ithout &uestion the most well(known -ritish advisor' to the Arabs was ". A. ;awrence. *reviously he led Arab leaders to revolt a#ainst the Fttomans in e+chan#e for the romise of a soverei#n state. In the decades to come until the -ritish evacuated in 23J8, there were always a number of -ritish officials, who like Storrs, were aidin# and advisin# Arabs in their war a#ainst the Eews. As the -ritish would learn, they made too many romises that often conflicted with revious ones. "heir hands are stained with Eewish and Arab blood.


Cha,ter 6 The ;e'innin' of Palestinian Arab I$entit% an$ Terrorism Introduction "he transfer of Eerusalem and *alestine to 0hristian' -ritish control, cou led with the returnin# Eews, was an insurmountable theolo#ical challen#e for Muslims. A#ain they were confronted as to how they should res ond to non( Muslims who #overn a land that was reviously Muslim controlledH Some would make the best of it, but others would riot for the sake of Islam.252 Historically the roblem of a non( Muslim ruler over Muslim sub,ects was seldom an issue and, therefore, was not discussed. Durin# eriods of the Islamic e+ ansion, there were occasional minor and tactical retreats until the frontiers were established, but nothin# of si#nificance. -ut those events were in ast centuries. "he fact that *alestine was now under -ritish control was a #reat awakenin# for them. Identity 0rises Anyone livin# in -ritish(occu ied *alestine rior to the year 23J8 was known as a *alestinian.' It sim ly meant that one lived in a land known as *alestine.' ;ikewise, businesses were referred to as *alestinian.' "odays news a er, the Jerusalem Post was known then as the Palestinian Post. .ot until 23J8 did Eewish eo le and some Arabs call themselves Israelis.' "o say that *alestinian identity at this time was associated with nationalism or a *alestinian state is absurd. After !orld !ar I the identities of Eews and Arabs became increasin#ly olari@ed. Aven in the course of daily business events, each #rou develo ed a #rowin# disdain for the other. Most eo le of both #rou s were recent immi#rants and, therefore, had a relatively short history in the land. At this time the Arabs claimed to have a history to the year AD 474 while the Eews claimed theirs to Eoshua in about 2:55 -0. In years to come the Eews would have to defend their history a#ainst a eo le who had a limited one.


;ewis, 744(49.


2328G "he Mudros Armistice "he Fttomans si#ned the Armistice B eaceD A#reement as An#land and <rance once a#ain romised land to the Arabs where they could establish their own soverei#n states. Met the idea of a soverei#n *alestine for *alestinian Arabs was never considered. )ather, the Arabs believed *alestine should be a rovince #overned from Syria as it had been throu#hout the #reater art of history. "his is a si#nificant cultural e+am le of Islamic thou#htG Muslims tend to think historically rather than futuristically. "herefore, they failed to reco#ni@e otential cultural and economic o ortunities. 2328G Astablishment of the %a/anah Due to #rowin# Arab a##ression a Eewish civilian defense force known as the %a/anah, was or#ani@ed by farmers for rotection a#ainst sni ers and terrorists. It was a secret aramilitary force that, in s ite of attacks a#ainst -ritish security forces, received direct and indirect assistance from a few -ritish officers loyal to the Eews. -y 23J: it was bein# transformed into a military or#ani@ation that would be critical to win the !ar of Inde endence. 2323G <ormation of the ;ea#ue of .ations$ Mandates Astablished In Eanuary, the victors of the !ar, -ritain, <rance, )ussia and the =nited States #athered near *aris to discuss the ost(war treaty known as the "reaty of /ersailles. It addressed the re arations that ost(war %ermany would be re&uired to ay. "he "reaty also was the document u on which the ;ea#ue of .ations was founded. 256 "he ur ose of the ;ea#ue was to romote world eace and eventually establish a one(world #overnment. "he ;ea#ue also established a mandate,' the le#al instrument by which a nation controlled territory won by military con&uest until a soverei#n state could be established. "he Mandate was also for the ur ose to teach the local o ulation how to self(#overn themselves. More s ecifically, the -ritish Mandate was the authori@ation by which the -ritish #overned *alestine and Ira&. "he <rench were #iven

"he ;ea#ue of .ations was re laced by the =nited .ations in 23J:.


mandatory status over what is today Syria and ;ebanon. "herefore, the Middle Aast was to be divided into nation(states accordin# to ethnic #rou s to revent future internal confrontations. As they would discover, in this art of the world, that was easier said than done. "he ;ea#ue also reco#ni@ed the claims of the Eews to *alestine, which encoura#ed more Eews to immi#rate. It also #enerated a ma,or shift of economic and financial contributions from Eews in the =nited States to su ort their brothers in buildin# a new country. "he res onse from a #rowin# number of Arabs was more rotests and violence. "o a ease the Arabs, in 2362, the -ritish banned Eewish settlements east of the Eordan )iver. 2366G "he Eewish A#ency Fne of few successful accom lishments by the -ritish was the establishment of the Eewish A#ency. It functioned for the eventual establishment of a national home for the Eewish eo le and continues to be a vital or#ani@ation. Since its foundin# it has transferred to Israel more than a million Eewish eo le who were at risk in Muslim countries. It is also coo erates with 0hristian ministries that search for Eewish eo le livin# in distant lands such as )ussia, rovides le#al documentation and returns them to their ancient *romised ;and. Division in the Arab ouse

!hen listenin# to todays media accounts, it is difficult to believe that nearly a century a#o some Arabs reco#ni@ed the benefits of the Eewish eo le in *alestine. "hey did so for two reasonsG <irst, they believed Eewish in#enuity and technolo#y would benefit them. "his was affirmed by !illiam >iff in his 2378 book, The <ape of Palestine,7BC in which he documented that the -ritish olitical elite felt that a stron# Eewish resence in the Middle Aast would be an asset to the -ritish Am ire. Second, was the romise to the Eews for their military hel a#ainst the "urkish overlords. "he Eews assisted

>iff, !illiam. The <ape of Palestine. Ar#us -ooksQ%reenwood *ublishin# %rou , 2378.


the -ritish at %alli oli and another Eewish ;e#ion, com rised of mostly Americans, fou#ht under the command of %eneral Allenby. <or their efforts the Eews were romised statehood in *alestine by the -ritish, and ro(Eewish Arabs su orted them.25J Amon# the o osition of the Eews return was the most outs oken critic, Ha,, Amin el(Husseini B2834H(2396D. He and his son <eisal Bor <aisalD were terrorists who craftily lotted a#ainst the -ritish while at the same time receivin# aid from them. Amon# their tar#ets were ro(Eewish Arabs, the -ritish and anyone who favored a eace a#reement with the Eews. Fbviously some thin#s, such as a ositive attitude toward a eace a#reement, have not chan#ed in the ast century. 2323G <aisal(!ei@mann A#reement <or about four decades the returnin# Eewish eo le had been creatin# ,obs and better livin# standards for Arabs, and many desired to see the coo eration continue. "o build a country u on a arched and desert(like land was not easy as there were many obstacles to overcome. "he feelin#s of friendshi and coo eration were e+ ressed in an a#reement between Amir <eisal B<aisal, <eiselD of Arabia and Dr. 0haim !ei@mann of the !orld >ionist Fr#ani@ation. 25: "he Amir, who was the s okesman for the Arabs and admired by them, s oke hi#hly of multi le Arab states and a Eewish one bein# carved out of the former Fttoman Am ire. "wo weeks rior to si#nin# the A#reement, the Amir stated, "he two main branches of the Semitic family, Arabs and Eews, understand one another, and I ho e that as a result of interchan#e of ideas at the *eace 0onference, which will be #uided by ideals of self(determination and nationality, each nation will make definite ro#ress towards the reali@ation of its as irations. Arabs are not ,ealous of >ionist Eews, and intend to #ive them fair lay and the >ionist Eews have assured the .ationalist Arabs of their intention to see that they

Immanuel /elikovsky. *ertinent Su##estion to 0ertain *rominent *hilatelists on a .ew Issue.' The New @or2 Post. May 22, 23J8.

"he <aisal(!ei@mann A#reement is also known as the "reaty of <riendshi .


too have fair lay in their res ective areas. "urkish intri#ue in *alestine has raised ,ealousy between the Eewish colonists and the local easants, but the mutual understandin# of the aims of Arabs and Eews will at once clear away the last trace of this former bitterness, which, indeed, had already ractically disa eared before the war by the work of the Arab Secret )evolutionary 0ommittee, which in Syria and elsewhere laid the foundation of the Arab military successes of the ast two years. 254 ;ater in 2362, Cin# <eisel informed the *aris *eace 0onference that he was satisfied with *alestine as the .ational Home of the Eewish eo le.' He reali@ed that the world was ra idly chan#in# and his eo le were not kee in# u with the times. "herefore, he welcomed the influ+ of Eewish eo le because they established hos itals and schools and constructed roads and the hysical infrastructure. He envisioned a Eewish state that would benefit the Arabs. 259 ;ikewise 0hristian missionaries also established hos itals Bi.e., Hansons Hos ital for ;e ersD, schools, and or hana#es and met other social needs of both Eews and Arabs.

Many earl + Arab leaders, such as Bing <eise l of -ra(, welcomed and supported the $ews who returned to Palestine"

Page #)


Eews And Arabs In SyriaG "he Amir <eisul ;ooks "o A -ri#ht <uture', The Times, "hursday, December 26, 2328$ . 9$ Issue J2392$ col -.

van *aassen, iv.


&i'ure 33! Letter of Disa,,ointment! A letter sent to Sir Herbert Samuel by Amir <aisal in .ovember, 2323, informin# Samuel of his disa ointment that Eews and Arabs did not unite their efforts in word and deed for romotin# the develo ment and ha iness of our country.'

"he ur ose of the A#reement was to rovide the closest ossible collaboration in the develo ment of the Arab state and the comin# Eewish 0ommonwealth in *alestine. 258 =nfortunately, the A#reement would soon be rendered useless courtesy of Arab terrorists. "he achievement of a eaceful olitical and social environment in *alestine has always been a difficult ob,ective. "he -ritish a ointed Sir Herbert Samuel to the osition of Hi#h 0ommissioner of *alestine. Samuel was a >ionist Eew who &uickly develo ed a friendshi with Amir <aisal, the leader of the Arabs in Amman. "hey worked to#ether to develo eace and harmony for both Eews and Arabs, but <aisal did not re resent the Arabs in *alestine who were determined to oust the Eews at any cost. "o this <aisal sent a letter to Samuel informin# him of his disa ointment of the failure of the two #rou s to unite for the #ood of the country.

Mears later Cin# Abdullah I of Eordan said that with Eewish technolo#y and Arab oil, the Holy ;and would become the oasis of the world. =nfortunately, his attem t to make eace ut him at odds with some fellow Arabs and it cost him his life. He was assassinated while visitin# the "em le Mount on Euly 65, 23:2. 2323G "he Muslim(0hristian Association In order to chan#e the o ular o inion from ro(Eewish su ort to ro(Arab su ort, the -ritish established the Muslim(0hristian Association BM0AD, as the first Arab olitical or#ani@ation. In essence it was a -ritish s onsored or#ani@ation to be used as a wea on a#ainst Eewish >ionists. "he Association was com rised of 68 Muslim re resentatives and ten leaders from the %reek Frthodo+ and )oman 0atholic 0hurches. "he M0A romoted Arab ro a#anda that became widely acce ted as fact. "his was the be#innin# of -ritish attem ts to break its romises to the Eews in a olitically(correct manner.

<or more information, see !illiam >iff. The <ape of Palestine. 0h. 2.


2365s ( 2375sG 0han#es in -ritish Attitudes and Su


A number of anti(Eewish -ritish officials romoted immi#ration restrictions. "hey restricted arms to the Eews while su lyin# wea ons and ammunition to the Arabs. "heir reason was that the land could not su ort more than a million eo le and over o ulation would e+ceed the economic ca acity of the land. !hile there was no scientific su ort for this claim of economic ca acity,' their theory was resented to various commissions and acce ted as factual. .o one seriously &uestioned how the so(called scientific conclusion was determined. 5e#ish Presence G Islamic I$ealism H Iiolence 2365 ( 2362G )iots in Damascus "he resence of Eews, who in Arab minds were deemed to be Auro ean im erialists, cou led with Islamic idealism of Sharia law, created the erfect storm for violence. "he Middle Aast chan#ed forever when riots broke out in Damascus, which was under the <rench Mandate. Arabs, armed with -ritish(su lied funds, #uns and ammunition, demanded that the Eews and <rench leave. "he ur ose of the rioters was to limit Eewish immi#ration by discoura#in# them and forcin# the <rench and -ritish to le#islate limitations. Moun# Arab leaders, includin# Husseini, who by this time was #ainin# notoriety, incited the crowds to ,oin them in riotin#. !hen the smoke cleared, :2 Eews were dead. Husseini and his rioters relocated in Eerusalem where in A ril of 2365, they sta#ed another riot. Husseini was ca tured by the -ritish, tried and convicted for incitin# riots and civil unrest. He was sentenced to ten years in rison but mysteriously esca ed with the hel from -ritish sym athi@ers. He fled the country but remained in touch with his -ritish friends. <ive months later he was #ranted a s ecial ardon. And so life continued in the -ritish olitical circus. Husseini continued his rei#n of terrorism. Ama@in#ly, what has seldom been re orted was that Husseinis riots were often sta#ed events with the assistance of the -ritish sym athi@ers who o osed the official ro(Eewish osition of

their own #overnment. "his laced the -ritish #overnment in ;ondon, in a olitical &ua#mire from which they could not retreat. A#ain ;ondon attem ted to redefine the Declaration to a ease the Arabs who directly o osed their su ort for the Eewish eo le. 2362G "he Haycraft 0ommission In the meantime, in ;ondon the Haycraft 0ommission investi#ated attacks on Eews in Eaffa and Chedera. "he )e ort stated that Arabs who lived near Eewish villa#es did not tolerate their Eewish nei#hbors. "he Arabs s read rumors to incite violence, but the re orted attacks u on the Eews were #rossly e+a##erated. "he latter was to the a easement of the Arabs. !hat it did not say was that many Arabs were em loyed by the Eews. "he -ritish were establishin# themselves as an unreliable and untrustworthy eace broker.

"a, =! The (?/@ "a, of the Promise$ Lan$! "he land romised to the Eews by the -ritish is todays Israel, %a@a, !est -ank and Eordan.

2362G Ha,, Amin el(Husseini A Eerusalem

ointed %rand Mufti of

Since Allenbys victory, the Arabs were leaderless and sufferin# from stru##les between ower brokers. !hen the dust settled Husseini emer#ed and the -ritish Hi#h 0ommand a ointed him to be the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem. Incredibly, the same individual whom the -ritish had reviously tried and ,ailed for incitin# riots, and esca ed,' was now elevated to the hi#hest reli#ious osition of %rand Mufti. All Muslim clerics and #overnment leaders answered to him. "hose who disa#reed would eventually find their names on his assassins list.253 -ritish olitics were stran#er than fiction. His a ointment would rove to be an incredible error, as Husseini ersonally led the char#e to rid *alestine of every Eew by every means ossible. He be#an reachin# sermons of hate and violence in local and forei#n mos&ues, declarin# that the Eews were lannin# to take control of all mos&ues includin# the Dome of the )ock and Al(Aska Mos&ue. <re&uently he declared, 0ome, and destroy them as a nation, drive them into the sea.' It became the mantra of Muslims throu#hout the Middle Aast and reminiscent of the redictive words of *salm 87GJ. Husseini insisted that the Eews defiled the !estern !all where Muhammad su osedly tied his win#ed horse, al( -urak, on his mythical tri to Heaven BSura 29D. He or#ani@ed terror cells that attacked Eewish buses, farmers, men, women and children as well as -ritish ro(Eewish officers. -y his ruthless nature he became known as the -utcher of the Middle Aast.' "he fact that Arab terrorists actively stalked their victims in the 2365s is resoundin# evidence that todays Middle Aast terrorism has nothin# to do with establishin# a *alestinian state, but is for the sole ur ose of ethnic cleansin#. .


Hart, 49$ *eters, 728.


&i'ure 34! aJJ Amin el* usseiniA the 0ran$ "ufti of 5erusalem! Husseini, the hi#hest rankin# Muslim cleric and terrorist leader who lanned and carried out attacks on the -ritish and Eewish eo le, became known as the -utcher of the Middle Aast.' His ne hew was the infamous Masser Arafat. 2366G =S Affirms the Eewish )i#ht to *alestine Fn Eune 75, 2366, a ,oint resolution of both Houses of 0on#ress of the =nited States unanimously endorsed the Mandate for *alestine,' confirmin# the irrevocable ri#ht of Eews to settle in the area of *alestineYanywhere between the Eordan )iver and the Mediterranean Sea. "he House )esolution 745 reads in artG <avorin# the establishment in *alestine of a national home for the Eewish eo le. <esol.ed "& the Senate and %ouse of < of the Anited States of !merica in =on/ress assem"led. "hat the =nited States of America favors the establishment in *alestine of a national home for the Eewish eo le, it bein# clearly understood that nothin# shall be done which

should re,udice the civil and reli#ious ri#hts of 0hristian and all other non(Eewish communities in *alestine, and that the holy laces and reli#ious buildin#s and sites in *alestine shall be ade&uately rotected.' Zitalics in the ori#inal[ .ot only did the )esolution secure land for the Eewish eo le, but also limited Arab occu ancy of the land. As art of the 0on#ressional discussion, )e resentative !alter M. 0handler from .ew Mork said that he was in favor of carryin# out one of the three followin# olicies, to be referred in the order in which they are namedG B2D "hat the Arabs shall be ermitted to remain in *alestine under Eewish #overnment and domination, and with their civil and reli#ious ri#hts #uaranteed to them throu#h the -ritish mandate and under terms of the -alfour declaration. B6D "hat if they will not consent to Eewish #overnment and domination, they shall be re&uired to sell their lands at a ,ust valuation and retire into the Arab territory which has been assi#ned to them by the ;ea#ue of .ations in the #eneral reconstruction of the countries of the east. B7D "hat if they will not consent to Eewish #overnment and domination, under conditions of ri#ht and ,ustice, or to sell their lands at a ,ust valuation and to retire into their own countries, they shall be driven from *alestine by force. Fn Se tember 62, 2366, the then *resident !arren %. Hardin# si#ned the ,oint resolution of a roval to establish a Eewish .ational Home in *alestine.225 It was later confirmed by *resident 0alvin 0oolid#e in 236:, but discarded by *residents <ranklin D. )oosevelt, %eor#e !. -ush and -arak Fbama. And so life continues in the American olitical circus.

htt GQQ@iontruth.blo#s ot.comQ6553Q5JQus(con#ress(endorses(,ewish( state(in.html. See also htt GQQ,ewishdelaware.esmartweb.comQEewishHistory;inks.htm. <ebruary 9, 6522.


H"9" =esolution o f 1&'' affirmed the right of $ews to live between the $ordan =iver and the 6editerranean 9ea"

Page 1''

2365 ( 2375sG ;ea#ue of .ations Astablished Arab States "he ;ea#ue of .ations had authori@ed the -ritish and <rench to carve u the Fttoman Am ire into mana#eable states. <rom this decision came Ira&, Syria, ;ebanon and Hashemite Arabia Blater known as Saudi ArabiaD. In 2366 the -ritish divided the land romised to the Eews in order to establish a *alestinian state. "he -ritish initially concluded that national borders should be determined by two criteriaG <irst, it was to be delineated accordin# to the biblical descri tion Bfrom Dan to -eer ShebaD, and second, the Eewish eo le would need to control the water resources Bthe Eordan )iver and the Sea of %alileeD. "heir ori#inal intention was to #ive the Eews a land mass of what is today Israel and Eordan.
In 2364 they established territorial boundaries for

modern Ira& Bancient *ersia$ known to Auro eans as Meso otamiaD, althou#h com lete inde endence was not #ranted until 2376 when a Hashemite leader, <aisal, was crowned its Cin#. "he irony is that todays o ulation of Eordan is forty ercent -edouin, who are devoutly loyal to their kin#. "he remainin# si+ty ercent are *alestinians who assionately hate Israel and would love to see a *alestinian monarch rule Eordan. Hence, re#ardless of the a earance of eace, there has always been a constant otential for a revolutionary chan#e of #overnment. In fact, it is ,ust a matter of time until such a chan#e takes lace. In 2369, they reco#ni@ed a number of Arab territories that were combined and became Saudi Arabia in 2376. Sunni leader, Abdul(A@i@ bin Saud was named kin#. All Middle Aastern states were established by the two Auro ean victors to the a easement of one #rou or another. 2366G "he ;ea#ue of .ations %ives the -ritish Authority

Fn Euly 6J the ;ea#ue of .ations officially #ave the -ritish mandate over *alestine, althou#h unofficially they functioned in the same ca acity since 2329. Its ur ose was to aid local residents of the newly formed nations establish their #overnment. As such, the mandate failed miserably. It did however, encoura#e both Eews and Muslims to emi#rate from various countries into *alestine. 2366G "he 0hurchill !hite *a er$ "he "wice(*romised' ;and Due to the decision by the ;ea#ue, Arabs came to ;ondon and ut their influence eddlin# into hi#h #ear. "hey convinced rominent leaders to limit Eewish immi#ration. Cnowin# that they could not totally revent immi#ration, they a#ain resented an artificial o ulation fi#ure to ,ustify a sever restriction as determined by the lands economic ca acity to absorb new arrivals.' "he limitation was determined by whatever the -ritish believed was the economic ca acity of the country. "he 0hurchill document was the first of four !hite *a ers 222 desi#ned to redefine the -alfour Declaration and win favor with the Arabs. It was a recei t for disaster. However, a 2373 study by !alter 0lay ;owdermilkr, an e+ ert American soil scientist, roved the land could su ort a o ulation of five million. Met the economic ca acity' was romoted. 2366G 0reation of the <irst *alestinian StateG Eordan "he -ritish believed they could resolve the hauntin# roblem of their conflictin# romises. Aast of the Eordan )iver was a lar#e desert area known as "rans,ordan,' but in biblical times it was considered to be art of the Arabian Desert. "he -ritish ori#inally romised it to the Eews but it was now to be the homeland of the *alestinian Arabs. ;ondons 0olonial Secretary !inston 0hurchill created the *alestinian state for Arabs, thus fulfillin# -ritains romise to Amir Abdulla for victory over the Fttomans. Abdulla named his kin#dom after his ancient tribe, hence the name, the Hashemite Cin#dom of Eordan.

"hese four documents are the 0hurchill !hite *a er of 2366, the *assfield !hite *a er of 2375, the %overnment !hite *a er of 2373 and 0ommand !hite *a er of 23J5 that some say was an e+tension of the revious *a er of 2373.


"he Arabs have always been roud of their #enealo#ical urity and herita#e. Abdullah was a direct descendant of the *ro het Muhammad. Muslims are e+tremely faithful to their families, clans and tribes and sus icious and condescendin# of other clans. Since the *alestinian Arabs were a mi+ed breed,' resultin# from intermarria#es of various Arabs and Muslims, he refused to acce t additional *alestinian Arabs includin# the refu#ees of the 23J8 !ar of Inde endence. In fact, a ma,ority of Eordanians today are *alestinian Arabs. "he irony is that between 2885 and 2349, virtually no Arab or *alestinian leader other than Amir Abdullah called for *alestinian statehood. Instead Arabs referred to follow their traditions, that is, to have *alestine anne+ed to Syria as the )omans and Muslim leaders had done for centuries. As a result of the territory division, about 87 ercent of the land romised to the Eewish eo le was #iven to the *alestinians with the ho e that this would brin# eace. "his is not only an e+am le of how the Arabs failed to erceive o ortunities of their future, but also how they focused on the ast.



"a, >! The ;ritish "an$ate "a, of (?//! "o a ease the Arabs, the -ritish created the *alestinian

state of "rans,ordan Bknown today as EordanD. Fnly Arabs were ermitted to live in "rans,ordan while *alestine was o en for both Eews and Arabs. *ossibly the most si#nificant fact of this land division is that the -ritish ermitted Arabs to occu y both areas while Eews were restricted to *alestine as shown on Ma 4. "his included an area known today as the !est -ank.' "he current international o inion that Israel must surrender the !est -ank is contrary to all revious a#reements. "he *alestinian Arabs finally had a land they could call their own althou#h the land for eace' was a dismal failure.

-f the :ea gue of ?ations and the 5ritish established $ordan to be a Palestinian state, wh+ do nati ons demand -srael give up land toda+/

Page 1' 3

It has been said that in the Middle Aast more ink has been s illed than blood. ;ittle wonder that some have called *alestine the twice( romised land.' It was a ton#ue in cheek confession of incom etence and failure on a #rand scale. .early every roblem today was e+ onentially enhanced by incom etent -ritish forei#n olicies. 2365 ( 2375sG More Muslims 0ame to *ros er in *alestine In a stran#e irony, while the -ritish established "rans,ordan Bthe Hashemite Cin#dom of EordanD for the *alestinian eo le, Arabs continued to enter *alestine seekin# a better way of life amon# the Eewish eo le. Met it was with those same Eewish eo le with whom they clashed and fou#ht. 0ontrary to media and *alestinian re orts of a lon# established Arab ma,ority o ulation in the country, census records reveal the influ+ of Arabs. <or e+am le, in the city of Eaffa, in 2366 there were 69,555 Arabs but by 23J9 that number increased to 95,975. In Hebron, in 2366 there were 24,2J9 Arabs but by 23J9 that number increased to 64,785. At this same time the Eewish o ulation of *alestine

escalated dramatically from 87,555 in 2366 to JJ:,555 in 2373.226 !hile the *alestinians were always the minority o ulation, as their ercenta#e decreased the an#er of their radical leaders increased. In the mid(2375s when much of the world was e+ eriencin# an economic de ression, the economy in *alestine was boomin#. <actories were bein# constructed, a#ricultural communities were chan#in# the desert landsca e into roductive farmland and the commercial interactions between Eewish eo le and many Arabs were constant and friendly.227 Met within this #rowth the -ritish heavily ta+ed the Eewish eo le, with very little of the money bein# returned for the buildin# of water systems, schools and roads (( the definition of colonialism.' It was Auro eans ta+in# former Auro eans. Met forei#n money oured into the country. Many 0atholic churches and shrines were built, alon# with the infamous Cin# David Hotel, Hebrew =niversity, and elements of Eerusalems infrastructure. "he Palestine Post Blater known as the Jerusalem PostD be#an news a er ublication and the Palestine roadcastin/ aired. "he foundations of a Eewish nation continued to be laid. "he words of the ro het Eeremiah B76GJJD were comin# into fulfillment. 2367G "he )e ublic of "urkey <ounded$ -ecame a Secular State In the aftermath of the fall of the Fttoman Am ire, "urkey became a secular and democratic' nation I even thou#h national leadershi is controlled by the military. "he idea of a Muslim eo le bein# ruled by a secular #overnment was considered an abomination by clerics. Met "urkeys leaders reali@ed they would have to lace their reli#ion on the roverbial back burner' to become westerni@ed. !hile this chan#e led to #reat economic ros erity it also led to a slow resurrection of orthodo+ Islam. Hence, over the years Sharia 1aw became increasin#ly o ular. -y the early 6555s si#ns immer#ed that indicated the country was about to return to its former Islamic ways.

*rittie, 246. >iff, 27.



236J I 2375sG Increased "errorism a#ainst Eewish *eo le As more Eewish eo le returned, riots, sni ers and terrorists soon become a art of the social landsca e. "he rhetoric from Adolf Hitler created a tsunami wave of ersecution throu#hout Muslim countries worldwide. In combination with the Husseinis activities in *alestine, the influ+ came not only from Auro e, but an increasin# number came from Arab countries due to discrimination, ersecutions and random murders. "heir only safe haven was in .orth or South America. 2369G Eews %ive Aid to Arabs In 2369 tensions were hi#h in the town of .ablous, the site of the biblical Eacobs well. Fn Euly 22 a owerful earth&uake throu#hout Israel dama#ed thousands of homes, es ecially in this Arab community. Hundreds of Eews were killed and in,ured. In res onse to this crisis, Eews from "el Aviv sent truckloads of bread and thousands of dollars in aid to hel both Eews and Arabs. )elations im roved overni#ht, but the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem would insure that it would not last lon#.
Arabs immigrated into Palestine and prospered more than the + would have in their home countries"

Arabs immigrated and prospered more in Palestine than in their home countries"

2368G "he Muslim -rotherhood <ounded in A#y t "he Muslim -rotherhood, also known as the Society of Muslim -rothers, is a Sunni Islamic or#ani@ation that was founded in A#y t by Hassan al(-anna. He was a school teacher who believed that his fellow A#y tians were not observin# the Sharia 1aws$ the laws of Allah. "he revival of Sharia observance that had occurred in the late 2955s, known as !ahhabism, had waned. "he -rotherhood would chan#e this by either encoura#in# fellow Muslims to return to the true faith of Muhammad, or forcin# them to do so.

"wo decades before the foundin# of Israel, the -rotherhood said it was dedicated to romotin# a eaceful and &uiet life for Muslim families. A+ce tions ertained to the Israeli(*alestinian conflict, any moderate or liberal Muslims and the overthrow of the Syrian -aathist Ban Islamic sub#rou D dictatorshi . "he -rotherhood continues to romote the followin# five ointsG 2. Honorin# Allah was their ob,ective. 6. Muhammad was their leader. 7. "he ?uran was their law. J. Eihad was their lifestyle, and :. Dyin# for the cause was their only sure way of salvation with Allah. "he A#y tian eo le have an incredible history and culture that s ans thousands of years I one they can certainly be roud of. "hey always considered themselves first as A#y tians, that was until the 9 th century AD. "hen they considered themselves first as Muslims and secondly as A#y tians. .ow they identified themselves with the Islamic challen#es other Arabs were facin#. 0onse&uently, they be#an to think of themselves as first as Muslims and second as Arabs. "his aradi#m shift became more ronounced as the A#y tians became more orthodo+ in Sharia ;aw, es ecially after Israels 23J8 !ar of Inde endence. In s ite of its eaceful claims, the Muslim -rotherhood is the oldest terror or#ani@ation and has #rown to be the worlds lar#est. It has not only threatened A#y tian leadershi , but other #overnment leaders as well. ;ike the 26th century assassins in .orthern %alilee who stalked and killed moderate Islamic leaders, members of the -rotherhood continue to do likewise althou#h without the dru# influences. <rom the -rotherhood would come other or#ani@ations such as the Hamas, He@bollah and al(?aeda. Eerusalems %rand Mufti, Ha,, Amin al(Husseini, was active in the -rotherhood and his ne hew, a youn# A#y tian en#ineerin# student who the world knows as Masser Arafat, was a roduct of the terrorist or#ani@ation. 2368(63G "he %rand Mufti of Eerusalem A#ain Fr#ani@ed )iots

An im ortant event in Eudaism is the o ortunity to ray at the !estern !all, the retainin# wall of the courtyard of the Second "em le. !hile the tem le was destroyed in AD 95, the courtyard and retainin# wall remain. !hen the Arabs learned that the Eews were lannin# to ray at the ancient wall, they rotested vehemently. "hey lanned attacks and riots in Sefed, Hebron, Eerusalem and Haifa, but on Euly 63 the Eews learned of the lot. "hey informed -ritish authorities who were su osed to rotect them, but failed. "o incite Arabs, the #rand mufti announced, "he Eews are destroyin# the holy Mos&ue of Al A&sa.' 0onse&uently, on Au#ust 67 s ontaneous riots broke out in those four cities in s ite of the hos itality e+tended to them after the devastatin# earth&uake. As a result of the muftis false re ort, hundreds of Eews were ruthlessly massacred and lar#e areas of the 7,555 year(old Eewish community in Hebron were destroyed. "hese anti(Eewish activities cau#ht the attention of the .a@is and soon Husseini would become one of Hitlers risin# stars.

&i'ure 36! The (?/? Arab Riot in 5erusalem! )iots in Eerusalem BshownD and in Hebron a#ainst the -ritish

and Eews were res onse to false information romoted by the %rand Mufti. )iots occurred a#ain in 2374. "he conflicts with the Arabs was reminiscent of the days of .ehemiah in JJ: -0, when %eshem, an Arab, and his cohorts mocked and ridiculed .ehemiah for rebuildin# the walls of Eerusalem 6G23$ JG2(7D. In res onse, .ehemiah had half his men work while the others stood #uard with s ears, shields and bows JG24(28D. ;ikewise now the Eews had to rotect themselves, not only a#ainst the Arabs, but also a#ainst untrustworthy -ritish officials.

&i'ure 3:! Arme$ 5e#ish 0uar$s Protect &armers. As in the days of .ehemiah, in the 2365s and 2375s Eewish #uards watch over Eewish farmers in li#ht of constant Arab attacks. 2363G "he Shaw 0ommission "o find a solution to the new wave of terrorism, the -ritish assi#ned Sir !alter Shaw to establish a commission to study the roblem. He determined that the Eewish immi#ration was e+cessive, es ecially durin# the years 236: and 2364, and recommended severe restrictions in immi#ration and restriction of Arab land sales to the Eews.

Attacks on Eews continued alon# with boycotts and hostility toward the -ritish, who now were losin# no matter what they did. 2375G "he Ho e Sim son )e ort In res onse to the continuin# riots and sni er attacks, the -ritish decided to make yet another investi#ative re ort. "his one, known as the Ho e Sim son )e ort, su##ested reinforcement of e+istin# laws to limit Eewish land urchases and immi#ration. Many sus ected that it too was influenced by Arab lobbyists, but it accom lished nothin#. 2375G Muslim 0ouncil States the "em le Mount Fri#inated with the Eews In s ite of the terror and counter(terrorist attacks, 0hristian il#rims were comin# to see the holy sites. "o accommodate them, a nine( a#e An#lish lan#ua#e tourist #uide was ublished by the Su reme Muslim 0ouncil. 22J "itled, ! rief +uide to al4%aram al4Sharif, 22: the booklet informed the tourists of the historical back#round of the "em le Mount with an em hasis on the Islamic Ara. However, it also stated that the Mount once belon#ed to the Eews with a footnote that referred the reader to 6 Samuel 64G6:. A co y was obtained by the Jerusalem Post, which rinted the followin# e+cer t on Eanuary 64, 6552G "he site is one of the oldest in the world. Its sanctity dates from the earliest times. Its identity with the site of Solomons "em le is beyond dis ute. "his, too, is the s ot, accordin# to universal belief, on which David built there an altar unto the ;ord, and offered burnt offerin#s and eace offerin#s.'224 Si#nificant to the 2375 #uidebook is that the Su reme Muslim 0ouncil stated that the "em le Mount was the site of Davids altar and Solomons "em le. "hese facts are denied

"he 0ouncil was established by the -ritish to administer the Muslim affairs in *alestine.
22: 224

"he hrase al4%aram al4Sharif is the Arabic title for the "em le Mount.

.htt +H&L2339427274347Plan#Len( =SP<F)ML0/)A3. )etrieved Eune 3, 655:.


today by not only the Muslim 0ouncil, but also by !estern history reconstructionists.

The 1&2 s -slamic guide boo, of $erusalem claims the T emple 6ount is the site of the former $ewish temple, a fact denied toda+ b+ 6uslims"

2375G "he *assfield !hite *a er A#ain the Arabs informed -ritish investi#ators that many of their easant farmers had become landless and others became unem loyed as a result of the lar#e number of Eewish immi#rants. "hey reasserted that the land could not su ort an enlar#ement of the current o ulation. "he re ort was endorsed by Arab sym athi@ers within the -ritish Hi#h 0ommand althou#h some &uestioned its findin#s and recommendations. = on further investi#ation, it was revealed that the authors confessed that the Arab unem loyment fi#ures were inflated. !hen the investi#ative re ort became ublic, the failure of -ritish inte#rity was visible to the world. Amid all the errors made by the -ritish, 0olonial Secretary ;ord *assfield took it u on himself to strai#hten out the mess. After his in&uiry, the *assfield !hite *a er laced blame for all the turmoil and riots s&uarely on the Eews. It declared that official -ritish olicy would #ive riority to Arabs concernin# land ownershi . I#norin# thousands of years of history, his !hite *a er le#itimi@ed their claim as the ori#inal cultivators' of the land who were now landless. .aturally the Arabs were ecstatic with ,oy, but the >ionists na##ed the -ritish relentlessly to honor ast romises. As a result, the !hite *a er was rescinded the followin# year. ;ittle wonder then that neither the Eews nor the Arabs were convinced they could ever trust the -ritish or any other Auro ean. Arab sentiment was that they sim ly had to eliminate the Eewish roblem anyway they could. "herefore, when Hitler came to ower in 2377, it did not take much effort for the %rand Mufti to convince fellow Muslims to ,oin the %erman military to e+terminate Eewish eo le.

-y this time even the -ritish had become critical, if not cynical, of their own olicies. "herefore, some in ;ondon ublically called *alestine the twice( romised land,' a ton#ue in cheek confession of incom etence and failure on a #rand scale. !hile nearly every Middle Aastern roblem today is in some way connected to the Israeli(*alestinian conflict, those roblems have been e+ onentially enhanced by ast incom etent -ritish forei#n olicies. 2372, 2377G *rotection of 0ultivators Frdinance' <rom the *assfield !hite *a er, in 2372 the -ritish ado ted the *rotections of 0ultivators Frdinance to ,ustify limitations of Eewish immi#rants. Su osedly its ur ose was to benefit *alestinian Arab farmers who claimed to have become landless or dis laced. In 2377 the Frdinance was revised to ermit any Arab cultivator BfarmerD to seek remuneration for his su osedly lost land. "he le#itimately lost land' was urchased by the Eews from Arab land investors after the 28:8 "urkish ;and 0ode. "he investors were the true thieves. .onetheless, it was later discovered that the law was based u on factious alle#ations romoted by the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem. "he obvious &uestion is, Did the -ritish rescind the law once it was discovered to have been based on falsehoodsH' "he answer is ne#ative. "he law continued.

*h+ do the media claim that the $ews stole land from the Palestinians/

Page 02

2375sG !asteland "ransformed to *roductive <armland Fne of the many wonders of modern Israel is the transformation of swam s and deserts into roductive a#ricultural land. !hile in Auro e, Eews were not ermitted to own farms or be involved in occu ations traditionally held by 0hristians. "hey were ermitted to enter the world of academics, es ecially in various fields of science. Since they had no farmin# skills when they came to *alestine, they looked at the un roductive land with a scientific mind rather

than a traditional farmers mindset. Hence, scientific rinci les were what transformed massive re#ions into some of the worlds hi#hest yieldin# cro lands of the twentieth century.

&i'ure 3=! 5e#ish &armers Loa$ Pro$uce! <ood roduction increased dramatically as the Eews a lied scientific rinci les to culti(vate the barren land. Due to a labor shorta#e for harvestin# cro s, Arabs came from nei#hborin# countries to find em loyment. 2365(2375sG Discovery of Middle Aast Fil and Its *owerful Influence "he discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia, Ira&, Iran and other Middle Aastern countries was a new(found wealth, known as li&uid #old.' American and Auro ean oil com anies rushed to ca ture Arab wealth as did the Auro ean kin#s a century or two earlier. It was another e+am le of colonialism. 0onflicts between !estern com anies and their investors soon became a arent.

Differences between the conflictin# claims of two ma,or oil com anies were resolved accordin# to the <ebruary 68 edition of the New @or2 Times. )e resentatives for the Standard Fil 0om any of .ew Eersey and the An#lo(*ersian Fil 0om any of ;ondon a#reed to artici ate e&ually in the ca itali@ation of a new com any. "he hu#e financial interests and intense activity by !estern investors instilled u on Muslims sheiks the enormous wealth and olitical levera#e they had, and which would only increase in the future. !hat was becomin# brilliantly clear to them was the !estern assionate a etite for their oil. ;i&uid #old became the Islamic tool of levera#e to encoura#e' nations to favor them in all matters, namely the Eews in *alestine. "hat influence of etro(dollars would formulate and dominate international olitics, alliances, wars and eace treaties for the ne+t century. As the American business clich\ says, He who rules the #old, rules.' At no other time in human history had so much wealth so radically chan#ed a culture within a #eneration or two. Since the early 65th century, the Saudis moderni@ed their nation with the avera#e citi@en en,oyin# one of the worlds hi#hest standards of livin#. However, the Saudi family has also been committed to Islami@in# the world for the #lory of Allah. <or decades the clerics of the !ahhabi branch of Sunni Islam have been e+ ortin# their radical ideals to nations worldwide. !hile the !est was aslee , Islam be#an to e+ lode on the #lobal scene with fundin# rovided by oil com anies. In addition to s readin# !ahhabism, etro(dollars enabled them to assert immense olitical levera#e. "hey learned how to it the Soviets a#ainst the Americans and, thereby, become ower brokers who mani ulated the su er owers. In coo eration with them have been the !estern oil e+ecutives who have more olitical levera#e than do most !estern heads of state. Hence, it is not difficult to understand the dilemma Israel is facin# today. Saudi Arabia has also been the most influential Arab #overnment concernin# the *alestinian(Israeli conflict even thou#h its influence is not ublic. Arab oil also funded the resistance of the Soviet invasion in Af#hanistan in 2393. Ironically, in 6525 when the Saudis erceived the Shiite Iranians to be a threat, the

desert kin#dom ermitted Israel to use its northern re#ion as a sta#in# area for a ossible future attack a#ainst Iran. "his kind of action is almost unheard of since any Eew found in Saudi Arabia is immediately killed. .o one is ermitted to enter the country if there is an Israeli stam in the ass ort. However, most disturbin# is the effect of influence eddlin# by ro(Muslim lobbyists u on =S forei#n olicy and con#ressmen.229 "he bottom line is that while the Saudis ublically a ear to be one of Americas best allies, they are also the undis uted insti#ator of #lobal terrorism. Muslim clerics and strate#ists today are convinced that Allah #ave them the wealth of oil reserves to s read Islam throu#hout the world. "he resence of American and forei#n troo s is seen as an attem t to steal that wealth and destroy their reli#ion. In 2333, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Cabbani, a Sufi Muslim, informed =S officials that funds collected by Muslim #rou s for humanitarian aid were bein# used to buy wea ons to fi#ht in the name of Islam.' He also said that !ahhabi e+tremism had been s read to ei#hty ercent of the Muslims in the =S, mainly by Saudi Arabia. 228 =nfortunately, the voices of Sufi Muslims who hold a moderate worldview are seldom #iven any attention by #overnment or media. "hey com rise a miniscule ercenta#e of the worldwide Muslim o ulation. "he December 27, 6557 issue of AS News and 3orld <eport resented a detailed investi#ative re ort on how billions of etro(dollars have s awned a #lobal terror network. It stated that the 0entral Intelli#ence A#encys Illicit "ransactions %rou BI"%D monitors smu##lers, terrorists and money launderers. In 2338 officials from the !hite House called u on the I"% to determine how much money Fsama bin ;aden had and how he was able to move it. -in ;adens al ?aeda terrorists had ,ust blown u two American embassies in Aast Africa, and the !hite House believed that any success a#ainst the master mind would involve knowled#e of his money trail. "he investi#ation revealed that all revious assum tions of his ersonal wealth and businesses were com letely wron#.

<or more information read a book by former 0IA o erative -ob -aer, Sleepin/ 3ith the (, %ow 3ashin/ton Sold )ur Soul for Saudi =rude.

)ichard H. 0urtiss. Dis ute -etween =S Muslim %rou s #oes *ublic.' 3ashin/ton <eport on Middle East !ffairs, A rilQMay 2333, 92, 252.


Althou#h the =S Intelli#ence community knew about Saudi Arabias role in fundin# terrorism two years earlier in 2334, it did nothin# to sto it. .ot until the infamous 3(22 did !ashin#ton wake u to the obvious I and only then with a cloudy mind. In li#ht of this, how mi#ht !ashin#ton res ond to the ne+t terrorist attack on American soilH If a com arison is made on how the federal #overnment res onded to the 655: Hurricane Catrina or the 6525 -ritish *etroleum oil s ill, it can be assumed that a minor attack would result in devastatin# confusion and mismana#ement. Arab oil money has its rewards. "he =S investi#ation revealed that Saudi Arabia, Americas lon#(time ally and, at that time, the worlds lar#est oil roducer, was the roverbial e icenter of terrorist fundin#. !hile the sub,ect is beyond the ur ose of this book, the conclusion resented in the December 2:, 6557 edition of the AS News and 3orld <eport is both startlin# and revealin#.223 It stated that from 239: throu#h 6556, the Saudis were the sin#le lar#est force to s read !ahhabism includin# the use of ,ihad if necessary. In fact, the desert kin#dom s ent seventy billion dollars to s read it worldwide in an attem t to achieve #lobal Sunni Islami@ation. It used an estimated :5 &uasi(official charities for the transfer of billions of etro(dollars for ,ihad aramilitary trainin# cam s in more than twenty countries. It continues to urchase wea ons and ammunition and ay recruiters. It also continues to ay for the formation, construction and staff of thousands of mos&ues, schools and Islamic cultural centers. 0onse&uently, in the =nited States there are more mos&ues than Assembly of %od 0hurches. In the ast thirty years Saudi Arabia has donated in e+cess of ]95 billion to universities throu#hout the world to indoctrinate students a#ainst Israel and the !est, and the =S in articular. "he focus is u on students who will be tomorrows leaders in schools, olitics and churches. 265 After the Se tember 22, 6552 attack the !estern war on terrorism was in hi#h #ear. "he influence of Islam #rew on the world sta#e. American and Auro ean universities could

David A. Ca lan. How -illions in Fil Money S awned a %lobal "error .etwork.' AS News and 3orld <eport. December 2:, 6557. 28(76.

-ob %lass, Saudis and =S Aducation' Prophetic )" Se tember 6525. 6.


not find enou#h rofessors to teach Islamic studies. However, Saudi Arabia offered the solutionG "he Saudi #overnment #ives donations' of millions of dollars to universities with the condition that they, the Saudis, also rovide the rofessor. Hence, the nation that funds the worlds terrorism also directly influences youn# minds to the ideals of !esterni@ed Islam,' which is the olitically(correct' version of true Islam, althou#h incorrect in historical and theolo#ical accuracy. 0onse&uently, hundreds of American and Auro ean universities have Muslim cha ters on cam us, includin# many with mos&ues. It will be only a matter of time until two uni&ue features of the !esterni@ed Islam' comes forth. <irst, its ideolo#y will conflict with those of !estern culture. !hile a ma,ority of Americans and Auro eans reali@e this, their oliticians, academics and even cler#y fail to admit this fundamental difference. Second, as reviously stated, Muslim clerics and strate#ists are convinced that Allah has blessed them with the hu#e oil wealth rimarily to con&uer the world for Allahs #lory and destroy Israel. "hey also believe !estern #overnments are attem tin# to steal their li&uid #old Banother reason to destroy the !estD. "herefore, Muslims follow .a@ism, fascism and communism as the worlds latest hostile takeover as irant. 0on&uest of Auro e and !estern civili@ation will remove the shame they suffered at the -attle of "ours in 976 and the -attle of /ienna in 2487. .othin# inflames an#er more than erceived or real in,ustice. )e#ardless of what the intent was by the Americans and Auro eans to enter the war in Ira&, the Muslims around the world acce t the e+ lanations set forth by their imams and oliticians. In the meantime, !esterners also received a filtered and sometimes recreated news' re ort of Middle Aast events, obviously tainted by those who control the li&uid #old. "he discovery of Middle Aast oil nearly a century a#o has without &uestion recreated the olitical world.

;-:% Allah.s gift to the 6uslim people that the+ ma + convert the world to the -slamic faith"

Page 1#


2372G %rand Mufti Ha,, Amin Husseinis *ro a#anda In December, Husseini hosted the *an(Islamic !orld 0onference in Eerusalem. He informed the dele#ates that the Eewish eo le were lannin# to control Islamic shrines and holy sites and then the whole world. He convinced them that the Eewish lans, as outlined in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, would become a reality unless they hel ed him sto Eewish immi#ration. In the meantime Husseini established a ersonal friendshi with both Adolf Hitler of %ermany and -enito Mussolini of Italy. -oth dictators ea#erly su orted his mission. Husseini reached numerous sermons on how the Arabs should eliminate the Eews in *alestine, similar to the methods that Hitler ro osed to use in %ermany. -ut when the sus icious -ritish decided to arrest him, he esca ed to ;ebanon. <rom there he visited other Muslim ca itals where he continued to reach the same messa#e. Met while travelin# he mana#ed to #ive orders to his #unmen. Eews were killed and terrorists destroyed cro s, u rooted newly lanted trees and lit forest fires. Schools and syna#o#ues were also burned. "he 2373 Arab revolt and boycott nearly araly@ed the country. "he -ritish, who reviously had attem ted to a ease the Arabs, now also found themselves the tar#ets of Arab sni ers. "he decades of Arab hostility and terrorism are historical evidence that todays terrorism is not the result of Israeli occu ation' of so(called Arab lands, but an attem t to utterly remove any vesti#e of the Eewish eo le from the land. "he "heolo#ical *roblem for Muslims )esolved Muslim clerics were a#ain confronted with an a#e(old theolo#ical roblemG How could 0hristians, Eews and other infidels become so incredibly owerful and ros erous if they are cursed in the ?uran and the Muslims are Allahs chosen eo leH "heir res onse was and continues to be the destruction or sub,u#ation of all infidels. In the rocess of killin# Eews they had the hel of the .a@is and the -ritish. 2374G -ritish *rohibit Arab ;and Sale to Eews

Fn Eanuary 75 the Palestine Post re orted that Arab leaders etitioned ;ondon to ass le#islation that would rohibit land sales to Eews. "he article headline readG ;and Sale )estrictions Announced by Sir Arthur, Hi#h 0ommissioner.' "his obviously dis roves todays *alestinian claims that the Israelis stole the land. "he truth is that they were always willin# to sell their land to anyone for a #ood rice. <or this reason, decades later in 233: the *alestinian Authority B*AD made land transfer to Eews a ca ital crime.

&i'ure 3:! DDeath to an% Arab #ho sells lan$ to 5e#s!E "he Eune 6J, 233:, edition of the Jerusalem Post describes *A le#islation to kill any Arab who sells land to a Eew, but the law was often i#nored, even by the *alestinian leaders. =nfortunately, critics have either failed to reco#ni@ed that thousands of acres of land were urchased rior to 23J8, or they down layed the &uantity of land urchased, im lyin# that the rest was stolen. Also for#otten is the Fttoman ;and 0ode of 28:8. *rior to that time it was im ossible for a non("urkish citi@en to urchase land. And, as stated reviously, when land re#istration was re&uired, lar#e areas were stolen by wealthy Arab investors' BeffendisD. .onetheless, the transfer of land continued into the 2335s.


Cha,ter : A$olf itlerA Worl$ War II an$ the Arab Cons,irac% .o one did more to advance world em athy for a Eewish state than did Adolf Hitler. !hile he assionately tried to e+terminate all Eews, his actions had a rofound o osite affect. His work would eventually not only lead the nations of the world to a rove the establishment of Israel, but reci rocatin# effects of his anti(Semitic ro a#anda would indirectly drive millions of Eews to their ancient homeland. Hence, it has often been said, !orld !ar I re ared the land for the eo le$ !orld !ar II Zcourtesy of Hitler[ re ared the eo le for the land.' A brief back#round is necessary to understand the dynamics of various events that led to the establishment of Israel and the return of the Eews. "he hun#ry Soviet 0ommunists were rattlin# war drums in Aastern Auro e and had an a etite for #lobal domination. "he economic aftermath of !orld !ar I u on %ermany was disastrous. "he severe international restrictions laced u on the nation cou led with a #lobal economic de ression created the erfect social( olitical environment for a risin# dictator. Into this mi+ entered a brilliant and charismatic leader by the name of Adolf Hitler who swayed the %erman eo le by romisin# them a chan#e. He convinced them that the ma,or cause of %ermanys roblems was the Eew. ;ike a human messiah, he romised life, liberty, ros erity and a su erior %ermany as the world had never seen. -ut the chan#e the %ermans received was not what they e+ ected. He assed numerous le#islations that severely restricted civil liberties for Eewish eo le. It soon became a arent that he believed the Eewish eo le had to be removed from Auro e by e+termination. In fact, he went to #reat len#ths to insure that none esca ed from the lon# arm of his secret olice. In this chaotic mi+ of e+ losive affairs in Auro e and the Middle Aast were five ma,or layersG the Eews, the Arabs, %reat -ritain, the Soviet =nion and the =nited States. "he Middle Aast by itself had sufficient in#redients to create a ma,or conflict without the hel of Auro e. As will be shown, it was Auro e and the fall of %ermany that re ared the Eewish eo le for the birth of Israel, the very same eo le that Hitler tried to e+terminate.

Fn Eanuary 75, 2377, Hitler became the %erman 0hancellor and within three months he established the first concentration cam at Dachau. "he results of his demonic leadershi are le#endary, resultin# in millions of deaths and his suicide twelve years later. Met even in this, when he re ared his last will and testament, he blamed the war on the Eewish eo le. His actions a#ainst them were founded by this statement, I believe that I am actin# in accordance with the will of the Almi#hty 0reatorG by defendin# myself a#ainst the Eew, I am fi#htin# for the work of the ;ord.' 262 As such he was one of many who fulfilled the ro hetic words of Eohn, A time is comin# when anyone who kills you will think he is offerin# a service to %od' BEohn 24G6D. As would be eventually revealed, Hitler lanned to remove all the Eews from Auro e while Husseini would remove them from *alestine. Muslims believe Allah commands them to kill all Eews and 0hristians. His intentions were well known. -y the early 2365s, the Eewish eo le in %ermany had risen to the heads of cor orations and universities. "hey were leadin# fi#ures in art, theater, medicine, academia, libraries and all as ects of science and mathematics. Met within two decades they were all #one. .o one is more idoli@ed today by radical Muslims than Adolf Hitler. "he back#round of his rise to ower is both astonishin# and si#nificant. He was elected 0hancellor of the "hird )eich by only JJ ercent of the vote because his =hristian4Social B.a@iD266 arty &uickly rose to ower. "he name had two si#nificant ointsG <irst, the name =hristian referred to the reli#ious #rounds for anti(Semitism, namely that Eewish eo le were the 0hrist(killers.' 267 Second, the term Social referred to anti(Semitism for racial reasons. Fnce in ower, he immediately called for a boycott of Eewish businesses. It is the same techni&ue used by Muslim states today althou#h Israel sends many of its e+ orts to a er com anies in other countries that in turn resend Israeli #oods to nearly every country in the world.
262 266

%lock and Stark, +v.

More fully known as the Nationalsocialistiche (eutsche !r"eiterpartei or .ational Socialist %erman !orkers *arty.

Adolf Hitler was a devoted Darwinian who used the 0hurch as a vehicle to romote his a#enda of establishin# a ure human s ecies while e+terminatin# unwanted eo le.


Hitlers success was built u on %ermanys economic de ression that followed !orld !ar I. "he 2363 .ew Mork stock market crash was another economic earth&uake that shook the world. It led to the %reat De ression for America and Auro e leavin# %ermany with hu#e unem loyment and numerous bankru tcies. Hitler took advanta#e of the situation, blamed the Eews for the roblem and um ed funds into the industrial(military com le+. Suddenly %ermany was on the road to recovery with a dictator in char#e. As Hitlers anti(Semitic s eeches filled the air, churches for the most art remained silent. "hat silence was due to the fact that seminaries had for several decades been teachin# three influential and dama#in# doctrines. 2. )udol h -ultmanns theory that the biblical miracles were myths and, therefore, the -ible is neither trustworthy nor divinely ins ired 6. %od works throu#h #overnments to accom lish His will, hence, all #overnments are ordained by %od. 7. "he centuries(old doctrine of re lacement theolo#y that states %od had cursed the Eews forever. -ecause of these distorted doctrines, ul its were silent when astors should have stood u and challen#ed the murder of innocent Eews, 0hristians, #y sies, the handica ed and the mentally ill. A few did hide Eewish eo le from the .a@i Secret Service, but their mission was dan#erous and had to remain secret. "he true number of astors involved may never be known because those who challen#ed the authorities aid with their lives. Insti'ators of atre$

Durin# the A#e of Anli#htenment26J B2455(2855D, well( meanin# Auro ean idealists and hiloso hers created lans for a social uto ia. "hese lans became the foundations of )ussian communism and Israels kibbut@ system. "he

"he A#e of Anli#htenment was a time when intellectual and hiloso hical develo ments transformed moral, social and olitical values of 28th century Auro e. "he result was an as iration toward #reater freedoms and self(#overnance for the common eo le.


unintended result was the Holocaust and horrors of communist olice states and risons. Described below are two of several influential individuals and how they affected the Middle Aast. Carl Mar+ B2839(2344D, who wrote the =ommunist Manifesto, is often said to have had a Eewish #rand arent. Met accordin# to !illiam .icholls, Mar+ was not a Eew but a 0hristian.26: His father, Herschel ;evi, ado ted all of the hiloso hies and freethinkin# ideas of the Anli#htenment. A year rior to Mar+s birth, the ;evi family was ba ti@ed into the ;utheran 0hurch. "he youn#er ;evi, who chan#ed his name to Mar+, was a Eew by ancestral ori#in. "herefore, .icholls denies there is anythin# Eewish about Mar+. "he irony is that the writin#s of Mar+ reflect the emanci ation of humanity from reli#ion, s ecifically, the Eewish eo le needed to be emanci ated from Eudaism. 264 He went on to identify the Eewish eo le with ca italism, livin# only to e+ loit others. As with the roverbial like father like son,' Mar+ carried his fathers humanistic hiloso hies one ste further, a ste that would cause the deaths and misery of millions in %erman concentration cam s and Soviet risons. Another re(war B!orld !ar IID %erman hiloso her who si#nificantly deadened the hearts and minds of the cler#y was <riedrich .iet@sche. He not only o osed 0hristianity and Eudaism, but also romoted the theory of %erman su remacy throu#h the urified' Aryan race. He read the .ew "estament and concluded that only *ontius *ilate had any de#ree of di#nity and res ect. As to the death of 0hrist by *ilate, in his book The !ntichrist .iet@sche said, Fne Eew more or less, what does it matterH' He then continued, "he Eews have made mankind so thorou#hly false that even today the 0hristian can feel anti(Eewish without reali@in# that he is himself the ultimate Eewish conse&uence.'269 Decades of distorted doctrines and anti(Semitic rhetoric in seminaries and universities had ne#atively influenced the mindset of %erman leaders and astors. "herefore, it was easy for Hitler to use the e+istin# le#al
26: 264 269

.icholls, 729. -ottomore, 7J. Au#en Duhrin#, 0ited by F-rian :9(:8.


system to le#islate anti(Eewish olicies that eventually led to the construction of the e+termination cam s. 268 Hitler was successful in art because both *rotestant and )oman 0atholic churches failed to rotest. !hile there were a few notable e+ce tions, nowhere was there a massive moral rotest a#ainst the .a@i re#ime or refusal to coo erate with Hitler. Some 0hurch leaders of both sides aided Eewish eo le to esca e the Secret Service troo s. Aven thou#h most 0atholic leaders, includin# *o e *ius NII, were aware of the #enocide, they did nothin#. A news a er corres ondent once asked the *o e why he did not rotest the e+termination. His re ly was, Dear friend, do not for#et that millions of 0atholics serve in the %erman armies. Shall I brin# them in conflicts of conscienceH' 263 !hile later there was an accusation that he was workin# secretly throu#h di lomatic channels, the e+ lanations his a olo#ists made after the war reflected nothin# less than a moral and s iritual failure. Eohn 0ornwell in his book, %itlers Pope, the Secret %istor& of Pope Pius D$$, resents a chillin# account of the Hitler(*o e *ius union.275 "o the credit of the 0hurch, *o e Eohn NNIII attem ted to mend relations with the Eewish eo le durin# the 2345s in what has become known as /atican II.272 It was a turnin# oint in the history of the 0hurch. 0atholic scholar and riest Eohn Morley studied documents in the /atican archives and made this analysis of *o e *ius NIIG It must be concluded that /atican di lomacy failed the Eews durin# the Holocaust by not doin# all that was ossible for it to do on their behalf. It also failed because in ne#lectin# the needs of the Eews, and ursuin# a #oal of reserve rather than humanitarian concern, it betrayed the ideals it had set for itself. "he nuncios, the Secretary of State, and, most of all, the *o e share the res onsibility for this dual failure. 276
268 263 275

)ausch, 7. 0ited by ;ewy in -entley, Storm 624.

Eohn 0ornwell, %itlers Pope, The Secret %istor& of Pope Pius D$$, .ew MorkG /ikin#, 2333.
272 276

.icholls, 7:7(::. Morley, 653.


"he 0hurchs vast network I bisho s, di lomats, couriers, riests and arishioners I ke t the o e and /atican informed of Hitlers activities. 0oncernin# the re orts of the mass killin#s in 23J2 and 23J6, /atican Secretary of State 0ardinal ;ui#i Ma#lione re#arded the news as unverified or e+a##erated but some scholars have su##ested that the *o e #ave Hitler his blessin#.

*h+ did both Catholic and Protestant chu rch leaders fail in basic human rights for the $ewish people/

Page 0)

Several *rotestant or#ani@ations such as the !orld 0ouncil of 0hurches, the .ational 0ouncil of 0hurches in the =SA refused acknowled#e any failure on their art. )ather they looked toward the rise of liberation theolo#y. 277 "he swin# of mainline 0hurches toward liberalism turned the leadershi of these 0hurches in the direction of anti(Israel and anti(Semitism. Most of their cler#y in Israel today are *ro(*alestinian. Fn the other hand, a small but increasin# number of *rotestant 0hurches have reco#ni@ed the shameful bli#ht of 0hurch history and have asked %od and the Eewish eo le for for#iveness. Amon# them were a #rou of Amish who flew to Israel in .ovember of 6525. "heir re&uest for for#iveness was broadcasted on Israeli television. "o the credit of the )oman 0atholic 0hurch, it should be noted that in the 2375s, when the .a@is attem ted to institute euthanasia to eliminate the mentally ill from %ermany, 0hurch rotests sto ed the deaths of innocent lives. "hat may be why 2,355 riests lost their lives in the concentration cam s. A#ain, when the .a@i re#ime was about to re&uire divorce of mi+ed marria#es, the 0hurch rotested and sto ed the action. However, it was not for the benefit of the Eew but for the ermanency of the institution of a 0hristian marria#e, even if it was mi+ed. It is

.icholls, 7:7(::.


obvious evidence that the 0hurch could have minimi@ed or revented the Holocaust, but it chose not to. .evertheless, some faithful 0hristians throu#hout Auro e secretly o osed Hitler and hel ed Eewish eo le, as visible o osition resulted in immediate im risonment and often death. 27J "he hauntin# &uestion isG !hy did 0hristians who knew the difference between ri#ht and wron#, not s eak outH 0oncernin# the current Middle Aast crises, why do they not s eak out todayH

&i'ure 3?! itler an$ Po,e Pius KII! ;on#(buried /atican files released in the 2335s reveal that the *o e hel ed Hitler destroy %erman 0atholic olitical o osition.


)ausch, :.


&i'ure 4@ Catholic cler'% an$ Na<i officials . 0hurch officials alon# with Eose h %oebbels and !ilhelm <rick salute the <uehrer. !hen .a@i leaders were evadin# rosecution of crimes a#ainst humanity, the /atican was their #reatest benefactor as 0hurch officials smu##led them out of Auro e. Another hero of the true 0hristian faith was the Metro olitan Ste han of Sofia, who dared to stand a#ainst the re#ulations of his 0hurch. He was the hi#hest rankin# 0hurch official in -ul#aria and took the unusual osition of defendin# the Eewish eo le. "he Metro olitan declared that %od was the ,ud#e of the Eewish eo le, not men. He not only took measures on their behalf a#ainst the re&uired wearin# of the Star of David, but he also introduced mercy ba tisms' of Eewish eo le, knowin# that later these would be renounced. <urthermore, he ersonally hid the chief rabbi in his home. !hen the war was over, all J8,555 Eewish eo le in his district were saved from death. 27: If other 0hristians would have done such a #reat work as he did, how many more Eewish eo le would be alive todayH


.icholls, 746.


&i'ure 4(! Na<i ;elt ;uc-le! A .a@i belt buckle with the slo#an that reads, %od is with us.' Adolf Hitler was certain that he was com letin# the work of %od. The Na<i Palestinian Alliance !hile Adolf Hitler was erfectin# his killin# machine in %ermany, the #rand mufti Husseini of Eerusalem was listenin# to his s eeches and observin# his tactics. Aventually they would meet and lan for an e+termination cam in *alestine. 2375(23J5sG .a@is and Muslims 0ontinue to Mer#e "he Hitler(Husseini connection soon became a arent in the Middle Aast as by 2374 *alestine had taken on the ima#e of .a@i %ermany. "he Arab youths were #iven uniforms with the swastika, they #reeted each other with the Hitler salute, and %erman fla#s and ictures of Hitler were common lace. !hatever ro a#anda was issued in %ermany, the Arabic translation was romoted throu#hout the Middle Aast Islamic world, not ,ust *alestine. !ithout &uestion the most im ortant as ect was that .a@i fascism was bein# ado ted into Islamic society. "he days of eaceful Muslims livin# side by side with their Eewish nei#hbors were numbered.

Damascus, Syria became the head&uarters for anti( Semitic activities for the Middle Aast. In 2379, a .a@i dele#ation arrived that ste ed u the ro a#anda. Muslim youth or#ani@ations and summer cam s were established and used .a@i emblems, names and uniforms. "he youn# cam ers were soon trained to become a owerful terroristQmilitant #rou I the Arab .ational Mouth Fr#ani@ation. "he .a@is established scholarshi s for Arab students and invited the bri#htest and most romisin# Arab students to leadershi seminars in %ermany. Moun# Muslim leaders were invited to .urember# olitical rallies and %erman military units. "he most im ortant link between the %ermans and Muslims was the ro a#anda le#acy and its influence on !estern ,ournalists.

&i'ure 4/! 0erman Youth in a Na<i +ummer Cam,. Moun# teens were indoctrinated to hate Eews in the 2375s, a trainin# method imitated by the *alestinian leaders to train *alestinian youth. 2375s ( 23J5sG *ersecution of Eews in Muslim 0ountries As %erman and Arabic anti(Semitic broadcasts were aired around the world, ersecution increased for Eews livin# in Muslim countries. "hey suffered from confiscated ro erty

and businesses, unem loyment, lynchin# and im risonment. %irls were often ra ed as their families were forced to watch. As in the days of Muhammad, any Muslim could file a char#e a#ainst a Eew or 0hristian, but neither could brin# a char#e a#ainst a Muslim. Syna#o#ues and homes were firebombed. Met in the midst of this hatred, they were seldom ermitted to leave. "hose who did mana#e to esca e did so only with the clothes on their backs. 2375sG Eews 0ontinue to )eturn to *alestine "he ersecution and fear of an unknown future drove thousands of Eews to *alestine and the =nited States. -etween 2377 and 237: the annual immi#ration in *alestine rose from 75,555 to 42,555. "herefore, under Arab ressure the -ritish restricted Eewish immi#ration to *alestine to 9:,555 for the ne+t five years, or 2:,555 er year, and those immi#rants would be sub,ect to Arab ac&uiescence' B ermissionD. -oth the Arabs and Eewish eo le erceived the -ritish to be masters of double(talk. "he -ritish <orei#n Fffice determined that no %erman Eews were ermitted to immi#rate to *alestine.274 All other Eewish eo le in Auro e would be returned to their ort of ori#in and then to a concentration cam . In fact, the -ritish informed the .a@is of boatloads of Eews who mana#ed to esca e. Aventually the world would reali@e that esca in# Eewish eo le often died on shi s because they had no food or water. -odies were thrown overboard and world o inion went a#ainst the -ritish. "o #et out of the mess, they eventually #ave the entire *alestinian roblem to the =nited .ations. 2374 ( 2373G *eel 0ommissionG Arab )iots in *alestine A commission was established in 2374 with ;ord Aarl *eel as chairman to determine international boundary lines for future Muslim states and Israel. In an effort to a ease all concerned and end the violence, the *eel 0ommission concluded that the Eewish eo le would receive fifteen ercent of the land and the Arabs would receive the remainin# ei#hty(five ercent of what was romised to the Eews in 2366 BMa 4D. In essence, the *eel 0ommission

*eters, 783.


recommended a "wo(State Solution. "he Eews acce ted it but the Arabs refused, wantin# the entire land for themselves and romised to kill every Eew. -y this time a attern be#an to emer#e, the Arabs consistently refused any land for eace' a#reement.
-n 1&2# the Arabs reFected a Two-9tate 9olution"

Page 1)2

"he roverbial bottom line' of this tan#led and com le+ olitical three(rin# circus is thisG <irst, Arabs and Eews could not live to#ether in eace. Second, if the *alestinian Arabs would have acce ted the *eel 0ommissions recommendation on dividin# the land, they would have received about 8: ercent of what is today Israel and would have had their own state by 2379. -ut they refused and incited more violence. In res onse to the *eal 0ommission, Arabs initiated a revolt from 2374 to 2373. )iots and labor strikes intensified with the assistance of mercenaries from A#y t, Syria, Iran, Ira& and Saudi Arabia who were em loyed by the %rand Mufti Husseini and aid by %ermany.279 Husseinis forces attacked Eewish settlements located within the areas of -ritish rotection, but the -ritish as usual did little or nothin# to hel the Eews. Durin# these years, the #rand mufti ersonally murdered J2: Eews.278 "he -ritish finally res onded, but the mufti esca ed and went to -erlin. 2374 ( 2378G 0ol. 0harles Fdre !in#ate and the Arab )iots !hen the Eews left Auro e, they were for the most art socialistic and acifistic. "heir hel lessness became a arent durin# the Arab riots of 2374(73 when -ritish 0ol. !in#ate was stationed in Eerusalem. He was aware of the mountin# roblems in Auro e and that the Arabs were unitin# with the %ermans. Cnowin# that -ritain could not fi#ht both the Arabs
279 278

*eters, 745$ Meir(;evi, 8(25. %lick, 2:.


and the %ermans, he redicted the -ritish troo s in *alestine would be transferred to fi#ht in %ermany. !ere that to ha en, he reasoned, the Eews would be defenseless. "herefore, he ersonally trained about fifty men in military science, who in 23J8, were instrumental in Israels success in fi#htin# its !ar of Inde endence. Most notably, he tau#ht them how to fi#ht at ni#ht and that a darin# and focused offensive was better than the best defense. "oday 0ol. !in#ate, who was an evan#elical 0hristian, is honored as the <ather of the Israeli Army.' 2379 ( 2378G Muslim )eli#ious ;eaders Attacked Husseini did not tolerate anyone, includin# moderate Muslims, who failed to fully endorse his a#enda. If he sus ected anyone of bein# less than com liant, a bullet or sword would resolve the roblem.' -etween <ebruary of 2379 and the end of 2378 eleven moderate Muslims BArabicG mu2htarsD and their families were systematically e+ecuted, includin# sheikhs and court ,ud#es. Also murdered was the -ritish District 0ommissioner for %alilee, ;ewis Andrews, who was #unned down in front of his church. Some estimates e+ceed 855 eo le, includin# Arab and Eewish civilians as well as -ritish officials, who died in this brief time at the commands of Eerusalems %rand Mufti Husseini.273 "here is little need to &uestion why moderate Muslims today refer not to make their o inions ublically known.

