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PR0T0C0LL0 ESERCIZI PER LA !"#$%&'( $(* +,##(* -.%/.*(
IN PAZIENTI IN C0RA &!+(&/.+"-.

"#$$%& '()*(&% +,)%,'- ./0
- Biaccio teso e il vostio gomito uiiitto, con il palmo uella mano iivolto veiso il soffitto.
- Piegaie il polso in mouo che le uita puntano veiso il pavimento.
- 0tilizzaie l'altia mano a tiiaie uelicatamente le uita uella mano veiso ui voi.
/01020345 6 '0752489
"#$%&$&%& '# ()*+,+)$& (&- ..... *&/)$0+ & 1+'#**#-& +' ()'*)2
344&%%5#-& ..... 6)'%&2 7&- ..... 8&-+& )9$+ 9+)-$)2 7&- :;&*&<= ;&*+< >;&*+

"#$$%& '()*(&% +,)%,'- .10
- Biaccio teso e il vostio gomito uiiitto, con il palmo uella mano iivolto veiso il soffitto.
- Piegaie il polso in mouo che le uita puntano veiso il pavimento.
- 0tilizzaie l'altia mano a tiiaie uelicatamente il pollice uella mano veiso ui voi .
/01020345 6 '0752489
"#$%&$&%& '# ()*+,+)$& (&- ..... *&/)$0+ & 1+'#**#-& +' ()'*)2
344&%%5#-& ..... 6)'%&2 7&- ..... 8&-+& )9$+ 9+)-$)2 7&- :;&*&<= ;&*+< >;&*+


Carpal Tunnel Stretch #1
! Stand with your arm outstretched and your
elbow straight, with the palm of your hand
facing towards the ceiling.
! Then bend your wrist so that your fingers now
point towards the floor.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the fingers of
your affected hand towards yourself.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #2
! Stand with your arm outstretched and your
elbow straight, with the palm of your hand
facing towards the ceiling.
! Then bend your wrist so that your fingers now
point towards the floor.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the thumb of
your affected hand towards yourself.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #3
! Sit comfortably on a plinth, massage or treatment table and
place your affected hand flat on the table with your fingers
pointing behind you.
! Make sure your elbow is straight.
! Lean on your affected hand slightly until you can feel the
stretch at your wrist.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #1
! Stand with your arm outstretched and your
elbow straight, with the palm of your hand
facing towards the ceiling.
! Then bend your wrist so that your fingers now
point towards the floor.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the fingers of
your affected hand towards yourself.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #2
! Stand with your arm outstretched and your
elbow straight, with the palm of your hand
facing towards the ceiling.
! Then bend your wrist so that your fingers now
point towards the floor.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the thumb of
your affected hand towards yourself.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #3
! Sit comfortably on a plinth, massage or treatment table and
place your affected hand flat on the table with your fingers
pointing behind you.
! Make sure your elbow is straight.
! Lean on your affected hand slightly until you can feel the
stretch at your wrist.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.


"#$$%& 2()*(&% +,)%',- .30
- Seueisi comouamente su un tavolo ponete la mano piatta sul tavolo con le uita
iivolte veiso uietio .
- Assicuiaisi che il gomito e uiiitto.
- Poggiaie il peso uel coipo sulla mano fino a sentiie la tensione sul polso.
/01020345 6 '0752489
"#$%&$&%& '# ()*+,+)$& (&- ..... *&/)$0+ & 1+'#**#-& +' ()'*)2
344&%%5#-& ..... 6)'%&2 7&- ..... 8&-+& )9$+ 9+)-$)2 7&- :;&*&<= ;&*+< >;&*+

"#$$%& '()*(&% +,)%,'- .40
- Seueisi comouamente su un tavolo e ponete la mano piatta sul tavolo con le uita
iivolte veiso uietio.
- Assicuiaisi che il gomito e uiiitto.
- Poggiaie il peso uel coipo sulla mano fino a sentiie la tensione sul polso.
- Affeiiaie con l'altia mano il pollice uella mano sul tavolo eu apiiie uelicatamente il pollice.
/01020345 6 '0752489
"#$%&$&%& '# ()*+,+)$& (&- ..... *&/)$0+ & 1+'#**#-& +' ()'*)2
344&%%5#-& ..... 6)'%&2 7&- ..... 8&-+& )9$+ 9+)-$)2 7&- :;&*&<= ;&*+< >;&*+


