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Kristen Dyksterhouse GEOMETRY Lesson Plan: Introduction to Proofs Overarching Goal: Understand how to write geometric proofs.

Essential Question: How does tinkering with Squishy Cicuits Support Learners Understanding of Geometric Proof? Learning Goals: Write two-column proofs for organizing deductive arguments Validate properties of electrical currents Explain the processes used in a logical sequence Common Core State Standard: Math Practice Standards National Education Technology Standards: Using technology to analyze, learn, and explore mathematical content. Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations: Embodied Learning Using Squishy Circuits Group Work Learning Styles Assessment: Continuous formative assessment (practice problems). o Walk Around Assessment. o Monitor engagement and work ethic Materials: Squishy Circuits Maker Kit Pre-made Insulating Dough & Conducting Dough Two-Column Chart Template OVERVIEW OF ACTIVITY DAY 1: Bell Ringer: Explain that we will be starting a unit on proofs and tell students the skills involved in writing proofs are skills they already regularly use. I will demonstrate this by having them instruct me on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Introduction to Squishy Circuits: Have students watch Squishy Circuits Simple Circuits Construction Video & make note of facts regarding circuits and electric currents. Next, I will model how to build a simple circuit for the class. While building the circuit I will explain what I

Kristen Dyksterhouse am doing and why, like a metacognitive memoir. After students watch me build and explain, they will help me write the steps with explanation for building my simple circuit on the board using a two column statement/reason chart. That is, I will write the action in the left column and the rationale/reason for taking that step in the right column. I will assist them by saying things like: So, if I place the LED light here, then it will light up because it closes the circuit and creates a continuous electrical current. This will help learners begin to analyze my verbal thoughts and pull out the important pieces of information. They should begin to point out the if-then statement and the rationale, and how that information fits into a two-column chart. Students should also begin to understand that each step must logically make sense in terms of the step before and after it. After we finish the chart I will ask students to discuss, as a whole class, what they discovered about the importance of organizing/sequencing using a two-column chart. Lesson: Students will spend the class period playing. The hyperlinked lesson will assist groups as they play. I will explain that students next task is to create several different simple circuits in groups of 2-3, exploring and experimenting with all of the pieces in the Maker Kit (more than 1 LED, the motor, both types of dough, and both buzzers). As they work they should be keeping track of what they notice using the if-then-because method that I used in the introduction. Once the group settles on their circuit layout they will write the steps in a two-column chart and demonstrate how their circuit works to another group. Five-Minute Countdown: The class will discuss what their groups noticed while making different circuits? They will reflect on whether other groups could make sense of their twocolumn proof. DAY 2: Introduction to Activity: The students will watch me set up and build my Race to the Top game. Again, I will dialogue my thinking for them as I build. I will show my step-by-step process using a Two-Column Chart, providing both the statement (step) and rationale explaining why that step makes sense uses factual evidence. Lesson: In groups of 2-3 Students will play and experiment with Squishy Circuits to create their own masterpiece. They will keep track of their if-then-because statements and produce guidelines for their classmates in a two-column proof layout. Their proof should describe and instruct others how to use their creation. Explain that the groups will be demonstrating their masterpieces to their classmates tomorrow. They will begin by stating what they have and what their goal is. Then they will proceed to explain the process of how they got from what they started with to what they were trying to show, identifying each step and the reason for that step along the way. Five-Minute Countdown: Students will individually reflect on the final product, how they felt about having partners, and how the two-column proof helped organize their thoughts. DAY 3: Present Masterpiece to Classmates

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