The >rand 6ufti 4uss eini of $erusalem made fa scism in - slamic societ+ fashionable"

Page ///

Husseini lived accordin# to Sharia ;aw. His methodolo#y of controllin# eo le and ne#otiatin# with the enemy was no different than that of Muhammad or of the twelfth century %ashshashin assassins. ;ikewise, it is no different today with the terrorist #rou s such as the

*eters, 72J, 765.


*alestinian Authority, Hamas, al(?aeda, the He@bollah, the Muslim -rotherhood and similar or#ani@ations. 2378G 0hamberlains *eace "reaty with Hitler "he -ritish heard and observed Adol h Hitler and were fearful of a comin# conflict. "herefore, they sent *rime Minister .eville 0hamberlain B2379(23J5D to meet with Hitler to ne#otiate a treaty. It was in -ritains best interest not to have a war with %ermany while it was attem tin# to settle conflicts in *alestine. !hat resulted was a classic e+am le of a land for eace' treaty. 0hamberlain would #ive the Sudetenland re#ion of 0@echoslovakia to %ermany if Hitler romised eace. "hey a#reed and 0hamberlain thou#ht he avoided war. !hen he returned home he said that he had a series of meetin#s with the honorable' Mr. Hitler where the conversation was forthri#ht and honest. He concluded that he had secured eace in our time.' He was hailed as a hero but the ink was not even dry when %ermany en#a#ed -ritain in the conflict and 0hamberlain was hailed as a fool.


&i'ure 43! A$olf itler an$ Neville Chamberlain . In 2378 they a#reed on a land for eace' a#reement in -erchtes#aden, %ermany, wherein the <uehrer com letely deceived the -ritish *rime Minister. "odays ne#otiators in !ashin#ton and ;ondon are, in essence, neo(0hamberlains. "hey are driven by a willin#ness to a ease, which Muslims erceive as weakness of character and unwillin#ness to fi#ht. <urthermore, whoever does create eace or the illusion of it, will most certainly be hailed as a #lobal hero. Hence, eace ne#otiators in reality encoura#e Muslims to rise and become more steadfast in their demands. "o make matters worse, todays ,ournalists, educators and oliticians re,ect the ossibility that Islam is a dan#er. ;ikewise numerous 0hristian and Eewish cler#y embrace this osition. Islamic stren#th lies in the fact that !esterners are willin# to be deceived. "he im ortant lesson that Hitler tau#ht, that !estern oliticians have failed to learn, is if you try to a ease the a##ressor by makin# concessions to his demands, he will erceive this as weakness on your art, and it will encoura#e him to make #reater demands and eventually resort to violence. "his mistake has been re eated by Israel I nearly every time she makes eace with the *alestinians, there is an increase of violence. Met !estern nations continue to ressure her for a eace a#reement, and critici@e her for defendin# herself a#ainst terrorists.
- n the 1&2 s 4itler was both unappeasable and undeterrable as are the 6usl ims toda+"


2373G Husseinis %reat Asca e and the Muslim(%erman Military Divisions -y now the %rand Mufti had committed so many acts of terror that the -ritish des erately wanted to ca ture him. However, with the hel of some -ritish officers and #ettin# dressed in the #arb of an Arab woman, he conveniently esca ed to -erlin where he remained for three years and

re orted directly to Adolf Hitler. "here he was trained in %erman es iona#e, military science and in the creation of anti(Semitic ro a#anda and disinformation ro#rams. He was #iven documents to travel unnoticed throu#hout Islamic countries where he visited mos&ues to recruit men for the %erman military. He was so hi#hly successful that he recruited enou#h volunteers to form two of Hitlers ei#ht military divisions under %erman commanders. "hey came from local and distant communities, some as far as India. He also or#ani@ed the -osnian Muslim SS division Bnotorious for atrocities in its own ri#ht a#ainst Serbs, Eewish eo le and #y siesD.2J5 "housands ,oined the %erman(s onsored military units.2J2 "hese horrific actions olari@ed ethnic #rou s that once lived to#ether in harmony. 0onse&uently, the actions of the #rand mufti were the root cause of the 2385s and 2335s civil unrest in Serbia, -osnia and 0roatia. Hitler told Husseini that .a@i %ermanys only aim in con&uerin# *alestine was to eradicate the Eewish resence. After that, the country would be Husseinis to rule as he saw fit. As !orld !ar II came to a close and it was clear the .a@is were #oin# to lose, the -ritish authorities in the Middle Aast were #oin# to ermit Husseini return. -ut the Allied owers allowed him to flee to Syria and did not ursue a criminal investi#ation even thou#h there was an endless su ly of evidence. He lived in several laces includin# -eirut ;ebanon, where he died in 239J as a hero. His le#acy is as influential today as it was when he ersonally terrori@ed both Arabs and Eews.


<or further study see Eonathan "ri##. %itlers Jihadis, Muslim 5olunteers of the SS. %istor& Press, :BBE.

Aaron ;erner, Director IM)A BInde endent Media )eview P AnalysisD imra^ a#er 57(4254444 subscriber J822. !ebsiteG htt )etrieved <ebruary 65, 6557.


&i'ure 44! usseini)s Islamic*Na<i &la' . "his #rainy hoto#ra h of the Muftis Islamic(.a@i fla# with the Swastika and sword foreshadowed todays Israeli( *alestinian conflict. Muslim fla#s fre&uently feature the sword I a symbol of the war(#od Allah.

&i'ure 46! 0ran$ "ufti usseini ins,ects Na<i "uslims! "hey were the Han@arest Division of .a@i Muslims. "he Mufti recruited enou#h Arab men to establish two of Hitlers ei#ht military divisions. He also

lanned to build a .a@i(style concentration cam *alestine.


"he Mufti was active with the .a@is until the %erman defeat in May of 23J:. He was #iven considerable sums of money to maintain himself, his entoura#e, and to set u offices he called the -uro der %rossmufti' that is, the -ureau of the Hi#hest Mufti. In return, he made ro a#anda broadcasts to the Arab world over )adio -erlin with a sin#le theme, Cill Eews wherever you find them.' 0learly todays conflict about the so(called Israeli occu ation of the !est -ank has nothin# to do with occu ation of the re#ion, but with removal of the Eewish eo le from the entire Middle Aast as in the days of Hitler.

1id +ou ,now that two of 4itler.s eight militar+ divisions were Arab men recruited b + the >rand 6ufti of $erusalem/

Page 8

2373G *resident )oosevelt noted hi#h Arab immi#ration Due to the recent hi#h rate of Arab immi#ration, in May *resident )oosevelt sent a memo to his secretary of state sayin# that the Arab immi#ration into *alestine since 2362 has vastly e+ceeded the total Eewish immi#ration durin# this whole eriod.'2J6 "his memo contradicts todays *alestinian ar#ument that they are lon# term residents of *alestine and that only a few Arabs immi#rated in the 65 th century. 2373G "he %overnment !hite *a erG "he "e+t for the Mandate for *alestine "he -ritish chose to for#et that in 2366 they established Eordan for the *alestinian Arabs. .ow, in a feeble attem t to maintain a balance between Eews and Arabs, they ublished another !hite *a er' on May 28. It stated that the -ritish intention was not that *alestine as a whole

.etanyahu, 74.


should be converted into the Eewish national home, but that a home should be established in *alestine.' "his osition was directly o osite of the -alfour Declaration, but was ty ical of -ritish fli (flo olicies. In the meantime, Auro ean Eews stru##led to esca e death and return to their ancient homeland. Decades of dishonesty and broken contracts were takin# its toll. Met a #rowin# number of -ritish officials reali@ed that Arab claims were either inflated or outri#ht false. "he essential attitude of the -ritish was that they did not like the Eews or the Arabs. -ut of the two, they favored the Arabs only sli#htly more than the Eews. .o lon#er did ;ondon su ort the Eews in *alestine as an e+cuse to maintain a foothold to rotect the Sue@ 0anal. In back room discussions, Arab oil was the olicy maker.

&i'ure 4:! The +hi, Parita. "his shi sailed from )omania with 8:5 Eewish immi#rants aboard. After forty days at sea and evadin# the -ritish blockade, it arrived in "el Aviv on Au#ust 66, 2373. *alestinian Eews on the beach hel ed the immi#rants wade to the shore. It is one of only ten success stories of the ille#al immi#ration. Fne must &uestion if the -ritish, who were fi#htin# the %ermans, were in fact silently workin# with them to

e+terminate the Eews. "his certainly a ears to be the case, and eventually became an embarrassment when the world reali@ed the -ritish were not only indifferent to the li#ht of the Eews, but indirectly hel ed send thousands to their deaths. "he -ritish were des erately searchin# for a *alestinian solution and called for another meetin# with both Eews and Arabs. !hen the Arab dele#ation arrived, they refused to be seated in the same room as the Eews. "hey also demanded that all Eews who arrived in *alestine since the 2885s be de orted, that current immi#ration of Eews be immediately halted and that land sales to them be terminated. <urthermore, they demanded that *alestine become an Arab rovince, meanin# it would be art of another Arab nation and not an inde endent soverei#n state. As a result of the meetin#, the -ritish a#ain decreed to #reatly curtail the number of Eewish immi#rants and romised to establish an Arab rovince within a decade. Eewish land urchases were restricted and Eewish eo le were ermitted to occu y only limited areas of the land. 2J7 In essence, the -ritish a#ain backed off from their -alfour Declaration. "his decision could not have come at a worse time as .a@i death(cam s were o eratin# at nearly full ca acity. "he -ritish decision was res onsible for the deaths of untold thousands of Eews who tried des erately to esca e the iron hand of Hitlers henchmen.


Isaacs and Flit@ky, 657(22.


&i'ure 4=! LE&T: The shi, Jewish State. "his shi arrived in *alestine with J,:55 starvin# assen#ers where -ritish troo s stood waitin# to arrest them. "housands were sent back to Auro e where they died in Hitlers #as chambers. &i'ure 4>! RI0 T: Refu'ees $ie$ onboar$ shi,! Due to the lack of food and water on the shi Jewish State, many died en route to *alestine. .ot all members of the -ritish *arliament were leased with the !hite *a er. Some called it a breach of revious led#es, not only to the Eews, but also to the ;ea#ue of .ations. .o lon#er was -ritain interested in the establishment of a Eewish nation. "he Arabs were an#ry

about the new document as Husseini called for all or nothin#. Interestin#ly, while they called for an Arab rovince in *alestine, they never re&uested a soverei#n state called *alestine.' "he Arabs a#ain resented the ar#ument of curtailin# Eewish immi#ration due to the limited economic ca acity' of the land. "his was in s ite of the fact that Arabs were comin# in from other countries. "o settle the matter, Dr. !alter 0lay ;owdermilkr, an e+ ert American soil scientist, visited *alestine to e+amine various soil com ositions and structures. His conclusions were written in a a er entitled Palestine, 1and of Promise. He stated that, while in 2373 *alestine had a o ulation of 2.: million, the land could su ort five million with a ro riate reforestation, conservation and irri#ation. "he -ritish i#nored his research and favored the Arabs. Mears later, the -ritish confessed the !hite *a er was an attem t to #ain Arab su ort for fi#htin# %ermany. "he !estern nations caved in to Arab ressures ,ust as they fre&uently do today.

&i'ure 4?! 5e#s mourn at 1echariah)s Tomb! Ham ered by the -ritish !hite *a er of 2373 which severely restricted Eewish immi#ration to *alestine,

Eews #ather at the tomb of >echariah in the Cidron /alley east of the Fld 0ity of Eerusalem, to mourn those who died in the Holocaust. "hey recalled the words of the ro het B>ech. 8G9(8D s oken in earlier times of ersecution. 2373G !ashin#ton ;imits Immi#ration to the =nited States Eust as thousands of Eewish eo le were #oin# to *alestine, thousands more were leavin# )ussia for the =nited States. In fact, so many settled in -rooklyn, that local oliticians became worried and a ealed to !ashin#ton to curtail their influ+. In A ril the =nited States 0on#ress held hearin#s on whether to admit 65,555 Eewish children to esca e the Holocaust. Shamefully, the 0on#ress voted .o.' As if that was not bad enou#h, in 23J2, instead of makin# immi#ration easier for Eewish eo le, the =S assed new immi#ration laws that made it nearly im ossible for any Auro ean Eew to come to America! As if workin# in unison, %ermany was the e+terminator of Eews while -ritain was the ower that revented their esca e. "he American and Allied lanes bombed %erman factories and military installations, but never bombed the concentration cam s or the railroads that brou#ht Eews to their deaths. It a ears that the Americans and Allies were concerned only for their own welfare and showed no concern for the slau#hter. How can Americans say there isnt any Eewish blood on their handsH How many died in the %erman #as chambers because of direct olitical actions of AmericaH ;ittle wonder that many Israelis have no faith in either -ritish or American oliticians. "he hauntin# &uestion remains as to why the Allies didnt bomb concentration cam s or the railroad tracks leadin# to the cam s. "hey could have saved thousands, erha s millions of lives. "oday, as if workin# in unison, radical Muslims are the e+terminators of Israel while Auro e and the =nited States cons ire on a number of si#nificant ointsG 2. "hey ressure Israel to surrender lands critical to her defense.


6. Auro e and the =S surrender to Islamic states and conse&uently demand a two(state system even thou#h a soverei#n *alestinian state was established in 2366. 7. "hey critici@e Israel for defendin# herself a#ainst thousands of terrorist attacks. J. "he !est #ives millions of dollars and Auros to Muslim terrorist #rou s. :. And finally, Auro e and the =nited States are effectively settin# u conditions that a ear to lead Israel to her demise unless there is a divine intervention. "o add insult to in,ury, some churches have a#reed to ,oin the anti(Israel lea#ue. "he &uestion is not if the ne+t Holocaust can be avoided, but do eo le reali@e that the world is now actively re arin# for a Second HolocaustH

&i'ure 6@! DWill #e live to see the liberation.E "he &uestion, written in Hebrew, on a drawin# found at


the -er#en(-elson 0oncen(tration 0am reveals that Eewish ca tives saw Allied lanes durin# the war.
*h+ did the American and other Al lies not bomb the railroads that too, $ews to concentra tion camps/

Page 82

In the meantime, the =S State De artment and *resident )oosevelt were indifferent at best. "he Auro ean Eews were in a des erate situation. "he =S had limited the number of Eewish immi#rants, most other nations did not want them either, and the -ritish established limitations on immi#ration to *alestine. Aven -ritain succumbed to Arab ressures and refused Eewish entry. "hose who had any kind of freedom considered their o tions and, in s ite of the faults of the -ritish, enlisted in the -ritish army to fi#ht the .a@is. In reality, all the nations of the world were a#ainst them. It is only by Divine #race that they survived.


&i'ure 6(! Na<i Poster! A .a@i oster titled, "he Eewish *lot' im lies the three owers a#ainst %ermany I the =nited States, -ritain, and the Soviet =nion I are mani ulated by an international Eewish cons iracy. "o the left of -aruch' is a list of trusted' aides of =S *resident <ranklin )oosevelt. "o the ri#ht of Moses( Sohn' is a ca tion that states, "he ma,ority of leadin# officials within the Soviet union are EewsR Fut of :57 #overnment officials, J54 are EewsR' "he Second !orld !ar laced international attention to >ionism on hold. "he -ritish were forced to relocate their troo s from *alestine to the war front in Auro e. It was their way to weasel out of the Middle Aast and leave the Eews to fend for themselves. "hey had not re ared the Eews to defend themselves althou#h a few -ritish officers, at #reat ersonal risk, trained some Eews in military science. .either had the -ritish #iven them any military e&ui ment nor other su lies. In essence, the Eews were u for a slau#hter. If they were #oin# to survive, it would only be by a miracle since the -ritish did whatever they could to insure an Arab victory. It is a myth that the Eews had su erior military e&ui ment and #reater man ower$ a fanciful dream.

2373G 5o&a/e of the (amned 0learly, it was not only %ermany that was res onsible for the deaths of thousands. Due to various #overnmental olicies, -ritain, the =S and the Soviet =nion were also res onsible for these deaths. )e#ardless of the rhetoric of oliticians, they were well aware of the #enocide in %ermany and did nothin#. "he &uestion is, If Hitler would not have had a &uest to ac&uire more land mass to his em ire and if he sim ly e+terminated Eews in %ermany, would there have been a warH' An e+am le of horrific #overnmental olicies is that of the assen#er shi SS St. ;ouis. "he SS St. ;ouis left Hambur# %ermany with 375 Eewish refu#ees, who were bound for 0uba seekin# olitical asylum or entrance as tourists. = on arrival in Havana, only

63 were ermitted to disembark, as the 0uban #overnment attem ted to levy a ]:55 entrance fee from each assen#er ... "he shi then attem ted to sail to the =S, but America not only refused their entry, but even fired a warnin# shot to send them away from American shores. 2JJ In fact, all countries in the !estern Hemis here denied them landin# ri#hts. In the meantime, livin# conditions on the shi were so horrible and the tensions so hi#h, that two assen#ers committed suicide. "he shi eventually docked in Antwer , -el#ium, nearly five weeks after leavin# Hambur# to unload its human car#o. <rom there some found refu#e in -ritain, some in <rance, but most others were in hidin#. Ff the ori#inal assen#er list, a ro+imately 6:5 either died in .a@i cam s or in their attem ts to flee from the ursuin# SS troo s. "he sa#a of this horrific voya#e became the sub,ect of a 239J book by %ordon "homas and Ma+ Mor#an !itts, 5o&a/e of the (amned. In 2394 I"0 Antertainment roduced a film by the same name. "he entire sa#a reveals that many nations were a#ainst the Auro ean Eews, and in similar manner, today a #rowin# number of nations are a#ainst the Eewish state. "he &uestion no lon# is whether there will be a Second Holocaust, but when. 2373G Eewish )estraint <ails "he Eews were forced to actively rotect themselves. ;eo old Amery, a member of the -ritish *arliament, stated that the Eewish eo le held an almost unbelievable self( restraint' a#ainst Arab violence and atrocities. 2J: Met out of frustration and des eration, several Eews or#ani@ed themselves into a defense force, and at times functioned as a counter(terrorist #rou that co ied Arab techni&ues. !hile these actions were minimal, they have been remembered by Muslim ro a#andists for the killin# of innocent civilians in the Arab villa#e of Deir Massin. "he tra#edy occurred in 23J8 after the !ar of Inde endence had be#un. Deir Massin was located on a hillto alon# the main road to Eerusalem, and as such, was an im ortant military site. Most re orts indicate that between 259 and 262 civilians were killed. "he carna#e
2JJ 2J:

<alcon and -latner, 285. *eters, 7:J.


has often been e+a##erated while similar actions by the Arabs were either underre orted or not re orted at all. <or e+am le, !alter Adward %uinness, also known as the <irst ;ord Moyne, was a leadin# -ritish anti(Semite and res onsible for the enforcement of the 2373 !hite *a er. His actions led directly to the deaths of untold thousands in the Holocaust. In reven#e, two Eewish assassins ended his life on .ovember 4, 23JJ, while he was visitin# 0airo, A#y t. 23J5G "he 0ommand !hite *a er$ Arab Immi#ration "he 0ommand !hite *a er was the enforcement document of the 2373 %overnment !hite *a er. It too rohibited the sale of land by Arabs to Eews, but did not indicate that any Arab land was stolen by Eews, as is commonly touted today by history re(constructionists. It also restricted Eewish immi#ration. In the meantime, unofficially the -ritish field commanders continued to encoura#e more Arabs, A#y tians, Assyrians and Syrians to come to *alestine. "herefore, as stated reviously, the *alestinians of today are not of a ure Arab stock, but a mi+ed edi#ree of various Arab and non(Arab Islamic eo le #rou s. 23J2G "he MuftiG /illain and Hero "he waverin# olicies and blunders of the -ritish continued to bo##le even the most incom etent minds. "here was no &uestion that the Eerusalems Islamic reli#ious leader was ersonally res onsible for hundreds, if not thousands of deaths, not to mention numerous riots. <or that reason, in Fctober, %eneral !avell, commander of the -ritish Middle Aast forces, offered a reward of ]255,555 B6:,555 oundsD for the ca ture of the %rand Mufti Husseini, dead or alive. However, the -ritish #overnment was far more concerned about access to Arabian oil and &uietly allied itself with the Mufti.2J4 Hence, the -ritish su orted the cleric while one of its hi#hest rankin# officers offered a hu#e reward for his ca ture. "he -ritish circus continued. In the meantime, Husseini romoted the slo#an


Immanuel /elikovsky. State De t. 0onceals *romised !hite *a er -ook$ =ses !hitewash Instead.' The New @or2 Post. <eb. 67, 23J8.


man without land is a man without A man without honor is better off dead.


23J5sG "he Holocaust Hitler firmly believed that the %erman eo le were the urest human race on the face of the earth, much like Muhammad tau#ht his men that they were the urest men on earth. "he <uehrers #oal was to remove all im ure humans from the Auro ean continent. Hence, a -erlin radio broadcaster was heard to say, It is our aim to e+terminate the Eews. !hether we win Zthe war[ or are defeated, we must and will reach this aim. Should the %erman armies be forced to retreat, they shall on their way wi e the last Eew off the earth.'2J9 Hitler reali@ed that there were sim ly too many Eews in Auro e for his e+ecution method, so he desi#ned a roduction line for death. !hile fatalities by a bullet would have been the most economically feasible, he reali@ed that married soldiers with children mi#ht dislike killin# women and children. "herefore, he decided to use the esticide >yklon - in #as chambers on Eews. "he ro het Eeremiah authored the book of ;amentations when he saw the tra#ic destruction of Solomons "em le and the city of Eerusalem. "he words he enned 6,455 years a#o had a#ain become reality. His descri tion of the sufferin# of his eo le was re eated in %ermany. My eyes fail from wee in#, I am in torment, my heart is oured out on the #round because my eo le are destroyed, BandD because children and infants faint in the streets of the city. All your enemies o en their mouths wide a#ainst you$ they scoff and #nash their teeth and say, !e have swallowed her u . "his is the day we have waited for$ we have lived to see it.' ;amentations 6G22, 24 After the war, ima#es of the Holocaust stunned the world while its leaders claimed i#norance. Ima#es of concentration cam s struck a nerve in the hearts of millions

=ssher, 252.


as they reali@ed the horrible sufferin#s the Eews endured. "he com assionate hearts of millions finally reali@ed and a#reed that the Eewish eo le needed a nation of their own. As has often been said, !orld !ar I re ared the land for the eo le and !orld !ar II re ared the eo le for the land.' More s ecifically, !orld !ar I freed the land from Islamic Fttoman control and !orld !ar II created #lobal em athy that hel ed them establish a national homeland. "he third element is that ersecution in 0ommunist and Muslim nations drove them to it. Met in the midst of these events, there were those who felt they had an inner yearnin# to return to the *romised ;and of their ancestors.


&i'ure 6/! Left: olocaust Prisoners Intervie#e$ b% an American +er'eant! "he Ser#eant s eaks to a newly liberated risoner in the -uchenwald, %ermany death cam on A ril 22, 23J:. "he risoner said he lost 225 ounds. &i'ure 63! Ri'ht: Prisoners free$ from Ausch#it<. "he )ussian Army on Eanuary 23J: freed

Eews from Auschwit@. Many were dressed in ra#s and were near the oint of starvation. 23J5sG %erman(Arab Alliance to Aliminate Eews in *alestine -oth Hitler and Husseini believed the Eews were co( cons irators with the )ussian 0ommunists for a lanned Eudeo(0ommunist Am ire. Accordin# to )obert S. !istrichs %itler and the %olocaust, Hitler was ositively effusive in e+ lainin# ... the rationale for the anti(Eewish crusade that he was conductin#. Hitler asked the Mufti to lock Vinto the uttermost de ths of his heart the information that Vhe would carry on the battle for the total destruction of the Eudeo( 0ommunist Am ire. He romised that when the hour of Arab liberation struck, the sole %erman ob,ective in the Middle Aast would be the destruction of the Eewish element residin# in the Arab s here.'2J8 Fn .ovember 68, 23J2, the Mufti cons ired with Hitler to build #as chambers in the Dothan /alley near Eenin, a few miles south of the infamous Me#iddo, to annihilate Eewish eo le who returned to Israel. However, the lans were never com leted due to %ermanys defeat. "he mufti intervened several times with %erman and Italian ministers and A+is satellite #overnments in Hun#ary, -ul#aria and )umania to revent Eewish eo le from leavin# the A+is domain. He s ecifically described Eewish children as a dan#er and ur#ed that they be sent to *oland where they would be under active su ervision.' It is likely, if not certain, that he ersonally visited one or more murder cam s. Documents demonstrate that members of his entoura#e were escorted by SS officers. Accordin# to the Muftis diary, Hitler said to him, I am ha y O that you are O with the A+is owers. "he hour will strike when you will be the lord of the su reme word and not only the conveyer of our declarations O I am ha y that you are O now in a osition to add your stren#th to the common cause. 2J3

A book review and &uotation by Alliot Ea#er. A History that %ra les with V!hy' Jerusalem Post. A ril 23, 6556, a#e 72. Ea#er cited )obert S. !istrich. %itler and the %olocaust. Modern ;ibrary, 6556.

*eters, 747, 796.


"he Mufti offered Hitler his thanks for the sym athy which he had always shown for the Arab and es ecially *alestinian cause, and to which he had #iven clear e+ ression in his ublic s eeches.... "he Arabs were %ermanySs natural friends because they had the same enemies as had %ermany, namely .... the Eews ....' "o this Hitler re liedG %ermany stood for uncom romisin# war a#ainst the Eews. "hat naturally included active o osition to the Eewish national home in *alestine....%ermany would furnish ositive and ractical aid to the Arabs involved in the same stru##le.... %ermanySs ob,ective Zis[...solely the destruction of the Eewish element residin# in the Arab s here.... In that hour the Mufti would be the most authoritative s okesman for the Arab world. 2:5 "he Mufti thanked Hitler rofusely. "oday radical Muslims still have the assion to com lete the work started by Husseini and Hitler. <or decades Muslim clerics have been outs oken in their sermons concernin# the destruction of the Eewish eo le and Israel. In 23J8 the %rand Mufti said, "he entire Eewish o ulation in *alestine must be destroyed or be driven into the sea. Allah has bestowed on us the rare rivile#e of finishin# what Hitler only be#an. ;et the Jihad be#in. Murder the Eews. Murder 2:2 them allR


)ecord of the 0onversation -etween the <uhrer and the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem on .ovember 68, 23J2, in the *resence of )eich <orei#n Minister and Minister %robba in -erlin, (ocuments on +erman *orei/n Polic&, 7E7F4 7E;G, Series D, /ol. NIII, ;ondon, 234J, See also ;ac&uer, 93(8J.

%rant, :7. %rant has numerous &uotations by Muslims who called for the com lete destruction of the Eewish nation.


&i'ure 64! The "ufti an$ A$olf itler! "his #rainy hoto#ra h is the only one in e+istence of the %rand Mufti Husseini and Adolf Hitler as they lanned to build a concentration cam in the Dothan /alley near Eenin in *alestine Bsouth of the infamous /alley of Arma#eddonD. A oint of interest is that Eenin is located a few miles south of the /alley of Me#iddo, more commonly known as Arma#eddon, an a ocaly tic site of the future. Some have observed that the -attle of Arma#eddon, when the nations that will come a#ainst Israel, is located near Eenin. It is the site where Eews the nations' lanned to e+terminate *alestinian Eews. In essence, the enemies of the Eews will be destroyed where once Eews were su osed to have been destroyed.


-s la mic propagandi sts promote the idea that the 4olocaust never ha ppened even though thei r >rand 6ufti planned to build a concentrati on camp in Palesti ne"

Page &1

23J:G -ritish *romise to Hel Eews "he ;abor *arty came to ower in -ritain under the cam ai#n romise that they would reverse the 2373 !hite *a er, ermit immi#ration and su ort a Eewish state. However, once in office they rene#ed on their romises and increased efforts to sto immi#ration. "his united various >ionist under#round or#ani@ations in *alestine and, as a sin#le force they bombed train stations, officers clubs and eventually the Cin# David Hotel. -ritish citi@ens, now aware a#ain of the lies and failures of their #overnment and havin# #reat sym athy for the Eews, ressured their #overnment to #et out of *alestine. !!II AraG Some Muslims Hel Eews In s ite of the hate(filled rhetoric by %erman and Islamic leaders, some Albanian Muslims chose to shelter Eews. At #reat ersonal risk of life, they cared for and rotected Eews. It a ears this was not a concerted effort, but various families sim ly did what they thou#ht was an a ro riate res onse to a dire human need. In 6559, Mad /ashem Bthe Holocaust Museum in EerusalemD, honored 47 Albanian Muslims for shelterin# Eews durin# !!II. "hey are amon# the 66,555 ri#hteous #entiles' who defied their #overnments and saved Eewish eo le. If only the 0hurch as a whole had done as well, millions of Eewish and non(Eewish lives would have been saved. 23J6(23J:G "he Manhattan *ro,ect Am owers a <uture Israel !hile the =nited States was embroiled in a war with both Ea an and %ermany, it a eared as if the entire #lobe had eru ted in chaos. Aarly in this war, =S *resident <ranklin D. )oosevelt was informed of the otential of &uickly brin#in# to#ether a sufficient mass of element 67:(uranium as a

wea on of mass destruction. He #ave it little or no attention until he learned that the %ermans were researchin# and develo in# the same wea on. "herefore, in Eune of 23J6, he ordered the Army 0or of An#ineers to make an all out effort to build the first atomic bomb. "heir head&uarters were in the -orou#h of Manhattan of .ew Mork 0ity, hence the name, Manhattan *ro,ect.' "he 0or ac&uired the best research hysicists from around the world, includin# several Eewish scientists and three <rench hysicists. "he bomb was develo ed and used twice in Ea an, brin#in# a &uick end to the war in the *acific. "he hysicists then returned to their home countries. ;ater in Fctober of 23J:, <rench *resident 0harles De %aulle established the <rench Atomic Aner#y A#ency. "he hi#hly secretive a#ency included several Eewish and <rench hysicists who had reviously worked on the Manhattan *ro,ect. A decade later, after the 23:4 Sinai !ar, the <rench develo ed and tested their atomic wea ons. !ith their shared technolo#y, Israel came into the Atomic A#e. "he hysicists worked so closely to#ether that it has been said their coo eration brou#ht two nations into the atomic a#e. Met, as will be shown, Muslim leaders were not concerned about Israel havin# nuclear wea ons, because they knew the Eews would not strike them. Fnly when the Shiite Muslims of Iran be#an nuclear research did the Sunni Muslims Bi.e., Saudi Arabia, A#y t, etc.D be#in their &uest for nuclear wea ons. In essence, Arabs fear other Arabs with nuclear wea ons more than they fear a nuclear Israel. "hat should s eak volumes to eace ne#otiators.

Arabs fear other Arabs with nuclear weapons more than the + fear a nuclear -srael"

Page 1&3

"he irony is that since 655:, stated that Israels nuclear ca ability Aast eace. In fact, ,ust the o osite Israel had this o tion has ke t Islamic

several nations have is a threat to Middle is true. "he fact that states from attackin#

her. It is the Shiite Iranians who are the nuclear threat to eace, but there is hardly a olitical leader who will admit this. In the meantime, a number of Sunni states are deli#hted that Israel has them as a deterrent a#ainst the Iranians. Should Israel have a military conflict with Iran, it will be a si#h of relief for the Sunni Arabs. The "atter of Ethics an$ "oralit% Many &uestioned how the Holocaust could have ha ened in a so(called 0hristian nation$ a nation that was instrumental in the reli#ious revival of the %reat )eformation and led the world in art, science and cultureH It would a ear that a rimary difference between Adolf Hitler and the 0hurch is that Hitler decreed the mass e+termination cam s. !hereas the 0rusaders, )ussians and others burned syna#o#ues filled with Eewish eo le, Hitler erfected the art of #enocide. Fne must wonder, if the historic 0hurch had 2375s %erman technolo#y, would the Eewish eo le have met the same fate under a o e or another 0hurch officialH It is ridiculous to classify all 0hristians of the ast 6,555 years into a stereoty ed mold that reflects little Hitlers,' yet this is the challen#e. <or many Eewish eo le today, this is how they view 0hristianity. "he challen#e for the true 0hristian is to overcome this incredible ne#ative bias and aint a icture of what the true Eesus was like. 0hristianity did not create the horrors of !orld !ar II %ermany. "he horrors were caused by those who used the 0hurch for their own evil ends. However, without centuries of 0hristian anti(Semitism firmly rooted in Auro ean culture, the Holocaust would have been inconceivable. "he fact is that man is inherently evil in his heart. Hitlers #enocide was never front( a#e news and was rarely mentioned, even thou#h u er echelon media e+ecutives and re orters were well aware of it. Aven more shameful is that the 0hurch was es ecially silent. ?uestions remain unanswered to this day. !hy did so few in %ermany rotestH !hy were so many astors silent durin# this era of mass killin#sH !hy did the =S free@e Auro ean &uotasH !hy did the -ritish free@e Eewish immi#ration to *alestineH !hy did the world do nothin#H "he answer may lie in the fact that the world did nothin# twenty years earlier when the youn#

"urks #ot away with ethnic cleansin# a#ainst the Armenians. Cnowin# this, Hitler had a #reen li#ht to #o full steam ahead. Althou#h there was no concerted effort made ublic amon# %ermany, -ritain and the =nited States, it certainly a ears that there may have been a secret a#reementG the -ritish revents their immi#ration to *alestine, and !ashin#ton denied them access to the =nited States and %ermany e+ecutes them.

*h+ did American leaders freeEe !uropean immigration (uotas when the + ,new it would result in $ ews being ,illed/

Page 8'

Some have su##ested that the ,ud#ment of %od may very well be u on Auro e because of the si+teen million Eews, 0hristians and others who were killed. "he %ermans attem ted to burn a culture in the concentration cam s$ they attem ted to destroy the 0hosen *eo le. "he contributions of the Eewish eo le were in all areas of lifeG science, art, international trade and above all, as well as the foundation of morality, ethics and conscience of the world. "he foundations of !estern civili@ation were established by the Eews. "oday, under the retense of tolerance and because Auro eans want to rove that they were cured of the disease of racism, bi#otry and hatred, they have welcomed the Muslims, who brou#ht with them reli#ious e+tremism with its intolerance, crime and overty. "he new immi#rants have nearly im loded the Auro ean welfare systems. "heir o ulation #rowth is four times #reater than that of Auro eans and, therefore, some have estimated that by the year 65:5 %ermany and <rance will be Islamic nations. "oday there are more than fifty million Muslims in Auro e whose leaders are diametrically o osed to the seculari@ed Auro ean Eudaeo(0hristian values. "hen the descendants of the 2375s anti(Semites may find themselves in another form of Hitlers ovens.' Fn May 75, 23J:, Adolf Hitler and his wife committed suicide. %ermany had lost the war and in its wake ten million

0hristians and si+ million Eews had been killed, not to mention the tens of millions of soldiers. .early seven decades have #one by since that horrific era and all seems to have been for#otten. -ut neither the Arabs nor %od have for#otten. Hitlers le#acy today is that he em owered the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem, Ha,, Amin al(Husseini, to become the brid#e fi#ure in terms of trans ortin# the .a@i #enocide of Auro e into the Middle Aast. !ere it not for the .a@i villain, the ro osed Islamic #enocide of Eews would not have the momentum that it has today. <ew are as hi#hly revered in Muslim countries as is he.

"he truth may not always be o ular, but it is still the truth.' ( =nknown

Cha,ter = Post Worl$ War II an$ the ;irth of Israel "hrou#hout human history nations have risen and nations have fallen, but none has ever been resurrected after 6,555 years. !as this a olitical misfortune as some would say, or an act of %odH

The 5e#ish Passion an$ +tru''le for Their Promise$ Lan$ *ost !!IIG Eews "ake Arms and <i#ht in *alestine Avery Eew in *alestine lost someone in the Holocaust. "he ain and a#ony of lost loved ones were the motivatin# factors for many to #ive u acifism, take u arms and #et involved in the under#round movement. Some determined to use terroristic methods to fi#ht both the -ritish and Arabs. However, not all su orted the under#round. "hey called it counter roductive a#ainst the -ritish, who were still seen as bein# interested in establishin# a Eewish nation. Aventually, the militant defense and terroristic #rou s mer#ed under the umbrella defense or#ani@ation, the Ha#anah, which had been established in 2328. "he Arabs and Muslims worldwide were now united concernin# *alestineG Fnce it was Muslim land and it must be returned to Muslim status a#ain. Eews must either convert to Islam or be driven into the sea. "he irony is that art of S ain was once under Islamic domination and Muslims have not insisted that the S anish leave their land or convert to Islam. -ut Israel has become the roverbial stumblin# block' over which nations stumble and fall. Since the early 2365s the -ritish searched for a di#nified way to e+it from the Middle Aast. .ow the Second !orld !ar was over and they were des erate to leave. So they did what they do best (( they formed another committee. -ritish <orei#n Secretary Arnest -evin was a ointed to head the An#lo(American 0ommittee, which met with Eewish and Arab leaders in Eerusalem. "he com laints and needs were discussed (( all of which the -ritish had heard many times reviously. Fnly this time it was with the determination of findin# ,ustice after the Holocaust. >ionist leader Dr. 0haim !ei@mann ar#ued for need of a Eewish country while Eamal Husseini, a cousin to Eerusalems %rand Mufti Husseini ar#ued that *alestine should be an Arab rovince without any Eews. "he 0ommittee recommended the -ritish %overnment re eal the 2373 %overnment !hite *a er and ermit Eews to return to their ancestral land. However, -evin re,ected the

recommendations statin# that Arab oil was a si#nificant resource for the -ritish Am ire. "o further a ease the Arabs, within a week of the 0ommittees recommendation, full inde endence was #ranted to Eordan on May 6:, 23J4 2:6 and the !hite *a er was not re,ected. 0onse&uently, the Ha#anah intensified its activities by bombin# ten brid#es on Eune 29, 23J4. It was a definin# moment in -ritish history as they finally reali@ed the issues were of far #reater ma#nitude than they antici ated.

&i'ure 66! 5e#ish 1ionists ;omb the Cin' Davi$ otel. An e+ losion at the Cin# David Hotel in Eerusalem on Euly 66, 23J4 was caused by >ionistic terrorists because the -ritish were aidin# the Arabs. A >ionist terror #rou known as the $r/un conducted several bombin#s, the most famous of which was the -ritish head&uarters at the Cin# David Hotel. "he destruction caused 32 casualties.


<rom 2366 until 23J4 Eordan was semi(autonomous.


=ntil now the =nited States had an isolationist forei#n olicy concernin# the Middle Aast, but that was about to chan#e. "hree rimary areas of interest had develo ed in this re#ion of the worldG 2. Arab oil for the !estern economy, 6. 0ontainment of the e+ andin# Soviet =nion, and 7. "he su ort and rotection of Israel as a democratic nation in the middle of an Islamic world. Hence, the American role became increasin#ly si#nificant, often e+ertin# influence and ressure on Israel and Islamic nations.

"he Eews were denied arms by a =S embar#o and -ritish warshi s controlled im orts, yet the Arabs were #enerously su lied with ille#al -ritish wea onry shi ed overland via nei#hborin# states. !ashin#ton could have ressured ;ondon to terminate those shi ments because -ritains economy was so bankru t that there was a continuous flow of cash from the American treasury to kee it alive. If the Americans would have threatened to halt the fundin#, ;ondon would have ended the arms shi ments immediately. -ut !ashin#ton did nothin#. -y 23J9 and early 23J8 arms of every sort were sold or #iven to the Arabs while the -ritish enforced the embar#o a#ainst the Eews. "he sta#e was set for another Holocaust that only Divine intervention could revent. 23J:G ;ea#ue of .ations )e laced by the =nited .ations$ -ritish *roblems After !orld !ar I, the ;ea#ue of .ations failed to or#ani@e a one(world #overnment or establish world eace. "herefore, it was re laced by the =nited .ations B=.D. =S *resident <ranklin )oosevelt, Soviet Eosef Stalin and ;ondons !inston 0hurchill were the key layers in its formation. Meanwhile the -ritish wanted to #et out of the Middle Aast turmoil$ but they also wanted to maintain control over some art of *alestine for strate#ic reasons concernin# the Sue@ 0anal. Due to international ressure, includin# ressure from the new American *resident, Harry "ruman, the *alestine dis ute was #iven to the newly formed =. in

<ebruary 23J9. -y the wars end >ionist olitical activity in the =nited States succeeded in winnin# =S su ort. *resident "ruman had s oken out several times in favor of a Eewish state, as did the Soviet =nion. "he latter did so ho in# that the Eews in *alestine, who were mostly either socialistic or communistic Bvery few were reli#iousD, would eventually come under the Soviet win#. -ritain, because of its horrible re utation and inability to resolve the roblems, ea#erly welcomed American involvement. *resident "ruman ersonally took u the cause that resulted in 255,555 Auro ean Eewry bein# admitted immediately into *alestine. "he ro hetic words of >echariah would soon become a reality. -ehold, I am #oin# to make Eerusalem a cu that causes reelin# to all the eo les around$ and when the sie#e is a#ainst Eerusalem, it will also be a#ainst Eudah. It will come about in that day that I will make Eerusalem a heavy stone for all the eo les$ all who lift it will be severely in,ured and all the nations of the earth will be #athered a#ainst it. >echariah 26G6(7 23J:G "he -ritish 0reate the Arab ;ea#ue Fn March 66, the seven Islamic states of Ira&, ;ebanon, Saudi Arabia, Memen, Eordan, Syria and A#y t, 2:7 formed an alliance for the destruction of what they erceived to be a future Eewish state. *ossibly one of the best ke t secrets of the Arab ;ea#ue is that it was established with the hel of the -ritish, because they not only wanted Arab oil, but also to be the dominant Auro ean ower in the Mediterranean area. "he irony is that for more than a century Auro eans mani ulated the Arabs. "oday the Arabs are intimidatin# the Auro eans, es ecially the -ritish. Aventually the Arab ;ea#ue was instrumental in initiatin# the wars a#ainst Israel. ;ea#ue members re eatedly declared the words of *salm 87GJ. 0ome,' they say, let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel

"he A#y tian eo le are not Arab, but A#y tian. ;ikewise, some Ira&is are Curds and the "urkish eo le are "urks, neither is Arab. However, for olitical reasons they are #enerally included amon# the Arab eo le.


be remembered no more.' mantra.

"oday its the Arab(Islamic

?ever before in the histor+ o f the $ewish people had their en emies, wh o are iden tified in Psalm 82, formed an alliance to destro+ them"

Page &2

23J4 ( 23:6G F erations A@ra and .ehemiah *ersecution of Eews in Arab countries increased throu#hout the 2375s and 23J5s, and #rew e+ onentially when Israel declared its inde endence in 23J8. "housands fled to Israel nearly 6,455 years after Cin# .ebuchadne@@ar burned Solomons "em le and took their forefathers to -abylon. And like their forefathers, they had little choice in the matter. "hey would have referred to stay in their beautiful homes and successful businesses in -abylon, Ira&, Iran and other areas. -ut life became intolerable and F erations A@ra and .ehemiah rescued them from an Arab Holocaust. "hey were amon# the thousands of refu#ees who stru##led in Israel. Interestin#ly, the =nited .ations never sent any kind of aid to them. "he removal of Eewish eo le was a bold and darin# attem t. =ndercover a#ents from Israel traveled throu#hout the country as tourists to find and re are the Eewish residents for the u comin# evacuation. !hen the si#nal was #iven, they moved. "he Ira&i #overnment stri ed them from all of their ossessions and citi@enshi . After fre&uent ne#otiations with #overnment leaders, in 23:2, 22:,555 were evacuated. "he de arture was difficult, since they had lived there for more than twenty(five centuries I since Cin# .ebuchadne@@ar e+iled their forefathers from Eerusalem. "hose who are critical of Israel should remember that no Arabs ever had to be evacuated from Israel. 23J9G Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered A -edouin she herd boy was tendin# his herd of #oats near the Dead Sea, and to ass the time he threw stones at

various tar#ets. Fne of them fell into a cave where it hit a clay ,ar makin# an unusual sound. "he boy investi#ated and made one of the most incredible discoveries of the century. "he cave was the first of several that contained ,ars filled with numerous ancient manuscri ts known today as the Dead Sea Scrolls. !ritten from a ro+imately 655 -0 to AD 95, these documents contain commentaries, Fld "estament books, and the rules of life of a Eewish #rou known as the Assenes. A&ually im ortant, the scrolls made no mention of Arabs or of *alestinians in the land. Amon# the first and most com lete scrolls were two co ies of the book of Isaiah, which redicts the re( establishment of the state of Israel in a sin#le day BIsa. 44G4( 8D. As if orchestrated by a Divine hand, the a#ents for the fled#lin# Eewish state urchased both Isaiah scrolls on the day Israel declared her inde endence.

The 1ead 9ea 9crolls prove the accurate tra ns mission of the 5ible for ' +ears"

Page &#

"he Dead Sea Scrolls have had a dramatic affect on Eews, 0hristians and Muslims. "he scholars who studied them concluded that todays version of the Fld "estament was accurately transmitted in the ast 6,555 years. "his is si#nificant because 23th century 0hristian and Eewish critics have re eatedly said that errors occurred in the transmission of the -ible. ;ikewise, Muslims have said that both Fld and .ew "estaments were falsified throu#hout the centuries and &uote Eewish and 0hristian critics to bolster their claims. 23J9G =. )esolution 282G A *artition *lan for a Eewish State In <ebruary -ritain went before the =nited .ations %eneral Assembly and admitted that its *alestinian Mandate olicy was bankru t. Afforts to teach the local o ulation how to self(#overn were a com lete failure Bas if that #oal was ever attem tedD. "he =. #athered at ;ake Success in .ew Mork on .ovember 63 to discuss the ur#ent Eewish

roblem.' In a similar manner today, the cause of the Middle Aast conflict is blamed on the Eews in that they are said to occu y *alestinian villa#es and lands. )arely is the conflict referred to as a terroristic, stone(throwin# *alestinian roblem.' 0ould there be a olitically correct anti(Semitic anti(Israel s in to these statementsH -y the way, whose land is it anywayH

&i'ure 6:! The 2nite$ Nations on November /?A (?4=! Fn this date the =. voted on the artition of *alestine that led to the creation of the state of Israel on May 2J, 23J8. ;ike the -ritish, the =. %eneral Assembly established several commissions to study feasible solutions, and essentially came to a similar conclusion as did ;ord *eel eleven years earlier. "o resolve the Middle Aast roblem, the world or#ani@ation voted to divide *alestine into three arts. "he resolution stated, Inde endent Arab and Eewish states and the s ecial international re#ime for the 0ity of Eerusalem O shall come into e+istence.'2:J !hile the international re#ime' of Eerusalem never materiali@ed, the artition to divide the land into Eewish and Arab sectors did become

=. )esolution 282G htt GQQwww.#oo#le.comQsearchH hlLenPsourceLh P&LunKresolutionK282KsummaryPa&L6Pa&iL#9Pa&lL Po&L=.K)esolutionK282P#sXrfaiL. May 29, 6525.


reality. Many =. attendees had anti(Semitic feelin#s, but also had a sense of remorse due to the Holocaust. "he Arabs vehemently ob,ected to any thou#ht of a Eewish state and the ne+t day a ro+imately :,555 rioted in Eerusalem, burnin# and lootin# Eewish sho s and homes. Sni ers tar#eted travelin# men, women and children alon# hi#hways, in fields, on the Sea of %alilee and elsewhere. Ma,or roads to the .e#ev, %alilee and Eerusalem were closed. "hey reali@ed a Eewish state was inevitable and lanned for a war of annihilation. In the meantime, as was reviously stated, ersecution of Eews in Islamic countries intensified. Many had their homes and businesses confiscated, and left with only the clothes on their backs.

-n 1&)0 Arabs reFected a Two-9tate 9olu tion"

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)esolution 282 called for a division of the land in such a manner that Eewish areas would be connected by narrow assa#eways. It was essentially a rescri tion for the Arabs to divide and con&uer' and finish the work of Hitler. *alestine was to be divided with the Eews receivin# J: ercent of the land while the Arabs would receive the balance. In res onse, the Eews re,oiced at the ho e of a nation called Israel, but the Arabs vowed it would never ha en. "hey missed the o ortunity for a "wo State solution. It has often been said that the Arabs never missed an o ortunity to miss an o ortunity for eace. "he =.s decision laced the Arab military machine in hi#h #ear for war. Historians concluded that the =. Declaration started the *re(war Inde endence !ar.' Durin# the eriod from .ovember 75, 23J9 to May 2J, 23J8, two armies of Arab volunteers were tar#etin# Eews. "he %rand Mufti Husseini led one unit in the Eerusalem area while <aw@i Al Cauk,i led the second from Syria into the %alilee area. -oth units attacked Eewish villa#ers while the -ritish a#ain did little or nothin# to sto them. Aven after the horrific

e+ eriences of the Holocaust many -ritish officers in *alestine fully su orted Arab causes and demonstrated very little or no sym athy for the Eewish eo le. Since the -ritish forbade the Eews the ri#ht to defend themselves, three >ionist military units defended Eewish citi@ensG the Ha#anah, the Ir#un and the ;ehi. !hile media sources identified them as terrorist #rou s, in fact, they functioned rimarily to defend innocent lives but also took art in increasin#ly more terroristic acts a#ainst the Arabs and the -ritish. Arab sni ers and terrorism were almost everywhere$ anyone who had a #un used it. )iots in Eerusalem involved thousands of Arabs fi#htin# the Eews and -ritish while the Eews were fi#htin# Arabs and -ritish. Most -rits' sim ly avoided the conflict ho in# they could return home as soon as ossible. As a so(called eace kee in# force, they were as effective as is the =. today. "he irony is that Hitler, in essence, was instrumental in establishin# a Eewish nation. !ere it not for his Holocaust, there may never have been a =. ma,ority vote for a state of Israel. As was reviously stated, !orld !ar I re ared the land for the Eewish eo le and !orld !ar II re ared the Eewish eo le for the land.


"a, ?! The 2N Partition Plan of (?4=! "he =nited .ations created a *artition *lan for the establishment of national borders for the future state of Israel. "he *lan included a number of choke oints' that would have #iven the Arabs a strate#ic military advanta#e. "he conflicts between Eews and Arabs had reached fever itch. Avery community was a battle field. Ha#anah units and Arab #uerrillas fou#ht throu#hout the country. "he -ritish instituted martial law in "el(Aviv, an all(Eewish city while Arabs were unrestricted to attack anyone anywhere. Met as chaos s read the -ritish continued to be tar#ets of both Arab and Eewish fi#hters. In late Au#ust dele#ates of the =nited .ations S ecial 0ommittee on *alestine B=.S0F*D met in %eneva and decided that *alestine should be an economic union com risin# of a Eewish state and an Arab state, and Eerusalem would be under the =. "rusteeshi with a #overnor who is neither Eewish nor Arab. "he Arab res onse

was redictable. "hey became so hostile to the =. that they declared it had no ,urisdiction in *alestine and re eatedly refused to meet with fact(findin# dele#ates. .onetheless, the dele#ates wrote their re ort and su##ested two inde endent soverei#n statesG one Eewish and one *alestinian. "he res onse was antici atedG the Eews re,oiced and the Arabs re ared for war. Had the *alestinians acce ted the =. recommendation, the statehood they are be##in# for today would have been theirs in 23J8. As reviously stated, they never missed an o ortunity to miss an o ortunity for eace.

*h+ is the conflict alwa+s called a $ewish problem and neve r an Ara b problem/

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23J8G Another -ritish Anti(Semitic Action In A ril, ;ondon a#ain disre#arded the -alfour Declaration and the decisions of the former ;ea#ue of .ations. As the -ritish were re arin# to leave they moved 65,555 Arab troo s from Cin# Abdullahs Eordan to the outskirts of Eerusalem for olicin# duties.' "hese soldiers were -ritish(trained, -ritish(officered and -ritish(e&ui ed with the latest wea onry. Met Eews were still revented from ownin# any armaments, even small hand #uns. !hile they mana#ed to #ather a few basic wea ons, these were hardly sufficient to ward off a 65,555(man military contin#ency. "he reason #iven by ;ondon was that it romised to su ort the Arabs because they fou#ht with them a#ainst the Fttomans and %ermans. As was reviously stated, the Mufti had su lied Hitler with two com lete military divisions I hardly su ort for the -ritish. "his -ritish action is un aralleled in the annals of hy ocrisy althou#h it is difficult to determine which -ritish action is the worst. Arabs surrounded the city cuttin# off much needed su lies to the 85,555 Eewish residents. Settin# out from the coastal lains, -ri#ade 0ommander Mit@hak )abin was ordered to o en the road with 2,:55 soldiers and brin# a

convoy of 755 trucks with food rationin#s to Eerusalem. !ith wea ons stolen mostly from the -ritish, fi#htin# was heavy, inflictin# a #reat loss of life on both sides, but the Eewish soldiers liberated arts of the Fld 0ity. "he -ritish, however, who were busy ackin# u to leave, demanded the Eews to surrender. "hey refused and the -ritish immediately be#an fi#htin# them with tanks and artillery, military wea ons the Eews did not have. "he world an+iously watched knowin# that Israel was about to declare its inde endence. In the week roceedin# May 2J, 23J8, the -ritish burned three decades worth of ublic and military documents in ublic bonfires. "hey also cut tele hone and tele#ra h lines leavin# the new state without any form of communication. 0learly the #oal was to aid the Arabs as much as ossible, while leavin# Eerusalem isolated and in a ile of ashes and confused as much as ossible. Fn their way to the sea ort, the -ritish hammered the Eewish army. ;ittle has chan#ed since then. "oday, in s ite of the rhetoric from ;ondon about su ort for Israel, the news anchors of the -ritish -roadcastin# 0om any B--0D reflect similar anti(Semitism. 0lothed in the #arb of olitical correctness, the --0 resents the news that is heavily ro( *alestinian biased and continues to be one of the su reme rota#onists of anti(Israelism in the !estern world. The ;irth of Israel As the time a roached for the e+ ectant declaration, Arab leaders encoura#ed *alestinians to evacuate their homes for a few days,' as this would ermit their armies to &uickly drive the infidels' into the sea. Suddenly there was a mass e+odus of *alestinian Arabs who fled into Eordan, ;ebanon and Syria. "his was, in fact, an unintended blessin# to the Israelis who feared an u risin# amon# their nei#hbors. In later years, Masser Arafat said that the rinci le reason the *alestinians anicked was what he called Eewish terror' and the disarmin# of the *alestinians by the Arab armies. 2:: .ot only did the ossibility of an u risin# dissi ate, but the *alestinians, the Arab armies and the Arab ;ea#ue disarmed

Hart, 98(93.


their #uerrilla fi#hters.2:4 "his was instrumental for the Eewish victory and Arafat, althou#h &uite youn# at this time, felt betrayed by the -ritish and Arab leaders. May 2J, 23J8G "he )e(-irth of the State of Israel At JG55 .m., one hundred dele#ates #athered at the "el(Aviv Museum for a historic event. Fn this date, David -en %urion a#ain offered eace to the Arabs. He then roceeded with the ur ose of the #atherin#G He declared the birth of the State of Israel, a roclamation of ro hetic fulfillment and si#nificance BIsa. 44G9(3D. "he brief declaration is as follows, A00F)DI.%;M !A, MAM-A)S F< "HA *AF*;ASS 0F=.0I;, )A*)ASA."A"I/AS F< "HA EA!ISH 0FMM=.I"M F< A)A">(IS)AA;, A.D F< "HA >IF.IS" MF/AMA.", A)A HA)A ASSAM-;AD F. "HA DAM F< "HA "A)MI.A"IF. F< "HA -)I"ISH MA.DA"A F/A) A)A">(IS)AA; A.D, -M /I)"=A F< F=) .A"=)A; A.D HIS"F)I0 )I%H" A.D F. "HA S")A.%"H F< "HA )ASF;="IF. F< "HA =.I"AD .A"IF.S %A.A)A; ASSAM-;M, HA)A-M DA0;A)A "HA AS"A-;ISHMA." F< A EA!ISH S"A"A I. A)A">(IS)AA; "F -A C.F!. AS "HA S"A"A F< IS)AA;. !A DA0;A)A that, with effect from the moment of the termination of the Mandate bein# toni#ht, the eve of Sabbath, the 4th Iyar, :958 B2:th May, 23J8D, until the establishment of the elected, re#ular authorities of the State in accordance with the 0onstitution which shall be ado ted by the Alected 0onstituent Assembly not later than the 2st Fctober 23J8, the *eo leSs 0ouncil shall act as a *rovisional 0ouncil of State, and its e+ecutive or#an, the *eo leSs Administration, shall be the *rovisional %overnment of the Eewish State, to be called Israel.' "HA S"A"A F< IS)AA; will be o en for Eewish immi#ration and for the In#atherin# of the A+iles$ it will foster the develo ment of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants$ it will be based on freedom,

Hart, 94(99.


,ustice and eace as envisa#ed by the ro hets of IS)AA;$ it will ensure com lete e&uality of social and olitical ri#hts to all its inhabitants irres ective of reli#ion, race or se+$ it will #uarantee freedom of reli#ion, conscience, lan#ua#e, education and culture$ it will safe#uard the Holy *laces of all reli#ions$ and it will be faithful to the rinci les of the 0harter of the =nited .ations. "HA S"A"A F< IS)AA; is re ared to coo erate with the a#encies and re resentatives of the =nited .ations in im lementin# the resolution of the %eneral Assembly of the 63th .ovember, 23J9, and will take ste s to brin# about the economic union of the whole of Aret@(Israel. !A A**AA; to the =nited .ations to assist the Eewish eo le in the buildin#(u of its State and to receive the State of Israel into the community of nations. !A A**AA; ( in the very midst of the onslau#ht launched a#ainst us now for months ( to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to reserve eace and artici ate in the u buildin# of the State on the basis of full and e&ual citi@enshi and due re resentation in all its rovisional and ermanent institutions. !A AN"A.D our hand to all nei#hborin# states and their eo les in an offer of eace and #ood nei#hborliness, and a eal to them to establish bonds of coo eration and mutual hel with the soverei#n Eewish eo le settled in its own land. "he State of Israel is re ared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle Aast. !A A**AA; to the Eewish eo le throu#hout the Dias ora to rally round the Eews of Aret@(Israel in the tasks of immi#ration and u buildin# and to stand by them in the #reat stru##le for the reali@ation of the a#e(old dream ( the redem tion of Israel. *;A0I.% F=) ")=S" I. "HA A;MI%H"M, !A A<<IN F=) SI%.A"=)AS "F "HIS *)F0;AMA"IF. A" "HIS SASSIF. F< "HA *)F/ISIF.A; 0F=.0I; F< S"A"A, F. "HA SFI; F< "HA HFMA;A.D, I. "HA 0I"M F< "A;(

A/I/, F. "HIS SA--A"H A/A, "HA :"H DAM F< IMA), :958 B2J"H MAM, 23J8D. David -en(%urion, As reviously stated, the Holocaust led to the birth of Israel because it stirred #reat em athy amon# world leaders. Many who survived the death cam s were little more than skin on bones when liberated by the Allied <orces. "hey &uickly became instrumental in fi#htin# for their country. In that historic conte+t the words of the ro het A@ekiel are si#nificant. "hen He said to me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel$ behold, they say, Vour bones are dried u and our ho e has erished we are com letely cut off. "herefore ro hesy and say to them, V"hus says the ;ord %FD, -ehold, I will o en your #raves and cause you to come u out of your #raves, my eo le$ and I will brin# you into the land of Israel. "hen you will know that I am the ;F)D, when I have o ened your #raves and caused you to come u out of your #raves, my eo le. I will ut My S irit within you and you will come to life, and I will lace you on your own land. "hen you will know that I, the ;F)D, have s oken and done it,' declares the ;F)D.' A@ekiel 79G22(2J


&i'ure 6=! Davi$ ;en 0urion in Tel Aviv on "a% (4A (?4>! -en %urion stands before di#nitaries and the ress to announce the birth of the state of Israel. B*hoto courtesy of the %overnment *ress Fffice, Eerusalem.D "he =nited States and Soviet =nion immediately reco#ni@ed Israels soverei#nty while the surroundin# Arab nations immediately declared war. .ow, for the first time since the )oman %eneral *om ey invaded their land in 47 -0, the Eewish eo le finally had a free and inde endent nation. -ut it came at a costly rice.
*h+ does the media claim that -srael i s a racist state if citiEenship was given to the Pal estini an Arabs/

Pa ge //


&i'ure 6>! Presi$ent Truman)s "emo! "his memo dated May 2J, 23J8, confirmed the =S reco#nition of the State of Israel eleven minutes after the -ritish mandated at 4G55 .m. B0ourtesy of Harry S. "ruman ;ibrary.D "his rofound event was followed by an announcement by the %rand Mufti Husseini who said in %a@a that the Eews would be wi ed off the ma . In s ite of the Arab hostilities, all of Israeli residents were #iven Israeli citi@enshi , includin# Arabs. "oday many critics claim that Israel is a racist state, as was once the American south and South Africa. If that were true, why did Israel #ive Arabs e&ual ri#hts and citi@enshi H May 2J, 23J8G %ods at !ar (( "he !ar of Inde endence -e#ins Is it ossible that the Middle Aast conflict is not as much of a war between men and nations as it is between the #od of Islam and the %od of Abraham, Isaac and EacobH 0onsider the followin#.

!ith Israels inde endence came the antici ated massive attack by the Arab ;ea#ue membersG Ira&, ;ebanon, Saudi Arabia, Memen, Eordan, Syria and A#y t. <rom the time of the =. *artition *lan of the revious .ovember, Arabs carefully lotted their attack. "he ;ebanese set their si#hts on Haifa and .a@areth. "he Syrians were to con&uer the %alilee kibbut@im and villa#es. "he Ira&is traveled a lon# way from home to enter Samaria with the ho e to cut the fled#lin# nation in half I the divide and con&uer lan was to make the war of annihilation a short one. Eordan was to ca ture Eerusalem and the A#y tians were to come u from the south, sie#e "el Aviv, and then advance to Eerusalem killin# all Eews tryin# to esca e to the sea. In addition, mercenaries came from numerous other countries to hel in the annihilation. "hese nations com rised the tribes andQor lands described in *salm 87. .ever in history did these eleven biblical nations form an alliance to attack the Eews. "he biblical assa#e was written 7,555 years a#o by Asa h, a contem orary of Cin# David. A licable selections are below with this writers commentary. 2. F %od, do not remain &uiet$ Do not be silent and, F %od, do not be sill. A lea to %od to intervene on behalf of His eo le. 6. <or behold, your enemies make an u roar, and those who hate you have e+alted themselves. "he hrase rear their heads is in reference to Arab ride and arro#ance. In Islamic thinkin# if Allah is the su reme #od and the Eews are a cursed eo le in the ?uran, then how is it ossible that the Eews, most of whom were either atheistic or a#nostic, should return to their ancient landsH <urthermore, how is it ossible that the Eews are su erior technolo#ically to Allahs chosen eo leH "he Arabs have #reat ride in their culture and

reli#ion, but these are roblems.

rofound theolo#ical

7. "hey make shrewd lans a#ainst your eo le, and cons ire to#ether a#ainst your treasured ones. "he Arab ;ea#ue Bformed in 23J:D lanned cons iracies a#ainst not only Israeli military and #overnment leaders, but also a#ainst innocent men, women and children, which were by this time daily events. J. "hey have said, 0ome, and let us wi e them out as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more.' !hen David -en %urion announced the birth of the state of Israel, the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem a#ain declared, Murder the Eews, Murder them allR' "he radical Arab(Islamic assion to destroy Israel is very stron#. "here has never been an Arab ma showin# Israel. )ather, that #eo#ra hical land is identified as an Arab *alestine. :. <or they have cons ired to#ether with one mind$ A#ainst you they make a covenantG .ever before in history of the Eewish eo le have these eleven tribes formed an alliance a#ainst the Eewish state. 4. "he tents of Adom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Ha#rites$ "he word tents' indicates that the descendants of Asau and Ishmael Bthe ArabsD will live to#ether, as their #enealo#ical herita#e

demonstrates. "he Moabites BEordanD Ha#rites are art of the cons iracy.


"he Ha#rites were named after Ha#ar, who was the A#y tian mother of Ishmael. It should be noted that by this time they identified themselves so stron#ly with their Muslim brothers that they acce ted the term Arab' for themselves rather than A#y tian.' 9. %ebal and Ammon and Amalek, *hilistia with the inhabitants of "yre$ %ebel, Ammon and Amalek are todays Arab eo le of Eordan. "he Ammonites lived in what is todays ca ital city of Amman, Eordan. *hilistia is a reference to the *hilistines, who no lon#er e+ist, but they lived in todays %a@a stri . Ancient *hilistia had national boundaries nearly identical to todays %a@a. "he eo le of "yre are todays ;ebanon, but in ancient times they were the *hoeniciansQwealthy international traders, known as the *eo les of the Sea.' "hey were olytheistic and worshi ers of -aal. 8. Assyria also has ,oined with them$ they have become a hel to the children of ;ot. Selah. "he Assyrians were amon# the most war(like eo le of ancient time. "heir kin#dom was centered in modern(day Iran and included Ira& and Syria. "he descendants of ;ot were absorbed into the Arab tribes. "he Hebrew word Selah' means to sto and onder these words. 3. Deal with them as with Midian, As with Sisera and Eabin at the torrent of Cishon,

25. !ho were destroyed at Andor, who became as dun# for the #round. 0learly ast destructions of the enemies of %ods eo le are in the mind of Asa h, as he writes these words. 22. Make their nobles like Freb and >eeb and all their rinces like >ebah and >almunna, "his is a reference to %ideon, the fifth ,ud#e of the Israelites. In the year 2677 -0, a lar#e Arab army fou#ht a#ainst the Israelites BEud#es 9G26D. "his assa#e of *salm 87 is to be com ared with the historical account in Eud#es 8. Freb and >eeb were Midianite leaders BEud#es 8G7D and >ebah and >almunan were Midianite kin#s BEud#es 8G:D. In this narrative, %ideon and his 755 men had destroyed Freb and >eeb. He then ursued and ca tured >abah and >almunan and their 2:,555 man army in the Ee@reel /alley. Since the Arab kin#s did not have any mercy for the brothers of %ideon, he killed them and took the ornaments from the necks of their camels BEud. 8G62D. "hose ornaments were crescent necklaces that honored the -el, the -abylonian moon #od, more commonly known today as Allah. "he writer of this *salm, Asa h, stated that the ;ord saved Israel in the ast and will do so a#ain in the future. 26. !ho said, ;et us ossess for ourselves the astures of %od.' "here has been a re etition of eace lans' since !orld !ar I that have nearly always been a surrender of land to obtain eace' deal. !hile the !est holds on to a mytholo#ical ho e for

eace, the *alestinians devise more ways to #ain territory, es ecially since the Israelis converted waste land into roductive a#ricultural fields. 28."hat they may know that you alone, whose name is the ;F)D, are the Most Hi#h over all the earth. *salm 87G2(26, 28 Accordin# to Asa h, verse 28 is a si#nificant statement of divinity, meanin# that the %od Most Hi#h, the ;ord %od Eehovah of Abraham, Isaac and Eacob is the one true %od. He will rescue Israel and all men will know that He, and not Allah, is the Most Hi#h %od over the whole earth. Another translation of verse 28 reads, O whose name alone is the ;ord, alone the Most Hi#h over all the earth.' <urthermore, it is His will that all other #odsQs irits will bow down before Him. 0onsider the followin# astonishin# statement from Isaiah, -y myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all inte#rity a word that will not be revokedG -efore me every knee will bow$ by me every ton#ue will swear' BIsa. J:G67D. "his assa#e has the famous hrase, Avery knee will bow,' yet the followin# verse BJ4G2D identifies Allah. It reads, -el bows down, .ebo stoo s low$ their idols are borne by beasts of burden. "he ima#es that are carried about are burdensome, a burden for the weary.' As reviously stated, when Muhammad selected one of the 745 deities in Mecca, he chose his tribes ancient -abylonian war #od -el symboli@ed by the crescent moon and renamed him Allah. .ot only will all humanity bow before Eesus, but also every demonic s irit. "he name Allah was unknown to Isaiah, but the ro het obviously was aware of -el, the deity whose crescent moon symbol now adorns every mos&ue.