Carpal Tunnel Stretch #1
! Stand with your arm outstretched and your
elbow straight, with the palm of your hand
facing towards the ceiling.
! Then bend your wrist so that your fingers now
point towards the floor.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the fingers of
your affected hand towards yourself.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #2
! Stand with your arm outstretched and your
elbow straight, with the palm of your hand
facing towards the ceiling.
! Then bend your wrist so that your fingers now
point towards the floor.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the thumb of
your affected hand towards yourself.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #3
! Sit comfortably on a plinth, massage or treatment table and
place your affected hand flat on the table with your fingers
pointing behind you.
! Make sure your elbow is straight.
! Lean on your affected hand slightly until you can feel the
stretch at your wrist.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #4
! Sit comfortably on a plinth, massage or treatment table and
place your affected hand flat on the table with your fingers
pointing behind you.
! Make sure your elbow is straight.
! Lean on your affected hand slightly until you can feel the
stretch at your wrist.
! Reach across with your other hand, grasp the thumb of your
affected hand, and gently pull it away from the table.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #5
! Stand facing a wall.
! With your elbow straight, reach forward and
place the palm of your hand against the wall,
with your fingers pointing towards the floor.
! Lean slightly towards the wall until you feel
the tissues at your wrist stretching.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the fingers
of your affected hand away from the wall.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #6
! Stand facing a wall.
! With your elbow straight, reach forward and
place the palm of your hand against the wall,
with your fingers pointing towards the floor.
! Lean slightly towards the wall until you feel
the tissues at your wrist stretching.
! Reach across with your other hand, grasp the
thumb of your affected hand, and gently pull it
away from the wall.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.


"#$$%& '()*(&% +,)%,'- .50
- Posizione ui fionte a un muio.
- Con il gomito uiiitto e la mano poitata avanti, posizionaie il palmo uella mano contio il
muio, con le uita iivolte veiso il pavimento.
- Spingeie leggeimente veiso il muio fino a sentiie la tensione uei tessuti al vostio polso.
- 0tilizzaie l'altia mano e tiiaie uelicatamente le uita uella mano veiso ui voi.
/01020345 6 '0752489
"#$%&$&%& '# ()*+,+)$& (&- ..... *&/)$0+ & 1+'#**#-& +' ()'*)2
344&%%5#-& ..... 6)'%&2 7&- ..... 8&-+& )9$+ 9+)-$)2 7&- :;&*&<= ;&*+< >;&*+

"#$$%& '()*(&% +,)%,'- .60
- Posizione ui fionte a un muio.
- Con il gomito uiiitto e la mano poitata avanti posizionaie il palmo uella mano contio il
muio,con le uita iivolte veiso il pavimento.
- Spingeie leggeimente veiso il muio fino a sentiie la tensione uei tessuti al vostio polso.
- Raggiungeie con l'altia mano, affeiiaie il pollice uella mano eu apiiilo uelicatamente.
/01020345 6 '0752489
"#$%&$&%& '# ()*+,+)$& (&- ..... *&/)$0+ & 1+'#**#-& +' ()'*)2
344&%%5#-& ..... 6)'%&2 7&- ..... 8&-+& )9$+ 9+)-$)2 7&- :;&*&<= ;&*+< >;&*+

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #4
! Sit comfortably on a plinth, massage or treatment table and
place your affected hand flat on the table with your fingers
pointing behind you.
! Make sure your elbow is straight.
! Lean on your affected hand slightly until you can feel the
stretch at your wrist.
! Reach across with your other hand, grasp the thumb of your
affected hand, and gently pull it away from the table.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #5
! Stand facing a wall.
! With your elbow straight, reach forward and
place the palm of your hand against the wall,
with your fingers pointing towards the floor.
! Lean slightly towards the wall until you feel
the tissues at your wrist stretching.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the fingers
of your affected hand away from the wall.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #6
! Stand facing a wall.
! With your elbow straight, reach forward and
place the palm of your hand against the wall,
with your fingers pointing towards the floor.
! Lean slightly towards the wall until you feel
the tissues at your wrist stretching.
! Reach across with your other hand, grasp the
thumb of your affected hand, and gently pull it
away from the wall.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.


Carpal Tunnel Stretch #4
! Sit comfortably on a plinth, massage or treatment table and
place your affected hand flat on the table with your fingers
pointing behind you.
! Make sure your elbow is straight.
! Lean on your affected hand slightly until you can feel the
stretch at your wrist.
! Reach across with your other hand, grasp the thumb of your
affected hand, and gently pull it away from the table.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #5
! Stand facing a wall.
! With your elbow straight, reach forward and
place the palm of your hand against the wall,
with your fingers pointing towards the floor.
! Lean slightly towards the wall until you feel
the tissues at your wrist stretching.
! Use your other hand to gently pull the fingers
of your affected hand away from the wall.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

Carpal Tunnel Stretch #6
! Stand facing a wall.
! With your elbow straight, reach forward and
place the palm of your hand against the wall,
with your fingers pointing towards the floor.
! Lean slightly towards the wall until you feel
the tissues at your wrist stretching.
! Reach across with your other hand, grasp the
thumb of your affected hand, and gently pull it
away from the wall.

Hold for _____ seconds. Relax your wrist.
Repeat _____ times. Do _____ sets daily.

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