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[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers

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[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card
31st January 2013, 05:00 AM (Last edited by sayhellotwoheaven; 1st February 2013 at 06:08 AM.)


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Re: [GUIDE] [ [2.3+] How to MicroSD Car


(quote) Perso

[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card

Senior Member - OP Thanks Meter 74 Posts: 114 Join Date: Jul 2012 Location: Valparaso MORE INFO

Hi Guys! Today I will teach you how to make a partition in your MicroSD Card. Is very useful have a dedicated partition to have your Apps, and other for you data. The swap partition is very useful to spped-up your system, but NEVER can cosiderated how additional Ram memory. All depends of you SD speed. If you know something of Android, the process is very simple, however, I made this guide as easy as I could, with screenshots and stuffs. Requirements:

Important!!! you


(quote) First c





- A Smartphone (this guide is based in 2011 MDPI) - Root - Busybox - Android (Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich or Jelly Bean, I tested in 4.0.4 & I use in 4.1.2) - Unlocked Bootloader (need EXT4 support, not allowed in stock kernel) - EXT4 Kernel Support (most of kernels for Xperia 2011 have EXT4 support) - A FORMATED 8GB MicroSD Card or Higher - The MiniTool Partition Wizard (Free)


After to Partition your MicroSD Card (to step 2 & 3): - Link2SD - Swapper 2 (for Root Users) NOTE: Im no responsible if you brick your phone, be very careful. Ready? Here We GO Step 1: Partition your MicroSD Card


Note: To make this post, I will use an 16 GB card how as example, but if you have lower on higer, can use it choosing your favorite sizes. Sizes witch I used are for reference , and you can use the sizes what you prefer. Repeat, I am NOT responsable for damages in your MicroSD Card, Phone on another damage in your hardware. First To All, Connect your MicroSD with the adapter and open MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition




[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers

You can see the principal partition of you memory. Right Click and Choose Delete

Now right click in your memory and click "Create". Set the dialog how the image.




[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers

Next, click in the Unallocated space, click in yes and set it a new partition how this image:

To continue, click again in the Unallocated space, click again in yes and set it again a new partition how this image:

Now click in apply.

And Wait for the action finish.




[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers

When has finished, disconnect your MicroSD (secure) and follow the step 2.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Phone: Link2SD


Now, we procced to configure the Swap, and the EXT4 for apps partition in your phone. First Install Link2SD. Shut down your Phone and put the partitioned MicroSD card in your phone. Now Start your Phone and open "Link2SD", and give Root Permisions. Select ext4, wait while script is creating and reboor your phone.

Open again the Link2SD and go to Settings, and choose this parameters.




[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers

Now, when your install an app, this will be automatical moved to the EXT4 partition. Remember, when you will going to install an app and wanna have in your phone memory, discheck "Auto Link", and install, after recheck "Auto Link". With Link2SD you can install, uninstall, Link and remove links of your apps.

Step 3: Setting Up Your Phone: Swapper 2 .


Now we configure the SWAP partition in our Android. Is very simple. Install Swapper 2 , open and set Root permission, and click in "Ads Off"

Now go to Settings and set "Swap Size" and "Swappiness" how show the images.




[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers

Now go to Advanced Preferences and set this:

Now go to principal screen of Swapper 2 and ON the swap partition.




[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers

Finish! Now, you have you SWAP partition working Enjoy you Phone with EXT4 + SWAP! NOTE: this tutorial and the images are of my authority. Remember, this is only any of a lot of ways to part your MicroSD Card (CWM, TWRP and other windows apps and linux commands make it) and get SWAP working (there are millions of scripts and other apps that do), but this is the way that I use and think is the easiest to get swap and ext4 parts. Remember press Thanks! Device: Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Wt19i @SmartAssV2 1.6Ghz Rooted: Yes Unlocked Bootloader: Yes Android Version: Jelly Bean 4.2.2 OS: CyanogenMod 10.1
The Follow ing 27 Users Say Thank You to sayhellotw oheav en For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


31st January 2013, 05:06 AM


Firstly very good guide.... But btw didn't u made step 1 also in other thread? http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2126246

Recognized Contributor Thanks Meter 1300 Posts: 1,287 Join Date: Jul 2012 Location: Raipur MORE INFO

I will be temporarily unavailable due to heavy study load and may not be able to give updates of my stuff. Will update everything once I get some free time

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[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers

The Follow ing User Says Thank You to Abhinav 2 For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


31st January 2013, 05:21 AM (Last edited by sayhellotwoheaven; 31st January 2013 at 09:47 PM.) Quote:


Originally Posted by alokbina

Senior Member - OP Thanks Meter 74 Posts: 114 Join Date: Jul 2012 Location: Valparaso MORE INFO

Firstly very good guide.... But btw didn't u made step 1 also in other thread? http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2126246 oh, thanks, a bit error. Fixed


Is my first Guide, too Device: Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Wt19i @SmartAssV2 1.6Ghz Rooted: Yes Unlocked Bootloader: Yes Android Version: Jelly Bean 4.2.2 OS: CyanogenMod 10.1


1st February 2013, 10:03 PM (Last edited by hjhita979; 1st February 2013 at 10:09 PM.)