The Prophet -saiah said that 5el 7Allah8 would bow befo re the :o rd 7-saiah )#%18"

Pag e 10#

"a, (@! The "a, of the Psalm >3 Nations . lands andQor eo le redicted in *salm formed an alliance in 23J: for the first time history for the sole ur ose of destroyin# Eewish eo le.

"he 87 in the

Another indication that the *alestinian(Israeli conflict is of a reli#ious or s iritual nature is the assa#e in Matthew 6J. !hen Eesus #ave His Flivet Discourse BMt. 6JD of future end(time events, He stated in verse 9 that, nation shall rise

a#ainst nation and kin#dom a#ainst kin#dom O' "he %reek word for nation' is ethnos, which is the ori#in of the An#lish word ethnic.' Si#nificant to this study is the %reek word for kin#dom,' which is "asilica, meanin# rei#n,' includin# s iritual rei#n.' "herefore, Eesus said that rior to His return there would be intense s iritual warfare. "he irony is that the Muslims have always said that their war with the !est was a reli#ious one while !estern leaders have consistently denied it. .o sooner had -en %urion made his declaration than the Arab armies be#an their attack. *reviously the Eews fou#ht -ritish im erialism and Arab terrorists. .ow they were fi#htin# Arab armies on multi le fronts. "he %rand Mufti Husseini a#ain roclaimed, I declare a holy war my Moslem brothersR "he Antire Eewish o ulation in *alestine must be destroyed or be driven into the sea. Allah has bestowed on us the rare rivile#e of finishin# what Hitler only be#un. ;et the Jihad be#in. Murder the EewsR Murder them allR' 2:9 In concert with the mufti, A@@am *asha, Secretary %eneral of the Arab ;ea#ue, in 0airo on May 2:, 23J8, announced that, "his will be a war of e+termination and a momentous massacre, which will be s oken of like the Mon#olian massacres and the 0rusades.2:8 Assured Allah would #ive them victory, on Saturday, May 2:, they attacked. Syria attem ted to control the territory that surrounded the Sea of %alilee while the ;ebanese fou#ht to ca ture .a@areth and Haifa. "he Ira&is traveled a #reat distance from the east to ca ture Samaria. Cin# Abdullah of Eordan attacked from the east. In the meantime, A#y tian lanes bombed "el Aviv. However, shortly after the attack started, the Soviet =nion sent four fi#hter lanes to Israel via 0@echoslovakia. "he battle was so
2:9 2:8

%rant, :7, 266, n.J.

"he )oman 0atholic 0rusaders were eventually defeated and ousted by the Muslims, as were the Mon#olian invaders in the 27 th century.


intense that there was no time to train Israeli ilots or erform test fli#hts. "he tiny Israeli air force immediately took to the air and attacked the advancin# A#y tian armies causin# chaos and stealin# victory from them. "he A#y tians were not aware of the new lanes and they concluded that the Auro eans had entered the war a#ainst them. More ama@in# is that the Israelis did not have a sin#le tank while the Arabs had 6,555 of them. "hey were within seventeen miles from "el Aviv with su erior military hardware but retreated as &uickly as ossible. "hey were stunned, defeated and humiliated. !hen the Arabs reali@ed they were unable to drive the Eews into the sea, they a#reed to a tem orary =.(s onsored truce that went into effect on Eune 25. In the four(week eriod that followed, each side re(su lied itself. It #ave the Eews sufficient time to rearm and train men and women who knew nothin# about combat. !hen the fi#htin# carried on the Arabs continued to lose. Many communities, such as -eersheba, that were reviously lost, were reca tured by Israelis. <acin# further defeat and humiliation, the A#y tians were the first to a#ree to a =. mediated armistice a#reement in <ebruary, 23J3. Fther Arab states soon did likewise. "his war of annihilation was lost and Israel now controlled more land than it was #iven by the =nited .ations. "he Arabs lacked or#ani@ational skills while the Israelis, who were fi#htin# for their lives and nation, had su erior skills as well as tactical and military trainin#. "hey had officers who were trained in the late 2375s by a few bold -ritish officers such as 0ol. 0harles Fdre !in#ate and 0ol. Eohn Henry *atterson. "hey were instrumental in brin#in# victory to the ra#(ta# band of Eews who had no military skills and second(hand wea onry. It was a classic David and %oliath confrontation$ the Eews had only second(hand wea ons and the Arabs had the finest military e&ui ment. So limited were Israeli military su lies that irri#ation i es were converted into mortars and hand #renades until wea ons were urchased from international arms dealers. Hence, an abundance of Arab armament roved worthless while limited su lies wisely used roduced rofound results. "he Soviet =nion was the only nation, a art from <rance, that su lied arms and did so unofficially throu#h 0@echoslovakia. "he =nited States contributed nothin#.

"he followin# year there was an uneasy =. ne#otiated eace amon# Israel, A#y t, Syria, ;ebanon and Ira&. "he Arabs were humiliated and stunned and Israel won the war but did not win the eace. .onetheless, it was truly an inde endent olitical entity. !hile American Eews oured money into the war effort, American evan#elicals sat &uietly on the sideline debatin# if this event was art of -ible ro hecy. Many believed that Israel would become a olitical entity after the ra ture. "herefore, the birth of the Eewish state became a theolo#ical ad,ustment. Interest in end(time -ible ro hecy e+ loded. -ut more were interested in the return of 0hrist than bein# truly com assionate about the sufferin#s of the Eewish eo le. After the !ar of Inde endence, Syria ossessed the %olan Hei#hts situated alon# the eastern side of the Sea of %alilee. "he Sea is about 455 feet below sea level whereas the %olan is more than 6,555 feet above it. "he *lateau of the %olan is at laces less than a &uarter mile from the Sea of %alilee. In fact, at one lace there is almost no shoreline until there is a vertical ascent to the cliff(like hei#hts. Durin# Syrian occu ation B23J8(2349D, sni ers would tar#et fishermen on the Sea of %alilee or women and children at a nearby Cibbut@. "hey fired mortar shells at Israeli settlements in the Hula /alley Bnorth of the Sea of %alileeD or anywhere they could kill a Eew. Such attacks were often silenced by an Israeli air strike, only to be continued later. "he results of the !ar were im ressive and would leave military analysts reelin# in bewilderment. .ote the si#nificant oints belowG 2. "he first truly inde endent state for Eews since the )oman %eneral *om ey ca tured Eerusalem and Eudea in 47 -0. 6. Hi#h costG 2U of Israeli o ulation died in the !ar 7. Mass e+odus of 964,555 *alestinians Bfuture refu#ee roblemD J. A#y t I first Islamic nation to si#n a truce a#reement in <ebruary 23J3, but they immediately be#an to lan for their ne+t war Btruce a#reement L hudnaD :. *eo le everywhere were usin# the M' word, Miracle. 4. Israel #ained more territory than was initially #ranted by the =..

9. )enewed interest in biblical ro hecy by Avan#elicals 8. Israel won inde endence, but not eace.

&i'ure 6?! a'anah &i'hters in 5erusalem! In May, 23J8, soldiers of the Ha#anah BEewish bri#adeD, battled in Eerusalem for the inde endence of the first Eewish nation in 6,555 years. <or Muslims worldwide the establishment of Israel resurrected two ma,or theolo#ical roblems. <irst, it was a reversal of Islamic history Bloss of Islamic landD because land that was once under Islamic control must forever remain under Islamic control. Second, non(Muslims are not to rule over Muslims, and third, how can a eo le cursed by the ?uran rule over MuslimsH "he idea of Muslims under the control of non(Muslims was a roblem when %eneral Allenby ca tured Eerusalem. .ow it was not ,ust non(Muslims who ruled over former Islamic land, but it was the most des ised eo le on the face of the earth. "o Muslims, this was the ultimate insult to Allah. Hence, the modern Middle Aast conflict is best addressed with the redundant &uestions, !hose #od is %odH' Is the one true #od Allah or is the one true #od the %od of Abraham, Isaac and EacobH'


The essen tial (uestion of the 6iddle !ast conflict is% *hose >od is >od/

Page 1

*oliticians and military strate#ists everywhere were usin# the M' word, Miracle. Soldiers and commanders shared their incredible stories of which only two are resented hereG <irst, throu#hout the war the Eewish forces had limited wea onry, most of which was stolen from the -ritishG a half do@en cannons, a truck, one tank and a small mortar. At one oint durin# the war, a lar#e Syrian force was a roachin# Eerusalem. -ein# ositioned in a valley at ni#ht, they lost radio contact with their commandin# officers as to how to roceed. In the meantime some Eewish soldiers with a small mortar ositioned themselves on the o osite side of a hill that was directly in front of the advancin# Syrians. =nder the cover of darkness, the Eewish soldiers took the mortar and fired a shell at the Syrians. "hen they &uickly moved the mortar to a different location and fired another shell. "hey re eated this until they were out of ammunition. "he Syrians, seein# that shells were fallin# u on them from a lar#e #eo#ra hical area, assumed the Israelis had a lar#e contin#ency behind the hill and &uickly retreated. "he little mortar became known as the ;ittle David.' A second account falls within the international olitical scene. Military su lies came from an une+ ected source I the Soviet =nion. Since Moscow was interested in a close alliance with the new socialistic Israel, the Soviets ordered its satellite nation 0@echoslovakia to send four fi#hter lanes, :5,555 %erman rifles and tons of ammunition manufactured by Hitler that had been ca tured at the end of !orld !ar II. "hese su lies were &uickly shi ed to Israel. )ifles that were once used to kill Eews now were used to establish the Eewish nation. !hat was destined for evil was, by Divine #race, redirected for the fulfillment of %ods ro hetic lan. 0ritics have said that the !ar of Inde endence was an a##ressive action by the Eews. Met the historical facts rove otherwise. Israel was not only attacked, but it hardly had any

military e&ui ment with which to defend itself, much less start a war. Avery war Israel had was a defense a#ainst a war of #enocide I an attem t to survive Islamic a##ressors. .ever before had a eo le from anti&uity risen to establish a modern nation. !ho has ever heard of such a thin#H

&i'ure :@! The DLittle Davi$E "ortar! "he only wea on used to initiate the retreat of an entire Syrian tank force.

23J3G A#ain Arabs )e,ect *eace Fffer In <ebruary, at the )hodes Armistice 0onvention, Israel offered to return con&uered territories to the Arabs for a eace a#reement. Since such an a#reement would re&uire the Arabs to reco#ni@e Israels ri#ht to e+ist, they re,ected the offer. ;ater in Au#ust, at the ;ausanne 0onference, Israel a#ain made the same offer and a#ain the Arabs re,ected it. !hat was unknown to Israel and the rest of the world was that the Arabs were already lannin# a new offensive that would eventually include some 3,555 terrorist attacks and

culminated in the 23:4 war. 0learly they have a record of re,ectin# land for eace' a#reements.


!ver + war -srael fought was a defense against $ew ish genocide"


Refu'ees an$ "ore War 23J8G *alestinian )efu#eesG "he ;in#erin# ?uestion of Debate$ "he Astablishment of the =nited .ations )elief and !orks A#ency for *alestinian )efu#ees in the .ear Aast B=.)!AHD in 23:2 "he refu#ee roblem ori#inated at the be#innin# of the war. As stated reviously, Arab leaders lanned for an immediate destruction of Israel the moment the announcement of inde endence was made. "o e+ edite their victory, they recommended that *alestinian Arabs relocate to safer areas for a few days.' "hey were told that when victory was secured, they could return to their homes and collect the fortunes invested reviously by the Eewish eo le. "housands fled to safer areas. "he Arabs were soundly defeated and the *alestinians became refu#ees and, unfortunately, they and their #randchildren today are still refu#ees. In 23:2 the =. established )elief and !orks A#ency for *alestinian )efu#ees in the .ear Aast B=.)!AHD to care for the Arab refu#ees dis laced by the war, but not for any Eewish refu#ees who fled Muslim countries. Accordin# to the =.s =on.ention <elatin/ to the Status of <efu/ees, a refu#ee is a erson who flees a nation or #overnmental ower to esca e ersecution, dan#er or death. "he definition also includes their succeedin# #enerations. <or more than a half century various =. a#encies have s ent billions of dollars hel in# the *alestinians, yet not a sin#le dollar was #iven to aid Eewish refu#ees. "he anti(SemiticQanti(Israel bias of the international eace(kee in# a#ency was known by national leaders and the media, but seldom ublici@ed. In

the meantime, oil(rich Islamic countries have #iven little or nothin# for their Muslim brothers in stark contrast to what was #iven by the =S and Auro e. "oday there is a #reat dis ute as to how many *alestinian Arabs became refu#ees as a result of the war. -y 23:5 Israelis estimate 455,555, the =. estimates 964,555 and Arab sources claim 2,555,555. "he refu#ee o ulation has #rown to J million in 6556 accordin# to =. estimates. "hese refu#ees for the most art became residents in cam s the =. established in %a@a, Samaria and ;ebanon. A few returned home, but most of them relocated elsewhere. It should be noted that while Eewish refu#ees who returned were inte#rated into Israel, no Arab nation has o ened its doors to the *alestinian refu#ees. Instead, ;ebanon established twelve refu#ee cam s$ Syria and Eordan had ten each. A ma,or reason for this is because Arabs are intensely loyal to their families, clans and tribes. 2:3 "hey tend to view other tribes as either e&ual or lower status than their own. "he *alestinians, however, are a mi+ed race' of various tribes that intermarried since the mid(nineteenth century. Hence, no other Arab or Islamic country wants them. "hese refu#ees have become olitical awns used by Arab leaders to attain sym athy for their causes and the destruction of Israel. "o blame Israel for the refu#ee roblem is sim ly not historically accurate. Israel absorbed all the costs of inte#ratin# Eewish refu#ees into the newly formed nation while the Arabs, with their unlimited etro dollars, have never aid any funds toward their own refu#ees. )ather, the =nited .ations has su orted *alestinian refu#ee cam s. "he =., the =nited States, and other nations have re eatedly offered to rovide aid to Arab nations willin# to take them, but the Arab leaders refuse to acce t the funds. "he *alestinian refu#ee situation was truly tra#ic and it continues unchan#ed to this day. "he Israelis have ermitted some *alestinians to return and have been under international ressure for the reentry of additional refu#ees. Since returnin# *alestinians have fre&uently and o enly called for the destruction of Israel, to ermit them to return would only be welcomin# an enemy. "he *alestinians are not only a stateless eo le, but their Arab brothers have re,ected them. *ossibly the worst abuse of humanity is that they

-ur#e, J5(J2.


have become a wea on of ro a#anda to sway the worlds o inion. As was reviously stated, the -ritish established Eordan in 2366 Binde endence in 23J4D as a nation for them. In fact, a vast ma,ority of Eordanians are dis laced *alestinians, but none are from refu#ee cam s. "oday the lin#erin# &uestion of many debates is, Did the *alestinian refu#ees become refu#ees because Arab leaders encoura#ed them to leave their homes, or were they driven out by the Eews as current Arab leaders claimH' "he answer is found in a number of Arab resses and other sources. Most astonishin# are the Arab news a ers of the eriod that re orted Arab leaders of nei#hborin# nations encoura#ed the *alestinian Arabs to leave so as not to be in the way of their advancin# armies.245 "heir hasty e+odus is resented below as recorded by -ritish and Arab news a ers, not Israeli sources. Fn Fctober 6, 23J8, the ;ondon weekly Economist re orted that, Ff the 46,555 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa, not more than :,555 or 4,555 remained. /arious factors influenced their decision to seek safety in fli#ht. "here is but little doubt that the most otent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Hi#her Arab A+ecutive, ur#in# the Arabs to &uit .O It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and acce ted Eewish rotection would be re#arded as rene#ades.242 Fne of several Arab leaders stated the refu#ee situation was the result of Arab leadershi . Fn Se tember 4, 23J8, the -eirut news a er (ail& Tele/raph &uoted Amil %houry, Secretary of the Arab Hi#her 0ommittee, who said, I do not want to im u#n anybody but only to hel the refu#ees. "he fact that there are these refu#ees is the direct conse&uence of the action of the Arab States in

<or further study, see -enny Morris, The irth of the Palestinian <efu/ee Pro"lem, 7E;847E;E. He documents that the refu#ee roblem was not lanned or instituted by the Eews, but was the result of Arab ro a#anda as well as *alestinians desire not to be cau#ht in the middle of the fi#htin#.

Cat@, 2:.


o osin# artition of the Eewish State. "he Arab States a#reed u on this olicy unanimously and they must share in the solution of the roblem.246 However, %houry drastically chan#ed his story some twelve years later when he accused the Eews of insti#atin# the *alestinian e+odus. He told the =. S ecial *olitical 0ommittee on .ovember 29, 2345 that, It has been those Z>ionist[ acts of terror, accom anied by wholesale de redations, which caused the e+odus of the *alestine Arabs. 247 "he fact that the *alestinians left their homes by their own decisions is recorded in the official records of the =nited .ations. Mr. Eamal Husseini, Actin# 0hairman of the *alestine Arab Hi#her 0ommittee informed the =. Security 0ouncil that, "he Arabs did not want to submit to a truce O they rather referred to abandon their homes, their belon#in#s and everythin# they ossessed in the world and leave town. "his is in fact what they did. 24J Aven the Eordanian .ews a er *ilastin, on <ebruary 63, 23J3, stated that, "he Arab states encoura#ed the *alestinian Arabs to leave their homes tem orarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies.' Fne of the most notable comments came from Cin# Hussein of the Cin#dom of Eordan. As late as 2345 he stated that the refu#ee roblem was caused by irres onsible Arab leaders who used the *alestinian eo le for olitical #ains. More recisely, he said,

246 247 24J

Cat@, 24. =. Document AQS*0QS) 653, 3. 0ited by Cat@, 66.

=. Security 0ouncil Ffficial )ecords "hird Mear .. 46, A ril 67, 238J, 2J 0ited by Cat@, 62.


Since 23J8 Arab leaders have a roached the *alestine roblem in an irres onsible manner.... they have used the *alestine eo le for selfish olitical ur oses. "his is ridiculous and, I could say, even criminal. (( Cin# Hussein of Eordan, 2345 24: !hat has either not been re orted or was underre orted in ma,or media outlets was that Eewish eo le in Muslim countries were bein# evicted from their homes and their ro erties confiscated. Israel acce ted all the dis laced Eewish eo le while Arab hostilities increased daily.

*h+ do politicians toda+ blame -srael for the refugee problem, when the Arab media published that it was caused b+ their leaders/

Page 1

"he conclusion of the refu#ee e+chan#e is delineated as followsG 5e#s ( Arab countries ersecuted their Eewish citi@ens. ( Arabs confiscated Eewish ro erty Bas did the %ermans in !!IID. ( Israel absorbed all Eewish refu#ees from 255K countries. ( Israel received no aid from the =. or =S to care for its refu#ees. ( Eewish refu#ees absorbed into Israeli culture. Arabs


htt GQQwww.eret@yisroel.or#Q_,kat@Qrefu#ees6.html, )etrieved Eanuary 22, 6553.


( Arab leaders and media told the *alestinian Arabs to leave homes to ermit room for military e&ui ment and antici ated victory. ( Arabs lost the war. ( Arabs refused to absorb Arab *alestinians into Arab culture. ( Arabs refused to #ive aid to the *alestinians. ( Arabs confined the *alestinians into 69 refu#ee cam s. the them. ( Fil(rich ArabQIslamic #overnments refused to su ort *alestinians, demanded the =. su ort ( Arab leaders created the refu#ee roblem. Wh%. ( *alestinians are olitical awns to destroy Israel. "oday the refu#ee cam s are trainin# #rounds for terrorists. "he unem loyment rate is often in e+cess of 9: ercent. All schools Babout 755D have been renamed after suicide bombers. "he towns and villa#es are oorly maintained in order to ac&uire world(wide sym athy and ortray the so(called wealthy' Israelis as villains. 244 Hundreds of millions of dollars #iven to *alestinian leaders are unaccounted for. Since Masser Arafat told the *alestinians to have many children, they have had the hi#hest birth rate Balso known as fertility rateD in the worldG ei#ht children er family. "he refu#ee roblem has become a social, economic, and olitical time bomb ( the erfect international storm. Met the obvious remains. Had the Arabs acce ted one of several land for eace offerin#s, there would not have been a war or any Arab refu#ees. "he olitically correct &uestion isG !hy do the Islamic states not care for their Muslim *alestinian brothersH .o clerics have ever e+ ressed sym athy for them I which does not say much for Islamic love, comfort, care and eace. Islamic states have unlimited wealth of oil$ their land area is

Due to Israels hi#h defense bud#et, 6: ercent of Israelis lived under the overty line in 6558.


twice the si@e of the =nited States and 496 times lar#er than Israel. "he answer is re,udice. As stated reviously, in the ArabQIslamic culture, leaders dis lay loyalty first to their family, clan and tribe I even in the twenty(first century. Since the *alestinians are a blend of various #rou s that immi#rated into *alestine, they are seen as a mi+ed breed.' "he cultural value of tribal and ethnic urity redates the rise of Muhammad, as each tribe and family considered all others of lower status. "his was fuel for Arabian wars and skirmishes. Met the historical facts oint to a sim le conclusion, one that reveals Muslim leaders not only created the refu#ee roblem, but have been usin# their brothers as olitical awns since 23J8 to ne#otiate the destruction of Israel. <urthermore, their focus has become to first eradicate the Saturday eo le,' then the Sunday eo le.' "he *alestinians are awns used to achieve the first ste .

*h+ have oil-rich Arab states repeatedl+ failed to provide for their own Palestinian Arabs/

Page 1

!ithout &uestion the *alestinian eo le are the most abused eo le #rou in the world today. "heir Arab kinsmen use them as olitical awns, their leaders are corru t, the Israelis are sus icious of them, their unem loyment rate is #enerally between :5 and 9: ercent and they fear for their lives if they disa#ree with olitical and reli#ious leadershi . If they are 0hristian, the Muslim relief or#ani@ations refuse to #ive them aid and 0hristians in the !est have, for the most art, for#otten them. 0hristian >ionists tend to favor Israel so hi#hly that they i#nore the des erate li#ht of the *alestinian 0hristians. <ortunately, a number of messianic con#re#ations and evan#elical ministries secretly #ive them humanitarian aid, but their resources are limited. *alestinian communities are often ty ical of third world countries. "heir roads are in oor condition, villa#es are dusty and dirty, modern conveniences are lackin# and trash is everywhere. "he economic health is far behind the Eewish se#ment of Israel. Aven thou#h they are the victims of

olitical and economic discrimination, they fare better than their counter arts in other Islamic countries. "hey have become the victims of not only corru t Arab leaders, but Israeli discrimination fostered rimarily by orthodo+ and ultra(orthodo+ Eews. Stores as in the followin# fi#ures are found throu#hout the *alestinian areas of Israel and the *alestinian Authority areas. "he bli#ht of the *alestinian refu#ees as well as all *alestinian eo le would be #reatly im roved if I 2. "he Islamic leaders who romote violence were removed and 6. "he orthodo+ and ultra(orthodo+ Eews who romote discrimination a#ainst the Arabs were removed from #overnment ositions. "he ro found irony is that secular Eews and secular Muslims live at eace with each other. ;ikewise, messianic Eews and born(a#ain Arabs also live at eace with each other and at times share reli#ious services to#ether. =nfortunately, neither of these two eaceful #rou s, the secular and reli#ious are ever mentioned in the media.


&i'ure :(! A butchere$ co#! "he carcass of a butchered cow han#s under a shed roof in the summer heat near Mount %eri@im, Samaria. "his reflects the lack of modern refri#eration and sanitation en,oyed elsewhere in Israel.

&i'ure :/! &resh chic-ens for sale! ;ive chickens killed on site for customers who desire fresh meat. 23J3G "he !ar )esults "here is little doubt that the most si#nificant result of May 2J, 23J8 was the fulfillment of Isaiah 44G8. -ut the fulfillment of the ro hetic Scri ture would not mean that life would be easy. In 23J8 Israels o ulation was 4:5,555 but in only four years in 23:2, she had absorbed an astonishin# 435,555 additional Eewish refu#ees.249 Many were Holocaust survivors and many others came from intolerant Muslim countries. <or the most art, they returned enniless, sick and without the knowled#e of how to build a nation on devastated land. "here was little or no food and thousands lived in s&ualor in tent cities. Eewish eo le worldwide contributed heavily to relieve the li#ht of their brothers and sisters. "he =. rovided no aid whatsoever.

0entral -ureau of Statistics re roduced in *acts !"out $srael, 7E8B. BEerusalem, 2395D 0ited by Cat@, 64:.


"o hel the fled#lin# nation, the =S, %ermany and world Eewry sent aid between the years 23J3 to 23:6. "he =S #overnment ermitted Israeli bonds to be sold on the .ew Mork Stock A+chan#e. "hese bonds were #uaranteed by the =S %overnment and rebuilt Israel. American forei#n olicy was not ro(Israel, but it did ermit the nation to be rebuilt. It was a olicy that was more interested in establishin# a balance of ower amon# Middle Aast nations and a easin# voters at home than it was in the welfare of the Eews or the Eewish state.
The H? supported Palestinian refuge es with billions of dollars, but did not give I1 to aid $ewish refugees"


"here is no &uestion that the international eace( kee in#' a#ency was ineffective in kee in# the eace and was hardly ever an a#ent of ,ustice and fairness. -ecause the =. was a hi#hly ineffective eace kee er, Israel roved to herself and to the world that she had the tenacity to fi#ht and meet the stron#est challen#er head(on. Amon# the Israelis there were no draft dod#ers and the acifists, eace( nicks and left(win# socialists suddenly became enli#htened to the fact that either they would have to fi#ht and win or the Arabs would recreate a second Holocaust. Add to that newfound awareness the fact that for nearly 6,555 years they recited the words at *assover, .e+t year in Eerusalem.' "hey now had a new definition of ins iration, cou led with a assion for survival that only %od could have created. "his resulted in one of the most si#nificant results I they won a land mass #reater then what they were offered reviously by the =.. 23:5G ;aw of )eturn !hen the war ended in 23J3, there was a tidal wave of immi#rants comin# from devastated Auro e and Muslims states and many continued to suffer. Fn Euly :, 23:5, Israel assed the ;aw of )eturn which #uaranteed the ri#ht of every Eew worldwide to return to his homeland re#ardless of

belief. !hile many returnees are atheistic, or a#nostic, others claim they have found truth in eastern reli#ions or in Eewish mysticism known as the Cabala. However, those who acce ted Eesus BMeshuaD as their Messiah were not welcomed in Israel.

&i'ure :3! Refu'ee Tent Cit%! A tent city in Israel accommodated thousands of Eewish refu#ees who arrived from Arab states. Some families lived in tents for several years. *hoto is dated 23:5. 0ritics have stated that the ;aw demonstrates that Israel is a racist state. "he reasonin# is that any Eew in the world can come to Israel and become a citi@en as soon as heQshe sets foot on Israeli soil, whereas Arabs who have lived in *alestine for a century or more are not #ranted the same status. "he ;aw was created because Eews were bein# ersecuted and killed in numerous Islamic nations, not to mention the recent history of Eewish #enocide in %ermany and )ussia. "he irony is that in every Islamic nation, Islam is both the reli#ion and law of the land and non(Muslims have no le#al ri#hts. In Saudi Arabia for e+am le, a Eew is killed if his or her identity is discovered. "he hy ocrisy is not an issue to Islamic thinkin# since Muslims believe they are the su erior eo le over non(Muslims, yet dare to call the Muslim

countries racist.' "he truth is that Israels ;aw of )eturn is a rotective law for fellow Eews re#ardless of where they live or what culture they re resent. 23:5G -iblical "erritory )enamed the !est -ank' Aarly in 23:5, Cin# Abdullah I bin al(Hussein, Cin# of Eordan Breferred to as Cin# Abdullah ID, anne+ed Eudea, Samaria and Aast Eerusalem to his nation. "o eliminate the Eewish claims he also renamed Eudea and Samaria "he !est -ank,' because these areas lie to the west of the Eordan )iver. -y the 2385s most media outlets and academic resources had acce ted the name chan#e without &uestionin# its historic back#round. 0onse&uently, the Israelis who lived in their !est -ank' ancestral homes as well as new immi#rants have become known as the Fccu iers,' in lands assi#ned to them in 2366.


"a, ((! LE&T: The Armistice Demarcation of (?4?! At the end of the !ar of Inde endence, Israel had #ained territory BED while the Arabs, BAD who refused to make eace lost territory. However, they held on to the mountains of Israel.'


"a, (/! RI0 T: E<e-iel)s D"ountains of Israel!E An area in the 0entral Mountain )an#e$ its northern( most city is Shechem and southern(most city is Hebron. .ote that most of these cities are in the area of the !est -ank or the Arab(controlled areas. 23:2G Cin# Abdullah I Assassinated on the "em le Mount Cin# Abdullah I was en#a#ed in secret talks with Israel concernin# a ermanent eace settlement. He once said that with Arab oil and Israeli technolo#y, the Middle Aast could be an oasis. However, some fellow Arabs were so incensed over the idea of makin# eace with the Eews, that he was assassinated while visitin# the Dome of the )ock, situated u on the "em le Mount. "he theolo#ical reason for his assassination is rooted in the ?uran, Make war on them until idolatry Z0hristianity and Eudaism[ shall cease and %odSs BAllahsD reli#ion shall rei#n su reme' BSura 8G74D. Accordin# to this verse, any Muslim who literally a lies the teachin#s of the ?uran to his life is obli#ated to kill any fellow Muslim who makes eace with a 0hristian or Eew. Such is the Muslim world I the conce t of makin# eace with the Eewish eo le is an invitation for assassination. .o Arab or Muslim head of state would dare to contradict the anti(Israel movement. In 2386 A#y tian Anwar Sadat would suffer the same conse&uence at the hands of Iranian(ins ired A#y tian assassins for makin# eace with Israel. "his uns oken olicy was well established in the 2375s by the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem, and later by Masser Arafat. "he only e+ce tion is the traditional Islamic hudna.

Bing Abdullah was assassinated for theological reasons according to 9ura 8%2#"


0hallen#es of ;ivin# in Israel In s ite of the roblems, the thou#ht of livin# in Israel brou#ht with it a ho e for a better life for thousands of Eewish

eo le. "he fact that so many returned is evidence of the literal fulfillment of biblical ro hecy. Met not all of them stayed. Astablishin# a better life while buildin# a nation was e+tremely difficult. Many died due to Arab sni ers and terrorists. "housands died workin# in Malaria(infested swam s where they drained the water to establish fertile farmin# land. Fthers invested in businesses only to see them ruined by war and civil unrest. It would be a fanciful dream to say that all who returned ros ered. "he truth is that after years of hard work and lost fortunes, many either returned to Auro e discoura#ed or went to #reener astures in South America or the =nited States. .onetheless, the biblical narrative remains true. "he ro hets never said that all who would return would stay there. Some estimates state that u to J55,555 left$ others u to half a million. "he followin# e+cer t is from a letter written to the Jerusalem Post in 2384, which reflects the sentiment of many who came to this barren land. Sir, I arrived in Israel five months a#o and enrolled in the !=ES ro#ramme in Arad to learn Hebrew and to e+tend my embarrassin#ly limited knowled#e of my eo les history, tradition, culture and reli#ion. "he roblems of maintainin# a Eewish identity in the Dias ora seemed to me insurmountable and I felt it my duty to at least e+ lore life in Israel. Ima#ine my sadness and bewilderment when, after talkin# to many ZIsraeli[ hi#h school students Ba#es 2J to 24D, I discovered that all their dreams and as irations centered on makin# it in AmericaO' 248 "here have always been a few who considered Israel a ste in#(stone to America. ;ife in Israel has always been challen#in# at best. 23:4G <rom )ussia with -lood ( the Sinai !ar In the early 23:5s, A#y t was ri e for a revolution and in 23:J, %amal Abdel .asser, took control of the nation in a bloodless cou . He immediately ne#otiated an arms deal with

!illiam H. <instone, ;etter to the Aditor.' in the Eerusalem *ost, Dec. 6J, 2384. 0ited in <riedman, J:2.


the Soviet =nion that #ave him a JG2 su eriority advanta#e over Israel. He romised his eo le the followin#G 2. Social reforms within A#y t, 6. "he destruction of Israel and 7. "he end of !estern influence in the Arab world. His social reforms included mass arrests of Eews and the confiscation of their ro erty. "housands were im risoned without a trial while others were ordered to leave within a few days. As late as 234J, he led#ed his alle#iance to the old .a@i cause.243 He e+ anded the electrical ower #rid and increased the nations water su ly. He lanned the Aswan Dam in southern A#y t but financin# it was nearly an im ossible task. He decided that the most economical way to fund it was to nationali@e the Sue@ 0anal that was constructed by the <rench and -ritish in the 2845s. -y nationali@in# it, the Auro eans not only lost their investment and rofits, but they also lost control of unrestricted access to the *ersian %ulf and Indian Fcean. He evicted the <rench, who were controllin# the 0anal and moved his military into the Sinai Desert. He then laced lon#(ran#e #uns in the southern end of the Sinai at the Strait of "iran, creatin# a naval blockade of the %ulf of A&aba and the flow of shi in# to the southern Israeli ort of Alat. Accordin# to international law, this action was a declaration of war. In the meantime, the Soviets be#an sendin# their most so histicated armaments to A#y t via 0@echoslovakia, a olitical shift from the revious war when the Soviets sent badly needed arms to Israel. .asser then nationali@ed the Sue@ 0anal that ran throu#h A#y tian territory. !ar was inevitable. "he <rench, who were e+tremely an#ry, were not about to sit idly by doin# nothin#. "hey ne#otiated a secret deal with Israel whereby the <rench would #ive the Israelis badly needed military hardware. "he lan called for Israel to invade the Sinai and the <rench would then have an e+cuse to enter the war. "he canal closure brou#ht the -ritish and <rench into the international theater, as they did not want to see control of the canal in Arab or Soviet hands.

*eters, J3.


"he Soviets wanted des erately to control the Sue@ 0anal as this would restrict American shi in# and naval fleet maneuvers. "hey were also an+ious to see how their new military e&ui ment would erform. <or the Israelis and other nations, the canal was a vital link to ac&uire food and su lies. Suddenly the Middle Aast became of vital interest to American security. Fn Fctober 63, 23:4, -ritish, <rench and Israeli forces attacked A#y tian ositions. Israeli lanes flew low over the Sinai Desert cuttin# hone lines and 255 hours later three A#y tian army divisions were destroyed with the loss of 285 Israeli lives. "he Israelis ca tured the %a@a Stri and Sinai *eninsula. "he Soviets, reco#ni@in# the failure of their e&ui ment and the defeat of their allies, threatened to enter the conflict. -ecause the =nited States feared such a conflict, it ressured Israel to acce t a cease(fire. Hence, on .ovember 4, 23:9 a cease fire was instituted, but there was no eace. .asser was defeated but remained a cham ion in Arab eyes because he held on to the Sue@ 0anal. "here are five si#nificant oints related to the 23:4 Sinai !arG 2. A#y t a#ain led the char#e a#ainst Israel. 6. "he A#y tians said their #oal was to com lete the work of Hitler. 7. "he <rench and -ritish wanted the Soviets out of the Middle Aast. J. As a result of the conflict, Israel #ained territory and :. Israel stren#thened its friendshi who later hel ed them develo nuclear wea ons. !hile the A#y tians were the insti#ators of the !ar, other Arab states had &uickly ,oined the effort. !hen eace was restored, sni ers and terrorists made continuous incursions into Israel to attack, kill and esca e. Due to the close ro+imity to borders, Eewish farmers were always in harms way but under the watchful eye of the Israeli military. .asser immediately called for a future war of Eewish annihilation. In the years that followed, Israel was not at war, but did not have eace either.

with the <rench

&i'ure :4! "oshe Da%an rea$s Iictor% +tatement! Israel %eneral Moshe Dayan BcenterD reads the victory address to his troo s on .ov. 4, 23:9. 23:5sG Israel Develo s Its .uclear *ro#ram Durin# !orld !ar II, <rench and Israeli hysicists worked to#ether on the Manhattan *ro,ect wherein the American atomic bomb was develo ed. Durin# the 23:5s they worked closely to#ether to establish <rench nuclear ower and wea ons. It has been said that when the <rench tested their bombs in 2345, two nuclear nations were created. Ffficially only <rance admitted to havin# the nuclear o tion.295 "his <rench connection enabled the Eewish state to develo and build at least two atomic bombs by the 2349 Si+ Day !ar. "he fact that the Americans would soon also hel the Israelis build a nuclear research center was still a to secret matter. <or decades Israeli leaders would not comment on whether they had nuclear wea ons. "he Muslims knew Israeli hysicists hel ed develo American and <rench wea ons and

/enter, 279.


that Americans assisted Israel to build a nuclear reactor. 0ommon sense would lead one to conclude that the Eews, who are amon# the most hi#hly educated and yet the most ersecuted eo le #rou in history, would develo whatever defense system necessary to revent another Holocaust. Met the Muslims did not develo an atomic defense system because they knew the Eews were not the a##ressors.

&i'ure :6! Develo,ers of Israel)s Nuclear Pro'ram! In Eune, 23:8, <rench <orei#n Minister -our#es(Maunoury Hleft0 and Director %eneral of the Defense Ministry Abel "homas Hri/ht0 meet with Israeli *rime Minister David -en(%urion at his "el Aviv home. -our#er(Maunoury and "homas were the two key develo ers of Israels nuclear ro#ram.

6uslim states did not respond negativel+ when -srael developed nuclear weapons" *h +/

Page 1&3


&i'ure ::! Israel)s &irst Nuclear Research &acilit%! -uilt with <rench and American aid, a small research reactor is shown in its final hase of construction in .ahal Sore&, south of "el Aviv in <ebruary, 2345. Mears later in the 2385s, Ira&i Dictator Saddam Hussein bra##ed of havin# nuclear wea ons. Fthers Muslim leaders, unsure whether his words were truth or bluff, res onded with develo ment ro#rams of their own, es ecially Iran. !hile the rhetoric was fre&uently anti(Israel, there was a secondary oint which essentially was the main oint of contentionG the centuries old Shiite vs. Sunni hatred. In essence, if Hussein, a Sunni Muslim, of Ira& was #oin# to develo wea ons of mass destruction, then Iran, a Shiite nation, had no o tion but to do likewise. Fnce the =nited States #ot involved and eliminated the Ira&i dictator and his ro#ram, Iran was left without a threat. "he very thou#ht of a Shiite nation holdin# nuclear wea ons terrifies the Sunnis, and hence, the atomic race amon# Muslims be#an. Fn a side note, *akistan develo ed nuclear wea ons reviously, not because of Israel, but because of its ancient enemy India that also had them.

23:8G 0ivil =nrest in ;ebanon -eirut, ;ebanon was often referred to as the *aris of the Middle Aast,' because it reflected the finest Auro ean culture trans lanted in the Middle Aast. It had a centuries( old 0hristian herita#e, and ca italism brou#ht ros erity to hundreds of small business owners, many of whom were Muslim. It was home to American =niversity, the lar#est American university outside the =nited States. Aven as late as the 2345s the small nation ros ered well beyond anyones ima#ination. !ith the rise of terrorism and dictatorial Syria immediately to the east, everythin# chan#ed. 0ivil war broke out when radical Muslims attacked both Maronite 0hristians and moderate Muslims causin# the =nited States to send in 2:,555 marines to establish eace. In later years it would be the launchin# #round for Iranian and Syrian terrorist o erations. 0ivil war would break out a#ain in 239: and 2386. In the summer of 2386 the ;ebanese #overnment re&uested American forces to serve as a eacekee in# force. !hile stationed in -eirut, a suicide bomber killed 6J2 American and :8 <rench troo s. "he Americans eventually ulled out and ;ebanon became a hotbed of civil unrest when more radical Muslims moved in. "his became obvious when Masser Arafat and his *alestinian ;iberation Fr#ani@ation arrived in the early 2395s. "oday all remnants of a democratic !estern(style #overnment are #one and the small country has become a sta#in# #round for terrorist attacks on Israel. 2345sG Silent Anti(Arab Discrimination Ironically, the Eewish eo le, who know discrimination and ersecution, had themselves become the er etuators of discrimination a#ainst Israeli Arabs.292 "his is es ecially true of the ultra(orthodo+ Eews. !hile this is not a blanket statement for every Israeli, it is, however, a oint of #overnment and cultural si#nificance. "he Israeli Arabs, while en,oyin# a better life than where they ori#inated, have not received #overnment benefits e&ual to Israeli Eews even

Arabs who are Israeli citi@ens


thou#h they society.

ay ta+es and are an im ortant element in

"his writer, havin# been in Israel many times, has been told re eatedly that some #overnment services are not as readily available for Israeli Arabs. <or e+am le, tourists visit the famous ruins of the Mediterranean ort city of 0aesarea built by Herod the %reat. "o visit the archaeolo#ical site they must e+it )oute 2, a ma,or four lane hi#hway and drive a short distance throu#h an e+ ensive residential community. However, less than a mile north of the 0aesarea is the Arab community of Shchuna Dromit with about 65,555 residents. "he Israeli #overnment constructed a convenient e+it for the tourists but not for the Arabs. "o leave their villa#e they must travel on a road filled with otholes for nearly ten miles north to #et on )oute 2. "here is no convenient access to the ma,or hi#hway used by tourists. Ironically, tourists are filled with the wonders of the Holy ;and and do not see the blatant discrimination a#ainst Israeli Arabs, some of whom are also 0hristians. "he a#itators are not always *alestinian. 2346G <rench *resident de %aulle An#a#es with the Arabs <ew Auro ean leaders have had as much animosity a#ainst America as had <rench *resident 0harles de %aulle. His assionate dislike was so #reat that he attem ted to unite the Arabs and Auro eans into a sin#le economic bloc that would become dominant #lobally. In his lan, Auro eans would rovide the technolo#y while the Arabs would rovide the fuel. "his would diminish the threat of 0ommunism, reduce the #lobal status of the =nited States and enhance the status of <rance$ reminiscent of the mi#hty <rench Am ire of days #one by. "o accom lish his #oal, de %aulle established the Auro e(Arab Dialo#ue BAADD. Arab and Auro ean conferences were held in 0o enha#en in 2397 and *aris in 239J. It was a dream come true for the Arabs, as they insisted that Auro e su ort them in the Israeli(*alestinian conflict and o en doors for Muslim immi#ration into Auro e. "wo si#nificant develo ments resulted from the AAD. <irst, Auro ean states since then increasin#ly critici@ed Israel in her defense a#ainst terrorist attacks. Second, in a few decades the Muslim o ulation in Auro e e+ loded to over :7 million. "his was

accom lished by Muslim immi#ration and birthrates that are the hi#hest in the world. "he #rowin# difficulty for tolerant Auro eans is that some of their influential new nei#hbors are intolerant of Auro eans. Arabs are not inte#ratin# into the culture, but are demandin# that Auro eans acce t the Islamic culture. !hat is now worrisome to observant Auro eans is, that due to the low Auro ean birthrates and hi#h Muslim birthrates, in only forty or fifty years Auro e will be an Islamic continent$ somethin# that de %aulle certainly did not antici ate. <or e+am le, since 2335, 35 ercent of immi#rants comin# into <rance have been Muslim. In 239: <rance had one mos&ue but by 2336 it had 2,:55. Southern <rance, which once had more churches than any other area in the world, today has more mos&ues than churches. At the encoura#ement of de %aulle, %reat -ritain welcomed Muslims and their o ulation increased from 86,555 in 2398 to 6.: million in 6558. An#land had three mos&ues in 2346 but by 2336 it had :55 and today she has both an An#lish and Islamic court system. Hundreds of churches have been converted to Mos&ues, aid for by oil(rich Saudi Arabia and, in Muslim thinkin#, every conversion states that My Allah is stron#er than your %od.' Fther !estern Auro ean nations have similar demo#ra hic trends. Ffficials of the %erman <ederal Statistics Fffice said, "he fall in the Z%erman[ o ulation can no lon#er be sto ed. Its downward s iral is no lon#er reversible O It Z%ermany[ will be a Muslim state by the year 65:5.' 296 Some have redicted <rance will also be a Muslim state by 65:5 and that by the end of the 62 st century the #lobal Muslim o ulation will increase from the current 66 to :5 ercent. ;ittle wonder then, that in 6553 the most o ular name for a new(born boy in the .etherlands and An#land was Muhammad, or one of the fourteen variations of Muhammad. If the Auro eans do not make drastic chan#es, the social and economic im lications of this henomenal chan#e are nearly im ossible to redict. Aven in the =nited States Saudi money has financed and maintained twice as many mos&ues as there are Assembly of %od churches. 0han#es are also comin# to America. Fnly when Auro eans

Muslim Demo#ra hics.' htt 7N:hI<NM=. March 75, 6553. See also htt vL5>I2<aw0SsAPfeatureLrelated.


and Americans reali@e the trend and decide to sto it will there be a ossibility that the trend mi#ht be reversed. 2345sG "he Islamic <uture of Auro e -e#ins ;ittle could *resident de %aulle ever have ima#ined that o enin# Auro ean doors to the Muslims would lead to a cultural transformation of Auro e. He had no #reat love for the Eews or Israel and o osed the military and nuclear coo eration between the two #overnments. <ortunately for Israel, the <rench defense establishment did not follow his directives. In 655: -ritish author -at Meor described in her book, Eura"ia, The Euro4!ra" !>is, the foundations of forei#n olicies of Auro ean states and the Arab world that formed hostility a#ainst Israel and the =nited States. 297 She details the history of three decades of Auro ean ro(Arab olicies that have resulted in a o ulation crisis in countries such as <rance, %ermany and Sweden, but local oliticians refuse to admit there is a crisis. Meor believes Auro e is in a demo#ra hic freefall into cultural suicide. As a result of cultural relativism no one knows ri#ht from wron#$ the Eudaeo(0hristian value system has been lost. <urthermore, she cites the trend to Islami@e 0hristianity, se arates it from its Eewish roots and turns the historical Eewish Eesus into a *alestinian Eesus. Her observations should make all !esterners lament while reali@in# that the ro a#anda #oal of the late Masser Arafat is bein# fulfilled. Met, even if de %aulle had not invited the Muslims into Auro e, todays roblems would still be challen#in#. He sim ly elevated the catastro hic risks for Auro es future.

According to current demographic trends, <rance and >erman + will be -slamic states b+ ' 3 "

Page ''0


-at MeSor. Eura"ia, The Euro4!ra" !>is. <airlei#h Dickinson =niversity *ress. 655:.


234JG "he Soviets and the *alestinian ;iberation Fr#ani@ation Fn May 68, A#y tian *resident .asser #athered dele#ates to an official Arab ;ea#ue meetin# in Aast Eerusalem as if to im ly a le#itimate claim to the Holy 0ity. =nder his direction Bactually the Soviets directionD the ;ea#ue established the *alestinian ;iberation Fr#ani@ation and voted Ahmed Shukeiri as its first chairman. Shukeiri, in true Arab fashion, vowed to all the dele#ates his dedication to throw the Eews into the sea. In reality, the establishment of the *alestinian ;iberation Fr#ani@ation B*;FD was both a secretive and ublic event. =nknown to the world was the Soviet C%- Bthe 0ommittee for State Security, the official secret olice of the =SS)D that hand icked all J66 members of the *;F. "hey chose Ahmed Shukeiri, the C%-s Arab a#ent of influence, to be its first chairman. 29J !hen the media announced that a new or#ani@ation was established to re resent' the *alestinian eo le, obviously no word mentioned of its Soviet develo ment, control or influence. *rior to !orld !ar II the -ritish were in control of *alestine. Since their de arture in 23J8 the Soviets worked feverishly to mani ulate and dominate that art of the world. .ow they were active layers.

-n 1&#) the Palestinian :ibe ration ;rganiEation was e stablished in 6 oscow b+ the 9oviet Hnion"

Page //

"he Fr#ani@ations foundin# charter, which was obviously a roved by the Soviets, boldly advocated the destruction of Israel. It is mentioned in Articles 2, 7, 4, 8(25, 2:, 23(65.29: Its inau#ural assi#nment was to sabota#e Israels national water(carrier system on Eanuary 2, 234:. !hile the attem t failed, Israel and the rest of the world
29J 29:

Meir(;evi, 65(66.

htt GQQmiddleeastfacts.comQmiddle(eastQthe(fatah(constitution. h . )etrieved Eune 63, 6553.


would have to tolerate the terrorism of Arafat for decades to come. Si#nificant oints of the *;F areG 2. It was created by the Soviet =nion and A#y t for the destruction of Israel, not for the benefit of the *alestinian eo le. It was created in Moscow and 0airo, not in IsraelQ*alestine. It was not created to benefit the *alestinian eo le, but for the destruction of Israel. It was created in 234J, three years before the Arabs lost territory in the 2349 Si+(Day !ar. "herefore its claim to statehood is void$ a claim made only after 2349. It did not mention any any conte+t. ossibility of eace within

6. 7. J.


The P:; was not organiEed for the establishment of Palestinian statehood, but for the utter destruction of -srael"

Page 11 )

"he &uestion then arises as to why the Muslims and Arabs worked with the Soviets if they had such #reat distrust for both the )ussians and Auro eansH "he answer lies in the fact that they distrusted the Auro eans more than the Soviets, and America was ali#ned with Israel. Sim ly stated, the =S su orted Israel which is why Muslims now hate the =S. "his was the era of the 0old !ar and the only other su er ower at the time was the Soviet =nion. It was the arch enemy of America for whom the Arabs also had little affection. "he Arab(Soviet alliance is readily reco#ni@ed when the roverbial money trail of military s endin# is observed I as the Soviets #ave billions of dollars in military aid to the Islamic states. "he Soviet involvement reflects a dramatic turn( around. -arely two decades earlier they su lied Israel with

the essential armaments needed to win its !ar of Inde endence. 0learly, the Israelis and the world were ut on notice that the Arabs had no intention to ne#otiate eace, but desired only to com lete the work of Hitler. "he *;F was an umbrella or#ani@ation consistin# of nineteen terrorist #rou s who had identical ob,ectives. !ithin the *;F was a man who would become a ma,or layer in Middle Aast oliticsG Masser Arafat. 2345sG "he )ise of Masser Arafat "here is hardly a name that caused Israel more an#uish than that of Masser Arafat. His resume is &uite im ressive, not for the accom lishments normally associated with a olitical fi#ure or honored statesman, but for his ruthless terrorism. He took on the name of a hill near Mecca that was si#nificant to Muhammad. He was born on Au#ust 69, 2363 Bd. 655JD as an A#y tian, not a *alestinian. His real name was Adb al( )ahman Adb al()auf Arafat al(?udwa al(Husseini and his cousin was Ha,, Amin al(Husseini, the %rand Mufti of Eerusalem (( the infamous -utcher of the Middle Aast' and .a@i collaborator. At the a#e of seventeen, Arafat smu##led arms into *alestine from A#y t to fi#ht both the -ritish and the Eews. !hen he was merely twenty he committed his first murder, a *alestinian. In 23:2, he was an en#ineerin# student and ,oined the Moslem -rotherhood BM-D, the #rou of terrorists and assassinators that later killed A#y tian *resident Anwar Sadat. In 23:9 Arafat fled A#y t because the -rotherhood was outlawed Buntil 2348D. In 239J he directed the Munich Massacre of Israeli Flym ic athletes. Stran#ely, years later the *;F was invited to send athletes to the Flym ics in Atlanta for the 2334 #ames. His resume includes the followin#G 2. He once hi,acked four aircraft at the same time and received five million dollars in ransom from ;ufthansa. 6. His tar#ets included forty civilian aircrafts and five assen#er shi s. 7. He attacked thirty embassies.

J. Fnce he held over 7,555 assen#ers ca tive, of which he murdered 78 civilians and in,ured another 89. :. He established terrorist trainin# cam s around the world. 4. He violated nearly all eace a#reements with Israel. 9. He never a olo#i@ed or condemned these actions, but instead was eventually #iven the .obel *eace *ri@e in 233J.294 8. He has been honored as a statesman by =S residents and the =.. <or years Arafat was a leadin# #lobal terrorist, yet oliticians and the media chan#ed his ima#e from a ruthless killer to a res ectable and com assionate statesman. !ith brilliant minds like these at the helm of culture, is there any &uestion that Muslims will achieve #lobal dominationH Ama@in#ly, there is more to his life. "he lar#est or#ani@ation within the *;F #rou , the al4 *atah BArabic for victory'D, was led by Masser Arafat. In true Arab style, various terrorist or#ani@ations fou#ht each other. "he A#y tians s onsored one #rou , the Syrians another and the Ira&is a third #rou . Arafat arose as the victor because he solidified the various warrin# #rou s into a sin#le killin# machine. <or olitical and cosmetic reasons, the *;F eventually chan#ed its name to the *alestinian Authority B*AD. However, until his dyin# day he was faithful to the ori#inal *;F charter that advocated the destruction of Israel. Arafat and other founders of the *A were at one time on the =S list of *;F terrorists, but eventually treated as di#nitaries by American residents.


-etween the years 2325 and 233: the Eews roduced 263 .obel *eace rices while the Muslims roduced only seven between the years 2325 and 2338. "he irony is that the Eewish o ulation is 5.56 ercent Ba ro+. 2J millionD of the worlds o ulation while the Islamic o ulation is 65 ercent B2.6 billionD of the worlds o ulation.


&i'ure :=! Yasser Arafat I$oli<e$ A$olf itler! Masser Arafat BleftD considered Adolf Hitler, to be one of the #reatest men of history and dedicated his life to com lete his work. After every s eech to the !estern ress about denouncin# terrorism and violence, he would address his Arab su orters and, in Arabic, tell them that his An#lish words of eace were only for tactical reasons, not a real eace. Shortly thereafter he was &uoted sayin#, *eace for us means the destruction of Israel. !e are re arin# for an all(out war which will last for #enerations O. !e shall not rest until the day when we return to our home and until we destroy Israel.'299 He was faithful to Muhammads hudna. "he thou#ht of a Eewish state was to him a *alestinian tra#edy and eace' was merely an instrument for final

*rice, 775.


defeat of the enemy.298 Eewish scholar Mehuda Sherman said, Hitler has tau#ht us that if you try to a ease the a##ressor by makin# concessions to his demands, he will erceive this as weakness on your art, and it will encoura#e him to make #reater demands, and eventually resort to violence.' 293 Arafat was heavily funded not only by fellow Muslim heads of state, but also by the Soviet C%-, Soviet Military Intelli#ence B%)=D and the International De artment of the 0entral 0ommittee of the 0ommunist *arty B0*S=D. All aided in the trainin# and su ort of *alestinian leaders and terrorists.285 He established terrorist trainin# cam s worldwide such as in =#anda where he trained Idi Amins military that killed an estimated 755,555 black 0hristians. 282 Amin became known as the -utcher of =#anda,' a title similar to Arafats uncle, the %rand Mufti Husseini who was known as the -utcher of the Middle Aast.' As in the revious Armenian #enocide, neither the world ress nor !estern 0hristians #ave serious rotest for those who were ruthlessly e+ecuted. Arafat also established a uni&ue network for the urchase of wea ons. "he rice of wea ons listed below a ears to be ama@in#ly chea in 233:G 286 2Jmm #un M(24 ]6,J55 ( ]7,555 ]:,655

Carlo machine #un ]7,655

In an attem t to trade land for eace, in 233J Israel #ave Arafat control of Eericho and %a@a. "he result was not eace, but more terrorist attacks. !hen he denounced terrorism he also saluted the suicide killers and called them martyrs.' A#ain, after s eakin# about eace to the !estern ress, he addressed his *alestinian audience in Arabic and
298 293 285 282

Hart, 9:(93. *rice., 776. Meir(;evi, 23(62.

-ennett citin# "he Sudan 0onnection.' Middle East $ntelli/ence (i/est. <eb. 2337, 2.

-ennett, 89.


told them that what he said to the infidels was only what they wanted to hear. Averythin# said was for tactical and strate#ic reasons. "hen he continued his anti(Israel rhetoric which was never re orted by the !estern media. Dishonesty to the !est was and still is erfectly acce table if the end result romotes Allahs law I Sharia law.

Taqiyya: The Arabic term that encourages 6u slims to lie to non-6uslims for the interest of 9haria :aw"

Pag e ')2

encourages Muslims to lie to non-Muslims for the interest of Sharia Law.

"he Mossad, the Israeli secret security a#ency, always tried to find and assassinate him. However, he develo ed a si+th sense for security and ossible threats on his life. ;ike a human ferret, he was constantly movin# about and thinkin# of his ne+t lan$ his ne+t move. Aven his closest advisors seldom knew what he was about to do. "o avoid assassination, he did not have his own air lane. )ather, several Arab #overnments, namely Saudi Arabia and Al#eria, made lanes available to him to avoid death tra s set u by the Israelis and Arab o onents. He had a terrible tem er and was &uite emotional, yet around children, he was a charmin# #randfather. !hile not a smoker, he smoked at times as art of his dis#uise. 287 ;ittle wonder that he was known as the "eflon terrorist.' 234JG Arafat Sends Dele#ate to .orth /ietnam Since the .orth /ietnamese had successfully reframed the /ietnam !ar in the American and Auro ean mindset from a 0ommunist assault to a stru##le for national liberation, Arafat des erately wanted to know how they did it. He sent the head of his military o erations, Abu Eihad, to Hanoi to study .orth /ietnamese military tactics. "here Eihad learned strate#y and tactics of #uerrilla warfare develo ed by Ho 0hi Minh. "he /ietnamese also tau#ht him how to win !estern left(win# activists and sym athi@ers in the media and on colle#e cam uses. Eihad learned how it

-ennett, 68.


was accom lished. "his information, alon# with Soviet tutela#e, would chan#e how the world would view the Israeli( *alestinian conflict. "he Middle Aast conflict was anythin# but a Middle Aast matter$ it had taken on a si#nificant seudo(liberation role that would only e+ and in future years.

-n 1&#) the P:; studied ?orth @ietnamese public relation strategies in order to defeat the Americans"

Page '

234:G "he /atican Ambraced the *alestinian ;iberation Fr#ani@ation It seems im ossible to think that a 0hurch that should be committed to the love of 0hrist would embrace an or#ani@ation dedicated to the destruction of the Eewish eo le. BFf course there is the 6,555 year history of 0hurch( s onsored anti(Semitism.28JD -ut that is recisely what ha ened. Met Israel was not reco#ni@ed by the Holy See until 2337, forty(five years after its inde endence. Fnly then reco#nition was done in the s irit of eace.' Fbviously the &uestion that remains is whether the 0rusader s irit is still alive and well within the )oman 0atholic 0hurch. 2349G "he Si+(Day !ar "here were two si#nificant tri##ers that i#nited the Si+( Day !ar. <irst, and almost unknown to the !estern world, is that Syria was lannin# to divert Israels water su ly. "he Eordan )iver, Israels ma,or source, has three tributaries north of the Sea of %alilee. Syria had contracted with a Auro ean firm to construct canals to divert the water into ;ebanon. "his would have been a massive ro,ect, but, if successful, would have been a catastro he for Israel. In fact, the idea of divertin# water from the Eewish state had been attem ted several times in the revious decade. A secondary but

See !illiam H. Heinrich $N T%E S%!ME )* JESAS, The %idden Stor& of =hurch4Sponsored !nti4Semitism.


si#nificant water source ori#inates in the %olan Hei#hts, alon# with the winter run(off from Mount Hermon. "hese water sources su ly the Sea of %alilee, the Eordan )iver and the Israeli national water su ly. It is for this reason and the fact that the %olan is si#nificant in military strate#y, that Syria has continuously demanded the return of the Hei#hts, which she lost in the Si+(Day !ar. "he second reason for the Si+(Day !ar is that the Soviets had falsely informed Arab leaders that Israel was lannin# an attack and that Israeli troo s were already on the Israeli(Syrian border. Israel sus ected Soviet mani ulation, which was confirmed in a Eune 3, 2349 broadcast by A#y tian *resident %amal .asser. In res onse, ;evi Ashkol, Israels *rime Minister invited the Soviet ambassador to come with him to see for himself that no Israeli troo s were stationed there. However, the 28: ambassador declined the offer. 0ritics re eatedly say that Israel started the conflict. !hile it is true Israel fired the first shot, there were more sinister lans unfoldin# by the two su er owers. Most Middle Aast observers have a#reed that since the =nited States and the Soviet =nion were still in the 0old !ar, the Si+(Day !ar was a Soviet(initiated test for its hi(tech military e&ui ment. "his field test' was to determine the robability of Soviet success in a ossible future war with the =nited States. Some estimate the Soviet military hardware to have cost in e+cess of two billion dollars, an e+orbitant amount at that time. !ith so much hardware in Arab hands and hi(tech e&ui ment o erated by Soviet so(called advisors, Moscow resumably felt secure that Israels destruction had finally arrived. <urthermore, since the =. has had a lon# re utation of bein# slow to res ond and was incom etent when it did, the Soviets also believed that by the time the =. declared an action of any kind, Israel would be only a memory. "he Soviet interest in the Middle Aast was obviously becomin# increasin#ly evident and com le+. Fn Israels northeast border, throu#hout the revious year Syria was indiscriminately shellin# nearby Israeli towns and villa#es. -y the s rin# of 2349, A#y t and Syria increased their hateful messa#es over radio, television and news rint. Syrian military attacks from the north increased

Cat@, 65: citin# =. Document AQ*/Q2:64, 79.


daily. Fn A ril 9, Israeli Mira#e war lanes encountered si+ Syrian Soviet(built Mi%s. "he do#fi#ht ended with all the Mi%s destroyed, much to the embarrassment of both the Syrians and Soviets. Fn May 2:, A#y tian military forces moved into the Sinai *eninsula that borders with Israel. Fn May 28, .asser ordered the =. eacekee ers out of the Sinai and, of course, =. Secretary(%eneral = "hant rom tly com lied without consultin# the Security 0ouncil. "he =., rather than standin# firm as a eace kee in# force immediately succumbed to the Arab demand, leavin# Israel vulnerable to attack. Fn May 66 .asser closed the Straits of "iran at the southern end of the %ulf of A&aba, a violation of international law, thereby establishin# a naval blockade around the Israeli city of Ailat. "he =. did nothin#. Syria and A#y t then called u on their Arab nei#hbors to hel in the destruction of Israel. "hose who ,oined the coalition were Eordan, Cuwait, Ira&, Saudi Arabia, ;ebanon and Al#eria. "he Soviet =nion was already heavily involved with military e&ui ment and advisors and technicians,' who were on the battlefield o eratin# so histicated e&ui ment. "he Israelis reco#ni@ed that they were about to face the lar#est land, air and sea armadas that had ever been formed a#ainst them. In every way ossible, the Israelis were vastly outnumbered. Fn May 24, the official voice of the A#y tian %overnment in a 0airo radio broadcast said, "he e+istence of Israel has continued too lon# O "he #reat hour has come. "he battle has come in which we will destroy Israel.' Multi le nations called u on the Arabs to consider eace, but such calls fell u on deaf ears. .assers war of annihilation was about to be#in, but it would not end in the way he had lanned. -y early Eune, the Israelis reali@ed that war was inevitable and they were clearly the underdo#s. "hey had only 855 tanks to the Arabs 6,955, 235 fi#hter lanes to the Arabs 855, only 79 shi s to the Arabs massive navy of 629, and an insi#nificant o ulation of only one erson to 6: Arabs. -elievin# that the best defense was a &uick first strike offense, Israeli 0hief of Staff Mit@hak )abin devised one of the most darin# military o erations in modern warfare. "ime was of the essence as massive Arab forces were about to strike at any moment. "ension filled the air.

"hen, in the redawn hours of Eune :, Israeli fi#hters attacked and destroyed the entire A#y tian air force of J24 lanes in a matter of only three hours. Anemy lanes were neatly set in rows, s read out over fifteen bases, easy tar#ets for the Israeli fi#hter ilots. "he war had be#un. Israeli fi#hters then tar#eted the A#y tian army in the Sinai Desert and when the Israeli army finished the clean(u , seven A#y tian divisions were destroyed. In the meantime, the A#y tians told Cin# Abdullah that they were havin# incredible victories in the Sinai. "herefore, the Eordanians be#an a massive shellin# cam ai#n from Aast Eerusalem, which they had controlled since 23J8. !ithin two days, on Eune 9, Israeli soldiers ca tured the city includin# the sacred !estern !all and "em le Mount. )abbis and soldiers we t as they embraced their sacred wall I a le#acy of the Herodian Second "em le. )abbi Shlomo %oren sounded the rams horn for a call to rayer and said, !e have taken the 0ity of %od, we are enterin# the Messianic era for the Eewish eo le.' However, the conflict did not #o well with the Eordanians who were driven east of the Eordan )iver. -y Eune 25 Israel ca tured the %olan Hei#hts from Syria and the %a@a Stri from A#y t, areas that had been used for terroristic strikes. In the rocess of multi le victories the Israelis ca tured advanced Soviet military e&ui ment worth millions of dollars. "he Si+(day !ar was one of the #reatest miracles in the annals of military history. Avery soldier returned home as a hero, but there was also national mournin# for the 944 who #ave their lives. !hile the Arabs were losin# the war they ke t demandin# that the Eews be driven into the sea. Met in less than one week, Israel had #ained three times as much land and her o ulation increased by more than a million Arabs. Israel won.


"a, (3! Ca,ture$ Lan$ of the (?:= War! "he ca tured land mass resultin# from the Si+(Day !ar included the %olan Hei#hts, the !est -ank, Aast Eerusalem, %a@a and the Sinai *eninsula. "hese territories included more than a million Arabs. Israel eventually built 62 Eewish settlements in %a@a which were deliberately destroyed out of ure hatred after the *alestinians took control in 2337. Since then there has been a debate as to whether the Arabs lost because their Soviet e&ui ment was inferior, or because the A#y tians were inade&uately trained to use it. Military historians have re eatedly said that the Arabs had neither stron# leadershi nor tactical military lannin#. In res onse to the humiliatin# defeat, the Arabs held a summit meetin# in the Sudan where they a#reed not to ne#otiate with or reco#ni@e Israel. =nknown to them was the fact that Israel had built two #un(ty e atomic bombs B#un(ty e wea ons do not need testin#D of seventeen and twenty kilotons.284 "hese would have been the wea ons of last resort. Hence, they should be absolutely deli#hted that they lost the war with conventional wea ons, as the nuclear alternative would have been far worse. -y every conceivable military strate#y Israel should have been wi ed off the face of the ma .

/enter, 27J.


&i'ure :>! Israeli +ol$iers in front of the Western Wall! Fn Eune 9, 2349, Israeli soldiers stand in awe of "he !all of *rayer,' that they had ca tured from the Eordanians. H( <u"in/er0


&i'ure :?! E'%,tian ,lane burns! A lane burns as Israel destroyed the A#y tian Air <orce in only three hours on Eune :, 2349. <ollowin# the Si+ Day !ar, a cease(fire was announced and four ma,or events occurred. 2. Israeli forces stationed on the eastern side of the Sue@ 0anal were the tar#et of fre&uent A#y tian military attacks. <or nearly three years, the Israelis would forcefully res ond. "he A#y tians obviously had no desire to end their war of annihilation. In fact, they lanned a#ain to com lete the work of Hitler. "he fact that they have re eatedly refused to make eace with Israel should su##est to todays olitical leaders that eace is achieved only with a well(established military victory. ;ike Muhammad of the 9th century, a Muslim will make eace only from a osition of weakness until such time that sufficient military stren#th is attained to defeat the enemy I a hudna. All Islamic eace initiatives are merely a art of a military chess #ame that eventually leads to a win. 6. "he Soviet =nion re(armed the A#y tians and Syrians with more so histicated wea onry, includin# nearly 2,555 ,et fi#hter lanes and J,555 tanks. It also

became the ma,or military su lier to other Islamic states such as Iran, Syria, and A#y t. As such, this moment became a milestone of si#nificant ro ortions. .ever before in the history of either the )ussians Bancient %o# and Ma#o#D or the Iranians Bancient *ersiansD was there a military a#reement between them. Met in the early si+th century -0, the ro het A@ekiel said that one day these two eo le #rou s would combine forces and come a#ainst Israel BA@ekiel 78 P 73D. "his obviously does not su##est that the Si+(Day !ar was a fulfillment of the ro hets words, but rather, the military events of the late twentieth century a ear to be ointin# to a fulfillment of cha ters 78 and 73. 7. After the Si+ Day !ar, Masser Arafat roclaimed *alestinian self(determination for statehood. It was his new method to destroy Israel. "he irony is that from 23J8 until 2349, Syria controlled the %olan Hei#hts, Eordan controlled the !est -ank and A#y t controlled the %a@a Stri . Any one or all three of these nations could have established a second *alestinian state BEordan bein# the first in 2366D. Durin# those nineteen years there never was any mention of establishin# such a olitical entity. As reviously stated, if the Middle Aast conflict was sim ly a case of land to be divided between two eo le #rou s, the matter would have been settled a lon# time a#o. J. However, ossibly the most si#nificant oint is that this conflict became a turnin# oint in Israels history. =ntil now Israel was seen as the victim and the Islamic states as the %oliath(ty e evil a##ressors. In years to come, with the hel of ro a#anda s in doctors, this ima#e would be reversed$ Israel would be seen as the a##ressor and the *alestinians as the victims. )e#ardless of the evidence$ as if orchestrated by an unseen force, the #lobal media and international leadershi would see the *alestinians as the victims and Israel as the a##ressors. Aven some evan#elicals ,oined ro a#anda bandwa#on romotin# this falsehood.

