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to speak spoke spoken a vorbi

PREZENT every day, every week, every morning, every month, in spring, in the morning - eu vorbesc I speak I do not speak do I speak ? you speak you do not speak do you speak ? he speaks he does not speak does he speak ? we speak we do not speak do we speak ? you speak you do not speak do you speak ? they speak they do not speak do they speak ? PREZENT CONTINUU now, just now, right now, at present - eu vorbesc I am speaking I am not speaking you are speaking you are not speaking he is speaking he is not speaking we are speaking we are not speaking you are speaking you are not speaking they are speaking they are not speaking

am I speaking ? are you speaking ? is he speaking ? are we speaking ? are you speaking ? are they speaking ?

TRECUT yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year - eu am vorbit I spoke I did not speak did I speak ? you spoke you did not speak did you speak ? he spoke he did not speak did he speak ? we spoke we did not speak did we speak ? you spoke you did not speak did you speak ? they spoke they did not speak did they speak ? TRECUT CONTINUU - eu vorbeam I was speaking you were speaking he was speaking we were speaking you were speaking they were speaking PREZENT PERFECT - am vorbit I have spoken you have spoken he has spoken we have spoken you have spoken they have spoken at this time yesterday, a four oclock yesterday, while, when, - corespunde imperfectului din lb. rom n! "i e#prim! o ac$iune %n desf!"urare la un moment dat %n trecut. I was not speaking you were not speaking he was not speaking we were not speaking you were not speaking they were not speaking was I speaking ? were you speaking ? was he speaking ? were we speaking ? were you speaking ? were they speaking ?

today, this morning, this week, ever, never, yet, lately, recently, since, for - e#prim! o ac$iune care a %nceput %n trecut "i s-a terminat %n pre&ent I have not spoken you have not spoken he has not spoken we have not spoken you have not spoken they have not spoken have I spoken ? have you spoken ? has he spoken ? have we spoken ? have you spoken ? have they spoken ?

PAST PERFECT - am vorbit I had spoken you had spoken he had spoken we had spoken you had spoken they had spoken

after, before ' mai mult ca perfectul din lb. rom n! - e#prim! o ac$iune din trecut care a avut loc %naintea unei ac$iuni tot din trecut I had not spoken you had not spoken he had not spoken we had not spoken you had not spoken they had not spoken had I spoken ? had you spoken ? had he spoken ? had we spoken ? had you spoken ? had they spoken ?

VIITOR tomorow, the day after tomorow, tomorow morning, ne#t week - eu voi vorbi I shall speak I shall not speak shall I speak ? you will speak you will not speak will you speak ? he will speak he will not speak will he speak ? we shall speak we shall not speak shall we speak ? you will speak you will not speak will you speak ? they will speak they will not speak will they speak ? CONDIIONAL PREZENT e#prim! o ac$iune, o voin$! - eu a" vorbit I should speak I should not speak you would speak you would speak he would speak he would speak we should speak we should not speak you would speak you would speak they would speak they would speak CONDIIONAL TRECUT e#prim! o dorin$! nereali&at! - eu a" fi vorbit I should have spoken I should not have spoken you would have spoken you would not have spoken he would have spoken he would not have spoken we should have spoken we should not have spoken you would have spoken you would not have spoken they would have spoken they would not have spoken PROPOZIIA CONDIIONAL viitor pre&ent I shall speak if he gives me the book. condi$ional pre&ent trecut I should speak if he gave me the book I condi$ional trecut past perfect should have spoken if he had given me the book.

should I speak ? would you speak ? would he speak ? should we speak ? would you speak ? would they speak ?

should I have spoken ? would you have spoken ? would he have spoken ? should we have spoken ? would you have spoken ? would they have spoken ?

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