Re: [GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card Senior Member Thanks Meter 31 Posts: 225 Join Date: Aug 2012

Partitioning your SD card works with locked bootloader aswell. First you must have Rooted device, CWM installed, busybox and a memory card. 1) Backup and format your SD card. 2) Enter CWM 3) Go into advanced and pick. Partition SD card 4) Choose the sizes you want 5) Reboot and download Link2SD from play store. 6) Open it and pick sdext2. 7) Reboot and you have it. To check, open file manager and go into Data. There should be a folder called sdext2 Press thanks if I helped Sent from my WT19i

The Follow ing 4 Users Say Thank You to hj hita979 For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


2nd February 2013, 02:19 AM


Re: [GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card Quote:

Senior Member - OP Thanks Meter 74 Posts: 114 Join Date: Jul 2012 Location: Valparaso MORE INFO

Originally Posted by hjhita979 Partitioning your SD card work s with lock ed bootloader aswell. First you must have Rooted device, CWM installed, busybox and a memory card.


1) Back up and format your SD card. 2) Enter CWM 3) Go into advanced and pick . Partition SD card 4) Choose the sizes you want 5) Reboot and download Link 2SD from play store. 6) Open it and pick sdext2. 7) Reboot and you have it. To check , open file manager and go into Data. There should be a folder called sdext2 Press thank s if I helped Sent from my WT19i But the stock kernel doesnt support ext4... And the CWM for locked bootloader doest have "Partition SD" in his menu. Sent from my Xperia Live with Walkman using xda premium Device: Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Wt19i @SmartAssV2 1.6Ghz Rooted: Yes Unlocked Bootloader: Yes Android Version: Jelly Bean 4.2.2 OS: CyanogenMod 10.1

The Follow ing User Says Thank You to sayhellotw oheav en For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


2nd February 2013, 03:23 AM


i learned how to partition from xda.. so maybe this is a repost from another section.. bt anyway, this uses different ss so not a repost ; )




[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers
you can do this with Locked bl too.. d'uh check your sdcard b4 doing this! if it is c4 or below then choose FAT32.. if you have a c6 or above then use Ext2.. dont move system apps with Link2SD.. why? sometimes it doesnt work well and they dissapear!! be carefull, specially dont move play store.

Senior Member Thanks Meter 407 Posts: 448 Join Date: Dec 2012 Location: Buenos Aires MORE INFO DONATE TO ME


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||| Nova Walkman Style v1.0 ||| ||| MIUI Walkman Style [3.1.18] ||| ||| Walkman Style 4.0 [Closed] |||

The Follow ing User Says Thank You to Nachospeicys For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


2nd February 2013, 07:46 AM


Re: [GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card Senior Member Thanks Meter 31 Posts: 225 Join Date: Aug 2012 Quote:

Originally Posted by sayhellotwoheaven But the stock k ernel doesnt support ext4... And the CWM for lock ed bootloader doest have "Partition SD" in his menu. Sent from my Xperia Live with Walk man using xda premium Depends on which CWM version you have. If you have the version for ICS, then you would have it Sent from my WT19i


2nd February 2013, 08:05 AM


It's better to use Linux Based partition tools for Partioning-Formatting ext based File systems . Mini-Tool and EASEUS are good tools but they are not the best nor reliable ... It's adviable to use Partion Magic or Gparted Live for Optimum results Insmod the ext4 modules with init.d(before Link2SD script) for ext4 support on Locked Bootloader (Thanks to zxp for the modules ) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...hlight=modules
Senior Member Thanks Meter 82 Posts: 172 Join Date: Feb 2011
The Follow ing User Says Thank You to karandpr For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


3rd February 2013, 08:06 AM



Guys, beware doing this, you will need to arrange a funeral for your sd-card after doing this.




[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card - xda-developers
Guys, beware doing this, you will need to arrange a funeral for your sd-card after doing this. I have a 8GB card and after doing this, after a week it died...........

Senior Member Thanks Meter 28 Posts: 168 Join Date: Jan 2013 Location: Sorry GPS cant Lock my Position :p

I dint have any backup and everything gone, so prepare because one day or other your sd-card will die

The Follow ing 2 Users Say Thank You to cennation4apprentice For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


3rd February 2013, 08:18 AM


Re: [GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card Quote: Recognized Contributor Thanks Meter 1300 Posts: 1,287 Join Date: Jul 2012 Location: Raipur MORE INFO

Originally Posted by cennation4apprentice Guys, beware doing this, you will need to arrange a funeral for your sd-card after doing this. I have a 8GB card and after doing this, after a week it died........... I dint have any back up and everything gone, so prepare because one day or other your sd-card will die


Are u sure? And btw which sdcard u used? Complete details with it's class,etc.... It may have happened due to a low class sd card.... Press THANKS if I helped, Best Regards, AJ

I will be temporarily unavailable due to heavy study load and may not be able to give updates of my stuff. Will update everything once I get some free time

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TAGS ext4, microsd, partition, ram memory, sw ap



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