Many le#al e+ erts acce ted IsraelSs ri#ht to occu y and settle the areas it ca turedG "he %olan Hei#hts, %a@a and the !est bank. "hese are si#nificant areas of the historic Eewish homeland and, accordin# to the ori#inal 2366 *artition *lan, had been ille#ally occu ied by Arabs since 23J8.

>a Ea, >olan 4e ights and the *est 5an, were illegall + occupied b+ Arabs from 1&) 8 A 1&#0" 9o wh+ is it illegal for -srael to occup+ these areas now/

Page '3&

Fne or#ani@ation, however ( the International 0ommittee of the )ed 0ross BI0)0D ( disa#reed. Meetin# secretly in the early 2395s in %eneva, the I0)0 determined that Israel was in violation of the <ourth %eneva 0onvention. -ased on the Ha#ue 0onvention, %0 I/ was drawn u after !orld !ar II to rotect innocent civilians and restrict brutal occu ations. =nilaterally, the I0)0 turned it into a wea on to dele#itimi@e and demoni@e Israel. "he I0)0 did not rely on any le#al recedents but it created its own le#al inter retation and then functioned as ,ud#e and ,ury. Its decisions even lacked the retense of due rocess. Since all decisions and rotocols of the I0)0 in this matter are closed, even the identities of the eo le involved are secret. And there is no a eal. !ithout trans arency or ,udicial ethics, I0)0 rulin#s became international law.' Its condemnations of Israel rovide the basis for accusin# Israel of ille#al occu ation of all territory con&uered in 2349. 289 !ith the end of the Si+(Day !ar, Israel inherited one million Arabs. !hile many had their own homes, Israel constructed nine communities with housin# for ten thousand families. It rovided electricity, built roads and schools, and rovided sewer and water services. "hese communities are still in dire straits when com ared with other Israeli communities. However, these construction ro,ects were

Moshe Dann. How the Settlements became Ille#al.' The Jerusalem Post.. Euly 67, 6553.


financed with Israeli funds. Ama@in#ly both the =. and Arab states have consistently o osed Israeli hel to these refu#ees.

Arab states and the H? often oppose -sraeli help to the Palestinians" *h+/

Page '3

2349G Israeli Self(im osed Disaster After the stunnin# defeat, thousands of Arabs in the !est -ank and %a@a were ready to leave. However, the victorious %eneral Moshe Dayan, who was also one of Israels most elite liberals, became Israels s okesman. He ersuaded them to stay and offered them medical care, education and em loyment. <urthermore, after the ca ture of the "em le Mount, he was instrumental in #ivin# control of the Mount to Cin# Hussein of Eordan, who #ave control over to Masser Arafat in 233J. !hile Israel never #ave u soverei#n ri#hts to the Mount, for all ractical ur oses, it has little control of the holy site. Any action Israel takes is met immediately with violence. Dayan saw little reli#ious value in the Mount and believed he was buildin# brid#es with his defeated foe. He even went on to say that the Arabs would not dare to attack a#ain.288 His breach of ,ud#ment would be the cause of untold ain and sufferin# for decades to come. 2349G Avan#elical Awakenin# Many evan#elicals &uickly reached that because Eerusalem was returned to the Eews, another ro hecy was fulfilled. "heir o inion was based on the inter retation of ro hetic Scri ture that Eerusalem must be in the hands of the Eews for Eesus to rule and rei#n there Bsee *s. 256G24$ cf. Eoel 6G76$ A@ek. 66G23D. However, the most im ortant section of Eerusalem remained under Arab controlG the %ar %a2odesh

;arson, 627.


Bthe Holy MountainD, that is, the "em le Mount. "herefore, the fulfillment is &uestionable. 2349G =. )esolution 6J6$ Fccu ied "erritories' "he shootin# may only have lasted for si+ tense days, but the Si+(Day !ar never really ended. "he ramifications are with us today and issues such as the future of Eerusalem, *alestinian Statehood and ArabQIsraeli relations cannot be understood without the conte+t of this conflict. Since the =. was under, and remains to be under Arab and Soviet intimidation, on .ovember 66, it assed )esolution 6J6 callin# for Israel to surrender those territories ca tured in the !ar. !hile Israel anne+ed the %olan Hei#hts and Aast Eerusalem, she returned the Sinai to A#y t with its rich oil reserves in 2386, and in 6554, the %a@a stri was #iven to the *alestinian Authority. "he so(called Fccu ied "erritory' is the !est -ank that was ori#inally #iven to Abraham and has been continuously occu ied by the Eewish eo le and remains under Israeli control. It is now a sub,ect of debate.

*hile living under $ordanian rule 71&)0-1&#08, the Palestinians never re(uested statehood until the Arabs lost the 9ix-1a+ *ar"

Page 1'

)esolution 6J6 also called for the establishment of reco#ni@ed borders. Israel a#reed but the Arabs refused because it would re&uire them to reco#ni@e the state of Israel. In an attem t to trade land for eace, Israeli *rime Minister ;evi Ashkol offered to return most of the ca tured territories if the Arabs would end their twenty years of ,ihad Bholy warD and reco#ni@e the le#al e+istence of the Eewish nation. "he Arabs steadfastly refused. )e eatedly the Arabs have ar#ued that they would acce t eace for land, but when land was offered, they refused. "he )esolution, which is rather short, reads as followsG "he Security 0ouncil,

A+ ressin# its continuin# concern with the #rave situation in the Middle Aast, em hasi@in# the inadmissibility of the ac&uisition of territory by war and the need to work for a ,ust and lastin# eace in which every State in the area can live in security, em hasi@in# further that all Member States in their acce tance of the 0harter of the =nited .ations have undertaken a commitment to act in accordance with Article 6 of the 0harter. 2. Affirms that the fulfillment of 0harter rinci les re&uires the establishment of a ,ust and lastin# eace in the Middle Aast which should include the a lication of both the followin# rinci lesG territories BaD !ithdrawal of Israeli armed forces from occu ied in the recent conflict$

BbD "ermination of all claims or states of belli#erency and res ect for and acknowled#ement of the soverei#nty, territorial inte#rity and olitical inde endence of every State in the area and their ri#ht to live in eace within secure and reco#ni@ed boundaries free from threats or acts of force$ 6. Affirms further the necessity throu#h area$ BaD <or #uaranteein# freedom of navi#ation international waterways in the

BbD <or achievin# a ,ust settlement of the refu#ee roblem$ BcD <or #uaranteein# the territorial inviolability and olitical inde endence of every State in the area, throu#h measures includin# the establishment of demilitari@ed @ones$ 7. )e&uests the Secretary %eneral to desi#nate a S ecial )e resentative to roceed to the Middle Aast to establish and maintain contacts with the States concerned in order to romote a#reement and assist efforts to achieve a eaceful and acce ted settlement in accordance with the rovisions and rinci les in this resolution$


J. )e&uests the Secretary(%eneral to re ort to the Security 0ouncil on the ro#ress of the efforts of the S ecial )e resentative as soon as ossible. 283 2343 I 2395G !ar of Attrition As if the A#y tians did not learn any lessons from revious conflicts, they a#ain tar#eted Israel. "hey des erately needed to re#ain their lost resti#e. In this limited military action, A#y t a#ain struck at Israel in an attem t to force her to surrender the Sinai. Israel res onded and A#y t called u on the Soviet =nion for hel . -y March 23, 2395, A#y t had soviet missile batteries manned by Soviet technicians. "he =nited States ressured Israel to declare a ceasefire. "he frontier borders did not chan#e and the A#y tian ob,ective was not reali@ed. 2343G =S *ressures Israel to 0om ly with =. )esolution 6J6 In 2343, *resident )ichard .i+on sent Secretary of State !illiam )o#ers to Israel to ressure Israel into com liance with =. )esolution 6J6. Moreover, it was an attem t to a ease the Arabs and work toward a eace a#reement. However, .i+on found himself in the !ater#ate scandal and eace initiatives fell by the wayside. In the meantime, A#y tian *resident %amal Abdel .asser resented several messa#es. 2. "o the American media and oliticians he said he wanted eace, but needed Israel to withdraw first to the re(2349 borders. 6. He told Israel he was still stron# enou#h to hurt them, and 7. "o his own eo le he continued to s eak of the destruction of IsraelG a classic case of Muhammads hudna. 235 !hat was said to be a balance of ower' of American forei#n olicy was little more than an a easement to the
283 235

Hart, 6:2. Hart, 752.


Arab world to insure the continuous flow of Middle Aast oil. "his is reminiscent of the #olden rule in the business world that says, He who has the #old, rules.' Arab oil was and always has been the li&uid #old that rules #lobal olitics. It is as evident in American forei#n olicy as it was with the -ritish Mandate.

2343G Soviets Su

ort Arafat as *;F 0hairman

-y this time the Soviets reali@ed that their ideal man in the *;F was not Ahmed Shukeiri, but Masser Arafat. He was tou#h, ruthless and had established himself as the "eflon "errorist' I all the fine &ualities the Soviets wanted in a leader. !hile the media re orted that Arafat had won the *;F elections, he was in essence hand icked by the Soviets. In fact, there was hardly anythin# he did, includin# the invasion of ;ebanon that did not first have Soviet a roval. Fn the other hand, nearly everythin# he did brou#ht #reat ,oy to the Soviets who, to this day, have never lost their desire to attain #lobal domination. 2343G Fr#ani@ation of the Islamic 0onference )e resentatives from fifty(seven Islamic nations met in Morocco on Se tember 6: to create the Fr#ani@ation of the Islamic 0onference BFI0D. It is the second lar#est inter( #overnmental or#ani@ation after the =nited .ations. !hile its charter aims to rereserve Islamic social and economic values, its rimary #oal is not to create a military su er( ower, but to influence or mani ulate other nations to a#reement of FI0 #oals and ob,ectives. 0oncernin# Israel, its #oals are no different than any other Muslim entity. 2395G Arafat Attem ts to Fverthrow Eordan$ Anters ;ebanon <or several years Arafat and his army had the blessin#s of Cin# Hussein to live and continue anti(Israel activities from Eordan. He established fifteen terrorist trainin# centers and had free movement to do as he leased. He concluded that he would be a better kin# than Hussein. So in ty ical Islamic manner, on Se tember 24, Arafat and his *alestinian #uerrillas B*eda&eenD attem ted to sei@e the

kin#dom. Hussein res onded by sendin# his -edouin commandos a#ainst Arafats #uerrillas. In the ensuin# war, between 2:,555 and 65,555 *alestinians were massacred. More than a hundred of Arafats fi#hters surrendered to the Israelis knowin# that their chance of survival with them was far better than facin# certain death in Eordan. Syrias *resident Assad closed the borders reventin# anyone from esca in# into Syria, but he was instrumental in smu##lin# them into ;ebanon. Aven thou#h there was a hu#e death toll, their news media hardly mentioned the event and the =nited .ations did not im ose any sanctions a#ainst Eordan. "his conflict was not considered a forei#n invasion Balthou#h it wasD but merely a civil unrest.' In honor of his men who died in the civil unrest,' Arafat renamed his #rou the -lack Se tember Fr#ani@ation B-SFD. In reven#e of the failed overthrow, they assassinated the Eordanian *rime Minister and Minister of Defense, !asfi "al, as he was enterin# the Sheraton Hotel in 0airo, A#y t. Ironically, he came to make a eace a#reement with the *;F. Amon# militants there is a stran#e mi+ of coo eration, as well as rivalry. Fne who defends you one day could be your killer the ne+t.232 "he -SF may be best remembered for the 2396 Munich massacre of eleven Israeli athletes at the summer Flym ics. Arafat was now in ;ebanon where he continued his crusade a#ainst Israel.236 =ntil his arrival, -eirut was still known as the *aris of the Middle Aast,' althou#h its re utation was somewhat tarnished after the 23:8 riots. It was a modern !estern city with a J: ercent Arab 0hristian o ulation livin# at eace with a :: ercent Arab Muslim o ulation. After the arrival of Arafat, the country became a violent hotbed. He ordered his men to attack the Arab Maronite 0hristians and fire Catusha rockets 237 into Israel. After Arafats arrival, ;ebanon became the sta#in# #round from where multi le or#ani@ations attacked Israel. He had multi le rocket launchers set u close to the Israeli border and fired hundreds of rockets u on civilian areas. In res onse, in 2385(82 Ariel Sharon was commanded to lead
232 236 237

Hart, 779(73. Hart, 76:(69.

;i#htwei#ht )ussian(made rockets that are fired from a tube or i e and have a ran#e of 28 miles.


the Israeli military into ;ebanon, a distance of twenty miles that would rotect Israeli civilians from the rockets. Instead, he disobeyed orders and went all the way to -eirut. "here he discovered a massive cache of wea onry and su lies, sufficient to sustain a :5,555 man invadin# army. .o one was more sur rised than the elite left(win# Israeli oliticians who reviously believed Arafat was not a serious threat. In 2387 the ;ebanese #overnment re&uested =S assistance for a eace(kee in# mission. Suicide bombers detonated two trucks near housin# units and killed 633 American and <rench servicemen. In more recent years the He@bollah terrorist or#ani@ation has been sta#in# attacks into Israel. "here is little &uestion that this small country, now overrun by terrorists, will one day in the future be dee ly involved in another war. 2395G Iran Si#ns .uclear .on roliferation "reaty Irans assion to destroy the Eewish state is well known and it has been constantly strivin# to obtain the so histicated wea ons for a future annihilation. *ossibly less known is that it su lies almost half of the worlds etroleum needs, and over the years, has amassed hu#e economic resources. "herefore, the reason for its assionate &uest for nuclear technolo#y is sus ect. It claims to need the technolo#y for future electrical ower. However, nuclear ower lants also roduce wea ons(#rade lutonium necessary in nuclear bombs. .onetheless, to insure that the world would have a sense of eace about future intentions, Iran si#ned the .uclear .on( roliferation "reaty. 2395sG ArabQMuslim Anti(Semitism 0ontinues !ith no desire for a eaceful co(e+istence with Israel, Islamic cartoons and school lessons constantly de#raded the Eews. 0artoons a ear on a weekly basis in various Islamic news a ers. -elow are two ty ical cartoons. "he standard theme is hatred of the Eews who must be evicted from the land. *eace in any form is never illustrated e+ce t under the total submission of Islam.


&i'ure =@! Arab Anti*+emitic Cartoons! ;A<"G An Arab cartoon of Israel wra in# itself around the world, attem tin# to kill it. )I%H"G An Arab cartoon raisin# Adolf Hitler and encoura#in# the continuation of his #oalsG "o eliminate the Eewish eo le. 2395sG Muslims -uy Sho s in the Fld 0ity "he Muslims have a assion to own the entire Fld 0ity of Eerusalem. Fne method of ac&uisition, which has been slow but well funded is the urchase of individual ro erties. "here is hardly a lace on earth that is as &uaint and interestin# as this city. Met behind the charm of the Fld 0ity there is a real estate war. .on(Arabs have been threatened or encoura#ed' to sell their ro erties to Arab investors.' "his is hardly a new event. It has been #oin# on for years and in the 2335s, this writer met a non(Arab 0hristian sho kee er who said he was the last 0hristian -usinessman in the Fld 0ity. He e+ lained that if a Eewish or 0hristian was rentin# a sho or a artment, the owner would sell to the *alestinians, who would then evict the tenants. "he 0hristian &uarter is now almost entirely Muslim. Aver since the *alestinians lost Aast Eerusalem in the Si+(Day !ar, they have been buyin# the Fld 0ity, one ro erty at a time.

A+ce t for reli#ious Fld 0ity.

ro erties, today they own most of the

2395sG =nited .ations Secret Su

ort of the *;F

"hou#hout its history the =. has hardly been an inde endent third arty observer and eacemaker. After #ivin# Arafat a de#ree of le#itimacy, it offered him both direct and indirect aid. <or e+am le in Eune, 2398 several hundred *alestinian terrorists lived in the =. cam s in ;ebanon, and =. vehicles were used to trans ort them. In another case, documents ca tured by the Israeli military revealed that =. officers assed Israeli intelli#ence information directly to the *;F.23J "hose documents credited =. a#encies with information concernin# Israeli troo stren#th and movements.

The Hnite d ?ation age nts i n -srael sec re tl+ pas sed - srael i intelligence to the P:;"

Page '#

2397G "he Mom Ci

ur !ar

In the intervenin# seven years since the Si+(Day !ar, both Eews and Arabs made ma,or chan#es. "he Arabs learned to be secretive about their ne+t strike and the Israelis, unfortunately, became com lacent and arro#ant about their stren#th. "hey now had an attitude of invincibility that nearly led to their destruction. Aver since their humiliatin# defeat in 2349 A#y tian *resident Anwar Sadat romoted a brilliant lan of olitical camoufla#e. He told international arms dealers that the Soviets had de rived him of the necessary arts to maintain a stron# military, es ecially the air force. He said his ilots could not ward off *hantom or Mira#e ,ets and that he lacked so histicated Soviet missiles. "he truth was that the Soviets were sendin# him hu#e shi ments of so histicated military su lies. In reality, Sadat increased his military su lies

-ennett, 29J.


from multi le sources. "he international military community, includin# the Israelis, acce ted his dece tive ro a#anda, hook, line and sinker.' In Israel, Mom Ci ur is the Eewish Day of Atonement and is the holiest day of the year. It is the day when the nation stands still I even secular Eews honor this day. "elevision and radio stations sus end broadcastin#. Hi#hways and roads are deserted, and there is an unusual eace and calm everywhere, es ecially in Eerusalem. It is difficult to com rehend how a nation can come to a com lete stand(still unless one visits Israel and ersonally observes it. "hrou#hout the summer and fall of 2397, the Arabs a#ain lanned a full(scale attack. Eordan remained neutral throu#hout the conflict, much to the dismay of their Arab friends. Since the Israeli military and olitical fi#ures had become arro#antly roud after their 2349 victory, they did not #ive credibility to the nearly 2,:55 intelli#ence warnin# re orts of the endin# attack. In fact, Cin# Husseini of Eordan ersonally flew a secret mission from Amman to "el Aviv to warn Israelis #enerals. Still they refused to believe it was true, and, if the re orts were true, they believed Israel clearly had the su erior forces. 23: !hen Arab armies moved to osition themselves for the deadly strike, the Israelis &uestioned them. "hey res onded by sayin# these were ,ust ractice military maneuvers. <oolishly, the Israelis believed them. A&ually as foolish was the fact that the Israelis had fewer than :55 fi#hter ,ets and 2,955 tanks. Fn the mornin# of Mom Ci ur, Fctober 4, *rime Minister %olda Meir held an intelli#ence meetin# with Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan and ID< 0hief of Staff David Ala@ar. Dayan and Ala@ar believed that war was imminent and Israel must make a re(em tive strike. However, %olda Meir was a#ainst it sayin# that, If we strike first, we wont #et hel from anybody.' Hardly si+ hours assed and the Arabs struck. "he diversity of o inions concernin# the otential of a military conflict ended immediately. "he A#y tians attacked from the south with overwhelmin# forces and the Syrians advanced from the

"his writer is thankful to *rofessor Fded Minon who was an officer in the ID< at the time and su lied this information, and much more.


north u on the %olan Hei#hts while the Soviets &uietly watched from their northern ost. .o sooner was the first shot fired than their military i eline went into full o eration I resu lyin# arms to Syria and A#y t by sea and air. "he countries of Eordan, Ira&, Saudi Arabia, ;ebanon, Cuwait, ;ibya, Al#eria, "unisia, Sudan and Morocco also aided them. As Israeli soldiers retreated, the news demorali@ed the nation while the invadin# enemies believed they could finally drive the Eews into the sea and erase Israel off the ma . "hey were winnin# on every front. Israelis were not only outnumbered, but the Soviet(made military e&ui ment finally roved battle worthy a#ainst them. So des erate was the situation that in the middle of the ni#ht, Israeli *M %olda Meir tele honed =S Secretary of State Henry Cissin#er and leaded for hel . His res onse was unbelievably anti( SemiticG ;et the Eews bleed a little.' !hat a horrific statement, es ecially from an Austrian Eew, only a few decades after the Holocaust. It was a classic but rare case of Eewish anti(Semitism. Since Cissin#er refused to hel , %olda Meir called *resident .i+on at three oclock in the mornin# and a#ain leaded for hel . "he Arabs were closin# in and Israel would be able to withstand only a few more hours, maybe two more days at the most. "he situation was worse than des erate. Meir finally dealt her trum card. She told the resident that if hel was not immediate, Israel would have no other choice but to use its nuclear o tion. In fact, she said at that moment all thirteen nuclear wea ons were ready for de loyment. .i+ons hour of destiny had finally arrived. If there was ever a time when Israel needed America, this was it. .i+on a roved her re&uest and immediately instructed his military #enerals to, Send everythin# that can fly.' -y residential decree, within hours the munitions air brid#e over the Atlantic became the bi##est su ly o eration since !orld !ar II. -y sunrise 0(: %ala+y and 0(2J2 Starlifter car#o lanes from )einstadt Air <orce -ase in %ermany and elsewhere were deliverin# des erately needed wea ons, s are arts and munitions to the -en %urion Air ort in "el Aviv. A retired Israeli military commander who witnessed the scene told this writer that the air ort was borderline chaotic.

So many fli#hts were comin# in, unloadin# and leavin# that it was a miracle none had collided. Had .i+on not res onded, military analysts are convinced Israel would have been destroyed. "he event became known as the airlift that saved Israel,' or accordin# to American military terms, F eration .ickel %rass.' In the midst of or#ani@ed chaos some interestin# stories eventually surfaced. Fne of those ertains to when Israel re&uested a su ly of the latest American tanks with 25:(millimeter #uns. "he *enta#on denied the re&uest sayin# there was not a sufficient &uantity without causin# otential harm to the American military. "herefore, the *enta#on sent a revious model with a 35(millimeter #un. =nfortunately, the *enta#on #urus not only failed to send ammunition, but could not find any shells in the storehouses of the army, navy, marines and air force. %iven the unfortunate news, the Israelis searched their intelli#ence data base and discovered 2:,555 rounds in the Marine 0or warehouse in Hawaii. A humiliated *enta#on immediately sent the ammunition to "el Aviv.234 "he Soviets, reali@in# that the Americans were su lyin# Israel causin# the conflict to turn a#ainst the Arabs, threatened to intervene. "hey laced airborne divisions on full alert and an airlift was ready to trans ort troo s to the Middle Aast. "rans ort lanes were stationed in Mu#oslavia and seven am hibious warfare crafts were in the Mediterranean waitin# to make an assault when called u on. "he roverbial )ussian bear' from the north was ready, willin#, and able to attack Israel and declined only when threatened by direct =nited States military confrontation. !hile =S su lies were arrivin# in northern Israel, in the south Israeli %eneral Ariel Sharon led his task force across the Sue@ 0anal behind A#y tian lines and destroyed the A#y tian "hird Army. Cissin#er was fearful of the otential results with the Soviets should Sharon continue, so .i+on laced all American forces on )ed Alert BnuclearD. .i+on then ressured %olda Meir to sto Sharon, which she accom lished only by flyin# into the A#y tian desert and ersonally commandin# him to cease fire. Durin# the heat of battle the =. did nothin# while Israel was losin#, but when the tide of war be#an to chan#e a#ainst the Arabs, it announced a cease fire. A#ain the

<indley, 2J2.


international or#ani@ation was hardly a re resentative of ,ustice or eace. Since most of its eace kee ers have been from third world nations, they are sym athetic to the Arabs, es ecially with a little encoura#ement.' "he war ended only when the Soviets reconciled themselves to an Arab defeat. Cissin#ers strate#y was not to brin# eace to the re#ion, but to #et the Soviets out. He cared little for the Arabs or his fellow Eews.239 It was only by the #race of %od and American hel that the war turned around and ended in three months. Afterwards there were countless discussions as to who was to blame for the Israeli intelli#ence failure. .onetheless, they learned a valuable lesson concernin# re aredness. !hen the dust settled, 42 nations broke off di lomatic relations with Israel$ none rebuked the Muslims. It was a war that by every military calculation, the attackers should have wonG 755,555 Eews vs. 2.6 million Muslims. Met so often, in s ite of the hi#h casualty counts and a#ainst overwhelmin# odds, the Eewish nation has won. However, that was about to chan#e as a new anti(Israel ro a#anda and misinformation became the revised strate#y.


Eames *arkes has researched the historical evidence and challen#es of many =S forei#n olicies and ty ical !estern o inions. His book, 3hose 1andI is an e+cellent resource.


Cha,ter > "uslim War of "isinformation an$ Pro,a'an$a If truth was truly relative, then secularists would live in a suicidal uto ia. At no time in history has truth been as massively and artfully mani ulated as it has concernin# the *alestinian vs. the Israeli conflict. Affective mani ulators of information and ro a#anda have become hi#hly skilled craftsmen who use all available resources. <or e+am le, it has been said that olitics makes for stran#e bedfellows, and nothin# could reflect that more accurately than the unintended coo eration of the Soviet world and mainline 0hristendom for the benefit of Muslim ro a#andists. Its ori#in is interestin#. Durin# the .a@i years, Eose h %oebbels was the chief ro a#anda minister for Adolf Hitler. He is best remembered for his hiloso hy known as the bi# lie.' He said that if a lie was re eated often enou#h and lon# enou#h, it would eventually be erceived as truth. Since %oebbels worked hand in hand with the %rand Mufti Husseini, the bi# lie hiloso hy was trans lanted to *alestine where it has become the foundation stone of todays Arab news re orts. !ith the hel of Soviet and .orth /ietnamese ro a#andists, the *alestinians erfected %oebbels art of dece tion. <ortunately, at this same time there were cultural and theolo#ical chan#es in another art of the world caused by the most unsus ectin# individuals that would dramatically increase the effectiveness of the *alestinian s in doctors.' In the years followin# !orld !ar II the Soviet =nion was a##ressively s readin# communism. "his led to the bitter 0old !ar between the =nited States and the Soviets in the 23:5s and V45s. A ma,or conflict of this war of nerves occurred in the fall of 2346 when the )ussians installed nuclear armed missiles in 0uba. Cnown as the 0uban Missile 0rises, =S *resident Eohn <. Cennedy res onded by threatenin# to blockade 0uba until the missiles were withdrawn. "he Soviets were also in South and 0entral B;atinD America attem tin# to i#nite easant revolts a#ainst #overnments and American(owned com anies. )oman 0atholic cler#ymen, reali@in# that their im overished arishioners were economic slaves to their #overnments and

bi# international com anies, liberation to free them.

formulated a theolo#y of

"he theolo#ical chan#es occurred when, in the 2345s, *aul %authier B232J(6556D, a <rench theolo#ian and humanist, theori@ed that a combination of atheistic Mar+ism and 0hristianity, when combined with olitical activism, would eliminate world overty.238 His ideas were s read throu#hout 0entral America by )oman 0atholic activists. Another theolo#ian was <ather %ustavo %utierre@, 233 who theori@ed a similar combination of atheistic Mar+ism and 0atholicism as a doctrine to liberate the oor. Sin was redefined by both as the o ression of the wealthy ca italists a#ainst the oor and, therefore, the cause of overty. Since the =nited States and American multinational com anies were seen as the wealthy o ressors of the oor worldwide, the =S and me#a com anies need to be either destroyed or downsi@ed. "he theolo#ical ideas of %authier and %utierre@ became known as li"eration theolo/&, and were &uickly acce ted by mainline churches. )ecently some traditionally evan#elical churches and seminaries have acce ted it as well, thereby creatin# the new Avan#elical ;eft.' "he #oal of liberation theolo#y is to establish ,ustice throu#h olitical activism. ;ittle wonder then, that while the Soviets were affirmin# and armin# their 0uban ally, they were also influencin# anti(American )oman 0atholic activists. 2397G !ar of Misinformation and *ro a#anda Intensifies Misinformation and ro a#anda has been art of human conflicts and wars throu#hout history. -ut in the #rowin# conflict of Muslim vs. !estern culture, lies and ro a#anda have a divine connection direct from Allah. As reviously stated, accordin# to the ?uran BSura 6G254$ 24G252$ 29G84D, Muslims are encoura#ed to deceive non(

*aul %authier authored his ideas in Towards a Theolo/& of 1i"eration B2348D.


)oman 0atholic <ather %ustavo %utierre@ Theolo/& of 1i"eration B2396D.

ublished his theolo#y in !


Muslims for the ur ose of s readin# Sharia ;aw worldwide. It has become known as the doctrine of ta&iyya.' As si#nificant as the doctrine of Maryolo#y is to )oman 0atholics, and the doctrine of salvation is to *rotestants, so is the Islamic doctrine of ta&iyya' to orthodo+ Muslims. Its effect u on evan#elicals has become rofound in recent years.
TAQIYYA is the -slamic doctrine that instruct s dishonest+ to promote the faith to non-6uslims"

Page 02

!hile liberation theolo#y was #ainin# o ularity in 0entral America, far to the east, the *alestinian ro a#andists and their Soviet counselors and su ervisors described the *alestinian eo le as the im overished oor who were the victims of wealthy ca italistic Eews. So(called documentary films and news re orts were created to ersuade oliticians, academics and, of course, cler#y. ;essons learned by Abu Eihad in his 234J tri to Hanoi be#an to roduce the desired results. Aven many left win# Eews acce ted the bi# lie that would have made Eose h %oebbels roud. "herefore, it is not sur risin# that mainline denominations who acce ted liberation theolo#y also endorsed the *alestinian movement. Amon# the new evan#elical left' are some con#re#ations from the Mennonite, -rethren and -a tist denominations who have become active artici ants in the anti(Israel movement. "hey may or may not reflect the official osition of their denominations. Some denominations, such as the ?uakers and Mennonites, have a centuries(old history of bein# conscientious ob,ectors I those who refuse to serve in the military because they believe it is unethical, immoral andQor unbiblical to kill for any reason whatsoever. "he #reatest hy ocrisy is committed by many of these conscientious ob,ectors when they condone the murderous actions of *alestinian terrorists. Islamic stren#th lies in the fact that both !esterners and evan#elicals are willin# to be deceived.

The greatest h+pocris+ is committed b+ conscient ious obFectors who condone Palestinian terrorists in the name of Christ ianit+

Page '#0

Arab disinformation was #reatly im roved when Arabs observed television broadcasts of American battles in /ietnam and the American res onse to ni#htly news broadcasts. "hey reali@ed their success would be achieved if they took their battles into the homes of America and Auro e via television. Added to that factor, the bi# lie combined with the economic and olitical ressure from oil com anies could roduce favorable anti(Israel results. An e+am le of the motivational ressure of Arab oil was in 2397. "he =S im orted oil from several non(Arab nations and had its own domestic su lies. "he reduction from Arab su liers, cou led with mani ulation by the oil com anies, caused fuel rices to skyrocket and created shorta#es throu#hout the country. "he Arabs and American oil com anies made hu#e rofits and the =nited States ressured Israel to surrender ca tured territories. "he #olden rule of li&uid #old ruled a#ain. In the meantime imams and cali hs continued callin# for the destruction of Eews as they had since the 2365s. Fnly now they increased the ur#ency. In recent decades Islamic militants have transformed a eaceful *alestinian eo le into a nation of terrorists. "hose who disa#reed feared for their lives. -elow are several &uotations that clearly indicate the *alestinian leadershi is not interested in eace or in a soverei#n *alestinian state, but only in the destruction of Israel. Fur eo le are on the road to Eerusalem, ca ital of the inde endent *alestinian State, whether he B-arakD acce ts or does not acce t, let him #o to hell.' 0hairman Masser Arafat. Fctober 67, 6555.

!ssociated Press News.

"hanks to Hitler, of blessed memory, who, on behalf of the *alestinians, reven#ed in advance a#ainst the most vile criminals on the face of the earth. Althou#h we do not have a com laint a#ainst him for his reven#e on them, Bwhat he didD was not enou#h.' !l4!2h"ar, A#y tian news a er, A ril 28, 6552. #overnment(s onsored

Its true, the number was less than si+ million and Israel is usin# this issue to #et sym athy worldwide.' Ikrema Sabri, *alestinian Authority(a Eerusalem. !ssociated Press, March 6:, 6555. >ionists created the Holocaust myth to blackmail and terrori@e the worlds intellectuals and oliticians.' Tishreen, Syrian #overnment news a er, Eanuary 72, 6555. If Auschwit@ had been an e+termination cam for Eews, virtually no Eew would have survived .... *rofessional survivors such as Alie !iesel, who resent themselves as witnesses to the Holocaust, are in fact livin# roof that the alle#ed e+termination of the Eews did not take lace.' Tehran Times, Iranian <ebruary 23, 6552. #overnment news a er, ointed Mufti of

Fh warrior brothers, Zours[ is a nation that will never be broken, it is a revolution that will never be defeated. "his is a nation that #ives an e+am le every day that is imitated across the world. !e #ave the world the children of the )*% Z)ocket *ro elled %renades[, we #ave the world the children stone Z( throwers[, and we #ave the world the male and female Martyrdom(seekers Zsuicide bombers[.' Ahmed Hales Abu Maher, Secretary of Mahmoud Abbas <atah in %a@a on the *alestinian Authority "/,

.ovember 2J, 6554. Bas re orted by the Palestinian Media 3atchD. Averythin# Masser Arafat said and believed in his life is a le#acy and we will do all our best to im lement it.' *alestinian Authority *resident Mahmoud Abbas, Eanuary 655:. Bas re orted by the Palestinian Media 3atchD. It is not re&uired of Hamas, or of <atah, or of the *o ular <ront to reco#ni@e Israel.' *alestinian Authority *resident Mahmoud Abbas, Fctober 7, 6554. Bas re orted by the Palestinian Media 3atchD. "he base of our <atah movement kee s dreamin# of "el Aviv, Haifa, Eaffa and Acco ZAcre[ O "here is no chan#e in our osition. Abbas reco#ni@es Israel because of ressure that the >ionists and the Americans are e+ercisin# on him. !e understand this is art of his obli#ations and olitical calculations.' Abu Ahmed, 3orld Net (ail&, Fctober J, 6554 0omments as these continue to be re eated in thousands of mos&ues around the world and in a #rowin# number of academic circles. .ote the followin# e+am leG Stokely 0armichael Bknown today as Cwame "oureD, a radical -lack( ower Islamic leader in 2395 said, I never admired a !hite man, but the #reatest of them, in my mind, was Hitler.'655 ;ouis <arrakhan who was the founder of the black racist .ation of Islam said in March, 238J that, "he Eews dont like <arrakhan, so they call me Hitler. !ell, thats a #ood name. Hitler is a very #reat name.' "he racist leader evaded ublic scrutiny, ossibly because it would only romote his demented cause. However, in !ashin#ton D.0. in Euly of 238: he stated that, Eews know their wickedness,

Stokley 0armichael, &uoted in *ra#er and "elushkin. 3h& the JewsI 2J3.


not ,ust >ionism, trans#ression.'652







In the name of tolerance, some universities have invited the chief of intolerant activists to s eak. <or e+am le, on <ebruary 28, 2335 at Michi#an State =niversity ;ouis <arrakhan addressed the students sayin#, "he Eews are suckin# the blood of the black community.'656 It is ama@in# what the world of academia will acce t as tolerance.' As has been reviously stated, Islamic stren#th lies in the fact that !esterners are willin# to be deceived. "he late Abdul A@i@, founder of modern Saudi Arabia, was a ersonal friend of Adolf Hitler. In 2379 A@i@ saidG Fur hatred for the Eews dates from Allahs condemnation of them for their ersecution and re,ection Bof EesusD and their subse&uent re,ection later of His chosen ro het 657 BMuhammadD.' *alestinian Authority <aisal Husseini in early 6552 told an A#y tian re orter, !e are ambushin# the Israelis and cheatin# them O our ultimate #oal is the liberation of all historic *alestine from the ZEordan[ )iver to the ZMediterranean[ SeaO. !e distin#uish the strate#ic, lon# term #oals from the olitical hased #oals, which we are com elled to tem orarily acce t due to international ressure.'65J "he hateful theme of messa#es has not fallen into the dust of history, but continues to s read across the world like a cancer. *ro a#anda vs. "ruth most

In Israel and other !estern nations there is, for the art, freedom of the ress. Fbviously news re orters

0ited in a Anti(Defamation ;ea#ue of -nai -rith research re ort titled, ;ouis <arrakhanG "he cam ai#n to Mani ulate *ublic F inion.' .ew MorkG Anti(Defamation ;ea#ue of -nai -rith, 2335. J2, J7.

0ited in an Anti(Defamation ;ea#ue of -nai -rith research re ort titled, ;ouis <arrakhanG "he cam ai#n to Mani ulate *ublic F inion.' .ew MorkG Anti(Defamation ;ea#ue of -nai -rith, 2335. 72ff.

;acey, 6:3. 0ited by *rice, 76:.



and their editors have a res onsibility to convey an unbiased re ort of the news. 0iti@ens have the o ortunity to search various media outlets and the Internet to determine what they believe to be the truth ertainin# to any situation. .onetheless, from time to time the horrific bias of news re orters comes to li#ht. Fne of those events occurred in Eune of 6525 when !hite House 0orres ondent Helen "homas told a news cameraman that the Eews should #et the hell out of *alestine' and #o back to %ermany and *oland Btwo countries known for their e+termination cam sD. ;ittle wonder then, that her re orts have always been ro( *alestinian. "homas would be the ideal corres ondent to interview leadin# terrorist leaders for a #reat ress release. Fn the other hand, challen#in# Islamic clerics andQor #overnment leaders result in unishment for askin# the wron#' &uestions, or for e+ ressin# o osite views. "herefore, neither !esterners, *alestinians, nor other Muslims have the o ortunity to receive the truth. "his is es ecially noteworthy in li#ht of the fact that most Muslims live in third world communities and, therefore, have limited access to the Internet and other news sources. *ro a#anda has been defined as the art of ersuadin# other eo le to what one does not believe himself$ the art of ersuasive dece tion. "he ro a#andist is not concerned with truth, but rather, he will reach whatever is necessary to achieve his #oal$ the clich\ the ends ,ustify the means.' !here assions and interests are so intensely involved, the &uestion often arises as to whether truth can be accurately determined. "his is es ecially si#nificant when various media sources re ort events within the filtered framework of their editors and owners. "he re orter must be fair and honest, and focus on the essential facts, yet half(truths and bold lies abound. A classic e+am le of factious creative writin# is the work of Derrick Eackson that was ublished in the oston +lo"e on Se tember 62, 6552. Eackson re orted, If Americans really want to understand why Americans are bein# tar#eted for catastro he in .ew Mork and !ashin#ton, we can no lon#er i#nore the fact that we are hel in# the Israeli olice and military to out kill *alestinians by more than a 7(to(2 ratio.

Eacksons use of the term kill rate' was a com lete fabrication as he failed to reco#ni@e that the Israelis have always res onded either in self(defense or by carefully selectin# terrorist tar#ets. In either case, they have mastered the art of sur#ical strikes to avoid innocent casualties. =nfortunately, in any form of warfare there will always be the loss of innocent civilian life. However, this is a resoundin# o osite from the thousands who scream the battle cry to kill Eewish men, women and children. "he *alestinians continue to be &uick to declare Israeli brutality while international television crews are ,ust as &uick to re ort it. Moun# children were seen throwin# stones at Israeli soldiers on television worldwide. However, !estern viewers seldom &uestioned why these children were not in school. "he answer is sim le. Arafat often closed the schools so they could artici ate in s ontaneous demonstrations' before television cameras. 65: Met when thousands of Arab 0hristians were slau#htered by the He@bollah in the ;ebanon civil war, hardly a word was mentioned in the media. 0ould there be an anti( 0hristian biasH How stran#e that these events could #o unre orted when, since the early 2385s, Israel has hosted more forei#n ress corres ondents than any other nation e+ce t the =nited StatesH "he *;F )ewards %ood )e orters,' Cills -ad )e orters' =nknown to the !estern audience is the fact that the *alestinian Authority maintains active files on re orters. "hose who re ort favorable stories are #iven e+traordinary o ortunities for im ortant interviews with leaders, a hi#hly ri@ed sub,ect for any evenin# news ro#ram. Fn the other hand, re orters who have been critical are not #iven access to any key leaders. If their re orts were deemed too severe, they are either intimidated or killed. "hose murdered for re ortin# the *;F atrocities include, but by no means are limited to, ;arry -eckman and Shawn "our of A-0 I"/, )obert She hard of the %erman (er Spe/le and Mark "rion of <ree -el#ium )adio. Accordin# to New @or2 Times corres ondent "homas <riedman, ,ournalists coverin# the events in -eirut have been faced with intimidation, which

Dolan, 62:.


most assuredly, had an influence on their stories. 654 .eedless to say, those who stayed on #ood terms with Arafat received the best o ortunities for interviews. "he result is that Americans and Auro eans watchin# television are #iven a news diet that has been skillfully mani ulated to cast the best li#ht ossible u on the *alestinians and the worst li#ht ossible u on Israel. "he irony is that hardly anyone cherishes freedom of the ress more than do ,ournalists, yet the ress is obviously not free. It has been hi,acked. "he tra#edy is that the avera#e television viewer has no clue of the mani ulation. As Mark "wain once said, If you donSt read the news a er you are uninformed, if you do read the news a er you are misinformed.' An,oy your evenin# news. *alestinian Actors *erform for the .ews Media "he !estern a etite for news has fostered two elements that work well to#ether. <irst, ,ournalists are in a continuous search for a front( a#e story and want to be the first to #et their story before the ublic. Second, *alestinians leaders want to convince the world of their so(called terrible li#ht even thou#h they have billions of dollars in forei#n bank accounts and Israeli Arabs have a hi#her livin# standard than in any nei#hborin# Arab country. "he *alestinians #ather for a brief discussion with the re orter. "hen they ste before the cameras, the action and videota in# be#ins. "he *alestinians are seen shoutin# and demonstratin# about a erceived in,ustice or other issue su osedly committed by Israel. "here is action, concern by the viewers, and the news account' is the leadin# story in the evenin# news. "he re orter describes the story,' and when finished the actors #o home eacefully. "he ro a#anda is mission accom lished. "he followin# two accounts are ty ical of the re ortin# that occurs all too oftenG "he hoto#ra hers recorded a number of activities that occurred e+actly o osite the firin# slits of the ID< BIsraeli Defense <orcesD ost. At first, one sees youth and children behind a ile of sand close to the wall of the ID< osition. "hey are throwin# #reat &uantities of rocks and bottles at the osition so many that at a

<riedman, 43.


certain sta#e the roof be#ins to colla se from the wei#ht of the rocks. <irebombs are also bein# thrown, which continually cause small fires on the roof of the osition. Met the ID< soldiers do not res ond, des ite the fact that a few of them were burned by the firebombs. Fnly occasionally does a soldier a ear in the lookout ost, which is rotected from the to . 0learly, one sees that there is no ID< shootin#. In addition, one sees a teena#er who seems to be hurt, meters from the ID< osition. -ut behind him life a ears to be #oin# on as normal. *eo le are standin# and walkin# around, talkin# amon# themselves and smilin#. <arther away, eo le are standin# and lookin# leased with what they are seein#. "he in,ured teena#er raises his hand and be#ins to run backward. .o one crouches in instinctive self(defense in order to take cover. At least five "/ hoto#ra hers are seen movin# around without fear, swoo in# down on the in,ured erson. A =. ambulance arrives with sur risin#ly #ood timin#, and the in,ured erson is ut inside. In another recorded incident, a teena#er is runnin# with what looks like blood flowin# from his forehead, and he is holdin# a soda bottle in his hand. If he had suffered a #unshot wound, he would be lyin# down and it would have been necessary to #o in and #et him. Met, instead of runnin# for cover to the orchard across from the ,unction, the teena#er is seen runnin# into the center of the ,unction, where his friends with the cameras and the same =. ambulance are waitin# for him. After the ambulance makes its obli#atory turn around the trian#le in the center of the ,unction, the wounded youth is transferred from the =. ambulance to a )ed 0rescent ambulance as the ambulances stand back to back, all of this at a time when there is su osed to be ID< #unfire which su osedly had wounded the teena#er. -ehind this scene, that is, in front of the *alestinian osition, in the area that is su osed to be under ID< fire, one can see the audience. Standin# there are close to 655 men, teena#ers, and children, in two or three rows, with the eo le in the front row sittin# on the ed#e of the

sidewalk. *assin# ne+t to them are teena#ers ridin# on bicycles, actin# for the cameras.659

&i'ure =@! +mo-e rises in ;eirut! .otice the smoke risin# from a tar#et in -eirut, ;ebanon, that was hit by an Israeli air strike.


"hese accounts were emailed to the author by the Eerusalem 0enter for *ublic Affairs, 27 "el(Hai St., Eerusalem, Israel, Se tember J, 6556.


&i'ure =(! "ani,ulate$ smo-e in ne#s ,hoto'ra,h! "he mani ulated hoto#ra h su##ests considerably more dama#e by the Israeli air strike. In another case, a youn# man was seen in,ured and bein# hel ed by a rescuer. Moments later he was directin# workers clearin# rubble off a dama#ed buildin#. How serious was his alle#ed in,uryH


&i'ure =3! DInJure$E %oun' man . "he same youn# man a ears in,ured for the news camera. .otice that he is s&uee@in# his hat with his elbow.

&i'ure =4! Youn' man $irects #or-ers . After an Israeli air strike in ;ebanon, a youn# man #ives instruction to workers who are clearin# the rubble. .otice the hat he is wearin#. More .ews Mani ulation Since re orters cannot be everywhere and cannot ossibly be aware of all the activities that surround them, they are de endent u on local individuals to su ly them with information. Such individuals are known as strin#ers.' Fbviously it is the res onsibility of the re orter to ascertain that whatever information is resented is truthful and accurate. However, at times both the strin#er and re orter have their own ersonal bias which colors the re ort. "he militant ro a#anda of the 2395s has evolved into an art of ersuasion and illusion of today. Met at times a discernin# eye can uncover the new lot.' In the first of two e+am les below, durin# the Israel(He@bollah !ar of

6554, the He@bollah fired rockets from civilian homes and the Israelis res onded by destroyin# the launch sites. Hence, there was at the time a hu#e lume of smoke, but not necessarily as re orted. "he re(education' of the !est continues. In 6553 and 25 the *A and Hamas ro a#andists be#an to o ulari@e the idea that Eews were ori#inally sent to Israel because the Auro eans evicted them. "hey stated that the cursed' -alfour Declaration was the first #overnment declaration to relocate the Eews into the Arab homeland of *alestine in order to be rid of this burden called the Eews, which troubled -ritain and Auro e.' 658 Meanwhile, Hamas leader Mahmoud >ahar said the Eews were e+ elled from Auro e because they betrayed, stole, and corru ted these countries.' He added that they will soon be e+ elled from *alestine' as they were from Auro e, because of their crimes.' 653 =nfortunately, a small but #rowin# number in the !est have acce ted the lie as truth. 2397G Arafat Di lomats Frdered the Assassination of American

Fn March 6, two American Ambassadors at the Saudi Ambassy in Sudan were machine #unned to death by Arafats -lack Se tember or#ani@ation. Audio ta es made a few days earlier on <ebruary 68 in 0y rus and at the =S embassies in -eirut and Chartoum clearly identified Masser Arafats voice as directin# the kidna in# and the subse&uent murders of 0leo .oel and %eor#e 0urtis Moore. 625 In res onse, the Americans did nothin#. ;ittle wonder that in Islamic eyes, America has a history of cowardness and lack of determination I as roven by /ietnam. 239JG Islamic Symbolism and the *;Fs *hased *lan of Israels Destruction

!l4%a&at !l4Jadida, .ov. :, 6525. A similar statement was rinted reviously on .ov. 2:, 6553.


Jerusalem Post, .ov. 4, 6525. See also htt sGQQmail.#oo#le.comQmailQH shvaL2Tinbo+Q26c477657J95c:29 )etrieved .ov. 23, 6525.

fileGQQQ0GQDF0=MA_2Q-illQ;F0A;S_2Q"em Q"em oraryU65 Directory U658U65forU65Israeli(Arab(0onflictU65B6D.@i Qamerican(di lomats( murdered(by(arafat.htm. )etrieved March 6, 6557.


Due to their defeat in the 2397 Mom Ci ur !ar, Arab leaders met on Eune 8 in )abat, Morocco to discuss their ne+t strate#y. "he *;F was affirmed to be the sole and le#itimate re resentative' or#ani@ation of the *alestinian eo le. !ith his authority secured, Masser Arafat then ro osed a hased lan usin# whatever means necessary. !hile the em hasis was not on lannin# a military confrontation, it certainly was not ruled out. )ather, the em hases was on divide and con&uer strate#ies usin# terrorism, ro a#anda and di lomatic ne#otiations. Hence, Israel would be won one iece at a time. In his revised strate#y, Arafat said, "he *;F offers not the eace of the weak but the eace of Saladin.' 622 "he statement reflects not only how well Muslims know their history, but also how oorly !esterners know world history and cultural differences. Saladin was one of the heroes in Islamic history because in 2289 he lured the 0rusaders to the to of a mountain to for an eventual defeat. He then ca tured Eerusalem with a eace initiative. Arafat stated that he would win with the use of a eace lan, in Arabic known as a hudna. Another e+am le of Islamic symbolism lies within his hased lan. His first city of con&uest was to be Eericho, followed by the %a@a Stri . "hrou#hout history Eericho was a strate#ic location (( the #ateway to Eerusalem, the entrance to Israels central mountain ran#e and the heart of the land. Ac&uirin# it was the symbolic foothold for the eventual con&uest of Israel. %a@a, on the other hand, was an ancient *hilistine city I enemies of the ancient Israelites. %a@a has direct access to the Mediterranean Sea and a common border with A#y t. Arafat saw it as a strate#ic location from where wea ons could be smu##led. As a result of ublic ressure, Israel surrendered Eericho in 233J and the %a@a Stri in 655:. His hased lan continues to be fulfilled after his death in 655J, and few observers a ear to have noticed. "he symbolism is understood throu#hout the Islamic world. In 6525 Muslims ro osed an Islamic center in .ew Mork 0ity, a short distance form the "win "owers location. It would be known as the 0ordoba House and it reflects u on an im ortant event in history. In 922 the Muslim invasion of S ain be#an and they established a foothold in the city of

-ennett, 33 citin# Abbas >aki, a *;F A+ecutive.


0ordoba. "hey demolished the 0hurch of St. /incent to make way for a massive beautiful mos&ue I the Mos&ue of 0ordoba. "he symbolism is rofound for two reasons. <irst and foremost in Muslim thinkin# it says, My Allah is bi##er than your %od.' Second, 0ordoba was the foothold for the eventual con&uest of S ain. "he destruction of the "win "owers on Se tember 22, 6552 was the foothold for the eventual destruction of the =nited States and the 0ordoba House commemorates that future destruction. Its meanin# is well known in the Islamic world I well denied in the !estern world. 239JG Masser Arafat Invited to the =nited .ations In .ovember Masser Arafat was invited to s eak at the =nited .ations %eneral Assembly where he and the *;F received full observer status. "o im ress his audience, he wore his usual side istol and immediately demanded a state for the *alestinian eo le. "he invitation was si#nificant for two reasonsG <irst it #ave le#itimacy to him and his *;F, and second it #ave le#itimacy to the armed stru##le a#ainst Israel. Met he was identified by the =nited States and numerous other nations as a terrorist. In s ite of the fact that he was ersonally res onsible for directin# the murder of many Americans, he was honored by American officials and the media. In his s eech, he demanded an end to Israel. Afterwards the =. Secretary %eneral -outros -outros(%ali said, "he Eews must #ive u their status as a nation and Israel as a state, and assimilate as a community in the Arab world.' "hat is an ama@in# statement knowin# that the Arabs have for decades viciously attacked Eews livin# in their countries. -outros(%ali could ,ust as well have said a blessin# u on Hitler. "he a#enda of the international eace(kee in# or#ani@ation is obvious. 239:G =nited .ations A&uates >ionism with )acism In .ovember the =. %eneral Assembly, by a vote of 96 to 7: Bwith 76 abstentionsD assed )esolution 7793. It most severely condemned >ionism as a threat to world eace and security and called u on all countries to o ose this racist and im erialist ideolo#y, determined that >ionism is a form

of racism and racial discrimination.' It was obviously focused on Israel. African, Arab and Soviet block states stron#ly romoted the )esolution in s ite of the fact that thousands of Arabs were flockin# to Israel for ,obs, they were usin# Israels free and su erior medical services, and many served in Israels military and #overnment. Fbviously these multi le acts of kindness are not of a racist state. .onetheless, the !orld 0ouncil of 0hurches B!00D and numerous mainline churches likewise endorsed the )esolution. 626 -oth the =. and !00 have a lon# history of critici@in# Israel and its ri#ht to e+ist while at the same time raisin# *alestinians in their efforts to liberate themselves from so(called Eewish o ression. It is a lied liberation theolo#y. Eewish scholar !illiam .icholls made this observation of 0hristianity, Fnce the su ernatural elements of revelation and redem tion have been removed from the structure of 0hristian thou#ht, there is nothin# difficult in remodelin# it ad li"itum to meet any of the su osed demands of modernity.'627 =nfortunately, some evan#elicals have for#otten this im ortant oint. In other words, liberalism can mold itself to anyones desires. 0learly, the world o inion has established a le#acy of continuin# the same a#endaG to su ort the *alestinians who have either a limited or no historical claim to the land, and to o ose the Eewish eo le who have a well(documented four thousand year history in the land.62J In the years that followed several knowled#eable and influential individuals convinced the =. that the claims used to ,ustify )esolution 7793 were false and, therefore, it was revoked in 2332. .onetheless, the Arabs continued their olitical a##ression and the same sentiment surfaced a#ain at the =. conference in Durban, South Africa in 6552. However, the !00 did not rescind its osition. How 0hristian' could it beH

626 627 62J

.icholls, 797. Ibid., 793.

Israels claim to the land is found in biblical and ancient non(biblical writin#s as well as in countless archaeolo#ical discoveries.


239:(2394G 0ivil !ar in ;ebanon "o the north of Israel is the small country of ;ebanon. It was the only 0hristian nation in the Middle Aast. Althou#h its Arab o ulation fou#ht a#ainst Israel durin# the Arab( Israel !ars, other times is was truly a eaceful nation. Its ca ital city, -eirut became the Middle Aast center of commerce and hos itality. !ealthy Muslim businessmen vacationed there because they could en,oy rivile#es forbidden in their home countries. -ut that was about to chan#e. Aver since the *;F entered ;ebanon in 2395, the ;ebanese civilians were faced with an increase of violence and Israel was faced with terrorist attacks. "he conflict #rew to the oint of civil war' in 239:, as the !estern media described it. In reality, it was an invasion of terrorists su orted by Syria and Iran who attem ted a take(over of ;ebanon. However, the international community of media and oliticians chose to call it a civil war.' !herever Arafat went, blood was sure to flow. In 2394, *;F fi#hters with the su ort of Syrian militia entered ;ebanon to ,oin those who invaded reviously in 2395. "hey came from a host of Islamic countries includin#, Ira&, A#y t, Saudi Arabia and Iran. "o#ether they destroyed two 0hristian communities of Eiyeh and Damour, killin# thousands. In 2386 their terroristic actions intensified a#ainst northern Israel, and Israel was forced to invade ;ebanon to rotect its citi@ens. As reviously stated, %eneral Ariel Sharon and the ID< went as far as -eirut where they uncovered a hu#e cache of hidden military su lies I enou#h to fully stock a :5,555 man army. "he actions of Arafats men and the discovery of *;F wea onry were hardly a si#n of a serious eace artner. 2398G Eimmy 0arter and the 0am David Accords Most =S residents since <ranklin D. )oosevelt made at least a token demonstration of bein# ro(Israel. However, *resident Eimmy 0arter was the first to ublically su ort Arab nations over Israel. He hosted the eace conference in Se tember at 0am David in Maryland with A#y tian *resident Anwar Sadat and the Israeli *rime Minister Menachem -e#in. "he 0am David *eace Accords were two

se arate documents. Fne document, entitled A <ramework for *eace in the Middle Aast,' focused on future ne#otiations of the %a@a and the !est -ank so that the *alestinians could have their own self #overnment as directed in =. )esolution 6J6. "he second document entitled, A <ramework for the 0onclusion of a *eace "reaty between Israel and A#y t' dealt with the future of the Sinai and the Israeli withdrawal within three months. Fn Se tember 29 the Accords were si#ned and conse&uently, Israel not only surrendered the Sinai Desert, but all the desert oil reserves it held that could have made her inde endent of forei#n oil. "he Accords led to the 2393 Israeli(A#y tian *eace "reaty, and as such A#y t became the first Muslim state to officially reco#ni@e the le#itimate e+istence of Israel. "he world hailed 0arter as a eace maker, but at home the res onse was overwhelmin#ly ne#ative$ he was criminali@ed as a traitor in mos&ues throu#hout the country and around the Muslim world. *eace with Israel is such a rofound violation of Islamic law that the A#y tian Islamic Eihad assassinated him on Fctober 4, 2382. It was the same fate that fell u on Eordanian Cin# Abdullah I in 23:2 for attem tin# to make eace. Many Islamic leaders worldwide were also furious over A#y ts eace with Israel. <or e+am le, when Muammar al( ?addafi took control of ;ibya in 2343, he ado ted a fla# based on the A#y tian fla#. However, when Sadat made eace with Israel, al(?addafi broke di lomatic relations with A#y t and re laced his fla#. "he A#y tian Islamic Eihadist who assassinated Sadat was later found to be a co( lanner of the 2337 attack on the !orld "rade 0enter. As stated reviously, the reason for assassination is rooted in the ?uranG Make war on them until idolatry Z0hristians and Eews[ shall cease and %ods BAllahsD reli#ion shall rei#n su reme' BSura 8G74D. "he words of the ro het >echariah are clearly an understatement when he said that one day Eerusalem would become a cu of tremblin# for all the nations B26G6D. Aventually the 0am David Accords e+ osed the di lomatic strate#y by which A#y t sou#ht to defeat Israel throu#h di lomacy. "he !estern mind cannot com rehend the de th of Islamic hatred. "he =n eaceable *eace "reaty

"he Israeli(A#y tian Accords treaty has been a erilous one at best. "he A#y tian attitude did not chan#e. As a former ID< officer told this writer, it is essentially a we will not shoot you today' treaty. !hen the ne+t full scale war breaks out, Israel will have no #uarantee that A#y t and Eordan will remain out of the conflict. "he Israelis have often said that to remain soverei#n they must win every war, whereas the Arabs only have to win once. "he 0am David Accords never achieved the hi#hly antici ated new era for Israel and A#y t that *resident 0arter romised. "he tension between A#y tians and Israelis is noteworthy in their vacation lans. Israelis often visit resorts in A#y t, but A#y tians never visit Israel. "o them, Israel remains the i# in Allahs eye. 2393G Chomeini )eturns to Iran$ )adical Shiite Islam Astablished American forei#n olicy, under the direction of *resident Eimmy 0arter, desired to establish a democratic #overnment. !hat resulted became a ni#htmare. !ith American aid, an Islamic revolutionary arty overthrew the Shah Bkin#D of Iran and in <ebruary the Ayatollah )uhullah Chomeini BAyatollah' is the hi#hest Shiite cleric$ title means e&e of !llahD returned to "ehran as its su reme Islamic leader and cleric. *reviously he had been e+iled in "urkey, Ira& and Cuwait and finally to <rance where he lived for fifteen years because of his revolutionary ideas and osition to reinstitute Sharia 1aw. = on his return to Iran and in his reli#ious osition of authority, he immediately reformed the Iranian culture by institutin# the 1aw. He advocated the Dawn of an Islamic )evolution,' whereby the entire world would come under the Shiite control. "his is merely a revival of the violent Islamic leadershi of Hasan(I Sabah, the founder of the %ashshahin in the eleventh century, as well as the violence romoted by Muhammad. However, Sunni Muslims who are ancient enemies of Shiite Muslims, looked u on the Ayatollah with #reat distrust and as a otential future enemy. Chomeini has a four(sta#e directly from Allah. lan that he claims came


2. Iran must become a ure Islamic state, meanin# theocratic and fundamentalist in accordance to Sharia 1aw. 6. Saudi Arabia, Eordan, A#y t and Syria must likewise become theocratic and fundamentalist states in accordance to Sharia 1aw. 7. Eerusalem must be liberated, Israel annihilated and *alestine must become a theocratic and fundamentalist state in accordance to Sharia 1aw. J. "he con&uest of all nations, must take lace for the #lory of Islam, that they be theocratic and fundamentalist states in accordance to Sharia 1aw. "he Ayatollah and later, Mahmoud Ahmadine,ad, both feel dee ly humiliated by the numerous victories Israel has had over Muslim armies. "hey both &uestion how a a#an enemy could overcome the eo le of AllahH "he answer, they reasoned, is because Muslims had sinned by leavin# the fundamentals of the faith, and the only way to be#in a true re entance would be to en#a#e in a holy war, or 6ihad. "his could only be#in by liberatin# Eerusalem from the >ionists. "he revolutionary messa#e was acce ted and was &uickly e+ orted to ;ebanon, Sudan, Al#eria and Saudi Arabia. In ;ebanon, the Muslim Shiites ioneered the use of suicide bombers a#ainst the infidel' Americans. In Saudi Arabia, the messa#e was o ulari@ed in do@ens of mos&ues, where the wealthy Fsama bin ;aden decided to become its commander. He develo ed a strate#ic lan with ma s and time schedules for not only con&uerin# Eerusalem, but con&uerin# the world for Islam. "hat included Sunni Muslim leaders. Chomeini considered the Sunni Muslim countries such as A#y t, Saudi Arabia, "urkey and Eordan to be heretical and secular and, therefore, ,ust as insultin# to true Islam as the e+istence of Israel. He stated that only by revolution could those #overnments be brou#ht into conformity with the wishes of Allah. His stron# anti(Sunni Muslim attitudes rofoundly threatened other Muslim leaders, es ecially when he be#an to search for nuclear technolo#y. In the meantime, in nei#hborin# Ira&, for years *resident Saddam Hussein was bra##in# of chemical and nuclear wea ons. Hussein was Sunni and #overned with an iron hand a country of both Shiite and Sunni Muslims. In

2388 he initiated the Curdish #enocide with chemical wea ons. =nsure of whether Husseins talk of nuclear wea ons was bluff or truth, after the first threat, the Ayatollah made a commitment to #o nuclear. Hence, since the Shiite Iranian ursuit of atomic wea ons be#an, Sunni nations such as A#y t and Saudi Arabia had no choice but to do likewise I not to rotect themselves from Israel, but to rotect themselves from Iran. "hey reali@ed that a future conflict would be one of certain death. "he Ayatollah revived the Shiite brand of Islamic fundamentalism while the Saudis revived the Sunni brand of fundamentalism known as !ahhabism. "he rofound strikin# as ect of these two revivals is the timin#. "he cleric may be best remembered for his hrase ;ittle Satan I -i# Satan.' Since the =S has aided Israel, he referred to America as the -i# Satan' and to Israel as the ;ittle Satan.' In his thinkin# both need to be destroyed. "he Ayatollah, more than anyone else, is res onsible for #eneratin# the revival of Islami@ation as a #lobal #oal. !hile the Sunni Muslims were &uietly romotin# their brand of Sharia ;aw, the Iranian cleric escalated the ace of the race with the Shiite version of the ;aw. <inally, it should be noted that when the Ayatollahs terrorists took a number of Americans and the American embassy as hosta#e, 0arter lacked the coura#e to confront them. .o American resident has done more to motivate .a@i(style Islamic fundamentalists then did *resident Eimmy 0arter. ;andG Fnce Muslim (( Always Muslim Fne of the cardinal rules of Islam is that land that has been con&uered must remain in the (ar $slam BHouse of IslamD. It is not art of the Quran or %adith, but an Islamic theolo#ical construct that is so stron# that it mi#ht as well have been written in their holy book. In li#ht of that doctrine and the inherent recorded hatred of Eews, Israel is seen as a i# in a Muslims #arden$ a !estern out ost in an Islamic world$ an infrin#ement of !estern civili@ation in the eaceful' Islamic world.

Accordin# to Islamic theolo#ians, and es ecially with the return of the Iranian Ayatollah, after Israel is destroyed there are other lands that must also revert to Islamic control. "hese are -okhara, ;ebanon Bwhich is now over(run and dominated by He@bollah terroristsD, Aritrea, Somalia, the *hili ines, -urma, southern Memen, "ashkent and Andalusia.62: *owered by etro(dollars and a reli#ious revival, Shiite Muslims are hi#hly motivated to attain a #lobal victory.

-9 :A6-C P! AC! % * hen 9ha ria :aw rule s a ll nations a nd all pe ople, the n -sla m w ill be a religion of peac e"

Page ''8

2385 ( 2388 Iran(Ira& !ar "he Iran(Ira& !ar was a classic conflict between rival Shiite and Sunni Muslim nations. It be#an when Ira&, led by Sunni dictator Saddam Hussein, invaded Shiite Iran. !hen Chomeini came to ower in 2393, he disbanded the military and e+ecuted many military leaders. Ira&i leader Saddam Hussein, believin# the Iranians were at their weakest oint, attacked them. In the conflict that followed, the military tactics used by both nations were unima#inable even to the most seasoned military analysts. In the summer of 6555, this writer was teachin# in Amman, Eordan. "here he had several Ira&i and Iranian students who were drafted by their #overnments to fi#ht in the war. "hey described many horrors such asG -oys, a#es nine and u ward, who rode bicycles throu#h minefields for the ur ose of clearin# them for the soldiers who would follow. "he boys were #iven lastic keys to wear around their necks and told these would #et them into heaven, should they die. "housands died with their faith in a lastic key. 624 "hese students also described Husseins use of oisonous #as and electric fences. He used any killin# device
62: 624

As osito, 9.

AS! T)(!@ re orted BSe tember 27, 6525, 2AD a similar use of children as human shields by the "aliban a#ainst =S forces in Af#hanistan.


that romised death, re#ardless of how ainful or merciless. After more than a million battlefield causalities, includin# thousands of children, the war ended without a clear winner. A similar account was recorded by Amir "aheri in The Spirit of !llah. "aheri said the war continued to new de ths of horror with the Ira&is use of chemical wea ons a#ainst Irans child soldiers.' 629 "he American 0entral Intelli#ence A#ency told 0on#ress in the mid 2385s that Iran was driven to #o nuclear because it feared Saddam Hussein. Hussein was more than willin# to kill any Shiite Muslim or Curd. 628 0onse&uently Iran was on a assionate &uest to obtain wea ons of mass destruction B!MDD. "he Middle Aast conflict that had for decades been #enerally confined to Eews and Arabs had now e+ anded into a re#ional conflict. 2385sG "he *;F "errori@ed *alestinians =ntil this era, not all *alestinians were in favor of the violence romoted by their leaders. As reviously stated, *alestinian terrorists have killed more *alestinians than Eews. In an attem t to convert fellow *alestinians to *;F causes, the terroristic leaders have killed anyone sus ected of bein# an informant. )esistors are immediately terminated. <or e+am le, December 3, 2335, *;F killers slau#htered 72: of their own eo le sus ected of bein# non(com liant to *;F directives. As is ty ical in ArabQIslamic countries, e+ecutions are ublic events and citi@ens are encoura#ed to observe them. Such barbaric actions are beyond !estern belief. "herefore, many refer not to believe such re orts, or view the ima#es such as shown below.

629 628

"aheri, 76J. /enter, 9J.


&i'ure =6! Palestinian man eBecute$ b% PL7 'unmen! A man sus ected of bein# a collaborator with Israel was ublicly e+ecuted by *;F #unmen in March, 6556. His body was hun# from a tower for all to see BJerusalem Post, $nternational Edition. March 66, 6556D. 2385sG *akistan Develo ed .uclear !ea ons$ Saudi Arabia *ursues !MDs Avents in *akistan would hardly a ear to have been si#nificant to Middle Aastern affairs. "raditionally, the *akistanis and their rival nei#hbor India have had conflicts for centuries. Since India develo ed nuclear wea ons, *akistan had to do likewise. "he roverbial time clock had be#un tickin# that would eventually brin# *akistan into Middle Aastern influence.

In 234: the *akistani nuclear research reactor at *arr, )awal indi be#an o eratin#. -y the 2385s the *akistanis were re orted to have received uranium, com onents and lans from Auro e and 0hina and were in the international market for additional assistance. "hey were develo in# a missile system, but abandoned it in 2389 when a deal was si#ned with 0hina for the sale of im roved M(22 missiles and launchers. -y 2335 the *akistanis had seven nuclear bombs, the missiles to deliver them and were clearly the leader amon# Muslim nations in nuclear research and wea ons develo ment. A ma,or milestone came in May of 2338, when *akistan detonated a nuclear bomb, which some believe was a .orth Corean bomb tested for .orth Corean scientists. In the meantime, the anti(Sunni rhetoric from the Ayatollah Chomeini became the motivatin# factor for Saudi Arabia to be#in its &uest for nuclear wea ons. !hen Israel develo ed !MDs in the late 23:5s and early 2345s, no Islamic nation was concerned. Decades later when the Saudis desired to urchase nuclear wea ons and technolo#y, the *akistanis were ready, willin# and able to sell. However, the international wea ons market became very com etitive and in 6559, the Saudis si#ned a one billion dollar arms deal with the )ussians whereby Saudi Arabia would become a nuclear ower. "oday, after receivin# billions of American etro( dollars, Saudi Arabia has its nuclear wea ons. "hey are inside the warheads of .orth Corean .o(Don# and *akistani %hauri( II missiles.623 "he conflict continues to s read over a wider re#ion and will eventually become #lobal. 2382G Israel Destroys Ira&i .uclear 0a ability !hile for decades A#y t ublici@ed her intent to destroy Israel, Ira& did not mention it until the 2385s. Met Ira& was always in the van#uard a#ainst the Eewish state. "he world was aware that Iran was buildin# the <rench( su lied "ammu@ reactor, but no country was bold enou#h to do anythin# about it. !hen the Fsirank .uclear facility was nearly com leted, Israeli war lanes destroyed it on Eune 9. Israel was immediately condemned, but as the world would discover durin# the 2335(32 %ulf !ar, Israel did the world a #reat favor. "he reactor would have su lied Iran with the wea ons(#rade lutonium needed for nuclear wea ons.

Ibid., 2J2.


2386G 0ivil =nrest in Syria In the town of Hama, after years of olitical o ression and overty, Sunni Muslims rebelled in rotest. In res onse, the #overnment massacred thousands and military eace' was established. Muslims historically have fou#ht each other when not fi#htin# a common enemy such as the Eews. However, this massive e+ecution was the #overnments res onse because Sunni easants revolted a#ainst the dictatorial #overnment of Hafe@ al(Assad who was of the Alawite sect of Islam. It was more of an ethnic conflict than olitical revolt, althou#h the latter initiated the event. "he media was silent. Syrian *resident -ashar al(Assad is a member of the Alawite society Bminority reli#ionD. "his is a small Islamic sect that is an offshoot of the Shiites and considered by most Muslims as a none(Islamic reli#ion. Alawites do not re#ard the Coran as holy and they worshi Ali BMuhammads cousinD, who is deemed hi#her than Muhammad. Hence, al(Assad and all other Alawites are in constant dan#er by the ma,ority o ulation of Sunni Muslims. As reviously stated, each Islamic sect considers all others as heretics and &ualified for death. "herefore, when they are not fi#htin# Eews, they fi#ht amon# themselves. ;ittle wonder then that al(Assad did not want Arafat in his country. -ut since both hated the Eews, they worked to#ether on that focus. 2386G "he <irst ;ebanon !ar <or years there were times of eriodic *;F attacks from ;ebanon, but after the newly elected ;ebanese resident was assassinated, Israel finally invaded it to root out the terrorists. Israels *rime Minister Menachem -e#in Bin office 2399(2387D, with the a roval of his cabinet, be#an air strikes a#ainst *;F sites near -eirut, ;ebanon. Fn Eune 4 Defense Minister Ariel Sharon led the invasion. -ut Arafat was ti ed off and esca ed to "unisia, from where he continued to direct o erations. His terrorists res onded with multi le Soviet(built Catusha rockets fired simultaneously from .orth Corean launchers in ;ebanon. "he tar#ets were any civilian areas, such as the northern Israeli border town of Ciryat Shmona.

Defense Minister Ariel Sharon assured the Israeli 0abinet that an o eration to clear the *;F terrorists out of ;ebanon would take only a few days. His intent was to #o in, neutrali@e the )ussian(made Catusha rockets that had been oundin# northern Israeli villa#es, and withdraw. As the ID< moved into ;ebanon, they were met with une+ ected heavy fi#htin# by the *;F and Syrian troo s. Instead of a few days, the Israelis were in a &ua#mire that would last for 69 years. "he ID< eventually routed out most of the terrorists but also uncovered massive storehouses of wea onry. "hey searched the refu#ee cam s of Sabra and Shatila in !est -eirut where Sharon believed 6,555 terrorists were hidin#. *rime Minister -e#in believed the ;ebanese militiamen would clean u the rest of the terrorists in the cam s but Sharon disa#reed. .onetheless, the ;ebanese militiamen were ermitted to enter the cam s, and without findin# a sin#le terrorists, they massacred hundreds of unarmed civilians in a sin#le ni#ht. "he ID< was res onsible for a hu#e loss of innocent life and worldwide o inion was a#ainst Israel. It was a media hay day to the shame of Israel. "he news re orts incited *alestinians everywhere. Infuriated at what ha ened they bravely confronted Israelis wherever ossible. It was a dream come true for Arafat. "his <irst Intifada BArabic meanin# to shake off violently'D would be birthed B2389D in res onse to the massacres. In the meantime, news crews from the world com eted with each other to #et the best ictures for the evenin# news. 0hildren became "/ stars, and the youn#er the stone throwers, the more im ressive the news re ort. "he *alestinians now discovered they had a new ower I the ower of ublic o inion. "he Israeli resence in ;ebanon threatened to be a no( win situation as was /ietnam for America in the 2345s. "he enemy blended in with the #eneral o ulation and the media constantly re orted civilian casualties caused by the Israeli military. !ith chaos runnin# ram ant, the =nited States, in con,unction with other nations, established a multinational eacekee in# force. In 2387, the American Ambassy and =S Marine head&uarters were blown u , killin# 692 =S soldiers. "he invasion would eventually become a olitical and military &ua#mire. "he situation was so bad that Israeli citi@ens demanded troo withdrawal and for the first time some

soldiers refused to fi#ht. Israeli citi@ens were an#ered over the invasion and occu ation and military leaders were ublically critici@ed. <or the first time the moral stren#th of the military be#an to weaken. In all the revious wars Israel was the clear(cut victor. However, at the end of the ;ebanon conflict a clearly definable victory was not in si#ht. 0onse&uently, Israel withdrew from ;ebanon on May 6J, 6555, in accordance to =. )esolution J6:. "o Muslims worldwide the withdrawal was not seen as com liance to the =., but as a cowardly retreat. "his was the first si#n of a weakenin# Israel and Muslims worldwide celebrated. 665 In the meantime, the He@bollah was su osed to have been disarmed accordin# to =. )esolution 2::3 B655JD, but the )esolution was never enforced. In fact, the =. Fbservers, who were ositioned alon# the Israel(;ebanon border, saw the terrorists stock ilin# wea ons and did absolutely nothin#. "he #reatest failure followin# the <irst Israel(;ebanon !ar is that the He@bollah was not disarmed. In 6554 the Second Israel(;ebanon !ar conse&uences would be worse than in the first conflict. ;ike the American /ietnam conflict, the invasion into ;ebanon was broadcasted around the world. "he lessons the .orth /ietnamese tau#ht Arafats advisor Abu Eihad in 234J were workin# well. ;ike starvin# iranhas, the terrorists built u on Israels loss' and won international sym athy. "hey used ublic relations a#encies to create the ma+imum effect while Israel had no one to counter the distorted messa#es. !hen truth is not revealed or is deliberately silenced, the results are disastrous. 2386G "he Amer#ence of He@bollah in ;ebanon Israels invasion into ;ebanon reduced the effectiveness of Arafats *;F. However, it stimulated the rise of a new #rou known as the He@bollah B*arty of Allah'D. "his ara(military e+tension of Iran received Soviet wea ons via Iran and Syria. Its rimary area of attack continues to be Israels northern border with ;ebanon and Syria. "he conflict has become a shell #ame and is acce ted as such by IsraelG

"he second si#n of a weakenin# Israel was when she ulled out of %a@a in 655:.


)ather than riskin# a direct military attack in Israel, Syria and Iran use the He@bollah as their ro+y army. "y ical of Muslim armies, the *;F and He@bollah not only fou#ht each other creatin# civil war, but they also fou#ht the ;ebanese resultin# in the ruthless massacre of 0hristians. In only a few years ;ebanon and the *aris of the Middle Aast' B-eirutD were reduced to a ty ical third world country. "he Syrians have always re#retted the division of ;ebanon from Syria by the <rench Mandate and, therefore, have always wanted to reca ture it. "he He@bollah would not only #ive #reater o ortunity to destroy Israel but also afford the o ortunity to con&uer it. Fne of the Muslim militant sub( #rou s, the *halan#ist, massacred hundreds of *alestinians in the ;ebanese refu#ee cam s of Sabra and Shatila near -eirut. Such is life in the violent Islamic world. 2386G Israels 6(Day !ar with Syria$ Syrias ?uest for !MD "o halt the Israeli invasion, Syrian *resident Assad sent fi#hter ,ets into combat. "he resultin# do# fi#ht was like a story out of the Fld "estament. In only two days nearly one hundred Syrian ,ets were lost while the Israelis did not lose a sin#le lane. "he event was dee ly humiliatin#, and in Muslim thinkin#, an insult to Allah. 0onse&uently, the Syrians des erately wanted wea ons of mass destruction. However, this ursuit of nuclear wea ons has not been successful. "herefore Assad concentrated !MD such as biolo#ical and chemical wea ons. "hese have been develo ed and wea ons of Sarin, /N and mustard #as are in full scale roduction. 662 Assad reali@ed that if these wea ons were used, not only would thousands of Israelis be killed, but also thousands of Muslims as well. -ut the centuries(old hatred is so intense and so dee , that destroyin# lar#e se#ments of ones own o ulation has become an acce table collateral dama#e. "his defies all !estern lo#ic. In li#ht of this, how can eace ever be establishedH 238:G Arafat *alestini@es' Eesus and His Disci les In the mid(2385s, Arafat launched a new cam ai#n to de(Eudai@e' Eesus and *alestini@e' Him in order to #ain

/enter, 2J9.


0hristian su ort. .ot only Eesus, but all of His disci les were reclassified as *alestinians. A Eordanian television roduction once stated, "he Eews murdered Eesus, the *alestinian ro het.' "his was followed by *;F official Hanan Ashrawi, a *alestinian Arab 0hristian claimin# that 0hristians like her can trace their ancestry to the first 0hristians. 666 "his writer ersonally heard Arafat say on television that *eter was a *alestinian. Ama@in#ly, there are many !estern 0hristians who believed him. !ithin two decades this #ross misinformation would be ublished in some American te+tbooks as historic fact. As reviously stated, the #reatest stren#th that Muslims have is the fact that !esterners are willin# to be deceived. "here was little criticism of Arafats comments from !estern olitical fi#ures, academics and 0hristian leaders. He continued to romote his rendition of 0hristians history on December 6J, 233:, when in -ethlehems man#er s&uare he announced, !e ronounce this holy land, this holy city, the city of the *alestinian Eesus, a liberated city forever, forever, forever.' 0hurch leaders from Israel and America failed to res ond and oint out that Eesus was a Eew born more than a century before Am eror Hadrian im osed the name Palestinia.667 Arafats incredible success to reconstructin# history can be attributed to the failure of church, Eewish and olitical leaders to confront him and declare his comments for what they areG lies.

-slamic strength lies in the fact that *esterners are willing to be deceived"

To be placed

As .a@i Eose h %oebbels once said, tell a lie often enou#h and lon# enou#h, it will eventually be erceived as truth. "he %rand Mufti Husseini romoted the bi# lie theory his entire life and by 6553 it was well rooted in Israels
666 667

"he 0hurches vs Israel.' The Jerusalem Post. March 3, 233:. 2J.

"he name *alestine' or *alestinia' did not e+ist in the first century Eewish world.


)ussian %reek Frthodo+ 0hurch. B)ecall that a riest of the same church authored the Protocols in the 2835s.D It was then when )ussian %reek Frthodo+ Archbisho Atallah Hanna said, !e 0hristians are a local brand that is 255 ercent *alestinian and Arab.'66J *alestinian 0hristians who know that Eesus and His disci les were Eewish sometimes a#ree with the archbisho in order to survive in an Islamic society. Some are sim ly confused between biblical teachin# and the instructions they received from Arab church leaders. Still others know the truth but act differently out of fear.

&i'ure =:! Arafat)s DWe Pronounce This ol%lan$ LE "he =olum"ia Jewish News, re rinted Arafats comments in its <ebruary, 2334 edition, B JD when he stated on December 6J that he roclaimed -ethlehem a liberated city and that Eesus was a *alestinian.


Aviel Schneider. Eesus was a *alestinian *ro het.' $srael Toda&. Au#ust, 6553. .o. 229. 65.


&i'ure ==! %reek Frthodo+ Archbisho Atallah Hanna uts a *alestinian inter retation u on the -ible. Many churches that were established a century a#o by missionaries of various denominations have been turned over to local Arab astors. Some of those astors have now ,oined the anti(Israel movement, and thereby, found some concessions from local hard(liner Islamic leaders. -ible( believin# astors, some of whom were students of this writer, are faced every day with the threat of ersecution. All too often they are the lonely leaders in a dark world brin#in# comfort to their nei#hbors but are for#otten by !estern 0hristians. Arafats efforts to reframe Eesus would have rofound conflicts with their ministry. 238:G Israel Surrenders to "errorists with *risoner A+chan#e Many Middle Aast observers consider this year a ma,or milestone in *alestinian victory because Israel surrendered to terrorism. Israeli *rime Minister Shimon *eres a#reed to e+chan#e 2,2:5 terrorists for the return of three ca tured Israeli soldiers. *reviously Israel fou#ht without com romise, but now her stamina was weakened and *eres #ave in to

terrorists demands.66: "he si#nificance of that e+chan#e cannot be overstated as a henomenal victory as seen by the *alestinians and Muslims worldwide. "he irony was that *eres and other Israeli leaders were fully aware that the released terrorists would sooner or later strike a#ain to steal, kill and destroy. As time would rove, this was recisely what ha ened. <rom this oint on Israel entered into a new era ( one of com romisin# with the enemy. Arafats lan to destroy the Eewish state iecemeal was comin# into fruition. 2389G HAMAS HAMAS is an acronym for %ara#at al4%u#awama al4 $slami&ah, or the Islamic )esistance Movement. In Arabic %amas means @eal,' or @ealous.' "he irony is that in Hebrew the same word means violence.' Its founder and s iritual leader was the late Sheikh Ahmed Ismait Massin B2379(655JD. !hen he was about thirteen years old he was in,ured in an accident that left him ermanently araly@ed. ;ater he studied in A#y t where he ,oined the Muslim -rotherhood and his life of terrorism be#an. In his early years as a Hamas leader the Israelis believed Massin to be harmless and could ossibly diminish the effectiveness of Arafat. "hey were rofoundly wron# as he became a ma,or insti#ator of violence. His life came to an end when an Israeli #unshi fired a rocket into his house with a sur#ical strike. =nfortunately, nine others were also killed. *eace observers critici@ed Israel and said that the attack would set back the so(called eace rocess, althou#h they did not re#ard the fact that Massin had ruthlessly killed do@ens of his own *alestinian eo le as well as Eews. Hamas has two im ortant divisionsG civilian and military. "he civilian win# is stron# in education and social services for the #eneral o ulation. "he combination of the two built wides read su ort that enabled the terrorist #rou to win o ular elections in Eune of 6559 and control of the %a@a Stri . Members of the *alestinian Authority who o osed them were threatened or killed. *alestinians either conform to their commands or ay the ultimate rice. "he

Fther si#ns, accordin# to Arab thinkin#, of a weakenin# Israel were her withdrawals from ;ebanon in 6555 and %a@a in 655:.


work of the military win# is obvious I it does everythin# from terror attacks to rocket attacks. <rom 6552 until the Israeli invasion of December, 6558, the terrorists fired more than :,555 rockets into Israeli towns and villa#es. -y 2335 one out of every two *alestinian deaths was the work of another *alestinian I either Hamas or the *;F. As stated reviously, the *alestinians, who were once a eo le of eace, have been transformed into a#ents of death. "he foundin# charter of Hamas remains unchan#ed to this day and reveals the Hitler(like assion of hatred. <or e+am le, Article Si+ states that the Hamas strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of *alestine.'664 "he biblical teachin# that one day Eesus will rule and rei#n in the city of Eerusalem is com letely revoltin# to Islamic theolo#y and ideal. "his article, ossibly more than any other, clearly states that the root cause of the Middle Aast conflict is of a reli#ious or s iritual nature. Article Seven romotes the destruction of the Eewish eo le in a hunt and kill fashion. It is &uoted from the %adith, "he Day of Eud#ment will not come about until Muslims fi#ht the Eews Bkillin# the EewsD, when the Eew will hide behind stones and trees. "he stones and trees will say F Muslims, F Abdulla, there is a Eew behind me, come and kill him. Fnly the %harkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Eews Brelated by al( -ukhari and MuslimD.669 0ited from %adith Shih Muslim, -k J2, .o. 438: !hile the %adith is not as authoritative as the Quran, more Muslims follow it rather than their holy book. Article Aleven forbids eace ne#otiations or treaties with Israel. Arafat once said he would make a eace hudnah in order to destroy Israel, but Hamas will not even #rant Israel a hudnah. Hence, it was totally involved in the termination of the Fslo *eace Accords.
664 669

htt GQQwww.mideastweb.or#Qhamas.htm, )etrieved May 6:, 6553. Ibid.


Article "hirteen states that the only solution to the Israeli(*alestinian conflict is throu#h Eihad. It continues to day, in art, that Initiatives, and so(called eaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the rinci les of the Islamic )esistance Movement.' 668 !ith that boldly rinted and fre&uently announced in local mos&ues, the &uestion then is, !hy do Americans think war is not the answer if the *alestinians BHamasD declare it is the only answerH' Articles <ourteen throu#h .ineteen state that Muslim arents and teachers are re&uired to train children to the virtues of Eihad. It also advocates the elimination of influences of 0hristian missionaries. <or e+am le, It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media eo le, as well as the educated masses, es ecially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take art in the o eration of awakenin# Bthe massesD. It is im ortant that basic chan#es be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideolo#ical invasion that affected it as a result of the Frientals and missionaries who infiltrated the re#ion followin# the defeat of the 0rusaders at the hands of Salah el(Din BSaladinD.663 "he obvious &uestion then is, !ith such a militant ideolo#y in command in the %a@a Stri and its #rowin# o ularity amon# *alestinians, what is the likelihood that eace will become established anywhere in the Middle AastH Is there any other ossible solution other than a military oneH' "he answer is obvious. ;ittle wonder then, that some have said if it were not for the reli#ious element, Islam would be outlawed as a olitical ideolo#y of hate decades or centuries a#o.

668 663

Ibid. Ibid., Article 2J.


A grea t accomplishment o f 4A6A9 was the creation of a suicide academ+ in 1&&)"

Page '82

Hamas has been listed as a terrorist or#ani@ation by nearly every !estern nation. Met in the =nited States it o erated freely under various names to raise funds for so( called or hana#es in the !est -ank. As would be eventually discovered, donated funds were not directed to or haned children, but to su ort terrorists. Fnce Hamas attained ower in %a@a they be#an to threaten, ersecute and kill the infidels.' "hey increased attacks on 0hristian leaders, institutions and those associated with !estern values. "heir ur ose is to terrori@e non(Muslims into either leavin# or convertin# to Islam. <or e+am le, in Fctober, 6559, a sub#rou element linked to Hamas abducted )ami Chadr Ayad from his home and shot him to death. He was a 0hristian who worked for the Holy -ible Society. In May, 6558 they detonated a bomb in the )ahabat al(!ardia, a school run by nuns in the "el al(Hawa nei#hborhood of %a@a 0ity. "hou#h rarely re orted in the international ress, it re resents a hi#hly im ortant rinci le of Eihad ( as often reached in the mos&ues by the Imams, summari@ed by this statementG Kill the infidels &ou ma& find them. Stran#e as it may seem, Hamas leaders today roudly roclaim that one of their #reat accom lishments was the establishment of a suicide academy in %a@a 0ity with its first class #raduatin# in the fall of 233J. After losin# every military conflict with the Israelis, they discovered that human bombs have been the most effective wea on and believe this will ultimately succeed. *ro erly timed attacks #enerally have ma+imum ne#ative affect on eace talks. 2389 ( 2332G "he <irst Intifada "he <irst Intifada B$ntifada means, shakin# off, as one would shake off a scor ion in a violent manner'D 675 had been

-ur#e, J2.


lanned for months and Arafat waited for the ri#ht time to start it. "he ri#ht time' came when an Israeli vehicle accidentally killed four *alestinians. Arafat #ave the #reen si#nal and an u risin# started. It was an orchestrated event that, when conveyed to the world media, laced the res onsibility s&uarely on Israel. "o ca ture the sym athy, children were instructed to leave school and to throw stones at Israeli soldiers while the media cor s videota ed the evenin# news. "he stone throwers also challen#ed Israeli soldiers in full military armor for im ressive ictures that mimicked "iananmen S&uare.672 -y this time the *alestinians became su erb actors to win the emotions of com assionate eo le worldwide. 0onse&uently, untold numbers of !esterners were won into the anti(IsraelQ ro(*alestinian cam , includin# many -a tists, Mennonites, *entecostals and other evan#elicals. "he international community res onded in sym athy to the little kids' who were harassed by the bi# mean Israeli occu iers,' without reali@in# that stones can be ,ust as deadly as bullets. "he Israeli defense forces, which had develo ed into a hi#hly mechani@ed and technolo#ical military machine, had no res onse to the stone throwin# kids. Met while Arafat took deli#ht in the Intifada, it was not his #rou that escalated the violence, but the relatively new #rou called Hamas. !hile the two #rou s o osed each other between 2389 and 2332, they tem orarily laid aside their differences and attacked Israelis. !hile Israel was fi#htin# the *alestinian ,ihad, it was also fi#htin# a#ainst the media ,ihad. !hen the riotin# escalated to Molotov cocktails, hand #renades and eventually automatic wea ons, the media viewed the Israelis as the a##ressors. Anyone who murdered an Israeli was honored at all official *alestinian media outlets, yet no mention of this erverted honor system was made in the !estern evenin# news ro#rams. As a result, the *alestinians had a #rowin# sym athetic audience in the !est. "he irony is that it is the Americans and Auro eans whom they wish to destroy, who

In 2383 an estimated 255,555 rotestors came to "iananmen S&uare in 0ommunist 0hina to demand #overnment reform. !hile an estimated 7,555 were killed, the ima#e seen around the world was of a sole rotestor standin# before a line of military tanks. Arafat re eatedly layed u on that ima#e and the !estern media loved it.


have #iven them billions of dollars in aide. ;ittle has come from the oil(rich Islamic states. ;ike Husseini before him, Arafat romoted the slo#an ( A man without land is a man without honor. A man without honor is better off dead.

Peac e will fatall + undermine -slam.s basic theolog+" 4ence , true peace will never happen"

Page '82

*ossibly the #reatest shame falls u on the Eewish eo le themselves. "hey com rise only 6Q25 of one ercent of the worlds o ulation but hold nearly twenty ercent of the .obel *eace ri@es. In s ite of their many brilliant contributions to the world, they have failed miserably in launchin# an effective defense a#ainst the media ,ihad.


Cha,ter ? The Conflict EB,an$s Internationall% Has the *alestinian(Israeli conflict e+ anded #lobally because the *alestinians desired a olitical state or because the Muslims want to convert the world to IslamH !hile there are numerous reasons for the conflict such as cultural differences, the hidden core issue remainsG !hose #od is %odH' "his core issue has been illustrated throu#hout this book and now becomes more evident. 2388G Saudi Arabia Searches for .uclear !ea ons Saudi Arabia erceived the rhetoric of Irans Ayatollah Chomeini to be a future threat and, therefore, offered *akistan ]855 million of assistance to build a thermonuclear bomb.676 "he Saudis were well aware of the Israeli(<rench artnershi in the nuclear ro#ram for <rance, and assumed that Israel also had the bomb.' "he rimary basis for their o inion was that Israel has always had some of the worlds leadin# scientists in nuclear research and develo ment. "hey also knew that Israel would never use it a#ainst them unless they were in a des erate situation. However, they feared the Iranian Shiites far more than the Israelis. In essence, the Sunnis and Shiites des erately feared each other but each demonstrated a #reater trust in the Eews. 2383G Al ?aeda Astablished by Fsama bin ;aden Al(?aeda Bmeans the base'D is an Islamic fundamentalist terror or#ani@ation that is the unofficial militant arm of the Sunni Muslims based in Saudi Arabia. Al( ?aeda believes the Eews and 0hristians Ball !esterners are considered to be either Eews or 0hristiansD have an on#oin# cons iracy to destroy Islam. "hey also believe non(Sunni Muslims are heretics and, therefore, anyone who is not faithful to Sunni Sharia ;aw doctrines is a le#itimate tar#et to be killed. "he founder of al(?aeda is the infamous Fsama bin ;aden who orchestrated the Se tember 22, 6552 attack on the "win "owers in .ew Mork 0ity and on the *enta#on. His

/enter, 655(52.


or#ani@ation also carried out hundreds, if not thousands, of attacks worldwide. Its foundational belief system is the revival of !ahhabism (( the inter retation of Muhammads law of Allah known as Sharia ;aw. Its affect in the Middle Aast was thou#ht to have been rather minimal until 6558 when o eratives in %a@a were linked to this or#ani@ation. "oday al(?aeda and its many affiliate or#ani@ations are found in every free country of the world includin# the =nited States. "he financial resources of al(?aeda and its associated or#ani@ations are mind(bo##lin#. Aven a small ortion of the incalculable etro(dollars, not to mention dru# money, #enerously su ort numerous terrorist #rou s and the radical mos&ues. Included in al(?aedas treasury are an estimated ei#hty shi in# frei#hters that could sail into any ort in the world and cause massive destruction. Some e+ erts sus ect several nuclear wea ons missin# from the former Soviet =nion are now in the hands of al(?aeda. !hat is there that a terrorist with enou#h money cannot buyH Since its ince tion, al(?aeda has been re licated many times. It has been said that it is centrali@ed theolo#ically and decentrali@ed in the e+ecution of its mission. Its leaders a ear and disa ear$ the central locations' of its affiliates likewise a ear and disa ear. Aven if the =nited States were to ca ture or kill bin ;aden, he would instantly become an enshrined hero and there would be a thousand more to take his lace. )adical Muslims are no lon#er the lunatic frin#e' element of Islam, but are becomin# the standard(bearer. %reat ortions of Muslim youth have been indoctrinated that the cultural, economic and olitical dominance of the !est must end before it destroys Islam. It is the fuel of hate that em owers self(#eneratin# al(?aeda movements. Activists are findin# #reater acce tance from moderates while an increasin# number of moderates are fearful of s eakin# a#ainst their violent brothers. <urthermore, it is im ossible to defeat these or#ani@ations without first defeatin# their ideolo#y I a challen#e that has not even been acknowled#ed by any !estern leader. Hence the threat to !estern civili@ation is #rave.


*h+ is 9audi Arabia, the American friend against terroris m, the largest single financier of terrorism/

Page 1)'

2335G =nited .ations Human )i#hts 0ommission "he =nited .ations Human )i#hts 0ommission has been hi#hly selective whose human ri#hts it chooses to defend. Since the 23:5s the international body has clearly demonstrated it is ro(ArabQanti(Israel. <or e+am le, of the 29: =nited .ations Security 0ouncil )esolutions u to 2335, 39 were a#ainst Israel$ out of 435 %eneral Assembly )esolutions, J63 were a#ainst Israel. Met the =. was silent when the Eordanians destroyed :8 syna#o#ues in the Fld 0ity of Eerusalem and desecrated the old Eewish cemetery on the Mount of Flives. "he =. was also silent when Eordan massacred between 2:,555 and 65,555 *alestinians durin# Arafats u risin#, and a#ain was silent when Syria massacred XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Israel Sudan 0on#o 77 Ivory 0oast 62 Af#hanistan 23 Somalia Myanmar ;ebanon 2: 26 28 Syria "urkey 234 77 Ira& =SA Iran 0uba 6 2 Haiti 25 .. Corea 9 9 4 7 3

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &i'ure =>! 2N uman Ri'hts Resolutions /@@3* /@@?! "he number of =. actions a#ainst Israel far outwei#hs the actions a#ainst brutal o ressive nations such as Myanmar, .orth Corea and Syria. SourceG $srael Toda&. .ov. 6553. :, citin# the Hudson Institute and "ourno 0olle#e )e ort.

&i'ure =?! The 2nite$ Nations ea$Fuarters in 5erusalem! "he =. is located south of the city on a site that, since -ible times, has been called the Hill of Avil 0ouncil' B6 Sam. 24G62$ 29G6D. everyone in a 0hristian villa#e. "he international eace( kee in# body continues its olicy of olitically correct anti( Semitism. A com arison review of =. decisions is stunnin# and clearly reveals its bias. Fn <ebruary 8 of 2335, the =. Human )i#hts 0ommission was #iven a co y of a book titled The Mat'ah, written by Mustafa "las, the De uty *rime Minister of Syria. In the te+t was a so(called historical account of human sacrifice I an 28J5s story concernin# Eews in Damascus who alle#edly killed two 0hristians and used their blood to make unleavened bread for *assover. .o one on the 0ommission challen#ed the truthfulness of the book or &uestioned if it was the revival of the historic myth of blood libel. <urthermore, no one a eared to &uestion why an account of the mid(23th century mi#ht be relevant today. 677 Is there an underlin# fear in todays olitical leadersH


!orld Eewish 0on#ress' News J 5iews /ol. N/, .o. 7 B<eb.(A ril 2332D, 65.


2335sG =nited .ations Am loys "errorists <or years the Israelis com lained that =. eacekee ers were often aidin# and abettin# *alestinian terrorists. =. ambulances were used to shuttle terrorists and their wea ons to any lace but a hos ital. =. observers did what they can do best I observe. "hey witnessed the terrorists sli into Eewish communities and failed to re ort such actions to any #overnmental authority that could have revented the soon(to(be bloodshed. "he eace(kee in# or#ani@ation even em loyed known terrorists for civilian service. "hese =. actions became so well known and common lace that by the end of 6558 =S )e resentative Steven ). )othman of .ew Eersey ro osed 0on#ressional le#islation to Ansure "errorists are .ot Am loyed by or )eceive -enefits from =.)!A' B=nited .ations )elief and !orks A#encyD. His ro osal included the followin# ara#ra hG =.)!A has em loyed staffers affiliated with terrorism, includin# Said Sayyam, the Hamas Minister of Interior and 0ivil affairs, who was a teacher in =.)!A schools in %a@a from 2335 to 6557$ Awad al( ?i&, the headmaster of an =.)!A school in the %a@a Stri who also led Islamic Eihads en#ineerin# unit that built bombs and ?assam rockets$ .ahed )ashid Ahmed Atallah, a rior senior =.)!A em loyee from 2335 to 2337 who was res onsible for the dissemination of assistance to refu#ees while he was also an o erative of the *o ular <ront for the ;iberation of *alestine$ and .idal Abd al(<attah Abdallah .a@@al, a Hamas activist em loyed as an ambulance driver by =.)!A, who confessed in 6556 to trans ortin# wea ons and e+ losives in an =.)!A ambulance.' 67J "he ur ose of the bill was to have the =.)!A make ublic the names of all em loyees so they could be verified by an inde endent or#ani@ation for ossible ties to terrorism. Met in Eanuary of 6553, the Fbama Administration earmarked

"he Eerusalem 0onnection )e ort.' March(A ril, 6553. 63.


]355 million for the *alestinians of which ]2J5 million was to #o to the =.)!A. Fne must ask if the =S su orts *alestinian terrorism. "he actions of the international eace(kee in# body s eak for themselves, yet the media is silent. !hether such ro(terrorist actions are the work of a few em loyees or are a art of the =. Middle Aast culture has not been fully documented by this writer. "he overall actions of the or#ani@ation are obviousG it is ro(*alestinian and anti(Israeli. It is hardly the unbiased eace(kee in# or#ani@ation it claims to be, but the ublic front' of the hidden Islamic mani ulation. 2332, 6557G =S ( ;ed !ar with Ira& Ira&i *resident Saddam Husseins army invaded Cuwait on Au#ust 6, 2335 under the rete+t that his Arab nei#hbor was wa#in# an economic war and stealin# oil from his oil fields.67: He no sooner celebrated victory than he focused his wrath on Israel. A few months later, in Eanuary of 2332, he attacked Israel with Scud missiles. !hile Hussein fre&uently had stated that he ossessed !MD, he now claimed to have chemical wea ons to use a#ainst Israel. *reviously in 2388, he used them on his own Curdish eo le of northern Ira&, so it was only reasonable to assume he would use them a#ainst Israel as well. <ortunately, most of the Scud missiles failed to erform as desi#ned, and American *atriot missiles destroyed some of those that did before reachin# their intended tar#ets. "hrou#hout the conflict the =S ressured Israel not to become involved, yet tension was obviously hi#h. Israels Shamir #overnment told !ashin#ton and -a#hdad that if Scud missiles were armed with chemical warheads, Israel would retaliate with nuclear wea ons. "he war lasted J7 days. Ama@in#ly, with nearly four do@en Scuds successfully fallin# on Israeli tar#ets, not a sin#le Israeli life was lost with the e+ce tion of one man who suffered a heart attack. As the world watched the military events ro#ress on ni#htly news television, many reali@ed that these were

"he %ulf !ar was between Au#ust 6, 2335 and <ebruary 68, 2332.


ama@in#ly similar to those described in two best sellin# booksG Hal ;indsays The +reat 1ate Planet Earth, and Eohn <. !alvoords !rma/eddon, )il and the Middle East =risis. "he war resulted in sales of 6: million co ies of ;indsays book while the latter sold two million. Interest in end(time ro hecy reached an all(time hi#h. Avan#elicals reasoned that if Arma#eddon was about to arrive, then they had better be on the ri#ht side. Hence, they be#an to look at Israel and the Middle Aast events throu#h the lens of biblical ro hecy to insure they were on %ods side. After the war, the =. ins ectors searched for evidence of !MDs, but nothin# si#nificant was found. However, considerable evidence of materials and e&ui ment was uncovered that could have been used for such manufacture. In Fctober of 2332, Dr. David Cay re orted to the =S <orei#n )elations 0ommittee that Hussein em loyed a ro+imately 9,555 scientists and 65,555 workers in his nuclear wea ons ro#ram. 0onse&uently, a number of American and Auro ean hysicists were convinced that Ira& almost had the bomb.' "he reason no wea ons were found was because, as some observers said, Hussein had sufficient time to transfer them out of the country, ossibly into Syria. Aven thou#h he was dethroned from his residential osition, Hussein was honored as a hero throu#hout the Muslim world for two reasonsG 2. He challen#ed the =nited States and 6. He financially su orted *alestinian families who lost martyred' sons and dau#hters. His removal was seen as 2. An American strate#y to secure or steal oil I Allahs #ift to the Muslim eo le to s read Islam throu#hout the world. 6. As rotection of the Eewish eo le in Israel I whom Allah has cursed. "herefore his removal further itted the Islamic and !estern cultures a#ainst each other.


Durin# the %ulf !ar, =S *resident %eor#e Herbert -ush romised Arab leaders that after the war, he would lead a coalition to resolve the *alestinian(Israeli conflict. "hey eventually o ened a secret unofficial channel in Fslo under the direction of the kin# of .orway, but there was no roductive outcome from these meetin#s. "oday the =nited States is still in Ira& while ne+t door Iran is buildin# its nuclear ro#ram to annihilate Israel. "he unknown &uestion is what Iran will do when the =nited States leaves Ira&H !ill the Ira&i eo le have sufficient

&i'ure >@! Israelis #ear 'as mas-s . %as masks were worn durin# the %ulf !ar for rotection. Ira&i *resident Saddam Hussein claimed to have armed Scud missiles with chemical warheads. "he child is in a #as( rotected crib. *hoto by *aivi Heinrich BAskeliD.


&i'ure >(! American Patriot "issiles interce,t IraFi +cu$s! Fn <ebruary 26, 2332, in the <irst %ulf !ar, American *atriot Missile tracers interce t Ira&i Scud Missiles over "el Aviv. motivation and military skill to ward off an Iranian attackH ;ikewise Cuwait is obviously concerned about a ossible ni#htmare worse than Saddam when Mahmoud Ahmadine,ad or a facsimile obtains the bomb.' Aarly in 6525 Iran conducted several military e+ercises in the *ersian %ulf that included detainin# and boardin# forei#n shi s. Analysts clearly reco#ni@ed this as a move whereby Iran could, and will if needed, close the %ulf to shi in#. <ailure to deliver oil to the !est would have devastatin# affects. Many redict that when the =S troo s withdraw from Ira&, Iran will fill that ower vacuum since she already has the assistance of )ussia, 0hina and .orth Corea. 2332G "he 0olla se of the Soviet =nion After several years of social and economic unrest, on December 64 the =nion of Soviet Socialist )e ublics B=SS)D officially ended. "he satellite states that once com rised it became inde endent. "he oint of interest is that four of the =nions southern states are not only Muslim states, but they

are also the center of the former =nions nuclear wea ons ro#ram. "hese countries are Ca@akhstan, =@bekistan, "urkmenistan and Cyr#y@stan. Ff these four Islamic states, Ca@akhstan is of articular im ortance. It is one of the worlds lar#est roducers of uranium and it borders both )ussia and 0hina and is close to Iran. Ca@akhstan was the home of the Soviet =nions nuclear research and develo ment ro#ram, includin# the =;-A Metallur#ical *lant, the worlds lar#est fuel(fabrication facility that is now closed. It is where J:4 nuclear tests were conducted in a fifty year eriod. "he colla se of the Soviet =nion has a henomenal im act u on the !est. Many nuclear scientists became unem loyed, and relocated to Muslim states to ursue their livelihoods. It is also from these former Soviet states that a number of nuclear bombs have disa eared. Similar to the mytholo#ical hoeni+ of the ancient ast, hardly a decade went by until )ussia be#an to rise from the dust and ashes of the =SS). In 2333 /ladimir *utin became resident and assionately be#an to restore )ussias dama#ed ima#e to the former #lory. 0onse&uently )ussias influence in the Middle Aast has become stron#er. -y 6556 )ussia lanned to build five additional nuclear ower lants in IranYa country that is one of the worlds ma,or roducers of oil and does not need nuclear electrical ower. -y 655: )ussia si#ned a one billion dollar arms deal with Iran. It also su lied Syria and ;ibya with armsYtwo countries where it is also buildin# naval stations. 0learly the )ussian bear' is nursin# a host of Islamic cubs. In fact, all the nations identified in A@ekiel 78(73 that are redicted to one day attack Israel, are Islamic states and have close ties with )ussia Bsee Ma 26D.

2332G "he =nited .ations )e eals )esolution 7793 =nder the ressure of =S *resident %eor#e H. !. -ush, the =. assed )esolution J4Q84 that re ealed )esolution 7793, which e&uated >ionism with racism. "he resident, in a ersuasive s eech, said that, "o e&uate >ionism with the intolerable sin of racism is to twist history and for#et the terrible li#ht of Eews in !orld !ar II and indeed throu#hout

history.' "he re eal was assed by 222 to 6: with thirteen abstentions. "he resolution is one of the shortest in =. history. Peace A'reements H Iiolence 2337, 233:G Fslo Accords I P II "he Fslo Accords were not eace treaties per se, but ste (by(ste rocesses that were intended to lead to a eace treaty. 0reated in Fslo, .orway, it was officially known as the Declaration of *rinci les of Interim Self(%overnment Arran#ements, or more commonly known as the Declaration of *rinci les BDF*D. "he Accords lanned for a five year eriod durin# which a number of issues would be addressed. Since there was considerable ain and distrust on both sides, ma,or issues were to be sideste ed for awhile to ermit the establishment of trust and a s irit of coo eration. "he Accords rovided for the creation of the *alestinian Authority B*AD which would re lace the *alestinian ;iberation Fr#ani@ation B*;FD. Aventually Israel would withdraw all military and citi@ens from the !est -ank and the %a@a Stri and ermit the *A to establish a soverei#n #overnment. It was nothin# less than a land for eace deal. At the end of five years both sides would return to the eace table as artners, not as enemies. "he Fslo A#reement I of the Accords was si#ned on Se tember 27, 2337 on the !hite House lawn by Mahmoud Abbas si#nin# for the *;F and Shimon *eres for Israel. !itnesses included Israels *rime Minister Mit@hak )abin, *;Fs 0hairman Masser Arafat and =S *resident -ill 0linton. "he media and international community hailed the historic event. Many believed that eace would finally be achieved. "he outlines below demonstrate how well each side res onded in the ursuit of eace. "wo years later the Fslo Accords II was si#ned on Se tember 6J, 233: in !ashin#ton by *;F 0hairman Masser Arafat, Israeli *rime Minister Mit@hak )abin and =S *resident -ill 0linton. !hile the two Accords detailed the res onsibilities of both arties and the transfer of land for

eace, the differences between the two is less im ortant than the results. .ote the followin# si#nificant ointsG The follo#in' com,onents #oul$ benefit the Palestinians: 2. "he establishment of their inde endent state 6. Eerusalem would become the *alestinian ca ital. 7. All Eewish homes and settlements in the !est -ank and %a@a would be removed. J. All *alestinian refu#ees and their descendants of the 23J8 and 2349 wars would be able to return to Israel ro er. B"he *A claims four million &ualify to live wherever they claim ancestral homeland in Israel.D !hile the im lementation of every oint could otentially ose a serious threat to Israels e+istence, Israel surrendered to all four demands. Israel #as committe$ to: 2. )eco#ni@e the *;F as a le#itimate #overnment and not as a terrorist or#ani@ation. 6. "ransfer lands to the *A throu#h a series of future meetin#s. 7. Aducate its o ulous for eace. J. .ot only ermit the *alestinians to have their own olice force, but su ly them with wea ons and ammunition. The Palestinians #ere committe$ to: 2. And terrorism. 6. A#ree to reco#ni@e Israels ri#ht to e+ist. It would amend the *A 0harter that contains several clauses callin# for the destruction of the Eewish state. 7. Destroy terror #rou s and collect ille#al wea ons. J. *reserve the Eewish holy sites. :. Aducate its o ulous for eace. "he Accords were so romisin# that the eace rocess was hailed as the *eace of the -rave.' <or the first

time the *alestinians announced to the international media their lans to abandon their #oal for the destruction of Israel. However, to the *alestinian media there was a different story$ the same old rhetoric continuedG Israel must be destroyed. It is a classic e+am le of Ta#i&&a. It should be noted that if the "wo(State division ever becomes a reality accordin# to the re(2349 boundaries, then Israel will be only nine miles wide at its narrowest oint. "hat is an indefensible border with an enemy determined to destroy her. "he all im ortant &uestion five years after si#nin# the A#reement is, How well have both arties erformed with re#ard to their intended eace rocess since 2337H' "he essential analysis is outlined belowG Reor'ani<ation: Israel did reco#ni@e the *alestinian Authority as a le#itimate and sover(ei#n #overnment. "he *alestinians have not reco#ni@ed Israel and neither do *alestinian schools. In fact, not a sin#le Muslim country has roduced a ma identifyin# Israel includin# Eordan and A#y t that have eace treaties with Israel. "hey all de ict the Islamic state of *alestine. In December of 2338, =S *resident -ill 0linton ressured the *alestinians to amend those se#ments of their charter that called for the destruction of Israel. However, rather than amendin# it, they added an endorsement that has little or no affect on the document.


&i'ure >/! Palestinian -e% chains of Israel . "wo olive wood key chains cut in the sha e of Israel with the *alestinian fla# and the desi#n of the late Arafats keffiyeh head coverin#. "he messa#e is obviousG All Israel will be *alestinian. "hese were ac&uired by this writer in 655J in Aast Eerusalem Lan$ an$ Cities: Israel #ave u land and cities, and continues to do so at this writin#. E$ucation: Israel romoted the eace lan in all levels of education and the Israeli culture. F osition to the eace lan was made to a ear un(Israeli,' even thou#h there were more terrorist attacks after Fslo than before. "he reason )abin was assassinated was because some believed that the Fslo Accords did not result in eace, but only more dead Eews. Amon# the *alestinians, the Fslo Accords were not mentioned in school te+tbooks. Alementary children were not tau#ht eace, but were sent to summer ara(military cam s where they continue to be tau#ht to kill Eewish eo le. <urthermore, all schools Ba ro+imately 755D were renamed to honor suicide bombers. *osters of hero(bombers' are osted on school walls and throu#hout the communities. Eust as American children once collected baseball cards, *alestinian children now collect cards of homicide bombers. School te+tbooks do not reco#ni@e Israel, do not show Israel on a ma , do not mention the 7,:55 year history of Eewish eo le in the land BArabs came in AD 474D, do not mention the Fslo Accords, but do raise the fedain B#uerillasD and the shahid Bthose who died for AllahD. "he *A continues to use children for military confrontations and the common eo le are fearful and owerless to sto it. How unfortunate it is that innocent children are trained in the culture of death. Does this resemble a reli#ion of eaceH +u,,l% arms to the PA:

As a#reed, Israel su ammunition to the *A. Terrorism:

lied ten thousand wea ons with

-efore the Fslo Accords of 2337, suicide bombin# was almost unheard of, however, after the A#reements were si#ned the ractice was reached in the mos&ues, tau#ht in schools and roclaimed in the airwaves. Arafat raised an entire #eneration schooled in hatred of the Eudeo(.a@is.' 674 After the Fslo Accords were si#ned, violence in Israel increased dramatically. More Eews were murdered by terrorists in the five years after Fslo than in the fifteen revious years. <or e+am le, in 6552, the *assover bombin# killed 69 and in,ured 255$ and the Hebrew =niversity bombin# killed 3 and in,ured 8:. In 6556 the ID< interce ted a *alestinian(bound shi with :5 tons of wea onry and ammunition. .umerous times Arafat was seen on *alestinian television honorin# the fallen martyrs' who killed innocent Eewish men, women and children.

Elimination of terror cells: )ather than eliminatin# terror cells, when the Israeli military invaded Arafats head&uarters, they discovered he had been su lyin# and su ortin# various terror cells I a #ross violation of the Accords. ol% sites: )ather than rotectin# Eewish holy sites as romised, the *A ermitted crowds to systematically destroy them. "he )esults of the A#reement .othin# would have brou#ht #reater ,oy to the many *alestinians and Israelis than to reali@e that the *eace Accords finally resulted in eace and safety. .othin# was further from the truth. Almost immediately a wave of suicide

0harles Crauthammer. Arafats harvest of Hate' The 3ashin/ton Post. March 64, 6556.


bombin#s be#an and the Eewish nation was confronted by a new ty e of warfare. Israel won many times on the battlefield, but was un re ared for the suicide killers. "he eace a#reement literally roduced more violence for which, ironically, Israel was #enerally blamed. "he results of the 2337 and 233: Fslo A#reements were that whenever land was offered for eace, the Israelis received more violence. Avery concession at 0am David was followed by an escalation of terrorism. "he Accords have become a flawed rocess for Israel for several reasonsG 2. "errorist #rou s such as Hamas, Islamic Eihad and others have continued their activities unabated. 6. .on(e+tradition of terrorists to Israel by the *alestinian Authority continues. 7. "here was no *alestinian infrastructure throu#h which ma,or donor nations could route funds to res onsible ersons who would #uarantee such funds would be used as directed by the donors. J. All anti(Israel clauses of the *alestinian .ational 0ovenant were to have been removed, but remain unchan#ed. :. Security closures between *alestinian and Israeli communities cause economic hardshi , #eneratin# further violence and hostilities. IsraelSs misunderstandin# of Islamic #oals were hi#hli#hted by its enthusiasm for Masser Arafat and the 2337 Fslo Accords, that in turn aved the


&i'ure >3! 7slo Accor$s Partici,ants! Mit@ak )abin, -ill 0linton and Masser Arafat a#ree on the ro#ressive eace lan. 0linton and other eaceniks i#nored the many treaties Arafat had broken with ;ebanon.

&i'ure >4! ;us bombe$ b% a suici$e bomber! After the Fslo a#reement was si#ned the Israelis faced

a new form of terrorism I suicide bombers. In the bus above 23 were killed and more than :5 wounded. way for todaySs flawed eace rocess. 679 It would seem Israel has no choice but someday to make eace in order to survive ( yet this so(called hudna eace based on ?uranic teachin#s is misunderstood by Israel and the !est.

*h+ does the H9 force -srael to negotiate peace with an enem+ that is determined to ,ill her/

Page 21)

Since Fslo, more than a half million Arabs have moved into the !est -ank. At the same time more than 2,555 Israeli civilians were killed in attacks and thousands more were in,ured, many critically for life. !ith the increased attacks, Israel established stricter ins ections at more check oints. Since the best em loyment o ortunities for *alestinians have #enerally been in Israel, the check oints made their travel difficult and at times, im ossible. "his caused more tensions, which led to more terrorism, which led to ti#hter border control, which led to more *alestinian tensions, and the cycle continues. In the meantime, like *resident 0arter, *resident 0linton ressured Israel to make concessions but never ressured the *alestinians who increased terroristism. It should also be noted that since the Fslo Accords turned control of the !est -ank and %a@a over to the *alestinians, their leaders have failed to rovide for the basic infrastructure commonly associated with res onsible #overnment leaders. "hey failed to build roads, hos itals, new schools and rovide other services des erately needed by their eo le. "he billions of dollars they received from the =nited States and Auro e were either s ent on wea onry or

David *arsons. "he Hidden A#enda behind a VHudna' $=EJ NE3S SPE=$!1K meid^ice, An electronic news re ort by the International 0hristian Ambassy Eerusalem. Eune 6:, 6557.


de osited in secret Swiss bank accounts. "he horrible reality is that if all the money #iven to them Ban estimated fifty billion dollarsD was e&ually divided amon# the o ulous, they would be amon# the wealthiest eo le in the world. Some estimate the hidden fortune of Arafat to have e+ceeded 2.6 billion dollars but others say it is much hi#her. "he corru tion of the *alestinian leaders cannot be overstated. "he roblem is that no one (( not the Auro eans, not the Israelis and certainly not the Americans I bothered to understand Arafat. Had they listened when he s oke in Arabic to his eo le, they would have known not only his intention, but when his terrorism would strike a#ain. !hen the Fslo rocess was launched, Arafat declared time and time a#ain that the di lomatic track would be used only for a few years. He said he would o erate accordin# to Islamic custom and make treaties with the Eews which could easily be broken when the Eews would be weak. He also s oke often of seven years of the di lomatic trek that would be followed by the armed stru##le. /ery few took him seriously then. Aven when Israeli intelli#ence held o en briefin#s throu#hout the years of 2333 to 6555, when the ID< warned that the *A was takin# irreversible ste s towards a war in Se tember 6555, very few eo le took Arafat seriously. "his is a record of eventsG 2. Arafat si#ned an interim Fslo Accord I at the time of the Eewish .ew Mear in Se tember 2337. 6. Seven years later he launched a war at the time of the Eewish .ew Mear in Se tember 6555. 7. He and his allies romised to continue war at the time of the Eewish .ew Mear in Se tember 6557. J. <rom Se tember 6555 until Euly of 6556 there were 97 *alestinian suicide bombin# attacks a#ainst Israelis, killin# 6:2 Israelis and two forei#ners. 678

fileGQQQ0GQDF0=MA_2Q-illQ;F0A;S_2Q"em Q"em oraryU65Directory U65JU65forU65Israeli(Arab(0onflictU65B6D.@i Q97(hamas(bombin#s.htm 3inston Mid East !nal&sis J =ommentar& ( Euly 72, 6556


"o understand Arafat is to understand Muhammad and to understand Muhammad is to understand Arafat and all his followers.

!ver+ little surrender sets the stage for the next A and larger A confrontation"

Page '3&

Selected i#norance is suicide. Masser Arafat didnSt have a roblem lyin# to Mit@hak )abin in 2337 to #et )abin to establish the *alestinian Authority, arm the *;F, raise billions of dollars in international aid for the *A Bthat never went to the *alestinian eo leD and allow it to e+ and to the outskirts of IsraelSs ma,or cities Arafat lied and said that the *;F reco#ni@ed Israel and would live at eace with the Eewish state. A year later Mahmoud Abbas, ArafatSs de uty of forty years acted in a similar fashion and the world raised him. Since 2337 successive Israeli leaders have committed themselves to defendin# the country and within a few short months they are forced into the rice of surrender. ;eaders from the ri#ht ho ed that the *alestinians would scuttle the deals. Some Israelis now wonder which one will #uide their nation into the times of Eacobs distress' BEer. 75G9D. "he conflict continues. In the meantime, the common *alestinian eo le live in des erate economic and social conditions. Fnce they were the mani ulated eo le by their own leaders, now they have ,oined the mani ulators to destroy Israel. <or#otten are those Israeli Arabs who are faithful to Israel, as well as the *alestinian 0hristians who have suffered discrimination from !estern churches, #overnments, the *A and all Islamic relief or#ani@ations. Is it ossible to look beyond the roverbial flesh and blood' and reco#ni@e the core issue of the *alestinian(Israeli conflictH 2337G Aducation by the *alestinian Authority

In 2337, the *alestinian Authority took control of the educational system, su osedly to com ly with the terms of the Accords. Since that time, *alestinian school children have been systematically brainwashed with a *avlovian(ty e curriculum that would out(do the .a@is. Arafat educated a self( er etuatin# #eneration of children who see the only solution to re#ainin# their land' is to annihilate the Eews. In the -ible, *roverbs 66G4 says, "rain u a child in the way he should #o, and when he is old, he will not de art from it.' "his assa#e holds true for whatever is tau#ht to a youn# child. =nfortunately, in *alestine it has become the ultimate child abuse I an education of hate and violence. !hen Hamas took control of %a@a they continued the same indoctrination of hate established by the *A. <re&uently !estern cartoons were used, such as Mickey Mouse and fi#ures from other o ular childrens stories. In 6553 the Hamas(controlled Al Aksa "/ in %a@a 0ity announced in various ro#rams that there would never be eace and that it was the duty of youn# Arab children to kill Eews. *reviously, in the childrens ro#ram TomorrowLs Pioneers the host was a Mickey Mouse look(a(like fi#ure who fre&uently tau#ht violence was the only solution of the Eewish roblem.' !hen the Disney 0or oration ob,ected to the co yri#ht infrin#ement of Mickey Mouse, two Israeli Security olicemen,' killed the infamous Mouse.


&i'ure >6! Palestinian chil$ren ,ractice -illin' 5e#s! In 6552, *alestinian elementary children were tau#ht military tactics and how to kill Eews in #ym classes and summer cam s.

&i'ure >:! 0erman school'irls offer a itler salute! A #rou of school#irls and their teachers offer the .a@i salute at a rally in 0obur#, %ermany, 237J.


&i'ure >=! LE&T! The Arabic e$ition of itler)s Mein Kampf. It was distributed by the *alestinian Authority in 6557 and is re&uired readin# by *alestinian school children. &i'ure >>! RI0 T! A Chil$)s face mas- of 7sama bin La$en! <ace masks of *alestinian heroes are worn by children as they lay #ames of terrorism and death. "his mask is held by the author who ac&uired it in the Fld 0ity of Eerusalem.

In the new childrens e isode, a teddy bear character named .assur ste ed u the demand for violence by sayin# that the Eews must be removed by every means ossible includin# merciless killin#. "he o ular ro#ram is broadcast via satellite to other arts of the Muslim world. 673 "he various ways the children are indoctrinated could fill a te+tbook. .onetheless, the final e+am le resented herein occurred in 6557. *alestinian Authority leaders, includin# *resident Masser Arafat, s onsored a soccer tournament #lorifyin# terrorists who died as martyrs.' Aach of the 6J teams was named for a terrorist, a terrorist #rou or someone who died in the rocess of killin# Eewish civilians.6J5 If the =. was truly a eace kee in# or#ani@ation, how can it condone the indoctrination of hate u on innocent childrenH Should this not be considered a crime a#ainst humanityH How can eace ever be established with a #eneration of youth who have a assion to die for a cause that o oses eaceH 233JG Security <ence alon# the %a@a Stri Due to the many terrorists who entered Israel, authorities constructed a security fence with ti#hter check oint security alon# its *alestinian border. It has been hi#hly effective, but #enerated international ob,ections because fewer *alestinians were ermitted to enter for em loyment. Due to its success in reducin# killin#s, it was e+tended in 6557. In s ite of Arafats numerous romises to ca ture and im rison terrorists, evidence revealed that he encoura#ed and s onsored them. "herefore, Israel had no choice but to build a security wall alon# its border in Aast Eerusalem and the !est -ank. Since a lar#e ercenta#e of *alestinians were em loyed by the Israelis, the border closin# had a devastatin# effect u on them. Israelis, on the other hand, still needed laborers and looked to other sources, often usin# ille#al immi#rants. However, since the security wall Bin and near ma,or citiesD and wire fence Bin the countryD were
673 6J5

"ranslation rovided by *alestinian Media !atch.

fileGQQQ0GQDF0=MA_2Q-illQ;F0A;S_2Q"em Q"em oraryU65Directory U6536U65forU65Israeli(Arab(0onflictU65B7D.@i Qarafat(s onsors(event( #lorifyin#(terrorists.htm. Se tember 75, 6557.


constructed, terrorism was reduced by more than ninety ercent. "he world critici@ed Israel for constructin# this rotective measure, but it said nothin# of other countries that also have border fences. <or e+am le, the -ritish had a fence throu#h -elfast in .orthern Ireland, the 0ommunists had one throu#h %ermany, the .orth Coreans have one alon# their southern border with South Corea and there are others as well. A #overnments rimary ur ose is to rotect its citi@ens, and in Israels case, it was des erately needed and very successful. A#ain the *alestinian eo le were victims, and continue to be victims, by their own leaders. However, the security wall cou led with hei#htened security clearances had an unintended conse&uence. Since the 2349 Si+(Day !ar, many have seen the *alestinians as the oor and disenfranchised and Israel as the world ower that maintains the disadvanta#ed status of their im overished nei#hbors. "he construction of the security fence and wall successfully kee s out terrorists, but it also kee s out the *alestinians who once had ,obs in Israel. "herefore, while there was a direct link to the enhancement of Israels security there was also a decline of the *alestinian economy. =nfortunately, the world has demoni@ed Israel for rotectin# its citi@ens rather than demoni@in# the Muslim imams and leaders for romotin# the terrorism and failin# to care for their own eo le. !hat will brin# eaceH Fnce the *alestinian leaders be#in to focus on the welfare on their eo le, on buildin# an infrastructure of a nation, instead of buildin# rockets to attack Israel, then the *alestinians will have a thrivin# economy and there will be eace in the land. "he world must reali@e that *alestinian overty is not related to Israels technolo#ical e+ ansion, but to *alestinian corru tion. -ut since #overnment corru tion is often deemed as an economic o ortunity' for those in ower, the robability of eace is rather dismal.


&i'ure >?! 0raffiti on the +ecurit% Wall! "he #raffiti reveals anti(Israel and anti(=S feelin#s by locals and visitors. 233JG *eace A#reement with Eordan "he 2332 %ulf !ar cri led Eordans economy. At #reat ersonal risk to himself and family, Cin# Hussein si#ned a eace treaty with Israel to revive his nations economy. He develo ed a workin# relationshi with Israel and Eordans economy that has #reatly im roved. As can be e+ ected, since then there have been threats on his life. Eordan continues to be a ri@ed tar#et of the Islamic fundamentalists. At this writin# the late Cin# Husseins son, Abdullah, is the monarch. His osition is a recarious one and should he be overthrown, the Middle Aast will take on a new climate of tension. 233:G -ethlehem "ransferred to *A <or centuries -ethlehem had a lar#e 0hristian o ulation. !hen they discovered in 2337 that the city was to be #iven to the *alestinian Authority, they leaded with the =S and Israel to revent the transfer. "heir re&uest was denied on the #rounds that the Fslo *eace *rocess was more si#nificant. !hen the *A took control, the new #overnment ermitted and often su orted hysical, social, economic,

le#al and olitical harassment a#ainst 0hristians. 0onse&uently, most either converted to Islam or left the country. "oday the ercenta#e of 0hristian residents is in the sin#le di#its. "y ical violation of basic human ri#hts of 0hristians was witnessed by this writer in 6552. In Au#ust Arafats "an@im terrorists rushed into the homes of Arab 0hristians in -eit Ealah, a small town conti#uous to -ethlehem. "hey &uickly fired rockets and automatic wea ons toward Israelis and immediately left. "he Israelis res onded with two helico ter #unshi s and destroyed the homes from which the rockets ori#inated. "he terrorists esca ed to shoot a#ain on another day but the 0hristians lost their homes and almost lost their lives. "he transfer of -ethlehem did not brin# eace, but increased the a etite of criminals for more bloodshed, violence and terrorism. 233:G =S )eco#ni@ed Eerusalem as the 0a ital of Israel "he 25Jth 0on#ress assed *ublic ;aw 25J(J:, known as the Eerusalem Ambassy Act that officially reco#ni@es Eerusalem as the ca ital of Israel, and allocated 6: million dollars to relocate the =S Ambassy to Eerusalem. However, as not to offend the Muslims, the move has been continuously ost oned. Any discussion of such a move has resulted in outcries of romised violence. Amon# the voices was Masser Arafat who re eatedly called for sacrificin# millions of martyrs to liberate Eerusalem from the Eews. "herefore, continuous ost( onements were merely a easements. Muslims thrive on American and Auro ean weaknesses. "hey see every ost onement as another ste toward victory. Seven years later in Fctober of 6556, Arafat si#ned into law a resolution roclaimin# the entire city of Eerusalem, the ca ital of a future *alestinian state. 6J2 2339G *alestinian Anti(0hristian Actions Increase Arafat has often romised he would honor the holy sites of 0hristians and Eews, but his actions reveal dee

fileGQQQ0GQDF0=MA_2Q-illQ;F0A;S_2Q"em Q"em oraryU65Directory U6584U65forU65Israeli(Arab(0onflictU65B7D.@i Qarafat(si#ns(law(claimin#( all(,erusalem(ca itol(of( alestine.htm. )etreived Fctober 9, 6556.


seated contem t. He evicted the occu ants of the %reek Frthodo+ monastery in -ethlehem and made it his ersonal residence whenever he is in the area. He also evicted the monks and nuns of Abrahams Fak )ussian Holy "rinity Monastery and transformed that facility into *A head&uarters. Ama@in#ly, a #rowin# number of evan#elicals be#an to consider him to be a truthful eace artner.

;ate 2335sG Syria De loyed Missiles with 0hemical !ea ons Damascus de loyed Scud missiles armed with Sarin and /N nerve #as alon# its border with Israel. Many of these missiles are on mobile carriers. !hile carriers #enerally have ten missiles each, the Syrians had only two er carrier but had do@ens of carriers that were constantly on the move or were hidden. In this #ame of constant hide(and(#o(seek, detection and destruction of the carriers is nearly im ossible. Israel has res onded with the develo ment of tiny nukes' as well as micro(nukes.' "here was no direct conflict between the two nations, but the Syrians raised the stakes of the ne+t conflict. Hence, the ne+t Syrian(Israeli war could be massive by conventional means, but more likely a nuclear one. 6J6 Durin# the 0old !ar both the Soviets and =nited States leaders reali@ed that a nuclear e+chan#e would wi e out both countries. "hat fear revented war. "he Muslims, however, could not care less if they #et killed or kill most of their own eo le ,ust as lon# as they ultimately destroy the enemy. It is a conce t that !esterners cannot com rehend and current olitical leaders a ear not to know how to confront it. 2338G "he !ye A#reement (( A "reaty of Hudaybiyah' "he !ye Accord (( the a#reement between Israeli *rime Minister -en,amin .etanyahu and *alestinian Masser Arafat in Fctober I was the result of heavy arm twistin# by *resident -ill 0linton. "he Accord was, in essence, a trade of land for eace. !ashin#ton observers have su##ested that 0lintons rimary ur ose may have been to transfer ublic


/enter, 272(77.


and media ressure off him since he was embroiled in the Monica ;ewinski se+ scandal.6J7 "he A#reement was basically a reinstatement of the Fslo II A#reement that failed because of a *alestinian rotest over a new controversial Eewish community known as Har Homa. Arafat a#reed to nullify the ortions of the *alestinian 0harter that called for the destruction of Israel Bit never ha enedD, take measures that would end terrorism a#ainst Israel and ca ture and unish all individuals involved in terrorist acts of violence Bthis never ha ened eitherD. !hen he returned home he called for *alestinian statehood. "he A#reement was obviously short(lived. "he !ye Accord includes rovisions for the followin#G 2. Israel will release *alestinian risoners. 6. *alestinian security forces will detain terrorists and confiscate wea ons. 7. Israel will withdraw from another section Bthirteen ercentD of the !est -ank. J. Israel will a rove a *alestinian air ort in %a@a. :. "he American 0entral Intelli#ence A#ency B0IAD will train *alestinian security forces. 4. "he *;F member or#ani@ations will meet to amend the clause of the *alestinian 0harter that calls for the destruction of Israel. Fne time this writer asked an Israeli scholar why he believed the Israelis and *alestinians were meetin# in the =nited States. He res onded by statin# that each one wants to see what he can #et out of the =nited States. *art of the !ye Accord states that the =S would ay for the construction of by( ass roads around *alestinian settlements and for an interstate(ty e hi#hway in Israel. Met the *alestinian leaders may be amon# the wealthiest eo le of the world. Accordin# to a 2337 re ort by the -ritish 0riminal Intelli#ence Service, the *;F was the richest of all terrorist or#ani@ations,' with ei#ht to ten billion dollars in assets and an annual income of 2.: to two billion

Dolan. %ol& 3ar for the Promised 1and. 239(38.


dollars from donations, e+tortion, ayoffs ille#al arms dealin#, dru# traffickin#, money launderin#, fraud, etc.' Another study by The (ail& Tele/raph re orted in 2333 that the *A had fifty billion dollars in secret investments around the world. 6JJ

-f the Boran permits one to lie to promote -slam, wh+ do *e stern courts permit 6uslims to swear upon the Boran to tell the truth/

Page 133

Arafat hailed the Accords as a #reat accom lishment and when he s oke in An#lish to !estern audiences, he used the hrase eace of the brave.' Americans listenin# intently to the evenin# news were led to believe that real eace mi#ht finally come to this war(torn land. !hat they were not told was that on .ovember 24, Arafat was at a <atah rally in )amallah and told his audience in Arabic, !hen we chose the eace of the brave Zthe Fslo P !ye accords[, we chose it with trust in the *ro het Zwho a#reed[ to the "reaty of Hudaybiyya and we have chosen this a#reement.' 6J: Arafat made a s ecific reference to Muhammads ten( year treaty of al(Hudaybiyah with the ?uraysh tribes because he was not stron# enou#h to defeat them. It took only a few years for the *ro het to build a stron# military force and defeat his o onents. He ca tured Mecca and took control of the lucrative worshi center as well as control of the international merchant trade. "o ,ustify the hudna, Muhammad then erased his name and the hrase Messen#er from Allah' from the document. 6J4 In essence, Arafat said the Accords were merely a hudna.' 6J9 He then denounced the Accords numerous times in mos&ues when

)achel Ahrenfeld, And a "hief, "ooG Masser Arafat takes what He likes.' National <e.iew, Euly 63, 6556. )etrieved : December 6554.

David *arsons, "he Hidden A#enda behind a VHudna' $=EJ NE3S SPE=$!1K meid^ice, An electronic news re ort by the International 0hristian Ambassy Eerusalem. Eune 6:, 6557.

)achel Ahrenfeld, And a "hief, "ooG Masser Arafat takes what He likes.' National <e.iew, Euly 63, 6556. )etrieved : December 6554.


travelin# around the world. Deceit is encoura#ed if the intended #oal is to defeat an enemy for the #lory of Allah. .ote this &uotation attributed to Muhammad found in the Hadith is, If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breakin# off your treaty with them.' "he eleventh century Islamic theolo#ian affirmed the ri#ht to lie under certain circumstances. Al(%ha@@ali was noted as sayin# that, Cnow that a lie is not harm Zwron#[ in itself, but only because of the evil conclusions to which it leads the hearer, makin# him believe that somethin# that is not really the case O. If a lie is the only way of obtainin# a #ood result, it is ermissible O. !e must lie when truth leads to un leasant results.6J8 Hence, Muslim leaders who use eace treaties as a wea on a#ainst their enemies follow the rinci les set forth by Muhammad. .onetheless, the terrorist #rou s %e'"ollah and %amas were so stron#ly o osed to Arafat discussin# eace that they intensified violence. -ut for Arafat, the Fslo Accords were his "ro,an horse' that was intended to brin# defeat to Israel.

2338G "he =ntrustworthy' Holy ;and "rust "he Holy ;and "rust is art of the *alestinian ro a#anda machine, which is heavily funded by a variety of Muslim leaders. Its sole ur ose is to convince evan#elical rofessors and astors of how evil' Israel is toward the oor *alestinian eo le. "he "rust s onsors informational tour #rou s' durin# which time attendees are #iven a skewed view of history and how Eews su osedly stole the land and homes from the Arabs, and how brutal the Israeli occu ation' is.

David *arsons, "he Hidden A#enda behind a VHudna' $=EJ NE3S SPE=$!1K meid^ice, An electronic news re ort by the International 0hristian Ambassy Eerusalem. Eune 6:, 6557.

0ited by Cat@, 27:.


&i'ure ?@! Palestinian &la' #ith scri,t: "he hand written scri t reads Fn Saturday we will kill the Eews, and on Sunday the 0hristians.' 6J3 In s ite of their many faults, Americans have always had a world(wide re utation for bein# a #ivin# and com assionate eo le. "he "rust tour #uides are hi#hly trained rofessionals who know how to use the com assionate heart to their advanta#e. Hence, by the end of the tour, attendees have been fully indoctrinated and re( educated' with the *alestinian view oint I a #ross distortion of truth. As a result, a #rowin# number of evan#elical churches are becomin# anti(Israel. ;ittle wonder then, that Eesus told His disci les I and us (( that the first si#n of His return would be dece tion. !hat these kind(hearted but deceived astors dont know is that a common slo#an amon# Muslims is, <irst the Saturday eo le, then the Sunday eo le.'


;udwi# Schneider. A !orldwide -oycott of Eews.' $srael Toda&. Eune, 6525. .o. 279. 23.


A common 6uslim slogan is -Fi st the !at" day #eo# le, then the !"nday #eo#le.

To be placed

2333G "he Sharm el Sheikh Memorandum$ )oadma *eace'


Sham el Sheikh is an A#y tian resort in the southern end of the Sinai *eninsula where Arab and Israeli leaders met in Israels attem t to revitali@e the eace rocess. More s ecifically, it was to initiate talks that would finali@e the status of Eerusalem, refu#ees, settlements, water and *alestinian statehood. =S *resident %eor#e !. -ush told the attendees that, "he world needs to have a *alestinian state that is free, and at eace, and therefore my #overnment will work with all arties concerned to achieve that visionO. !e must not allow a few eo le, a few killers, a few terrorists, to destroy the dreams and ho es of the many.' His )oadma to *eace' included the followin# three main ointsG *hase 2 Bto May 6557DG And to *alestinian violence$ *alestinian olitical reform$ Israeli withdrawal and free@e on settlement e+ ansion$ *alestinian elections. *hase 6G BEune(Dec 6557D 0reation of an inde endent *alestinian state$ international conference and international monitorin# of com liance with )oadma . *hase 7 B655J(655:DG Second international conference$ ermanent status a#reement and end of conflict$ a#reement on final borders, Eerusalem, refu#ees and settlements$ Arab states to a#ree to eace deals with Israel.6:5 !hile some minor issues were resolved, the ma,or ones remained I it was another failed eace effort. It a arently is not obvious to the world that after more than half century of conflicts, if both arties were truly interested in arrivin# at a eace settlement, it would have been

--0 .ews "uesday, 7 Eune, 6557.


accom lished years a#o. However, eace is not an o tion. "he forei#n olicies of Auro e and America a ear to be to encoura#e the terrorists rather than strike mortal fear into them. "he ro osed *alestinian state on one hand, and Middle Aast stability alon# with =S and Israel national security on the other hand, constitute a classic o+ymoron. A *alestinian state would add fuel and not water to the fire of terrorism and turbulence. "he romotion of roadma to eace by a "wo State Solution' roves that the =S and Israeli olicy(makers are determined not to learn from history by re eatin# rather than by avoidin# ast dramatic blunders. Warnin's to an$ Dece,tions Acce,te$ b% Western 0overnments an$ Aca$emics 2333G Islamic 0leric !arns the =S State De artment Fn Eanuary 9, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Cabbani, 0hairman of the Islamic Su reme 0ouncil of America, artici ated in the =S State De artment F en <orum entitled "he Avolution of A+tremism.' Cabbani declared that funds collected by Muslim #rou s for humanitarian aid were not directed to their intended ur oses, but were bein# used to buy wea ons to fi#ht in the name of Islam.' <urthermore, he said that e+tremism has been s read to 85 ercent of the Muslims in the =S,' and that there are more than 6,555 mos&ues in the =S and 85 ercent of them are bein# run by e+tremist ideolo#ies.' He also said that e+tremist ideolo#y is #ettin# into the ZAmerican[ universities throu#h clubs bein# ut around the universities.' He alle#ed that Iran is hirin# nuclear scientists to miniaturi@e nuclear warheads' so these could be easily smu##led into various countries. He concluded by tellin# the =S #overnment officials that, Mou are not hearin# the moderates amon# Muslims ... Mou are hearin# the e+tremists amon# Muslims.' 6:2 "he &uestion arises as to why a true Muslim would make such a declaration. "he answer lies in the fact that there are many variations of Islamic sects, ,ust as there are many variations of 0hristian and Eewish sects. Cabbani is a

)ichard H. 0urtiss. Dis ute -etween =S Muslim %rou s #oes *ublic.' 3ashin/ton <eport on Middle East !ffairs, A rilQMay 2333, 92, 252.


Sufi Muslim and as such a ears to be a moderate. "here can be no &uestion that today there are millions of moderate Muslims throu#hout the world. "he roblem is that there are no moderate theolo#ical centers advocatin# an end to ,ihad. "hose centers that have advocated eace and multiculturalism have also been found to have s onsored terrorist or#ani@ations a#ainst Israel and the !est. Amon# the a ro+imately 98 different Muslim sects, one is the Sufi sect, whose doctrines are known as Sufism. It is im ortant to the develo ment of Islam because it is in this tradition that the more s iritual and mystical as ects were reserved. "his stands in contrast to the mainstream of Islam which, throu#h its first centuries, was more concerned with the e+ ansion and or#ani@ation of the #eneral community. "herefore, when someone of the Sufi s eaks on behalf of the worldwide Muslim community, serious ar#uments are bound to arise. If all Muslims were of the Sufi ersuasion, most likely there would be little or no violence. Shaykh Cabbani has s ent his life s readin# the teachin#s of eace, tolerance, res ect and love which are the messa#es of Islam throu#hout the world$ re resentative of a eaceful sect that is considerably different from his Sunni or Shiite brethren. "herefore, when he informed the State De artment of the ina ro riate use of charity funds and that ei#hty ercent of mos&ues in America were of a radical ersuasion, other Muslims were outra#ed. At various #atherin#s there have been heated dis utes that eventually became ublic. Fn <ebruary 64 a #rou of ei#ht national Islamic or#ani@ations, includin# the Islamic Society of .orth America, issued a ress release denouncin# Cabbanis unsubstantiated alle#ations that could have a rofoundly ne#ative im act on ordinary American Muslims.' "he confrontation hi#hli#hts the tenuous osition of moderate Muslims who are on a &uest for eace. More im ortantly, the si#nificance of his alle#ations concernin# the fundin# of terrorism and American mos&ues is that these are from a Muslim, not from a conservative American u on whom an a#enda' or cons iracy theory' could be ta##ed by liberals.


*h+ does the news media ?;T report the sentiments of moderate 6uslims/

Page 2'3

6555G 0am David In Euly, Israeli *rime Minister Ahud -arak met with *alestinian Authority 0hairman Arafat in a meetin# hosted by =S *resident -ill 0linton. At the residential retreat, 0am David, -arak made an astoundin# land for eace offer. He resented more concessions than any revious Israeli leader. -arak was willin# to #iveG 2. "he creation of a soverei#n *alestinian state - 255U of %a@a - 39U of the !est -ank - )emoval of all Eews in those areas 6. Aast Eerusalem to become the *alestinian ca ital - 9:U of the Fld 0ity - 255U of the "em le Mount 7. "he return of *alestinian refu#ees to Israel ro er and financial com ensation to those who would not be able to come. -arak essentially offered Arafat all he wanted in s ite of the fact that the *A had not honored any of its commitments. Arafat insisted on the transfer BsurrenderD of the entire city of Eerusalem and the ri#ht of every *alestinian to reclaim so(called ancient ancestral homes and lands throu#hout Israel. "his would have been license to evict all Eewish eo le from Israel. .ever had Israel offered so much land for eace$ never had the *alestinians lost such a #reat o ortunity for eace. "his was another clear indication that eace with the Eewish eo le is not in the Arab mindset. 6555 ( 6554G Second Intifada Su osedly, the Second Intifada was started when Israeli o osition leader Ariel Sharon went to the "em le Mount, the site of the Al(A&sa Mos&ue on Se tember 68, 6555. In reality, durin# the revious Euly when Arafat and

-arak were at 0am David, Arafats associates were lannin# the u risin# and waitin# for his command to im lement the Intifada. "herefore, when Arafat heard that Sharon was #oin# to the "em le Mount, the lan went into effect. Arafat cleverly orchestrated the violence and successfully diverted all blame to Sharon and the media demoni@ed Sharon worldwide. !hat was not re orted was that Israel has maintained soverei#nty over the "em le Mount since 2349. Sharon had every ri#ht to be on the Mount, and furthermore, since then the Israel Su reme 0ourt had made numerous decisions to rotect Muslim ri#hts. "his writer stated reviously that when he was in Eerusalem in the summer of 6552, Arafats "an@im terrorist forces entered the homes of 0hristians in -eit Eala and fired rockets at Eerusalem. "he Israelis &uickly res onded but did not know the terrorists had left and the 0hristians were left homeless. "he destruction of 0hristian *alestinian homes became the new sub,ect of ro a#anda. "he news media was told that the Israelis destroyed the homes of oor *alestinian Arabs. "he ur ose of the Intifada was to #ain international sym athy and ac&uire financial, olitical and military su ort. "his event and the ro a#anda that followed could be considered #reat material for a comedy, were it not so well or#ani@ed, successful and destructive. Durin# the Intifada, more than 355 Israeli men, women and children were murdered in restaurants, sho in# malls, buses and in their homes. "o add insult to in,ury, in 6556 *alestinian 0hristians were ta+ed ten ercent B Ji'raD to su ort the u risin#. Moral A&uivalence It has been said there is a moral e&uivalence between those who deliberately tar#et innocent civilians and those who inadvertently kill civilians in the rocess of defendin# themselves. "he worlds reaction to the violence a#ainst Israeli citi@ens and that of al(?uida a#ainst the world is er le+in# and hy ocritical, as similar actions result in o osite reactions. <or Arabs, the killin# of Eewish civilians is considered le#itimate acts of resistance a#ainst occu ation' and, therefore, outside their definition of terrorism.' Aven more er le+in# is the fact that a #rowin# number of

!esterners are comin# into a#reement with them as if to a rove the motto, kill locally, think #lobally.'

&i'ure ?(! "oral eFuivalenc% illustrate$! An illustration of values *alestinian BleftD and Israeli Bri#htD attitudes concernin# children. 6555G -ritish Students )es ond to Distorted .ews )e orts In Se tember several -ritish university students #athered to consider how they should res ond to the heavily biased anti(Israel news re orts. "he Second Intifada had ,ust broken out and their concern was how ublic o inion was bein# mani ulated by media #iants such as the -ritish -roadcastin# 0om any B--0D. "he followin# news story a eared and it became the catalyst for the #rou and develo ment of a new media outletG Fn Se tember 63, the eve of the Eewish .ew Mear )osh Hashanah, a youn# Eewish man in Eerusalem was beaten by an Arab mob. His life was s ared by a club(wieldin# Israeli oliceman, but not until an !ssociated Press hoto#ra her took a hoto#ra h. "he ca tion read, An Israeli oliceman and a *alestinian on the "em le Mount.' "he story im ressed readers that the oliceman used brutal force u on an innocent victim. However, the victim was not a *alestinian as im lied, but a Eewish student from 0hica#o studyin# at a yeshiva in Eerusalem and the oliceman had ,ust saved his life from riotin# Arabs. "he hy ocrisy of this re ort, which the readers assumed to be true, can only be sur assed by the actions of the -ritish in 23J8 who laced


65,555 Arab troo s as eace kee ers' in Eerusalem to rotect the Eews.6:6


www.honestre )etrieved May 4, 6553.



&i'ure ?/! LE&T Israeli Police ,rotects stu$ent from Arabs! Durin# an Arab riot, an Israeli oliceman defended a Eewish student who was fictitiously identified as a *alestinian victimi@e, by the olice. *hoto by the !ssociated Press. &i'ure ?3! RI0 T Distorte$ me$ia ,oster! A *alestinian oster features the so(called bloodied *alestinian' and encoura#es the reader to boycott 0oca 0ola and other American roducts. "he *alestinians s un the re ort to mani ulate their own eo le. "he hoto#ra h was used to encoura#e a boycott of 0oca 0ola. -ut the ro a#andist never thou#ht of the fact that 0oca 0ola has most of its bottlin# facilities in )amala and other Arab communities. Any boycott would do far more harm to the *alestinians than to the Americans or Israelis. !hile some media outlets eventually corrected their story, the full truth was never revealed. In another case, the same ro a#anda s ecialists claimed that *e si' was an acronym for *ay every enny to save Israel' or *ay every enny to the state of Israel.'6:7 "oday Honest )e ortin# monitors various media sources and resents a ers ective seldom addressed by the media #iants. Since 6552 the #rou also has a list of annual Dishonest )e ortin# Awards' of the most horrendous violations of ,ournalism. 6555sG American "e+tbooks *romote Islamic and *alestinian *ro a#anda Arafats war of misinformation and ro a#anda that be#an in 2397, was by now influencin# American and Auro ean olitics and academia. Durin# several interviews, he described re eatedly how the *alestinian eo le were the ori#inal occu ants of the land and were livin# here centuries rior to the time Eews, who su osedly stole it, came from Auro e. "o em hasi@e the de th of historic roots of his eo le, he went on to say that Eesus was not Eewish, but a *alestinian. =nfortunately, this misinformation is now a earin# in some American te+tbooks.

htt GQQwww.honestre ortin#.comQarticlesQre ortsQ"heX*hoto that Started . )etrieved May 4, 6553.


"o learn the effects of the Holy ;and "rust and other ro a#andists, %ary "obin and Dennis Mbarra researched do@ens of American te+tbooks. "hey discovered that our education system has become a ro a#anda instrument where history and reli#ion have been rewritten. "hey re orted that in 68 of the most o ular te+tbooks used in all fifty states, there are more than :55 roblematic assa#es about Eudaism, 0hristianity, Islam and the Middle Aast. In nearly every case Eudaism and 0hristianity are de#raded while Islam is #lorified and esteemed. -ob =nruh, who commented on the "obin and Mbarra study, said that amon# the many fabrications are the followin#G Eesus was a *alestinian, not a Eew. Arab countries never attacked Israel. "he wars ,ust broke out or Israel started them. "he Intifadas were revolts initiated by children and did not involve adults or terrorism. Israel e+ elled all *alestinian refu#ees. Israel established the *alestinian refu#ee cam s in ad,acent Arab countries, not the Arabs. *alestinian terrorism is none+istent or minimal. =S su ort for Israel is a cause of terrorism. Arabs desire eace, Israel does not.6:J "he irony is that while the ower brokers of Islam are romotin# Islamic e+ ansion on a #lobal scale that will result in the demise of !estern civili@ation, !estern academics are a easin# them.6:: .ot only are students tau#ht lies, but so are teachers and astors. "hese te+tbooks are used on all levels of education includin# colle#es. If such #ross historical inaccuracies are acce ted as truth, there is no &uestion as to why one day all the nations of the world will be a#ainst Israel as ro hesied by >echariah B26G7D. ;ikewise Eesus stated that rior to His return there would be a #reat dece tion BMt. 6JGJD. "hat dece tion will not be limited to one sub,ect, but

-ob =nruh. Eesus was a *alestinian,' 0laims =S History "e+t. www.! )etrieved Fctober 7, 6558.

<or a full re ort, see htt GQwww.troublewithte+tbooks.or#UA6U85U3D.


will create a distorted worldview for millions of Eews and 0hristians. !estern academics are not the only ones rewritin# history. A #rou of Islamic scholars founded a fully accredited Islamic colle#e in -erkeley, 0alifornia. Cnown as >aytuna 0olle#e, its ur ose is to educate the American ublic the truth' of Islam. It o ened in 6525 as a liberal arts institution startin# with two ma,orsG Arabic lan#ua#e and Islamic le#al and theolo#ical studies.6:4 In the meantime, American university cam uses have become hotbeds of anti(Semitism and anti(>ionism, to a lar#e de#ree fueled by forei#n Muslim student #rou s. "he dan#er is that these #rou s are formulatin# the o inions of tomorrows olitical and business leaders. "hey have been acce ted in the name of cultural tolerance.'
The American educatio nal s+stem has been hiFac,ed b+ *estern politicall+-co rrect -slamic s+mpathiEers A aJ,Ja neo-Ch amberlains"

Page '82

Some academics have asked this writer if the writin#s of Arab or Islamic scholars were researched rior to the ublication of this book. "he res onse is an em hatic yes,' but there was and continues to be difficulty in discernin# truth from fiction since ro a#anda is woven into nearly every literary fabric. !estern academics naturally assume that their Islamic counter arts have the same level of academic inte#rity, but that sim ly is not true. "here are ama@in# similarities between todays olitically(correct culturally sensitive Islamic sym athi@ers and -ritains 0hamberlain of 2378. Is there any wonder why Muslims are convinced that America can easily be defeatedH "he followin# is an e+cer t from a carefully(documented investi#ative re ort called $slam in !merican =lassrooms, %istor& or Propa/andaI B*D< documentD

htt,6377,:65J:5,55.htmlHtestLlatestnew. )etrieved Se tember :, 6553.


=nder the cover of olitical correctness, multiculturalism and AmericansS na`ve belief in the universal #oodwill of mankind, Muslim a olo#ists have induced all of our ma,or te+tbook ublishers to whitewash IslamSs history. "he te+tbooks resent an overly(beni#n icture of Islam. "hey never mention its cruel history of atrocities, anti(democratic ideolo#ies and totalitarian ambitions for world domination. Much to our detriment, most Americans, and es ecially our youn# eo le, are fooled by Islamic ro a#anda. "hatSs because weSve never been told the whole truth about the founder, beliefs, history, laws or future intentions of this su remacist ideolo#y. o# $i$ this come about. In 233: *resident -ill 0linton directed the =.S. Secretary of Aducation a Wto rovide every ublic school district in America with a statement of rinci les addressin# the e+tent to which reli#ious e+ ression and activities are ermitted in our ublic schools.W "he resultin# document, )eli#ious A+ ression in *ublic Schools, states that, a W*ublic schools may not rovide reli#ious instruction, but they may teach a"out reli#ion...W "his landmark document o ened the door for Islam to enter the classrooms. An$ so then #hat ha,,ene$. Islamic a olo#ists have worked hard and been successful in ersuadin# te+tbook ublishers, teachers, and the American school system to resent a false and dan#erously misleadin# view of Islam. "his disinformation, cleverly dis#uised as education, deceives rather than informs our school children. "he result is a revision of Islamic history that aints an


attractive icture of this intolerant and often violent 9th century ideolo#y.6:9 It makes little difference how many researchers and voices sound the warnin#, if the eo le refuse to hear or i#nore the obvious, disaster will fall u on them. 6555sG Eewish 0ounter *assive(A##ression -e#ins In res onse to the *alestinians ac&uirin# real estate in Eerusalems Fld 0ity and by #overnment surrender, several orthodo+ and ultra(orthodo+ Eews decided to make their own counter moves. In recent years, and es ecially after the ID< ulled out of %a@a in 655:, some rabbis decided to establish a yeshiva BseminaryD in a redominantly Arab nei#hborhood in cities such as "el Aviv. A minimum of ten students followed the rabbi, thus creatin# an inte#rated community. "he erceived idea was that rabbis established yeshivas as a foothold to eventually drive out the Arabs, and conse&uently, a conflict arose. "he yeshiva was unwelcomed by Arabs and left win# Israelis. In s ite of all the discussion of conflict, there have been many times when Eews and Arabs lived eacefully in se#re#ated communities. In recent years there has been an escalation in the tense relations. Met while the blame was laced s&uarely on conservative >ionistic rabbis, they are sim ly e+ercisin# the same rivile#es that Arabs en,oyed for many years I to move into a different community and eacefully take control of it. 6552G Hamas and He@bollah ;aunch )ockets into Israel !hile the *A initiated the Second Intifada, Hamas &uickly ,oined the effort and be#an firin# rockets into southern Israeli communities. !hile most missed their tar#ets, many detonated in homes, schools and lay#rounds. -etween the years 6552 and the end of 6558, an estimated :,555 rockets were fired u on civilian o ulation centers.

$slam in !mericas =lassrooms, %istor& or Propa/anda H A S ecial )e ort. Eanuary 68, 6553. *resented by A0"R for America, Mission /ie,o 0ha ter P the =nited American 0ommittee. "ruth in Aducation Eoint Subcommittee. www.actforamerica36432.or#Q htt sGQQmail.#oo#le.comQmailQHshvaL2Tinbo+Q2752daf67:d646de


Seldom did the international community call for an end of the attacks, at least not until the ID< made a #round assault into %a@a in the early days of Eanuary, 6553. "hen <rance and other Auro ean nations called for a cease(fire. ;ikewise, only when *alestinians were killed in the #round assault did the Arab ;ea#ue called for a cease(fire. "hey refused to admit that they endorsed the rocket attacks that initiated the Israeli military action. "here is no ma#ic cure for conflict or for dealin# with fanatics who are determined to com lete the work of Adolf Hitler. In li#ht of the relentless a##ression, someone restructured a well known hrase by =S %eneral .orman Schwart@ko f to say, I believe that for#ivin# He@bollah is %ods function. Israels ,ob is to arran#e the meetin#.' In the meantime, He@bollah fired rockets into northern Israel. "he assault has been so fre&uent that often the media does not bother to re ort it, unless, of course, Israel retaliates. It is doubtful that any other nation would be as tolerant of such #ross international violations.

&i'ure ?4! e<bollah tar'ete$ Israeli school bus! "he terrorist #rou fired rockets into an Israeli school bus in .ovember, 6555 causin# multi le in,uries. .otice the si@e of the holes.

6552G Hartford 0ha laincy






In Fctober 287J, a number of 0on#re#ational churches established the "heolo#ical Institution of 0onnecticut to train astors to reach the #os el of Eesus 0hrist in true 0alvinistic orthodo+y. -y the late 2855s it added an academic track to train missionaries and since 2836 Arabic and Islamic studies have been a continuous com onent of the school. It has #rown and today is known as Hartford Seminary. In Se tember 6552, it established the MacDonald 0enter for the Study of Islam and 0hristian(Muslim )elations, and became the first American seminary to offer an accredited Islamic 0ha laincy *ro#ram. .o lon#er does the school train missionaries to brin# Muslims to Eesus, but it trains Muslims to be cha lains. Avidently the Seminary believes that Muslims no lon#er need to acce t Eesus as their way to salvation, but rather, believes 0hristians and Muslims must have a friendly theolo#ical dialo#ue so all can understand their differences and common denominators. !hat brou#ht about the chan#eH "hat answer is a book all unto itself. Suffice it to say, mainline denominations left the fundamentals of the 0hristian faith, such as the ins iration of the -ible, the deity of 0hrist, His crucifi+ion and bodily resurrection, His substitutionary blood for our sins, and His rea earin#. In the early 2385s, a student at Moravian Seminary told this writer that %od sent Moses to the Eews, Eesus to the 0hristians and Muhammad to the Muslims. "his student was the dau#hter of a conservative Mennonite astor. "he chan#e develo ed slowly in the study of com arative reli#ions, when some rofessors concluded that %od revealed Himself differently to eo le throu#hout history. 0onse&uently, they say, we all take different routes to heaven. Cnown as Islam ;ite,' the Americani@ed friendly version of Islam is bein# welcomed by a #rowin# number of mainline denominations. "he welcome mat is also out by the new Avan#elical left' and the Amer#in# 0hurch,' all of whom have also left one or more fundamental elements of orthodo+ 0hristianity. ;ittle wonder that Eesus said in Matthew 6JGJ, that dece tion would be the first si#n of His return. "he Muslim -rotherhood does not need to lan terror

attacks to brin# down America. Since both mainline denominations and Muslims re,ect biblical truth, it is not sur risin# that Imams will be reachin# in mainline churches while various astors will roclaim that Allah and %od Almi#hty are one and the same deity. 0learly it is im ortant to educate astors and missionaries of other reli#ions and cultures, es ecially in our multi(cultural and luralistic world. "o train them so they can ade&uately defend their own belief system is com letely different than to acce t Islam as bein# e&ual to the 0hristian faith. "he foundin# fathers would roll over in their #raves if they knew what doctrines the seminary now romotes. 6552G "he Destruction of the American "win "owers "he terrorists struck at Americans numerous times and the res onse were seldom more than an idle threat, es ecially under *resident -ill 0linton. )easons for his lack of willin#ness to res ond are unknown I ossibly because he was cau#ht u in the se+ scandal with Monica ;ewinski. Aach time he failed to res ond ade&uately and each time the terrorists #rew bolder until Se tember 22. -ut why Se tember 22H <or three centuries the Islamic culture was on a decline I from Se tember 22, 2487 when Muslims lost the -attle of /ienna, Austria until the Islamic )evolution in Iran in 2393. Se tember 22, 6552 was a continuation of the battle lost in /ienna. In 2487, /ienna was seen as a ma,or city of !estern Auro e and in 6552, .ew Mork 0ity was seen by Muslims as a ma,or city of America, American Eews and !estern culture. =ntil !estern leaders understand this and other basic methods of Islamic thinkin#, !estern civili@ation will continue to self(destruct in i#norance. Muslims see themselves as morally su erior based u on Islamic conce ts of ,ustice, e&uality and human di#nity while roclaimin# America is corru t, hy ocritical, o ressive, morally bankru t and the e itome of selfish materialism, not to mention it su orts Israel. In the Islamic culture there is a sayin# that says if you cannot defeat your enemy, you defeat his friend. Since the Arabs have been unsuccessful in defeatin# Israel, they attacked Israels best ally, the =nited States. Fn Se tember

22 terrorists associated with al(?aeda hi,acked four American commercial airliners and flew two of them into the "win "owers in .ew Mork 0ity. A third lane was flown into the *enta#on and a fourth was destined for the nations ca ital but was brou#ht down in western *ennsylvania. "he Middle Aast conflict finally arrived on American soil. "he attack shocked the world. If #lobal leaders would have considered the warnin# si#nals, they would have reali@ed the ,ihadists have had the ability and determination to brin# success to their #oals. In res onse the =S #overnment decided to ca ture Fsama bin ;aden who was the mastermind of the destruction. Since he was believed to have been hidin# in the mountains of Af#hanistan, the =S went into that country to fi#ht not only al(?aeda, but also another terrorist #rou known as the "aliban. Many moderate Muslims feel offended that American troo s are in Ira& and Af#hanistan. "hey are concerned about !estern economic, olitical and cultural influence u on their lives. "herefore, they do not re,ect ben ;adens e+treme views or his tactics. "hey would never artici ate in an evil deed as the "win "ower destruction and they mi#ht even condemn it ublicly, but rivately, they concur with their imams. !hen the 3(22 news reached the Middle Aast, the *alestinians re,oiced en masse in the streets and in Eerusalem. "hat, in s ite the fact that for the revious ei#ht years former =S *resident -ill 0linton had #iven them billions of dollars and e+tracted far(reachin# concessions from Israel. !hile they receive more aid er ca ita from the =S than any other eo le #rou Brou#hly half a billion dollars ever yearD, the *alestinians, erha s more than any other #rou in the Middle Aast, nurture a stron# hatred for the =S. After the horrific 3(22 event, *resident -ush declared, "error must be sto ed. .o nation can ne#otiate with terrorists, for there is no way to make eace with those whose only #oal is deathO. Since Se tember 22, Ive delivered this messa#eG Averyone must choose$ youre either with the civili@ed world, or youre with the terrorists.' However, when e+aminin# his forei#n olicy related to Israel, an astonishin# double standard is revealed. He has re eatedly attem ted to ne#otiate with Arafat and other well

known terrorists. He has demanded that Israel make eace with those whose only ur ose is to steal, kill and destroy. "here have been many terrorist attacks that caused the deaths of do@ens of Americans. =sually the American res onses, es ecially under *residents Eimmy 0arter and -ill 0linton, were either half(hearted #estures or em ty rhetoric. <or e+am le, there were three ma,or attacks of which there was no res onseG 2. 2334 I Chobar "owers in Saudi Arabia, 6. 2338 ( =S embassies bombed in Aast Africa, and the 7. 6555 bombin# of the =SS 0ole. "he res onse to the 2337 !orld "rade 0enter bombin# was one of mere rhetoric. BIncidentally, that bombin# was a valuable clue of future events and was overlooked by federal authorities.D Seldom has any American resident said anythin# that caused any resemblance of fear in the hearts of terrorists. )ather, terrorists consider !hite House s eeches the words of fools I and for #ood reason. )am@i Mousef, a terrorist a rehended in Eanuary 233: in *akistan bra##ed to federal a#ents about the 2337 !orld "rade 0enter bombin#. Durin# the fli#ht to the =S Secret A#ent -rian *arr asked him why he didnt select Israeli tar#ets. He said they were too difficult to attack. If you cannot attack your enemy, you should attack the friend of your enemy.' "he ur ose of the 2337 bombin# was to tell the Americans they were at war. Ai#ht years later, after the "win "owers were destroyed, the =S finally understood there was a war and took military action. -y then the =S was considered so docile by Muslim standards, that when military action was im lemented, Muslims were stunned. Fnce when teachin# in Amman, Eordan, students told this writer that Saddam Hussein was #reatly admired by his eo le for challen#in# the world ower of the =nited States. Aven thou#h he was defeated, he is still reco#ni@ed as the world(wide ArabQIslamic hero. Hussein and bin ;aden are ortrayed today as role models for millions of youth who are tau#ht that their #oal in life is to hel defeat Israel and all

who su ort it Bobviously the =S, and to a lesser e+tent I Auro eD. ;ittle wonder then, that Auro e is becomin# increasin#ly anti(Semitic and ro(Arab. "he war on terrorism didnSt be#in on Se tember 22, 6552$ it be#an 66 years earlier. Fn .ovember J, 2393, Islamist radicals stormed the =S embassy in "ehran and, with the su ort of the Ayatollah Chomeini, roceeded to hold :6 Americans hosta#e for the ne+t fifteen months. "he res onse by *resident 0arter Y an embar#o on Iranian oil, a break in di lomatic relations and a botched rescue attem t the followin# A ril Y was feeble and ine t. It was also the start of a attern that would be re eated time and a#ain in the years and administrations that followed. Ask any non(Muslim who has lived in an Islamic country, and you will be told that this ty e of terrorism has been #oin# on for centuries. -ecause the =nited States is #eo#ra hically on the outside of the Islamic world, there has been no direct culture clash. However, that has obviously chan#ed. It is critical to reco#ni@e that !estern culture is now in a life or death stru##le. All evidence reveals there is a massive denial of the reality. !estern erce tion, es ecially that of the =S, is war edG Attacks on the =nited States are called terrorism.' -ut attacks on Israel are attem ts to resolve olitical issues.' 6556G *alestinian !ea onry Sei@ed In s ite of Arafats romises of eace, he continued to ac&uire wea ons. In Eanuary, the ID< interce ted a *alestinian vessel, the Karine !, on the )ed Sea with more than fifty tons of wea ons su lied by Irans Ayatollah ali Chomeini. "he wea onry was aid for by a senior *;F e+ecutive with Arafats a roval and worth an estimated 255 million dollars. 0learly, this was another reflection of Arafats true motivation and commitment to destroy Israel and the so(called eace rocess. Since the 2349 Si+(Day !ar the ID< has fre&uently uncovered hidden wea onry, but such discoveries were rarely re orted by the media.


&i'ure ?6! ID& sol$iers eBamine sei<e$ #ea,onr%! "wo soldiers e+amine art of the fifty lus tons of wea onry sei@ed from the *alestinian vessel, the Karine ! in Eanuary 6556.


&i'ure ?:! Arafat)s ,ersonal authori<ation for terrorist! In March, 6556, Israeli troo s discovered documents si#ned by Arafat authori@in# ayments for munitions and terrorists.


6556G <abricated Massacre' of Eenin <or years terrorists o erated out of the Eenin refu#ee cam in Israel. In A ril, after attacks u on Israeli civilians escalated, the ID< invaded the refu#ee community to root them out. In the rocess there was hand(to(hand combat. Fccu ants of terrorists homes were ordered to leave, after which bulldo@ers destroyed the buildin#s. "he destruction was a cultural si#n of disconnectin# the family from the land and community. !hen the fi#htin# ended, the =nited .ations as well as the international news media, re orted a massacre of five hundred *alestinian refu#ees. However, later the =. discovered these re orts were fabricated but most media outlets did little or nothin# to correct the falsehood. Hence, the *alestinians won another world o inion. =nfortunately, many leftists and 0hristians within the new evan#elical left' still believe the lie. 6556G 0hurch of the .ativity under Sie#e -ethlehem had become a haven for terrorists re resentin# a variety of militant #rou s such as <atah, *A Security <orces, Hamas and members of the Muslim -rotherhood. Fccasionally the ID< would enter to root them out. However, in the s rin# of 6556 there were more terrorists than the Israelis antici ated. "o reduce the number of attacks u on Israeli civilians, the ID< entered -ethlehem in A ril and May. A ro+imately 655 terrorists, who attem ted to flee the ID<, entered -ethlehems famous 0hurch of the .ativity. *riests and nuns were held hosta#e, the church was looted, terrorists defecated on all sacred ob,ects and -ibles were used for toilet a er. A com lete listin# of their sacreli#ious and rofane acts re&uires a#es. *rior to de artin#, they laced booby tra s throu#hout the buildin# which were eventually disarmed by the ID<. )ather than bein# sent to rison, they were #ranted freedom. !hile the com lete disre#ard Muslims have for Eewish and 0hristian holy sites is well known, their sacrile#e of the 0hurch of the .ativity established a new debased standard. =nfortunately, 0hristians around the world hardly mentioned an ob,ection. ;ittle wonder then, that Muslims believe 0hristians can easily be defeated$ they did not even care enou#h to mount a minor rotest.

6556G <rench Documentary )eveals "ruth of *alestinian Intentions <rench documentary filmmaker *ierre )ehov roduced documentary films titled, $srael and the 3ar of $ma/es, and The Tro6an %orse, both with An#lish and <rench dubbin# and subtitles. "he roducers had #athered their video cli s from *alestinian "/ broadcasts from 233J throu#h 2333.6:8 "hese cli s show Arafat, his s okes ersons, clerics and ne#otiators discussin# the eace rocess as art of a strate#y to ultimately destroy Israel. Seen are various s eakers candidly addressin# *alestinian audiences in Arabic e+ lainin# the true ur ose of si#nin# the Fslo Accords and Arafats fre&uent calls for eace.

*h+ do governme nts silence their own citi Eens who uncover and report the truth/

Page '82

A uni&ue feature is that neither video has commentary or outside o inions, but only the voices of *alestinian leadershi . Arafat and his collea#ues are shown discussin# the destruction of Israel by whatever means ossible includin# eace a#reements' and a "wo(State Solution.' However, as not to offend Muslims, the <rench #overnment &uickly banned the sale of both videos, but not until J5,555 were sold. In the =S the videos were discussed in Eune on the <o+ .ews 0hannels Hannity P 0olmes' show and MS.-0s Makin# Sense with Alan Ceyes.' 6:3 "here is no &uestion that Muslims believe Auro e and the =nited States are two #lobal entities that are e+itin# the worlds sta#e as economic and military owerhouses.

fileGQQQ0GQDF0=MA_2Q-illQ;F0A;S_2Q"em Q"em oraryU65Directory U6543U65forU65Israeli(Arab(0onflictU65B7D.@i Qarafat(million(matyr( march.htm. )etrieved <ebruary 9, 6556.


fileGQQQ0GQDF0=MA_2Q-illQ;F0A;S_2Q"em Q"em oraryU65Directory U658:U65forU65Israeli(Arab(0onflictU65B7D.@i Qarafat(shockin#(vidoe( e+ ose(airs(on(fo+.htm. )etrieved Eune 6J, 6556. )eaders can urchase co ies of both videos throu#h !orld.etDailySs online store.


6556G *resident -ush *romotes a "wo(State Solution' In Eune *resident %eor#e !. -ush became the first =S resident to romote a "wo(State Solution, an e+tension of the Madrid, Fslo and !ye *eace Accords. Aven thou#h the Accords failed miserably he ressured Israel to ne#otiate eace with the *alestinian leaders. "he irony is that most of those *alestinian leaders were on the list of terrorists established by the =S State De artment. Ironically, the State De artment is lar#ely ro(*alestinian since a ro+imately one(third of hi#h(level officials have held official ositions in Muslim and Middle Aastern nations. "he romotion of the "wo(State Solution was a betrayal of rior a#reements initiated by *resident !oodrow !ilson in 2323 that stated the Eewish eo le could occu y lands between the Eordan )iver and the Mediterranean Sea. -ush also rene#ed on =S 0on#ressional )ecord 3852 that affirmed the osition of *resident !ilson. ;ike the waverin# -ritish olicies of earlier years, the waverin# American olicies continue to create mistrust throu#hout the re#ion. !hat nearly every recent American resident has failed to reali@e, is that true eace ne#otiations always follow, never recede, victory on the battle field. "he Arabs understand this basic conce t very well. "he sad reality is that if the Israelis defeat the terrorists and Islamic radicals, they will suffer the scorn of the worlds leaders and media. If they dont defeat the terrorists, they will continue their never endin# stru##le for survival. 6556G Islamic /oter Drive in =S "he 0ouncil on American(Islamic )elations B0AI)D, that was alle#ed to have ties to Hamas and other terrorist #rou s, tried to re#ister more than 255,555 new Muslim voters for the 6556 elections. !hile 0AI) does not admit it, the or#ani@ation is advocatin# that the =nited States eventually become an Islamic nation.645


fileGQQQ0GQDF0=MA_2Q-illQ;F0A;S_2Q"em Q"em oraryU65Directory U6522U65forU65Israeli(Arab(0onflictU65B6D.@i Qamerican(islamic(nation( movement.htm. )etrieved <ebruary 62, 6556.


6557G "wo Arab 0hristians Martyred by *A In Eanuary security forces of the *alestinian Authority im risoned two 0hristian converts, tortured and threatened them with death. "he news of Saeed and .asser Salame was received by )e . Eo Ann Davis, B)(/a.D, and the )eli#ious <reedom 0oalition who called u on Israel to intervene on behalf of two 0hristian converts. It is well known that Eews livin# in Islamic states face daily ersecution and often death. ;ess known is the fact that Arab 0hristians, such as the Salame brothers, face the same dan#ers. ArabQ*alestinian 0hristians face discrimination by Islamic #overnments and charitable or#ani@ations, are under the eye of sus icion by the Israeli #overnment and are for#otten by 0hristians in !estern countries. 0onversion often results in an a#oni@in# death. !illiam Murray, chairman of the )eli#ious <reedom 0oalition, roduced a video documentary titled %ol& 1and, =hristians in Peril, which e+ oses the anti( 0hristian ersecution within the *alestinian Authority. 642 Mist events involvin# the ersecution and martyrdom of 0hristians are never re orted, but are well known within the local communities. In s ite of these horrific events, a #rowin# number of 0hristian denominations includin# many eace churches' noted for bein# resistant to war and the military draft, remain silent and su ort the *alestinians for their nationalistic' cause. "he re ort of these two deaths was indeed a rare event, and most killin#s of Eews and 0hristians are seldom re orted. 6557G =S A#ain *ressured Israel In March *resident -ush referred to Eudea, Samaria and %a@a as occu ied territories.' "hose areas were initially romised to the Eewish eo le by the -alfour Declaration, *resident !oodrow !ilson and the ;ea#ue of .ations. However, after the !ar of Inde endence, these were under Arab control, but ca tured by Israel in the 2349 Si+(Day !ar. -ush ressured Israel to withdraw from these areas in order to facilitate his co(called )oadma to *eace.' However, the

A copy of the video documentary titled Holy Land: Christians in Peril, is available exclusively through the WorldNetDaily online store.


residents #oal was not to have Israel return the land to Eordan, but to #ive it to the *A. ;ike other residents, -ush failed to understand that the basic motivation of the Muslims is to ac&uire, by ne#otiation, one small iece of Israel after another until the entire land is *alestinian. Danny Ayalon, former Ambassador of Israel to the =nited States, said, "here is this erce tion that Israel is occu yin# stolen land and that the *alestinians are the only arty with national, le#al and historic ri#hts to it. .ot only is this morally and factually incorrect, but the more this narrative is bein# acce ted, the less likely the *alestinians feel the need to come to the ne#otiatin# table. Statements like these O are not only incorrect$ they ush a ne#otiated solution further away.' 646 "he fact is that the land in &uestion has for thousands of years been occu ied by Eews and is referred to in the -ible by A@ekiel as the mountains of Israel' Bsee Ma s J and 25D. Fn A ril 2J of the followin# year, *resident -ush sent a letter to *rime Minister Ariel Sharon to assure him that the =nited States would defend Israels claim for defensible borders. However the *alestinians and Arab factions have not a#reed to any borders. <urthermore, it a ears that the romises of an American resident seldom outlast his term in office. So why should any Israeli have faith in an American assurance of rotectionH
-slamic strength lies in the fact that A6!=-CA?9 are willing to be decei ved"


655JG Anti(Semitic and Anti(Israel *ro a#anda on American 0am uses In the name of cultural understandin#,' the *alestine Solidarity Movement B*SMD be#an to s onsor at least one anti(Israel conference on a ma,or colle#e cam us in America every year. In Fctober the *SM conference was at Duke =niversity for the sole ur ose of romotin# anti(Israel sentiment amon# olitically active students. "he Movement denies two ma,or ointsG first it denies the Holocaust and

Jerusalem =onnection . Eanuary 2, 6525.


second, it denies the fact that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle Aast.647 Met while those two facts are well established historically, the academics rotect the ri#hts of the *SM to romote blatant lies and misinformation to students who are seekin# the truth. Met Americans have acce ted 66,555 so(called Islamic reli#ious centers' as if Islam was truly a eaceful reli#ion. Muslims have learned to use American words but a ly their own definitions. 655JG Muslims 0ontribute Minimally to Aid <ellow Muslims Fn December 64, 655J, a tsunami devastated the South *acific. Almost immediately the =nited States and Australia to#ether led#ed more than one billion dollars in aid. Aven tiny Israel chimed in as other !estern nations followed. However, the oil(rich Arab states of Saudi Arabia, ?atar, Cuwait, Al#eria, ;ibya and -ahrain failed to #ive as much as two hundred million dollars to their own brothers. In s ite of the rhetoric of #ivin# to the oor, Muslims seldom follow these ?uranic directives. 655JG "he Death of Masser Arafat Fver the years, left win# Israelis believed Arafat would become mellow as he a#ed. He didnt. Arafat remained active in oliticalQterrorist affairs until his final illness. His osition as statesman and head of the *;FQ*A for decades was the result of Israeli and international di lomacies. =nfortunately, he did not transition very well and remained a deadly terrorist. -y 6557 he became frail and news re orts su##ested several ossible illnesses includin# AIDS. However, in .ovember of 655J he died at the a#e of 9: in )amala while his widow and son lived lavishly in *aris. )umors circulated that he died of oisonin# while others claim his demise was the result of se+ually transmitted diseases. His illness, cause of death and secret locations of his money are state secrets. Arafats ersonal fortune has been estimated at between two and three billion dollars, most of it in Swiss bank accounts. His wealth came from embe@@led *A funds as well as dru# traffickin# in ;ebanon, a country that su lies

"uchman. Eewish Students of America, Cnow your ;e#al )i#hts.' 62.


twenty ercent of the worlds o ium and heroin. Handlin# money, es ecially hu#e sums of it, has always been a difficulty for the *A. In 2339, the *A auditorSs office re orted that ]764 million, or J7 ercent of the annual bud#et, was missin#.' Ff the remainin# :9 ercent of the bud#et, the security forces took u 7: ercent and ArafatSs office took u another 26.: ercent. "his left 3.: ercent of the available bud#et for #oods and services des erately needed by the common *alestinian eo le. 64J In <ebruary the media was shown a#ain to ersuade rather than inform the ublic of the truth. "he %erman a er (ie 3eld re orted #rowin# sus icion that money from *alestinian Authority 0hairman, in Masser Arafats office, was transferred to terrorist or#ani@ation. A week later the <rench daily 1i"eration re orted that a document re ared by the A=s anti(fraud unit BF;A<D showed there was no financial tie between Arafat and terrorism. Fnly a <renchman would believe that. 655JG =. )esolution 2::3 0alls for Disarmament of Militias in ;ebanon "he =nited .ations assed a resolution that re&uired the disbandin# and disarmament of all ;ebanese and non( ;ebanese militias' and called u on all remainin# forei#n forces to withdraw from ;ebanon.' In essence, the =. called for the He@bollah terrorists, who are an e+tension of the Iranian military, to disarm and leave the country. "he He@bollah sim ly i#nored the =. resolution and continued their military build(u for a future conflict with Israel. <urthermore, the =. observers have been continually aware of the arms build(u and have done nothin# to sto it. As reviously stated, the =. eacekee in# observers did what they do best I observe. It has become a a er ti#er that is nothin# less than a u et of owerful oil roducin# Islamic nations. -y the summer of 6525 He@bollah has an estimated :5(45,555 rockets and missiles. ;ittle wonder then that Israel urchased three %erman submarines as an off(shore defense strate#y.

fileGQQQ0GQDF0=MA_2Q-illQ;F0A;S_2Q"em Q"em oraryU65Directory U6537U65forU65Israeli(Arab(0onflictU65B7D.@i QarafatSs(stolen( billions.htm. )etrieved .ovember :, 655J.


655:G Mahmoud Abbas -ecomes *resident of *alestinian Authority After the death of Masser Arafat, the *alestinians elected Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Ma@en, as their resident. <ormer *resident Eimmy 0arter and a host of other world leaders raised the democratic rocess of the newest Islamic state. Met while Abbas has been touted as one who desires eace, for decades he was in the back#round hel in# his su erior, Masser Arafat. Abbas has im ressive credentials. He earned his doctorate de#ree at Moscows Friental 0olle#e in 2386. "here he wrote a dissertation ar#uin# that so few Eews were killed durin# !orld !ar II, that for all ractical ur oses, the Holocaust, as it was documented and hoto#ra hed at the end of the !ar, never ha ened. He also stated that the Eews alon# with the >ionists collaborated with the .a@is to kill other Eews. "he fi#ure of si+ million killed was, accordin# to him, created to ave the way for a future Eewish state. Hence, the state of Israel is a Auro ean fabrication and invasion u on Islamic soil. He be#an his career as a trainee in the )ussian C%and the Aast %erman Stasi Secret Services. He was e+ elled from A#y t B23::D, Syria B2344D and Eordan B2395D for subversion. He layed a key role in the *;Fs violent attem ts to to le the #overnment in -eirut and *;F collaboration with SaddamSs invasion of Cuwait. He was involved in a number of terrorist activities, includin# the 2396 Flym ic massacre in Munich. He was one of the rinci al lanners, wrote the checks and embraced the o eratives as they left for their duty of death. ;ike the *alestine Solidarity Movement, he e&uates >ionism with .a@ism and is elo&uent with his words. As a man of charm, he has always told the !est how much he desires eace while tellin# his countrymen the need to take control of Israel one iece at a time. !estern oliticians and media &uickly a lauded him to be a moderate' who can brin# eace, but in essence, he is a militant #host of Arafat. 0ould this be roof of dru# abuse in #overnmentH Met within the Muslim communities there were those who des ised his e+ ression of eace, even under false retenses. <or that reason, ,ust hours before he was sworn in

as the *rime Minister, a suicide bomber killed himself and others in a caf\ near the =S embassy in "el Aviv. .ote the comment that was editoriali@ed in the New @or2 Times the followin# dayG

It is hardly a coincidence that the e+ losion came ,ust after the new *alestinian rime minister delivered an inau#ural s eech decryin# terrorism. "he e+tremists behind the "el Aviv attack were undoubtedly aimin# their violence at their own leadershi as will as the Israelis. "hey cannot be allowed to succeed. "here will be enormous obstacles to eace. All involved((Israelis, *alestinians, Americans and Auro eans ((must be re ared to show determination, coura#e, and ener#y. "he terrible attack yesterday will be only the first test. 64:

655:G Israel Surrendered %a@a to *alestinian Authority$ *alestinian State Astablished =nder American and Auro ean ressure and the direction of *rime Minister Aerial Sharon, Israel withdrew unilaterally all military forces and evacuated Eewish settlements in %a@a. Israelis did so only under the ressure from American *resident %eor#e !. -ush, who inherited the so(called eace rocess from -ill 0linton, who inherited the rocess from %eor#e H. !. -ush. In addition, the international community is res onsible for =. )esolutions 6J6 and 778 that re&uire Israeli concessions to *alestinians who are determined to destroy Israel. <or decades the Israelis in %a@a had constructed homes, businesses, #ardens and #reenhouses and transformed the land into miniature *aris of the Aast,' as was ;ebanon rior to the *;F invasion of the 2395s. All a#ricultural, commercial and residential assets were #iven to the *alestinians. <or the first time in Eewish history, Eews evicted fellow Eews from Eewish soil. It was a difficult task as many Israeli soldiers had to erform duties totally o osite to their conscious. Fnce removed, the *alestinians had a beautiful haven for their ros erity. "he surrender of %a@a in 655: was the

Mideast Ho e Meets Its Anemy.' New @or2 Time, A ril 75, 6557.


ideal o ortunity for the *alestinians to demonstrate they were ca able of establishin# a soverei#n nation that could #overn itself and care for its citi@ens. "hrou#hout history when one nation ca tured another, the victor reserved the accom lishments of the defeated eo le. "he *alestinians were #iven resources for food and other necessities for a &uality of life they ,ealously desired. "hey were #iven businesses, fine homes, community centers, #reenhouses, and fertile lands with standin# cro s. -ut what did they do with theseH "heir hatred for Israelis was and still is so intense, that when the move was com leted, they destroyed everythin# in an attem t to remove anythin# Eewish. <acilities that could have im roved their lives were destroyed. Since 655: billions of dollars and Auros have come into the *A treasury, but these funds were not used to hel the oor, the needy or even the *alestinian entre reneur. .o funds were invested in sewer, water or electrical infrastructures, neither on business or commerce develo ment. .ot even in trash collection and recyclin#. In fact, the *A didnSt even retend to build an economic infrastructure that would enable the %a@an citi@ens to su ort themselves. "he economic infrastructure #iven to them on the roverbial #olden latter' could have elevated their lifestyle far above other Arabs in the Middle Aast, but it was in shambles in a matter of weeks. %a@a is now under the com lete control of the *alestinian Authority, and hence, is a *alestinian state. "he irony is that no one a ears to have reco#ni@ed the sim le fact that %a@a is now a nation known as *alestine.' It is s onsored by the Iranians and to a lesser e+tent, by the Syrians. <or the =nited States or any other #overnment to fund the Hamas or *A is ure folly, but they do it anyway.

>aEa became a Palestini an state when -sra el pulled out in ' 3"

Page '03


!hen the Israeli soldiers withdrew from the %a@a Stri , #overnment leaders throu#hout the world raised Israel. "he *A and Hamas took the ullout as another Israel retreat and defeat. "he withdrawal was the second si#n 644 of her bein# defeated, which added fuel to *alestinian determination. Instead of brin#in# the romised eace, the surrender of 62 Eewish communities within the %a@a Stri and all the farm land around it has brou#ht more violence. .ow a successful attern had emer#edG Arab and Islamic states see Israel #rowin# weaker as international ressure increases. If Israel withdraws from the !est -ank as ressured by =S *resident Fbama, she will have indefensible borders and only a divine intervention will revent her destruction. !hen the !est -ank is #iven to the *alestinians, violence will increase. 655:G "he )ise of HAMAS to *ower <or several years the social a#ency de artment of Hamas has hel ed *alestinians with food and medical needs while the *alestinian Authority did little or nothin# to hel the common eo le. "herefore, when Hamas leaders decided to o ose the *A, they had ublic su ort. !hile lans were bein# laid, selected *A leaders were assassinated in true Islamic tradition. "herefore, in the ne+t election Hamas won :4 ercent of the seats in the *alestinian ;e#islative 0ouncil. "he world was stunned to see that eo le in a democratic election would vote for one of the worst terroristic and dictatorial or#ani@ations. "his is ,ust one of many reasons as to why critics of the so(called eace lan say Islamic systems cannot co(e+ist with non(Islamic systems. In the Islamic culture, eo le #enerally think and act accordin# to the directives of their clerics. Met Americans and Auro eans refuse to com rehend the fact that Islam is a combination of dictatorial #overnment and reli#ion. =nfortunately for the *alestinians and the rest of the world, the Hamas #overnment roved to be as full of corru tion and ineffectiveness as the revious administration. <urthermore, terrorism increased as rockets be#an to fall u on Israel. In fact, in 6559 Hamas had fired a total of 6,99J rockets at Israeli schools, lay#rounds, community centers and other civilian areas. -y the end of

"he first si#n of a weakenin# Israel was her withdrawal from ;ebanon in May, 6555.


6558 the total number e+ceeded :,555. Met the world condemned Israel for defendin# itself a#ainst the civilian attacks. Israel refrained from retaliation unless it knew s ecifically where the terrorists were located. In 6558 A#y tian mediators ne#otiated a cease(fire, but the ink was hardly dry before rockets a#ain fell u on Israeli schools and communities. "he media re orted that Israel had broken the cease(fire when in fact the Israeli Defense <orces did not res ond to the rovocations. "he myth is that Israel broke the cease(fire, and that when she did res ond, it was done with a dis ro ortional force.' If :,555 rockets fell u on American cities, it would be interestin# to see how news commentators would res ond to !ashin#tons dis ro ortional force.' "he fact is that when a vowed enemy is attem tin# to kill kinder#arten children and other innocent civilians, a nation has every ri#ht to defend its citi@ens.
-srael gave up >aEa but got nothing in return but more terror" *hat will be different when $erusalem or the *est 5a n, is given u p/

Page '8 2

655:G %8 %ives "hree -illion Dollars to *alestinian Authority As reviously stated, terrorism is successful because !estern nations have chosen to be deceived and a ease the terrorists. A case in oint is thisG <rom Euly 4(8 leaders of the %8 nations649 met to discuss #lobal issues in Scotland, which is art of the =nited Cin#dom. Durin# the conference, terrorists conducted multi le bombin#s in ;ondon. Immediately the %8 leaders #ave the *alestinian Authority three billion dollars. "he leaders of the richest industriali@ed nations clearly demonstrated they are the new 0hamberlain %eneration' I who would rather a ease the enemy than risk a confrontation.

"he %8 Summit is a #atherin# of the richest industriali@ed countriesG %ermany, <rance, 0anada, Italy, Ea an, the =nited Cin#dom, and the =nited States startin# in 2394 with the addition of )ussia in 2339. Since 2382 the *resident of the Auro ean =nion has also been included.


How the *A was to s end the hu#e sum of three thousand million dollars was never announced. .either did anyone in&uire how the millions of Auros and dollars reviously #iven to them were s ent. Should there not be some hysical si#ns of an infrastructure such as new schools, sewer and water systems. "here are no si#ns of new infrastructural im rovements. Fther eo le #rou s such as the "ibetans and some African communities are also im overished, but do not receive any #rants because they have not resorted to terrorism. "he lesson they learn is that terrorism works. As Middle Aast e+ ert Alan Dershowit@ said, "errorism will continue as lon# as otential terrorists believe they will benefit from usin# the tactic.' 648

Terroris m *or, s

Page '8 2

As was stated reviously, the im ortant lesson Hitler tau#ht, which current oliticians have failed to learn, is if you try to a ease the a##ressor by makin# concessions to his demands, he will erceive this as weakness on your art, and it will encoura#e him to make #reater demands and eventually resort to violence. 655:G Mahmoud Ahmadine,ad and the Mahdi In Au#ust Mahmoud Ahmadine,ad became the si+th resident of the Islamic )e ublic of Iran. !hen he was mayor of "ehran B6557(655:D, he told the city council in 655J, to build a #rand avenue to re are for the Mahdi.' 643 "his left many !estern observers wonderin#, !hatQwho is the MahdiH' *resident Ahmadine,ad is a member of the Shiite Moslems known as the Ithna Ashari, or the "welvers. "hey believe in the soon return of their messianic fi#ure the
648 643

Alan M. Dershowit@, *rontPa/eMa/a' Euly 8, 655:. New @or2 Sun, Ean 25, 6554.


Mahdaviat, or Mahdi. He was the twelfth descendant of the *ro het Muhammads cousin Ali Ibn Abi "albi, but mysteriously disa eared in the year 3J2. However, he is e+ ected to return at the end of time when the world is in com lete chaos.695 !hen he arrives, Eesus will meet him on the Mount of Flives and serve as his lieutenant. "o#ether they will kill the archenemy ad4(a66al BIslamic anti(0hrist fi#ureD in Eerusalem, establish world eace and all eo le will convert to Shiite Islam. In Ahmadine,ads thinkin#, it is critical to not only create chaos in the world, but also to utterly destroy Israel so that there will not be a trace of the Eewish eo le left u on the earth. Fn December 24, 655: a re orter for the 3ashin/ton Post wrote of Ahmadine,ad, So a Holocaust(denyin#, virulently anti(Semitic, as irin# #enocidist, on the ver#e of ac&uirin# nuclear wea ons of the a ocaly se, believes that the end is not only near, but nearer than the ne+t American residential election.O"his kind of man would have, to ut it #ently, less inhibition about startin# Arma#eddon than a normal erson. In fact, he would feel honored to initiate Arma#eddon. =nfortunately, in todays world he is not alone in his belief system. Ahmadine,ad and the "welvers believe it is their duty to re are the world for the comin# of their messianic Mahdi. Since this assion is his motivatin# drive, there is no room for ne#otiations or meanin#ful discussion. It should be noted that ,ust as in Eudaism and 0hristianity there are various denominations' or sects, so likewise in Islam there are numerous sects. Most Muslims do not have this fervent belief like the Shiites. "herefore, Sunni and other Muslims are very much concerned about Irans nuclear &uest to ac&uire atomic wea ons and create the chaos.

"he se&uence of end(time events is as followsG 2. "he Shiite Muslims are to create chaos throu#hout the world. 6. "he ad4(a66al Banti(0hrist fi#ureD arises in Eerusalem. 7. Eesus returns to earth with the a earance of the Mahdi. J. Eesus kills the ad(Da,,al and his followers. :. "he an#el Israfil B)a haelD blows the trum et. 4. Muhammad is raised from the dead. 9. "he Mahdi, Eesus and Muhammad rule the world in eace.


"o facilitate the return of the Mahdi, Ahmadine,ad chan#ed Iranian hi#hway structures to ermit fast movement of military vehicles when needed. He is not alone in his &uest, as the Islamic 0ouncil that su orted his election is also in favor of establishin# #lobal conditions that will usher in the return of the Mahdi. At the =. Assembly in Se tember, 655: he concluded his address with this rayerG F mi#hty ;ord, I ray to you hasten the emer#ence of your last re ository, the *romised Fne, that erfect and ure human bein#, the one that will fill this world with ,ustice and eace.' It was a rayer to welcome the Shiite messianic fi#ure I the Mahdi. Since takin# office, he has focused so intensely on his messianic endeavors that he failed to meet the basic needs of his citi@ens. He also alienated the rest of the world to the oint where he has almost no friends left e+ce t the )ussians. Amon# those who seriously worry about Irans nuclear and military ro#rams are Sunni Muslim leaders. Met therein is an interestin# henomenon. Historically the *ersians Bmodern IranD and Ma#o# Bmodern )ussiaD have never been allies, but today Irans stron#est ally is )ussia in what a ears to be develo in# into the fateful military enter rise described in A@ekiel 78, with s ecial mention in verses 6 and :. It should be noted that while Israel started its nuclear ro#ram in the 23:5s, Islamic nations were not at all worried about her intentions because they knew Israel was not a threat nor ever would be. -ut when Shiite Iran be#an its nuclear ro#ram, Sunni nations went into overdrive to establish a nuclear defense. Hence, the nuclear arms race has escalated beyond ima#ination. "he ossibility for the ro hecy of >echariah to become a reality has arrived, es ecially with the ince tion of the neutron nuclear bomb that destroys biolo#ical material rather than infrastructures. "his is the la#ue with which the ;F)D will strike all the nations that fou#ht a#ainst EerusalemG "heir flesh will rot while they are still standin# on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their ton#ues will rot in their mouthsO. A similar la#ue will strike the horses and mules, the camels and donkeys, and all the animals in those cam s. >echariah 2JG26, 2:

Fnce, when this writer was in Eerusalem he asked an Arab ta+i driver what would brin# eace to this wonderful city. He res onded, *eace will come when Eesus returns to the Mount of Flives and kills all the Eews. "hen the Mahdi will come, rule the world and brin# eace.' "his discussion occurred "efore Ahmadine,ad became resident. Many Shiites, includin# influential Iranian olitical and reli#ious leaders, hold the same o inion. "he Iranian resident is also noted for some of his other convictions, such as the Holocaust bein# a myth. He has stated that if %ermany and Austria feel #uilty about it, let them establish a Eewish nation on their soil. He also is convinced that Americas freedom and democracy is directly o osite of Islamic ,ustice and theocracy and advocates Americas destruction. In the meantime, he has carefully laced Auro e and America a#ainst )ussia, 0hina and the 0oo eration 0ouncil for the Arab States of the %ulf B%00D.692 "o ut muscle into his lan to destroy Israel, in 655: he ac&uired twelve )ussian missiles, with a ran#e of 6,555 miles that are ca able of carryin# nuclear warheads to Israel. He also si#ned a one hundred billion dollar oil and natural #as contract with 0hina. Since 0hinas economy e+ loded in the 2335s, her need for oil and #as #rew faster than her ability to develo these resources. Iran has been hel in# 0hina in both areas. Interestin#ly, accordin# to A@ekiel 78 and 73, biblical eschatolo#y redicts the end of the resent a#e when the IranianQArabQ)ussian coalition will attack Israel. A@ekiels descri tion of the war ermits the inter retation of the use of nuclear wea ons. "he conce t of the Mahdi amon# Shiites had for centuries been merely a theolo#ical oint. <rom the establishment of the Islamic )e#ime in 2393 to Ahmadine,ads residency in Au#ust of 655:, it was no different. "he doctrine was not art of #overnment olitics. However, with Ahmadine,ad in office, the reli#ious doctrine became a olitical hiloso hy with s ecific as irations and


0reated on May 6:, 2382, the 0ouncil is com rised of -ahrain, Fman, Cuwait, Saudi Arabia, ?atar and the =nited Arab Amirates.


#oals. !esterners are at a loss to confront such a olitical leader who claims to have divine directives. 6554G Eimmy 0arters 0rusade a#ainst Israel


In 2394 Eimmy 0arter ca tured the swin#(votes of evan#elicals who believed he had the same values as they, but it did not take lon# for him to show his true colors. He disa ointed them and continues to do so. In recent years he not only su orted the *alestinian Authority, but in 6554 he su orted Hamas and accused Israel of bein# an a artheid state. His accusation was made in s ite of the fact that Israel ermits Muslims to worshi as they choose while the *alestinian Muslims actively ersecute *alestinian 0hristians. He has also cam ai#ned for *alestinian statehood continues to down lay multi le terrorist actions while simultaneously de#radin# Israel for defendin# herself. In res onse to 0arters many anti(Israel comments, the )e ublican Eewish 0oalition B)E0D sent a letter si#ned by si+ former =S ambassadors to Democratic .ational 0hairman Howard Dean. It asked him to remove 0arter from the osition as Honorary 0hairman of Democrats Abroad, the official Democratic *arty or#ani@ation for Americans livin# outside the =nited States. Shamefully, while 0arter claims to a ly biblical rinci les and values to his life, he fails to do likewise in the world of international olitics. Ironically, ,ust as Ahmadine,ad and his followers are committed to creatin# violence to usher in the "ribulation and the Mahdi, so likewise some scholars have su##ested that when the =nited States abandons Israel, the result will hasten end(time events. In addition, that abandonment would also be cou led with establishment of a #lobal #overnment B.ew !orld FrderD and the "ribulation. "he difference is that Ahmadine,ad knows the "ribulation is comin#, but those who formulate American forei#n olicy have no clue what the results will be of their mani ulative actions u on Israel.


$imm+ Carter has been so Anti-9emitic and Anti --srael, that the -sraelis have told him not to return"

Page ''8

6554G Muslims )es ond /iolently to *o es 0omment on /iolence In Se tember *o e -enedict N/I made a ublic address at )e#ensbur#, -avaria in which he &uoted the -y@antine Am eror Manuel II *alaeolo#us. In 2732 the Am eror ublished the (ialo/ue %eld with a =ertain Persian, the 3orth& Mouteri'es, in !na2ara of +alatia wherein he e+ ressed his views of Muslim ,ihad and forced conversions as well as the relationshi between faith and reason. "hese are the same issues the world is facin# today. "he *o es &uotation followsG Show me ,ust what Muhammad brou#ht that was new, and there you will find thin#s only evil and inhuman, such as his command to s read by the sword the faith he reached. In res onse to the *o es s eech about Muslim violence, the Muslims were so incredibly an#ered that they rioted for days. "hus they demonstrated the truth of what they denied to be true. "heir assion of hatred is so intense that it clearly overrides common sense. =nfortunately, this is beyond the under( standin# of most Americans and Auro eans, thus they are sub,ect to demise.

Could the truth about -slam become the new hate speech/

Page ///


6554G "he Second Israel(;ebanon !ar BaQkQa Israel(He@bollah !arD "he Second Israel(;ebanon !ar is more accurately known as the Israel(He@bollah !ar. "he He@bollah had established itself in ;ebanon after the Israeli ullout in May of 6555. It is a military win# of the Iranian army and its soldiers are trained and aid by Iran. -etween the years 6555 and 6554, massive amounts of wea onry were transferred into ;ebanon. "hese were not only stored in under#round bunkers, but also in mos&ues, rivate homes and safe houses. Durin# the war, mobile rocket launchers were laced in civilian communities so that when Israel would counterstrike, the He@bollah ress officers' were &uick to show the media that the #reatest amount of dama#e im acted innocent civilians. In,ured children and widows were often featured on evenin# !estern news ro#rams to stimulate worldwide sym athy and create anti(Israeli sentiment. 6554G *ro hetic !ords =nearthed Interestin#ly, durin# this conflict a construction worker in Ireland made a sur risin# discovery. !hile workin# with a backhoe he discovered an ancient *salter -ook that was buried in a swam y bo#. "he twenty( a#e book was estimated to be a ro+imately 855 to 2,655 years old. "here were several ama@in# oints to the discovery. 2. It was even noticed in the mud that com rises a bo#. 6. "he book was not destroyed by the backhoe, as the document was obviously e+tremely fra#ile. 7. It was o en to *salm 87, a assa#e that describes the enemies of Israel, all of whom at this oint were in some form of combat a#ainst Israel. J. "he timin# of this discovery is stunnin# I a warnin# from a Divine book concernin# Israel when she was at war. !as this discovery a coincidence or a Divine warnin#H


&i'ure ?=! The >@@ ** (A/@@ %ear*ol$ Psalm boo- foun$ in Irish bo' . As if directed by a Divine hand, a *salm -ook o en to *salm 87 was unearthed in Ireland durin# the Israel(He@bollah !ar. "he ;atin te+t was analy@ed by the .ational Museum of Ireland. B*hoto by !ssociated Press. Euly 64, 6558.D 6559G Avan#elicals for a "wo(State Solution 0learly the Middle Aast conflict has divided the evan#elical 0hurch. Many su ort a "wo(State solution as a way to seek ,ustice' for both sides, accordin# to an o en letter to =S *resident %eor#e !. -ush that was ublished in the New @or2 Times on Euly 63. "he letter, si#ned by several do@en evan#elical cler#y and activists, ur#es -ush not to #row weary' in his attem t to ne#otiate a lastin# eace' in the re#ion. It reads as followsG *resident %eor#e !. -ush "he !hite House 2455 *ennsylvania Ave .! !ashin#ton D0 65:55 Dear Mr. *residentG


!e write as evan#elical 0hristian leaders in the =nited States to thank you for your efforts Bincludin# the ma,or address on Euly 24D to reinvi#orate the Israeli( *alestinian ne#otiations to achieve a lastin# eace in the re#ion. !e affirm your clear call for a two(state solution. !e ur#e that your administration not #row weary in the time it has left in office to utili@e the vast influence of America to demonstrate creative, consistent and determined =S leadershi to create a new future for Israelis and *alestinians. !e ray to that end, Mr. *resident. !e also write to correct a serious mis erce tion amon# some eo le includin# some =S olicymakers that all American evan#elicals are o osed to a two( state solution and creation of a new *alestinian state that includes the vast ma,ority of the !est -ank. .othin# could be further from the truth. !e, who si#n this letter, re resent lar#e numbers of evan#elicals throu#hout the =S who su ort ,ustice for both Israelis and *alestinians. !e ho e this su ort will embolden you and your administration to roceed confidently and forthri#htly in ne#otiations with both sides in the re#ion. As evan#elical 0hristians, we embrace the biblical romise to AbrahamG WI will bless those who bless you.W B%enesis 26G7D. And recisely as evan#elical 0hristians committed to the full teachin# of the Scri tures, we know that blessin# and lovin# eo le Bincludin# Eews and the resent State of IsraelD does not mean withholdin# criticism when it is warranted. %enuine love and #enuine blessin# means actin# in ways that romote the #enuine and lon#(term well bein# of our nei#hbors. *erha s the best way we can bless Israel is to encoura#e her to remember, as she deals with her nei#hbor *alestinians, the rofound teachin# on ,ustice that the Hebrew ro hets roclaimed so forcefully as an inestimably recious #ift to the whole world. Historical honesty com els us to reco#ni@e that both Israelis and *alestinians have le#itimate ri#hts stretchin# back for millennia to the lands of IsraelQ*alestine. -oth Israelis and *alestinians have

committed violence and in,ustice a#ainst each other. "he only way to brin# the tra#ic cycle of violence to an end is for Israelis and *alestinians to ne#otiate a ,ust, lastin# a#reement that #uarantees both sides viable, inde endent, secure states. "o achieve that #oal, both sides must #ive u some of their com etin#, incom atible claims. Israelis and *alestinians must both acce t each otherSs ri#ht to e+ist. And to achieve that #oal, the =S must rovide robust leadershi within the ?uartet to reconstitute the Middle Aast roadma , whose full im lementation would #uarantee the security of the State of Israel and the viability of a *alestinian State. !e affirm the new role of former *rime Minister "ony -lair and ray that the conference you lan for this fall will be a success. Mr. *resident, we renew our rayers and su ort for your leadershi to hel brin# eace to Eerusalem, and ,ustice and eace for all the eo le in the Holy ;and. <inally, we would re&uest to meet with you to ersonally convey our su ort and discuss other ways in which we may hel your administration on this crucial issue. Sincerely, )onald E. Sider, *resident, Avan#elicals for Social Action, et. al. .oteworthy is that, accordin# to the letterSs authors, both Israel and the *alestinians had ri#hts to the land of Israel that stretched back millennia.' <urthermore, both sides, the letter says, had committed acts of violence. "his was said even thou#h no Eews have flown air lanes into skyscra ers, detonated Arab buses, smu##led wea ons into Arab countries or fired thousands of rockets into Arab civilian areas. "he reli#ious motivation on the art of the Muslims is either unknown or i#nored by the si#ners. 0learly the dece tion of Mathew 6JGJ is well established in the 0hurch. It is ama@in# that even some believe what they read in the news a ers but &uestion what they read in the -ible.


6559G Anna olis Summit In .ovember =S *resident %eor#e !. -ush continued to ress for a "wo(State Solution with a summit held in Anna olis Maryland. He met rivately with *rime Minister Ahud Flmert of Israel and with *resident Mahmoud Abbas. <or more than a decade the *A did little if anythin# to end terrorism and at times aided terrorists and other terror #rou s. Met this seemed to be of no concern to the Israeli and American leaders. Ff course it roduced little more than a media event. "he hrase eace ro#ress' has become a eu hemism for Israeli territorial concessions with little on no ositive eaceful actions on the art of the *alestinians. /iolent actions are #enerally i#nored or in some manner ,ustified by a #rowin# number of the emer#in# left win#' evan#elical churches. 6559G =ncivil !ar in %a@a In a battle between Hamas and the *alestinian Authority Security <orces, innocent men, women and children were killed. !hile the loss of innocent life is inevitable in any military conflict, the ower stru##le to control %a@a revealed that neither side had any res ect for the most innocent of all eo le I their own children. It was as if they would have been Eewish children.


&i'ure ?>! Palestinian chil$ren assassinate$ b% amas 0unmen! *alestinians rotest the killin# of three children of a <atah B*AD security chief by Hamas #unman in 6559. 6558G =S *ressured Israel to Surrender ;and =nder American ressure, Israeli *rime Minister Ahud Flmert decided to return nearly all the land won in the 2349 Si+(Day !ar. "his included the %olan Hei#hts, an area east of the Sea of %alilee that has always been and continues to be a oint of strate#ic military advanta#e and a si#nificant source of water. In essence, Israel would increase its vulnerability to attack for the Arab romise of eace. As stated reviously, if im lemented, Israel would be only nine miles wide at its narrowest oint. It was a ro osal to surrender land for eace even thou#h there was no serious eace initiative offered by any *alestinian leader. Aventually the rime minister left office and these areas were not surrendered. =nder *resident -ush, the =S Secretary of State, 0ondolee@@a )ice made several attem ts to ne#otiate a eace a#reement. She viewed the Middle Aast situation as bein# arallel to the 2345s African(American stru##le for civil

ri#hts. She com ared the *alestinian leader to )ev. Martin ;uther Cin# in that both s oke of eace and the need to end terror and violence. )ice believed that the *alestinians have a stron# moral, ethical and le#al case for a soverei#n state and Israel has no ri#ht to deny this rivile#e. "he fact that Islamic terrorists are constantly devisin# new ways to destroy Israel was of little concern to her. ;ikewise, the fact that *alestinian romises were almost never u held was also minimi@ed. "herein lays the failure of her analo#y. *resident Abbas was at one time the ri#ht hand man for the late Masser Arafat and continues to function like him, althou#h he has a #reater a eal to the !estern media. In fact, most Auro ean and American leaders share her viewG the Israeli(*alestinian stru##le is now a social class issue, as was the civil ri#hts movement in the American south and the a artheid of South Africa. In the meantime, rocket launches into Israel, terrorist attacks and Arabic hate s eeches convey the true motives of Abbas. "hese have been lar#ely i#nored. !hyH "he reason is because so many i#nore essential facts, distort others, connect unrelated analo#ies to the situation and make decisions within a dream world of unconscious incom etence. "o add insult to in,ury, left(win# Israeli oliticians tend to a#ree with ;ondon and !ashin#ton. "hey are blinded by the obvious.

T he 6id dle !ast conflict is a religious issue, not a social class issue" T he u ltimate (uestion is *hose g od is >od/

Pag e '82

In addition, the surrender of Aast Eerusalem was also discussed, even thou#h the windin# streets and tan#led infrastructure would make it almost im ossible to divide. !hy is the division of Eerusalem so critical to the Arabs, when after the 2349 Si+(Day !ar they were ackin# u their ba#s to leave when Moshe Dyan told them to stay Ba hu#e blunderDH "he fact is that in 2349 the Arabs knew they were

defeated$ today victory' is a offensive word in !estern olitics.

olitically incorrect and

Met oliticians do not a ear to be worried about similar cities elsewhere. Are they concerned about the divided city of .icosiaH How about the hostile )ussian anne+ation of FssetiaH !hy have the Israelis been critici@ed in defendin# themselves from the thousands BliterallyD of rockets that have come u on them from %a@a, yet no American would tolerate one rocket fallin# on =S soil. 0ould there be a de#ree of hy ocrisy hereH Eerusalem truly has become a stumblin# stone of the nations. Avery time !ashin#ton e+erts ressure on Israel, the Muslim world sees it more as another ste closer to com lete annihilation. It is not a &uestion of if but when the =nited States abandons Israel. )est assured it will be wra ed in the most olitically correct and a ealin# rhetoric. !hen the enemies of Israel reali@e the Americans are willin# to abandon the Eewish state for the illusion of eace, that reali@ation will feed their dreams of ultimate destruction and escalate both Middle Aast #lobal terror and conflict. 6558G .ational 0ouncil of 0hurches 0ondemns 0hristian >ionists "he .ational 0ouncil of 0hurches B.00D was established in 23:5 when it absorbed its redecessor, the <ederal 0ouncil of 0hurches B<00D. "he .00 and <00 have #enerally romoted liberal doctrines of various denominations throu#hout their history. In the late 23J5s <00 stron#ly su orted the emer#in# state of Israel but was also known to have romoted ro(0ommunist causes. "he .00 su ort for Israel was challen#ed with the !estern radicalism of the 2345s and the Israeli 2349 Si+(Day !ar. -ut with the emer#in# liberation theolo#y' I a uni&ue blend of 0hristianity and atheistic 0ommunism, it abandoned Israel in favor of ro(*alestinian su ort. "he .00 has been a olitically active or#ani@ation internationally. <or e+am le, since 2348 it has been a staunch su orter of 0ommunist 0uba. It has funneled nearly ]J55,555 to the Sandinista #overnment in .icara#ua between 2382 and 2387 and thousands of dollars to other rebel and communist or#ani@ations. "herefore, it is not

sur risin# that the .00 has also been su ortin# the *alestinian Authority. !hen 0ommunist and Islamic #overnments slau#htered thousands of their own eo le as well as 0hristians, the .00 was silent. In December the .00 attacked all forms of >ionism, es ecially 0hristian >ionism, and labeled it as dan#erous to Middle Aast eace. Met it never s ecifically critici@ed any radical Islamic terrorist #rou BHamas, He@bollah, Islamic -rotherhood, etc.D re#ardless of how murderous these or#ani@ations had been. Aven thou#h 0hristian >ionists have aided thousands of Israeli Eews and *alestinian Arabs since the late 2395s, the .00 stated that 0hristian >ionist su ort for Israel is the main stumblin# block for Middle Aast tran&uility. Fne news source re ortedG "he dan#er of this ideolo#y is that it is a mani ulation of 0hristian scri ture and teachin#,' fretted Antonios Cireo oulos, the .00s interfaith s okesman. =nfortunately it has influence in American churches, to the oint where many well(meanin# 0hristians are swayed to su ort articularly destructive directions in =S forei#n olicy with re#ard to the Middle Aast.' .ot ty ically concerned about u holdin# orthodo+ theolo#y, the .00 even claims that 0hristian >ionists violate the traditional teachin#s of the church.' 696 "his sentiment is no lon#er touted only by liberal' mainline denominations, but also by academics and astors of the new evan#elical left' in the traditional fundamental and evan#elical churches. <or e+am le, one retired rofessor of the Anaba tist ersuasion informed this writer that the hrase 0hristian >ionist' was an o+ymoron$ it was im ossible to be both a 0hristian and a >ionist. !hen asked to defend his osition, his res onse was not theolo#ical but a resentation of *alestinian ro a#anda of disinformation. <or e+am le, he said, I see the statistics and reali@e that the Israelis have killed more *alestinians than the *alestinians have killed Israelis. "hose are hard facts, and Israel is the invader and occu ier.' Another said, !ho can blame themH'

"ooley, Mark D. 0hristian >ionistsG "he )eal "errorists.' *rontPa/eMa/a' Monday December 2:, 6558.


"hose who claim to be conscientious ob,ectors B ersons who are totally a#ainst the killin# of another for reli#ious reasons, includin# in military service and by ca ital unishmentD but a ease the most violent terrorists demonstrate the hi#hest de#ree of hy ocrisy the Holy ;and has ever witnessed. "here a ears to be a series of serious misconce tions of the new left' of evan#elicals alon# with the .00 and most of its membershi . <or the most art, they believe the followin# erce tions to be true and accurate re#ardless of historical records. 2. "hat the American media has a uniformly ro(Israel bias. 6. "hat Arafats <atah is a secular nationalist or#ani@ation tryin# to combat the fundamentalist influences of Hamas, Islamic Eihad and other Islamist terrorists 7. "hat *alestinian terorism is not anti(Semitic, but aims at national liberation. J. "hat the *alestinian leadershi has attem ted to im lement the Fslo Accords in #ood faith, but the Israelis have sabota#ed the rocess :. "hat Israel is a state overwhelmin#ly made u of Auro ean and American Eews who moved into *alestine and dis laced Middle Aastern natives 4. "hat historically Eews were well(treated in the Arab world and that current Arab hostility, therefore, stems from the current conflict. 9. "hat the Israelis have re eatedly demonstrated theft of ro erty and the destruction of homes of innocent Arabs. 8. "hat the Eews forcibly removed eaceful *alestinian Arabs from their homes in 23J9, and thereby created the refu#ee roblem. "he im ortant horrors of .a@i years irony is that 0hurch leaders have not learned lessons from the -ible, 0hurch history or the .a@i %ermany. As stated reviously, durin# the Eose h %oebbels romoted bi# lie.' He said that

if a lie was re eated often enou#h and lon# enou#h, it would eventually be erceived as truth. Self(delusion is little more than suicide. "hese three oints have been notedG 2. 0oncessions -reed "rust' is ,ust a synonym for a easement, which only whets the a etite of the *alestinian national movement. Israeli concessions and restraint are more often than not construed as weakness. 6. Arafat will kee the A#reements' is an ideal e+am le of self(delusion. Arafat has almost a erfect record of violatin# each one of the a#reements he has si#ned. He never trusted anyone, not even within his own family, which is why he lived as lon# as he did. 7. "he Alternative to *ro#ress in the *eace *rocess is /iolence' is another favorite ;eftist slo#an with little truth to it. "he word ro#ress' has become a eu hemism for Israeli territorial concessions with little or no ositive eaceful actions on the art of the *alestinians. /iolent actions are #enerally i#nored or in some manner ,ustified by the media, olitical leaders and even some former evan#elical churches. 6558 ( 6525G "he =S Ffficially Abandons Israel on Her Inde endence Day America has for decades been an influence u on the world, for both the #ood and the bad. !hile many forei#ners see America as a declinin# em ire, they still admire it. =nknown to American audiences, when -arack Hussein Fbama was nominated to be the =S Democratic candidate for resident, the *alestinians and Muslims around the world cheered wildly. It was a celebration hardly mentioned in the !estern ress, which ou#ht to raise a &uestion concernin# obvious media silence. He was in office hardly si+ months when Israel reali@ed that their American su ort had all but va ori@ed. In 6553, when Fbama visited several ca itals of Islamic states, he assured his hosts that American values would not be im osed u on them. In the meantime, he ressured Israel to acce t his American value' of a "wo(State Solution and demanded the removal of

Eewish settlers in the !est -ank. "he hy ocrisy of Fbamas double(standard is aramount to that of the -ritish durin# the 2365s and 2375s. <ailure is inevitable. !hy #rant soverei#nty to the *alestinians when they already have soverei#nty over %a@aH *eace will never be achieved because eace with Israel has .A/A) been their #oal. "he -ritish *eel 0ommission in 2374 and the =nited .ations in 23J9, both advised a "wo(State solution, but the Arabs re,ected these ro osals, lus many more. "he utter i#norance in !ashin#ton is beyond belief. Fne Middle Aast observer stated Fbama a arently thinks the =S knows what is best for the Israelis, even better than do the Israelis or their democratically elected leader, *rime Minister .etanyahu. "hey have lived with constant rocket attacks, suicide bombers, sni ers and re eated warfare. "he Israelis have re eatedly #one the roverbial second mile for eace while the Arabs have never missed an o ortunity to miss an o ortunity for eace. Met the dreamland &uestion is thisG 0an Fbama or anyone else create a eaceful environment in the Middle AastH' 0onsider thisG After !orld !ar I, Moun# "urks massacred more than one and a half million Armenian 0hristians, a #enocide that most nations have refused to reco#ni@e. Durin# the Ira&(Iran !ar of the 2385s, Saddam Hussein wa#ed a war of #enocide a#ainst his Curdish Muslim citi@ens. More recently in Darfur, Arab leader Fmar Hassan al(-ashir and his Sudanese military have followed a strate#ic cam ai#n of #enocide a#ainst black Muslims. Seldom has the worlds media #iven attention to any of these atrocities. ;ikewise, the media has failed to broadcast the constant romises of e+termination of Eews by *alestinian leaders. "herefore, the &uestion how can any informed erson conclude that Fbama could ossibly create a true and lastin# eaceH Met as Cenneth ;evin said, "he connection between animosity towards Israel and coldness towards the victims in Darfur e+tends beyond the Arab world. It embraces, for e+am le, all those Auro ean leaders who bend their consciences to accommodate Arab ower (( in oil, money and strate#ic territories (( and who may ay li service to reco#ni@in# the murderous incitement and related

threats faced by Israel or to de lorin# the crimes suffered by Darfur but refuse to take serious ste s to curb either.' 697 Hence, the only ossible conclusion is that Fbama, like his Auro ean eers, is interested only in a eace that will rotect !estern access to Arab oil and the formation of a one(world #overnment Ba study that is beyond the sco e of this te+tD. His concern for Israel and the blacks in Darfur is only for olitical reasons. His words concernin# racism a ear to be token s eeches that stir the hearts of American blacks who voted him into office. He may dream of creatin# a Middle Aast eace, but his venture will become a formidable ni#htmare. Israelis must be re ared for a continuous battle for survival$ they must never surrender and they cannot de end on the =nited States or any other nation. In fact, all nations have already abandoned Israel I all that remains is only em ty li service of su ort. !hereas Israel declared its inde endence on May 2J, 23J8, the celebration of that historic event is based on the Eewish lunar calendar, not the modern calendar of !estern Auro e and America. 0onse&uently, in 6525 the celebration was not on May 2J, but on A ril 23 Bbe#innin# at sunset, A ril 28D. "hat was the same day *resident Fbama declared the =S would no lon#er unilaterally su ort Israel in the =.. Ironically, the followin# day the Dee water Hori@on oil ri# e+ loded killin# elevan men and causin# the worst environmental disaster in =S history. !as this a coincidence or was this disastrous event a ,ud#ment of %od accordin# to %enesis 26G7H "he latter may seem ridiculous until a study of other =S decisions concernin# Israel is com ared with disaster that followed immediately thereafter. "his sub,ect is beyond the ur ose of this book, but it is su##ested to the reader to investi#ate. 6553G Sunni Arabs .eed Israel to !in "he events of the Middle Aast at times roduce stran#e ironies. As stated reviously, the Arab eo le have a lon# history of warrin# amon# themselves ( lon# before the rise of Muhammad. In the decades immediately followin# his death, Muslims s lit into two ma,or #rou sG Shiites and

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Sunnis. Aach considers the other as an a ostate and worthy of defeat. Met both a#ree Israel must be destroyed to save the honor and di#nity of Allah. As stated reviously, for decades when the Israelis had a nuclear bomb, neither Shiites nor Sunnis were worried. !hen Shiite Iran be#an develo in# nuclear ca abilities and ac&uired a delivery system, Sunni leaders were forced to meet the challen#e. "oday many Islamic countries are workin# on the develo ment of their own nuclear ca abilities. "o add fuel to the fire, the Fbama administration &uickly advocated talks with the Iranians. "o the American mindset such talks mi#ht seem to be a #ood ste toward eace, but in the Islamic culture they are seen as an American betrayal of Sunni Muslims. "his is es ecially true #iven the cons iratorial assum tions of Arab di lomacy. "hat cons iracy is based u on the fear and assum tion that America is cuttin# a secret deal with Iran and leavin# Sunni Muslims out. At times, the art of di lomacy is the art of makin# eace while not creatin# enemies. .ow the Sunnis are facin# a stran#e redicamentG !hile they want to destroy Israel to honor Allah, they have a #reater fear of the Shiite Iran. "he irony of ironies is that due to the nuclear threat of Iran, Sunni Muslims who once vowed to destroy Israel now need her to function as a deterrent. Eerusalem has truly become a cu of tremblin#' for the nations of the world. 6553G )ussian Involvement %rows =nder the leadershi of )ussian *resident /ladimir *uten, )ussias economy has rebounded si#nificantly since the Soviet =nions colla se in 2332. <or e+am le, oil roduction increased to make )ussia the worlds leadin# su lier of oil, sur assin# the most roductive Islamic nation. In Eune of 6553, accordin# to F*A0, )ussia e+tracted 3.674 million barrels of oil a day. "hat is J4,555 more than Saudi Arabia.69J "he henomenal sales of military wea onry have also been ener#i@in# the )ussian economy. !hile total estimates

htt GQQwww. ro hecynewswatch.comQSe tember58Q58J6.html. )etrieved Se tember 8, 6553.


are difficult to attain, some observers believe it is now four times hi#her than in the most roductive Soviet era. It was redicted that by 6525 )ussia would &uadru le its military bud#et over its 6552 e+ enditure. 69: Fil(rich Islamic states are urchasin# )ussian armaments at an alarmin# rate. "here a ears to be no lack of investment ca ital to make )ussia an international su er ower, far sur assin# her re utation of the 0old !ar era and she may already have sur assed the =S. 0hina and )ussia may already be the two #lobal su er owers. "he Iranians announced that for the first time they will hold ,oint naval maneuvers in the 0as ian Sea with the )ussians. "his is because in the event of a future war, the two nations would be able to function as one militarily. "he ,oint coo eration a#reement includes deliveries of )ussias most so histicated wea onry. In the meantime, Iran halted the roduction of the Shehab missiles, based on a 0hinese desi#n, to roduce the more accurate two(sta#e Se,il 6 ballistic solid fuel missile which is believed to have ori#inated from *akistan. More than 2,555 Se,il IIs are e+ ected to be roduced within five years, althou#h some e+ erts &uestion Irans roduction ca abilities. Aach missile has a ran#e of 6,555 kilometers, can carry nuclear wea ons and can be launched from mobile carriers. 0hinese missile e+ erts have assisted in the desi#n and construction of the mobile launch vehicles which are difficult to track and tar#et from s ace or air. Hence, Iran will soon have a formidable assault ca ability that can reach southern Auro e and many American military bases in the Middle Aast. "o the east India already has the fifth lar#est navy of 265 shi s and is e+ andin# ra idly. 0urrently it has 76 warshi s and submarines under construction and intends to e+ and its ca acity by 255 shi s, includin# aircraft carriers, destroyers and other vessels, within a decade. It is constructin# its own nuclear submarines usin# a )ussian desi#n. "he massive build(u is not related to the Middle Aast as much as it is of the #rowin# threat of *akistan fallin# to al(?aeda or to the "aliban, as well as 0hinas e+ lodin# military stren#th and assion to dominate the Indian Fcean. However, Admiral Michael Mullen of the =S Eoint 0hiefs of

htt GQQwww.tele#ra )etrieved March 65, 6553.


Staff stated that he believed the 0hinese military buildu =S focused.694


In Syria the )ussians are buildin# a key naval head&uarters, and missiles on location already worry the Israelis.699 *lans are underway to build )ussian navy bases in ;ibya and Memen that, when com leted, will #ive them a military su remacy on all the Middle Aast seas. 698 "he wea ons race is acceleratin# e+ onentially. !hile this writer believes the biblical war of Arma#eddon is near, what is now observable is an eerie connection between the nations identified in A@ekiel 78 and 73 and the actions of these modern nations. 6553G "urkeyG "he ;ast .ation to Eoin the A@ekiel 78 Alliance <or years "urkey was on the border between east and west, havin# close ties with Auro e and with the Islamic world of Asia. "hrou#hout the 2335s she was one of Israels most im ortant allies. "hey conducted annual ,oint military o erations and had active trade and business relations. "his alliance constantly threatened Syria, which never declared a truce or eace with Israel since the 2397 war, and officially still is at war. "hreat of bein# bombarded by Israeli ,ets from two strate#ic oints ke t Syrian #uns silent. -y 6553 it became evident that the "urks had reconsidered their national osition. *rime Minister )ece Ardo#an moved his nations alliance toward Syria and Iran. !hether his ur ose was to become a leadin# Islamic state or a dream of revivin# the dead Fttoman Am ire, he be#an to break off relations with Israel and racticed ,oint military e+ercises with Syria I a radical chan#e from ast decades. -y late s rin# of 6525, his o ularity in the ArabQIslamic world was an all time hi#h. "hen, under his direction, si+ humanitarian shi s loaded with necessary su lies and a few terrorists tried to break the Israeli blockade around %a@a. "he result was a media ni#htmare for Israel and a ublic relations victory for terrorists everywhere.

htt . )etrieved May 4, 6553. htt Euly 69, 6553.


htt GQQwww.ynetnews.comQA+tQ0om QArticle;ayoutQ0daArticle*rint *reviewQ2,6:54,;(74:9J47,55.html. )etrieved Eanuary 67, 6553.


"he 6553(6525 year was one of rofound chan#es in the Middle Aast, as "urkey was the last country to fall into the cha ter 78 alliance described by A@ekiel. <or the first time in human history this ro hecy I the descri tion of the alliance of nations that will one day come a#ainst Israel I came into fulfillment. .ow it is sim ly a matter of time until they lan and e+ecute their military strate#y. A@ekiel 78 P 73$ !hat Mi#ht Ha en "omorrowH

Fver a century a#o many Arabs lived in eace with their Eewish nei#hbors. Met in 23J8 the Arabs attacked Israel, and the ultimate fulfillment of *salm 87 be#an. !hile the military actions have ceased from time to time, tensions seem to have been the norm durin# the few times of eace. In 23J8 the conflict s read from *alestine ro er to a re#ional area s read throu#hout the eastern Mediterranean area. At this time the Soviets believed Israel could be enticed to ,oin the Soviet bloc. !hen Israel refused, the Soviets formed alliances with the Arabs. ;ike a s readin# cancer, additional nations were involved as 0hina and .orth Corea became unrestricted su liers of arms and technolo#y to the Arabs. .ow the conflict has s read over a lar#e re#ion encom assin# Asia and northern Africa. In the meantime the =nited States and Auro e were likewise benefitin# from limited arms and technolo#y sales to nearly anyone in the Middle Aast. -y the 2385s every industriali@ed nation was in some way involved in the Middle Aast. More disturbin# is the fact that after the breaku of the Soviet =nion all the nations described in the biblical book of A@ekiel 78 and 73 have the assion, freedom and technolo#y to fulfill their redicted destinies. "he ro het A@ekiel described a future event when certain nations will attem t to destroy Israel. At no time in human history have these nations, or their ancestral forefathers, ali#ned themselves to destroy the Eewish eo le. =sin# names of laces and eo le #rou s well known to himself and other writers of anti&uity, the ro het identified future enemies. After more than two and a half millennia, some names have obviously chan#ed but scholars have traced their ori#ins. <rom their study a ma has emer#ed revealin# the modern names of laces and eo le #rou s. "oday, every one of those eo le #rou s is Islamic with a

assion, freedom and technolo#y to destroy Israel. <urthermore, they all have various coo erative a#reements amon# themselves. .ote the words of the *ro het A@ekielG "he word of the ;F)D came to meG Son of man, set your face a#ainst %o#, of the land of Ma#o#, the chief rince of Meshech and "ubal$ ro hesy a#ainst him and sayG "his is what the Soverei#n ;F)D saysG VI am a#ainst you, F %o#, chief rince of Meshech and "ubal. I will turn you around, ut hooks in your ,aws and brin# you out with your whole armyYyour horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a #reat horde with lar#e and small shields, all of them brandishin# their swords. *ersia, 0ush and *ut will be with them, all with shields and helmets, also %omer with all its troo s, and -eth "o#armah from the far north with all its troo sYthe many nations with you.' A@ekiel 78G2(4 <irst enemy of Israel mentioned by A@ekiel is %o#, of the land of Ma#o#, the chief rince of Meshech and "ubal.' It is first listed in 2 0hronicles :GJ and Ma#o#' is a ersonal name found in %enesis 25G6 and 2 0hronicles 2G:. 0enturies later in A@ekiels time %o#' is found in A@ekiel 78G6f, 2J, 24, 28$ 73G2, 22 and 2: and is the chief rince of Ma#o#' in A@ekiel 78G6 Bcf. 73G4D. Ma#o# is the ancient name for modern(day )ussia, =kraine and Ca@akhstan. Accordin# to A@ekiel 78, %o#' is to #o to war a#ainst Eerusalem at %ods command Bor ermissionD with a host of international armies Bverse 26D. !hen they arrive %od BMahwehD will destroy them BA@ek. 73G2(8D.693 "he %reek historian Herodotus in the : th century -0 said the Scythians occu ied a re#ion between the Danube and Don rivers and from the -lack Sea north a #reat distance. 0enturies later, about the time the A ostle Eohn wrote the -ook of )evelation, Eewish historian <lavius Eose hus said, Ma#o# founded those that were from him named Ma#o#ites, but who are by the %reeks called Scythians.'685

San#er, 2G649.


0ited by Eohn *. Mc"ernan. !s !merica has (one to $srael. .ew Censin#ton, *AG !hitaker House, 6558. See also htt GQQwww.earlychristianwritin#s.comQte+tQ,ose husQant(2.htm


"he names Meshech and "ubal have been found in ancient %reek and Assyrian inscri tions, hence resentin# an accurate location for modern researchers. "he name Meshech' is the Hebrew form of Moscow and "ubal' is the Siberian ca ital "obolsk. %o# will also be the leader of the followin# nationsG *ersia I known as Iran since 237:$ the biblical Athio ia is not modern day Athio ia, but the Sudan$ ;ibya was known as *ut in the days of A@ekiel$ %omer is associated with the ancient 0immerians and today is around "urkey$ "o#armah is a land to the far north' and is also in modern "urkey. It was the horse(tradin# country mentioned in A@ekiel 69G2J. "oday most of these nations are Islamic. "he #eo( olitical and economic factors are in lace to brin# them to#ether as a military unit a#ainst Israel. It is difficult to read A@ekiel and not come to that conclusion. "he current events and military buildu a ear to be the relude to Eeremiah 75G2(9. In that assa#e the ro het stated that the 0ries of fear are heard I terror, not eace' Bv. :D at a time associated with Eacobs trouble' Bv. 9$ see Eer. 75D. "hat is a time of violence and warfare as the world has never witnessed I the %reat "ribulation. It is #enerally understood by evan#elical scholars that the nations of A@ekiel 78 and 73 will attack Israel at the end of the "ribulation *eriod, althou#h there are some differences of o inion. !hile different o inions e+ist, the rediction of tomorrow is sim le and observable in todays news a er. After "urkey, which was reviously one of Israels closest allies, ,oined the Syrian(Iranian a+is of ower the )abbinical 0ouncil of Eudea and Samaria issued a statement sayin# that the event a eared to lace them at the be#innin# of the %od and Ma#o# rocess where the world is a#ainst us, but which ends with the third and final redem tion.' !ill these nations succeed in the destruction of IsraelH .oR !hen they attack, 0hrist will return and destroy them. !hyH A@ekiel re eatedly said %od would do so for the inte#rity of His .ame. In li#ht of the Muslim custom of roclaimin# Allah is %reat' at every 6ihad attack, it is therefore understandable that in A@ekiel 74 throu#h 73, the hrase, "hey shall know I am the ;ord,' is a re eated theme. More im ortantly, the
And htt


e+ ression is directed to first the eo le of the ;ord, second to Israels enemies and finally to all the nations. = on the defeat of these enemies, Eesus will establish His throne in Eerusalem and Allah will be rele#ated to the dust of anti&uity. "hat event will usher in the Millennial )ei#n of 0hrist and the end of all other reli#ions. Accordin# to the ro het A@ekiel, the enemies of the Eews, the Muslims and all those who ,oined them will encounter some incredible challen#es as they come to destroy the Eewish nation. "hey will encounter earth&uakes B78G23D, soldiers will become confused and self(destruct B78G62D, encounter heavy rain, hailstones, fire and brimstone B78G66D, and be defeated on the mountains of Israel B73G6, JD. It will take seven months to bury the dead, durin# which time redatory birds will feast on the dead B22(26$ 29(65D. "heir wea ons will become sufficient fuel for seven years. 0learly this conflict will be fou#ht and won by Divine intervention B78G67D. <urthermore, all who survive and the rest of the world will reco#ni@e that this victory was a %od thin#.' It must be noted, however, that there are various inter retations of this biblical assa#e. It must also be acknowled#ed that this may not be the final event that was redicted by the ro het. "here is the ossibility that this union of nations will fall a art and re#ather at some future time and then come to fulfillment. However, as of this date, this union is a new event in history.


"a, (4! The Nations of E<e-iel 3>! "he nations identified by the ro het A@ekiel are nearly all Islamic and have, for the first time in history, the ability to work in unison a#ainst Israel. Ama@in#ly, the ro het A@ekiel did not mention the eo le of modern A#y t, Eordan, Memen, or Saudi Arabia. In 6554 those four nations critici@ed the Arab ;ea#ue for su ortin# He@bollah that has assionately been attem tin# to destroy Israel. It is the first time in modern history that these nations broke off with other Islamic nations concernin# the Eewish state. 6553G "he Avan#elical ;eft )einter rets the -ible <or centuries the 0hurch has inter reted the .ew "estament as a replacement of the Fld "estament. Since the reformation, a #rowin# number of 0hristians have seen the .ew "estament as a fulfillment the Fld "estament. .ow however, there is a different slant to re lacement theolo#y, a

doctrine that states %od has forever abandoned the Eewish eo le and there is no ho e for a national Israel. 682 "he new inter retation is that the -ible is viewed throu#h the eyes of the ?uran rather than the Fld "estament biblical ro hets. In 6553, a #rou known as the Amer#ent 0hurch' led by -rian Mc;aren, one of Americas most o ular astors, announced that they will be observin#' the Muslim holy month with a Muslim artner.' 686 )ather than teachin# Eesus is the only way for salvation, the #rowin# trend is to become culturally sensitive and acce t the a#an reli#ions as e&ual to the shed blood of Eesus. "hat abomination is hardly newYit has been a central doctrine of mainline denominations for decades. *romoters of this new view oint also state that 0hristian >ionism is one of the most owerful deterrents to eace in the Middle Aast. In fact, one retired Mennonite rofessor told this writer that the hrase 0hristian >ionism' is an o+ymoron and re entance was needed. He fully su orted the *alestinian cause. "his is astonishin# because he not only left the traditional literal biblical view of the -ible, but also as a non(violent' member of a historic eace' 0hurch, he demonstrated the #reatest hy ocrisy I to advocate eace by su ortin# those who have re eatedly demonstrated barbaric violence. Ste hen Si@er, a /icar of 0hrist 0hurch in An#land, wrote in his *h.D. thesis titled, =hristian Zionism, <oad Map to !rma/eddon that 0hristian >ionism has become the most owerful and destructive force at work in America today. Influential in sha in# !estern forei#n olicy on the Middle Aast, they are not only incitin# hatred between Eews and Muslims but are also the #reatest roadblock to lastin# eace in the Middle Aast.' His attacks on 0hristians who su ort the Eewish eo le are heralded by Islamic leaders worldwide. Fthers are Donald !a#ner, who is a leadin# o onent to 0hristian >ionism, Marc Allis of -aylor =niversity, %ary -ur#e of !heaton 0olle#e and Hank Hane#raff of the 0reation


<or more information on re lacement theolo#y see !illiam H. Heinrich. $n the Shame of Jesus. BMastof *ress, Mor#antown, *AD 6553. 0h. 2.

htt GQQwww. ro hecynewswatch.comQSe tember57Q57:2.html )etrieved Se tember 9, 6553.


)esearch Institute and host of a radio Answer Man.'687

ro#ram, "he -ible

"hese scholars believe evan#elicals must not su ort Israel, as this is an obstacle for eace and worldwide interfaith harmony. "hey are unusually silent about critici@in# Islamic terrorists, but are &uick to romote false or distorted accounts of so(called Israeli terrorists a#ainst the *alestinians. Fne must ask Israeli terroristsH' Some accounts are so distorted that not even the news media would re ort them. -ut these fall in line with the accusations of the retired rofessor. "heir messa#e is that 0hristian >ionists need to abandon their re,udice as white se#re#ationists did fifty years a#o, even if the result is re,ection from morally blind church friends.'68J Since these scholars believe %od has condemned the Eewish nation and has no future lans for re(establishin# it, todays Israel is not viewed as a miracle or fulfillment of ro hecies, but a olitical event that has no biblical merits. "hey discard the literal inter retation of Scri tures relatin# to Israel, then s irituali@e the te+t and a ly their own inter retations. "hese inter retations are now viewed with an Islamic lens. Hence, they are leadin# their churches and students toward Islamic sub,u#ation. A arently what they have not considered is the fact that whenever Eesus made a reference to the Fld "estament, it was with a literal inter retation. Eesus never s irituali@ed any se#ment of it. "herefore, they are clearly #oin# down a ath of which Eesus warned((a ath of dece tion BMt. 6JGJD. Fne must wonder, however, does not the blood of those who remained faithful to EesusYthose who died by the Muslim swordYdoes not their blood cry out to the "hrone of %od for EusticeH
There is no greater h+pocris+ than b + those conscientious obFectors who proclaim peace but appease the most violent terrorists the 4ol+ :and has ever witnessed"

Page '82


V0hristian *alestinianism Moves 0hurch toward Islam.' $srael M& +lor&. Se temberQFctober 6553. J2.

htt GQQwww. ro hecynewswatch.comQSe tember57Q57:2.html Se tember 9, 6553.


<inally, the followin# discussion this writer had with a retired Mennonite rofessor and illustrates the im act of *alestinian ro a#anda on 0hristians. "his email discussion with Dr. Eohn' occurred in late Au#ust and early Se tember, 6558. "he sub,ect of discussion ori#inated with the issue of the *alestinian educational system wherein children are bein# trained to kill Eewish children. "he conversation then went to the broader view of the *alestinian(Israeli issues. *art of it is below. Dr! ;ill: In the overall affair of thin#s, the *alestinians have been reachin# since the 2365s Cill the Eews, kill every one.' Dr! 5ohn: In 2885 there were a ro+imately J:4 Arabs livin# in *alestine and 6J,555 Eews Bca. :UD. <ollowin# the 2882 o#roms in )ussia, fleein# Eews be#an immi#ratin# into the land that had been a art of the Fttoman Am ire for almost 955 years. -y 232J the Eewish o ulation had increased to 45,555 Bca 3UD. "hese Eews were not settlin# on uninhabited land taken or ac&uired from the *alestinians.2 It is my understandin# that in the early art of the 65th century when some of the Eewish immi#rants were better educated than many of the *alestinians, they fit into community life, were a ositive influence in society, and were welcomed by the *alestinians. Mou may know more about that era than I do. However, the ossibility of Eews and *alestinians livin# to#ether eaceably in one nation was destroyed by the >ionist dream, now a reality, of establishin# a Eewish nation in the land once belon#in# to the *alestinians. Dr! ;ill: !hen have you heard a Eew say, Cill every ArabH' In fact, accordin# to Israeli law, there has never been a criminal e+ecuted for a ca ital crime of any kind by the Israeli laws. <ind a counter art in a nearby Arab state.


Dr! 5ohn: Ive never heard any *alestinian say Cill every Eew' or any Eew say Cill every Arab.' I see the statistics and reali@e that the Israelis have killed more *alestinians than the *alestinians have killed Israelis. "hose are hard facts, and Israel is the invader and occu ier. Dr! ;ill: "here is a hu#e difference in the value of life' between radical Muslims and Eews. =nfortunately, most *alestinians have become somewhat radical. "he difference has been very evident to me since I first went there in 2338. Dr! 5ohn: I donSt doubt that this statement is true. It is also true that durin# this same time there has been constant encroachment of Israel on *alestinian land. A careful study of this history leads to the conclusion that Israel seeks to continue to decimate *alestinian society until it is no lon#er viable, i.e., destroy a eo le that once lived ha ily in the land of its forebears. If you have a #enuine interest in facin# the full reality, I would recommend that you watch the video The $ron 3all. BIf you havenSt already.D My im ression is that it is historically accurate and this truth must be faced by anyone who seeks to address the situation as a follower of Eesus the Messiah whose rei#n Wis not of this worldW in the >ionist mold. htt GQQvideo.#oo#le.comQvideo layH docidL8:38572:3222398J375 -ill, itSs not that I am totally uninformed about these issues, but as I have said before, I des air of ersuadin# those who are stee ed in the >ionist ideolo#y, and I refer to devote my ener#ies to other ursuits. I know, erha s I should shift my riorities and try to ersuade the un ersuadable, but ISve encountered enou#h >ionist @ealots in my ast to reali@e that ho e of reasonable discussion is &uite futile. ItSs so easy to reduce com le+ issues to the kind of ro a#anda you sent out that be#an this e+chan#e. Eohn

Dr. Eohn' later said, It seems evident you are unwillin# to consider carefully documented facts about the situation. I believe it is time for you to re entR' "he retired rofessor made a s ecific reference to the video titled The $ron 3all. It was roduced by Mohammed Alatar and s onsored by the *alestinian A#ricultural )elief 0ommittees B*.A.).0.D. Alatar claims this to be a documentary but blended truth with reconstructed history. Amon# its claims, the video says that the *alestinians have a lon# history in the Samaria and Eudea includin# the !est -ank and that there have been many attem ts to establish a lastin# eace, but laces the failure of those ne#otiations s&uarely u on the Israeli >ionists. Dr. Eohn,' has chosen to believe documented history' that has been doctored' rather than to e+amine ori#inal sources. He has influenced church leaders worldwide who in turn continue to influence their con#re#ations and classrooms. 0onse&uently, many believe that modern Israel has no connection to the biblical Israel or to the eschatolo#ical lan of %od. As Eesus said, many will be deceived. !hen discussin# the evan#elical left, the case concernin# the *atty Hearst Syndrome and its effect on humanitarian aide workers must be included. It would seem hi#hly im robable that the violent actions of *atty Hearst Bnow known as *atricia 0am bell Hearst ShawD in 239J could in anyway be reflective of the humanitarian efforts of carin# eo le in the Muslim world. 0learly this needs an e+ lanation. In 239J, *atty Hearst, the #randdau#hter of ublishin# ma#nate !illiam )andol h Hearst, was kidna ed by the Symbionese ;iberation Army BS;AD and held hosta#e for two years. Durin# that time she ultimately ,oined her abductors and artici ated with them in a bank robbery. *sycholo#ists identified her condition as the Stockholm syndrome. It is a term used where hosta#es acce t the ositive feelin#s of their ca tors and become su ortive of them. Ironically, the term Stockholm syndrome ori#inated in Sweden where bank robbers held bank em loyees hosta#e for si+ days. Durin#

that time the em loyees became emotionally attracted to their ca tors to the oint of later defendin# them. In recent years, churches and secular or#ani@ations have sent many aide workers to hel the li#ht of the *alestinians. )e#ardless of their belief system u on enterin# this service, the workers fre&uently have become emotionally attached to the *alestinians and ,oined their causes by the end of their volunteer service. A case in oint is an Assembly of %od missionary who had volunteered in *alestinian refu#ee cam . !hen he s oke to this writer, he was convinced that Israel had nothin# to do with the biblical Israel or the divine covenants of the Fld "estament. <urthermore, he believed the land belon#ed to the *alestinians re#ardless of what the -ible states. In another case, a Mennonite hi#h school teacher left his ,ob, s ent two years in Eenin and returned to his teachin# osition com letely convinced that eace will come only when the ri#ht leader succeeds in a eace a#reement between Israel and the *alestinians. He fully su orted a "wo(State Solution and dismissed any biblical references to current ro hetic fulfillments. At issue is the fact that those who are not well anchored in their belief system will be ersuaded by emotions and dire human conditions to chan#e their belief system. 0learly the *alestinians continue to be treated horribly, and Israel has not always been the kindest to them. -ut at least Israel has been kinder to them than their Muslim brothers who have been usin# them as olitical awns for #enerations. !hen the Assembly of %od missionary was asked to su ort his osition theolo#ically, he took verses out of conte+t to resent his ar#ument. In another case, *aul', a Mennonite missionary, who served for decades in Indonesia and Me+ico, essentially said that the oor eo le were oor because the rich were rich. He came short of endorsin# liberation theolo#y which was reviously discussed in this book, robably because he is a conscientious ob,ector and does not endorse the violence romoted by liberation theolo#ians. He further added the Eesus was interested rimarily in the oor

and modern whatsoever.








A#ain, emotional attachment to eo le can eventually chan#e ones core value system. All the volunteers and missionaries mentioned herein were at one time art of the evan#elical ri#ht, but have moved to the evan#elical left. ;ittle wonder that Eesus said that dece tions would be amon# the si#ns of His return. 6522 Inter(faith Movement %rows. Amon# mainline denominations there is a core belief that all reli#ions eventually lead to %od, no matter how much the various holy books may conflict with each other. Hence, it is not sur risin# to find an A isco al church havin# a service shared with a -uddhist monk or a con#re#ation worshi in# with readin#s from the ?uran. It is all art of an inter(faith movement that, accordin# to some, will eventually lead to a #lobal one(world reli#ion. "here is one former Muslim who is swimmin# a#ainst the tide and tryin# to make Muslims reali@e and understand recisely what they believe I or what think they believe. Ali Sina is the founder of <aith <reedom International B<<ID, an or#ani@ation of e+(Muslims that was created to hel Muslims discover the truth about their reli#ion, to leave it, and to end their culture of hate and violence in the names of Muhammad and Allah. Fn his website www.faithfreedom.or#, he osts current articles and news items of interest to 0hristians and Eews as well as Muslims. <or e+am le, in Eune of 6522 an announcement was osted that on Eune 64 the .ational 0athedral in !ashin#ton, D.0. alon# with :5 churches in 64 states will have readin#s from the -ible and the ?uran. In res onse, Sina su##ested that the followin# verses should be read and scrutini@ed at this event. ?uran 7G8: And whoever desires a reli#ion other than Islam, it shall not be acce ted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.

?uran :G7 "his day have I erfected your reli#ion for you, com leted my favor u on you, and have chosen for you Islam as your reli#ionO ?uran :G:2 F you who believe BMuslimsDR Do not take the Eews and the 0hristians for friends$ they are friends of each other$ and whoever amon#st you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them$ surely Allah does not #uide the un,ust eo le BEews, 0hristians, infidelsD.68: If these verses were read, maybe the attendees would reali@e they have to deal with an obvious conflict. However, as in all inter(faith #atherin#s, selected verses are chosen and others are not s ecifically avoided. Met, these verses are hardly a com lete listin#, as others that Sina could have osted are more violent. .onetheless, Sina concluded by sayin#, I wont hold my breath waitin# thou#h, #uaranteed these will not be touched on at all and neither will the Islamic sensitive loy of abro#ation be e+ lained either.' He closed by sarcastically sayin#, Islam is a reli#ion of eace and there is no com ulsion in Islam, ri#htR'684 As has been stated reviously, when !estern civili@ation falls, it will be because it chose to do so$ it chose to be deceived$ it chose to commit moral, economic and s iritual suicide.

68: 684

?uotation by Ali Sina.

htt GQQwww.faithfreedom.or#QfeaturesQnewsQdhimmi(churches(to(read( &uranQ )etrieved May 67, 6522.


&i'ure ??! Ne#s,a,er Re,ort of DArab Revolt!E The Palestinian Post A ril 65, 2374 edition re orted Arab riots a#ainst the Eews and the failure of eace talks in %eneva. A ril 2374 marked the be#innin# of the Arab )evolt,' which be#an as a #eneral strike but &uickly escalated into violence. "he A ril 65 edition of The Palestine Post re orted that nine Eews and two Arabs were killed and do@ens hurt. It also re orted that the eace efforts in %eneva colla sed. "oday, more than seven decades later the world is no closer to a Middle Aast eace. Almost no one understands that to have a successful and meanin#ful eace, both arties must be willin# a#ents must be willin# a#ents, or one must defeat the

other Bi.e. "he =nited States victory over Ea an at the end of !!IID. %en. Eohn E. *ershin#s Solution to Muslim "errorism It would a ear that if there was a viable solution to Islamic terrorism, western military leaders would immediately take advanta#e of the o ortunity to establish eace. Met one brilliant military leader did ,ust that I a lied a viable solution I and it seems to have been unnoticed or i#nored by nearly everyone else. %eneral Eohn E. *ershin# B2845(23J8D, more commonly known as -lack Eack *ershin#, was a brilliant rofessor of military science and served in the S anish(American !ar B2838D. He rose throu#h the ranks and eventually became 0hief of Staff B2362D and retired from an education career at !est *oint in 236J. *rior to !orld !ar I, there were numerous terrorist attacks a#ainst =S forces stationed in the *hili ines. *ershin# studied the Islamic doctrines and reali@ed Muslims not only considered a i# to be an unclean animal, but also believed if they touched one or ate ork they could be eternally damned to hell. Since their reli#ious doctrines a eared to be a #reater motivator than any ossible military res onse, *ershin# decided to use their reli#ion a#ainst them. He #athered a ro+imately fifty terrorists and had them observe what was about to ha en. American soldiers then slau#htered several i#s, an act that horrified the terrorists. Soldiers then soaked bullets in i#s blood and immediately shot J8 of the terrorists. He let the other two #o and told them he never wanted to see them a#ain. Mysteriously, they no sooner #ot home and terrorism ceased. "odays !ashin#ton bureaucrats would do well to learn from history. =nfortunately, ine+ ensive and effective resolutions are seldom seriously considered.


&i'ure (@@! 0en! 5ohn 5! Pershin' B2845(23J8D, is said to have successfully ended terrorism for many years in the *hili ines. Since Muslim terrorists believe they will #o to hell if they touch i#s blood, *ershin# used blood(soaked bullets in this war with the terrorists. +i'nificant Muestions about DPalestineE If todays *alestinian eo le truly have a lon# historical tradition to a land called *alestine, then there are some &uestions that be# to be answered. Such asG 2. 6. 7. J. !ho were the foundin# fathers of the countryH !hen was it establishedH !here was its ca italH Has there ever been a *alestinian army or navy rior to the establishment of the Eewish state in IsraelH

:. !hat treaties did it have with nei#hborin# countriesH 4. !hat form of #overnment did it have throu#hout the centuriesH 9. !hat kind of currency did it have rior to 23J8 Bbirth of IsraelDH 8. If its history redates 0hrist, what archaeolo#ical evidence has been discovered of the first century -0 eraH 3. !ho were some of its historic leaders Bbesides A#y tian(born ArafatDH 25.Since there is no nation of *alestine today, when did the ori#inal *alestine become defunct and what caused its demiseH "he fact is sim le, there has never been a olitical entity known as *alestine. "odays *alestinian eo le did not even try to become an inde endent olitical entity until after they lost the Si+(Day !ar in 2349. "hey and #lobal leaders have determined to for#et that the Hashmonite Cin#dom of Eordan was established in 2366, with full inde endence #ranted in 23J4, to be a *alestinian state. %a@a was #iven to the *alestinians. !hy isnt it a *alestinian stateH "he bottom line is that the olitical issue is not about statehood for the Arabs, but about the destruction of Israel. *eriodR


"he #reatest hy ocrisy is demonstrated by those who advocate eace when in fact, they a ease those who have re eatedly demonstrated the #reatest horrific acts of barbaric violence. Cha,ter (@ +ummar% an$ Conclusion <rom the days of Abraham until the 23th century there was little conflict between Eews and ArabsQMuslims when com ared to the era from the 23th century to the resent. "he traditional !estern notion is that the Eews and Arabs have been fi#htin# each other since the time when Abraham fathered his sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Hence the le#acy is one that is viewed u on them as bein# fi#htin# cousins.' "here are two fallacies with this o inionG <irst, while the descendants of Abrahams sons had a lon# history of conflict, there also had been lon# eriods of eace. Second, the notion im lies both #rou s have been insti#ators of conflict. -ut history reveals that a##ression ori#inated with the Arabs in a vast ma,ority of times. <or this reason, today there is a clich\ that states, If Israel had all the wea ons, there would be eace. -ut if the Arabs had all the wea ons, there would be no Israel.' 0ritics fail to admit that neither in Eewish nor Islamic historic writin#s are there accounts of Eews insti#atin# terror u on the Arab eo le. "he Hebrew -ible BFld "estamentD has numerous Arab tribes mentioned with whom the IsraelitesQEews were en#a#ed I both in conflict and coo eration. "he fact remains that the ancient -ible clearly indicates that the Eewish eo le were in ossession of the land, not the Arabs. <urthermore, the ?uran states the *romised ;and was divinely #iven to the Eewish eo le BSura :G65(62D. "he ancient 0anaanite

eo le whom the Israelites dis laced were of the *hoenician herita#e, not Arabian. "he Israelites established an international su er ower under the realm of Cin# David 7,555 years a#o. -ut throu#hout most of their occu ation, the Eewish eo le were dominated by forei#n owers. <rom 457 -0 at the first -abylonian sie#e of Eerusalem until 23J8, they were a free eo le for only a century B247 -0(47-0D. Met from the end of the Fld "estament eriod until the 9th century Islamic invasion, there is no mention of Arabs livin# in the land. "he *alestinian claim that they are descendants from the *hilistines is com letely false. <urthermore, the *hilistines as a eo le #rou had disa eared by the end of the Fld "estament eriod. "here is no mention of them in any ancient writin#s after the 4 th or :th century -0. !ithin a century of Eesus, there were two ma,or de ortations of Eews out of the land by )oman em erors. "he first was in AD 95 after the tem le and Eerusalem were destroyed. "he city was rebuilt and destroyed a#ain in AD 27: and more Eews were de orted. However, a remnant remained in various communities u to the resent day. 0ontrary to o ular o inion today, the Eewish eo le have had a continuous resence in the Holy ;and since the time of Eoshuas invasion in the 2:th century -0. Aven after Eerusalem was destroyed in AD 95 and a#ain in 27:, do@ens of Eewish communities thrived in the countryside. "hey made si#nificant contributions to Eewish life, culture and reli#ion. "hese contributions include the second century recordin# of the Fral ;aws Bthe traditions of the elders' in Matthew 2:G2( 6D which became known as the Mishnah. In the fifth century the commentary on the Mishnah known as the Jerusalem Talmud was written in "iberias. -y the tenth century, Eewish #rammarians in "iberias develo ed the Hebrew vowel( ointin# system which today is standard ractice in both modern and biblical Hebrew. *rior to the Islamic invasion, 0hristian il#rims visitin# the Holy ;and recorded a Eewish resence in the land without any mention of Arabs. ;ate in the 4th century AD, from the Arabian Desert towns of Mecca and Medina came an Arab named Muhammad. He #rew u as a oor lonely unwanted or han who was shuffled from family to family. Aven thou#h he was illiterate, he eventually became a caravan leader and

businessman and develo ed incredible leadershi skills. His life and the world chan#ed forever when he married a wealthy 0hristian and had time to ursue his interest in reli#ion. In doin# so, he combined Fld and .ew "estament stories with whatever rules he needed at a articular time. He cleansed Mecca of its 745 idols and #ave the -abylonian moon #od el a new name I !llah I and the crescent moon became a symbol of the Islamic reli#ion ( the reason every mos&ue is to ed with one. In his early ministry he was incredibly kind to 0hristians and Eews, thinkin# they would be the first converts to his monotheistic reli#ion. Cind and com assionate verses in the ?uran concernin# them were written at this time. However, both Eews and 0hristians re,ected him because he did not s eak of any ro hecies, did not erform any miracles and his teachin#s were contrary to biblical rinci als. Hence forth he became violently an#ry and cursed them. "hereafter numerous ?uranic assa#es that refer to the killin# of Eews and 0hristians were written. "o deal with the obvious conflictin# verses, Islamic theolo#ians established the ;aw of Abro#ation. It states that the sayin#s the *ro het #ave near the end of his life su ersede those s oken reviously. However, even the ?uran itself voids this ;aw BSura 4G7J$ 25G4:D declarin# that no one can void or alter the words of Allah$ and the words s oken by Muhammad were claimed to have been directly from Allah via the an#el %abriel. !hen his evan#elistic endeavors failed, he took a unified reli#ion and military strate#y. <or this reason, nearly every Islamic nation has an ima#e of a sword included in its symbol, such as on a fla#. !ithin a century of when Muhammad encountered s irits in a cave, the Islamic Am ire stretched from S ain to the borders of 0hina. He s oke of the mercy of Allah, but to those whom he disliked there was an#uish and terror. .o other reli#ious leader had killed so many, assassinated so many leaders or en#a#ed in so many battles as Muhammad. !hile he called himself a ro het, he never #ave a ro hecy nor erformed a miracle. Muhammad defeated all those he desired to con&uer I whether they were a eaceful eo le Bi.e., Arabs, Eews and 0hristiansD or a warrin# eo le like many Arab tribes I either they became Muslims or he con&uered them. "here was

never a ne#otiation, but either a surrender or a hudna, that is, a eace a#reement' that would eventually lead to surrender or defeat. Islam became both a reli#ious, culture and olitical community with the *ro het as head of state. As -ernard ;ewis once stated, )eli#ious belief and olitical ower were indissolubly associatedG the first sanctified the second and the second sustained the first.' 689 Muhammad died in 476. Some sources say he was oisoned by his Eewish wife but most disa#ree with this account. Fnly four years later Islamic crusaders marched into Eerusalem and the #lobal &uest continued. -elievin# %od had no further love or lans for the Eewish eo le or a future Eewish state, the bisho of Eerusalem ,oyfully #ave the "em le Mount to the victors. In 473 the areas were under the control of Islamic Arabs. In s ite of todays rhetoric of so( called Arab occu ation in *alestine, the years from 473 to 442 were the only eriod when Arabs ruled the land and they did so from Damascus, not Eerusalem. -y the end of the 9th century, Islamic crusaders had con&uered what was 0hristiani@ed northern Africa and the Middle Aast, and were antici atin# a #lobal con&uest for the #lory of Allah. Soon ninety ercent of all 0hristian and Eewish eo le lived under Islamic domination. !herever they marched, 0hurches and syna#o#ues were destroyed or converted into mos&ues. Eews and 0hristians were either killed or sub,ected to second class citi@enshi . "hrou#hout history Eews and 0hristians were martyred for their faith I for what they believed. -ut radical Muslims say, Mou will die for what I believe, and hence, I am the martyr.' "he Holy ;and has been a battle#round between the Muslims and 0hristians. Avidence of this are the numerous churches and basilicas built by the 0hurch, destroyed by the Muslims, rebuilt by 0atholic 0rusaders, leveled a#ain by the followers of Islam and so on over the course of history. However, there is one remarkable e+ce tionG the -asilica of Saint Anne in Eerusalem built by the 0rusaders. "he *alestinian vs. Israeli conflict is, in effect, a conflict of two covenants with a #lobal reach. !here the Eewish tem le once stood now stands the Dome of the )ock Balso known as the Mos&ue of FmarD. "he 0hurch of St. Mary is now the Al(Aska Mos&ue and is symbolic of victory over

;ewis, 646.


0hristianity. !hile Muslims fear !estern armies will destroy Islam, they in fact, have a well established history of destroyin# or sub,u#atin# eo le of other reli#ions. .ote several ?uranic &uotations. Fne of them states, O So believe in Allah and his a ostles. Say not V"rinity, desist it will be better for youG <or Allah is Fne AllahG %lory be to him B<or e+alted is he above havin# a son' BSura JG292D. Another &uotation reads, It is not befittin# to Bthe ma,esty of AllahD that he should be#et a son. %lory to him' BSura 23G7:D. "he victory statements over 0hristianity are obvious. "he true issue is more than sim ly victory' over other eo le #rou s. /arious 0hristian news or#ani@ations and ,ournals 688 have re orted multi le massacres of 0hristian men, women and children I mainline news a#encies, however, have seldom re orted these events. In li#ht of the conflictin# covenants B2 Cin#s 8G29(28, J8b vs. Sura JG292$ 23G7:D A@ekiel stated in his cha ters describin# the roverbial end of time,' that the ;ord said, "hen you will know that I am the ;ord' Bi.e. A@ek. 74G22bD. A@ekiels hrase is re eated in cha ters 7J(73 and im lies a demonstration by %od to show His eo le, and all eo le, who He is. "he %od of Abraham, Isaac and Eacob will demonstrate His authority by fulfillin# His ro hecies, which will eventually include the destruction of all the enemies of Israel.

Christians and $ewish mart+rs sa+, $I %i ll di e &o %hat I belie'e.$ A 6uslim mart+r sa +sK Yo" %ill die &o %hat I belie'e.


Fnce the Arabs controlled distant lands and cultures they were e+ osed to ideas, laws and devices they had never dreamed of reviously. ;ike any con&uerin# em ire, the victor receives the s oils and, in this case, the Arabs borrowed, imitated and stole every idea they felt would be useful to them. Fne of the interestin# oints of this era of history is that the Arab %olden A#e nurtured, and was

Several sources are 5oice of the Mart&rs, = N News, =ompass News (irect and *riends of $srael.


nurtured by, the Eewish %olden A#e. "his was articularly true in S ain where the best and bri#htest Eewish and Arab scholars worked and studied to#ether. All ma,or cities in southern S ain were Islamic cities with lar#e Eewish o ulations. Fne of the best known Eewish scholars was Maimonides, who wrote and s oke fluent Arabic. Althou#h he was forced to leave S ain eventually due to ersecution by some fanatical Muslims, he esca ed from his native 0ordoba and went to 0airo to be the court hysician for Saladin, the Arab hero durin# the 0rusades. ;ittle was heard of the Mohammedans' until the 23 th century when Eews be#an to immi#rate to *alestine. !hile the Arabs had reviously attem ted to s read their em ire into Auro e, they suffered defeat in /ienna and S ain. "hereafter, not much was heard from them for centuries. "he 23th century was one of radical chan#e as two eo le #rou s were immi#ratin# into the land at the same time. Arabs were offered lucrative ,obs in the construction of the Sue@ 0anal in A#y t and later by the Fttoman Am ire to build a railroad that went throu#h *alestine. "housands came. Durin# this same era Eews emi#rated from Auro e to esca e ersecution and to rebuild the land of their forefathers. At first the Arabs welcomed them. However, those who observed the strict Sharia 1aw felt it was unfittin# for Eews, who are cursed in the ?uran, to buy land that once belon#ed to Muslims. Since the 2:th century -0, Eewish eo le have lived throu#hout the Holy ;and, but that makes no difference to the Arabs. <or them the Eewish resence is a serious theolo#ical issue. "he seeds of conflict lanted by Muhammad be#an to s rout. "he <irst !orld !ar dramatically chan#ed the olitical landsca e of the Middle Aast. "he Fttoman Am ire ruled the re#ion from 2:29 to 2329. Since %ermany and the Fttoman Am ire were allies, with the defeat of %ermany in 2329 led to the defeat of the Am ire. "he -ritish and <rench were victors who divided the re#ion between themselves, and -ritain received *alestine. In the years that followed controversial and o osin# -ritish olicies not only #reatly increased the anta#onism between Eews and Arabs, but the -ritish had anti(Semitic olicies and actions that a ear to have been in union with

Hitler. "heirs was a divided house (( eace initiatives romoted by some well(intentioned -ritish officers were sabota#ed by their collea#ues. It is difficult to find a sin#le -ritish eace a#reement that did not in some way incite violence and riots. "he Hashemite "ribe, Arabs who were once the ancient rulers of Mecca and hel ed the -ritish defeat the Fttomans, wanted their own kin#dom$ not necessarily their own soverei#n state, but their own territory. In res onse, the -ritish #ave them control over the #reat number of mi#rant workers' in what is today Eordan. "he -ritish said this would be, in effect, "he State of *alestine,' for a eo le who are today known as the *alestinians.' Instead, the Hashemites, who made u only about twenty ercent of the o ulation, turned it into their own kin#dom and re,ected any additional *alestinians. "hey called them an im ure Arab breed,' which is why not a sin#le Islamic nation has come forward to hel them in the ast one hundred years. "he *alestinians are considered im ure because they came from a variety of back#rounds. !hile nearly all of them are Islamic, their back#rounds include Arab, A#y tian, Assyrian, a few Curds and other #rou s as well. Hence, the "wo(State Solution' is not a new conce t. "he -ritish established the country of Eordan in 2366 as a *alestinian state Binde endence #ranted 23J4D, but the Hashemite kin# revented any further *alestinian immi#ration into his country.
The first T*;-9TAT! solution originated in 1&'' with the crea tion of $ ordan, a state for Palestinian Arabs "


!hen the etroleum dollars be#an to flow into their treasuries in the 2375s, suddenly the Arabs ac&uired wealth beyond their wildest ima#inations. "hey could finally become world chan#ers to the honor and #lory of Allah. "hose funds would be used to s read Islam #lobally. It is interestin# that no one in the !est a ears to have researched how or where the Arabs invest their wealth. "his is es ecially true when considerin# that daily some have earned etro(royalties in e+cess of their ability to s end it.

In the 2375s, Adolf Hitler was s readin# his anti( Semitic words of hatred in %ermany. "he connection between .a@i %ermany and *alestinian terrorists runs dee . It was not lon# until the %rand Mufti Ha,, Amin Hussein of Eerusalem ,oined him. Hussein traveled throu#hout the Middle Aast, -osnia and "urkey and recruited enou#h men to establish two military divisions to add to the si+ Hitler already had. Seldom is this im ortant element of Middle Aast history tau#ht in schools I that a ro+imately one(fourth of %ermanys fi#htin# army were Arabs. ;ittle wonder then, that when Hitler be#an buildin# e+termination cam s in %ermany, the Mufti met with him with the ho e to build one near Eenin in *alestine. <ortunately, the lan never materiali@ed. "he most dramatic event of !orld !ar II was the Holocaust. "he #enocide of si+ million Eews #ave the world a moment of com assion, one lon# enou#h that hel ed establish a Eewish state. Since the mid(2855s Eews had been fleein# various lands to build homes in *alestine. As conflicts increased in Eerusalem and surroundin# communities, ersecution increased dramatically in Arab states. Most Eews who were able to leave Muslim countries did so only with the clothes on their backs. "hey left hundreds of years of family history behind in order to avoid death in a second holocaust. In .ovember of 23J9 the =nited .ations voted to artition *alestine so the Eews could have their own nation state. "his #ave the ad,acent Arab nations time to lan for the destruction of the comin# Israel the moment its inde endence would be announced. "hat announcement came on May 2J, 23J8, and immediately there was a battle. After nineteen difficult months of war in which one ercent of the Israelis died, Israel was a free state. "he word that has been most fre&uently used by military analysts to describe them is miracle.' *rior to !orld !ar II the -ritish were the ma,or anta#onists behind the *alestinian I Eewish hostilities. In May of 23J8 the -ritish left the scene and immediately the Soviets be#an &uietly courtin# Arab leaders to secure Arab oil, warm water orts for )ussian shi in#, and of course s read 0ommunism. !hile 0ommunism was re,ected, in the ast half century there was hardly a Middle Aast event in which the Soviets were not in some way involved.

-n 1&#) the 9ovie t Hnion established the Palestinia n :iberation ;rganiEation in 6oscow"

Page 281

After the 2397 war the Arabs reali@ed they could not militarily destroy Israel. "hereafter Arafat focused on cycles of terrorism and eace conferences. In the meantime, a more radical form of Islam immer#ed. !ahhabism, which is the resurrection of Islamic Sharia 1aw, be#an s readin# worldwide with the assistance of etro(dollars. .o lon#er was the conflict only between Israel and the *alestinians, but it was becomin# re#ional and would become #lobal. "he MuslimQArab worldview is that all eo le fall into two #rou sG those in the House of Islam' and those in the House of !ar.' In the first twenty(five years of Israelis e+istence she won four ma,or military conflicts and several smaller ones. She won the wars but failed to win the eace. As of this writin# the illusive eace rocess has been continuous for more than three and a half decades. "erroristic incidents and the continual threats by Muslims to drive the Israelis into the sea necessitates Israel to live every day in a war mentality. As one re orter once said, If the Arabs laid down their arms, it would be the end of violence. If Israel laid down its arms, it would be the end of Israel.' Fn the other hand, there is the &uestion as to why the Arabs, includin# the A#y tians and other Muslim #rou s, re eatedly e+ erienced military failures. Military strate#ists now a#ree that the rimary reason for their failures is because they were olitically divided. Cin# Abdullah wanted to create a %reater Syria,' as in the olden days, and cared little for what other monarchs desired. "here was also the clash between the Sunni Muslims of Saudi Arabia and A#y t who disa#reed theolo#ically and militarily with the Shiites of Ira&. "he only sub,ect on which they could a#ree was destruction of Israel, and even there they ar#ued amon# themselves. All too often one leader tried to out bluff the other, which eventually ended in devastatin# and humiliatin# results.

In the meantime, eace treaties have been offered to Arabs in the li#ht of endin# war u on Israel. A+ce t for Eordan, when Arabs were not in war, they were lannin# the ne+t conflict. .onetheless, eace treaties have been continually offered to them. As has been reviously stated, the im ortant lesson that Hitler tau#ht, that current oliticians have failed to learn, is if you try to a ease the a##ressor by makin# concessions to his demands, he will erceive this as weakness on your art, and it will encoura#e him to make #reater demands and eventually resort to violence I either terrorism or all(out war. In the meantime, in 2346 <rench *resident 0harles de %aulle, who had a assionate dislike for the =nited States, be#an encoura#in# Arabs and Auro eans to form a sin#le economic bloc that would become dominant #lobally. He encoura#ed other Auro ean leaders to acce t Muslims into their countries and soon Americans did likewise. Many !estern leaders believed that immi#ratin# Muslims would brin# their reli#ion and culture into the 62 st century. However, as Auro e is discoverin#, Muslims do not intend to conform, but transform their new environment, either by violent con&uest or subtle sub,u#ation into a 9 th century Shari 1aw Arabian olitical(reli#ious dictatorshi . In a mere three decades the Muslim o ulation in Auro e e+ loded to over twenty million and <rance is redicted to be an Islamic state by 65:5. Fther Auro ean countries and America are not far behind. -ritain is currently wallowin# in the &ua#mire of multi( cultural sensitivity' by ermittin# Muslim communities to have their own le#al system of Shari ;aw. Sooner or later the dual system is bound to cause severe roblems. -y the end of 6553, the Islamic o ulation of %reat -ritain was #rowin# ten times faster than the indi#enous -ritish o ulation. Some researchers believe that this nation may become fully Islamic before <rance. And <rance and -ritain are not alone in this challen#e. "he %ermans are also concerned about the e+ lodin# Islamic o ulation trend. In countries such as <rance and An#land where the Muslim o ulation is well below fifty ercent the minority Muslim eo le live in ti#htly knit communities or #hettos. "hese communities have become an Islamic nation within a Auro ean nation. In these communities, Sharia law rules and

the <rench or An#lish olice will not even consider enterin#. 0hildren attend madrasses BschoolsD, lean the ways of the ?uran, and are tau#ht that to associate with an infidel is a ca ital crime. !hile Muslims en,oy the economic and social freedoms of the !est, they do not inte#rate into the community at lar#e. In these communities the Imams and e+tremists e+ercise more ower than the media or oliticians would admit. It has become known as cree in# Sharia.' 0ree in# Sharia is the slow and deliberate advancement of Sharia law in a non(Muslim country. Muslims ask or demand a concession, then another, then another, until they eventually have all they desire. "his is evident today in An#land which now has two se arate and distinct le#al systemsG the traditional -ritish le#al system and the Islamic system (( where Muslims established their own #hetto with Islamic Sharia law. In the =nited Cin#dom official Sharia courts handle issues of divorce, inheritance, le#al contracts, etc. %ermany, <rance, Sweden and Denmark are currently stru##lin# with Muslims who wish to establish Sharia law. As the Muslim o ulation continues to #row at four times the Auro ean o ulation, by the middle of the current century, a #rowin# number of Auro ean nations will be Islamic I and that is without any violence or war. -y the end of the century Auro eans will be either Muslims or dead. Met Auro eans do not have to look far into their history to understand where a hu#e error was made. Hardly two centuries a#o, theolo#ians such as )udol h -ultmann decided it was time to remove the myths, while others wrote their doctoral dissertations de#radin# various se#ments of the -ible. Hence their students found the -ible to have little or no relevance to life. 0onse&uently, churches died and the culture evolved from 0hristian to secular. Havin# lost its Eudaeo(0hristian moral foundations, there can be little wonder that the entire continent was involved in two world wars. "he study of 0hristianity has been rele#ated to the de artment of anti&uities in many Auro ean universities and Auro e has become secular I which is sim ly a olite term for #odless.' Havin# achieved #odlessness, they are now faced with reli#ious fanatics who are determined to chan#e Auro e forever. Auro eans have limited time to make an im ortant decisionG !ill they ermit Muslim to overrun their countriesH Is it ossible that for ersecutin# the Eews for

centuries, discardin# their 0hristian faith and herita#e, %od will #ive them IslamH =nknown to !esterners, 2393 was a year that shook the world of Sunni Muslims. In Sunni eyes there were a number of #reat tra#edies,' such as the Israel(A#y t eace treaty, the Shiite Islamic revolution in Iran, the Soviet invasion of Af#hanistan, and the !ahhabi resur#ence in Saudi Arabia. Add to this mi+ the #rowin# fear of the e+ andin# !estern cultural, economic and olitical #lobal dominance Bwhich they fear will eventually e+terminate IslamD and the ideal conditions have been created for a erfect Breli#ious(cultural warD storm. "hese events challen#ed Muslim clerics to res ond in the only way they know how I with violence. <rom the Middle Aast to the !estern embassies in third world countries, violence has increased and continues to do so. =nfortunately, most olitical and reli#ious leaders in the !est a ear to have a chronic inability to connect resent Muslim rhetoric with history. "hose !esterners who oint to the truth are labeled as radicals,' or un atrioticQ' American oliticians believe that if they toss enou#h money at a roblem it will disa ear. In 6553, hardly a hundred days went by when the newly elected *resident -arack Fbama romised ]355 million to the *alestinians and ]65 million to relocate Hamas refu#ees' from %a@a into the =nited States. "he Middle Aast conflict has become #lobal in sco e and the future of !estern civili@ation as we know it han#s in the balance. "his trend leads some researchers to believe that by 65:5 there will be a ma,or cultural shift in Auro e and America.683 "heir only disa#reement in their studies is how many nations and when the cultural( olitical( reli#ious transfer will occur. "he romise is that a *alestinian democratic #overnment will be re(established for the creation of a homeland for the *alestinian eo le. "here are two interestin# oints to this. <irst, throu#hout history there has never been a *alestinian nation, #overnment or state. "he territory has always been art of a lar#er soverei#n state such as Syria or A#y t, with the e+ce tion of when the Eews

Some studies Bi.e.,<NM=, A ril 68, 6553D demonstrate that due to the hi#h birth rates of Auro ean Muslims and the low birth rate of Auro eans, Auro e will become Islamic by the year 65:5.


had their own olitical freedom from the years 246 -0 to 47 -0. Second, the word democratic' has a com letely different meanin# to !esterners than to an Arab or Muslim. "here is not an Islamic #overnment anywhere that is fully democratic. "he word democratic' is used only to convince world leaders of the lofty #oals of the *A. An intelli#ent consumer of the news must think critically of the events rather than sim ly acce t whatever is resented by the media in broadcast or rint. <or e+am leG Since 655: thousands of rockets from %a@a have rained down u on the Israeli citi@ens. <rom small school children to the elderly, all livin# close to the %a@a(Israel border, have been traumati@ed. <ew rockets were aimed at the Israeli military. After three years and a dis lay of incredible restraint Israeli leaders finally decided to ut an end to the attacks and invaded %a@a. Immediately there was an international outcry a#ainst Israel, led by the *alestinians, the )ussians and a chorus of Muslims. "he =nited .ations announced that the res onse was not ro ortionate.' "his was followed by the media that broadcasted selected ima#es of in,uries and deaths of *alestinian women and children. Met those same re orters reviously i#nored in,uries and deaths to Israeli women and children. -y this time American and Auro ean citi@ens have seen the censored television news Bedited by !estern media #iantsD and it is safe for oliticians to likewise critici@e Israel for havin# failed in ro ortionate action.' A critical thinker must reali@e the media failed to disclose and Hamas terrorists were hidin# in classrooms, hos itals basements and rivate homes. "hey stored wea ons in mos&ues, homes and schools, and hid lon#(ran#e rockets in the basement of %a@a 0itys main hos ital. "o #ain ma+imum news covera#e and world sym athy, they lace women and children on the buildin# roofto s in the event of an Israeli air strike. !hen the Israeli Defense <orces attack, the results are very redictable. "he world is stunned at the so(called atrocities of the Israeli u on the oor innocent *alestinians.


-f it were not for the religious element, -slam would be outl awed as a political ide olog+ of hate"

Page 281

As stated reviously, the ro osed *alestinian state on one hand, and Middle Aast stability and =S and Israel national security on the other hand, constitute a classic o+ymoron. A *alestinian state would add fuel and not water to the fire of terrorism and turbulence. "he romotion of the )oadma to *eace, by usin# "he "wo(State Solution roves that the =S and Israeli olicy(makers are determined .F" to learn from history, and are determined to re eat, rather than to avoid ast dramatic blunders. Hence, a formula has emer#ed that is constantly re eatedG "errorists attack$ Israel restrains a res onse$ terrorists attack a#ain$ Israel res onds$ selected media ima#es are broadcast worldwide$ Arabs, )ussians, and Muslims call for a cease(fire$ the Auro ean =nion demands that Israel cease its dis ro ortionate res onse,' the =nited .ations condemns Israel for bein# the un,ustified a##ressor$ and your o inion alon# with thousands of others is #rowin# sym athetically toward the *alestinians. It is a formula created by the late Masser Arafat and always works well. "hey fi#ht until they lose$ then the media and the =. rescue them so they can fi#ht another day$ I all for the ur ose of establishin# a lastin# eace' in the Middle Aast. Assume for a moment that rockets fell daily u on the =nited States. In such an event, even the Fbama Administration would res ond militarily and, if not, then most certainly the citi@ens would. "he fact remains that the standard that the =nited States and the rest of the world has im osed u on Israel is not one they would acce t for themselves. "here are :4 Muslim nations of which 66 are Arab. Some of them have the worlds #reatest su ly of wealth yet none of them have come forward with a sincere lan and necessary fundin# to resolve the Middle Aast conflict. If Muslims and Arabs truly wanted to have eace, it would be established decades a#e. "he issue as to why wealthy Muslim states have failed to find a solution for their

brethren is one that *resident Fbama and nearly all other olitical leaders wish to avoid. "here seems to be no &uestion that sooner or later Israel will fall I her only ho e will be a Divine intervention. In li#ht of the on#oin# circumstances, how could she not fallH <urthermore, the hard(core truth is that due to !estern a easement and blindness, sooner or later America and Auro e will also fail. If this is &uestioned, consider then any ossible reason as to why or how it would survive. As stated reviously, #iven the current trends, by the middle of this century <rance and several other Auro ean nations will be Islamic. ;ike it or not, America is sure to follow. "he nation to watch in the near future is the Hashemite Cin#dom of Eordan. "his Arab country and Israel have had a successful eace treaty that has benefited both nations. However, as mi#ht be e+ ected, there are those who wish to see this somewhat ro(!estern Islamic nation become radically anti(Israel. Cin# Abdullah is a key fi#ure of e+treme im ortance. Should he be assassinated, this writer redicts Israels redicament will be immensely escalated and the world will have taken a ma,or ste toward the Second Holocaust.

;bserve th e future% As -srael goes, so will *estern civiliEation"

Page 1#

"here are moderate Muslims, but there is no moderate Islam in the Shiite and Sunni world I and they com ose nearly one hundred ercent of all Muslims. As stated reviously, there are millions of moderate Muslims throu#hout the world. "he roblem is that there are no moderate theolo#ical centers advocatin# an end to ,ihad. "hose Islamic or#ani@ations who have advocated eace and multiculturalism have also been found to have s onsor terrorist or#ani@ations a#ainst Israel and the !est. Islamic ideolo#y does not seek coo eration or assimilation but aims for submission and dominance over non(Muslims. Aven if

there would be no Israel, there still would be a conflict with Islamic im erialism. "he conflict in the Middle Aast has become a deterrent to #et !estern eyes off the real issue I that the conflict is Islamic im erialism a#ainst !estern culture. It is a war that at this oint is stron#ly #oin# in favor of the ,ihadists because !estern oliticians, media, academics and even many in the cler#y have chosen to be deceived. "o add to the sad account of dece tion, many evan#elicals are reinter retin# the -ible, not throu#h the eyes of the Fld "estament, but throu#h the Islamic lens of the ?uran. A #rowin# number of scholars inter ret the Scri tures s iritually rather than literally, and thereby a ly any meanin# to the te+t. ;ittle wonder that Eesus said in the last day there would be dece tions BMt. 6JGJD. "he roverbial bottom line is that %ods !ord is truth and one day all men will witness a literal fulfillment of Scri ture when Eesus rei#ns and rules as su reme ,ud#e. "his will be a bad hair day for many scholars. As someone once said, Fnly a fool can i#nore that our world is runnin# toward this divinely a ointed time,' in reference to the "ribulation *eriod.

T#o Western Inter,retations of "uslim Actions To$a% Amon# !esterners, there are two common inter retations of the actions of Muslims today. "o com licate matters, it a ears that those who hold either one of these two view oints are emotionally attached to it and refer not to listen to an o osin# view oint. 2. Some say the reli#ion has been hi,acked by a few e+tremists. "his is romoted by !estern olitical leaders, academics and a #rowin# number of cler#y. "he truth, they claim, is that Islam is a eaceful reli#ion. <urthermore, those who hold e+treme views are either mentally unbalanced or theolo#ically confused. "his clearly a ears to be the ma,ority !estern view. "he roblem is that moderate Muslims are a silent ma,ority that has failed to s eak out a#ainst terrorism. !hether the reason is fear or that they refer to be secluded and not draw attention to

themselves, they remain silent when they should be active. If there is anythin# they dont want to live with, it is the strict Sharia ;aw. .onetheless, they can identify with the e+tremists$ the true ideals of Islam are ersonified in moderate Muslims. 6. Fthers say the roblem with Islam is Islam itself. It is a reli#ion where men can abuse their wives and even have a tem orary wife' for an hour. "his reli#ion encoura#es violence to romote itself B,ihadD. It su orts child marria#es and honor killin#s. ;ikewise it holds Muslim men in a su erior osition to non(Muslims, women and children. More si#nificantly, it is said that Muslims in ositions of ower and influence desire to eventually create an Islamic world. "his is a minority view oint and those who romote it can e+ ect to be ostraci@ed by the first #rou as bein# intolerant,' a ri#ht(win# radical conservative,' or an Islamo hobic' and so forth. Wh% Euro,e an$ America Will ;ecome Islamic "here are three reasons why Muslims, who now claim they are buildin# an Islamic Auro e, will succeed. .umerous observers have identified these essential com onents as instrumental to the demise of !estern civili@ation. 2. "he mere chan#e in o ulation will drastically chan#e Auro e. "he birth rate that is needed to sustain a culture is 6.22 children er woman. Most Auro ean nations today fall below 2.3, includin# %ermany, <rance, S ain and %reece which are below 2.7 I a trend from which a culture cannot recover. As the o ulation #oes, so does the culture. In the meantime, Muslim women have a hi#h birth rate of 8.5 or more. If Muslims do nothin# but continue to have babies at the current rate, an Islamic Auro e will become a reality within a century. In addition, Muslim immi#ration into Auro e is #rowin#. America will follow Auro e.


6. -oth Auro eans and Americans have become so materialistic and seculari@ed, that they have lost a sense of ur ose in terms of faith and s irituality. Muslims, on the other hand, have a shar focus and sense of s iritual su eriority, which they believe was #ranted to them by Allah for the ur ose of #lobal Islami@ation. 7. !esterners in ositions of olitical and academic authority have become olitically correct, multi(cultural and intolerant of those who challen#e their views and actions. It a ears at times that the democratic forum for debates is se&uestered. "hose who would su##est that Americans have a su erior culture will most likely be dismissed, but their Muslim counter arts declare this social doctrine weekly. As stated reviously, Muslims believe they have a su erior race #ranted to them by Allah himself. %iven the fact that the !est continues to be a master of self(dece tion, this only enhances the three reasons why Islam will win in Auro e. /ance Havner said in the mid(2385s that, !e are livin# in the worst eriod of dece tion in history.' =nfortunately, since then the dece tion has only #otten worse. "hose Americans, who believe the ne+t two or three decades will be similar as to the ast two or three decades, will be in for a rude awakenin#. "he earth is in for a massive cultural chan#e. "his will affect the olitical landsca e, which in turn will have ma,or economic conse&uences. Fnly a Divine act of %od Bin whom most !esterners do not believeD will chan#e the current trend. Wor$s of o,e an$ Comfort

Fne of the many blessin#s of the -ible is that it is not only redictive, but in its redictions are words of ho e and comfort. 0hristians have lon# believed that one day 0hrist will return and that rior to that time there will be an increase in violence of a de raved culture as it was in the days of .oah.

"oday the world is teeterin# on a reci ice like in no other time in the history of humanity. Ma,or cultural shifts will take lace within the ne+t fifty years, and in fact, these shifts have already be#un. "oday, in every corner of the world eo le are facin# trials they never e+ ected. !hat better time than now to demonstrate the love and ower of %od$ to demonstrate to others that %od is real$ that He loves us$ that the answer and solution of all of lifes roblems lie within the ho e and blessin#s of Eesus. 0onsider thisG If there is any truth in the a#es of this book, and if the redictions of the -ible are true, then how will you live your lifeH !hen David was in a recarious confrontation, he rayed, Do not hide your face from me when I am in distress. "urn your ear to me$ when I call, answer me &uickly.' In essence he was sayin#, I ut my trust in you ;ord, but please hurry.' <irst century 0hristians who were often martyred by #ladiators, lions or burned at the stake, rayed Maranatha. "he Aramaic word means, F ;ord, come.' "he final and most si#nificant word is that Eesus will rule and rei#n u on this earth for a millennium. As to Allah, who was once known in ancient cultures as Sin, el and %u"alM!l4ilah. At times the title of el was attached to another name and si#nified lord' or master,' althou#h the title could have been attributed to any deity, rather than a ro er name. "he title had variations in numerous cultures, such as -aal' amon# the 0anaanites. .onetheless, the future of Allah is #iven in the -ible. -el has bowed down, .ebo stoo s over$ their ima#es are consi#ned to the beasts and the cattle. "he thin#s that you carry are burdensome, a load for the weary beast. Isaiah J4G2 Declare amon# the nations, roclaim, and set u a standard. *roclaim ((do not conceal it 44 Say, -abylon is taken, -el is shamed. Merodach is broken in ieces, her idols are humiliated, her ima#es are broken in ieces.'

Eeremiah :5G6 I will unish -el in -abylon, and I will brin# out of his mouth what he has swallowed, and the nations shall not stream to him anymore. Mes, the wall of -abylon shall fall. Eeremiah :2GJJ

Pra% for the Peace of 5erusalem Fne of the most insi#htful articles on the Eews and the state of Israel was written by Aric Hoffer and ublished in the 1os !n/eles Times on May 64, 2348. "itled $sraels Peculiar Position, it is as timely today as it was when it first a eared. "he Eews are a eculiar eo leG thin#s ermitted to other nations are forbidden to the Eews. Fther nations drive out thousands, even millions of eo le and there is no refu#ee roblem. )ussia did it, *oland and 0@echoslovakia did it. "urkey threw out a million %reeks and Al#eria a million <renchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many 0hinese and no one says a word about refu#ees. -ut in the case of Israel, the dis laced Arabs have become eternal refu#ees. Averyone insists that Israel must take back every sin#le one. Arnold "oynbee calls the dis lacement of the Arabs an atrocity #reater than any committed by the .a@is. Fther nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate eace terms. -ut when Israel is victorious, it must sue for eace. Averyone e+ ects the Eews to be the only real 0hristians in this world. Fther nations, when they are defeated, survive and

recover but should Israel be defeated it would be destroyed. Had .asser trium hed last Eune Z2349[, he would have wi ed Israel off the ma , and no one would have lifted a fin#er to save the Eews. .o commitment to the Eews by any #overnment, includin# our own, is worth the a er it is written on. "here is a cry of outra#e all over the world when eo le die in /ietnam or when two -lacks are e+ecuted in )hodesia. -ut, when Hitler slau#htered Eews no one demonstrated a#ainst him. "he Swedes, who were ready to break off di lomatic relations with America because of what we did in /ietnam, did not let out a ee when Hitler was slau#hterin# Eews. "hey sent Hitler choice iron ore, and ball bearin#s, and serviced his troo s in .orway. "he Eews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely because of Eewish efforts and Eewish resources. Met at this moment, Israel is our only reliable and unconditional ally. !e can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us. And one has only to ima#ine what would have ha ened last summer Z2349[ had the Arabs and their )ussian backers won the war, to reali@e how vital the survival of Israel is to America and the !est in #eneral. I have a remonition that will not leave me$ as it #oes with Israel so will it #o with all of us. Should Israel erish, the Holocaust will be u on us all. 635 "he #reat tra#edy of our day is that our leaders are i#norant of %ods rinci les for rulin# nations es ecially in re#ard to Israel. !e must ray they will be restrained and #uided by %od des ite their s iritual i#norance and incom etence. !e who know %ods !ord are His a#ents on

Aric Hoffer B2356(2387D was a ;os An#eles lon#shoreman who became a social hiloso her. Aventually he wrote nine books and was awarded the *residential Medal of <reedom. Hoffer is considered to be one of the most influential American hiloso hers and free thinkers of the 65th 0entury. htt GQQwww.factsandlo#ic.or#Qoutstandin#Xhoffer.html. )etrieved May 63, 6525.


earth. "herefore, we who know %ods !ord and the events that face us have a s ecial res onsibility to ray in accordance with %ods revealed !ord. "om Hess, the founder of the Eerusalem House of *rayer, encoura#es eo le to ray forG 2. Eews and Arabs as brothers, cousins and natural children of Abraham to #row dee er in love and unity with %od and each other in Eerusalem, Israel and the Middle Aast BIsa. 23G67(6:D 6. His eo le to look on Him, and that He will o en a fountain over both communities, the House of David and all the other inhabitants of Eerusalem B>ech. 26G25(27G2D 7. Eerusalem to fulfill the lans of %ods heart and be a lace of ,ustice for all B;ev. 23G 2:, A@ek. J9G66, Micah 4G8, Amos :G6JD J. %od to stren#then the leaders and eo le of Eerusalem and Israel to stand in His everlastin# covenant that Eerusalem, the 0ity of the %reat Cin#, will remain the 0a ital forever B%en. 2JG28( 66, *s. J8G2(7$ 266G7(9, >ech. 26G:D :. !atchmen in all nations and cities to take no rest and #ive %od no rest day and ni#ht standin# in solidarity worshi in# and intercedin# for Eerusalem BIsa. 46G4, >ech. 26GJD 4. "he way to be re ared for the comin# of the Cin# of %lory to the Mount of Flives, to o en and #o throu#h the %olden Q Aastern %ate and take u the "hrone of David B*s. 6J, A@ek. J7G2(9, Isa. 3G9D,

resultin# in ,ud#ment on the nations that try to divide Eerusalem and the land of Israel. *ray that your nation will stand with Eerusalem BEoel 7G2(6, >ech. 26G2(7, Matt. :G7:D. 9. Shalom to Eerusalem and her becomin# a raise in all the earth forever BIsa. 46G9D


A,,en$ices A,,en$iB ( Who 7#ns the Lan$. Accordin# to the -ible, the land is to be occu ied by the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Eacob. 2. Accordin# to biblical sources, the land between -ethel and Ai of the so(called !est -ank was romised to the Eewish eo le B%en. 27G29D. 6. "he land from the river of A#y t Bnot the .ileD to the )iver Au hrates B%en.2:G28D 7. Abraham had ei#ht sons B%en. 24G2:$ 6:G2(6D but the covenant of land went to Isaac in an everlastin# B ermanentD covenant B%en. 29G23D. J. "he Abrahamic covenant went to Isaac, to Eacob, to Eacobs descendants thereby eliminatin# all other sons of Abraham, includin# Ishmael B%en. 68G7(JD. :. %od confirmed His romise to Eacob B%en. 68G27D. 4. %od a#ain confirmed the land from the )iver of A#y t' Bnot the .ileD to the )iver Au hrates BEosh.2GJD. 9. !hile the control and use of the land was restricted to the Eewish eo le, %od told Moses and A@ekiel that the land remained His I %ods land. BMosesG ;ev. 6:G67$ A@ekielG A@ek. 74G:D. 8. "he land is not to be sold, for the land is mine B;ev. 6:G67D. If the land was sold, only its use was sold and in the year

of Eubilee Bthe :5th yearD ownershi of the land was to be returned to the ori#inal owner B;ev. 6:G8(29D. Ama@in#ly, Muhammad affirmed the Abrahamic 0ovenant concernin# the Eewish ri#ht to the land when he stated, And Zremember[ when Moses said unto his eo leG F my eo leR )emember Allahs favor unto you, how he laced amon# you ro hets, and he made you kin#s, and #ave you that Zwhich[ He #ave not to any Zother[ of ZHis[ creatures. F my eo leR %o into the Holy ;and which Allah hath ordained for you. Sura Al(Maidah :G65(62 M*" However, Islamic theolo#ians have difficulties reconcilin# conflictin# verses. "herefore they concluded that the words s oken by the *ro het Muhammad near the end of his life su ersede those s oken in his early ministry. Since Sura :G65(62, they say these verses have no affect.


A,,en$iB / Western vs! Islamic Worl$vie#s !hile !hose #od is %odH' is the core issue of the Middle Aast conflict, there are other considerations to be taken into account. "here are two sets of cultural values that are distinctly different. If any one eo le #rou desires to im ose its values u on the other, there will be conflict. "hese are resented to inform the reader that the !est(Islamic cultural war is not solely focused on the &uestion above, but there are, in fact, a series of conflictin# worldviews to consider as well. 7,,osin' Worl$vie#s

Western Worl$vie# <uture innovation Institutionali@ed chan#e Democracy 0hurch(state se aration <reedom 0a italism %lobali@ation *luralistic IndustrialQ"echnolo#ical

Islamic Worl$vie# *ast ins iration Institutionali@ed tradition "heocracy )eli#ious state 0ontrolled Socialism Isolationism Athnicity A#ricultural


A,,en$iB 3 ;asic &acts of Israel an$ 5erusalem 2. After con&uerin# the land in the 2: th century -0, the Eewish eo le ruled it for hundreds of years. "hey maintained a continuous resence, althou#h at times it was minimal. 6. Cin# David made Eerusalem his ca ital$ there is no record that Muhammad ever set foot in it. Islamic tradition says Muhammad visited Eerusalem from where he rode a win#ed horse for a brief visit to heaven. 7 All Eews, Arabs and internationals livin# in *alestine rior to 23J8 called themselves *alestinians. "he current term *alestinian statehood' did not e+ist until after the Arabs lost the 2349 Si+(Day !ar. J. Arab refu#ees volunteered to leave their homes in 23J8. :. "he only Arab rule followin# the con&uest in 477 lasted 66 years. 4. <or more than 7,555 years, Eerusalem was the Eewish ca ital and it was never the ca ital of any Arab or Muslim Antity, even under "urkish or Eordanian rule. )ather, it was often a southern rovince ruled from Damascus.

9. Eerusalem is mentioned over 955 times in the -ible, but not once in the ?uran.

A,,en$iB 4 Who Rule$ Palestine an$ When. 247 -0 247(47 -0 47 -0(AD 72: #overnance. 72:(474 476 Maccabean )evolt ends %reek control. "otal Eewish inde endence )oman rule$ Eews have limited self( -y@antine rule Muhammad dies.

474(442 Arab Fmayyads become the first Muslim resence in Eerusalem. "his is the only time Arabs ever ruled the land. 442(2533 .on(Arab Muslims rule *alestine. "hese Muslims are the Abbassids from -a#hdad, the <atimids from 0airo and the Sel,iks from "urkey. 2533(2289 0rusaders under *o e =rban II con&uer Eerusalem and kill Eews, Muslims and Friental 0hristians Bwhom they could not distin#uish from Eews or MuslimsD. 2289 Saladin, a Muslim Curd from Damascus, reca tures Eerusalem and the city is the southern art of %reater Syria.' 26JJ.2757

Asian Mon#ols con&uer Saladins dynasty

leavin# the Muslim Mamelukes of A#y t, and the Mon#ols stru##le for ower. In the rocess, 0rusader resence ends in 2632. 2:29(2329 Fttomans con&uer Eerusalem. 2329 23J8 "he -ritish con&uer *alestine. "otal Eewish inde endence

A,,en$iB 6 Peace Treaties an$ A'reements .ov. 6, 2329 -alfour Declaration Ean. 7 2323 <aisal(!ei@mann A#reement Euly 6J, 2366 Mandate for *alestine .ov. 63, 23J9 =. %eneral Assembly )esolution 282 May 2J, 23J8 Declaration of Inde endence Eune 69, 2349 *rotection of Holy *laces ;aw Se t. 2, 2349 Chartoum )esolutions .ov. 66, 2349 =. Security 0ouncil )esolution 6J6 Fct. 66, 2397 =. Security 0ouncil )esolution 778 May 72, 239J Israel and Syria si#n Se aration A#reement Mar. 23, 2398 =. Security 0ouncil )esolution J6: Se t. 29, 2398 0am David Accord Mar. 64, 2393 *eace "reaty between Israel and A#y t

Euly 75, 2385 Eerusalem le#al ca ital of Israel Dec. 2J, 2382 %olan Hei#hts ;aw May 2J, 2383 Israels *eace Initiative Fct. 75, 2332 Madrid *eace 0onference Se t. 3, 2337 Israel ( *;F )eco#nition Se t.27, 2337 Fslo Accord BIsrael(*alestinian Declaration of *rinci lesD Se t.2J, 2337 Israel ( Eordan 0ommon A#enda May J, 233J A#reement on %a@a Stri and Eericho Euly 6:, 233J Israel ( Eordan Band =SD !ashin#ton A#reement Au#. 6:, 233J Israel ( *;F A#reement on "ransfer of *owers Fct. 64, 233J Israel ( Eordan *eace "reaty Se t.68, 233: Israel ( *alestinian Interim A#reement Mar. 27, 2334 Summit of *eacemakers A ril 64, 2334 Israel ( ;ebanon 0ease(fire May 3, 2334 Israel ( *;F A#reement on "em orary International *resence in Hebron Fct. 67, 2338 !ye )iver Memorandum 6555 Israel secretly returns full control of "em le Mount to Muslims "omorrowG .ational Suicide andQor the surrender of Eerusalem BHD

.early every treaty Israel has had with her Arab nei#hbors was a romise of broken eace. It is noteworthy that eace treaties, es ecially the Fslo *eace Accords, did not roduce eace, but a dramatic increase of violence. !hile eo le are sayin#, V*eace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor ains on a re#nant woman, and they will not esca e.' 2 "hessalonians :G7


A,,en$iB : o# "uslims Inter,ret the ;ible Some Muslims have become 0hristians because of the ?uran. Stran#e as it may seem, the ?uran and Hadith s eak so hi#hly of Eesus that some Muslims have decided to convert to the 0hristian faith. "his is es ecially true when converted Muslims share their faith in 0hrist with fellow Muslims, and use the ?uran as a startin# oint. .ote the followin# oints of mutual a#reementG 2. Some ortions of the ?uran s eak hi#hly of Eesus and that He was born of a vir#in BSura 7GJ:(J9$ 62G32$ etc.D. 6. Eesus is the hi#hest e+am le BSura J7G:9D.

7. In Arabic Eesus is called Isa' which means Savior' BSura 7GJ:D. J. Muhammad chose never to erform miracles or was unable to do so BSura 29G35(34$ 63G:5(:6$ etc.D. :. -iblical ro hets such as Moses erformed miracles at %ods command. 4. Eesus erformed miracles whenever He chose to do so BSura 64G47D. <or e+am le, Eesus raised the dead to life BSura 7GJ3$ :G225$ 74G98(93$ etc.D. 9. Eesus was sinless BSura 23G29(23D while the *ro het Muhammad was re eatedly identified as a sinner BSura 3GJ7$ J5G::$ J9G23$ J8G6$ 63JG2(7$ etc.D. "he Muslims believe that in the year 425, Allah sent the an#el %abriel to Muhammad who lived in Mecca, in modern Saudi Arabia. "hey believe that the Coran Bor ?uranD is the only divinely ins ired Scri ture if in its ori#inal Arabic lan#ua#e. "hey believe that Allah BArabic for +odD #ave the five books of the Taurat B"orah or *entatuchD to Moses, Za"ur B*salmsD to Cin# David and the $n6il B%os elD to Eesus. Muhammad did not challen#e the accuracy of the -ible. In fact, the Coran states about 265 times that the -ible is accurate and truthful. 0enturies after Muhammad, Muslim theolo#ians discovered contradictions between the two books. "hey declared that the -ible had been corru ted by Eews and 0hristians. "o correct this situation, Allah #ave the Coran to Muhammad. <or centuries Muslims have romoted their doctrine that they have the only true ins ired !ord of %od. Aven thou#h the ?uran lacks the Fld and .ew "estament conce ts of love and for#iveness, it also has henomenal historical errors when com ared with secular and biblical history. Accordin# to Muslim clerics, ro hecies of the future Muhammad are found in the Fld and .ew "estaments. 632


htt GQQwww.submission.or#QsurasQsura9.html. )etrieved Eune 22, 6525.


follow the messen#er, the #entile ro het BMuhammadD, whom they find written in their "orah and %os el.' Sura 9G2:9a Moses ro hesied, accordin# to Islamic theolo#ians, that %od would one day brin# u a countryman like him. I will raise u a ro het from amon# their countrymen like you, and I will ut My words in his mouth, and he shall s eak to them all that I command him. Deuteronomy 28G28 Eews and 0hristians believe this verse redicts the Messiah who isQwas a descendant of Abraham and Isaac. However, Muslims believe the blessin# of Abraham went to Ishmael, Abrahams first son with a concubine rather than to Isaac, the son of his wife Sarah. "herefore, Deuteronomy 28G28 referred to a descendant of Ishmael who can only be Muhammad. He said, "he ;F)D came from Sinai, and dawned on them from Seir$ he shone forth from Mount *aran, and He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones$ at His ri#ht hand there was flashin# li#htnin# for them. Deuteronomy 77G6 Since Mount Sinai is believed to be located in modern Saudi Arabia and not in Israel, this Deuteronomy 76G6 is further evidence to Muslims that Moses redicted the comin# of Muhammad. However, Moses was not the only biblical ro het to redict the *ro het. <or a child will be born to us, a son will be #iven to us$ and the #overnment will rest on His shoulders$ and His name will be called !onderful 0ounselor, Mi#hty %od, Aternal <ather, *rince of *eace.

Isaiah 3G4 Ama@in#ly, Muslims believe Isaiah, who is from the Eewish line of Abrahams descendants and not from Ishmaels linea#e, redicted the birth of Muhammad and his #reat ersonal &ualities. Isaiah went on to redict the voice in the wilderness as followsG A voice is callin#, 0lear the way for the ;F)D in the wilderness$ make smooth in the desert a hi#hway for our %od.' Isaiah J5G7 "here is another e+am le of the desert wilderness that could only refer to Muhammad. Since the Arab eo le became well acclimated to desert life, they develo ed the skills necessary to traverse the desert valleys, mountains and ru##ed terrain mentioned in Isaiah J5GJ I another rediction of Muhammad. In the .ew "estament the %reek word for Holy S irit is Paraclete, which Muslim theolo#ians modified to read Peri2l&tos, the %reek word meanin# blessed one.' 636 "wo e+am les are as follows. I will ask the <ather, and He will #ive you another Hel er, that He may be with you forever$ that is the S irit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. Eohn 2JG24(29 -ut when He, the S irit of truth, comes, He will #uide you into all the truth$ for He will not s eak on His own

Aviel Schneider. How Moslems Inter ret the -ible.' $srael Toda&. Euly 6556. 28.


initiative, but whatever He hears, He will s eak$ and He will disclose to you what is to come. Eohn 24G27 Ma,or su ort for Muslim claims that the -ible is a fabricated document comes from a sur risin# source I Auro ean seminaries. Durin# the A#e of Anli#htenment, Auro ean theolo#ians and hiloso hers worked dili#ently to rove the -ible was full of errors, misre resentations leadin# many to conclude it was little more than a book of fairy tales. "heir work today is known as "e+tual 0riticism,' and, while it does attem t to reconcile variations of ancient biblical books, it has for the most art, rele#ated the -ible to ancient literature. Hence, Muslim scholars read liberal 0hristian ,ournals to affirm that Islam is the true reli#ion. "he war today between the Islamic and !estern cultures is based u on three factorsG "he first two have already been discussed (( the ownershi of the land of Israel occu ied by the Eewish eo le and the theft of blessin#s from Abrahams son Isaac, and later from Asau. "he third factor concernin# the reli#iousQs iritual war ertains to the ins iration and revelation of the true Scri tures. Muslims believe it to be the ?uran while liberal 0hristian scholars #ive them the fuel for their ar#ument. .onetheless, the fact is that Muslims, like some other hiloso hers and theolo#ians throu#hout history, have mani ulated the -ible to fit their own a#enda and theolo#y. Aventually Eesus will return to rove whose #od is %od.


A,,en$iB = Definitions of Common Terms !"raham Some Islamic theolo#ians say he was the first Muslim who was about to sacrifice his son Ishmael at the shrine in Mecca, before Allah revented the childs death. Fthers say Adam was the first Muslim. !hl4e4Kita" Means *eo le of the -ook,' such as 0hristians, Eews and >oroastrians who can maintain their faith within the Muslim community but have to ay a head ta+. !li&ah A Hebrew word meanin# to #o u , ascend.' "he Eewish term a lied for the act of returnin# or immi#ratin# to the land of Israel. "he Arabic name for #od.' He is the revived -abylonian moon #od of war and the sword, and was the deity of Muhammads tribe. Accordin# to the book Satanic 5erses, Muhammad first said Allah three dau#hters named al(;at, al( =@@a, and al(Manat. However, later he said that Satan corru ted his thinkin# and they were not Allahs dau#hters. BSura 66G:2 P :7G23(67D.


!llah !2"ar "he Arabic term means Allah is %reater.' It is the battle cry in war, riots and of suicide bombers. "he hrase has s ecific im lications a#ainst Muhammads Eewish and 0hristian enemies$ meanin# that Allah is #reater than the %od of the Eews and the 0hristians.


!nti4Semitism "he hatred and hateful actions a#ainst the Eewish eo le that includes all forms of discrimination, violence and murder. !hile historically, the Semite eo le are a lar#er #rou that includes non(Eewish eo le, for this study Semitism will be confined to the Eewish eo le. )elated to Anti( Semitism is Anti(>ionism, which is the hatred and actions of hate a#ainst the state of Israel. "he two terms have become synonymous. It includes attitudes and actions not only a#ainst Eews, but also toward any other ethnic #rou that demonstrates favor toward the Eews. !ra" In todays common definition it is anyone whose mother ton#ue is Arabic, re#ardless of reli#ion. However, Iranians and A#y tians are not Arabs althou#h they now identify themselves with the Arab eo le. Historically and biblically, an !ra" is a descendent of Ishmael. Arab States 0ountries that are considered to be redominantly Arab are Eordan, Syria, Sudan, ;ibya, Al#eria, Morocco and "unisia. B"he eo le of ;ebanon are of *hoenician descent and the eo le from A#y t are A#y tiansD !&atollah "he title of mullahs who have attained the de#ree of authority to rule on how Islamic theolo#y is a lied in individual lives. "he Ayatollah is considered to be the symbol or re resentative of Allah.

!&atollah al4)dhma. %rand Ayatollah. "he hi#hest title in the Shiite theolo#ical hierarchy. assi6 "he assi6 is a aramilitary #rou within Iran and has tens of thousands of full time military members and three million in reserves. It is rotective of the Iranian Shiite leaders and is determined to destroy Israel and the =nited States. Its members believe Islam is a youn#, dynamic force that is #rowin# while !estern civili@ation is a declinin# force that is weak and old. "hey believe that !esterners are not ready to sacrifice themselves, which is why the assi6 dee ly believes that in the end the victory will be theirs. "he

million(man or#ani@ation will sto at nothin# to destroy Israel and the =nited States. el "he title of deities in Meso otamian re#ions such as -abylon. -el was fre&uently associated with the -abylonian moon #od Sin, symboli@ed by the crescent moon ato of every mos&ue. =hristianit& "o the Muslim it is the obstacle that o #lobal s read of Islam. oses the

(addah -in ;aden refers to *resident -ush as Daddah' the beast that must be killed. (ar !l4%ar" House of !ar.' )eference to all those who are non(Muslims and accordin# to the ?uran, must be either converted or killed. (ar !l4Salaam "he House of *eace.' )eference to Muslims. (ruse "he Druse are an eleventh century s linter #rou of the Shiites. "hey live in several communities in northern Israel and have constantly dis layed loyalty to the state of Israel, es ecially in the military. Fther Muslims consider them to be a cult #rou . *!T!% "he reverse acronym from the Arabic name Harakat al("ahrir al(!atani al(<ilastini, that means *alestinian .ational ;iberation Movement. It is the lar#est olitical arty within the *alestinian ;iberation Fr#ani@ation B*;FD. Its leader was Masser Arafat, who often fou#ht a#ainst other small militant or#ani@ations in order to retain his ower. Member factions of the *;F were well( known for their ower stru##les, all of whom succumbed sooner or later to Masser Arafat. *eda&een An Islamic #rou that was active in olitical murders and crime from the 8th throu#h th the 2J centuries, namely near the 0as ian Sea althou#h a small #rou was located in the .imrod <ortress B22(27th centuriesD in northern Israel. "hey were also known as hashshashin, meanin# those who use hashish.' "hey would take the hallucino#enic dru# rior to #oin# out on a


murder s ree. "he An#lish word assassin' is derived %ashshashin.

"oday the armed *alestinian militias are known as the *eda&een, and consist of men and women who were refu#ees from the 23J8 Israeli !ar of Inde endence. Some Islamic countries such as Ira& and Iran each have their own *eda&een Bmeanin# those who will sacrifice their lives'D olitical arties. +o/ In Islamic theolo#y, America is %o#. %adhrat $sa Arabic name for Eesus. %adith "radition.' "he sayin#s of the *ro het Muhammad and the twelve Imams which that the authority of common law. Daily life is atterned by the instructions of the %adith, the Muslim tradition. Aven amon# secular Moslems, those who seldom visit the mos&ue and fail to ray daily, when in trouble in life, they will turn to the %adith of their childhood. It is often the first ste in# stone of an Islamic revival. %a66 An essential art of attainin# salvation for the Moslem is a il#rima#e to Mecca known as the ha66, such a tri wins a ardon for sins for both the ast and future. %!M!S An acronym for the Islamic )esistance Movement. As a word, in Arabic, Hamas means @eal' but the irony is that in Hebrew it means violence.' ;ike many other terrorist or#ani@ations, it was founded in the =S where it en,oyedQen,oys lar#e( scale fundraisin# activities.637 Hamas forbids toleration of, eace with or acce tance of Israel and demands its destruction, as ublished in the Hamas 0ovenant B2388D. %ashshashin "he word comes from the ;atin word NassassinusN which is taken from the Arabic word hashshashin. %ashshashin literally means

<or rela+in# bedtime readin#, read the informative book by Steven Amerson. !merican Jihad, The Terrorists !mon/ As. .ew Mork, ;ondon, "oronto, SydneyG "he <ree *ress, 6557.


smokers of hashish' and was used as a descri tion of those Muslims who smoked hashish to whi themselves into a reli#ious fren@y before killin# their enemies. Durin# the Middle A#es it came into the Auro ean vocabulary throu#h the Muslim sect called "he Assassins' who believed Allah had called them to kill eo le as a sacred duty. %asidism An ultra(orthodo+ Eewish sect founded by Israel ben Alie@er -aal Shem "ov in the early ei#hteenth century in !est %ermany. Hasidism includes mysticism reflective of an earlier Middle A#es era. %e'"ollah %i'"ullah, means, the *arty of %od,' is a terrorist or#ani@ation trained, funded and art of the Iranian military. It coo erates closely with Syria, and in the 2385s was res onsible for the 0hristian massacre in ;ebanon and two ma,or wars a#ainst Israel. %udna An Arabic term for a eace a#reement created for the sole ur ose of defeatin# ones enemy. Hence, it is a eace desi#ned to lead to another war. .F"AG Accordin# to the Haidth, If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breakin# off your treaty with them.'

$ntifada An Arabic word meanin#, shakin# off violently' as one would shake off a scor ion. $slam An Arabic word which ori#inally referred to an attribute of manliness and described someone who was heroic and brave in battle. Aventually the meanin# chan#ed to submission' or surrender.' !esterners believe that Islam is a reli#ion, but it is more than that. It is a reli#ion as well as a common shared cultural herita#e. It is a com lete way of life, havin# its own rulin#s, social, economic and ,udicial systems and forei#n olicy alon# with the s iritual dynamics of the worshi of Allah. "here is no se aration between mos&ue and state$ the state has become the reli#ious( oliceQmilitary for the reli#ion. Jihad Means holy war.' Fri#inally a war wa#ed by Muslims a#ainst hostile non(Muslims or for con&uest

of territory for Islam. Chomeini has e+tended it to mean fi#ht unacce table Muslim #overnments B#overnments that do not endorse strict adherence to the ?uranD. It is a war that is Anti( Eewish, Anti( Israel, Anti(0hrist and Anti(0hristian. Muslims believe it is their destiny to create a #lobal Islamic world, and is best achieved by military action rather than education and free s eech. "hey further believe all nations are divided into two cate#oriesG (ar al4$slam BHouse of IslamD, and (ar al4%ar" BHouse of !arD. "hose nations who are faithful to strict Islamic code belon# to the House of Islam$ all others are sub,ect to Jihad, or holy war.63J "here is no eace or eace treaty. "hose nations that are tolerant of !estern culture and la+ on the strict Islamic code are rone to receive violence until they submit to the doctrines demanded by the radical orthodo+' sect. Hence, Moslems will readily kill fellow Moslems for reli#ious reasons. <riday sermons from the mos&ues fre&uently echo the words of Muhammad, who said, A day and ni#ht fi#htin# on the frontier is better than a month of fastin# and rayer.'63: !arriors are told that to kill and be killed will insure a lace in Heaven where they will s end eternity with seventy beautiful vir#ins who will be on constant call for se+ual favors. As for 0hristians, they are no better off than the Eews or any other reli#ious #rou . Islamic radicals are determined to make every nation an Islamic state. <urthermore, they res ond to any criticism of their faith or ro het by orderin# death to one whom they deem to be the offender. Fne e+am le is Salman )ushdie who authored Satanic 5erses. His ublisher was murdered and he has been in hidin# from
63J 63:

-ennett, :2. -asic "enets of Islam,' rid/es for Peace, "enets 6nd ?tr. 2335, 2.


Islamic aven#ers for more than a decade. Aven if asked about contradictions in the ?uran, radical Moslems will assi#n death to the one who in&uired such &uestions. !here radical Islam is influential or in ower there is no mercy for anyone else, es ecially for the Eew or 0hristian. "he ni#htly news re orts that aired durin# the Second Ira& !ar featured many ca tured eace workers and care#ivers who were brutally murdered by those whom they served. <urthermore, they constantly de#rade the %od of the Eews and 0hristians, as well as Eesus. An e+am le of Jihad in recent years is in the nation of Sudan. In 2387 the traditional Sharia law was introduced and more than two million Sudanese 0hristians have been massacred and thousands more have been sold into slavery ever since. "here has been very little said in the world media, and to date almost nothin# has been done to end the #enocide. Another e+am le of Jihad is ;ebanon, which was at one time a 0hristian nation. Its ca ital city, -eirut, was known as the *aris of the Middle Aast.' "ourists from Auro e and the =nited States fre&uented the country which was known for its hos itality and fine climate. A ma,ority of the citi@ens were 0hristians, but those days are lon# #one. "oday 0hristianity is a small minority in the land. "he Islamic roverb continues to rin#, "oday we kill the Saturday eo le, then we kill the Sunday eo le.' Ji'ra A ta+ rivile#e of life. Kaa"a im osed u on non(Muslims for the

A lar#e brick buildin# Muslims believe was constructed by Abraham in the city of Mecca that houses the Caaba BCaabahD Stone.

Kaa"a Stone A black stone, ossibly an asteroid that had fallen out of the sky and thus viewed to have

su ernatural &ualities, worshi ed by ancient a#ans and revered by Muslims. "he Arab ?uraysh tribe had ado ted a black stone as their tribal ma#ic stone and had set it u at the Caaba. "his ma#ical black stone was kissed when eo le came on their il#rima#e to worshi at the Cabah. It was no doubt an asteroid that had fallen out of the sky and thus was viewed as bein# divine in some wayR Muslims believe that the "lac2 Kaa"a stone in Mecca is the stone that Allah Bor %abrielD #ave to Adam when he was thrown out of the %arden of Aden. Quran Also s elled as Koran, it is the holy book of Islam. Muhammads followers com iled his words re#arded as comin# directly and literally from Allah. Madrasas An Arab lace for learnin#$ a school Mart&rdom "he traditional definition is to die for the rinci les or ideals that one believes. <or Eews and 0hristians, martyrdom is, I will die for what I believe.' However, for Muslims, martyrdom is, I will die for what you believe.' Middle East "he #eneral area that com rises A#y t, Iran, Ira&, Israel, Eordan, ;ebanon, *alestine and Syria. Fther countries that are sometimes considered to be Middle Aastern are 0y rus, %reece, ;ibya and "urkey. Since the definition a ears to be e+ andin#, the nations of the Arabian *eninsula are at times included. "hey are -ahrain, Cuwait, .orth Memen, Fman, ?uatar, Saudi Arabia, South Memen and the =nited Arab Amirates. Muslim An international Islamic Eihad BHoly !arD #rou that rotherhood ori#inated in A#y t and actively romotes terrorism and any other activity desi#ned to eradicate Eews and destroy the state of Israel. Mos#ue Muslim house of worshi . Qital Cillin# in the course of fulfillin# the will of Allah. In ractice, to reali@e the ob,ectives of the Imam throu#h the hysical elimination of his o onents.

Shahadah Martyrdom, A Muslims most noble achievement. "he shahada Bliterally, testimony or creedD succinctly states the central belief of IslamG W"here is no #od but %od BAllahD, and Muhammad is the *ro het of %od.W Sharia ?uranic law As in Sharia 1aw, 1iteral inter retation of B?uranic lawD.

"he Islamic holy law BShariaD is the e+treme reli#ious law whereby the adherents are e+ ected to kill or to be killed for the sake of their #od Allah. Accordin# to the Sharia law, to leave the Moslem faith for another reli#ion is an invitation to death. !here Sharia law is instituted, as in Saudi Arabia, the Matowa, or reli#ious olice, insures that all businesses are closed durin# times of rayer and that everyone is in a mos&ue durin# <riday services. "hose who fail to com ly may be sentenced to rison or have hands and feet cho ed off. If anyone receives 0hristian literature they may s end years in rison. "his writer is aware of one Saudi 0hristian who received an unsolicited #os el music ta e from America and conse&uently s ent a year in rison. )eli#ious liberty does not e+ist in Islamic states. Shiites Muslims who follow the inter retations of Mohammad as directed by Ali, his son(in( law Band cousinD. Shiites believe that the *ro het neither desi#nated his successor nor decreed how a successor should be chosen. Some members of the Muslim community BummaD believe MuhammadSs successor should be a close blood relative of the *ro het, i.e., Ali, who was a member of the Hashemite line, the *ro hetSs cousin, and the husband of <atima, MuhammadSs only survivin# dau#hter. .oteG "oday the kin# of Eordan is of the Hashemite "ribe$ hence the countrys ro er name is "he Hashemite Cin#dom of Eordan. "he two reli#ious sects BSunni and ShiitesD have been fi#htin# each other for centuries. Most

recent conflicts include the Shiite Iran and Sunni Ira& !ar of the 2385s, and the Shiite and Sunni conflicts in Ira& followin# the 655J invasion by the =nited States. Sufis "he Sufi Muslims are neither Sunni nor Shiite, but are moderate relative to livin# eacefully with non(Muslim nei#hbors. However, like *entecostalsQ0harismatics of the 0hristian faith or the Hassids of Eudaism, the Sufis can dis lay a #reat deal of reli#ious emotion. Sulha "he first ste initiated amon# Arab clans to end the cycle of violence amon# themselves. Cillin#s may have ori#inated for a number of reasons such as insultin# a man or the honor killin# of a woman. Such actions called for reven#e to resort family honor which in turn resulted in tit(for(tat killin#s. "he Sulha consisted of brin#in# the elders of two warrin# tribes to#ether for a bi# meal to#ether. "he same conce t is mentioned in *salm 67, and was a common ractice amon# various ancient Middle Aastern eo le #rou s. Sunna "he combined teachin#s of the ?uran and the Hadith. It is a com rehensive #uide to the s iritual, ethical and social life of the orthodo+ Muslim. Sunni Muslims who follow the teachin#s of Muhammad. Sunni Muslims believe such kinshi for reli#ious leadershi was not a necessary rere&uisite and held that the cali h Bfrom 2halifa((successorD should be chosen by the community. A s lit in the ideally e#alitarian and harmonious umma develo ed over this issue. Sunni are descendents of the Sunna and Eamaa Bi.e., those who favored a leader chosen by the communityD.

Sirah <asul !llah "his term translated is 1ife of the !postle of +odD or Sirat Na"awi&&a B1ife of the ProphetD more commonly referred to in the shortened form Sira or Sirah is the recorded bio#ra hy of Muhammad.

Sunnah Muhammads way of life on which the Sharia 1aw is based. Sura Ta#i&&a Means revelation.' Dissimulation. Hidin# ones true faith and beliefs when in a osition of weakness. Muslims are encoura#ed to be dece tive about their faith or olitical #oals whenever it is in the interest to s read Sharia ;aw.

Temple Mount *aithful A #rou of orthodo+ Eews who desire to relocate the Dome of the )ock and build the "hird "em le. "hey are considered to be e+tremists by most Israelis. Terrorism /iolence by a erson or #rou of eo le a#ainst another erson or eo le #rou andQor their ro erty, for the ur ose of intimidatin# or coercin# them to make a decision they would otherwise not make. "he act of terrorism is disobedience to biblical rinci les but obedience to the ?uran. Twel.ers "hose who believe in the 26th Imam are known as the Twel.ers. 3ahha"i A radical and fundamental inter retation of the ?uran that was revived in the 28th century$ an ideolo#y of e+treme urity that su orts the s read of Islam throu#h violence.

"he ower of the e+tremist 3ahha"i form of Islam in the =nited States was created with #enerous Saudi financin# of American Muslim communities over the ast few years. Fver ei#hty ercent of the mos&ues in the =nited States have been radicali@ed by Saudi money and influence.' 634 3ahha"is "he followers of this sect are the urist form of Sunni Muslims. "hey inter ret the ?uran literally, es ecially those assa#es that advocate violence to s read their reli#ion. Amon# those who claim to be !ahhabis, is the House of Ibn


Haviv )etti#, A+ ertG Saudis Have )adicali@ed 85U of =S Mos&ues,' )etrieved December :, 655:. www., ost.comQservketQSatelliteH cidL2276J9:483389P a#enameLE*ostU6f, ArticleU6< rinter.


Saud in Saudi Arabia, who are also the caretakers of most of the holy sites. @a6u6 wa4Ja6u6 "he American eo le are the @a6u6 wa4 Ja6u6, whom must also be destroyed alon# with America B%o# L AmericaD. Zionism "he movement Breli#ious or secularD with the #oal of returnin# Eews to the land of Israel.

A,,en$iB > Recommen$e$ ;oo-s for &urther +tu$% b Hi#hly recommended b)andall *rice. Anhol& 3ar. Au#ene, F)G Harvest, 6552. BIS-.G 5(9743(5867(JD .F"AG Any books by )andall *rice are e+cellent resources. b XXXXXXXXX. The Harvest House, 655J. b Steven Amerson. !merican Jihad, The Terrorists !mon/ As. .ew Mork, ;ondon, "oronto, SydneyG "he <ree *ress, 6557. =n&uestionably an e+cellent resource. Many authors and researchers use Amerson as a resource. Amerson a roaches the sub,ect from a olitical, reli#ious and cultural view oint, but not necessarily from an evan#elical ers ective. b Marcel )ebiai, $slam, $srael and the =hurch. ;ancaster, An#landG Soverei#n !orld, 6554. attle for the 1ast (a&s Temple. Au#ene, F).


A+cellent com arison of the conflict between Islamic and !estern cultural and reli#ious values. Dee s iritual insi#hts. bDavid Dolan. %ol& 3ar for the Promised 1and. .ashvilleG -roadman P Holman, 6557. b)amon -ennett. Philistine, The +reat (eception. Ceno, F)G Shekinah -ooks, 233:. BFut of rintD %.E.F. Moshay. 3ho is this !llahI -ucksG =nited Cin#domG Dorchester House, 233J. Alishua Davidson. $slam, $srael and the 1ast (a&s. Au#ene, F)G Harvest, 2332. Mark 0ohen, Ander =rescent and =ross. Mark 0ohen is a rofessor at *rinceton =niversity who deals with Eewish life in the 0hristian and Islamic worlds durin# the Middle A#es. -ased on documents discovered in a 0airo %eni@a, 0ohen says Eews lived eacefully side(by(side with A#y tians durin# the 25( 27th centuries. B-ook review in the Eerusalem *ost, Int. Ad. .ov. 8, 2339D. Mordechai .isan, Minorities in the Middle East. Eefferson, .0 and ;ondonG Mc<arland P 0o., 2332. -at Meor The (himmi, Jews and =hristians under $slam. ;ondon and "orontoG An#lish edition ( <airlei#h Dickinson =niversity *ress and Associated =niversity *resses, 238:.

Amir "aheri. The Spirit of !llah, Khomeini and the $slamic <e.olution. -ethesda, MDG Adler P Adler, and Eohannesbur#, Sourth AfricaG HutchinsonG 2384. XXXXXXXXX. %ol& Terror, $nside the 3orld of $slamic Terrorism. -ethesda, MDG Adler and Adler, 2389. XXXXXXXX. Nest of Spies, !mericaOs Journe& to (isaster in $ran. .ew MorkG *antheon -ooks, 2383. Eohn Ha%ee. Jerusalem =ountdown. ;ake Mary, <;G <ront ;ineQStrand 0o., 6554. Eoel 0. )osenber# The E'e2iel )ption. 0arol Stream, IlG "yndale, 655:. "his book is a novel, but accurately ortrays the o inions and attitudes of cultures in conflict in the Middle Aast. bEoan *eters. *rom Time $mmemorial, The )ri/ins of the !ra"4Jewish =onflict Palestine. 0hica#oG ECA* *ublications, 238J. B)e rint 6556D A massive body of research$ JJ5 a#es with 255K a#es of notes. "his must read book, in con,unction with any book by )andal *rice, is a com rehensive combination. Wor-s Cite$ ;77C+


<or recommended readin#s, see A

endi+ 8.


Armstron#, Caren. $slam, ! Short %istor&. .ew MorkG Modern ;ibrary, 6555. -ennett, )amon. The +reat (eception. Ceno, F)G Shekinah -ooks, 233:. -entley, %uenter. Ad. The Storms the (eput&. .ew MorkG %rove *ress, 234J. -lech, -en,amin. E&ewitness to Jewish %istor&. Hoboken, .EG Eohn !iley P Sons, 655J. -ottomore, ". -. Earl& 3ritin/s. Carl Mar+, "rans and Ad. .ew MorkG Mc%raw(Hill, 2347. -ur#e, %ary M. 3ho are +ods People in the Middle EastI %rand )a idsG >ondervan, 2337. 0antrell, )on. Anhol& 3ar for an $slamic Empire. "ulsa, FCG -rid#es for *eace, 6556. 0attan, H. Palestine, the !ra"s and $srael. The Search for Justice. ;ondonG ;on#man, 2343. 0ohen, Mark. Ander =rescent and =ross, The Jews in the Middle !/es. .ew EerseyG *rinceton =. 233:. 0ornwell, Eohn. %itlers Pope, The Secret %istor& of Pope Pius D$$, .ew MorkG /ikin#, 2333. Davidson, Alishua. $slam $srael and the 1ast (a&s. Au#ene, F)G Harvest House, 2332. Dolan, David. %ol& 3ar for the Promised 1and. .ashville$ -roadman P Holman, 6557. XXXXXXXXXX. $srael at the =rossroads. %rand )a idsG <lemin# H. )evell, 2338. As osito, Eohn ;. Anhol& 3ar, Terror in the Name of $slam. F+ford =niversity *ress, 6556. <alcon,"ed and David Indiana olisG !iley *ublishin#. 6552. <indley, *aul The (are to Spea2 )ut. ;awrence Hill -ooks, 0hica#oG 2383. -latner. Judaism for (ummies.


<lannery, Adward. The !n/uish of the Jews, Twent&4Three =enturies of !nti4Semitism. .ew MorkG *aulist *ress, 238:. <riedman, "homas ;. *rom eirut to Jerusalem. .ew MorkG Anchor -ooksQ DoubleDay, 2335. %lock, 0harles M. and )odney Stark. =hristian eliefs and !nti4Semitism. .ew MorkQ ;ondonG Har er and )ow, 2344. %rant, %eor#e. The lood of the Moon. -rentwoodG ".G !ol#ermuth P Hyatt, 2332. %uillaume, A. The 1ife of Muhammad, ! Translation of $"n $sha#s Sirat <asul !llah. F+ford =niversity *ress, 23::. %uinnes, Alma A. ed., M&steries of the .MG )eaders Di#est, 2338. i"le. *leasantville,

Hart, Alan. !rafat, Terrorist or Peacema2erI ;ondonG Sidwick P Eackson, 238J. Hay, Malcolm. The <oots of =hristian !nti4Semitism. .ew MorkG ;iberty *ress, 2382. Heinrich, !illiam H. $n the Shame of Jesus. Mor#antown, *AG Mastof *ress, 6553. Isaacs, )onald H. and Cerry M. Flit@ky, eds. =ritical (ocuments of Jewish %istor&, ! Source oo2. .orthvale, .EG Eason Aronson, 233:. Car in, Michael. The om" in the asement, %ow $srael 3ent Nuclear and 3hat that Means for the 3orld. .ew MorkG Simon P Schuster, 6554. Cat@, Samuel. attle/round, *act J *antas& in Palestine. .ew MorkG "aylor *ub., 6556. Clein, Aaron. Schmoo'in/ with Terrorists. ;os An#eles, 0AG !orld Ahead Media, 6559. Cunnas, =nto. Kaarlo S&.anto4Pioneer, *ort& @ears in $srael. Brevised and u dated from the ori#inal <innishD. Israel, 2388. ;acey, )obert. The Kin/dom. .ew MorkG Harcourt -race Eovanovich, 2382. ;ac&uer, !alter and -arry )ubin, The $srael4!ra" <eader, .ew MorkG <acts on <ile, 238J.

;arson, Daniel ;. Jews +entiles and the =hurch. %rand )a idsG Discovery House, 233:. ;arsson, %oran. *act or *raudI The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. EerusalemG Eerusalem 0enter for -iblical Studies and )esearch, 233J. ;ewis, -ernard. $slam in %istor&, $deas, People and E.ents in the Middle East. )ev. ed. 0hica#oG F en 0ourt *ub. 2337. Marcus, Amy Dockser. Jerusalem 7E7C, The )ri/ins of the !ra"4$sraeli =onflict. .ew MorkG /ikin#, 6559. McMamara, Martin. "he Isaiah "ar#um,' in The !ramaic i"le, /ol. 6, -ruce D. 0hilton, trans., !ilmin#ton, DAG Michael %la@ier, Inc., 2389. Meir(;evi, David. %istor& Apside (own. .ew MorkG Ancounter -ooks, 6559. Mikhail, ;abib. $slam, Muhammad and the Quran. S rin#field, /AG -lessed Ho e Ministry, 6556. Millard, Alan. Treasures from 238:. i"le Times. F+fordG ;ion -ooks,

Morley, )obert. $slamic $n.asion, Au#ene, F)G Harvest House, 2336. Morris, -enny. The 7E;847E;E.XXXXXXX irth of the Palestinian <efu/ee Pro"lem,

.etanyahu, -en,amine. ! Place !mon/ the Nations, $srael and the 3orld. .ew MorkG -antam, 2337. .icholls, !illiam. =hristian !nti4Semitism, ! %istor& of %ate. .orthvale, .EG Eason Aronson, Inc., 2337. F-rian, 0onnor 0ruise. The Sie/e, The Sa/a of $srael and Zionism. .ew MorkG Simon and Schuster, 2384. FShea, Ste hen. Sea of *aith, $slam and =hristianit& in the Mediterranean 3orld. .ew MorkG !alter P 0o., 6554. *arkes, Eames. 3hose 1andI ! %istor& of the Peoples of Palestine. ;ondonG Harmondsworth, 2395. *eters, Eoan. *rom Time $mmemorial. 0hica#oG ECA* *ub. 6556. *ierre van *aassen. The *or/otten !ll&. .ew MorkG Dial *ress, 23J7.

*ra#er, Dennis and Eose h "elushkin. 3h& the JewsI .ew MorkG "ouchstone, 2387. *rice, )andall. Anhol& 3ar. Au#ene, F)G Harvest House, 6552. *rittie, "errence. $srael, Miracle in the (esert. .ew MorkG *rae#er, 2349. *rit@, )ay. Fn 0alculatin# the "ime of the Messiahs A earance.' The (eath of Messiah. Cai C,aer(Hansen, ed., EerusalemG 0as ari 0enter, 233J. )at@er, -eryl. ! %istorical Tour of the %ol& 1and. Eerusalem and .ew MorkG %efen, 6555. )ausch, David A. ! 1e/ac& of %atred. 0hica#oG Moody, 238J. )ebiai, Marcel. $slam, $srael and the =hurch. ;ancaster, An#landG Soverei#n !orld, 6554. )ufeisen, Fswald. (ieter =or"ach. Coln, %ermanyG Scriba /eria#, 2383. )ussell, Eeffrey -urton. ! %istor& of =hristianit& Prophec& and )rder. .ew MorkG "homas M. 0romwell, 2348. San#er, D. %o#, Ma#o#' E>e/entical (ictionar& of the New Testament. B7 vols.D Horst -al@ and %erhand Schneider, eds. %rand ra idsG Aerdmans, 2335, vol. 2. Se#ev, "om. 7E98, $srael, the 3ar, and the @ear that Transformed the Middle East. Eessica 0ohen, trans. .ew MorkG Metro olitan -ooks, 6559. Silver, )abbi Abba Hillel Silver, in his work, ! %istor& of Messianic Speculation in $srael, 2369. S encer, )obert. The Truth !"out Muhammad, *ounder of the 3orlds Most $ntolerant <eli/ion, )e#nery *ublicationG .M, 655:. "aheri, Amir. The Spirit of !llah. ;ondon and MelbourneG Hutchinson. 233:. "obin, %ary A. and Dennis ). Marra. The Trou"le with Te>t"oo2s, (istortin/ %istor& and <eli/ion. Idaho <alls, IdahoG ;e+in#ton -ooks, 6558. =ssher, Arland. The Ma/ic People. ;ondonG /ictor %ollanc@, ;td., 23:5.

/andiver, <rank A. lac2 Jac2, The 1ife and Times of John J. Pershin/. "e+as A P M =niversity *ress, 2399. /enter, Al E. !llahs om", The $slamic Quest for Nuclear 3eapons. %uilford, 0"G ;yons *ress. 6559. !idlanski, M. =an $srael Sur.i.e a Palestinian StateI EerusalemG Institute for Advanced Strate#ic and *olitical Studies, 2335. !istrich, )obert S. %itler and the %olocaust. Modern ;ibrary, 6556. MeSor, -at. Eura"ia, The Euro4!ra" !>is. ;ondonG <airlei#h Dickinson =niversity *ress. 655:. >iff, !illiam.The <ape of Palestine. Ar#us -ooksQ%reenwood *ublishin# %rou , 2378. 7T ER +72RCE+ Anti(Defamation ;ea#ue of -nai -rith research re ort titled, ;ouis <arrakhanG "he cam ai#n to Mani ulate *ublic F inion.' .ew MorkG Anti(Defamation ;ea#ue of -nai -rith, 2335. J2, J7. A@oury, .e#ib. Ishmael and His -rother' in the Jerusalem Post, A ril, 66, 233:, 22. -en(David, 0haim. %olan %emG "he Ancient Syna#o#ue of Deir A@i@.' i"lical !rchaeolo/& <e.iew .ov.QDec. 6559. JJ( :2, :J. 0hristian *alestinianism Moves 0hurch toward Islam.' $srael M& +lor&. Se temberQFctober 6553. J2. Dershowit@, Alan M. *rontPa/eMa/a' Euly 8, 655:. Du#dale(*ointon, ". attle of BEanuary 66, 6558D, 62 ms. Ad staff. Mar+, Carl' Enc&clopedia Judaica. 0D )FM ed., 2399. %lick, 0aroline. "he -e#innin# of the )eckonin#.' $srael M& +lor&. MarchQA ril, 6554. 2:. adr 78th March 9:; !(,


Ea#er, Alliot. A History that %ra Post. A ril 23, 6556. 72.

les with V!hy' Jerusalem

"he Eerusalem 0onnection )e ort.' March(A ril, 6553. 63. Cunnas, =nto. Kaarlo S&.anto4Pioneer, *ort& @ears in $srael. Brevised and u dated from the ori#inal <innishD Israel, 2388. Maalouf, "ony ". $shmael in i"lical %istor&, an un ublished doctoral dissertation at Dallas "heolo#ical Seminary. May 2338. Mevorah, -aruch. .a oleon -ona arte' Enc&clopedia Judaica. 0D )FM ed., 2399. *arsons, David."he Hidden A#enda behind a VHudna' $=EJ NE3S SPE=$!1K meid^ice, An electronic news re ort by the International 0hristian Ambassy Eerusalem. Eune 6:, 6557. )abinovich, Abraham. Star, 0rescent and 0ross.' Jerusalem Post, $nt. Ed. .ov. 8, 2339. 2:. )eshef, Mehuda. ;ichtenber#, -ernhard.' Enc&clopedia Judaica. 0D )FM ed., 2399. Samuel, Adwin. Allenby, Admund Henry Hynman, /iscount.' Enc&clopedia Judaica. 0D )FM ed., 2399. Schneider, Aviel. Eesus was a *alestinian *ro het.' $srael Toda&. Au#ust, 6553. .o. 229. 65. XXXXXXXXXX How Moslems Inter ret the -ible.' $srael Toda&. Euly, 6556. .o. J7. 28. Schwar@fuchs, Simon ). "he 0rusades.' Enc&clopedia Judaica 0D )FM 2399. "uchman, Susan -. Eewish Students of America, Cnow your ;e#al )i#hts.' Jerusalem Post. Int. ed December 24(66, 655:, 62. "he Sudan 0onnection.' Middle East $ntelli/ence (i/est. <eb. 2337, 2 /elikovsky, Immanuel. *ertinent Su##estion to 0ertain *rominent *hilatelists on a .ew Issue.' The New @or2 Post. May 22, 23J8.


XXXXXXXXXX. State De t. 0onceals *romised !hite *a er -ook$ =ses !hitewash Instead.' The New @or2 Post. <eb. 67, 23J8. !orld Eewish 0on#ress' News J 5iews /ol. N/, .o. 7 B<eb. (A ril 2332D, 65.


Celler, !erner. The i"le as %istor&, ! =onfirmation of the Morrow P 0o. .ew Mork, 23:4. a#e 294(99.

oo2 of

oo2s. !illiam .eil, trans. !illiam

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